Jigariyaa (2014) Movie Script

By the grace of god, we still make
'jalebi's' in pure ghee.
Mr. Ramlal, are the 'pethas' fresh?
What? The Taj Mahal might have
lost its sheen in the past 50 years..
..but we make the same kind
of 'pethas'. Try it.
Gupta Sweet Shop is famous in Agra.
The business has come down from my
grandpa, my father, me and now Shyamu.
We won't get a bad name
for the family.
- Yes, sir.
Pack 1 kg 'pethas' for him.
- Right away.
Mr. Ramlal, I've brought
Shyamu's results.
Show it to me.
Sir, I will take 1 kg of 'pethas'
along with the reward.
What's wrong?
He has ruined our reputation.
He failed once again.
What? Again?
- That's right.
Even I had failed in exams.
But he failed thrice
in the same class.
Budna! Budna!
- Yes, sir?
Don't stare at my face.
Bring that good-for-nothing to me.
He must be at a poetry recital.
"So what if I failed again."
Well said, buddy.
- Very good.
"So what if I failed again."
So what? - So what?
- So what? Nothing.
"So what if I tried hard
to no avail."
Well said, buddy.
- Fantastic!
"I might have fallen back,
but I am enjoying it, guys." - Great!
"I might have fallen back,
but I am enjoying it, guys."
"So what if I am not in a hurry."
This is excellent, buddy.
- Good! - Thank you.
Thank you. - Buddy, you're on
the right track. - Shyamu!
- Who is it?
Shyamu! Your dad wants to see you.
Why is he always after you?
You dad wants to see you right now!
"Why does he call me so often?"
- Quiet. Listen to this.
"Why does he call me so often?
I don't want to meet him."
Great, buddy!
- Fantastic!
"Why does he say things
I don't want to hear?"
This is great. - "Why does
he say things I don't want to hear?"
"I am tired of listening
to the same stuff repeatedly."
"I am tired of listening
to the same stuff repeatedly."
"Either change his tone,
else I don't want to listen to it."
"I don't want to listen to it.'
- Amazing! - Get lost!
Why have you stopped?
Play the music.
Get lost! Don't stand there.
I'll hit you. Get lost!
You are early. You should've come
in the morning.
You are still awake?
I thought you would be..
What? I am in heaven?
You tried your best.
You have failed thrice
in the same class.
So I could've suffered
a heart attack.
Or I should have died
out of shame.
You don't have to study anymore.
You'll work at the cash counter
from tomorrow. Got that?
I don't want to be a confectioner.
- Is that so?
Do you want to be come
the Prime Minister?
I want to be a writer.
- Oh, I see.
You couldn't write properly
at your exams for three years.
And you tell me you want
to be a writer? Why?
I want to do something
so that people will remember me.
I want to be in the history books.
If you keeping failing in the exams,
you'll be in the history books for sure.
I want to see you at
the cash counter from tomorrow 9 am.
Else, you can't live in this house.
Got that?
God, you do something about him.
I give up.
Send someone who can
make him see reason.
"Wish she is happy all the time."
"Do not try to stop her,
she's like drifting breeze."
"She is like the flowing river."
"Like the waves on the shores."
"Lord, do not be stubborn."
"Everything is foggy in your name."
"Everything is foggy in your name."
"You can take everyone across."
"You can take everyone across."
"Dear, your eyes are mesmerizing."
"Dear, your face is
as bright as the stars."
"Dear, your bangles are tinkling."
"Dear, your eyes are mesmerizing."
"Dear, your eyes are mesmerizing."
Shyamu, wake up!
The sun is already up.
Budna, go wake him up.
I won't.
Are you crazy? Go on.
- Darn you. Get lost!
You stay up all night,
and sleep like a donkey during the day.
Budna tried to wake you up thrice.
Mom, do you want to know
what I do staying up all night?
I'll recite you a poem.
I wrote it last night.
You'll go crazy listening to it.
I don't know about me.
But if you don't show up at the shop,
your dad would surely go crazy.
You know very well..
..who he vents out his anger at
if he loses his head.
"A storm is not scared of
the ruthless confectioner."
"Let him go crazy."
"A confectioner is not strong enough
to finish me off."
What do you think?
Thank God, your dad is not home.
'Thank God, he is not home.'
No. "Thank God,
he is not here at home."
"He couldn't do a thing even if he were.
My mom will make me breakfast."
"While I recite you a poem."
"So you won't go to the shop."
"Go freshen up and
then I'll serve you breakfast."
Mom, well done. My poetic qualities
have brushed off you.
Dad, you're risking pethas worth
Rs. 1500 and your son to save Rs. 150.
And you trust
this junk of a scooter.
I trust the scooter,
but not you.
It has served me well for 10 years.
Ever since you started to use it,
it has given me problems.
Ride slow.
- It doesn't go fast.
If it starts at all.
Don't just stand there.
Keep those here.
Come on. Keep those down there.
Kick the starter.
Move! Move!
This is how it is done. Ride on.
Are you all right?
"You gave me a gift and left."
"You showed me a beautiful world
and disappeared in the crowd."
I will find you.
I promise you that.
"Can't stand that we separated
after our first meeting."
Buddy, what do we do about that?
Well, we have to find out.
- What?
Who it belongs to?
But you know that.
Yes. - So what are we
supposed to find out?
We know who it belongs to,
but we don't know who she is.
So what next?
We'll have to find out
where she lives.
Who she is? Where she lives?
What she does?
What does she eat? Where she goes often?
Where she wants to go? Everything.
- How do we do that?
Don't go to the ladies shop.
You'll get beaten up.
The old man is very mean.
- He's right.
You don't know him.
- Nothing at all.
They negotiated a lot
but bought nothing.
We are done for.
