Joe the King (1999) Movie Script

(kids playing dogs barking)
(whistle blows)
(bell rings)
(Teachen) All right, Dawn,
we'll begin with you.
My mom works in a doctor's office
looking at where babies come out.
Why don't you tell us
what you see as your career goals.
I want to be a baker
and bake donuts.
(more laughter)
All right, who's next?
I guess...
a singer...
Like, um... Johnny Ray.
He's a...
whatta ya call?
A crooner.
He's real good with the ladies.
My mom collects
all of his records.
Ever since she was little.
She almost met him one time.
All right, Alice...
Why don't you tell Joe
what the directions
were, please?
We were supposed to tell
what our parents do for a career.
And then what we wanted to do.
That's what, dummy.
thank you very much, Alice.
My mom works at the rug mill.
And where does your father work?
He's a banker.
Joe... why don't you just tell us
what your father's job is,
so that we can move on, okay?
a singer.
A spaceman.
He's a magician.
Tell us!
He's dead.
All right, you know what?
I've had just about
enough of this, all right?
He's a cleaning man.
I couldn't hear you.
Say it louder
so the whole class can hear.
He's the janitor.
Where? Where does he work?
And speak up.
Here at school.
He cleans out all the toilets.
You will never touch another child
in my classroom again!
When I tell you to do something,
I expect you to do it.
You're just like your father.
Where are the lights?
I want the lights kept on
at all times.
What are you doing?
Are you drinking
down here again?
No, Ann.
I'm telling you...
if I catch you drinking,
or find another bottle
in this office,
you'll be out of here so fast.
Do you hear me?
Yes, Ann.
No excuses, no talksmnothing.
You'll be out.
Yes, Ann...
I want the sink in my bathroom
repaired today.
And that's another thing.
I'm not some broad
you just picked up.
You refer to me
as Ms. Williams.
You understand?
You smell nice, Ann.
Put out that cigarette.
And then I would smack
her fat ass again.
Smack, smackm!
Shut up, Ray-
She really pulled down
your pants?
In front of everybody?
That's what I'd have done.
I'd have smacked that fat ass.
I mean, she should have
just been smacked!
That was just terrible.
(Johnny Ray record plays)
You can't stay out
of trouble, can you?
Where the hell you going?
Sit back down.
What are we supposed
to eat with? Our hands?
Go get the goddamn silverware.
Did she tell your father?
I dunno.
She deserved it, Mom.
Hey, go wash your hands,
they're filthy.
Where's the note?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Are you that goddamn
stupid? Huh?
They were saying stuff
about Dad.
Let them say whatever they want.
Ignore 'em, for Christsakes.
Next time they're going
to put you in Central Tech School
with those crazy, retarded kids.
Is that where you want to end up?
I didn't even do anything.
So now you're hittin' people?
Okay. Let's eat now.
No, I'm talkin'
to your stupid son.
I asked you a question.
So, now you're hittin'
little girls with pencils?
It was the eraser end.
You listen to me.
If I hear crap like that again
from one of your teachers...
I'm gonna knock your fuckin'
head off, you hear me?
- I didn't even hurt her.
- It's my job!
I work there!
Do you hear me?
0 Kay?
(thunder, angry voices)
(engine chugs,
rock music plays on radio)
Hey, get in.
For what?
- Get in.
- What for? I told Mom...
If you make me get out of this car,
I'm gonna knock your fuckin' head off.
I told Mom I was gonna
stop at the store...
Never mind that.
Get in the car.
What, Dad?
I need you to pick something up.
From who?
I gotta work for that guy.
Get in this goddamn car.
You owe him
like a thousand dollars...
Why don't you do your own
fuckin' dirty work?
(gasps and coughs)
Get in this car!
What? Buzz off!
You're twenty minutes late.
Go cut some squash, and then...
check out the freezer.
Ya hear me?
And then go out
and check the bar.
And while you're
in the bathroom...
put some toilet paper in there.
