Jind Mahi (2022) Movie Script

'Ma'am, there is one last patient.'
'I'm sending him in.'
Ask him to come tomorrow.
I have to leave early today.
he has been waiting for a long time.'
-Okay, send him in quickly.
-'Okay, ma'am.'
Excuse me? You may go in.
Please, come.
I'm Harry.
Okay, so Doctor Mehta sent you?
He is the one who needs to see
a therapist and yet he sent me instead.
Why does he need to see a therapist?
He can't understand
what I try to explain to him.
I can't understand
what he tries to explain to me.
Is that so?
What is it that you can't understand?
Maybe I can understand it.
About me and Laado.
"Fair complexion and loving eyes."
"Fair complexion and loving eyes."
"I am sixteen years old
and will now be judged..."
"Now God will judge you."
-Greetings, Aunt.
-Greetings, my dear.
-Here are your six samosas.
-And four cups of tea.
-All right. All right.
-The samosas that you delivered
last time... -Yes?
Two of them
had no cottage cheese in them.
What? Really?
Isn't that bad, my dear.
If I tell someone about it,
your restaurant will be shut down.
Aunt, I swear on deliveries, I will go
and complain about it right away.
If cottage cheese starts disappearing
out of samosas like this then
our restaurant
will definitely disappear.
But I won't let you get upset.
Take one samosa complimentary from me.
Thank you. Be careful about
the cottage cheese next time.
I guess it's time to go.
Well, make sure you come
and see me again, okay?
Yes, I am going to miss you.
I am going to miss you too.
I will see you soon, okay?
-I'll pick you up tomorrow, okay?
Oh, my God.
What on earth is going on?
They are romancing in the open.
-Aunt, come here.
Aunt, you are worried about
the cottage cheese in the samosas.
Your daughter is
romancing a man downstairs.
-That too an African American.
-Oh, my God.
Aunt, I will handle
my restaurant's reputation.
But if your daughter
runs away with an African
then your whole clan will be ruined.
Don't say that I didn't
tell you about it, okay?
"Fair complexion and loving eyes."
-Ms. Laado.
We are busy in our work.
This isn't just your salary,
it is the document for us to part ways.
But still I have put love
worth ten pounds in there.
But I am wondering,
what will you do in India?
I will lease my land to someone
and sleep to my heart's content.
In summers,
I will visit my maternal home.
In winters, I will wear colourful
dresses and attend weddings.
And when I die, I will die free.
Not like you, who will die working.
That is what I am saying.
You will remain idle there.
You can do the same here.
You will receive a salary
of ninety pounds anyway.
Whether you come to work or not,
just have candlelight dinners
with me once in a while.
You are such a sweet talker.
Thank you, God.
Just open your mouth a little.
Open up.
A little more. A little more.
Mr. Dildaar, you have two wisdom teeth,
keep these ten pounds worth your love
and get both your wisdom teeth extracted.
They are not of any use to you.
Yes, Pinder.
What do you want, that I should gift
500 pounds on your sister's wedding?
My flight to India is in three days.
If I cancel,
I will directly lose 350 pounds
and when a person goes to a wedding,
they tend to spend 100-150 pounds
on the DJ too.
I won't be able to do this.
I will definitely come
for Navu's next wedding.
You NRIs don't get married just once,
am I right?
In our Kishanpura...
Oh, I am dead. No, I am alive.
Oh, God.
Thank you, Mr. Sandhu.
I just saw the living death
as the saints describe.
If you hadn't pressed the break, Laado's
home delivery was definitely done today.
Oh, my God.
It is your fault and you are
sitting quietly inside, you sly one.
Just come out.
Wait, I will teach you a lesson.
You are driving so fast
in such a narrow lane.
Is that bald guy's fast and furious
being shot here?
A person on a temporary visa
is like the dead anyway.
We think a hundred time
before getting ourselves bandaged,
whether we should do it or not.
If you rich people
are so unhappy in life,
go and jump in a well.
Just leave us poor people alone.
Hey! Where are you going?
No apologies, nothing...
Are you going to apologize or not?
Go to hell then.
Looks like it is special occasion.
It was just an ordinary day, grandma.
It just turned out to be special.
Is that so?
Dad has fixed my marriage with Harry.
Actually, I wanted to meet Harry.
But I don't know why...
I am scared to call him.
My dear, a person's courage and his fear
won't make a difference
to the destiny written by God.
Do you understand?
You have been in love with him
since childhood.
And you are afraid of calling him?
Call him.
'Do you know how much loss I had to face
in business after your mom's death?'
'You are into the real estate business,
right dad?'
'Your entire calculation
comes down to just profit and loss.'
'I will not become a doctor.
I want to do photography.'
'The only son on Rajinder Singh,
the real estate King,'
'will take picture
at people's weddings?'
'Let me live my life the way I want.'
'I am not ready to get married.
I don't love Sabreen.'
'It would have been better if you too
had died with your mother, you loser.'
Hello, don't jump!
Listen to what I have to say
before you jump.
Forgive me, I am not at fault.
I just have a lose tongue.
And a weak person tends to make noise
in a fight and that is all I have done.
It's not like I wrestled with you.
He came to jump.
If you jump from here, the cops
will blame me for your death.
They put people in prison
for thirty years.
Then when I go to my village in old age,
all the village kids will mock
if I have returned from abroad
or prison.
Just go from here!
Just stop being angry.
I understand
that the river water is deep
but life is even deeper than that.
If you dig deep, you will
definitely find an excuse to live.
-Come on down.
-I am telling you, just go away!
Oh, God, he is just not ready to listen.
Do you know when I was little,
our calf died because of wrong medication
and he still scares me in my dreams?
If you die,
you will come in my dreams too,
sitting on the calf.
Okay! Okay! Okay!
I promise I won't jump. You go.
No, no, no!
These promises mean nothing here.
Just come down...
Oh, God!
What an expert driver you are,
kill us non-permanent ones.
You almost injured my ankle.
Where did he go?
Make sure you check all the vitals.
-I had the desire...
-Keep monitoring them.
to do something for this country
before I leave.
-Bring his reports to my table.
-We'll keep him under observation.
-I did him some good.
Here comes the award for bravery.
I thought
they are going to felicitate me.
You did it, didn't you?
You jumped. You didn't listen to me.
He wants to commit suicide.
You are the one who pushed me.
I wasn't going to commit suicide.
You nincompoop,
if you didn't want to commit suicide
then were you waiting
for floating coconuts there?
-What do you mean by nincompoop?
Har... Harnarayan?
You live in UK and your name sounds like
you are based in Fazilka.
That too from the Ganganagar side.
In Kishanpura, Jeeta drank poison.
-What Kishanpura?
-Laado's village.
-What Laado?
-Me, Laado.
You ruined my rhythm.
Satta put Jeeta on his shoulders
and carried him for two kilometres
to the doctor.
The village gave him Rs. 1.25 lakh
in reward and even felicitated him.
And look at you.
Here comes the doctor.
Thank God, you are alive.
I heard that you saved him.
How can I see a man dying, doctor?
Really? So you jumped after him too?
I feel jittery
just looking at cold water.
I inhaled deeply through my stomach
and yelled loudly.
A man is dead, a man is dead!
It created such a ruckus there.
The divers dived into the water
and dragged him out by his hair.
Then his life was saved
because you created a ruckus.
Why are you talking to this crazy girl?
Throw her out.
Am I crazy or you?
The doctor has understood the matter
but you still haven't?
What an ungrateful guy, right?
Instead of thanking me,
he is trying to accuse me.
Live if you want to, die if you want to.
Laado is going to Kishanpura
day after tomorrow. Greetings.
He is crossing lines for no reason.
Balli, have some shame.
Why are you wearing the doctor's coat?
