Jodhaa Akbar (2008) Movie Script

This is Hindustan!
History is witness to many...
...dynasties who have
ruled with sword and blood,
Since 1011 AD, countless invaders...
...have ravaged and plundered this land,
And then came, the Mughals,
They made India their home,
giving it love and respect,
Founded by Babur, the Mughal Dynasty
passed from Humayun to his son, Akbar,
Among all the Mughal Emperors,
Akbar achieved the greatest heights -
Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar!
The first Mughal Emperor
to be born on Indian soil...
...Akbar was born in
a Hindu Rajput home,
And there was Princess Jodhaa...
...who was also born in Rajputana,
In Amer,
Daughter of King Bharmal...
...and Queen Padmavati,
Jodhaa was betrothed... Prince Ratan
Singh of Ajabgarh,
The Rajputs - were taught
the art of combat from childhood... protect their
families and homes...
...and kingdom!
Maan Singh!
Brother Sujamal!
Among the warriors,
was Prince Sujamal...
...Jodhaa's cousin,
Sujamal loved Jodhaa like a sister,
He was by her side
whenever she beckoned,
You can make a better painting!
Bharmal was crowned King,
following the demise of Sujamal's father,
Sujamal was left isolated...
...because his destiny
would take him far from Amer,
Princess Jodhaa's future
too would lead her...
...away from
the Rajputana provinces,
And now, the year is 1555!
The Mughal dynasty
had almost ended...
...following Emperor Humayun's
accidental death,
Taking advantage of the situation,
King Hemu seized the Delhi throne,
A great battle ensued... in Panipat!
On one side was King Hemu...
...with an army twice the size
of the Mughal army,
On the other side...
...was Bairam Khan,
Emperor Humayun's loyal general...
...who was training the 13 year-old
Jalaluddin to take on his father's mantle,
You must consolidate Hindustan!
Your courage will lead to victory.
I, Bairam Khan, loyal servant
to the Mughal dynasty...
...remind you once again...
...the future of the Mughals
is in your hands.
Until he breathed his last, your father
Emperor Humayun, had only one dream -
To see the Mughal flag
flying over Hindustan.
God willing, it will be you,
who will fulfill his dream!
Long live Emperor Jalaluddin Mohammad!
Prepare to attack!
If we can kill King Hemu,
his army will scatter.
Hemu's eyes alone are exposed,
unprotected by armour.
Appoint an archer who must
strike him in the eye.
Soldiers and riders! Charge!
Prepare to charge!
Your glorious Majesty!
For the first time, today,
allow your sword to prove its worth.
Behead the traitor...
...and bring glory to the Ghazi name!
He is worse than a dead man, Khan Baba.
How can I strike him?
If you do not, the army will take it amiss...
...and not believe you are a true Ghazi.
Do as I bid!
My brave Mughal soldiers!
Like his ancestors...
...our Emperor Jalaluddin Mohammad too,
is a true Ghazi!
A glorious future to the young Emperor!
This is how Bairam Khan regained
the Delhi throne for the young Emperor,
For the next six years, Bairam Khan
tried consolidating Hindustan... sending emissaries with
proclamations to neighbouring provinces,
This decree has been sent by
Emperor Jalaluddin Mohammad!
Align your kingdom,
within a month to the Mughal Empire!
And as a loyal subject,
pay the Jaziya tax and other taxes.
If you reject the Emperor's decree...
...then you will face Jalaluddin's wrath!
This disobedience will be deemed a crime.
Offenders and their kingdoms
will be annihilated.
By decree of the Emperor of Hindustan...
...Jalaluddin Mohammad!
Tell your Emperor,
he will not have my kingdom!
We, Rajputs, are unused to such orders.
I need some time.
But... we too have certain conditions.
I won't give Ajabgarh!
Throw him out!
Prepare to attack!
Have all preparations
been made, Khan Baba?
Jalal, the Mughal army awaits your signal.
Was a last chance for peace given?
- Chughtai Khan!
- Your Majesty...
...our peace proclamation
has been returned.
O great and magnificent Emperor,
behead him!
No, Khan Baba.
A king in captivity is at our mercy.
He should be forgiven, not beheaded!
Forgive me, Your Majesty... loyal custodian...
...I will have to preserve the glory
of the Mughal Empire.
Enough, Khan Baba!
No more.
Do not forget you are the future
of the Mughal Empire.
I, Bairam Khan, have created you,
O Protector of the World!
I have built the Empire so carefully...
and now you destroy it.
Loyalty can make a man impertinent.
I have seen rebellion
clouding your sight, Khan Baba.
This is the first time,
I have stopped your sword.
Do you know why?
Because from now on...
I will make my own decisions!
From now on, following any battle...
...I want mercy to be shown
to prisoners of war.
Today I declare...
...prisoners of war will not
be enslaved. It is inappropriate.
Yes, I want to rule this land.
But rule it with,
humanity and compassion.
I misunderstood you.
Had I known...
...I wouldn't have had any reservation
in ruling under your sovereignty.
- Chughtai Khan!
- This way, Your Highness!
It is now my desire, that you
unburden yourself of responsibility...
...and devote your life to Allah!
Go on pilgrimage to Mecca.
Your Majesty!
One more province
is now under Mughal rule.
What about Rajputana?
Your Majesty,
their borders are unyielding.
The kings of Rajputana
have rejected our sovereignty outright!
The Rajputs!
Devotees of the sword,
the bravest of the brave!
Your Highness!
What's the reason for this interruption.
Forgive me. The Queen
is asking for the Princess.
Tell the Queen mother,
I'll join her shortly.
As you wish.
Jodhaa, this isn't fair!
I was about to win when
the attendant distracted me.
Victory is victory, brother.
I have defeated you!
Brother Sujamal, remember -
a moment's distraction
can change the duel's outcome.
A slight distraction
can bring defeat... or death!
- It is you who taught me that!
- Yes, I know.
Now the student teaches the teacher.
Not teaching, only reminding.
Let me tell you.
Your skills are impressive.
A good student absorbs knowledge
swiftly and well.
Like you, Jodhaa!
Really? So I am a good student.
Thanks to a wise teacher like you.
- Your new teacher is wiser.
- A new teacher? Who is that?
The Queen.
Your mother will teach you,
what women must know.
You will soon be carried away
in a palanquin.
But I have a condition!
I will not marry, till father
appoints you the Crown Prince!
- But...
- My last word!
Jodhaa, you must not make
unreasonable demands.
But it's true!
I have heard father praise your skills.
He speaks of your bravery.
And the many tournaments you have won... are proficient in warfare
deserving to be crowned.
Now there's nothing
to be worried about. Am I right?
Let the prayer begin -
In the name of Lord Surya...
On this auspicious day of Dassera... is time for
important announcements!
My first announcement is:
The reins of Amer will be
in Bhagwan Das's hands.
The second:
Sujamal... will be subordinate
to Bhagwan Das.
And now for the news,
you've long awaited.
Within the year, on an auspicious day,
with Goddess Jamvai Mata's blessings...
...Princess Jodhaa
and Prince Ratan Singh...