- Hello.
Tell me, how may I be of
service to you?
We wanted to find out if this
has been bought from your shop.
May or may not be.
Anything is possible.
Absolutely right.
He seems smart.
I want to know who had bought it.
I want to return it to her.
It is trending now.
I have sold about
200 pieces last week.
Half the women in Agra have it.
Who are you looking for?
Well, it's okay.
- Yes?
Aren't you Ramlal's son?
- Yes.
Have you got the exam results?
Tell me whether you have passed
or you will be in the same class.
I told you. He asked about
your results. - Get some education.
Stop showing those clips to girls.
Where is she?
- Who?
What do we do now?
What can we do? Think of something.
Think of something.
- Think what?
Think of something.
- Do something.
We have to think of something.
Rickshaw! Rickshaw!
Rickshaw! - Why are you screaming?
- What about it? - The rickshaw driver.
Rickshaw driver?
The rickshaw driver might know.
- What would he know?
Search for him. He might know.
It's possible.
- He's right.
How many will you ask?
There are 500 rickshaws in Agra.
- So?
So what? 500 or 5000.
We'll find her.
- Come on! Let's go!
Come on!
I take the stranded
to their destination.
Call me with love,
I will definitely come along.
- What are you doing?
You've shown up
at the right time, uncle.
You're our messiah.
What are you waiting for? Get in.
Absolutely! Come on, push.
Romeo, this is your destination.
At a junction of three roads?
Do you want me to lie
and take you to someone's house?
You were destined to meet her.
She ran into you.
If she runs into you again,
that would be great.
If she doesn't, someone else will.
No. - No, uncle.
Say something positive.
I am leaving.
- Good bye.
- Hello.
I'm from the census board.
Are any of your family members
aged between 18 and 25?
I represent All India Women
Empowerment Center. - I see.
Is there a girl between 18 and 25
in your family? - Girl?
Buy bangles! Tinkling bangles!
Buy bangles!
What are you selling?
I am selling candy. Want some?
Stop your nonsense!
That house belongs to
Mrs. Sarita Devi.
Are you trying to sell bangles
to widows?
All right. I'm leaving.
- Get lost!
Where do these people come from?
Buddy, we've tried our best.
We seem to be unlucky.
Otherwise some things come easy.
You should at least
say good things.
What do we do next?
Return the rest of the money.
What did you buy? - A dozen 'samosas'
and 2 kg 'petha'.
How much did you give?
- I gave you Rs. 50.
What were you thinking about?
Here you are.
Listen, give me 1 kg 'Anguri Pethas'
and four hot 'kachoris'.
Are the 'jalebis' fresh?
Are these hot?
Good. - Uncle, what are you
doing outside?
Come inside.
- What's inside? - Come on.
Have a seat.
- All right.
Pack these things for me.
- Sure.
Budna, get 1 kg 'petha'
and four 'kachoris'. - Yes, sir.
Serve two hot 'samosas' to him
on my behalf.
No, I don't want the samosas.
Uncle, you're here for
the first time. - Yes.
The samosas are on me.
By the time you finish eating them,
the snacks will get packed.
No, let it be.
- Am I not like your son?
Okay, make it quick.
- Budna. - Yes, sir?
Serve him samosas until I return.
He shouldn't leave. Okay? - Yes.
Uncle, do have the snacks.
- Yes, son. - Make it quick.
Pack them quickly.
Shyamu! Where are you going?
Shyamu, stop.
He jumps around all the time.
What has happened now?
Are you blind? Look before you run.
- Yes, it is I.
This is yours.
It had fallen down that day.
You too fall down often.
- Thanks to you.
It doesn't happen to me generally.
You were the reason on
both the occasions.
Son, can you get up
or you want me to help you?
The samosas were delicious.
Please come in. It's my shop.
Do have some samosas.
- Some other time.
Don't abandon me, buddy.
That's more like it.
"Wish you were not so beautiful.
Wish I had not met you."
"I would've felt satisfied
seeing you in my dreams."
"Then this second meeting
wouldn't have made me restless."
"Wish you were not so beautiful."
Hey. Hey!
- What?
What's the news?
The milkman visits the house at 5:30 am.
Her grandma opens the door.
She accompanies her grandma
to the temple at 6:30 am.
The drivers reaches
the house at 8:30 am.
She and her grandma go out
in the evening.
But not every day.
Buddy, what next?
Well, I have to do something..
..to impress her.
Then listen. Between 2 and 4 noon..
..nobody comes or leaves the house.
That's the time.
Do something to impress her.
I don't need to loot the house.
I want to win over her heart.
Buddy, when the two of them
go out in the evening..
..we will try to flirt with her.
You come there and save her.
Show your bravery.
- Shut up!
Those things happen only
in the movies. - Come on!
Think of something new.
Movie makers don't want to think
of something new. So why should we?
Attention everyone,
kids, old and young people.
He is very quick.
Check out my monkey's tricks.
- What?
We will stage a monkey attack.
- Clap your hands.
Does he do as you say?
- Yes.
I have raised him since childhood.
We are like family. - Great.
Before I can think,
Shyamu does what I have in mind.
Don't be surprised.
That's my monkey's name.
It's a sign from God, buddy.
His name is also Shyamu.
We will be successful.
What's the problem, guys?
Tell him. Don't feel shy.
I can't hide from you.
I am in love.
- Really?
My plan was that when the girl
and her grandma leave house..
..we can let the monkey
attack her grandma.
What an idea!
- When the monkey jumps on her..
..I will get there, save her
and become a hero.
- Isn't it a nice plan?
Is it possible?
Will I become a hero?
Definitely! Don't worry.
I am here with you.
That's more like it.
- Very good.
One of you should've
brought him with you.
You are so lazy.
