Jesse Stone: Lost in Paradise (2015) Movie Script

Fighting crime.
I'll try not to
get offended.
You broke the 200 bucks an hour
That's why I'm not seeing you.
It's a reason.
But not the reason.
You lit a cigarette,
and you're not smoking it.
I'm trying to quit.
So it's kind of a crutch.
I'm an addict, okay?
It's a crutch.
Kind of like having two drinks a night.
I'm not an addict.
Sure you are.
Let's review.
Why didn't you review
before I got here?
I did, but now I'm gonna review
With you.
Why is this so hard?
Are you still having two drinks
a night?
- Yes.
- Ever break your rule?
Couple of times.
Couple of times in two years?
- More or less.
- More?
Or less.
Last time we talked,
You said that, uh,
were seeing someone.
- I was.
- You said you liked her.
I still do.
So, you're still
seeing her?
I am not.
Have you talked to your wife?
I'm sure that's in there,
And no, I have not talked
to Jenn.
But you wanted to. Old habit.
I used to talk to her every day.
So, why'd you stop?
I ripped the phone
out of the wall.
Why'd you rip the phone
out of the wall?
Because it was pathetic.
So, since you stopped
talking to her,
- You've gotten drunk a couple of times.
- No.
I got drunk a couple of times
since I stopped seeing you.
And why are you seeing me now?
Because I got drunk
a couple of times
Since I stopped seeing you.
You are a subversive
son of a bitch.
Nothing happens here.
You did too good
A job cleaning up dodge.
I lost my conscience.
That's definitely not in here.
You lost your conscience.
Is that kind of
a feeling you got?
- Yes.
- And you're frightened.
I've been afraid
of half the things I ever did.
But you're frightened now?
Because I lost my conscience.
(inhales sharply)
(classical music playing)
(waves crashing)
Fate wouldn't do this to me.
Took so long
to acknowledge a connection,
Admit there was a bond.
Life plays tricks on you.
(birds singing)
oh, oh, oh
ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh...
ooh, ooh, ooh
ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh
ooh, ooh, ooh
ooh, ooh, ooh...
(birds singing)
ooh, ooh, ooh
ooh, ooh, ooh
ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh...
(indistinct chatter,
phone ringing)
(footsteps approaching)
It's done.
Healy signed off?
He did. I don't know why
you need paper.
I only work from paper.
How's the weather in florida?
He described it as predictable.
Did he seem upset
that I interrupted his vacation?
I interrupted his vacation,
and he seemed grateful.
Must be staying
with his in-laws.
Last time got complicated--
healy's words.
Lieutenant greenstreet,
Under these rather
unique circumstances,
How do I address you?
As sydney.
As sydney, jesse.
This is complicated.
My words.
I'm undermanned.
That's sad.
Anyway, the price was right.
Why would you work
for expenses, jesse?
I still get my pension
from L.A. Homicide.
I don't need the money.
I need the work.
This is a small sampling
of open cases.
Some cold, some recent
but cold. Take your pick.
Thank you.
Raise your right hand.
You're kidding.
Well, last time, you ran away
with the consultant thing.
Let's make it official.
I... State your name.
I, jesse stone.
Do solemnly swear
I will well and truly serve...
Do solemnly swear that
I will well and truly serve
The united states of america
And the state
of massachusetts...
(distant horns honking)
(guitar playing slow jazz)
(crowd chatter)
- Scotch neat.
- Sure.
help me, please
have mercy on a fool like me
so unwise
still i plead
save your love for me...
you can have fun
with the crowd
but for crying out loud...
please save...
your love...
for me...
(song ends)
Thank you.
Hello, jesse.
Hello, thelma.
Thanks, sam.
I think I owe you
an explanation.
You don't owe me
anything, Thelma.
How'd you know where
to find me, Jesse?
I pulled a guy over, a drunk,
And he says, "you remember
that babe who sold used cars
"at hasty's tasty's?
She's singing at a club
in Boston."
You think I'm a babe, Jesse?
You sing like an angel.
So you came here with a purpose?
What purpose?
I'm thinking
about buying a car.
I don't do that anymore.
When the feds shuttered
hasty's place...
...I ran away.
From paradise?
From you.
You miss me?
No more than I would my eyes.
You're a curious man.
You're gonna make
every guy you meet
A little bit curious.
Jesse, I want you to know...
I'm seeing someone, Jesse.
My ex.
I understand.
I do.
You sing like an angel.
