Johnny (2022) Movie Script

Hey, it's that weirdo from Sopot.
You know what happened
to our normal priest?
Did you lock the back door?
Help! I'm being robbed!
Hey there, Patty-boy.
- Back already?
- Be quiet.
Against the wall.
Go in.
Move your ass out.
You heard him. Move your ass!
In here, you're fucked without it.
You feel useless and alone.
Just like the priest.
Not only could he barely see or walk,
but he was a chatterbox
and an outsider.
The thing about my town is,
if you're not from here,
no one's gonna listen to you.
And when these folks make up their mind,
even God knows to give up.
But by some miracle, he never did.
He limped where no man
cared about going before.
Life always made him walk uphill.
That's why he talked to people
nobody else wanted to talk to anymore.
You still have
a mouth to smoke with?
Thank goodness for that.
Come on then, take a drag.
Well, okay.
Good morning.
So as they sing during pilgrimages
- Good morning. Thank you.
- Morning.
From the very beginning,
they never gave him a chance.
When he was born,
he weighed less than a kilogram.
Think of this
as a kind of vacation.
'Cause why not? Lie down and rest.
Maybe that's why
he had a thing for lost causes.
You'll have plenty of time
in your life for walking.
Fourteen days after ovulation,
you can still knock somebody up,
unless you got a rubber.
Not a problem for you.
Well done. Awesome.
Your prize is pajama bottoms.
No one cared about
these vocational school losers.
But he won them over.
You get the hell out of here!
This was the first time we met.
- Do you hear me?
- But he didn't remember it.
At least, I hope he didn't.
When this sick dude sees us,
I bet he'll fucking croak right there.
How about you stop talking?
Put your phones on silent.
And stop
stop dropping all the F-bombs,
or or I'll ask Nurse Ania
to give you an enema.
Fuck me,
we're going slower than that bike!
He was the only one
who didn't write these boys off.
And when he needed their help,
they didn't let him down.
He knew that the things they were
about to see would change their lives.
Just be careful.
Don't break it before we even start, okay?
- Easy.
- Yeah.
- Did you bring the mattress?
- Yup, got it.
Good evening, Mr. Brunon.
It's Father Jan.
How are you feeling?
Get set up, guys.
Are you in pain?
I know it hurts.
We'll do something about it, okay?
- Oh, that one was rough.
- Stop the car.
Hold on.
Is something wrong? Ania!
Thank you! Thank you for your dedica
Ania, I thank you with all my heart, okay?
I thank for your time.
Jan, please.
My shift is starting in three hours.
I know how you feel, it's just
What What more can I What more can I do?
We have no money, no medicine,
and no medical supplies. We have nothing.
I know. But seriously,
I I thank you with with all my heart.
Ania was right.
The shabby hospice-on-wheels
was a disaster.
- So that's when Jan had his crazy idea.
- Son, you're out of your mind.
I'm not not saying otherwise.
What do you even know
about running an institution like that?
Look, Magda, tell him something
before I lose my cool.
- You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!
- Thank you.
Jan's never let us
tell him what to do before.
Why would this time be any different? Hmm?
He's been ignoring
our advice for 20 years.
You don't have enough problems?
Is this the wine from the discount store?
- Let me try.
- Here's a glass.
- There.
- Hmm. It was on sale.
Uh, I'll take that.
Mmm. That's strong.
It'll do. It'll do fine.
First of all,
I I'd like to thank everyone
for your support.
And And secondly
Oh, wow.
And secondly, I
- Don't touch with your fingers!
- Mom!
- Have the burnt one.
- Yes, that's great.
Merci beaucoup.
And And secondly, don't overreact.
I'm not ignoring anybody.
I really do value your opinions.
But you don't listen to us.
And thirdly, Filip!
I don't think this sort of thing
requires any secret knowledge.
Does it?
Magda? What do we need?
Doors, right? Windows? A roof?
And there!
A house!
Well, it's a little bit
more complicated than that.
Well, if it's something you can do,
then honestly,
it can't be that hard, can it?
Certainly not as hard as what you do.
It's the Lord's work, you jerk.
- Your phone's ringing. It's ringing!
