Johnny Mad Dog (2008) Movie Script
This way!
Get out!
Get your ass here!
Open the door!
You, get out!
What you doing?
Bring your ass here!
Where you going?
Hey you!
With the others!
Shut up!
Any government troops here?
You wanna argue?
You dead!
- You hiding troops!
- No, my son.
Where's the food?
You don't wanna talk?
We live here, my brother.
I'm not your brother!
You're just a stupid old man.
Give it up!
He's talking to you, man!
Take that TV!
The food!
We're fighting a war!
We're hungry.
You're a fighter!
You're a Dogo fighter!
You fucking Dogo man!
Stand up!
Women here!
Men there!
Find the money!
Take off your fucking shirt!
Check for weapons.
- Where are your guns?
- Got no weapons.
Take off your shirt!
Give me that ring.
Hands in the air!
Where you hiding your guns?
You don't have guns?
Old man, you think I'm stupid?
Where's the fucking money?
I got no money, brother.
- Fucking liar!
- No.
- Where's the money?
- Don't kill me!
Where you hide the fucking money
in this village?
Search them!
Are you a crybaby?
Are you a fucking crybaby?
Listen up, gentlemen, shut up!
Why all the fucking noise?
We need some money.
We need some money.
No money.
- Sure you got no money?
- We're suffering here.
- You have to pay for the war.
- We got no money.
You're a liar.
Where are the kids in the village?
- No kids here.
- You sure?
I'm telling you.
- And the government soldiers?
- None here.
Where are they?
They just pass through.
- You look like a soldier.
- I'm not a soldier.
You sure?
The house is empty.
Check under the beds!
Who's there?
Hey you!
- Get up!
- Please!
Move! Go!
- I hate crybabies.
- Don't kill me.
- Fucking crybaby!
- Don't kill me, my son.
Fucking pussy.
What the fuck you doing
with my wife's wedding dress?
That's my wedding dress!
- Fucking soldier!
- Who is he?
- My son.
- Your son?
You hiding him from us?
- He won't fight the war?
- He's not a fighter.
- He's an enemy!
- No, he's a student.
A fucking fighter!
- So, no kids here?
- He's my son!
- He's an enemy!
- He can't go to war!
He's a fighter!
Shut up!
Get up!
Please! Leave him alone!
Show us what you can do.
Shouldn't have hid him.
We'll kill you.
Give him your rifle.
Don't kill me, please!
Leave him alone.
Please! Leave him alone!
Please, I beg you, please.
Please, he's my son!
He can't go to war.
Kill your father or you die!
We've all done it.
Kill him!
Or I kill you.
Kill him now!
No, he's a student.
Fucking enemy!
Kill him!
Let's go!
...facing the violent offensive
by rebel factions
who are now 12 miles from the city.
Government forces have deployed
and claim to control the situation.
In a statement from the President,
he said, and I quote,
"I'm waiting for the imminent
intervention of UN forces. "
Come on, let's go.
No men, no war!
- Death dealer!
- No die, no rest!
- You don't wanna die...
- Don't be born!
- I make a face!
- Stay away from me!
Cover your ass!
Gentlemen, our mission
is to capture the TV station.
Yes, sir!
Before we attack the TV station,
we make sure we're ready,
we get in the spirit, one by one.
- Mad Dog!
- Yes, sir, general.
This coke will jack you up.
War cry!
Who's there?
Who the fuck is there?
You're a fucking Dogo man.
You work for the Dogo president.
Where you going?
Open up!
Fucking stop!
Give me your bag.
No Good Advice, hold the bag.
- You know this woman here?
- No.
I've seen her somewhere before.
She's the one who gives the news.
She's the newswoman.
She talks about us, says we're rebels,
coming to kill the people.
- That's Tanya Toyo.
- I don't know that woman.
You sure you're Tanya Toyo?
You sure?
A fucking Dogo woman!
You see how fine she is?
You wanna escape from us?
My advice, kill the woman.
Please. Please.
What's that look mean?
Where's the government money?
I'll fuck you today.
You talk about us! I'll fuck you!
No Good Advice, hold my gun.
Spread your legs.
You make fun of us.
I beg you.
Spread your legs!
Look, she's acting like she's scared.
Chief, I wanna do her too.
Be honest when you talk about us.
No Good Advice, she's all yours.
Spread your legs!
I'm gonna fuck you!
The war has displaced people.
Most families have lost relatives
and loved ones.
I lost six family members:
my mother, my grandmother,
my father...
Suddenly, the rebels show up
and grab your people,
three or four family members,
and kill them in front of you.
You're forced to laugh.
The kids, they say, "Laugh. "
And if you cry, you die.
When I sit and think,
I just don't know.
I got nobody around to advise me.
I didn't lay eyes on my mother.
I left for one week
and they killed all of them.
Who are you?
Death dealer.
- Password?
- No die, no rest.
I'm General Dirty Soldier!
I'm No Good Advice.
No men, no war!
- What the what!
- What the fuck!
- I make a face!
- Stay away from me!
Cover your ass!
The war cry!
Call me Mad Dog.
I'm No Good Advice!
We're fucking soldiers!
I'm Young Major.
We'll fuck up the dogs!
I'm Small Devil,
and I'll rip your heart out!
No need to be fucking around.
No need to be wasting time.
I wanna be a Ranger.
A Ranger was a motherfucker.
A Ranger was a brave soldier.
- Am I right or wrong?
- You right.
- Tell me if I'm wrong.
- You damn fucking right.
Mad Dog!
Yes, general.
Get your men prepared for tomorrow.
Everybody get ready,
pack the ammunition and everything.
We set fire to the city tomorrow.
You're the target commander.
I need the city asap.
- You got it?
- Yes, general.
Go and get prepared.
Gentlemen, we have again
done a great task for this country
by capturing the TV station
that the government used
for propaganda to the outside world.
Without the TV station,
there are no means to communicate
with the people.
In a few days we'll be in the city.
Once there, we'll chase the Dogos out,
house by house, street by street,
until we get rid of them.
There's a bridge ahead.
When we get on the bridge,
we'll put fire to the city
and get the president out of power.
We need to liberate our people,
bring freedom to our people.
We have to make sure our resources
are used in the right way.
The Dogos have been oppressing
our people forever.
