Joshua (1976) Movie Script
[waves crashing]
[drum roll]
- [Narrator] Fellow citizens,
we cannot escape history.
We of this Congress
and this administration
will be remembered in spite of ourselves.
We say we are for the Union.
The world will not
forget that we say this.
We know how to save the Union.
The world knows we do know how to save it.
During the war there were 2,778,304
men mustered into this
service on the Union side.
This is the story of one of those men.
[dramatic music]
[eerie music]
[horse hooves clomping]
[eerie music]
- Whoa, ho.
- [Sam's Wife] Sam.
[Sam laughs]
- Honey, I brung something
from town for you.
- [Sam's Wife] Thank you, Sam.
- Oh, I got a letter for you, Martha.
- [Martha] For me?
- Beautiful.
Just like you.
- Thank you, Sam.
- [Sam] You're more than welcome.
- You know, I never had
time to learn how to read.
- Well, it's from your son, Josh.
"The war is over, and I
just got my discharge papers
"from the 10th Cavalry.
"Thank God the killing is over.
"I'm looking forward to seeing you
"and eating that good old
home cooking of yours.
"I got me some good farming land,
"and we can come back here
and make a home for ourselves.
"By the time this letter reaches you,
"I should be about a
half day's ride from you.
"Your son, Josh."
- Yes, he's coming!
Y'all come on in!
I'm gonna fix you the
best meal you ever had.
- I'll be right there.
[upbeat dramatic music]
- We need food and water.
We've come a long way.
- Why sure, help yourself to the well.
We're just sitting down
to supper, come on in.
[upbeat dramatic music]
- [Jed] Take care of
this horse, hey, Weasel.
- Give 'em a good rub down.
[upbeat music]
- These saw busters eat pretty good.
Concentrate on your food, Weasel.
- I'd rather concentrate on her.
- Here's some nice hot biscuits
for you.
- Thank you.
- [Martha] Those are my specialty.
- [laughs] Yeah, yeah, old boy.
Ain't she a dandy.
- [Rex] Good table, good table.
- [Sam] Thank you, thank you.
- Hey, pass me a little
of that rattlesnake juice.
- [Rex] Coming over, Weasel.
- Mighty fine meal.
Mighty fine.
- Man rides a long way, he needs something
solid to stick to his ribs.
- A man needs more than food though.
- I'd sure like to have
a big helping of you.
- [Weasel] Who wouldn't?
[laughs] Yeah.
- [Martha] Would someone
care for some more stew?
- No, I'm not.
- That sure is a pretty
wife you got there.
- She's my new bride from back East.
- [Jed] You're a mighty lucky man.
- I sent me a picture to one of those
mail order bride places back East.
Paid for her to come
out here and be my wife.
- You mean you done bought her?
- [Sam] I sure am a mighty proud man.
- Just like a horse.
- I hope I never give you any cause
to be sorry or disappointed.
- [Sam's Wife] Oh, Sam.
[dramatic music]
- That's enough. I said that's enough!
- Let me buy a little kiss from you too!
- I said that's enough!
- Fall to your knees!
- Get him, Weasel!
- Sam! Sam!
[gun fires]
[Martha screams]
[gun fires]
- [Martha] Josh!
[Western music]
- Howdy.
Your name's Sam?
- What do you want, boy?
- Looking for a black woman named Martha.
- [Sam] You Josh?
- Yes sir, I'm Josh.
- I'm sorry, boy.
Some men rode by yesterday, took my wife.
Killed Martha.
[somber music]
- [Joshua] Where's she buried?
[somber music]
[dramatic upbeat music]
- Looks like we lost
'em in the rocks, Sam.
We tailed 'em as far as we could.
Who's that?
- [Sam] Martha's boy, Josh.
- [Joshua] That rifle you
got, it belonged to my Pa.
- It was all Martha owned.
- Where abouts did you lose 'em, Sheriff?
- About 10 miles east in the hills.
But there's five of them.
- I just finished fighting
me a war, Sheriff,
and I killed nearly twice that many.
[dramatic music]
- Shall we spin?
[men laugh]
Ah, get up in there!
Come on, Weasel.
[Sam's Wife screams]
[men laugh]
- [Rex] Take care of that stuff, Jed!
Don't bruise it!
[Sam's Wife screams]
[men laugh]
- I'm gonna straighten this wildcat up.
- Just knock her in the
head and she'll be quiet.
- You gotta behave yourself now.