- Pour me a bit more?
Here's to us.
Just Just give me a moment.
Please, I can explain.
When I call you, you pick up!
Let me remind you that in the priesthood,
we vowed to be modest and humble.
We are servants of God,
understand? Servants!
Uh, we serve the people, like Jesus.
You're not building any hospice
on my turf without my consent!
You fucking hear me?
God be with you.
He thought of his hero.
Jerzy, I'm begging you.
Jerzy Popieuszko.
I'm begging you
to take this fear away from me.
So one day, he just went for it.
He got a loan and bought some land.
Soon his big dream was becoming a reality.
But he just kept doing
the same thing he'd always done.
He was no longer afraid.
He fought for everyone,
except himself.
Hello? It's Father Jan Kaczkowski.
You know what? I've I've changed my mind.
I'll do that MRI after all.
When can I expect
the test results?
They'll be done when they're done.
Ask the girl at reception.
Alright, I'll I'll ask at reception.
Okay, thank you.
Cash or credit?
You came through, Jerzy. Above and beyond.
Now you have to get me
out of this somehow.
in the right hemisphere.
That's glioma. Grade four.
How old is your brother?
He's 35.
Half a year.
Every day he lives after that
will be a world record.
I'm sorry.
I understand.
Thank you, Professor.
Forgive the intrusion.
- Grandpa, can you fix my horse?
- One second.
Good evening.
- Goodbye.
- All right, let's operate. Come.
This would be easier
if you could just stop moving
that egghead of yours.
Well, if you had conceived me
with better eyes,
I wouldn't have to.
Maybe I'd finally see for myself
why I'm as handsome as as Brad Pitt,
as Mom claims.
Life is never really fair.
Every day is judgment day.
And Jan was judged harsher than most.
And my sentence
was suspended.
For now, at least, I was in the clear.
How are you feeling after the operation?
Well, nothing special.
It's cancer.
Mmm. Well said.
Maybe that should be
the official title of our new book.
Yeah, sure. Why not?
Uh, I have nothing to lose anymore,
so it's up to you.
I think I like it.
Perfect cover.
Your holy colleague is here.
Come on. Get up. Slowly.
You're nothing but a narcissist
and an eccentric.
And that hospice of yours,
it's outright lawlessness.
Have a drink.
- Thank you.
- Careful.
You're even using
your illness to promote it.
Tell me, why
are you doing this, Archbishop?
One minute!
The hospice
is a secular organization.
And of course,
it draws on Church teachings,
And not priests' opinions.
Moreover, to make myself clear
Well, I'm not
not really interested in
how many different properties you have,
and well, and how you got them.
Don't you dare!
I do not care about that.
Just as I have no interest
concerning your your alcoholism.
So with all due respect,
I ask for the same.
God be with you.
Do you smell sulfur too?
Maybe I do.
When this gentleman leaves,
we'll open a window.
Goodbye, sir.
So much for the glory of Rome.
How'd I do, Ziuk?
Pablo, come on.
How long have you known me?
You got a week.
Open up!
Hey, Mom.
For fuck's sake.
People are afraid of guys like me.
And guys like me
are afraid of letters with red stamps.
It's better to open them quickly.
Because sometimes,
instead of years in prison,
they only want hours.
Community service hours.
Yeah. I think
I think it shouldn't be be a problem.
You know how it is, ma'am.
We're here today
and gone gone tomorrow.
Uh, praise be to, uh, Jesus Christ.
Forever and ever.
About my re Uh, re
Take a step back, please.
I must say, you're making
your presence pungently felt today. Hmm?
Three-hundred-sixty hours
of community service.
- Mmm.
- Ah, congratulations. Carpe diem.
Uh what can you do,
apart from breaking the law?
Uh, well, I used to work in construction.
And what else did I do? Um
Okay, I I get it.
- But what do you enjoy doing?
- Enjoy? Um
In general, the same as other people.
Drink, fuck and turn the radio up.
I can make you a good soup out of nothing.
I can, uh I can fix things
All right, tomorrow you'll check in,
uh, with Nurse Ania at the office.
And remember, show up rested.
And And be stone-cold sober.