Be very wary of them.
Watch out for the luggage
on their heads.
They can hide weapons
in their mattresses.
I don't want you to die
on the mission.
The mission is crucial.
Your life is tied to the mission.
Be careful with your life!
Am I clear?
Yes, sir!
They can shoot you in the back.
I don't want you to lose your lives
on this mission.
- You get it?
- Yes, sir!
We're going to reach the city
and get the president out of power!
You, you know me?
I'm Johnny Mad Dog,
Small Boy Unit commander.
- Your name!
- Fatumata.
Fatumata, you Dogo girl.
But today you'll join my unit.
- What for?
- Shut up, No Good Advice.
But she's a Dogo.
The girl will help us
kill the fucking Dogo president.
We'll get peace in our country.
Freedom in our country,
you like it?
Follow me. Let's go.
- You ready to fight the war with me?
- Yes, sir!
- Death dealers, you listening?
- Yes, sir!
You are the death dealers, rebels.
We are now about to start our mission.
Gentlemen, I want you to be calm.
This war is our war.
Free your heart.
Fight the war as a soldier.
Relax your mind.
Open your heart to the revolution.
Fight, no retreat.
Don't think about home.
After the revolution
you'll get your benefits.
Money will be given
and you'll go see your parents.
We need to go
and capture the whole fucking city.
You need to go.
No retreat, no surrender...
No ma and pa...
Any soldier talking about ma and pa
will be executed.
Gentlemen, death dealer rebels,
be strong and vigilant.
Guys, you seen it for yourselves,
you're now bullet-proof!
Don't draw back from war,
if they fire at you, fire back.
- You don't wanna die...
- Don't be born!
- Mad Dog!
- Yes, general!
Your next mission is to move
to the embassy.
- Secure the area until I get there.
- Yes, sir, general!
- You don't wanna die...
- Don't be born!
Gentlemen, let's move.
I'm scared.
- You, where you going!
- I beg you, chief.
Fucking ass!
Your rifle's mine!
Get up, we need to go, hurry up.
Your shoes, hurry up!
- Don't be foolish, they're near.
- Fofo, hurry up!
- Go with your sister.
- Go with us, dad, please.
I beg you, I'll take good care of you.
- Go with your sister.
- Bring the wheelbarrow!
- You can't forsake us like this.
- I'm not forsaking you. Now leave.
- Dad, please!
- Leave.
Dad, open this door.
Dad, we can't leave like this.
You have to come with us.
Please, I beg you.
Open this door!
Look at that pig!
Hey you, fucking stop!
You, I said fucking stop!
Where you going?
Where you taking that pig?
I'm carrying the pig across.
- What?
- The bridge.
- Who gave it to you?
- An old man.
- An old man?
- Yes.
You... The pig!
We're a troop of fighters.
You're just a looter!
- It's my pig!
- I beg you.
- What?
- I beg you.
You beg me?
Put the fucking pig down!
It's my pig, stupid old looter!
Sit down.
You liar. You fucking looter.
You stole the pig and say
somebody gave it to you!
Take off your fucking coat!
You're a fucking looter!
I said, take it off!
The pig's for me.
Got tell the owner
that No Good Advice took it.
You hear?
Look me in the face
when I talk to you!
Get the fuck up and go!
Yes, general Never Die?
Where are you?
What is your position?
We control the whole area.
My men are on patrol.
The streets are empty,
there's nobody on the streets.
You got no self respect, old man!
Everybody's waiting for you! Hurry!
Chicken Hair!
Come here! Report!
We're gonna carry the old man's pig
to the truck.
Put it on my neck.
Go, take the coat.
- C.Y.A!
- Cover your ass!
- You all know what?
- No.
At any moment,
if I see a looter around here,
I'll damage his life!
I don't wanna see no looter here.
- You hear?
- Yes, sir!
All men deploy!
I found a weapon.
- Where?
- Over there.
- What weapon is it?
- An Uzi.
- Chinese?
- No, Israeli.
Chuck Norris used it
in Delta Force.
So be careful!
The Israelis or Chuck Norris
might be around.
- Butterfly.
- Yes, sir.
Try this arm.
Be careful with it.
Try it! Don't be scared. Try it!
- On the ground!
- Sit the fuck down!
Look at the chief!
The password?
Face the chief!
You don't wanna talk?
What's the password?
- What's in your bucket?
- Fruit... Bananas.
Oh, your bananas are orange?
You think I'm stupid?
Fucking liar!
You're a Dogo man.
Dirty ass!
I'll kill you today!
You a government trooper?
Take his clothes off
and tie him up.
- Your ma's name?
- Ataouza.
- Your pa's name?
- Abriye.
Look at the mark on this man.
He looks like a government fighter.
He's a government troop man.
Today is his last day.
Show me your finger.
That man's a fucking fighter!
He's denying it!
- Who fired at my pickup?
- Not me.
Tell me the truth. Was it you?
I didn't fire.
Why did you have the Uzi then?
- I didn't.
- So why you hiding?
My oranges.
You were hiding for your oranges?
My ma sent me to look for food.
Tell the truth!
You lie and I'll kill you.
Who fired at my pickup?
Look at me!
Why you fight for the government?
You'll die poor.
Chief, I seen that man before.
He's a fucking government troop man.
He was on reconnaissance.
When we catch these spies
they pretend to cry,
but they are not crying,
they can hit us in the back.
He's an enemy.
You'll die today, my boy.
- I'm not a fighter, I go to school.
- What school?
- What school?
- Methodist.
- Your teacher?
- Teacher Perry.
Stink mouth!
You fucking Dogo man!
Fucking Dogo man!
You Dogo fuck!
Everybody on board!
Johnny Mad Dog!
No Good Advice is waiting for you.
We're waiting for you!
What you doing?
Fofo, I'm going to hide you in here.
Don't come out,
I'll be back soon with dad.
- Government troops!
- Pussies!
All men on board!
Where are you?
- Where we going?
- Shut your fucking mouth!
We'll kill the motherfuckers!
Where are the soldiers?
I don't know.
Move! Enemy around!
Move off the road!
Move off the road, enemy around!
Move off the road!
Motherfucker! Move! Move!
Shit, let's carry the man.
Chicken Hair,
watch out, bro.
It's dangerous here.
