Jesus Revolution (2023) Movie Script

JOSIAH: Some people say
this is the end of an era.
There are others that say
this is the beginning
of something new.
Maybe you could help explain it.
It's not something
to explain.
It's something
to be experienced.
What you're seeing
is a symbol of new life.
Every regret, every doubt,
all washed away forever.
Josiah. Reporter.
JOSIAH: You know,
people are calling this
God's Forever Family.
You a part of it?
Is that what this is to you?
GREG: I don't know. I don't...
really know
what a family feels like.
How'd you end up here?
One, two, three, four...
REPORTER 1: (ON TV) Anti-war
demonstrators protest
US involvement
in the Vietnam War
in mass marches,
rallies and demonstrations.
...without any bell-bottoms,
reporting live
from San Francisco,
the self-proclaimed
hippie capital of the world
where hundreds
of thousands of youths
have descended to join
this growing youth movement.
The words peace and love
are used by them often.
These kids call
themselves hippies
and represent a new
form of rebellion against
the status quo
-and the so-called
materialism of their parents.
-CHARLENE: Gregory.
-Their message to the world,
"Turn on,
tune in and drop out."
I just want to celebrate
yeah, yeah
Another day of living, yeah
I just want to celebrate
another day of life
Had my hand
on the dollar bill
And the dollar bill flew away
But the sun is shining
down on me
NEWSCASTER: We can't relate
to our families.
Our fathers
are always at work.
So you finally turn on.
CHARLENE: Gregory?
-GREG: Be back later, Mom.
REPORTER 2: The hippies
present a social dilemma.
The clothes they wear,
the way they preach love
as opposed to hate,
peace as opposed to war.
These beliefs
set them up as rebels
against a materialistic,
square, old-fashioned society.
Everywhere young people
were turning on,
dropping out.
The hippies, pot, speed, acid.
Alcohol seemed
to take a back seat.
JANETTE: You guys stare
at that thing like the world
is ending.
I think the world
is ending.
JANETTE: Well, I think
what they're doing
is kinda beautiful.
KAY: Honey?
Are you doing drugs?
No, Mom,
I'm not doing drugs.
Please stop asking.
Look, what I'm saying is that
they want peace and love.
Isn't that the same thing
you want?
I think these
kids need help.
What they need
is a bath.
I don't know
if they can be helped.
JANETTE: See, and there's
the problem.
You're passing judgement on
people you know nothing about.
You've never even
met a hippie.
Thought they didn't
talk to squares.
Didn't you say
I'm square?
Dad, you are the very
definition of a square.
I'll tell you what,
when God walks in here,
brings me a hippie,
I'll ask him what it's all
about, because I do not
Maybe that's why
your church is so empty.
KAY: Where are you going?
To do drugs.
She is your daughter.
Oh, I just want to celebrate
another day of livin'
I just want to celebrate
another day of life
STURGESS: Russia, Korea,
If we don't stop
the spread of communism,
it will infect
nations worldwide.
It's called
the domino theory.
And it's the reason
we're in Vietnam.
That's a drill.
Under your desk, everyone.
Cadet Laurie,
under your desk.
Did you know
that an atomic bomb
has more power than
50 million tons of TNT?
One blast would
wipe out this entire city.
Why do we do this?
I just want to celebrate
another day of livin'
I just want to celebrate
another day of life
Said I just want to celebrate
I just want to celebrate
I want to celebrate
I just want to celebrate
I got to celebrate
What's your deal, dude?
What, are you a narc?
Are you working
for the feds?
I'm kidding
with you, man.
I'm Charlie.
Nice to meet you, man.
-I'm Greg.
-Look at you, Greg.
Shiny, sir.
What are you
looking at?
Let me guess. Yep.
-You want me
to call her over here?
-No, no, no...
CHERLIE: She's a good friend
of mine, man. She's not...
No, don't do that.
It's okay.
-Hey, Cathe!
-No, no, no! I said no.
CHARLIE: Come here!
I think there's a guy
who wants to meet you.
He's a little strange,
but go easy on him.
Hey, square.
I am not a square.
Sorry. You dress
like one.
CHARLIE: This is Greg.
And he's gonna be comin'
to school here.
Um, actually, I can't come
to school here.
You can do
whatever you want.
You know that, right?
Maybe you can't
actually, soldier.
What? This? No.
No, no, no, no, no.
-This is not my idea.
This is my mom's idea.
She thinks the academy
will "expand my opportunities."
See, I would rather
expand my mind.
Give me a break.
You're in high school.
All they teach
is propaganda and lies.
(SCOFFS) Okay. What if...
What if there is no truth?
What if it's all just
different points of view?
Did you just quote
Allen Ginsberg?
Yeah. What?
You read Ginsberg?
Yeah. Some.
But you know what? I actually
disagree with him on that.
Some things
are absolutely true.
Yeah? Like what?
I don't know.
Haven't found them yet.
But at least now we're asking
the right questions.
Think we should invite
Greg this weekend.
What's this weekend?
It's The Happening.
It's only the largest
gathering of truth-tellers
-in Southern Cal.
Dude, Timothy Leary,
the prophet himself
is gonna be there.
-The Grateful Dead's coming.
-Janis Joplin...
Janis Joplin's
coming, man.
It's all happening.
are you in?
This is the part
when you say yes.
GREG: Yes.
Yes, of course,
I'll be there. Of course.
Well, then uh...
pick you up tomorrow.
Bye, Greg.
CHARLIE: See you later, Greg.
CHUCK: This generation,
lost, aimless.
Scripture tells us that
without a vision,
people perish.
In Hebrew,
the word means...
to cast off restraint.
And isn't that what
we're witnessing today?
A generation
without restraint.
(WHISPERS) That's right.
Cast off authority.
Cast off tradition.
Cast off morals.
Cast off God.
are the headlines
of our time.
Is this our future?
It seems as if we may be
at the end already.
CHUCK: But as Jesus Christ,
our Lord and Savior, said
"He who endures
till the end shall be saved."
Let's pray.
War, huh, yeah
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, uhh
War, huh, yeah
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothin'!
Say it again, y'all
War, huh good God
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
listen to me, oh...
-Need a ride?
Cool cape.
Right on.
I painted it myself.
-I'm Lonnie.
-I'm Janette.
So, where you headed?
Coming down
from San Francisco.
Spreading the good news
to whoever wants to hear it.
How about you,
Do you know about the way,
the truth and the life?
You've got to meet my dad.
Far out.
-Is he into hippies?
"My God, my God,
why hast thou forsaken me?
"Why art thou so far
from helping me?"
My stars.
Hi, Chuck Smith.
Who are you?
How do you
know my name?
Oh, your daughter told me
when she picked me up.
You tell me right now
where my daughter is.
-LONNIE: Thanks.
-CHUCK: Who is this?
-It's Lonnie.
CHUCK: Hi, uh...
Would you mind just, uh,
stepping outside
for a minute, mister...?
Not at all. Frisbee.
Lonnie Frisbee.
Thank you.
You got any sugar,
by any chance?
What is going on?
You said you wanted God
to send you a hippie.
I said that,
but I did not mean it.
Dad, I am telling you,
there is something
about this guy.
We talked all night.