One One complaint, and you're gone.
There you go.
Thank you, sir.
"Just drink, fuck and turn the radio up"
Excuse me?
I figured I'd gotten lucky for once.
Just some grandpas in wheelchairs.
The place was clean and bright.
Instead of the slammer, I get vacation.
Hey, over here, young man.
Come on over here quickly.
Come in. What are you afraid of?
Take him by the hip. Be gentle.
Hey, hey. Patryk, listen.
Pay attention and you'll learn quickly.
Okay. Now hold him. Be gentle.
I didn't want to see it.
I didn't want to smell it.
I had to go unwind in some place normal.
Whoa, what the fuck?
- Pablo, I swear I'll pay you back.
- Three days!
Where is that scoundrel?
What'll it be, Patryk?
Are you just going to sit there and smoke,
or will you act like a man
and do your community work?
Patryk, please.
Responsibility is about
following through on your commitments.
If you start a thing,
then you gotta finish it.
And And the the hospice,
there's more to it
than than meets the eye.
Tell me. You smoke a lot?
- A bit.
- "A bit."
Is that a bit more or a bit less?
It depends.
On what, the weather?
Tell me something.
You said you liked fixing stuff.
I know a thing or two.
Okay, so tomorrow,
when you've rested,
of course, drop by at the hospice.
Oh, fine. Give me that joint.
People think I smoke pot anyway, so
Do you, Father?
Um, this is my first time. Dead serious.
Oh, look.
Goodbye. God bless.
You're welcome, Father!
Maybe Jan saw right through me,
despite his terrible eyesight.
But he didn't care.
I figured I'd just fix a few screws,
run some errands, paint a thing or two.
And above all, I wouldn't bump into Pablo.
Oh shit!
What are you doing here?
Get out of my room!
Oh! Patryk.
Twenty-four hours have passed
since Mr. Henryk left us.
That's why we put that candle out.
How are you doing?
Is everything okay?
More or less.
Well, I don't know,
is it more or is it less?
Maybe, as the Italians say,
it's cos-cos.
Uh, okay then. Tell me, do you ever
think about God at all, Patryk?
God doesn't give a fuck about me.
Knight to C-6.
Do you really think
that God doesn't, as you say,
"Give a fuck?"
Not about me.
- Why?
- 'Cause he knows what I did.
Do you really think it's only God
that knows the messes you've made?
He drinks a lot, guess it piled up.
From what I know,
it's, well, hardly a great secret.
Channel one, politics. Channel two, films.
- Channel eight, pornography.
- Hmm?
You're the one
who decides what happens in your life.
All you have to do now
is figure out what that is,
what you can do at this very moment!
- Now?
- Yes.
Hey, Gramps.
Did you ever fuck up in life?
- Good morning, Father.
- Good morning, hello.
- Good morning. Hello.
- Hello. Good morning.
God bless our volunteers.
Honore est in honorante.
Hello everybody. How are we?
Straighten up!
Patryk? What's up?
I put gaskets in the sinks,
fixed the lights in room number one.
Uh, I'll get back to fixing the closets
when I'm done with this here.
Patryk, Patryk, relax.
Have you taken a break?
For a smoke?
The girl from room number two
asked me to fix this.
Oh that's that's Agnieszka.
Agnieszka has a little son.
He's four years old.
He calls her every day. Go take it to her.
I'll charge it up for you.
Damn it.
It's a bit too short. Hold on.
Uh, vertical or horizontal?
- It doesn't matter.
- Doesn't matter? Okay then.
You have to speak up.
- Father?
- Yeah?
She's so young.
Yeah. Why?
What's she doing here?
Are you Are you trying to ask me
if if Agnieszka will die?
My dear son.
If you're watching this,
that means it's your 18th birthday.
Well, I guess that means
that you're finally an adult now.
And fourth gear.
We have to raise as much money as we can.
If the book sells well,
we we'll be all right.
How much longer?
- What?
- You know what I mean.
What, you're asking
how much time I have left?
Uh, the doctors claim
I have six more months or so.
I await God's plan.
This is why I have to leave the hospice
up and running smoothly.
