Johnny Come Lately (1943) Movie Script
Say, what is this place?
A private residence.
Did you say we get breakfast here?
I thought you said
this was a tough town.
Sure, it's tough. Plenty.
The lady here is different.
She's got a good heart.
About the only one in town
that has, and dares show it.
She runs a newspaper.
See that?
That's her.
I've been making
this stuff for 25 years.
I remember Vinnie McLeod when she was
the prettiest girl in Calaveras County.
My, was she pretty.
Y'all got to wait a minute.
I'm fixing breakfast for the family.
You ain't eaten your
spoonbread, Mrs McLeod.
What's the matter? You got a misery?
No. I'm just not very hungry.
I wish you'd wrap up
those silver candlesticks.
I want to take them
with me this morning.
What you need money for now?
We's got vittles and
a roof over our heads.
And Sam Wilson sent
down a ham this morning.
I told him you would give him two extra
pieces of advertising in the paper.
I can't go on giving people advertising.
Unless I go on running a paper.
And I can't do that without money.
It's the 1st of the month.
And the bills are due today.
I'll wrap them up, Mrs McLeod.
Try and change the shape a
little so that if anyone sees me ..
Don't you worry yourself, Mrs McLeod.
When I wrap them up, there ain't nobody
able to guess what's in that pack.
Here is your hot water.
What are you supposed to do with that?
Wash? Wash what?
Hands and face and
anything else that shows.
What for?
Rule of the house.
No wash, no breakfast.
The colored woman looks you
over before she'll give it to you.
You got to have your nails clean too.
What do they give you for breakfast?
Hot cakes.
That colored woman makes hot
cakes like you've never seen.
So they melt in your mouth.
Great stacks of them.
All piping hot.
Great gobs of butter.
Sitting on top. Seeping through.
And pouring down the side.
You ain't kidding me?
If you've got any heart, don't kid me.
No, sir.
But you've got to wash first.
Yeah. There is a catch in everything.
Good morning, auntie.
Good morning, dear. Sleep well?
Yes, thank you.
Auntie, you are wearing that same
old dress again this morning.
You promised me you'd
buy yourself a new one.
You like me to look nice.
- Well my dear, that is different.
You are young and pretty.
I haven't the money to
spend dressing myself up.
Of course you haven't when you spend
it feeding tramps down in the cellar.
Good morning, Miss Jane.
- Good morning, Aida.
You is late. Your aunt has
finished her breakfast.
I know.
Aida, I'm going picnicking.
Will you pack up a lunch for two.
Who are y'all going with?
What's that got to do with it?
I don't fix no picnic lunch unless
I know who is going to eat it.
Aida, I can't sit here arguing.
I want my breakfast.
A picnic lunch for two.
She is going with that Pete Dougherty.
Well if you know, why do you ask?
I just wanted to see if you'd admit it.
Pete Dougherty, that Irish ..
Do you care for Pete Dougherty?
What would be the use of my caring?
He seems very interested in you.
I know.
If he did think of me in that way.
Would you mind terribly?
Of course there are people I'd
rather see you marry. But ..
If you are really fond of him ..
I believe in love, Jane.
He asked me to go out in his
automobile this morning.
I could be back at the
office right after lunch.
May I take the morning off?
Of course, dear.
I hope you have a nice time.
I must be on my rounds.
Now you eat your breakfast
and don't leave anything.
Or Aida will have a misery,
and we can't have that.
I'm just going, Aida.
Yes ma'am. There is your package.
You were right. No-one will
ever be able to tell what it is.
Thank you, ma'am.
Good morning.
- Good morning, ma'am.
If that isn't enough.
There is plenty more
where that came from.
Thank you, ma'am.
Goodbye, ma'am.
May I come in?
Why, Mrs McLeod.
Sure, sure. Come in.
Anything I can do for you?
Yes. Thank you.
You remember my sliver candlesticks?
Of course I remember them.
Very fine, they are.
Like every lovely thing in your house.
All mortgaged.
I thought I would like to ..
Leave these with you for a little.
To look after with the other things.
Why, sure Mrs McLeod. Be glad to.
Glad to keep them safe for you.
I've had them ever since I was married.
How ..
How much ..
How would fifty dollars be?
I thought they were
worth more than that.
I know Mrs McLeod, but
that ain't the question.
You ain't selling them to me, you know.
And even if you were, why ..
Alright, Mr Blaker.
Fifty dollars.
I'll put them right in there
with the rest of your things.
I'll get you the cash right now.
Here you are, Mrs McLeod.
Thank you.
And seeing as how it is the first
of the month, I made it sixty.
That newspaper is kind of an
expensive hobby for you.
It isn't a hobby.
A hobby is something apart.
The paper .. is everything to me.
Thank you, Mr Blaker.
You will ..
You will take good care of them?
- Sure will.
Good morning, Mr Blaker.
Good morning, Mrs McLeod.
- Good morning, Mr Dougherty.
We were just talking about you.
- Oh, really?
I wonder if you'd come to my office this
morning? I must a have a talk with you.
Well, this is my busy morning.
I have to get to court and ..
I shan't keep you long.
Well, alright then. How soon?
As soon as you like. I'll see you.
Good morning.
It's Pickwick.
How's that?
- I beg your pardon.
I was just looking to see what
was making you laugh so.
It's the Pickwick Papers.
- Yeah. Good, huh?
Yes. I haven't read it for years.
It's worth taking another look at.
I met Charles Dickens
when he was here in '67.
You did?
But you shouldn't be lounging
here reading that you know.
Why? Do you think I should be working?
The police would think so.
They are hard on vagrants in this town.
They rope them in and put them
to work on the road gang.
And treat them brutally.
Well, I make a kind of business
of saving men from that.
You had better go up to my house
and have a meal and a bath.
That's very kind of you but ..
You go down the street
and turn to your left.
You will see a big old-fashioned
sort of house. You can't miss it.
Go round the back and tell the colored
woman that Mrs McLeod sent you.
Now, will you do that?
- Yeah. I will be glad to.
Well, aren't you going?
Why .. I just thought
I'd finish this chapter.
It isn't safe.
Just another couple of pages.
Well, perhaps just a couple more pages.
But don't go getting interested and
start the next chapter by mistake now.
I won't.
Goodbye then.
- Goodbye.
You got here quick, Mrs McLeod.
This is Mr Hirsh, my campaign manager.
Ah, the elections.
This lady is the editor of
the Shield and Banner.
Pleased to meet you, ma'am.
That's quite a job for a little lady
to be running a newspaper, isn't it?
I've been doing it for
30 years, Mr Hirsh.
Since my husband died.
He founded the paper.
Well, that is very interesting.
You're quite a pioneer, aren't you.
I'll step into the other office, Bill.
See you later.
Won't you sit down?
I don't often get round to
seeing a copy of your paper ..
But someone did show
me this morning's issue.
That was a pretty
fresh editorial you had.
I wasn't quite clear in
what you were getting at.
I gather there are things you don't like
about how the town is run. Is that it?
Well, yes. In a way.
Uhuh. Just what in particular?
Well, there are a lot of things.
Those new houses on
Parker Street. They are ..
They are not at all
well built, you know.
Mrs McLeod, I built those houses.
I know. But I thought perhaps you hadn't
looked at them since they were finished.
They are not safe.
There have been accidents already.
Then there are the new waterworks.
They should have been ready long ago.
Four more babies died
of typhoid this week.
The police say ..
- Mrs McLeod.
Your paper does a nice job of printing
the social news, weddings and such like.
But if you feel you need public-spirited
editorials as well, I've got a few here.
I thought you might care to use them.
And put your name on them.
What do they say?
- Oh, they are good stuff.
Written by a good man.
Now wait a minute. We'll just
change the name on them, eh?
You sign yourself Vinnie McLeod?
Now, that looks nice, doesn't it?
Mr Dougherty, you're
treating me like child.
No, Mrs McLeod.
I treat you like an old lady who pokes
her nose into what doesn't concern her.
And who is going to get herself
badly bitten if she doesn't watch out.
Now you save yourself
trouble and print those.
Suppose I refuse?
You won't refuse. So why discuss it?
Now forget about editorials.
And worry about your bills and
the mortgage on your house.
And the goodwill of the people who
really amount to something in this town.
Now take those.
I must read them.
Say Dad, are you going to be needing ..?
Good morning.
- Good morning.
How is Jane?
Jane is fine.
I am taking her away
from work this morning.
I know. She told me.
Well, I had better be
starting my day's work.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
Good day, Peter.
Good day.
Did you talk to her
about that editorial?
What did she say?
- Everything will be alright.
Son, how serious are you
about this niece of hers?
Are you thinking of marrying her?
I don't know that she'd have me.
What? Why, she'd jump at you.
Who are the McLeods compared to us?
Would you mind my marrying her, Dad?
I want you to have the
things you want, son.
I never did when I was your age.
And it might kind of help to fix things
up if the girl was one of the family.
I wasn't thinking of that.
- No.
No. But there is no harm in
killing two birds with one stone.
Good morning, Mr Robinson.
Morning, Mrs McLeod.
Anything interesting this morning?
No, just the usual.
Wife beating.
That's a new-fangled sort of crime.
In my day men didn't beat their wives.
The wives had pistols.
Vagrancy. Petty larceny.
An attempted arson. Vagrancy.
Good morning.
- Morning, Your Honor.
Good morning, Robinson.
Good morning, Mrs McLeod.
And how are you this morning?
- I'm very well, judge.
It wouldn't seem like the old court if I
didn't see you sitting there below me.
Writing down all my words of wisdom.
You are very chipper
this morning, judge.
I sure am. It's my birthday.
Sixty-two this morning. Yes ma'am.
I got a mighty nice lot of presents too.
What do you think of that?
A present from my old
friend Bill Dougherty.
A fine fellow, Dougherty.
A solid gold 18-carat
repeater. Yes, sir.
It's a splendid watch.
Old Bill Dougherty is alright.
Now, what have we got this morning?
The Justice Court of Plattsville,
Calaveras county is now in session.
Please come to order.
Honorable Judge Flynn presiding.
Be seated.
First case.
Bring in the prisoners.
George Renshaw.
Hiram Webster.
And Thomas Richards.
Charged with vagrancy.
Guilty or not-guilty?
Not guilty.
Sixty days.
Didn't have jobs, eh?
Well, you've got one now.
We'll have you working for the city.
On the road gang.
Take him away. Next case.
Just a minute, please.
I said "not guilty".
- What's that?
I say that I said "not guilty".
Oh, you did, did you?
Well now, young
fellow who wants a trial.
What's your name?
Tom Richards.
"Thomas Richards."
"No fixed abode."
Is that right?
I guess that's right, yeah.
"Occupation: newspaperman."
And what newspaper do you work for?
Well, not any right now.
What was the idea of giving
that as your occupation the?
Well, you got to give something, don't
you. And I have worked on newspapers.
On and off, ever since I was a kid.
But more off than on, I imagine.
No. I would say about 50-50.
What are you doing here in Plattsville?
Passing through if you will allow me.
Where did you sleep last night?
- I didn't sleep, I walked.
And you still contend that
you are not a vagrant?
With no fixed abode,
no means of support?
But I have means of support.
Two dollars.
Well after all, it is means of support.
I'm no panhandler. I'm no vagrant.
Well I don't know what else you
call a man who walks all night.
A somnambulist.
Take those two out of here.
I walked all night Your Honor
because I like to walk.
And I didn't want to
spend money for a room.
Well, in this town that
constitutes vagrancy.
The police found you sprawling
in a public park, jobless.
Your Honor, may I say a word?
What is it?
I just wanted to say that if this young
man wants a job I'll give him one.
What's that?
I'm the editor of the Shield and Banner.
And if you want a reporter's
job I will give you one.
That's very kind of you, ma'am.
Now Mrs McLeod, that's just plain silly.
I need another man on the paper.
And he's had experience, he says.
But you don't know the
first thing about him.
I'll take a chance on him.
How do you propose to pay him?
Why, I hadn't thought.
Well, you had better.
If the court is going to release him ..
It has to make sure that he is going
to make enough to keep himself.
I'll see that he gets enough.
Yes. But the court has to
decide what is enough.
If fixes the amount
at 35 dollars a week.
The first week's salary in advance.
Well. What do you say?
Well, it is rather a large
salary to start with.
Well, that's what you have to make it.
Now hold on.
- No, I agree.
Please ma'am.
- It's alright.
I agree.
Now will that be enough?
May he go?
- Not so fast.
The prisoner is still guilty
of the charge of vagrancy.
And that's the way it has
got to go on to the record.
Owing to the intervention of Mrs McLeod.
A citizen of prominence and character.
The court exercises its leniency.
And releases the prisoner on probation,
in her charge, for two months.
The prisoner is free to go.
Thank you, Judge.
I'll keep any eye on him.
You better.
And keep any eye on your belongings too.
Where do we go from here?
- You had better come with me.
Here you are, ma'am.
I'll give you back your money now.
- Why, what do you mean?
I'll be getting along.
- Where?
Well .. out of town, don't you think.
But you are coming to work for me.
No, you really didn't mean that did you?
But of course I did.
Besides, if you don't
they'll put you in jail.
That's why I offered it to you.
So you wouldn't go to jail.
Why should you be so interested
in whether or not I go to jail?
Because you didn't deserve it.
I warned you what would happen.
And because you were
reading Dickens and ..
Now look, Mrs McLeod.
It's very kind of you but ..
I don't want to stay in this town
so if it's all the same to you ..
But you can't go now.
You are on probation to me.
If you skip town I'll get in trouble.
And I am afraid there are people who'd
like to see me get in trouble right now.
It seems to me you go
around looking for it.
I can't just stand by and do nothing
about the wicked things I see go on.
You've got a newspaper.
Can't you do anything there?
I've tried.
But you see, Dougherty is the big boss.
And he controls the other newspaper.
And he is kind of powerful.
Well, running a newspaper
is not a woman's job and ..
Why don't you get hold of a young
person with plenty of fight in them?
Let them handle it for you.
- There isn't anyone.
Though when I heard the way you
spoke up to Flynn in court I ..
I did wonder for a minute whether ..
You might.
Oh, no, no.
No. I am sorry.
It looks like I've got myself
into something here.
I tell you what I'll do. I don't
want to get you into trouble.
So while my probation lasts, I'll
come and work for you as a reporter.
But as far as helping you
straighten out that man ..
Oh, whatever his name is.
I think you'll have to
forget about that.
Well, I guess maybe you'd
like something to eat.
Why not let it be on me and my
very visible means of support?
Will you step across the street?
- Well, that's very nice of you.
But there's no point in wasting money
and there is plenty of food at home.
Lead on, McLeod.
This is it.
This is where I live.
Well, what do you know.
Mr McLeod built it
nearly fifty years ago.
It is known as McLeod's folly.
A big one, isn't it.
