Jianyu (Reign Of Assassins) (2010) Movie Script

Nearly 800 years ago...
Monk Bodhi came to China from India.
He stayed in the royal palace for 3 years.
He then remained in the Jinhua mountains...
mastering the art of kung fu.
After he died he was buried at Mt Xionger,...
but later his remains were stolen...
and split into two halves.
Later a rumour arose whomever possessed his remains...
could master kung fu and rule the martial arts universe.
Since then many battles have been fought...
in a quest to obtain the remains.
Now the Dark Stone, a secret guild of assassins,...
has entered the violent battle.
Recently, there has been a rumor that 1/2 of the remains...
are in the hands of Minister Zhang Haiduan.
Zhang Haiduan's residence
Zhang Haiduan
Drizzle: Dark Stone Assassin
Lei Bin: Dark Stone Assassin
Zhang Renfeng: Minister's son
The Magician: Dark Stone Assassin
The Wheel King: Dark Stone Clan Leader
The Dark Stone assassins...
have raided the ministers residence
and killed him and his son Renfeng.
Amidst the chaos, Drizzle makes off with Bodhi's remains
and disappears without a trace.
Some years later....
The Capital
Are you Mrs Cai?
I've heard you have a house for rent.
This was Dr Huang's house.
He returned to the village last year.
The house has been empty since then.
The house is very big.
Will you be living here alone?
The monthly rent is 3.2 taels of gold,
but if you take it now I reduce it to 3 taels.
I will take it. Here is three months deposit.
Wonderful! I will bring the contract tomorrow.
Oh, I still haven't asked you your name.
Zeng Jing.
As soon as you deliver the head of Drizzle
to the bank in Luoyang City
you will be rewarded by Dark Stone
with 50,000 taels of gold
as well as the 85,000 taels of silver
that Drizzle is carrying with her.
Please put the new bricks here
and take out the old bricks.
Who gets to keep the remains of Bodhi from Drizzle?
According to the rules of the martials arts universe,
it is finders, keepers.
We are not afraid
of the Dark Stone.
If we capture the remains of Bodhi,
then they are ours to keep.
Be careful.
Put the four cabinets against the wall
and put the washstand inside.
Drizzle has left Shanxi Province.
She is heading south
and will be near Huizhou
in a few days.
Give me one!
I am willing to turn into a stone bridge
and endure 500 years of wind and rain.
The Dark Stone is the hidden power at court.
It is said that they hold the lives
of all the officials and mandarins in their hands.
I've heard that Bodhi's remains
are now in Drizzle's hands.
Drizzle's 41 stroke Water-Shedding Sword maneuver
is incredibly fast.
It showers the victim with a barrage slashes
so they look as if they've been cut by drizzling rain.
We must work together to kill her
and divide the silver equally amongst ourselves.
Do you think your kung fu is good enough?
Once you enter the martials arts world there is no getting out.
We will be waiting for you in hell.
For performing this surgery to change your face,
I have one other condition.
I need to know why are you doing this.
That night
I carried the remains with me to the bridge
and just as I was leaving the city...
You killed my father.
There was the Minister's son Zhang Renfeng.
Amazingly he was still alive.
I'm late again.
Lift isn't necessarily happy.
Death isn't necessarily painful.
That was the first time I saw wisdom.
So you are Drizzle.
Four strokes of your sword are incomplete
So what?
I worry that one day
you meet the real master and be cut to pieces.
Turn around.
Look at me.
I can't look at you again.
In a few more days
I will become a monk.
You are only telling me now?!
Then why have you been with me for 3 months?
After we part today,
I will recite to prayers for you day and night,
and ask Buddha to forgive you
and make you awaken and let go.
Let go of all the paths to dharma.
Let go of all the suffering in the world.
And sail across the bitter sea
until you reach nirvana.
Let go!
Can you let go?
I will kill everyone in the temple you are joining.
The old and young will all die!
I shall sever this karmic bond
and sever my ties with you.
Hide weakness in deftness.
Use both darkness and light.
Reveal clarity in obscurity.
