Jesse Stone: Sea Change (2007) Movie Script

Well, I'm just a smalltown cop,
Mostly I give out parking tickets.
I don't wanna talk about your work.
Ok... How are things in L.A.?
- Why'd you call me
at the office, Jenn?
I don't want you to call me tonight.
Actually, I don't think
we should talk for a while.
How long, a while?
I don't know.
So, now it's coming over.
He thinks it's strange
that we still talk every night.
Was he there last night?
Do you understand?
Are you alright?
Jesse... Thank you.
Things get this slow
when Lou was Chief?
All the time. How's your wife?
Ex-wife, Rose.
- The Rabid skunk has benn dispatched.
- How?
D'Angelo shot him.
- Ok.
- D'Angelo was not happy...
- What did he say?
- He said "Why it is always my fault?"
Hey, I didn't say it was his fault,
I just said I was blaming him for it.
He thinks you pick on him.
Well, I don't like him.
If you don't like him,
why don't you fire him?
I'm not gonna fire him,
I'm gonna wear him down.
Wednesday is your town council meeting.
Oh, I'm gonna be late tommorrow...
I have to take Brian to the orthodontist.
And Edwin says the Civil War
Memorial was falling down.
He's watering too much.
Well, he wants the square to
look good for the Fall Regatta.
- Did you tell him?
- Yes.
- What did he say?
- He wants to know, how you know?
I'm the police chief, I know everything.
They said it might be vandalism.
Tell them he's watering to much.
- Brahms.
- Excuse me?
I'm Hilda Evans, Chief Stone.
How's the drinking thing going?
Small town. Ever since people heard
that you were drunk on your job interview...
...there's been concern.
Actually I drank too much the night before.
I just made the mistake...
...of having one in the
morning to steady up.
Brahms. When I'm feeling troubled,
I sit in my favourite chair...
...put my head back, and listen to Brahms.
I find it comforting. Enough said.
Wake up!
I know you can hear me.
Doctor says your wound's
completely healed.
Believe it or not,
Melbourne, Australia.
A man left comatose for over
ten years, suddenly sat bolt...
...upright and said
"I'll have a cappuccino."
Well, everything happens
at once, Suitcase.
Things are really jumping in Paradise.
Rampant crime.
I just heard at
the weekly briefing...
... that there's a drug ring
trying to set up in our town.
I could use a little backup!
Suit, we're four people police force.
With Molly out, I got to retrain Rose...
The town council wants me to replace you.
"It was bitter cold"
"The wind in his face made it difficult
to grasp the shape before him. "
"The bow of the yacht cut through
the sea, needly cleaving the water... "
"... into mirror image waves. "
"Now he saw the ship
with in its full glory..."
"...80 feet at least,
mahogany hull in full sail, dark and silent. "
"A latter day Flying Dutchman. "
Nice car.
Are you giving me a ticket?
- It depends.
- On what?
If this is your car...
You don't hink I can own a car like this?
- I didn't say that.
- It's not mine.
Then I'm not giving you a ticket.
Look, the owner's
just been in a week...
- ...He came up for Race Week.
- Race Week.
Race Week is good for local business, right?
- It is.
- Ok, why give him the ticket?
The curb is red.
What if it were my car?
I'm still give it a ticket,
but with infinitely more regret.
- So, are you feeling regret?
- A little.
Alright, it's not hard to fix that.
Tear it up!
You gonna get me
in trouble, don't you.
And you are feeling regret.
Don't you have anything better to do...
...then spend your time
with writing parking tickets?
Hi jesse, it's Jenn.
I guess you are left,
I'll call you at the office.
- Hello?
- It's me.
What's wrong?
Nothing, I just wanted to see
how you're doing, Molly.
Fine... You?
I woke you up.
Oh no, you didn't, I'm...
...too uncomfortable to sleep.
What time is it?
How is Jenn?
You Ok?
Would you tell me, if you're worrying?
There's a lot of people
care about you, Jesse.
Including you?
Especially me.
So you think you gonna
have the kid early?
Hopefully not too early.
How's Rose doing?
She's a little rusty,
but she's doing fine.
Did you see Suitcase today?
Every day.
Did you give him my love?
I forgot.
Oh, did you have the test?
Oh, the baby's fine.
I'm what's termed the "high risk" mother.
Means "old".
Jesse, I need to get some sleep.
- I woke you up.
- Will you call me tomorrow?
Ugh, sure.
- So, nobody called?
- I don't do phones.
- You go now?
- Aham, in a while.
'Cause we're almost
out of coffee.
I think you should get some.
Alright, I'll buy it.
- Ugh, Skipper, I...
- Not today, D'Angelo.
- Are you alright?
- I'm fine.
You can't come every couple of months,
and expect to get anything done.
I've been busy.
Fighting crime.
- It's small town, What do you wait?