- We got water about two miles east of us.
- Good, lets get to it.
- [Rex] Don't bruise her, Jed.
[Sam's Wife screams]
[Weasel laughs]
[ominous music]
- Hold up!
[men laugh]
[ominous music]
- Ho, we can make camp here.
Start the campfire, I'm
gonna try this heifer out.
- Who's next?
- Yeah?
- [Weasel] When does my turn come?
- [Rex] Don't wear it out!
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- Stop!
- Go on with it, Jed!
- [Sam's Wife] Please stop! No!
- [Rex] Make her remember you!
[men laugh]
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- [Sam's Wife] No, no, please!
[Sam's Wife screams]
[ominous music]
- Boy, old Jed sure been
back there a long time.
[men laugh]
- Sure has.
- [Pete] She sure must be something.
- Mm-hmm.
[men laugh]
- [Weasel] I wonder what old Jed's
doing back there anyway. [laughs]
- [Pete] Yeah, she sure must be something.
[men laugh]
- She sure is some hellcat.
- [Weasel] Oh, she's mine!
All mine!
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- [Sam's Wife] Mother?
Don't do this anymore!
[men laugh]
- [Weasel] Oh, my god.
- [Rex] Hey, look at old
Weasel, he's all set to go.
- [Jed] I'm gonna tell Weasel
don't die of a heart attack.
- [Rex] Let's go see what
he's got.
- I'll piss on your grave.
- [Rex] Let's see what you've got.
- Get the hell off!
I'm gonna pick both your heads off like-
- Get that stun belt
off of him.
- [Jed] All right, that's
enough, leave him be.
- Get those pants down.
Now I see what you got there, Weasel.
- I said that's enough!
[Sam's Wife screams]
- Leave me alone!
- Dammit Jed,
we just having some fun!
- Don't try me, Rex!
[Sam's Wife screams]
- Come on, Rex, blah, blah!
Down, down you filthy, dirty slicker guy.
Come on, draw!
- One of these days, Jed.
- [Weasel] Draw, draw, come on.
Slink off like a filthy tail in the dark.
No more guts than a rabbit.
Yeah, run off, put your tail between,
between your tail, and run
away like a goddam coyote.
[Weasel laughs]
- All right, Weasel, all right!
Get some sleep! Goddammit
I said get some sleep!
- [Sam's Wife] Don't do this!
- We got a hard day's ride tomorrow.
- [Sam's Wife] Don't do this anymore!
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- All right.
[Sam's Wife screams]
- Settle down!
You hear me?
Shut up, shut up, come on, be quiet.
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- Mother?
- Settle down.
- Stop.
[dramatic music]
- Jed, there's somebody tracking us.
- Maybe it's a lawman.
- [Rex] It's a black man.
There ain't no black lawmen.
- You boys go ahead, I'll finish
him off and catch up later.
- [Rex] Don't be long, Pete.
- [Jed] Let's go.
[dramatic music]
[ominous music]
[dramatic music]
[Pete groans]
- Help me.
Please help me.
[ominous music]
[gentle music]
[men laughing]
[Weasel muttering]
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- [Man] Come on have a drink
of this storm water.
- I don't want to!
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- [Weasel] Come on, let's go
back in the private clearing.
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- [Sam's Wife] No.
- Get her, Weasel!
- Please don't.
- Come on, let's go back
to the right-
- Don't drop it.
- [Sam's Wife] Get your
filthy hands off me!
- [Weasel] I ain't had so much fun
since I raped my nine-year-old sister.
- Supposin' that black rider got old Pete?
- It don't matter none.
We'll be starting into
the high country soon.
- [Weasel] You're one of my favorite, you!
[Sam's Wife screams]
- That sure is some woman.
You old dog, Weasel.
- Too much for that old
man we bought her from.
- Yeah, we done that
sweet thing a little favor
by taking her away from that old man.
[men laugh]
Let's get some shuteye.
[Sam's Wife sobs]
[Weasel laughs]
[crickets chirping]
[dramatic music]
[lively Western music]
- [Weasel] Come on Rex, old
man, let's hit the side.
[dramatic music]
Jed, come here!
- Oh, god.
- What the hell?
- It's that black devil,
it's that black devil, I knew it was him,
he's gonna get me next!
- All right, shut up, shut up.
Let's get outta here.
[dramatic upbeat music]
[suspenseful music]
[lively Western music]
[suspenseful music]
- Jed, what's that black fella want?