Yes. I suppose it is
a little old-fashioned.
Hmm. It might.
But then I'm sort of an
old-fashioned person.
Come in here.
That's you?
Yes, that's me.
Of course, it was a long time ago.
Nearly fifty years.
About the time you met Dickens.
What you back home for, Mrs McLeod?
Is anything wrong?
No, no, Aida.
This gentleman is coming to
work for me on the newspaper.
He will be boarding here with us
and I think he'd like some food now.
Mr Richards, this is
Aida who looks after me.
You ain't spoke to me about hiring
anybody to work for you on the paper.
It wasn't settled until this morning.
You ain't done told me
you was thinking about it.
I wasn't until this morning.
Now go and get Mr Richards something to
eat. I'll tell you all about it later.
I always have to tell
Aida everything I do.
If she feels anything is being kept
from her she has a misery of the spirit.
And that's awful.
Why not run upstairs and have a bath and
a real shave while she fixes breakfast?
It's the door just opposite
the head of the stairs.
You will find some old razors
on a shelf in the closet.
What were you going to say?
Oh, nothing.
I'll go on upstairs and get cleaned up.
[ Door knocks ]
Yeah, who's there?
- Is you in the tub yet?
No, Not yet. Why?
If you put your clothes through the door
I'll press them while you has your bath.
Here you are.
Where is the pants?
Still got them on. Wait a minute.
Say, what day is it today?
What do you mean, "what day"?
I mean Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. What?
Today am Thursday.
What do you want to know for now?
- Oh, just wondered.
There you are.
I'll bring them right back.
And see that you washes
behind your ears.
And catch my death of cold?
I won't do it.
I won't.
Your breakfast will be
ready in a minute.
Quite a nice library you have here.
These are good bindings.
What's the trouble, Mrs McLeod?
What won't you do?
Knuckle under to Dougherty.
You seem to be hot on this
subject of this Dougherty.
What's he ever done to you?
It isn't what he's done
so much as what he is.
He's bad.
And everything he stands for is bad too.
But why should you worry?
Because right is right.
Right is right but what are
you going to do about it?
Mrs McLeod.
Don't get yourself mixed up
with politics and politicians.
You haven't got a chance.
I tried it myself once on a newspaper.
But had the boss slip out from under
me when the going got too hot for him.
He left me holding the bag.
I'm not a crusader anymore.
You can't win, so why
don't you stop trying?
Because you've got to try.
How do you think anything would get done
if people hadn't fought the bad things?
How do you think this town
would have got built?
Or any town?
Or America at all?
Why, I remember this place
when there wasn't anything.
And then we started.
And the bad ones came and the crooks.
And all the things you won't remember
though you must have read about them.
Now it is worse than it was then.
Because it is hidden.
And corrupt.
And this man Dougherty wants me to print
these editorials that he's had written.
Backing him up.
I won't do it.
I'd die before that.
Are you trying to sell me on
that campaign of yours again?
No, that wasn't fair of me.
I'm alright now.
I'm going down to the office.
You come as soon as
you've had your breakfast.
Anyone will tell you where it is.
Here is a copy of the paper.
I'll run along.
Your breakfast is ready.
I said, your breakfast is read.
Oh. Thank you, Aida. Thank you.
It isn't respectful of you to use your
aunt's newspaper to wrap the lemonade.
I don't think auntie would mind.
Did she mind you coming
out with me today?
I don't think she seemed very pleased
about it in the office this morning.
What was she doing in
your father's office?
Dad wanted to talk to
her about something.
I don't know. Here, let me help you.
Pete. You are trying to
hide something from me.
No. No I'm not.
Jane. Tell me something.
You don't really like working on
your aunt's newspaper, do you?
I mean, you only do it
because you have to?
That's true, isn't it?
I guess so, but what ..
- If you were married ..
And your husband had enough money.
You wouldn't want to go
on with it would you?
I guess not.
Well then, Jane.
Will you marry me?
Do you really want me to?
More than I've ever wanted anything.
Will you, Jane?
Mrs Peter Dougherty.
What's the matter?
Nothing. Only, Pete.
Have you ever read Romeo and Juliet?
- Huh?
It's about two people who
loved each other isn't it?
And their families were
enemies like ours.
Pete. What did your father talk
with aunt Vinnie this morning?
Was it that editorial in the paper?
That doesn't matter now.
Now that we've settled this.
What do you mean?
Well Jane, your aunt
is very fond of you.
She wouldn't want to do anything
to hurt you or your husband.
Or his family.
Then it was that editorial?
Is that why you asked me to marry you?
To keep aunt Vinnie from
attacking your father?
No. Don't get ..
- It was!
Of all the low-down beastly tricks.
- Jane, listen. I'm in love with you.
Let me go.
Don't believe things like
that. I love you, Jane. I do.
I don't believe you. Your father put you
up to as a way to silence aunt Vinnie.
It's just the dirty, underhanded
sort of thing he would think of.
Like everything else he does.
Well this is one trick he is
not going to get away with.
I'm going back to the office.
You ready for some more?
I said, you ready for some more?
You ain't ate half of what I gave you.
What's the matter, ain't they no good?
They were fine, Aida. Fine.
You've been sitting there reading your
paper and letting your food get cold.
What you so interested in the paper for?
- I want to see what goes on round here.
You don't have to read no paper
for that. I could have told you.
I knows everything that
goes on in this town.
Excepting how you got in.
I took the town by surprise.
Aida. Tell me.
What is this Dougherty like?
I wouldn't soil my mouth by telling you.
- You don't like him?
Do you like spiders?
I see. Well.
Now let me fix you some more, real hot.
No thanks. I've got to be going.
And thank you Aida very
much for the information.
You're very fond of
Mrs McLeod, aren't you.
I certainly am.
I takes care of her.
Ain't no-one else can.
And she sure needs it sometimes.
Yeah. I guess she does.
[ Singing: ]
"Oh saddle for me my milk-white steed."
"Oh saddle for me a pony-o."
"And I shall ride to find my bride."
"That's gone with the
raggle-taggle gypsy-o."
Oh that goes ..
"Battle for me my white pal free.
Or saddle for me my pony-o."
"Oh saddle for me my white
pal free and saddle .."
You are right.
That's right.
Who are you?
You submitted articles to Mrs McLeod to
be published in the Shield and Banner.
That's right.
I just came over to tell you
that she can't use them.
Is that a message from Mrs McLeod?
- You can call it that.
Did she tell you to come and say that?
- Well no. I took that on myself.
I didn't submit those articles to Mrs
McLeod. I gave them to her to publish.
She still can't use them.
Mrs McLeod does not print lies.
What makes you think
those articles are lies?
I worked on newspapers enough to be able
to smell lies in editorials like that.
Is that so?
- Yes.
Just a minute.
You're the guy that Mrs McLeod
pulled out of the court this morning.
I was wondering what she
did it for but now I know.
Though it ain't like her to hire a
roughneck to do her dirty work for her.
Listen to me a minute.
Better watch your step around here until
you learn a bit more about the set up.
Mrs McLeod is a has-been.
If she's content to stay that
way that's okay. But if she isn't ..
She's going to make trouble for herself
and for anybody else that's helping her.
Do you get that, tramp?
Yeah, I get it.
- Well, go back and tell her I said so.
I don't carry messages
like that to people like her.
You don't have to tell her. She knows
it. That's why she sent you here.
Another thing.
It ain't healthy to carry messages
like that to people like me either.
I'll say it's not.
- No, indeed.
I see.
Maybe I was wrong.
- Maybe you were.
Sorry, I ..
I will take these back to her and ..
And see to it that she prints them.
- Well, that's better.
I guess I didn't quite understand.
- That's right.
And ..
Well maybe Mrs McLeod
was exaggerating a little.
She probably was.
- Alright. Thank you.
Good morning.
Son, where is the Shield
and Banner office?
I thought you worked there.
I do, but I haven't been there yet.
Well, it's right down the
street across the square.
You can't miss it.
It's a crummy old place.
Good morning.
- Morning.
Is Mrs McLeod inside?
- No, she ain't.
She just stepped over to the morgue.
Is somebody dead?
I never knew a day when there wasn't.
And always the wrong one, isn't it.
What do you want?
That is not a very nice warm greeting
to give a new member of your staff.
How is that?
- I'm coming to work here.
What as?
- As a reporter.
To begin with.
- Who hired you?
Mrs McLeod.
She didn't say anything to me about it.
My name is Richards. Tom Richards.
You wouldn't like to tell me yours?
Myrtle Ferguson.
My brother Willy is the only reporter
this paper's had for the past 35 years.
And I don't see what
we need another for.
She can't pay you anything.
I don't expect her to. As a matter of
fact I'm very willing to pay my own way.
Here is the first instalment.
Thirty-five dollars.
What are you doing it for?
The experience?
It will be an experience.
I hope.
Who are you?
My name is Richards, yours is Ferguson.
Brother to the dragoness outside.
I've come to work here. Mrs McLeod
hasn't told you anything about it.
I know all that.
Would you mind saying
that all over again.
No, no, no. Don't.
I don't think I could handle it.
What did you say?
I'm not being fired?
You're not taking my place.
Oh no. Don't worry.
Oh good.
You had me scared.
Will you have a little drink?
No thanks.
Don't you drink?
- Not this early.
Oh, that's when I need it the most.
Whose desk is that?
It's Jane's.
The society editor. She hasn't shown
up yet this morning. I wish I hadn't.
Have you met Jane?
- No, not yet.
A nice girl, Jane.
Stubborn though.
Well, who else is there?
- Nobody.
Zimmerman through there. Compositor.
And Alf who runs the Linotype.
A cosy little bunch. Friendly, you know.
Hey, don't do that.
J. E. McLeod.
It used to be his office.
Never got around to changing it.
Nothing ever gets changed around here.
That's the charm of the place.
Outside. Everything different.
Modern. Bustle.
Inside. Charm.
Dust. Quiet.
Everything just as it was.
Excuse me a minute, will you.
Maybe you're a little early
this morning, aren't you.
Cute, isn't he?
You want to feed him?
- Yeah.
Feed him piece of that.
Now there is another example.
That mouse.
It's been coming here to
my certain knowledge ..
Thirty years.
Well, maybe not that mouse.
But a mouse.
The first time I saw him
I thought I had the DTs.
I went on the wagon for a week.
But the mouse came back so ..
I fell off the wagon.
It comes round every day
about lunch time for its food.
What does he do on Sunday?
I never thought of that.
I guess he sleeps then.
Maybe I should leave
food out Saturday night.
Maybe you should.
But I'd hate to have him
come out and nobody here.
I got a tender heart you know.
Why didn't I ever think of that?
Thirty years that little mouse
has been coming here.
And I never thought of Sundays.
You thought of it right away.
You're bright.
Good morning, Michael.
Good morning, Willy.
Okay baby, take it now.
Here comes the boss.
Oh, that wretched little mouse.
Willy, I have told you
not to encourage it.
Maya I have a word with you
Mrs McLeod without the mouse?
Of course.
Would you like to come into the office?
- Thank you.
Did you like your breakfast?
- Yes, it was fine.
I've been to see Dougherty.
What for?
To see what he was like and say
we wouldn't print his editorials.
What did he say?
- He was insistent that we print them.
The old buzzard.
So I finally agreed that we would.
You agreed?
But told you they are lies. I can't ..
Well I told him we would and we will.
You have betrayed me.
But I didn't tell him how
we would print them.
We'll take all his lies.
All his lies and print them in italics.
And then just ahead of them,
the reason why we're printing them.
He has put a gun to your
head and this is your reply.
Yes, but ..
- But what?
I don't dare.
It's either this or knuckle under.
Now it's not going to be easy.
It may not even be safe.
It will cause an awful lot of trouble
and no telling where it may lead to.
If I do it.
Will you stay and see it through?
Then I will do it.
That's the girl.
We'll print them tomorrow.
Wait. No, not so fast.
We can't afford to go off half-cocked
here. This is too important.
I've been studying the paper.
And I've got some suggestions to make.
- Yes?
You must change your whole style. Leave
your name and slogan on your masthead.
They're fine.
But you must make the
paper live up to them.
You must make it modern and attractive
and introduce some new features.
If you're going to make
the fight you want ..
You've got to attract
attention to your paper.
I haven't the money to do all that.
It won't take much at the start.
Then, when the new subscribers come
in and the new advertisers, why ..
It's what I always wanted to do, only ..
Well, somehow I couldn't do it alone.
Will you let me do it?
For some reason or other
I trust you. Completely.
Fine. Now, you call your people
here. I must talk to them.
Of course.
Will you come in please?
And ask Mr Zimmerman and
Alf and Willy to come in too.
It's exciting isn't it.
Oh, Jane.
Alf. Zimmerman.
Jane, I want you to meet Mr Richards.
He is our new managing editor.
Mr Richards, this is my niece
Jane, and our society editor.
How do you do?
- You're late.
Sorry, I went on a picnic.
Did you have a nice time, dear?
- No.
Thank you.
Everybody, I have an
announcement to make.
Mr Richards is going
to take over the paper.
He is going to help me
fight Mr Dougherty.
He has wonderful ideas.
Tell them about them.
Well the first is a revolutionary one.
That the Shield and Banner
cease publication for three days.
Until Monday.
You mean, close down?
Why, there hasn't been a day since we
started that the paper hasn't come out.
But then on Monday we come
out with a brand-new paper.
And everybody will buy it out of
curiosity to see what we've done.
And on the front page will be
those articles of Dougherty's.
Then we'd better be
ready for the fireworks.
Well .. what do you say?
I don't know.
You like it?
- Very well. - Alright.
I don't know who you
are or what's going on.
But if you're out to fight old
Dougherty, I say splendid.
That's the ticket.
Alright. Now look, we've got an awful
lot of work to do. Let's get to it.
That cartoon is libellous, Mr Dougherty.
You could sue for damages in court.
Sue for damages?
What you must do is throw this
Richards right back in the clink.
Any excuse. Then you
won't have any more trouble.
That's when it would start. Put him
in jail. That's what he's asking for.
After this it would be just enough
to start things really humming.
Mr Richards. Mr Richards.
Mr Richards.
What time is it?
It's half past nine.
You done overslept yourself.
I'll say I have done.
I've brought you your coffee
and your morning paper.
Oh good. I must see that.
You sure made that look different.
I guess getting that paper out was
what made you oversleep, wasn't it.
No. I was reading Mrs McLeod's book.
I couldn't go to sleep
until I had finished it.
You sure made a mess out of it.
How come you took the pins out of it?
Now I've got to put
it back just like it was.
And Mrs McLeod, she'll
know that I give it to you.
I'll put it together.
- Yeah, three.
I brung you plenty of butter too.
- Good.
Do you think anybody
might want to print that?
I will print it in your paper.
It's exactly what we wanted.
Memories of the good old days.
There's our title.