...will be joined in holy matrimony!
Feign some shyness!
A fruitful union!
Where are you going?
They must be looking for you.
Give me your veil.
- Go and take my place discreetly.
- Yes.
Brother, it grieved me to hear...
...perhaps... father was helpless!
More like selfish and greedy.
I am not hungry for power.
I never eyed a thing that isn't mine.
I don't mind sharing the kingdom
with Bhagwan Das and Maan Singh.
All I want is, my self-respect and
honour. And what is rightfully mine.
And if I am denied this...
...then, remember Jodhaa,
the setting sun will rise again!
I will speak to the Emperor
at an opportune moment...
...and request him to ask
King Bharmal... give you a share
of the Amer throne.
I will be indebted to you,
Sharifuddin Hussain!
What will I get in return?
What do you want?
To invade Delhi!
Invade... Delhi?
Once you have your share of Amer,
you will have to help me... invade Delhi.
But are you not
the Emperor's brother-in-law?
Yes, I did marry Bakshi Banu Begum,
Jalaluddin's sister.
Due to that alliance, I was appointed,
the Governor of Ajmer, Nagor and Mewat.
Let me tell you something Sujamal.
Water and ambition have one thing
in common - they are ever-swelling.
Now I want all of Hindustan!
Very well. I will help you.
But no blood must be shed
in my accession.
What we dreaded has happened!
Sujamal has asked Sharifuddin
for help to annex my throne.
If a war is waged,
our kingdom will be ruined.
Thousands of women will be widowed.
Children orphaned.
The very thought makes me tremble.
It does not make any sense to let
innocent people get slaughtered.
...wouldn't it be wise to make peace
with the Mughals...
...and offer Jalaluddin
a hand of friendship?
- Do that and be branded a traitor!
- An alliance with the Mughals?
No greater example of treason.
You'll surely be regarded a traitor.
It pains me too.
But let me tell you...
...I will be saving my people from
defeat, death and disaster... accepting the Mughal treaty!
Very well, King Bharmal...
...let me warn you and
the people of Amer...
...because of your decision... alliances will take place
between our families...
...for present and future generations!
- Not only Ajabgarh!
All of Rajputana will cut ties with you!
Rajaji, welcome to Sanganer!
His Majesty has seen
Chandrabhanji's message.
He will meet you here,
in the elephant arena.
- Where is His Majesty?
- His Majesty? Right there.
Taming wild elephants and horses
is the Emperor's favourite pastime.
This is no longer a sport!
Your Majesty,
King Bharmal of Amer...
...Head of the Kachhaawaas -
a great Rajput dynasty, awaits you.
Greetings, Your Majesty!
We praise your courage.
A truly amazing feat!
I invite you to my royal tent.
I will be pleased
to welcome you there, Rajaji.
As you wish!
On your guard!
The Crown of the Mughals...
...the Emperor of Hindustan...
...Jalaluddin Mohammad approaches!
Welcome. I am honoured
you have traveled so far to see me.
May I know the purpose of this visit?
I wish to include the kingdom of Amer
under Mughal sovereignty.
I am pleased and proud to hear
you are entrusting Amer to us.
I wish to discuss... one more matter...
Please go ahead.
In private...
Pray speak.
You must accept the hand...
of my daughter, Princess Jodhaa!
And this will be a marriage of
alliance between the Mughals and Amer.
I can understand...
the reason behind your silence...
- Probably...
- Don't misunderstand.
I appreciate your courage
in speaking your mind.
I am honoured by your proposal.
And I thank you for it.
Let me give it some thought.
Only after visiting
the shrine of Saint Moinuddin Chisti...
...will I send you my response.
As it befits you!
Help me, Khwaja! Help me.
I have come to Your sacred shrine
with a dream -
The dream of a consolidated Hindustan
under the Mughal sky.
Pray to Allah to help me
fulfill this dream, O Saint!
May peace be upon you!
- Sharifuddin, all well?
- Yes, Your Majesty!
Yes, Khan Baba?
Jalal, there was almost
a riot on my way to Ajmer...
...when some Hindu Rajputs...
...stopped Muslim pilgrims
from coming to this shrine.
Due to that, the unrest is spreading.
Such religious riots,
can cause disaster some day.
Will more security
on the Ajmer route help?
Your Majesty, orders will be issued!
Many more places
need surveillance, Sharifuddin.
Apart from Ajmer, there is...
looting and plundering on the route...
...leading to the Gujarat ports.
That is causing problems
for the Haj pilgrims.
Whom does the Ajmer province fall under?
King Bharmal of Amer.
Khan Baba! Kindly get my message
sent to King Bharmal.
I accept his proposal of a
marriage of alliance with his daughter.
And especially mention -
To ensure peace and unity
in the province...
...I will be pleased
to accept this marriage!
But consider that she is a Rajput.
A Hindu. How is this marriage possible?
Kindly reconsider your decision.
Sharifuddin, I have
thought it over carefully.
It was the respected Bairam Khan Baba...
...who held the reins of
the Mughal rule in my name for years.
For all these years...
I have often wondered...
...why our forefathers
failed to take over all of Hindustan.
Until now I have been in a quandary,
how to make this dream come true.
The goal was clear,
but the path was unknown!
A marriage of alliance. A new bond.
A divine signal from Allah.
I thank you, Almighty Allah,
for showing me the way forward.
Khan Baba,
convey my message of acceptance.
But father, he is a Mughal!
Earlier too, I did not have a choice...
...when I was betrothed to
Prince Ratan Singh of Ajabgarh.
I convinced my heart to accept him.
But now I am being married to a man...
...who belongs to a different religion.
Jodhaa, as your father, I understand
what you're going through.
Your heart had set out
to marry Prince Ratan Singh.
But it is them
who have broken the alliance!
It pains me to ask.
If not for your father...
...then for the sake of your people...
...for the province of Amer... will have to sacrifice
your happiness.
I hear you have a message from Agra.
Is brother set to marry?
I wonder why
it has been decided so quickly.
Mother is away on a provincial tour.
- We must go at once. A lot needs...
- Control your emotions, Begum!
Do you have any idea who he is marrying?
The Princess of Amer.
A Hindu!
Listen carefully!
I will not attend this impure ceremony.
And neither will you!
Please listen...
Brother, forgive me.
Dear brother, I need your help,
Please rescue me, Yours, Jodhaa,
No. How can I send
this letter to Sujamal?
- When I know that he's suffering.
- Forgive me, Jodhaa.
What if Prince Ratan Singh
reconsiders marrying you?
If you just tell him you are
opposed to this marriage. Then...
No, Madhavi. In doing that,
I'll be hurting father.
He is convinced this alliance
will safeguard our kingdom.
There is a way out.
Why not send a companion
in your place to marry him?
He has never seen you.
No, mother. If the Mughal Emperor
discovers the truth...
...Amer will have to face his wrath.
They will definitely get to know.
Then, my dear...
...keep this vial of poison...
...drinking poison is better than
losing your honour!
O enchanter of the heart
O enchanter of the heart
My beloved Krishna, heed me
Lord, why me?
How will I find peace without You?