- What are we gonna do now, Jed?
- Let's just keep moving.
I know a town he'd be plumb loco
to try to follow us into.
Let's go.
[ominous music]
[lively Western music]
- [Woman] Howdy.
- Howdy.
I'm looking for three men and a woman
who might've rode this way.
- Don't recall seeing 'em.
You're welcome to stop and rest awhile.
You look tired.
- Thank you.
- Rod, this stranger here
is looking for three men
and a woman who rode this way.
I asked him to stop and rest a spell.
- Good.
Howdy, I'm Rod.
- Josh.
- These folks are friends of yours, Josh?
- No.
- Been on the trail long?
- Only a couple days.
- Must get lonely riding
out there all alone.
- Got my horse.
- [Rod] I can tell you by
the way you got your gun
tied to your leg, you're
a gun slinger, right?
Maybe you're a bounty hunter.
Maybe you're an outlaw.
- Thank you for the coffee, ma'am.
I better be moving on.
- You gotta stay and taste my cooking.
I'm the best around.
- Thank you, ma'am, but
I'd better be moving on.
- Right, so you can
catch up to those folks
and gun 'em down.
Maybe there's a Sheriff
behind, tracking you.
Why don't you stay a spell longer, friend?
- Toss it over here.
You ever kill a man before?
You know what it feels like to kill?
I killed in the war.
People I didn't even know.
Only the battleground is different now.
[suspenseful music]
You wanna kill me?
Go ahead.
["Oh! Susanna"]
- [Jed] All right, dinner or whiskey?
[people laughing]
- You know something, Jed,
you was right about that black rider.
He ain't gonna come to
this town looking for us.
- That black rider's making
me more crazy ever was.
["Oh! Susanna"]
[people laughing]
[dramatic music]
- Stand easy, mister.
- I don't like guns pointed at me, ma'am.
- And I'll use it too if you make a move.
- Right friendly, ain't you?
- Who are you, mister?
[horse hooves clomping]
[dramatic music]
- Why don't I just wait
and tell your friends?
We got company.
- They ain't my friends.
They're a part of a bunch of
renegades that run the town.
- You lost, hombre?
What you looking for around these parts?
- I'm looking for three men and a woman
who rode this way a short time ago.
- You a bounty hunter? You a lawman?
- Neither one.
- Stranger ain't welcome
round these parts.
- I'm beginning to get that feeling.
You don't mind, I'll move on.
- Yeah, well, the woman stays with us.
- That's fine with me.
- You can ride out the
same way you came in.
- That ain't the way I'm headed.
Now, I can either ride around you
or through you, either way.
- Well, you better look around
before you start anything.
All I have to do is raise my
hand and you're a dead man.
- You do, be the last time you raise it.
[gun fires]
[horses whinny]
[guns fire]
[dramatic music]
[guns fire]
[dramatic music]
- Let me go! No, no, stop!
Let go of my horse! Leave
me alone, leave me alone!
Go away! Let me have my horse, please!
Go away! Please, please, go away!
Leave me alone!
[gun firing]
[dramatic music]
- We're boxed in.
[dramatic music]
[guns firing]
[man groans]
[guns firing]
[man groans]
[gun fires]
[man groans]
[dramatic music]
[men grunting]
[dramatic music]
[men grunting]
Can you make it from here?
- I guess so. My place
is just a few miles away.
- I'll round up the horses for you.
- What about you? Where do you go?
- My fighting ain't over yet, lady.
[dramatic music]
["Oh! Susanna"]
- Hey, hey.
[guns fires]
[glass shatters]
[gun firing]
[people laughing]
- Bartender, you got a place
we can bed down for the night?
- Yeah, I got a couple of
sheds in the back you can use.
- And you can sleep tonight with me.
- No she can't.
She's my woman now.
- Well, how come I can't sleep with her?
- You just do like I tell you.
You go out there and stay
in that shed by yourself.
- [Weasel] I ain't goin'
out there, that dark cap
all by myself, Jed, I'm
staying here with you.
[crickets chirping]
["Oh! Susanna"]
[ominous music]
["Oh! Susanna"]
- A double.
- Rye or whiskey?
- Whiskey'll do just fine.
- [Patron] The bar is closed.
- I'm looking for three men and a woman.
You seen 'em ride through here?
- [Patron] Who wants to know?
- Nah, we didn't see any.
- I followed their tracks here.