So that's why we have to act fast and
Oh, sorry, I'm drifting.
Phew. He just missed
his chance to kill us!
- Keep your eyes on the road.
- Patryk, stop yelling at me.
You've got me all stressed out.
I've got a secret mission for you.
Are you up to the task?
Well, what's in it for me, Roman?
Here, I made a shopping list.
He's got you all
wrapped around his finger.
Of course, he's got everyone
except you, Mr. Roman.
Don't you believe
that that a man can change?
Believe what you want, Father.
It will be easier for you.
Quit staring!
Thank you, Mrs. Graynka.
What's your problem, sir?
I've known dirtbags like him
my whole life and I know one thing.
- You buying or what?
- Get this here.
A thief will always be a thief.
Hurry up. Are you gonna take all day?
- Give me a second.
- We're in a hurry.
Mr. Roman, I
What can I say to you?
I think that that you are
truly an excellent chess player.
So where's the change?
You drinking tonight?
Give it to the priest.
Get out of here!
Now you can take it back to to Mr. Roman.
And you tell him that
this is a thank you
for for his participation
in an experiment on on rehabilitation.
The all-knowing Mr. Roman assumed
that, zap, you'd take the cash
and you'd never be seen again.
What's that thing with the pawn
in chess? It reaches the other side.
Then it it's called a a promotion?
A promotion is a situation in which a pawn
can be changed into
a stronger chess piece.
But your conscience won.
Although to to be honest,
I never doubted you.
- You know, Roman?
- Yes?
Everyone deserves forgiveness.
Hope so.
How was it possible
that Pablo never got me?
Maybe he had to skip town.
Either way, I was finally
sleeping soundly at night.
As for Jan, his flock grew
faster than he'd ever dreamed.
What are you doing in here?
I brought you a blanket.
I want you to leave now.
Then knock next time,
and wait for me to let you in.
And take this with you.
- Who is it?
- I got your blanket.
"Me" who?
Fuck this.
Patryk! I brought a blanket!
Please come in.
I've got one thing to say, miss.
I don't give a shit if you use it,
but Father asked me to bring it.
And you're gonna want it,
cause it's really cold out.
Did he hear us?
I I don't know.
But I believe he did.
Patryk is holding your hand, sir.
And he loves, loves, loves you.
Very much.
Patryk, tell Mr. Jzef you love him.
- I love you, sir.
- Mr. Jzef.
Let's pray.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Repeat after me. Have mercy upon us.
- Lord, have mercy upon us.
- Have mercy upon us.
Saint Peter and Paul. Please pray for us.
Please pray for us.
Please pray for us.
- Saint Barnabas, pray for us.
- Pray for us.
- Saint Stanislav, pray for us.
- Pray for us.
- Saint Martin, pray for us.
- Pray for us.
Saint Saint Patrick.
I'm so proud I'm so proud
that I had the opportunity
to meet such a wonderful man
like you, Mr. Jzef!
I'm with you with all my heart,
and I will stay with you
till the very end!
I love you!
Take care, Jzef.
See you soon.
Father, I didn't know what to do!
He just grabbed my hand
like he wanted something from me.
He was staring at me
like he wanted something.
- I don't know what he wanted.
- Patryk, enough! Stop!
Whatever he wanted you to do,
you did it perfectly.
And I thank you for it.
Ah, Patryk.
Come on. Come on now.
One, two.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Go sleep.
I fixed it.
Is that you?
It is.
Cool pic.
Uh, "Her creative approach is
a wonderful presentation indeed."
"She doesn't walk so much as floats."
"You could fall in love
looking in her eyes."
"However, as she opens her mouth
to recite, she sounds false."
"Especially in the final scene,
she felt very bland."
"This young actress
either lacks the talent,
sufficient experience,
or possibly effective directing."
- Patryk, can you please help? It's stuck.
- What's wrong? Doesn't wanna go?
Just give it a push! Damn.
There it is. Okay.
I rejected his advances.
He was a jerk. Lord of jerks!
"There's a new star
in the theatrical firmame"
"Fir Firmament."
- Thanks for saying so.
- And at your age!
Come on, what are you doing?
- They're terrible.
- Next time paint yourself.
