Joi sun ho (Written By) (2009) Movie Script

If you spare my life,
I'll live it to the fullest.
If not, let me see my family.
Dad, where do people go after they die?
I don't know, Melody.
Dad, what's a ghost?
Well, some say they're the dead people
who can't leave those
who are still alive,
and they stay behind in this world.
Some say, ghosts are the imagination
of those who are alive,
refusing to believe
their loved ones are dead.
Dad, do you believe in ghosts?
There's an accident on Highway 3
at the Cheung Sha Wan Exit.
Yes, 2 adults and 2 kids.
Call an ambulance, now!
That day was November 11,1998,
I went blind.
Dad could no longer tell me
whether there're ghosts in this world.
He's dead.
Dad has been dead for a year,
Mom still agonizes over it.
She can't sleep at night,
playing Dad's favorite song at the piano,
but only gets half way through every time.
Mom, don't cry...
I miss your Dad so much.
Why doesn't he come back?
What could I've done at this age?
I wish there were ghosts,
and Mom could see Dad.
Time flies and a decade has passed.
I'm in college studying literature
hoping to become a writer.
Mom has gone back to college,
taking one subject after another.
Dad, I won a championship again.
Honey, I've graduated.
Mom has got another PhD, so great!
Mom, don't cry.
I still miss your Dad a lot.
Time has healed nothing.
I'm not a kid any more
and I've got to help Mom.
Sorry, Mom can't sleep.
Mom, I want to write a novel,
about us.
The world in the novel would be
the exact opposite of the real world.
Dad didn't die but went blind,
we would be dead.
And there would be ghosts in that world.
We would make Dad...
live again in the other world.
In that accident, Dad has gone blind.
but we were killed.
Dad missed us so much
that he wished ghosts were real.
Dad is blind and by himself,
I want a Philippines maid
to take care of him.
Maria will take care of Dad just like Mom.
Maria is not that pretty.
Maria is not pretty
and she is scared of ghosts.
Get a puppy to accompany Dad.
Oscar has turned into a puppy
to stay with Dad.
Mom's coming back soon to cook for Dad.
A novel can fulfill
the dreams of the readers.
And the writer can come
to terms with her own pain.
I hope to write a novel
and heal Mom's pain,
and help reunite her with Dad.
There's an accident on Highway 3
at the Cheung Sha Wan Exit.
Yes... 2 adults and 2 kids.
Call an ambulance, now!
That day was November 11 1998.
I can't hear from wife and kids,
and can't give Melody the answer.
Do I believe there're ghosts?
Cos they're dead.
Time flies and a year has passed.
Maria is the Philippines maid
that takes care of me.
The place I visit most frequent
is the cemetery.
I wish there were ghost in this world,
my wife and children will look for me.
Maria, what if it was me who died?
I don't know, sir.
Maria, who decides who will die?
I really don't know, sir.
Maria, can you see Mom?
It's getting late, let's go.
I'm scared.
Tell me when you see them, Maria.
Maria, I want to write a novel
where anything could happen.
There would be ghosts.
And madam, Melody and Oscar
would all come back.
Our family would be back together.
Stove on, ventilator spinning,
lights on.
My wife is back.
Man and ghost are just
A hand of fate will toss it,
and the sides keep flipping.
Heads and tails
are always on opposite sides.
Man and ghost are on different paths.
And the pain lasts into eternity.
Why are you cooking so late?
Sir, what're you cooking so late at night?
Sir, your favorite dish.
Oh, a ghost did that.
Your dead wife still
remembers to cook for you.
I though it's all over
when someone's dead.
It's not a good thing.
You watch out for a dog
that comes by itself
in the next few days, it's your son.
He's willing to come back
in any form just to be with you.
This way. How much?
Keep the change.
Hey, where's my egg sandwich?
How come there's so much stuff?
I only ordered a sandwich.
The ghost did it again.
Sir, I'm scared. I quit.
How can your wife be a ghost like this?