How will you tell her
how you come to read it?
I'm not going to tell her.
I'll just print it.
She'll be mad.
Nobody is ever mad to see
themselves in print as an author.
I don't see your name in that paper.
I know you write most of it or draw it.
I'm the exception that proves the rule.
Oh. Mr Dougherty phoned.
Oh good.
I expected to hear from him.
Did he ask for me?
- You especially.
Fine. I'll go and see him.
Give him some more rope.
Ha. Give him some for me.
Mr Richards is here to see you, sir.
Tell Mr Richards to come in.
Yes, sir.
- Good morning.
I understand you wanted to see me.
- Yes. Take a seat.
I'm just looking at a copy of
the new Shield and Banner.
I understand you're responsible for it.
Well, I helped some.
- I hardly recognise the old sheet.
Did you draw this picture of me?
- Yep.
Well it's good. Very good.
The joke is on me, Mr Richards.
I didn't realise when you visited the
other day we had an artist in our midst.
I've got a lot of unsuspected gifts.
But you didn't get me in
here to congratulate me.
Son, Mrs McLeod is paying
you $35 a week, isn't she.
There's no reason a good newspaperman
like you should work for chickenfeed.
Mr Winterbottom here is thinking
of retiring from the news next year.
And I thought maybe if you'd
care to join us for a spell ..
By the time he's ready to retire you'd
be broken in and able to take his place.
That's all. Except we can pay you more
than Mrs McLeod can. We can pay you ..
Well, what's your reaction?
The News has the largest circulation
of any newspaper in these parts.
It is your job.
We'll give you a contract of course.
Say, a contract for two years.
Well, what do you say?
We could arrange for raises.
Maybe a bonus.
Mr Dougherty, there is no sense in you
raising the ante. I'm not interested.
You'd better be.
What did you say?
- I said you'd better be.
I've got work to do at the
office so I'd better get along.
Well, I'm sorry.
We could have used you.
Oh, I'm sure.
I'd be obliged if you'd send back the
other editorials you took away with you.
I am sorry. We've accepted them.
You will find them in our paper every
morning and a lot of other things too.
With many questions for you to answer.
- You think you're smart, don't you.
Bamboozling an old woman into
giving you a home and a job. Yes.
But you've got a of
men to deal with here.
That's right.
What you're doing isn't healthy.
Yeah? And this office
isn't healthy either.
It smells bad.
I ought to be getting along.
You may be very brave about
your own safety, Mr Richards.
But Mrs McLeod is still your employer
and if anything should happen to her ..
That man is crazy.
- I'll take care of him.
One minute. This must be handled right.
- It's got to be handled.
You were right saying that
Mrs McLeod is the one to get at.
I think I know how to deal with her.
Well, I hope it is something
you can do quickly.
Maybe you sit still and let her print
accusations that will land you in jail.
She's got nothing on me.
Why do you think that? You don't deny
there are things that guy can dig up ..
That will send us both to
the penitentiary, do you?
Well I don't intend to go there.
- No.
You know what it's like. I don't.
And I don't intend to find out.
I'll move in my own way.
Well, you can as far as it concerns you.
But for what concerns me,
I'll move in mine.
Sorry I'm late.
I'm glad you didn't wait for me.
I'm afraid supper
isn't very nice tonight.
I never know what I'm eating anyway.
You will tonight.
- You will tonight.
What did Mr Dougherty want?
Mrs McLeod, I know this is
going to sound awfully silly.
But have you got a gun?
Why yes, I have several.
We always used to carry
them in the old days.
Because I think you are going to
have to start carrying them again.
I won't guarantee that even your life
will be safe if you go ahead with this.
Do you want to stop?
Well then, neither do I.
But auntie, if Mr Richards says ..
You don't have to stay, Jane.
Maybe you shouldn't.
Well if you two can, I can too.
But I think auntie should
go away some place.
Where, to an old ladies' home?
I couldn't bear it.
I'll stay of course.
Life doesn't matter.
It is what you do with it.
Your supper got all
dried out waiting for you.
Is you all through with yours?
Yes thank you, Aida.
But I am afraid I'll have to
have Dr Chase look at you.
Doctors won't do me no good, Mrs McLeod.
I has got a misery of the spirit.
There ain't going to
be no dessert tonight.
I had a catastrophe with it.
Was your food as bad as this?
No. She had longer
to spoil yours though.
I'll go and talk to her.
Pork chops.
- Go on, get along out of here.
You shouldn't be eating pork chops.
Pork chips is the worst
thing for a misery.
I'll have them.
- You put that down.
You are going to suffer ..
- You sure know how to cook pork chops.
With a talent like yours for cooking I'm
surprised you're still a single woman.
Who done told you I is a single woman?
I'm a deserted wife. I gets alimony.
Well, I'm entitled to it.
I've got 15 years of
alimony coming to me.
When I finds out where my husband is.
I can't understand a man deserting a
woman with your talent for cooking.
To say nothing of your beauty.
Well Mr Richards, I've been trying
to figure out the same thing myself.
I guess he just lost his
taste for our marriage.
At least, he was led astray.
This is fine. Now look.
I've got to go out.
Would you do something?
Will you cook some up for
Mrs McLeod and Miss Jane?
They has done had their supper inside.
And I ain't cooking no more round
here until I find out what's going on.
Where are y'all going tonight?
If I tell you, will you
cook some for them?
Well, I might.
Alright. You put them
on and I'll tell you.
I'm going out to try and get
some proof on Dougherty.
Who you going to see?
Willie Ferguson said there is
a woman named "Gashouse Mary".
Who's paying Dougherty
protection money. You know her?
Well everybody knows Mrs Mary McGovern.
She runs a place called the Eldorado.
I know that too.
I know that old Dougherty
tried to bust her place up.
Because she wouldn't contribute
to his "City Orphans" fund.
At least, that's what he
calls his own pocket.
Well I know she's paying protection now.
It's time to go and see her.
You'll like Gashouse Mary.
She runs a straight place.
She says "I always run a
straight place" and she do.
Decent, huh?
- It sure am.
And pleasant too. No gambling.
And all her girls are nice girls.
Don't you start no cutting-up there.
Now Aida.
Do I look like the type that cuts up?
You is a man, ain't you?
That boss of hers will cut your head
wide open if you try to start anything.
These pork chops would cure anything.
May I sit down here?
No, young man. You may not.
This table is reserved
for me and my friend.
That's what I want to be.
We should get together.
How about a drink?
Get yourself a beer at the bar.
I don't allow no hard liquor in here.
And I would be obliged
if you'd leave my table.
You don't know what I want yet.
Now .. look.
Mrs McGovern, you're
a woman of the world.
There's little that goes on round
here that you don't know about.
I'm just wondering if you would
share what you know with me.
Young man, for the last time.
Will you leave this table and
stop making advances to me?
At my age.
You've got me all wrong.
I've been making
enquiries around town ..
And everybody tells me you've
got exactly what I need.
Hey, Jake!
Hey, Jake! Wait a minute Jake, will you.
You naughty boy.
I've seen a lot of fresh guys
come in here, Mrs McGovern.
But I've never seen one who was fresh
enough to try to get fresh with you.
I haven't been spoken to
like that for thirty years.
He won't come in here
no more, Mrs McGovern.
Mrs McGovern, I want to apologise.
The best way to apologise is to take
yourself right back through that window.
I run a straight joint.
- I know. That's why I must talk to you.
My name is Tom Richards.
I work for Mrs McLeod.
I'm out after Dougherty's hide.
Now just a minute, Jake.
Tom Richards?
Say, was it you that did that drawing
of him in the paper this morning?
That was good. Come into my parlor.
Jake. Look after things.
If there is any trouble, send for
me before you do anything.
Good music you have here.
- Not good. Loud.
That's what they want.
Excuse me.
I don't allow no rough stuff here.
No white dame is coming in
here dressed up to kill.
It's bad for my girls to
see a fox fur like that.
It makes them discontented.
I run a straight joint.
Now what is this all about?
Let's have a drink. Set 'em up.
I hear that you've been paying
off to the Dougherty outfit.
Want to tell me about it?
- Are you going to put it in the paper?
Not if you don't want me to.
I can't afford for you to.
Not in my position.
I can't afford to get in
wrong with Dougherty.
I'll tell you if you want, but you got
to give me your word you won't print it.
I give you my word.
- Of course, if you did, I'd deny it.
- Skol.
Who is his nobs?
- The late Mr McGovern.
Hmm .. quite a fellow.
Tom, I've run decent places all my life.
This joint ain't exactly smart but
nobody can say it ain't run right.
So when old Bill Dougherty's
guys came around ..
And proposed I make a contribution
to his "City Orphans" fund.
I said.
What do I need protection for?
I run a straight place.
A couple of nights later some hoodlums
turned up here and smashed the place up.
So I made a fat contribution
to the City Orphans fund.
Fill 'em up again.
Folks will tell you this used to be a
wide-open town full of bad men.
It was a kindergarten
compared to what it is now.
What are you going to do about it?
Suppose you tell me.
I'd kinda like to hear some fresh ideas.
I .. I had an idea that we ..
Might get the honest
citizens together and ..
Give them the facts.
Well I've found it's no good depending
on honest citizens for a fight.
So you can't help me, huh?
I'd sure like to get even with that
hippopotamus but I can't afford to.
Well, thanks Mary.
Thanks very much.
Do you know anything about
man named Bill Swain?
I hear he's top monkey
around these parts and ..
That he hates Dougherty.
Bill Swain?
You know him?
- I certainly do.
What's he like?
He used to be a fighting man.
He is the state democratic
leader up at the capital.
I'm going to see him.
- Ha!
Ha. I'll give you a letter to him.
Oh, thanks.
- Sure.
I ain't set eyes on Bill Swain for
30 years but he used to be alright.
More than alright.
Bill Swain.
At one time, was kinda sweet on me.
We had a quarrel about ketchup.
About what?
Ketchup. Tomato ketchup.
Bill Swain used to put it on everything.
Melon, cereal.
Everything he ate he put ketchup on.
When it came to him putting it on
my home-made peach ice-cream.
Well, I told him it wasn't genteel.
He was a quick-tempered man and
I was a quick-tempered woman.
He went off in a tantrum and I married
Ted McGovern. I haven't seen Bill since.
But he's a straight-shooting guy.
- Fine.
I just said ..
This is to introduce Tom Richards.
Of the Shield and Banner.
He's a good scout.
Thank you, Mary.
So are you.
Gashouse Mary has been a friend
of mine for nearly 40 years.
Though I haven't seen her lately.
What's she like now? Still good looking?
She's what you might call ..
A very fine figure of a woman.
Well preserved, eh?
That's the word.
Well, funny how perfume
will bring things back.
As a matter of fact.
I was just a kid the
first time I met Mary.
I was riding the range knowing more
about horses and steers than women.
You sure you won't have a sandwich?
- No thanks.
Just coffee.
- Well, help yourself.
May I?
Oh, yes.
Say, that's something I've
never tried. Is that good?
Ketchup is pretty good
with anything, isn't it?
Yes, sir. I've got to try that.
Why, that's good.
I've been missing
something all these years.
Well now, let's get
back to business, son.
Now you don't know this
Dougherty like I do.
He's just as crooked as they come.
What you're trying to do is just
like stepping on a rattle snake.
Mary told me you were a fighting man.
Yes, but I'll pick when and who I fight.
No, I's sorry son but there is no dice.
Dougherty is the biggest
vote-getter in the state.
And I've got too much at stake.
That may sound yellow to
you, but that's politics.
That's what they all say.
Everybody I've been to see.
They can't afford to fight Dougherty.
I'm going on with it.
Well, you are different.
You're the only one
with nothing to lose.
I guess that's true.
I've got nothing to lose.
Well, good luck to you, son.
Thanks. Looks like I'll need it.
What's the matter, fellah?
You sore about anything?
You've been sitting there for the last
three hours and not a word out of you.
You're kinda discouraged
over something, ain't you?
Yes, and no.
Feel like talking?
You talk.
How come you're on the road?
Oh, I don't believe in
paying railroad fares.
You ain't dressed right.
- I know.
I just took to wearing
these things again.
That's bad.
That's the first step. Next thing you
know you'll be working in an office.
I used to do it. Twenty of the
best years of my life I wasted.
Going to work in the morning.
Coming home in the evening.
Sitting around the house.
Putting money in the bank.
Always knowing where I'd be
the next day, or the next year.
One day I let out and I never went back.
I've been happy ever since.
I used to be on my own,
but I took a job.
Too bad. Too bad.
What made you?
I bet it was a dame.
Hmm. It was.
What was she like? Pretty, huh?
Used to be.
- Huh?
Married to her?
That's bad. That's bad.
That makes it worse.
You feel obligated, don't you?
Kind of.
That's what they do to you.
That's what they try to do.
Pin a guy down.
Well, you duck out of
it fellah, like I done.
Be on your own again.
Go where you like, when you like.
If you feel like spending
the winter in Florida.
You go to Florida.
Did you ever hear of a poem
called "The open road of freedom"?
Well, it goes something like this.
"There is a road that passes cities.
And it leaves them on the side."
"It goes across the mountain."
"And it takes them in their stride."
"You can meet with
friends along that road."
"Or travel all alone."
"It's the open road of freedom."
"Where you call your soul your own."
Not good.
But I can see where it has a point.
Who wrote it?
A fellah by the name of Tom Richards.
Just a tramp.
Oh, it's you.
What are you doing here all
alone at this time of night?
Oh, just sitting.
Where did you disappear to?
I went up to see Bill Swain.
I thought he might help.
Yes, and ..?
- No. He won't.
He's afraid of Dougherty just like
everybody else is. Won't do a thing.
So .. you and I had
better to this on our own.
What's the matter?
I'm afraid we can't go on.
The bank called the mortgage
on the paper and the house.
At least it's not the bank.
It's Dougherty.
He's had the mortgages
transferred to him and ..
Well, he .. he won't renew them.
How long have you got?
A month or two, I guess.
But even if it were a year.
I couldn't raise it.
It was nice while it lasted.
How did that happen?
How did you get hold of that?
Aida gave it to me.
- Yes, I am.
That wasn't meant for publication.
I thought it was very good.
Did you really?
Certainly, I wouldn't
have printed it if I hadn't.
Still, you had no right to print it.
However, I guess it doesn't matter.
Now we are closing down.
Yeah. Just as you
became an authoress too.
Well, that is tough.
You know .. if ..
If you gave up the fight.
After all, that's what Dougherty wants.
You could publish that and
go on running your paper.
Under his orders?
It will be like being a slave.
No. I would sooner see it go entirely.
Have her go down fighting, huh?
Wouldn't you?
It's not my paper.
Well it is mine.
And it is going to die mine.
Now, let's go home.
Well. I suppose this will
mean you going away.
But you are not the kind to stay put.