I don't know how to do it.
Patryk, the door handle is
loose in the bathroom again!
Just let me drop my bag and I'll do it!
Can you just tell this guy off?
- You'll go to hell for cheating, Gramps!
- For once
"No two kisses are the same."
- "Nor two 'itenticle' looks."
- "Identical!"
I feel it in my head and my heart.
- And here as well.
- Now, you stop that Patryk!
It's even harder on beautiful days.
I can only watch from a distance,
and maybe get a small taste.
I'll tell the kitchen
to cook you something nice.
No. They'd never do
a thing like that in here.
Pancakes with rhubarb and red wine sauce?
Where am I gonna find
any wine around here?
You were saying?
Oh, no. No, thank you.
I'm sorry, but I can't.
I rode here on my bicycle.
They're amazing!
- Really?
- Yeah!
"No two kisses are the same."
"Nor two 'itentacle' looks
into your eyes."
This is so stupid!
It's gibberish!
Patryk! What are you afraid of?
That they'll unsuspend
my sentence and I'll go to prison.
Or Pablo will kill me
if I don't pay off my debt.
Okay, but what do you fear the most?
Calm yourself.
Patryk, come on.
Just look at me and relax.
Think about the things
as you are reading them.
"Yesterday, when somebody next to me
spoke your name out loud,
I felt as though a rose had just
flown in through an open window."
"Today, as we are finally together,
I turned my face towards the wall."
"A rose? What does a rose look like?"
"Is it a flower?"
"Or is it a stone?"
I picked it for you.
Oh. Beautiful.
My Peter always
He would always bring me roses.
I think that was
the most beautiful time in my life.
He died in an accident.
Patryk, dear?
Go and open
open the drawer for me and look.
There's something inside for you.
In a small silver box in the top drawer.
It's It's heart-shaped.
No, I can't accept this.
You know, Patryk,
It won't even fit on my finger anymore.
So what do I do with it?
When you finally meet
a girl you could spend
the rest of your life with,
give this ring to her.
But then you need
to take care of that love.
I should get going.
No, wait.
Sit here a while longer.
Thank you.
Look at yourself.
There's the mirror.
Look at yourself
and tell me what you see.
Patryk, all you've found is
another reason to be angry.
- I'm sorry.
- But you don't owe me an apology.
When a person is dying,
they need to feel they are allowed to die.
But you wanted to keep Hania here.
Keep her for whom?
I doubt you wanted it for her.
Then for who?
Oh shit!
For yourself.
Fuck! Doctor!
Call the doctor!
What should I have told her?
"Thank you"? "You've been good to me"?
You were supposed to sit there
and hold Hania by the hand.
That's all.
I know that she wanted for you
to find your place on this Earth.
I think I know where that is.
Come. I'll show you everything.
Look, here's where we keep our potatoes.
I'll show you this later.
Oh, right. Put this on.
Here you go. And here
What are you doing looking at your phones?
Get back to work! Ugh!
Did you see that?
Oh, Patryk.
Try with this.
That's not how you're
supposed to slice it!
Did you salt the potatoes?
Why are you butchering
the tomatoes like that? Ugh.
You stole my towel again!
The egg is
most definitely hard-boiled.
One could argue
that the egg is encased in armor.
You could probably use it as a frisbee.
Please take it away!
This one's wearing a thong.
Everything is sliding out from the sides.
It's absolutely gross.
Take it! I won't allow you
to poison anyone with this!
Ladies and gentlemen,
this is an amazing,
downright soulful poached egg.
Bravo. Please clean this up now.
I know you'll like it back here.
I'm sure of it, Patryk.
That's not how you chop leeks! Idiot!
What's taking so long, babe?
Babe, hold on! Hold on.
Let me help you.
First of all, I don't need any help
from a wiseass who keeps calling me babe.
And secondly, that's the last bag. Bye!
I'm not a wiseass, I'm a cook.
And you're a volunteer and that was
an official order, so come back.
Let me help you.
Oh, shit! This is really heavy.
I welcome you into my kingdom.
Trust me, there's much worse stuff
to do around this place
than working in the kitchen.
Relax, aneta.