You sure you ain't seen 'em?
- You calling my friend a liar?
- You aching for trouble, sonny.
But I ain't aiming to start none.
- You got a big mouth, stranger,
and I'm aiming to shut it.
- You'll never make it.
[guns firing]
[ominous music]
I asked you a question.
- They're headed north.
[ominous music]
[door squeaks]
[door shuts]
[knock on door]
- Who's there?
[muffled voice]
- There's a man looking for you.
- [Weasel] Was he black?
- Yep, he sure was.
- What'd he want?
- We figure it's worth
something to you to see
that he don't bother you no more.
- Jed, Jed, pay, pay for
Christ's sake, pay 'em!
[Weasel mutters]
- What's your price?
- We figure maybe 100 a piece.
- When you bring him to me, dead,
you'll get your money.
[ominous music]
[wind howls]
[ominous music]
[gun firing]
[dramatic music]
[horse hooves clomping]
[ominous music]
- Mm-mm.
[speaking in foreign language]
- Let's take him to the abandoned shack.
- [Joshua] You found that in me?
- Well.
Glad to see you awake, mister.
- My name's Joshua.
- Mine is Maria.
Well, Joshua, looks like
the worst of your troubles
ain't over yet.
You got a very high fever, and I reckon
pretty soon you're gonna be a sick fella.
- Looks like every time we meet,
somebody's always getting shot.
- Yeah.
Except for this time it's you.
You must want these fellas pretty bad
to follow them into this territory.
- I didn't have no choice.
- You a bounty hunter?
- No, ma'am.
I'm gonna kill 'em.
- That's all men think of.
- Sometimes,
a man has to kill in order to have peace.
[frantic music]
[mellow Western music]
- I think the worst of your fever's over.
[speaking in foreign language]
You talked a lot during
your fever last night.
You talked about three men
and a woman riding into town.
So I sent one of my men to check on it.
And they're still there.
No, no, hold it, hold it now, easy now.
You're gonna need more time than that.
Maybe after a good meal
you'll be stronger.
So I stayed on after
my husband was killed.
That lady with these fellas,
is she your woman?
- Nope.
- You really have to do it, don't you?
After your fight is over,
maybe you'll come back?
[ominous music]
[men snoring]
[door clatters]
[gun firing]
- Who is it?
[horses whinnying]
[gun firing]
What you want?
I know it's you! Where are you?
[gun firing]
[horses whinnying]
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[lively Western music]
- I don't like it, that black
rider's still on our trail.
- Weasel, bring up some fresh water.
[suspenseful music]
Weasel! Where are you?
Weasel! Let's go.
Come on, Weasel, where are you?
Weasel, come on!
[suspenseful percussive music]
[hammer clicks]
- Please don't leave me here!
Don't leave me [indistinct]!
Come on back, Jed!
Hey, yeah, Jed! Jed, help, help!
Oh my, I want out of here!
[Weasel yelling indistinctly]
Oh God Almighty, that's wrong with ya!
[Weasel yelling]
Oh my god!
[Weasel yelling indistinctly]
[gun fires]
[lively Western music]
- [Sam's Wife] Wait, Jed!
- [Jed] Come on, let's go!
[dramatic music]
[ominous music]
[Sam's Wife screams]
- Jed, I can't go!
- You all right?
- I can't go.
- Come on, come on.
- I can't go.
- Come on!
[Sam's Wife sobs]
Come on, up, up!
- [Sam's Wife] Help me, I can't!
- [Jed] All right, all
right here we go, come on.
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- [Sam's Wife] I'm falling, Jed!
- [Jed] Hang on, I got
you, come on, come on!
- [Sam's Wife] I can't, I'm falling!
Please don't let me fall.
- I got you, I got you.
[dramatic music]
All right you gotta get down, stay down.
- He's gonna kill us, Jed, he is.
Kill us.
- No, he's not.
We've got good cover here.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[gun fires]
[guns firing]
Who the hell are you?
[gun firing]
What do you want, the girl?
Here she is!
Take her!
- No, no!
[Sam's Wife wailing]
[guns firing]
No, please! I'm not one of them!
I'm not one of them!
- [Jed] Who are you?
[dramatic Western music]
- [Sam's Wife] No!
- Who are you?
[gun fires]
Who are you?
[dramatic Western music]
[gun fires]
[dynamite explodes]
[dramatic Western music]
- I'm my mother's son.