You do it...
it's your jerk-off room.
I'll jerk your head off!
Give me three salads with this.
What it is, little man?
What it is?
Did you get something to eat?
Oh, just some Ho-Ho's.
Get a sandwich.
Tell Roy to get you
a sandwich, man.
It's all right.
I'll just pick on this.
I wouldn't be touchin' that
if you saw the leper
who was drooling
all over that shit.
Hey, Roy, you old fuck!
Get the boy a sandwich
before he gets hepatitis!
What you talkin' about,
Get him a fuckin' sandwich, man.
No hepatitis around here.
Here, go upstairs
to my apartment...
and get me some change.
Where are the lemons?
In your pants.
I'll take a grilled cheese,
You'll take squirrel.
Grilled cheese on rye...
you old fuck.
(knocks on door)
(sitar music playing)
Hey, Jerri!"
there's a little man
at the door.
What the hell do you want?
Oh, Christ.
Doesn't she know
I'm busy up here?
She knows I'm busy up here.
Is that a midget?
She really doesn't give a shit.
She can't leave me alone,
can she?
She can't leave me alone.
Take it, take it, take it.
Get out.
Oh, and by the way...
You tell your old man
I'm tired of waiting.
Enough is enough,
I want my goddamn money.
Get out.
Go, go, go, go, go...
(disco music plays)
I saw Allyson.
She's here?
- Yeah, I saw her here.
- Where?
She's with Jim Darcey and them.
See ya.
he likes her now?
Oh, I dunno.
I hate her.
Hate all them rich girls.
Me, tom-rich bitches.
She got nice titties, though.
She does have nice titties.
Yeah, I know.
You look nice.
What do you want?
Where's Ray?
He's over there...
We're gonna play foosball.
What are you wearing,
My mom cooked sausage.
Maybe that's it.
What kind of sausage?
Summer sausage.
- I love summer sausage.
- Oh, yeah.
Get out of here.
Who is that?
Uh, that was my little brother.
How old is he?
He's, uh...
a year younger than me.
He's so scrawny.
And his clothes...
He looks like a little hobo.
Our washel-'s busted.
Can I talk to her?
Which one you like?
The short one.
She's pretty cute...
she in eighth or ninth?
They held her back twice.
She's like 18.
I dunno, maybe 17.
I thought we were gonna
play some foosball.
These fuckers are never
gonna let us play.
They will. Come on.
She does have splendid titties.
Did you get a haircut?
Yeah, I got a little trim.
Looks a little uneven.
My mom cut it wrong.
You got a cigarette?
You can't smoke over here.
Aw, let 'em arrest me.
Let's dance.
Look at this fuckin' asshole.
I know.
Come on, there's foxes.
What's he doing?
- Disco Dancing?
- I guess so...
he looks like some kind
of herky-jerky fish.
He looks like a puppet.
A puppet on a string.
Looks like he has palsy.
Let's get the fuck out of here.
I can't stand to look at this.
Let's go.
(slow song plays)
I wish I could've met you...
in a year or two...
Oh, maybe then
you could've seen in me...
what I saw in you.
On the day we met...
you were still tryin'
to forget someone...
you used to know.
And there just wasn't
enough time...
between her goodbye...
and my hello.
Boy, we tried for awhile...
. Hey-
. Hey-
Get rid of that cigarette.
What do you want?
How are you getting home?
I'm getting a ride
with these guys.
Can I come along?
We're really
kind of full in here.
Where's Ray?
He's over there.
How you gonna get home?
I guess we'll hitch.
Hey, hey"
Listen, I'd ask them
if you could come, but...
we're really
kind of full in here.
Don't worry about it.
Okay, everybody, number 4 is up,
number 4 in your books.
Do you have a number 4?
No, you don't have a number 4.
"Streets of Laredo" is number 4.
I know you don't like it.
I'm not crazy about it, either.
But it's music.
Express yourselves.