Even the little while you've been here,
you've been sort-of itching to get away.
Haven't you?
Even though you've
been enjoying the fight.
Just as a fight.
You see too much Mrs McLeod.
But you mustn't go away
feeling you've been licked.
I'm not going away.
Remember, I'm on probation.
But I don't know what there
will be for you to live on now.
I won't be able to go on.
And I am afraid there is no-one
else here who will give you a job?
What are you going to do?
I hadn't thought.
It didn't seem important.
Well I think it is, kind of.
Come on.
Let's go home.
You've been very good to me, Tom.
You don't mind my calling you Tom?
I sort-of feel you're one of the family.
Oh .. you needn't worry.
I know you don't want to
belong anywhere really.
In the beginning I did have silly
dreams that you and Jane might ..
Like each other.
And you might become
part of the family really.
Stay with us and ..
That would be about all you'd need.
Oh, I know it was silly.
And not like you.
One must never try to make people over.
Or hold them.
You needn't be scared.
I'm not.
What is it?
Nothing except ..
I like you, Mrs Mack.
I'll have Aida fix some
spoonbread and some cocoa.
Or perhaps you would
like something stronger?
[ Gunshot! ]
[ Gunshot! ]
[ Gunshot! ]
You stay right there
and keep that covered.
Good girl.
[ Gunshot! ]
Don't go. They will kill you.
[ Gunshot! ]
[ Gunshot! ]
[ Gunshot! ]
Get me the police.
Did you see who they were?
I saw Dougherty's friend, Hirsh.
I suppose it was all Dougherty's doing.
Yeah, I guess so.
I'm sorry the shooting upset you so.
Aunt Vinnie was very ashamed of me.
She said it was no way
for a McLeod to act.
How does your head feel now?
I know it's there.
I'm glad it is.
Kind of.
You might have been killed.
What is it?
Come on, let's get it on.
I've got to get down to the office.
What for?
Have you forgot we're
running a newspaper?
This is big news.
Yes I guess it is, but ..
You can't go out. You ought to rest.
I don't need any rest.
I've got to get down there.
This is the biggest story you
ever read in your young life.
Is that all it means to you, a story?
This is what we've been waiting for.
Every move we made met resistance.
Now they've done it for her.
Dropped it in our laps.
An attack on Mrs McLeod.
This will break the town wide open.
I guess it will.
I guess I was forgetting all about
that and acting like a woman.
Speaking of the human side of things.
There is nothing wrong with that.
You're a good nurse.
Nice hands.
I can't put your bandage on
very well if you do that.
Alright. Get it on.
This may hurt.
I can take it. Go on.
There, you see.
You can't go down to the office.
You stay there and
put your feet up here.
You can dictate the story to me.
I'm ready.
Vinnie McLeod shot.
Here, what do you want?
I'm talking to you!
You can't go in there.
You come right back here.
What are you doing here?
- I want to speak to you.
Listen. I know you don't
think much of us, but there ..
There is one thing I've got to tell you.
We had nothing to do with this business.
You must believe that, Jane. Think what
you like about us, but please know that.
How dare you come here.
I had to tell you.
Nothing to do with it?
Your father framed it all.
It's not true. He knew
nothing about it. I swear.
I don't believe you. And even if
he didn't what about the rest?
You don't deny he's out to ruin aunt
Vinnie do you. And you are helping him.
Making love to me to try
and get me to desert her.
I made love to you because
I wanted you. I still want you.
Go away.
Get out of here!
I guess I should have
told you about that.
It's really very gratifying to know that
we all have the same interests at heart.
The Reverend Landin has suggested
we nominate a reform committee.
I would like to propose as
chairman my managing editor.
Mr Tom Richards.
Perhaps somebody would second this?
Mrs McLeod.
I have the very great
pleasure of seconding ..
Mr Richards' nomination as chairman.
All in favor.
Thank you ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you very much.
This is a very encouraging sight.
It's good to know you have the interest
and welfare of your town at heart.
But it's better to know that you've
at last decided to do something.
Hello, Mr Chairman.
- Mary.
What is that woman doing here?
The same as you are, Mabel Deakins.
I came to support Vinnie McLeod.
Hiya, Vinnie.
Glad to see you, Mary.
Won't you sit down?
Tom, find a chair for Mary.
Sit down here.
- Don't bother. I'm not staying.
If I could just have a word with
you? In the back room maybe.
Right. Excuse us for
just a minute would you.
I think I will step out for a moment.
Now Will, you stay right here.
Myrtle, please don't embarrass
me before the townspeople.
I don't want to be on no committee.
You'd only lose all respectable folks.
And you need them in a thing like this.
I just came to tell you I'm with you.
And you can print the story I told
you if you think it'll do any good.
I know it will.
- I ain't holding out no more.
That's the girl, Mary. Have a drink.
There aren't any glasses
but let us all have a drink.
Sure. Here is to good work.
No, no. It's too early for him.
Here's to you, Mary.
Thank you, Willy.
Now, committees need dough.
Here is my contribution.
It usually goes to the orphan's fund.
This time you can have it.
- Thanks.
I'll slip out this way.
Good luck, sonny-boy.
You're doing a good job.
If I were thirty years younger ..
Well, skip it.
A colorful woman, that.
A colorful woman.
She certainly is, Willy.
A heart of gold, old Mary.
A heart of gold.
[ Whistle ]
Oh, a tidy sum.
Dougherty's been doing very well.
It even smells good.
Why hello, Mr Dougherty!
Ha. My silent partner.
How's things with you?
Okay. How are they with you?
- Couldn't be better.
Your son has been coming in
my place in the evenings lately.
I told him to stay out of there.
Well, there are worse
places he could go to.
His own home I should think.
And from the way he stays out of it.
I'd say he agrees with me.
You know, Pete is a good boy really.
Though he does seem to be pretty low in
his spirits about something these days.
You don't have to tell
me about my own son.
Well sometimes fathers and sons are the
last people to know about each other.
And I kind of thought maybe
Pete didn't know about you.
What are you talking about?
- Oh, nothing. Nothing.
Glad to have run into you, Mr Dougherty.
By the way.
My contribution to your Orphan's Fund.
You won't be getting it this month.
I've just given it to
the Reform Committee.
You know all about that, don't you?
You know what it's for?
To get the town de-skunked.
Hey, let me out of here!
Listen, you big baboon. You've
got no right to keep me in here.
I know the law. I'm entitled to bail.
Sure you're entitled to bail.
You know what it is: $1,500.
They've no right putting
a bail like that on me.
Making me put my place and
my house up for security.
It's no good you blaming me.
It was the judge's order.
It was old Dougherty's
orders and you know it.
Just like everything in this
town is on Dougherty's orders.
You work under his orders.
Chief of Police?
A lop-eared rabbit with one kidney would
make a better Chief of Police than you.
What did you stand up to him?
I stood up to him.
Yes, but where did it get you?
- Oh, it's you is it.
What are you doing leaving me in here?
I think it's kind of a
nice place for you.
Well, you get me out of here. What
you got that committee of yours for?
It's to fight old Dougherty, isn't it?
It was Dougherty who put me here.
It's him who is keeping me here.
You lie like a livered rat.
Like a pie-eyed, pot-bellied barrel.
You're right. She does talk too much.
- Listen, you.
You think you came here to laugh at me
but wait until I get outside these bars.
And I give you a chance
to put your fists up.
I've cleaned up men
three times your size.
Two of them at a time.
Let me out of here and
I'll take you both on.
And the magistrate and old Dougherty and
the whole of your blue-nosed committee.
That thinks itself too good
to lift a finger to help me.
I suppose in your job you get
used to language of this kind.
But I can't stand it.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Come back here. Come back here!
You know.
I wonder if you didn't make a
great mistake in taking her in.
It wasn't my idea. Orders are orders.
Well, if she starts kicking on the
cell doors, you take her shoes off.
I've got some news for you, Mr Swain.
He's arrested Gashouse Mary.
What? What for?
Disorderly? My foot.
Mary has always run a straight place.
Where is she now?
In jail, yelling her head off.
Well, I don't want her.
You get her out. How much?
$1,500? Say, that's illegal.
"Hey listen, son."
"I'll wire the dough. You
get her out and quick."
Why, that poor little woman.
If they touch one hair on
her pretty little head, why ..
Say listen, son. I'm coming in with you.
"I'm coming in with all four feet."
"I'll bust that
administration wide open."
This time, Bill Dougherty.
Well, he's just hanged himself.
"And you can tell him that
from me. He's hanged himself."
Take the coffee things.
Leave the decanter.
Yes sir. Mr Dougherty.
I reckon Mr Pete won't be home
for his supper again tonight.
I guess not. You go to bed.
Yes sir, Mr Dougherty.
Hello son. Want supper?
No thanks.
What's wrong, son?
- Not a thing.
[ Singing: ]
"There is a dance house at Maraday."
"My true love goes there
most every night.."
"And takes a strange one upon his knee."
Cut it out will you, dad.
- The kidding.
"And don't you think now that vexes me?"
"And still she cried,
I love him the best."
I'm going to bed.
Stay here.
What is it? The McLeod girl, eh?
Won't she have you?
You expect her to?
Any reason acting like a moonstruck
kid down at Gashouse Mary's?
You've not been there tonight.
She's in jail.
She's out.
They bailed her out.
Who did?
- Bill Swain.
Are they true, the things they say?
What do they say?
They think you brought
those killers here.
Do you think that?
- Oh, I know you didn't.
The other things.
Son, there is a lot I've never told you.
I didn't think there was
any need for you to know.
I don't know that there is now.
We've got to know where we stand.
- Because of the girl, huh?
She won't have you on
account of me? Is that it?
I see what you are up against.
Sorry, son.
I can't back down now.
Especially when you tell
me Bill Swain is on it.
He's out to get me and I've got
to fight with everything I've got.
But you can duck out if you want to.
What do you think I am?
Tell me, daddy. How bad is it?
Bad enough that they could send
me to jail, if I didn't fight them.
I didn't know.
[ Band music ]
What is it?
Down with Dougherty!
Down with Dougherty!
Down with Dougherty!
Company, halt!
We've had enough of Dougherty!
We've had enough of Dougherty!
Dougherty ain't afraid
of anyone in town.
I bet you can't take Gashouse Mary.
Is your son yellow too?
Where are you going?
- Never mind where I'm going.
Don't make a fool of yourself. Don't
go out on the street. It ain't safe.
Dougherty, go!
Hey, you. Richards.
You started all this.
Why don't you come out and fight fair?
Excuse me, ladies.
Don't you worry, I'll go with them
and see fair play. I'll referee.
See fair play?
He can't even see.
What are you trying to prove, kid?
Break it up. Break it up.
Break it up. Break it up.
You're under arrest.
- What for?
Disturbing the peace.
I'll be a pot-bellied boar.
Come on, now.
Hey, let go of him!
Let go of him!
Are you going to let
them get away with that?
Are you going to let them
take Tom Richards off to jail?
- Alright then.
Let's put an end to
all this foolishness.
Let's make some use of this procession.
Are you with me, boys?
Disturbing the peace.
I'll give you the club.
- You shall give me the club?
I'll give you the club, I tell you.
You are staying now.
- You'll be sorry for this.
Not as sorry as you will.
What is that?
We brought in Richards.
That's who the rat is.
We got to get him out of here, Chief.
We can't let him out.
It's Dougherty's orders.
Do you hear what I hear?
- Get him out of here quick, chief.
Let go of that door.
Let go of that door!
Get him out of here.
I don't want to go.
What do you mean, you don't want to go?
- I like it here. It's quiet.
Come on, be a good guy. Go on
down the coal chute will you.
I don't want to.
What kind of a dope are you anyway?
I'll give you one more chance.
I tell you I'm not going.
I'm going to stay right here.
You are?
- Yes.
Then I'm going through the coal chute.
So am I.
Wait for me.
Get down, Hurry up.
I've got a wife and six children.
What do you think I've got, ducks?
Wait a minute, boys!
There you are! Step in, boys.
He went that way.
It's no use our talking about it.
I can't do anything without
Tom Richards now.
What is it you can't do without me?
- Tom, I'm so glad you're back.
Are you alright?
- Yeah, fine. What's he doing here?
He wants to make a compromise.
A compromise?
After we've got them licked?
I'm sorry. There is no room
for compromise in any of this.
Now just a minute.
Let's look at this thing sensibly.
Form whose point of view?
- All our points of view.
You said you've got me licked.
- Yes.
Well I'm not admitting that.
But you've got me to a place where
I'd just as soon not go on fighting.
There is nothing to be gained by you.
Except you could run
me into jail, maybe.
I have reasons for not
wanting to go to jail.
Who hasn't?
I'm not thinking of myself.
He is thinking of Jane and Pete.
And you are willing to let
everything drop because of that?
And allow things to go on as they were?
No. Mr Dougherty says he
is willing to clear out.
Suppose you tell me exactly
what your proposition is.
- Okay. I said that.
Mister Richards.
- That's a lot better.
You two have been out to run me
out of town. Well, I'm ready to go.
If I stay here fighting you it will only
make it worse for Pete and the girl.
Whether I win or lose.
And my boy's happiness
means a lot to me.
I've had a hankering for a long time to
do some fishing and horseshoe pitching.
Down in Florida.
I thought that if I went down
there and stayed for a long time.
For good maybe.
Then you could call
off your hounds and ..
Go on, go on.
Vinnie McLeod goes on running her paper
and publishes her book on the old days.
And the kids could get married.
And .. well, that's about all.
What do you say, Tom?
Would that satisfy you?
I think so.
When would you leave?
As soon as you like.
0kay. Then I'll be going.
I want to tell you
something, Vinnie McLeod.
I've always kind of
liked and admired you.
I don't think you're a smart woman.
But you are a kind and
understanding one.
I haven't got you figured out yet.
Just what was your game in all this?
Just something I got into.
I'll be going.
Maybe you would care to have this.
What is that?
The mortgages. Cancelled.
Come on, come on. It's alright.
Alright. Nothing to cry about.
Nothing to be afraid of anymore.
I know.
That's what I'm crying for.
Dougherty goes on is way.
His works are a thing of the past.
All is well in Plattsville.
That was "goodbye", Tom.
Wasn't it?
You'll be going away now won't you?
What made you say that?
You like your freedom.
Don't you, Tom?
Yes, Mrs Mack. I do.
I do like my freedom.
But I also like yours.
That's what all this has been
about these past few weeks.
So that a few people could
live the way they want to live.
The town.
Pete and Jane and Mary.
And you.
And now you've done it.
You will be on your way.
I guess so.
And gone so soon.
But I'll be back to see
you almost anytime.
Before you know it.
It is strange.
How little I know about you.
Where you come from.
Where you are going.
Have you no-one belonging
to you anywhere?
Haven't you even got a girl someplace?
Sure I have.
You're my girl.