Now Now you've got it.
Oh, yeah?
But you're still
- I think it looks fine.
- Not fine enough for the cook.
Before it goes here in the barrel,
you have to slice it thinner, you know?
Keep your hands to yourself.
Thinner! Wait. Let me show you this.
I assumed that a 30-minute delay
must be caused by
something really important.
- Um
- And as I see now, I was right.
Father, I'll heat up
those pancakes for you now.
Go and heat yourself up.
Ah, I warned you, remember?
This boy's a repeat offender!
See ya!
Pancakes, my ass!
Three months in Krokowa!
Oh, dude!
Father Jan, I love you!
Put the octopus in boiling water.
- But only for a minute. Got it?
- Yeah, then I rinse in cold water.
- Who's gonna be a chef?
- This is what you wanted?
- Who's gonna be a chef?
- Who's gonna be a chef?
I'm gonna be a chef!
Yogurt, mayo and garlic.
Um, tomato puree.
Is that from the internet?
The internet? It's mine!
I see you've taken
quite the interest in poetry, huh?
Patryk, tell me please,
have you ever been on TV?
Of course.
- What? Really?
- Mm-hmm.
On what station?
The gas station.
Security cam caught me stealing.
Great. This means
you have some experience. So
let's go.
- We're gonna be on TV?
- To face the audience.
Face the people on full blast!
What's wrong with you? What are you doing?
I always pray when you're driving.
Very commendable.
I don't think that God is a nasty old coot
who sits up there on a cloud saying,
"Kowalski, I can't stand your ugly mug.
There's cancer for you."
There There is no such God.
Great. Stay on this topic.
- I also believe
- Very good.
Ziuk, Jan's on TV! Come and look!
I'm coming.
Ladies and gentlemen,
if that's the image of God in your heads,
then I truly think, as a Catholic priest,
I'd prefer if you didn't believe at all.
What is it? Scram!
What's wrong?
Let's switch.
Hey, where are we going anyway?
Um, to the greatest hellfire
on this earth.
- Oh, hi Jan.
- Hi.
You're the first guest.
You can head up and
Hi, I forgot to say hello. I'm Jurek. Um
- Oh, excuse me.
- Right this way.
Sir, can I have you
stay behind the monitor? Thank you.
Okay. Give me your hand.
What the fuck is this?
Give me a proper mic.
Wait. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Okay. Here we go.
Hey guys, please welcome the first guest
to grace us with his presence.
Father Jan Kaczkowski!
Let's give him a hand, everybody!
He's joining us from the other side
of the country. A round of applause!
What do we say
to any of our loved ones who may be
may be dying,
who may be sick?
We, the terminally ill
We don't expect you to comfort us,
to constantly pat us on our heads
just repeating, "It'll be okay,
it'll be okay, it'll be okay."
We need a different message from you.
"Don't be afraid. Whichever way
this goes, I'll stand by you.
I'm not going to leave,
because I love you."
But in order for you
to be able to say that,
You have to work on it.
Work on it your whole life.
You need to You need to make an effort,
especially when
our personal relationships are difficult.
Nothing, and I repeat, nothing
relieves us of our obligation to nurture
the relationships we have
with the people we love the most.
Time is the most precious thing
that we can give to each other.
Our private time.
Let's agree on one thing.
You will call me "Father"
only during formal situations, okay?
But if you ever call me
Little Jan or Janny-boy, I'll kill you.
- What should I call you?
- My name is Jan.
But it's best if you called me Johnny.
- Hello?
- Jan, your results are in.
- Mom, relax.
- I don't understand any of this.
Read me the results, please.
- I forgot the lids.
- Okay, wait a sec.
"There is a noticeable tumor growth,
especially within the brain convexity
of the right frontal lobe,
in white matter of the periventricular
and subcortical lobes"
- Hold on.
- You got it.
Coffee please.
"And the hyperintensities
of the parietal lobe as shown"
I can't do it. I'll call you later.
Well? Andiamo.
Let's go.
Pablo, don't do this here, please.
Who do you think I am?
Jump in. Show us the neighborhood.
Okay! Enough!
- Patryk, what happened?