(thunder rumbling)
(line ringing)
Hi, it's Ienn.
It's Jesse.
I'm not in, but your call
is important to me.
Please leave a message.
(gulls calling)
(groans softly)
(light buzzing)
(sighs, grumbles)
(knob squeaks, water stops)
You're late.
You didn't answer my texts.
I don't text.
You're a dinosaur.
The average kid
On social media has an
attention span of eight seconds.
That's one second less
than a goldfish.
If you say so.
I missed my train.
Why'd you miss your train?
I had my dinner
in a bottle of scotch.
I need this job, sydney.
Anything else you need?
I need a car.
Why do you need a car?
As you well know,
Last time I used my police
cruiser to work in boston,
I got suspended.
Internal affairs wasn't
your calling,
By the way.
Homicide is.
I don't like the train.
Lets me think too much.
I'll get you a car.
Thank you, Sydney.
You're welcome, Jesse.
I don't know why I put that one
in there.
- You want certainty.
- Well,
We think we have the guy.
- You think?
- Yes.
You think your way
to a guess or a hunch--
That's not certainty.
An assumption isn't proof.
That's why you put it in there.
Well, why'd you pick it?
The boston ripper
Made a lot of headlines.
What happened to the dog?
What dog?
This dog.
Sitting next
to his owner's body.
(clears throat)
Dogs can't talk, Jesse.
No, but they listen pretty good.
We need
to get something straight.
I'm not healy.
I know that.
I never slept with healy.
you're a bad boy.
I am.
(chains rattling)
Hello, richard.
I like to talk with my hands.
It's okay.
(keys jangle)
You're a tough guy.
I'm tough enough.
The hat. What's with the hat?
You got juice.
I do. Sit down.
You don't talk much.
I never found out anything
by listening to myself.
What do you think of my work?
Your work?
What do you think
of my avocation?
Your procedure is singular.
I'll take that...
As a compliment.
You're very skilled
at this, Jesse.
I am.
Are you the good cop
Or the bad cop?
That's not worthy of you,
I'm both.
Your fourth victim.
I don't like that word.
What word would you prefer?
And I only have three.
You only confessed to three.
"in summary,
The fourth victim..."
Sorry, Richard,
that's what it says here.
"the fourth victim
"was killed in exactly
"the same manner as the
first three. Prior to
"the evisceration, the initial
entry into the abdomen
"was identical.
"as the specific
details of the method
"were held in strictest
confidence and all four victims
"were prostitutes,
it was concluded
"that the same assailant
had to be responsible
For all four murders."
I don't like that word.
What would you call it?
A public service.
Who wrote that?
The arresting detective.
Daniel Steven Leary.
An irish bricklayer
of a detective.
He's a decorated
police officer.
Almost got a rise
out of you, Jesse.
I'll be diplomatic.
He doesn't share your gift.
There's a profound reason
why you're here, jesse.
Stay with this.
Find out who did it.
I'm tired.
You never told me
what you thought of my work.
I think you're a sick
son of a bitch
And you should
already be dead.
Thanks, Laura.
Feed a cold,
Starve a fever.
Guess you didn't
have a fever.
My sense is, you don't
even have a cold.
Another one, Jesse?
Only one more.
And what can I get you, Luther?
Usual, Laura.
Papaya and cranberry.
Straight up.
How'd you know
where to find me?
Small town.
What else do you know?
That you're not sick.
I called yesterday
and twice today.
I went to Boston.
You went to boston today?
And yesterday.
Thanks, Laura.
Papaya and cranberry.
I'll get my check.
My sense is, you're
working on something big.
You got a feeling.
You were thinking about it
when I came in.
I know how you get
when you're on to something.
You go inside yourself.
I can help, Jesse.
Somebody's got to run the shop.
And I got a lot
of vacation time coming.
Nothing happens here.
Crime could be
just around the corner.
All right.
I went to Boston...
To work for Healy.
I didn't say that.
I went to Boston to...
To follow a trail.
You're finishing
my sentences again.
Sorry, Jesse.
I went to Boston to--
I'm a little
embarrassed about this--
To enroll in some
university classes...
In police investigation.
In the psychology
of living alone.
Say no more.
I understand.
You didn't take
your police cruiser to Boston.
The train.
I like the train.
Lets me think.
What do you think
you'll be doing in ten years?
Who cares?
I know who you are.
You didn't answer my question.
I did.
I said I don't care.
No, you said "who cares?"
so who cares?
I care.
