Journey Into Fear (1943) Movie Script
Dearest Stephanie,
If this letter is found on me,
if this ever reaches you,
I want you to believe every word of it
and try to understand.
It all began that night
we arrived in Istanbul.
Oh, there's a gentleman waiting to see you.
- Oh?...
Mr. Graham? Mrs. Graham?
Put it there.
It's a pleasure!
Kopeikine is the name.
- How do you do...
You doubt that I am Kopeikine?
- No...
You think perhaps that I am not he?
My credentials!
take my word for it,
I didn't want to go out
with that fellow Kopeikine,
he's a pest!
I didn't even want him to join us for dinner,
he just talked his way into it...
Mrs. Graham,
I am going to deprive you of your husband for awhile.
Aren't we, Mr. Graham?
We got some business to talk over...
Oh, can't we talk right here?
And bother your charming wife?
Oh... Well don't mind me. If you have to talk to Mr. Kopeikine, dear...
Sure, we can go downstairs in the bar.
- The bar...
Well, go to the bar if you want to, dear.
Maybe we will have a couple of drinks, too!
Well... the sooner you go, the sooner you'll be back.
Have a good time...
It's not a good time, it's business, he says.
Time is fleeing, Howard!
The company representative!
I'll be right back.
- Be careful.
Howard, where are you going?
I thought you said we're going in the bar?
I know a much better place! Come on.
Oh, I haven't got my hat and coat.
It's just around the corner.
Kopeikine is our company's representative
in Turkey.
And I guess he thought
he ought to show me a good time...
I didn't want a good time.
I wanted to stay with you!
He just took it for granted I didn't.
He dragged me off to that nightclub.
That's how
I happened to meet that woman,
I can't stay here very long,
I've got to get back to the hotel.
Some number, huh?
I'd better get on back to the hotel.
You might take a shine to Josette!
After all, this little girl is very stupid.
Of course Josette is stupid too, but she has it!
Pardon me, Howard, I will be back very briefly.
You give me money?
What for?
- Oh.
You excuse me.
If you like me, I come back!
I want you to meet my friend. He's American.
Howard, I will present Josette and Gogo Martel.
- How do you do?
You will sit please?
- Thank you.
I enjoyed your dancing very much, Mamselle.
Nonsense to say that Americans are not polite.
They are so clever in business and yet so generous and sincere.
You hear that, Howard?
The champagne here is filthy.
I do not wish to leave Istanbul with a headache.
How long do you stay here Mr. Graham?
Why, he leaves here tomorrow, too.
Yes, I'm leaving on the morning train.
I'm going as far as Batoumi by boat.
Pardon me sir.
What kind of cigarettes do you smoke?
He is good, ain't he, Howard?
You, sir.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I will now present to you
an unbelievable miracle
that I learned in the mountain vastness of India.
And for this illusion, I will require
the assistance of some kind and gracious
gentleman from the audience...
Perhaps you, sir, the gentleman of the duck,
if you would be so good?
And now ladies and gentlemen,
I will join my ancestors...
Don't worry, Howard!
Ah... there you are, Howard!
That was a good trick!
What happened?
The boy didn't fire his gun,
someone else did!
The magician is dead.
I didn't admit it, Stephanie,
but I knew then that shot was meant for me...
You know how many months I spent
for the company on the Turkish navy.
Well, time counts in this war,
and now with me out of the way,
it'll take all that time and more
with somebody else out here before Turkey
can get any new guns.
That's why they're after me.
This is terrible!
You've got me involved in a dirty nightclub shooting!
I've got to call my wife.
You've got to keep this out of the paper.
Howard, you are lucky. Just think what happened to that magician, suppose the trick hadn't worked?
It's entirely beside the point!
I've got no business in here.
Howard... they are only doing their official duty for your own good.
Official duty!
The whole thing's so stupid!
I can forgive almost anything but stupidity.
Wish I'd brought my topcoat...
This is a scandal!
We have no business with the police.
Maybe we won't get our pictures in the papers.
Who's that?
That's Colonel Haki.
This is his office.
He's the head of the secret police.
- Secret police?!
He was a deputy in the Provisional Government in 1919. One of Ataturk's men.
There is a legend he can drink two bottles of whisky without getting drunk.
There is also a legend that he killed prisoners by tying them together in pairs
and throwing them in the river to save food and ammunition. But I don't believe it.
He is a great patriot!
But I wouldn't trust him with a woman...
Colonel Haki will see Mr. Howard Graham now!
That's us, Howard. Come!
You are Howard Graham?
Yes. What of it?
You are employed by a munitions company in America?
You are employed by a munitions company in America?
An armament manufacturer!
Bainbridge and Sons.
- No, thank you!
This man can tell you all about it. He's the local agent.
- We know that.
- Then why ask me?
You're a naval ordinance expert.
- Expert!
- Pardon?
- I'm an engineer, and naval ordinance just happens to be my subject.
Your government has assigned you through your company to do some important work here.
- Now look...
I've got my instructions. I've been ordered back to the States at once.
I'm only stopping here overnight!
I'm doing my best to steer clear of trouble.
You realize no doubt that you carry some valuable information?
Whatever that information is, it's safe enough: I've got it in my head.
That's precisely why you were brought here, Mr. Graham.
It's your head our government is so interested in.
Suppose you had been shot instead of that magician. What do...
Don't be silly!
The Turkish navy can get along perfectly well without me. The company would send out another man.
I'm not indispensable! There are dozens of men with my qualifications.
- Howard!
Somebody could be sent out from America.
- Meanwhile...
Or England!
To do my work over again.
Meanwhile the spring will be here.
And the Russian winter will be over,
and those ships will still be lying in the dockyards at Izmir and Gallipoli,
still waiting for their new guns and torpedo-tubes.
You are our military objective.
I don't understand you.
Mr. Howard Graham,
you are a careful driver
and an imaginative pedestrian.
You never ride horses nor climb mountains.
You do not hunt big game.
You never felt the slightest inclination to leap before an approaching express train.
I'm sure you never think of death.
If so, only on those occasions
that you take out an insurance policy.
Mr. Graham,
Mr. Graham, as your excellent brain grasps what I am trying to say to you,
it's perfectly simple.
Someone is trying to kill you.
You see?
Kanapen... Kopeikine.
why did you take him to that cabaret?
He wanted a good time!
Pardon me, Howard,
I will be back in a jiffy.
Pardon me, Mr. Graham,
I have quite a bad headache!
I have here so much work,
so much...
We know who's trying to kill you.
Here is his picture.
He is a thug in the employ of a Nazi agent, a man named Mueller,
operating in Sofia.
He doesn't look very friendly.
I thought you said his name was Mueller?
Mueller is his employer.
This man's name is supposed to be Peter Banat.
He is an assassin, a professional...
Mr. Graham, there are men who are natural killers.
Banat is one of them.
He was convicted ten years ago in Yashi of helping to
kick a man to death.
He said that his price for killing a man
has been as low as 5000 francs.
- No thanks.
And expenses. Now...
We know a week ago Mueller got in touch with Banat.
Tonight we learn Banat is here.
It was he who shot at you at the cabaret,
a waiter identified him, I am dumbfounded.
But then I am dumbfounded every 25 minutes.
Can't you arrest this man?
We will when we find him.
But now we must get you back safely to America.
I'll get safely back to America, don't you worry.
It is always the same. We are the only ones in a hurry, so we are the last.
If we miss the boat we can sue the government.
- Mademoiselle...
Yes, we are leaving tonight for Batoumi.
This man is your husband?
We are partners.
My car is at your disposal.
Good night, Mr. Graham.
- Good night.
The Talisia belongs to a private company
which fronts a weekly service to small cargo boats between here and Batoumi.
I'm afraid it is little better than a floating slum!
Yet they carry a few passengers, twelve at most.
We have checked the list on the sailing... Every one of them is harmless.
What do you mean, go by boat? I've got a reservation on the morning train.
My dear Graham, if you are to leave on that or any other train,
you would be dead before you reached Batoumi.
This is much the best obvious way of getting you out of Turkey.
The middle of the Black Sea would be just as safe
as your own office.
Oh I don't know... That's quite a decision!
Graham... I'm not asking you to decide anything,
I'm telling you what you must do.
You are, I must remind you, of great value to my country.
In your present state of health you must allow me to protect my country's interests in my own way.
I do not wish to harass you,
but if you do not care to follow my instructions,
I shall have no alternative but to have you arrested.
