Jije (2022) Movie Script

Dude this sucks ass we've been out here
all day and ain't caught shit
You haven't caught shit
Well what the fuck did you catch?
The only thing I saw
you reel in was a stick
Stick fish little brother
it is a legitimate species
Legitimate my ass
You about ready to call it a day?
Yeah the only thing I'm
doing is feeding the mosquitoes
They're going to starve
feeding off your skinny ass
I'd rather be shooting pool, it's your
first week back and you're out of gas
and you're broke on one of
your first weekends off from the barges
Dude do I need to get you a
tampon for your angina
all you've done is bitch. I always take
you out to do shit when I get home. Always
Can't we just enjoy some time together?
Yeah you're right
sorry man
You still have been having them dreams?
No uh
just here and there
Good, I need you'd grow out of that shit
Just kid shit man
That Mrs. Goodrich?
Looks like her
Why is she back here in the quarters?
Hell if I know
she's a bit white to have any uh,
kin folk here back in these parts though
Let's go ahead and leave, hate
when people come back here
Need a trespassing
sign, cool kids only
You hideous
bitch, leave me alone
Come on
Come on Dude, no
We're going to make
sure she's okay, come on
No! Stop it! STOP IT!
No my, not my grand babies, no
Oh, hello dear
You, you okay?
Fine, everything is
going to be just fine
Okay, alright... alright
alright well
Why don't you let me see your gun?
Calm down Mrs. Goodrich, calm down!
- She saw you!
- Calm down! It's okay! It's okay!
She saw you
Think that's all I'll need
If you guys need anything,
Don't hesitate okay Frances?
Thank you Tom,
I just, I just don't know how
anybody could do
this. Why did she do this?
She was always happy, you know?
Her and Henry were like,
a fairy tale love story.
God Henry
I guess I should go
over there or something.
Father Mitchell is over there with him
now, and his daughter
will be in town
tomorrow he'll be okay
I mean as okay as a
man can be in this situation
You need to be here
with your boys right now
what they saw today
not gonna be easy for them to process
they're gonna need you right now
You're right
Poor Paul
He's been doing so well lately
you know
his night terrors
they'd all but stopped and I don't
know what this is going to do to him
like I said if you guys need
anything you have my cell
If you can't reach me there call me at the
Have a good night.
Mom, I'm fine
Really I'm okay
go check on Paul
I gotta pack up and head
out to the barge tomorrow
You mean you're gonna go back
after everything that happened today?
The bills won't stop just
cause someone dies momma.
I'll come back for the funeral
Yes ma'am I'm sorry
surprised me
How you holding up kiddo?
I'm okay mom
I don't know
it's weird
I can't even begin to imagine
Do you want to talk about it?
if that's okay
I just think I'm gonna go to sleep.
Maybe tomorrow?
You know,
I'm always here for you and you
don't have to pretend to be okay with me
I know
I'm okay mom
I'm fine
I love you Paul
I love you too, Mom
Hey are you okay in there?
Yeah I'm fine, Ma
Okay well Ruben and the crew are here
Good morning
Morning smells good
Thanks I'm making red beans for supper
Alright, I'll be back later Mom
Alright be careful
I will
Oh hey wait!
Our cell service is still out
- Really?
- Yeah so when you get there
ask Mr. Hern to use his phone and call
me on the land line so I know you made
it okay?
Yes ma'am
How long is it going to be out for?
I don't know
I called them again this morning and got
the same run around you know blah blah
blah sorry for the inconvenience blah
Alright well, I'm gonna go
Well hey, can I get a hug?
Love you
Call you when we get there, love you too
Aye, my honkafied
- What's up man?
- What's up my dude
Cuz you look like
shit. Dreams again?
I'm fine
Just, I didn't get much sleep last night
Hey Paul
Hey Madie
Anyway you ready to lose that pool champ
title today
You know it's not healthy
to lie to yourself right
Oh now he got the jokes?