[ Train whistle ]
| | t-g | |
A private residence.
Did you say we get breakfast here?
I thought you said
this was a tough town.
Sure, it's tough. Plenty.
The lady here is different.
She's got a good heart.
About the only one in town
that has, and dares show it.
She runs a newspaper.
See that?
That's her.
I've been making
this stuff for 25 years.
I remember Vinnie McLeod when she was
the prettiest girl in Calaveras County.
My, was she pretty.
Y'all got to wait a minute.
I'm fixing breakfast for the family.
You ain't eaten your
spoonbread, Mrs McLeod.
What's the matter? You got a misery?
No. I'm just not very hungry.
I wish you'd wrap up
those silver candlesticks.
I want to take them
with me this morning.
What you need money for now?
We's got vittles and
a roof over our heads.
And Sam Wilson sent
down a ham this morning.
I told him you would give him two extra
pieces of advertising in the paper.
I can't go on giving people advertising.
Unless I go on running a paper.
And I can't do that without money.
It's the 1st of the month.
And the bills are due today.
I'll wrap them up, Mrs McLeod.
Try and change the shape a
little so that if anyone sees me ..
Don't you worry yourself, Mrs McLeod.
When I wrap them up, there ain't nobody
able to guess what's in that pack.
Here is your hot water.
What are you supposed to do with that?
Wash? Wash what?
Hands and face and
anything else that shows.
What for?
Rule of the house.
No wash, no breakfast.
The colored woman looks you
over before she'll give it to you.
You got to have your nails clean too.
What do they give you for breakfast?
Hot cakes.
That colored woman makes hot
cakes like you've never seen.
So they melt in your mouth.
Great stacks of them.
All piping hot.
Great gobs of butter.
Sitting on top. Seeping through.
And pouring down the side.
You ain't kidding me?
If you've got any heart, don't kid me.
No, sir.
But you've got to wash first.
Yeah. There is a catch in everything.
Good morning, auntie.
Good morning, dear. Sleep well?
Yes, thank you.
Auntie, you are wearing that same
old dress again this morning.
You promised me you'd
buy yourself a new one.
You like me to look nice.
- Well my dear, that is different.
You are young and pretty.
I haven't the money to
spend dressing myself up.
Of course you haven't when you spend
it feeding tramps down in the cellar.
Good morning, Miss Jane.
- Good morning, Aida.
You is late. Your aunt has
finished her breakfast.
I know.
Aida, I'm going picnicking.
Will you pack up a lunch for two.
Who are y'all going with?
What's that got to do with it?
I don't fix no picnic lunch unless
I know who is going to eat it.
Aida, I can't sit here arguing.
I want my breakfast.
A picnic lunch for two.
She is going with that Pete Dougherty.
Well if you know, why do you ask?
I just wanted to see if you'd admit it.
Pete Dougherty, that Irish ..
Do you care for Pete Dougherty?
What would be the use of my caring?
He seems very interested in you.
I know.
If he did think of me in that way.
Would you mind terribly?
Of course there are people I'd
rather see you marry. But ..
If you are really fond of him ..
I believe in love, Jane.
He asked me to go out in his
automobile this morning.
I could be back at the
office right after lunch.
May I take the morning off?
Of course, dear.
I hope you have a nice time.
I must be on my rounds.
Now you eat your breakfast
and don't leave anything.
Or Aida will have a misery,
and we can't have that.
I'm just going, Aida.
Yes ma'am. There is your package.
You were right. No-one will
ever be able to tell what it is.
Thank you, ma'am.
Good morning.
- Good morning, ma'am.
If that isn't enough.
There is plenty more
where that came from.
Thank you, ma'am.
Goodbye, ma'am.
May I come in?
Why, Mrs McLeod.
Sure, sure. Come in.
Anything I can do for you?
Yes. Thank you.
You remember my sliver candlesticks?
Of course I remember them.
Very fine, they are.
Like every lovely thing in your house.
All mortgaged.
I thought I would like to ..
Leave these with you for a little.
To look after with the other things.
Why, sure Mrs McLeod. Be glad to.
Glad to keep them safe for you.
I've had them ever since I was married.
How ..
How much ..
How would fifty dollars be?
I thought they were
worth more than that.
I know Mrs McLeod, but
that ain't the question.
You ain't selling them to me, you know.
And even if you were, why ..
Alright, Mr Blaker.
Fifty dollars.
I'll put them right in there
with the rest of your things.
I'll get you the cash right now.
Here you are, Mrs McLeod.
Thank you.
And seeing as how it is the first
of the month, I made it sixty.
That newspaper is kind of an
expensive hobby for you.
It isn't a hobby.
A hobby is something apart.
The paper .. is everything to me.
Thank you, Mr Blaker.
You will ..
You will take good care of them?
- Sure will.
Good morning, Mr Blaker.
Good morning, Mrs McLeod.
- Good morning, Mr Dougherty.
We were just talking about you.
- Oh, really?
I wonder if you'd come to my office this
morning? I must a have a talk with you.
Well, this is my busy morning.
I have to get to court and ..
I shan't keep you long.
Well, alright then. How soon?
As soon as you like. I'll see you.
Good morning.
It's Pickwick.
How's that?
- I beg your pardon.
I was just looking to see what
was making you laugh so.
It's the Pickwick Papers.
- Yeah. Good, huh?
Yes. I haven't read it for years.
It's worth taking another look at.
I met Charles Dickens
when he was here in '67.
You did?
But you shouldn't be lounging
here reading that you know.
Why? Do you think I should be working?
The police would think so.
They are hard on vagrants in this town.
They rope them in and put them
to work on the road gang.
And treat them brutally.
Well, I make a kind of business
of saving men from that.
You had better go up to my house
and have a meal and a bath.
That's very kind of you but ..
You go down the street
and turn to your left.
You will see a big old-fashioned
sort of house. You can't miss it.
Go round the back and tell the colored
woman that Mrs McLeod sent you.
Now, will you do that?
- Yeah. I will be glad to.
Well, aren't you going?
Why .. I just thought
I'd finish this chapter.
It isn't safe.
Just another couple of pages.
Well, perhaps just a couple more pages.
But don't go getting interested and
start the next chapter by mistake now.
I won't.
Goodbye then.
- Goodbye.
You got here quick, Mrs McLeod.
This is Mr Hirsh, my campaign manager.
Ah, the elections.
This lady is the editor of
the Shield and Banner.
Pleased to meet you, ma'am.
That's quite a job for a little lady
to be running a newspaper, isn't it?
I've been doing it for
30 years, Mr Hirsh.
Since my husband died.
He founded the paper.
Well, that is very interesting.
You're quite a pioneer, aren't you.
I'll step into the other office, Bill.
See you later.
Won't you sit down?
I don't often get round to
seeing a copy of your paper ..
But someone did show
me this morning's issue.
That was a pretty
fresh editorial you had.
I wasn't quite clear in
what you were getting at.
I gather there are things you don't like
about how the town is run. Is that it?
Well, yes. In a way.
Uhuh. Just what in particular?
Well, there are a lot of things.
Those new houses on
Parker Street. They are ..
They are not at all
well built, you know.
Mrs McLeod, I built those houses.
I know. But I thought perhaps you hadn't
looked at them since they were finished.
They are not safe.
There have been accidents already.
Then there are the new waterworks.
They should have been ready long ago.
Four more babies died
of typhoid this week.
The police say ..
- Mrs McLeod.
Your paper does a nice job of printing
the social news, weddings and such like.
But if you feel you need public-spirited
editorials as well, I've got a few here.
I thought you might care to use them.
And put your name on them.
What do they say?
- Oh, they are good stuff.
Written by a good man.
Now wait a minute. We'll just
change the name on them, eh?
You sign yourself Vinnie McLeod?
Now, that looks nice, doesn't it?
Mr Dougherty, you're
treating me like child.
No, Mrs McLeod.
I treat you like an old lady who pokes
her nose into what doesn't concern her.
And who is going to get herself
badly bitten if she doesn't watch out.
Now you save yourself
trouble and print those.
Suppose I refuse?
You won't refuse. So why discuss it?
Now forget about editorials.
And worry about your bills and
the mortgage on your house.
And the goodwill of the people who
really amount to something in this town.
Now take those.
I must read them.
Say Dad, are you going to be needing ..?
Good morning.
- Good morning.
How is Jane?
Jane is fine.
I am taking her away
from work this morning.
I know. She told me.
Well, I had better be
starting my day's work.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
Good day, Peter.
Good day.
Did you talk to her
about that editorial?
What did she say?
- Everything will be alright.
Son, how serious are you
about this niece of hers?
Are you thinking of marrying her?
I don't know that she'd have me.
What? Why, she'd jump at you.
Who are the McLeods compared to us?
Would you mind my marrying her, Dad?
I want you to have the
things you want, son.
I never did when I was your age.
And it might kind of help to fix things
up if the girl was one of the family.
I wasn't thinking of that.
- No.
No. But there is no harm in
killing two birds with one stone.
Good morning, Mr Robinson.
Morning, Mrs McLeod.
Anything interesting this morning?
No, just the usual.
Wife beating.
That's a new-fangled sort of crime.
In my day men didn't beat their wives.
The wives had pistols.
Vagrancy. Petty larceny.
An attempted arson. Vagrancy.
Good morning.
- Morning, Your Honor.
Good morning, Robinson.
Good morning, Mrs McLeod.
And how are you this morning?
- I'm very well, judge.
It wouldn't seem like the old court if I
didn't see you sitting there below me.
Writing down all my words of wisdom.
You are very chipper
this morning, judge.
I sure am. It's my birthday.
Sixty-two this morning. Yes ma'am.
I got a mighty nice lot of presents too.
What do you think of that?
A present from my old
friend Bill Dougherty.
A fine fellow, Dougherty.
A solid gold 18-carat
repeater. Yes, sir.
It's a splendid watch.
Old Bill Dougherty is alright.
Now, what have we got this morning?
The Justice Court of Plattsville,
Calaveras county is now in session.
Please come to order.
Honorable Judge Flynn presiding.
Be seated.
First case.
Bring in the prisoners.
George Renshaw.
Hiram Webster.
And Thomas Richards.
Charged with vagrancy.
Guilty or not-guilty?
Not guilty.
Sixty days.
Didn't have jobs, eh?
Well, you've got one now.
We'll have you working for the city.
On the road gang.
Take him away. Next case.
Just a minute, please.
I said "not guilty".
- What's that?
I say that I said "not guilty".
Oh, you did, did you?
Well now, young
fellow who wants a trial.
What's your name?
Tom Richards.
"Thomas Richards."
"No fixed abode."
Is that right?
I guess that's right, yeah.
"Occupation: newspaperman."
And what newspaper do you work for?
Well, not any right now.
What was the idea of giving
that as your occupation the?
Well, you got to give something, don't
you. And I have worked on newspapers.
On and off, ever since I was a kid.
But more off than on, I imagine.
No. I would say about 50-50.
What are you doing here in Plattsville?
Passing through if you will allow me.
Where did you sleep last night?
- I didn't sleep, I walked.
And you still contend that
you are not a vagrant?
With no fixed abode,
no means of support?
But I have means of support.
Two dollars.
Well after all, it is means of support.
I'm no panhandler. I'm no vagrant.
Well I don't know what else you
call a man who walks all night.
A somnambulist.
Take those two out of here.
I walked all night Your Honor
because I like to walk.
And I didn't want to
spend money for a room.
Well, in this town that
constitutes vagrancy.
The police found you sprawling
in a public park, jobless.
Your Honor, may I say a word?
What is it?
I just wanted to say that if this young
man wants a job I'll give him one.
What's that?
I'm the editor of the Shield and Banner.
And if you want a reporter's
job I will give you one.
That's very kind of you, ma'am.
Now Mrs McLeod, that's just plain silly.
I need another man on the paper.
And he's had experience, he says.
But you don't know the
first thing about him.
I'll take a chance on him.
How do you propose to pay him?
Why, I hadn't thought.
Well, you had better.
If the court is going to release him ..
It has to make sure that he is going
to make enough to keep himself.
I'll see that he gets enough.
Yes. But the court has to
decide what is enough.
If fixes the amount
at 35 dollars a week.
The first week's salary in advance.
Well. What do you say?
Well, it is rather a large
salary to start with.
Well, that's what you have to make it.
Now hold on.
- No, I agree.
Please ma'am.
- It's alright.
I agree.
Now will that be enough?
May he go?
- Not so fast.
The prisoner is still guilty
of the charge of vagrancy.
And that's the way it has
got to go on to the record.
Owing to the intervention of Mrs McLeod.
A citizen of prominence and character.
The court exercises its leniency.
And releases the prisoner on probation,
in her charge, for two months.
The prisoner is free to go.
Thank you, Judge.
I'll keep any eye on him.
You better.
And keep any eye on your belongings too.
Where do we go from here?
- You had better come with me.
Here you are, ma'am.
I'll give you back your money now.
- Why, what do you mean?
I'll be getting along.
- Where?
Well .. out of town, don't you think.
But you are coming to work for me.
No, you really didn't mean that did you?
But of course I did.
Besides, if you don't
they'll put you in jail.
That's why I offered it to you.
So you wouldn't go to jail.
Why should you be so interested
in whether or not I go to jail?
Because you didn't deserve it.
I warned you what would happen.
And because you were
reading Dickens and ..
Now look, Mrs McLeod.
It's very kind of you but ..
I don't want to stay in this town
so if it's all the same to you ..
But you can't go now.
You are on probation to me.
If you skip town I'll get in trouble.
And I am afraid there are people who'd
like to see me get in trouble right now.
It seems to me you go
around looking for it.
I can't just stand by and do nothing
about the wicked things I see go on.
You've got a newspaper.
Can't you do anything there?
I've tried.
But you see, Dougherty is the big boss.
And he controls the other newspaper.
And he is kind of powerful.
Well, running a newspaper
is not a woman's job and ..
Why don't you get hold of a young
person with plenty of fight in them?
Let them handle it for you.
- There isn't anyone.
Though when I heard the way you
spoke up to Flynn in court I ..
I did wonder for a minute whether ..
You might.
Oh, no, no.
No. I am sorry.
It looks like I've got myself
into something here.
I tell you what I'll do. I don't
want to get you into trouble.
So while my probation lasts, I'll
come and work for you as a reporter.
But as far as helping you
straighten out that man ..
Oh, whatever his name is.
I think you'll have to
forget about that.
Well, I guess maybe you'd
like something to eat.
Why not let it be on me and my
very visible means of support?
Will you step across the street?
- Well, that's very nice of you.
But there's no point in wasting money
and there is plenty of food at home.
Lead on, McLeod.
This is it.
This is where I live.
Well, what do you know.
Mr McLeod built it
nearly fifty years ago.
It is known as McLeod's folly.
A big one, isn't it.