Let's try to get
a little energy into it.
Here's Joe.
"Hi Joe," everyone.
He's here. He's late, but he's here.
And he's gonna
look for his sticks...
and they won't be there.
They're not there, right?
What did you do?
Sell 'em?
Go get your sticks,
"Mr. Forgetful"!
"Mr. Forgetful"!
Look at the triplets...
very sharp on the triplets.
Joe, can I talk to you
for a sec?
Horns up.
Everyone, tune up.
(class begins tuning)
Your Dad is "Mr. Forgetful, too.
Do you know what I'm talking about?
I need my $300.
He owes it to me.
Now go talk to him for me,
will ya?
Will ya?
Go get your sticks.
Everyone, horns up.
Concert A, tune up...
(car engine chugs
stereo blaring)
give me three steps, mister...
Give me three steps
towards the door...
Give me three steps
give me three steps, mister...
and you'll never...
(music off)
Hey, hey.
I want that fuckin' money.
I want the $40.
Give me the money.
- Now, wait a minute.
- Give me the money...
Just-hold on.
Not in front of my house.
Give me the money, now!
I want the money, now!
Forty dollars. You said on Thursday,
it's fuckin' three Thursdays.
I'll show you everything I got.
Give me the money...
give me the money.
- Give me the money.
- C'mon, c'mon...
C'mon, nothin'.
When you say Thursday...
I want Thursday!
(door shuts)
(radio plays softly)
You listen to me.
When I ask you to do something,
you do it, right?
Make me chase you
down the fuckin' street...
If I ask you to march out
on the street...
and jump up and down
like GI Joe, you do it, right?
If I ask you to go up to the roof
and bark like a chicken,
' y " it, fight?
' Risht...:
I don't give a fuck whether
he's your boss or whatever it is,
I'm your father and you do
exactly what I say-look at me!
- Right?
- Right.
All right.
What's for supper?
- She left spaghetti for you guys.
- What'd you say?
She's got leftover spaghetti
in the 'frigerator.
Oh, that's it, that's it.
I'm home starving to death,
and I get two days old spaghetti?
All right...
here's what you do.
Go down to Durocks...
get me chipped beef
and a loaf of white bread.
But I have to be at work
in a half an hour.
Then you better haul ass.
And get me some cigarettes!
What's up?
- Not much.
- Where you gain'?
The store. Dad wants chipped beef.
Wanna take a walk?
I can't go. My mom's boyfriend
is takin' us out to dinner.
Oh, boy.
Who's her boyfriend now?
Why are you concerned?
Seems like she got a new boyfriend
every time I turn the corner.
Don't worry yourself about it.
Anyway, he's takin' us out.
The Ponderosa?
Fuck you,
what's wrong with that?
You're just jealous,
you gotta eat chipped beef.
- Shut up and go home.
- Yeah, yeah, I'm gain'...
Wanna come with me to the store?
I can't, I gotta read
this thing for English.
Do it later, man.
Come on.
What's wrong?
It's fucked up.
People are so fucked up.
Orzo and them.
Kenny Orzo?
Whafd they say?
Shit about Dad.
Yeah. They heard I was working
that job cleaning after school.
So, he said, "Tell your ol' man
he taught you good."
And that,"the two of us can come
and clean his toilet anytime."
So, I said, "Shut the fuck up,
you hare-lip bastard."
You said that?
You said the hare-lip?
Yeah, well, he's got
a fuckin' hare-lip.
What happened then?
He came at me to fight.
He said to meet him at Chesney Park,
tomorrow after school...
or, he'll come to my shack
and beat the shit outta me.
Holy shit.
So, basically,
I gotta fight him.
What are you, nuts?
He's a big, huge guy.
I got no choice.
You better he cumin' from that store
instead of iust gain'.
Hey, you better go.
Y'hear me?
Here, do me a favor...
go get him his chipped beef.
I'm already late for work.