I saw some smoke up there.
Fast! Let's get him out of here.
Sniper in the building!
Reinforcements 1,2,3!
All clear, all clear!
It is my will that when I die
Don't bury me, don't bury me
You cut my dick in alcohol
And call my wife and give it to her
And when she cry, let her cry
When she roll let her rock
And what the fuck she thinks she is
She fucking around with my GI dick
Another man will counsel her
Another man will comfort her
Take my rifle and my bonnet
Call my son and give it to him
Let him defend or let him fight
For his country, for his people
It is my will...
- Death dealer!
- No die, no rest.
Gentlemen, keep moving.
Shut the fuck up!
- Fuck you rebels!
- They all deserve death.
Stand back!
- Back off!
- Fucking move away from the gate!
It's an emergency hospital.
We have to protect the hospital.
Move from the gate before I kill you!
Our general wants us to find
the government troops!
No arms allowed inside!
No one can enter armed.
- I can't leave my weapon.
- You have to.
My weapon is my mother
and my father!
No arm is allowed in here!
Nobody's stopping you from entering.
No arms allowed, it's a hospital.
Who are you to give me orders?
We'll enter today.
Any troops inside?
No, we only have civilians.
They're the only ones who count.
We're the ones fighting the war!
You're just standing around!
You speak English?
We have a wounded soldier,
so we wanna go inside!
You wanna lose your lives?
You know that the president
is already dead.
We control the city now.
We want to go inside and check.
We're freedom fighters!
Take our wounded and we'll go.
Who are you to stop us?
- We brought peace to our country.
- We want inside.
- We want in!
- Open the gate!
We'll kill you all
if you touch that gate.
We'll kill you one by one!
- Back off.
- Call a medic!
Get the medics.
We got a wounded soldier.
You got wounded soldiers here?
If anything happens to him,
we'll kill you all!
- Retreat.
- He better not die.
We're setting up a post right there.
If he dies, we'll kill you all.
Fucking UN soldiers, you'll die
before you leave our country.
You're hiding government troops.
If anything happens to him,
all of you all will die.
It's our country,
defy us and you'll die!
If we find government troops here,
you're all gonna die!
Dirty ass!
- Is he your father?
- Yes.
- What happened to him?
- He was hit by a bullet.
- A bullet?
- Yes.
- How long you been here?
- Not too long.
- He'll be okay, all right?
- All right.
- Take good care of him.
- Okay.
don't worry.
Everything will be okay.
What we gonna do
with the UN soldiers?
They got a lot of Dogos inside.
We're not afraid of the Dogo people.
We are brave soldiers.
You afraid of the UN soldiers?
Shut your fucking mouth.
I decided to make
a tactical retreat.
So what do we do now?
We wait for the general's call.
We're all hungry now,
No Good Advice.
Let's kill the fucking pig.
I'm not ready to kill my pig.
- Kill the pig.
- No!
- We're hungry, kill the pig.
- I'm not ready.
- Don't talk to me like that.
- I'm not ready.
You think it's a human being?
It's better than us?
Everybody's hungry.
- We'll kill it now.
- No.
- We'll kill the pig.
- I said no.
You stole the pig from an old man!
Put it down.
- Put it down!
- No, I won't!
- Put it down.
- No, I won't!
You won't put it down?
- You wanna die?
- For why?
- Put it down!
- That's an order!
You think the pig's yours?
I'll kill it and see what you do.
There's plenty of food around here.
We don't have a good knife
to kill the pig.
- Where you see food?
- Everywhere.
You want your life
or the pig's life?
- You wanna die?
- All too, I want it!
- The pig's used to me.
- We'll kill the pig!
Don't kill the pig!
- We're hungry.
- Don't kill the pig!
There's food all around.
Don't argue.
I'm gonna kill the pig.
- You can't do that.
- You'll see.
- I'll kill the fucking pig today!
- No!
You won't kill it!
- Young Major!
- Yes, sir.
Go clean the pig.
Eat the fucking pig.
Clean it and eat it.
Everybody's hungry.
Last time, when it wasn't your pig,
you were the first one to say,
"Let's eat the pig. "
Now, when it's your pig,
you keep it for you.
We were on mission
when you took it.
Move on, let's go!
Let's go! You're not going?
Stay but we'll eat the pig,
that's the fucking truth.
Stupid man.
You act like the pig was yours.
Hello, Never Die.
Johnny talking, do you hear me?
Where are you?
At the hospital.
The UN is giving us a hard time.
We're busy at the Palace.
I need reinforcement and ammo.
Hold your position.
Let no one in, no one out.
No food or medication.
We got it! Victory is ours!
We're on the move!
So we win the war?
Hello, Never Die...
What's your name?
I forgot your name.
But I'll call you Lovelita.
I heard it in a song.
You like it?
You gotta hold that name.
It will be fine for you.
You hold a gun before?
Try to fire this one.
Fire it.
Fire it. Try it.
You know how to fire a gun now,
Do you know what's on my neck?
This is my protection.
The bullets fly past me.
They can't touch me.
It makes me invisible.
You see what's on my back here?
Bullets can't touch me there.
That's why I'm still alive.
My general, Never Die...
He has some protection.
If you fire at him,
the bullets turn into water.
If I make it to colonel,
he'll give me one.
How long you been fighting
the war?
I was very small, very small.
I started fighting when I was ten.
I started fighting then.
What was your name before?
I don't know my name.
Where you coming from?
Where is your family?
I ain't got no family.
Give your fucking wedding dress
to the girl.
Hey you!
Help me!
My dad's legs are cut off,
I want to put him in your cart.
Somebody stole my wheelbarrow.
How much do you have?
Five dollars.
That's not enough.
- Ten.
- Ten?
I can't risk my life for ten.
- Twenty dollars.
- That's all I have.
I can't help you.
People are shooting, they're coming.
I'm going.
Hey you, come!
Hey you!
Get up!
You hear me?
I said, "Get up. "
What kind of old man is this?
Put your fucking book down!
I said, "Put it down!"
You won't put it down?
What a stupid old man,
doesn't want to get up!
- Give me the baby!
- Please!
Give it to me!
You don't want to give it to me?
Give it to me!
- Give it to me!
- Please!
You wanna die?
Nasty! We got our man.
She's an enemy.