Alright man
You already know I'm gonna spank you like
an albino midget Eskimo hooker homie.
What does that even mean?
Sounds like a good time to me
You boys need Jesus
You're probably right maybe
he's uh shooting pool let's go see
You need to call
CPS when he does that shit
No it's not as bad as it seems.
I can handle my dad
Whatever you say, but if he
lays one f... king finger on you
he's got all of us to deal with
Okay, got it
- You're family now
- Thanks
He hasn't been able to come back because
he's been working extra long shifts
Hey, as long as he's bringing home
that bank it's not a problem
You're not wrong on that one
But he does need to hurry up and get
back so we can go to the camp because
Man that river water is going to feel nice
Madeline isn't it?
I mean yes sir
How's our little town treating you?
I know it must be a bit of a culture
shock from way up north
Uh it's been nice, everyone's been great
Good, well I knew a pretty
girl like you would fit right in
Look at me son
End his pain
Is everything
Kill him
I want to apologize for what my wife put
you through
No child should have to witness that
No no sir I'm I'm sorry I didn't
Don't you dare be sorry
she doesn't deserve any pity
that's selfish b... tch! She...
I... I
I didn't mean to snap
I'm sorry
She saw you
Hey what the hell was that
- That man has gotten so creepy
- Is that
the guys who's wife killed herself?
come on let's just go
We don't allow your kind in here
But we got hookers and hardcore drugs
Oh! Why didn't you just say so
Looks like you boys gonna
be playing for the table today
You coming out of retirement?
No, not me boy
Son of that doctor that bought the old
Dedeaux place about a week or so ago
Well he's been back here playing solo
for a while
and the other table still busted so it
Seems you'll be playing him
Anyway I got to take this garbage out
Y'all know where everything is right?
Yes sir
Don't rob me blind while I'm gone alright
Look man, I know you
got the title right now
But let me handle the
new guy show him what's up
Alright man after you win
that, me and you on the table
You already know
keep going
that's good
look at the mess you made
He ain't ready man
I got this easy
I don't know he looks like
a little bit of competition
or maybe not
that's a sweet shot Roofoo
sure you got what it takes
Man I got this easy btch please
You okay Madie?
Yeah yeah I'm fine
just got a strange feeling
Hmm, me too
Jesus Sam!
- Come on!
- M'kay
Say big dog
looks like they know what you're doing
think you're ready to
take on the town champ?
That supposed to be you?
Names Ruben
Guy over there, that's my homie Paul
nice to meet you dude
Rack em up, champ
that's what we like to hear
Paul are you okay
yeah, I'm fine
just watching the game
you were saying
yeah just having an off day
you know
this guy's giving you a look that's all
I gotta say
wanna see something cool, champ
Alright, impress me
What did I tell ya
That's bullshit
There is no way
You just stay over there,
and handle your business
Looks like I'm already handling it
So when are you gonna
piss on him and claim him
what that's disgusting
Come on, you know
what I mean you two have been flirting
and staring at each other since the day
you met no we haven't
look my dear cousin doesn't have the
balls to ask you out
You better before some other hoochie does
listen something about when you two are
I don't even know how to explain it but
it's something special.
Paul, he's one of the
few good ones out there
I promise you he cares about you so much
Look it's not the 50s, you can ask him out
well maybe I'm just old-fashioned, I guess
I'm gonna get you two
together even if it kills me
I can't catch a fucking break man
you can
That's what I'm talking about
easy money
Sht... no I can't
but it don't matter
you just get one more
chance to screw up
loser says what?
Got refreshments for you losers
us, losers
it's an insult to losers everywhere hey
Hey! Stop talking about my
favorite people like that
Us or the losers?
Shut up
So... Brian right?
What brought you to our little town?
Dad. Left my whore mom
and wanted to come out
here to start over Oh that sucks
this this is bullsh...