In surrender become strong.
Those 4 moves can beat your water shedding sword.
You will be killed.
The window of opportunity arrived.
If you can put down the sword in your hand
and leave this path
I am happy to be
the last person you kill.
Pack up Bodhi's remains
and take them to the Yunhe Temple in Nanjing.
Give them to the monk named Delusion
The secret of the remains is...
I want a face that will blend in
so that I can live in the city
and lead a normal life.
Think it through.
After you drink this medicine,
you will be a different person.
I don't want to ever see this face again.
First I will take some poisonous insects
and place them in your hand.
This medicine will lead them to your cheek bones
where they will eat part of the bone.
Then I will slice open your face, take out the bugs
and use gold thread to sew up your face.
Zeng Jing's tombstone
Miss, you have come.
I am Delusion.
When wisdom was 6 he listened to me read mantras.
When he was 10 he went to shaolin
and studied martials arts.
That was 27 years ago.
All of the monks in the temple
said he was their number one master
in both buddist and martials arts.
Before he died he said
the window of opportunity has arrived.
Buddha can only help those seeking enlightenment.
When the window passes, the chance is lost.
And if the window has not yet arrived,
then the effort is wasted.
What does "I would turn
into a bridge for 500 years
and endure the wind and rain"
Before one of the Buddha's disciples became a monk
he met a beautiful girl
and fell in love with her.
Buddha asked him: "How much do you love her?"
And he answered
he would turn into a stone bridge
and endure 500 years of wind
and 500 years of rain.
He only asked that the girl would walk over the bridge.
He was good to you.
Live your life well.
When you feel unsettled
just come and visit me.
Letter and parcel courier
One taels of gold for cross-country delivery.
Jiang Ah-Sheng, quickly take this ginseng to the Liu residence.
His mother is dying. This will give her a little more time.
OK. No problem.
Give it to me!
There you are. Here is this month's rent.
How about a cup of tea?
This is the perfect weather for tea.
The rain is getting heavier. Let's go home.
The wind is to strong.
Your fabric is falling down.
Let me help you.
Pack up! Pack up!
Many thanks.
You are welcome.
That's Jiang Ah-Sheng.
He just moved here last month.
He is a courier.
He is single, just like you.
But that will all change soon.
I have already arranged everything for tonight.
Wait a minute!
I already said, I am not going.
If you don't go, there will be trouble.
You've taken peoples money again haven't you?
He came all the way from the terrible bridge just to see you.
The least you could do is take a look.
If you don't like him you can leave any time.
I am leaving.
You can't leave you just got here.
He's the one?
I don't like him.
So, you don't like the butcher Zhu
How about bamboo digger Zhou?
Coolie Su?
What about farmer Fang?
I really have to go.
Just how many people did you take money from?
Which of them
are not here for matchmaking?
Auntie, I know you're doing it for my own good.
But please, don't do it again.
What are we eating tonight?
Ah-Sheng, auntie has a question for you.
Fatty Chen's oil shop
The Magistrate of Xuzhou
The Prefect of Hangzhou:
Fatty chen, you have managed to keep up your kung fu.
Lei Bin
You're early.
Your bird is still alive?
Even if you die
it will still be alive.
If you keep harassing
my pet bird
I'll kill you.
Here are this months accounts
showing the tribute paid by the mandarins.
Any news on Drizzle's whereabouts?
For more than a year,
our spies have checked the key spots of the Capital.
My guess is she has left the Capital.
And the other half of Bodhi's remains?
Some have said they are in hands of the Kongdong Sect.
And other have said they are here in the Capital with Zhang Dajing.
Find out immediately.
I will.
Also Drizzle's replacement has already been selected.
The Magician has already caught up with her.
Where is she?
Hebei Province.
Tangzhou County
Turquoise Ye is hereby found guilty
of murdering three people.
Unwilling to marry her fiance, Wang Chongli,
she secretly carried a dagger
and used it on her wedding night
to kill Wang and his parents.
This was a premeditated murder,
and she will not be shown clemency.
She is hereby sentenced to be executed.