Hey, bring home some
of those frog legs tonight.
I'll try.
Ever wish you could
just disappear?
Just disappear
off the fuckin' earth?
You better start
coming on time...
unless you want the lady
goin' off on you, man.
Fuck her.
Oh, God, I feel like shit,
I swear to God.
I was doin' some serious fuckin'
last night, man...
I mean, serious fuckin'.
Oh, yeah. This Chinese chick...
Oh, my God...
I went to this Willie Coln
concert last night,
and I told her
I was Willie's cousin.
She ate it up, man.
And then I ate her up.
You know Chinese girls
have straight pussy hair?
- Huh? Did you know that?
- No, I didn't know that.
'Course you don't.
You don't know that, motherfucker.
She had some big tits...
Ever seen the Chinese-oh, shit...
This is Roy's order,
four pounds of butter...
get the cheap kind,
and however many cases.
You need some Seagram's
and some Jack, too. Can I get that?
- Oh, go get a case.
- I'm gain'.
There's a pile of dishes
a mile high.
Get here on time,
or I'll dock your paycheck.
You pay me in cash.
Don't wise off, I'll throw
your ass out the window.
Fuck off-everybody
just fuck off.
(distant train whistle)
(distant police siren)
What happened?
The old man went nuts.
He broke all her records.
Just threw them
at the walls, one by one...
smashin' 'em over his knee
and shit.
All of them?
Just about.
He asked her for cash...
she said she didn't have any.
He started goin' through her purse,
all of a sudden...
he started screamin' at her
and calling her a whore.
He called her that?
I couldn't believe it.
Then what?
He started smackin' her around.
He found rubbers.
In her purse.
Where is she?
In the kitchen.
I can't believe he broke
all her records.
Come on with me.
How is it?
They put a lotta whipped cream
on it this time.
Want some?
You be a good boy, Joe.
Sorry about your records, Ma.
Late pass.
Next time you are late,
you're expelled.
And today you report to Mr. Coles
during your study hall period.
You got it?
Overslepb-gimme a break.
Are you...?
You must be Joe...
Joe Henry.
Joseph Henry.
All right, great.
I'm your guidance counselor...
I'm Len Odes.
You can ca me Len...
or Coles, or Mr. Coles.
Are you related to Jack Coles?
Yeah... he's my uncle.
I see the resemblance.
My old man used to work for him
at Prescott School for a while.
That's funny...
So. I'm supposed to talk to you
about this whole tardiness...
"One-Eyed Jack."
That's what my old man
used to call him.
On account he was hit in the eye
playing fast pitch...
Had to wear a patch over his eye,
looked like a pirate.
Real nice fella, Jack...
Yeah, he was.
Hey, if you ever see him,
tell him Joe the King says "hello".
He'll get it.
He's dead.
This whole tardiness thing,
I mean...
it's a lot of tardiness.
Yeah, I mean, 54 times?
You know, maybe you should try
to get to bed a little sooner.
you got any work you can do?
Some homework or something?
All right...
I got some-here.
This is good.
Take a look...
look at this, all right?
I'll be back in a few minutes.
All right.
(distant barking)
These look like gold.
Lemme see.
This definitely is.
Give me some more whipped cream.
I'll pawn these
for a pretty penny.
Where from?
- Found 'em.
- "Found em"?
Yeah, that's what I said.
Yeah, my ass, you "found them".
Put that down.
How much?
Two hundred for the three.
One hundred for the three.
That's as high as I'll go.
These rings are hot.
You're lucky I don't call the cops.
Give me the hundred.
Thanks for nothin'.
Take a hike, you little crook.
- Fuck you.
- Fuck you!
- Suck my dick.
- Suck my dick.
(Andy:) What I don't have,
I can get in a week.
I got the Nancy Wilson,
the Billy Eckstine...
the Joe Williams
and the Chuck Jackson.
I have two of the Brook Bentons-
the other three I have at home.