Not only do I not get to take this guy's
but now I got to watch my future ex-wife
flirt with this guy
it's like she has a douchebag magnet in
her vagina or something
I don't know about the douchebag magnet...
She has consistently
shot you down after all
Aren't you're just f... kin hilarious
So... you're the ones that moved
into the old Dedeaux house
That's such a pretty house
kind of like out of
an old movie or something
Smells like dust and mothballs
Well besides the mothballs,
how are you liking our little town
Scenery sure is nice
I think I can help with
the money part though
I got a winner Hell nah kid!
I beat his ass three games in a row
getting lucky one time don't make him
the winner
you're gonna put the
money back on the table
and let me win it
okay easy killer
Fair is fair
I'll play one more game
but you know what
let's make it worthwhile all this fuss
that f... king guy
What? He's cute
he was until all that macho bullsh...
F... ked with my family though
which is a big a... no no
Winner takes all
Hell yeah kid. Bout time you man up.
Oh yeah! Game time.
Hey new guy.
What was that thing
you showed me earlier?
Something like this right
it seems about right
Come on
come on
Oh yeah
yes sir
good game man
You f... king hustled me?!
Hey a... hole!
Why'd you go and do
some dumb sh-t like that
Hey! I don't think so.
No no no not my place
cut that out
ain't nobody breaking nothing in my
store unless you want to get carried out
of here on your ass
I suggest you turn those fists back
into hands before I take it as an insult
That's better
Now we can all get along can't we
yes sir
now for you
this is your one and only get out of
jail free card
don't you ever start sh-t in my place
not unless you want to end up out there
on your ass
you understand me
Ruben Yes sir give
this boy his money
now you're squared away you.
You got your money
Now go home and cool off
and I also
advise you've been the new guy in town
you don't be such an a... hole around here
it's a good way to get your ass beat
Sh-t ain't over b... ch
boy you're testing my patience
You can't
f... king hit me!
Now you want to shut that sh-t hole of a
mouth of yours
or do you still want to walk out this
door your pride intact
your call
and you two
that right there is exactly why I tell
you no hustling in my place
that's how sh-t gets started
I don't want to see you two get hurt
you're gonna do this to the wrong
person one day
and I don't want that for y'all do y'all
yes sir
all of you you do the same thing
cool off go home
yes sir and one more thing
you better keep your heads on a swivel
pretty sure that boy right there is not
gonna let things go very easy
What's up b... ches?
What the hell dude you weren't supposed
to be back until Saturday
Some freak
storm rolled in so they sent us contract
crews home.
Hell yeah! Welcome home big man
it's always good to be home
so uh
what's the plan kiddos
I mean
we were gonna go home and be bored but
since you're back home the camp does
sound pretty nice
yeah sounds good to me
y'all load up
we'll swing by the house and uh I'll
unpack a change
the wind feels very very good
You okay?
Yeah, fine
all right
you really want to embarrass yourself
it's not even going to be close like why
- punish yourself GO!
- Cheating bastard!
Booyah! Oof!
Oh yeah! Booyah that b... ch!
Hey a... holes
Hey a... holes! Y'all having fun?
Yeah! Now get your big ass in here already
Mrs Goodrich stop!
Paul run! Go!
Oh yeah, get whatever you want
so there he was this fat shy quiet white
kid staring at John who just snatched
cinnamon roll off his tray
I mean I was on my way to go stand up
for him and everything but man
I saw the devil jump in him that day
next thing I know
this kid that nobody knew was up out of
his seat swarming on John like bees.
I'm talking punching kicking biting
his face and sh-t. F... king wild man
John sounded like a little b... ch with
all that screaming.