Buddy, had we known
he would ditch us we wouldn't have..
There he is!
- Don't do that.
What's wrong with Shyamu?
Is he angry?
This isn't Shyamu.
What do you mean?
So who is he?
- Raka, Shyamu's brother.
Raka? But we had rehearsed
with Shyamu.
Why did you bring Raka?
- Sir, Shyamu had fever last night.
I brought him here
because I had promised you.
Frankly, I didn't want
to bring him along.
They are here, buddy. What now?
Hide! - Come on!
- Over here.
Be careful lest it bites you.
Sir, he isn't that bad?
He will do what
Shyamu was supposed to do.
But why is he so angry?
He didn't get enough sleep.
Hence, he has become irritable.
Don't worry. I'm right here.
Get things ready. I'll try to
make him see reason. - Sure.
Do that. Make him understand.
Hurry up, buddy.
We don't have time.
Go on. - Come on, buddy.
It's now or never.
Take the risk. Lord Bajrangbali
will see me through.
Let him go!
- Raka, go!
Stop that monkey! Stop it!
Stay back!
- It will bite you.
Darn you!
Come on.
I'll get it back. - It took the stole.
- The monkey took it.
The monkey took the stole!
Give it back. I'll hit you!
Give it back!
Darn you!
I thank Lord Hanuman..
..that you got there
in the nick of time.
Otherwise something bad
would have happened. Oh God.
Are you all right, Radha?
- Yes, grandma. I am fine.
I made it sure nobody suffered
even a scratch.
She did.
- What?
Grandma got scratched. Look.
Oh, no! That's a paw mark.
It's a minor scratch.
Nothing will happen to me.
Grandma, it grabbed you
with his paw.
Don't take it lightly. Once, a monkey
had bitten my friend. - I see.
He didn't get it treated.
He was jumping on the roofs
of the houses for three days.
Oh, God!
That was okay. But how would it look
if people saw you jumping roofs?
Think about it.
Son, get me some medicine.
Yes, grandma.
Here you are, buddy.
- What's this?
It is Lord Shiva's oblation.
Give this sleeping pill to grandma.
She will doze off for three hours.
Take advantage of it.
Try to impress Radha.
This pill would prove beneficial.
I've got the medicine.
Give it to me.
- I'll give it to grandma.
I will do it.
It's a pill, not an antiseptic.
I'll make her have it.
Who is it, Radha?
Grandma, it's.. - It's me, grandma!
I've got medicine!
What are you doing down there?
Come upstairs with the medicine.
Take it quickly, grandma.
It will take effect right away.
Yes, son. A monkey scratched me.
I am really worried.
Which one?
- The big one.
Okay. Radha, give me
a glass of water.
Now I can rest easy.
The medicine is taking effect.
- As it should.
I feel better.
She feels better.
- Yes.
I feel better.
I feel better.
What kind of medicine was that?
- I feel better.
Is she all right?
She will be like that for half an hour.
That's what the doctor said.
Don't worry. I'm here with you.
She snores really well.
Well, I like your name.
- That's even better.
Myself, Shyamlal Gupta.
But my pet name is Shyamu.
Will you please leave now?
- Yes.
Thanks for the medicine.
- Ramlal!
Our servant.
Ramlal, he is leaving.
Lock the door.
Quiet! I said shut up!
Fire to ashes.
Ashes to gunpowder.
And my name is Vishwanath.
..there has never been
a woman in your life.
So what makes
your poetry so loaded?
I am the best disco dancer
in the world.
Hold on. How can you mimic
so many people?
It is a gift.
I do it to survive, uncle.
I know it is a gift,
but how do you run a family?
There are advertisements, films..
..wherein actors have to
re-record their dialogues.
That is called dubbing.
Actors are very busy. Mr. Bachchan
can't come to the dubbing studio.
That's when I am called.
So how much do you get?
- Half.
Half of what?
- Half of what they get.
You have become famous.
You know what, uncle..
..without me their
world would come to a halt.
They won't be able to do anything.
But I have my feet firmly grounded.
I haven't forgotten my village.
Shyamu, where are you?
- Hi, Brij.
When did you arrive?
- Great to see you.
You were right.
Learn something from him.
He has earned wealth, name, fame
and bought expensive clothes.
Uncle, let him be.
You have two children.
He is still too young.
That's what's troubling me.
He thinks he's too young.
When will he start earning?
Put some sense into him.
He doesn't listen to me.
Art and artists are
much respected in Mumbai.
Forget about me. Tell me about yourself.
Do you have any girlfriend?
Well, I am trying my best.
The rest is up to the Almighty.
Darn it. You would
write wonderful poetry.
Do you still write
or have you stopped?
I do write.
I've written a new one.
Want to hear it? - Of course. Go ahead.
Come on. Go on.
- Where is my bag?
Fantastic.. What's wrong?
I forgot my bag somewhere.
The last time I incurred
a loss of Rs. 1500.
Take it carefully this time.
It wasn't my fault.
It was this junk. - Okay, fine.
Hurry up. Mr. Sharma is holding
his son's tonsure ceremony.
It's 11 o'clock. Get going.
I am going to deliver it,
not to dance at the function.
What are you doing here?
I'm here to return the bag
you had forgotten at my house.
Did I forget it at your place?
Where did he go? Budna.
- Yes, sir?
Go find where he is.
- I'll get him right away.
Shyamu! Shyamu!
Someone is calling you. - No, not me.
He's like that. Forget it.
Grandma's medicine is over.
Bring it tomorrow.
Sure. For you.. I mean, I can
do anything for your grandma.
Anything else?
- That's all.
Shyamu! Your dad is calling!
- He's calling out to you.
Forget him. He's calling
someone else. Just talk to me.