A lot of the Johnny Ray stuff is...
kinda hard to find, you know.
It depends on how much
you got to spend.
Money's no object.
Now you're speaking my language.
Could I bum a smoke?
I'll see you in a few days.
Joe, Joe-.
- Did you see Mike?
- No, why?
- Orzo's lookin' for him.
- The hare-lip's lookin' for him.
- Is he gonna fight him?
- Where is he?
- Upstairs in the room, cleanin'.
- Aw, shit!
You don't fuck
with the hare-lip.
Mike's been runnin'
from the hare-lip all week.
I ain't afraid of that big, dumb,
fuckin' hare-lip bastard.
Fuck you. He'll have you
screamin' like a little girl.
You're a fuckin' idiot.
(music plays on radio)
You ain't gonna fight
that fuckin' guy, are ya?
Maybe you should go talk to him
and tell him you're sorry.
Yeah... "I'm sorry."
Are you a fuckin' idiot?
(music off)
Come on, Mike, let's just go home.
It's just stupid. You can't beat him.
Stop talkin' about it, okay?!
I'm goin' to fight this fuckin' guy,
like it or not.
(banging and rattling)
I've known this guy
since I was 6 years old.
What kind of cruel shit is that?
Standing there with a fuckin' mop
and pail, makin' $2.25 an hour,
and you want me to say,
"I'm sorry"?
I won't say I'm sorry.
I'm not gonna come.
Please-let's just go home!
I try to tell you something...
Shut up!
Oh, no.
I was running back.
I got nothing to say to you.
I was running back...!
Got nothin' to say to you.
(TV switched off)
What the tuck
is gain' on 'm there?
Go back to sleep.
Where the hell have you been?
Work. Where do you think
I've been?
Don't mouth off.
Hear me?
I said: "Don't mouth off."
You hear me?
Yeah, yeah.
You stink.
I smell your fuckin' shoes
from here.
I want you to take those,
I told you a thousand times,
and throw them
in the fuckin' trash.
Why don't you buy me
some new ones?
You're the big man,
you're the workin' man...
Yeah, you know what I make?
Why don't you tell me about it,
big man, workin' man?
You don't wanna know.
How much you take in tonight?
Let me see your wallet. Come here.
Why, you wanna borrow some?
Are you through?
Come on...
You finished?
Every time I turn the corner, it's,
"When's your old man gonna pay?"
"Tell your old man
I better get my money."
Brazer, Jerry,
and everyone else.
You owe 'em, so pay 'em,
and get 'em off my back.
(door opens)
You don't tell me...
I tell you.
Get yourself some shoes.
You look like a bum.
Get me a drink.
Seagram's and a Coke.
(loosening trousers)
(liquid trickling)
this toilet...?
Who broke the toilet?
That's very nice, very nice.
Looks nice.
What are you standing around for?
Go wash your dishes.
Frog legs,
just like you like 'em.
And it wasn't easy.
They're watchin' me like a hawk.
And if that wasn't enough...
Apple pie.
Jokes, huh?
What you oughta be doin'
is studying for themmregents.
The math regents?
Fuck math.
That's a nice attitude.
Very nice.
Someday you're gonna have
to balance a checkbook, y'know?
You think that's funny?
You're gonna need math
when you grow up.
You're so full of shit,
you know that?
Huh? I don't buy it.
You come in here every day...
you don't have a book...
you look like a bum.
What are you gonna do
with your life, huh?
Read your jokes.
Hey, you wanna ride home?
Nah, I'm not done yet.
Fuck it, man. The bitch is gone
with her husband for the weekend.
' Oh yeah?
- Yup.
Where'd they go?
Where it is that stupid, ugly,
white people go for the weekend.
Hey, no offense, okay?
Just make sure you tell Roy
when you're done, all right?
That stupid bastard.
Catch you on the rebound, all right?
Catch ya.
Oh, no...
My fuckin' house keys.
Oh... fuck!
