Jin yi wei (The Brocaded Robe Guards AKA 14 Blades) (2010) Movie Script

At the dawn of the Ming Dynasty
In order to consolidate all power
and keep his bloodline on the throne
The Emperor founded for his imperial
court an airtight security system
He trains street orphans under a strict,
totalitarian regime
Within the law, these secret guards
bypass judiciary procedures
Outside of the court,
they have their own code of law
They are called JINYIWEI,
the Brocade Guards
Their commander
And the best fighter
is given the name QINGLONG
He was granted
Inside this box houses fourteen
different steel blades
Eight of these blades are marked:
Sky, Earth, Rank, Law, Wisdom,
Trust, Benevolence, Bravery
That are used for interrogation
The remaining six are used for execution
First to kill those who disobey
the court and the emperor
Second to kill those who interfere
with the imperial administration
Third to kill those who practice
grafting and bend the law
Fourth to kill those who commit treason
Fifth to kill guards
who lay their Jinyiwei brothers
The last of them, a golden sword:
Fulfill your mission or,
failing that, lay down your life
These orphans are alone in the world
Under wise rule
They defend the country
Yet under fatuous rule
They become a walking terror
to the people
The JINYIWEI are involved in
highly military and political affairs
When missions go awry,
they often lose their lives
Meeting their sorrowful fate
Prince Qing is the uncle of the Emperor
During the last Emperor's reign,
he led the army in a failed revolt
Which cost him both his legs
And resulting in his exile
My Lord
All is arranged regarding our plan
with Jia Jingzhong
But I am disgusted
at the thought of his greedy face
More disgusting is the fact that
he is the reason I am still alive
Indeed you've given him
what you've promised
Now he even wants more
Greedy souls are what I'm after
Money is countable
Nothing but some numbers
What I loathe are unsettled debts
Your loyal slave Jia Jingzhong
is here to wish your Majesty
a long and healthful life
Tuo is here, noble Father
Tuo Tuo
Do you know why I have called for you?
I shall fulfill your wish,
my beloved adoptive Father
My Lord
Our kingdom is under siege
Zhao Shenyan is conspiring to revolt
You must reclaim the treasure box that
the emperor has bestowed upon him
In it is solid proof of his treason
Do you have the Emperor's Order?
General Qinglong, bow to your order
Emperor Secret Order
Counselor Zhao Shenyan
is conspiring to revolt
The Emperor has ordered for
Jinyiwei Qinglong to execute the mission
Bai Hu and Zhu Que
will take lead in your absence
Xuan Wu will be re-stationed
at the East Chamber
With his Majesty's Royal Blessing
General Qinglong receives
his Majesty's Order
Father, I am afraid
It is alright, Shouzheng
Let us leave together
Madame, I cannot do that
Is it because of the box
It must be the Jinyiwei
General Huang
You must escort Madame
out of the city tonight
Father... Father
Father... promise me
You must come for us
I promise you, son
Father... don't forget
Now quickly, to the study
Mum, I'm afraid
Don't be afraid
Do not make me strike
please hand over
his Majesty's treasure box
You should know
I would rather die
than surrender
to this corrupt court
Show yourself
Father... Father...
Let him go, let him go
You are despicable
I know I will not get it out of you
Forgive me, for I am here on a mission
I'll have to ask him
Shouzheng, don't be afraid
Listen to me
Shouzheng, he is lying to you
Tell me
Shouzheng, you mustn't tell
I said you mustn't tell
I didn't tell
Uncle said he will grant me any wish
I said... I said
I wanted you back
Did Jia Jingzhong not tell you
the Imperial Seal is in the box
Did you ever think
If this seal were to
fall into the wrong hands
How many lives
would be sacrificed and killed
To protect this Seal
It is your duty as Jinyiwei
Greetings to General Xuan Wu
Xuan Wu, Xuan Wu
You bastard
Let me out if you dare
I will kill you
Xuan Wu
You are wasting your breath
Kill them
Xuan Wu, when people see
the glory of your success
They will forget the sinister
nature of your means
I was right
Guards, release Bai Hu
Tuo Tuo is here on behalf of my Father
Coming to Sir Jia's aid
We know of Qinglong's escape and
to avoid unnecessary trouble
I will help Sir Jia
to get rid of Qinglong
Do you have proof
That you are indeed
Prince Qing's daughter
Big Head
Use the money well
You even give us the dowry
When they come for you
What will you give them
Don't worry
I can handle it
Flag Bearer, here's yours
We are disbanded
What about this flag
Keep it
There won't be...
