Jism (Body) (2003) Movie Script

I'm dying
I can hear the footsteps of death
approaching me
How I wish I could lead my life
all over again
"You were right, Sidharth, my friend"
I was running towards
my own destruction
How I wish I had listened to you
and gone home that night
Maybe life would have taken
another turn
"Kabir, come on... the night is
almost over. What are you doing?"
You're sitting with him too?
Get up! It's almost five
"Make him see reason!
- Come on, Kabir"
"Kabir, come on now.
It's very late"
We've got to go to the court in
the morning. What are you upto?
It's going to be dawn soon
"Yes, it's going to be dawn.
Let's wait for a little while more"
We'll say good-morning to Mr Sun
and go back to our houses
You'll keep up all night to say
good-morning to the Sun?
"What's your problem, after all?
Why don't you go home?"
"If I knew what the problem is,
wouldn't I have gone home..."
and slipped under the sheets
like the other idiots?
I don't know what my problem is
"Die, you bastard! Die!
...Leave him alone. Come on"
How can we leave him like this?
- Get into the car
Let him die! Get in!
Get to the court
in the morning!
Wayward and wandering...
"a strange obsession
grips my heart"
"Every moment, I feel
a strange restlessness..."
"what ghost possesses
my heart?"
"The Sun rises for the world
every morning..."
"it is that moment
when it sets in my heart"
Wayward and wandering...
"a strange obsession
grips my heart"
"In your world, O Lord..."
my heart found peace nowhere
"If there was someone who could
give solace to my heart..."
I never met such a person
I'm a married woman
- I'm not in search of company...
a friend or a conscience-keeper
So tell me that you're
happily married...
"and very content.
- Yes, I'm content"
But what has that
to do with you?
It's a human being's duty madam...
to care for one another's
joys and sorrows
Will you have a drink?
Can't you hear me?
I'm a married woman
And my husband...
- Where's your husband?
I'll buy him a drink too.
- He's not in town at the moment
I love such husbands
May we celebrate his absence
from the city?
He keeps coming here
over the week-ends
"See, madam, the offer I made
of buying you a drink..."
holds good only for a little while.
I'm here only for an hour and a half
"After that, I'm going away.
Forever. From your life"
"All right, buy me a soft-drink,
if you must"
You don't seem to belong here.
- What makes you guess?
Your face. Your face tells me that
you are related to a very rich family
They're taking good care of you
"Yes, they're taking
very good care of me"
How I wish I had someone
to soothe my tired body...
someone who could satisfy the needs
of my soul and my body
Get married.
- Married?
These needs I feel
only for a night
So your name is Sonia?
Lovely name
"Could you get me some tissues
from the bathroom, please?"
let me take you...
to a place...
where sweet intoxication...
"awaits us in the shadows
of the stars"
"Come, let me take you..."
to the skies
to that place
"Riding on the melody
of the winds..."
come to me... come closer to me
"This is a journey
of our dreams..."
a whirlpool of my heart...
"come, drown in it"
This moment...
that was hiding...
I have found
to a place...
where sweet intoxication...
"awaits us in the shadows
of the stars"
"Come, let me take you..."
to the skies
to that place
"The mood is mellow, the moonlight
is being mischievous..."
come to me
"Even dew pricks,
our union promises a fragrance..."
do not go away from me
A beautiful dream...
is coming true for you
To a place...
where sweet intoxication...
"awaits us in the shadows
of the stars"
let me take you...
to a place...
where sweet intoxication...
"awaits us in the shadows
of the stars"
What are you doing here?
- Looking for you
You're wasting your time
"Madam, what do we poor guys have
except time?"
Why're they staring at me?
Because everyone else tried
to sit here
And you're the first man I have
given the permission to sit here
"Can't blame the poor guys, madam.
It has to do with the way you dress"
They are drawn to you.
- My clothes?
What's so special about the clothes?
- There is
Those clothes hold your body.
And that's special
Do you come here often?
All alone?
What difference does it make?
I'm all alone at home...
and all alone even when I come here.
- So you are like me. Lonely
"No, I have my windchimes.
I spend enough time with them"
Quite an interesting effort on your
part to do away with your Ioneliness
Can I take a look at your windchimes?
I might find them useful too
Can I come over to your place?
So you want to come to my place?
- Yes
Only to see the windchimes?
- Only to hear the windchimes
Nothing else. I have no intentions
of courting danger
So you're scared of danger?
Who wants to get drenched
in a shower of gloom?
"I neither have an umbrella,
nor do I wear a cap"
You might find this strange...
but can you leave before me?
- My husband and I often come here
I don't want anyone in a city like
Pondicherry to talk about us
"Now look, madam. People will talk
about what they see, won't they?"