He pretty much
blew my mind.
You spent the night
with him? (SCOFFS)
He could be
an axe murderer.
Anyone could be
an axe murderer.
Look, just listen
for 10 minutes,
and if you think he's crazy,
I'll throw him out myself.
This house
has a very good vibe.
It's so great to meet you.
Oh, it smells
amazing in here.
-What are you making?
-JANETTE: French toast.
LONNIE: Oh, I love
French toast.
STURGESS: Ten minutes, cadets.
(WHISPERS) What are you
doing here?
We're here
to save you, man.
Come on!
How'd you find me?
We tried
three schools.
What is this?
Uh, these are my friends.
STURGESS: You walk outta
this classroom, son,
you won't be coming back.
Sir, you can count on it.
Thank you all.
Have a good
rest of your day.
CATHE: He's comin'. Go.
CHARLIE: He's been freed!
Half moon, nighttime sky
Seven songs on seven seas
Just to bring all your
sweet love home to me
You fill me like the
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You fill me like
the sea, Lord
Not coming past
But still at last
Your love brings life to me
JANIS: How we doing,
Southern California?
Do we want another one?
-She's amazing!
I know, right?
CHARLIE: We love you,
Janis Joplin!
CHUCK: So, uh...
Tell me about
yourself, Lonnie,
and your uh...
My people.
I like the sound
of that.
You know, it reminds me
of the words of Jesus.
"To what, then, can I compare
the people of this generation?
"What are they like?"
I was up in San Francisco
for a long time.
Living in Haight-Ashbury,
on the streets, all over.
And we did everything,
and everyone.
But that was the point.
You see,
the drugs,
it's a quest.
For what?
For God.
How can you not see that?
There is an entire generation
right now searching for God.
TIMOTHY: Everyone
is accepted here.
We love each other freely
and without discrimination.
There are no facades.
No lies.
No masks.
Just a relentless
pursuit of the truth
by those who have expanded
their consciousness.
Man, we thought acid
was gonna save the world.
-Thank you.
-KAY: Mm-hmm.
Thanks, Mom.
LONNIE: But that was a lie.
As much of a lie as what
we were rebelling against.
And what brought you
to that realization?
I kept searching
and searching,
and I just finally
got to the end of it.
And there was still a void.
And my people,
well, they're
a desperate bunch.
And "desperation",
man, there is power
in that word.
What would it take for you,
Chuck Smith, to be desperate?
TIMOTHY: The psychedelic
is a confrontation
with the divine.
It's a spiritual awakening.
And you come back
and you define God
the best you can.
So, turn on, tune in,
-and drop out.
Start a new sequence
of behavior
that matches your vision.
Be reborn.
JANIS: Free Orange Sunrise!
Lick the tab.
Set your minds free.
CHARLIE: We gotta get one.
Janette tells me
you're a pastor.
I know we must seem
pretty strange.
But if you look
a little deeper,
if you look with love,
you'll see a bunch of kids
that are searching
for all the right things
just in all the wrong places.
So, to answer your question,
how do I describe my people?
They're sheep
without a shepherd
chasing hard after lies.
And the trouble is,
your people reject them.
So, I ask you, Pastor,
"How can they believe in the one
of whom they have not heard?"
We can only walk through
doors open to us.
And your church,
that's a door that's shut.
Babe, can you see
Any good in me
Will you try to find
What's going on
in my mind?
I've been gone
Is that me?
"Greg Laurie. Copyright."
So, is that what you want?
You wanna be famous?
No. Not famous.
I just want my name
to mean something.
You know?
It already means
something to me.
Have you always
been able to draw?
I used to draw
with my dad
before he left.
I wish my dad
would leave sometimes.
No, you don't.
What's going on
in my mind?
Will you try to find
What's going on
in my mind?
DILLON: Let me
get that for you.
You're cute.
Come on, Mom.
We gotta go.
-You have a son?
Dad will be home soon.
You have a husband?
No. No, no, no, no.
Let's go.
CHARLENE: Why do you take
care of me, Gerger?
YOUNG GREG: When is Dad
coming home?
You said he'd be
home soon, Mom.
You know, I changed my
name for him? Your dad.
It means to be cut down
1and bud afresh.
Life from death.
When is he
coming back?
Can you sing
to me, Gerger?
Come on. Sing to me.
Fly me to the moon
And let me play
among the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
Get back in there.
sober, sober.
Sober. Sober.
PILAR: Where have you been?
And don't you dare
say Malaika's house.
I already talked
to her mother.
Do not look at me.
That is enough
1from you, Dodie.
You know what,
it was her lie.
I was just
covering up for her.
Okay, I went to a concert
in Laguna. It's no big deal.
Didn't have to light candles,
Watch your tone,
young lady.
I've had enough
of the sneaking out,
the lying, the drugs,
whatever it is you're on.
You don't know
what I'm doing.
You don't know anything.
Oh, but you know
everything, right?
I didn't say that.
You and your sister,
you think you're smarter
than everyone else,
all you kids...
Yeah, Dad.
You got us pegged.
We're all just a bunch
of junkies and a bunch
of burnouts.
But you know what?
We're actually
paying attention.
We see what's really
going on in the world.
I see a young lady
who is gonna end up
in an alley with a needle
in her arm.
(CHUCKLES) You would see that.
-Go to your room.
-Yeah, I'm already going.
-I'm not talking to you.
-Hey, wait, wait, wait.
How was Janis Joplin?
(WHISPERING) She was amazing.
-I'm still mad at you.
Yeah, whatever.
PRINCIPAL: So, Greg, what are
you hoping for at Harbor High?
Fresh start.
Yeah, um, something new,
I guess.
Honestly, there's this blonde.
Carry it with you
Hey, square.
Wow. You are a rapid
work in progress.
Is the vest too much?
No, I like it.
Shouldn't take it off?
Thanks, man.
CHUCK: And Jesus took a cup
and said,
"This cup
represents my blood
"which is shed
"for you
"to take away the sins
of the world."
Yes, for my sins!
Let us pray.
Thank you for shedding
your blood for us,
which cleanses us
from all our sins.
ALL: Amen.
Let us partake together.
I don't think
this is real wine.
You've probably noticed
we have some guests
here today.
I'd like you to meet
my new friend,
Lonnie Frisbee,
and some of his friends.
See, Lonnie's been up in San
where the Lord has been doing
some pretty amazing things.
And I'd like him
to tell you about them.
Lonnie. Please?
HIPPIE 1: Lonnie! Yes!
HIPPIE 2: Lonnie!
-HIPPIE 3: Go, Lonnie! Yeah!
Thanks, Chuck.
-Thank you.
He's not wearing any shoes.
That's all right, honey.
That's okay.
We'll get him
some shoes later.
Well, I'm Lonnie.
Uh, people tell me
I'm tryin'
to look like Jesus
or something
and I tell them
I can't think of anybody else
I'd rather look like.
I was reading
in the Book of Acts,
and I think
it kind of explains
what's going on
in Haight-Ashbury.
See, God says,
"I will pour forth my spirit
on all mankind.
"And your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy.
"And your young men
shall see visions.
"And your old men
shall dream dreams.
"I will, in those days,
"pour forth my spirit."