Night and day I pine for You
Abandon Your sacred
cities of Kashi and Mathura
Come and dwell in my eyes
How will I find peace without You?
My beloved Krishna,
night and day I pine for You
- Yes, Princess?
- I have come to a decision.
I wish to meet the Emperor
before I consent to marry.
I have certain conditions.
And for that, she has requested...
...Your Majesty's presence
in her royal tent.
What are these conditions?
They are unknown to me!
I am sorry, she has refused to tell me.
I welcome you...
...I cannot find the words
to express my appreciation...
...that you agreed
to come and hear me out.
I have two conditions -
Only if these are met,
will I marry you.
And what are they?
My first condition -
I will be allowed
to keep my religion, my faith...
...follow my customs and traditions...
...and under no circumstances,
will I be coerced into conversion!
Do you accept?
I will be allowed to bring
an idol of my God with me...
...and for Him, a temple
will be built in my chamber!
These are my two conditions.
King Bharmal's daughter
has put two conditions before me.
Only if I meet them...
...will she consent to marry me.
Her first condition:
She would like to keep
her religion and traditions.
And the second:
A temple should be built in her palace
inside the Mughal fort.
This the first time I have experienced
the legendary Rajput pride and dignity.
I salute the Princess of Amer's
fearless courage and candour!
Let me tell her that I, too... born on the same soil as her.
And I, too, have
the same courage and candour!
I have decided that the alliance
with Princess Jodhaa of Amer... acceptable to me!
Allah willing, her demands
will be met to her satisfaction.
Your Majesty, congratulations!
Your marriage has given the pilgrims
of Ajmer Sharif new reason to rejoice.
A group of Sufis would like to perform
in honour of Khwaja Gharib Nawaaz.
Khwajaji, O Saint
Khwajaji! O Master
O Benevolent Heeder of the poor
O Moinuddin
O my beloved Khwaja!
Abide in my heart
O King of Kings, O beloved of Ali!
O my beloved Khwaja!
Abide in my heart
You restore the destiny of the helpless
O Saint, I have seen
divine light in Your court
O Saint, men of God
lower their heads in Your court
You are the Peer of the realm of Hindal
You are the Pinnacle
In yearning for You,
beloved Khwajaji...
...we have found the Prophet,
the Chosen One
My master has lead me to You
My master has led me to You
I have found refuge in You
All my troubles have ended
Now I am one with You
No matter how proud I am to be
one with You, it is but little
I shall never leave the place
where Your feet rest
What is the reason
for this sternness?
Does this marriage displease you?
Islam gives women equal rights
to dissolve a marriage.
If you do not want this marriage...
...choose the path of the 'khulla' and
absolve yourself from this marriage.
It is your right!
You can break this bond and be free.
Your customs may permit 'khulla',
But for us,
marriage binds us for seven lifetimes.
I am grateful to you,
for accepting my demands.
I don't know,
why my mind is filled with doubt.
My mind hasn't made
peace with this marriage.
Perhaps, it is because our religion
and cultures are so different.
I did give my consent
to this marriage...
...yet, my heart does not
allow me to be close to you!
I respect you.
I value your feelings.
I will not force myself on you.
I will be close to you when,
God willing, your heart permits.
May Allah give you peace!
Where's the Emperor?
He is leaving for Malwa
on urgent business.
Is everything alright, Jodhaa?
The Empress Hamida Banu Begum,
mother of the Emperor!
Welcome, my dear.
May Allah protect you from the evil eye
and keep you well and happy!
Ameen! So be it!
Let me introduce you.
This is Maham Anga...
...Jalaluddin's wet nurse.
She is like a mother to him.
She is also a Minister
in the Mughal Court.
Remember one thing,
Maham Anga has special status.
Jalal regards her above all the others.
More than me.
I have been away most of the time.
She nurtured Jalal
during my 15-year absence.
He may ignore my word,
but never hers.
Do not be apprehensive, Princess.
This is your home!
Salima, escort the Princess
to her royal chamber.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Wait! A ritual is yet to be done.
Rajput Folk Song about a New Bride
Walk this way, Empress,
with your pretty coloured feet.
The wind is blowing in the wrong
direction. Watch her every step!
Come, my Empress!
The women's palaces, the royal harem!
This is your royal chamber.
It has five sections -
The first is for meetings,
the Goshay Mulaakaat!
Meet Shaak and Shurukh.
They learn quickly...
...and repeat every word they hear.
This is your sleeping chamber,
the Khwabgah...
...your changing room,
the Toshak Khana...
...your gallery, the Jharokha
and your prayer room, the Tasbih Khana!
But... you won't need the Tasbih Khana.
I will, Ni'mat.
I will have my Krishna temple here.
So now we'll hear Hindu devotional
songs echoing in the Mughal fort. Right?
We did hear of your conditions.
You merit all praise, Empress!
Rest assured, these are the Mughals.
A magnificent temple will be built.
Not magnificent.
A small temple is what I desire.
Kindly pass on this message
to the Emperor.
Yes, Empress!
Attention! Silence!
Let everyone know!
Fold your hands!
Lower your eyes! Crown of the Mughals!
Lord of his subjects!
Heir of Timor! Jewel of Babur!
Son of Humayun!
Merciful Protector!
Renowned in the Universe!
The Emperor of Hindustan!
Jalaluddin Mohammad,
graces this court with his presence!
Long live
Emperor Jalaluddin Mohammad!
Finance Minister, Todarmalji...
Your Majesty, war raises
taxes and causes inflation...
...hitting the common man the hardest.
War destroys the economy!
You are so right, Todarmalji!
This needs special attention.
We'll discuss it in the Diwan-E-Khas!
(Private Audience Hall)
Let's proceed.
Your Majesty, we've got news
that your brother-in-law...
...Sharifuddin Hussain, has taken over
the governance of Ajmer.
And he did this
because he is displeased...
...with your marriage
to the Rajput Princess.
Silence, Adham Khan! We will
speak of family quarrels in private.
No, Khan Baba.
Let Adham Khan continue...
Forgive me, Your Majesty!
Sharifuddin doubts your abilities
and intelligence as Emperor.
He even dared to say...
because of this marriage you will
cause the ruin of the Mughal dynasty.
He has crossed all boundaries
of respect by spreading this to all.
Your Majesty...
...ignore him.
A frog can only leap so high!
But Sharifuddin has a point,
Madam Maham Anga.
Your Majesty...
...was this the only way
to consolidate the Empire?
Pardon my impertinence...
...but may I suggest that your heart
is taking control of your mind.
What compelled you to marry a Hindu?
It was an administrative decision, Head
of the Ullemas. Of benefit to everyone.
Measures taken
for the country's welfare...
...shouldn't be construed
as anti-religious.
You are right.
But our sore point is...
...why was a temple built in the fort?
It is a blow to our hearts!
Shaikh Mubarak Sahib...
Saadir Adaasi Sahib!
Circumstances compelled me
to do what I did.
The well being of the kingdom
is utmost in my mind!
Very well, what do you expect
from me, respected Sirs?
Forgive me for saying this,
Your Majesty...