a Justice Escorts ever again
We could have kept going
We have been in debt for too long
We can't possibly keep up
Qiao Hua
We are all getting old
I could come with you
I don't want to marry
Haven't the debtors already come?
We said we would pay them in two days
Qiao Hua
Sir, can I help you
I have a job for you
I'm sorry Sir
We've just closed down
There are three hundred taels here
When all is done
You get an additional three hundred
Is it this chest
you wish for us to escort?
No... it's me
Thank you, thank you
Congratulations, Boss
is to be searched thoroughly today
Sir Yang
Sir Yang
Boss Yong
Why all the strict searching today?
What happened?
Jinyiwei Qinglong
is on arrest for treason
The Emperor has ordered
execution to anyone
who let him go at the gate
My daughter is getting married
Didn't she get married last year?
not talk about it
Oh... right, right
Sir Yang, won't you help us out
We're in a hurry
Please let us through
But I'll have to search first
Sir Yang
Sir Yang
Uncle Yang
My niece is prettier every time I see her
Uncle Yang, you sure know
how to joke around
Alright, I've searched this one
Turn around, I'll escort you myself
You can let go of my hand
If it doesn't work out this time either
you should marry me
Come on
Boss, it's our own wine
Give some to everyone
Orders from Boss, we've had a long day
Sir, have some food
This is aged wine specially brewed
It is good for bruises
Have some
It will be good to your wounds
My Father started brewing this
since he founded Justice
It's been forty-six years
When I was young, I couldn't understand
When I grew older
and watched him
tolerating the ways of this world
losing money to pass by on one's way
I finally understood that the wine didn't
help him with bruises and wounds
It helped him with his heart
I want to help him
But he refuses me
If it weren't for my marriage
He would never have let me come
I really wish
A hero in this world
Can take over Justice
What fragrant wine
is the boss around here
It's me, Qiao Yong
from Justice Escorts in the city
We are new here, excuse us
We are the Sky Eagles Clan
He is the famous
''Blade Number One''
The Judge of the Desert
Today, we Sky Eagles give you face
Why do people like to bully others
Eighty taels of white silver
You will not pass if it is one tael less
Has this world changed?
Must we common folk live without
any respect and dignity?
Do not touch my flag
Flag Bearer
Dignity is within oneself
No one can take it away from you
You're risking your life
Who's there
Who would have thought
I didn't see
Sorry, boss
Sorry, boss... retreat
Boss, I saw the Jinyiwei plaque around
his waist with my own eyes
Go, go, go. . .
He is in the carriage
I've been waiting for you
Jinyiwei Formation
Do you know I was
the one who created this
Qiao Hua
Let me go
Jinyiwei Qinglong
Sir Jia thinks too highly of you
He's Qinglong
First kill,
interfering with the higher power
Second kill, brother killing brother
I'll tell... I'll tell
It was Xuan Wu...
he made me come after you
Who killed Bai Hu and Zhu Que?
Xuan Wu killed Zhu Que
Bai Hu was killed
by a girl from the West
sent by Prince Qing
Her sword was incredibly quick
Her name is Tuo Tuo
Go back to Jia Jingzhong
Tell him there's no longer
a Qinglong from Jinyiwei
Tell him to leave me alone
Yes yes yes
Since you are a jinyiwei
Our services to you end here
Your money
Please take it back
You will not harm my father
Let's talk about it
I only have one daughter
Please I beg you
You must travel to the east
And casually mention
my name wherever you visit
to divert attention away from me
Three days later, at Cotton Village
You will have two choices
Have your daughter back
Have her corpse back
Father... Qiao Hua...