(crashing and clattering)
Where the fuck is it...?
Damn it!
What the fuck
is the window open for?
What the fuck...?
(thumping and moaning)
Oh, God...
You know what time it is?
I had to work, Ma.
I had to shut down.
God, Joe, how many times
do I have to tell you...
to call if you're gonna be late?
How many times?
I had to clean the fryer.
Why is your brother
sleeping in the closet?
I don't know.
I betcha don't, comin' home
in the middle of the night.
Night, Ma.
Joe, I'm tellin' ya...
The police show up here
one more time...
I'm tellin' ya.
Night, Ma.
Cut my ankle real bad at work.
Turn out the fuckin' light.
C'mon back in, man, please?
Don't sleep on the floor, please?
(door opens)
What happened to you?
Cut myself at work.
Why aren't you in school?
It's Saturday.
Ray home?
You're not goin' nowhere.
You hear me?
Yeah, I hear ya.
Go back inside, will ya?
I told you to clean up that shit,
now get in here!
- Fuck off!
- Fuck off you, you little brat!
You're embarrassin' yourself
in front of the whole neighborhood!
- Aw, get out.
- Have another drink.
Oh, shit.
Where'd you get that?
Heist at the restaurant.
- That's a shitload of cash.
- Check this out.
Aw, shit, that looks bad.
How'd that happen?
Cut myself during the heist.
Get in here, Ray!
L gotta g0-
Don't say nothin' to nobody.
I won't.
- You swear?
- (Pat:) Goddamn bastardm!
- Say it, dickweed.
- I swear.
I told you to clean that room...
now get in there,
you little piece of shit!
Will you shut the fuck up?!
Let me tell you, Cochise...
You're getting an excellent deal.
These are all mint condition.
Look at this.
Rare shit.
I appreciate it.
You'll love it, baby!
Have it... dig it.
(tapping rhythm on table)
What's this?
The money my old man owes you.
What's up?
Get any action last night?
Better get to work.
The hell you are.
Come here.
Let me talk to you.
You're a lucky young man.
I'm gonna tell you why.
First, you're lucky
that I was spending quality time
with some respectable types,
including my parole officer.
What are you talking about?
What the fuck...
Don't jive me, man.
Secondly, you're lucky the old man
had enough Seagram's in him
so he didn't die when he fell
down the steps. Number three...
You're lucky I don't
bust you and turn you in...
for breaking and entering,
you hear me?
I don't know
what you're talkin' about...
Go home and shut
the fuck up, all right?
The lady don't want to see you
without workin' papers...
so get the hell out of here,
all right?
Do they know it was me?
They think it's Mary's ex-husband,
so don't worry about it.
They asked the old man...
he thought it was a big rat.
He thought that you looked
like a big fucking rat.
What the fuck
you laughin' at, stupid?
I didn't meant to get you
in no trouble.
Don't sweat it.
Be cool, all right?
Just be cool, man.
- Lenny...?
- Uh-huh.
What does "pithy" mean?
How do you spell it?
P-I- ...
What's wrong with your leg, man?
Why do you keep
scratching at that?
Let me see.
How'd that happen?
- I fell.
- Hell of a fall.
We gotta get that looked at.
We'll get you an excuse for the day.
"Pithy", huh?
I don't know.
Don't ask me.
Keep it clean and covered.
I'm giving you some extra
gauze and tape.
It's a bit infected,
so I'm prescribing an antibiotic.
Yeah, come on in.
They called my name
over the loudspeakenn?
That's fight.
Raymond Dewy, fight'!?
Come on, sit down.
They... called my name
over the loudspeaker.
Uh-huh. Have a seat.
Where's your mom'!?
She's in the car.
Have her come up
so I can talk to her.
She can't.
Can't? Why not?
Well... she's afraid
to turn the car off...
'cause of the transmission.
But it's okay, I got it covered.
It was a test and they called
my name over the loudspeaker...
kinda takes a guy
by surprisemwhoo!