If you get caught, you won't
be able to be a driver anymore.
And if Uncle finds out,
he would have me deported right away.
He is the one to talk.
-Oh, my God.
-Where did she come from?
What happened? Are you okay?
It's nothing. Nothing.
Someone tried to commit suicide
by jumping off a bridge,
and our Harry saved him from drowning.
But he doesn't even know how to swim.
Yes, he doesn't
but the water wasn't too deep.
It was this high.
You could stand on your toes
and bring your nose above water.
Is that so?
So the doctor's coat
did come in handy, right?
What do you mean?
I mean, his cousin, the doctor
was useful in this time of need.
Absolutely, Balli. Now until we get
married, you must look after Harry.
Marriage? Whose marriage?
Your dad came to fix our wedding.
You know,
it was such a special day, today.
I don't know who jinxed it.
Stop. Where will you stay in India?
You will land at the village and
Uncle will start making calls from here.
The he will reach India too.
And then you'll have to come back here.
I won't go to the village.
I am going to the mountains.
I have 5000 pounds.
They will last me a year or two.
What will you do with 5000 pounds
in the mountains?
You have to live in a tent there
and eat leaves.
Do one thing, give me 5000 pounds.
-I have to drink in your memory.
-Don't talk nonsense.
Then listen, why are you losing heart?
-Be strong.
-How can I be strong?
I kept making excuses in front of dad
but now Sabreen...
I don't have the feelings.
Then do one thing.
Just have courage,
get married and have a few babies.
There is no scope for feelings.
-No, let me call her.
-Stop, you stubborn man.
-Hello, Sabreen?
-'Hi, Harry.'
I need to talk to you
about something important.
-Excuse me.
-Who is it now?
-Jai Hind.
-Oh, hi.
-Do you know where apartment 202 is?
-That's mine.
-Are you Mr. Harnarayan?
-Yes, this is...
Mr. Harnarayan, you are facing charges
of misdemeanour, trespassing,
for jumping off the King's Cross bridge
to attempt suicide,
based on the statement
of Ms. Lakhwinder Kaur.
I am here to give you this notice.
This is strange,
it costs money here to even die.
You'll have to sign, brother.
-Sign here for me.
-Jump in the water now.
Yes, that's it.
-Thank you very much.
-Thank you very much. Have a nice day.
Now if you leave for the mountains
without addressing this issue,
you will land straight into jail.
You, Mountainman.
"First time when you hooted,
I got scared."
-It's very hot.
-Open the door!
I said, open the door!
Just a minute.
-You don't answer your phone.
-You don't answer your phone.
I said, you don't answer your phone!
Aunt Faiza, why are you
shouting like Chamkeela?
-Speak softly.
-You, witch.
How many times did I call you for rent?
Why don't you answer your phone?
Aunt, a man comes empty handed
and will leave empty handed.
And I am leaving for India in two days.
And for two days, the rent would be
25 pounds, you can take that.
You have money to get high.
But you can't bother to pay your rent.
Oh, my God! When did I get high?
I saw bottles of pills in your room.
You check my room when I am not here?
It's my house.
I can check any room I want.
-This is too much.
-Myra is having maggi.
I'm coming, mom.
Myra, come here.
How many times have I asked you
not to come to her house?
Aunt Faiza, you twisted
the innocent girl's ear for no reason.
Move aside.
She is the one to talk.
Wait, I will teach you a lesson.
How dare you touch me?
Look, how she is running now.
Someone save me, the witch has gone mad!
-Am I the witch or are you?
-Open the door!
-Come here...
-Come here.
-No, how dare she touch me?
-Wait. How dare she?
Just come out now.
-Listen to me...
-I'll teach her a lesson!
Come out now!
-No, I will call the cops.
-Sit. Sit.
How dare she touch me?
I paid her rent for a whole year
and two months.
But does she have
any respect in her eyes?
These kind of women lose
their purses at a fair
and search their mother-in-laws things.
I kept praying for her
that her marriage could be saved
and she is locking horns with me.
In Kishanpura, these kind of women
can't find anyone
to attend their funerals.
Why do you feel like your carry
the entire burden of London on your...
Damn you.
You hyena, when did you
come and sit behind me?
Narayan, I am already in a very
bad mood. Don't start something new.
Do one thing, fix a time
to meet me tomorrow.
Why did you tell the police
that I tried to commit suicide?
Well, you did.
Were you thinking you are pigeon
when you sat there?
I lost my hold because of you.
Not lost, you let go.
This unnecessary nonsense
that you are talking,
the council slapped me
with a fine of 25000 pounds.
How will I pay it?
You really had a tough time
like that woman from Kishanpura.
-You know Kishanpura, don't you?
-Your village.
Come here. Come here.
Jasbiro fought with her mother-in-law
Kartaro and jumped into the canal.
Including 26 grams of jewellery.
A labourer saved Jasbiro.
But all the jewellery was drowned.
All of it.
How am I concerned with this?
Don't be in such a rush.
The concern will be evident soon.
Till today,
Jasbiro's parents and her in-laws
have not given her any jewellery.
Now, in every wedding, Jasbiro
borrows earrings from someone,
headdress from someone
and so on and so forth.
If I don't testify,
what happened to Jasbiro,
will happen to you too.
You'll have to borrow money
from here and there.
-And it will go on like that.
-Dad will kill me. You don't know him.
Narayan, I am very hungry right now.
Let's eat to our heart's content first,
and then we'll find a solution
for your problem.
No, Laado. No.
"Your beauty is too much for Giddha.
Your youth and beauty are incomparable."
"Your youth and your beauty
are incomparable."
"Your beauty is too much for Giddha.
Your youth and beauty are incomparable."
"I won't stop dancing."
"Just keep holding my arm and dancing.
I won't stop dancing."
"Just keep holding my arm and dancing.
I won't stop dancing."
"The bullets in a gun
and money in Giddha"
"will come to an end
because of your innocence."
"Will come to an end
because of your innocence."
"The bullets in a gun
and money in pockets"
"will come to an end
because of your innocence."
"The girls kept dancing like this."
"Keep dancing
until the boy is singing couplets."
"Just tell me how long,
I should sing couplets for you."
"Your slim waist is giving
sleepless nights to boys."
"Your slim waist
is making them sleepless."
"Your slim waist is giving
sleepless nights to boys."
"The whole village is watching me
from rooftops but I won't stop dancing."
"Just keep holding my arm and dancing.
I won't stop dancing."
"Just keep holding my arm and dancing.
I won't stop dancing."
"Let your anklets break.
I will buy you new ones from Khanna."
"I will buy you new ones from Khanna."
"Let your anklets break.
I will buy you new ones from Khanna."
"Keep dancing like this."
"Just keep telling the boy how long
he should keep singing couplets."
"Just keep telling the boy how long
he should keep singing couplets."
Whose side are you from?
The girl's side or the boy's side?
How can I tell you whose side I am from?
Go on. Come on.
The one who came with me...
Tell them whose side I am from.
He won't be able to tell
whose side we are from. I...
Parmod... you tell them
whose side I am from.
Well... look at that.
He was lying on the floor and dancing
with me and he isn't saying a word now.
Such humiliation! Such humiliation!
I never imagined
that you would do this to me.
That you would ask me
whose side I am from.
I danced so well
and entertained everyone.
They want to ask me
which side I am from.
Now I...
I will tell everyone once and for all
which side I am from.
It's working.
Laado never imagined that you
would ask her which side she is from.
But now that you have asked me,
then I... I will tell you...
Narayan, run!
They're behind us.
Narayan, hold this!
Go! Come on. Come on.
-Come on.
-I don't know how to ride!
Shame on you! Move aside then.
Hurry up.
-The keys...
-Don't let them get away.