In all my elementary
school days I'd never seen anything like
that but yeah that's
the day I met this
cracker ass cracker. We've been best
friends since
I felt kind of bad for that one
he'd been coming home crying almost
every day for weeks because of that kid
so I told him the night before
that if he didn't stand up for himself
I'd do it for him
and then I'd kick his little
ass when he got home
Yeah, I wanted him to stand up for
himself don't get me wrong but holy sh-t
oh my god I can't imagine you being fat
I was 12. okay
Hit a growth spurt
not in the right places if
you know what I mean -Hey
I definitely can't imagine you being so
I mean you're always so calm
Yeah I try not to be
in all fairness they only serve
cinnamon rolls once a month
he was asking for it
you're not wrong about that homie but
serious talk bro
them dreams I'm fine
let's just enjoy tonight not talk about
You've been having those again
mom said they'd be getting worse
I'm fine, really
what's been happening Nothing
nah man it ain't nothing
mom said he'd been waking up screaming
in the middle of the night making weird
I'm fine
F... k!
Can we just not talk about that sh-t?
I'm not broken. I'm not crippled. I'm
not some helpless little b... ch, okay?
It's just dreams
F... ks sake
my bad man
You're okay
pushed him too hard
I'm worried about him
me too
I'm gonna go check on him and make sure
he's okay yeah
Madie always seems to have a good
effect on him though so
just give him a minute cool off
you're right
leave him alone
So they have been getting worse?
I'm not supposed to tell y'all
you know how Paul is
but he's been seeing people standing
around his bed at night and mom said
he's been waking up
screaming a lot lately
making weird noises when he's asleep too
it's gotten so bad
mom's talking about sending
him to see Ms Swanier
Who? The voodoo lady?
No, Mom don't no Mom don't go for that
kind of sh-t
Is it is that woman even still alive?
I'm telling you cuz
Mom said, and I quote
F... king doctors aren't doing sh-t
if mom's cussing like that
sh-t's bad
yeah man, sh-t
you're not crazy you know
tell that to my head
you can talk to me Paul
I won't judge you or
think that you're weak okay
you can trust me
you know that don't you
just tell me about your dreams
I don't
if they are dreams
I've been seeing things
like they're always there
sucking the color out of the world
it feels like I'm
so close to losing it
just one more push
We are here for you it's
not gonna happen. Okay?
In my dreams
I get so scared
no matter how many times I see the
things I see it
doesn't change
feels like I'm so close, the
fear is just overwhelming
especially when I see this one lady
standing over my bed
it feels like the fear is just going to
kill me
I like that idea
no more embarrassment
no more worrying my mom
stop breathing
never wake up
sometimes I wish for it
don't talk like that
I just want to feel normal
it's sucking all of the beauty and the
color of the world
everything except for you
french her bro
oh my little guy's becoming a man
Stop it, you assholes
ha ha guys
Kill them all
it's okay I got you okay?
What's going on?
No don't don't bullsh-t me, are you okay?
Yes nothing's wrong I'm just tired can
we go home?
Okay yeah we'll load up
Help me load up
mom's gonna be worried
and cell towers are out
sorry those assh-les
ruined your first kiss
it's okay
what happened?
I don't know
let's roll
Oh yeah?
Can I talk to you for a second?
Hey Paul
I meant what I said you're not crazy
I see things too
Like what?
Like auras around people
little blinks of dark things just like
floating around
I saw one on you when you got upset
Dark things?
Like a black wisp of smoke just
floating around in your aura
it's like it was whispering to you
I've been hearing whispers
before you saw me at the
river I saw Mrs. Goodrich
the lady that killed herself last year
she was just standing on the other side
she tried talking to me and then I heard
whispers it was like a thousand people were
whispering to me
all at once
whatever this is
you're not alone
all of us are here with you
Come on
- How was it?
- It was good
yeah so uh
- I can get that date?
- Maybe
Maybe maybe?
Maybe, yeah
Better than last time
so I guess I'll head out
Aunt Kates gonna you know b... ch
about me being late and everything
Alright Rube, see you tomorrow?
And you know this!
Hey uh
you want me to walk you home?
