JK's House (2013) Movie Script

Welcome to JK's house.
Hi, I'm JK, and that's
my mom, Dr. Amber Jenkins.
Thank you for helping me
with the groceries.
You have such great manners.
Mom is always busy
being a doctor,
and she has tons of rules.
[SIGHS] JK, is that
your sister Alex?
I think so.
Would you please go upstairs
and tell her to come downstairs
and help us unpack the
groceries before the guests come?
Yes, ma'am.
JK, no running.
Yes, ma'am.
See what I mean?
No running, no laughing,
no playing, no fun.
That's my grandpa.
He says he can fix anything
and out-dance anyone.
All he needs is a toolbox
and dancing shoes.
Thought I heard
something out here.
Well, how's
my favorite daughter?
Mom's his favorite daughter, but
we all know who his favorite person is.
Look, how about
this dance, shall we?
No, Dad,
I don't have time for this.
My book club meeting
is starting in a minute.
Mom wishes
he would take it easy,
but Grandpa wishes
Mom would have more fun.
Come on, you don't want
to dance with your old man?
That's the only
dance move Mom knows.
I hate it.
Let me show you what
my move is. Oh, my...
One more turn.
There we go. Okay.
Now watch me move.
Oh, Dad.
Let's go in the house.
Come on, inside.
You don't want to dance
with your old man. No, Dad.
That's all right.
That's Alex, my big sister.
Cheerleading is her life.
Hey, guys.
Hey, mom.
Well, hello, cheerbabies.
She and her friends
practice all the time,
and I mean always.
So Alex, what the rule
about having company over?
I know, Mom, but we really
had to practice our routine. Alex.
No company over
unless you're home.
[JK NARRATING] Our friends barely
get to have fun when Mom's here.
But since you guys are here,
can you run out
and grab the groceries?
My book club meeting
starts at 6:00.
Everybody does chores here,
even other people's children.
Grandpa, didn't the doctor
say take it easy?
Take it easy?
I'm going to make you
mop this floor.
I'll take that as a no.
Grandpa. Don't run
in the house, baby.
No running!
Come here.
Did you get me
anything for my birthday?
Now you know grandpa
don't dance and tell.
Can't do that.
That's Grandma.
I haven't seen him move
like that since 1932.
Or is it 1392?
Baby, when was it
that you broke your hip?
She thinks Grandpa is
too old to be doing so much.
Come over here and give
your grandma some sugar.
JK, you know what?
I think our company
is going to be coming soon,
so why don't you go
and finish your chores?
[JK NARRATING] Finishing chores
is the most important thing ever.
She said the chore word.
[GRANDMA] Let us know if
you need anything else, dear.
She would home school us
if she could,
just so we can be around
to do more chores.
Mom's book club is today,
so the house
has to be extra clean,
and us kids have to be
extra quiet.
Coming, coming!
I hope we don't make
too much noise.
You can start
the party without me.
He means we
can't start the drama.
I'm Tyler.
I'm ready to party!
Every day is a party
in his mind.
And who is
this fine, lovely lady?
Oh, I am
Dr. Amber Jenkins,
and I am pleased to meet you.
I don't know if a book
club meeting is a party,
but I'm happy to meet you,
you party animal.
[BOY] Nice to have you
in the neighborhood, Doc.
Yes, yes, honey.
Can we go upstairs
and finish practicing?
We are done in the kitchen.
Please, Dr. Jenkins?
Only a few weeks
until the competition,
and Kim here needs all
the practice she can get.
Kim? The whole squad
needs practice.
I mean, just... a
little quiet guys, quiet.
Hoo, hoo, hoo.
Hey, James.
He only comes for the food.
James, you are
not eating the food.
Welcome to JK's house,
where manners rule.
Someone needs
to tell that to my dad.
Hey, guys.
Hey, guys.
Want to see something cool?
Follow me.
The guacamole is great.
I made it just for
you, James. All right.
Oh, have a seat.
[SINGING] My name
is James. What?
My name is James.
Mr. James should be upstairs
helping with the cheer squad.
Hey, James.
Thank you.
Thank you for that wonderful
ice breaker. Thank you.
Did everybody bring their book?
I sure did.
James, that's not the book.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Cliff Notes version of
How To Be a Successful Mother.
Yeah, I read the whole thing.
Where should we start?
At the beginning.
Oh, chapter one.
Hey, you want to make up
a song with me?
two, one, two three!
Listen to the rhythm
Listen to the beat
Introduce yourself
on the count of three
One, two, one, two, three!
My name is JK
I like to dance.
My name is Max.
I like to beat.
My name is Tyler.
Honey, I am the man.
The man playing a crayon.
One, two, one, two, three!
Listen to the rhythm
Listen to the beat
Introduce yourself
on the count of three
One, two, one, two, three!
What do you like to do, Leah?
Um, I don't know.
She's got to be kidding me.
Well, not really.
I like to... [ALL]
She likes to...
I like to... [ALL]
She likes to...
likes to mess up our songs.
[ALL] Come on,
Leah! Come on, Leah!
Okay, guys, I got to go.
It's my agent.
His agent can smell drama.