-Hurry up. Don't get us killed.
Thank God, you are safe, Harry.
She almost got us killed.
I can't believe I crashed a wedding.
And I cannot believe
that a Jatt boy
doesn't know how to ride a bullet.
Do you know if the cops had caught us,
my entire life would have been ruined?
Your life is already ruined.
How much more will it get ruined?
Tell me one thing.
Your parents didn't adopt you
at a village fair, did they?
What do you mean?
Doesn't Harnarayan seem like it is
the name of a lost child?
Narayan Singh Sandhu
is my great Grandfather,
and Hari Singh Sandhu
is my grandad's name.
If such a piece came out
after mixing two people,
then the material
is being ruined here too.
Do you know how stressful my life is?
You are bound to get stressed.
I don't know what kind of
ill-fitted trousers you are wearing.
And this shirt is the same.
You're wearing such a tight belt too.
And you are wearing
these awkward glasses.
You are not giving stress
any outlet for release.
If you had taken a
few drinks at the wedding,
all your stress would have disappeared.
And you would have felt
some courage too.
You would have ridden
this bike yourself too.
Laugh a little.
God forbid, you lose your teeth
by the time you learn to laugh.
-Like this...
-Go away.
I was crazy to ask for your help.
We are done. You don't know me
after today and I don't know you.
Go to hell then...
It's a good things
that I walked with this bike.
Otherwise, the cops would have
charged me for driving under influence.
Aunt Faiza,
Laado's heart is magnanimous.
I forgive you. I love you.
Let's hug.
Get lost!
She stinks of beer.
Shame on you!
All right.
So, you found out
that Laado had beer and not alcohol.
Look at your frown.
Like the bathroom wall got damp.
Stay happy. Like so.
Just move aside.
Ms. Kaur, please behave.
Mrs. Faiza Khannum wanted
to sue you for harassment.
I have convinced her
with great difficulty.
And remember,
if the charges had stuck,
you would have been imprisoned
for at least a year or two.
Sorry, Sir.
Thank you, Ms. Faiza.
This mistake won't be repeated again.
So, now I will quickly take your leave.
I am very sleepy. Bye.
Ms. Kaur, you have to leave.
Ms. Faiza has dropped the charges
on the condition
that you will leave this house
Please, leave now.
"I want to tell you something
in your ears, dear."
"I want to tell you how to love."
"I want to tell you something
in your ears, dear."
Balli, turn down the music.
"The turbans are adorned with stars."
What is all this noise early
in the morning? Turn the music down.
"I want to tell you..."
My mom started saying
when I was young...
my doctor son,
my crocin, my paracetamol.
I too dreamt
that I would become a doctor.
I worked very hard and spent
two full years with the village doctor.
Then I got abused for a year
at the drug store.
-Then I became a driver.
May God keep fulfilling
your dreams like this.
What are you doing here?
Narayan, come. You have a few bites too.
How did you find this address...
Balli, you brought her here, didn't you?
Balli, I am asking you something.
Just a minute.
Hey, why are you getting angry?
You will burst.
She makes rotis as thin as wafers.
I have eaten a home-cooked meal
after a long time.
Your court date is after two days
and then she will leave.
You don't know what a huge mess she is.
She will get us thrown out of here.
Sorry, there is no space for you
to live here.
It's not like I am carrying a truck
full of hay with me.
First, I should waste my time
on testifying in your favour.
On top of that,
I should listen to your jibes.
Did I get bitten by a rabid dog?
Laado, have the scrambled eggs at least.
This is not the age to do any good.
He is acting too haughty.
Do one thing, arrange 25000 pounds.
What's the big deal?
You can even go to prison for one year
along with a fine of 25000 pounds. Yes.
Hold on.
Two days.
Two days. Two days.
I hope the scrambled eggs aren't cold.
No, no, they aren't.
-Shall we make Kadhi-rice tomorrow?
Do one thing, grab a box of curd
and chickpea flour.
I will make the fritters myself.
Give me some too.
A roti as thin as a wafer.
What is this mess?
Can't you knock?
If the lock is rusted
you could have hung a board outside.
How would I know you are inside?
Oh, God! What are you doing?
-With this?
This is what it's used for.
don't you take a sip out of that.
I thought you kept it there for toilet.
It was used early in the morning.
Laado, these two days really flew away.
The time has flown.
If we had a swing in our apartment, it
would have felt like the Teej festival.
Can't you postpone your ticket
for another few days?
I can do that somehow.
But throw this Punjabi out of the house.
Laado, speak softly.
-You'll get me thrown out of the house.
He is the one who pays the rent.
I am just freeloading.
But don't you feel frustrated
living with such a man?
In Kishanpura,
such men are termed as jinxed.
-Quiet. Laado. -People change paths
if they see such men.
-Ms. Lakhwinder Kaur and Mr. Sandhu.
-Go on. Get it over with.
Please sign here.
Mr. Sandhu?
What were you calling me? Naresh?
A jinx, not Naresh.
Naresh is the accountant in our village.
Don't point out flaws in me.
You mountain goat, all you do
is use your mouth all day long.
Look, what a funny joke he cracked,
We better save ourselves
from so much laughter.
Please sign here.
Just a second, ma'am.
Let me talk to her first.
Country bumpkin, uncouth.
I don't know which fool
gave you the UK visa.
This is the reason...
you got thrown out of the house
by Aunt Faiza.
Do you know what I think?
Your parents sent your here
because they couldn't tolerate
your nonsense either.
Enough now.
Why are you saying such things?
Think before you speak.
Her belongings are in the car.
I'll put yours there too. You can go
to Kishanpura with this poor thing.
That looks good.
I'll see you in a month.
Sorry... what?
You need to come back to collect
your application in a month's time.
And please bring
Ms, Lakhwinder Kaur with you.
What did the woman say?
You'll have to come again after a month.
Congratulations to the two of you.
Enough now,
how much more will you drink?
Balli, please ask her
to stay back for a month.
Everything is in your hands now.
He is bawling his eyes out.
He says his life will be ruined.
I can't see any tears.
Men don't shed tears like women.
He has snot all over his face.
Look at his nose.
Sit down. Will you clean
the snot off his face now?
-He has come to his senses, hasn't he?
I have taught lessons
to many like him in Kishanpura.
Many of them.
Go on, drink.
He is saying, that you can live alone
in the apartment for a few days.
He will live at his house.
We'll live together.
Though, he is a very nice boy.
You will remember this.
Laado will stay back for a month.
Do you see? She agreed.
Balli, will this woman give me
another drink or not?
Of course. Ma'am?
You are not a bad man.
It's just that the time is bad.
And this brother of yours,
he loves you so very much.
A lot.
Stop it. Let's drink.
Hold this. Here.
The problem is solved.
Oh, my God! My head is killing me!
Oh, my...
My head is killing me.
Someone give me some medicine.
Billi, give me some medicine!
Give her some medicine
so she can shut up.
Today, we will find out
what goes on here.
What's going on? Nothing is going on.
Balli, grandad and dad are here.
Sabreen said you are not feeling well.
I am fine.
-Balli is sick.
-Is that so?
-Look, he can't even walk.
-So, grandad is here?
Thank God, your dad didn't come.
You didn't come on Friday.
He was missing you a lot.
Give me...
Alcohol is the root cause
of 90 percent problems.
Most divorces and fights happen
because of alcohol.
It is a terrible thing.
You mustn't drink it.
Okay. I won't drink again.
You silly boy.
If you don't drink at this age,
you won't fight after drinking,
then when will you?
Balli, increase the heat. It's cold.
Yes, the cold...
I'll turn on the heat and come.
-I was going to turn on the heat...
I want to discuss
something important with you.
Sabreen's father and I have been
friends for twenty-five years.
Don't ruin things at this age for us.