Well, that was me.
I wanted to...
talk to you about your friend...
Joe Henry?
You're friends with him, right?
- I don't know.
- You don't know?
Can I have one of those?
Do you have any idea
how he hurt himself?
I've been having trouble
contacting his folks.
You're asking the wrong guy.
Thought you two were tight.
Might have cut it off.
\'I\'\ sorry?
Might have cut off the phone.
Maybe that's it.
Look, you're barking
up the wrong tree here.
I'm just a little concerned.
He might have
hurt himself at work.
At work?
At the restaurant.
You didn't hear it from me.
What restaurant?
Mmm, I don't know... Schautz'.
It's a greasy spoon, bar place.
He washes dishes there.
How do you spell it?
Don't ask me to spell, mister...
(phone ringing)
Is this Schautz' Restaurant?
Yes, it is.
Who am I speaking to, please?
Well, could I speak
to the manager?
Who is this?
This is Len Coles. I'm Joe Henry's
guidance counselor at Lincoln Central.
It's the kid's teacher.
Hang P-
Hello... hello.
What can I do for you?
Do you employ Joe Henry
in your kitchen?
I do, but he's not working no more,
we're cutting back...
Hang up'. Goddamn!
I knew I was gonna get screwed
by that little cocksucker.
Will you shut up!
Shut up-shut up!
(Jerry:) I did not know he was 14
years old. Nobody told me that.
Well, I'm telling you now, all right?
And I haven't contacted his parents,
but when I do...
I'm sure they're gonna
be very upset.
Like I said, I don't know nothing
about the kid's leg or nothing.
- All right.
- Yes, sir... yes.
And I hope he doesn't
work there anymore, if he does...
the next call you'll be hearing
from is the police.
- You understand?
- Yes.
Can I just ask you something?
He cut his leg...
- and there was a lot of blood.
- I don't care if he cut his leg!
(Coles:) It was a lot of
blood, a severe gash.
- You're feeling sorry for him now?
- Yes, thank you.
- Who you callin'?
- The cops. It was the kid.
Mike, it's Joe.
Is Mom home?
What do you want?
Just thought I'd let her know
I'm on my way home.
She's at work, then she's goin' out.
What do you want?
- Is Dad around?
- No, he's not around...
what do you want?
I gotta go.
- Where you gain"!
- Jim Darcefs.
You goin' for the night?
Yeahmwhat do you want?
- Can I come?
- Nah, I gotta go.
- I got some cash, you know...
- No, you can't. I gotta go. Bye.
Wait, but...
(dial tone)
- Hey.
- What are you eatin'?
Can I have one?
Can I have a couple more?
Come on out.
Can't... it's a school night.
Come on! Sneak out.
Nobody is at my house.
I got cash.
We'll order some pizza.
Plus, the old bag
is in the front room.
Yeah, I know.
Just wish this fuckin' window
opened more.
Oh, well. See ya.
I got called down
to the office today.
- Yeah...?
- (Pat: ) Get in here...!
Aw, nothin'.
I'll tell you later.
(radio plays softly)
(knocking continues)
Wh-who is it?
Open the door.
Joe Henry?
Get your clothes on.
You're coming with us. Let's go.
Look, buddy, there's still
no answer at your house.
No idea where she is, huh?
It's 2:00 in the morning.
I'll keep trying.
In the meantime,
I'm gonna bring a cot in here
rather than put you
in the cell, okay?
I don't know what to do.
His father isn't around half the time.
I work all day, I can't keep
an eye on him 24 hours. I can't.
what do you suggest
I do with him?
It looks like the best thing
I can do for you...
is to send you to the Jamesville
Juvenile Detention Center...
for the term of six months...
to one year.
I will allow you one day...
to put your affairs in order
with your family...
after which, you will
report here at 5:00 p.m.
Any questions?
I guess there's no school
for me today, huh?
Where you goin'?