- What I've come to expect.
You take a job you're overqualified for.
You're good at what you do, so you
stir the pot up comes a couple of rats
but for all intents and purposes,
nothing happens here.
You know what I'm
talking about, you're a cop.
- Yeah, but I quit.
- Because it made you drink?
I think that's called "projection".
- So... You called me.
- In a moment of weakness.
Is that happened last night?
A moment of weakness?
- Did you talk to you ex-wife?
- You think that's what makes me drink.
- Do you drink when you work?
- No.
- So then you drink when you get home.
- I have two drinks.
- Did you had two drinks last night?
- No.
- And did you talk to your ex-wife?
- I talk to her every night.
- And did you speak with her last night?
- Are you sensing a breakthrough?
Do you drink, when you're
involved in a serious crime?
- No.
- Because?
- It would be unprofessional.
- So you stop.
- Yes.
- As long as you need to.
- Yes.
- And how long do you need to?
- It depends.
- On what?
On how long I need to.
If you've got nothing to do,
pal, find something to do.
If it's not important,
make it important.
Rose, where do we keep
the unsolved cases?
You mean where do "I" keep
the unsolved cases?
- What kind of cases?
- I want a homicide.
There's three. 1905, 1923, and 1992.
- You know?
- Yes...
- How do you know?
- I'm the dispatcher, I know everything.
Molly rearranged my files,
I rearrenged them back.
- You said you wanted to get in the field.
- Not in this field...
- And you're sure you can find it.
- I'm sure...
No other customers, just, uh, the bank guard...
...Hasty Hathaway, and the bankteller.
A robber takes the teller hostage,
uses her as a shield.
The bank guard gets off
an errant shot...
... as he's dragging her out
the door. Then they disappear.
You know, in six months,
none of this is gonna be here,
some guy bought up the whole point,
gonna put up forty houses...
- Yeah, rich people from Boston...
- Do me a favor...
Tell the town council not to
reassess and raise my taxes
A tenuous relationship at best.
Ever since our friend Hasty resigned.
They don't seem to understand...
...why I was hired to begin with...
but I will tell them just the same.
Anyway, two years later some hunters find
the teller's body in her shallow grave.
- Why are you so sure you can find it?
- It would be hard to forget.
I threw up all over the body,
first time I saw her.
Well, that would be a reason.
I'll have a cappucino.
I threw up the first time
I found a body.
That's comforting.
And that's when Lou pulled you out of field?
Yeah, well, he promoted me to dispatcher...
- And this is the spot.
- Yeah.
How you know?
This is the rock I sat on after I threw up.
- This about the right depth?
- Yeah.
Oh my God! The grave is empty!
Maybe that's because the body
was removed thirteen years ago.
Jesse, what are we doing?
We're waiting for a clue to pop up.
We had this coroner in L.A.,
with that asian guy
he recovered this body in her shallow grave,
just kept saying "Dig deeper! Dig deeper!"
Because he was asian?
No. Because he was stubborn.
And anytime some would ask "why",
like you keep doing...
...he'd say "because I'm a
stubborn asian guy".
That's not the point.
The point is...
...he dug up the murder weapon.
That was sloppy police work, Lou.
Thank you.
- She's afraid of me.
- Oh, she'll be okay.
- Can I talk to her?
- She won't talk to you, Luther.
- Because?
- Because she's afraid of you.
- D'Angelo!
- So Luther, do you remember anything?
I remember cookies.
And I remember juice.
Cranberry juice.
You were shot at the market, Luther.
Anything new on the drug case, Lou?
Excuse me?
Anything new on the drug case?
Not really.
And no blood at the scene.
Apparently not.
There is nothin in the report...
No, a lot of things are in the report.
I know you're fond of your old boss...
...but that report is a mess.
And what was the robber wearing?
Jesse, I know these are
the robber's clothes.
He didn't need the hostage anymore... he shot the teller, buried in a
shallow grave, changed his own clothes...
...buried them, so he
wouldn't be recognized.
Well, actually he buried his clothes,
and then he buried the teller...
...doesn't it seem backwards to you?
- I guess it could be...
- Lou should've found these.
- He found the body, that's pretty big.
- Actually some hunter's found the body.
And what d'you suppose
made these holes?
- Ugh, fifteen years underground?
- Organic matter.
How was the body ID-d?
- Her mother.
- Not even dental records?
"Mary Lewis came in, looked to the
body, and said 'that's my little girl' ".
Excuse me.
- I'm Chief Stone.
- My name's Sam Holton.
My daughter Cathleen.
Why don't we go on into my office.
Officer Gammon.
We'd just passed Paradise Cove
when it happened.
On one of those yachts
come up for Raceweek.
What happened?
I was raped.
- Do you know who did it?
- The owner of the boat.
- Do you know the name of the boat?
- The "Lady Jane".