Father... Qiao Hua...
Qiao Hua... Father
You were peeking
I need to pee
What are you doing
You may eat after you finish darning
We have guests
Papa, look
Come on, have a hug
Take a seat
Sir and Miss
We have some excellent broiled beef here,
would you like to try some
Yes, could we have half a kilo please
Let's have some on the juicy side,
it would smell lovely
We also have some
stewed goat's hooves in garlic
We'll have half a kilo of that too
Could you put more onion in it
Goat is a bit too much for me
We have some grape wine as well
We don't want grape wine
I don't want wine from the West either
Half a kilo of white wine
Half a kilo of broiled beef,
goat' s hooves and white wine
We're hungry... get on it
Right away
Please enjoy
I may not know the ways of the world,
but I know my way around the table
I can't eat it if you touch it...
take this
Check please
Everything satisfactory, sir and miss
We have unbeatable prices too...
just one tael and four pence
I don't have money
I'm your hostage
You don't have money either?
I gave it all to your father
Do you have money or not?
I knew by the looks of you two
That it was too good to be true
Boss, you just wait,
I'm taking them to the guards
Wait just one minute
Do you know who he is
He is a Jin...
My family name is Jin
I'm sorry, we really don't
have money with us
I hope this gold medallion will be enough
I knew that you had it all along,
I'll get you change right away
What are you doing
We could have easily bought ten horses
with the money you gave them
Is Qinglong your real name
That is what they call me...
I don't have a name
How did you become a Jinyiwei
Brother, brother
I have no choice
Don't you think it is a sin
to have killed so many
I never ask why
I only ask when, where and who
Have you thought of quitting
There is no quitting
in the life of a Jinyiwei
Our path is a short one
I will be done soon
If no one is after you
You could leave
To finish a mission is
the only dignity for a Jinyiwei
Knowing fully well
my fiance is cheating behind my back
Having to feign ignorance
and go forth with a wedding
How's that for no dignity
I wanted to devote myself to a man I love
But alas, his heart is not mine to have
I also wish for
a hero in this world
But alas, he kills without compassion
Still, I have hope for the future
My mother used to tell me
It is fortunate to have hope
Everyone has chosen their own path
Qinglong, that goes for you too
As long as you keep walking
You will see blue sky
Be careful, don't drop it now
Big sister
This is honey barbequed chicken
And this is toasted bread
And here, is our home brew wine
Let me know if you need anything else
Has the secret document arrived?
Yes it has
Let's get you some new clothes
Miss, you look gorgeous in this
It suits you well
Why don't you try this head scarf too...
they match together
You look pretty
Try on another
I think this one looks even better
Can you do something for me
What is it
Go to the guard post
And find a man called Jia Jingzhong
If they ask you who you are
Give them this letter
But a woman walking into a guard post...
You'll look like a man in this
I have something else to take care of
I will come for you afterwards
What are you here for
I am here for Jia Jingzhong
Who are you
Surround him
When you could stay in heaven
Why invite yourself to hell
There is no quitting
in the life of a Jinyiwei
There is no quitting
in the life of a Jinyiwei
What business do you have with Sir Jia
We Jinyiwei
Never ask why
Only when, where, and who
Jia Jingzhong is planning
to sell the three districts
And the gold will be delivered
by Captain Xiahou himself
The twelfth day of this month
That is today
Qinglong, do you think you can do
whatever you want around here
To finish a mission
is the only dignity for a Jinyiwei
Capture him
Arrest him
It's a woman
Let me go
Let me go
Greetings, Captain
Show me the way
What are you doing
Did I ask for your help?
You wanted to use me
Remember this
You are not allowed to be out of my sight
Do you understand
Give me your hand
Thank you
Waiter Coming
We have guests
Table for two
This way please
You've arrived just in time
if you are not in a hurry
You can watch the fireworks tonight
We will be staying here for the night
Want a room? Yes
A deluxe room for two
Please give us two separate rooms
Two rooms, yes of course
When we strike later
you leave first, alright
We have someone seated
at this table already
Would you mind...