- It's okay, Mom.
Sit Sit down. Eat something.
Sit down. I'll find you something.
Sit down, son. Let me see.
Show me what happened.
- Stop, Mom!
- Okay. Hold on a second.
Have some water. Drink up, son.
If it's good for the fish,
it's good for you.
Who did this?
Every time you come in
- Fuck, Mom.
- Well Well, I have to wipe it off.
Goddamn it.
Son, what's wrong?
Go to sleep, Dad.
Sleep. Everything's fine.
Listen, you've got a letter.
Another red stamp letter.
The courts aren't like Pablo.
I wish I had paid these damn fines.
I was ashamed to ask Jan for money.
I'd hoped they'd forget the whole thing.
Please call in the next witness.
Please state your name and age.
Jan Kanty Kaczkowski.
- Thirty-seven years old.
- Occupation?
I'm the head
of the St. Padre Pio Hospice in Puck.
I'm a priest of the Roman Catholic Church.
- Does the witness know why he is here?
- Yes, Your Honor, I do.
You may begin your testimony now.
Your Honor,
First of all, considering my experience
with these proceedings thus far,
I would like to say
that I feel personally offended
by the court's lack of trust
towards my former testimony
and the testimony
of the entire personnel at the hospice.
I ask the witness to be brief.
Your Honor,
the true value of a human being
can only be measured
in the presence of human tragedy.
I did not observe Patryk Galewski
dancing at a night club!
I saw his actions in a place
full of terminally ill people!
It's not a place
where you can just just scrape by
do nothing and the minimum
and check off your required service hours!
Your Honor,
Did the defendant,
Patryk Galewski, fake his actions?
While he was holding the hand
of a terminally ill and lonely man?
I see them in my mind.
My patients.
I can see their many smiles.
When a dying man smiles
at the sight of another human being
He's either
with his closest relative, a loved one,
or just a good and decent person.
A person he can trust
and wants to see.
The court has reached a verdict.
Will the defendant please rise?
On the matter of the state
versus Patryk Galewski,
taking into consideration
all the evidence presented to the court
and relying on these recent deliberations,
we conclude that the defendant is
highly skilled at manipulation
and has been able to create
a false image of his persona.
The court doesn't believe in
the defendant's successful rehabilitation,
and orders the sentence to be served.
The court hereby issues its verdict
of three years in prison without parole.
You just have to get through this.
I know you can do it.
Will you Will you be my wife?
Will you marry me?
You're serious?
You have one chance,
and one chance only,
to tell me this is all a dumb joke.
That you're not seriously asking me this
That you're not proposing to me
one day before going to prison.
Because if you are being serious,
I should kick you out of here right now!
Take it, please.
How is this gonna work?
What, you'll hang my picture
next to your bunk?
I'm gonna come visit you once a week?
Karwowski's going apeshit,
as usual. But it's under control.
Aw, Galewski. Welcome back home.
- Put him with the jailbirds.
- No.
What do you mean, "no"?
I'm not a jailbird.
Move it.
How are you handling it?
I'm used to it by now.
I was 12 when they first arrested me.
After 24 hours, they brought me back home.
My father took me to all his friends.
Started bragging about me
like I won a math competition.
Can you believe
I thought this was real life?
Wasting a year inside
and half a month free?
But you know what?
This time I have somebody to come back to.
The warden and I are
We are trying to come up with something.
I'm not promising anything.
But we're meeting next week and...
- Fuck! I'll kill you!
- Against the wall!
- You'll probably be able to leave prison
- Let him finish!
to work for us at the hospice.
We're trying everything
we can to shorten your sentence.
- Now!
- I'll kill that bitch!
Good morning, Archbishop.
He would always tell me
to get your personal business in order.
To finish what you start.
To keep your word.
And he kept his.
They reduced my sentence.
It's great to have
a place to come back to.
- Hey, sir, when a candle's lit then...
- What's up, bud?
Pablo Pablo
Pablo's mom
ended up in the hospice.
And Johnny did what Johnny does best.
He noticed, he understood, and he cared.
He did everything possible
so I could get back
to my normal, decent life.
What's going on?
You're gonna be a dad.