Because I don't want
that he should find out that Harry
is not interested in this marriage.
We have to meet Sabreen's dad today.
Get them engaged once,
then we'll see
when to get them married.
Yes... I told him.
He doesn't understand.
It's too cold.
I'll wear another jacket and come.
You feel very cold.
And how many times have I asked you
to leave this apartment?
Come and live at your house.
Oh, Billi! My head.
Give me a cold glass of buttermilk.
My head is heating up.
Everything is spinning, Narayan.
I told you I can't hold my drinks.
Oh, God, I think I am going to throw up.
Everything is spinning.
Balli, hurry up and bring it.
This slab of ice was inside.
You are bound to feel cold.
Who are they?
Harry, my son,
a man who sails in two boats
always drowns.
If you run after girls,
success would run far from you.
Sorry... we won't do it again.
You, silly boy.
If you don't make mistakes at this age
then when will you?
At our age?
You will find success.
-Just enjoy.
-What are you saying, dad?
Boys, who is this girl?
Why don't you speak?
Answer me.
-I am asking who she is.
-She is his girlfriend!
Okay, you can decide that later.
But whoever is my boyfriend,
run along and get me some buttermilk
from the fridge. I am feeling nauseous.
This is my grandad, and this is my dad.
Okay then, you can bring
the buttermilk upstairs for me.
Give her buttermilk.
Rajinder, I think we should leave.
-Listen closely, Balli.
This girl shouldn't be seen here again.
Do you understand? Come, dad.
Let's go.
Do something about that buttermilk.
Hallucinations have
many forms and conditions.
But generally, when some
kind of shock or trauma occurs,
memories of the past begin to merge
-with the person's subconscious state.
Are you sure you
took the right decision?
You are not under any pressure
to get engaged, right?
There is nothing like that.
I am just a little stressed, that's all.
If there is something,
we can talk about it.
Give me some time.
You might hear a voice
that no one else in the room can hear.
The treatment for your hallucinations
will depend entirely on your...
Ma'am, may I come in?
All is lost, Narayan. He is gone.
His father's father is gone.
I have to go.
-Oh, my...
-I have to go.
Harry, wait.
Go and sit down.
It's his grandad who is dead.
Focus on your studies. You need
to take a day off for the funeral too.
-Thank you, ma'am.
Where were we?
So, yes the treatment
for your hallucinations
will depend entirely on the...
Two ice creams please.
What are you doing?
I have heartburn.
And nothing's wrong with your grandad.
He must be sitting there idly,
giving confusing advice to people.
You lied to me inside?
I was getting bored at home,
so, I thought I'll meet you.
You were in your class,
so, I made a plan.
Do you know? My friends and I
used to kill our grandparents
a couple of times a year in Kishanpura.
Shut up!
Listen to the whole story.
Do you know?
Some of my friends were so naughty
that when the teacher used to tell them
that their grandmom died in winters,
do you know what they would say?
That our grandad had two wives.
I feel like...
Calm down.
Your temperament is that of a teacher
and you want to be a photographer.
Do you know how
sweet-natured photographers are?
Look this side, ma'am.
Sir, smile a little.
Hold this.
Everything is a joke for you, right?
Losing someone close
to you is not a joke.
And listen to me very carefully.
When life jokes with you,
all the smiles tend to disappear.
I swear on deliveries,
I have delivered so many teas
but I just found out that you need
courage to buy a tea worth eight pounds.
We can buy sugar and tea for the entire
village back home with this much money.
Forgive me.
Laado, just go away.
I apologize.
does not change the past...
but it does enlarge the...
The tea spilled
and the next part got erased.
I am sorry.
Look, Narayan, I have even
started speaking in English for you.
This just shows
that your anger is misdirected at me.
What do you mean?
Someone else is at fault and you
are getting angry at me for no reason.
You don't like Sabreen
but you spend the entire day with her.
You want to be a photographer
and your parents are forcing you
to become a doctor.
So the anger is being directed at Laado.
Don't talk in circles.
The kind of prank
you played cannot be forgiven.
You think that everything
I do is a prank, right?
But God has indeed played a prank.
I was five years old
when my parents died.
Everyone said they have gone very far
but they will return soon.
They were playing a prank too.
Has anyone returned from the dead?
Though my grandparents love me a lot.
But not joy in the world is sweeter
than a mom's scolding.
And no gift of life is warmer
than a father's embrace.
My parents used to
call me Laado lovingly.
And when I miss them too much,
I address myself as Laado
out of anger or affection.
Then it feels like
they are always with me.
Now this too might sound
like a prank to you, right?
What I couldn't tolerate for six months,
you have been enduring since childhood.
Narayan, if you want to spend
your life complaining
then days would become years.
And if you live every day
like it's your last,
then there is nothing more beautiful
than life.
I think it's too much for you.
We'll find a solution for you.
As if you have Harry
Potter's magic wand.
That you'll swing it around
and fix everything.
Everyone has a magic wand
but only a few know how to use it.
Ten plus ten is twenty. Twenty plus...
Sixteen for the chicken.
Do you have seventy pounds?
Yes. Why?
Write down the ingredients then.
This is your magic?
Shouldn't this chicken be alive?
You talked like Harnarayan, didn't you?
Roasted and chilly chicken
is a fad these days.
I don't think this will work.
How will you believe it?
You made such a small drink.
The magic won't work like this.
Give it to me.
Hold your nose
and gulp it down in one sip. Come on.
Now what?
Narayan, in this world...
all the hearts, yours and mine,
are linked to a greater heart
like the internet.
Whom we address as God.
We have to convey what's in our heart
to that greater heart.
Then we can automatically
reach any heart we want to.
But... are all these things necessary?
Very necessary.
When you get so drunk then you
are bound to fall and hurt yourself too.
Then I'll use this turmeric
and bandage on your wounds.
And this magical thing, Narayan,
brings a man's heart,
mind and tongue all in sync.
And then the right notes
reach that greater heart.
-Now close your eyes and come here.
-What? Where?
-Come on, climb up.
Now close your eyes
and take a few deep breaths.
How do you feel?
I feel that
can't we do this on the first floor?
Is it necessary to
stand at such a height?
It is necessary.
As we place the antenna on the roof
to catch the signal quickly.
Forget all the worries and fear of life
and just think about this time.
Listen to your heartbeat.
I can hear it.
You have found the right signal.
Now say whatever is in your heart.
Life is confusing after you left.
I know you will never
answer the phone now.
I still dial your phone number everyday.
I don't feel like going home.
There is no one there
who can understand me now.
Sabreen, at least
you try to understand me.
Marriage is a burden without love.
And how long can a person bear a burden?
And dad,
no job is big or small.
It is not necessary that a man will
become big by doing something big.
A man can become successful
even by doing something small.
I don't want to become a doctor.
Mom may have even understood this.
Why can't you understand it?
Laado, Sabreen's message.
She is saying
I hope I am not a burden on you.
Your magic worked, Laado.
Thank you! Thank you!
But... dad didn't message me.
You are again talking
like Harnarayan, aren't you?
There are other people
in this world too
who are sitting with a bottle
of alcohol and chicken.
Let those poor people be heard too.
You want your entire life
to be sorted in seventy pounds.
Keep laughing just like this.
You look so nice.
Thank you, Laado.
Thank you.
"Oh God, I have fallen in love."
"I am obsessed with my love."
"We are walking in
sync with each other."
"We love our beloved
more than anything."
"We spoke to each other
in a dream last night."
"We have confessed
our love for each other."
"Oh God, I have fallen in love."
"I am obsessed with my love."
"Oh God, I have fallen in love."
"I am obsessed with my love."
"We even like the flowers
that have withered."
"It feels like we have done
some good deeds."