The living and the dead
should be on different paths.
No wonder, your daughter
has become M'am Meng's protg.
My daughter is M'am Meng's protg?
Your daughter has become
an apprentice to M'am Meng,
to lead the dead into the underworld.
And she has some power...
Don't eat it!
It must be your daughter abusing her power
and putting on this sneaky family reunion.
If she gets caught, you'll all pay for it.
But what if...
I really want this reunion?
If that's what you really want...
just pretend you don't know.
And hope it'll get by.
Just pretend these are
egg sandwiches and eat it,
as if they're egg sandwiches.
How are you going to get home
without your maid?
No problem, I live close by.
I can get a cab if I really can't make it.
How come there's a bridge here?
How come there's a river here?
Maria, sir has fallen
and can't get home...
Maria, sir has fallen
and can't get home...
Sir has fallen and can't get home...
You can see me?
Maria, you can see me?
You all see me?
I'm back.
Sir. I'm here.
Over here!
Sorry sir, I've left you behind.
Maria, you know I'm clumsy,
and you left me like this,
and I've taken a fall.
I won't dare do this again, sir.
Come help me up.
I'm warning you!
Don't do this again!
Let's go home, Maria.
This is a peculiar moment,
like a coin
dropping on the ground,
but strangely standing just on its edge.
We don't want to spoil it,
just carefully maintain
the fragile balance.
Wow, Mrs. Tong is really something!
That maid is so scared that
she left her luggage behind.
Maria, I wanna hear some music.
Are you Mrs. Tong's twin sister?
Are you human?
Thanks, could you pretend
that you haven't seen me?
Mom... I'm back.
Did Mrs. Chan give us the dog?
Yes, sir. Thank you, Mrs. Chan.
Sir, have this and take an early rest.
We've scared others,
we've got to move.
God bless me...
It's sis.
Melody, how come Oscar became a dog?
Mom, Oscar wants it this way.
The only way we could be
with Dad is to do sneakily.
We'll all live at the cemetery
from now on.
Mom, I go to work.
What work do you do?
I'm now M'am Meng's protg
in the underworld.
Work hard! I will.
What does M'am Meng's protg do?
I bring these dead friends to reincarnate.
You're great, Melody!
Let's get working.
Dad has gotten up.
Yes, sir.
When was the last time
you cleaned the floor?
Sorry, sir, I'll do it now.
How come I can't hear
any cable car this morning?
Let's walk the dog.
Yes, sir.
Hold tight, my dead friends,
you'll soon start your
new reincarnated lives.
Hold tight, my dead friends,
you'll soon start your
new reincarnated lives.
(Dad is imitating Melody driving)
(the Underworld Express to...)
I finally heard Mom's laugh.
So writing novels can really help
the healing process.
She is putting flowers at home
for the first time since Dad's death.
Writing novels makes me happy.
I feel close to my wife and children.
I can smell the flowers in my home.
It smells so good.
Where should I put them, Melody?
On the tea table. Tea table.
On the piano.
On the piano.
Television, dining room.
By the window.
By the bookcase.
Though we're only reunited inside a novel,
I'm happy with that.
No, not enough. Oscar,
we'll go and get more.
Not enough...
I need more scents, and colors, capiche?
Ok... I'm leaving, sir.
Let's go.
Somebody hurt!
Forget the keys again.
Who is it?
We're the police.
Are Mandy Ching and Oscar Tong
living here?
And they are your...
Mother and brother.
Anyone else at home?
Your mother
and brother were killed in
an accident on Flower Street
Forget the keys again.
Who is it?
We're the police.
Does Mandia, Maria V
live here?
Yes. And you are...
Filipino maid.
What happened?
she had an accident on Flower Street.
She was dead on the scene.
What accident?
A fallen canopy.
Fallen canopy?
Why is it my family again?
Sir, calm down.
Is there anyone else at home?
No, I'm the only damn blind man
left in this family.
Sir, we'll contact a counselor for you.
Why not call God?