Fucking Dogo woman.
I'm gonna eat her baby.
Everything all right?
Stop your bicycle!
Our Lord and our God,
Daddy and I thank You
for sparing my life
to see this day.
Lord, as my father
is dead and gone...
If it is Your will, Lord,
let Your will be done.
May his soul rest
in perfect peace
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Five score years ago,
a great American in whose
symbolic shadow we stand today,
signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
This momentous decree came
as a great beacon light of hope
to millions of Negro slaves
who had been seared in the flames
of withering injustice.
It came as a joyous daybreak
to end the long night
of their captivity.
But one hundred years later,
the Negro still is not free.
The life of the Negro
is still sadly crippled
by the manacles of segregation
and the chains of discrimination.
One hundred years later,
the Negro lives
on a lonely island of poverty
in the midst of a vast ocean
of material prosperity.
One hundred years later,
the Negro is still languished
in the corners
of American society...
Who's on the radio?
...and finds himself in exile
in his own land.
He's the president.
Now, we need our own money.
We need our fucking money.
So what do you say about it?
There's no fucking shit!
No more money.
Butterfly! Check behind the house.
You think I'm stupid?
You think I'm joking?
The old American car outside,
you took the batteries?
Take everything. The tires
and the batteries are buried outside.
Take the keys,
take what you want and leave.
Put it all down!
All the US dollars and all!
With all their fancy diamonds,
they're mocking us.
- No Good Advice.
- Yes, sir.
I'll take this one for Lovelita.
- It's fine?
- Yeah.
It's good.
Old woman, you and your husband
are educated, let me tell you.
I want you to answer one question.
The two of you all.
What's the area of a triangle?
You can't talk?
You'll lose everything
in the house here.
And losers will die.
I'll give you one more chance.
Only one more.
How much is ten to the third power?
Ten to the third power is one thousand.
To the sixth power is one million.
As for the surface of a triangle,
it is equal to the base multiplied
by the height and divided by two.
Now, please,
just leave us alone.
We've given you everything.
What? What do you have?
With all your gold and diamonds!
What's your job?
You better shut up!
- I'm a high-school teacher.
- High-school teacher?
You fucking Dogo woman.
You think you smarter than me?
I was in the second grade,
but I took third-grade lessons.
With all the books you know,
your country is finished.
My wife isn't Dogo,
she's from your tribe.
- Don't hurt her.
- Prove it!
I'm the one who's Dogo.
You speak my dialect?
I only speak English,
I wasn't born here.
My father was an ambassador.
So you understand our dialect?
Of course.
Prove it!
I give you two minutes.
- Kill them!
- Let's split!
They're boring,
there's nothing to loot.
Let's go loot other houses!
Time is up.
Time finished.
Too bad you were born abroad.
Next time you be born here!
I don't give a damn,
I love my husband.
So you insult my general?
Watch it or I'll blow your head off!
You can kill me,
but don't touch my wife.
Shut up!
- Stand up!
- That's an order!
You supported the stupid president!
Hey old man!
- Get undressed!
- Make it fast!
- Dogos are traitors!
- Fast!
You'll fuck your wife,
right now, in the living room!
- Take off your fucking clothes!
- Do it!
Trousers off!
Put them down.
Now fuck for me now!
Quick! Quick!
Start fucking!
Look at his big dick!
You wanna die, old man?
Fuck her!
You take all our money
and kill our people!
- Fucking whore!
- What happen to you, Lovelita?
- He's my man!
- Who the fuck are you?
I enjoy myself.
Fucking Dogo!
- Move!
- Put the arm down.
- Move!
- Put it down.
Who you think I am?
You do whatever you want with me?
Let's go, Johnny!
I'm gonna kill you.
Who the fuck is she?
Take the weapon.
- Good morning, general.
- Where are your men?
I don't know, general.
Don't call me general.
I'm in the regular army.
I'm proud to be a corporal
and also the president's bodyguard.
No men, no war!
So no more war, what we do now?
Why ask me that?
Soon, you'll turn in your weapon.
We don't want boys with arms.
Find something else to do!
- General, our money?
- There's no money.
You fought the war
and looted a lot of things.
You served yourself!
I got no money for you.
The president owes us.
It's our right.
There are rights and duties.
- You, in the regular army?
- I'm no civilian.
Yes, you are.
I can send you in a refugee camp
to serve as security
and watch over the Dogos.
You gotta stop tribality.
Treat them like other tribes.
Do I make myself clear?
Go wash up, you're dirty!
I'm looking for my brother.
- Who is he?
- His name is Fofo.
Fofo? No.
- What's your name?
- Mayama.
- Where are her parents?
- Dead.
Hey you!
I know you! You're a killer!
Who are you?
Where you know me from?
Who ordered you to distribute
the rice?
You wanna die?
Where you know me from?
This is the soldiers' rice.
Put it back.
- No!
- In the truck!
In the truck!
No, I won't!
What you doing here?
Get your things and follow me.
- Get up!
- I'm not gonna leave her here!
- Get up!
- No!
You got it?
Put the girl over there.
- Not on my bed!
- Why did you bring me here?
Anything I feel, I'll do it.
Is that your daughter?
The girl is your daughter?
Where's your family?
What's your name?
You think I'll show you my name,
Mad Dog?
How do you know my name?
Mad Dog is finished.
Where's my little brother?
Who your little brother?
You killed him.
You think I can kill a child?
I saw you kill a little boy,
for oranges.
How do you know I killed a boy
for oranges?
It wasn't for oranges I killed him.
He fired at my pickup
and was trying to escape.
We captured him in the old town.
I asked him what was in his bucket.
He said bananas and I kicked
the bucket and it was oranges.
He tried to escape
and I killed the man.
If I had met him on the front
he would have killed me too.
Was he your brother?
So who says
when they don't need you,
they won't get rid of you?
You like it?
It's fine on you.
It's beautiful.
You like it?
It's fine around your neck.
I don't need your gift.
You go to school.
Take the book, it's for you!
Can't you read?
You go to Sunday church
to worship Jesus Christ?
You're a virgin!
And you?
I got all the women.
I only need to pick one.
Raping is not the same as loving.
You're not talking?
You started the talking, talk now.
Now you're scared.
I thought you were brave.
Talk again.