"Like we have done some good deeds."
"As the darkness meets the morning."
"As the bird find a shelter."
"It seems like the water
from the rivers and canals"
"Is ready to merge with the ocean."
"Oh God, I have fallen in love."
"I am obsessed with my love."
"Oh God, I have fallen in love."
"I am obsessed with my love."
"Even the highest mountains seem small."
"It seems the lamps
are burning without oil."
"No one is more beautiful
then them in this world."
"Like moon and moonlight together."
"I keep talking to myself."
"Oh, God, I can't understand
what I should do."
"Happiness has surrounded me
from all sides."
"Seems like all my
wishes have come true."
"Oh God, I have fallen in love."
"I am obsessed with my love."
"Oh, God, I have fallen in love."
"I am obsessed with my love."
This address is in Scotland.
Return the bike whenever you get time.
Stay for another few days, Laado.
Time is over now, Balli. I have to go.
All right,
Narayan, I must take your leave.
Take your stuff.
Otherwise, you'll find an excuse
to come back.
A man who comes in
Laado's custody once,
will look for excuses
all his life to meet Laado.
You will look for them too
but you won't be able to find Laado.
Forget it.
Forget it. I won't look for you.
All right then. Goodbye to you.
And stay fashionable like this.
You look very handsome.
Take care.
Of yourself and him.
Well, now we can live in peace.
You in your bedroom and me in mine.
No loud noises and songs by Chamkeela.
We will wake up and sleep on time.
Anyway, I feel very sleepy after
eating the rotis cooked by Laado.
Life is sorted now. We both can...
The one who used to
make rotis is gone, brother.
She won't come back now.
Doesn't the house seems empty to you?
You didn't even meet her properly
when she was leaving.
She's back.
Thank you, God for showing us
this beautiful moment.
-This is very wonderful indeed.
Our friendship is turning
into a relationship today.
We have become in-laws today.
That's true.
A girl like Sabreen
doesn't come often in life.
She loves you a lot.
Your whole life will pass happily.
What I said is true, right?
Yes, it's true.
How the hell is it true?
Your heart is somewhere else
and you are sitting somewhere else.
It is written on your face
that your heart is elsewhere.
Come, Sabreen. Sit.
-Come, Mr. Sharma.
Harry, put the ring on Sabreen's finger.
Balli, my dear boy, click a picture.
Yes... of course.
'A man who comes in
Laado's custody once,'
'looks for excuses
all his life to meet Laado.'
'You will look for them too'
'but you won't be able to find Laado.'
Why did you say yes
if you did not want to get engaged.
Tell me what is lacking in me.
You used to tell me
to love with good intention.
Then why did he do this to me.
Very sad.
You left one, and the other
one left you and went away.
Lovers have always faced this situation.
Ma'am, shall we leave too?
The whole staff is gone.
Yes, let's go.
Alright then. The story is over.
All is lost.
The story has just begin.
And what kind of a lover accepts defeat?
Is this a love marriage?
You should eat that.
What are your in-laws like?
They are really very nice.
-And your sister-in-law?
Why did you come here?
I thought...
I thought you might need the
bike so I came here to return it to you.
Yes, that's great. One must return
what they have borrowed on time.
But... why were you in such a hurry?
You just learnt how to ride a
bike. What if you had an accident?
And it's not like we were going to send
Navu off on a bike after her wedding?
I told you, didn't I?
A man who comes under
Laado's custody once,
will try to find Laado his entire life.
You came here looking for me,
didn't you?
-Is he inside?
-Yes, he's inside.
-This is Narayan.
He is the same guy who
jumped off the bridge, right?
Yes. And this is Mr Writer, Pinder Maan.
A lover's life just wanes away
after parting from his beloved.
Some look for the final destination
of love, some return mid-way.
A beloved's footstep are
enough for the journey of love.
Wherever the beloved goes,
is where the destination lies.
Laado, shall we go? We are getting late.
He says such sweet things, right?
You guys talk, we'll be right back.
When is the next train to London?
What's the hurry, mate?
You must attend my sister's wedding.
Come along, this is your own house.
See narayan !
If you wont propose today..
It wont possible again.
"He would ask me to return it
whenever he fought with me."
Give, I will put it brother.
"Let me wash your shirt,
"Let me wash your shirt,
"Sing with your sisters-in-law,"
"My mother-in-law is very fussy,
she doesn't let me wear shoes."
"My mother-in-law is very fussy,
she doesn't let me wear shoes."
"I will wear my shoes."
"Whether you get angry or happy,
I will thrash your mother."
"Whether you get angry or happy,
I will thrash your mother."
"He is imposing love upon me."
-"He is imposing love upon me."
-Laado I want to talk to you.
-It is very important, Laado.
In this time nothing is
important than singing.
-Laado, listen to me.
-If we don't sing in retaliation...
-"Other's lovers are so playful."
"Other's lovers are so playful."
"My lover is a singer."
"The naughty one applies
too much gel to his hair."
"The naughty one applies
too much gel to his hair."
I don't drink.
But I feel like you need it today.
Drink it.
This turns our feelings into our words.
And may I tell you something important?
You know, love...
is like a butterfly
with colourful wings.
That comes and sits on fragrant flowers.
But if you try to force
it to sit on your palm,
it's wings wither away.
May I tell you something important too?
To reach someone's heart,
this sweet talk is not required.
Your shy glances, fragrant breaths,
convey the message of one's heart.
I told you this turns our
feelings into words, right?
There is something else too.
Laado and I stayed together
in one apartment
for thirty-five days.
We ate and drank together.
We spent time together.
You must have understood what I mean.
I studied in Kishanpura
from fifth to eleventh grade.
Do you know Kishanpura?
-Laado's village.
-Laado's village.
Laado's house was right
next to my Aunt's house.
We used to like each other so much
that we spent every moonlit and
moonless night together on the terrace.
While laughing and crying,
while fighting and making up,
talking all night long
about stars, moonlight,
about water, about the wind.
About relationships, about break-ups.
I don't know much about calculations...
but how many days are there
in seven years?
Did you get that or not?
Tell me who is this poet?
These kind of poets are
found a dime a dozen in Punjab.
This is my Uncle's son, Balli.
This is Pinder.
-Greetings, brother.
Tell him who I am.
The callouses in your hands
suggest that hard work is in your blood.
Your attire suggests that
every day of your life is
like God's blessing for you.
There is a twinkle in your eyes,
That is found in the
Jatt's eyes who is headed
towards the village
fair after selling his crop.
Keep this twinkle alive.
This is what is keeping
us connected to Punjab.
Brother, I must sit with you.
You are Laado's guest
and thus very close to me.
First, have some tea,
then we'll sit down.
I'll finish a small
chore and come. Okay?
Look after my friend.
Now tell me, who is this poet?
If I don't teach him a lesson
then my name is not Balli Driver.
He was the poet. Pinder Maan.
I take back all the nonsense I uttered.
You won't get anywhere.
Balli, hold on for a minute.
-What conclusion have you reached?
I have reached the conclusion that
you will drown in this much water.
You do how to jump. Go ahead.
You came here to discourage me, right?
This job demands blood,
my brother, not courage.
Either you kill Pinder
or Pinder should kill you.
Though I shouldn't ask you this.
Did you tell Laado
why you have come here?
Oh, my God. The vehicle will
move if you engage the gears.
Or will you keep
accelerating a parked vehicle?
Things won't move ahead like this.
What are you doing here?
You silly boys, if you both
had to come here
then you could have just come together.
That is what I am thinking too, Laado.
We wasted fuel for nothing.
We could've come together.
Did you meet Pinder?
Let me introduce you to him.
He is the one I came here to meet.
Yes, I met him.
-He is so poetic. Such fun.
-Isn't that right?