- Could you pick the owner out of a lineup?
- Yeah.
Good. Officer Gammon will take the rest
of your report and then we'll look into it.
Now if you excuse me...
- Have you talked to your wife?
- Ex-wife.
I'll take that as a "no".
I thought you spoke to her every night.
- Not lately.
- Why not?
- She's seeing someone.
- At night?
- Yes.
- At your house?
- Oh, yeah.
- How do you feel about that?
Like I wanna kill him.
Do you imagine her
with him, having sex?
- Does she tell you about it?
- No.
- So, in fact, you don't know
what she's doing.
I don't know anything...
So you invent it.
How long have you been
inventing her life?
- I'll take that as an "always".
- Not always.
- Since the divorce?
- You're pretty good at this.
How many year's it to
take to be a psychiatrist?
- Ten.
- You got to go at medical school first.
- I'd have a question for you.
- A medical question?
- A medical slash-cop question.
- Is this important?
I hope so.
What's the question?
Bugs go after organic
matter first, right?
What kind of bugs?
What kind of organic matter?
I have these clothes, and they've
been buried for about fifteen years...
...and pretty deteriorated, but there
are two big holes - one on the shirt... on the jacket, and they
line up, with, I think it might be, blood.
You know what I think?
I think you won't be drinking tonight.
Who are you lookin' at?
Hi, jesse. It's Jenn. I guess you
already left. I'll call you at the office.
Hi, jesse. It's Jenn. I guess you
already left. I'll call you at the office..
- So where is Stone?
- Town Council.
- You interviewed the raped victim?
- Basically.
- Don't you think he should've
been there? I mean...
He's always the first one to work.
But he wasn't the other day.
- That's correct.
- Why do you think that is?
- You know what I think?
- Tony.
I don't really care what you think.
The rabid skunk is no longer a threat,
Officer D'Angelo expressed his regrets.
Uh, sixty-three parking tickets,
fourteen traffic stops...
...and Edwin claims the Civil War
Memorial has been vandalized.
You don't think it has been?
Maybe you could tell him
he's watering too much.
- What about this rape case?
- What about it?
- Anyone arrested?
- No.
- Good...
- Rape out of season?
All our merchants need Raceweek,
I don't need a scandal.
I know that.
The Fall Regatta brings in
a lot of revenue.
Including your paycheck.
- So how have you been?
- Fine.
- No problems.
- No.
No... personal issues?
Anything we need to know about?
Yes, my deputy doesn't want you to
reassess her house and raise her taxes.
What are you looking at?
I was admiring the rigging
on the "Lady Jane".
What d'you use for bait?
Bugs, worms, last night supper.
- Catch much?
- Don't catch spit.
- Plenty of fish, though.
- Yep.
- Maybe you should just shoot 'em.
- The fish or the bank robber?
You a good shot, Bob?
I was certified
expert with a pistol
in the Army.
Which war?
You a good shot now?
I don't know.
How old are you, Bob?
You a good shot
when you were 61?
I thought I was.
You had to be qualified
to be a bank guard.
Have you ever been in a hostage
situation, Chief Stone?
Did you take the shot?
So did I.
I reached for my backup,
and I went to the door.
I saw him in
my front sight.
I figured he'd kill Rebecca
when he didn't need her.
Well, you figured right, Bob.
What caliber bullet
killed Rebecca?
That's what I was shooting.
You don't think that I...
No. And I don't
think you should.
Why is that?
Not healthy.
It will drive you to drink.
Already did.
Six years sober come December.
And when did this happen?
Four days ago.
Cathleen, we have
no evidence of that.
So you think I was lying?
It doesn't mean you' re lying.
It just means
there was no sperm.
He was wearing
a rubber.
I thought it was be best
if Cathleen
and I discussed this.
The rape test was inconclusive.
Why don't you tell us the part
you didn't want your dad
to hear, Cathleen?
They made me do a striptease.
Were you drinking?
Yes. They said
I had to do a striptease
or they wouldn't
take me back to shore.
Who is they?
The guy that raped me
and two other guys.
They said
I had to strip.
So you' re saying
they forced you?
Yes. And then the guy who owned
the boat took me downstairs.
I thought, you know, so
I could get dressed again,
but he just threw me on the bed
and raped me.
He was like an animal.
Just threw me down
and jumped on me.
But he wore a condom.
Did he put that on just before
he jumped on you like an animal?
Yeah. Just before.
Was it in a packet?
Did he have to open the packet?
I don't remember.
You think she's lying?
You don't think she was raped?
I didn't say that.
Well, I think
we can get a warrant.
Sure, we can get a warrant,
but I don't want to.
Since when
do you care
what the Town
Council thinks?
I don't.
But I do care about Paradise.
You prosecute a rape case
in a resort town,
all the cable news channels
will live here.