The punishment to be carried out tomorrow.
This is your last meal.
What are you doing?
What is it?
Just write it like this:
The murderer Turquoise Ye's limbs are all cold.
She has no pulse.
The cause of death?
She committed suicide by poison to avoid beheading.
Her identity and death have been confirmed.
The body can be buried.
Notify her family that they can pick up the body.
Who are you? Did you bury me in this coffin?
This is tortoise powder.
Once you ingest it,
for the next twenty hours
it's as if you're really dead.
Screw your tortoise powder!
Do you know how scary it was?
I may have looked dead, but I could hear everything.
From this day forward,
I am your father.
and the Dark Stone is your mother.
I will teach you kung fu and swordplay.
You've already died once.
You can either join us or die again.
Look, it's going to rain again!
Quick, let's pack up!
Pack up the clothes!
Here, give me a hand.
It's starting to rain
It's going to rain. Help me pack.
Let me help you pack up.
Wait for me!
It's going to rain for a while
Don't stand outside. Come in and have a cup of tea.
Drink some tea....
That sounds good.
She secretly carried a dagger.
Why don't you try them?
dried fruits...
I like those too
thanks for your help today
damned weather
Why doesn't it rain more so I'll have more business?
A few more drops wouldn't kill you, would it?
What do you think of Jiang Ah-Sheng?
What do you mean?
He's been asking about you recently.
About me?
What does he want to know?
You know, how old you are, if you've married,
about your family.
As soon as he asked me,
I knew what he was thinking
What is he thinking?
Jiang Ah-Sheng is single
Wait a minute.
No more matchmaking.
Forgive me if I'm being to direct.
For women,
the most important thing is to find a man.
Okay, don't worry.
The money?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Ten Mile Bridge
Vermilion Alley, Butcher Zhu
Are you Butcher Zhu?
A white-haired old man asked me to deliver this letter to you.
Three punches
What are you rushing for?
It's going to rain.
Don't panic. Here.
I'll recite a prayer, and someone will come to help you.
Oh great Buddha,
hear auntie cai's prayer.
Jiang Ah-Sheng, Jiang Ah-Sheng at once!
What sort of nonsense was that?
Quick, cover the noodles!
I just happened to be passing by. Let me help you pack up.
What happened to your eye?
I delivered a letter to a lunatic.
He punched me in the face.
Hey you two,
today the rain will definitely last for a while.
Why don't you come in and have some tea?
No, thanks.
I just drank a lot of water.
You don't seem to be in the mood for tea either.
It's a shame.
They're dead.
I just happened to be passing by.
Let me help you pack up. You've just gotten here?
Where is she?
She asked me to keep an eye on her booth.
She's been gone for over 4 hours.
Here, I'll let you pack it up.
please tell me
that I am lucky enough to start my life over again.
Please, tell me
if I can really have a fresh start?
The dead shall open the eyes of the living.
The heart yearning for the past is unattainable.
The heart yearning for the present is unattainable.
The heart yearning for the future is unattainable.
The future becomes the present.
The present becomes the past.
Seek not the heart that connects the three!
What is unattainable speaks not of what can be pursued.
I was just passing by. Let me help you pack up.
Don't pack it up.
Why? It will get wet.
Let it get wet.
Why id you come looking for me?
Why did you come looking for me?
Let me ask you something.
You have to answer me before it stops raining.
I will only ask once.
Are you willing or not?
What did you say?
Are you willing to marry me?
First, bow to heaven and earth.
Second, bow to your parents.
Since all of your parents are dead, we can skip this step.
Now, bow to each other.
Now, together you go, into the bridal chamber.
Six months later
Do you need my help?
No, thanks.
you really know how to use a knife.
I've never seen such perfectly cut tofu.
Can you go to the corner and buy some soy sauce?
And then pick up five pounds of rice at the store?
I've already paid for them.
All you have to do is pick them up.
You haven't left yet?
Just get five pounds.
Don't buy more because it's cheap.
Five pounds. Okay.
Fatty Chen's oil shop
It was an expert. One blow with a machete.