This is what's going on
in San Fran.
And I think it's about
to start happening all over.
Everything's about
to change, folks,
whether you're
ready for it or not.
You can't run from it.
You can't hide from it.
It's coming for you.
It's coming for all of you.
And your children too.
It's exciting, right?
Okay, Chuck.
ROGER: You wanna grow
the congregation,
I understand that.
But that?
This is not it.
They don't belong here.
Warhol isn't real art.
He just holds up a mirror.
The emptiness, you know,
the materialism
The religion of celebrity.
(ECHOING) Dig it, man.
It's like you say everything
that I'm thinking.
-GREG: It's 'cause cats
like Warhol, you know,
it's what they effectuate.
It's the change
that they cause, and they
inspire for other artists.
See what happens 'cause
without Warhol,
there's no Sergeant Pepper's,
there's no Velvet Underground.
MALAIKA: The Doors.
Doors. There's no Doors.
And once art changes,
then everything changes.
I mean, give me a break.
Nothing ever changes
Anyone who tries
just gets shot.
Martin Luther King, and JFK,
and now his brother.
Maybe that's our purpose, guys.
We just overthrow everything.
That's what we do.
You know, we open up a portal
to, like, a whole new...
Uh, like, a whole new...
I can't remember
what I was saying.
What was I saying?
Was I saying something?
CATHE: Dodie?
Dodie, what's wrong?
Dodie, what's wrong? Dodie?
Dodie, please wake up. Please.
Please, God.
I don't know what to do.
Is there a phone?
Dodie? Dodie?
GREG: Turn her over.
Turn her over.
Turn her over on her side.
So, what did I miss?
DODIE: Sorry about that.
CINDY: It was scary.
It's like...
RON: That's your dad?
JANETTE: Yeah, he's...
KAY: Chuck,
there's more of them.
-What are you gonna do?
-I don't know.
I guess I'm just gonna
have to ask them to leave.
Sounds great.
Excuse me.
-Who are you?
-Hi, Chuck.
That's Ron. This is Mickie.
That's Lynette at the table.
-LYNETTE: Hey, Ron.
-New brothers and sisters.
Hope it's okay
they stay here too.
Isn't it great, Dad?
No. It's not.
And I'm Connie.
Yes. My wife, Connie.
CHUCK: You're married?
you're a real pastor, huh?
That's a trip. We're gonna have
some questions for you, mister.
Maybe later. Yeah.
Are they camping
in my yard?
Oh, it's okay,
don't worry about them.
They're used to it.
They don't mind.
Wait till you see
who's in here.
CHUCK: What have you
done to my home?
What are these people
doing here?
Met them at a coffee shop
in Newport.
Hey, man. Nice house.
What are they doing in my house?
'Cause I had this idea.
If you wanna reach my people,
you need to speak to them
in a language they understand.
If I bring them
into my church,
I'm gonna lose my job.
Just listen, huh?
Sit here.
Hey, guys. Can we just
give him a taste?
Two, three, four.
In my weakness
you always make me strong
All I wanna do now
is praise you all day long
Since I opened up
Opened up the door
I can't think
of anything else
but you anymore
Since I opened up
Opened up the door
Can't think of anything else
but you anymore
Since I opened up
Opened up the door
Can't think of anything else
but you anymore
Since I opened up
Opened up the door
Can't think of anything else
but you anymore
-I told you. I told you.
Since I opened up
Opened up the door
I can't think
of anything else
but you anymore
Since I opened up
Opened up the door
I can't think
of anything else
But you anymore
Since I opened up
Opened up the door
I can't think
of anything else
but Jesus anymore
Man, it's so crazy
being in a church.
I've never been
in a church before.
-I don't think any of us have.
We call ourselves Love Song
because, well, we sing songs
about love.
Real love. You dig it?
-One way, man.
Now, we're gonna be back here
next Sunday as well
except for Tommy.
He's, uh, gotta serve out
the rest of his drug sentence.
That happens.
But he only has
three more months.
-So, praise the Lord.
And thank you to Pastor Chuck
for having us come through.
Thank you, fellas.
It sounds great. (CHUCKLES)
This is truth.
This is life.
This is God's word.
Let's open it together.
through yonder window breaks?
Art thou not Romeo
and a Montague?
Neither, fair maid,
if either thee dislike.
I can feel the words, man.
ROMEO: With love's light wings
did I o'er-perch these walls.
Like, inside.
ROMEO: For stony limits cannot
hold love out.
And what love can do
that dares love attempt.
Therefore thy kinsmen
-are no stop to me.
I finally see.
JULIET: Oh, gentle Romeo,
if thou dost love,
pronounce it faithfully.
GREG: Cathe!
There you are!
What are you doing?
GREG: I have to tell...
I have been looking
everywhere for you.
He's coming
over here, isn't he?
-I can't do this right now.
-I'm sorry.
Hi. Cathe.
-Cathe. Cathe.
-Cathe. Cathe. Wait.
What is your problem?
-What is my problem?
My sister
almost died, Greg.
That's my problem.
It's what I'm seeing.
So, no.
No, I don't wanna go with you
on your little trip.
Get in. It's gonna be fun.
where are we going?
CHARLENE: Sunny California.
Warm weather, beaches.
You're gonna love it.
But what about Dad?
Mom, we have to wait for him.
He's not coming back, Greg.
It's what people do.
They leave.
So we're moving on.
Oh, no. Come on, Gerger.
Help me out here.
Hey. Hey.
That's the spirit.
OLIVER: These kids are
runaways, most of them.
They got drug addictions,
medical issues.
And they need our help.
Yeah, but, Chuck... (CHUCKLES)
I mean, they need to go home.
They're making our
congregation uncomfortable.
Well, maybe they should
be uncomfortable.
Maybe we all should.
Maybe it's my job
to make us uncomfortable.
And I haven't been
doing it.
ROGER: Chuck, stop.
This is enough.
This is a house
of worship.
And, yes, we expect
a certain level of dignity here.
These girls are wearing
halter tops,
and half of them aren't
even wearing shoes.
They're staining the new shag
carpet with their bare feet.
The carpet?
Oh. Yeah, let's be sure
to save the carpet.
You keep this up,
and you're gonna drive away
the only contributing members
that we've got.
You hearing me now?
Loud and clear.
Unlike the individual,
they seize it by one act
of violence.
So many voices.
It's hard to hear the truth.
Truth is always quiet.
It's the lies
that are loud.
It's complicated.
The truth is simple.
What is going on?
You can put that
right over there on that towel.
Give me this other one here.
There we go.
I baptize these feet
in the name
of the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Ghost.
There you go.
Welcome to church.
-WOMAN 1: Thank you.
Hello, you. Let's have
that foot, please.
This is terrific.
There we go.
Place them both on that towel,
and then step on into church.
-WOMAN 2: Thank you.
Hello, young lady.
How are you?
-WOMAN 3: Good.
-Let's have that foot.
Let's have that other foot.
Why don't you go sit
next to that fella
-in the cantaloupe jacket.
Good to see you.
-WOMAN 4: Thank you.
-Enjoy. Welcome to church.
-WOMAN 4: Thank you.
-Hello, young lady.
Well, last year, I had
the privilege of visiting,
uh, New York City.