[dramatic music]
[lively Western music]
[drum roll]
- [Narrator] Fellow citizens,
we cannot escape history.
We of this Congress
and this administration
will be remembered in spite of ourselves.
We say we are for the Union.
The world will not
forget that we say this.
We know how to save the Union.
The world knows we do know how to save it.
During the war there were 2,778,304
men mustered into this
service on the Union side.
This is the story of one of those men.
[dramatic music]
[eerie music]
[horse hooves clomping]
[eerie music]
- Whoa, ho.
- [Sam's Wife] Sam.
[Sam laughs]
- Honey, I brung something
from town for you.
- [Sam's Wife] Thank you, Sam.
- Oh, I got a letter for you, Martha.
- [Martha] For me?
- Beautiful.
Just like you.
- Thank you, Sam.
- [Sam] You're more than welcome.
- You know, I never had
time to learn how to read.
- Well, it's from your son, Josh.
"The war is over, and I
just got my discharge papers
"from the 10th Cavalry.
"Thank God the killing is over.
"I'm looking forward to seeing you
"and eating that good old
home cooking of yours.
"I got me some good farming land,
"and we can come back here
and make a home for ourselves.
"By the time this letter reaches you,
"I should be about a
half day's ride from you.
"Your son, Josh."
- Yes, he's coming!
Y'all come on in!
I'm gonna fix you the
best meal you ever had.
- I'll be right there.
[upbeat dramatic music]
- We need food and water.
We've come a long way.
- Why sure, help yourself to the well.
We're just sitting down
to supper, come on in.
[upbeat dramatic music]
- [Jed] Take care of
this horse, hey, Weasel.
- Give 'em a good rub down.
[upbeat music]
- These saw busters eat pretty good.
Concentrate on your food, Weasel.
- I'd rather concentrate on her.
- Here's some nice hot biscuits
for you.
- Thank you.
- [Martha] Those are my specialty.
- [laughs] Yeah, yeah, old boy.
Ain't she a dandy.
- [Rex] Good table, good table.
- [Sam] Thank you, thank you.
- Hey, pass me a little
of that rattlesnake juice.
- [Rex] Coming over, Weasel.
- Mighty fine meal.
Mighty fine.
- Man rides a long way, he needs something
solid to stick to his ribs.
- A man needs more than food though.
- I'd sure like to have
a big helping of you.
- [Weasel] Who wouldn't?
[laughs] Yeah.
- [Martha] Would someone
care for some more stew?
- No, I'm not.
- That sure is a pretty
wife you got there.
- She's my new bride from back East.
- [Jed] You're a mighty lucky man.
- I sent me a picture to one of those
mail order bride places back East.
Paid for her to come
out here and be my wife.
- You mean you done bought her?
- [Sam] I sure am a mighty proud man.
- Just like a horse.
- I hope I never give you any cause
to be sorry or disappointed.
- [Sam's Wife] Oh, Sam.
[dramatic music]
- That's enough. I said that's enough!
- Let me buy a little kiss from you too!
- I said that's enough!
- Fall to your knees!
- Get him, Weasel!
- Sam! Sam!
[gun fires]
[Martha screams]
[gun fires]
- [Martha] Josh!
[Western music]
- Howdy.
Your name's Sam?
- What do you want, boy?
- Looking for a black woman named Martha.
- [Sam] You Josh?
- Yes sir, I'm Josh.
- I'm sorry, boy.
Some men rode by yesterday, took my wife.
Killed Martha.
[somber music]
- [Joshua] Where's she buried?
[somber music]
[dramatic upbeat music]
- Looks like we lost
'em in the rocks, Sam.
We tailed 'em as far as we could.
Who's that?
- [Sam] Martha's boy, Josh.
- [Joshua] That rifle you
got, it belonged to my Pa.
- It was all Martha owned.
- Where abouts did you lose 'em, Sheriff?
- About 10 miles east in the hills.
But there's five of them.
- I just finished fighting
me a war, Sheriff,
and I killed nearly twice that many.
[dramatic music]
- Shall we spin?
[men laugh]
Ah, get up in there!
Come on, Weasel.
[Sam's Wife screams]
[men laugh]
- [Rex] Take care of that stuff, Jed!
Don't bruise it!
[Sam's Wife screams]
[men laugh]
- I'm gonna straighten this wildcat up.
- Just knock her in the
head and she'll be quiet.
- You gotta behave yourself now.
- We got water about two miles east of us.