This is the fourth one dead in six months.
This is Fatty Chen's sword.
It wasn't a machete, it was a sword.
Whoever killed him used a sword like a machete.
They used a sword like a machete
to hide their identity.
Could it be Drizzle?
It's not her.
It's not her technique.
What did they take?
All of the classified files
and the account books showing the money paid by the mandarins.
Any news on Bodhi's remains?
We just received a letter from Henan Province.
The Kongdong Sect has sent out two assassins.
I think they know were the remains are.
They are on their way from the Capital
and will arrive within a month.
Who are they meeting up with?
It should be Zhang Dajing of the United Bank.
only Lei Bin is in the Capital.
Will he be able to defeat both of them?
The herbs were one tael and three coins.
The rent is three tael's and two coins.
The shoes were seven coins.
The oil was half a tael.
Don't keep reading. We are over-budget this month.
We have to pay our taxes to the court next month.
Oh, I almost forgot...
This is a half-year bank note.
I saved bit by bit.
It's worth fifteen tael's and seven coins.
You can cash it in tomorrow.
I'll go to the bank tomorrow then.
If you had 800,000 taels of silver,
what would you do with it?
If I had 800,000 taels of silver,
you wouldn't be here with me.
Because you would be afraid that I would think
that you were marrying me for the money.
United Bank
I'll go and get the money.
Wait here.
Here is your silver.
Thank you. Please take it.
Immobolize them!
Sir, don't be angry. Please, accept this humble gift.
Where is the vault?
Sir, those mushrooms are great!
They will extend your life!
Did anyone deposit a corpse...
No, half of a corpse?
Sir, we only accept silver and gold, not bodies.
They're robbing the bank!
The police are coming!
Call the police!
Don't worry. Everything will be alright.
Brother, this lady is really tough.
We brothers came to the Capital for business.
Sorry for offending you.
Please, go ahead if you have nothing to do with this.
I will have to offend you!
Slaughter her!
Let's go!
Quickly! Don't let them get away!
Freeze! Where are you all going?
Arrest them!
Stay back! Stay back!
Ah-Sheng, I...
Okay, let's eat.
You're not the least bit curious?
It's no big deal.
Even if you were a big bandit before,
you're still my wife now.
Ahhh, smells good!
Today's stew is braised meatballs with vegetables.
I'll serve it.
I'll ask you one last time, who else know about the remains?
I told you before.
The Kongdong Sect said
the banker Zhang Dajing has the remains.
So, you pretended to rob the bank.
Don't worry.
It will heal in a few days.
So, the woman fought empty handed?
She did that on purpose.
What was your last move?
Did she take your sword like this?
How did you know?
Tell me, how were you blinded?
What ministry are you from?
Why did you drag me out of prison and bring me here?
I told you everything I know!
Call Turquoise, Lei Bin and the Magician to the Capital.
I'll show you guys a trick.
A bamboo cup,
a bowl,
and some water.
Watch carefully.
Where did it go? Look here.
That's incredbile!
Now I will turn wine into ice.
This is my newest trick, I just learned it.
Old Lian, can you turn wine into ice too?
I used to be able to when I was young.
Why can't you do it anymore?
Yes, why not?
Because the things I can do now are all those...
real tricks.
You're talking about the magical Flying Rope?
The magical Flying Rope is only a legend.
There is no such thing.
Have any of you seen this trick?
Don't you always want to see the magical Flying Rope?
You have to have a real skill to climb up.
Can you make it?
I'm going up.
what is this?
It's fake.
It's a scarecrow.
Where is he?
I have to go take care of some things.
When will you be back?
In three to five days, if everything goes well.
I'm drying some noodles on the roof.
Remember to take them down in the morning.
People lay out cloths to dry, not noodles.
This time it will work.
Air dried noodles don't get mushy,
no matter how long you boil them.
Come back soon.
The kid is waiting for you to cook noodles.
That's cold.
You want to move back to Changzhou, right?
If everything goes well,
when I come back.
we'll leave the Capital.
Maybe open a noodle shop in Changzhou.
Come here.