I'm gonna be a dad!
That monster destroyed my life
and the lives of my mother and sister.
If he's dying alone, it means
there's some justice in this world.
Mr. Marcin
Please, please believe me.
I can understand how you feel.
You don't understand! You don't!
- Yes, but...
- Did he ask you to do this?
If you want, come to Gdynia
and I'll show you the scars.
This is the kind of silence
that we're all longing for.
But But at the same time,
the kind we're terrified of.
Because in it,
we can hear ourselves.
Thank you.
But I'm I'm not powerless yet.
You You have an appointment
tomorrow at San Marco.
Jan, I can't.
That's the best restaurant in the Tricity.
Stop it!
Cut the crap.
You are the best chef I have ever known.
Just Just don't don't be late, okay?
Because I vouched for you.
Be Be there, 3:00 p.m. sharp.
You have a job interview.
Now I'm going to to see Mr. Roman.
To give him the
Well, you know, the not-so-good news.
Sometimes it just happens like this.
I need a favor.
How much was this crap?
- Two hundred zlotys.
- What?
Nothing. I borrowed it from work.
- Got everything.
- Yeah.
The owner of San Marco has just called.
Surely there must be some
some reasonable explanation
for your absence.
It must be something
I hadn't thought of, because
because the cancer has devoured my brain.
Okay. So, this is the moment
you tell me what happened.
I fucked it up big time.
How did you think this would go?
What time is it?
It's just past 3:00.
We going to the restaurant?
Tell me. What happened?
Fuck this!
So what was the plan?
To drag a tied-up man in here,
and then what?
Force him to reconcile with his father?
But I was just doing this for you.
"I say to you,
whatever you have done
for the least of these brothers of mine,
you did for me."
What the fuck?
Either this is Either this is true,
or it's just a myth.
You You want to be a father?
Or a regular thug?
What do you know about fatherhood? Hmm?
Thank you.
Of course.
Well, you know,
I'd be most happy to come to you to beg.
If I could just ask you to
text me later?
Yes. Thank you. Take care. God bless.
Son, maybe you could slow down
just a little bit.
No, no I can't.
What happened up there?
Some kind of accident?
Let's go.
Let me help you
stretch out your legs already.
I promise you, Ziuk,
I wouldn't like that much either.
And God willing,
I'd prefer to stretch my legs
one more time.
What kind of dumb religion makes
suffering a prerequisite for salvation?
Why is it you and not me?
And don't give me that speech
about Christ's suffering,
because I'm too fucking furious for that.
Ziuk, I beg you, stop it. Not now.
Everything you had to do for me
as a father, you've already done.
And you did one hell of a good job.
I I'm grateful for that.
But I want you to stop
hoarding all the blame.
Because it's my life, not yours.
And now, please stop interfering
with what I was called to do.
Thank you.
I'll go myself.
You have to be
the best possible partner.
For aneta.
The best you.
Do you finally get it?
Go be the best dad in the world.
Be the best.
Roman Zalewski.
I'm his son.
I'm very sorry,
but your father passed away last night.
Could you please check
one more time, ma'am?
I'm so sorry.
When a cold
is sucking the joy out of your life
Hey, look what I bought.
Before use, check active ingredients
or consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Improper use can lead to harm
Do we have to listen to this?
Welcome back.
Unfortunately our guest,
Father Jan Kaczkowski,
won't be coming into our studio today.
We are keeping
our fingers crossed for his health.
Now, let's play him a song on full blast.
The number you are
trying to reach is unavailable.
You have a visitor.
I'm here.
I'm right here.
You know
we're gonna have a boy.
I think.
It feels like he'll be a boy.
You know what we'll name him?
Here, Mom.
Now put your hand on his forehead.
We put a delicious sirloin
with the sauce straight into our mouths
and we are engulfed
by this mystical sensation.
A glass of wine.
Make it two, we're on holiday.
And then you experience
the wonderful flavor
and you say to yourself,
"God, you really exist!"
The wine will go down well.
Flying as a piece of luggage
is the best way to travel.
Okay, throw it in.
Cut evenly, okay?
Well done.
Your wife's here.
My Jan, hey!