...the Empress must be kept out
of all the common areas in the fort.
And no Islamic tradition should be
changed on account of her.
O enchanter of the heart
My beloved Krishna, heed me
How will I find peace without You?
Night and day I pine for You
Abandon Your sacred
cities of Kashi and Mathura
Come and dwell in my eyes
How will I find peace without You?
My beloved Krishna,
night and day I pine for You
The Royal Court of Public Proceedings
is adjourned for the day!
O Divine dancer who resides
in Gokul in Vrindavan
Radha, your handmaiden,
yearns for the sight of You
O beautiful dusky son of Nanda,
beloved Krishna
O forest-dweller, beauty is Your form
I have surrendered
body and soul to You
O enchanter of the heart!
I belong to You,
my life belongs to You
I see only You
In every reflection
I shall become Your flute
And belong to Your lips alone
My heart is flooded with dreams
Why was Shamsuddin Atka Khan
appointed Prime Minister, and not me?
It is now clear to me.
You consider
Shamsuddin Atka Khan as a father...
...and hence you made him
the Prime Minister.
Who addresses the Emperor
in such a raised tone?
That is not true!
I believe in his political abilities.
After all, Adham Khan is
the Emperor's foster and older brother.
He dares to challenge the Emperor's
authority without crown or throne...
- Ni'mat!
... through deceit and injustice!
A thousand scoundrels rolled into one!
I want to know how capable
are you, of ruling the kingdom?
You were nothing. But a puppet
who danced to Bairam Khan's tune.
Don't forget it was my mother,
who guided you.
I too am as capable as you!
Mother, on what grounds could
I have appointed him the Prime Minister?
He has committed
inhuman and shameful crimes.
He has plundered Malwa!
Raped women!
When I declared no prisoner of war
be made into a slave...
...or forced to convert,
Adham disobeyed my orders!
He has done everything I abhor!
Actions I detest!
He has brought disgrace to
the Mughals through his deeds.
And does marrying a Hindu,
bring great honour?
Beware, Adham!
Take the Princess's name with respect!
Don't forget she is now
the Empress of Hindustan!
I won't tolerate any disrespect to her.
Your Majesty!
It is said that bad times
come without warning!
Failing to get Sharifuddin's help...
...Sujamal knocked on other doors
to regain his share of the throne,
Prince Ratan Singh of Ajabgarh
offered him help,
And so did King Rana
Uday Singh of Udaygarh,
To match the military might
of Jalaluddin Mohammad...
...we must forget our
differences and join hands.
They agreed to help Sujamal,
But decided to wait for the right time,
I will wipe out the names...
...of Jodhaa and Jalaluddin
from Rajputana's memory!
No. Don't say that, Ranaji.
Jodhaa's plight after marriage,
worries me.
What she must be going through.
I know her well.
She must be unhappy. Very unhappy!
Your Majesty,
this is a difficult question.
I'd like to reply
through an anecdote...
Pray speak!
Your Majesty, the angels were
once asked: 'What is heaven? '
They answered: 'Every heart
where love dwells is heaven itself'!
Well said!
The angels were then asked,
'What is hell? '
They replied: 'A heart
without love is hell itself'!
How true!
Well spoken!
Today's session is over.
People may imagine spring is here
Love, too, is bewildered
Fragrance upstages
the flowers in the garden
Hidden in the veil of nature
is a touch of sorrow
The world around us is mellow
Time is slumbering
Lost and forgotten
memories fill my heart
Rebels must be dealt with severely.
If a ruler is weak,
his kingdom will soon be in disarray.
When it comes to Sharifuddin... will have to exercise caution.
He is beyond, even my control!
Curse my luck! Lost again.
Never mind. Those who lose
in this game, win in love.
Me? And love?
My luck fails me there too.
Tell me something...
- Have you ever fallen in love?
- Why this sudden question?
It's alright, Neelakshi.
To tell you the truth Ni'mat,
I'm not sure what love is.
Love? A rainbow of feelings!
But you're unlucky in love.
How do you know?
As the palace's Head Eunuch,
do you think I spend my time clapping?
Your Majesty...
I have good news.
The Emperor has ordered a Rajput feast
in your honour on the day of the Pir.
A Rajput feast? In my honour?
Not mine for sure!
...he has sent you this gift.
It is beautiful!
Kindly tell the Emperor,
I like it very much.
Yes, Your Majesty!
This means only one thing.
He's trying to woo you.
If that be so,
I won't be indifferent either.
What do you... propose to do?
I will cook for the feast.
Hear this! Her delicate hands
will grind spices and stir pots.
That will be the day!
You can't do that.
Why not?
Because you are
the Empress of Hindustan!
Then I shall cook as a wife,
not an Empress!
My! My!
Mir Bakawal, why are you gawking?
It's the first time an Empress
has entered the Royal Kitchen.
Your Highness,
does our cooking displease you?
She fears you'll make
mincemeat of the peas!
At your service...
Prepare the ingredients...
Come on! Hear the menu of the day!
Your Majesty, we got the vessels
cleaned, as per your instructions.
What's going on here?
Why aren't you preparing lunch?
Weren't you given the menu?
- We have been given the day off.
- The day off? By whom?
The Empress of Hindustan.
She will cook a vegetarian
Rajput meal with her own hands.
The respected Maham Anga
enters the kitchen!
Keep your distance!
There is a difference in
dreaming and fulfilling dreams.
Do not fool yourself into believing...
...that you have become
an Empress, Princess!
What wrong have I done?
First you had a temple
built in Agra fort... you take
charge of the kitchen...
...I am understanding everything!
What do you mean?
I have taken charge of the kitchen?
Isn't that the right
of every married woman?
Never forget...
...your marriage to Jalal
is just an alliance.
In exchange for peace.
It might be so for you.
For us marriage is a sacred bond,
which ends only in death.
Don't explain the
meaning of marriage to me.
What marriage are you talking about?
Which is not yet consummated?
A marriage is complete...
...only when there's an heir.
And since Jalal won't
even touch you, an heir?
So Princess Jodhaa,
enjoy the world of the Mughals.
But do not try to be part of it.
I can't believe you're saying this.
How do you claim to be
like a mother to him?
I am his mother!
I have fed him my milk.
Dedicating every waking hour
to his well-being.
I have protected him from all harm.
Thanks to me no one has touched him.
An arrow was aimed at him
when he was a boy...
...I took it on my chest
and saved him!
If anyone tries to come between
Jalal and me, I will destroy them.
I have always kept
him from harm's eye.
You think I'll leave him exposed to you?
Rajput Folk Song about Feasts
Your Majesty, the menu
today is dal bati churma...
...ker-sangri, pithode, gatte,
til-papdi and panchmel sabzi.
For dessert, we have
ghevar and sohan halwa.
Well done, Mir Bakawal!
Pardon me, Your Majesty...
...the Rajput Empress
has prepared the feast today, not me.
But Mir Bakawal, this feast
was supposed to be in her honour.
He is not at fault.
I asked him to let me cook.
Why did you take the trouble?
It's no trouble.
I consider it my good fortune.
Pardon me, Your Majesty.
Let me remind you...