I will go and get some fritters.
Here are Pinder's clothes.
They'll fit you.
Don't come in these
hideous clothes. Okay?
Laado, forget about these clothes.
I have to discuss something
very important with you.
Look at that.
We will do the Jaago ceremony tomorrow.
You tell me what is this important
matter that you want to discuss? Go on.
-I wanted to say that...
In London, when we were...
There... I...
Narayan, you will waste
the entire night fumbling.
I still need to go to the salon
and get my eyebrows threaded.
Tell me quickly.
I wanted to tell you that I
gave the bike's keys to Pinder.
You have been trying to
tell me that since yesterday?
Will you become wise or will
you stay dumb all your life?
"It is our Navu's wedding."
"We will do the Jaago ceremony
with pride, it is our Navu's wedding."
"Wake up, Jatt, the Jaago is here."
"Wake up, Jatt, the Jaago is here."
Let it go. Stop it.
Pinder Maan is a gem. He said we
can take the bottle of alcohol with us.
It's very cold outside
and the journey is long.
And we'll take some fried fish with us.
We'll keep having it till we reach
London. Okay? Come on now.
Come on.
We will listen to Major
Rajasthani's sad songs on the way.
Don't worry about the rest.
If nothing works out for you here,
your brother is here.
We will beg Sabreen and
somehow convince her to marry you.
Just have a drink. Here.
-Where did he go?
-Who is he?
-Oh, no.
Look up.
Look where the boy is standing.
What is he about to do?
I thought that half
the wedding has passed and
neither any Uncle picked a
fight nor any brother-in-law.
This boy has done well.
You are here, Laado.
Now take a chair and sit down.
Magic is about to happen here.
He will definitely do something.
But I can't hear my heartbeat.
what you are doing is not right.
It's my fault. I know what
I am doing is not right.
You should notice that I am performing
magic alone for the first time.
No, I am not saying that. You are
not doing right by climbing up there.
Don't interrupt me, Laado,
for the sake of deliveries.
-I tried so hard to tell you
but neither my feeling reached you,
-nor your heart.
-Where to go.
The truth is...
That I am in love with you.
That too like a pair of Juno's swans.
When you were living with me in London,
I feel in love with you right then.
But I didn't know what love is.
They say that a fatal disease and love
can both only be understood
when they are at the last stage.
Narayan, you will get
thrashed badly. Come down.
Let me get thrashed.
I will tolerate all the
thrashing in the world.
But what should I do about
this sweet ache in my heart?
Look, I am not going
to become a doctor now.
And I can't give you any
luxury by being a photographer.
Then I will work as a deliveryman too.
My dad won't let us
stay at his house either.
Then we'll request Aunt Faiza
and stay at her house on rent.
Half of England stays on rent.
Just tell me this much...
will you marry me?
Come down first.
Then we'll talk.
First, tell me, did my feelings
reach your heart or not?
Yes, they did. You come down.
They reached?
But there was no signal.
I beg you, come down.
Don't fold your hands, I am coming down.
I love you. I am coming.
What are you doing
embarrassing us like that?
Do you love me or not?
Stop talking nonsense.
I am getting very angry.
Go ahead. Do you love me or not?
I don't know.
You don't know?
What do you mean?
I know you love me.
I was living like a dead man.
You taught me how to live.
I was colourless inside out.
You filled me with colours
on the inside and outside.
I used to only listen to other people.
You taught me how to listen to my heart.
Fear and defeat were
attached to my name.
You turned it into
victory and courage.
Laado, why did you turn
me into Narayan from Harry?
I neither had sleep nor dreams.
You taught me how to weave dreams.
And now that I have woven this dream,
you are saying you don't know?
Why don't you know?
You don't know because of him?
You don't know because of this poet?
Do you love him?
Say that you love him or
come to London with me.
-Come. Come to London with me!
Harry, let me go!
"I know you won't be
able to stay loyal to me."
"This fool is just
existing in a fantasy."
"He is crying while laughing.
The silly one doesn't stop."
"My heart has been crying
a lot since a day or two."
"This accusation is an
accusation, it's not a reward."
"My heart has been broken,
that is not a normal thing."
"My life has become
foggy, not just an evening."
"My heart has been broken,
that is not a normal thing."
Don't worry.
When he becomes sober,
he will come back.
A person who gets addicted
to love, can they ever return?
Could you return?
"Why do you make promises
when you can't keep them?"
"No one understands when
someone is dying inside."
"How does it matter to you?
You will be fine."
"No one understands when
someone is dying inside."
"Time changes but it
doesn't make a difference."
"This traveller is careless,
he is not infamous."
-Where is Narayan?
He is in the operation theatre.
The doctor has not
said anything till now.
This is what you wanted, right?
Do you even realize?
How good Harry's and my
life were before you came?
And then you arrived.
This is not the time to say such things.
This is the right time, Balli.
Let me speak.
Well... even if Harry
fell in love with you,
you could have given
him the same love too.
I would have been happy
thinking that Harry is happy.
But, no.
You thought the more
games you play with his heart,
the more he will chase you.
Stop it, Sabreen.
Ask her to stop all this
and go away from Harry's life!
If she cared even
one percent about Harry,
he would not be
in this condition today.
Do you realize that?
How can she realize that?
She just came here to see
whether Harry is even alive or not.
Stop it.
Be strong.
The doctor is here.
The bleeding has stopped for now.
But Harry is still unconscious
because the wound is too deep.
We are trying our best.
That is why we'll have to
keep Harry under observation.
We ran some tests on him.
I will only be able to give you a
final update once I have the reports.
Let's hope for the best.
Balli, I can't understand,
what were you doing?
Why did I keep you around Harry?
If you had told us about that girl,
we wouldn't have had
to face this situation today.
You are the only one
responsible for Harry's condition.
May I tell you the truth, Uncle?
You never let Harry become mentally
strong enough to handle any big loss.
Earlier too, because of you,
he tried to jump off a
bridge and commit suicide.
But I don't know how he was saved.
You are living in England but you
want to live as they do in Punjab.
You want to educate
your kids with foreigners
and then arrange their marriages.
You want him to be a
foreigner on the outside
and a simpleton villager on the inside.
It doesn't work like that, Uncle.
A life is always saved on the shore.
A man in the middle of
the ocean always drowns.
And our Harry has drowned, grandad.
What do you mean?
Parents shouldn't have
expectations from their kids?
You too became a doctor
for your parent's sake.
I am not a doctor, Uncle.
I drive a dump truck
and that is all I know.
I forbade my parents to tell you this.
So that I could stay with Harry and
look after him as much as I could.
you are the only one
responsible for Harry's plight.
"He considers me a
coward and a weakling."
"He misunderstand the matters of heart."
"He thinks that love is just noise."
"He considers me a
coward and a weakling."
"This is a crime, it's
not an act of bravery."
"What would you know?
This is not an accusation."
"My life has become
foggy, not just an evening."
"My heart has been broken,
that is not a normal thing."
"My life has become
foggy, not just an evening."
"My heart has been broken,
that is not a normal thing."
"Oh, beloved."
"Oh, beloved."
Harry, I wanted to tell
you something, my friend.
You will get upset...
I can't find your camera.
I think I lost it somewhere.
It's not lost, my friend.
I think I kept it somewhere
when I was drunk.
Anyway, let it be.
Let's listen to some good music.
Is this better?
Okay, this one's fine.
'Now we present to you on
popular demand, Chamkeela's song,'
"Don't betray your lover."
"Don't be jealous of
people having a good time."
"Never fight with your neighbours."
"Never eat at your enemy's home."
"Don't betray your lover."
"Don't betray your beloved."
"Don't betray your lover."
Ma'am, the patient is asking for you.
Well, it's unbelievable.
Harry said your name just now.