And no rape shield law
will protect that kid.
Legally, she's not a kid.
I think it's blood
on his clothes.
Excuse me?
I want to test
the robber's clothes for blood.
So, after he
shot the teller,
he dragged the body
to the grave
and got blood on
his clothes. So what?
So what? How much money
was taken in the robbery?
Just the cash
that was in the bank: $24,000.
Hardly worth a life.
Jesse, what's the point?
The point is, this isn't
just a robbery, Officer Gammon.
It's a murder.
And the guy got away with it.
This report doesn't even
say whether she was shot
from the front or the back.
No, it doesn't.
And I'm not happy
with the ID of the body.
You don't want to run a DNA test.
I do.
You don't think a mother could
recognize her own daughter?!
Not after two years underground.
She recognized the clothes.
And where are they?
Lieu returned
the effects
to the family.
Jesse, this stuff
isn't important!
I think it is.
Because I need it to be!
What was the mother's
last known whereabouts?
Sisters of Mercy
Hospital, up north.
I think DeAngelo went
to the Town Council.
I would expect no less of him.
They' re laying for you.
The ugly truth of it, Rose,
is it doesn't matter
a whole hell of a lot to me.
Jesse, you need to concentrate
on the rape case.
I know.
You' re right.
Thank you.
I'm Jesse Stone,
the police chief in Paradise.
You' re a long way from home.
I was looking for Mary Lewis.
Oh, my mom's resting.
You look like your sister.
Is this is about Rebecca?
Oh, I'm... I'm sorry.
I'm Leeann Lewis. Come in.
Thank you.
You can speak to her,
but she won't speak back.
My mom had a stroke.
Mama, this is...
Jesse Stone,
Mrs. Lewis.
I was just visiting
with Leeann.
Would you like some coffee?
I would.
Nice meeting you,
Mrs. Lewis.
When did your mom
have the stroke?
The day after she
identified Rebecca.
Thank you for
not upsetting her.
I assume you have
power of attorney.
I thought this
case was closed.
No. Just cold.
What do you want, Chief Stone?
Probably what you want.
Justice for your sister.
I'd like permissin
to exhume
the body.
My sister was cremated.
This is old.
I'm going to get
you a new pot.
Did you see your
sister's body?
No. Maybe my mother
wouldn't have had her stroke
if I had been here.
I wouldn't beat yourself up.
You've obviously devoted
yourself to her.
I left my job in L.A.,
and I got her out
of that hospital,
and we've been here ever since.
Long way from Paradise.
Too many memories.
Do you have any
personal effects of
your sister? Pictures?
Well, it's just
the way I work.
Gives me a sense
of the person.
Frankly, there's
not much in our files.
We really don't want to open old
wounds unless there's a reason.
Oh, I think there's a reason.
Well, I got rid of all that
stuff after the funeral.
It upset your mom?
Frankly, it upset me, too.
I'm sorry.
This is going
to take a while.
Do you still want coffee,
Chief Stone?
Coffee would be good.
It's a long way back.
Would you like
to eat at the bar?
Sure, Laura.
I thought I'd stop by,
see if you need any help
fighting crime.
What's happening at home
that you'd rather be here?
Not nothing.
My wife's younger brother
is visiting with his wife.
They have young children.
You don't care
for young children?
Neither of us do.
But it's her brother.
So your dropping by is not
all about helping me.
It's nothing about that.
Are you staying for dinner?
Can I tell my wife
it's business?
You can if you crank up
your lab for me.
There's something
I want you to check.
Can't Doc Perkins do it?
I don't want to destroy
his confidence.
Yeah, but State Homicide
operates on a budget.
This stuff costs money.
Is it important?
I have no idea.
Will you call
my wife for me?
Then I'll crank up the lab.
You know, marriage
is hard for cops.
And the only people
we know how to talk to
are the women we marry.
Then the marriage breaks up,
and you need to talk to someone,
and only one you can't talk to
is the woman you married.
When did Molly call you?
The morning
after you woke her up.
Oh, Captain Healy will be
joining me for dinner, Laura.
What can I get for you?
Scotch on the rocks...
and another for the Chief.
I'm good, Laura.
Have you talked
to the son of a bitch?
But I will be talking
to the son of a bitch.
Why'd Cathleen drop out
of high school
before her senior year?
What's that have to do
with her being raped?
I don't know.
I tried, but
she just wouldn't go.
And I couldn't make her.
I work all day.
Her mom is...
Took off with a guy
when Cathleen was just six...
I'm sorry, Chief Stone.
This whole thing's
just got me...
Pissed off?
She came home very late.
I confronted her.
She got real upset,
and then it all just came out.
Well, two things
you need to know.
One is, I'm going to talk
to the son of a bitch.
And two, you' re going to stay
away from the son of a bitch.
Because I'm the police chief.
What were you thinking?