...according to the law,
food served to the Emperor...
...must first be tasted by the cook.
Only then, is it safe
for the Emperor to eat.
Since Empress Jodhaa
has made the feast today...
...let her say 'Bismillah' and begin.
Matters of security
must be respected.
Even the Emperor cannot object.
Taste the food, Empress!
Please do the honours.
Your Majesty, the food is safe
to be served!
Your Majesty...
you may now enjoy the repast.
Bring me the dishes
the Empress has tasted.
I wish to eat from the same plate!
Do not eat that!
Why not?
It has...
...less salt.
The food is exquisite.
Every morsel deserves praise!
I have enjoyed it so much...
I declare on the day of the Pir,
I will only eat vegetarian food...
...from Empress Jodhaa's kitchen!
It is hard to describe this affliction
I wonder to myself
Does she belong to me?
We walk side by side
but distance separates us
Like two shores of
the ocean that never meet
She is near yet so far
I cannot endure this yearning
A wall of glass keeps us apart
No one should be allowed
to trade in grain without our consent.
Another suggestion -
In certain provinces
people are suffering from drought.
Their taxes should be waived!
You are right, Khan Baba.
Ensure both the policies
are implemented immediately.
Your Majesty!
O my God!
I heard a song
My heart chose her
What is this story
that time tells me?
O Allah! If the Emperor hears
about this, he will free me too!
Their freedom is more
important than yours.
If I am filled with sadness
She is forlorn too
Loneliness casts a shadow
on our encounters
We meet and yet we do not meet,
Flowers bloom and yet they do not
Spring in our eyes,
autumn in our hearts
Jodhaa, I do not want to go on
this provincial tour, but duty calls.
The Empress sits in the palanquin.
- In the name of Allah!
- In the shelter of Allah!
You did well!
Now I will trap her with this.
But Mahambi, she wrote this letter
before she was married.
- How do you know that?
- Neelakshi told me.
Remember! You know nothing.
And don't you dare
talk to anyone about this!
Or else...
Princess Jodhaa!
Trying to be too clever, is she?
I implore you. I have tried hard
to contact you. There's still time.
Come and protect me, my brother.
Yours, Jodhaa.
Sujamal, she reminds you of your
brotherly duty. You must go!
Have you lost your mind?
It's a trap!
Why would she call you
to a lion's den?
Entering the Agra fort means,
inviting death.
Ranaji, at the cost
of losing my life, I will go...
You have indeed lost
your mind, Sujamal!
Go if you wish.
And spend the rest of your life...
...admiring the dungeons of Agra fort!
I will go.
Sharifuddin, I'm sensing trouble.
I'm in danger of being found out.
The Prime Minister
Shamsuddin Atka Khan...
...has discovered that
I've embezzled tax money.
Adham, my brother,
there's only one way out.
Before Shamsuddin
unravels the truth to Todarmal...
...he must be stopped!
Can I be of any help?
After all, I am indebted
to you and your mother...
...for my position in the Mughal army.
I will act alone!
Adham, my brother, be cautious...
...whatever you do,
don't leave it unfinished.
Taxes have been embezzled
in the province of Malwa alone.
Tally the figures in these documents
and you will see for yourself.
But Malwa comes under Adham.
- You mean...
- I have always suspected him.
Today I have proof too!
Shamsuddin Atka Khan Sahib!
I must praise your auditing
and revenue collection skills.
How well you count!
But when it comes
to my province Malwa... will have to ignore
certain figures.
Consider them a concession.
You forget your responsibility
as the Emperor's elder brother.
Moreover you happily extort
your province to fill your pockets.
- This is sheer cheating!
- Not cheating, a privilege!
I advise you, Khan Baba... not interfere in my affairs or else...
- Adham Khan!
Challenging a Prime Minister is
no less than challenging the Emperor.
Disaster, Your Majesty!
Adham Khan has entered
the women's palace with a sword.
He murdered the Prime Minister!
You insolent, ungrateful wretch.
How dare you!
You killed a man,
who was like a father to me.
Arrest this miserable wretch!
Today you have crossed all limits!
You killed Khan Baba
to hide your heinous crimes!
Not only was he loyal
to the Mughal Empire...
...but also a man of God!
I considered him a father.
His punishment is...
...throw him down...
...head first!
No, Jalal!
Carry out the order!
- Is he dead?
- No, Your Majesty. He is alive.
Then bring him up.
And throw him down again!
Your Majesty...
Keep your distance!
Elder Mother...
...I had to kill Adham
for the terrible crime he committed.
Justice demanded his life,
Elder Mother.
I understand.
Adham was wrong and
had to pay for his crime.
That is why I forgive you, Jalal!
I know that nothing can come
between you and the throne.
And in my view...
...Jodhaa too, should not
make any such attempt!
Why do you speak of her?
Do you know what this is?
A vial of poison!
It was found in Jodhaa's belongings.
My greatest fear is now coming true.
Don't forget, even
priceless brass turns black!
Find out whom she writes to,
besides her family.
What are you insinuating?
She was betrothed
to the Prince of Ajabgarh.
Then she married you. Why?
She is an assassin sent by the Rajputs
in disguise of a beautiful wife.
Are you saying that...
...she sent a message
to the Prince of Ajabgarh?
You are no longer a child, Jalal.
She's your wife!
Yet why does she resist intimacy?
...she's still in love with
that Rajput Prince of Ajabgarh.
Someone is coming to see her soon.
No matter how much light,
a mirror reflects, it has a dark side.
How is my Jodhaa?
I was worried about you.
Why did you want to meet me in secret?
You mentioned in your letter that
you're coming to take me away? But why?
I knew you were unhappy.
I read your letter and came at once.
- Letter? What letter?
- The one that you sent.
I sent no letter.
What do you mean?
- Here it is and your rakhi too.
- This rakhi...
I did... write this letter
before I got married.
But never sent it,
thinking you had your own worries.
How are you, brother?
Me? I am well.
Just wandering about
without kingdom or home.
Never mind me.
I was worried about you all along.
Brother, I am happy here.
Happy? What do you mean?
You were forced to marry
and you say you're happy?
It's not as you think.
The Emperor did not convert me.
He even built a temple for me.
I knew nothing of this.
I am saddened by
what you have endured, brother.
One thing still bothers me.
If you didn't send me the letter,
then who did?
Arrest him!
The Emperor?
So this was a trap set up by you!
You betrayed me, Jodhaa!
No, brother.
That is why you sent the letter.
Don't misunderstand.
I have nothing to do with this.
Jodhaa, this rakhi will
always stay on my wrist... will be a reminder
of your treachery!
Your Majesty!
For his treachery against
the Mughal Empire...
...arrest the traitor Ni'mat!
No, Your Majesty!
Save me, my Empress!
He isn't to be blamed.
He was only following my orders.
May I know...
...what was so important...
...that you saw it fit
to hide it from your husband...
...and sneak out in the
middle of the night to meet a stranger.
Who was he?
The Prince of Ajabgarh?
The Prince of Ajabgarh?
- But...
- You have betrayed me!
- Betrayed?
- Yes!
