Jovi & Lou (2023) Movie Script

(dissonant electronic music)
(gentle ambient music)
(lock clicks)
(keys clatter)
(gentle ambient music continues)
- How special.
I'm pre-qualified for a used
Buick and a new flat screen.
Oh, and a facelift. Great.
(car approaching)
(door thuds)
(Joey sighs)
- [Joey] Hey, baby.
- Hi, hon.
You're pretty late tonight.
- Yep. Sorry.
Matthew called in sick this
morning and so did Valdez today.
- Poor baby.
Ew. Poor baby.
(Joey laughs)
- (sighs) Sorry, sweetie.
I'm just too beat to eat.
I think I'm gonna just crawl into bed.
- Bought a nice organic
shower gel the other day.
You'd probably feel a
lot better if you got
a nice, hot shower before
you got into the bed.
- [Joey] Uh-huh.
- No, seriously.
- [Joey] Okay.
- Thank you.
- [Joey] Uh-huh.
(wind whooshing)
(birds chirping)
- Baby, are you coming
straight back here after work?
- Yeah, I think so. Why?
- I was wanting to talk to you tonight.
- Oh shit. What'd I do?
- No, nothing.
I just...
Well, I was looking at this
flier that's advertising
a bed and breakfast that's for sale.
It said that it'll
consider owner financing.
- Mary, if this is about your job,
we made our plans over a year ago
and we both agreed.
I'm not giving up.
But you know we can't get there
without the money you're making.
- I'm not saying a new life
is going to just magically appear.
- You make me feel like
sacrificing for the long haul
is killing you.
Pain is only temporary, you know?
- My job? Sacrifice?
- (scoffs) Okay, Mrs. Solomon.
It's a little early in the morning
for a closing argument.
I'm on your team anyway, remember?
- It's not that.
I'm not convinced the
public defender's office
is the right place for
me, but that's not...
(Joey sighs)
I'll just try to talk to you tonight
if you'll let me.
I'm running behind already.
(Joey exhales sharply)
(car approaches)
- Come on, guys. Let's go.
You can take that stuff with
you and eat in the truck.
No, really. Let's get moving.
I don't wanna get stuck
in morning traffic.
Rise and shine, huh?
- Man, I need to pee.
I can't hold it.
- Oh, what the hell?
- Kind of need to go too, honestly.
(whimsical music)
(gentle cheerful music)
(gentle harpsichord music)
- Ready when you are.
- Hmm.
After you, madam.
(harpsichord music continues)
- Lou.
- You got a fucked up sense of humor.
You know that? (sighs)
(gentle unsettling music)
- Can't believe you pulled
that out of your ass.
I gotta say from looking at you,
I didn't think you could do it.
I thank you. My mama thanks you.
And all the girls
of the world thank you. (chuckling)
(tense ambient music)
(phone beeps)
- Hey.
Yeah, all counts dismissed.
No, once all the physical evidence
was ruled inadmissible, it was...
It was...
Who gives a shit.
No. No, I'm not.
In fact, I feel like shit.
Because, Joey, a fucking
rapist just walked
out of the courtroom and got into his car
and I helped him with
a fucking technicality.
That's why.
How the hell can we be talking
about starting a family
when I destroy people's
families for a living?
Not for a second.
- Some really great work
in there today, counselor.
(tense ambient music)
- I'm, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't
be blaming this on you.
I'll be home in a little bit.
We can talk when you get in.
I love you too.
(tense ambient music)
(wind whooshing)
(car skidding)
(glass crashes)
(car thudding)
(gentle menacing music)
(gravel scraping)
(gentle bright music)
(motor whirring)
- Oh, shit.
Hi, this is Joey Solomon.
I missed a call from this number.
Oh, God.
When? Where is she?
(tense suspenseful music)
I gotta go.
(tires screeching)
(tools clattering)
(gentle bright music)
(cans cracking)
(monitor beeping)
(Mary breathing laboriously)
I'll do anything.
- I'm gonna need you to step out.
Just for a moment.
- Send your money to Jesus,
to our address on the screen now.
If you're having financial difficulties,
if you've lost your job, if
you have medical expenses,
this is the perfect opportunity
for you to show your faith in the word.
He will pay you back.
(coffee dripping)
And I say verily unto you...
(preacher speaking inaudibly)
(Joey sighs)
We accept credit cards so
that the world will know
Jesus died on the cross for your sins.