I just realized...
my emotional ups and downs
are tied to my childbearing.
Okay, James?
I'm quite certain it was your wife,
Alyssa, who did the childbearing.
Not you.
Then why am I
having contractions?
Hello? Hello, James?
Guacamole dip. You're
on your third helping.
Upstairs, James.
Thank you.
Oh, my gosh.
He really does bring
up a good point, though.
If you think about what we were
talking about in the beginning of the book,
Did you guys hear that?
Yeah. I think it's
JK and her friends
making a lot of noise.
Excuse me for one minute.
And I will check
on your husband.
Oops, it looks like we
did make too much noise.
JK! We were
having so much fun...
we didn't notice my Mom at all.
Mom, you're supposed
to say "Excuse me."
Excuse me.
You're supposed to be
using your inside voices, guys.
So everybody do everything
just a little more softly.
Okay, Max?
On the drums.
Kennedy, a little softer
on the tambourine, all right?
Yes, Dr. Jenkins.
Rock stars can't be quiet.
It's time to move
this party outside.
Want to go outside?
Let's go outside!
[JK NARRATING] She can't tell us
no running when company is over.
Oh, man.
I thought I was going to
fall in there for a second.
[JK NARRATING] I hope it's
not my day to clean the bathroom.
Really, I hope you
had a good time.
So if we just meet back here
at the same time next Thursday?
Yes? Okay?
Maybe James won't come.
Just kidding.
Shall we?
Think so.
[JK NARRATING] My friends
and I love to play outside.
We can be loud and run
around as much as we want.
Manners rule inside,
but fun rules outside.
That face means
her grass is ruined.
That was a funny
day, huh? Yes, ma'am.
Did you have a good
time? Yes, ma'am.
You know, I think that we should
talk about your birthday party.
I can have a sleepover?
Okay, I don't know about that.
I mean, it's a little hectic around
here with us just moving in.
Plus, Mommy is trying
to expand her business.
She gets to work from home.
Why did we have
to move here anyways,
especially on my birthday.
Excuse me, young lady.
I think that you should
be a little more thankful.
I mean, it's not everyday
that you get a new house,
and new friends, right?
I guess you're right.
I think I am right.
And I think I'm right about
you having to go to bed.
It's pretty late.
All right. I'll come up
and kiss you goodnight.
Oh, you guys already
set the table for Mom.
It looks great.
Just remember that the glasses
always go above the knives,
and the knife should
point towards the plate.
[GRANDPA] I knew
that. Huh? Yes, Grandpa.
Come on. Let's you and I
go outside and play.
There you go.
Good girl.
Let's go.
What do you want
to play today, huh?
You want to jump rope? Yes.
Want to jump rope with me?
No, not really.
What's wrong?
Tomorrow is my birthday, and
I'm not having a slumber party.
Oh. What were you
whispering about yesterday?
I can't tell you.
It's a secret.
But you told everyone else.
I know, but I
can't tell you, JK.
Why not?
JK, you got to trust me.
We're best friends, remember?
I don't want to play anymore.
Hey, that wasn't very nice.
That's not like her at all.
It's okay. I got to go home
and do my homework anyway.
See you later,
Dr. Jenkins. Bye, Leah.
[JK NARRATING] Grandma decided
to give me a talk during snack time.
I hate living here.
Leah and the other kids
don't like me.
My dear, I think
you're mistaken.
What makes you say
something like that?
Well, when they
were over here yesterday,
I think they were
whispering about me.
Now, did you ask?
Of course.
Well... I think you
need to ask again.
Ask again?
What's that going to do?
But this time, really listen.
Maybe she's right.
I don't think this is
about Leah, anyway, is it?
No, I was hoping
to have a slumber party.
JK, stop worrying.
What you need to do
is just learn to be
a little more thankful for
the things you already have.
No friends, no sleepover?
Yes, ma'am.
Yep, I'm thankful all right.
Think about it, sweetie.
Things could always be worse.
How could things get worse?
It might take a little
bit of time for my patients...
[JK NARRATING] A cupcake?
That's my birthday breakfast?
Mom, is this for me? Shh,
honey, I'm on the phone.
Oh, strawberry icing.
[JK NARRATING] No, she did
not just steal my birthday cupcake.
Whose birthday?
Well, congratulations, kiddo,
but we're trying to
practice. Stay out of the way.
[JK NARRATING] No way. They're
so busy, they forgot my birthday?
JK, why don't you go
in the living room, okay?
Yes, ma'am.
It's going to be a great idea.
So you want to go another
round, you sore loser?
I'm only a sore loser
because you cheated.
This is why grandparents
shouldn't play video games.
Beating you is easier
than baking an apple pie.
I do not have to cheat.
I know they
will remember my birthday.
Did you come for my birthday
party, or did you forget, too?
Whose birthday?
JK's. Don't you remember?
Who's JK?
I'm JK.
Oh, someone
has an attitude here.
But don't worry. Let
me get my tool belt.
Not having a slumber party
doesn't mean
you can't still have fun
with your family, right?
I guess you're right. Things
could always be worse.
Whoa, she was right.
Come here, my little sweetheart.
I'm so proud of you.
My little angel
is turning seven.