I'll have an order issued for your deportation
and have you put on board The Talisia under guard.
- I hope I make myself clear...
- Quite clear!
Would you like to handcuff me now?
You'll just have time if you hurry.
- Well, what...
- ... Arranges the best way for both of you.
- Now look here, Colonel...
- Haki.
- Colonel Haki...
You two know each other?
- How do you do? - Oh, yes.
What about my...
I've just got to see... I've got to talk to her!
That man Kopeikine, he's with her at the hotel now...
Putting her mind at rest.
Haki thought he'd fool the Nazis
by getting me out of Turkey
through the Black Sea.
He didn't even let me
call you up to say goodbye.
That girl Josette
had nothing to do with it.
She and her partner just
happened to be leaving on the same boat.
I thought you were going by train, Mr. Graham?
Maybe the police thought the sea air would do him good.
Come on, let's get our baggage through the customs.
- That's one thing I won't have to worry about...
Howard, wait!
I came to say goodbye.
Ain't it nice for everything to have been arranged so quick?
Do you approve of my going on this boat?
I do, Howard.
By the way, have you a gun in your luggage?
I haven't got any luggage!
Then you better take this...
I picked it up on my way to see your wife. It is completely loaded.
What did she say?
- Here.
I don't need this!
Put it in your pocket, it will make you feel nicer to have it!
I never fired one of these things, you know!
That's a good one, Howard!
- What?
You're a ballistics expert and you never fired a gun!
Well, I just never did!
It's very simple, you just point it and pull the trigger.
Oh, I know how it works.
- Take it with you anyway.
Look Howard, they are loosing it.
You'd better go. Come!
Write me a line.
Uh... Goodbye.
Goodbye, Howard.
I was just going to telephone my wife.
I will see that she is assured and safely on the train.
What's that? Cows?
Mostly cows.
It's clever, isn't it?
What's clever?
For you, Graham, so unlikely means of transportation
is better than a disguise...
Now with Mrs. Graham,
it might be safer to practice a little deception, hmm?
- Hmm?
You can cable her when you stop at Trabzon. "C'est la guerre. "
War is war.
You have your passport?
Oh... yes.
Oh, I've got my wife's here too...
And I see you're arming yourself...
It's one thing to be a soldier, is it not...
If the enemy is not looking for you in particular, because you're Mr. Howard Graham...
The fellow next to you will do just as nicely.
That's Stephanie's.
I will see to it that it is delivered...
- Thank you.
You have this advantage over the soldier, Mr. Graham:
you can run away without being a coward.
Do not worry about your wife, Graham.
I will take care of her personally.
Happy journey.
This way.
Cabin 2.
Are you Cabin 2? Graham, Howard?
- Yes.
Haven't you got any better accommodations?
The cabins are all the same, Monsieur.
About your luggage, we don't seem able to find it.
I haven't got any luggage!
- No luggage?
- That's right, no luggage!
- Hello!
- I do not think that you are sincere after all.
What do you mean?
Tell me truthfully why you are on this boat.
You wouldn't believe me.
Very well, I'm not inquisitive.
Well if you really want to know, I took the boat to get away from somebody who's trying to shoot me.
I'd sooner you'd be grave about lying than joke about killing.
If you wish me to like you, you mustn't say such things.
I apologize.
Are you going somewhere on behalf of a dancing engagement?
India perhaps, I do not know. I hope so.
So much is closed on account of the war.
How long have you been dancing?
Since I was 10, that's 20 years ago.
You see, I do not lie to you about my age.
I was born in the Pyrenees,
my mother and father were very poor.
But honest, no doubt?
Oh no... my father was not at all honest.
I tell everything about myself but about you I know nothing, except that you have a nice house...
I hardly ever hear english spoken, so I am interested at once.
You are English, sir?
I am Turkish. I sell tobacco.
Thermo Pazar and Company.
My name is Mr. Kuvetli, sir.
My name is Howard Graham.
This is Mademoiselle Josette.
- So good.
My boss Pazar cannot speak english and he cannot write,
he is ignorant.
I reply to all favors from England and elsewhere abroad,
but he knows slot about tobacco!
We produce best. Please...
Try cigarette made with tobacco from Thermo Pazar and Company, please.
It's stuffy in here, I would like to go outside.
You will come with me?
Thank you, Mr. Kuvetli.
Will you join us?
Cannot you be quiet!
You are keeping the whole ship awake. Shh!
I'm terribly sorry...
See you later.
- Yes, please.
I do not like that man.
Personally I like the Turks.
Would you like to go upstairs?
I really ought to get some sleep.
As you wish.
It's been quite a night!
Wish I'd brought my topcoat.
It is pretty up there.
Gogo is probably asleep.
He will want to play cards with you tomorrow.
I'll try to think of a game that I play well.
He would win in any case, but I have warned you.
I'll remember that when I lose.
you must have known when you married me
that I'm nothing very special.
I'm a good naval engineer
but outside of that I'm no hero.
I think maybe I'm a coward.
You used to laugh at me sometimes
and call me a stuffed shirt.
So please, Stephanie, try to
understand about that girl.
I just needed somebody to talk to.
I'm lonely, Stephanie.
I'm scared.
- Hello.
- Good afternoon.
My name is Haller,
Dr. Fritz Haller.
Mine is Howard Graham.
I should explain I am a German.
A good German of the former Germany.
I am on my way back to Tehran.
I am travelling on a League of Nations passport.
I'm an American.
This steward is an imbecile.
The French lady and her husband at the next table were placed again.
They objected to eating with what they call the enemy,
insulted me and moved.
The food here is very monotonous
without conversation.
I agree with you there.
You've been long in Turkey?
A few weeks. I came there from Persia.
- Oil?
- No, Mr. Graham. Archeology.
- Oh.
I was investigating the early pre-Islamic cultures.
Forgive me, I am boring you already.
- Oh, not at all.
It is not businesslike.
It makes it very difficult to earn money.
Money? You say that?
Well, I take no side. I do not care who wins.
War is terrible!
War is stupid...
it is all very bad for business.
Thirst for food and tongues for the wise!
I think I will go now and look after my wife. Excuse me, please?
- Certainly.
War is the last refuge of the capitalist.
He talks like a fool, but you should take no notice, Monsieur.
He was a brave soldier,
he won the silver war badge.
A little piece of silver outside the chest to serenade the little piece of steel inside, eh?
It is the women I think who should fight these wars.
They're more ferocious as patriots than the men.
Don't you agree, sir?
Me? Please.
I am neutral, you understand.
I know nothing, I have no opinion,
I sell tobacco.
Tobacco? In Istanbul?
What company?
Pazar and Company, Istanbul.
- Pazar? I don't under...
I see... There is Trabzon!
We should go ashore and get some real food! It'll be such a relief to get out of here...
All those mosques and minarets! Are you not coming?
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
"Good afternoon", is that all you have to say?
What should I say?
I thought that all Americans get out of bed early to eat a big breakfast.
I get out of bed at 10, but you're nowhere to be found.
The steward says you're still in your cabin.
I didn't get to bed until 6.
- Oh?
How do you do?
Do you play poker?
Why, certainly... But not very well.
I told you.
She thinks because I win I cheat.
I do not care what she thinks!
People are not compelled by law to play cards with me.
Why do they squeal like stuck pigs when they lose?
Well, it is illogical.
It's very boring to listen to english!
I'm going to drink some brandy.
Let's go out on deck.
He's very unpleasant today. It's because he's disappointed.
He thought there were going to be some pretty little girls he could roll his eyes at.
He always has great success with pretty little girls and old women.
Are you coming?
Sorry, Mr...
Colonel Haki told me
he'd send you ahead to meet me in Batoumi.
The boat stopped at Trabzon,
I sent you the cable.
"Stephanie dearest, I think of you all the time, I dream about you at night. "
That's right. One message, two addresses. Send it right off.
"Looked for wire here but none. Heaven's sake why?"
"Everything that has happened beyond my control."
That's fine, thank you.
"See you Grand Htel Batoumi Saturday. I love you only you."
Very good, sir.
Ah, there you are, Professor...Good razor, thank you.
- Not at all.
Didn't go ashore?
No, Mr. Graham. My wife is still indisposed.
- Oh, sorry.
I thought you were going to see the sites with Mr....
Oh, so that is his name?
He speaks german quite well.
I think he's traveled quite a bit.
He interests me, this Kuvetli. He has a way of talking without saying anything.
Maybe it's got something to do with his being a salesman.
He is too simple to be true.