And all He wants from you
is your love donation.
So we can spread His
word across the globe.
Send your money to Jesus to our
address on the screen below.
Now, wives, you submit to your husbands.
Husbands, invest in your own prosperity
by sending your seed money in today.
Show the Lord your dedication.
Show him your faith.
He will reward you tenfold.
And to the first 50 callers,
you will receive an autographed
8x10 photograph of me.
Just post your email.
See, we accept credit cards
so that the Lord will know
that you have faith in
Him to carry you through
to the riches you deserve.
And hold your checkbook
right up against your television screen.
Show the Lord.
(church choir harmonizing)
- Really?
(tense suspenseful music)
(preacher speaking inaudibly)
- Jesus H. Christ.
(whimsical music)
- [Preacher] Credit card so
that the Lord will know...
- What?
- What?
- What?
(light airy music)
- So, Joey Solomon, huh?
- Yeah.
- And Mary?
- Yeah.
- Careful.
(light airy music continues)
- [Lou] Yeah.
(door knocks)
(Joey sighs)
- Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
- It's okay. I'm not in any hurry.
- [Joey] Oh my God.
- No, but thanks.
- Who the hell are you?
How did you do that?
Get out of my fucking house.
- Hey man, I, I just want
to talk to you for a minute.
We could probably help each other out.
Listen, you said you would do anything.
Is that true?
- What? What are you talking about?
- In Mary's room, you said
that you would do anything
to save her life.
And I'm asking you if you
would honor that promise
or if you were just reacting
in the desperation of the moment.
You know, like, in a show of passion,
in the off chance she were
to be able to hear you
in case she were to wake up some day.
- She's gonna wake up.
She'll be home in a couple days.
- Not without intervention, she won't.
- Don't say shit like that.
Don't even think it.
- Look, Joey.
Surgeons know that in spite of
their considerable abilities,
it's really just a game
of luck at this point.
I'd say she's got about 48 hours
unless something changes.
Then she's destined for my place.
- Your place?
Fuck you. Mary lives with me.
That's my wife.
- Joey, come on. You know who I am.
- Okay, that's it.
I don't know who the
hell you think you are,
but I'll fucking kill you.
(punch thuds)
(Joey groans)
- No, Joey, you won't.
(Joey shuddering)
You can't.
But I am glad to see that
you're willing to try.
Bodes well for our arrangement.
You see, the thing is, Joey,
I don't really want her there.
She's a borderline case at best.
And besides, I've got way more
lawyers than I'll ever need.
So here's my offer to you.
Send me three souls who
really belong there.
No deposit, no return.
And I'll send Mary back to you.
- What? What do you mean send her back?
- It's a perfectly simple concept, Joey.
Shouldn't require much explanation.
You kill three horrible people.
The nastiest, dirt wad shit bags
that ever licked a cat's ass.
I'm talking the worst.
Murdering, backstabbing,
incestuous necrophiliacs
you could find.
Or better yet, a career politician.
And then I'll send Mary back,
and she can pick up life
right where she left off.
- Like, some kind of a miracle?
Is that actually possible?
- Um, no, not really a miracle so much.
We normally just use science
so it doesn't instigate too much scrutiny.
But yes, it's easily possible.
And I've got some leeway
now that I manage the place.
- I, I, I don't know if I could.
I just, I need to think.
This is all so fucked up.
- Well, don't think too long, Joey.
If she goes before our deal is complete,
then none of it counts.
It's not me. It's just
the way the system works.
I only get a certain number of freebies
to give away each season.
- Ah.
(descending music)
- Stop fucking doing that.
(gentle somber music)
(gentle somber music continues)
(objects thudding)
(Joey snickers)
(gentle somber music continues)
(Joey gasps)
(object thuds)
Oh my God. What the hell, Mary?
(Joey shudders)
(staccato orchestral music)
(gun clicking)
(Joey sighs)
(box thuds)
(whimsical music)
(engine turns over)
(car dinging)
(despondent country music)
(despondent country music continues)
(gun clicks)
(gun clicks)
(chamber clicking)
(gunfire bangs)
(gunfire bangs)
(gunfire bangs)
(gunfire bangs)
(can clatters)
Yeah, bitch.