Daddy, I wish I could be
more like you and Mom.
Well, couldn't nobody
out-dance me and your mom.
Daddy, you know
that's not what I mean.
I mean, I... I really
like being a doctor,
but sometimes I think I'm
not there enough for the kids.
But you are.
You're teaching them that
with a little elbow grease,
they can accomplish anything.
I guess you're right.
You know, the truth is that...
you're just not taking
time out for yourself.
You're just like
a little hammer.
You're just pounding and
pounding and pounding
and pounding and
pounding and pounding away.
You don't take time
to get polished.
You know what, Daddy?
I think that you could solve
all the world's problems
from right there,
that tool belt.
Yeah, that's right,
Dr. Jenkins.
With a set of tools
and a few dance moves,
shoot, I could fix anything.
[JK NARRATING] The world? I
just hope he can fix my birthday.
Hello, JK's residence.
Well, happy birthday, JK.
Hi, Grandma!
You remembered.
You know I could never
forget about you, JK.
I guess you're right.
I was hoping
to have a slumber party,
but Mom said no.
It's okay, though.
It could definitely be worse.
That's the spirit,
my little angel.
Listen, tell your mom...
Okay, Grandma remembers,
but I wonder if anyone
else does.
Okay, bye.
Happy birthday, my big girl.
Here comes Mom. Uh-oh.
I forgot to clean
something, didn't I?
And part of growing up is learning to
be grateful for the things you do have.
Leah is here.
I guess you're right.
Are you still mad at me?
No, I'm sorry
about yesterday, Leah.
Best friends?
Yeah, best friends.
Are you ready
to hear the secret?
No, it's okay.
You're my best friend.
Come on. I can't
wait to show you this.
wonder what the secret is.
Happy Birthday, JK!
All of my friends are here.
They remembered. This is
going to be the best party ever.
This is the big secret
we were whispering about.
Happy birthday, JK!
We rocked out all day.
This definitely beats
a slumber party.
We even had a magician.
You've got a big cake,
but can I make
you a special cake?
A very special cake.
Now I know you all are going
to say this is not magic water,
but really, this is
invisible water.
Invisible water?
I'm seven, not three.
It is completely,
completely invisible.
Now, what?
I saw the lid.
I saw it.
You evidently was not looking
when I hypnotized everybody.
Look back at it.
Now look very carefully.
The water
is completely invisible.
Now, once we get
the water in there,
we have to use a little fire.
Now, kids at home,
do not try this trick.
Fire is very dangerous.
It can burn you, because
it burns me all the time.
Here's what we're going to do.
We're going to get it going
at about 350 degrees.
Once you get it going,
you take...
Yeah, y'all just seeing things.
I don't know
what the problem is.
Now we have to use a top.
What kind of cake y'all like?
Everybody to count to five.
Ready? One, two,
three, four, five.
I wanted to keep
the bunny as a present,
but Mom said no.
Misty the Magic Rabbit!
What if you trade Alex?
Grandpa said a party
just isn't a party
without a soul train line.
I hope Grandpa doesn't hop in
and throw out his hip again.
That was a nice day.
Did you learn about
anything today, guys?
I did.
You did?
To be grateful.
For what you have, hmm?
I think the most important thing
is just the friends and
family that you have,
that you love, you know?
It's not about the material
things or who has the most.
You know?
It's kind of like who
has the most love, right?
And the most friends.
Yes, ma'am.
And I've got the
prettiest girls in the world.
I'm happy about that.
I had the most fun at the party.
And I love you.
I love you, too.
My sister
is the typical teenager.
Clothes, boys, cheer,
and dances rule her life.
That is so pretty.
I know.
My mom would never let
me wear something like that.
Why not?
It's not too revealing.
Well, I'll tell you what.
Why don't you call your mom,
and you ask her
if you can wear that.
Well, being that I'm partial
to seeing the light of day,
how about no?
Alex has a dance coming up,
and she's been looking for
the perfect dress for weeks.
Oh, Summer, Summer,
look at this one.
Oh, my gosh, Alex.
That's it.
That's your dress.
Oh, no.
$348? Where am I going to
get that kind of money from?
sells her whole closet,
she could get the money.
The boys always want
to play sword fighting games.
Us girls like
to play calmer games,
like tea party and dress up.
Hey, guys.
Want to play dress up?
I do.
Me, too.
You're at the edge
of my sword, Tyler.
Nonsense, Sir Maximus.
Soon you'll fall,
and I'll take the ladies
from your evilness.
Boys, we want to play dress
up, and you're in the way.
[JK NARRATING] I wish he
would save us from this craziness.
It's a girls' room.
No! No!
Well, fine, but if you
want to stay, then...
you're going to have
to play dress up, too.
Boys? Playing dress up?
This should be fun.
Well, we warned you.
Syrian, Lithuanian, Romanian,
We all pray
for a better tomorrow
Hebrew, Aborigine
We all laugh
in the same language
[CHANTING] Alsatian,
Croatian, Russian, Prussian
Our hearts beat
in the same rhythm
Cherokee, Navajo, Seminole.
We all love
in the same language
[CHANTING] American,
Canadian, Mexican, Arcadian.