It's terribly difficult to
pull wool over their eyes
"That hint was enough for me.
Hats off to you, lady!"
Just like my house!
"Well? Are there no servants to
serve you, in a huge house like this?"
"I have a maid-servant, who leaves
after she has finished her chores"
I don't like a crowd of servants
"And you were here to look
at the chimes, weren't you?"
Come on
Amazing! This music is amazing
I could hear it all night.
- You like music?
What else do you like?
Must I tell you what else I like?
You've seen the chimes
and also the house
You must leave now
I've just come.
- I'll see you out
Do you really want me to go away?
- Yes
You think you have
your urge under control?
Yes. I have my urge under control
There was something very
different about that morning
It felt as if the whole world
exuded a fragrance
I found something suddenly
awakening in my heart
Up so early in the day?
Isn't this the time
you return home drunk?
Can't help it. When friends
stop getting me work...
this is what I'll have to do.
I'll have to try and earn a living
"You're here to meet
Frankie, aren't you?"
Tell me something.
- What?
Bastard! Can't you do without
thieves and thugs?
"Are all the decent folks in
Pondicherry dead, lawyer?"
"What have you to do with
the decent folks, my friend?"
Your business and mine is getting on
thanks to thieves and criminals
"If it wasn't for them, this police
station would close down, Sidharth"
Know what? It is exactly
this attitude of yours...
that will be your death some day.
Now come and meet your friend
What charges have you brought
against my friend?
"They call me a terrorist, sir!"
"And I've done nothing, sir...
I swear it on my mother"
There was a film unit from Mumbai.
They wanted explosives for a scene...
"I was bringing that when
they caught hold of me, sir"
"I've done nothing, sir.
I'm absolutely innocent"
Shut up! That's what you've been
harping on since yesterday!
"Got a lot of heat, eh?"
He was taking 15 kgs of
gun-powder for the shoot...
and he's innocent! I'll lock you up
under the anti-terrorist act!
May I have a word with
my client in privacy?
It's our Constitutional Right
"Now look, Frankie.
Always remember..."
you can lie to anyone you wish.
But never tell lies to your lawyer
"So tell me the truth, Frankie.
What's all this about?"
"I made a mistake, sir.
I fell for temptation"
That's just what is rotten
about you guys
How often have I told you
to get on with your crime...
but don't ever get caught.
But it doesn't get into your skull
"I thought I was being smart, sir"
"Frankie, if there are a hundred
ways of committing crimes..."
there a hundred and one ways
of catching you at it
I'll now have to find a way
of getting you out of here
Never mind
What are you doing?
You're the mistress of the house.
Not a maid-servant
"If I have committed a crime,
I must hide these stains"
So you're very scared
of your husband?
"Yes, I'm scared.
I'm scared of getting caught, Kabir"
"To continue to live, we'll have to
seek refuge in falsehoods, Kabir"
You'll have to promise
me something
You'll never tell anyone about
our relationship
"It must always remain
a secret, Kabir"
You can't tell anyone about this ever.
Do you understand?
Don't tell lies.
You're hiding something from us!
"Look at him, Sidharth.
He's hiding things from us"
Your face gives away the
story of your night
Stop getting poetic
and talk straight
Have I hidden anything from you guys?
- That's what I'm saying
Why hide it from friends?
So tell me
- Whom are you spending...
your nights with nowadays?
- Who would stand by a broke guy?
Girls nowadays only look
at your bank-balance
"Besides, except Sheeba,
who would keep me company?"
"It's Sheeba alone.
- You can fool him, okay?"
But at least tell a proper lie
to the cops!
"You're talking about Sheeba!
- Why be afraid, if you're in love?"
You think I'm out of my mind?
I don't believe in love
Silly love you're talking about
"You're hurting my feelings, Kabir"
"If there is another girl,
just tell me..."
say it in front of your friends
I keep telephoning you and
you can't even take my calls?
"The phone was dead, Sheeba"
I have nothing more
to say to you
I got to leave
"Leave, if you must.
But listen to what I say"
If you continue to lie to friends...
it's going to cost you
very dearly some day
"You were such a
close friend, Sidharth"
But your voice still couldn't
get through to me
You know why?
"Because whatever I was doing, I was
hiding it not only from my friends..."
I didn't want to admit it
to myself too
Like a new season that
quietly takes over...
I don't know when I had fallen
in love with Sonia
Why do things like this happen?
Why are the most beautiful
moments in life...
over in the flash of a moment?
"In just two days,
he'll be back"
And he'll touch me again
He'll treat my body like his property
and use it
I wish... I wish
I had never met you
I wouldn't have known what
a shameful life I'm leading
Sonia's words drove me crazy.
