Joe (2013) Movie Script

Hey, old man,
you look at me.
I got something
to say to you.
Every time we land
someplace new,
you say it's gonna be
different, but it ain't.
You mess up a lot,
then you leave a mess
for me and Mama
and Dorothy to clean up
and that ain't right.
That's all I'm saying.
Hell, I do
what I gotta do.
You do whatever
the hell you want,
whatever you can
get away with.
You're just
a selfish old drunk.
Yeah, that's
what you is.
This place is
gonna be after us.
Hell, they'll be
on you,
and they're
gonna beat your ass.
And I hate
to see you go down.
I know
you're my daddy.
You know you sure are,
ain't you?
I'm talking at you.
What you done
this time,
they'll beat
your ass to shit.
That's what
they're gonna do.
You can
count on it.
...service but was looking
and it looked as if close
to three inches of rain fell
with a little
thunderstorm complex-
Round 'em up, Junior.
- Yo, it ain't lunchtime yet.
- Round 'em up.
Let's pack up the gear, guys.
Let's get
out of here!
One at a time,
one at a time.
- Hey, hey, hey- one at a time.
- I'm trying to get situated.
Go, go, go.
Why y'all moving so slow? Looks
like y'all goddamn turtles out there.
It's getting
rained on!
Damn, Joe, when you
gonna get that new truck, Joe?
What's wrong with this one?
It's raggedy. You can't
tell what's wrong with it?
- You don't know?
- Yeah-
- think I'd get another one.
- Damn right.
Let me get
a cigarette.
I'm gonna have to start
taking this out of your pay.
All right, then.
See you tomorrow
if the sun comes up.
I'll holler at you
in the morning. Let me know.
All right.
Which jersey now?
Pittsburgh yellow?
All right!
You can see
the moisture moving northward
out of Mexico and also
out into the Gulf of Mexico,
meeting up
with this frontal system,
which is slowly being-
been sagging southward.
As we look at temperatures
with the cloud cover,
not as hot as what
we've been seeing,
but the cool-down isn't
related to Canadian air.
Here's some Canadian air over the
northeastern part of the country.
Very high dew points.
This represents a whole lot
of moisture available to us
and to those tall clouds
producing the heavy rains.
So the showers and
thunderstorms during tonight...
- Morning, Junior.
- Morning, Joe.
Shit, Joe. If it's gonna
rain, call me. I'll show up.
What about Shorty?
He get drunk last night?
- Shorty almost got arrested last night.
- What? He what?
Hell, yeah.
All right. Yeah, I'll be up
at Coleman's in 30 minutes.
- Y'all be ready.
- Bye-bye!
Ooh, Shorty, that was
a rough night last night.
Almost didn't make it
to work this morning, boy.
- I heard some stories.
- You'd be surprised.
Drinking and trying to
touch this lady on the butt.
Here's Joe, y'all. Here's Joe.
Come on, Joe,
help a brother out, now.
- Good morning, Joe.
- Morning.
Y'all come go with me.
- All right.
- Don't know why, either.
Don't make no sense,
though, you know?
- Morning, John.
- Hello, Joe.
- You want some coffee?
- No, I can get it.
It ain't cold, is it?
It was cold yesterday.
Now let's see, you're Bill, right?
I'm Shorty,
he's Bill.
- Where's Sammy today?
- Sammy gone fishing, Joe.
Hell, Sammy told me
you fired him.
I fired his ass
three times already.
You tell Sammy I'm gonna
fire him for good
if he don't start
helping me out some.
- Y'all want some coffee?
Yeah, sure, man.
- See that ball game last night?
- Yeah.
Them boys played
one hell of a game.
Shorty, you want some of these wieners?
- I'm good.
Shorty, if you had one like this,
you'd be a bad boy, God damn.
Uh-huh, whatever. You got
one of these right here.
That's a shriveled Slim Jim.
Act like you ain't
got nothing to do today.
Y'all gonna quit
pussyfooting around me today.
You gonna get some
work out of me, Junior.
All right, you're gonna take
the east side over here.
Take the east side
over there.
I want you to take the west
side over here today, all right?
Why you looking at me
like you retarded?
Get that thing on
and go with him.
- Shorty, you all right today?
- Yeah, I'm good, man.
Feeling pretty good? You look
like a goddamn Ghostbuster today.
You all right? You gonna
fight like one today?
- You gonna work like one?
- I work well, my man.
- Huh?
- I'm good.
- All right, don't trip on it.
- Yeah.
Huh? Yeah, you're gonna go
bust a move on me today, Shorty.
Yeah, bust them trees.
A snake!
Better watch it
there, man.
I don't know. That
cottonmouth's pretty big.
Look here.
Look at that. Don't know how big he is.
- Watch it there!
- Watch it, watch it!
- Watch it!
- Ooh!
Hey, Junior.
that's a big one now!
He can be known as the snake god.
Joe, you got
nuts of a bear, Joe.
That's what that woman
told me last night-
"I need another snake. "
I've seen one today.
That's what that fat woman said.
We got company.
Let me see that snake.
- Ain't he a nice one?
- Mm.
See those fangs?
You get bit by those,
you're gonna die.
You're gonna wanna die.
Y'all don't kill it.
It's my friend.
- Whoa!
- Damn!
Almost throwed it over by me!
Get back to work, y'all.
The show is over with.
- I heard you screaming.
- I wasn't scared. I just move fast.
What y'all doing?
Y'all cutting these trees?
We're killing trees.
What for?
Nedermeyer land.
The owner hires us to
get rid of what's on it
so they can come in
and put strong pines on it.
Nobody wants these trees.
These trees are weak.
They're not good
for anything.
These boys will sit down if
I don't stay on their asses.
- Hey, mister.
- Yeah?
I got a question
for you.
You see, me and my daddy
just got into town.
I was wondering if you'd
give us a job.
We're looking for work.
- How old are you?
- 15.
Well, you got 45 seconds to
tell me why I should hire you.
I baled hay before,
I worked on a truck.
I picked tomatoes,
zucchini, cucumbers.
Uh, okra.
All right. You're not
afraid of work. Good.
- What's your name?
- Gary Jones.
I'm Joe.
I pay a day's pay
for a day's work.
I pay on Fridays, so you
get a little something today.