Hey, that's not like JK not
to clean up after herself.
[JK NARRATING] Mom wanted
to spend more time at home,
so she decided to talk to her
patients on her computer screen.
Hey, sounds like the health
monitoring system is working.
Amber, are you there?
Alyssa, honey, how do you get
this webcam working? James?
James, can you hear me?
Amber, I hear you.
Where... where are you?
I'm right here, James. Just
a little down and to the left.
Down? Yeah, keep
coming a little bit lower.
Okay, okay.
There you are.
Hi, James.
This webcam thing really
works pretty good, huh?
Yeah, it works.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can, James.
Loud and clear.
I was doing some yardwork,
and I caught a rash.
So, you know, that
sounds like an allergy.
I'm usually not allergic to
doing the yard. I'm usually...
Yeah, but James, allergies
can just sort of pop up anytime.
I'm betting that it's
poison ivy or poison oak.
Oh, I've heard of that.
So what do we do?
All right, so tell me. Was it,
um... is it four leaves or five?
Do you remember?
I think it was four.
Okay, so that's poison ivy.
So I will just send a
prescription via email.
In the meantime, no
scratching or anything, okay?
Because I don't
want it to spread.
Yeah, I gotcha.
Say hi to Alyssa for me,
your beautiful wife.
It will be fine.
Yeah, it will be all right.
Bye, James.
Hey, Mom.
Hey, honey.
[JK NARRATING] Looks like
Alex has a plan for her dress.
Allie, this is going to...
Before you say anything, I
know the dress is expensive, but...
Summer and I have
already come up with a plan.
She's decided to split her
babysitting shifts with me.
must either be a good friend
or really weird.
He said I could tutor
there on Saturdays.
I'm impressed. You're
taking all this initiative,
and doing this on your own.
Very good.
Hey, bye, guys.
See you later.
Oh, my gosh.
My mom is going to be so mad.
I've got to get this cleaned
up before she sees it.
Hey, JK, I wanted to know
if you wanted some cookies.
Uh-oh, too late.
Maybe she won't notice?
Oh, my God.
Okay, JK, what
were you thinking?
You have all the
clothes out of your closet.
Every book off the shelf.
What were you doing in here?
Never mind.
You've got to be kidding me.
You've got a trash can.
Why do you
have this on the floor?
didn't do this by myself.
Gosh, what is this?
[JK NARRATING] So that's
where my sticky green glue went.
You and I
are going to have a talk.
great. Now I'm going to get it.
Listen to me.
You can't make a mess
like this. Do you understand?
You have better manners
than this, young lady. All right?
I am going to help you
clean this room,
but the next time you
make a mess like this,
you are cleaning it up all by
yourself, do you understand me?
Oh, I understand.
This is why boys should
never, ever play dress up.
Okay, let's start.
You get the books.
I'll get the clothes.
Yes, ma'am.
Oh, God, it's so hot out there.
Hey, Mom.
I think this is the last bunch.
Are those the flowers for the
neighborhood plant association sale?
Yes, ma'am.
And aren't they beautiful?
Yes, they really are.
Hey, Mom.
Hey, sweetie.
Hey, Grandma.
Hey, baby.
See you later.
She has been in and
out like that all week long,
just trying to earn enough
money to buy a particular dress
for the spring formal.
It costs over $300.
You know?
Your father once
wanted this tool set
that cost about $300 years ago.
What happened?
He bought my wedding
ring, instead. Oh, smart man!
He better have.
Tool set.
Tool set.
Grandpa loves to tell stories,
and he's always
teaching us new things.
And when the sunshine come out,
they will grow
into a nice, big watermelon.
I want you to raise your
right hand and repeat after me.
All right.
I, your name,
I, your name.
No, no, no. Your
name, your name, okay?
Let's try it again.
I, your name.
I, JK.
I, Leah.
Surely do promise.
Surely do promise.
To shimsham in the sunshine.
To shimsham in the sunshine.
And to du-wop in the dirt.
And to du-wop in the dirt.
We know he's making it up,
but we just pretend
to make him feel better.
Congratulations, girls.
You are now the newest members
of the super goddess club.
How about that?
All right.
[JK NARRATING] Alex had to
work really hard to pay for her dress.
I didn't think
she had it in her,
but she and Summer babysat,
and they both worked hard.
Well, we're just
kind of babysitting.
[JK NARRATING] They were tired,
but were able to make a lot of money.
Great, what did I do
with my keys?
Oh, okay.
You guys are back
from the mall already?
So babysitting treated
you well, I take it.
It was actually kind of fun.
And we got to work on our
cheer routines while babysitting.
Good job, but that's not
the pink dress you wanted.
Well, I couldn't save
enough money,
so I had to go
with my second choice.
I got a different dress, too.
That way I could afford
the matching shoes.
Matching shoes.
I'm proud of you guys.
Matching shoes.
Good job.
[JK NARRATING] Meanwhile, our
guessing game wasn't going so well.
That is a dinosaur.
Is that a cactus?
I don't know
what that blue thing is,
but that is a monkey fish frog.
Okay, it is, um...
It's one of those snakes
that go [BITING SOUND]
And they go ps-ssssss.
