Jizda (The Ride) (1994) Movie Script

- What's it guzzle?|- About twenty litres. Roughly.
Cheap to run. Good car.
Does it run on gas or diesel?
Depends on what|you teach it to use.
Not bad, eh?
I can give you a good price.|What's your offer?
We haven't got much.
How much?
- Eight what?|- Thousand.
Eight thousand crowns?
Let's look there, then.
Take a good look at this one.|It's a Pontiac.
This is what the one over|there could look like.
When you put it together.
Eight thousand crowns. A '93|model, ABS, air conditioning.
- Where's the engine?|- In the shed.
But it's registered|and has number plates.
But we want to drive it tomorrow.
Well guys, you should have|put more away. Sorry.
We've fucked!
Is there anything here that|we could drive away?
This Kadet's not too bad.
They can all run. Back there we've|engines, wheels... no problem.
Just needs a simple fix-up.
- But we want to hit the road now.|- Let's take a look over there.
- But none of them are registered.|- Let me worry about the papers.
Plates too.|I like you guys, you go far.
I'm going to give you choice.|French plates.
Just say "Bonjour ". Works a treat|to the cops if they stop you...
They're stupid.|They'll let you go.
German doesn't work anymore.|"Guten Tag " they know...
- So, French plates are better.|- I won't be driving it...
Doesn't matter who's driving.|It's just a better cover.
- So how much?|- How much d'you have?
- Eight thousand.|- Eight?
You're kidding me. I should chuck|this in and do charity work.
So it's a deal?
/We'll find a place
/where the smoking's good.
/Where the hot sun
/doesn't sting the drinks.
/Where the wind spreads|/bits of bird shit
/all around us and says
/We've got to try|/what tastes the best
/and calmly wait|/till someone comes.
/Someone who knows|/that we're sitting here,
/and who will say "hi, boys".
/I've got one long arm.
/One long arm for you.
/Come sit with us
/we'll listen to you.
/We'll think on what
/we've got to do.
/Give us your hand
/and you'll relax...
/on that spot|/where one feels blue.
The main roads are|for cops and criminals.
The side roads are for us.
Haven't we been here before?
The Prague Health Dept.|issued a warning...
...about the poor quality|of water in swimming pools.
This is due|to people peeing in the water.
And, quote: "Everyone's peeing ",|say City health officials.
It says that a shrew
is around one and a half times|the length of a credit card.
That's a progress.
We used to use match boxes
to compare the scale of things.
God for instance.
Let's check this scale.
- So what's the verdict?|- God is great!
Let's plug ourselves|into the world.
A Roumanian girl would be ideal.
- What for?|- We could share her both.
- They're good, eh?|- No, but if she didn't like it,
she couldn't complain,|nobody would understand her.
And we could say that we|thought she wanted to, right?
Or a Hungarian. For sure.
- Aren't they all ugly?|- We can't be too choosy.
Or we can pick up a real|beauty, have her in the woods...
But then we'd have to bury her.
We got a shovel.
A tropical heat wave has|paralyzed traffic in the capital.
Traffic on most major routes|is gridlocked and not moving.
Seems as if it never will.
Good afternoon.
- C'mon. We'll give you a ride.|- Oh no, boys, it's not worth it.
- I live here in this village.|- C'mon. Here.
But it's really not worth it.
- Your rake...|- See, with my rake.
Such a nice car.|I'll only scratch it up.
You'll sit up front...
- Here we go.|- Where are coming from?
Oh, the fields.|Working, you know. Raking hay.
- You still rake hay?|- Sure.
- And where do you come from?|- We're from Prague.
I hope you find some nice|ladies and enjoy your holiday.
- Stop right here, by this lady.|- Here?
I told you, it's not worth it...
Now can I have my rake.|Thank you.
Where were you...|... that you needed a lift.
They were just nice boys...|from Prague.
Even then we only gave|her a short lift.
It was still a good deed!
If we hadn't taken her,|we'd be three miles further.
But it's not true.|It's impossible.
So we're actually three miles|behind, you see...
So, whatever happens from now on|wasn't meant to be.