In ten years, you'll be...
Well, in ten years,
If you're sitting
on that wall, smoking dope,
I'd arrest you.
But you wouldn't arrest
a confused 13-year-old girl.
Where'd you get it?
My mom has
A prescription, so it's legal.
It's legal for her.
It's illegal for you.
Did she give it to you?
So you stole it.
What's your name?
If you make one up, I'll know.
I'm the police chief,
I know everything.
Jenny O'neill.
You said you were confused.
What about?
My mom says you're a drinker.
Small town.
Why is drinking right
and smoking dope wrong?
I'm not in the right
and wrong business.
I'm in the legal
and illegal business.
Tell you what.
I won't
Arrest you if you go back
to school right now.
Don't have a note.
I'll call your mom.
she won't answer.
I'll call your principal.
I appreciate you seeing me,
Mr. Davies.
I hate to put you through this.
Then why do
you have to?
As I think you know,
We do have a
person of interest
In your wife's murder.
Richard steele.
Yes, yes, I know.
The man the press call
The boston ripper.
Catchy title.
And they like catchy titles.
The coroner's report
on your wife is virtually
Identical to the
three murders
That Richard Steele
confessed to.
But he denies any involvement
In Mrs. Davies' death.
What does this have to do
with paradise, chief Stone?
Absolutely nothing.
I have an extensive background
in homicide.
The state homicide commander
brought me in
To see if we could
close the books on this.
Mavis' killer
is already in prison.
That was never proven.
I don't think
there is one person
In boston who doesn't know
the ugly details of this mess.
Well, the details
employed by the killer
Were never made public, Mr. Davies.
I'm talking about
Mavis' sideline.
I found out my wife was
a prostitute in the papers.
Do you have any idea
what that's like?
I do not.
Well, I... I certainly
made enough money.
Why would she choose that?
That's a shrink question.
And mavis can't talk.
Marital problems?
Excuse me?
Often a change in behavior
Can be triggered
by marital problems.
I told everything I know
to detective leary. Please.
I kind of like to hear it from
the horse's mouth, so to speak.
Marital problems.
Our marriage was perfect.
I see.
Would you have
a personal photograph of mavis
That I could have?
The way I work on these things,
It would help me.
I destroyed
every photograph of Mavis.
Have you come across
any new information
Or had any new ideas
that might be relevant?
Yes, I have, Chief Stone.
I have no intention
of helping you open me up
To another round
of that public circus.
May I see your dog?
That was Mavis' dog.
And I might as well have been on
mars when I was in his presence.
I tried
with that dog.
I had to give him
to animal services for adoption.
He was a source of hurt.
Like the photographs.
That's right.
Good for you.
Chief Stone, this
is detective Dan Leary.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hope I'm not stepping
on any toes here.
You're not.
It's officially an open case,
And Mavis Davies
deserves justice,
Just like the other
Three victims.
You know that Richard Steele
will say or do anything
To keep his name in the paper.
That was my take.
There isn't a day goes by
That I don't ask myself
why I couldn't give her justice.
Don't beat yourself up.
Excuse me?
That's the number of open cases
I had in L.A.
That I still carry around.
Is there a reason
that you landed on this one?
I don't know.
Something this brutal,
This premeditated,
requires consequence.
I'd like to work with you
on this.
You will not.
Your plate's full, detective.
You said Mavis
Deserves justice
like the other three.
Clearly you think
they're related.
I do.
All four were hookers,
All four were killed
exactly the same way.
You'll keep me up to date?
- We will. Thanks, dan.
- Okay,
Yeah. Thank you.
Good luck.
The murders stopped, Jesse.
So you think
mavis belongs
To richard steele.
What was the motive, Sydney?
We're never gonna know that.
For any of them, you know that.
Husband could have had one
If he knew she was a hooker
before she was murdered.
- You talked to him.
- I did.
What do you think?
He's hurt enough,
he's angry enough.
I want detailed daily reports
On this investigation,
Chief Stone.
You have a short leash
on this, Jesse.
(phone rings)
Jesse: Crime could be
just around the corner.
I didn't wake you, did i?
I know you're a night owl,
So I figured you'd be up.
I was up, Jesse.
I met a kid today
on the way out of town.
She was sitting on a wall,
Smoking pot.
Who is she?
Her name's Jenny O'neill.
She lives in paradise.
What'd you do?
Well, I sent her
Back to school, but...
But your coply intuition
says there's more to it.