I'm goin' to school, Ma.
Where the hell is your father?
Why do I have to do this alone?
We have to have him here at 5:00.
I'll come home right after school.
(organ music playing)
You okay?
Yeah... yeah, I'm fine.
No school today, eh?
I quit.
(thunder rumbling)
Here you go.
Apple pie...
strawberry shake...
french fries...
onion rings...
mashed potatoes.
That's a lot of food.
I brought you a little extra gravy
for your mashed potatoes.
Can I have the check?
You done?
Yeah, I'm done.
(distant thunder)
Is that him? Is that him?
Where were you?
Where the hell were you?
Oh... God.
Christ, Joe, you know where I have
to take you in less than an hour?
Look at me.
Yes, I know.
I put some stuff
in that bag for you.
(engine rumbling)
So you're gonna do some time.
Stevie Wonder
couhfa seen that cumin'.
Keep your nose clean...
don't talk to nobody.
You hear me?
How's your mother?
(engine turned off)
How's your mother
taking the news?
Not good, I guess.
How long you gotta do?
They say six months
if I stay outta trouble.
Six months for stealing.
What did you need the money for?
Christ, I could'a got you the money.
What the fuck ya need money for?
You're 13 fuckin' years old.
You're not gonna see
15 at this rate.
A little.
How many times I tell ya
about the stealin', Joe?
How many times did I tell ya
about the stealin'?
I better get back.
I guess I'm not much
to give advice...
No, I guess not.
"No, I guess not."
But I think about you
and your brother a lot.
What I'm saying is...
there's people
who do good, Joey...
they have family, job...
I had a job.
Swept floors, made a livin'...
I had a pension coming.
L gotta g0-
What I'm saying is...
there are good people, Joey...
and then,
there are people like me.
Don't get caught...
on the wrong side
of that equation.
That advice I can give.
L gotta g0-
I'll see you later.
(engine starts)
thanks for takin' care of Brazer.
I appreciate it.
You're welcome.
Thought I told you
to get rid of those shoes.
I'll get around to it.
C'mon, get in the car,
I'll take you home.
Nah, I'll walk back.
I'll see ya.
Love you.
What"! he have to say?
Nothin' much.
So, he's still driving
that big piece of shit.
Sorry about the hare-lip.
- Forget about that now.
- No, I should have been there.
Forget about it.
It was my own fault...
for tangling with that big
fuckin' guy in the first place.
I know what you're thinkin'.
It wasn't my fault.
Joe, I swear to God.
You swear to God. You always say that
even when I know you're lying.
- Don't mean nothin'.
- Joe, I swear on my mother.
Yeah, now we believe you.
I just told that headshrinker guy,
you know, Mr. Coles...
that you might'a
got hurt at work. I mean...
- I didn't mean nothin'.
- Yeah, right.
Come on.
Can I have your bike?
Get your own bike.
Jificerfl JOE Henw?
You wanna sign over here
for me, please?
Right there.
Wanna come with me?
Give me your bag.
I'll give you a minute.
See you in a while.
Take care of yourself.
You, too.
I'll be up soon.
I left something for you
underneath the porch.
I'm gonna have to take him now.
Come over here for me, please.
Put your arms across the bus.
Move your legs apart, please.
(bus door opens)
Ohh, Jesus.
(police siren)
(soft weeping)
(Johnny Ray ballad plays)
"I went walking,
down by the river...
feeling very sad inside.
When all at once,
I saw in the sky...
the little white cloud
that cried."
"He told me
he was very lonesome...
and no one cared
if he lived or died.
And said, 'Sometimes,
the thunder and lightning...
make all the little clouds hide.'
He said, 'Have faith
in all kinds of weather...
for the sun will always shine.
Do your best,
and always remember...
the dark clouds pass with time.'
He asked me
if I'd tell all my world...
just how hard
those little clouds try.
That's how I know
I'll always remember...
the little white cloud...
that sat right down...
and cried."