A magic moment.|What's up? Where you going?
The reward for our good deed.
Hi. Want a ride?
What are you doing here?|C'mon. Get in.
You'll die here.|Ants will eat you alive.
- What were you doing there?|- Nothing.
So what were you leaving behind?
Where to?
Doesn't matter.|I'll get off somewhere.
- We can take you home...|- No.
Did something happen to you?
I'd like a drink.
Can be arranged.
What's he doing?
- Do you speak English?|- Czech.
You didn't see a redhead|somewhere around here?
- No.|- No, we haven't.
What do you want to drink, then?
No ice. And tonic.
- There's no gin.|- Doesn't matter.
She says it doesn't matter.
- It doesn't matter.|- Fernet, then.
- So what does she want?|- Fernet.
What's this place called?
Where are you going?
The sea?
The car hasn't any papers,|so it can't cross the border.
So what do you do|when you get to the border?
We'll go either east or west.
- Going through Pelhrimov?|- No.
But we can take you there|if you want.
What I really want is a drink.
Who was that in the car?
A guy.
Did he do something to you?
What did she say?
Nothing.|I think she's a bit wacky.
Well then work on her.|She could...
Did you notice that she hasn't|put those panties on yet?
That means that under that skirt,|she's actually, you know...
I guess so. And probably|doesn't even know it.
You think she's, like,|nuts or something?
I don't know.
Well, no point in us|fighting over her.
Look, she's put them back.
So she's not totally nuts.
So we won't get to see|her little pussy after all.
Hey look. A mirage.
That's where I'd like to go.|Just disappear.
It's the heat.|We say the air is sweating.
- Have you got any money?|- Money?
Why do you want to know?|Do you?
I don't have any. So you'll|have to look after me now.
That's why I'd like to know|if you have any money.
Why? Do you want it or what?
- No...|- So I don't get it.
Well, if I want something...
And do you want anything?
I'd like an ice-cream. A Magnum.
D'you want to sit up front?
So will you tell me your name?
Why? Does it matter? I'll be|getting off soon anyway.
Where are you getting out?|In Nepomuk?
So why don't you come with us|to Susice at least, eh?
- What do you think you're doing?|- I should be asking you that.
Our contract states that this|fridge is property of Algida.
You can't put other stuff|in here. Pragolaktos, Scholler.
I'm surprised you don't keep|chicken and spinach in here too.
So it's Annie?
I'm Radek. Hi.
- Cute little knuckles.|- Don't say that.
Why not? I want to...
It's just talk. Isn't it?
I don't have another freezer.
Freezers should be provided by|those companies that supply you.
I am hereby disconnecting|and sealing ours.
So what should I say|to make you stay with us?
Am I going anywhere?
- Well, no. Not yet you aren't.|- So don't say anything yet.
Do I annoy you?
No. It's just...|I don't want to talk now.
Will you require|a receipt for these samples?
That way I could record how much|of the other stuff there was.
- Well then don't bother.|- Alright then. One more Magnum.
See you.
- It's freezing me!|- So put it on the floor.
No! It's mine. Mine!
Oh, shit!
/Come here, little mouse,|/come to me!!
/No I won't, little cat,|/you'd eat me.
/Yes you will, yes you will,|/you know it, too.
/Dog!! Kill the cat!!|/Kill the cat!!
/I want to look,|/want to look at it.
/I want to look as it|/squeals under your paws.
/And if it survives,|/if it survives...
/... I'll tie you up, and let|/the cat scratch out your eyes.
/And then I'll wrap myself up|/in barbed wire and plug it...
/... into a socket and|/release the devil.
I get the feeling he really|wants to see you again.
Poor guy.|He must be really mad.
Why are you running|away from him?
I don't like him anymore.|I don't want him.
So why are you going|with him, then?
He does whatever he wants...|... with me.
So we'll teach him|a lesson, right?
Do you have a gun?
No, we don't. Unless|there's one in the trunk.
Does he have one?
No. But he might have got one.
That would be just like him:|he's really aggressive.
He once kicked the shit out|of a guy...
...just because|he was talking to me.