(despondent country music continues)
(vehicle approaches)
(vehicle revving)
(metal scraping)
(vehicle thudding)
(birds chirping)
(low tempo hip hop music)
(monitor beeping)
(Mary breathing heavily)
(tense menacing music)
(pulsing psychedelic rock music)
(psychedelic rock music continues)
(door thuds)
(Albert sighs)
(door opens)
- Bye, mom. I'll be
home around dinnertime.
Maybe we'll watch the "700 Club" later.
(unsettling ambient music)
(gate whirring)
(vehicle thudding)
(vehicle revving)
(vehicle revving)
(tense suspenseful music)
(mellow electronic music)
(tense suspenseful music)
(mellow electronic music)
(engine revving)
(mellow electronic music)
(tense suspenseful music)
(mellow electronic music)
(engine puttering)
- Hi, sweetie. What's your name?
- I'm Lucy.
- I'm Albert.
Hey, have you been out
here for a long time today?
- Maybe. What's a long time to you?
- Uh, I, I lost my puppy out here.
I was wondering if you
might have seen him.
- I can't say.
- Why not?
- Because you haven't told
me what he looks like.
- Oh. He's, uh, he's brown.
- Aren't they all? At least partly?
- I'm just so worried about him.
He needs his medicine.
He's been sick for a while now and...
- I thought he was just a puppy.
- He, he is a puppy.
He's an older puppy.
(tense suspenseful music)
- What breed specifically?
- It's, uh, he's, he's
a Basset Hound, okay?
Just come on, hop in and
you can help me find him.
It'll only take a few minutes
if we're both looking.
You can put your bike in the back,
and I'll give you a ride home afterwards.
- Are you full of shit?
(door thuds)
(Joey shuddering)
- Drive.
(Joey panting)
(whimsical music)
It's okay, sweetheart.
I'll help him find his puppy.
(Albert whimpering)
(Albert shrieking)
(tense suspenseful music)
(Albert panting)
(Albert groans)
(body thudding)
(tense ominous music)
(Albert dings)
(tense ominous music)
(tense ominous music)
(light airy harpsichord music)
- Quite pleased with ourselves, are we?
Like that one was so difficult.
- What is that? Berkowitz again?
What is it with you and this guy?
- What do you want?
I gave you a president last
week for Christ's sake.
- Oh, God. Jesus.
(whimsical music)
(footsteps clacking)
- Nothing, son.
- Whatever.
(harpsichord music continues)
(monitor beeping)
(tense dissonant music)
(dissonant psychedelic music)
(dissonant psychedelic music continues)
- Why are they wearing pajamas?
- Because they're here.
- Then why aren't I wearing pajamas?
- Because you are not here.
- [Mary] Then where am I?
- Mo.
- Mo.
Are you eating all the bacon wraps again?
- I don't answer to you, Jovi.
- Do I need to have your
wives over for a discussion?
(church choir harmonizing)
- I'm really sorry.
- You're not any anywhere. Yet.
- I feel like I've been here before.
- As far as you know,
you definitely haven't.
- Buddha?
- Jovi.
- Wow, you look amazing.
I almost didn't recognize you.
What's your secret?
- It's the keto diet again.
The trick is you just starve yourself
to death all the damn time.
- Oh.
- [Mo] Buddha.
- Mm.
- Boo, I know it's hard.
I'm so proud of you.
- Thank you. I'm gonna
stick with it this time.
I mean, why not? (chuckles)
- Bacon wraps?
- What did I just say, asshole?
(dissonant psychedelic music)
And, Mo, stop staring at my tits.
- I'm leaving now.
(church choir harmonizing)
- What?
(head thudding)
(whimsical music)
(dissonant psychedelic music)
(Mo sighs)
(gentle suspenseful music)
(camera clicks)
(camera clicks)
(monitor beeps)
(Mary breathes laboriously)
(dissonant psychedelic music)
(dissonant psychedelic music continues)
(blues guitar music)
- How you doing?
Make you a deal on anything?
- Just looking.
- All right.
Well, I need a little cash right now.
You put a few things together,
I'll make you a hell of a deal.
- Why?
- Why, what?
- Why you needing cash right now?
- Well, I got myself in
a little bit of trouble.
Couldn't get to work but, uh,
what the fuck do you care?
- I don't. Just making small talk, man.
- Well, what is it that you do?
- What?
- What do you do for a living?
What do you do for fun?