Where are you going?
Come on!
Come on, let's go!
Hey! You can't do that!
Jing, you came at the right time.
Take this home.
Stir-fry it with jujubes, angelica and vinegar.
Have one bowl each time after your period.
Can I eat it?
This is a secret recipe named "multiple offspring".
You're home early today.
Oh, I forgot some things.
I was a bit hungry
and came back to get something to eat.
my shoe is worn out.
Take it off, and I will repair it tomorrow.
What is it?
Oil has become more expensive.
Then use a candle.
Is that her?
She can change her face, but she can't change her aura.
I only see an average housewife reparing shoes.
What aura?
You're right, the aura is still there.
But the killer instinct is not as strong as before.
Your eyes must be bad.
Do you really like this man
or did you just want any man?
I doubt you're really Drizzle.
It's Doctor Li's work
you didn't like your old face?
Why go you wear a mask?
You don't like your face?
You killed Fatty Chen and took all the secret files?
If it were me,
both of you would already be dead.
You really want to take us on?
That sounds like fun.
Return the remains to the Dark Stone and I will let you live.
If you dare say no,
first I will kill your husband,
then everyone you know,
and finally yourself.
I'll trade you the remains for something.
Trade them for what?
Me and my husband.
You like him that much?
If you help me get the other half of the remains,
I will let you go.
The Kongdong Sect knows where it is.
They will be in the Capital in a few days.
Help me get the remains, and you and I are even.
Don't run away.
You will be watched.
This sore will never heal.
I too want to hide and nurse my wounds.
But once I get the signal from the Dark Stone,I have to kill again.
Tell me, why did you really leave?
Was it for the remains or for him?
Once you start down this path, there is no escape.
No regrets and no way out.
I like this life I have now.
see you in three days at the Yueyang Inn.
Feng's Residence
One million tael's of silver.
Two million taels of silver.
Three million taels of silver.
You told me there is no leaving the Dark Stone.
Why let her go?
You have nerve! Pointing a sword at my back?
There was a reason why we picked you.
Why don't you attack?
Kill me,
and these millions of taels
and the tribute from the mandarins will all be yours.
You can take my place.
I heard whoever has the remains can rule the martial arts world.
If you can study the kung fu from the remains,
then teach it to me.
Put your clothes back on and go.
Until we get the remains,
don't move against Jing and her husband.
I like it when you lie on me.
United Bank
The Kongdong Purple and Teal swords are known for their skill,
but not their character.
They were master and disciple,
but now they're husband and wife.
What a joke.
If everyone followed their path,
then we would be married.
That's Zhang Dajing of the United Bank.
He's offering a reward of one million taels for Bodhi's remains.
He's very rich, but he is a cripple.
we will strike in the lobby of the bank.
You two will attack.
Don't forget to bring the other half of the remains.
I really don't understand.
Why would a woman,
whose name make the martials world tremble,
marry an ugly, poor good-for-nothing?
Take one, it's really good.
I followed him for three days.
Every day, he's cleaning horses and cleaning up their dung.
The only interesting thing he did,
was to buy a whetting stone this morning.
I'll take this one.
Such a hopeless man.
Don't you want to leave him?
So, I did you a favor
and killed him.
Your melon is too sweet!
I'll take one.
This is the first time Jing went to the temple at night
and now a crazy woman appears in my house.
Everyone come look!
There's a crazy woman in my house!
A naked crazy woman!
Everyone come and see!
They're here.
You're late.
What's that smell?
plus checks for 1 million taels of silver.
Those are Bodhi's remains?
The blind can see again.
The deaf and hear again!
And the crippled can re-grow their legs!
As long as I can walk again,
it's worth all of my family's wealth!
Zhang Dajing is going to die.
This is wrong.
It's a fake!
It's fake!
Kill them!
Let's move in!
Let's go!
Who are you?
I've been a Dark Stone assassin for decades.
Now I am old and sick.
If these remains can really restore your health,
Why don't I take them for myself?
Leave the remains.
I've known you for so long
yet never faced your sword.
Let's make it today then.