Who ever heard of a simple Turkish businessman?
No, he is a man who wishes to be underrated.
Why? He's not trying to sell us tobacco.
Perhaps as you suggest he regards the world as his customer.
We have a new passenger.
The Greek woman at the next table,
you remember I told you her husband was killed in Athens?
Quiet, she'll hear you!
Mr. Graham, did you enjoy your excursion ashore this afternoon?
Why...I didn't go.
I was, but...
- Yes?
- I want to talk to the Captain.
Now what's the matter, Monsieur?
It's absolutely necessary that I be put ashore immediately!
I want to be put ashore!
It's too late...The pilot-boat is gone.
I'm willing to pay.
This is a ship, Monsieur. Not a taxi.
We carry cargo around on a schedule.
This is a question of life and death.
- Well, naturally...
- A man on this boat
is here for the express purpose of murdering me.
I am not crazy!
No, not at all, Monsieur.
Now what's his name?
Just a minute.
What's so funny?
There's no one by that name.
He's the passenger who sat across from me at dinner!
- The number 7 cabin.
- I don't know what his number is.
Why, he's a Greek businessman.
Will you please radio Colonel Haki of the Turkish police in Istanbul...
We are no longer in Turkish territorial waters!
In any case our wireless is for navigational purposes only...
I tell you the man means to kill me!
Because he's been paid to kill me!
Who pays him?
- The...
Can't you speak english?
The Captian speaks only greek, italian, russian and turkish, Monsieur.
But I understand.
You have perhaps had a bad dream.
- I haven't had any bad...
I suggest that you lie down in your cabin for awhile.
And remember, nobody's going to murder you on this ship.
There are too many people.
In any case this ship stops in Batoumi and not before.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do.
And if you close the door as you go out.
Boom boom!
- Hello, Mr. Graham.
- Good evening.
It's going to be nasty out tomorrow.
- Yes, it is.
I don't mind. But I'm afraid my wife doesn't like it...
What are you doing out there?
You'll catch cold, come back to bed.
You should go back to bed yourself, chrie.
You're more delicate than I.
Have you got a wife, sir?
Yes I have. Excuse me.
- Has your wife got a bad temper, Mr. Graham?
- No, very good.
You're lucky.
For years I lived in misery.
Then one day I made a great discovery.
There was a socialist meeting and I went to it.
I wasn't a socialist, understand...
I went to this meeting because I was curious.
The speaker was good.
Then a week later we went out with some friends, and I repeated what I heard.
My wife laughed in a very peculiar way,
and when I got home, I made a discovery.
I found out my wife was a snob, and even more stupid than I dreamed.
She said that I humiliated her by saying such things as if I believed them.
And all her friends were respectable people,
and I mustn't speak as if I was a working man.
She wept!
Then I knew that I was free.
Mr. Graham, I bought books and pamphlets to make my arguments more damaging.
My wife became very docile.
She even cooked things I liked, just so I wouldn't disgrace her.
I see. don't believe these things you say?
- No.
That's where my little joke comes in.
Mr. Graham, for awhile I was free, then a terrible thing happened.
I found I began to believe these things that I said.
These books I read showed me that I'd found a truth.
I, a capitalist by instinct, became a socialist by conviction.
Worse than that, there was a strike at the factory, and I, the manager, supported the strikers!
I didn't belong to a union, naturally, and so I was dismissed. It was ridiculous!
So here I am.
I've become a man in my home at the price of becoming a bore outside.
Banking! What is banking but usury?
And where has our American been?
Today the usurers are the gods of the earth,
and the only mortal sin is to be poor.
There are so many poor people it is terrible!
Banking! What does he know about banking?
I thought you were ill, sir? You are better now?
Yes, thanks.
You've been ill?
I...felt tired.
It is the ventilation.
I myself have felt a nausea and a headache since we got on this ship.
We should complain!
Mrs. Matthews is right. The ventilation isn't good.
I think we should go outside.
I know you must be ill, you are polite!
I'll go with you.
It was not at all stuffy in the saloon.
Now you shall tell me what is really the matter.
Chri, I am sorry, but I have seen people who are afraid before.
They do not look at all like people who are tired
or people who feel faint in a stuffy room.
They have a special look about them.
Their faces look very small and gray around the mouth.
And they can't keep their hands still.
I'm glad we can walk like this together.
Good evening, Mr. Graham.
Taking your constitutional, I see?
Remember I told you I came on this ship to avoid somebody who was trying to shoot me?
Yes, I remember. It was a bad joke.
A very bad joke. Only it's true.
You're lying to me!
I'm afraid not.
What have you done that someone should wish to kill you?
Some business competitors don't want me to get back to America.
You are lying!
Yes I am lying, but not very much.
There are some people who don't want me to get back to the States.
Who are they?
I only know one. His name is Mueller or Miller or something...
He lives in Sofia, he's a Nazi agent.
- The salaud!
But he cannot touch you now!
I'm afraid he can.
That fat man aboard is working for him.
The Greek?
He's not a Greek. His real name is Banat.
He's been hired to kill me.
- How do you know?
- I've seen his picture.
- This is not very nice.
- No, it's not.
He knows you suspect him, he was watching you.
Kuvetli was watching you also. You look so curious, you see.
You mean I look frightened?
Frightened to death!
I was frightened, I'll admit it.
Why shouldn't I be? I'm not used to people trying to kill me.
Besides, somebody's stolen my gun.
You needn't worry. I can tell you something.
This fat man doesn't carry a gun.
- How do you know?
His clothes are tight. If he carried a gun, one could see the shape of it in his pocket.
He's got a gun, I know.
He must keep it in his cabin.
He's in the saloon now.
I could see that he doesn't go to his cabin for a long time.
- How?
- Gogo will do it.
I will not have to tell Gogo anything about you. Gogo will play cards with him.
Will Gogo ask him?
I will tell Gogo that I saw this man open a wallet with a lot of money in it.
Gogo will see that he plays cards...You don't know Gogo.
- Are you sure he can keep him in there?
- I'll make certain.
You wait here.
Won't you join me, Mr. Graham?
I'm just getting some fresh air.
- Oh.
To see the land from a ship,
or to see a ship from the land...
I used to like both. Now I dislike both.
When a man reaches my age,
he grows I think to resent subconsciously
the movement of everything except the respiratory muscles which keep him alive.
Movement is change.
And to an old man, change means death.
Excuse me.
I think I will say good night, Mr. Graham.
- Good night.
Good night, Mademoiselle.
I mustn't stay. I came only to tell you that it's all right.
- Good.
But be sure to come back to the saloon after you have been to his cabin
so that I know that you have finished.
- All right.
Boom boom!
Oh Mr. Graham, I have been waiting for you.
This is what you have been looking for, isn't it?
Close the door, please.
I thought I had better keep this for Mavrodopoulos.
Banat's easier to say.
I wonder if your name happens to be Mueller.
You have guessed it, Mr. Graham. I am Mueller.
But I rather like myself as an archeologist.
I got my little speeches from this.
The Sumerian Pantheon by Fritz Haller.
Mr. Graham, I should not like to think of you being murdered by any employee of mine.
But as things stand at the present,
you will be dead within a very few moments of your landing at Batoumi tomorrow morning.
If you should die before you get back to America,
somebody else will be sent here to take your place,
but your work will be delayed.
That is all we're interested in.
Mr. Graham, you are a fortunate man!
What does that mean?
- You are going to catch typhus.
- What?
When you get to Batoumi tomorrow morning,
you'll be taken to a small, private hospital.
In six weeks, you will have recovered.
How does that appeal to you, Mr. Graham?
Has it occurred to you that I might not be so stupid as you think?
Graham, you are a fool!
You know nothing, nothing!
Oh, I don't?
One of the things you do not know is
that Colonel Haki considered it advisable
to install one of his agents onboard this ship to watch over you.
I tried hard yesterday to interest you in Mr. Kuvetli.
Are you trying to tell me that Kuvetli is a Turkish agent?
I wanted to see you before he made himself known to you.
He has his duty to do,
and doubtless will have evolved some laborious plan for getting you to safety.
What I wanted to warn you against is telling him of my suggestion.
It will be embarrassing for both of us
if an agent of the Turkish government should know of our little deception.
You see what I mean, Mr. Graham?
If you let Mr. Kuvetli into our secret,
you destroy your only chance of returning to America alive.
It's a solemn thought, isn't it?
Go to the wall. I'm in the next cabin.
- Well?
- This is Kuvetli.