Elder Mother had warned me.
It is not me, but Maham Anga,
who has betrayed you!
How can she ever betray me?
She has nurtured and raised me.
Probably that's the reason,
I too have shown her respect.
But the same Maham Anga
has tried to keep us apart.
She planted a vile seed of doubt
in your mind against me.
- What would you call her, Your Majesty!
- Silence!
I will not tolerate
a word against Elder Mother.
Just as you will not entertain
a word against her...
...I too cannot hear a word
against my integrity and honour.
How unfortunate I am!
Just when I had started to find
love, trust and happiness...
...why did this have to happen?
Since I am accused of treason, you may
as well let me know my punishment.
You will go back to your family!
Since love must be based on trust... would be best...
...that I go.
Prepare the Empress of Hindustan's
departure at once!
People may imagine spring is here
Love too, is bewildered
Fragrance upstages
the flowers in the garden
Hidden in the veil of nature
is a touch of sorrow
The world around us is mellow
Time is slumbering
Lost and forgotten memories
fill my heart
What have you done?
You consider him your son,
and yet tried to wreck his marriage?
I was only doing my duty.
Duty? I tolerated your misdeeds,
you pass off as duty.
I have never interfered.
But enough is enough!
This is a limit!
He wasn't the Prince of Ajabgarh...
...but Jodhaa's brother, Sujamal.
What about that letter?
Are you even aware of
what was written?
Jodhaa wrote it before she got married,
but never sent it.
And Maham Anga used the letter
to poison your mind against her.
I can't believe it, Mother!
Elder Mother, is it true?
This is a blatant lie.
I have been wrongly accused!
I'm innocent, Empress!
Silence, Maham Anga!
Lower your voice
when speaking to my mother!
Answer my question.
Is it true or not?
Salima will answer this question.
Speak up, Salima.
Have no fear. Tell us the truth!
Your Majesty, I brought it to
respected Maham Anga's notice...
...that the letter was written
before marriage...
...but she threatened me and
used the letter for her own ends.
O God!
I have made a terrible mistake...
What have I done?
What have I done?
I gave you the status of a mother...
...and you poisoned my mind
against Jodhaa?
You have broken my trust in you.
You have erased all the good memories...
I had of you!
Is this why I called you 'EIder Mother'?
You have nurtured me all my life.
Only for that, I forgive you!
Nevertheless, from now...
...I will never see your face again.
Bring her back, Jalal!
I don't know... I shall face her.
Admitting a mistake
only makes love grow deeper.
I am convinced that Jodhaa will accept.
- Didn't I tell you, he'd come?
- I still can't believe it!
It is an honour and a privilege
to have you here in Amer.
May this vermilion mark signify a
strong bond between Mughals and Rajputs!
No matter what he says,
I will not go back.
But are you not going to welcome him?
Now wipe the frown off your face
and draw the veil.
Whom do my son-in-law's eyes seek?
We have a custom in Amer.
When a son-in-law
visits for the first time...
...he must find his bride
among the women of the palace.
If he succeeds,
he gets to stay in his wife's chamber.
And if he fails,
he has to sleep under the open sky...
...counting the stars!!
Come! Welcome, son-in-law...
So you finally found your Jodhaa!
- Will you come back with me?
- No, I'm not going anywhere!
I have come to take you home.
Why do you now refuse?
I will not go back to Agra!
It feels strange being here,
alone with you, in this chamber.
It is strange!
But I have a solution...
And what might that be?
This is too harsh a punishment.
Now I cannot see my face...
...reflected in your eyes!
This is unjust!
Jodhaa, I have expressed regret.
You can't win me
by just expressing regret.
But you will never understand this.
I don't understand?
No, you don't!
You know how to wage war and conquer.
But do not know how to rule.
What did you say?
That you have only conquered me...
...but not won my heart yet.
This is unfair.
I have fulfilled your every wish...
...I have respected
every demand of yours...
...I have carried out
my duties as a husband!
If that were true...'d never have sent me away
without hearing my side.
But this...
But try and understand that
considering the circumstances...
...a misunderstanding was inevitable.
But you should have at least tried
to know what really happened.
But the truth is that,
you are far removed from reality... do not know how to win hearts.
To do that, you need
to look into their minds... their
little pleasures and sorrows.
And win their trust.
Be one with their heartbeat!
And the day you will
succeed in doing that... will rule my heart!
Forgive me, Jodhaa.
Now, if you defeat me... can gladly stay back in Amer.
And if I win...
...then you will have
to return with me.
Raise your sword!
Raise it!
Allah be praised!
Empress of Hindustan... not forget,
I am your husband!
O Allah...
There is a saying in Persian:
'Why seek Paradise?
It is before me now! '
I will not go back!
I won!
This is unfair. Gira interrupted...
Regardless! I won and you lost.
Gira, could you not have waited?
You made me lose.
Forgive me. An envoy brings
a message for His Majesty.
Ask him to wait.
Forgive her, Jodhaa.
Remember, a moment's distraction can
prove fatal in battle and can bring...
'... defeat or death.' I know!
Where did you learn to duel so well?
My brother Sujamal taught me the art!
He has taught you well.
I was lucky to have won.
Now prepare to leave.
I will not go.
Now this goes against your protocol.
Being the Empress of Hindustan,
you cannot go back on your word.
I do as I please.
- I will not go!
- And now, I won't force you.
Do you know why?
My heart says,
you will come on your own accord.
You will come.
Because by then...
I would have won your heart!
Your Majesty, why are you doing this?
Roaming in the bazaar
without guards is dangerous.
Do not worry.
No one will recognize me.
I'm doing it since there's a difference
between conquering and ruling!
To win the hearts of people,
one must look into their minds.
Another thing... do not address me
as 'Your Majesty'.
Then what do I call you?
Call me Jalal.
Where do we start, Mahesh Das?
- Greetings!
- Greetings!
Will your eyes only feast or
do you even intend to buy anything?
- How much is the grain?
- Three coins for a pound.
- The barley?
- Two coins for a pound. Shall I pack it?
We'll buy wheat instead.
- Wheat? Two coins for a pound.
- Two coins for a pound?!
What can we do?
The landowners decide the price.
His prices are sky high.
Looks like you too
have dropped from the sky!
You're pockets are empty and
you want to buy Agra bazaar?
Take it or leave it!
Insolent fool! Do you know with whom
you have an audience?
An audience? Move on!
Let's go. We'll try the next shop.
Move on!
Get your fresh tobacco here!
Silence! Arrest him!!
What's going on there?
Master, forgive me.
- We must go back.
- No, wait.
This is what I've come to see.
- This Mughal officer is unjust.
- Yes, indeed! Too much atrocity!
But he is a loyal officer
of the Mughal Court...
- Are you new here?
- Yes.
Another blind man
in the land of the blind!
Can't you see how these foreigners behave?
- What foreigners?
- These Mughals!
They are all outsiders.
The Emperor's court is full of them.
I have heard that,
the Emperor is a very good man.
He is doing a lot for the common man.
Why not complain to him directly?
Forget it, Mister!
We can only complain to our near ones.