I got an ass load of stuff out here,
and I can make you a hell
of a deal on something.
- Oh, yeah, I, uh, I have a lawn service.
- Perfect.
I've got a Husky Barney
Bushwhacker out back in the shed
if you wanna take a look at that.
- Okay, sure.
(gentle ambient music)
- Ah, that bushwhacker's
back here somewhere.
It was over by a, a deer stand.
(punch thuds)
(seller groans)
(door thudding)
(gasoline sloshing)
(Joey panting)
(lighter clicking)
(flames crackling)
(birds chirping)
- Your price too high. I will give you $2.
- I'm sorry?
- Your price very high.
We give you $2.
- Uh...
- It's good price for you.
- Okay.
(buyers giggle and speak foreign language)
(car door opens and thuds)
Fucking come on. Are you shitting me?
- Smells like somebody's barbecuing.
(sanguine electronic music)
(tires screech)
(horn beeps)
- What the hell are you doing?
- I'm sorry to inform you, Mr. Solomon,
that our arrangement is a bit further
from completion than you might anticipate.
- What the hell are you talking about?
I did exactly what you wanted.
Those guys were total pieces of shit.
You've turned me into a fucking murderer.
You, you can't-
- They were perfect, Joey.
It's just that you only
brought me one of them.
(menacing music)
- No way that guy lived through the fire.
How is that possible?
- Oh, no. That one, he died.
He died a slow and miserable
death while still conscious.
From smoke inhalation and slow roasting.
Quite dramatic.
And appropriate, I would add.
However, you failed to
kill Albert the rapist.
- No, I saw him dead. I'm sure of it.
- Yes, true. He is rather a
bit dead, but not by your hand.
He expired from natural causes.
- No fucking way, asshole.
No chance you would have died
if I hadn't scared him out of his mind
and run him down until
he had a heart attack.
That's bullshit, and you know it.
- Okay, (laughing) look.
I, I know it seems harsh,
man, but them's the rules.
That one doesn't count. No discussion.
Tell you what I will do though,
because you did provide some assistance
in his natural demise, I'll
give you some assistance.
I'll hand the next one right over.
Absolutely guaranteed to be headed my way.
As long as you give him
the sendoff he deserves.
After that, you're back on track.
Then you just need one
more and you're done.
I do urge you to be expedient, though.
Her condition is deteriorating and, well,
if she passes before our deal is done,
then there's nothing I can do.
You do know that all rules will
be followed exactly, right?
(tense menacing music)
- Oh, fuck you.
(Joey groans)
(airy harpsichord music)
- Where'd you go for so long?
- I was all the way down at the far end.
Jimmy decided to sit
in with John and George
and I had to make them turn it down.
They were causing tremors
in Berkeley again.
- Really?
Hey, do you think that sometimes-
- No.
- Okay.
All right.
Well, then we should just play the game.
I think it's your turn.
- Sure.
(airy harpsichord music continues)
(monitor beeping)
(dissonant music)
(dissonant psychedelic music)
- Would you like a ride?
- It's a beautiful day
for traveling, isn't it?
How far are you going?
- At least 22 miles.
You want to...
(wind whooshing)
(psychedelic music)
(monitor beeping)
(breathing staggering)
(somber music)
- I did some bad shit, baby.
I hope you'll find a way
to forgive me someday.
I swear, I did it for you.
I think there's this way I can help you,
but it's really fucked up.
Looks like it'll all
be over soon at least.
(monitor beeping)
(somber music)
(punk rock music)
- Hey, are you Mary Solomon's husband?
- Who are you?
- I'm Detective Harris from Central.
So sorry to hear about what happened.
I was actually looking for you.
Thought I might catch you
here during visiting hours.
- They let me stay the night.
Why? What do you want from me?
- Well, there's been some unusual activity
with a couple of your wife's cases.
Two of her defendants have
died since her accident,
and the witness describes the same guy
in the area of both deaths.
So we were hoping we could come by to talk
and pick up some of her files
to see if there's any
connection between them.
Maybe figure out who this guy is
and bring him down for an interview.
Would you be willing to help us?
- Um, sure. I mean, I could
talk to you guys, I guess.
I don't know about her files though.
Even if I could find them,
couldn't I get in trouble?
Isn't there some kind of attorney-client
privileged thing or something?
(Harris sighs)
- I understand, Mr. Solomon.