We'll meet on the well deck in five minutes.
Leave before me and wait there.
I think it best if no more of your conversations are overheard.
All right.
- Where are you?
- Here, Graham!
If you're a Turkish agent, why didn't you tell me earlier?
From Colonel Haki to you.
I was sworn to keep my identity secret...until necessary.
Did you know that Mueller was aboard?
I didn't know it was Mueller, until I saw him talking to Banat.
Mueller wants me to lay low in some sort of private hospital for awhile.
Did you overhear that, too?
He underrates you, Graham.
He simply tried to persuade you to allow yourself to be murdered in the most convenient manner.
Oh...And I'll be killed if I accept his proposal...
and I'll be killed if I don't.
Not necessarily.
You must go back to Mueller. You must tell him you agree to his suggestion.
Tell him you do not trust me. Tell him I threatened you.
What with? Death?
That'd be a little silly, wouldn't it?
Not so silly, Graham.
You must obey my orders.
- Well...
I'm a Turk, Graham.
I fought with the Gazi for Turkey's freedom.
I'm ready to give my life to protect the great work we have done.
Do you think it strange then, that I should not hesitate to give yours?
I guess not. I'll do anything you say.
- Good.
Now tonight after you have seen Mueller, you must go to your cabin and lock yourself in.
- All right.
But early tomorrow morning, before the ship docks,
you must go to the cabin at the end of the corridor, cabin number 5.
It's empty. Stay there.
Mueller and Banat will have to wait for you on the dock.
But I shall have gone ashore earlier on the pilot boat to arrange for their arrest.
Now do you understand?
Yes, I think I do.
You feel better now, hmm?
Good luck, Graham.
- You have seen Kuvetli?
- I have.
I've decided to accept your advice.
- At Kuvetli's suggestion?
- My own.
Did he mention me by name?
Yes. He warned me against you.
And how did you treat the warning?
I've decided to ignore it and follow your plan.
I don't trust that fellow. We've got to throw him off the scent somehow.
Kuvetli will cause no trouble.
Good morning Madam, I'd like to speak to your husband for a moment.
Of course, I'm easy to approach. You look serious, my friend.
I'll be back in a minute.
- Come in here, sir.
- I need your help.
- Why, certainly!
- I want you to take a message for me.
- All right.
Mr. Matthews, in a way,
at the moment...
I'm in the enjoined services of the Allied Governments.
When I get off the ship this morning, there's a good chance I may be killed by German agents.
You're in the American secret service?
I want you to go to the Turkish Consul in Batoumi,
and give them a message for me. Will you do that?
What's the message?
Tell him to tell Colonel Haki,
H-A-K-I in Istanbul,
that I'm in trouble.
Is that all?
- Well...
In the event of my death,
ask him to notify the American Consul.
Of course, Mr. Graham.
I'd like to say something about my wife.
I understand, you're in the American secret service.
One doesn't confide these things. But I'm not a fool!
Why don't we take our revolvers and shoot down...
Wait a minute!
Did you say you had a revolver?
Why no, I haven't got any revolver.
- Oh.
But I thought of course that you had.
I'm sorry, Mr. Graham.
I'll...deliver your message though.
She will come back. Why don't you sit down and wait?
You don't understand, eh?
She is very pretty, no? But she has no sense.
She is a woman,
and women do not understand business.
I'm Josette's partner, so I have an interest in Josette.
You wish to marry her?
I do not give her up for nothing.
Together Josette and me, we earn 2000 francs a week by dancing.
It's a lot of money, huh?
- Look!
- But I will give her up.
- Have you got a revolver?
- A revolver?
You do not believe that we earn 2000 francs a week?
Oh sure...only...
Why don't you and I and Josette get off the boat together?
Then we can talk about all of this later.
Well chri, is everything settled?
He wants us to meet him later.
- No, I mean...
Your car is waiting, Mr. Graham.
- Oh.
Go on, chri. We'll all meet later.
Excuse me.
We will join you on the dock.
Mr. Graham!
I'm sorry about the gun, Mr. Graham.
But I do have a knife!
Please take it.
I know...
Take it anyway. One thing more.
I have this.
I don't know what I'll do with that.
Nor do I, but look!
I put a point on it.
Good morning.
Goodbye, Mr. Graham. I'll be discreet.
Discreet? What is there to be discreet about?
Ah, you may ask!
Mr. Graham and I are going to blow up the Bank of England...
Seize Parliament, shoot the gentry, and set up a Communist government!
You should not say such things, even for a joke!
- A joke!
You'll find out if it's a joke or not...
when we drag these people through their houses, and shoot them down with machine guns!
- If someone should hear you say such things!
- Let them hear!
Goodbye, Mr. Graham. Good luck.
- Thank you.
I haven't seen Mr. Kuvetli this morning.
I hope that everything's going to be all right.
This way please, Mr. Graham.
Excuse me.
Mr. Graham! You have a weapon.
What did you think you would do with this?
I don't know. I just thought I'd bring it along.
The tire!
Is Mrs. Howard Graham registered here?
Room 55. She arrived this morning.
May I speak to her, please?
Who should I say is calling?
Her husband.
Hello, Stephanie?
This is Howard.
Howard! Well come right up!
- Where's the elevator?
- Right here, sir...Fifth floor.
- Stephanie!
- Howard darling!
It's wonderful to see you!
But darling, what happened to you?
Where have you been?
I'll tell you all about it in the tub.
What I need is a good hot bath.
Your company representative's here, Mr. Ridgely.
Bill Ridgely?
But darling, we've been looking all over town for you.
Your boat got in this morning!
We'll talk it all over later...Hello, Bill!
- Hello, Howard.
You are late.
Better late than never, that's what I always say.
If you gentlemen will excuse me...
I'm sure you two old friends must have a lot to talk about!
It was very stupid of you to come here, Mr. Graham.
You have been a lot of trouble. More trouble than you are worth.
Let us get this over as quickly as possible.
- Howard!...Oh, Howard!
Yes, Stephanie?
If you and Mr. Ridgely have any business to talk over,
please go right ahead and don't worry about me.
I'm invited downstairs for a cocktail. You're to join us as soon as you're through.
I am perfectly willing to spare your wife.
I didn't see how I could refuse.
You'll forgive me, Mr. Ridgely?
Where are you going, dear?
Mrs. Graham,
may I present a business associate, Mr. Banat?
How do you do, Mr. Banat.
Oh...and Mr. Graham, Mr. Banat.
I hate to take your husband away from you, Mrs. Graham.
That's quite all right. I'm quite used to it.
Besides, tonight I have company.
A charming gentleman. He flew with me from Istanbul.
Perhaps you've heard of him...Colonel Haki.
Mrs. Graham, I wonder if you would do your husband a great favor and come with me.
- Why...
It will only be a moment.
But I don't understand.
Please, it will all be explained later.
Won't you please go down to the lobby and hold Colonel Haki there for a moment?
Of course, Mr. Ridgely, if you put it that way.
- Thank you.
Come in, come in!
Is this Mr. Graham's room?
- Yes.
Is this Mr. Graham?
- Yes.
That stupid clerk here asked me if I wanted to speak to Mr. or Mrs. Graham...
That would mean that you are married?
Do not be embarrassed, chri, we can still be friends.
- Well...
You think I'm angry, you don't believe me. I will prove it.
Gogo is on his way up to settle matters with you. But I will stop him.
No!...No, don't do that.
The best way.
Goodbye, Mr. Graham. All men are not sincere.
All through already?
Have you seen Colonel Haki anywhere?
Colonel Haki? I saw him just a moment ago.
A crazy man just shot at me!
They're crazy!
- That's terrible!
- What happened?
He says a man has fallen in the street.
A crazy man just shot at me!
Mr. Ridgely!
Professor Haller!
Graham! Look out!
"Stephanie, I can't understand why you're mad at me.
"That girl didn't mean a thing to me, really. Won't you please..."
Good evening!
- Oh, hello.
You're writing a letter?
I'm trying to finish one I started on the boat.
He says he's got a message for you from Stephanie.
- Oh?
Mrs. Graham.
- All right.
No speaky!
"Could you please forgive me.
"I love you more than anyone in the whole world..."
He says she's waiting for you upstairs!
Tell her to hold her horses!
"Your devoted husband..."
I wonder why do you always finish the letters you're going to tear up?
My compliments, Graham!
Banat is a dangerous man, you had no gun.
I got mad.
I spent too much time running away.
Sous-titres: Isabelle Audinot
Sous-titrage: C. M.C.