Exactly. There was
something in the way
She reacted when
I mentioned her mother.
Could you pay her mom a visit?
Oh, I might be able
to free up some time.
Could you do it in a way that
doesn't raise any red flags?
You know, like you're
following up on a...
Public disturbance
in the neighborhood?
There you go.
I'm sure I can check
with the school.
I got to go.
(starts engine)
What's this about?
I ca
You can't tell me?
- That's correct.
Clearly, the dog
has issues.
What's his name?
I do not understand
Why people must anthropomorphize
their canine partners.
There's comfort in it.
I'm interested in this dog.
I'm sorry. Steve
is scheduled.
For adoption?
Goodness, no. He's scheduled.
As I said,
the dog has issues.
He stopped eating
And he's unresponsive.
You're putting him down?
We prefer to think of it
As the canine is moving on
to a better place.
What place is that?
May I see your badge?
It's in a drawer.
Here's my card.
Sydney, this is highly unusual.
Actually, it's not my card.
It's the state
homicide commander's card.
She will explain my credentials.
Oh, never mind.
(insects trilling)
(dog toenails clicking on floor)
I don't see a need
for this distraction.
I will be brief.
Just so you know, I
consider my work a calling.
A vital, if, uh,
underappreciated calling.
Good for you.
So, lieutenant Greenstreet
has some doubt
About Richard Steele
being involved
With the fourth
Boston ripper case.
I didn't say that.
Your presence implies it.
It does not,
And I do not speak
for lieutenant Greenstreet.
Richard Steele
was not charged with
The murder of Mavis Davies.
He only confessed
to the first three,
So her murder is unresolved,
as I'm sure you know.
As I'm sure you know,
chief Stone,
The specific details
of the killer's method were not
Released to
the public.
No one else could
have reproduced them.
The same man
Committed all four
of those murders.
I would stake my reputation
on it.
You already have.
Look, the method of restraint,
The depth and angle
of the wound,
The length and strength of
the upward stroke, and...
The murders have stopped.
Everybody says that,
and you don't seem
To draw a conclusion
from that fact in your report.
That is not my job.
No, it's mine.
There was no toxicology report
On Mavis Davies in the file.
Oh, damn it!
He won't mind.
I think we're done here.
I'm sorry, but it appears
you did toxicology
On the first three victims,
but not Mavis.
Toxicology would be
a standard requirement
On a case like this.
Well, it's not
in the file, evan.
Well, I'm not the keeper
of the files.
Good lord, chief stone,
for a man who's supposed
To be so clever,
you act like an idiot.
That's one way to be clever.
And you don't seem upset
by that.
By a lost test result.
The murders have stopped.
You're telling me
you came forward
And confessed
to three murders
Right after the fourth
one hit the papers.
Why would you do
that, Richard?
I wasn't about
to share my legacy, Jesse.
Your legacy?
My choice of words
Troubles you,
doesn't it, Jesse?
Not really.
What's troubling is
that it doesn't trouble you.
These people feed off
the worst in us.
They pollute their bodies
with poison
And prey on the innocent.
That's how you see it.
That's how
we should all see it.
That's why turning myself in
was worth the sacrifice.
That sacrifice would be?
My work wasn't finished.
Your first three were black,
Mavis was white.
Did that trouble you?
That is not my deal, Jesse.
What is your deal, Richard?
It would be wrong
for me to take credit
For something I didn't do.
Wouldn't be ethical.
You still don't understand,
do you?
I'd be ashamed if I did.
Good luck with your problem,
I don't have a problem.
Sure you do.
(seagulls screeching)
(phone beeps)
(phone ringing)
well, the dinner
is on a friday.
Oh, of course. (laughs)
Excuse me, father.
(phone beeps)
Hello, Jesse.
We on for tomorrow night?
We are.
If you think it's a bad idea,
We don't have to.
Do you think
it's a bad idea, Jesse?
Why would I think
it's a bad idea?
Okay, listen,
I'll see you tomorrow night.
(phone beeps)
(suv engine revs)
(tires screeching)
retreating engine revving)
Where are you, Jesse?
Nowhere. Sorry.
Didn't eat your steak.
I'm afraid I can't.
My sense is,
you're thinking about reggie.
Kind of.
You were the first
on the crime scene that night.
What'd you think
When you saw reggie sitting next
to his owner's body?
I wished he could talk.
Dogs can't talk.
Jenny's mom's a mess.
How bad?
She was drunk.