Dark Stoners never fight each other.
But it looks like we'll break the rules today.
you've betrayed me too.
Who betrayed who?
Why do we always have to risk our lives for you?
and give you everything we earn?
Let's begin.
Wheel King.
If you and I fight,
we don't know who the winner will be.
But if the three of us fight against you,
these's no way you can win.
If the three of us team up and kill him,
Drizzle can return to her normal life.
Lei Bin,
you can keep all of the tribute money.
I just want the remains.
we can all go our separate ways.
Here is the other half of the remains.
After today,
I will have nothing more to do with the Dark Stone.
This is fun.
You all actually want to quit.
Three against two - the result is the same.
Show me your Water-Shedding Sword.
I could have killed you.
I know.
But you didn't.
Because you're no longer Drizzle.
I told you a long time ago,
If you want to do tricks, then do tricks.
If you want to practice kung fu, then practice kung fu.
But you always mixed them together.
It's amazing that you're lived this long.
Lei Bin!
Kill Turquoise and help me finish the Wheel King!
Flying Rope! Go!
Your magic failed this time.
None of you can beat Drizzle.
But her swordplay has some weaknesses in it.
When I was teaching her the Water-Shedding Sword maneuver,
I taught her 4 mistakes.
Watch carefully.
Didn't you always want to know the Water-Shedding Sword maneuver?
Listen carefully...
Leave the city now.
Go north as fast as you can.
In case I don't make it,
everything about me
is buried in the Yunhe Temple graveyard.
It looks loke you're in big trouble this time.
You won't feel it, it won't hurt.
I told you it wouldn't hurt.
She's still alive.
You're the ones who injured my wife?
So what?
By the looks of you two,
it seems like it's hard to resolve this.
Can't you just let her go?
Should I kill you first? Or her?
It's hard to say
who will die first.
You call that a sword?
I just need to sharpen it a bit.
Don't you think it's a bit late?
It's not late.
Not at all.
Don't waste your energy.
A needle in this accupuncture point....
and then a second one...
and then it won't hurt a bit when you die.
You haven't died.
How do you know if it hurts or not?
Your needles are good for sneak attacks
in open areas.
This house is so small,
so using needles is not ideal.
You don't recognize these two swords?
We've already killed you.
These are urgents documents.
Get them to the courier on time
or you will be blamed.
The senior eunuchs felt sorry for you,
so I kept you as a messenger.
If I hadn't, you'd have starved to death already.
Cao Feng, you wait here.
Here, wait here!
Good morning.
Good morning, Eunuch Tang.
It's still morning.
If it wasn't for Cao Feng,
I'd have been here a long time ago.
I've been hoping to try Eunuch Zhang's special tea.
We are all envious of you.
Who would imagine that the Dark Stone's Wheel King
is a low-ranking palace eunuch?
Who are you?
Later tonight,
I'll wait for you at the Yunhe Temple.
Why should I go to there?
How did you find me?
You killed Fatty Chen?
How did you get the pairing sword?
Cao Feng, let's go!
They are my swords.
Cao Feng!
You're Zhang Renfeng.
But do you know who your wife is?
How ironic!
If you don't come,
you'll never see Bodhi's remains again
What did you say!?
Cao Feng, are you deaf?!
I told you to go, and you're still standing there!
I'll be waiting tonight at the Yunhe Temple.
Cao Feng,you are brazen!
Pretending to be deaf....
I've given her some medicine.
She has lost a lot of blood.
Let her rest for a while.
I have to go to the Yunhe Temple.
If I don't come back,
don't tell her who I am.
You don't think this is destiny?
You haven't realized?
You were only struck by a little sword energy.
Unclog your veins, and you'll be fine.
There won't be a scar.
Did you withhold anything when you taught me swordplay?
I wouldn't treat you like that.
I am.
You...You're a eunuch.
I am for now.
I've obtained Bodhi's remains.
In a few more days,
I'll be a real man.
You're not a man.
I will be.
When Bodhi came to China
to live in the palace,
he would have been castrated.
But the remains show
that Bodhi was not a eunuch,
but a real man.