If this letter is found on me,
if this ever reaches you,
I want you to believe every word of it
and try to understand.
It all began that night
we arrived in Istanbul.
Oh, there's a gentleman waiting to see you.
- Oh?...
Mr. Graham? Mrs. Graham?
Put it there.
It's a pleasure!
Kopeikine is the name.
- How do you do...
You doubt that I am Kopeikine?
- No...
You think perhaps that I am not he?
My credentials!
take my word for it,
I didn't want to go out
with that fellow Kopeikine,
he's a pest!
I didn't even want him to join us for dinner,
he just talked his way into it...
Mrs. Graham,
I am going to deprive you of your husband for awhile.
Aren't we, Mr. Graham?
We got some business to talk over...
Oh, can't we talk right here?
And bother your charming wife?
Oh... Well don't mind me. If you have to talk to Mr. Kopeikine, dear...
Sure, we can go downstairs in the bar.
- The bar...
Well, go to the bar if you want to, dear.
Maybe we will have a couple of drinks, too!
Well... the sooner you go, the sooner you'll be back.
Have a good time...
It's not a good time, it's business, he says.
Time is fleeing, Howard!
The company representative!
I'll be right back.
- Be careful.
Howard, where are you going?
I thought you said we're going in the bar?
I know a much better place! Come on.
Oh, I haven't got my hat and coat.
It's just around the corner.
Kopeikine is our company's representative
in Turkey.
And I guess he thought
he ought to show me a good time...
I didn't want a good time.
I wanted to stay with you!
He just took it for granted I didn't.
He dragged me off to that nightclub.
That's how
I happened to meet that woman,
I can't stay here very long,
I've got to get back to the hotel.
Some number, huh?
I'd better get on back to the hotel.
You might take a shine to Josette!
After all, this little girl is very stupid.
Of course Josette is stupid too, but she has it!
Pardon me, Howard, I will be back very briefly.
You give me money?
What for?
- Oh.
You excuse me.
If you like me, I come back!
I want you to meet my friend. He's American.
Howard, I will present Josette and Gogo Martel.
- How do you do?
You will sit please?
- Thank you.
I enjoyed your dancing very much, Mamselle.
Nonsense to say that Americans are not polite.
They are so clever in business and yet so generous and sincere.
You hear that, Howard?
The champagne here is filthy.
I do not wish to leave Istanbul with a headache.
How long do you stay here Mr. Graham?
Why, he leaves here tomorrow, too.
Yes, I'm leaving on the morning train.
I'm going as far as Batoumi by boat.
Pardon me sir.
What kind of cigarettes do you smoke?
He is good, ain't he, Howard?
You, sir.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I will now present to you
an unbelievable miracle
that I learned in the mountain vastness of India.
And for this illusion, I will require
the assistance of some kind and gracious
gentleman from the audience...
Perhaps you, sir, the gentleman of the duck,
if you would be so good?
And now ladies and gentlemen,
I will join my ancestors...
Don't worry, Howard!
Ah... there you are, Howard!
That was a good trick!
What happened?
The boy didn't fire his gun,
someone else did!
The magician is dead.
I didn't admit it, Stephanie,
but I knew then that shot was meant for me...
You know how many months I spent
for the company on the Turkish navy.
Well, time counts in this war,
and now with me out of the way,
it'll take all that time and more
with somebody else out here before Turkey
can get any new guns.
That's why they're after me.
This is terrible!
You've got me involved in a dirty nightclub shooting!
I've got to call my wife.
You've got to keep this out of the paper.
Howard, you are lucky. Just think what happened to that magician, suppose the trick hadn't worked?
It's entirely beside the point!
I've got no business in here.
Howard... they are only doing their official duty for your own good.
Official duty!
The whole thing's so stupid!
I can forgive almost anything but stupidity.
Wish I'd brought my topcoat...
This is a scandal!
We have no business with the police.
Maybe we won't get our pictures in the papers.
Who's that?
That's Colonel Haki.
This is his office.
He's the head of the secret police.
- Secret police?!
He was a deputy in the Provisional Government in 1919. One of Ataturk's men.
There is a legend he can drink two bottles of whisky without getting drunk.
There is also a legend that he killed prisoners by tying them together in pairs
and throwing them in the river to save food and ammunition. But I don't believe it.
He is a great patriot!
But I wouldn't trust him with a woman...
Colonel Haki will see Mr. Howard Graham now!
That's us, Howard. Come!
You are Howard Graham?
Yes. What of it?
You are employed by a munitions company in America?
You are employed by a munitions company in America?
An armament manufacturer!
Bainbridge and Sons.
- No, thank you!
This man can tell you all about it. He's the local agent.
- We know that.
- Then why ask me?
You're a naval ordinance expert.
- Expert!
- Pardon?
- I'm an engineer, and naval ordinance just happens to be my subject.
Your government has assigned you through your company to do some important work here.
- Now look...
I've got my instructions. I've been ordered back to the States at once.
I'm only stopping here overnight!
I'm doing my best to steer clear of trouble.
You realize no doubt that you carry some valuable information?
Whatever that information is, it's safe enough: I've got it in my head.
That's precisely why you were brought here, Mr. Graham.
It's your head our government is so interested in.
Suppose you had been shot instead of that magician. What do...
Don't be silly!
The Turkish navy can get along perfectly well without me. The company would send out another man.
I'm not indispensable! There are dozens of men with my qualifications.
- Howard!
Somebody could be sent out from America.
- Meanwhile...
Or England!
To do my work over again.
Meanwhile the spring will be here.
And the Russian winter will be over,
and those ships will still be lying in the dockyards at Izmir and Gallipoli,
still waiting for their new guns and torpedo-tubes.
You are our military objective.
I don't understand you.
Mr. Howard Graham,
you are a careful driver
and an imaginative pedestrian.
You never ride horses nor climb mountains.
You do not hunt big game.
You never felt the slightest inclination to leap before an approaching express train.
I'm sure you never think of death.
If so, only on those occasions
that you take out an insurance policy.
Mr. Graham,
Mr. Graham, as your excellent brain grasps what I am trying to say to you,
it's perfectly simple.
Someone is trying to kill you.
You see?
Kanapen... Kopeikine.
why did you take him to that cabaret?
He wanted a good time!
Pardon me, Howard,
I will be back in a jiffy.
Pardon me, Mr. Graham,
I have quite a bad headache!
I have here so much work,
so much...
We know who's trying to kill you.
Here is his picture.
He is a thug in the employ of a Nazi agent, a man named Mueller,
operating in Sofia.
He doesn't look very friendly.
I thought you said his name was Mueller?
Mueller is his employer.
This man's name is supposed to be Peter Banat.
He is an assassin, a professional...
Mr. Graham, there are men who are natural killers.
Banat is one of them.
He was convicted ten years ago in Yashi of helping to
kick a man to death.
He said that his price for killing a man
has been as low as 5000 francs.
- No thanks.
And expenses. Now...
We know a week ago Mueller got in touch with Banat.
Tonight we learn Banat is here.
It was he who shot at you at the cabaret,
a waiter identified him, I am dumbfounded.
But then I am dumbfounded every 25 minutes.
Can't you arrest this man?
We will when we find him.
But now we must get you back safely to America.
I'll get safely back to America, don't you worry.
It is always the same. We are the only ones in a hurry, so we are the last.
If we miss the boat we can sue the government.
- Mademoiselle...
Yes, we are leaving tonight for Batoumi.
This man is your husband?
We are partners.
My car is at your disposal.
Good night, Mr. Graham.
- Good night.
The Talisia belongs to a private company
which fronts a weekly service to small cargo boats between here and Batoumi.
I'm afraid it is little better than a floating slum!
Yet they carry a few passengers, twelve at most.
We have checked the list on the sailing... Every one of them is harmless.
What do you mean, go by boat? I've got a reservation on the morning train.
My dear Graham, if you are to leave on that or any other train,
you would be dead before you reached Batoumi.
This is much the best obvious way of getting you out of Turkey.
The middle of the Black Sea would be just as safe
as your own office.
Oh I don't know... That's quite a decision!
Graham... I'm not asking you to decide anything,
I'm telling you what you must do.
You are, I must remind you, of great value to my country.
In your present state of health you must allow me to protect my country's interests in my own way.
I do not wish to harass you,
but if you do not care to follow my instructions,
I shall have no alternative but to have you arrested.
I'll have an order issued for your deportation
and have you put on board The Talisia under guard.