Yes. I suppose it is
a little old-fashioned.
Hmm. It might.
But then I'm sort of an
old-fashioned person.
Come in here.
That's you?
Yes, that's me.
Of course, it was a long time ago.
Nearly fifty years.
About the time you met Dickens.
What you back home for, Mrs McLeod?
Is anything wrong?
No, no, Aida.
This gentleman is coming to
work for me on the newspaper.
He will be boarding here with us
and I think he'd like some food now.
Mr Richards, this is
Aida who looks after me.
You ain't spoke to me about hiring
anybody to work for you on the paper.
It wasn't settled until this morning.
You ain't done told me
you was thinking about it.
I wasn't until this morning.
Now go and get Mr Richards something to
eat. I'll tell you all about it later.
I always have to tell
Aida everything I do.
If she feels anything is being kept
from her she has a misery of the spirit.
And that's awful.
Why not run upstairs and have a bath and
a real shave while she fixes breakfast?
It's the door just opposite
the head of the stairs.
You will find some old razors
on a shelf in the closet.
What were you going to say?
Oh, nothing.
I'll go on upstairs and get cleaned up.
[ Door knocks ]
Yeah, who's there?
- Is you in the tub yet?
No, Not yet. Why?
If you put your clothes through the door
I'll press them while you has your bath.
Here you are.
Where is the pants?
Still got them on. Wait a minute.
Say, what day is it today?
What do you mean, "what day"?
I mean Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. What?
Today am Thursday.
What do you want to know for now?
- Oh, just wondered.
There you are.
I'll bring them right back.
And see that you washes
behind your ears.
And catch my death of cold?
I won't do it.
I won't.
Your breakfast will be
ready in a minute.
Quite a nice library you have here.
These are good bindings.
What's the trouble, Mrs McLeod?
What won't you do?
Knuckle under to Dougherty.
You seem to be hot on this
subject of this Dougherty.
What's he ever done to you?
It isn't what he's done
so much as what he is.
He's bad.
And everything he stands for is bad too.
But why should you worry?
Because right is right.
Right is right but what are
you going to do about it?
Mrs McLeod.
Don't get yourself mixed up
with politics and politicians.
You haven't got a chance.
I tried it myself once on a newspaper.
But had the boss slip out from under
me when the going got too hot for him.
He left me holding the bag.
I'm not a crusader anymore.
You can't win, so why
don't you stop trying?
Because you've got to try.
How do you think anything would get done
if people hadn't fought the bad things?
How do you think this town
would have got built?
Or any town?
Or America at all?
Why, I remember this place
when there wasn't anything.
And then we started.
And the bad ones came and the crooks.
And all the things you won't remember
though you must have read about them.
Now it is worse than it was then.
Because it is hidden.
And corrupt.
And this man Dougherty wants me to print
these editorials that he's had written.
Backing him up.
I won't do it.
I'd die before that.
Are you trying to sell me on
that campaign of yours again?
No, that wasn't fair of me.
I'm alright now.
I'm going down to the office.
You come as soon as
you've had your breakfast.
Anyone will tell you where it is.
Here is a copy of the paper.
I'll run along.
Your breakfast is ready.
I said, your breakfast is read.
Oh. Thank you, Aida. Thank you.
It isn't respectful of you to use your
aunt's newspaper to wrap the lemonade.
I don't think auntie would mind.
Did she mind you coming
out with me today?
I don't think she seemed very pleased
about it in the office this morning.
What was she doing in
your father's office?
Dad wanted to talk to
her about something.
I don't know. Here, let me help you.
Pete. You are trying to
hide something from me.
No. No I'm not.
Jane. Tell me something.
You don't really like working on
your aunt's newspaper, do you?
I mean, you only do it
because you have to?
That's true, isn't it?
I guess so, but what ..
- If you were married ..
And your husband had enough money.
You wouldn't want to go
on with it would you?
I guess not.
Well then, Jane.
Will you marry me?
Do you really want me to?
More than I've ever wanted anything.
Will you, Jane?
Mrs Peter Dougherty.
What's the matter?
Nothing. Only, Pete.
Have you ever read Romeo and Juliet?
- Huh?
It's about two people who
loved each other isn't it?
And their families were
enemies like ours.
Pete. What did your father talk
with aunt Vinnie this morning?
Was it that editorial in the paper?
That doesn't matter now.
Now that we've settled this.
What do you mean?
Well Jane, your aunt
is very fond of you.
She wouldn't want to do anything
to hurt you or your husband.
Or his family.
Then it was that editorial?
Is that why you asked me to marry you?
To keep aunt Vinnie from
attacking your father?
No. Don't get ..
- It was!
Of all the low-down beastly tricks.
- Jane, listen. I'm in love with you.
Let me go.
Don't believe things like
that. I love you, Jane. I do.
I don't believe you. Your father put you
up to as a way to silence aunt Vinnie.
It's just the dirty, underhanded
sort of thing he would think of.
Like everything else he does.
Well this is one trick he is
not going to get away with.
I'm going back to the office.
You ready for some more?
I said, you ready for some more?
You ain't ate half of what I gave you.
What's the matter, ain't they no good?
They were fine, Aida. Fine.
You've been sitting there reading your
paper and letting your food get cold.
What you so interested in the paper for?
- I want to see what goes on round here.
You don't have to read no paper
for that. I could have told you.
I knows everything that
goes on in this town.
Excepting how you got in.
I took the town by surprise.
Aida. Tell me.
What is this Dougherty like?
I wouldn't soil my mouth by telling you.
- You don't like him?
Do you like spiders?
I see. Well.
Now let me fix you some more, real hot.
No thanks. I've got to be going.
And thank you Aida very
much for the information.
You're very fond of
Mrs McLeod, aren't you.
I certainly am.
I takes care of her.
Ain't no-one else can.
And she sure needs it sometimes.
Yeah. I guess she does.
[ Singing: ]
"Oh saddle for me my milk-white steed."
"Oh saddle for me a pony-o."
"And I shall ride to find my bride."
"That's gone with the
raggle-taggle gypsy-o."
Oh that goes ..
"Battle for me my white pal free.
Or saddle for me my pony-o."
"Oh saddle for me my white
pal free and saddle .."
You are right.
That's right.
Who are you?
You submitted articles to Mrs McLeod to
be published in the Shield and Banner.
That's right.
I just came over to tell you
that she can't use them.
Is that a message from Mrs McLeod?
- You can call it that.
Did she tell you to come and say that?
- Well no. I took that on myself.
I didn't submit those articles to Mrs
McLeod. I gave them to her to publish.
She still can't use them.
Mrs McLeod does not print lies.
What makes you think
those articles are lies?
I worked on newspapers enough to be able
to smell lies in editorials like that.
Is that so?
- Yes.
Just a minute.
You're the guy that Mrs McLeod
pulled out of the court this morning.
I was wondering what she
did it for but now I know.
Though it ain't like her to hire a
roughneck to do her dirty work for her.
Listen to me a minute.
Better watch your step around here until
you learn a bit more about the set up.
Mrs McLeod is a has-been.
If she's content to stay that
way that's okay. But if she isn't ..
She's going to make trouble for herself
and for anybody else that's helping her.
Do you get that, tramp?
Yeah, I get it.
- Well, go back and tell her I said so.
I don't carry messages
like that to people like her.
You don't have to tell her. She knows
it. That's why she sent you here.
Another thing.
It ain't healthy to carry messages
like that to people like me either.
I'll say it's not.
- No, indeed.
I see.
Maybe I was wrong.
- Maybe you were.
Sorry, I ..
I will take these back to her and ..
And see to it that she prints them.
- Well, that's better.
I guess I didn't quite understand.
- That's right.
And ..
Well maybe Mrs McLeod
was exaggerating a little.
She probably was.
- Alright. Thank you.
Good morning.
Son, where is the Shield
and Banner office?
I thought you worked there.
I do, but I haven't been there yet.
Well, it's right down the
street across the square.
You can't miss it.
It's a crummy old place.
Good morning.
- Morning.
Is Mrs McLeod inside?
- No, she ain't.
She just stepped over to the morgue.
Is somebody dead?
I never knew a day when there wasn't.
And always the wrong one, isn't it.
What do you want?
That is not a very nice warm greeting
to give a new member of your staff.
How is that?
- I'm coming to work here.
What as?
- As a reporter.
To begin with.
- Who hired you?
Mrs McLeod.
She didn't say anything to me about it.
My name is Richards. Tom Richards.
You wouldn't like to tell me yours?
Myrtle Ferguson.
My brother Willy is the only reporter
this paper's had for the past 35 years.
And I don't see what
we need another for.
She can't pay you anything.
I don't expect her to. As a matter of
fact I'm very willing to pay my own way.
Here is the first instalment.
Thirty-five dollars.
What are you doing it for?
The experience?
It will be an experience.
I hope.
Who are you?
My name is Richards, yours is Ferguson.
Brother to the dragoness outside.
I've come to work here. Mrs McLeod
hasn't told you anything about it.
I know all that.
Would you mind saying
that all over again.
No, no, no. Don't.
I don't think I could handle it.
What did you say?
I'm not being fired?
You're not taking my place.
Oh no. Don't worry.
Oh good.
You had me scared.
Will you have a little drink?
No thanks.
Don't you drink?
- Not this early.
Oh, that's when I need it the most.
Whose desk is that?
It's Jane's.
The society editor. She hasn't shown
up yet this morning. I wish I hadn't.
Have you met Jane?
- No, not yet.
A nice girl, Jane.
Stubborn though.
Well, who else is there?
- Nobody.
Zimmerman through there. Compositor.
And Alf who runs the Linotype.
A cosy little bunch. Friendly, you know.
Hey, don't do that.
J. E. McLeod.
It used to be his office.
Never got around to changing it.
Nothing ever gets changed around here.
That's the charm of the place.
Outside. Everything different.
Modern. Bustle.
Inside. Charm.
Dust. Quiet.
Everything just as it was.
Excuse me a minute, will you.
Maybe you're a little early
this morning, aren't you.
Cute, isn't he?
You want to feed him?
- Yeah.
Feed him piece of that.
Now there is another example.
That mouse.
It's been coming here to
my certain knowledge ..
Thirty years.
Well, maybe not that mouse.
But a mouse.
The first time I saw him
I thought I had the DTs.
I went on the wagon for a week.
But the mouse came back so ..
I fell off the wagon.
It comes round every day
about lunch time for its food.
What does he do on Sunday?
I never thought of that.
I guess he sleeps then.
Maybe I should leave
food out Saturday night.
Maybe you should.
But I'd hate to have him
come out and nobody here.
I got a tender heart you know.
Why didn't I ever think of that?
Thirty years that little mouse
has been coming here.
And I never thought of Sundays.
You thought of it right away.
You're bright.
Good morning, Michael.
Good morning, Willy.
Okay baby, take it now.
Here comes the boss.
Oh, that wretched little mouse.
Willy, I have told you
not to encourage it.
Maya I have a word with you
Mrs McLeod without the mouse?
Of course.
Would you like to come into the office?
- Thank you.
Did you like your breakfast?
- Yes, it was fine.
I've been to see Dougherty.
What for?
To see what he was like and say
we wouldn't print his editorials.
What did he say?
- He was insistent that we print them.
The old buzzard.
So I finally agreed that we would.
You agreed?
But told you they are lies. I can't ..
Well I told him we would and we will.
You have betrayed me.
But I didn't tell him how
we would print them.
We'll take all his lies.
All his lies and print them in italics.
And then just ahead of them,
the reason why we're printing them.
He has put a gun to your
head and this is your reply.
Yes, but ..
- But what?
I don't dare.
It's either this or knuckle under.
Now it's not going to be easy.
It may not even be safe.
It will cause an awful lot of trouble
and no telling where it may lead to.
If I do it.
Will you stay and see it through?
Then I will do it.
That's the girl.
We'll print them tomorrow.
Wait. No, not so fast.
We can't afford to go off half-cocked
here. This is too important.
I've been studying the paper.
And I've got some suggestions to make.
- Yes?
You must change your whole style. Leave
your name and slogan on your masthead.
They're fine.
But you must make the
paper live up to them.
You must make it modern and attractive
and introduce some new features.
If you're going to make
the fight you want ..
You've got to attract
attention to your paper.
I haven't the money to do all that.
It won't take much at the start.
Then, when the new subscribers come
in and the new advertisers, why ..
It's what I always wanted to do, only ..
Well, somehow I couldn't do it alone.
Will you let me do it?
For some reason or other
I trust you. Completely.
Fine. Now, you call your people
here. I must talk to them.
Of course.
Will you come in please?
And ask Mr Zimmerman and
Alf and Willy to come in too.
It's exciting isn't it.
Oh, Jane.
Alf. Zimmerman.
Jane, I want you to meet Mr Richards.
He is our new managing editor.
Mr Richards, this is my niece
Jane, and our society editor.
How do you do?
- You're late.
Sorry, I went on a picnic.
Did you have a nice time, dear?
- No.
Thank you.
Everybody, I have an
announcement to make.
Mr Richards is going
to take over the paper.
He is going to help me
fight Mr Dougherty.
He has wonderful ideas.
Tell them about them.
Well the first is a revolutionary one.
That the Shield and Banner
cease publication for three days.
Until Monday.
You mean, close down?
Why, there hasn't been a day since we
started that the paper hasn't come out.
But then on Monday we come
out with a brand-new paper.
And everybody will buy it out of
curiosity to see what we've done.
And on the front page will be
those articles of Dougherty's.
Then we'd better be
ready for the fireworks.
Well .. what do you say?
I don't know.
You like it?
- Very well. - Alright.
I don't know who you
are or what's going on.
But if you're out to fight old
Dougherty, I say splendid.
That's the ticket.
Alright. Now look, we've got an awful
lot of work to do. Let's get to it.
That cartoon is libellous, Mr Dougherty.
You could sue for damages in court.
Sue for damages?
What you must do is throw this
Richards right back in the clink.
Any excuse. Then you
won't have any more trouble.
That's when it would start. Put him
in jail. That's what he's asking for.
After this it would be just enough
to start things really humming.
Mr Richards. Mr Richards.
Mr Richards.
What time is it?
It's half past nine.
You done overslept yourself.
I'll say I have done.
I've brought you your coffee
and your morning paper.
Oh good. I must see that.
You sure made that look different.
I guess getting that paper out was
what made you oversleep, wasn't it.
No. I was reading Mrs McLeod's book.
I couldn't go to sleep
until I had finished it.
You sure made a mess out of it.
How come you took the pins out of it?
Now I've got to put
it back just like it was.
And Mrs McLeod, she'll
know that I give it to you.
I'll put it together.
- Yeah, three.
I brung you plenty of butter too.
- Good.
Do you think anybody
might want to print that?
I will print it in your paper.
It's exactly what we wanted.
Memories of the good old days.
There's our title.
How will you tell her
how you come to read it?