I want to sit here for the fireworks
This inn is for everybody
That is alright
I would like a new friend
I don't need friends
I have this whole inn for tonight
I've been following that tribe of
merchants for a long time
Don't you dare touch them
Since I have the chance
to meet Qinglong today
I, the Judge of the Desert,
must see how great he is
Before it goes down, I will beat you
Are you alright
Before this bowl stops spinning
I will beat you as well
Don't move
Draw your sword
I have no wish to fight you
But I will tell you this
They have a thousand taels of gold
They may win in numbers
But we can work together
Here is the map to the post
Let an arrow be our signal
to attack
How will we split it
I don't want any of it
I want something else from them
Why should I trust you
If the plan fails
I'll end my own life
We Sky Eagles have our own rules
The day
we rob something that is worth
giving up our lives for
That is the day we turn into
righteous bandits
What are you after?
My dignity
Let's go Go
Yes Sir
Why didn't you leave just now
I'm not allowed to be out of your sight
My fiance
has a shop here
He has long asked me to come during
the Mid-Autumn Festival
He said it is very romantic
Especially in the desert
The sky is high and the land is wide
I would love it
He said if I were ever to come,
I should stay here with him
He said he would make up for everything
he has ever done
I'm really here now
But with a Jinyiwei instead
Here is the money that I owe you
Go look for your fiance tomorrow
You want me to go back to him
Am I of no use to you now
you are of no use to me now
It is a festival for fireworks
Why are you here alone
I do not have family
Who am I here with
if it weren't with myself
I am fortunate to
have your company tonight
Many are after me
but their luck runs out
and I am always
the only one left
That is depressing
The ones after you don't
have it easy either
The more you understand
the one you are looking for
The more you will treat him as a friend
Watching your friend goes down
How is that for depressing
The worst occassion
was when I killed my own brother
Do not worry
Your nightmare will soon end
I am mentally prepared each day
That before I go down
I must complete what I have set out to do
Whoever stands in my way
No matter friend or foe
Will have to go down first
Take this inside
Where did you come from
Don't play here
Outside Outside
Big sister, our money
Thank you, big sister
Captain, it must have been
a long trip for you
Assisting Prince Qing
to acquire three districts
Took me a lot of effort
My deepest gratitude, Sir Jia
I thank you on behalf of Prince Qing
Has Sir Jia brought
what we wanted
Is the Scroll here
I must take a routine look at it
Sir Jia, before I left
Prince Qing made some amends
to the Scroll
It is Mid-Autumn Festival
Our first Emperor
made his move on this day
and founded the Ming Dynasty
Prince Qing wants
the Imperial Seal of Approval
on this Scroll
So that he can come forth into the city
What rubbish
This is a blatant revolt
Sir Jia
You dare not to be understanding
Do you not fear
for your head?
Xuan Wu, take the Seal
Xuan Wu, Sir Jia
Did you not once say
When people see
the glory of your success
They will forget
the sinister nature of your means
I work for Prince Qing now
Sir Jia, thank you for teaching me that
Yes Yes
Tell our men to be on guard
and secure this place
Kill anyone who comes in
Please hand me the Scroll
We should stamp it with the Seal
Here comes the Sky Eagles
This is family business for the Jinyiwei
Whoever stands in my way today
Will go down
I am stronger than any one of you
Am I wrong to pursue what I want
I know
You have always treated me like a brother
But did you not
kill your own brother too
Yes, and that has left me
a life more painful than death
The suffering
is a nightmare that will never end
You will not want a life like mine
Do not worry
You will not die alone
After I finish my business
I will come with you
Kill him
I hate bullies
Judge of the Desert
I thought you only knew how to rob
I love to rob
but I love to fight more
Take this
Your carriage is behind the guard post
There is food and water
Enough for five days
Here is your gold
It is all mine?