- I hope I make myself clear...
- Quite clear!
Would you like to handcuff me now?
You'll just have time if you hurry.
- Well, what...
- ... Arranges the best way for both of you.
- Now look here, Colonel...
- Haki.
- Colonel Haki...
You two know each other?
- How do you do? - Oh, yes.
What about my...
I've just got to see... I've got to talk to her!
That man Kopeikine, he's with her at the hotel now...
Putting her mind at rest.
Haki thought he'd fool the Nazis
by getting me out of Turkey
through the Black Sea.
He didn't even let me
call you up to say goodbye.
That girl Josette
had nothing to do with it.
She and her partner just
happened to be leaving on the same boat.
I thought you were going by train, Mr. Graham?
Maybe the police thought the sea air would do him good.
Come on, let's get our baggage through the customs.
- That's one thing I won't have to worry about...
Howard, wait!
I came to say goodbye.
Ain't it nice for everything to have been arranged so quick?
Do you approve of my going on this boat?
I do, Howard.
By the way, have you a gun in your luggage?
I haven't got any luggage!
Then you better take this...
I picked it up on my way to see your wife. It is completely loaded.
What did she say?
- Here.
I don't need this!
Put it in your pocket, it will make you feel nicer to have it!
I never fired one of these things, you know!
That's a good one, Howard!
- What?
You're a ballistics expert and you never fired a gun!
Well, I just never did!
It's very simple, you just point it and pull the trigger.
Oh, I know how it works.
- Take it with you anyway.
Look Howard, they are loosing it.
You'd better go. Come!
Write me a line.
Uh... Goodbye.
Goodbye, Howard.
I was just going to telephone my wife.
I will see that she is assured and safely on the train.
What's that? Cows?
Mostly cows.
It's clever, isn't it?
What's clever?
For you, Graham, so unlikely means of transportation
is better than a disguise...
Now with Mrs. Graham,
it might be safer to practice a little deception, hmm?
- Hmm?
You can cable her when you stop at Trabzon. "C'est la guerre. "
War is war.
You have your passport?
Oh... yes.
Oh, I've got my wife's here too...
And I see you're arming yourself...
It's one thing to be a soldier, is it not...
If the enemy is not looking for you in particular, because you're Mr. Howard Graham...
The fellow next to you will do just as nicely.
That's Stephanie's.
I will see to it that it is delivered...
- Thank you.
You have this advantage over the soldier, Mr. Graham:
you can run away without being a coward.
Do not worry about your wife, Graham.
I will take care of her personally.
Happy journey.
This way.
Cabin 2.
Are you Cabin 2? Graham, Howard?
- Yes.
Haven't you got any better accommodations?
The cabins are all the same, Monsieur.
About your luggage, we don't seem able to find it.
I haven't got any luggage!
- No luggage?
- That's right, no luggage!
- Hello!
- I do not think that you are sincere after all.
What do you mean?
Tell me truthfully why you are on this boat.
You wouldn't believe me.
Very well, I'm not inquisitive.
Well if you really want to know, I took the boat to get away from somebody who's trying to shoot me.
I'd sooner you'd be grave about lying than joke about killing.
If you wish me to like you, you mustn't say such things.
I apologize.
Are you going somewhere on behalf of a dancing engagement?
India perhaps, I do not know. I hope so.
So much is closed on account of the war.
How long have you been dancing?
Since I was 10, that's 20 years ago.
You see, I do not lie to you about my age.
I was born in the Pyrenees,
my mother and father were very poor.
But honest, no doubt?
Oh no... my father was not at all honest.
I tell everything about myself but about you I know nothing, except that you have a nice house...
I hardly ever hear english spoken, so I am interested at once.
You are English, sir?
I am Turkish. I sell tobacco.
Thermo Pazar and Company.
My name is Mr. Kuvetli, sir.
My name is Howard Graham.
This is Mademoiselle Josette.
- So good.
My boss Pazar cannot speak english and he cannot write,
he is ignorant.
I reply to all favors from England and elsewhere abroad,
but he knows slot about tobacco!
We produce best. Please...
Try cigarette made with tobacco from Thermo Pazar and Company, please.
It's stuffy in here, I would like to go outside.
You will come with me?
Thank you, Mr. Kuvetli.
Will you join us?
Cannot you be quiet!
You are keeping the whole ship awake. Shh!
I'm terribly sorry...
See you later.
- Yes, please.
I do not like that man.
Personally I like the Turks.
Would you like to go upstairs?
I really ought to get some sleep.
As you wish.
It's been quite a night!
Wish I'd brought my topcoat.
It is pretty up there.
Gogo is probably asleep.
He will want to play cards with you tomorrow.
I'll try to think of a game that I play well.
He would win in any case, but I have warned you.
I'll remember that when I lose.
you must have known when you married me
that I'm nothing very special.
I'm a good naval engineer
but outside of that I'm no hero.
I think maybe I'm a coward.
You used to laugh at me sometimes
and call me a stuffed shirt.
So please, Stephanie, try to
understand about that girl.
I just needed somebody to talk to.
I'm lonely, Stephanie.
I'm scared.
- Hello.
- Good afternoon.
My name is Haller,
Dr. Fritz Haller.
Mine is Howard Graham.
I should explain I am a German.
A good German of the former Germany.
I am on my way back to Tehran.
I am travelling on a League of Nations passport.
I'm an American.
This steward is an imbecile.
The French lady and her husband at the next table were placed again.
They objected to eating with what they call the enemy,
insulted me and moved.
The food here is very monotonous
without conversation.
I agree with you there.
You've been long in Turkey?
A few weeks. I came there from Persia.
- Oil?
- No, Mr. Graham. Archeology.
- Oh.
I was investigating the early pre-Islamic cultures.
Forgive me, I am boring you already.
- Oh, not at all.
It is not businesslike.
It makes it very difficult to earn money.
Money? You say that?
Well, I take no side. I do not care who wins.
War is terrible!
War is stupid...
it is all very bad for business.
Thirst for food and tongues for the wise!
I think I will go now and look after my wife. Excuse me, please?
- Certainly.
War is the last refuge of the capitalist.
He talks like a fool, but you should take no notice, Monsieur.
He was a brave soldier,
he won the silver war badge.
A little piece of silver outside the chest to serenade the little piece of steel inside, eh?
It is the women I think who should fight these wars.
They're more ferocious as patriots than the men.
Don't you agree, sir?
Me? Please.
I am neutral, you understand.
I know nothing, I have no opinion,
I sell tobacco.
Tobacco? In Istanbul?
What company?
Pazar and Company, Istanbul.
- Pazar? I don't under...
I see... There is Trabzon!
We should go ashore and get some real food! It'll be such a relief to get out of here...
All those mosques and minarets! Are you not coming?
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
"Good afternoon", is that all you have to say?
What should I say?
I thought that all Americans get out of bed early to eat a big breakfast.
I get out of bed at 10, but you're nowhere to be found.
The steward says you're still in your cabin.
I didn't get to bed until 6.
- Oh?
How do you do?
Do you play poker?
Why, certainly... But not very well.
I told you.
She thinks because I win I cheat.
I do not care what she thinks!
People are not compelled by law to play cards with me.
Why do they squeal like stuck pigs when they lose?
Well, it is illogical.
It's very boring to listen to english!
I'm going to drink some brandy.
Let's go out on deck.
He's very unpleasant today. It's because he's disappointed.
He thought there were going to be some pretty little girls he could roll his eyes at.
He always has great success with pretty little girls and old women.
Are you coming?
Sorry, Mr...
Colonel Haki told me
he'd send you ahead to meet me in Batoumi.
The boat stopped at Trabzon,
I sent you the cable.
"Stephanie dearest, I think of you all the time, I dream about you at night. "
That's right. One message, two addresses. Send it right off.
"Looked for wire here but none. Heaven's sake why?"
"Everything that has happened beyond my control."
That's fine, thank you.
"See you Grand Htel Batoumi Saturday. I love you only you."
Very good, sir.
Ah, there you are, Professor...Good razor, thank you.
- Not at all.
Didn't go ashore?
No, Mr. Graham. My wife is still indisposed.
- Oh, sorry.
I thought you were going to see the sites with Mr....
Oh, so that is his name?
He speaks german quite well.
I think he's traveled quite a bit.
He interests me, this Kuvetli. He has a way of talking without saying anything.
Maybe it's got something to do with his being a salesman.
He is too simple to be true.
Who ever heard of a simple Turkish businessman?