Why my family again?
Why my family again?
Why don't you take me away as well?
Take me away!
Kill me! Don't leave me alone!
Our whole family already
hides humbly inside the novel.
Why can't they just let us be?
What've we done wrong?
Not enough, not colorful enough.
Let's get to work.
What happened?
Oh, no!
Underworld Express, take me to find
my Mom, Dad and brother.
Why can't fate just let go of me?
I was driving. That makes me responsible
for my family's death.
I asked Maria to buy flowers
so she died too?
Thanks, very nice.
It's all my fault.
I shouldn't have put on this reunion.
I did all this.
My family has nothing to do with it.
The coin on its edge will drop
even if it's just touched slightly.
When the me inside the novel
crosses paths with Maria,
it will be time to wake up.
Dad. Hubby.
Honey. Somebody Hurt!
Honey, Oscar...
Honey, Oscar.
Just punish me for it,
not my family, no!
(Dad has just finished typing)
(the part about the disappearance)
(of Mom and Oscar, Melody)
(and the Underworld Express)
(As if he is bidding farewell)
(again with his family...)
(Dad holds on to the typewriter,)
(weeping in agony,)
(sitting in solitude in his chaotic home,)
(lonely and helpless...)
Mom, Oscar, please don't die!
Mom and Oscar haven't died.
Mom and Oscar haven't died...
In a novel, anything is possible.
No fate, no chances.
I challenge death,
and death takes its revenge
by taking my Mom and brother.
I can carry on writing,
and bring them back to life in the novel.
I won't give up
and I will bring them back.
Are you looking for a domestic helper?
Can you start right now?
I haven't eaten for days.
Make me noodles, and tidy up my house.
It's ready.
How can I eat if you don't
turn over the table?
I'm tidying up the place.
Are you blind?
Why be a domestic helper?
I'm by myself and have nowhere to go.
You're by yourself and
I want to take care of you.
How do you know I'm on my own?
Don't kick me out, let me stay.
Why do you want to stay?
How did you become blind?
A car accident when I was 12.
Who else was in your family?
My mother and brother.
When did it happen? Where are they?
Gone to another world.
Another world?
You mean dead?
Where's your father?
What's your name?
Who are you?
Hey, why don't you answer me?
Are you human, or ghost?
I'm a ghost.
I miss you and want to see you.
Melody. Mom.
Mom and Oscar really didn't die.
Mom. Melody.
Melody! Honey!
Hubby... where are you?
So I really could die in their place.
Mom, no need to worry. I'm with Dad.
It's ok as long as you and Oscar are fine.
Melody, there're ghosts in Dad's world!
You're Melody?
How come you're Melody?
What? You all died
in the car crash last year.
You were 12 and Oscar was only 5.
Are you human, or ghost?
Mom, Oscar. Hubby.
Honey, where are you?
How come I can't see you?
Mom, I'm fine.
Sis. Oscar, Mom.
How come it looks so much like my house?
In that accident...
Dad survived but went blind,
Mom and Oscar and I were dead.
There're ghosts in Dad's world.
We'll return to him...
as ghosts.
Mom and Oscar didn't die.
It was me who was killed
by the fallen canopy.
I went to Dad's world.
Where are we, Mom?
I don't know, but I see lots of Dad.
Husband's gone, wife's gone,
son's gone, daughter's gone.
You 3 are dead,
please go on to your next life.
Who're you? M'am Meng.
We're dead?
You were crushed by
the fallen canopy 2 days ago.
Oscar, we're dead.
How come you're dead, Melody?
M'am Meng, how did she die?
Melody Tong is not dead.
How come you're here? Go away!
Don't make me leave!
Melody Tong is dead.
Mandy Ching and Oscar Tong did not die.
It was Melody Tong who got crushed
by the fallen canopy on Flower Street.
Who're you?
How come you have a book of the dead?
Little M'am Meng who
controls life and death
There can only be one M'am Meng.