This is Bodhi's secret kung fu.
I see.
From the intersections of the veins, I can follow
the movement of Bodhi's internal energy
the flow goes through
the main meridians of his body.
He could regenerate organs,
even if they have been cut off.
I entered the palace when I was twelve.
After fifty years,
I am just a eunuch of the ninth rank.
I hate eunuchs!
I hate the way I talk!
I hate that I can't grow mustache!
I hate...
I've had to hide my kung fu skills.
Once I understand the secret of Bodhi's remains
and restore myself, we can retire from this world.
We can live freely.
Just the two of us.
You really think it will grow back?
We've all been fighting over the remains,
and when we get them, they turn out to be a big joke.
Do you know why I killed my first husband?
Because he was just like you.
No, you're not impotent.
There's just nothing there.
This is what I am owed.
I am not taking any extra.
Karma really is a bitch.
It's tough being a person.
You've died once before.
This time,
it shouldn't be too difficult.
Your name is not Zeng Jing.
And my name is not Jiang Ah-Sheng.
My real name is Zhang Renfeng.
My father was Minister Zhang Hiaduan.
My family is dead.
They were all killed by you and the Dark Stone.
Most people can't survive a chest wound like this,
but your internal organs are reversed.
Most people's heart are on the left, but yours on the right.
can you give me a different face?
Then Doctor Li performed the surgery
and told me
that after your surgery you moved to Nanjing.
You want to rent a room?
What is your name?
My name is Jiang Ah-Sheng.
Thus, I changed my name to Jiang Ah-Sheng
and went to Nanjing looking for you.
I could have killed you any day.
However, in order to wipe out the Dark Stone first,
I had been waiting until now.
Turn around and look at me.
You know everything.
Before you kill me,
I want to ask you something.
Did you ever love me?
Not at all.
I have no feelings for you at all!
I don't care that you thought you killed me,
But you killed my father!
There is no way I can forgive you!
If my father knew I killed a woman,
he would never forgive me.
I don't ever want to see you again.
Just go.
Do you know why I am burying you under the bridge?
I like you too much!
This way I can see you
every time I cross the bridge.
Close your eyes. Good, close your eyes.
Everything will be finished soon.
Where do you think you're going?
Go back, go back.
Go back!
The two of us;
we're not over yet.
May Buddha have mercy.
Please, protect my husband Jiang Ah-Sheng
and let him live a long life.
The 10th Yamma Palace
The Wheel King lives alone in the 10th Palace
putting souls on trial
and determining life spans.
Dividing the rich and the poor,
and sending out souls for reincarnation.
Before wisdom died, he told me
the reason Bodhi's remains are so renowned
is because of his high level of spirtual culvation.
Your heart overflows with violence.
Even if you learn how he moved energy,
what's the use?
In this life,
you will always be an eunuch.
You can start over.
Why not me?
I just want to be a real man.
Is that too much to ask?
I'm the one who taught you
the Water-Shedding Sword maneuver.
But you didn't master it
and there are four errors in your technique.
Today, I'll teach you again.
There are 4 sword strokes that you haven't mastered.
I worry that one day you'll meet a real master.
These four moves can beat your Water-Shedding Sword if you don't master them.
You will certainly be killed!
Let me reap the consequences of karma.
Hide weakness in deftness.
Hide weakness in deftness.
Use both darkness and light.
Use both darkness and light.
Reveal clarity in obscurity.
In surrender become strong.
How did you suddenly strike me eleven times?
I would willingly turn into a bridge
for 500 years and endure the wind,
the sun,
and the rain.
this is tortoise powder.
Within a few hours,
your heart and breath will stop and you will appear to be dead.
When the Wheel King sees you, he will think you're dead.
I will make sure your father's death is avenged.
I changed all of my money into gold.
and paved it on the floor of our house.
After I die,
take the money and leave the Capital.
Get married and raise a family.
Your heart will not stop beating.
Come on,
let's go home.
After we get home, draw up the divorce papers.
Don't be silly.
We have years ahead of us.
Help me I down here.