Harry, I am here.
Balli and I were discussing
that when Harry regains consciousness,
we will buy him a nice bike first.
We'll both go to University.
And we'll roam around the town.
You'll get to see a
very different Sabreen.
Harry said Laado, not Sabreen.
Well, I don't know who Laado is,
but when someone close
to the patient is around him,
the chances of his
recovery will increase.
You should call Laado.
God, if Harry's life can be saved
because of Laado's presence,
please send Laado.
Just save my Harry.
You turned out to
be a dumb man after all.
I took so much time to
teach you how to ride a bike
and yet you crashed into a car.
That too after getting drunk.
Punjabis become more focused on
driving after drinking a pint or two.
Your eyes are red.
Lips are fine too.
I have spoken to the doctor.
He said the boy is fine.
There's nothing wrong with you.
There is an ill-intentioned
man like you in Kishanpura.
Sohan from the Koul family.
He fell from a tree.
He stayed in bed for an entire week
so he wouldn't have to graze the cattle.
Now be a man and get up.
Laado won't leave you alone.
Look here, these are
paranthas made of stuffed
vegetables and home-made
clarified butter.
All the nerves of your
brain will become functional.
And... I have spoken to Aunt Faiza.
She said both of us can stay
in her house for 400 pounds.
I told her in advance that Chamkeela's
songs will play on loud volume.
She said sometimes even
sad songs must be played.
Wake up.
Lest my life becomes
filled only with sad songs.
Narayan, do you know? I had a dream
that I woke you up and you got up.
Now even Laado has
fallen in love with you.
Wake up, Narayan.
Wake up.
Now even Laado won't
be able to stay without you.
Is that so? Laado did
what medicines couldn't do?
As they say, love can cure all ailments.
But the medicines
reached after two months.
This picture is from our
first vacation after marriage.
When you hadn't even
come into this world.
This is all I remembered
in handling my busy life,
that what I earn.
What I lost or didn't lose,
I only realized when
you met with an accident.
Tell me now, which camera do you want?
I will go and buy it for you myself.
Balli, do you know Laado came here?
She might not know I am
conscious. Will you call her?
Yes, I'll call her right now.
Harry, her phone is not reachable.
Don't worry. I'll find her
and bring her here myself.
I will come with you too.
Right hand you saw at the wedding
and left hand you have seen now.
If you don't become wise,
I'll keep slapping you like this.
What have I done now?
You acted so heroic and ran
off on that bike from the wedding.
What if something had happened to you?
Is that so? You'll slap
me in front of a hundred
people at the wedding and
I shouldn't even get upset?
If you had acted like a
gentleman, took me aside
and asked me there,
I might had even said yes.
Now beautiful girls are allowed
a few complimentary tantrums.
That only.
If you had asked me once, do
you love me? I would have said, no.
If you had asked me the second time,
do you love me? I would have said, no.
If you had acted stubborn
and asked me the third
time, I would have got
tired and said, yes, I do.
Dumbo, girls mean yes
when they say no, right?
Have you ever confessed
to me that you love me?
Sabreen, give me two minutes.
Let me finish this
conversation with Laado first.
Yes? Do you love me or not?
"My beloved, my wounds
are deep. I am left all alone."
"I wont be able to laugh now.
All I can do is cry forever."
"Oh, beloved."
By the way, Harry is out of danger now.
You can take him home.
-Thank you, Doctor.
-But make sure...
that he shouldn't skip his medicines.
Look, Harry, I have made your
entire apartment spic and span.
Isn't it shiny like a new truck?
"Oh, beloved."
Did you change these pictures?
Harry, look, I have
cleaned everything so well.
Balli, I asked you, did
you change these pictures?
Harry, my brother, forget everything.
There is no use of all this now.
I don't know if you have done
this or someone made you do this.
Let me make one thing clear, no
one can take Laado out of my life.
Harry, I want you to understand
that Laado is not right for you.
And, Sabreen, I want you to understand
that you are not right for me either.
Harry! Have some shame.
What are you saying?
As long as your eyes were shut in the
hospital, Sabreen didn't rest at all.
If you don't like what I am
saying, you can leave too!
-Harry, think before you speak...
It's okay.
Harry, it's okay. I will leave.
Just don't get stressed.
The doctor has given some medicines.
Just make sure you take them.
Are you still angry?
Won't you forgive me?
Listen to me at least.
Why don't you understand
what I am saying?
I don't want to hear anything you say.
Moreover, Laado doesn't
like it when you meet me.
Just have a look, Harry.
Just go, Sabreen.
When you were on the hospital bed,
I got angry and said
many awful things to Laado.
Actually, I wanted to meet
Laado and apologize to her.
But I feel like Laado will only
forgive me if you forgive me.
I am really sorry.
What's wrong? Didn't laado come?
Yes, she didn't come.
Her phone is off too.
It's okay.
Take your medicine and relax.
Laado will come.
What did my co-wife say?
You were laughing a
lot while talking to her.
How is she your co-wife?
You don't want to marry me. You
fix a time to meet and don't turn up.
If I call you by mistake,
your phone is off.
If you won't ask me to marry
you then I'll talk to Pinder.
He is ready.
Well, I'll ask you right now.
Will you marry me?
Won't you ask again?
Will you?
"As the flowers are
dedicated to spring."
"As a saint is dedicated to a shrine."
"As a beloved is
dedicated to her lover."
"I am dedicated to
your love the same way."
"As birds are dedicated to flying."
"As a drowning man is
dedicated to reach the shores."
"As a bride is dedicated to her makeup."
"I am dedicated to
your love the same way."
"As the flowers are
dedicated to spring."
"As a saint is dedicated to a shrine."
"As a beloved is
dedicated to her lover."
"I am dedicated to
your love the same way."
"You come like the wind."
"Make everything fragrant and leave."
"My heart won't like
anything without you."
"You come, touch my heart and leave."
"Your breaths are attached to me
as a traveller is attached to the road."
"As the clouds love the skies."
"You are God's wish, our
relationship is necessary."
"As fasting is related to Ramadan."
"As a lover is dedicated
to confessing his love."
"As a hermit is dedicated to solace."
"As love is dedicated to a lover."
"I am dedicated to
your love the same way."
"As the flowers are
dedicated to spring."
"As a saint is dedicated to a shrine."
"As a beloved is
dedicated to her lover."
"I am dedicated to your love same way."
Okay, Narayan,
my best wishes are with you.
You come with me too.
You'll get thrashed
and get me beaten too.
If this was Kishanpura,
I would have gathered half
the village to convince your dad.
But here, you'll have to
gather the courage yourself.
Look, whether dad agrees or
not, I will only get married to you.
Oh, my God.
So, the Jatt from London has woken up?
The Jatt from London was already awake.
And listen, if he doesn't agree
then don't jump off a bridge again.
Harry, my boy?
Dad, all my life I did as you asked.
Just listen to me once.
Let me get married to Laado.
Son, why don't you understand
what I am saying? Laado...
Why don't you understand
what I am saying?
I want to get married
where I will stay happy.
Even if I marry Sabreen
because you want me to,
I will regret all my life because
my happiness is with Laado.
She taught me how to laugh.
Dad, Laado was with me
when I need you the most.
Harry, my son, don't push
me so far from yourself.
We were always far, dad.
You are just feeling that
distance now, that's all.
I really wish you could
understand me as Laado does.
Look, Harry, my son, once,
just once, sit inside
and listen to me carefully.
Just a minute, Rajinder.
It's alright, Harry, my child.
We are happy if you are happy.
Fix the date and tell
us, we will be there.
Harry, keep taking this medicine.
No, there's no need for this now.
Laado is the cure to all my ailments.
My mind knows that if anyone
has loved me after my mom, it's you.