I'm good
you live the opposite way anyways
I don't mind
it's okay I like the walk
gives me time to think
before I have to go home
to where my siblings are wreaking havoc
catch y'all later then
I'm gonna go guys Oh, bye
See you Sam
Wasn't necessary
I better get home too
I'm sorry if kissing you made things
I'm glad you did
and I meant what I said you're not alone
You ever feel like it's
too much I'm right here
Thanks Madie
So how was the river?
It was good
Kids had a good time
you know I used to go to that
same spot when I was a kid?
Hey Hey bud
How did uh everything go
with the Madie down there?
It's not a big deal
oh... hm
Anyways we'll probably
have some guy talk about that okay
M'kay, well
I think that uh we have a little
bit to talk about tonight too then?
I'll think about it mom
Okay I'm gonna go make dinner
Love you Love you
so Paul
I'm moms talking about you
going to see miss Swanier
about your dreams She was?
I think you should
Say what? My atheist brother wants
me to go see the creepy
ass voodoo queen of
DeLisle because of dreams
yeah I know how it sounds
the bottom line is the doctors and
pills haven't been doing sh-t right?
from pills to voodoo
there's something I never told you
At Mrs Goodrich's funeral
her husband pulled me aside
started going on this rant
at the time I figured he was just
nuts from grief and sh-t you know
he said they were uh
I can't remember the damn name
anyway something
and some
got in his wife's head
made her do the shit that she did
he said it was coming for you next
I said
I just figure he was f... king crazy
a year later
and all this shit with you has got worse
just like he was saying
Why didn't you tell me that?
Why would I?
Thought it's crazy talk
But now you believe him
I don't know Paul, I don't
but a lot of the sh-t that he was
saying is starting to make sense
he said you start having dreams
But they ain't just dreams
you start hearing whispers and all
this sh-t would keep going Whispers
What, has that been happening too?
Son of a b... ch
you're going to see her
Dude I don't know
It's not up for
discussion god damn it!
okay man
look I'm sorry
I just
I love you little brother
and I can't lose you
all right
I couldn't live myself that happened
it's okay Adam
I'm gonna be fine
you're like my personal vacation
Sam right?
What do you want
I'm sorry about earlier with your
it's been a shitty past few days I
overreacted Okay
how about you let me give you a ride
wherever you're headed
Come on not don't bite
it's just a ride no strings attached
I like walking
Come on
Look you were a complete dick
to my friends. Hit one of them over some
stupid game and now you expect me to get
in a car with you on some back road
Speaking of! Why are you even on this
road? Your house is nowhere near here!
You some kind of stalker or something?
I don't want to ride
take a f... king hint!
Kill them all
Sam! Oh my god I'm sorry
I didn't mean to! What?
What the f... k did I do?
Just just stay with me I'm gonna bring you
to the hospital. You're gonna be okay okay
Madie is it you
You hanging around
that little bastard again
His name's Paul, and I was with all of my
friends. Not just him
F... king him?
Jesus Christ!
What the f... k?
You know I love you
It's been
it's been so hard since your mom died
Look at you
You look just like her
Especially when you hate me
Wakey wakey you gotta see you crazy
lady today
- Wait that's today?
- That's f... king today
Let's go
Come on get the f... k up
I don't know who this lady is Adam
Ah, blah blah blah come on
All right mom we're about to head
Did he sleep okay
A little bit rough but uh
after today I don't think we'll
have to worry about it much longer
I love you boys
We love you too
Take care of him
Yes ma'am
Come on
How you feeling?
Same way as yesterday.
I don't want to go here
I'm going to be right
back after I get done
with Goodrich. That's
not going to take long
Try to hurry up
Hey. Good luck
Ain't you that Allen boy
Yes ma'am
Mama's been waiting on you
Come on boy
She's waiting
that boy is here
Paul ain't it
Yes ma'am.
Your mama tells me that you've
been having some problems
Can't sleep feel like
you're losing your mind
Um yes man
something like that
You've been having them problems
all your life
Yes ma'am but
not as bad as lately though
After miss Goodrich
it got worse
Hey Mr Goodrich
it's Adam
Adam Allen
Hey you okay?