- Okay.
- But your first real payday is next Friday.
We start about 6:00
in the morning,
quit at 1:00
or 2:00.
And if we work till dinner or get
rained out, I pay for the whole day.
- Does that sound fair enough?
- Yes, sir.
All right. Follow this line of trees-
- Yes, sir.
- Close to a half mile back to my truck.
- Juice hatchets are in the back.
- Yes, sir.
You get yourself one,
fill it up with poison,
come on back
same way you went out.
- Yes, sir.
- And don't get lost.
- I won't.
- Hey!
Don't you want to know how
much you're getting paid?
- How you doing?
- Good.
Doing all right?
You ready to work today?
- Yes, sir.
- I'm Junior.
- Gary.
- Well, Gary, I'm gonna be over you today.
Raise your right hand. You're gonna have
to swear you're gonna work hard for me.
Not that hand, your right
hand. Your other right.
Your right hand.
There you go.
Put your hand up. You
got to swear on something.
Now you on
the all-star team.
- You promise to work hard?
- Yes, sir.
I don't know why Joe chose
you. You must be a good man.
First thing we do
is fill these containers up,
so we just gonna
put it in there like that.
Once we get it filled
up real good, then we on.
- What's in the poison?
- Shit.
Shorty's grandmas
make this in they basement.
I don't know what's in it, but
we ain't gonna worry about it.
I know it works
real good.
You thought that was easy
pumping that thing, didn't you?
I made it look easy
'cause I'm a man.
- You're a little boy - you got to
figure it out. You see what I'm saying?
There you go. See how
you figured that out?
When you become a man, you gonna
have everything figured out too.
Be careful. Now this
stuff is real poisonous
and if it gets in your eyes,
man, you're out of there.
Just ask Junior.
Now- now here you go.
- Which hand you use?
- Uh, the right.
Prime it up a little
bit, keep striking it.
If you hit it hard enough, you only
have to hit it three or four times.
Gotta get angry at the
tree, man. Get mad at it.
Yeah, I like that. Get mad
at it. Keep on working it.
Mad. Work with it, work with it!
Yes, sir. Get it!
Keep on with it,
I like that, man.
Joe's been around, he's been
around a little bit, man.
He's got some things
up under his belt, man.
So I advise you,
when you do go to Joe,
keep it real with Joe. Don't
lie to him about nothing.
And one thing Joe is real
particular about, man-
don't never look down at the
ground. Look him in the face.
He likes to see a man's
eyes. You- one-on-one.
- That's how Joe is, man.
- Where you from?
- Everywhere.
- Everywhere?
Being a little bitty boy,
you been everywhere, huh?
Was your daddy in the
military or something?
Oh, yeah? All right. You got
a family? All right, then.
You know we ain't gonna cut you
no slack out here, don't you?
Just 'cause
you're young now,
you know we ain't
gonna cut no slack.
Everybody pull
their own load, baby.
Once we get this
filled up here,
we can kill us about a
hundred trees with this here.
Is killing trees
against the law?
Well, the
lumber company
can't cut 'em down
unless they dead,
and so the lumber
company hire us
to come in
and poison the trees
so we can kill 'em and they'll
come in and die theyself.
Yeah, I've been doing this
for a little minute now.
- Welcome to the program.
- Thanks.
The machete crew is the one that
comes through and clears it out.
Chop down at the angles.
Try to get as low
as you can.
You gotta clear the path
for your teammates.
Without you, none of
this is gonna happen.
Just keep hammering at it.
Nothing's stopping you.
You have to start out-
you'll probably be
the water man for
a little while, you know?
It's gonna look like you're
doing everything for everybody,
bringing 'em water. At the end,
you'll become a machete vet.
Samurai king,
right here.
- Waa-ah!
- Waa-ah!
Welcome to the crew.
You're the youngest.
Gotta crawl
'fore you walk.
Got a lot
of energy there.
- Hah!
- There you go.
- Samurai gods!
- Yah!
Crew! When y'all get
through this side over here,
we're going
to the west side.
All right.
Hey, Gary, you're
getting too far ahead.
Come on back here.
Help these fellas out.
You know what? You, you and
you, y'all did a good job today.
Why don't y'all
go ahead and get paid,
and I'll see y'all
Monday, all right?
- Allan.
- Thank you, sir.
- And Gary, right?
- Yes, sir.
Gary, Gary, Gary.
Come back Monday.
Bring your daddy
if he wants to work.
Yes, sir, I will.
We'll be there.
Hey, Mama,
guess what?
I got us
jobs today.
- I got a job today.
- Good for you, baby.
Dorothy, guess what.
He got one. That's good.
Got that asshole put away?
Yes, Joe,
he's in the back.
That asshole
bites me again...
Well, he's got
the devil in him.
- Fuck that.
- Come on, baby.
Well, look at that. What's that?
Come here.
A Mexican game show.
That's what I'm talking about.
Can I fix you something, baby?
Coke, ice.
Here you go,
So what you got
the blues over, Joe?
I'm not so bad.
Want one of my girls?
You want two
of my girls?
Not today.
Today is a special day.
- It is?
- I only want your company, Merle.
- Why, thank you.
- Come here.
- Asshole!
- Lacy!
Put the dog
in the back!
I got it. Come on.
I got it.
Come on.
You don't need that
thing to take care of you.
Where are you
going, Joe?
Girl, get your ass
off the floor.
Quit being stupid.
- You see who that was?
- Yes.
Was that World War I or II?
Where'd you get that hat?
- W-W-2.
- Oh, right.
Got it down there
at the Army-Navy.
Been making some money over at
Henry's house, throwing the dice.
Yeah, I know. I was gonna go
over there later, clean him out.
Maybe I'll see you there.
I've been doing pretty
good taking the money
from them old ladies that old
blind George hang out with.
Take about 60 or 70%
of my winnings
and donate it to
the diabetes research.
Then I take the rest of it
and buy war paraphernalia.
One of these days
I'm gonna be a regular GI Joe.
Fistful of dollars!
Or something like that.
In here, Joe!
Hey, Joe.
How you been doing?
- Who's that?
- Henry's just making a damn mess here.
- What are you trying to do, Henry?
- I don't know.