I'll go ahead and request a warrant
so you don't have to feel
like you broke any rules by cooperating.
I'll see you in a couple of
days. We'll just talk then.
- Well, okay.
(punk rock music)
- [Harris] Freak.
(engine revs)
- No fucking way.
(whimsical music)
(Joey exhales sharply)
(gentle serene music)
(church choir harmonizing)
- How did you find it?
- Duh.
- Yeah.
- You shouldn't have built
it in the city of angels.
You thought the mountains would hide it?
- Nope. I just really enjoy your work.
- Bullshit. Don't try flattery.
It doesn't affect me.
- I, I mean it. It truly
is breathtaking up here.
And you're right.
You're right. You don't want flattery.
You demand worship.
I can't have one temple in
the middle of the mountains
when you've got 36 million
altars for them to kneel at.
- You know what happens
when the last person
stops believing in me?
- [Lou] How much chance of that?
- Well, it happened to Zeus.
- Oh, okay.
Why do you have to go and
bring up your baby daddy?
- For one, he was better looking than you.
- Oh, yeah, and he went
and married his sister
instead of you.
- You don't...
You know, you weren't there.
Hera was a vindictive little bitch.
He only did that to
keep her under control.
He only did that to protect Jesus.
- (scoffing) Maybe that's why.
Maybe that is why he ended up so...
(whimsical music)
Okay, I'm just saying he
doesn't take care of his pets.
So now we have to.
- He's disciplined.
I even let them crucify
him once just to save them.
And what do you expect?
He's not even 3,000 years old yet.
And his father ceased to
exist when he was just a baby.
What is wrong with you?
- [Lou] I'm sorry.
- I don't talk shit about
your family. Even Hades.
And he damn sure earned it.
- I know. I know, okay?
I'm, I'm sorry.
- I need a drink.
(whimsical music)
(gentle ambient music)
You want some wine?
- Yeah, sure.
Yeah, I'm just...
I just think maybe that
this whole human race thing
was a little bit much for Zeus.
- I could turn you back into a goat.
- Right.
(gentle ambient music)
It's just that you have given me
a really hard, shitty job.
I mean, do you ever think
about what it's like to be me?
- Every day, Lou.
- I really wanted one place
where I can feel appreciated.
Technically, I'm not even
really against the rumors.
- Look. I'm gonna let it stand.
But it's subject to free will.
I promise not to take
it out with a mudslide
or an earthquake.
But if they decide to
burn it to the ground,
that's the end of it.
- All I ask.
- Shut up and drink your wine.
(gentle ambient music)
(Cain grunts)
- Yes, literally.
(laughs) Sir, unless you
are elected God yourself,
you will never see him again, okay?
No, you are welcome.
All right, then.
Okay. I'll talk to you later.
Bye bye.
(phone beeps)
Hello, honey.
Yeah. How's it going over there?
All right, well I'm, I'm gonna be staying
here late again tonight.
I'm sorry.
Well, I know. I know.
As soon as I can. I promise.
All right. I love you too.
(gentle ambient music)
(ring thuds)
- Good tray today?
- Yes.
- Would you like me to come up with a cup?
- No, Chastity, I'm just
gonna go down the block
for a latte and I'll be back shortly.
You know what? Why don't
you go home early today?
We're pretty much caught up.
- I don't mind waiting
for you if you like.
What about the phones?
- Sweetie, anyone that matters,
they already have my cell number.
- (laughs) Okay.
(gentle bright music)
(whimsical music)
(footsteps thudding)
(bright psychedelic music)
(engine turns over)
- Caitlin, baby, are you there yet?
Are you ready for me?
Yeah, I bet. (laughs)
How about your friend?
Is he gonna be able to join us this time?
Good. Good.
About two minutes away.
Just left the office.
What? (laughs)
Party favors? (laughs) Of course.
Hell yeah for me. (laughs)
I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
You know why I got plenty.
(chuckles) I'll see you soon.
(tense suspenseful music)
(car crashes)
(dog barking)
(tense ambient music)
(Cain groaning)
- Shit.
(dog barking)
- Oh, oh, oh, oh, Jesus.
- Yes?
(whimsical music)
- Oh, um, he...
- Oh, Reverend Hypocrite.
Now you need me.
(finger buzzes)
Why would he?
Over it.