Not falling down drunk,
But just the
same. Believe me,
I know what I'm talking about.
Do you now?
I've seen it in my mom.
I see.
Any time her mother talked
about Jenny, there was an edge.
Do you think she knows
why you were really there?
My sense is she does not.
Then she doesn't.
What do you want me to do next?
Get me everything you can
on the mother.
On it.
(insects chirring,
soft rhythmic chiming)
(key clicking in lock)
(smacks his lips)
- You checking up on me?
- Jesse.
You checking up on me, Jesse?
No. I'm just sitting
here, thinking.
You ever talk
to your father?
I don't know who my father is.
How's school?
School sucks.
Lot of things suck.
What happened?
My mom loves me.
Say it like you mean it.
I hate it there.
You hate it where?
I wouldn't want
to make you late for school.
I need a car.
I got you a car.
It's leaking oil
And overheating.
- Not my job.
- Might have something
To do with being pushed off
the road back to paradise.
- You had an accident?
- I'm not sure.
Tell me something, Jesse.
You don't look as though
I could, Sydney.
Is there something
I should know?
Could you run down the car
for me?
Did you get a license number?
I always get the license number.
Car was stolen
yesterday morning.
I guess
that explains the hit and run.
And you have reason to believe
it wasn't an accident.
I didn't say that.
Could you pull up Mavis Davies?
There was no toxicology report
in her physical file.
Not here, either.
The M.E. implied
he did one.
As much as said so.
He is steeped
in bureaucratic belligerence.
Your point?
I think it's been scrubbed.
Oh, Sydney.
No, Jesse.
Yes, boss.
Not ethical.
I was just reminiscing.
Getting back
to reality for a moment.
I will only go as a visitor.
I talked
to Richard Steele again.
Any insight?
- Other than
I needed to take a shower?
He's relentless.
Insists he had nothing to do
with Mavis' murder.
Yeah, tell me something
I don't know.
If you don't like the answers
you're getting,
Check your premises.
Sister mary john:
Most hookers are junkies.
The streets are rough,
their pimps are rough.
Why'd you want to know?
You know more hookers
than I do.
That came out wrong.
I know what you
meant, Jesse.
Most of my girls
aren't hookers.
I know that.
- And not all hookers
are junkies.
Though a lot are.
Anyway, rehab's
not my business.
Love and support is my business.
How's business?
- Robust.
Funds are not,
But we have
our angels.
Gino fish is a benefactor,
but he's no angel.
No, he's not.
At least in the biblical sense.
It's good to see you, Jesse.
And you.
It's been a while.
It has.
How you doing
with the nun thing?
Doing good. I'm good.
- Please.
- Well,
There are times--
this is stupid--
When I hear this voice
in my ear, and it turns out
To be my sunday school teacher
sitting on my shoulder.
What's he say?
Again, yes.
He says, "you sure as hell
"better have a damn good reason
for this
'cause you're not supposed
to have dinner with a nun."
We enjoy each other's company.
That's a good reason.
Thank you.
You gonna finish that?
It was delicious, but no.
(microwave whirring)
You believe in fate?
- No.
- I think I do.
You think?
Know but can't prove.
The dog speaks to me.
- Dogs don't talk.
- No,
But he's speaking to me.
When I see this picture
Of a dog
who kind of looks like reggie
Sitting next
to his owner's body-- well...
What's this dog's name?
Unusual name for a dog.
Jesse: It is.
If you don't like the answers
you're getting,
Check your premises.
Did you tell me that?
I don't think so.
I must have thought it.
You're talking
a lot today.
Going easy on me?
There's a hard part.
Your cop hat still on?
It is, and we
have some time.
Okay. The murders have stopped.
That seems to be enough
for a lot of people.
- Greenstreet?
- I don't think so.
Murders could have stopped
for a lot of reasons.
Okay. What have you got?
I got Richard Steele.
He's a sick son of a bitch,
but he seems
To have some sort
of code of conduct.
I hope
you're not looking for a motive.
It'll drive you nuts.
We can't know.
And the guy's doing life,
so what difference does it make?
Clearly, a lot to him.
It's not uncommon
For a sick son of a bitch
like him to have a standard.
Don't chase this, Jesse.
The dog speaks to me.
You're not walking
The street
when you're walking the dog.
If you're not getting
the answers you want,
Check your premises.
All the victims
were prostitutes.
Steele confessed
to murdering three.
Steele had to commit
the fourth murder
Because no one else knew
the killer's methods.