And like any other tourist,
I paid a visit
to the Statue of Liberty,
and I read those famous words.
"Give me your tired,
your poor,
"your huddled masses,
"yearning to breathe free."
And as I read those words,
I thought, well, that's
Christianity, isn't it?
I mean, it's the essence of it.
An invitation to the broken.
Jesus was very friendly
with the outcasts.
In Revelation 22, it says,
"Let the one who can hear say,
"Let the one who is thirsty
"Let the one who desires
"take the waters
of life freely."
I want you all to look at me.
Every one of you.
This place,
it is yours.
I don't...
I don't care if anybody else
thinks so. (CHUCKLES)
If... if you feel
like you're an outcast...
then join us here.
If you feel like
you're misunderstood
and judged,
this is where you belong.
If you feel ashamed or trapped
in something you've done
or are doing,
you will find
forgiveness and freedom...
right here.
No guilt trips.
This is your home.
And I want you to tell
all your friends about it.
There is a place for you.
Now that door is open
all the time for you.
Any time of day.
And if there are some
who don't like that,
well, then, that door
is open for you too.
It works both ways.
All right, Pastor.
Let's begin.
-Let's begin.
Hey, Chuck.
You're gonna need
a bigger church.
Hey, Charlie, slow down, man.
Relax, man.
Charlie, hey, man.
Hey, stop swerving, man.
Charlie, slow down, man.
Slow down.
-Slow down!
Hey. Charlie. Charlie, man.
Steer right, man!
Steer right! Steer right!
-Get off the wheel, man!
-CHARLIE: No, no.
Hey, man.
We're gonna die.
Slow down, man! Slow down!
Slow down! Slow down!
Slow down!
You all right
back there, man?
Get me out of here!
DRIVER: Get out
of the road, man!
I don't wanna die.
I don't wanna die.
I don't wanna die.
I don't wanna die.
I don't wanna die.
Hey. Hey. All right.
Hey, hey, hey.
It's all right, brother.
I'm dying. I'm gonna die.
That's the drugs
lying to you, man.
You're alive. I promise you.
What's your name?
Greg. Greg.
It's all right.
It's all right.
I'm Lonnie.
You ran past
my house screaming.
And I just followed you.
Just breathe.
Lonnie, be honest with me, man.
Are you really here?
Are you really here?
Yeah, man, I'm really here.
And I'm gonna sit
with you here
as long as it takes, okay?
What are you doing out here?
What are you running from?
I don't know.
Hey. Where are you going?
Hey, Greg.
God says you don't
have to run anymore.
CHARLIE: What's up, man?
Last night was crazy,
wasn't it? A little bit.
Ah, yeah,
we could've died.
Nah, come on, man.
We're going to live
forever, Greggo.
That's the thing, man.
You have some
weed of mine.
JAMAL: Man, slave owners,
you know,
they were pushing religion
onto the slaves that they owned
whose blood and features
that I bear.
-Christianity supports...
-I'm Greg Laurie. owners
in the city.
The police, military...
Oh. Yeah, right,
I think I remember you.
-Oh, you do remember?
Oh, nice.
Does that mean you're done
ignoring me?
I don't know.
JAMAL: And it's just never
been any good.
I've just been figuring
some stuff out.
JAMAL: No religion's
really good, really.
-You just gotta dig people...
-You okay?
-Yeah. Just, uh...
-JAMAL: ...and dig each other.
...figuring some stuff out.
Now I think the, uh,
Satan people wanna talk.
Hail Satan.
So, this is very creepy,
and we should leave, right?
-Before he starts
sacrificing us.
I'm... I'm waiting to hear
someone talk.
That guy,
sitting right over there.
CHARLIE: Oh, I see.
The Jesus guy.
-Huh. This is a tragedy.
-This is very sad...
-LONNIE: Thanks, man.
...for me to hear right now,
okay? We're losing our girl
to the dark side,
and you're not even...
What are you looking at?
That was really far out.
The Magic Bus is leaving
in seven minutes, folks.
I'm really glad to be here.
Really, all I got to bring
is what the Bible calls
the good news.
So, this is what you've been
trying to figure out?
LONNIE: In the Gospel
of Matthew...
-Yeah. Mostly.
-LONNIE: ...Jesus said,
"Come unto me
all ye that labor.
-There's this, um, church.
-LONNIE: "...and are heavy
CATHE: It's called
-Calvary Chapel.
-LONNIE: "...and I will
give you rest.
"Take my yoke upon you...
You could come.
LONNIE: "...and learn from me,
for I am meek...
CATHE: Why not?
LONNIE: "...and lowly
in heart...
We say we're looking for truth.
What if this is true?
LONNIE: "Ye shall find rest
unto your souls."
CATHE: 'Cause everything
that we've been trying...
LONNIE: There's a lot of heavy
stuff happening right now.'s not working for me.
LONNIE: Jesus wants you know...
CATHE: And this...
LONNIE: don't have
to deal with it on your own.
CATHE: I don't know.
It's something I haven't
heard before.
It's different.
LONNIE: Let him take
it from you.
-Let him help you.
-Come on.
Jesus also said,
"Whoever is not with me
"is against me.
"And whoever does not
gather with me scatters."
You have to decide
for yourself.
We all have to decide.
These are common
words but true
We aren't quite a mountain
But he's moved us here
To you
Accept him
with your whole heart
Welcome home.
And use your own two hands
Right over there.
With one reach out to Jesus
And with the other
Bring a friend
Thanks, guys.
That was beautiful.
Jesus Christ willingly
went to the cross,
and he died.
He gave his life.
He became a sacrifice
for all of us here
so that we might be
forgiven of our sins.
That we might be reborn
of water
and the Spirit.
-That's why we're going down...
-(CAMERA CLICKS) the ocean this weekend.
So many of you
wanna be baptized.
And, well, you look around,
we don't have any more room.
This place is packed
even on a Monday night.
So we're going down
to the beach,
Saturday afternoon
at Pirate's Cove.
Maybe I'll wear my eye patch.
Let's all turn our Bibles now.
John, chapter three.
VETERAN: I need help!
I'm gonna die.
I can't stop. I need help.
No, you're all right, brother.
You're all right. It's okay.
-You're all right.
You're safe here.
You're not gonna die.
Not on my watch.
There is hope
for you here.
Let's all pray for him. Guys,
come on. Help me pray for him.
ALL: Heavenly Father,
we thank you
for all your loving
and gracious gifts
from your Spirit that you send
down upon this man right now
to be healed in Jesus' name.
We thank you, Lord.
In the name
of Jesus Christ...
CATHE: Will you just give
this a chance?
I don't know,
I think it might be real.
That's the problem, Cathe.
Look, I can't...
I just can't be
let down again.
What I felt in there, I
I know.
What if it's another high?
What if it's just
another drug, you know?
It's good for a minute,
and then it's gone.
What then?
We can find out together.
-Come on.
-It's just water.
I'm just saying,
what is it gonna prove?
You're right, it's just water.
So why are you freaking out?
I'm not freaking out.
I'm not freaking out.
Okay, I'm freaking out
a little bit.
You're gonna be fine.
CHUCK: Do you fully accept
Jesus Christ
as your Lord and Savior?