Talk now!
Go away!
Get out!
Get your ass here!
Open the door!
You, get out!
What you doing?
Bring your ass here!
Where you going?
Hey you!
With the others!
Shut up!
Any government troops here?
You wanna argue?
You dead!
- You hiding troops!
- No, my son.
Where's the food?
You don't wanna talk?
We live here, my brother.
I'm not your brother!
You're just a stupid old man.
Give it up!
He's talking to you, man!
Take that TV!
The food!
We're fighting a war!
We're hungry.
You're a fighter!
You're a Dogo fighter!
You fucking Dogo man!
Stand up!
Women here!
Men there!
Find the money!
Take off your fucking shirt!
Check for weapons.
- Where are your guns?
- Got no weapons.
Take off your shirt!
Give me that ring.
Hands in the air!
Where you hiding your guns?
You don't have guns?
Old man, you think I'm stupid?
Where's the fucking money?
I got no money, brother.
- Fucking liar!
- No.
- Where's the money?
- Don't kill me!
Where you hide the fucking money
in this village?
Search them!
Are you a crybaby?
Are you a fucking crybaby?
Listen up, gentlemen, shut up!
Why all the fucking noise?
We need some money.
We need some money.
No money.
- Sure you got no money?
- We're suffering here.
- You have to pay for the war.
- We got no money.
You're a liar.
Where are the kids in the village?
- No kids here.
- You sure?
I'm telling you.
- And the government soldiers?
- None here.
Where are they?
They just pass through.
- You look like a soldier.
- I'm not a soldier.
You sure?
The house is empty.
Check under the beds!
Who's there?
Hey you!
- Get up!
- Please!
Move! Go!
- I hate crybabies.
- Don't kill me.
- Fucking crybaby!
- Don't kill me, my son.
Fucking pussy.
What the fuck you doing
with my wife's wedding dress?
That's my wedding dress!
- Fucking soldier!
- Who is he?
- My son.
- Your son?
You hiding him from us?
- He won't fight the war?
- He's not a fighter.
- He's an enemy!
- No, he's a student.
A fucking fighter!
- So, no kids here?
- He's my son!
- He's an enemy!
- He can't go to war!
He's a fighter!
Shut up!
Get up!
Please! Leave him alone!
Show us what you can do.
Shouldn't have hid him.
We'll kill you.
Give him your rifle.
Don't kill me, please!
Leave him alone.
Please! Leave him alone!
Please, I beg you, please.
Please, he's my son!
He can't go to war.
Kill your father or you die!
We've all done it.
Kill him!
Or I kill you.
Kill him now!
No, he's a student.
Fucking enemy!
Kill him!
Let's go!
...facing the violent offensive
by rebel factions
who are now 12 miles from the city.
Government forces have deployed
and claim to control the situation.
In a statement from the President,
he said, and I quote,
"I'm waiting for the imminent
intervention of UN forces. "
Come on, let's go.
No men, no war!
- Death dealer!
- No die, no rest!
- You don't wanna die...
- Don't be born!
- I make a face!
- Stay away from me!
Cover your ass!
Gentlemen, our mission
is to capture the TV station.
Yes, sir!
Before we attack the TV station,
we make sure we're ready,
we get in the spirit, one by one.
- Mad Dog!
- Yes, sir, general.
This coke will jack you up.
War cry!
Who's there?
Who the fuck is there?
You're a fucking Dogo man.
You work for the Dogo president.
Where you going?
Open up!
Fucking stop!
Give me your bag.
No Good Advice, hold the bag.
- You know this woman here?
- No.
I've seen her somewhere before.
She's the one who gives the news.
She's the newswoman.
She talks about us, says we're rebels,
coming to kill the people.
- That's Tanya Toyo.
- I don't know that woman.
You sure you're Tanya Toyo?
You sure?
A fucking Dogo woman!
You see how fine she is?
You wanna escape from us?
My advice, kill the woman.
Please. Please.
What's that look mean?
Where's the government money?
I'll fuck you today.
You talk about us! I'll fuck you!
No Good Advice, hold my gun.
Spread your legs.
You make fun of us.
I beg you.
Spread your legs!
Look, she's acting like she's scared.
Chief, I wanna do her too.
Be honest when you talk about us.
No Good Advice, she's all yours.
Spread your legs!
I'm gonna fuck you!
The war has displaced people.
Most families have lost relatives
and loved ones.
I lost six family members:
my mother, my grandmother,
my father...
Suddenly, the rebels show up
and grab your people,
three or four family members,
and kill them in front of you.
You're forced to laugh.
The kids, they say, "Laugh. "
And if you cry, you die.
When I sit and think,
I just don't know.
I got nobody around to advise me.
I didn't lay eyes on my mother.
I left for one week
and they killed all of them.
Who are you?
Death dealer.
- Password?
- No die, no rest.
I'm General Dirty Soldier!
I'm No Good Advice.
No men, no war!
- What the what!
- What the fuck!
- I make a face!
- Stay away from me!
Cover your ass!
The war cry!
Call me Mad Dog.
I'm No Good Advice!
We're fucking soldiers!
I'm Young Major.
We'll fuck up the dogs!
I'm Small Devil,
and I'll rip your heart out!
No need to be fucking around.
No need to be wasting time.
I wanna be a Ranger.
A Ranger was a motherfucker.
A Ranger was a brave soldier.
- Am I right or wrong?
- You right.
- Tell me if I'm wrong.
- You damn fucking right.
Mad Dog!
Yes, general.
Get your men prepared for tomorrow.
Everybody get ready,
pack the ammunition and everything.
We set fire to the city tomorrow.
You're the target commander.
I need the city asap.
- You got it?
- Yes, general.
Go and get prepared.
Gentlemen, we have again
done a great task for this country
by capturing the TV station
that the government used
for propaganda to the outside world.
Without the TV station,
there are no means to communicate
with the people.
In a few days we'll be in the city.
Once there, we'll chase the Dogos out,
house by house, street by street,
until we get rid of them.
There's a bridge ahead.
When we get on the bridge,
we'll put fire to the city
and get the president out of power.
We need to liberate our people,
bring freedom to our people.
We have to make sure our resources
are used in the right way.
The Dogos have been oppressing
our people forever.
Be very wary of them.