It caused me anguish to think...
that the beautiful body
in my arms...
belonged to someone else
The idea of it poisoned my life
My life was gradually
turning into hell
"Every moment, I pined for her,
I ached for her..."
and I went to her doorstep
I shouldn't have come
without telling you
"I couldn't stop myself,
I came along"
Who was that man?
He's supposed to be
my husband's manager
- What?
I think my husband has employed spies
to keep an eye on his young wife
"It's sometimes the air-conditioning
guy, or the plumber..."
the electrician or someone else
Someone or the other keeps
dropping in every day
I sometimes feel...
- What?
This is the man I have spent
the last six years with...
this is the man I have
got married to...
and I feel as if
I don't know him at all
I some times wonder who he is
or what the truth about him is
"Whoever he is,
he's sure a rich guy"
Where did he make
so much of money?
I don't know
He never discusses
business matters with me
"Whenever he talks on the telephone,
it's always about shares, stocks..."
"real-estate and the races. Its
always about money, money, money"
"Some times, I get some
very nasty ideas"
I feel afraid.
- Afraid? Of what?
Of whom?
Of your husband?
No. Of myself
"So? What do you think of?
Tell me, Sonia..."
what do you think of?
- I wish...
I wish this man were dead
Really? Is that really
how you think?
"No, Kabir. We shouldn't
be talking like this"
There are times when the
spoken word comes true
"Sonia, if the spoken word
were to come true..."
I'd have been an emperor long ago.
He's such a strong and able man
For him to die just like that?
"And we aren't as lucky, Sonia.
We have to put up with so much more"
Where do I live?
"Kabir, wake up my friend"
"Wake up, my boy"
Won't you say good-morning
to Mr Sun today?
Wake up
"Get up. We'll drop you home
and go about our work, okay?"
We are working people you see?
Get up
Here? What am I doing here?
"You were so drunk last night,
you couldn't find your own house"
You were walking around
the streets of Pondicherry
"Luckily, Sidharth's constable
recognised you and brought you here"
"Or else, you'd have kept roaming
the streets of Pondicherry all night"
Round and round!
- Don't spin a yarn
"If I could help it, I'd kick
drunkards like you out of the house"
"What are you talking about
early in the day, Sidharth?"
Let him at least have
a cup of tea first
I pour that cup on your head!
Keep it here. Go on!
This man isn't even sipping
water in my house
"Are you listening, Kabir?
This is a cop's house..."
it's no home for the destitute
you go to any time you wish
Bloody drunkard! You ought to
thank Aarti for a night's sleep
Or I'd have given you
two tight slaps...
and have you tossed in the gutters.
You'd have spent the night there!
And who am I reasoning with?
Go on...
I give up on you.
Get out
"Sidharth, don't desert me
like this"
"Vishal, where will I go?
make him see reason.
Where will I go?
Go to hell!
I'm not responsible for you!
Why does he talk like this?
Can't he understand?
Am I mad to keep shouting at him?
It makes my blood boil!
And he knows it makes my blood boil!
Take him away from my sight
Sit down for a moment. Calm down.
"Come on, Kabir"
Come on
"Where's he going?
Kabir, come here. Come here"
Sit here. Sit down!
"Aarti, leave us alone"
Now listen to me carefully.
I'm not telling you again
My mother used to tell me that there
are two kinds of dogs in every man
One is a nice dog
and the other is an evil one
They're always at
loggerheads with each other
The one we feed more
is the one who will win
"So kick the bad dog
in you, my friend!"
And feed the nice dog
Do you get what I'm saying?
"Keep scolding me like this.
I like it very much, Sidharth"
And don't ever talk
about giving up again
I'll never let you give up
"I don't know why, but I feel
very scared when I look at you"
"Kabir... Iook,
I'll have to go"
Try to understand my problem
Rohit is expected tomorrow
"Sonia, there is only
one solution to this problem"
Divorce Rohit.
- Divorce?
"I cannot divorce him, Kabir"
You don't know that man.
He is very dangerous
Dangerous? So what can he do?
He will kill me, and you too"
The man is so cheap...
...that he made me sign
papers before our marriage...
"...that if I divorce him..."
...he will not give me a
penny from his property
"That means, after marriage, you
will become penniless like me"
"I don't like such pranks, Kabir"
"If I don't have any money,
will you still love me?"
Will it make any difference?
- Difference? Difference
I want that you
have so much money...
...that I continue to
enjoy life like this
"Truly speaking,
...it won't make any difference"
Just a minute.
I have a surprise for you
"Not only beautiful, but when
your life is in trouble..."
"...wear it,
it will protect you"
"It's magic, it's a spell,
I'm bewitched"
Where can I go leaving you now
The way your eyes look at me
Where do I hide myself now
This moment is ours
Let us live this moment
"Like smolders,
let us live a burning life"
Don't disappear in a blink
Let me touch you and believe it
"Who knows when I'll
get these moments again"
It's magic...