No, he is a man who wishes to be underrated.
Why? He's not trying to sell us tobacco.
Perhaps as you suggest he regards the world as his customer.
We have a new passenger.
The Greek woman at the next table,
you remember I told you her husband was killed in Athens?
Quiet, she'll hear you!
Mr. Graham, did you enjoy your excursion ashore this afternoon?
Why...I didn't go.
I was, but...
- Yes?
- I want to talk to the Captain.
Now what's the matter, Monsieur?
It's absolutely necessary that I be put ashore immediately!
I want to be put ashore!
It's too late...The pilot-boat is gone.
I'm willing to pay.
This is a ship, Monsieur. Not a taxi.
We carry cargo around on a schedule.
This is a question of life and death.
- Well, naturally...
- A man on this boat
is here for the express purpose of murdering me.
I am not crazy!
No, not at all, Monsieur.
Now what's his name?
Just a minute.
What's so funny?
There's no one by that name.
He's the passenger who sat across from me at dinner!
- The number 7 cabin.
- I don't know what his number is.
Why, he's a Greek businessman.
Will you please radio Colonel Haki of the Turkish police in Istanbul...
We are no longer in Turkish territorial waters!
In any case our wireless is for navigational purposes only...
I tell you the man means to kill me!
Because he's been paid to kill me!
Who pays him?
- The...
Can't you speak english?
The Captian speaks only greek, italian, russian and turkish, Monsieur.
But I understand.
You have perhaps had a bad dream.
- I haven't had any bad...
I suggest that you lie down in your cabin for awhile.
And remember, nobody's going to murder you on this ship.
There are too many people.
In any case this ship stops in Batoumi and not before.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do.
And if you close the door as you go out.
Boom boom!
- Hello, Mr. Graham.
- Good evening.
It's going to be nasty out tomorrow.
- Yes, it is.
I don't mind. But I'm afraid my wife doesn't like it...
What are you doing out there?
You'll catch cold, come back to bed.
You should go back to bed yourself, chrie.
You're more delicate than I.
Have you got a wife, sir?
Yes I have. Excuse me.
- Has your wife got a bad temper, Mr. Graham?
- No, very good.
You're lucky.
For years I lived in misery.
Then one day I made a great discovery.
There was a socialist meeting and I went to it.
I wasn't a socialist, understand...
I went to this meeting because I was curious.
The speaker was good.
Then a week later we went out with some friends, and I repeated what I heard.
My wife laughed in a very peculiar way,
and when I got home, I made a discovery.
I found out my wife was a snob, and even more stupid than I dreamed.
She said that I humiliated her by saying such things as if I believed them.
And all her friends were respectable people,
and I mustn't speak as if I was a working man.
She wept!
Then I knew that I was free.
Mr. Graham, I bought books and pamphlets to make my arguments more damaging.
My wife became very docile.
She even cooked things I liked, just so I wouldn't disgrace her.
I see. don't believe these things you say?
- No.
That's where my little joke comes in.
Mr. Graham, for awhile I was free, then a terrible thing happened.
I found I began to believe these things that I said.
These books I read showed me that I'd found a truth.
I, a capitalist by instinct, became a socialist by conviction.
Worse than that, there was a strike at the factory, and I, the manager, supported the strikers!
I didn't belong to a union, naturally, and so I was dismissed. It was ridiculous!
So here I am.
I've become a man in my home at the price of becoming a bore outside.
Banking! What is banking but usury?
And where has our American been?
Today the usurers are the gods of the earth,
and the only mortal sin is to be poor.
There are so many poor people it is terrible!
Banking! What does he know about banking?
I thought you were ill, sir? You are better now?
Yes, thanks.
You've been ill?
I...felt tired.
It is the ventilation.
I myself have felt a nausea and a headache since we got on this ship.
We should complain!
Mrs. Matthews is right. The ventilation isn't good.
I think we should go outside.
I know you must be ill, you are polite!
I'll go with you.
It was not at all stuffy in the saloon.
Now you shall tell me what is really the matter.
Chri, I am sorry, but I have seen people who are afraid before.
They do not look at all like people who are tired
or people who feel faint in a stuffy room.
They have a special look about them.
Their faces look very small and gray around the mouth.
And they can't keep their hands still.
I'm glad we can walk like this together.
Good evening, Mr. Graham.
Taking your constitutional, I see?
Remember I told you I came on this ship to avoid somebody who was trying to shoot me?
Yes, I remember. It was a bad joke.
A very bad joke. Only it's true.
You're lying to me!
I'm afraid not.
What have you done that someone should wish to kill you?
Some business competitors don't want me to get back to America.
You are lying!
Yes I am lying, but not very much.
There are some people who don't want me to get back to the States.
Who are they?
I only know one. His name is Mueller or Miller or something...
He lives in Sofia, he's a Nazi agent.
- The salaud!
But he cannot touch you now!
I'm afraid he can.
That fat man aboard is working for him.
The Greek?
He's not a Greek. His real name is Banat.
He's been hired to kill me.
- How do you know?
- I've seen his picture.
- This is not very nice.
- No, it's not.
He knows you suspect him, he was watching you.
Kuvetli was watching you also. You look so curious, you see.
You mean I look frightened?
Frightened to death!
I was frightened, I'll admit it.
Why shouldn't I be? I'm not used to people trying to kill me.
Besides, somebody's stolen my gun.
You needn't worry. I can tell you something.
This fat man doesn't carry a gun.
- How do you know?
His clothes are tight. If he carried a gun, one could see the shape of it in his pocket.
He's got a gun, I know.
He must keep it in his cabin.
He's in the saloon now.
I could see that he doesn't go to his cabin for a long time.
- How?
- Gogo will do it.
I will not have to tell Gogo anything about you. Gogo will play cards with him.
Will Gogo ask him?
I will tell Gogo that I saw this man open a wallet with a lot of money in it.
Gogo will see that he plays cards...You don't know Gogo.
- Are you sure he can keep him in there?
- I'll make certain.
You wait here.
Won't you join me, Mr. Graham?
I'm just getting some fresh air.
- Oh.
To see the land from a ship,
or to see a ship from the land...
I used to like both. Now I dislike both.
When a man reaches my age,
he grows I think to resent subconsciously
the movement of everything except the respiratory muscles which keep him alive.
Movement is change.
And to an old man, change means death.
Excuse me.
I think I will say good night, Mr. Graham.
- Good night.
Good night, Mademoiselle.
I mustn't stay. I came only to tell you that it's all right.
- Good.
But be sure to come back to the saloon after you have been to his cabin
so that I know that you have finished.
- All right.
Boom boom!
Oh Mr. Graham, I have been waiting for you.
This is what you have been looking for, isn't it?
Close the door, please.
I thought I had better keep this for Mavrodopoulos.
Banat's easier to say.
I wonder if your name happens to be Mueller.
You have guessed it, Mr. Graham. I am Mueller.
But I rather like myself as an archeologist.
I got my little speeches from this.
The Sumerian Pantheon by Fritz Haller.
Mr. Graham, I should not like to think of you being murdered by any employee of mine.
But as things stand at the present,
you will be dead within a very few moments of your landing at Batoumi tomorrow morning.
If you should die before you get back to America,
somebody else will be sent here to take your place,
but your work will be delayed.
That is all we're interested in.
Mr. Graham, you are a fortunate man!
What does that mean?
- You are going to catch typhus.
- What?
When you get to Batoumi tomorrow morning,
you'll be taken to a small, private hospital.
In six weeks, you will have recovered.
How does that appeal to you, Mr. Graham?
Has it occurred to you that I might not be so stupid as you think?
Graham, you are a fool!
You know nothing, nothing!
Oh, I don't?
One of the things you do not know is
that Colonel Haki considered it advisable
to install one of his agents onboard this ship to watch over you.
I tried hard yesterday to interest you in Mr. Kuvetli.
Are you trying to tell me that Kuvetli is a Turkish agent?
I wanted to see you before he made himself known to you.
He has his duty to do,
and doubtless will have evolved some laborious plan for getting you to safety.
What I wanted to warn you against is telling him of my suggestion.
It will be embarrassing for both of us
if an agent of the Turkish government should know of our little deception.
You see what I mean, Mr. Graham?
If you let Mr. Kuvetli into our secret,
you destroy your only chance of returning to America alive.
It's a solemn thought, isn't it?
Go to the wall. I'm in the next cabin.
- Well?
- This is Kuvetli.
We'll meet on the well deck in five minutes.