Boy, I do not get
many visitors.
So how you doing, Hasty?
Don't say "How you doing?"
to a convict.
Okay, how's it going?
Well, I teach
illiterate prisoners to read.
I give financial advice
to the guards.
How's the drinking thing?
Better since I gave up hope.
How's my wife?
Ex-wife, Hasty.
How's she doing?
Is... Cissy.
But she's okay?
Jesse, you and Cissy...
You never...
No. We never.
So, no hard feelings?
Hey, a guy saves your life.
Albeit for the wrong reasons...
What are you doing here?
Your bank was robbed in 1992.
Teller was killed.
Yeah, Rebecca. Nice kid.
What do you remember about it?
Hasty, you can't be
put away twice
for money laundering.
I know that.
So I just didn't see anything.
Because I was hiding
under my desk the whole time.
There were no surveillance
cameras in your bank.
Small town.
Were you laundering money
for Gino Fish back then?
No, on my sacred honor, no.
You know, Hasty, when I
said you saved my life,
I wasn't talking about the night
I arrested you.
I meant you saved my life
because you hired me.
Albeit for the wrong reasons.
I'm very fond of you, Jesse.
See you, Hasty.
Where have you
been, Skipper?
Fighting crime.
Rose at the
orthodontist again?
How you feeling?
You lost a little weight.
I'm not much good
with the phones.
You supposed to be here?
They let me out of the hospital.
They say it was okay for you
to go back to work?
I didn't ask.
Well, I need you
to answer the phones
for now, Suitcase.
How do you feel about that?
I don't like it.
I feel fine, Lieu.
Boy, that thing's a mess.
Tell me about it.
The folder's torn.
The pictures are dirty.
The papers are all wrinkled...
Well, I threw it
across the room.
Why'd you do that?
Because it's a mess.
I think DeAngelo wants your job.
I feel it in my cells.
Well, actually, he thinks
he should have had the job
to begin with.
I'd like to help you
with your drug case.
Suit, do you remember anything
about your stay at the hospital?
What did you think
about the bank robbery?
I think you' re on to something.
Rose doesn't think so.
Rose hasn't been in the field.
Well, she threw up.
Was she sick?
It's not important.
You know, I think
we should check for blood
on those clothes
you found.
You know, there might be
an upside to this coma thing.
What are you talking about?
You know what I'm talking about.
You mean...
Cop intuition.
Now you' re as crazy as I am.
Watch your step.
Well... Inspector Yokel.
Actually it's Chief Yokel.
Where's your badge?
It's in a drawer.
This your boat?
Why, you don't think I could
afford a boat like this?
The Lady Jane's mine.
I'm Chief Stone.
This is Officer Gammon.
I'm Harrison.
Nice to meet you,
Mr. Harrison.
Harrison is my first name.
I'm Harrison Pendleton.
I see.
Nice boat.
Officer Gammon would like
to ask you a few questions.
Do you know a Cathleen Holton?
I do.
Was she a guest
on your schooner?
Four days ago.
She joined some friends and me
for an evening cruise.
Do you know how old she is?!
Yes. 18 years and two months.
She showed me her ID.
I was wondering
if you could show me below.
Do you have a warrant?
Well, then, no.
Guy's got two last names.
You might have briefed me
that I was going
to question the suspect.
Well, I'm not sure
he's a suspect.
But I thought
you handled it well...
till you got pissed off.
Jesse, why don't you get
a cell phone?
' Cause I don't like them.
You can always page me.
I have.
call me
on the car radio.
I have.
You've been spending
a lot of time
away from the office.
I have.
At home?
So, I assume
you've talked
to the bank guard.
I did.
Have you talked to the mother?
Actually, I didn't.
What are you doing?
Run that plate.
License and
registration, please.
Did I do something
wrong, Officer?
You have no front
license plate,
Mr. Genest.
I knew someone named Genest.
Joe Genest?
He your brother?
He was my brother.
I tell you what.
I'm going to let you off
on the license plate.
Just put one on.
Thank you, Officer.
One more thing.
Don't follow me around, Terry.
wouldn't have
surveillance cameras
in my bank if I were
laundering money.
Well, neither would I,
if I was laundering money.
When did you call Gino Fish?
When did you call Gino Fish?
I didn't...
Right after you left.
You know, Jesse...
I know, you' re very fond of me.
How much money was
really in the bank?
A lot.
$2 million.
You think the robber knew?
Well, not if I was
doing my job right.
How did you know?
Gino had some guy
following me around.
Turned out to be
Joe Genest's brother.
Terence Genest?
But do you think he
knows I killed Joe?
Hasty, everybody knows
you killed Joe.
It's just that
this is a really bad guy.
I would assume so.
Th-This is the kind of guy
that would hold a grudge.
I would assume so,
especially since
you weren't prosecuted for it.