Let's go.
- Yes, ma'am.
Thank you for..
Where were you?
With the bag?
You're a goner.
Grandma has gone out for a stroll.
I've brought her medicine.
For whom?
- For your grandma.
You told me to.
Do you always do
what you are told to do?
By the way, what kind of medicine
is this that she takes it and..
Not, it's just a..
- What is it?
Nothing. Just medicine.
It's just medicine.
You too can have it.
It's nothing. Nothing at all.
I am leaving.
I have to go to the shop.
It seems you don't like your bag.
You forgot it again.
- No, that is not so.
I do like the bag and..
..I like the gift
I've brought for you.
The last time, you..
I mean, I forgot it in my haste.
And this time?
- I'm leaving it on purpose.
No! Not now. You may look at it
when I'm gone.
So you don't want me
to find out what's in it.
- Because you aren't leaving.
I am leaving.
'Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal
in fond memory of Mumtaz.'
'I am leaving a small gift for you.'
'Think of it as a request
or an appeal.'
'I am in love with you.
Now it is up to you.'
'If you wear it, I will know you love me.
If you don't, everything was futile.'
So you are the son of Gupta,
the confectioner? - Yes.
Ramlal in the 'petha' market?
- Yes.
I see.
- Gupta Sweet Shop is ours.
Yes, that's it. You know what..
..we've know them as
Gupya Confectioners since long.
Sundarlal, the father of Ramlal.
Not yours.
I meant Shyamu's grandpa.
He provided the sweets
at my wedding.
People still remember those sweets.
That is so sad.
What is so sad about that?
I mean, you didn't tell me before.
I would've brought some sweets.
Son, I am too old to have sweets.
I survive on medicines.
That is very good.
What's so good about
surviving on medicines?
Grandma, medicines are
also necessary.
Had you not taken medicines, monkey bite
could have proved fatal. - Oh, God!
I mean, anything could have
happened to you. Right?
So, that reminds me..
..have you brought medicine for me.
- That's why I'm here. - Good.
Here you are, grandma.
This medicine cures many illnesses.
It's sure shot cure.
"There is love."
"There is love."
"Expressing matters of
the heart is difficult."
"Expressing matters of
the heart is difficult."
"Unknown is this intoxication,
consuming me gradually."
"Love's call makes
me not to stop."
"Love is above all."
"Love is worship.
Love is a habit."
"Love makes you want to live."
"Love makes you dance.
Love entices."
"Love is troublesome."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"Love is a cure.
Love is a prayer."
"Love is faith.
Love is punishment."
"Love is intoxication.
Love is cruel."
"Love is attitude.
Love is a bad omen."
Look what Shah Jahan
has done for love.
What can you do for me?
I can't build a Taj Mahal,
but I can give my life for you.
"Eyes are good communicators."
"These communicate
the unspoken words."
"Eyes are good communicators."
"These communicate
the unspoken words."
"In different ways
you have affected my life."
"Even silence speaks of you."
"Love is a page.
Heart is the writer."
"Love teaches new rules."
"Love is religion.
Love is a school."
"Love is a gift
from the Almighty."
"Love captivates.
Love creates."
"Love destroys."
"Love destroys."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"Love is a cure.
Love is a prayer."
"Love is faith.
Love is punishment."
"Love is intoxication.
Love is cruel."
"Love is attitude.
Love is a bad omen."
"Love is cruel."
"Love is God."
"Love is a cure.
Love is a prayer."
"Love is faith.
Love is punishment."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"There is love."
Bhim Singh, call him here.
- Yes, ma'am.
Ramlal, get in.
Bhim Singh, take us home.
Have a seat.
Would you like to have something?
- No, thanks.
- Yes?
That's our servant.
Bring a glass of water
for Mr. Gupta.
- No, thanks.
I have left
my granddaughter in Mathura.
Do you know why?
I don't know
why you are asking me that.
That's why I've brought you here.
So that I can explain better.
Isn't Shyamu your son?
What did he do?
My granddaughter is too young.
She can't differentiate
between good and bad..
..right and wrong,
and high and low caste.
She is just..
Have some tea.
Your father, Sundarlal,
provided sweets at my wedding.
He was a honest and good person.
He was given
Rs. 1001 as reward..
..by my father.
You might be aware of that.
Yes, dad told me about it.
It's difficult to regain control of
adolescent children once you lose it.
Divert his attention
toward the business.
What would happen if people
in Mathura find out about this?
I don't have to explain further.
Put some sense into him.
Ramlal, tell Bhim Singh to drop
the gentleman to his shop.
No, ma'am.
I'll walk back to the shop.
What are you doing here
at this hour?
Are you all right?
What happened?
I need to tell you
something important. - Go ahead.
I noticed your father's behavior
toward you.
If he troubles you too much..
..come to Mumbai to live with me.
You know that I've been tolerating
this since years. I'll be fine.
Moving to Mumbai
is not my cup of tea.
Keshav and Gendu
are here to give me company.
So you like Keshav
and Gendu's company?
I know who is
keeping you busy these days.
I know it.
- Go on.
You'll miss the train.
You'll have to go on foot. Go on.
I will have to travel on foot..
..at your wedding procession.
What's her name?
- Radha. I mean, Radhika.
Unbelievable! Unthinkable!
Shyam's Radha.
Have you told your parents?
You better get on the train.
It is leaving.
- I will leave with the train.
Give my greetings to uncle and aunt.
- Sure.
See you soon.
- Take care.
You were five years old.
You were lost in the fair.
You left your mother's hand..
..and she never realized it.
I searched for you all day.
We were grief-stricken.
But when we found you in the evening,
you were in a worse condition.
Now I feel, you are
going away from us.
What happened?
Mrs. Sarita Devi
had come to the shop.