Watch out for the luggage
on their heads.
They can hide weapons
in their mattresses.
I don't want you to die
on the mission.
The mission is crucial.
Your life is tied to the mission.
Be careful with your life!
Am I clear?
Yes, sir!
They can shoot you in the back.
I don't want you to lose your lives
on this mission.
- You get it?
- Yes, sir!
We're going to reach the city
and get the president out of power!
You, you know me?
I'm Johnny Mad Dog,
Small Boy Unit commander.
- Your name!
- Fatumata.
Fatumata, you Dogo girl.
But today you'll join my unit.
- What for?
- Shut up, No Good Advice.
But she's a Dogo.
The girl will help us
kill the fucking Dogo president.
We'll get peace in our country.
Freedom in our country,
you like it?
Follow me. Let's go.
- You ready to fight the war with me?
- Yes, sir!
- Death dealers, you listening?
- Yes, sir!
You are the death dealers, rebels.
We are now about to start our mission.
Gentlemen, I want you to be calm.
This war is our war.
Free your heart.
Fight the war as a soldier.
Relax your mind.
Open your heart to the revolution.
Fight, no retreat.
Don't think about home.
After the revolution
you'll get your benefits.
Money will be given
and you'll go see your parents.
We need to go
and capture the whole fucking city.
You need to go.
No retreat, no surrender...
No ma and pa...
Any soldier talking about ma and pa
will be executed.
Gentlemen, death dealer rebels,
be strong and vigilant.
Guys, you seen it for yourselves,
you're now bullet-proof!
Don't draw back from war,
if they fire at you, fire back.
- You don't wanna die...
- Don't be born!
- Mad Dog!
- Yes, general!
Your next mission is to move
to the embassy.
- Secure the area until I get there.
- Yes, sir, general!
- You don't wanna die...
- Don't be born!
Gentlemen, let's move.
I'm scared.
- You, where you going!
- I beg you, chief.
Fucking ass!
Your rifle's mine!
Get up, we need to go, hurry up.
Your shoes, hurry up!
- Don't be foolish, they're near.
- Fofo, hurry up!
- Go with your sister.
- Go with us, dad, please.
I beg you, I'll take good care of you.
- Go with your sister.
- Bring the wheelbarrow!
- You can't forsake us like this.
- I'm not forsaking you. Now leave.
- Dad, please!
- Leave.
Dad, open this door.
Dad, we can't leave like this.
You have to come with us.
Please, I beg you.
Open this door!
Look at that pig!
Hey you, fucking stop!
You, I said fucking stop!
Where you going?
Where you taking that pig?
I'm carrying the pig across.
- What?
- The bridge.
- Who gave it to you?
- An old man.
- An old man?
- Yes.
You... The pig!
We're a troop of fighters.
You're just a looter!
- It's my pig!
- I beg you.
- What?
- I beg you.
You beg me?
Put the fucking pig down!
It's my pig, stupid old looter!
Sit down.
You liar. You fucking looter.
You stole the pig and say
somebody gave it to you!
Take off your fucking coat!
You're a fucking looter!
I said, take it off!
The pig's for me.
Got tell the owner
that No Good Advice took it.
You hear?
Look me in the face
when I talk to you!
Get the fuck up and go!
Yes, general Never Die?
Where are you?
What is your position?
We control the whole area.
My men are on patrol.
The streets are empty,
there's nobody on the streets.
You got no self respect, old man!
Everybody's waiting for you! Hurry!
Chicken Hair!
Come here! Report!
We're gonna carry the old man's pig
to the truck.
Put it on my neck.
Go, take the coat.
- C.Y.A!
- Cover your ass!
- You all know what?
- No.
At any moment,
if I see a looter around here,
I'll damage his life!
I don't wanna see no looter here.
- You hear?
- Yes, sir!
All men deploy!
I found a weapon.
- Where?
- Over there.
- What weapon is it?
- An Uzi.
- Chinese?
- No, Israeli.
Chuck Norris used it
in Delta Force.
So be careful!
The Israelis or Chuck Norris
might be around.
- Butterfly.
- Yes, sir.
Try this arm.
Be careful with it.
Try it! Don't be scared. Try it!
- On the ground!
- Sit the fuck down!
Look at the chief!
The password?
Face the chief!
You don't wanna talk?
What's the password?
- What's in your bucket?
- Fruit... Bananas.
Oh, your bananas are orange?
You think I'm stupid?
Fucking liar!
You're a Dogo man.
Dirty ass!
I'll kill you today!
You a government trooper?
Take his clothes off
and tie him up.
- Your ma's name?
- Ataouza.
- Your pa's name?
- Abriye.
Look at the mark on this man.
He looks like a government fighter.
He's a government troop man.
Today is his last day.
Show me your finger.
That man's a fucking fighter!
He's denying it!
- Who fired at my pickup?
- Not me.
Tell me the truth. Was it you?
I didn't fire.
Why did you have the Uzi then?
- I didn't.
- So why you hiding?
My oranges.
You were hiding for your oranges?
My ma sent me to look for food.
Tell the truth!
You lie and I'll kill you.
Who fired at my pickup?
Look at me!
Why you fight for the government?
You'll die poor.
Chief, I seen that man before.
He's a fucking government troop man.
He was on reconnaissance.
When we catch these spies
they pretend to cry,
but they are not crying,
they can hit us in the back.
He's an enemy.
You'll die today, my boy.
- I'm not a fighter, I go to school.
- What school?
- What school?
- Methodist.
- Your teacher?
- Teacher Perry.
Stink mouth!
You fucking Dogo man!
Fucking Dogo man!
You Dogo fuck!
Everybody on board!
Johnny Mad Dog!
No Good Advice is waiting for you.
We're waiting for you!
What you doing?
Fofo, I'm going to hide you in here.
Don't come out,
I'll be back soon with dad.
- Government troops!
- Pussies!
All men on board!
Where are you?
- Where we going?
- Shut your fucking mouth!
We'll kill the motherfuckers!
Where are the soldiers?
I don't know.
Move! Enemy around!
Move off the road!
Move off the road, enemy around!
Move off the road!
Motherfucker! Move! Move!
Shit, let's carry the man.
Chicken Hair,
watch out, bro.
It's dangerous here.
I saw some smoke up there.