In defense of
a police officer's life.
Well, I'm not sure Mr. Genest
makes those kind
of distinctions.
I'm not sure he makes
distinctions, period.
Now, Jesse, you know,
you might need
to be a little careful.
Excuse me.
Your boss in?
Do you have an appointment?
I'm with the police.
Can I see your badge?
What police department's that?
Is your interest personal
or professional?
I'll talk with the boss.
Mr. Fish never sees anyone
without an appointment.
And your name is?
Well, we can
do this easy,
or we can do
this hard, Alan.
Easy is
I go in, sit down
and chat with your boss.
Hard is I call Captain Healy,
the state homicide commander,
and bring your boss in
for questioning.
I'll talk to Mr. Fish.
Jesse Stone.
I know who you are.
As I recall,
you thought I should be arrested
during the Hasty Hathaway trial.
That would be me.
Have you spoken
to Hasty lately?
I've never spoken
to Mr. Hathaway.
I have some questions about an
employee of yours, Terry Genest.
I have no such employee.
You employed his
brother, Joe.
That was never proven.
You lost a lot of money
in a bank robbery
in Paradise in 1992.
I've never been
a depositor in Paradise.
This isn't going
very well, is it?
Here's what I think.
Know but can't prove.
I think Hasty Hathaway
was laundering
a lot of money for you.
I think it was stolen in
the robbery, and you'd like
to get what's left of it back,
so you hired
Joe Genest's brother
because you knew
he had a deep,
personal interest.
That is quite a story.
I think it is.
I think I'll wait
to see the movie.
Nice to meet you, Jesse Stone.
Chief Yokel,
I came to say good-bye.
Was it something I said?
It was something Harrison did.
You mind if I smoke?
Is this legal?
You gonna
search me,
cuff me and then arrest me?
Are you carrying
your gun?
Always armed and ready.
My name's Sybil Martin.
Jesse Stone.
I know.
You married, Jesse?
Sort of.
"Sort of."
Every place but in my mind.
I came to help you.
With my relationship or my case?
Both. Are you wondering
what help I'm going to bring?
I only met Harrison
a couple days ago.
He tapes himself having sex.
Did he tape you
having sex with him?
Were you aware he was taping you
having sex with him?
But when I saw
this tape of a kid...
I thought you
should know.
I'm going back to Boston.
I come to Boston a lot.
Well, let me give you my number.
Boston's not far,
as the crow flies.
I'll have to drive.
She likes you, Jesse.
How do you know?
I just know.
So, what about
the bank case, Lieu?
I'm Jesse.
Yeah, I know.
What about the bank case?
I don't have a clue.
I think I'm throwing stuff
against a wall
to see if anything sticks.
Well, isn't that what cops do?
You stirring the pot?
Oh, yeah.
Well, what's come up?
Not nothing.
What do we know
so far, Jesse?
Well, that there wasn't
$24,000 in the bank.
There was...
$2 million.
And it would make a hell
of a lot more sense
for the robber to take
down a small-town bank
If the robber knew.
But the question is...
How would he know?
I wish you wouldn't do that.
Do what?
Finish my sentences.
Sorry, Jesse.
What if the teller
who found out about the money
was in
on the robbery?
Doesn't fit
with the facts.
Yeah, I know,
robber killed the teller.
But what if the guard hit
what he was aiming at?
He obviously
only wounded him.
Maybe we can get Healy
to check
emergency room records
for May of ' 92.
I mean,
the guy isn't going to say,
"Doc, I just robbed
a bank.
Can, can you fix me up
so I can get away?"
So... accidental
gunshot wounds.
Maybe we can get
a name.
Why don't you call him?
Can I?
You can.
That's good work, Suit.
You' re on to something,
I feel it in my cells.
You had a phone call.
My sense was
it was personal.
Jesse Stone.
Oh, I, I checked in storage
and I couldn't find anything
that might help you.
I'm so sorry.
It's like she didn't exist.
Regrets, Chief Stone.
Listen, um...
I know this is forward, um,
but if you' re ever around here,
I'd love to see you again.
Well, if you' re ever in
Paradise, I'd love to see you.
well, um...
I can't get that far away
from my mom, so...
I guess we' re at an impasse.
Not really.
And the woman there said
we should have T-shirts
that say
"I went hunting here"...
It looks like she was having
a pretty good time stripping.
Cathleen is apparently wise
beyond her years
and in my expert
police chief's opinion,
it hardly looks
like she was being raped.
Where did you get these?
I accidentally found them.
Where did you find them?
In a cabinet below decks
on the Lady Jane.
I'd be interested
to know what you think.
Do you think I should
see them, Jesse?
Are you happy in your work?
What do you mean?
Well, there's this
Japanese prison camp commander
in Bridge on the River Kwai
and he just keeps telling these
miserable starving prisoners,
"Be happy
in your work."