What did she say?
What do you think she told me?
Don't go to that house ever again.
Grandma. I want to meet grandma.
Ma'am is resting.
She can't meet you.
Is Radhika home?
You may leave.
Hello, Radha.
Why did you call here, Shyamu?
I can't talk right now. - But..
Radha, what has happened?
Things have gone terribly wrong.
I can't talk to you right now.
Just listen to me.
- No.
Don't call me again.
Radha, listen to me.
Radha? Hello?
Listen. Wake up.
It seems your scolding
has worked wonders on Shyamu.
He got ready
and is going to the shop.
Had I known..
..one scolding would straighten
him up, I would've done it long ago.
Let me sleep.
"You are my world. I wish to find you.
There's nothing else I desire."
"You are everything I have.
I know nothing else."
"Listen to my heart.
Don't be ignorant."
"My heart bows to you."
"Listen to my heart."
"Listen to my heart."
"You are my destination.
All my paths lead to you."
"I want you with me
in all my dreams."
"Your love is ignorant, impatient."
"My heart bows to you."
"Listen to my heart."
"Listen to my heart."
"Listen to my heart."
"Listen to my heart."
"I became yours
the moment we met."
"I am not myself.
You are everywhere."
"I became yours
the moment we met."
'It is said love is God,
it is a prayer and faithfulness.'
'Tomorrow, Kans Qilla at 11 am.'
'If you don't come,
then love is destruction.'
"I can't live without you."
"My heart bows to you."
"Listen to my heart."
"Listen to my heart."
"Listen to my heart."
"Listen to my heart."
"You are my world. I wish to find you.
There's nothing else I desire."
"You are everything I have.
I know nothing else."
"Listen to my heart.
Don't be ignorant."
"My heart bows to you."
"Listen to my heart."
"Listen to my heart."
"Listen to my heart."
"Listen to my heart."
"Listen to my heart."
Do you love me?
I do.
- I'm not rich like you.
I am a confectioner's son.
I know.
- But still?
- Why?
'Wrapped in yellow stole,
shrunk and shriveled..'
'..I met my life today.'
'I had lived without her,
but I can't anymore.'
'Life may betray be,
but I won't regret it.'
It seemed nice reading it.
I never thought you could do it.
Now you know. So?
- So..
I had lived without her,
but I can't anymore.
Life may betray be,
but I won't regret it.
Think about it. - There's nothing
to think. It's done.
One thing is sure,
the guy isn't from Mathura.
I know.
Who he is and where he is from?
I take your leave.
Hello, uncle.
I thought..
..it had ended in Agra.
What's so good about that guy..
..that you are so crazy about him?
You don't care about
your father's prestige.
He loves me, mom.
He truly loves me.
I love you too. I truly love you.
But use your brains sometimes.
You are the only daughter of
Pandit Shankar Dayal Sharma.
How can you fall in love with a
confectioner's son? Shame on you.
Just the thought is disgusting.
You are old enough
to go to a college.
You can use your own brains.
You will not
go to college henceforth.
You can't go out
until your dad returns.
Got that?
- Hello, this is Rani.
How is Radhika?
She is not keeping well.
Hold on. I'll put her on the line.
- Yes, Rani. Tell me.
- How are you?
I'm not well.
- I want to meet you, Radha.
Rani, I want to meet you too.
I'll be fine by the Holi festival.
Very well. I'll come
to play Holi with you.
Radha, food is served.
Who put a lock on the phone?
I did.
- Why?
It was necessary.
Please sit down.
What happened?
The phone has driven everyone crazy.
Everyone makes calls from our phone.
And start chatting.
Sumi, you're too much.
Bansi! - Yes?
- Unlock the phone. - Yes, sir.
Dear, start eating.
Why are you so quiet today?
It's nothing, dad.
Sumi, serve me rice.
- It is unlocked, sir.
Okay. You may go.
- Yes.
That's enough.
Radha, how's college?
It's okay.
- Good.
Have you made all the preparations
for the Holi or not?
Dad.. - All the preparations
have been done.
Besides, we aren't having
any special guests this time round.
"Here comes Kanha."
"Brought beautiful colors with him."
"Here comes Kanha."
"Water guns everywhere.
Drums are beaten."
"Anklets are tinkling.
Bangles are clinking."
"Whole of Brij is playing Holi."
"Kanhaiya is here as well."
"Whole of Brij is playing Holi."
"Kanhaiya is here as well."
"Both are engrossed in Holi."
"Kishan is here to make Radha his."
"Put some color on me."
"Put some color on me."
"Get drunk, my darling."
"My clothes are wet."
"It's spring."
"My darling has returned,
so I will party hard."
"My darling has returned,
so I will party hard."
"Put some color on me."
"Put some color on me."
"The sound of the flute is mesmerizing."
"The cowgirls are
waiting for their lover."
"The spring is so youthful..
..that it has made
both the lovers glow."
"Put some color on me."
"Put some color on me."
"I have colored my
darling with my color."
"The divine couple is colored up too."
"My darling has returned,
so I will party hard."
"My darling has returned,
so I will party hard."
"I play with the water gun."
"I won't let you go this time."
"Put some color on me."
"Put some color on me."
"Put some color on me."
"Put some color on me."
"Put some color on me."
"Put some color on me."
"We don't care about the world."
"We have got the taste of love."
"We have got the taste of love."
You might be thinking
that I will scold you.
I am really very angry.
But what will happen if I scold you?
That's why I have
come to tell you that..
..you are going to get
engaged the day after tomorrow.
And after three you will be married.
Radhika, whenever I used
to think about your wedding..
..I used to feel sad.
How will I live after
you have left this house?
But today I want to get
rid of you as fast as possible.
Bansi, lock the phone.