- Good, lets get to it.
- [Rex] Don't bruise her, Jed.
[Sam's Wife screams]
[Weasel laughs]
[ominous music]
- Hold up!
[men laugh]
[ominous music]
- Ho, we can make camp here.
Start the campfire, I'm
gonna try this heifer out.
- Who's next?
- Yeah?
- [Weasel] When does my turn come?
- [Rex] Don't wear it out!
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- Stop!
- Go on with it, Jed!
- [Sam's Wife] Please stop! No!
- [Rex] Make her remember you!
[men laugh]
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- [Sam's Wife] No, no, please!
[Sam's Wife screams]
[ominous music]
- Boy, old Jed sure been
back there a long time.
[men laugh]
- Sure has.
- [Pete] She sure must be something.
- Mm-hmm.
[men laugh]
- [Weasel] I wonder what old Jed's
doing back there anyway. [laughs]
- [Pete] Yeah, she sure must be something.
[men laugh]
- She sure is some hellcat.
- [Weasel] Oh, she's mine!
All mine!
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- [Sam's Wife] Mother?
Don't do this anymore!
[men laugh]
- [Weasel] Oh, my god.
- [Rex] Hey, look at old
Weasel, he's all set to go.
- [Jed] I'm gonna tell Weasel
don't die of a heart attack.
- [Rex] Let's go see what
he's got.
- I'll piss on your grave.
- [Rex] Let's see what you've got.
- Get the hell off!
I'm gonna pick both your heads off like-
- Get that stun belt
off of him.
- [Jed] All right, that's
enough, leave him be.
- Get those pants down.
Now I see what you got there, Weasel.
- I said that's enough!
[Sam's Wife screams]
- Leave me alone!
- Dammit Jed,
we just having some fun!
- Don't try me, Rex!
[Sam's Wife screams]
- Come on, Rex, blah, blah!
Down, down you filthy, dirty slicker guy.
Come on, draw!
- One of these days, Jed.
- [Weasel] Draw, draw, come on.
Slink off like a filthy tail in the dark.
No more guts than a rabbit.
Yeah, run off, put your tail between,
between your tail, and run
away like a goddam coyote.
[Weasel laughs]
- All right, Weasel, all right!
Get some sleep! Goddammit
I said get some sleep!
- [Sam's Wife] Don't do this!
- We got a hard day's ride tomorrow.
- [Sam's Wife] Don't do this anymore!
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- All right.
[Sam's Wife screams]
- Settle down!
You hear me?
Shut up, shut up, come on, be quiet.
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- Mother?
- Settle down.
- Stop.
[dramatic music]
- Jed, there's somebody tracking us.
- Maybe it's a lawman.
- [Rex] It's a black man.
There ain't no black lawmen.
- You boys go ahead, I'll finish
him off and catch up later.
- [Rex] Don't be long, Pete.
- [Jed] Let's go.
[dramatic music]
[ominous music]
[dramatic music]
[Pete groans]
- Help me.
Please help me.
[ominous music]
[gentle music]
[men laughing]
[Weasel muttering]
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- [Man] Come on have a drink
of this storm water.
- I don't want to!
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- [Weasel] Come on, let's go
back in the private clearing.
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- [Sam's Wife] No.
- Get her, Weasel!
- Please don't.
- Come on, let's go back
to the right-
- Don't drop it.
- [Sam's Wife] Get your
filthy hands off me!
- [Weasel] I ain't had so much fun
since I raped my nine-year-old sister.
- Supposin' that black rider got old Pete?
- It don't matter none.
We'll be starting into
the high country soon.
- [Weasel] You're one of my favorite, you!
[Sam's Wife screams]
- That sure is some woman.
You old dog, Weasel.
- Too much for that old
man we bought her from.
- Yeah, we done that
sweet thing a little favor
by taking her away from that old man.
[men laugh]
Let's get some shuteye.
[Sam's Wife sobs]
[Weasel laughs]
[crickets chirping]
[dramatic music]
[lively Western music]
- [Weasel] Come on Rex, old
man, let's hit the side.
[dramatic music]
Jed, come here!
- Oh, god.
- What the hell?
- It's that black devil,
it's that black devil, I knew it was him,
he's gonna get me next!
- All right, shut up, shut up.
Let's get outta here.
[dramatic upbeat music]
[suspenseful music]
[lively Western music]
[suspenseful music]
- Jed, what's that black fella want?