I'm not going to tell her.
I'll just print it.
She'll be mad.
Nobody is ever mad to see
themselves in print as an author.
I don't see your name in that paper.
I know you write most of it or draw it.
I'm the exception that proves the rule.
Oh. Mr Dougherty phoned.
Oh good.
I expected to hear from him.
Did he ask for me?
- You especially.
Fine. I'll go and see him.
Give him some more rope.
Ha. Give him some for me.
Mr Richards is here to see you, sir.
Tell Mr Richards to come in.
Yes, sir.
- Good morning.
I understand you wanted to see me.
- Yes. Take a seat.
I'm just looking at a copy of
the new Shield and Banner.
I understand you're responsible for it.
Well, I helped some.
- I hardly recognise the old sheet.
Did you draw this picture of me?
- Yep.
Well it's good. Very good.
The joke is on me, Mr Richards.
I didn't realise when you visited the
other day we had an artist in our midst.
I've got a lot of unsuspected gifts.
But you didn't get me in
here to congratulate me.
Son, Mrs McLeod is paying
you $35 a week, isn't she.
There's no reason a good newspaperman
like you should work for chickenfeed.
Mr Winterbottom here is thinking
of retiring from the news next year.
And I thought maybe if you'd
care to join us for a spell ..
By the time he's ready to retire you'd
be broken in and able to take his place.
That's all. Except we can pay you more
than Mrs McLeod can. We can pay you ..
Well, what's your reaction?
The News has the largest circulation
of any newspaper in these parts.
It is your job.
We'll give you a contract of course.
Say, a contract for two years.
Well, what do you say?
We could arrange for raises.
Maybe a bonus.
Mr Dougherty, there is no sense in you
raising the ante. I'm not interested.
You'd better be.
What did you say?
- I said you'd better be.
I've got work to do at the
office so I'd better get along.
Well, I'm sorry.
We could have used you.
Oh, I'm sure.
I'd be obliged if you'd send back the
other editorials you took away with you.
I am sorry. We've accepted them.
You will find them in our paper every
morning and a lot of other things too.
With many questions for you to answer.
- You think you're smart, don't you.
Bamboozling an old woman into
giving you a home and a job. Yes.
But you've got a of
men to deal with here.
That's right.
What you're doing isn't healthy.
Yeah? And this office
isn't healthy either.
It smells bad.
I ought to be getting along.
You may be very brave about
your own safety, Mr Richards.
But Mrs McLeod is still your employer
and if anything should happen to her ..
That man is crazy.
- I'll take care of him.
One minute. This must be handled right.
- It's got to be handled.
You were right saying that
Mrs McLeod is the one to get at.
I think I know how to deal with her.
Well, I hope it is something
you can do quickly.
Maybe you sit still and let her print
accusations that will land you in jail.
She's got nothing on me.
Why do you think that? You don't deny
there are things that guy can dig up ..
That will send us both to
the penitentiary, do you?
Well I don't intend to go there.
- No.
You know what it's like. I don't.
And I don't intend to find out.
I'll move in my own way.
Well, you can as far as it concerns you.
But for what concerns me,
I'll move in mine.
Sorry I'm late.
I'm glad you didn't wait for me.
I'm afraid supper
isn't very nice tonight.
I never know what I'm eating anyway.
You will tonight.
- You will tonight.
What did Mr Dougherty want?
Mrs McLeod, I know this is
going to sound awfully silly.
But have you got a gun?
Why yes, I have several.
We always used to carry
them in the old days.
Because I think you are going to
have to start carrying them again.
I won't guarantee that even your life
will be safe if you go ahead with this.
Do you want to stop?
Well then, neither do I.
But auntie, if Mr Richards says ..
You don't have to stay, Jane.
Maybe you shouldn't.
Well if you two can, I can too.
But I think auntie should
go away some place.
Where, to an old ladies' home?
I couldn't bear it.
I'll stay of course.
Life doesn't matter.
It is what you do with it.
Your supper got all
dried out waiting for you.
Is you all through with yours?
Yes thank you, Aida.
But I am afraid I'll have to
have Dr Chase look at you.
Doctors won't do me no good, Mrs McLeod.
I has got a misery of the spirit.
There ain't going to
be no dessert tonight.
I had a catastrophe with it.
Was your food as bad as this?
No. She had longer
to spoil yours though.
I'll go and talk to her.
Pork chops.
- Go on, get along out of here.
You shouldn't be eating pork chops.
Pork chips is the worst
thing for a misery.
I'll have them.
- You put that down.
You are going to suffer ..
- You sure know how to cook pork chops.
With a talent like yours for cooking I'm
surprised you're still a single woman.
Who done told you I is a single woman?
I'm a deserted wife. I gets alimony.
Well, I'm entitled to it.
I've got 15 years of
alimony coming to me.
When I finds out where my husband is.
I can't understand a man deserting a
woman with your talent for cooking.
To say nothing of your beauty.
Well Mr Richards, I've been trying
to figure out the same thing myself.
I guess he just lost his
taste for our marriage.
At least, he was led astray.
This is fine. Now look.
I've got to go out.
Would you do something?
Will you cook some up for
Mrs McLeod and Miss Jane?
They has done had their supper inside.
And I ain't cooking no more round
here until I find out what's going on.
Where are y'all going tonight?
If I tell you, will you
cook some for them?
Well, I might.
Alright. You put them
on and I'll tell you.
I'm going out to try and get
some proof on Dougherty.
Who you going to see?
Willie Ferguson said there is
a woman named "Gashouse Mary".
Who's paying Dougherty
protection money. You know her?
Well everybody knows Mrs Mary McGovern.
She runs a place called the Eldorado.
I know that too.
I know that old Dougherty
tried to bust her place up.
Because she wouldn't contribute
to his "City Orphans" fund.
At least, that's what he
calls his own pocket.
Well I know she's paying protection now.
It's time to go and see her.
You'll like Gashouse Mary.
She runs a straight place.
She says "I always run a
straight place" and she do.
Decent, huh?
- It sure am.
And pleasant too. No gambling.
And all her girls are nice girls.
Don't you start no cutting-up there.
Now Aida.
Do I look like the type that cuts up?
You is a man, ain't you?
That boss of hers will cut your head
wide open if you try to start anything.
These pork chops would cure anything.
May I sit down here?
No, young man. You may not.
This table is reserved
for me and my friend.
That's what I want to be.
We should get together.
How about a drink?
Get yourself a beer at the bar.
I don't allow no hard liquor in here.
And I would be obliged
if you'd leave my table.
You don't know what I want yet.
Now .. look.
Mrs McGovern, you're
a woman of the world.
There's little that goes on round
here that you don't know about.
I'm just wondering if you would
share what you know with me.
Young man, for the last time.
Will you leave this table and
stop making advances to me?
At my age.
You've got me all wrong.
I've been making
enquiries around town ..
And everybody tells me you've
got exactly what I need.
Hey, Jake!
Hey, Jake! Wait a minute Jake, will you.
You naughty boy.
I've seen a lot of fresh guys
come in here, Mrs McGovern.
But I've never seen one who was fresh
enough to try to get fresh with you.
I haven't been spoken to
like that for thirty years.
He won't come in here
no more, Mrs McGovern.
Mrs McGovern, I want to apologise.
The best way to apologise is to take
yourself right back through that window.
I run a straight joint.
- I know. That's why I must talk to you.
My name is Tom Richards.
I work for Mrs McLeod.
I'm out after Dougherty's hide.
Now just a minute, Jake.
Tom Richards?
Say, was it you that did that drawing
of him in the paper this morning?
That was good. Come into my parlor.
Jake. Look after things.
If there is any trouble, send for
me before you do anything.
Good music you have here.
- Not good. Loud.
That's what they want.
Excuse me.
I don't allow no rough stuff here.
No white dame is coming in
here dressed up to kill.
It's bad for my girls to
see a fox fur like that.
It makes them discontented.
I run a straight joint.
Now what is this all about?
Let's have a drink. Set 'em up.
I hear that you've been paying
off to the Dougherty outfit.
Want to tell me about it?
- Are you going to put it in the paper?
Not if you don't want me to.
I can't afford for you to.
Not in my position.
I can't afford to get in
wrong with Dougherty.
I'll tell you if you want, but you got
to give me your word you won't print it.
I give you my word.
- Of course, if you did, I'd deny it.
- Skol.
Who is his nobs?
- The late Mr McGovern.
Hmm .. quite a fellow.
Tom, I've run decent places all my life.
This joint ain't exactly smart but
nobody can say it ain't run right.
So when old Bill Dougherty's
guys came around ..
And proposed I make a contribution
to his "City Orphans" fund.
I said.
What do I need protection for?
I run a straight place.
A couple of nights later some hoodlums
turned up here and smashed the place up.
So I made a fat contribution
to the City Orphans fund.
Fill 'em up again.
Folks will tell you this used to be a
wide-open town full of bad men.
It was a kindergarten
compared to what it is now.
What are you going to do about it?
Suppose you tell me.
I'd kinda like to hear some fresh ideas.
I .. I had an idea that we ..
Might get the honest
citizens together and ..
Give them the facts.
Well I've found it's no good depending
on honest citizens for a fight.
So you can't help me, huh?
I'd sure like to get even with that
hippopotamus but I can't afford to.
Well, thanks Mary.
Thanks very much.
Do you know anything about
man named Bill Swain?
I hear he's top monkey
around these parts and ..
That he hates Dougherty.
Bill Swain?
You know him?
- I certainly do.
What's he like?
He used to be a fighting man.
He is the state democratic
leader up at the capital.
I'm going to see him.
- Ha!
Ha. I'll give you a letter to him.
Oh, thanks.
- Sure.
I ain't set eyes on Bill Swain for
30 years but he used to be alright.
More than alright.
Bill Swain.
At one time, was kinda sweet on me.
We had a quarrel about ketchup.
About what?
Ketchup. Tomato ketchup.
Bill Swain used to put it on everything.
Melon, cereal.
Everything he ate he put ketchup on.
When it came to him putting it on
my home-made peach ice-cream.
Well, I told him it wasn't genteel.
He was a quick-tempered man and
I was a quick-tempered woman.
He went off in a tantrum and I married
Ted McGovern. I haven't seen Bill since.
But he's a straight-shooting guy.
- Fine.
I just said ..
This is to introduce Tom Richards.
Of the Shield and Banner.
He's a good scout.
Thank you, Mary.
So are you.
Gashouse Mary has been a friend
of mine for nearly 40 years.
Though I haven't seen her lately.
What's she like now? Still good looking?
She's what you might call ..
A very fine figure of a woman.
Well preserved, eh?
That's the word.
Well, funny how perfume
will bring things back.
As a matter of fact.
I was just a kid the
first time I met Mary.
I was riding the range knowing more
about horses and steers than women.
You sure you won't have a sandwich?
- No thanks.
Just coffee.
- Well, help yourself.
May I?
Oh, yes.
Say, that's something I've
never tried. Is that good?
Ketchup is pretty good
with anything, isn't it?
Yes, sir. I've got to try that.
Why, that's good.
I've been missing
something all these years.
Well now, let's get
back to business, son.
Now you don't know this
Dougherty like I do.
He's just as crooked as they come.
What you're trying to do is just
like stepping on a rattle snake.
Mary told me you were a fighting man.
Yes, but I'll pick when and who I fight.
No, I's sorry son but there is no dice.
Dougherty is the biggest
vote-getter in the state.
And I've got too much at stake.
That may sound yellow to
you, but that's politics.
That's what they all say.
Everybody I've been to see.
They can't afford to fight Dougherty.
I'm going on with it.
Well, you are different.
You're the only one
with nothing to lose.
I guess that's true.
I've got nothing to lose.
Well, good luck to you, son.
Thanks. Looks like I'll need it.
What's the matter, fellah?
You sore about anything?
You've been sitting there for the last
three hours and not a word out of you.
You're kinda discouraged
over something, ain't you?
Yes, and no.
Feel like talking?
You talk.
How come you're on the road?
Oh, I don't believe in
paying railroad fares.
You ain't dressed right.
- I know.
I just took to wearing
these things again.
That's bad.
That's the first step. Next thing you
know you'll be working in an office.
I used to do it. Twenty of the
best years of my life I wasted.
Going to work in the morning.
Coming home in the evening.
Sitting around the house.
Putting money in the bank.
Always knowing where I'd be
the next day, or the next year.
One day I let out and I never went back.
I've been happy ever since.
I used to be on my own,
but I took a job.
Too bad. Too bad.
What made you?
I bet it was a dame.
Hmm. It was.
What was she like? Pretty, huh?
Used to be.
- Huh?
Married to her?
That's bad. That's bad.
That makes it worse.
You feel obligated, don't you?
Kind of.
That's what they do to you.
That's what they try to do.
Pin a guy down.
Well, you duck out of
it fellah, like I done.
Be on your own again.
Go where you like, when you like.
If you feel like spending
the winter in Florida.
You go to Florida.
Did you ever hear of a poem
called "The open road of freedom"?
Well, it goes something like this.
"There is a road that passes cities.
And it leaves them on the side."
"It goes across the mountain."
"And it takes them in their stride."
"You can meet with
friends along that road."
"Or travel all alone."
"It's the open road of freedom."
"Where you call your soul your own."
Not good.
But I can see where it has a point.
Who wrote it?
A fellah by the name of Tom Richards.
Just a tramp.
Oh, it's you.
What are you doing here all
alone at this time of night?
Oh, just sitting.
Where did you disappear to?
I went up to see Bill Swain.
I thought he might help.
Yes, and ..?
- No. He won't.
He's afraid of Dougherty just like
everybody else is. Won't do a thing.
So .. you and I had
better to this on our own.
What's the matter?
I'm afraid we can't go on.
The bank called the mortgage
on the paper and the house.
At least it's not the bank.
It's Dougherty.
He's had the mortgages
transferred to him and ..
Well, he .. he won't renew them.
How long have you got?
A month or two, I guess.
But even if it were a year.
I couldn't raise it.
It was nice while it lasted.
How did that happen?
How did you get hold of that?
Aida gave it to me.
- Yes, I am.
That wasn't meant for publication.
I thought it was very good.
Did you really?
Certainly, I wouldn't
have printed it if I hadn't.
Still, you had no right to print it.
However, I guess it doesn't matter.
Now we are closing down.
Yeah. Just as you
became an authoress too.
Well, that is tough.
You know .. if ..
If you gave up the fight.
After all, that's what Dougherty wants.
You could publish that and
go on running your paper.
Under his orders?
It will be like being a slave.
No. I would sooner see it go entirely.
Have her go down fighting, huh?
Wouldn't you?
It's not my paper.
Well it is mine.
And it is going to die mine.
Now, let's go home.
Well. I suppose this will
mean you going away.
But you are not the kind to stay put.