No, Tyler, it's a rabbit.
ding, ding, we have a winner.
Come on, guys. Let's
go jump rope outside.
First we need to clean up
in here, and then we can.
Didn't your mom just leave?
We'll clean up later.
Clean up later?
They must not know my mom.
If we don't clean up, I'm
going to be in big trouble.
But playing outside
does sound like fun.
Oh, well.
Wait for me.
has officially lost his mind.
Is he crazy?
That's Alex's dress.
You shouldn't play
with Alex's dress.
JK, go for a pass.
Remember the rules?
Yeah, JK's house,
where manners rule.
So join the fun with me.
Hey, Max.
JK, Alex's dress!
My God.
Look at what you guys did.
Oh, my God is right.
I think it's time
for me to head home, now.
Yeah, uh...
Yeah, I'm going to just, uh...
Now he has nothing to say?
Yeah, uh...
Oh, no, they didn't.
How am I supposed
to clean this up?
What do I do?
JK, what's all
the commotion in here?
Uh-oh, Grandma's coming.
Board games?
Really? I could have swore
I heard a lot of noise.
Yeah, really.
Why is this place such a mess?
You're supposed to clean up
behind yourselves.
We can explain.
Yeah, we can.
Kennedy kept wanting
to play ball, but she...
Well, do you think Kennedy's
house looks like this?
Guess not.
I guess not.
You're supposed to do
what you know is right.
Yes, Grandma.
That way, you don't risk
getting in trouble.
Yes, Grandma.
Now I suggest you two
clean up this mess
before your mom gets home.
Yes, ma'am.
That was a close one.
Now about that dress...
We tried everything we could
to fix that dress.
Wite-out, crayons, even paint,
but nothing really worked.
That looks better, doesn't it?
It doesn't.
Oh, no, my sister
is going to kill me.
Grandma doesn't get me first.
Oh, no.
I didn't mean to.
She didn't mean to.
It was a complete mistake.
Your sister is going
to be so upset.
What do I do?
I know one thing.
That stain is not coming out.
I have to buy her a new dress,
but I don't have any money.
Me, neither.
I guess I'll have to help.
Thank goodness for Grandma.
We can have a bake sale.
We'll do it
when we have the plant sale.
Oh, thanks, Grandma.
But you're going to have
to work very, very hard.
Whatever it takes.
Good, because first,
you have to march out there
and tell your sister
what you did.
Is she crazy?
I just turned seven.
I'd like to turn eight, too.
out there breaking it down.
I just hope she
doesn't break me down
when she finds out
about this dress.
Well, hello, girls.
If I back out now,
I can be in China before
she finishes practicing, right?
What's up, JK?
I have something
to tell you and it's not good.
I've got to tell her now.
What do you mean?
I spilled a glass
of fruit juice,
and I ruined your new dress.
You what?
You ruined my new dress.
Yes, it was a complete mistake.
Do you realize how hard I worked
to get that dress, JK?
How could you?
It can be fixed.
I'll make it up to you.
I will never forgive you, JK.
horrible about Alex's dress
and wouldn't leave my room.
Mom decided to come
and give me a pep talk.
Sweetie, do you want
to talk about it?
Well, what do you plan to do?
I'll never be able
to come up with enough money
to buy Alex's dress in time.
No, no, no.
I think that's nonsense.
No, even if you don't, I
think it's much more important
to take responsibility
for your actions.
But I didn't spill
the juice on the dress.
It was Kennedy, Tyler, and Max.
Oh, Kennedy, Tyler,
and Max, huh? Hmm.
Well, you know what?
Sit up.
Kennedy, Tyler, and Max
were guests of JK
at JK's house.
But I tried to stop them.
I guess I didn't try
hard enough.
Well, I think it's very important
to be a leader, you know.
And you've got to lead well
and let other people follow
you in doing the right thing.
And certainly, you should never
follow them in doing the wrong thing.
I think we
should get some sleep.
We have got
a big day ahead of us.
We? You said that the
next time I made a mess,
I had to clean it
all up by myself.
Yes, I did say that.
But you are going to need
all the help you can get.
Mom's not strict all the time.
Actually, she can be
pretty nice.
What would I do without her?
Definitely not chores.
Okay, you all ready to work?
I have the flour.
I have the sugar.
And when life
serves you lemons...
make lemonade!
Grandma, Leah, and I
quickly got to work making
cookies for the bake sale.
You got it, Leah?
Okay, that's enough,
that's enough. Good.
Grandma is a good teacher
and we had fun baking with her.
[ALL] ...five, six,
seven, eight, nine, ten.
It's mixed up.
I need to know
where is the milk?
Would you stop walking
around with that sign?
I need some milk.
Milk? There's
the milk, Grandma.
And that's going to be smoother.
Can I do it? Can
I do it? Yes, okay.
One... good.
Be careful.
Spread them out, not too close.
Not too close.
We have to separate them.
Here we go.
Open up the oven.
Be careful, JK.
It's hot.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Watch your hand.
It's hot.
cookies started selling like crazy.
We began making money
in no time.
[GRANDPA] Is that
the last of the cookies?
Yep, last set.
Only $3 for two cookies.