"Is that you, my love?"
"Sonia, you are great."
How did you know I was
going to come a day earlier?
By keeping my favorite
champagne in the fridge...
"...to celebrate my return,
you have won me over!"
I am very fortunate
to get a wife like you.
"Who is not only beautiful,
but also loves me very much."
Let's go in.
There is someone.
There is someone
here apart from us.
There is someone here.
Got scared?
"I was just joking.
Sorry, love."
Anoushka has come. I have
brought my niece along with me.
"Because of her alcoholism,
her mother is in hospital again."
Pray that she quits drinking.
"You'll die if you
drink so much, Kabir."
"Who is afraid of death, Sheeba?"
I am afraid of life.
One has to live it.
Someone has broken your heart.
I have tormented you a lot.
Only when I myself
am suffering...
...is when I realized
how I've made you suffer
"One Vodka,
one crate Sandpiper"
Two crates Zingaroo.
- Give me half a bottle of rum
Five bottles Signature whiskey.
And don't forget to put red wine
And one champagne.
Don't forget champagne.
"You can keep doing that,
just give me half a bottle of rum"
"Please wait for two minutes, sir.
There is a party in Khanna House today"
This is their order.
If the delivery is delayed...
the entire order will get canceled
for your half bottle of rum
Let me tell you.
One who invests
So a party is going on there?
"You are having
a ball, aren't you?"
Liquor is flowing freely.
And you must be sitting
very close to Rohit Khanna.
And here I am all alone... Ionely.
And craving for you
"Don't play that
trick with me, Sonia!"
Love! Iove!
"Call for me?
- No, a blank call"
I was telling them...
I'll not gain a penny
from this party.
What is this?
The festival of lights?
Anoushka has kept all the
lights in the house on.
This kid is a real bother.
"She forgets to switch off
the geyser, close the tap..."
She is listening to music
in the bedroom upstairs.
"I'll put her to sleep, or she
will insist on sleeping with us."
"Okay darling, I'll switch
off the lights and come."
Come soon.
What are you doing here?
"Let me go, Kabir. Leave me, please!
Let me go!"
"No, I won't let you go.
I won't let you go to that man."
"Stay with me tonight,
and every night thereafter."
"Sonia, let's go from here."
We'll elope and get married.
- Have you gone crazy?
What are you saying?
That cannot happen.
"Kabir, that man is waiting
for me. Try to understand"
What do you want me to understand?
That he is waiting for you in bed?
And that even you are
desperate to warm his bed?
"You have gone mad!
I will have to go to him, Kabir"
"Love, she wants you to
find her walkman right now"
Or narrate stories
to her all night
So better think.
- Let's go.
Kabir's case is going on
day and night.
Hey Kabir!
- Get up!
Patel pleads me to
do something for him.
He must still be sleeping. He mustn't
have sobered from yesterday's binge yet
Is he sleeping?
I don't think he is inside
I think he is inside with some girl.
Is there a girl with you?
"Kabir, are you sleeping?
Is there a girl inside?"
Come out.
There is no one inside. And
we cannot break open the door.
We are the police. We'll have to file
a case against ourselves. Forget it
Ignore it.
- No...
"Who... rascal, why don't you speak?
Why don't you speak now, you rascal?"
You have troubled us all
night with your blank calls
You don't know me yet.
I am a very bad man.
I understand everything!
I am not stupid
"If I come across you, I'll skin
you alive. Why don't you speak?"
You've been troubling
us with blank calls
Even having a beautiful
wife is a problem
Give me that towel
'I came across her'
"'And what I feared, happened"'
"Mr. Lal, you?!"
"Sorry, I forgot your first name"
He is a renowned
lawyer of the city
He is interested in
selling our property
"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Lal."
But I won't sell my property.
It's beautiful.
That's true.
Your property is beautiful
Have you come here to dine?
"Yes, when I have money in
my pocket, I come for a drink"
"Have you come alone,
or do you have company?"
It's just me and my Ioneliness
This will be fun
"Come have a drink with me,
and bring along your Ioneliness"
"No sir, I don't want
to snatch your privacy."
Not at all
Haven't you heard that when a marriage
becomes a few years old...
"...it doesn't need two,
but three people to keep it."
"Right, love?"
I have a complaint
"This is the only complaint
I have against my heart"
What it cannot get
Why does it crave for it
This is the only complaint...
"Your tresses, your eyes"
"O, your beauty!"
And glowing with fragrance...
...is your fair body
I am aware...
"...that you
belong to someone else"
This is the only complaint...
"Without you..."