Even the little while you've been here,
you've been sort-of itching to get away.
Haven't you?
Even though you've
been enjoying the fight.
Just as a fight.
You see too much Mrs McLeod.
But you mustn't go away
feeling you've been licked.
I'm not going away.
Remember, I'm on probation.
But I don't know what there
will be for you to live on now.
I won't be able to go on.
And I am afraid there is no-one
else here who will give you a job?
What are you going to do?
I hadn't thought.
It didn't seem important.
Well I think it is, kind of.
Come on.
Let's go home.
You've been very good to me, Tom.
You don't mind my calling you Tom?
I sort-of feel you're one of the family.
Oh .. you needn't worry.
I know you don't want to
belong anywhere really.
In the beginning I did have silly
dreams that you and Jane might ..
Like each other.
And you might become
part of the family really.
Stay with us and ..
That would be about all you'd need.
Oh, I know it was silly.
And not like you.
One must never try to make people over.
Or hold them.
You needn't be scared.
I'm not.
What is it?
Nothing except ..
I like you, Mrs Mack.
I'll have Aida fix some
spoonbread and some cocoa.
Or perhaps you would
like something stronger?
[ Gunshot! ]
[ Gunshot! ]
[ Gunshot! ]
You stay right there
and keep that covered.
Good girl.
[ Gunshot! ]
Don't go. They will kill you.
[ Gunshot! ]
[ Gunshot! ]
[ Gunshot! ]
Get me the police.
Did you see who they were?
I saw Dougherty's friend, Hirsh.
I suppose it was all Dougherty's doing.
Yeah, I guess so.
I'm sorry the shooting upset you so.
Aunt Vinnie was very ashamed of me.
She said it was no way
for a McLeod to act.
How does your head feel now?
I know it's there.
I'm glad it is.
Kind of.
You might have been killed.
What is it?
Come on, let's get it on.
I've got to get down to the office.
What for?
Have you forgot we're
running a newspaper?
This is big news.
Yes I guess it is, but ..
You can't go out. You ought to rest.
I don't need any rest.
I've got to get down there.
This is the biggest story you
ever read in your young life.
Is that all it means to you, a story?
This is what we've been waiting for.
Every move we made met resistance.
Now they've done it for her.
Dropped it in our laps.
An attack on Mrs McLeod.
This will break the town wide open.
I guess it will.
I guess I was forgetting all about
that and acting like a woman.
Speaking of the human side of things.
There is nothing wrong with that.
You're a good nurse.
Nice hands.
I can't put your bandage on
very well if you do that.
Alright. Get it on.
This may hurt.
I can take it. Go on.
There, you see.
You can't go down to the office.
You stay there and
put your feet up here.
You can dictate the story to me.
I'm ready.
Vinnie McLeod shot.
Here, what do you want?
I'm talking to you!
You can't go in there.
You come right back here.
What are you doing here?
- I want to speak to you.
Listen. I know you don't
think much of us, but there ..
There is one thing I've got to tell you.
We had nothing to do with this business.
You must believe that, Jane. Think what
you like about us, but please know that.
How dare you come here.
I had to tell you.
Nothing to do with it?
Your father framed it all.
It's not true. He knew
nothing about it. I swear.
I don't believe you. And even if
he didn't what about the rest?
You don't deny he's out to ruin aunt
Vinnie do you. And you are helping him.
Making love to me to try
and get me to desert her.
I made love to you because
I wanted you. I still want you.
Go away.
Get out of here!
I guess I should have
told you about that.
It's really very gratifying to know that
we all have the same interests at heart.
The Reverend Landin has suggested
we nominate a reform committee.
I would like to propose as
chairman my managing editor.
Mr Tom Richards.
Perhaps somebody would second this?
Mrs McLeod.
I have the very great
pleasure of seconding ..
Mr Richards' nomination as chairman.
All in favor.
Thank you ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you very much.
This is a very encouraging sight.
It's good to know you have the interest
and welfare of your town at heart.
But it's better to know that you've
at last decided to do something.
Hello, Mr Chairman.
- Mary.
What is that woman doing here?
The same as you are, Mabel Deakins.
I came to support Vinnie McLeod.
Hiya, Vinnie.
Glad to see you, Mary.
Won't you sit down?
Tom, find a chair for Mary.
Sit down here.
- Don't bother. I'm not staying.
If I could just have a word with
you? In the back room maybe.
Right. Excuse us for
just a minute would you.
I think I will step out for a moment.
Now Will, you stay right here.
Myrtle, please don't embarrass
me before the townspeople.
I don't want to be on no committee.
You'd only lose all respectable folks.
And you need them in a thing like this.
I just came to tell you I'm with you.
And you can print the story I told
you if you think it'll do any good.
I know it will.
- I ain't holding out no more.
That's the girl, Mary. Have a drink.
There aren't any glasses
but let us all have a drink.
Sure. Here is to good work.
No, no. It's too early for him.
Here's to you, Mary.
Thank you, Willy.
Now, committees need dough.
Here is my contribution.
It usually goes to the orphan's fund.
This time you can have it.
- Thanks.
I'll slip out this way.
Good luck, sonny-boy.
You're doing a good job.
If I were thirty years younger ..
Well, skip it.
A colorful woman, that.
A colorful woman.
She certainly is, Willy.
A heart of gold, old Mary.
A heart of gold.
[ Whistle ]
Oh, a tidy sum.
Dougherty's been doing very well.
It even smells good.
Why hello, Mr Dougherty!
Ha. My silent partner.
How's things with you?
Okay. How are they with you?
- Couldn't be better.
Your son has been coming in
my place in the evenings lately.
I told him to stay out of there.
Well, there are worse
places he could go to.
His own home I should think.
And from the way he stays out of it.
I'd say he agrees with me.
You know, Pete is a good boy really.
Though he does seem to be pretty low in
his spirits about something these days.
You don't have to tell
me about my own son.
Well sometimes fathers and sons are the
last people to know about each other.
And I kind of thought maybe
Pete didn't know about you.
What are you talking about?
- Oh, nothing. Nothing.
Glad to have run into you, Mr Dougherty.
By the way.
My contribution to your Orphan's Fund.
You won't be getting it this month.
I've just given it to
the Reform Committee.
You know all about that, don't you?
You know what it's for?
To get the town de-skunked.
Hey, let me out of here!
Listen, you big baboon. You've
got no right to keep me in here.
I know the law. I'm entitled to bail.
Sure you're entitled to bail.
You know what it is: $1,500.
They've no right putting
a bail like that on me.
Making me put my place and
my house up for security.
It's no good you blaming me.
It was the judge's order.
It was old Dougherty's
orders and you know it.
Just like everything in this
town is on Dougherty's orders.
You work under his orders.
Chief of Police?
A lop-eared rabbit with one kidney would
make a better Chief of Police than you.
What did you stand up to him?
I stood up to him.
Yes, but where did it get you?
- Oh, it's you is it.
What are you doing leaving me in here?
I think it's kind of a
nice place for you.
Well, you get me out of here. What
you got that committee of yours for?
It's to fight old Dougherty, isn't it?
It was Dougherty who put me here.
It's him who is keeping me here.
You lie like a livered rat.
Like a pie-eyed, pot-bellied barrel.
You're right. She does talk too much.
- Listen, you.
You think you came here to laugh at me
but wait until I get outside these bars.
And I give you a chance
to put your fists up.
I've cleaned up men
three times your size.
Two of them at a time.
Let me out of here and
I'll take you both on.
And the magistrate and old Dougherty and
the whole of your blue-nosed committee.
That thinks itself too good
to lift a finger to help me.
I suppose in your job you get
used to language of this kind.
But I can't stand it.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Come back here. Come back here!
You know.
I wonder if you didn't make a
great mistake in taking her in.
It wasn't my idea. Orders are orders.
Well, if she starts kicking on the
cell doors, you take her shoes off.
I've got some news for you, Mr Swain.
He's arrested Gashouse Mary.
What? What for?
Disorderly? My foot.
Mary has always run a straight place.
Where is she now?
In jail, yelling her head off.
Well, I don't want her.
You get her out. How much?
$1,500? Say, that's illegal.
"Hey listen, son."
"I'll wire the dough. You
get her out and quick."
Why, that poor little woman.
If they touch one hair on
her pretty little head, why ..
Say listen, son. I'm coming in with you.
"I'm coming in with all four feet."
"I'll bust that
administration wide open."
This time, Bill Dougherty.
Well, he's just hanged himself.
"And you can tell him that
from me. He's hanged himself."
Take the coffee things.
Leave the decanter.
Yes sir. Mr Dougherty.
I reckon Mr Pete won't be home
for his supper again tonight.
I guess not. You go to bed.
Yes sir, Mr Dougherty.
Hello son. Want supper?
No thanks.
What's wrong, son?
- Not a thing.
[ Singing: ]
"There is a dance house at Maraday."
"My true love goes there
most every night.."
"And takes a strange one upon his knee."
Cut it out will you, dad.
- The kidding.
"And don't you think now that vexes me?"
"And still she cried,
I love him the best."
I'm going to bed.
Stay here.
What is it? The McLeod girl, eh?
Won't she have you?
You expect her to?
Any reason acting like a moonstruck
kid down at Gashouse Mary's?
You've not been there tonight.
She's in jail.
She's out.
They bailed her out.
Who did?
- Bill Swain.
Are they true, the things they say?
What do they say?
They think you brought
those killers here.
Do you think that?
- Oh, I know you didn't.
The other things.
Son, there is a lot I've never told you.
I didn't think there was
any need for you to know.
I don't know that there is now.
We've got to know where we stand.
- Because of the girl, huh?
She won't have you on
account of me? Is that it?
I see what you are up against.
Sorry, son.
I can't back down now.
Especially when you tell
me Bill Swain is on it.
He's out to get me and I've got
to fight with everything I've got.
But you can duck out if you want to.
What do you think I am?
Tell me, daddy. How bad is it?
Bad enough that they could send
me to jail, if I didn't fight them.
I didn't know.
[ Band music ]
What is it?
Down with Dougherty!
Down with Dougherty!
Down with Dougherty!
Company, halt!
We've had enough of Dougherty!
We've had enough of Dougherty!
Dougherty ain't afraid
of anyone in town.
I bet you can't take Gashouse Mary.
Is your son yellow too?
Where are you going?
- Never mind where I'm going.
Don't make a fool of yourself. Don't
go out on the street. It ain't safe.
Dougherty, go!
Hey, you. Richards.
You started all this.
Why don't you come out and fight fair?
Excuse me, ladies.
Don't you worry, I'll go with them
and see fair play. I'll referee.
See fair play?
He can't even see.
What are you trying to prove, kid?
Break it up. Break it up.
Break it up. Break it up.
You're under arrest.
- What for?
Disturbing the peace.
I'll be a pot-bellied boar.
Come on, now.
Hey, let go of him!
Let go of him!
Are you going to let
them get away with that?
Are you going to let them
take Tom Richards off to jail?
- Alright then.
Let's put an end to
all this foolishness.
Let's make some use of this procession.
Are you with me, boys?
Disturbing the peace.
I'll give you the club.
- You shall give me the club?
I'll give you the club, I tell you.
You are staying now.
- You'll be sorry for this.
Not as sorry as you will.
What is that?
We brought in Richards.
That's who the rat is.
We got to get him out of here, Chief.
We can't let him out.
It's Dougherty's orders.
Do you hear what I hear?
- Get him out of here quick, chief.
Let go of that door.
Let go of that door!
Get him out of here.
I don't want to go.
What do you mean, you don't want to go?
- I like it here. It's quiet.
Come on, be a good guy. Go on
down the coal chute will you.
I don't want to.
What kind of a dope are you anyway?
I'll give you one more chance.
I tell you I'm not going.
I'm going to stay right here.
You are?
- Yes.
Then I'm going through the coal chute.
So am I.
Wait for me.
Get down, Hurry up.
I've got a wife and six children.
What do you think I've got, ducks?
Wait a minute, boys!
There you are! Step in, boys.
He went that way.
It's no use our talking about it.
I can't do anything without
Tom Richards now.
What is it you can't do without me?
- Tom, I'm so glad you're back.
Are you alright?
- Yeah, fine. What's he doing here?
He wants to make a compromise.
A compromise?
After we've got them licked?
I'm sorry. There is no room
for compromise in any of this.
Now just a minute.
Let's look at this thing sensibly.
Form whose point of view?
- All our points of view.
You said you've got me licked.
- Yes.
Well I'm not admitting that.
But you've got me to a place where
I'd just as soon not go on fighting.
There is nothing to be gained by you.
Except you could run
me into jail, maybe.
I have reasons for not
wanting to go to jail.
Who hasn't?
I'm not thinking of myself.
He is thinking of Jane and Pete.
And you are willing to let
everything drop because of that?
And allow things to go on as they were?
No. Mr Dougherty says he
is willing to clear out.
Suppose you tell me exactly
what your proposition is.
- Okay. I said that.
Mister Richards.
- That's a lot better.
You two have been out to run me
out of town. Well, I'm ready to go.
If I stay here fighting you it will only
make it worse for Pete and the girl.
Whether I win or lose.
And my boy's happiness
means a lot to me.
I've had a hankering for a long time to
do some fishing and horseshoe pitching.
Down in Florida.
I thought that if I went down
there and stayed for a long time.
For good maybe.
Then you could call
off your hounds and ..
Go on, go on.
Vinnie McLeod goes on running her paper
and publishes her book on the old days.
And the kids could get married.
And .. well, that's about all.
What do you say, Tom?
Would that satisfy you?
I think so.
When would you leave?
As soon as you like.
0kay. Then I'll be going.
I want to tell you
something, Vinnie McLeod.
I've always kind of
liked and admired you.
I don't think you're a smart woman.
But you are a kind and
understanding one.
I haven't got you figured out yet.
Just what was your game in all this?
Just something I got into.
I'll be going.
Maybe you would care to have this.
What is that?
The mortgages. Cancelled.
Come on, come on. It's alright.
Alright. Nothing to cry about.
Nothing to be afraid of anymore.
I know.
That's what I'm crying for.
Dougherty goes on is way.
His works are a thing of the past.
All is well in Plattsville.
That was "goodbye", Tom.
Wasn't it?
You'll be going away now won't you?
What made you say that?
You like your freedom.
Don't you, Tom?
Yes, Mrs Mack. I do.
I do like my freedom.
But I also like yours.
That's what all this has been
about these past few weeks.
So that a few people could
live the way they want to live.
The town.
Pete and Jane and Mary.
And you.
And now you've done it.
You will be on your way.
I guess so.
And gone so soon.
But I'll be back to see
you almost anytime.
Before you know it.
It is strange.
How little I know about you.
Where you come from.
Where you are going.
Have you no-one belonging
to you anywhere?
Haven't you even got a girl someplace?
Sure I have.
You're my girl.
[ Train whistle ]
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