Leave before me and wait there.
I think it best if no more of your conversations are overheard.
All right.
- Where are you?
- Here, Graham!
If you're a Turkish agent, why didn't you tell me earlier?
From Colonel Haki to you.
I was sworn to keep my identity secret...until necessary.
Did you know that Mueller was aboard?
I didn't know it was Mueller, until I saw him talking to Banat.
Mueller wants me to lay low in some sort of private hospital for awhile.
Did you overhear that, too?
He underrates you, Graham.
He simply tried to persuade you to allow yourself to be murdered in the most convenient manner.
Oh...And I'll be killed if I accept his proposal...
and I'll be killed if I don't.
Not necessarily.
You must go back to Mueller. You must tell him you agree to his suggestion.
Tell him you do not trust me. Tell him I threatened you.
What with? Death?
That'd be a little silly, wouldn't it?
Not so silly, Graham.
You must obey my orders.
- Well...
I'm a Turk, Graham.
I fought with the Gazi for Turkey's freedom.
I'm ready to give my life to protect the great work we have done.
Do you think it strange then, that I should not hesitate to give yours?
I guess not. I'll do anything you say.
- Good.
Now tonight after you have seen Mueller, you must go to your cabin and lock yourself in.
- All right.
But early tomorrow morning, before the ship docks,
you must go to the cabin at the end of the corridor, cabin number 5.
It's empty. Stay there.
Mueller and Banat will have to wait for you on the dock.
But I shall have gone ashore earlier on the pilot boat to arrange for their arrest.
Now do you understand?
Yes, I think I do.
You feel better now, hmm?
Good luck, Graham.
- You have seen Kuvetli?
- I have.
I've decided to accept your advice.
- At Kuvetli's suggestion?
- My own.
Did he mention me by name?
Yes. He warned me against you.
And how did you treat the warning?
I've decided to ignore it and follow your plan.
I don't trust that fellow. We've got to throw him off the scent somehow.
Kuvetli will cause no trouble.
Good morning Madam, I'd like to speak to your husband for a moment.
Of course, I'm easy to approach. You look serious, my friend.
I'll be back in a minute.
- Come in here, sir.
- I need your help.
- Why, certainly!
- I want you to take a message for me.
- All right.
Mr. Matthews, in a way,
at the moment...
I'm in the enjoined services of the Allied Governments.
When I get off the ship this morning, there's a good chance I may be killed by German agents.
You're in the American secret service?
I want you to go to the Turkish Consul in Batoumi,
and give them a message for me. Will you do that?
What's the message?
Tell him to tell Colonel Haki,
H-A-K-I in Istanbul,
that I'm in trouble.
Is that all?
- Well...
In the event of my death,
ask him to notify the American Consul.
Of course, Mr. Graham.
I'd like to say something about my wife.
I understand, you're in the American secret service.
One doesn't confide these things. But I'm not a fool!
Why don't we take our revolvers and shoot down...
Wait a minute!
Did you say you had a revolver?
Why no, I haven't got any revolver.
- Oh.
But I thought of course that you had.
I'm sorry, Mr. Graham.
I'll...deliver your message though.
She will come back. Why don't you sit down and wait?
You don't understand, eh?
She is very pretty, no? But she has no sense.
She is a woman,
and women do not understand business.
I'm Josette's partner, so I have an interest in Josette.
You wish to marry her?
I do not give her up for nothing.
Together Josette and me, we earn 2000 francs a week by dancing.
It's a lot of money, huh?
- Look!
- But I will give her up.
- Have you got a revolver?
- A revolver?
You do not believe that we earn 2000 francs a week?
Oh sure...only...
Why don't you and I and Josette get off the boat together?
Then we can talk about all of this later.
Well chri, is everything settled?
He wants us to meet him later.
- No, I mean...
Your car is waiting, Mr. Graham.
- Oh.
Go on, chri. We'll all meet later.
Excuse me.
We will join you on the dock.
Mr. Graham!
I'm sorry about the gun, Mr. Graham.
But I do have a knife!
Please take it.
I know...
Take it anyway. One thing more.
I have this.
I don't know what I'll do with that.
Nor do I, but look!
I put a point on it.
Good morning.
Goodbye, Mr. Graham. I'll be discreet.
Discreet? What is there to be discreet about?
Ah, you may ask!
Mr. Graham and I are going to blow up the Bank of England...
Seize Parliament, shoot the gentry, and set up a Communist government!
You should not say such things, even for a joke!
- A joke!
You'll find out if it's a joke or not...
when we drag these people through their houses, and shoot them down with machine guns!
- If someone should hear you say such things!
- Let them hear!
Goodbye, Mr. Graham. Good luck.
- Thank you.
I haven't seen Mr. Kuvetli this morning.
I hope that everything's going to be all right.
This way please, Mr. Graham.
Excuse me.
Mr. Graham! You have a weapon.
What did you think you would do with this?
I don't know. I just thought I'd bring it along.
The tire!
Is Mrs. Howard Graham registered here?
Room 55. She arrived this morning.
May I speak to her, please?
Who should I say is calling?
Her husband.
Hello, Stephanie?
This is Howard.
Howard! Well come right up!
- Where's the elevator?
- Right here, sir...Fifth floor.
- Stephanie!
- Howard darling!
It's wonderful to see you!
But darling, what happened to you?
Where have you been?
I'll tell you all about it in the tub.
What I need is a good hot bath.
Your company representative's here, Mr. Ridgely.
Bill Ridgely?
But darling, we've been looking all over town for you.
Your boat got in this morning!
We'll talk it all over later...Hello, Bill!
- Hello, Howard.
You are late.
Better late than never, that's what I always say.
If you gentlemen will excuse me...
I'm sure you two old friends must have a lot to talk about!
It was very stupid of you to come here, Mr. Graham.
You have been a lot of trouble. More trouble than you are worth.
Let us get this over as quickly as possible.
- Howard!...Oh, Howard!
Yes, Stephanie?
If you and Mr. Ridgely have any business to talk over,
please go right ahead and don't worry about me.
I'm invited downstairs for a cocktail. You're to join us as soon as you're through.
I am perfectly willing to spare your wife.
I didn't see how I could refuse.
You'll forgive me, Mr. Ridgely?
Where are you going, dear?
Mrs. Graham,
may I present a business associate, Mr. Banat?
How do you do, Mr. Banat.
Oh...and Mr. Graham, Mr. Banat.
I hate to take your husband away from you, Mrs. Graham.
That's quite all right. I'm quite used to it.
Besides, tonight I have company.
A charming gentleman. He flew with me from Istanbul.
Perhaps you've heard of him...Colonel Haki.
Mrs. Graham, I wonder if you would do your husband a great favor and come with me.
- Why...
It will only be a moment.
But I don't understand.
Please, it will all be explained later.
Won't you please go down to the lobby and hold Colonel Haki there for a moment?
Of course, Mr. Ridgely, if you put it that way.
- Thank you.
Come in, come in!
Is this Mr. Graham's room?
- Yes.
Is this Mr. Graham?
- Yes.
That stupid clerk here asked me if I wanted to speak to Mr. or Mrs. Graham...
That would mean that you are married?
Do not be embarrassed, chri, we can still be friends.
- Well...
You think I'm angry, you don't believe me. I will prove it.
Gogo is on his way up to settle matters with you. But I will stop him.
No!...No, don't do that.
The best way.
Goodbye, Mr. Graham. All men are not sincere.
All through already?
Have you seen Colonel Haki anywhere?
Colonel Haki? I saw him just a moment ago.
A crazy man just shot at me!
They're crazy!
- That's terrible!
- What happened?
He says a man has fallen in the street.
A crazy man just shot at me!
Mr. Ridgely!
Professor Haller!
Graham! Look out!
"Stephanie, I can't understand why you're mad at me.
"That girl didn't mean a thing to me, really. Won't you please..."
Good evening!
- Oh, hello.
You're writing a letter?
I'm trying to finish one I started on the boat.
He says he's got a message for you from Stephanie.
- Oh?
Mrs. Graham.
- All right.
No speaky!
"Could you please forgive me.
"I love you more than anyone in the whole world..."
He says she's waiting for you upstairs!
Tell her to hold her horses!
"Your devoted husband..."
I wonder why do you always finish the letters you're going to tear up?
My compliments, Graham!
Banat is a dangerous man, you had no gun.
I got mad.
I spent too much time running away.
Sous-titres: Isabelle Audinot
Sous-titrage: C. M.C.