...I fear life
"I am dying a
little everyday..."
...is what I feel
That is why I...
...hate my life
This is the only complaint...
It's me.
Don't pretend this
is a blank call
Or I'll come right
into your bedroom!
And do everything with you
that hasn't happened until now
You understand?
- I'm listening
I know where
you are right now.
You are sleeping in the
arms of that vile man
Isn't it? But I will not be
able to tolerate this anymore.
I end this
relationship right now!
I cannot bear this
humiliation anymore.
"Kabir... Kabir, listen to me."
This horn doesn't stop
"So this was just an act?
- No, Kabir"
"It is better that you leave,
or I will throw you out!"
What have I done? Why do you
want to throw me out of here?
I was helpless
"You have not done anything,
I am at fault, please forgive me"
"Don't behave like
that with me, please!"
"All right, Kabir. You want to end
this relationship, don't you?"
Do it
But why can't we part amicably?
Why do we need to end
it so inappropriately?
Relationships end inappropriately
only or they wouldn't end
All right... all right.
I will go away
But let me brush
myself up before leaving.
"It's all just an
act, nothing else"
We will never meet again
"Before leaving,
can I give you a kiss, please?"
"What have you done, Sonia?"
"Enough, Sonia"
No one will come between us now
I have decided
That man will have to die
That man will have to die!
That was one morning
I can never forget
There was brightness all around
"But for me,
it was dark all around"
I could not see a thing.
Wonder why people
say love is pure.
That those who love find God.
I was planning to kill
for the love of that woman.
My brain had become
a slave to my body.
I was obsessed.
Obsessed about making that
woman belong to me forever.
"Despite being with me right now,
you are with someone else."
You are a very dangerous man.
You immediately know
what's on my mind.
I was thinking
about something else.
I was thinking about Anoushka.
At this hour?
I was thinking what will
become of Anoushka after Rohit.
What will happen? She will become
the heiress of half his estate.
She will become a millionaire
at such a young age.
By the time she is 18..."
...her mother will blow away all
her money in drinking & gambling
What will happen to that girl then?
- You are there.
Even you will be a millionaire.
You will inherit half the estate
"You can take care of her.
- Kabir, tell me something, please"
Is it not possible that
I inherit all the property?
So that I can look after
Anoushka later?
What are you saying?!
Isn't it possible
to change Rohit's Will?
"You are a lawyer,
you can find a way"
Have you gone mad?
Not at all!
We are going to commit a murder.
This is not kids play
We should not do anything that
will make people suspect us
Suspect us in any way
"The police, the lawyers,
they are all very smart."
They will find some evidence
You are right.
We should do no such thing
"Sir, you!
Over here?"
You should have called me over
"When one has work,
one must come himself"
"And when it's dubious,
one must come to Frankie"
"Sir, I have explained what you
should do before the bomb blasts."
But have you thought of
what should be done...
...after the bomb blasts?
- I have
"Sir, I'll tell you something"
"I have no business saying this,
so please don't feel offended"
I'll repeat what you had told me
There are a 100 ways
to commit a crime.
But 101 ways to get caught
You understand?
Why do you take the trouble?
I'll do the job for you.
"No, Frankie. One must never
fire from another man's shoulder"
I'll do this job.
But you can do one thing
Go to Mumbai.
And stay there
Come back when I tell you.
I'll bear the expenses
"All right, but while leaving,
I'll give you your dialogue."
"Commit a crime,
but don't get caught"
"If caught, you are a criminal.
And if not, then a rich man!"
Good day
Frankie's words had depth
So Sonia and I had
stopped meeting at home
We used to discreetly
meet outside
I have got that thing
Why didn't you tell me
this over the phone?
Are you mad? Is such
conversation made over the phone?
Everything is ready. You
just have to ensure one thing
"Sunday night, 2:30 am"
"Sharp 2:30 am, understand?"
"Not earlier, not later. You'll have
to send him out at sharp 2:30 am"
"When we meet now,
he will no more be between us"
Wonder what path I had
suddenly treaded on
What is this love all about?
An unsolved mystery
Whose joy is it?
And whose ruin?
"Whose life is it,
and whose... death?"
What happened?
"I don't know why,
but I cannot sleep"
I'll go down and
make a drink for myself.
Rohit... even I cannot sleep.
Enough! Not any more.
Do you intend to kill me?
I think some
thief has barged in
The rascal has
invited his death
"Rohit, shall we call the police?
- Not necessary"
I'll deal with him. I'll
pump all six bullets into him.
Where did you get a gun from?
There are many things
you don't know about me
I'll kill the bastard!
Show yourself!
He has a gun!
Who are you?
Who are you?
Why are you hiding your face?