The last one is
a false assumption.
Some people knew.
(buzzer sounds)
Mrs. O'neill?
I'm not married.
I'm Chief Stone.
I know who you are.
Can we talk?
I got nothing to say.
I'm not here
As a police chief.
This is just between you and me.
Jenny doesn't know I'm here.
May I come in?
You're on your way
to losing your daughter.
You're starting early.
I'm not going anywhere.
You know what I'm talking about.
What's that supposed to mean?
It means you lost your last job
'cause you're a drunk.
It means your unemployment is
running out soon, and i hope
It means you can see the bottom.
You don't know
what you're talking about.
Paradise is a small town.
I think you know
I'm an expert on the subject.
The subject?
Being a drunk.
Well, you can't know how I feel.
Don't kid a kidder.
I know how you feel.
Jenny's father
isn't even a memory.
You're her mother.
My mom died when I was eight.
Mothers are important.
Oh, what's this?
You can call it a voucher.
If that offends you,
let's just say
It's a scholarship.
You can only use it
In one place.
That's in there.
His name is Dr. Dix.
There was a time
I didn't like any part of me.
Now, on my good days, I'm okay.
You don't have any good days.
You live long enough,
You have regrets.
And the ones
that nag at you the most
Are the ones where you knew
you had a choice.
Last time I saw Jenny, she had
a mark on her left cheek.
You right-handed?
If I see something,
if I so much as feel something,
I will come back here with
my police chief hat on,
And you will go to jail,
And Jenny... With regret...
Will be on her way
to a foster home.
Hello, Amanda.
Chief Stone.
- Jesse.
Mr. Fish is waiting
for you, Chief Stone.
I know our last meeting
didn't go very well,
And I see
you're still upset.
I'm sorry.
I questioned your intentions.
You asked me why.
And I said I've kissed
a few frogs in my day.
Are you a frog, Jesse?
I don't think so.
Perhaps you'd let me make it up
to you over a cup of coffee.
There's no education
in the second kick of a mule.
I see.
Very sorry, Amanda.
Just coffee.
Jesse Stone.
- Gino Fish.
- We remember
Each other's names
After all this time.
Two years.
You've been counting.
Where have you been?
Fighting crime.
I missed
our little talks.
As have I.
New digs.
Keep moving forward.
It's a little like changing
your password.
Have you heard
from hasty Hathaway?
I know of no such person.
That's not why you're here.
Do I need a reason?
You always have a reason,
Jesse Stone.
With hasty gone...
I know of no such person.
With the disappearance
of this... Mr. Hathaway,
Paradise has remained remarkably
Crime-free. I'm doing
some housecleaning
For state homicide.
You're taking
Odd jobs.
This job isn't odd.
It's what I do.
The Boston ripper murders.
An unspeakable horror.
those murders were solved.
The murder of mavis davies
is an open investigation.
But the killings
have stopped.
says that.
I need a favor, gino.
Well, there's your reason,
Jesse Stone.
I need a name.
Who's running the top call girls
in this town?
We've known each other
a long time now.
I have no need for call girls.
I know that.
Perhaps on your dark side.
I'm just a boxing promoter.
Perhaps in the course of doing
business a client had a need.
That would be illegal.
You're enjoying making this
The reward is always
in the journey.
Mavis Davies was carved up
while she was alive.
If the killer
Is still out there,
This could happen again.
I'll see what I can find out.
I came here...
You came here
With a good reference
Or we wouldn't be talking.
I was...
Just a minute.
(sighs, mutters)
Okay, let's get
something straight here.
I operate
a legitimate escort service.
Now, if one of
my girls chooses
To go extracurricular,
that's on them.
Understood. Mavis Davies.
That was horrible.
And she was a nice kid.
Well, I mean, all I can tell you
is she wasn't working for me
That night.
I didn't think so.
(phone buzzing)
Did you know she was married?
Uh, no.
I don't want to know anything
about my girls' private lives.
Was there ever any kind
of incident
With any of her clients?
No. No.
Totally satisfied customers.
(phone buzzing)
Select escorts.
Uh, oh, well,
no, I'm afraid
That she doesn't
work here anymore.
Perhaps I could
suggest someone else?
I see.
Well, please, uh, try us again.
The gift that keeps on giving.
she was one
Of my best girls.
But she was very close
to mavis, and...
And the murder just
absolutely just freaked her out.
Yeah. She quit.
Do you know
where I might find her?