-CATHE: Yes, I do.
-Then I baptize you,
in the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Today you are transformed.
Your heart, your soul, your life
will never be the same.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
-GREG: How did that feel?
-You'll see.
Greg, right?
I have been praying
for this moment
since I met first you.
Have you decided?
Um, I... I don't know.
You wanna decide right now?
Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Then pray with me.
Lord Jesus,
I know I'm a sinner.
Lord Jesus,
I know I'm a sinner.
LONNIE: You are the Savior
of the world.
GREG: You are the Savior
of the world.
LONNIE: I ask you
to come into my life.
I ask you to come into my life.
I repent for my sins.
I repent for all my sins.
And I accept you as my Lord
and Savior, my God, and friend.
And I accept you as my Lord and
Savior, my God, and my friend.
In Jesus' name...
-In Jesus' name...
Greg, I baptize you
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
How do you feel?
-(WHISPERS) Oh, my God.
Thank you.
GREG: Yeah,
so this guy is moving
into the trailer
with my mom,
and I have
nowhere else to go.
So, you sure
it's okay I'm here?
Oh. Yeah, brother.
There's plenty of room.
Where did you
get this place?
Kay found it,
-and Chuck rented it for us.
It's condemned, technically,
so it doesn't cost much.
I think, mainly, they wanted us
out of their home.
Which I get.
Welcome to paradise, brother.
This is Lance. He used to work
for a big marketing firm.
Greg draws too.
That's Bud, Marty,
Steven, and Suzie.
They're a bunch
of righteous cats.
Lot of artists here.
You'll fit right in, brother.
And Janette, Chuck's daughter.
-CONNIE: Greg, finally!
And my wife, Connie.
Praise God.
I have heard
so much about you.
-CONNIE: Come on in.
-Make yourself at home.
-LONNIE: Okay. That's great.
Let's just give him
a little space, Connie, okay?
I'm just
greeting him, Lonnie.
You're overwhelming
him, Connie.
I'm okay.
Don't mind him.
He gets irritable.
See? Irritable.
LONNIE: Come on up here, Greg.
Voila! Your own room.
Uh, that's not human blood.
We had raccoons.
They're tough little critters.
Don't mind the smell.
Yeah, that will be gone
in about a week.
It's perfect.
They're just people, Kay.
Crazy, weirdo, homeless,
drug people.
But, yes, just people.
-How are you?
-I can't believe
you're actually doing this.
(CHUCKLES) Me either.
LONNIE: In your name. Amen.
-ALL: Amen.
-All right. Dig in.
Hey. You doing all right?
Yeah, just...
Relax. You're home now.
This is for
all the lonely people
Thinking that life
has passed them by
Don't give up until you
drink from the silver cup
And ride that highway
in the sky
GREG: This thing
that we found,
it's everything
I've been looking for.
I'm really glad that
we're in this together, but...
But what?
But I feel like
if we're gonna do this,
then I wanna do it right.
So I just wanted
to tell you that
if you ever get between
me and God,
then it's over for us.
That sounded
better in my head.
Yeah, it was a little harsh.
Are you finally
officially asking me out?
What would you
say if I were?
I don't know.
Ask me again.
CONNIE: Hey, Greg.
We have a surprise for you.
Come outside.
We all pitched in,
and we got you a car.
So you don't have
to pick up your girlfriend
on a bicycle anymore.
She's all yours, brother.
-This is my car?
She is yours.
GREG: This is my car?
-Think he likes it.
-I do too.
Does it run?
Of course, it runs.
We all prayed over it
this morning.
I'm gonna fire it up.
-LONNIE: Get in there.
Give it a whirl.
Come on, Lord.
It's just a warm-up.
Let's pray over it again, guys.
Heavenly Father,
we just thank you for sending
down your Holy Spirit
-into this car, especially...
...engine and the carburetor
that I was assured
was just replaced.
-Thank You, Lord.
Thank You. In Jesus' name...
-ALL: Amen.
we're asking you here, please.
I'm looking bad right now,
Lord. Please.
Just give us a little bit
of Spirit juice here.
Thank you
so much, guys.
I knew it would run.
Who knows what I need?
Who knows what I need?
Who knows what I need
but me?
Of course,
that would happen.
Is that your car?
It's a piece of junk.
It's amazing.
It's amazing, Greg.
We have a car. Bye, Daddy.
(CHUCKLES) We have a car!
He has a car.
What a gentleman.
Thank you.
Sorry. One minute.
It's kind of stuck.
(GRUNTS) This is great.
Wait, one second.
CATHE: So, what do you wanna
do after high school?
I don't know.
I just don't want this to end.
Do you ever worry
about that sometimes?
It's not going anywhere.
And neither am I.
LONNIE: What happened next?
Um, the sea raged.
They threw him overboard.
The raging stopped.
And then...
Whoa. "Raging stopped."
I like that.
I'm gonna use that.
Could you use your
camera to film me?
-Like, your sermon?
Yeah, sure.
Right on.
I'm working!
CONNIE: Other people
live here too, you know.
JOSIAH: So, you're clean?
No cravings at all?
Yeah, man.
I'm completely delivered.
But how did that happen?
Man, I just told you.
But that makes no sense.
I know! (CHUCKLES)
-CHUCK: Can you believe it?
You know, we were runnin' out
of space, so we thought,
"Let's put up this tent
"and maybe in a couple of
months, we'd fill it."
And it's full in one day!
Lonnie's gonna preach.
Thank you, Chuck.
So, to bring it all
full circle back to Jonah,
are the storms
in your life raging?
Do the drugs
no longer quiet
the storms?
When Jonah stopped running
from God, the raging stopped.
(WHISPERING) That's my line.
He used my line.
I turned to God.
Stopped running.
And when you do,
the raging in your life
will just...
Like it did in mine.
Of course, you might have
to spend a few days
inside a giant, smelly fish.
Someone here is in pain.
I see you.
You've suffered a long time,
haven't you?
Is it drugs?
And you've tried
so many times to stop,
but it has its
grip on you.
(SOBS) Yes.
Sometimes you think the only
answer is to end it all.
You even thought about ending it
tonight before you came here.
WOMAN: How could
you know that?
Stand up with me, dear.
Stand up.
I spent a real long time
in the gutter with my
own addictions.
And if God can heal me,
he can heal anyone.
In Jesus' name, you are healed
from this addiction.
You, sir,
you're having
trouble breathing.
Be healed in Jesus' name.
Breathe freely
by the power of the Holy Spirit.
you've been deaf in your left
ear since you were born.
God knows you're suffering.
And you are healed.
you outside this tent here.
REPORTER 1: In California,
the beat has changed,
but the message is the same.
More and more these days,
young people are turning away
from dangerous drugs
and turning on
to Christ instead.
REPORTER 3: You'll find
Jesus people everywhere,
even the Sunset Strip,
walking and rapping
about the new religion.
There you go, guys.
I love your outfits.
REPORTER 3: These are young
people who have rejected
religious dogma
and dangerous drugs.
He just makes it look easy.
REPORTER 3: They'll stop
people on the street
and ask, "Do you know Jesus?"
GREG: Hey, man,
do you know Jesus?
Hey, what's up, man?