Beat him to a pulp.
Is he really such a tough guy?
Are you that afraid of him?
I messed up my dress.
That can be washed.
I don't have anything to change|into. It's all in his car.
- So what do you think?|- Why do you ask? You want her.
Well, if you want to know,|I am not having fun.
Since we picked her up we've|hardly spoken to each other.
We're wasting our time|running away from some arshole.
- At least something's happening.|- She's only got that one dress.
And I bet she's used|to a lot of money.
I bet she'd expect a hotel.
You think she's going to stay|with us overnight?
She'll smoke all of our grass and|then we'll never get rid of her.
- That wouldn't bother me at all.|- I don't mind either.
But for God's sake,|go screw her. Just look at you.
- Now? In broad daylight? No.|- I'll swimm the other way.
Hey, come on... don't.
- I'll turn around if you're shy.|- I'm not shy.
If I were a guy,|I couldn't bear it.
The way it shrinks|like that in the water.
It must be awfully humiliating?
It's normal.|Happens to everyone.
- Let's go for a walk somewhere.|- Where's the other guy?
Over there, on the other side.|He wants to be alone.
So, what's the story|with the panties?
Well,|I was being a bit naughty.
Can you believe|I had to take them off...
...and throw them away just because|someone else gave them to me.
- Would that upset you too?|- Who'd you get them from?
- I don't know. My Mum, I guess.|- Oh, from your Mum!
Don't. Not here.
Why not?
- I can't make love.|- Why can't you?
Because I'm not turned on.
So tell me what to do|to turn you on.
But I don't want|to be turned on.
Well. That's different.
Maybe we'll make love.|But not here and not now.
We're free-wheeling.
- Can I take the keys out?|- No!
The steering wheel would lock.|And that curve would finish us.
Why do we have to follow|the road all the time?
Such a nice hill...|Why can't we just go straight?
We can do anything we want.|We can go straight.
OK. We're going straight.
Take off your glasses.
Well, kids: it's been great.|Good bye.
Bye. Ciao.
Too bad we didn't get to know|each other better.
- But I'm afraid.|- Too late.
It's locked now. Hang on.
We going to die?
I think I bit my tongue.
Oh, blood.
When I look up at the sky,
I see these two little|bubbles or more like spots.
Only I can see them.|They're in my eye somewhere.
And they just go sailing|through the sky...
When I don't look at them,
they go where I'm looking.
But when I try to look at them,
then they go off somewhere|on their own.
So I pretend not to look at them,|and then they come back to me.
And so I keep chasing them|through the sky.
With me, it's a little line.
I haven't seen it for a long|time, but it's still there.
Is there a moral in all this?
Don't know.
It's actually the first|video game in the world.
Can you hear that?
- In the air. Not on the ground.|- I know.
Smells nice, like those|air fresheners in washrooms.
I don't smell anything.
I can't smell anything.
They're in a hurry, eh?
A cable car. Take it down.
Hey Ferda!
Get Mary.|Wait, I'll get Mary.
I'm coming!|I've brought the broomsticks!
We're going|to clean it up here.
Get Betty; Betty will help you.
I'm the only female around.
And what are you going to do|if we all jump you?
You don't have what it takes.
Careful I don't bite you.
I'll behave myself. So don't|make me do it with everyone.
We'll see about that.
Said Ferda.
Where is she?
Over there.
- Where's she going?|- I don't know.
- She's leaving!|- No she's not.
- She is! She's leaving us here.|- So let her go.
But she's got my t-shirt.
Wait, my t-shirt.
Hey mister! Don't take her!
Why did she do that?|She had a great time with us.
What a bitch!
- So you didn't get any?|- Of course not.
- She left her dress here.|- She doesn't care.
And we're up shit creek.
Guess what? It's cracked.
Great. So we're not fucking|going anywhere, are we?
- Nope. Not likely.|- Fuck...
- Hey Radek, you got a fetish?|- Bull. It's been washed.
Look, a tractor!
It's a work of art.
It's actually quite beautiful.
It's even signed. Armabeton.
Do you think|the pyramids are higher?