Your father-in-law was
bound to know it one day.
Now everything has happened for good.
He is future.
- What?
He is my future father-in-law.
He is not related to me till now.
And nothing good has happened.
- Why?
If you had seen his eyes
you would have wet your pants.
I don't know what he
might have said to Radhika.
Call her up and ask her.
When I call her up someone
else answers the phone.
She is very well guarded.
So what will you do now, sir?
I will have to do something.
What are you doing? Let me go.
You will smear my pants.
Let me go.
- No, uncle.
You will smear my pants. Let me go.
- No, uncle.
What are you saying?
Whatever you are saying is impossible.
Why are you putting
my job into jeopardy?
Get away from here.
- No, uncle. No.
You are under my and Radhika's oath.
Look, uncle. Listen to me.
I wouldn't have asked you,
if there was any other way out.
I wouldn't have, right?
It will be a huge problem
if mistress sees us here.
Shamu, leave.
- Uncle, look. I won't let you go.
I will hold your legs forever. Say yes.
Shamu, the mistress will see us.
Let me go.
Uncle, god will bless you.
I told you that I won't. Get lost.
Please, uncle.
- Get lost.
Bhim Singh, have you loaded the luggage?
- Yes, ma'am.
Get down. Take the stairs on the right.
And Radhika's room
is the second on the left.
- Thanks, uncle.
Careful. Go.
You? What are you doing here?
Did anyone see you?
Why are you crying? What happened?
Tell me, what happened?
Father has fixed my wedding.
- What?
The family is preparing for the same.
What do you want?
Do you want to get married?
Have you gone mad?
If I stay here I
am bound to get married.
Than what shall we do?
Let's elope.
- Madam.
Ma'am is calling you.
- Yes, I am coming.
Elope? Just like this?
'I had lived without him,
but I can't anymore.'
'Life may betray be,
but I won't regret it.'
Think about it.
What is there to think about now?
It is done now.
Tell me when.
Tomorrow at the station at 4 o' clock.
Tomorrow at 4 o' clock.
The city is nice, right?
- Yes.
Isn't it huge?
- Yes.
Listen. Are you scared?
- You are there.
Does your friend
know that we are coming?
He doesn't know.
- Why?
He is my childhood friend.
He is an affluent man.
He will be very pleased to meet you.
What happened? What happened?
- My bag.
Let's find it. Come on.
They would have been so useful to us.
I will get more jewelry for you.
This is the one, right?
- It seems to be.
Do you get paid to
sleep or to stay awake?
Look at my car.
You struggle as an actor during the day.
And at night you sleep at work.
- Brij!
No, you are wrong.
Actually, Mr. Patel...
I am not Patel.
Patil. I am Patil. He is Mr. Patel.
Mr. Patil, this is not the case.
I do sleep. I also sleep like others.
But me struggling as an actor. No.
I have never struggled as an actor.
I am a struggler. I struggle.
Who is your friend?
- The one getting the heat.
The wheels of my car
where stolen in front of you.
And you didn't even
have an inkling of it.
Look, Mr. Patil.
- I am not Patil.
I am Patil.
- Patil. Patel.
Mr. Patel,
I want to tell you that the theft..
..was not committed in front of my eyes.
I was sleeping here like this.
They came behind me and stole stuff.
They couldn't have committed
the theft in front of me.
Who will pay for this loss?
I, I will pay for the loss.
- Who are you?
Mr. Patel, don't talk about status.
I am a watchman today.
Soon I will be a huge star.
Get lost.
- I will get you a new car.
Don't worry.
I think he is one of the thieves.
- What?
Call the police.
- Yes. Why are you calling the police?
You don't need to call the police.
I will never commit
such a mistake again. Never.
I will have you arrested
if anything gets stolen here.
- This is your final warning.
Let's go, Mr. Patil.
Brij! Brij! Stop.
Where has he come from?
You? Shyam.
- You are a watchman.
Yes. No.
Come here.
Come here. Come here.
What are you doing here?
You said that everything
is good in Mumbai.
You can come whenever you want to.
So we have come.
Everything was good.
It is a painful story.
I will tell you all this later.
But who is she?
She is the one.
- Who?
Radhika, didn't I tell you?
You said that she is Radhika.
You didn't tell me that
you will bring her along.
I have got her because I trust you.
If you were alone,
there was no problem. Now she..
Then we will stay in a hotel.
What do I do?
Are you crazy to stay in a hotel?
You have eloped with a girl.
No hotel is going to allow you to stay.
Then what should I do?
So this is my palace and I am the king.
My subjects are inside.
I will just go inside
and get the permission. Okay?
I am not guaranteeing your stay.
Just trying.
Okay? Wait.
Will you open the door?
Are you all asleep?
Who has come so late at night?
It's me, Brij. Open the door.
Oh Brij. So late?
Are you a honeymoon
couple to sleep like this?
We all were sleeping.
What a strange time to sleep.
Listen. - Yes.
I have to tell you
something important. - What?
Actually I have a dear friend...
Hello, sister-in-law.
You two haven't got married.
And it will be a problem
if people get to know that..
..a couple is staying together
without getting married.
This is my last way out.
It will be good if
matters get mended here.
Wait here. Okay. I am coming.
You came out so quickly!
She is very angry.
- Who?
Brij, I hate you. You dog!
You simply vanish for 1-15 days..
..and suddenly
you dropped in to my parlor for help.
Do you think I am stupid?
Where were you? Where were you?
- I was..
You promised me to take me to movies,
You are so irresponsible.
- I will.
I feel like strangling you.
- Shut up.
Anger is injurious to health.
Don't be angry.
- Don't be angry.
I told you that...
- But where were you?
Don't talk to me.
- I am Radhika.
- And this is Shyamu.