It is all yours
The concept of robbing
for anything other than riches
I really don't understand
If you're ever up
for something like this again
Remember me
I will
Leave quickly
Go without me, leave quickly
On the count of three
If you do not hand over the Seal
I shall kill her
He will not
give up the Seal for me
I'm sorry
Because of me
you lost the Seal
Did you not once say that
everyone has a choice
Oh... How did she manage to capture you
After I went to find my fiance
I went back to find you
That is how she got me
I shouldn't ask you to find him
I should personally deliver you to him
This is where...
we saw Qinglong fight with the girl
from the West
Qinglong lost and he fled in our carriage
Brothers from the desert
in the North also saw
war drums hoisted by Prince Qing's palace
A troop of ten thousand were standing by
ready to attack
At the same time, there were
about three hundred fire shooters
aiming towards the City of Sky Wolves
Their intention unknown
The entire city is trembling in fear
Zhao Shenyan is to be executed
for losing the Imperial Seal
Qinglong has lost the same item during
his mission in the city
it must be the same Seal that Qinglong
has taken back
It is not only the Seal
that Qinglong is after
The fourteenth and
the last blade of the Jinjiwei:
Fulfill your mission or, failing that,
lay down your life
Taking back the Seal doesn't
just concern you alone
Qinglong although you are
the best fighter among us
There is one thing that we excel in
And that is we know our way
We know the routes inside out
There is no time... so let us help you
If they stamp the Seal
on the forged Scroll
Prince Qing will be able to
take his men into the city
The people will suffer
a long and painful war
So before the Seal
passes through the border
We must take it back
For Tuo Tuo to pass through
She must go through City of Sky Wolves
Prince Qing is careful
He will do everything to aid her
Do you have an idea
Must draw Tuo Tuo away
Divert their attention and take the Seal
City of Sky Wolves is famous for
its labyrinthian passageways
I know a shortcut
that will enable us to pass them
Brothers we must hurry
Xuan Wu
You deliver the Seal
I will take care of Qinglong
Let's go
Check it out
Have the fire shooters dismount and chase
Go after them Yes
Let us split up here
Go Yes
Cease fire
The seal is here
I cannot turn back now
Kill me
Qinglong, go to Qiao Hua quickly
We will handle this here
Qinglong fooled you into dying for him
Here comes the Sky Eagles
I said scram
Tell Qinglong for me
If you see me upon
this sandy horizon again
Do not be overjoyed
If it is she that you see
Do not be too sorrowful
After going through here
You can pass through the border
Aren't you coming with me
The road for a Jinyiwei is short
Mine has come to its end today
You told me
We would deliver the Seal together
And then you would leave with me
I promise you
From now on, if you need me
You only need to
ring the bell on your wrist
And I will be there for you
Let me tell you a secret
That day
After I saw my fiance
I came back for you
I wanted to tell you
I have declined the proposal
Whatever you tell me to do
I will do it
No matter if you are lying to me
Or not
I will wait for you
Take this Seal to the General of the West
After I take care of Tuo Tuo,
I will come immediately
Before I complete my mission
Whoever stands in the way
No matter friend or foe
Will have to go down first
In the end, I safely delivered
the Seal to General of the West
Just like I promised Qinglong
The conspiracy was found out
Prince Qing killed himself
before his execution
It is rumored
that Prince Qing
has never cried in his life
But upon hearing the death of Tuo Tuo
He shed a tear
The people were most thrilled
that the Emperor held the court again
Sir Zhao was released
As long as those like Sir Zhao exist
I believe that people
will live happy lives
Brother Huang, this way
Yes, boss
Prepare food fast
Must continue after lunch
Hurry, hurry
Before father passed away, he said that
Justice Escorts must remain open
for all that is just and fair
in the world
He also told me a secret
that his wine is not
for bruises and wounds
But for him to remember
The sweet memories of the past
When I drink his wine
I am reminded of a friend
I met in the desert
I feel very fortunate to have met him
Because I am witness that the Judge
has turned for the good
Of course, I will also think of him
And the roads we have traveled together
I may not know the ways of the world
He once told me that I only need to
ring the bell on my wrist
And he will appear
Whatever he tells me to do, I will do it
No matter if he is lying to me or not
It is fortunate to have hope