These have got to be higher.
Let's compare it to our matchbox.
Where's the steam?|Don't they work?
A work of art|isn't supposed to work.
It provokes|an emotional response.
They're telling us: "Save,|energy, or we'll turn on."
/An actress at the Comedie|/told me
/she'd take me away|/to Nowhereland.
/To Nowhereland...
Shit! It stinks.
I'm going to dry my dress.
/The clouds fly|/low above the ground.
/Fly fast, my head is spinning.
T/he clouds fly|/low above the ground...
/For the last time|/I envy the clouds...
/... the way that they can see|/the world.
/The clouds fly|/low above the ground...
/One day she'll take me away...
/far away...
No one's in control!
What would you do,
what would you do if you had|only one year to live?
Depends on what you mean.
Well, would you drop everything|and just live it up...
Or would you try|to leave something behind?
What's the point of|leaving something behind?
One should leave|something behind.
Kids, at least.
So Frank, you can die in peace.
- You're a dad?|- Yeah.
- You're married?|- Yeah.
- And it's enough for you?|- Totally.
But in any event,|I don't want to die.
- And are you married?|- No way.
So you can do what you like...
- You could say that.|- So what do you do?
I've a girlfriend...
That's enough for you?
- Two hundred.|- Each?
- Per room.|- I'm sleeping in the car.
That's five Jim Beam's.|Hope she's worth it.
At least|she didn't steal anything.
Where did she go?
No money; nothing; at night.
She won't get lost.
She's gone.|I think she's really gone.
I should have gone with her|to the shower.
It was an invitation.|I should've gone up with her.
If only I didn't have that drink,|it would've been okay.
- I think it's fate or something.|- What?
That this particular girl|was on the road...
Jesus, if she's your fate,|then God help you.
What do I know?
- You really didn't like her?|- No.
Pretty girl.
Just forget her.
Such a cute smile.
Nice red hair. She had that|cute peachfuzz all over her...
Get some sleep.
All because of one drink...
One drink less,
and she'd still be here.
No need to wash.
Then night.
- I brought breakfast.|- Hey, hi.
- What's this cat doing here?|- Sleeping.
Look what I did. Here.
- God, what happened?|- A wire with little thorns...
- It's called barbed wire.|- Where were you?
- Somewhere.|- All night?
And the wire was rusty. So now|I've got blood poisoning, right?
No you haven't.|You've been vaccinated.
"We're " vaccinated
against tooth, mouth,|shedding and worms.
We've a dog. A German|Shepherd. He's really neurotic.
We always have to pay attention|to him, otherwise he bites.
Once I was playing with Johnny.
- The dog?|- No, the guy.
The one who's chasing us?
And I had him tied to the bed|by his hands and feet.
And we were playing around.
And when it grew hard,|I brought in the dog.
When the dog came up to him|he wanted to be petted.
He couldn't move or even shout|because that'd upset the dog.
He just lay there.|He couldn't do anything.
And I stood behind the door|and watched him sweat in fear.
"Throwing rocks into the river|and on the slopes is forbidden."
"Irresponsible behaviour can lead|to serious injury to persons..."
"... in the afore-mentioned areas."|The International City Council.
Why don't you have|the dog put down?
- But we love him. He's ours.|- So how did it turn out?
- Did he bite it off?|- No. He just sniffed it.
I sure wouldn't|let you tie me up.
But we haven't known each|other long enough.
Would they shoot at us|if he isn't armed?
It's true they only shoot|ones who're armed?
- How do you know he isn't?|- I didn't see a gun.
Smile. It's the cops.
They're coming back.
- OK?|- Not bad.
When I do something I shouldn't,
I feel like everyone's|watching me.
That's because they are.|We should get out of here.
I need to pee.
- Are you scared?|- You don't want to?
Not at the moment.
What's taking him so long?
Where are you heading?
- Where do you want to go?|- To Hell.
Hell? Marie, some Hell...?
- Don't they mean Devil's Rocks?|- Oh yeah. Go down here...
No, go right here, right, left,|turn after half a mile...
Let's go!
- Got it?|- Got it. -How much?