And we do not believe that
the Emperor is a Hindustani.
The Mughals or any others,
they are all outsiders!
Did you know our Emperor
was born in Amarkot... a Hindu Rajput home?
And raised here too?
So how can you call him a foreigner?
He is as much an Indian as you are.
Really? If he is an Indian then
what has he done for the common man?
If this Emperor cares so much then...
...why doesn't he abolish the Pilgrim Tax?
The Pilgrim Tax?
Looks like you're new
not only to Agra but to the country!
Don't we all Hindus have to pay
Pilgrim Tax when we go on pilgrimage?
It does not worry the rich.
But the common man can't pay
such taxes. So we suffer...
...but what's the use?
Nobody pays any attention.
Let's go!
Coming here incognito has proved
most useful, Your Majesty.
Now we know how people
perceive the Mughal rule.
What is this Pilgrim Tax?
When the Hindus go on pilgrimage
to pray to their Gods...
...they have to pay a tax
to the Mughal Treasury.
Do you also pay this tax?
- Yes, Your Majesty!
- So why didn't you object?
This is outrageous.
A tax to offer prayers to God?
I never thought about it.
This tax has been collected for years.
How do we change this?
To all those present!
I want to make an important announcement -
After much deliberation,
I have come to realize...
...that asking Hindus to pay
a tax when they go on pilgrimage... akin to weighing God's glory
in coins.
Therefore, I have decided that
from today...
...the Pilgrim Tax will be
abolished forever!
Your Majesty, it is
a wonderful thought.
May I be permitted to comment?
You may.
What is this injustice?
Have you forgotten us?
We, too, have worked hard
to build the Mughal Empire.
Our sweat has also cemented
the bricks to build the Empire.
We are also your advisors.
This is an astonishing decision!
Before deciding, why
wasn't our counsel taken?
I felt no need,
respected Saadir Adaasi!
Imposing or abolishing a tax is a
ruler's decision. The throne decides.
I'm not taking any step against Islam.
It is an administrative decision.
Not a religious one!
If that be so...
...then could the Finance Minister...
...Todarmalji kindly explain
the impact on the Royal Treasury?
Your Majesty, this decision will
definitely impact the Royal Treasury.
The Royal Treasury!
I'd like to know what
is this Royal Treasury?
What is this Treasury?
We, Mughals,
are not like the other invaders...
...who plunder and loot
Hindustan of its riches...
...and fill the coffers.
This is my country.
And I will not allow anyone
to ravage it!
I want my people to know...
...that regardless of their religion,
I will embrace them.
A coin rings out only when it falls,
not when picked up.
I request you not to be emotional
and make unwise decisions.
Ever since I was a child...
...others have made decisions for me.
I've always been told what must be done.
I want to be free now...
...and do as I see fit!
Let it be known...
...that from today,
the Pilgrim Tax is forever abolished!
Let the order be carried out!
Long live!
O great and magnificent Emperor
O great and magnificent Emperor
Ruler of Royal Decree
May your life be everlasting
Words alone cannot praise you
You are the cornerstone of Hindustan
Hindustan is your life
And you are the life of Hindustan
We welcome you in our hearts!
Kingdom of Virat's salutation!
O great and magnificent Emperor
Ruler of Royal Decree
May your life be everlasting
Words alone cannot praise you
You are the cornerstone of Hindustan
Hindustan is your life
And you are the life of Hindustan!
We welcome you in our hearts
The kingdom of
Shimalgarh's salutation!
In every town
In every courtyard
Love abounds
In every heart
Our victory...
... lies in the Emperor
A wind of peace...
... blows across the land
We welcome you in our hearts
O great and magnificent Emperor
Ruler of Royal Decree
Empress of Hindustan,
Jodhaabai has arrived in Diwaan-E-Aam!
I am overwhelmed with
happiness to see you here.
I had to come.
After all, you have won my heart!
Your Majesty... your people have
wholly accepted you in their hearts.
And hence, your subjects, most humbly...
...wish to bestow on you...
...the title of... 'Akbar'!
Jalaluddin Mohammad 'Akbar'!
The title pleases me very much.
I accept it with gratitude.
- Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar!
- Long live!
Every heart bears witness
to our Emperor's generosity
Wherever he treads,
he showers gold on his path
We welcome you in our hearts
Your religion is love
You rule many hearts
No praise can describe you
You are the confluence of all traditions
We welcome you in our hearts
O great and magnificent Emperor!
The Emperor has been struck by an arrow!
There he is!
Allow His Majesty to rest. We will
keep you informed of his progress.
'I am very pleased. No praise
will do justice to your work.'
'Delhi is within our reach now.
Saadir Adaasi'
The arrow's poison is spreading.
His temperature isn't coming down.
Who could have attempted
to kill Jalaluddin?
- Never mind! My concern is Rajputana.
- Meaning?
If Jalaluddin survives...
...the Mughal army will spare no one.
And if he dies...
...the Afghans and Uzbeks
won't let this opportunity slip by.
That's so true, Ranaji.
It will be wise to ignore
the needs of others...
...and safeguard our own provinces.
...we would've helped you...
...but circumstances have changed.
And anyway,
your struggle is no more political... has become a family feud.
You must work alone to regain
your share of Amer's throne!
We can only offer you
our best wishes, nothing more!
Jodhaa, his condition is worsening.
O Lord Krishna...
The Emperor has
regained consciousness!
May His Majesty live long!
May God give you a long life!
- Please rest.
- The Emperor is well again.
The Emperor is well again?
The Emperor is well again!
Jalal, countless thanks to Allah
for giving you a new life.
Don't strain, son. You need rest.
Turn the nib and draw a thicker line...
Why did you call me here?
I will show you why.
Please be seated.
I have made something special for you.
I'm learning calligraphy.
These are the first words
I have learnt to write.
Allah be praised. It is beautiful!
This calligraphy... this writing...
...whatever is written, is beautiful.
Since its your writing,
why don't you read it aloud.
No, you must read it yourself.
There's something
you must know, Jodhaa.
The truth is...
...I cannot read or write!
The battlefield never allowed me
to learn, how to read or write.
So now will you read it?
You won't agree this way.
It's an order!
Read it!
A wife does not take
her husband's name.
Look into my eyes and say it.
Jalaluddin Mohammed Akbar.
I want to ask you something...
Please do...
Not here. Come with me.
What was it that you wanted to ask?
I am waiting for the right moment...
Do you love me?
Yes, I do.
And you?
I love you deeply!
In the folds of these moments
Is a relationship so pure
Like a prayer of
love the angels recite
The earth is silent
The sky is perplexed
There is light shining from earth to sky
Songs fill the stillness.
There is beauty in your every gesture
There is love floating in the air
What love is this?
What dream is this?
What flood of feeling is this?
The days have changed. And nights
too. The meaning of life has changed
In the folds of these moments...
What has time done to me?
Changed my very being
You have won me I found you
Melting like two gentle melodies
A rhythm, not slow, not fast
In the flame of fire
Our bodies and souls
burn in the flame of love
In my garden of dreams
Spring came only because of you
The flowers had my colours
But their fragrance has come from you
What desire and emotion is this?