I'm coming in
You see people when you wake up at night
and they scare you, your mama tells me
Why they scare you?
Well, they're just standing
around my bed and
It's people that don't
belong in my house
I feel terrified and alone
because I am alone
there's nothing I can do when they're
no one can protect me
It's like something bad is waiting for
me you know
And then something bad came
That's how it got to what it is now
the day ms Goodrich died
What showed up
It was a silhouette of a person
This one was different.
I could see her
more clearly than others
like I could see details of the
she moved
and spoke before grabbing me
It felt like she was gonna
kill me and make
me lose my mind
in a way she did
in a way I did
lose my mind
you know
What'd she look like
Well it looked like she
was wearing a cloak
or something
a filthy old gown
it looked and
smelled like something from the swamp
She said something to me
Yes! That's it. What does
that mean? What is it?!
It's you
It's what you are
I'm sorry?
Many things have been lost over time
many things
stories, knowledge, magic lost
I hate this path for you boy
It ain't right that the powers that be make
this a burden for you.
I don't know who she is but
you're not the first to see her
My Jonas think that
she was the spirit of an old slave woman
a pwotege
that lost her jije
Seems she got no interest in going where
she belong
She's so
filled with anger and she's
she's gone mad with grief
my Jonas talked about
he just said she's just a presence
never said nothing about her hurt nobody
she's just so sad and
she don't want to leave
I don't understand
You're a jije
a judge
You know how you can tell someone's good
or bad right after you've met them
Like how you know right when something's
bad about to happen
or like how you always feel so drawn to
serve justice to them bullies
That's you
That's what you were born as
I'm sorry
I don't follow
So the purpose of a jije
is to separate the bad energy from the
good energies when people die
Now this can take a toll
on a human's body
Especially when you got them spirits
that don't want to go to the bad place
Many of jije have gone
mad trying to do this
Them are usually the ones that ain't got
they pwotege
and so they got no help to fight back
what's a pwot..
It's a jije soul mate
It keeps them grounded
and it helps heal them as that bad
energy pass through
A pwotege can also see a person's inner
and they can commune with the dead
Without they pwotege
a jije
just goes mad
Mr Goodrich
Mr Goodrich
It's started, hasn't it?
You... you okay Mr Goodrich?
You came about your brother
She's getting in his head
I came for answers
I already tried to give you the answers!
Well try telling me again!
She's whispering in his ear
that girl too
I don't think she can really hear it
She's different
It's too late now
she's taking us
she gets stronger with
everyone that she turns
It's too late for me
What the hell are you talking about?
It won't be long now..
All the Jije
We're all gonna drown
in the darkness with her
Unwilling pawns in some sick game of..
Whatever the Powers that be
What the hell are you talking about?!
Your brother.
The end of the world.
Your brother is special..
A "judger of souls"
He doesn't even know what he is..
If only I had realized it sooner
and that girl, Madie..
She's his pwotege..
Without a pwotege
a Jije loses their mind, with the souls
that pass through them.
So, evil has a consciousness??
Bad things are coming, boy.
Ready yourself.
It's too late now...
Jesus Christ...
I'm wasting my goddamn time..
Mr. Goodrich
We're all gonna drown with her
F... K
What the fck?
losing my god damn mind
you gonna bring the end
Where's Paul
Your brother left here 20 minutes ago
Is everything okay big boy?
Which way did he go?
I need you to take care of him
bad things is coming
You hear me boy?
Look man I don't want any problems
just trying to get home
You die
or the end
There you go
Thank you
all right
Get me a flat head
a flat flat
Where have y'all been?
Uh we had some truck
troubles but we're fine
Did you see Sam while you were out?
No ma'am, why?