Yeah, well, I don't think
I'd cut it into a roast.
You can do it
any way you want to,
but if it was mine,
I'd cut it into steaks.
Come over here and show
him how to do it, honey.
And Henry, you can
sit down there
and tell me a joke
or sing a song or something.
Shit, you might as well just
let Blind George cut it up.
I'm gonna sit down and have me
a cigarette in this wheelchair.
- Couldn't you, George? - I reckon
I could do better than he's doing it.
- Oh, no.
All right, I'll show you
how to make the steaks.
That'd be good,
baby. I love back scrapple.
That's good.
That's enough.
Now look what
happened to the poor thing.
So much blood
on the floor.
Oh, God. Oh.
Where'd you get
this deer?
It was hung up on
the fence over at Mr. Lee's,
and Henry and I was
coming back from the IHOP,
and I took out my. 38
and shot her in the head.
Honey, you use that knife
just like an artist's brush.
I mean, you know
what you're doing, Joe.
Man, look at that.
Oh, man.
- There's some good stuff here.
That is some good stuff.
Now look here.
Man, that is pretty.
Yeah, that's how you do it.
Butterfly steak.
- You see how I did that?
Now do it here,
here and here.
Y'all can cut up
the rest of it.
So, when you gonna
have another crap game?
Uh, tonight.
You wanna come by?
- What time?
- 10:00.
We're making
a birthday cake.
Joe, you know who's gonna
make the birthday cake.
I'm gonna make
a birthday cake tonight.
Are you, Stacy?
I love you, Henry,
but you know what?
I am the fucking
birthday girl here
and I have to make
my own damn cake?
It's not my problem.
I'll make me
a birthday cake, no problem.
I gotta go uptown.
y'all need anything?
Honey, I think I need
some freezer paper.
Bring me back
some damn freezer paper
and another pack
of cigarettes.
- Good stuff.
- We love you, baby.
That back
scrapple, that's the part
that basically
I only eat.
Hello, Joe!
Hold on, boy!
Joe, you all right?
You know who did
that, that asshole Willie.
He's crazy.
Ladies and gentlemen,
ladies and gentlemen,
ladies and gentlemen,
ladies and gentlemen.
Can we go now?
What you doing?
Where you gonna go?
We're gonna go into town
and get some food. Come on.
Get something to eat
with what?
We ain't got
hardly nothing here.
Well, it ain't much,
but it's something.
- Come on.
- I ain't getting up.
Are you drunk?
I ain't drunk.
- I know you drunk.
- No, I ain't drunk.
You're like,
"I ain't drunk. "
I ain't take
my medicine today, boy.
- I didn't take my medicine today.
- "I'm just tired. "
"I ain't drunk. "
- Come on, get up.
- Uh, no.
Come on.
Come on, get up.
Come on, please?
You'll be all right.
Come on.
I'll help you up.
You can make it.
Yeah. No-
you know what?
I'm gonna sit right here
in the dirt.
I'm gonna teach you
a little about break dancing.
You ever see
break dancing before?
You know what "pop" and
you know what "locking" is?
Huh, do you, bud?
Take this hand right here,
pretend it's going over a wave
like you're out there
in the ocean.
You floating.
Come on, son.
You floating
out in the ocean.
Whoa. Tidal wave coming
across the other side.
Here we go. Oh, yeah.
We're waving now.
Bring it back up.
Here comes the big one.
Ow-oo! Yeah.
Here it is. Hey! Hey!
Oh, now, now. That shit
ain't funny right there.
That shit ain't
funny at all.
I'll come get it now.
You want it. You want it?
I'm not through
with my lesson.
Life's lesson. You only
learned about waving.
You ever see popping?
Pop. That's pop. You
know what locking is?
I really can't do
a whole lot of locking
unless I'm standing and-
Stand up. Come on.
I don't see myself
doing much of that
in the near future
there, son.
I know you drunk 'cause
you about to spill it.
Oh, did I spill it?
I need a pillow.
There we go.
One, two...
Hey, mister.
Hey, mister.
Can you
give me a ride?
Say it again?
Me and my daddy
was wondering
if you could give us
a ride back to town.
He ain't feelin'
too good.
Shit, yeah.
Yeah, I'll give
you boys a ride.
Come on.
Where's your daddy at?
He's back that-away.
What you chunk that gun
off the bridge for?
I just threw it.
You know?
Weapons tend to make men
do violent things.
You know, guns...
little sticks
of dynamite.
Hell, even
Hey. Come here.
Look at my face.
You see that?
I see it.
I went through a windshield
at 4:00 one morning,
and I don't
give a fuck.
Now, folks
looking for trouble
tend to find more
than they're after,
and I'll kill his fucking ass
if he ever slaps me again.
- You understand me?
- Who you talking about?
If he ever...
slaps me...
You got any sisters?
- What?
- Sisters!
You got any sisters?
Is she pretty?
Mister, don't you talk
about my sister.
Oh, well, shit.
You're a tough little
sumbitch, ain't you?
Who the fuck
you talking to, huh?
I'm talking
to you, mister.
Don't you
disrespect my family.
You know
what I think?
I think I'm gonna say
whatever the fuck I wanna say.
You get the hell off me, mister.
I ain't done nothing to you.
I don't think I want to
give you that ride no more.
Mm-mm. I think
I'm gonna take you
and I'm gonna throw you off that bridge.
See how you
like that, hmm?
Look at me, son.
Look at my face.
I went through a windshield
at 4:00 one morning,
and I don't
give a fuck.
Look at me, you son of a bitch!
You stupid motherfucker,
you think I'm a kid?
You think
I'm a goddamn kid?
I'll beat your ass and
now you know it's true!
Is he gonna bite me?
God damn it,
would you shut up?
Shut up and get back under
there! Let these ladies alone.
Y'all come on.
Dog won't bite.
That dog's crazy. What
if you hadn't been here?
If I hadn't
been here,
you wouldn't have had no
business in my goddamn yard.
Damn, what
happened to you?
Oh, hang on
a minute.
The place
is a mess, Joe.
I wasn't
expecting company.
Well, we was
just driving around,
looking for
something to do.
Didn't know
if you'd be home or not.
Open up!
Are you all right?
I gotta quit smoking.
What the hell
happened to you?