But we still need $50.
This here is the last of
the cookies, right? That's it.
That's the last one.
These cookies are as
good as they want to be.
Look, you know what?
I could eat these
cookies all day long.
But I'll tell you what.
I'll give you $3 for one.
I'll give you $7.
Fifteen, fifteen.
Come on, you know
these cookies smell good.
I'll tell you
what I'm going to do.
I'm going to give you
$25. How about that?
Mr. James could probably
go without a few cookies.
We did it!
Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa,
we were able to get
all the money we needed.
You take the twenties,
I'll take the others. Okay.
Okay, girls.
We have to hurry.
The stores close at 6:00.
We have plenty of money.
We did it.
Let's go.
We did it!
We did it!
Come on, girls. Hurry.
- Hello?
- Hey.
Hey, Summer.
Are you sure you won't go, Alex?
I have a dress you can borrow.
It's not as nice
as the other, but...
You don't understand.
I worked so hard for that dress,
and now it's ruined.
It wouldn't be the same.
Okay, stay there.
I'll be right over.
still upset about her dress,
but we had something
that would cheer her up.
Haven't you done enough already?
Thanks to Grandpa...
we had more than enough money...
to buy the dress...
that you really wanted.
Oh, my God.
Summer, look.
It's your dress!
I'm sorry that I ruined
your dress, Alex.
And what else?
Looks like we won't be
playing at the house anymore.
That's right.
Come on, Alex.
Let me help you put
this beautiful dress on.
And I've got a camera, okay?
I want to take a picture
of you in that dress.
Go upstairs, guys.
Go, go, go.
looked beautiful in her dress.
She couldn't believe we
actually got the one she wanted.
I'm glad she's not mad
at me anymore.
She and her friends had fun.
I had a nice day with you girls.
Did you learn any lessons today?
Yeah, I learned how to forgive.
And what did you learn, JK?
I learned how to clean my room.
All right, you know?
And how about overall to take
responsibility for your actions?
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
That's a big one.
Learning that lesson
will carry you far.
I love you guys.
[JK NARRATING] I learned
a lot about responsibility.
Okay, let's try that.
Five, six, seven, eight.
and her friends were busy
practicing for cheer,
like always.
It's high V, low T.
That looks like a fun routine.
We're actually
choreographing a routine
for our Junior Pep Squad
tryouts next week.
Junior Pep Squad?
Yeah, it's where
little girls just like you
get to dance and cheer with us.
Cool, can I try out?
It's pretty competitive.
You'd have to work really hard.
Then you'd have to ask Mom
to sign a permission slip.
I could do it.
Here's a list of the things you
have to know by next week.
Leah and I wonder
why they practice so much.
...seven, eight.
Come on crowd,
let's shout it out.
I couldn't wait to ask Mom
about joining
the Junior Pep Squad.
This new site is...
Oh, honey. I'm just
on the phone, okay?
Oh, she's on the phone.
We need to speed her up.
I just... I wasn't convinced
it was going to work,
but now, I don't know,
it just seems perfect.
Do you know how many
calls I'm getting now?
Yes, I had the idea...
but I had no idea it was going
to go off so quickly, you know?
I think it all started
with my friend James.
He went to the site
and he signed on
and he told somebody
and next thing I knew
everybody was just there.
Okay, so this weekend
I'll ask her.
I'm sure they'll want to do it.
All right, perfect.
Thank you so much. Bye.
Wow, that's impressive.
What do you want?
What do I want? Well...
Ah... Will you sign
this permission slip?
Permission slip.
All right, so do you understand
that this is a lot of responsibility?
Yes. And if you make the team,
you have to follow through.
I promise.
Okay, then I think it will be good
for you to learn something new.
The answer is yes.
I was going to do
whatever it takes
to make this pep squad.
Go practice or rehearse
or do whatever
you young cheerleaders do.
[JK NARRATING] Alex isn't
the only one who can cheer.
Hmm, dirty hands and all.
First front kick,
the T, High-V...
[JK NARRATING] This list
sounds like a video game manual.
And something called a herky?
I think that's a jump.
I don't know
what any of this means.
And finally, you have
to do a tumbling move.
Oh, boy.
I'm in some serious trouble.
What are we going to do?
I should be getting home.
I told my mama
I would be home soon.
Don't worry, JK. We'll
figure something out.
We? You mean me.
Looks like I'm
on my own for now.
So young lady?
Everything going okay up there?
Yep, never better.
Never better.
I was talking to Gary
on the phone,
and he told me he's going
to be really busy this week,
a lot of meetings.
So he was hoping
that his daughter, Jasmine,
and maybe play with you
and Leah during the day.
What do you think?
I'm counting on you guys
to be very, very nice to her.
Make her feel all warm
and welcome.
What do you think?
Okay, yeah.
Then go practice,
Miss Cheerleader?
Making this pep squad
is going to be
harder than I thought.
I practiced as hard
as I could on my own.
Even though I barely know
what the words mean,
I could try, right?
Okay, maybe I should
save the split for later.
I think I'm getting dizzy.
By the end, I was tired.
Grandma decided to come up
and give me some advice.
Cheerleading is harder
than I thought.