Her mom called right after you left said
she didn't make it home last night what
I mean that's just really not like her
I hope she's okay
I'm gonna drive around and go look for her
I'm coming
Please be careful
Mom, we're driving around town I'm gonna be
right back I promise
I need to go to the cemetery
what the hell are you talking about now
after what we saw no
I told you I'd never bring you back
there you better give me a good reason
there's there's no reason I just need to
go back I'll go with Ruben I'll be
safe I won't do anything stupid
Yeah I'll take care of him make sure
he doesn't do any of his typical dumb sh-t
I'm coming too
You're not coming with
us you have to stay here
I don't think any of ya'll should go
Yeah, I'm sorry I have to go
all right I mean it no hero sh-t you
she goes sideways you run home straight
home alright
you go that way and I'll go there
take the circle and we'll meet up at the
path of the quarters
if you see anything holler
like Adam said
no hero stuff
yeah all right
we are gonna find her
Adam something's wrong
we have to go back
No you don't get to see
See what?
What did you do to her?
What did you do to her?
You did this!
Where is she?
Where is she?!
F... k you
Sh-t, where's Paul?
Come on man, come on, you're all right
stay with me man you're all right
Come on bro talk to me please
Hey you're okay
you're okay
hey over here
over here
What the fck happened, huh?
That mother f.. where did he go
fck! Come here come here
come here watch out watch out get back
all right
Hey get back down stay down
I said get down, get down!
Hey stop god damn it stop! Stop! Stop!
Fcking stop
Fck stop god damn it. Stop!
you okay
an entity whatever's not gonna be more
of an article
Kids gotta die Fck you!
I vow to be one uh the greatest
he belongs to me
stay with me
please stand up
Make it through
It's time to go baby
Today, we say goodbye to a child of god
as they go and be with our heavenly
they were taken too soon in our eyes
but all things are in God's time
we should grieve as we are human
but let us not become
lost in our sorrow...
Sorry about your friend
I'm sorry
I'm trying to do better
You know he loved you more than anything
I mean anything in this entire world
from the day you were born
Um you remember when we
went to uh John Marsh's party
Racist ass crackers giving you a hard
time for hanging with my non-cracker ass
there wasn't much we could
do about it things popped off
we were getting beat down
I was trying to get us out of there but
a big old fat boy comes around the corner
with why are you bringing nig... rs here?
You would've thought he took your
cinnamon roll with how mad you got
you marched right up and all I could do was
say a prayer and march right up behind you
next thing you know Adam's ogre ass
hand came flying out of nowhere...
smacked him right in his ear
knocked him out and the other guys lost
their balls right after that
Yeah I heard he wasn't able
to hear in that ear after that
man was wild, nobody I mean
nobody messed with his little brother
Paul, what's wrong?
I have the same nightmare every single
night the scenes never change I never
stay alive I hate to go to sleep don't
want to close my eyes speaking of eyes
they bloodshot I could end it all with
one shot stress on my brain causing me
to do some strange things nobody
believes a damn thing so I became a
drain to the alcohol a broken down
This is Chad Upson with breaking news
reports are flooding
in from the town of
DeLisle Mississippi
of an alarming rate of
suicides along with an influx of
mysterious homicides
the perpetrators
have not yet been
apprehended at this
point they are
considered armed and
dangerous with
cell service still down
in DeLisle for the
next three days local
authorities are
encouraging citizens to
keep your doors
locked and stay on high
alert and continue
to stay updated
through television
and radio sources as
we learn more about
this dire situation
unfolding in DeLisle Mississippi
happy to the system,
a bassinetted a... hole
lord knows my future
looking dim went
from a non-believer
to all I know is him
to learn the curse
is to give become the
legend of the myth
and all this sh-t
just made my whole
world shift from a
loser to a winner
all that deep sh-t is
looking thinner new
beginners from what
I thought was my
ending embracing my
change my demons
losing to change I'm
walking hell on earth
but my heart has a
new verse king on
my path and my path is
the universe life in
reverse to a throne
from a hearse king
on my path and my
path is the universe
life in reverse to
a throne