I slapped some asshole
the other night at the bar.
He come back
and he shot me.
Jesus, Joe.
What, you and Willie Russell
be running around,
acting like kids
It's ridiculous.
I don't even remember
what set you off
in the first place.
Neither do I.
So what was it you
wanted to talk about?
You need some money?
No, nothing like that.
You know that guy Frank?
The guy?
He's back in town.
And I don't want
to stay at my mama's.
I thought
she run him off.
She did. Twice.
But he called
the other night.
Came back begging
for forgiveness.
She said he could stay
as long as he promised
to leave me alone.
And he promised.
Just like he always does,
Still got your job
up at the cleaners?
- Good.
- I wouldn't even hardly be here.
I could take care
of you...
if you let me.
I promise I won't even
tell her where I'm at.
You won't have to.
She'll know.
She already called here
40 times looking for you.
You can stay with me
if you need to.
I can't promise you much,
but I'll try to be nice.
One, two, three,
six, 11.
Get off your ass. You
ain't nothing but a number.
Let's go, y'all.
Yo, Sam, where you
been? Haven't seen you around.
You in those night school
classes or something?
Not yet.
Doing a little work
on the side.
Trying to make a little extra
cash, get my shit together.
- You know what I mean?
- Oh, I know what you mean.
I know. We're just not good enough
for you anymore, are we, Sam?
I didn't say that.
Who these white folks
you got working?
Yeah, I'm not sure. They
need work and I need help.
Young, old, black,
white, red, yellow.
I really don't
give a shit, Sammy.
Water. Where's your
fucking water?
That's my water there.
why you drinking my water?
that's why.
That's my personal water.
Why you drinking
my water up like that?
We're gonna have a problem
outta you all day, huh?
If I catch you
with my water again,
you're gonna have
a problem outta me.
- Joe sent you down here with me?
- Yeah.
Let me help you
with that pack.
The hell you
use this thing for?
I'll show you how to walk through it.
Man, this
thing's heavy.
You use this lever right
here to pump out the poison.
You take this hatchet
and hit into the tree.
Let's see
what you got.
Hit it
right here.
Goddamn thing
is leaking all over.
It happens sometimes.
Let's get to work.
Let's hit right here.
This is bullshit
right here.
Swing it.
You gotta swing it
harder than that.
Man, this is some
stupid-ass shit, man.
You know he can't even talk now.
Y'all niggas-
y'all niggas didn't eat it.
I am hungry.
Ain't gonna kill
you with our greenback there.
I don't want to know about your king
cobra, okay? Or whatever you call it.
"Go Go Gadget Tongue,"
that's what he got.
You ever notice that
about your girl, man,
- Wait a minute. - No, one sit up
here and the other one sit down here?
No comment, no comment.
- Don't go head first.
I don't.
Tell the truth about them drips he
had, man, about that penicillin shot.
That's a lie! That's a
damn lie! That's a damn lie!
Sure is a beautiful day
out here, ain't it?
It's all right.
Sitting here like
the angels sitting there
under this
pretty sun.
Maybe I am
an angel.
Yeah, but you gotta
go to work on my job.
You ain't on my job working.
Why you not working today?
What, did you come up here
to give me a hard time?
I been looking at you
all goddamn day,
and I see you up here
smoking a goddamn cigarette
the goddamn water.
You think you're a
pretty sumbitch out here,
and we gotta come
out here to work.
I don't know why you
ain't trying to work.
I done all the work
I'm gonna do today.
So you ain't did shit
all goddamn day.
You ain't done
a motherfucking-
- And who are you to tell me?
- I'm your goddamn boss.
As long as you here,
I'm your boss.
You ain't my boss,
and obviously
you can't even watch
what people are doing,
'cause if you saw
you know I've been
working all day.
I've been working
all damn day!
- Yeah - no, you been on
your ass all goddamn day!
Who's gonna argue
with who?
You ain't did shit
all goddamn-
I'm trying
to get you working!
Man, I worked
my ass off!
You ain't did shit
all goddamn day!
You're gonna get your ass
off my motherfucking job!
Well, you go
tell Joe right now!
Joe goddamn gonna get rid of
you or do something different.
Something gonna
change today
'cause tomorrow, we ain't
gonna have this bullshit.
- Are you done?
- Yeah, I'm done with this bullshit.
Good, I'm glad
you're done!
I'm glad you're done.
Stay done.
Look like you got a yeast
infection on your goddamn face,
you country
Can you make it
out of there?
Yeah, I'll make it,
I guess.
Goddamn assholes.
Come here, son.
Help me get over
this tailgate.
So what time you need us
back in the morning?
I don't need you
back in the morning.
What do you mean
you don't need us back?
We got the job done,
didn't we?
This is yours
there, son.
We got the job done.
Gary said we got the job.
Joe, I'll do
anything you want.
Clear brush anytime,
anywhere. I can do it.
Joe, I'd sure
like to work some more.
Yeah, maybe later.
I'll let you know.
I don't know what you did
that made
that man mad, son.
You hear me?
The hell
you looking at?
Just another day.
It ain't
his fault.
He loves us.
He just goes
through a hard time.
Well, I ain't gonna
watch him sit there
and hit you like he
hits me, you hear me?
Okay, Mama?
Ain't supposed to do
that to no one.
You stay with your family.
That's what you
need to do.
You need to stay
with your family.
Your family's
all you got.
What was that?
I don't know.
- Didn't hear no car drive up.
- Probably ain't nobody.
Ain't nobody with
any sense out in this.
I'm just a medium.
- Can't taste that.
You want to
go out tonight?
Not really.
Where do you
want to go?
I don't know.
I was just wondering
if we were
gonna do something.
I think you work
too much.
You should get out.
Do something fun.
I hadn't
planned on it.
Unless you want to.
We don't have to.
There's someone
out there.
No. No, wait.
Hold this.
Hey, Joe, can you
put that dog up?
Oh, hell,
I know who it is.
Boy, you're
soaking-ass wet.
What'd you plan to do,
stand there all night?
He should get out
of them wet clothes.
- He'll get sick.
- I'm all right.
I just- I just
wanted to come by
- and talk to you about working some more.
- Work?
Don't you see what it's
doing out there?
Yes, sir.