Looks like you could use
a little bit of help.
What you doing
up here by yourself?
I wanted to show everybody
that I could do it, you know?
High V.
Blades and Daggers?
[JK NARRATING] I feel like I've
been hit with blades and daggers.
Do you have any suggestions?
Ask your big sister.
Maybe Alex could help?
Don't be too proud
to ask for her help.
You'd better ask your sister.
it couldn't hurt to ask.
Yes, ma'am.
I hope Grandma is right.
Blades, because your arms
are like blades, see?
Try it.
Like this?
Now what's next?
Something called a herky?
Yeah, like this.
Now try that.
Maybe we should start
on how to jump, first.
I know how to jump.
herky is going to hurt me.
Let me show you how
to jump, JK. [DOORBELL]
I couldn't wait to take a
break from this practice.
I'm not trying to be
a Saints cheerleader, Alex.
Welcome to our home,
Jasmine. Thank you, Dr. Jenkins.
My father asked me to tell
you that he appreciates the help.
Oh, honey, it's my pleasure.
We're happy to have you.
I heard the doorbell.
Hi, you must be JK.
I'm Jasmine.
It's nice to meet you. Nice
to meet you, too, Jasmine.
JK has been out in the back yard
practicing her
cheerleading moves.
You cheerlead?
I love cheerleading.
Yep, she's getting ready
for tryouts.
Can you help me?
Yeah, more help.
Well, my dad says
I'm more of a mascot type,
but I've watched a lot
of cheerleading competitions.
[JK NARRATING] Mascot or
not, I need all the help I can get.
What's so funny?
My tongue is stuck
to the freezer.
I'm sorry.
Do you have your tongue
stuck to the fr...
I just wanted to see
what would happen.
James, James,
where is your wife, James.
She's not here.
Why are you licking
the fridge, James?
I dared myself to do it.
You can't laugh at me.
Don't laugh at me.
I need help.
James, I'm embarrassed
to call you my friend.
Well, you can do
a cartwheel, right?
Yeah, but I'm not
very good at it.
Here goes nothing.
I might be more
of a mascot type, too.
It's okay. Just keep
trying, and I'll help you, too.
to get up and try again.
Hey, so you're going
to keep at it, right?
Yes, sir.
I want you to remember.
If you can dance,
then you can cheerlead.
Does that mean you could
cheerlead, too, Grandpa?
Grandpa cheerlead?
You watch this now.
throws his hip out again,
am I in trouble?
She's more committed
than the rest.
She's good, and she's fine.
the best thing I've seen all day.
Yay, JK!
There you go.
You remember that, right?
It didn't rhyme,
but it did cheer me up a little.
I guess I'm not
very good at this.
Well, what are you good at?
What do you mean?
My dad always says
to do what you're good at,
so what are you good at?
All sorts of things, but
they're just not on this list.
Hmm, that gives me an idea.
Jasmine decided to invite
her friend Simea over
to perform a song.
Oh, yeah
It's Saturday
I want to hang out
[JK NARRATING] I'm not sure
how all these people got in my house
or who's going to clean up
the mess, but this song rocks.
And have a good time
Until the end
Oh, yeah
Got on my glitter kicks
And I'm going to party
at JK's all night
Yeah, this
is my favorite song
I'm full of energy
I'm ready to fly
All night
All night
I won't feel no better
till I get this out of me
Let the beat
take control of me
If you wonder what's wrong
I gotta
You can sit there in the
corner Miss one if you wanna
Me and my friends
gonna keep it going
If you're wondering
what's wrong with us
We got a fever
Form a line
And put your hands
in the air
Oh, yeah
Dance with me
Dance with me!
Get up, please
Everybody on your feet
Oh, yeah
I got on my glitter kicks
And I'm going to party
at JK's all night
Yeah, this is
my favorite song
I'm full of energy
I'm ready to fly
All night
all night
I won't feel no better
till I get this out of me
Let the beat
take control of me
If you wonder what's wrong
You can sit there in the
corner Miss one if you wanna
Me and my friends
are gonna keep it going
If you're wondering
what's wrong with us?
We got a fever
What's up, everybody?
I'm running this show tonight.
Now I want everybody
to do what I do.
Hands up one leg
Hands up one leg
Hands down
two legs
Hands down
two legs
Now spin around.
Now spin around.
Stall back one time.
Stall back one time.
I want everybody
to grab a partner.
This is my favorite
part of the song.
Everybody get ready.
One, two, three here we go!
I won't feel no better
till I get this out of me
Let the beat
take control of me
You wonder what's wrong
You can sit there in the corner
Miss this one if you wanna
Me and my friends
gonna keep it going
If you're wondering
what's wrong with us
We got a fever
I won't feel no better
till I get this out of me
Let the beat
take control of me
If you're wondering
what's wrong
You can sit there in the corner
Miss this one if you wanna
Me and my friends
gonna keep it going
If you're wondering
what's wrong with us
We got a fever
See, JK?
All you need is
courage and confidence.
And never give up.
So we need to figure out
what JK is good at.
Yeah, she's a good friend.
Thanks, you two,
but how would that ever get
me on the cheerleading squad?