Clean this place well. And
remove all the finger prints too
"I'm going ahead,
you follow me later"
"You remember everything,
don't you?"
We won't meet
for a few weeks now
And remember... no phone calls
"Before leaving,
won't you give me a kiss?"
"That night,
after leaving Sonia..."
...I couldn't
hear my own footfalls
"Like as if it wasn't me,
but some body being cremated."
It felt like as if
I'd committed two murders.
I'd killed myself
along with Rohit Khanna
"Waywardness, inconsistency"
Something is bothering me
I feel restless every moment
What is bothering me
"The path on which
the smoldering sun..."
...never sets
One such path of love...
...I have chosen
"Where is it possible
for someone..."
"...to be the same
for everyone"
My heart is a little evil
"But there is a little
goodness too in my heart"
"Yes, tell me"
- I am Karim Burmawala...
Karim and Karim solicitors
"I'm sorry to disturb you,
but it's an urgent matter"
Tell me
I represent the
late Rohit Khanna
I am his advocate.
- Continue
"Mr. Lal, some new
facts have come to light"
I wish to meet you
in that connection.
Why me?
"Your name is mentioned,
so it's necessary I talk to you"
Can you meet me tomorrow?
- Yes
Then see you tomorrow at 10 am
in Mr. Vishal Pathak's office?
I'll be there
It's necessary for you to remain
silent and let me...
Come on in
Meet everyone here.
This is Mr Karim Burmawala...
"this is Mrs Priyanka Kapoor, sister
of the deceased Mr Rohit Khanna"
And this is Mrs Sonia Khanna
Will you have something to drink?
We have called you here
because a new will...
of the late Mr Khanna
has come to light
And your name figures
as the executioner of the will
- What if his name figures there?
"I'm surprised, just a month
before his death..."
he made this new will
All his legal matters were handled
by our firm in Mumbai
But he didn't even inform us
about this will
"There's something fishy,
There surely is a conspiracy
Please stay quiet and
let me get on with my work
"In his old will, Mr Rohit Khanna had
divided his property in two parts"
One half of it went to his
wife Sonia and the other half...
went to his sister Priyanka
and his niece Anoushka Kapoor
So what happens now?
All the property goes to her?
That's impossible!
"Kabirlal, there come up many questions
regarding the truth behind this will"
This will could be held
legally untenable
Like Mr Rohit Khanna having died
without making out a will
What happens in such a case?
In the absence of a will...
a man's entire property
goes to the wife
But it isn't so easy
in this case
"I suggest, the two of you share the
property according to the old will..."
and end this controversy
here and now
Or else...
- Or else?
"Else, I'll have your blood!"
"Is this what you called me
here for, Mr Karim?"
Do you realise what mental
trauma I'm going through?
You're raising the question of dividing
the property at a time like this?
She's putting on an act!
I've lost my brother too!
Do you see how she dresses?
- What are you doing?
It's me. I want you
to understand something
What hell will you tell me?
You changed the will...
"and didn't even tell me!
- Don't be angry, Kabir"
Why shouldn't I be angry?
You've landed both of us in danger!
"Nothing of the sort
is happening, Kabir"
I'm coming there and I'll
explain everything to you
Are you out of your mind?
They're keeping an eye on us!
"Kabir, I'll come there and
explain everything to you"
It's necessary for me
to meet you
"Now look, Sonia. If you
think you're coming here..."
I'm leaving right now!
Now don't cook up stories...
just tell us the truth
What have you got to do
with Sonia Khanna?
I've got nothing to do
with Sonia Khanna!
Now stop spinning a yarn
and tell us the truth
Tell us...
- What?
In detail. Stories from the heart
sound good in detail
Are you serious with her?
- You're crazy!
You know I don't fall in love-traps.
Why're you talking rubbish?
But your face says something else.
- What does my face say? What?
The whole world knows
that I love beauty
She's the most beautiful woman
in the whole of Pondicherry
That's true. I've seen her
and I must say...
there isn't anyone like her
in the whole of south India
And she's also rich.
- Beautiful trouble
"All right, I've heard it.
I only want you to be careful"
She has lost her husband
only recently
There's a controversy over her
property. There could be trouble
"Hey guys, have you imposed a state
of emergency in Pondicherry?"
"Mr Sidharth, this is still
a free nation"
"All right, my friend"
Let's have the rest of
the argument at the club
We won't get a table
if we're late
I'm not coming today.
I'm not in the mood
Now look at him!
You got a secret programme tonight?
- Let him be
The two of us will go ahead
"Kabir, I'm your friend.
But I'm also a cop"
And cops are like dogs.
They smell a rat
They see even what is hidden
"Because I'm your friend,
I'm telling you"
Don't hide anything from me.
- Here you are
Light a cigarette
and get going
Are you mad?