Hey, where's my drink at? You
got any trousers he can wear?
What size waist you got?
I think I have some
cool pants he can wear.
I bet nobody come mess 'round
here with that dog out there.
Well, that's why
I got the dog.
The dog won't bother anybody
just walking down the road.
Road ain't dogs.
Dog knows what's dogs.
You could have
just walked on off,
the dog wouldn't
have done anything.
All right, here.
Try these on.
I think
they'll fit you.
The bathroom's
this way.
The dog is a good dog.
Yeah. That dog scared
the hell out of me, though.
He's all beat up.
His daddy.
Saw him do it.
You what?
What, you just
sat there
and watched it,
or what?
He's a big kid.
I can't get my hands dirty
in every little thing.
You know how I get.
a grown man, Joe.
What is that
supposed to mean?
It can mean whatever
you want it to mean.
Don't fool yourself
too much about me.
Hey, there you go.
You look like
a million bucks.
Feel better now?
I feel like
a hundred bucks.
Come by 'cause I wanted to
talk to you about my job.
I wanna work.
I need a job.
My daddy don't care
if he gots a job, but I do.
You'd work in this rain,
wouldn't you?
If you need me to.
Let me slip my shoes on.
I'll run you back home.
Hey, we'll be there
in just a second, okay?
You know you don't have to
take no shit from nobody, right?
You know that,
Yes, ma'am.
Now let's go.
- How you been, Chris?
- Good, how about you?
You still doing
the mixed martial arts?
Yes, sir.
What you doing
out in the rain, Joe?
Oh, I need
two pounds of ham
- and a pound of Swiss cheese sliced up.
- All right.
Come on, you get the cheese,
I'll get the ham.
I get a little ahead,
it starts in raining again.
Here you go.
Well, it's not much.
Now look here.
When it dries up,
you come down here early
in the morning, 'fore light,
We got plenty to do when
the weather gets right.
You got a clock?
No, you wouldn't.
All right, I'll find you a
wind-up clock or something.
All right, then.
Thank you, sir.
No, you don't need to
call me "sir" all the time.
I'm your friend,
you understand?
All right.
Hey, where's his ham?
Hang on, we're coming.
- All right.
What are you
thinking, Joe?
There's nothing I can do,
and I hate it.
That's not true.
Yeah, it is.
You look at me
like I can make a move.
What are you thinking when
you look at me like that?
Don't you care?
I don't know who I am.
But I know what keeps
me alive is restraint.
It keeps me
out of jail.
Keeps me
from hurting people.
The mark of some fucked-up
faith that there is a reason.
Thank you.
A reason for all
of this.
A reason in most moments I
shouldn't do what I want to do.
I do as I'm told.
These men who bust their asses
work like dogs.
I believe in them,
but every day, they hurt.
They get old,
they peel back.
There's no frontier
And I watch that boy,
and I see someone
who's nothing like me,
but he's a child
folks left behind...
with no defense.
Balanced right there.
What do you want?
What is it you want?
Just tell me what I can do.
I like you.
I like you too, but
what's the point in any of it?
Fuck to this day.
I mean,
fuck to this day.
It's all just gonna boil up
and wash us away.
And he'll still be here.
Or maybe he won't.
Damn, Joe, why do you keep loading
all these fools in this little truck?
Good to have you
with us again, Sammy.
You drop down any more,
we're gonna have to
get out and push,
and I ain't pushing shit.
I thought you had your
eye on a new truck, Joe.
I ain't getting
no new truck.
You need one.
- No, I don't.
If you get a new truck, how
much you want for this old one?
You mean this old
piece of junk?
Smell like somebody done
died up in there. It's nasty.
I don't mind the smell.
I like it.
It smells good
to me.
Yeah, but this thing-
I spend as much time working
on it as I do driving it.
'Course there ain't
nothing major wrong with it.
Just little shit. You
know, it needs some brakes.
It needs a new-
Joe, come on.
I'll buy it from you.
I'll work my butt off.
I love the truck. You
have to give it to me now.
Well, I mean, it's got
a lot of miles on it.
You'd be better finding
one in town somewhere.
I don't want one in town.
I like that one.
Come on, Joe.
All right.
I'll take $900 for it...
if I get a new truck.
All right.
Shake hands.
That's what I'm talking
about. Heck, yeah.
All right, hey, y'all, let's go!
Hey, what you
got there?
I was wondering if maybe
you could tell me
how to get down
to Water Valley.
My wife, she's in
the hospital down there.
I just now got here.
You know
how far it is?
Is that the highway
that goes to it?
Is it?
What you
- Nothing?
You ain't drinking
some wine, are you?
I may.
Yeah, nothing
wrong with that.
Some folks think a feller
ought not drink at all,
but a little drink
never hurt nobody.
That's right.
I get me a little drink
every now and then
when I'm down
at the house,
but the old lady, she
raises so much sand about it,
I don't do a lot
of drinking down there.
I usually wait till I get
uptown like I am now.
Grab me a drink.
She all right?
Yeah, yeah.
She is today.
That's why I'm trying to get
down there to Water Valley,
go see about her.
I was supposed
to have got paid today,
but the old fella,
he never showed up,
you know, so I think I'll
go get me a little drink,
go down to Water Valley
and go see how she's doing.
She in
the hospital?
Yeah, she's in the
hospital. She got cancer.
Just eat up
with it all over.
You know.
Damn thing, you know,
a person just don't know
from one day to the next
which one's
gonna be their last.
Well, it's a beautiful
day out there.
Feeling a little
chill in my bones.
I think it's
fixing to rain.
It's probably fixing to rain some.
Three African painted dogs-
wild dogs- killed a
three-year-old in the zoo.
This toddler, he fell in, hit his head,
and the dogs
got him.
Where was everybody?
A little kid.
Hello, Joe.
How you doing?
I'll tell you what,
All this goddamn back and
forth and back and forth.
I'm fucking
over it.
Yeah, well...
Maybe it's time
we just- bygones.
You know I could have
killed you, right?
I could have killed you,
but I didn't.
I licked you. I was
aiming for the trees, see?
That shot was meant
as a warning shot,
'cause all you keep doing
is embarrassing me
in front of my
goddamn friends.
I mean, hell, the last
time you slapped me,
there was ladies and
gentlemen present.