Fast! Let's get him out of here.
Sniper in the building!
Reinforcements 1,2,3!
All clear, all clear!
It is my will that when I die
Don't bury me, don't bury me
You cut my dick in alcohol
And call my wife and give it to her
And when she cry, let her cry
When she roll let her rock
And what the fuck she thinks she is
She fucking around with my GI dick
Another man will counsel her
Another man will comfort her
Take my rifle and my bonnet
Call my son and give it to him
Let him defend or let him fight
For his country, for his people
It is my will...
- Death dealer!
- No die, no rest.
Gentlemen, keep moving.
Shut the fuck up!
- Fuck you rebels!
- They all deserve death.
Stand back!
- Back off!
- Fucking move away from the gate!
It's an emergency hospital.
We have to protect the hospital.
Move from the gate before I kill you!
Our general wants us to find
the government troops!
No arms allowed inside!
No one can enter armed.
- I can't leave my weapon.
- You have to.
My weapon is my mother
and my father!
No arm is allowed in here!
Nobody's stopping you from entering.
No arms allowed, it's a hospital.
Who are you to give me orders?
We'll enter today.
Any troops inside?
No, we only have civilians.
They're the only ones who count.
We're the ones fighting the war!
You're just standing around!
You speak English?
We have a wounded soldier,
so we wanna go inside!
You wanna lose your lives?
You know that the president
is already dead.
We control the city now.
We want to go inside and check.
We're freedom fighters!
Take our wounded and we'll go.
Who are you to stop us?
- We brought peace to our country.
- We want inside.
- We want in!
- Open the gate!
We'll kill you all
if you touch that gate.
We'll kill you one by one!
- Back off.
- Call a medic!
Get the medics.
We got a wounded soldier.
You got wounded soldiers here?
If anything happens to him,
we'll kill you all!
- Retreat.
- He better not die.
We're setting up a post right there.
If he dies, we'll kill you all.
Fucking UN soldiers, you'll die
before you leave our country.
You're hiding government troops.
If anything happens to him,
all of you all will die.
It's our country,
defy us and you'll die!
If we find government troops here,
you're all gonna die!
Dirty ass!
- Is he your father?
- Yes.
- What happened to him?
- He was hit by a bullet.
- A bullet?
- Yes.
- How long you been here?
- Not too long.
- He'll be okay, all right?
- All right.
- Take good care of him.
- Okay.
don't worry.
Everything will be okay.
What we gonna do
with the UN soldiers?
They got a lot of Dogos inside.
We're not afraid of the Dogo people.
We are brave soldiers.
You afraid of the UN soldiers?
Shut your fucking mouth.
I decided to make
a tactical retreat.
So what do we do now?
We wait for the general's call.
We're all hungry now,
No Good Advice.
Let's kill the fucking pig.
I'm not ready to kill my pig.
- Kill the pig.
- No!
- We're hungry, kill the pig.
- I'm not ready.
- Don't talk to me like that.
- I'm not ready.
You think it's a human being?
It's better than us?
Everybody's hungry.
- We'll kill it now.
- No.
- We'll kill the pig.
- I said no.
You stole the pig from an old man!
Put it down.
- Put it down!
- No, I won't!
- Put it down.
- No, I won't!
You won't put it down?
- You wanna die?
- For why?
- Put it down!
- That's an order!
You think the pig's yours?
I'll kill it and see what you do.
There's plenty of food around here.
We don't have a good knife
to kill the pig.
- Where you see food?
- Everywhere.
You want your life
or the pig's life?
- You wanna die?
- All too, I want it!
- The pig's used to me.
- We'll kill the pig!
Don't kill the pig!
- We're hungry.
- Don't kill the pig!
There's food all around.
Don't argue.
I'm gonna kill the pig.
- You can't do that.
- You'll see.
- I'll kill the fucking pig today!
- No!
You won't kill it!
- Young Major!
- Yes, sir.
Go clean the pig.
Eat the fucking pig.
Clean it and eat it.
Everybody's hungry.
Last time, when it wasn't your pig,
you were the first one to say,
"Let's eat the pig. "
Now, when it's your pig,
you keep it for you.
We were on mission
when you took it.
Move on, let's go!
Let's go! You're not going?
Stay but we'll eat the pig,
that's the fucking truth.
Stupid man.
You act like the pig was yours.
Hello, Never Die.
Johnny talking, do you hear me?
Where are you?
At the hospital.
The UN is giving us a hard time.
We're busy at the Palace.
I need reinforcement and ammo.
Hold your position.
Let no one in, no one out.
No food or medication.
We got it! Victory is ours!
We're on the move!
So we win the war?
Hello, Never Die...
What's your name?
I forgot your name.
But I'll call you Lovelita.
I heard it in a song.
You like it?
You gotta hold that name.
It will be fine for you.
You hold a gun before?
Try to fire this one.
Fire it.
Fire it. Try it.
You know how to fire a gun now,
Do you know what's on my neck?
This is my protection.
The bullets fly past me.
They can't touch me.
It makes me invisible.
You see what's on my back here?
Bullets can't touch me there.
That's why I'm still alive.
My general, Never Die...
He has some protection.
If you fire at him,
the bullets turn into water.
If I make it to colonel,
he'll give me one.
How long you been fighting
the war?
I was very small, very small.
I started fighting when I was ten.
I started fighting then.
What was your name before?
I don't know my name.
Where you coming from?
Where is your family?
I ain't got no family.
Give your fucking wedding dress
to the girl.
Hey you!
Help me!
My dad's legs are cut off,
I want to put him in your cart.
Somebody stole my wheelbarrow.
How much do you have?
Five dollars.
That's not enough.
- Ten.
- Ten?
I can't risk my life for ten.
- Twenty dollars.
- That's all I have.
I can't help you.
People are shooting, they're coming.
I'm going.
Hey you, come!
Hey you!
Get up!
You hear me?
I said, "Get up. "
What kind of old man is this?
Put your fucking book down!
I said, "Put it down!"
You won't put it down?
What a stupid old man,
doesn't want to get up!
- Give me the baby!
- Please!
Give it to me!
You don't want to give it to me?
Give it to me!
- Give it to me!
- Please!
You wanna die?
Nasty! We got our man.
She's an enemy.
Fucking Dogo woman.