Do you want us both to hang?
I told you not to come here!
- How much does he know?
"He knows nothing, but I know
Sidharth very well"
"Once he gets after someone,
he's had it"
What evidence does he have?
- Evidence!
Don't you feel scared?
I do. I feel very scared
Of no one else.
I feel scared of you
Of myself
We have done so much
to be with each other
And that is exactly what is
distancing us now
"Kabir, you have changed so much.
You don't love me at all"
"I do love you, which is why
I'm worried about you"
"That night, Sonia promised me..."
that she would marry me
the moment she had the property
How was I to know that life was
plotting another move against me
I asked for a large drink.
Do you think I'm blind?
"This is 60 ml, madam.
- 60 ml... this one?"
"It's after midnight, madam.
The manager has..."
Money! They're all thieves!
Will you take the money with you
when you're dead?
She's a witch!
- Who are you talking about?
The one you're fighting for!
I'm not mad.
I just get the feeling...
that something terrible
is going to happen
My brother didn't die
a natural death
He was killed. By this witch
"Look, let me have
my drink in peace"
"For God's sake, listen to me!
For your own welfare!"
I saw it in her eyes yesterday.
The sparkle...
I saw the sparkle
even five years ago
When my sister-in-law died.
She was down with pneumonia
"One night, when I got up
and went to her room..."
I found my sister-in-law
burning with fever
It was a cold night.
All the windows were open
Her covers and blankets were
lying scattered on the floor...
and her nurse was missing
I ran and wrapped blanket
around my sister-in-law...
and that is when the nurse walked in.
But she said nothing...
she just stood there.
In her eyes...
she had the same sparkle
Do you know who that nurse was?
- Who?
Sonia. Who else?
You don't know her.
She'll kill you too
I don't know what your problem is.
But I've got to leave
So she has trapped you too!
"Isn't that why you find the
truth I speak, to be bitter?"
This is her profession!
But I'm not going
to remain quiet!
I'll go to the police!
I'll hold a press conference...
and tell everyone
that my brother was murdered!
And it's Sonia who has
murdered my brother!
"Yes, one moment"
"Call for you, Kabir"
How often have I told you not to
irritate me while we're playing?
It's Sidharth
"Yes, go on Sidharth"
"Oh yes, no problem at all"
"Yes, I'll be there"
What happened?
- He's called me at the Lark Club
You alone?
- Yes. He's buying me some beer
Lucky guy. The D.I.G.
Calls you to drink beer...
billionaire girls soothe
your body
"God, make me Kabirlal
when I'm born again"
In ten years of police service
there hasn't been an instance...
when I've found something fishy
and I've been proved wrong
Not even once.
One thing is very clear
This is a case of murder
Rohit Khanna did not die
in an accident
He was taken there dead.
That blast...
wasn't caused by explosives.
We found particles of dynamite there
What is most important is that
his glasses were missing
He had gone there in connection
with some work at the factory
How could he go without
wearing his glasses?
I'm here for some chilled beer.
So why're you telling me all this?
The cops have to begin their
investigations somewhere
I thought I'd begin at home.
Yours is the name that figures...
as the executioner of his will.
And Sonia Khanna is the beneficiary
We cops always suspect the one
who's going to gain the most
Why're you beating around the bush?
Come to the point
I'm asking you for the record
Where were you when
the murder took place?
"In Chennai. Hotel Regency,
Room No 203"
You went away to Chennai
without even telling me?
Is it a crime to go to Chennai?
Is it in Pakistan?
Do I need a passport from you guys
to go there?
Why're you getting angry? I'm only
completing the formalities
I get what you told me
"You went there for legal
consultation, right?"
"May I have this beer in peace?
- Have more, darling boy"
Go ahead
What is it?
Sidharth called me to
the Lark Club today
What for?
- Because they believe...
what Priyanka has told them.
They are convinced...
that Rohit's death
is a case of murder
That he was taken there
after he was killed
- I've called you here to tell you...
to please give Rohit's sister
half the property. Please!
"Or else, she and her lawyer
will land us in a soup"
What sort of a man are you?
You're scared of such a little thing?
They have no evidence against us.
Why don't you trust me?
How can I?
You hid the truth from me...
that you used to be Rohit Khanna's
former wife's nurse
So you've met Priyanka?
May I know how and when you met her?
- I met her at the club last night
"I see. The moment I turn my back,
you start wooing her?"
Why're you twisting the issue?
"Try to understand
what I'm saying, Sonia"
"What do we want, after all? We want
to be with each other, isn't it?"
Listen to me. Give her half the share
and end this issue once and for all!
That is never happening
I'd rather die than
give anyone a penny
"Whoever wants it,
can fight me and take it"
"You're trapped now, my boy!"