So what's this shit
I hear
about this kid you got
working for you, huh?
Little drifter kid,
about yea big, hmm?
I don't really
give a shit about him,
but I suspect you know
where he lives, don't you?
What's wrong,
You still sore at me?
Christy, call the cops
'fore somebody gets killed.
Would you
do that for me, honey?
Hold on.
Get back. Hold it!
Hey, Joe.
- Is Merle around?
- Merle ain't here.
- You all right? - I
want to get blown, but-
Oh, that's right,
you don't like dogs, do you?
That's not true. I love
dogs. Just not that dog.
- That dog is an asshole!
- I'm sorry, Joe.
Y'all help me get this
fucking dog out of here!
You busy?
Come on.
You got any pets?
- I mean, I had a cat.
- A cat? Wonderful.
- What's its name?
- Lucy.
- What'd you feed it?
- I don't know, fucking dry food.
- What's your favorite color?
- Red.
Blow me.
All right.
Let me just focus
on the snowflake.
- Snowflake on the wall.
- All right, snowflake.
All right, all right,
all right.
- I beg your pardon.
- All right, baby.
It's all right.
You don't
have to run off.
I mean, you can stick
around if you want.
Pull over. Pull over now!
- Come on. Come on, let's go!
Don't move!
Freeze, Joe!
What? Put the gun down.
Be a man about it
and show me what you got.
- We got you surrounded, Joe.
- Hey, I'm just one dude.
Freeze, Joe. Put your
hands behind your head.
Come on,
what are you gonna do?
- Look, I don't have nothing on me, man.
- Freeze.
Why don't you guys
both be like big boys
and put your guns down
and let's talk about it?
That's all I'm gonna do.
Just talk about it, all right?
Come on.
Who's gonna cuff me?
What do you got?
I'm feeling real good today.
Hey, Joe. You in there, Joe?
Coming in, Joe.
Joe here?
You seen Joe?
What you think, man?
You think Joe is gonna
take care of you?
You think Joe's your daddy?
Is that what you think?
Joe ain't your daddy.
I'm your daddy.
I'm the one
taking care of you.
You got some money?
I know you got some
money hid around here.
your money at?
I ain't got no damn money.
Joe didn't give me none today.
Give me some money.
I just told you,
I ain't got no damn money.
Ain't got no money, huh?
Got food.
Got food, goddamn it.
You got food, but you ain't
got no fucking money.
How did you get
the food?
What the hell
you stumbling for?
You can't even take care
of your damn self.
Hey, that's
my shit!
Knock your shit
off, boy.
Knock your shit off.
You ain't got no
motherfucking money, huh?
Oh, hey.
Look at that, huh?
What you-
oh, yeah!
Yeah, yeah!
Yeah! Yeah!
That's kind of what
I fucking thought.
Bring it, motherfucker.
- Get the fuck back off me.
How's that, huh?
Just like that, huh?
Just like that.
Don't seem to be talking-
doing a whole lot
of talking right now.
Kinda look like
you in bad shape.
Who the hell you think you are? You
ain't my daddy, you motherfucker!
Look at me! You seen what I did
to that motherfucker on the bridge?
I'll beat your ass!
Son of a bitch!
I'm about through
messing with you!
I been out looking
for fucking money!
I been out looking
for a fucking job
to feed your worthless
fucking face!
Yeah. You stupid, little piece of shit.
I know you got money
hid around here, boy.
You know what?
I'm gonna come back.
I'm gonna get it.
I'm gonna find it
and I'm gonna get it.
Hey, wake it up,
wake it up.
Earl, please, give me
a goddamn cigarette, man.
I'm begging you.
You're on your way
out of here anyway, man.
All right.
- I called your bondsman for you.
- Thanks, buddy.
How come he's getting out of here?
Aw, knock it off, Cokie!
Knock it off!
Oh, man, thank you
so much, buddy.
Thank you, buddy.
- What do they got me charged with?
Shit, a heap. DUl,
assaulting an officer, resisting
arrest. You want some more shit?
Oh, oh- you know
where they took my truck?
There's a kid
who wants my truck.
Wasn't here last night. We
can sure find out, though.
You were, 32 when you went
to the pen the first time.
What are you now,
48, 49?
- 48.
- Getting old, Joe.
Be a lot harder on you
every time from here on out.
But who am I to tell you
how to live your life?
That's a good one.
Come on, man. Come on, get it together.
Shit, man.
You kidding me?
Yeah, I'd like to get
a number on a-
like, a dog rescue,
You don't have a number
on a dog rescue?
Well, I'm reporting
a lost dog.
Yeah. It's an
American bulldog.
Brown and white.
90 pounds.
What are you
doing here?
Mr. Coleman
told me
you got into a little
trouble with some cops.
That all
you heard?
They said you got put
up at that jail too.
You don't still want
my truck, do you?
Yes, sir.
You do?
They said you got put up
at the big jail one time.
- Coleman told you that?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I have.
I did 29 months
in the penitentiary
for assault
on a police officer.
They pulled me over behind
a shopping center uptown.
This one officer-
some pretty-boy type guy-
had some issue with me.
He thought I had something to
do with one of the girls he knew.
I didn't know what the
hell he was talking about.
Then they
tried to shoot me
after I beat the shit
out of all three of them.
Or one did.
Deputy went for his gun
and I grabbed it.
well, he was fixing to
kill me. He told me he was.
All he did was blow
his kneecap off.
My dog
run off last night.
You want to go
look for her?
You want me
to drive the truck?
You gotta start
Don't look at
them. Don't wave to them,
'cause they know you're guilty
of something when you wave.
A cop can mess you up
if he wants to.
Yeah, I made
the mistakes,
but they're the ones that
won't ever let me live it down.
Hey, can I buy one
of them beers off you?
Oh, I don't know.
you can drink
one of these beers,
but you cannot
buy one from me.
Friends don't ever need
to buy things from me.
There you go.
Nice and cold.
Keep your eyes
For the cops
or the dog?
"Cops or the dog. "
You hear that?
That's the sound that
gets the hookers excited
'cause they know
you got cash.
They hear that...
# You can stay
just as long as you like... #
You want to learn
how to make a cool face?
All right, anatomy
of a cool face.