You didn't see the movie.
You happy in your work,
What are you talking about?
The point I was attempting
to make is this is a lousy job.
You need some help with that?
Why'd you drop out
of school, Cathleen?
Why are you here?
You miss your mom?
You've been checking up on me.
I have.
Don't talk to me about things
you don't know anything about.
I know something about that.
Your mom run off?
No, she died...
when I was eight.
I miss my mom
a lot.
Moms are important.
Well, you don't miss
someone you never knew.
You know how to do
hospital corners, Chief Stone?
I do.
And call me Jesse now
that you' re 18 and all grown up.
What's that supposed to mean?
It means
you' re not
a kid anymore.
It means you' re fair game.
I saw the tape.
It didn't look like anybody made
you take off your clothes.
That's no excuse
for what he did.
There's another tape.
Just you
and Mr. Pendleton.
He had a hidden camera
in his bedroom.
I want you to tell your dad.
Why should I?
Because he loves you,
and I don't want to see your dad
do something stupid.
Unintended consequences.
You' re not supposed to be here.
No, I'm not.
You' re not supposed to try and
talk me out of this, are you?
That's correct.
I could get you in trouble.
You could.
You don't think
what he did was wrong?
It was wrong,
but it wasn't illegal.
Yeah, but he's...
A grownup?
You know
what I think?
I think you
don't like yourself
so much for what you did.
I think you love your dad
and you know how disappointed
he'd be if he knew the truth,
but you getting even
with some sick son of a bitch
isn't going to change
any of that.
Well, at least,
then he won't do it again.
Oh, he'll do it again.
Because he can.
And there's nothing
you or I can do to stop him.
You know...
you live long enough,
you have regrets.
And the ones
that nag at you the most
are the ones where you knew
you had a choice,
the ones where you knew you
could have stopped yourself,
the ones where
you looked into the mirror
and everything good
inside you said,
"Don't do this."
You go talk to your dad and I'll
go punch him in the mouth.
How's that?
The Paradise Motel.
I know it well.
As do I.
I used to live there.
You' re not following me around,
are you, Terry?
I prefer Terence.
And I prefer you didn't do that.
Do what?
Follow me around, Terry.
Are you trying to provoke me?
I was going
to ask you the same thing.
I'm just sitting here
reading the paper.
Did you get that license plate
fixed, Terry?
Yes, I did, Officer.
And since now I have a
violation-free motor vehicle,
I'll drive it wherever I want.
I'll obey all traffic
so as you can't harass me,
unless you set me up,
the way you did my brother
when you killed him.
I didn't kill your brother,
but I did set him up
pretty good.
God, I miss her.
For the lady.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Long way back?
It is.
Thanks for meeting me halfway.
Well, actually, it's three
quarters to one quarter,
so I guess you owe me.
Are you going to find the man
who killed my sister?
Well, it's been 15 years.
How long have
you been on it?
Three days.
That's not actually
why I called you.
Why'd you call me?
The soup of the day
is cream of tomato.
Thank you.
You know, I wasn't
being entirely honest
with you the other day.
I know.
How do you know?
I'm a cop.
I'm good at what I do.
The truth is?
The truth is, my mom and I...
I hadn't spoken
to her
for years.
I, um, I was
about Rebecca and the stroke.
I was just a kid.
I... I couldn't get along
with her.
I understand.
You do?
That's how I got here.
I went 3,000 miles to get away
from someone I loved.
Was the someone you loved
a wife?
Not anymore.
You don't like to talk about it.
Actually, I talk too much
about it.
...anyway, um,
when I did find
out, I was lost.
So you came home.
You know, I'm from L.A.
Where'd you live?
Beverly Hills.
Well above my pay grade.
Your mom was
in a charity hospital.
If I'm not being too nosy,
how do you handle this
I grew up a lot in L.A.
I went back to school,
and I, um...
I made some money
in real estate.
Well, an attractive,
educated, full-grown woman
can make a lot of money
in Beverly Hills.
Attractive how?
What do you want
to talk about, Jesse?
Do you have someone
in Paradise?
I did.
But you' re not
seeing anyone now?
I'm seeing you.
How about those Sox?
It's been a long time.
Want me to come back?
Keep the change.
There won't be any change.
Well, keep it anyway.
Good night.
Good night.
Aid you do?
I hit somebody in the fist
with my face.
So, Jesse...
is there anything you need
to talk about?
Did Molly call you
or did Rose call you?
Rose called me.
How are you with blood?
I see blood all the time.
It's just usually
child blood rather
than big people blood.
you are rapidly spiraling
into pediatrician talk.
Sorry, Jesse.
I need your expert, grownup
medical examiner opinion here.
Somebody gets shot,
do they bleed right away?
Not necessarily.
I'm studying at night.