- What are we gonna do now, Jed?
- Let's just keep moving.
I know a town he'd be plumb loco
to try to follow us into.
Let's go.
[ominous music]
[lively Western music]
- [Woman] Howdy.
- Howdy.
I'm looking for three men and a woman
who might've rode this way.
- Don't recall seeing 'em.
You're welcome to stop and rest awhile.
You look tired.
- Thank you.
- Rod, this stranger here
is looking for three men
and a woman who rode this way.
I asked him to stop and rest a spell.
- Good.
Howdy, I'm Rod.
- Josh.
- These folks are friends of yours, Josh?
- No.
- Been on the trail long?
- Only a couple days.
- Must get lonely riding
out there all alone.
- Got my horse.
- [Rod] I can tell you by
the way you got your gun
tied to your leg, you're
a gun slinger, right?
Maybe you're a bounty hunter.
Maybe you're an outlaw.
- Thank you for the coffee, ma'am.
I better be moving on.
- You gotta stay and taste my cooking.
I'm the best around.
- Thank you, ma'am, but
I'd better be moving on.
- Right, so you can
catch up to those folks
and gun 'em down.
Maybe there's a Sheriff
behind, tracking you.
Why don't you stay a spell longer, friend?
- Toss it over here.
You ever kill a man before?
You know what it feels like to kill?
I killed in the war.
People I didn't even know.
Only the battleground is different now.
[suspenseful music]
You wanna kill me?
Go ahead.
["Oh! Susanna"]
- [Jed] All right, dinner or whiskey?
[people laughing]
- You know something, Jed,
you was right about that black rider.
He ain't gonna come to
this town looking for us.
- That black rider's making
me more crazy ever was.
["Oh! Susanna"]
[people laughing]
[dramatic music]
- Stand easy, mister.
- I don't like guns pointed at me, ma'am.
- And I'll use it too if you make a move.
- Right friendly, ain't you?
- Who are you, mister?
[horse hooves clomping]
[dramatic music]
- Why don't I just wait
and tell your friends?
We got company.
- They ain't my friends.
They're a part of a bunch of
renegades that run the town.
- You lost, hombre?
What you looking for around these parts?
- I'm looking for three men and a woman
who rode this way a short time ago.
- You a bounty hunter? You a lawman?
- Neither one.
- Stranger ain't welcome
round these parts.
- I'm beginning to get that feeling.
You don't mind, I'll move on.
- Yeah, well, the woman stays with us.
- That's fine with me.
- You can ride out the
same way you came in.
- That ain't the way I'm headed.
Now, I can either ride around you
or through you, either way.
- Well, you better look around
before you start anything.
All I have to do is raise my
hand and you're a dead man.
- You do, be the last time you raise it.
[gun fires]
[horses whinny]
[guns fire]
[dramatic music]
[guns fire]
[dramatic music]
- Let me go! No, no, stop!
Let go of my horse! Leave
me alone, leave me alone!
Go away! Let me have my horse, please!
Go away! Please, please, go away!
Leave me alone!
[gun firing]
[dramatic music]
- We're boxed in.
[dramatic music]
[guns firing]
[man groans]
[guns firing]
[man groans]
[gun fires]
[man groans]
[dramatic music]
[men grunting]
[dramatic music]
[men grunting]
Can you make it from here?
- I guess so. My place
is just a few miles away.
- I'll round up the horses for you.
- What about you? Where do you go?
- My fighting ain't over yet, lady.
[dramatic music]
["Oh! Susanna"]
- Hey, hey.
[guns fires]
[glass shatters]
[gun firing]
[people laughing]
- Bartender, you got a place
we can bed down for the night?
- Yeah, I got a couple of
sheds in the back you can use.
- And you can sleep tonight with me.
- No she can't.
She's my woman now.
- Well, how come I can't sleep with her?
- You just do like I tell you.
You go out there and stay
in that shed by yourself.
- [Weasel] I ain't goin'
out there, that dark cap
all by myself, Jed, I'm
staying here with you.
[crickets chirping]
["Oh! Susanna"]
[ominous music]
["Oh! Susanna"]
- A double.
- Rye or whiskey?
- Whiskey'll do just fine.
- [Patron] The bar is closed.
- I'm looking for three men and a woman.
You seen 'em ride through here?
- [Patron] Who wants to know?
- Nah, we didn't see any.
- I followed their tracks here.
You sure you ain't seen 'em?