February 2nd, 2008, 14:14 hour,
Mandy Ching 42, Oscar Tong 15,
they are crushed to death by a canopy
on Flower Street. It's all correct.
February 8, 2008, 14:14,
Melody Tong was buying
flowers at Flower Street.
The canopy fell and Melody Tong was
the only person got killed
in the accident.
Yours is not the real one.
It was me who was buying
flowers with Oscar.
How come it was Melody that
got killed by the canopy?
I am dead. It was me who went to
buy flowers, and me who died.
It was Melody Tong who got killed,
you let them go.
(Mandy Ching 42, Oscar Tong 15,)
(they are crushed to death)
(by a canopy on Flower Street)
I was right. It wasn't you who died.
Go back and live a good life.
Melody. Sis.
Mom, Oscar.
Mom, Oscar.
M'am Meng, I am dead,
it was me who got crushed.
It was me who went to buy flowers,
and me who died.
Melody, what's going on?
Where're Mom and Oscar?
M'am Meng, I am dead,
it was me who got crushed.
It was me who went to buy flowers,
and me who died.
Dad is here. M'am Meng, Let me back!
I'm really dead?
The canopy killed my wife and son,
and my daughter is left by herself.
I want to go back...
I'll get back if I am dead.
She is trying to kill herself, Help!
You've gone too far...
I won't let you die.
Let Dad beg you.
Melody, don't!
Please have the M'am Meng soup
and go on to your next life.
No, I can't let go of my daughter.
They won't board the car.
They are not dead.
You were killed in a car accident
How come you're only
entering the afterlife now?
Which one is mine and which one is yours?
They're not dead.
Who are you?
You're messing up life and death!
M'am Meng, don't send my daughter away!
Dad, Mom!
You're M'am Meng?
Does my daughter kill herself?
What're you talking about, honey?
I saw her hanging herself,
cutting her wrists,
but I couldn't stop her.
I'm dead already.
You're not. Dad knows you've grown up.
I'm dead already. I know,
you're Melody Tong who wants to be dead.
February 10th 2008, 14:24,
Melody Tong, 22 years old,
dies from jumping off a building.
There are 5 more minutes.
February 10th 2008, 14:25,
Melody Tong, 22 years old,
dies from jumping off a building.
There are 6 more minutes.
How come you die twice?
Don't, Melody, don't die!
We'll be a family again soon.
No! Dad won't let you die!
M'am Meng, how can I save my daughter?
You daughter wants to die
because you haven't moved on,
and you've dragged her along.
Have the M'am Meng Soup
and move on to next life.
If we move on, our daughter won't die?
I don't know. If you can't let go,
she won't either.
Don't drink it! You won't remember me
after you've drunk it!
We'll never be together again!
Why is it my family again?
What have we done wrong?
No one's at fault.
Death is not a punishment,
it's a part of life.
The Books of Life includes all families,
there's death, separation and reunion
in the next life in each
and every one of them.
Let go, Melody.
Let's get going.
Sit tight, my dead friends,
we'll soon go into the afterlife.
Die once.
Mom? Dad? Oscar?
How come I can see?
Am I dead?
(Melody Tong, 22 years old,)
(dies jumping off a building)
Sorry, I won't do it again.
Mom, Dad, Oscar,
I'll remember to be good from now on.
If death is not the end,
there's M'am Meng, the Underworld Express,
there's a farewell and a new life,
I won't be scared any more.
In the novel,
things will happen as I wish.
I write my novel
and decide life and death.
But who's writing the story
in the real world?
Who decides life and death?
If you spare my life,
I'll live it to the fullest.
If not, let me see my family.
In the novel, I use death as a way out.
In real life, I'd chose to live
and jumped back to the roof.
In the beginning, I wrote the novel
about Mom and Oscar
and tried to heal Mom.
Now, I'm the only one left behind,
trying to heal myself.
I feel better right this minute,
but I may feel agony the next.
This is the way it has to be.
I'll tell myself to live better each day.
To live a long life.
To life a good life.