-GREG: Oh, no, no, no.
-Sorry. Sorry. This is Lonnie.
Yeah, this is a lot
of words, man.
I can't read all this.
Jesus is just all right
Oh, yeah
Jesus is just all right
with me
Anyone? Anyone at all?
Jesus is just all right
Oh, yeah
CHUCK: Comic strip.
Never seen it
presented that way.
Well, yeah, that was kind of my
idea. I was thinking
you know, people who
don't normally vibe
with the religious stuff
that we use.
Not that there's anything
wrong with it, but...
Can I have them in 2.5 x 4?
All right.
Thanks, Pastor Chuck.
Hey again, sorry.
Thank you so much.
-It's okay.
-Thank you.
Have a good one.
Bye, Greg.
CATHE: How does it feel?
One thousand. He's printed
a thousand of these.
I've never had anything
of mine printed before.
I'm so proud of you,
little brother.
What are we waiting for?
Let's go hand these out.
Jesus is just all right
with me
Jesus is just all right
Oh, yeah
Jesus is just all right
with me
Jesus is just all right
JOSIAH: How many
baptisms a week?
Oh, we're doin' hundreds
a week.
Sometimes even close
to a thousand.
It's remarkable.
Lord is doing some
amazing work here.
You're an artist.
What do you draw?
Pretty much
everything I see.
But right now, that guy.
Josiah. Reporter.
Have you had your time
in the water yet, Greg?
Yeah, I have. You?
I'm more
of a neutral observer.
MAN: Jesus!
JOSIAH: Lonnie.
LONNIE: Hey, man.
How do you explain all this?
God is saving hippies.
And it's blowing everyone's mind
because nobody thought
the hippies could be saved.
Thank you.
KATHRYN: (ON TV) Welcome back
to I Believe in Miracles.
Thousands are gathering
every week
to listen to one
of the young men
who is central
to the new Jesus Movement.
Lonnie Frisbee.
LONNIE: Thousands of people
are starting to get saved.
And it's happening right here
in my church, Calvary Chapel.
I've really been
building it up.
God has chosen himself
some unexpected prophets.
Are you one of those
prophets, Lonnie?
Well, I told God
to use me, and
he sure is using me.
So I would say,
yes, I think so.
KATHRYN: I think so, too,
As the Jesus Movement
continues to work its way
from the Haight-Ashbury
in San Francisco
to Southern California,
the question many people
are asking
is whether
the Jesus people
are a new religious
group or a cult?
CRITIC: (ON TV) That's the
trouble with Haight-Ashbury.
We need more ministers
down there preaching
that these kids can clean up.
I'm tired of these
Bob Dylan preachers
who go around the streets
telling these kids
that they can have
all this and Jesus, too.
They're not preaching
the Gospel.
We have a church
that is permissive,
total breakdown
of discipline...
-LONNIE: Riverside?
-Disrespect for law and order.
I don't get it. We already have
our own Wednesday
night service.
Their church is struggling.
Father Malone
is getting a little older.
He's having difficulty
reaching the youth.
Well, why don't you do it?
It's a youth service
(CHUCKLES) for teens
and 20s.
It's perfect for you.
You're trying
to get rid of me.
Come on, Lonnie.
Please, don't get dramatic.
It's one night a week.
there have been some concerns
about our methods.
I think it's time
we pull back on
the theatrics.
The theatrics?
Is that what you think I do?
-No, not per se.
Look, I think you're
an amazingly gifted man.
I think it's possible
you may actually walk
hand in hand with God.
I am so grateful
that you came here.
But we have to start
paying attention to the idea
that we can control
how we're perceived.
What does it matter
how we're perceived, Chuck?
Kids are getting saved
by the Holy Spirit.
And you can't control
the Holy Spirit, man.
But we can control
our ministry.
And we must.
I'll cover things here
while you help them there.
No, I don't feel the Lord
calling me to that.
GREG: I'll do it.
Yeah, I, uh...
I feel called.
I was just picking up
more tracts.
No, that's okay.
Uh, door's always open.
Why not, Greg?
(CHUCKLES) Far out. Great.
Okay, thank you.
Problem solved.
CATHE: You nervous?
Little nervous.
Maybe a little nervous.
a little bit nervous.
You got this.
So, we arranged
a guest speaker
for you youngsters tonight.
Well, he's a minister.
He put it here on his coloring
book he made for you.
His name is, uh, Greg Laurie.
-So, um...
Come on up.
All right.
Hey, everyone. Ooh.
Oh, that's really bright.
Um, thanks
for comin' tonight.
Uh, thank you,
Father Malone
for that warm introduction.
My name is Greg Laurie,
and I am totally sold out on
Jesus. Can you dig it?
ALL: Yeah.
Let's get right to it.
You got your Bibles, everybody?
All right, well, this is the
Word of God.
This is life.
Let's open it together.
GREG: That was awesome!
CATHE: Mmm-hmm.
Right? It was totally awesome.
It was so good.
And they followed me.
It was like they got it.
-They got it. It was natural.
-It was so natural.
Oh, my gosh!
-That was amazing!
I'm so proud of you.
Thank you.
MAN: (ON TV) Okay, Neil,
we can see you
coming down the ladder now.
LONNIE: Guys, guys.
NEIL: (ON TV) That's one
small step for man,
one giant leap for mankind.
I cannot believe it!
Me too.
This is such a trip, babe.
Is he okay?
I think he's okay.
Gerger. Hi.
Could you not
call me that anymore?
Did you see it?
The whole world saw it.
Gerger, can you
come home?
I just need you.
I really miss you.
-Mom, I have a new...
-Dale left.
(SNIFFLES) They all leave.
Can you please
come home?
I am home now, Mom,
and I just...
I need to be where
I am right now.
But, listen, I've got
some good news.
My girlfriend, Cathe,
I'm gonna ask her
to marry me, Mom.
Sing for me, Gerger.
Not tonight, Mom.
But maybe next time.
How's your steak, Dodie?
I think I wanna be
a vegetarian.
So, Greg,
what are your plans
now that you graduated?
I'm actually, uh, very
involved with the church
that Cathe
and I are going to.
Hmm. Yeah. Cathe told us
about the church.
-And do they pay you
at, uh, at this church?
Do they, um... No.
No, they don't, as of now.
-It's more of a, um...
-He volunteers.
Yeah, yeah. It's more
of a volunteer situation.
But the, uh, the dream
is to actually start
my own church one day.
-Yeah, that's the dream.
-DICK: Hmm.
We need more churches,
do we, Greg?
-How do you pay the rent?
Mom, can you please help?
It's a fair question.
You should really
stay for dessert.
They do blood samples
and fingerprints.
PILAR: Oh, Dodie.
GREG: Look, Mr. Martin,
I know that you
may not approve
of everything that Cathe
and I are doing, but
I just think
that it may be
because you don't
understand it really.
And what I want you
to know is that it's real.
It really is.
And I've got plans
for my life, sir.
And I just want Cathe
to be a part of that.
(SIGHS) You're right, Greg.
I don't understand it.
And I don't need to,
so long as you understand
that you are never
gonna marry my daughter.
Sir, I think that you're
prematurely judging me.
Just listen to me for a second.