But my heart doesn't listen to that.
You do know, right?
A heart wants what it wants.
Don't worry, Harry.
I even stopped asking
God to give you to me.
I fear that if God hears my prayers...
then your heart might break.
You will always be close to my heart.
I can stay in your heart,
not close to your heart.
Love... cannot be measured.
It's either there or it's not.
"I will do something for you
and meet you after I turn to ashes."
"It is my prayer that I die
and meet you in heaven."
"Oh beloved, I can't live.
Please give me some poison."
"Oh beloved, I can't live.
Please give me some poison."
"Oh, beloved."
"My beloved."
"My beloved."
"Oh, beloved."
Balli, my boy.
I can't see him in
this condition anymore.
You go and make him understand now.
It seems very strange
now that I think about it.
Laado and my relationship.
She forced me to think that day.
Did she even love me?
If you get the person you love,
there is nothing more joyful than that.
But if you don't get them...
it is not easy to endure that pain.
Laado didn't come that day.
But why didn't she come?
Laado will not come.
-Who knows? Maybe she loves someone else.
-Who does she love?
Maybe she loves Pinder.
She won't come. Come on, let's go.
It seemed sensible for me to inquire.
I ran like a madman.
I went to Pinder's house.
Where is Pinder?
Pinder has gone to India to get married.
I felt like I was losing my love.
I went to Kishanpura.
I may have regretted it all
my life if I hadn't followed her.
But Laado hadn't taught
me to live in regret.
I want to talk to you.
Go and have some refreshments. I'll
talk to you after the greeting ceremony.
What games are you playing with me?
If Laado had to marry you then
why did she come back into my life?
I'll be back in five minutes.
-The colour is so nice.
-Your jewellery is so beautiful.
This is my friend from
England. He wants to meet you.
Mandeep and I loved
each other a lot in college.
Mandeep's father could
have accepted our relationship.
But he couldn't accept our love.
Everyone cannot understand
love, Mr Harnarayan.
He got Mandeep married to someone else.
Mandeep loved me way more
than I love her.
She couldn't tolerate us
being apart from each other.
And this is what her condition became.
Will... she get better?
If love is left incomplete,
assume that God has
looked kindly upon you.
Whether she gets better
or not, Mandeep is with me.
That is enough for me.
Then where is Laado?
Son, you are Narayan, right?
The one who jumped off the bridge?
I am Laado's grandmom.
Laado told us everything about you.
-Come, sit.
-Come in.
Can you call Laado?
I wish we could call her.
Laado came to Kishanpura
one day after your accident.
She would have come earlier.
If you hadn't come into her life.
She came to England for her treatment.
But she stayed to fill
your life with colours.
What treatment?
Laado had a brain tumour.
When doctors told her
they couldn't help her,
she wanted to spend the last
days of her life in Kishanpura.
It has been a whole month
since Laado left this world.
She wanted that every person
should remember her smiling face.
-And she left this world with a smile.
One month? What is this story?
You can't fool all of us like this.
Sabreen knows Laado came
to the hospital to meet me.
Grandad has met her too.
I took her home.
Balli, tell them.
Our wedding was day before yesterday,
for which she didn't turn up.
Pinder told us about Laado's condition
when you regained consciousness.
Laado is in Kishanpura.
She didn't want Harry to face
the same thing after she left
that she brought him out of.
After she left?
Laado has a brain tumour.
She didn't want anyone's sympathy.
That is why she didn't
stay in touch with anyone.
Not even with me.
When I came to the
hospital to tell you this,
I saw that you were talking alone.
Laado wasn't there with you.
Harry, doctor had already told
us about your hallucinations.
That you keep seeing Laado.
Because of his head injury,
Harry has started hallucinating.
He can see Laado even
when she is not there.
But we can't give any shock
to the patient at this stage.
If we try to disrupt his hallucinations,
it's possible that Harry
might lose his mental balance.
But I recommend,
let Harry realize on his own
that Laado is no more.
Harry, my boy, the day you came
home to talk about your wedding,
Laado wasn't with you that day either.
Some things can't be explained.
His pain will teach him in time.
Laado's nature was such,
whoever met her, fell in love with her.
But Laado fell in love with you.
I think if I had told
him everything earlier...
then all this might not have happened.
But what's the problem?
So many boys have
confessed love for you earlier too.
I felt like saying yes to
someone for the first time.
But I don't have enough
breaths to say yes to him.
Just as you are not feeling
complete without Laado,
she too was incomplete without you.
I think you should stay back.
Poet, Laado will only stop
now where her breath stops.
I don't know how much time I have left.
That too I should spend thinking?
Give Narayan a message for me.
That he better not cry after I am gone.
He should just think
this and have courage
that it is better to
keep a quarrelsome girl
like me in his heart than
keeping her at his home.
And the most important thing,
don't fight over who will
carry me for my funeral.
I am very well-respected in Kishanpura.
Decide amongst yourselves unanimously.
You better not humiliate
Laado at her funeral.
God had only given her so many breaths.
They were spent in spreading
happiness in the world.
When her turn came,
she didn't have any time left.
She too loved you.
Maybe even more than you.
But she wasn't selfish.
By staying close to you,
she didn't want to hurt you
by leaving you some day.
Narayan, if you want to
spend your life complaining,
then even days would turn into years.
And if you live every
day like it's your last,
then there is nothing
more beautiful than life.
A man who comes in
Laado's custody once,
will look for excuses
all his life to meet Laado.
You will look for them too
but you won't be able to find Laado.
I admit that Laado didn't
come for our wedding.
I agree that she is
not even in Kishanpura.
That does not mean that she is not here.
Tell me one thing.
-Do you believe in God?
Have you seen God?
If someone tells you that God
doesn't exist, will you believe them?
You haven't seen God and
yet you believe He is there.
I see Laado everyday,
I meet her everyday.
Then how can I believe
that she is not here?
You are getting what I
am trying to say, right?
That is what I am trying
to explain to Dr. Mehta.
Thank God,
at least someone has understood.
Look, I have got late trying
to explain things to you.
She must be waiting for me. I am going.
What took you so long?
You said it yourself.
The thrill that the bike gives you at
the speed of forty kilometres per hours,
no alcohol in the world
can give you that thrill.
The noise of this bike
is an acquired taste.
I don't feel like driving fast.
You have become crazy for me.
You have left your cars
and are riding a bike.
A love that doesn't drive you crazy,
is that even love?
I have never imagined
you will become the wind
and be one with my breaths.
But do keep this in mind,
I can live without
air for a few moments.
I won't be able to live without you.
A soul may leave you.
But a shadow doesn't.
I am your shadow.
Will this love always remain this way?
You won't get tired of me
after a few years, will you?
This is a deal of lifetimes.
My life is mortgaged to you.
Do mortgaged things ever come back?
And I forgot to tell you,
I received a wedding invitation.
Will you come with me?
Don't get scared. Just say that
you came with the photographer.
And you have the experience of
running from weddings anyway.
"When the wind blows,
it takes me towards you."
"I can't forget the moments
that I spent with you."
"No matter how far we are.
Only you are necessary"
"For every breath of mine."
"I have become yours forever."
"I have become yours forever."
"I have become yours forever."
"Whatever this world may have accepted."
"We will definitely
meet in the other world."
"I promise you we won't cry again."
"I will have you
completely in that world."
"Meet me at the place
where I breathe my last breath."
"For God's sake."
"I have become yours."
"I have become yours."
"I have become yours forever."
"When the wind blows,
it brings me to you."
"I can't forget the moments,
that I spent with you."
"No matter how far we are,"
"only you are important
for every breath of mine."
"I have become yours forever."
"I have become yours forever."
"I have become yours forever."
"I have become yours."
"I have become yours."
"I have become yours forever."