- You calling my friend a liar?
- You aching for trouble, sonny.
But I ain't aiming to start none.
- You got a big mouth, stranger,
and I'm aiming to shut it.
- You'll never make it.
[guns firing]
[ominous music]
I asked you a question.
- They're headed north.
[ominous music]
[door squeaks]
[door shuts]
[knock on door]
- Who's there?
[muffled voice]
- There's a man looking for you.
- [Weasel] Was he black?
- Yep, he sure was.
- What'd he want?
- We figure it's worth
something to you to see
that he don't bother you no more.
- Jed, Jed, pay, pay for
Christ's sake, pay 'em!
[Weasel mutters]
- What's your price?
- We figure maybe 100 a piece.
- When you bring him to me, dead,
you'll get your money.
[ominous music]
[wind howls]
[ominous music]
[gun firing]
[dramatic music]
[horse hooves clomping]
[ominous music]
- Mm-mm.
[speaking in foreign language]
- Let's take him to the abandoned shack.
- [Joshua] You found that in me?
- Well.
Glad to see you awake, mister.
- My name's Joshua.
- Mine is Maria.
Well, Joshua, looks like
the worst of your troubles
ain't over yet.
You got a very high fever, and I reckon
pretty soon you're gonna be a sick fella.
- Looks like every time we meet,
somebody's always getting shot.
- Yeah.
Except for this time it's you.
You must want these fellas pretty bad
to follow them into this territory.
- I didn't have no choice.
- You a bounty hunter?
- No, ma'am.
I'm gonna kill 'em.
- That's all men think of.
- Sometimes,
a man has to kill in order to have peace.
[frantic music]
[mellow Western music]
- I think the worst of your fever's over.
[speaking in foreign language]
You talked a lot during
your fever last night.
You talked about three men
and a woman riding into town.
So I sent one of my men to check on it.
And they're still there.
No, no, hold it, hold it now, easy now.
You're gonna need more time than that.
Maybe after a good meal
you'll be stronger.
So I stayed on after
my husband was killed.
That lady with these fellas,
is she your woman?
- Nope.
- You really have to do it, don't you?
After your fight is over,
maybe you'll come back?
[ominous music]
[men snoring]
[door clatters]
[gun firing]
- Who is it?
[horses whinnying]
[gun firing]
What you want?
I know it's you! Where are you?
[gun firing]
[horses whinnying]
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[lively Western music]
- I don't like it, that black
rider's still on our trail.
- Weasel, bring up some fresh water.
[suspenseful music]
Weasel! Where are you?
Weasel! Let's go.
Come on, Weasel, where are you?
Weasel, come on!
[suspenseful percussive music]
[hammer clicks]
- Please don't leave me here!
Don't leave me [indistinct]!
Come on back, Jed!
Hey, yeah, Jed! Jed, help, help!
Oh my, I want out of here!
[Weasel yelling indistinctly]
Oh God Almighty, that's wrong with ya!
[Weasel yelling]
Oh my god!
[Weasel yelling indistinctly]
[gun fires]
[lively Western music]
- [Sam's Wife] Wait, Jed!
- [Jed] Come on, let's go!
[dramatic music]
[ominous music]
[Sam's Wife screams]
- Jed, I can't go!
- You all right?
- I can't go.
- Come on, come on.
- I can't go.
- Come on!
[Sam's Wife sobs]
Come on, up, up!
- [Sam's Wife] Help me, I can't!
- [Jed] All right, all
right here we go, come on.
[Sam's Wife sobs]
- [Sam's Wife] I'm falling, Jed!
- [Jed] Hang on, I got
you, come on, come on!
- [Sam's Wife] I can't, I'm falling!
Please don't let me fall.
- I got you, I got you.
[dramatic music]
All right you gotta get down, stay down.
- He's gonna kill us, Jed, he is.
Kill us.
- No, he's not.
We've got good cover here.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[gun fires]
[guns firing]
Who the hell are you?
[gun firing]
What do you want, the girl?
Here she is!
Take her!
- No, no!
[Sam's Wife wailing]
[guns firing]
No, please! I'm not one of them!
I'm not one of them!
- [Jed] Who are you?
[dramatic Western music]
- [Sam's Wife] No!
- Who are you?
[gun fires]
Who are you?
[dramatic Western music]
[gun fires]
[dynamite explodes]
[dramatic Western music]
- I'm my mother's son.
[dramatic music]
[lively Western music]