We have come from Mathura.
And we have no place over here to stay.
Brij is a dear friend of Shyamu.
He is only trying to help us.
You stay as a paying guest.
Take her along too.
Okay, but this is Bombay.
It is very expensive.
You will have to
work in my parlor. Okay?
I understand.
And this boy? He can't stay.
What will he do in the parlor?
He will stay with...
Shut up.
- He will stay with us. - You come in.
The work is done. Darling.
- You stay away.
What kind of girl is she?
Will you be able to stay with her?
- Yes.
She will be able to stay with her.
She is a good girl.
Actually she is my fiance.
- Yes.
- Who else?
Why are you staring like this?
She is not as she looks like.
She is Indian.
She is from East.
Andheri east. She is a good girl.
I will go and talk to
her while you can continue.
Ramlal, you might be
very happy today. Right?
Pandit Shankar Dayal Sharma's..
..only daughter has
run away with your son...
It is matter of joy for you. Right?
You have raised him up properly.
I was not able to
raise Radhika properly.
It is my mistake.
- Mr. Shankar Dayal...
Tell me, what is so
special about your son?
So you have his photo?
I was not able to see him that day
when he was smeared with colors.
I am sure he has not taken after you.
Do you know where he is?
Tell us, if you know anything.
We won't hurt him.
I just want my daughter...
Mr. Shankar Dayal, I don't where he is.
If you can find him,
than do whatever you want to.
He is dead for me.
He might be dead for you, Ramlal.
But.. I cannot say so for my daughter.
Look, sweet seller.
Only we know what has happened.
Nobody else should know this. Got it?
Bhushan! Come.
You are vouching for him.
- Yes, Mr. Chaubey.
But who will vouch for you?
Tire thief. Fraud.
The one who sleeps at his duty.
The one who escapes for his auditions.
You want to be a great star!
Who is going to pay
for the theft in the colony?
You or your father.
Mr. Chaubey.
I will pay for that. I have to pay it.
Hey! Stand up!
Stand and speak! The chair. - Yes.
Mr. Chaubey, I will pay that money.
But have I ever made
such a mistake before?
No. No mistakes at all.
- No. Never.
And this won't happen
in the future either.
What do you mean?
I mean that if you don't
leave with your friend now..
..than you will lose your job too.
And if you don't have a job,
how will such mistakes occur?
Get lost. Out!
What? What are you staring at? Get out.
I told you. Go. Yeah, bye. Get lost.
These thieves are
here with their friends.
You shouldn't have lost your temper.
You lost your own job for me.
- Shut up.
How can Chaubey dare to shout at me?
To hell with such a job.
To hell with Chaubey.
Like they say,
one shouldn't wait for a job or women..
..you'll eventually get one anyway.
Hello, uncle.
- Hello.
You need a waiter.
I have come for the job.
So this is a nice thing.
Why are you so sad?
I never worked in my shop,
but I have to work here now.
By the way, your father
will be very pleased to know this.
Who knows how my father is?
Are you missing home?
If you want we can return.
Why? Are you scared of working?
I can do anything for you.
Tell me some more.
- Okay, listen to this.
The bank was lonely.
You just left with the waves.
This will not do.
Tel me something better.
Okay, than listen to this.
My heart is like an empty vessel.
My heart is like an empty vessel.
You came and filled it up.
The public doesn't like such songs.
This won't do. Give me something better.
You work the entire day.
Aren't you tired?
I work thinking that I
will see for some time at night.
By the way,
even I think about you all the time.
We have run away from
home and come so far to Mumbai.
Even here we are apart.
- Yes.
Do you know what Brij says?
- What?
He says it is a city of dreams.
Everyone can fulfill their dreams here.
So our dreams will get fulfilled too.
It will.
Mr. Aatma, you are always
copying other people's songs.
Aren't you ashamed?
- I do. But we are good.
You have become so shameless.
The recording is tomorrow morning.
You haven't written the lyrics yet.
I do, sir.
- Let me tell them to you.
Here you are.
You are my darling. You are a torment.
You have become a torment for me.
Sir, I am trying.
- When will the results come?
After my death?
I cannot write them till
I feel them from the inside.
Then feel. Hurry up.
My arms are your support. Oh my darling.
I am here. Where you?
Are you composing comedy?
What is this?
My colorful, darling.
My lovable darling.
My darling you are my first love.
Look, this is good.
Who wrote this?
- Me.
- Yes.
This is a good lyric. Got it?
One minute.
You. Out! Out! Get out! Sit here.
- I am telling you to sit.
Did you just write it?
Have you written anything else before?
No, I have written a lot.
Do you want hear them?
Will you write songs for me?
Will I get paid for it?
- Of course.
Come to Rajkamal studios
at 9 am tomorrow.
You are my lyricist from now on.
Congratulations. Great. Good.
"My colorful, darling.
My lovable darling."
"My darling you are my first love.
Yes, it's you."
"I have come with you
here where you are everywhere."
"Yes, it's you."
"Darling even we will
have our own world."
"Darling even we will
have our own world."
"No matter what we will overcome."
"Our dream has now been fulfilled."
"Now we have a house of our own."
"And darling, you are there with me.
Yes, it's you."
"We will have no distance.
We will be together."
"We will cover ourselves
with this sheet of love."
"I will take you in my arms
and conceal you from everyone."
"I will carve the world of your dreams."
"No matter what, I won't let you go."
"My colorful, darling.
My lovable darling."
"My darling you are my first love.
Yes, it's you."
Hello? This is Radhika.
Radhika? Where are you?
Do you know what uproar there is?
That's why I called you.
Everything is fine here.
I am in Mumbai with Shyam.
And you won't believe
where we are staying.
- Taj Mahal.