It's Swami from Chennai.
- Coming
"Call the grandmaster,
if you will!"
Give Vishal some cold yogurt-shake
"Go on, Swami"
The manager at Regency?
Is the information correct?
- What happened?
Mind your own business. Please!
All right
"What happened, Sidharth?"
What are you doing here?
- I've been waiting for you
Well? You're late today
"Strange, you jog for good health
and screw it up by smoking"
The more I think about
Rohit Khanna's murder...
the happier I am that
the bastard is dead
It takes a burden off the earth
"To me, it makes no difference who
killed him or who gets all his money"
But Sidharth isn't like that
"His life is all about the law,
principles and ideals"
He won't wash his shirt until he
gets to know how it got a stain
And Sidharth is very upset right now.
He's in a dilemma
- Because he's a friend of yours
He loves you very much.
Maybe more than even I do
Which is why he finds himself
torn between friendship and duty
What are you getting at?
- You told Sidharth...
that you were at Chennai's Hotel
Regency on the 17th of May
But the guys at the hotel
have told him that...
you were not in the room all night.
- They're talking rubbish!
I was very much there in Room 203
of Chennai's Hotel Regency!
"Please, I've told you
it makes no difference to me"
But the operator told the police
that there were four calls...
that you did not take that night.
- If I didn't take the call...
it doesn't necessarily mean
I wasn't in the room
"You know what six drinks do...
- There's more to it, Kabir"
"They've issued an arrest warrant
for your friend, Frankie"
Someone wants to send the cops
Rohit Khanna's glasses...
which were not on the dead body
Who wants to give it and why...
and what the police will discover
after Frankie's arrest...
only time will tell
"To talk to you guys henceforth,
I'll have to have my lawyer present!"
Can't you understand
what your friends tell you?
"Your lawyer is here,
right before you"
"We are your friends, Kabir"
"It's me, Sonia.
- What is the matter?"
Leave the house. Wait for me
behind the old light-house
Leave town? What for?
What happened?
"Nothing as yet, but it
sure is going to happen!"
We have very little time
Tell me something
I can't tell you everything
over the phone
Leave the house immediately!
Please! I'll wait for you
I'm coming over
"He's supposed to be
my husband's manager"
"You don't know her.
She'll kill you too"
"Surprised to see me, aren't you?"
"Yes, I've escaped"
I'm the your first victim
who has escaped
Rohit Khanna couldn't escape.
But I have
I'm not the one
who murdered Rohit
You murdered him
With your own hands.
Have you forgotten?
"Yes, I killed him. But you are
the one who made me kill him"
Like you were making your lover
kill me tonight
You plan these murders
in your mind...
then use suckers like me
by offering that body
You kept using me. You are the one
who telephoned the cops
You are the one
who sent those glasses
I was mad. I had gone blind
in my love for you
"Not love, Kabir.
In lust and longing"
"This body doesn't know
what love is, Kabir"
All it knows is hunger.
"So you have used me only for
the sake of wealth, Sonia?"
Tell me the truth. We spent so
many beautiful moments together...
"didn't you feel any love
for me at all, Sonia?"
The truth is that I was never
in love with you
"Kabir, I have loved no one"
I have loved only myself
"Every man loves himself, Kabir.
- But I..."
I'm still in love with you
"When I was coming here,
I was baying for your blood"
But now...
now I wonder how
I will hurt you
But I'm going to the
police station
I'll confess to my crime.
That I have killed Rohit
That you are innocent
"No, Kabir. You are doing
nothing of the sort!"
"No, Sonia. I must go to them"
For my freedom
And yours
"You want to kill me,
don't you?"
So kill me
Shoot at my heart
and blow it apart
It beats only for you
End its suffering.
For good
Kill me!
"Forgive me, Kabir"
I'm willing to go away
from here with you
You do love me very much.
- Yes
Which is why you couldn't
fire at me again
Isn't it?
"But this body doesn't know
what love is, Sonia"
All it knows is hunger.
Lust and craving
"No, Kabir..."
What good is a body that
does not have any love?
What difference will it make
whether it exists or not?
It makes no difference
Didn't I tell you?
I'd never let you give up
I'm coming over
It's almost dawn. I've got
one last thing to do
Once I've done that...
"I'll never let you lose, Sidharth.
"What are you looking at, Sidharth?
Arrest me"
"I've committed two murders,
not one"
I always fed the bad dog in me
"For once, I wish to feed
a few morsels to the good dog too"
Lock me up in prison
"Vishal, let's take him
to the hospital"
Take me wherever you wish to
After I wish Mr Sun
a good-morning for the last time
This world was my paradise...
this world is my paradise
"I learn this secret, now that
I have lost everything"