Make a face of pain.
Now smile.
No, smile
on top of the pain.
Hold the pain.
Smile through it.
You ain't drunk,
are you?
I better drive.
You know what, Gary?
You got it made.
Just think about
all the beautiful girls
you're gonna fuck.
Now, I used to know a girl
who lived around here.
Where's my dog?
I raised that dog
from a pup.
- Dog!
- There's a lot of construction here
'cause they're building
that Hindu temple.
Gonna have lots
of "Bombanese" kids.
Little red dots
in the center of their head...
like a laser beam.
- Hey!
- You better work on that cool face.
You gotta stand like
you on land, all right?
Now you make
the pain face, right?
You got a lot
on your mind.
Now smile.
Yeah, it's like...
"I got a lot on my mind,
but I can do it.
I can get through it. "
Yeah, there you go.
Yeah, that's cool!
# Well, I'll be ready
in the morning, baby #
# Mmm, don't you
worry a bit #
# I got a dry place here,
yes, indeed #
# And you can
have it all... #
The dog weighs a hundred pounds.
Has long ears,
with a docked tail.
What was that?
Yes, ma'am, I meant to
get around to doing that,
but I did a halfway job on my dog.
- A halfway job?
- Halfway, ma'am.
- Well, halfway how?
- Halfway.
- Hello, hello.
So, I'm missing my dog,
and the dog is-
No, uh-uh. That stuff
will make you crazy.
Well, I'm a pretty
long way from crazy.
But my dog's about 100
pounds, brown and white.
- Looks like a cow.
- Looks like a cow?
- Right.
- You have a dog that looks like a cow?
Well, it's not
that big a deal.
A lot of dogs look like
cows. But here's the thing.
If you happen
to see my dog,
no matter what time,
you call.
- Day or night. All right?
- Okay.
Have we already
drove past that place
where you last
saw your dog?
- No. Why?
- I think the dog will be there.
No, the dog
run off.
If I was a dog, that's
where a dog would be.
That's where
I would go.
- You be careful with him, okay?
- All right.
- Be careful driving, baby.
Call me.
- Okay.
- All right.
# Look at me, amazed
# Like you got yourself
a soft touch #
# A good deal
to keep a man #
# Yes, you do.
I'll be damned.
No, wait.
Wait, don't.
- The dog likes you.
- She has a lot of scars.
But all the others...
all the others is dead.
Thanks for helping me
find my dog.
Yes, sir,
no problem.
You work hard.
You got
a good heart.
messes with you,
you let me know.
I'll fuck 'em up!
Take it.
You're gonna
need it.
- No.
- To get girls.
Huh? See?
There you go.
That's it. You got it.
- Thank you.
- It ain't anything. Go on.
I'm gonna take this one
to the opera.
To the opera,
Aw, shit.
I don't have a lighter.
...the numbers from yesterday.
We had a high of 92,
That's two degrees above the
average of 90 for the day.
68 was our low.
are concerned.
You got a light?
- Yeah.
- Hop in.
Your boy's
a good worker.
That's the hardest fucking
work I ever done in my life.
Is it?
- Yeah. You paying my boy?
- What?
- Are you paying my boy?
- Hell, yeah.
I ain't seen
he got paid none.
Probably saves it
'cause he's smart.
Buying this GMC
off of me.
Doing what?
- Nothing.
- Yeah.
He ain't so smart.
He don't know nothing.
neither do you.
I'm gonna
shoot you straight.
That boy works his ass off!
He's earning money
and it's his!
If this truck's a piece of
shit, you need to get out of it.
And if I find out something's
happened to that boy,
I'm gonna whip whoever's ass
had something to do with it.
Now get the hell
away from me
before I knock what's left
of your fucking teeth out.
I had the funniest
thought today.
I thought
maybe you and I
could go out to dinner.
You know?
Get all
dressed up.
Maybe you could...
hold the door
open for me.
I think
that would be nice.
You pretend to be
asleep, but...
I know you'd cry if
I said the wrong thing.
You know this place
is condemned, right?
You can't just take
the boards off windows
and call a place home.
Gary, why do you
stick around like this?
You're old enough, smart
enough to do your own thing.
What's most
important right now
is me taking care of
Dorothy and Mama,
'cause... we kind of got
a family problem right now.
Hey there.
Hey now.
Don't talk much,
does she?
- She don't talk at all.
- What do you mean?
I don't know. Nobody knows.
She just stopped one day.
I mean,
she used to would, but...
Well, hey, I'm ready to
make this deal if you are.
- Yeah.
- I got my money.
Hey, "G-Daawg. "
Don't you think
I forgot about it, bud.
I've been looking for you and that kid.
That boy of yours,
he sure thinks
he knows something.
I know you,
You my friend?
I ain't
your friend.
Well, you like to make
all them funny faces.
I said,
are you my friend?
Listen, buddy.
I think
I know a way
that you and me
can be friends.
There it is.
It looks just like
your old one.
It's periwinkle blue.
I like it.
I hope so.
Well, you got plenty
of gas to get home.
You might want
to stop at Coleman's
and put a little more in it
if you plan to ride around.
- Here.
- What's that?
It's the money
for the truck.
You just stick it
back in your pocket.
You're gonna need it
for insurance.
- What's insurance?
- Well, yeah, it's the law.
You can't drive
without insurance.
You're covered now,
but when I sign it over,
I'll tell you what. You come
out to the house before long,
we'll get you fixed up.
I'm gonna go on.
- You gonna be all right?
- Yes, sir.
All right.
Uh, you want me
to follow you?
Nah, I'll be all right.
Hey, Joe.
- Nice truck.
- Thanks.
You ain't got any tags
on it. You just get it?
You want to breathe
into this for me?
No, I don't want to
breathe into that.
Hey. Hey!
Pull over!
Pull over!
God damn it!
I ain't done
a goddamn thing!
- Stay in your vehicle!
- I ain't drunk!
You better look for
someone else to mess with,
- 'cause I did nothing!
- Put your hands behind your back!
keep messing around with me,
I'm going to hurt you!
Put your hands
behind your back!
Come here!
I guess if I drive off now,
you're gonna get your shotgun
out of the back
and shoot me, huh?
- No.
- You gonna shoot me?
- No!