The answer is no,
and the sooner you accept that,
the better, okay?
There is a house
in New Orleans
FATHER MALONE: We've decided
to seek someone
more qualified, son.
You decided?
Look, if you wanna take
my name off the program,
that is totally fine.
I just wanna serve.
We probably threw you
into this whole thing
a little too quickly.
Thanks for understanding, Greg.
There are plenty
of other ways to serve.
LONNIE: I was leading
kids to Christ.
CONNIE: Lonnie,
we need a break.
This isn't just
about you, Lonnie.
We need it.
LONNIE: What's the problem?
CONNIE: The problem is
I feel like
I don't have
my husband anymore.
LONNIE: You don't know
what I do, Connie.
You couldn't do what I do.
-No one can do what I do!
-CONNIE: Lonnie,
-you're not listening to me!
-LONNIE: You're just jealous.
Jealous of me just like Chuck.
But I know
your tricks, man.
No, no, no.
No, that's not true.
That's absolutely true!
CONNIE: You wanna act
like this is all about God.
It's really all about you.
Well, I got one foot
on the platform
The other foot on the train
He's just under a lot
of stress, you know?
And there's, like...
There's this side
to him that's, like,
really unpredictable.
I think we need to take
a break if that's okay.
Could we just...
Could we just
have a break, Chuck?
I know you're
hurting right now.
I'll talk to him.
Thanks, Chuck.
LONNIE: Do not abandon me!
Do not abandon me!
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin...
Forgive me, Father,
for I have sinned.
Please, just continue
to use me.
Do not abandon me.
Lookin' past the hair
And straight to his eyes
People finally
comin' around
Love Song!
This is God's Word.
Let's open it together.
The Lord is telling me
that someone here
has a deafness in their ear.
-Who is it?
-Not now, Lonnie.
Guys, just keep playing.
Just keep playing, all right?
Someone here needs healing.
-Get back on your instruments.
-Not now. Sit down, Lonnie.
Someone needs healing.
The Spirit needs
to heal someone.
Sit down.
LONNIE: What's your
problem with me, man?
Not everything needs
to be a spectacle.
The Spirit of God
is not a spectacle,
It's an encounter.
And I do what the Spirit
leads me to do.
You use the Spirit
as an excuse to do
whatever you want!
You're just afraid
of what God is really gonna do.
So you're stepping on it.
You're holding it down.
I took a risk on you.
I brought you in off the street
and put you up on that stage.
You should be proud just to be
a part of this movement.
Without me,
there is no movement.
Is that what you think?
Check your ego, son.
I can cast you out as quickly
as I brought you in here.
Well, let me
save you the trouble.
Thank you.
Here comes the sun
shining down on me
I just wanna be glad
But you just wanna be free
Tell me now
Tell me all the reasons
why you wanna break my heart
Tell me how
Tell me how you're managing
to force our lives apart
Sing it out...
GREG: Oh, hey, Mom.
It's me. You had a surgery.
You're gonna be all right.
(SOFTLY) My face.
You should've been here.
I know.
I've just been trying to figure
out some things on my own.
Trying to make you proud.
Make our name mean
something, you know?
Like you always said...
Oh, stop with that, Gerger.
It doesn't matter.
It's just a name.
It's not even yours.
He's not your
father, Greg.
He adopted you
when you were little.
And he did care
about you.
He was a good man.
A good man?
Mom, he left us.
No, we left him.
He would have left us
They all do.
I'm sorry.
You know what?
Why do I always
break things?
Is that your dad?
No, actually.
Guess now I know why I always
felt like an orphan.
We're all orphans.
It's a movement
of orphans.
No. Come on.
Lonnie, don't go.
We need you here.
I need you here.
I start things, man.
It's what I do.
And then when people
are done with me,
they throw me back.
Just like Jonah.
Where you gonna go?
Work on our marriage.
Find something new.
You said
we were a family.
Yeah, families
are like bands, man.
They break up.
I'm better on my own.
I never did tell you.
That first night we met,
God showed me a vision...
Of you.
Speaking before a crowd
of thousands.
Don't let me get
in the way of that.
Then stay here.
Please, help me get there.
I can't, little brother.
I'm sorry.
He's wrong, you know?
We'll always be your family.
Bye, Greg.
I know you talked
to my dad.
And I'm so sorry
that he ruined it.
I just found out,
so I came straight here.
It's okay, Cath.
It was just a thought.
Wasn't like I actually bought
a ring or anything.
Well, um...
I just, uh, wanted to say
I am very much in favor
of a future together.
Yeah. And, uh...
thank you.
You're welcome?
Hey, what's going on?
GREG: It's the same
old story, you know?
Mom was right.
Right about what?
Look at me.
Right about what?
The fact
that everyone leaves.
You think you found
something solid,
something firm,
it all just starts
to fall apart.
And that's what's
gonna happen to us
because that is what
happens to everyone.
It's not. Listen.
I don't care
what my dad says.
I don't care what your name is,
where you come from,
and how much money
you make, any of that.
You have a place
where you belong.
It's with me.
It's with us.
Haven't you learned
anything in the last year?
I know that you think you mean
I do. I do mean that.
But I love you,
and I wanna be with you.
I don't think
that you really
know what you want.
Maybe you're the one
who doesn't know what you want.
Well, obviously,
Cath, look at us!
Yeah, look at us!
We're... We're arguing.
We're talking
about our feelings.
We're... We're working
through things.
It's called being
in a relationship, idiot.
What is...
What is wrong with you?
Why aren't you
fighting for this?
Come on, fight for me.
(SNIFFLES) You know,
you say that you're
looking for the truth.
I really just think you're
looking for an excuse
to be unhappy.
So go ahead.
Don't let me
stand in your way.
Congrats, Dad.
You win.
We broke up.
Cathe, I hope
you know that...
I love you, Mouse.
More than anything
in the world.
I just don't wanna
see you get hurt.
I just wish
you could experience this.
Dad, it's not just
for hippies.
(WHISPERS) It's so much
bigger than that.
I love you too.
Welcome back to the things
that you once
Believed in
Everyone's waiting.
They're expecting Lonnie.
Chuck, this never
was about Lonnie
or you
or any one person.
He wasn't ready.
Maybe I wasn't ready.
I pushed him too hard.
I made a real mess
of things, Kay.
You ever think
maybe God chose
the wrong person?
listen to those people.
Feel the spirit in this place.
You think you're
important enough
to get in the way of that?
Don't be so arrogant
to think that God
can't work through
your failures.
JOSIAH: Thought I'd
say goodbye.
Seems to be going around.
JOSIAH: Why aren't
you in there?
I feel like
worshipping alone.
I'm no expert, but I don't
think that's how this works.
Headed back to New York.
You know, when they gave me
this story, I didn't want it.
Kind of thought
it was beneath me.
I cover wars
and riots and politics.
Important things.
Hippies and Jesus...
Now, man, I don't know.
Our country is a dark
and divided place.
But in that tent,
there's hope.
And unity and miracles
that I can't even explain.
And it's spreading.
It's not just here.
Where, and how far,
I'm not sure yet.
That's what
I'm gonna find out.
I don't know if any
of this is real.
I kind of hope it is,
to be honest.