All I can say is
that there was a client
Who thought that he saw her.
You know, she was hostessing
for some beachfront caf
Up the coast.
Quite a step down, huh?
Do you have a picture?
I can do better than that.
(rain falling outside)
(insects trilling)
Hi, I'm Mavis.
I know it's hard
to meet new people.
I know
because I'm in the same...
I know it's hard
to meet new people.
I know because I'm
in the same situation.
Maybe we could talk
over a nice dinner.
Call me.
You can reach me
at elite escorts.
Hi, I'm Charlotte.
I know it's hard
to meet new people. And I know
Because I'm
in the exact same situation.
So maybe we can talk about it
over a nice dinner?
Call me.
You can reach me
at select escorts.
(gulls calling)
Excuse me.
Can I sit anywhere?
We're a little ahead
of the season,
So take your pick.
(door shuts)
Can I get you something?
You doing double duty?
We're new, and it's my place.
So, yes.
I'd like a cup of coffee,
That's not my name.
What is your name?
Do you have a last name?
Do you have a name?
And do you have a last name?
Are you a cop, Jesse Stone?
Do I look like a cop, Amelia?
You look like a man
who asks questions.
Well, I have another question.
It's a hypothetical.
Suppose I were a cop
and you were a Charlotte,
You'd know
I was here
About Mavis Davies.
That's not a question,
Jesse Stone.
The killings stopped.
That seems to be enough
for some people.
But it is not justice
for your friend
If the killer
is still out there.
I am a cop.
I'm good at what I do.
There is no part of me
that thinks this is over.
Hope your business
gets better, Amelia.
I just wanted to say hi.
You miss me?
Like I would a bad cold.
That's sweet.
It's nice that we've
become friends.
You going home?
I hate it there.
You hate it there
Because you have
to be the grown-up.
I talked to your mom.
About me?
About her.
My mom has issues.
Your mom loves you.
But you're gonna
have to be the grown-up
For a little while longer.
I can do that.
I know you can.
I know you don't like me.
I didn't say that.
Can you trust me, Jenny?
Can i ask you a question?
You can.
Would you tell your
friends about my place?
Could you do that?
I could.
Do you have some time?
I don't open till 11:30,
So yeah.
Cops have problems with
professional escorts.
I never said that.
I don't.
Why'd you call me?
I couldn't sleep last night.
Something I said?
Do you really think
that somebody else killed her?
I do.
How do you know?
I don't know, I think.
Do you think that I know?
I do not.
But you know things
that I don't know.
Was she still alive when he...?
The things that must have been
going through her head.
Don't chase that.
That's not
Somewhere you should go, amelia.
That's my job.
Will you help me?
Tell me about Mavis.
She was my friend.
She always had time for me.
And in my...
Former line of work,
Friends are
Did you know she was married?
I did.
After a hard day at the office,
We would always have
a drink and talk.
After telling men
what they want to hear,
It's a way to decompress.
Right before you
lost your friend,
What would you talk about?
We would tell each
other about our lives,
Our... You know,
our private lives,
But at a certain point,
She would always
just cut it off.
Like, there was things that she
just wanted to hold private.
She said that
she was...
Going to get
a divorce.
She had been seeing someone.
And she was in love,
Which is a common ambition
in our profession.
- Not a client?
- No.
No, Mavis was
Way too smart for that.
She did tell me
that he was married,
He had kids,
And that he
needed time.
Could I talk to him?
I don't know him.
That's where she would
always cut it off.
All I know
is that he was a-a cop
And that he was
trying to find a way
That it wouldn't
hurt his career.
Maybe you can just
tell me the why of that.
He got her a puppy.
She never
let it out of her sight.
A red setter mix named Steve.
How'd you know?
I just know.
You satisfied yet?
Not hardly, sydney.
They locate the stolen car
That pushed me off the road?
They have not.
How's detective Leary
doing with this?
He's pretty
consumed with it.
I brief him
every day.
Every day.
You close?
Not particularly.
He's good at
what he does.
I mean, he did break
the boston ripper case.
- Well,
Richard steele confessed.
Healy brought him over
from vice.
I know.
Why do you know?
What's a good homicide detective
Doing working vice?
Paying penance.
Apparently he had issues.
What issues?
I know you, Jesse.
There's more behind this
Than "how's
he doing?"
Humor me.
What issues?
Apparently he couldn't
keep it in his pants.