- I took a thousand.|- Great.
Guys, I've got to pee.
- Shouldn't they be chasing us?|- We're safe now...
- Only a thousand crowns?|- It was only a village bank.
Can I drive now?
Do you know how?
I can't do the pedals. But|I can do the steering wheel.
Let's do it together.|I can only work the gears.
- So you don't need me anymore.|- You're going to do the pedals.
/A farmer in the field
/was looking for his cow...
/For him villages or towns,
/didn't matter now,
/nothing but that cow,|/hiding in the grass...
/as high as the ocean's deep.
/Black water, blind fish,|/poisonous sea beasts,
/in the farmer's head came|/the snap of the thread.
/His spool's not turning,
/and there's no conductor|/to say...
/... while stroking his hair:
/You're with me on my train|/in my care.
I am driving!
Don't go home,|the contest hasn't finished...
I'd like to thank|to the volunteer Fire Department.
Go away, kids! Get lost!
So what's the story? You left|him, or he threw you out?
No. We had a fight.
And how long|have you been together?
About four years.|But we've argued a lot,
so we haven't been together|the whole time.
It's really more like two years.
And why do you fight?
Don't know.|Spice up our lives I guess.
And what do you do|when you're not fighting?
We go away somewhere|and fight there too.
- Want a smoke?|- I can't. I'm working.
With the sun shining through|your ears, you look like an alien.
My little girlfriend...
For the monks who built this place|it was like taming the Wild West.
There was nothing here.|Only forests...
and more forests.
- And huge ants.|- How huge?
Like this.
The monks came with their saws.
And chopped down the trees.
They pulled out the stumps|and started hauling boulders.
But first,|they killed the huge ants.
I always thought of monks|as impotent cripples.
They were regular guys.|Musclemen.
And they did this all|by themselves?
Yup. They built, painted,|wrote, and prayed to God.
And there weren't any women?
Women weren't allowed here.|For seven-hundred years.
Do you smell it?
It's in all monasteries.|It's the spirit of the place.
It smells like this|in the confessional booth.
I read somewhere that|when men live without women,
they begin to give off|a funny smell.
What d'you call it?
- What are you trying to say?|- Something like ingraining?
Yeah. Absorbtion.|Semen absorbtion.
For seven hundred years,|it's been evaporating here.
I want you to do it to me here.
/I'm dying,
/my strength's leaving me,
/I forgive what I should,
/and then I leave my body...
/... while I turn into dust.
/I'm dying and my only wish...
/... is that|/you will dream of me.
It musn't smell of cow shit.
And I need my own room.
And I need a stove.
That little cottage looks nice.
Or that tiny little one.
This is a nice little cottage.
I'm scared.
That's that guy...|The one they set fire to.
- That's Palach, right?|- That's Hus.
That's the Red Fox. Sigmund.
And he's saying, hey, buddy,|you there, Mister Jan Hus.
Hey, that's Dusek.|From my school.
A guitar.
It's for me.
Look at all the little records.
Matuska, Sodoma...
- Neckar... Korn!|- Kids, remember Korn?
- You know how to turn it on?|- It still works?
A record.
Look. His picture's on it.
Winnetou laughs|from the window...
...and Shatterhand|is kissing Rybana's breasts.
Inchuchuna in the yard|started up his motorcar.
Motorcar is bust.|Inchuchuna's dust.
Blow it out!
An old newspaper|from the communist times.
In Sri Lanka due to conflicts|between the majority Singhalese,
and the minority Tamils,|May Day has been outlawed.
Simple solution.
The National Congress|of Pathologists:
The official program has been|enlivened with a social event:
An evening organ pipe concert...
Hang glider pilots|participated in the parade.
Driver Hlasek delivered the cargo|straight to the Tymakov facility.
There the grain will remain|over the weekend.
Then it will be transported to|the Processing Centre in Prestice.
- I don't get it.|- What are you reading?
What is it?|It's a speech by Comrade Husak.
Every paragraph here starts with|Comrades this and Comrades that.
The Robin Hood of the desert...
Saddam Hussein is|distributing Kuwaiti land...