- You can do it.
That was quick.
Still got
that badass dog?
'Round here somewhere.
Hold on a minute.
Don't worry, okay?
Don't worry,
don't worry,
don't worry.
All right.
Hear you got
a new grandbaby.
I do?
- Yeah, you didn't know?
- Not till now.
Huh. Yeah,
a little boy.
saw him in church.
Said he looked just like
you'd expect him to look.
She said
he's got your eyes.
You okay?
Your son's all grown now,
ain't he?
Yeah. All grown up.
What's he going into,
law enforcement?
That's what
I heard.
You got a new man working
for you now, don't you?
Yes, I do.
Believe you've met him.
Gung-ho fella.
A little overeager.
- He was looking for someone to fuck with.
- Yeah, maybe so.
I'll have his ass
shuffling papers for a while
till he learns to
cool down a little bit.
But that ain't what
I'm worried about.
Can you pass
the hot sauce?
Let me ask you
a question, Joe,
'cause I really
want to know.
Why do you want
to go back?
Why do you want to go back
to the damn penitentiary, man?
'Cause you can't keep
going to folks' houses,
killing their dogs, no
matter what else is going on.
And you can't keep
fistfighting the law.
Judge won't put up
with it.
He don't have to
put up with it.
That's why
they built prisons.
Now you done got me
back to smoking, damn it.
I been quit
for three weeks.
I haven't mistreated you,
Have I?
Tell the truth.
No, Earl. You stuck up
for me when you could.
And I used to be
as bad as you.
At one time,
you were worse.
but I'm cool now.
where'd you go, baby?
Answer the phone
next time.
Yo presiento
que Joe est aqui.
Joe, is that you?
Ests aqui?
Yeah, it's me.
Oh, shit.
What happened?
I need to borrow
the truck.
What happened
to you?
I'm gonna
kill him.
I'm gonna kill that
old son of a bitch.
You think I won't,
but I will.
And I'ma
get mine back.
I just need to borrow that truck.
Come inside.
Don't touch me.
I should have given you
a boxing lesson.
I don't need no
goddamn boxing lesson.
I know what to do. I'll
pop him right in the eye.
He whupped my ass and
threw me out of the truck
'cause he knew that
I were gonna kill him!
I can kill his ass.
I can kill him just
as good as you could.
I know you could,
I know you could.
I know it.
But you don't
have to do that.
Okay, son?
Just stay here
with me.
You'll be safe here.
Bring your mama
and your sister.
He gots Dorothy.
He done run off
with her.
He met up
with some bad men.
I heard him
talking about it.
That man with
the scarred-up face-
the one that I beat
down by the bridge?
He been looking for me
for what I done did to him.
She don't
hurt nobody, Joe.
Should have been me.
Do you know
where they took her?
tell me.
- Mm-mm.
- Tell me.
I just need
the truck...
to get me
I'm gonna
make trouble.
Meet me outside.
$30 each.
Hi. Hi.
How you doing?
You okay?
Tell me
You like
funny faces?
If anything
happens to me,
you get your ass
out of the way, you hear?
You take my truck
and get out.
- Yeah.
- And go get Coleman.
Yes, sir.
Tell him
to call Earl.
Oh, no!
No, no, no, no-
- Don't move.
- God damn it!
I'll kill you both
if you move.
Joe, listen to me.
it ain't what it
looks like, man.
I'm telling
- Dorothy! Dorothy!
- Get her out, Gary.
Take your sister
and go. Go! Go!
You. I don't know you.
Run, before I shoot you.
No, no, no, no!
Joe, listen to me.
Just listen to me, okay?
Gary! Gary!
- Gary!
- I'll get help, Joe!
God damn it.
That girl, she-
she don't know shit
about shit, man.
She's just a piece of trash,
just like her daddy,
and she's gonna be
doing this shit in no time,
I'm telling you.
I'm telling you, man.
Look at the moon.
God damn it!
Oh, shit!
Ah, fuck this shit!
If you want to shoot me,
go ahead and shoot me.
I went through a
windshield and I don't give-
Are you my friend?
What have you
done, Joe?
Here's what we do.
We start a little late,
around 8:00 in the morning,
and we go till 4:00.
I pay by the week
on Fridays.
Some days we go long and
we run past 40 hours a week.
I pay
time and a half.
It's hard work.
I don't like a whole
lot of standing around.
We'll probably
bust our ass
and get this spread out
by the end of April,
get out all
the bare root seedlings,
and sometimes
we stake 'em
if we gotta keep
the little ones stable.
Most of the time,
we don't need to mess
with them little piney
seedlings like that.
I'm gonna have you join
Donnell and his crew
on the west end
of the farm.
Then, if everything goes
good on that acreage,
I'll have you
help me supervise
the Monea project
next summer.
Bastards can be hard
to work for sometimes.
But, hell, if you
worked for Joe,
I think you'll do
just fine.
You got
any questions?
No, sir.
When can I start?
Right now
if you're ready.
Yes, sir.
- So you knew Joe?
- Yeah, I sure did.
Joe was
a good man.
Good man to me,
He was a good man
to me, too.
# Some folks, they live
on whatever it takes #
# Hell, I've lived
off of nothing #
# For most of my days
# It's not worth
remembering #
# The days of my past
# That drowned
in the sorrows
# Of yesterday's glass
# But something
will find a way #
# Somehow to break
# It will be my heart
# It will be my face
# But I won't recall
# My many mistakes
# Or hold on to nothing
# For anyone's sake
# Memories
of my loved ones #
# That have turned out
the lights #
# Have long faded away
# With my tears
in the night #
# There's nothing
but the police #
# To haunt me 'round here
# But I guess
I'm still living #
# If I still have fear
# Something will find a way
somehow to break #
# It will be my heart
# It will be my face
# But I won't recall
# My many mistakes
# Or hold on to nothing
# For anyone's sake
# Some folks, they live on
whatever it takes #
# Hell, I've lived
off of nothing #
# For most of my days
# It's not worth remembering
# The days of my past
# That drowned in the sorrows
# Of yesterday's glass
# But something
will find a way #
# Somehow to break
# It will be my heart
# It will be my face
# But I won't recall
# My many mistakes
# Or hold on to nothing
# For anyone's sake.