So a gunshot victim might not
leave a blood trail
at the scene.
did I answer your question?
Oh, I think I know the answer.
I just wanted
to be sure you did.
I want you
out of my town.
Your town?
That's right.
What are you, the sheriff?
Chief Stone?
Hey, I'm just here
for field training.
I'm missing some
personal property.
Did you misplace
the item or items?
I think it was stolen.
I see.
A theft.
Well, during
your abbreviated
stay in Paradise,
we aim to protect and serve,
so, just what are you missing,
Mr. Pendleton?
Uh, perhaps I did
misplace the items.
How's tomorrow?
How's after the race?
How's tomorrow?
Oh, well.
Mr. Pendleton?
Shame on you.
How'd I do?
Officially, I'm shocked.
I'm proud of you.
What would you have done,
I would have
slugged him.
Skipper, what happened?
I fell.
Where's Suit?
He said to let you know
that Captain
Healy called.
Hey, Skipper,
do you think I could have
the day off tomorrow?
Are Gino Fish and his
receptionist an item?
You got a problem
with that?
Hey, I'm just
accumulating data.
Your in-laws
still visiting?
That's what they call it.
What did you find out
about Terry Genest?
Well, he prefers Terence.
Just got out of prison.
Freelance gunsel.
Works for Gino
on occasin.
Bit of a
loose cannon.
You better be a
little careful.
Everybody says that.
The material on the robber's
clothes was blood.
Now, we' re no going to get
much more out of it.
It was pretty degraded.
Oh, and I also, uh,
ran that check that
Suitcase said you wanted.
Dead end.
There were no accidental
gunshot wounds in May ' 92.
I also checked, uh, New
Hampshire and Rhode Island.
You' re thorough.
I am.
And I don't know what
this other thing's about.
Is he okay?
He's not quite in the same pond
with the other ducks yet.
What "other thing"?
Well, he wanted me to, uh,
run a background check on
L.A. resident Leeann Lewis.
He said he had a feeling.
He's been having
a lot of those.
Uh, the only thing
we got was
she was reported
missing once.
Landlady filed
the report.
Well, she left
to take care of her mom.
Anyway, it went away.
And she sent the landlady
an apology and money
to pay off the lease.
And that was May ' 92.
You mean ' 94.
she was reported missing
May 23, 1992.
That's the, uh,
that's the same date
as the robbery.
Is that important?
That report list an occupation?
Uh, yeah. Um...
Where was her residence?
What happened?
I fell.
You got some coffee?
Long drive.
Lot of traffic?
Actually, I had to make sure
I wasn't followed.
Turns out there
was a lot of money
in Hasty's bank-
mob money.
And I've been getting
the distinct impressin
they'd like to have
what's left of it back.
Do you think you were followed?
I know I wasn't.
How do you know?
I'm good at what
I do, Rebecca.
Oh, I'm sorry.
It's just that you and
your sister look so much alike.
Of course, if Leeann was dressed
as a man, you wouldn't look
anything like her, would you?
I screwed up.
I know better.
It's not just men
who rob banks.
It's not just men
who kill people.
I didn't kill anyone.
You mean, you didn't
shoot anybody.
Look, it's just a theory so far,
but it's a pretty good theory.
Shouldn't be too hard to prove.
You went to the dentist
as a kid.
Dental records,
fingerprints, DNA.
Something will tell us.
And then what?
Then I'll have to arrest you.
Will you give me time
to make arrangements for my mom?
Yeah, your mom.
How much money
you got left?
Not a lot.
Enough to...
Enough to make sure
I can take care of her.
When you go to jail,
they take it away.
I talked Leeann into it
when I found out
how much money
there was going
through that bank.
We never had anything.
We thought
we were going to travel
and do anything we wanted.
It just seemed so easy.
We thought we were so smart.
It was smart.
Light to moderate training...
Unintended consequences.
The bank guard hit what
he was aiming at, didn't he?
Leeann died where we planned
to change our clothes,
so I...
I put my clothes on her,
and I buried her.
Mutual fund companies
are reporting
first quarter vestment...
What do you think's going
to happen to her
after I take you away?
Oh, what the hell.
You won't be hearing
from me again.
What was that kiss about?
I'd like to believe that.
Platinum rose three dollars...
FISH: Did you find what
you were looking for?
I did. I found the money
Hasty was laundering for you.
Hasty who?
Let's not do this again.
I don't know
what you' re talking about.
If we' re going to be pals,
we have to find a way
to be more honest
with each other.
Not completely honest?
More honest.
You first.
Assuming I were interested
in the whereabouts
of this money,
what could
you tell me?
A woman robbed the bank
and has used up most of it
taking care of her sick mother.
You don't really expect me
to believe that?
Not really.
You don't know
where the money is?
Not really.
I'll pull off Mr. Genest.
Jesse, it's Rose.
Where are you?