Why is the heart so restless?
Why is the heart so impatient?
The days have changed. And nights
too. The meaning of life has changed
In the folds of these moments...
We missed our last chance.
That incompetent marksman!
- You mean?
- Yes! It was I, who sent the assassin.
Be gone! Our efforts have gone waste.
I'm glad my sister is not widowed.
Sujamal! What's with you? You don't
even know whose side you are on.
Greed has blinded you!
I want my rightful share of Amer!
You don't know which side to take!
The Emperor is your brother-in-law,
Sharifuddin Hussain.
Personal relations cannot
interfere with my goals.
You will soon discover
I am on your side...
...I want to see you
on Amer's throne...
...and you will see me
on Delhi's throne. Our pact is firm!
We have only one option now.
Attack Amer at once!
We won't get a better opportunity.
Are you with me?
Sharifuddin Hussain!
Jalal knows you were behind
the assassination attempt.
He is furious.
Soldiers are coming for us!
Have no fear, Saadir Adaasi Sahib.
Before Agra, we must seize Amer!
Will Sujamal help you once he is crowned?
Once Amer is in our hands,
we will finish Sujamal.
Sharifuddin has planned
an attack on Amer.
With Sujamal taking on his side.
End this conflict and
give Sujamal his rightful share.
Have no fear!
Now about Sharifuddin...
...he must be stopped in Merta,
before he reaches Amer.
Time is scarce.
My husband can kill Sujamal anytime.
Jodhaa, stop this battle!
Or else three families
will drown in their own blood.
We have to go!
The battlefield is dangerous.
Do not go!
Todarmalji, my mind is made up.
I must go. Do not worry.
Your Majesty, dust is rising
on the northern horizon...
How far are they?
About three miles.
Two miles...
He has arrived too soon.
One mile!
Your Majesty,
the archers await your command.
I want peace, not war.
Chughtai Khan! Raise the peace flag!
Pardon me, Your Majesty...
...Sharifuddin will misunderstand.
He might assume we are weak.
That's precisely what I want.
He must get the wrong idea
and commit a mistake.
I understood. Raise the peace flag!
I knew Jalaluddin
would want to negotiate.
- Manjum Khan!
- Yes, Your Majesty.
Raise our flag in acceptance.
And set camp here!
Allah, protect us!
He deliberately did
not use elephants.
Because they would
have slowed down his pace.
Their army has much food.
They can survive a long time.
They can extend the battle
longer than us.
Many of our soldiers have been
misguided to join Sharifuddin's army.
We have to bring them back!
A great battle is won
without shedding a single drop of blood.
- Is everything ready?
- Yes, Your Majesty.
Make no mistake.
You will infiltrate the Emperor's
army and find a way into his tent...
...and at the opportune moment,
kill the Emperor!
Also, Jalaluddin has told Bharmal... grant Sujamal
his rights to Amer's throne.
Make sure Sujamal
learns nothing of this.
Once we get rid of the Emperor,
Sujamal comes next.
Don't ask questions!
We are withdrawing
our support of Sharifuddin.
As you command.
Take our men and fight alongside
Jalaluddin's army.
Hurry! There is very little time.
As you command...
What is the meaning of this?
- Kumbhaa?
- What happened? Surprised?
Wasn't he the one you sent to warn Jalaluddin?
Yes. Because I wanted to stop you.
If you're a true warrior, then fight
Jalaluddin on the battlefield.
Not by conspiracy!
Not by conspiracy?
When you asked me
to help overthrow King Bharmal...
...wasn't that a conspiracy?
Where was your loyalty then?
On your guard!
Horsemen approaching!
It's Sujamal!
Warn the Emperor!
Bhagwan Das, pull out the arrows!
Is this Sujamal?
Yes, Your Majesty.
Sharifuddin has sent an assassin
disguised as a Royal Guard to kill you.
Take him away!
Thank you, Uncle. I am grateful to you.
You agreed to offer me my share...
I made a mistake... in judging you
O Allah!
Jodhaa will be distraught!
She betrayed me!
No, Sujamal. You are mistaken.
It was I, who mistrusted her,
and wanted you arrested.
- Jodhaa is not at fault.
- What?
Jodhaa, I misunderstood you
and doubted your integrity...
...forgive me...
Don't say that!
I misunderstood you...
...I hurt your honour...
No, brother!
May you stay forever happy!
You are... a great man!
I was wrong...
to have not understood you.
What you have done for Jodhaa...
...will make future generations
honour and respect you...
...Sharifuddin is a rebel.
He has committed treason against me.
The only punishment
for such a man is death.
Justice demands that I kill him.
I don't know if he is right or wrong.
But the need of the hour is... let your spirit of forgiveness
guide your decision.
O Allah, what must I do?
First Adham and now Sharifuddin...
...why do my close ones have
to fall under the shadow of my sword?
I expected this behaviour from you...
...but it is your misfortune
that I survived.
I could have made you Governor
of other provinces besides Ajmer.
Rebellion results in only one thing...
and that is bloodshed.
Didn't you think of 'bloodshed'
when you mercilessly killed Adham Khan?
That was a different matter,
How unfair!
You can't state the 'rules of the game'
and make the moves too.
This time I decide the rules.
I am listening.
If you want, we can prevent bloodshed.
And how is that?
Fight me!
In an arm-to-arm combat.
If I win,
then Hindustan will be mine.
And if I lose,
I will leave this country forever!
I accept!
This is no way to crush a revolt.
Why did you accept?
To prevent bloodshed.
Forgive me, Your Majesty, you forget
Sharifuddin is fierce and vicious.
I'm aware of that.
He is a strong man.
But I won't let Hindustan
fall in the wrong hands!
If you were not my brother-in-law...
...this spear would
have gone through you!
Only for my sister's sake...
...I forgive you!
I am taking back
your provinces from you.
You will not be allowed to take any
administrative decisions from now on.
As you command.
And all your life...
you will remain loyal to me!
Yes, Your Majesty!
- Emperor Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar!
- Long live!
Respected Saadir Adaasi Sahib...
...the happiness of life...
...cannot be divided
on religious grounds.
I am a follower of Islam... a Muslim!
And yet, I bow my head,
in respect for every religion.
The people of my Empire are free... worship and practice
their religions.
But it is a shame
you failed to understand me.
Now it is my wish.
You dedicate your life to
Allah and travel to Holy Mecca!
Now I request
the Rajput Empress of Hindustan... join me here.
To all present and the Mughal empire,
I say this for the last time -
Queen Jodhaa is a Hindu Rajput.
She is my wife.
And the Empress of Hindustan!
Any act against her, is an act
against the Mughal empire.
Let one more thing
be known to one and all!
Respect and tolerance
of every religion...
...will make the future
of Hindustan glorious!
So be it!
Anything else for the day,
Chughtai Khan?
Only a prayer for your good health.
This was the story of Jodhaa Akbar.
Their love story is
not a part of folklore.
Nor is their love ever discussed.
Perhaps, it is because...
history never gave them any importance.
But the truth is...
... that Jodhaa and Akbar, together...
... silently...
... made history!