All right, do you understand that
this is a lot of responsibility? Yes.
If you make the team,
you have to follow through.
Yes. Yes, I do.
I have to be determined
in order to make the squad.
It's time to step it up a notch.
We all worked with Alex,
and actually started
getting better.
Junior Prep Squad, here I come.
That's what big sisters are for.
Don't be too proud
to ask for her help.
Hey, Jasmine.
Hey, Charles.
Are you guys
enjoying yourselves?
Yes, ma'am. We're
having a lot of fun.
Thanks for having me.
Oh, you're welcome.
I wish I could
entertain you more.
I've just been so busy.
That's okay.
We've been busy ourselves.
Really? Yeah, I happened
to see a sign on the door.
What's going on with that?
I really can't say.
We're sworn to secrecy.
Oh. Can we have some juice?
Yeah, you can have some juice.
Secrecy, huh? Yeah, I'm
good at keeping secrets.
My dad says we should
do what we're good at.
Well, your dad
is a very smart man.
So he keeps telling me.
That's what he's good
Oh, here, take some food.
I'm sorry, guys. I just... I
have to get back to work.
It's what I'm good at.
Do you have that?
Thanks for the juice.
You're welcome.
See you guys later.
[JK NARRATING] On the day
of tryouts, I was very nervous.
What if I do something wrong?
And up next is Tammy.
Okay, Tammy, let's
start with a front kick.
High V.
Are you ready?
Low V.
I think so.
Just do what you practiced.
You'll be great.
That girl was pretty good.
Maybe I don't have a shot.
Up next is JK.
I hope I don't mess up.
I would like to do things
a little different.
[JK NARRATING] Okay, time
to show them what I can do.
That's not our routine.
I know, but it's really good.
[WHISPERS] Just ask. Shh!
She's right.
Ask her.
Is there something you
guys want to ask me?
We still didn't know
who made the squad,
and Alex's lips were sealed.
We haven't made the final
decisions yet, guys. Sorry.
But they were really
impressed with your routine.
It showed a lot of
initiative and personality.
But that wasn't
the right routine.
I know, but.. we still
haven't made a decision yet.
Come on, guys. Let's
go upstairs and play.
Catch you in a minute.
She's never going to tell me.
What a sister she is.
If Alex wouldn't tell,
that must have meant one thing.
I didn't make the squad.
Oh, why the long face?
I didn't make
the cheerleading squad.
Well, did you do your best?
Yes, ma'am.
Well, your best
is always good enough.
Did they tell you
that you didn't make it?
No. Then why you worrying about
something that hasn't happened yet?
Don't you have
some friends to entertain?
I do have friends to entertain.
And you're good at it, so...
go do it, girl!
I may not be great
at cheerleading,
but Grandma is right.
Entertaining friends
is my thing.
Wow, this is going
to be great. I know.
And JK has been working
at this all week.
We'd better get
this finished, though.
We have to be at the
school in two hours.
I know.
Let's hurry.
Hi, girls.
Hi, Grandpa.
Man, look at our signs.
Don't they look good?
[JK NARRATING] Alex and her
friends were busy getting ready
for the dance performance,
and Grandpa had some news.
I got bad news, girls.
I was just over
at the school today, and...
we had a water main
break in the gym, and...
and it's going to take a while
to dry out and repair, so...
you're going to have to cancel the
dance performance today. What?
What? No!
I'm sorry, girls. I...
You know? I'm just
a messenger, all right?
I'm sorry.
It's okay, Grandpa.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
I got an idea
that just might work.
Just hang tight now.
You know Grandpa
will fix it, all right?
Just hang tight.
I'll be right back.
Hey, James.
Is your tongue
feeling any better?
Yeah, it's okay.
Oh, wow, it doesn't
sound much better.
Okay, James, this is
what I want you to do.
Just try not to talk
for 24 hours.
This isn't funny.
Why are you laughing.
This isn't funny.
You can eat.
Oh, good.
Because I'm hungry.
What do you think?
Well, I think if my Grandpa
says he can fix something,
he'll fix it.
I hope so.
I'd hate to cancel everything.
I just wonder what's
taking so long.
Good news, girls.
Your mother just agreed to have
the dance performance right here.
Grandpa can fix anything.
You got to promise
that you will set up
and that you will
clean up your mess.
We promise.
We promise.
All right.
Let's go.
Thank you, Grandpa.
I'll go make the calls.
I'll go over to the school
and put up some signs
so the people will know.
We want to thank
you guys for coming out
to introduce the newest
members of the junior pep squad.
time for the dance performance
and Alex and her squad
were excited to perform.
It's time to get down.
Alex sure can move.
All that practicing
does pay off for her.
and her squad were great,
but now it's time to see who
made the Junior Pep Squad.
I can't believe
I made the squad.
Everyone was right.
Hard work and courage
does pay off.
Did you girls have fun
trying something new today?
Yes, ma'am.
Did you learn anything?
Yes, ma'am.
Like what?
To keep trying
and to never quit.
Oh, I like that one.
Keep trying and never quit.
I'm going to remember
that lesson.
That one even works
when you're an adult.
Keep trying and never quit.
I like that.
never give up on anything.