His wife, a real piece of work,
by the way, blew the whistle
On him. She's prominent
in the community,
Comes from a
lot of money,
She goes right
to the supervisor of detectives.
Why do you know his history?
Mavis davies had an arrest
for prostitution,
But no charges were filed.
It was when Leary
was working vice.
- So?
- So, if I could
Connect Mavis to Leary, it means
He knew her
well before she was murdered.
This isn't tracking.
Oh, yeah, it is,
Because if he did know her,
he certainly never told anybody.
Did he arrest her?
Her file shows the arrest
But not the arresting officer.
I think it's been scrubbed.
You getting enough sleep?
I never get enough sleep.
Probably also scrubbed
from NCIC. Check NLETS.
National law enforcement
and teletype service.
I don't have a teletype.
A lot of cops don't know
it still exists.
I think they changed it
to "telecommunications."
I prefer "teletype."
You are a dinosaur.
Can't scrub
If you don't know it exists.
My guess is,
mavis' missing
Toxicology report
came back clean.
Why does that matter?
It matters to Richard Steele.
Stay right where you are.
Mavis Davies.
Arrested in february
of last year.
No charges filed.
Arresting officer...
Detective Daniel Steven Leary.
I checked the booking blotter
At the precinct
where leary worked vice.
The page was torn out.
No charges
were filed.
He let her go.
I think he fancied her.
All we know is he knew her.
Daniel Steven Leary.
He gave her a puppy.
She named him Steve.
Okay, then let's just
throw him in prison.
Sydney, she was in love
with the guy.
I think she was becoming
a problem for him.
I want you to lock him out.
You want me to lock him out.
As of now, I will work on
who pushed me off the road.
Look, he
knew Mavis
And went to great lengths
to hide it even after
She was
And he knew the specific m.O.
Of the killer.
I'm just saying.
It would take a cold bastard
to do to Mavis
What was done
to the other three.
Premeditated murder's
cold bastard work.
Morning, suit.
Morning, Jesse.
Thank you.
Donut? They're coply.
My body's a temple.
How are your classes going?
Oh, my classes. Very well.
Very fulfilling.
You're working on something
in Boston.
I feel it in my cells.
I kind of am.
In between classes.
Why do you do that?
Do what?
You withhold. Why?
I'm not sure.
I talked to Jenny's mom.
Thank you. And?
I think Dr. Dix put a dent
in her denial.
She wants
to go to rehab.
That's a good thing.
Says she can't afford it.
She's on scholarship.
Can you afford it?
I'll have to.
She doesn't know what to do
about Jenny.
Just love her.
They might put her
in a foster home.
they could.
She's worried.
It's about time.
Well, time for me
to lie in wait.
Speed trap?
For the greater good.
I hate these things.
Amelia (recorded):
Hello, Jesse Stone.
I got your text.
I can meet you before work,
but I can't be there at 10:00.
I got to pick up supplies.
10:15 okay?
I don't text.
(tires screeching)
(recorded): It's Jesse.
Don't go to that meeting.
Stay away from there.
You're in danger.
- Yes.
It's nice to put a face
to the name.
Jesse's talked
a lot about you.
I'm detective Dan Leary,
State homicide.
Jesse's been detained,
And we had a break
in Mavis davies' murder.
He asked me to take you to him.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I have to open up the caf.
It's police business, please.
I'll just let my assistant know.
I'll kill her!
To what end?
You're done.
You kill us both,
you're still done.
(sirens wailing in distance)
Step away.
(handcuffs clicking)
You son of a bitch!
(sirens chirping)
(indistinct police transmission)
Some cases are hard,
some are easy.
This one was easy.
He made it easy.
Did you have
a choice?
That's one cold bastard.
you okay?
Oh, you know me, Sydney.
Yes, I do, Jesse.
I'm gonna need a new car.
That would make three.
How's she doing?
She's tough.
Wasn't about to
become a victim.
- It's sad.
- What's sad?
Richard Steele
will feel vindicated.
I could care less.
He ought to be dead.
(indistinct police transmission)
What are you thinking about?
Where'd you
learn that move?
My dad.
He made me take
self-defense classes.
Fathers are important.
Happens to cops a lot.
They control themselves,
do what they have to do.
Afterwards, they become
part of the debris.
See what I mean?
Steve's my new roommate.
Mavis' dog.
Maybe you'd like to
come see him sometime.
I'd like that.
Thank you.
For what?
Getting justice for my friend.
I know
you must have a last name.
Amelia hope.
That's a nice name.