That was that war in the Gulf?
That was January fifteenth,|Ninety-One.
Two days before the war,
I lost my virginity with Johnny.
You were under age, weren't you?
- I was fourteen.|- So now he is paying for it.
See how happy this piece looks.|While all you guys do is argue.
I had my first hysterical fit|of laughter playing this game.
I was six.
What's that?
It's called a phone. An invention|over a hundred years old.
Why is it ringing?
Did you know that|the Americans won the WWII...
...because they knew|how to use the telephone?
Loser gets us|something to drink.
And some food.
- Five.|- That's silly.
Ha! One.
That's stupid.
But you're going to have to go|anyway. Radek can't drive.
How come she's doesn't have|anything there?
I wonder what they look like now.|How old they must be.
Maybe fifty. Or sixty.
What would you have done, if|you had stayed here with Frank?
He's a man.
What do you mean by that?
He'd take what he wants.
So you'd sleep with him?
Anne, would you?
I want to talk|about something else.
Yeah, but this interests me,|so tell me.
You want to know?
You really want to know?
Yes I do.
And can you handle it?|Can you take it?
Maybe we already have.
When did you have the time to?|I was always with you.
Promise me that|you won't say anything.
I would feel ashamed|and you would look silly.
Maybe in Susice. You slept|like a baby all night.
- Frank wouldn't do it to me.|- Yes he would.
What are you going to do?
- I don't know.|- Are you a man, or what?
Go away, will you?
Get lost. I'm bored.
When did he call?
It's always the same thing.
I don't know.|Somewhere in Sumava. In Loucky.
Yeah. Whatever he says.|I don't care.
Hi Anne.
What is it?
I don't want to!
It hurts! You bastard.|I'm going to scream.
C'mon does it really|hurt that much?
I don't want to cause you pain.|But it has to be done.
Don't. I won't scream anymore.
- You have to be brave.|- I couldn't stand it.
- It won't last long.|- My hands hurt.
I'm sorry.
Where are you going?|Don't leave me here.
Untie me you bastard!
What's that? What's that for?|What are you going to do with that?
Radek, talk to me.
For God's sake,|what are you doing with that?
That's petrol.
I love you.
Don't scream.
But there are candles everywhere.
I know.
I made all that up,|about Frank. Everything.
You know, I actually|believed you for a while.
So why are you doing this?
- Because I love you.|- I love you too.
But we're just not getting it|together, are we?
It would always be like that.|We want it at different times.
Now we can make love.|Then it will all be over.
I haven't even said good-bye|to my Mum yet.
She has no idea where I am.
I've got beer and sausages.|When you're thru, I'll be outside.
I can't do this.
Do it.|Untie my legs and do it.
I want it.|I really really want it.
I can't do this.
One chicken, seventy five.
- Do you have any soups?|- We do, we do.
Packed soups, ghoulash,|beef, leek. I'll show you...
French, pea, beef...
- We should go after them.|- I don't think so.
I don't have her address|or telephone number.
If she wanted you to have it,|she'd have given it to you.
Sometimes girls forget to...
No they don't.
You know, I wonder...
...if she called him before|or after she was with you.
Well if she called after, then|that doesn't say much about you.
Alright. I'll tell you.
I never slept with her.
You're an idiot.
I really didn't.
We're free-wheeling.
Tailor, Sailor, Soldier, Daddy.
- Don't call me daddy.|- We are facing a major decision:
East or west.
Because we're through|with the south.
Shit, the cops.
Keep cool,|it's just an accident.
Oh God.
/We'll find a place
/where the smoking's good,
/where the hot sun
/doesn't sting the drinks,
/where the wind spreads|/bits of bird shit
/all around us and says
/We've got to try|/what tastes the best
/and calmly wait|/till someone comes.
/Someone who knows|/that we're sitting here,
/and who will say "hi, boys."
/I've got one arm long.
/One long arm for you.
/Come sit with us,
/we'll listen to you.
/We'll think on|/what we've got to do,
/Give us your hand|/and you'll relax...
/on that spot|/where one feels blue.
/I've got one long arm...