And even if you
can't see it right now,
it's a family, man.
Don't give up on it.
It's my advice, anyway.
You take care
of yourself, Greg.
GREG: Yeah, you too.
Uh, hey, who are you
writing this for?
Is this a book
or newspaper?
A magazine.
Which one?
Race you to the water.
Come on. Let's go!
It's gonna be
different now.
You'll see.
Fly me to the moon
Let me play
among the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
I don't care about
your face, Mom.
How's my hair?
I love you
just the way you are.
I don't want you
to end up like me, Greg.
I know that you did
your best.
I can do better.
We both can.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you
about your father.
But, Greg...
your name is no mistake.
I can see it.
Life from death.
Whatever it is you found,
maybe it's real.
It is, Mom.
It really is.
Maybe it can be real
for me too.
I love you, Mom.
(SIGHING) Oh, boy.
JANETTE: You were out
past curfew.
-You okay?
-Oh, I'm all right, babe.
I know I've been distracted.
I haven't been around a lot.
No, Dad. Stop.
I have something
that I wanna say to you.
You see, um...
I was almost
done with this
whole Christianity thing.
And I was like,
"Where's the love?"
You know?
"What are we even doing here?
"Where is Jesus in all of this?
"He seemed like
a radical dude. I'd like him.
"But this? I don't know."
But then you did what nobody
else would even dare to do.
You let the hippies in.
Come to find out,
Jesus came in with them.
And you know what?
I'm proud of you.
You opened yourself up to
something you didn't understand.
And I'm changed
because of it.
Thousands of us are.
But you don't have
to carry it all, okay?
Don't lose yourself
in all of it.
Also, don't do drugs.
CHUCK: Thought I might
find you here.
Do you mind?
So I recently heard
about this little church
up in Riverside.
Pretty near that place
where you did that Bible study.
And it seems
that their leadership
had an issue
about something
and ended splitting up.
They took everything.
They left an empty,
abandoned building
where a church used to be.
Seems a shame, doesn't it?
But that's what people do
They lose sight
of what's important.
Fortunately, God has a long
history of using flawed people.
I'm sorry, son.
I didn't stand up for you
when I should have.
I was wrong for that.
Thank you.
So, what happened
to that church?
Oh, I bought it.
This morning.
It's like an empty canvas.
Seems perfect
for an artist like you.
You want me to work
there for you?
It's not my church.
It's yours.
This movement started
at Calvary,
but it can't stay here.
So, go build
something great.
I don't know
what to say.
Say yes.
Pastor Chuck...
I don't think I can ever
do what you do.
You'll do better.
MAN: Hey, man.
Hey, sorry to bother you.
Is this the beach
where people get baptized?
Yeah. Yeah, it is.
Pirate's Cove.
My friends and I heard
about it on the radio
and drove all the way here.
Where from?
We wanna get baptized
but didn't know how or when...
How about right now?
Amen. Amen.
GREG: Good evening, sir.
Um, I know that you don't
like me very much and...
She's in the dining room.
I didn't see that coming.
Go ahead, son.
Hey. Hi.
Hi, Greg.
Hi. Good evening.
Sorry to barge in so late...
I, uh...
I did not know how wet
I was until just right now.
And your hardwood floors.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
CATHE: And you're not
wearing any shoes.
Yeah. Yeah, I'm not.
You're right about that.
But I just gotta tell you
I've been really
stupid lately.
Obviously, you know that.
I'm sure you've heard.
I am so sorry
that I pushed you away.
And I hurt you.
It was so dumb.
It was really dumb.
-Really dumb.
-It really was.
The dumbest.
But I wanted to ask you
if you still mean
what you said the other day
about what you want
with us.
Because I got
really big plans, Cathe.
Hopes and dreams.
I've got goals.
And I wanna do it with you.
You and I.
Because I get you.
I need you.
I want you.
And I...
"Love you"?
Like, a lot.
And so, what? What is this?
Is this your way
of proposing to me?
Oh. Um...
What would you say
if it was?
I would say...
that if you ever get
in the way of me and God
it's over between us.
is that your way
of saying yes?
You're so wet.
I'm so wet.
If you wake up
and don't want to smile
If it takes
just a little while
JANETTE: What is it?
Open your eyes
and look at the day
You'll see things
In a different way
Don't stop
thinking about tomorrow
Don't stop,
it'll soon be here
It'll be better
than before
Yesterday's gone
Yesterday's gone...
CHUCK: He wrote
a pretty nice article.
Seems the movement's
Los Angeles.
Even in the South.
Alabama, Georgia, Florida.
-It's spreadin' like wildfire.
"Revolution." Wow.
-I like that.
-CATHE: Me too.
You know, the first time
I saw Josiah,
he asked me
if I thought this
was the beginning
of something or the end.
Feels to me
like the beginning.
Let's see what God
has in mind.
REPORTER 1: The Jesus movement
is no longer a California fad.
It's a song-singing,
old-fashioned revival
that's sweeping the country.
The converts are young people
who are turning to Christ
as their personal savior.
REPORTER 2: Their meetings,
for the most part,
are not inside
the established churches.
MAN: Jesus loves you.
Every last one of you.
I don't care
what color you are,
he loves all of you
just the same.
REPORTER 3: More than
a quarter million youths
have converged
on Dallas,
former hippies among them
now known as Jesus freaks.
We're told it could very well
be the largest
Christian youth gathering
in the history of America.
a Christian happening.
It's a demonstration
of the love of God
by tens of thousands
of young people to the world
that are saying to the world,
"God loves you."
It's the Jesus Revolution
that is going on
in this country.
They say
there's a man coming
Tell me
And he walks on water
and makes a blind man see
All the good people
Little boys and girls
All the creatures
in the whole, wide world
You've got a friend
If you're feeling down
and you're acting real blue
Who do you call?
You've got a friend
in Jesus
Down by the water
The Sea of Galilee
He heals the sick
and the broken, yes, he does
And they hang him up
on the cross
They don't understand
his kind of love
Don't you know
he died for us
So we can be free, baby
You've got a friend
in Jesus
This goes out
to every outcast
To the
Every wrong-way
runaway rebel
So ashamed
of where you've been
This goes out
to every searcher
Trying to fill
that empty space
Well, your searchin' days
are over now
Everything's about
to change
Come on down
to the living water
Waves of mercy
washing over you
No more strangers
Only sons and daughters
Come down
to the living water
And rise up new
Have you heard about a man
named Jesus?
He's the way
the truth, the life
Stretched out his arms
on a rugged cross
And paid
every sinner's price
So when you're tired
of all your runnin'
You don't have
to run no more
You can leave it all
behind you
Just believe
and be reborn
Come on down
to the living water
Waves of mercy
washing over you
No more strangers
Only sons and daughters
Come down
to the living water
And rise up new
This is your invitation
No more lost and alone
This is your invitation
Hear your father sayin'
"Welcome home"
See that cross
upon the steeple
Hear that sweet
forgiveness song
Come and join
the Jesus people
This is where
your heart belongs
Come on down
to the living water
Waves of mercy
washing over you
No more strangers
Only sons and daughters
Come down
to the living water
And rise up new
Come down
to the living water
And rise up new
Come down
to the living water
And rise up new