I'm gonna eat her baby.
Everything all right?
Stop your bicycle!
Our Lord and our God,
Daddy and I thank You
for sparing my life
to see this day.
Lord, as my father
is dead and gone...
If it is Your will, Lord,
let Your will be done.
May his soul rest
in perfect peace
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Five score years ago,
a great American in whose
symbolic shadow we stand today,
signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
This momentous decree came
as a great beacon light of hope
to millions of Negro slaves
who had been seared in the flames
of withering injustice.
It came as a joyous daybreak
to end the long night
of their captivity.
But one hundred years later,
the Negro still is not free.
The life of the Negro
is still sadly crippled
by the manacles of segregation
and the chains of discrimination.
One hundred years later,
the Negro lives
on a lonely island of poverty
in the midst of a vast ocean
of material prosperity.
One hundred years later,
the Negro is still languished
in the corners
of American society...
Who's on the radio?
...and finds himself in exile
in his own land.
He's the president.
Now, we need our own money.
We need our fucking money.
So what do you say about it?
There's no fucking shit!
No more money.
Butterfly! Check behind the house.
You think I'm stupid?
You think I'm joking?
The old American car outside,
you took the batteries?
Take everything. The tires
and the batteries are buried outside.
Take the keys,
take what you want and leave.
Put it all down!
All the US dollars and all!
With all their fancy diamonds,
they're mocking us.
- No Good Advice.
- Yes, sir.
I'll take this one for Lovelita.
- It's fine?
- Yeah.
It's good.
Old woman, you and your husband
are educated, let me tell you.
I want you to answer one question.
The two of you all.
What's the area of a triangle?
You can't talk?
You'll lose everything
in the house here.
And losers will die.
I'll give you one more chance.
Only one more.
How much is ten to the third power?
Ten to the third power is one thousand.
To the sixth power is one million.
As for the surface of a triangle,
it is equal to the base multiplied
by the height and divided by two.
Now, please,
just leave us alone.
We've given you everything.
What? What do you have?
With all your gold and diamonds!
What's your job?
You better shut up!
- I'm a high-school teacher.
- High-school teacher?
You fucking Dogo woman.
You think you smarter than me?
I was in the second grade,
but I took third-grade lessons.
With all the books you know,
your country is finished.
My wife isn't Dogo,
she's from your tribe.
- Don't hurt her.
- Prove it!
I'm the one who's Dogo.
You speak my dialect?
I only speak English,
I wasn't born here.
My father was an ambassador.
So you understand our dialect?
Of course.
Prove it!
I give you two minutes.
- Kill them!
- Let's split!
They're boring,
there's nothing to loot.
Let's go loot other houses!
Time is up.
Time finished.
Too bad you were born abroad.
Next time you be born here!
I don't give a damn,
I love my husband.
So you insult my general?
Watch it or I'll blow your head off!
You can kill me,
but don't touch my wife.
Shut up!
- Stand up!
- That's an order!
You supported the stupid president!
Hey old man!
- Get undressed!
- Make it fast!
- Dogos are traitors!
- Fast!
You'll fuck your wife,
right now, in the living room!
- Take off your fucking clothes!
- Do it!
Trousers off!
Put them down.
Now fuck for me now!
Quick! Quick!
Start fucking!
Look at his big dick!
You wanna die, old man?
Fuck her!
You take all our money
and kill our people!
- Fucking whore!
- What happen to you, Lovelita?
- He's my man!
- Who the fuck are you?
I enjoy myself.
Fucking Dogo!
- Move!
- Put the arm down.
- Move!
- Put it down.
Who you think I am?
You do whatever you want with me?
Let's go, Johnny!
I'm gonna kill you.
Who the fuck is she?
Take the weapon.
- Good morning, general.
- Where are your men?
I don't know, general.
Don't call me general.
I'm in the regular army.
I'm proud to be a corporal
and also the president's bodyguard.
No men, no war!
So no more war, what we do now?
Why ask me that?
Soon, you'll turn in your weapon.
We don't want boys with arms.
Find something else to do!
- General, our money?
- There's no money.
You fought the war
and looted a lot of things.
You served yourself!
I got no money for you.
The president owes us.
It's our right.
There are rights and duties.
- You, in the regular army?
- I'm no civilian.
Yes, you are.
I can send you in a refugee camp
to serve as security
and watch over the Dogos.
You gotta stop tribality.
Treat them like other tribes.
Do I make myself clear?
Go wash up, you're dirty!
I'm looking for my brother.
- Who is he?
- His name is Fofo.
Fofo? No.
- What's your name?
- Mayama.
- Where are her parents?
- Dead.
Hey you!
I know you! You're a killer!
Who are you?
Where you know me from?
Who ordered you to distribute
the rice?
You wanna die?
Where you know me from?
This is the soldiers' rice.
Put it back.
- No!
- In the truck!
In the truck!
No, I won't!
What you doing here?
Get your things and follow me.
- Get up!
- I'm not gonna leave her here!
- Get up!
- No!
You got it?
Put the girl over there.
- Not on my bed!
- Why did you bring me here?
Anything I feel, I'll do it.
Is that your daughter?
The girl is your daughter?
Where's your family?
What's your name?
You think I'll show you my name,
Mad Dog?
How do you know my name?
Mad Dog is finished.
Where's my little brother?
Who your little brother?
You killed him.
You think I can kill a child?
I saw you kill a little boy,
for oranges.
How do you know I killed a boy
for oranges?
It wasn't for oranges I killed him.
He fired at my pickup
and was trying to escape.
We captured him in the old town.
I asked him what was in his bucket.
He said bananas and I kicked
the bucket and it was oranges.
He tried to escape
and I killed the man.
If I had met him on the front
he would have killed me too.
Was he your brother?
So who says
when they don't need you,
they won't get rid of you?
You like it?
It's fine on you.
It's beautiful.
You like it?
It's fine around your neck.
I don't need your gift.
You go to school.
Take the book, it's for you!
Can't you read?
You go to Sunday church
to worship Jesus Christ?
You're a virgin!
And you?
I got all the women.
I only need to pick one.
Raping is not the same as loving.
You're not talking?
You started the talking, talk now.
Now you're scared.
I thought you were brave.
Talk again.
Talk now!
Go away!