Taj Mahal, in Mumbai?
Taj Mahal colony in Andheri. Tell me.
How are my parents?
Mother keeps on crying and..
..your father doesn't talk to anyone.
Look, I...
Want to talk to them.
Want to talk to them.
I will call later.
Bye now.
What do I do? My baby. So simple.
The sweet seller's son seduced her.
Aunt, you will fall ill
if you cry like this. Calm down.
How long we will lie that
she has gone to her granny's?
Aunt, I know that this is not right.
But where Radhika is...
I mean Radhika should
be well wherever she is.
Radhika's father marries
off orphan girls.
And she has eloped!
She has dishonored us.
Brother, I don't know.
Find me my daughter.
Don't worry, aunt.
Radhika should be well wherever she is.
So I have arranged
everything for your wedding.
Reach the neighboring
temple by 9 am tomorrow.
Don't be late.
The priest is charging by the hour.
We will be there.
- Please. And listen.
Bring, sister-in-law.
You are going to marry her.
I will get her.
- All right.
Okay, bye.
- Listen.
- Thank you.
"Our dream has now been fulfilled."
"Now we have a house of our own."
"And darling, you are there with me.
Yes, it's you."
"It's you."
"My colorful, darling.
My lovable darling."
"My darling you are my first love.
Yes, it's you."
"It's you."
"I have come with you
here where you are everywhere."
"My colorful, darling.
My lovable darling."
"My darling you are my first love.
Yes, it's you."
"It's you."
"I have come with you
here where you are everywhere."
"It's you."
"It's you."
"It's you."
"It's you."
- Yes.
Speak to Mr. Tripathi.
- Yes.
Who did all this?
Who did all this, son? Come inside.
In spite of knowing
everything they are ready.
They are good.
You will be happy with Avinit.
I am not going to get married, father.
I won't marry anyone but Shyamu ever.
Then why should I do
with these invitations?
You used to write a lot
of poems the entire night.
You haven't recited a poem
for your mothers since long.
Tell me one.
You haven't eaten?
Was it prepared badly?
No problem.
I will prepare your
favorite breakfast tomorrow.
Do you remember the poem
you used to recite to me?
My darling mother will
prepare breakfast for me.
The only son will recite poems.
What were the remaining lines? Tell me.
I think you have forgotten. No problem.
I will recite a poem for you.
It was your favorite.
The golden fairy started flying.
The fairy said, come with me.
We will find a new world together.
Our world will be full of greenery.
We will eat till we are content.
No one will bother us.
We will dance, play...
Father. Uncle, what happened?
Shameless girl!
You want to know what has happened.
Your father tried to
commit suicide because of you.
You have ruined us.
Your father is well
respected in the society.
The entire world listens to him but you.
You should have died at birth.
Everything will happen as per your wish.
I am ready to get married.
"My eyes and my heart
burns the entire night."
"My eyes and my heart
burns the entire night."
"My eyes and my heart
burns the entire night."
"My love is burning."
"My love is burning."
"My eyes and my heart
burns the entire night."
"My eyes and my heart
burns the entire night."
"What kind of story is this?"
"God, what is my fate?"
"What kind of story is this?"
"God, what is my fate?"
"Neither I nor you know
what are in these pages."
"What is this punishment
where my heart burns."
"My love is burning."
"My love is burning."
"My eyes and my heart
burns the entire night."
"My eyes and my heart
burns the entire night."
"My eyes and my heart
burns the entire night."
Dear, what is done is done.
There is no use thinking about it now.
You have to take care of
your future and the new family.
You have to keep
yourself and them happy.
Okay, dear.
Prepare Radhika and bring her.
- Yes.
Shyamu has come.
He wants to meet you.
Why were you not opening the door?
- Aunty...
I have been knocking since long.
Hurry up. Are you ready?
The relatives are waiting.
Even your friends.
Where is your earring?
Here it is.
- Come on. Put it on.
Where is the stole?
"I have left the world,
my life and my shame."
"I have come to my darling
after leaving everything."
"Expressing matters of
the heart is difficult."
"Unknown is this intoxication,
consuming me gradually."
"Expressing matters of
the heart is difficult."
"Unknown is this intoxication,
consuming me gradually."
"Love's call makes
me not to stop."
"Love is above all."
"Love is worship.
Love is a habit."
"Love makes you want to live."
"Love makes you dance.
Love entices."
"Love is troublesome."
"Love is troublesome."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"Love is a cure.
Love is a prayer."
"Love is faith.
Love is punishment."
"Love is intoxication.
Love is cruel."
"Love is attitude.
Love is a bad omen."
"Eyes are good communicators."
"These communicate
the unspoken words."
"Eyes are good communicators."
"These communicate
the unspoken words."
"In different ways
you have affected my life."
"Even silence speaks of you."
"Love is a page.
Heart is the writer."
"Love teaches new rules."
"Love is religion.
Love is a school."
"Love is a gift
from the Almighty."
"Love captivates.
Love creates."
"Love destroys."
"Love destroys."
"Love destroys."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"Love is a cure.
Love is a prayer."
"Love is faith.
Love is punishment."
"Love is intoxication.
Love is cruel."
"Love is attitude.
Love is a bad omen."
"Love is cruel."
"Love is God."
"Love is a cure.
Love is a prayer."
"There is love."
"Love destroys."
"Love destroys."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"Love is a cure.
Love is a prayer."
"Love is faith.
Love is punishment."
"Love is intoxication.
Love is cruel."
"Love is attitude.
Love is a bad omen."
"Love is cruel."
"Love is God."
"Love is a cure.
Love is a prayer."
"Love is faith.
Love is punishment."
"There is love."
"There is love."
"There is love."
Think about it.
What is there to think?
It is done now.
It is done now.