(footsteps clacking)
(whimsical music)
- Oh, ow. (grunting)
Do you know who I am?
- Yep. Do you know who I am?
- No.
- Well, okay then.
(Joey grunts)
(Cain thuds)
(Joey groans)
(punch thuds)
(Cain groans)
(punch thuds)
- Zip it, slime ball.
(door thuds)
(engine turns over)
- Come on.
- Shut it.
(tense suspenseful music)
(phone rings)
- Hello?
(gentle foreboding music)
Doctor, you keep her with us
as long as you can, understand?
She's gonna turn around, goddamn it.
I'll be back there as quick as I can.
(gentle foreboding music)
(light airy music)
(bag rustling)
(light airy music continues)
(punk rock music)
- [Harris] Hi, Mr. Solomon.
How's it going?
- Not great. My wife is getting worse.
Did you need something?
- I'm sorry to hear that.
I've always liked Mary.
But, yes.
I just wanted to let you know
that we requested that warrant
and should have it here shortly.
So I was wondering if you had any luck
finding those files yet.
- No.
(Harris sighs)
- It would save us some time
if you had them ready for us.
I'd be happy to help you if you like.
- I can't. I've got to get back right now.
I'm sorry. There's just no time.
- I understand.
But just so you understand
that pretty soon
you'll have to make time.
- Well, then.
- Yeah.
Okay, then.
(punk rock music)
(tense ambient music)
(gas whooshing)
(Joey panting)
(zip tie fastening)
(zip tie fastening)
- Who the fuck are you?
(Cain gasping)
What did I ever do to you?
- Well, for starters,
your shitty infomercial
interrupted Shark Week.
(Joey panting)
I needed two.
(tense ambient music)
(gas whooshing)
(Joey panting)
- Well, that sucks.
- Yeah.
- Damn, Joey.
I wouldn't have thought of that one.
You two ready to go?
(choir harmonizing)
- Not so fast there.
- What now?
This was all your idea. The
whole trading places thing.
Remember? Remember Oswald?
- I'm not going to stand here
and listen to your crap, Lou.
Hi, Reverend Cain.
I gotta tell you, I got a
real kick out of that thing
with you and the deacon's
wife and her niece.
- What?
- How'd you like it when
his flight canceled?
Had his ass hiding in a
dumpster for nearly two hours.
- That was you?
- Yeah.
I'm easily amused.
Anyway, you should have
listened to the warning.
Can't win 'em all though,
right? Free will and all that.
- Seriously, Jovi, what
are you doing here?
- Exactly what do you
think I'm doing here, Lou?
- I don't know, it's probably
some imaginary offense
to your arbitrary rules.
- Oh, bullshit.
- Man, you two fight like
an old married couple.
- Y-yeah. Why is she so pissed at you?
- Because she thinks she
caught me with Mary Magdalene
but she just won't get over it.
Now 200 years ago.
- Caught you red-handed, Lou.
- Told you then, and I'll tell you now.
It's not what it looked like.
There was an explanation.
- Red-handed.
(fire booms)
(fire crackling)
(Lou shrieking)
Sorry, baby.
But them's the rules.
(punch thuds)
(Lou groans)
Mr. Solomon, you'll be coming with me.
(Lou coughing)
Go to hell.
(Lou grunts)
(monitor beeping)
See you next time.
- What?
(Lou gasps)
(wind whooshes)
- Don't worry, Mary. You're
going to be just fine.
(monitor beeps)
Where am I?
- Just rest. Don't worry
about anything right now.
Detective Harris will be here
in a minute to talk to you.
(monitor beeps)
(gentle bright music)
(elevator dings)
(gentle bright music)
(gentle ambient music)
(phone vibrates)
- Jo, go clean your room, hon.
- Mm, sure.
- Hey.
- Thanks so much for
staying with us, you guys.
We hope to see you next year, okay?
- That was great.
- Thank you so much.
(gentle airy music)
- Come on, sweetie. Let's clean your room.
- What the hell, Mary?
- Josephine Solomon, you watch
how you talk to your mother.
(foot thuds)
Oh! Shit.
- Don't worry, mommy.
Pain is only temporary.
(tense ambient music)
(airy harpsichord music)
- Oof, hold on.
I gotta pee.
- It's all right. Not really in any hurry.
(sultry R&B music)
The choir of angels
Sing out thy name
But the demons
Seem to harmonize just the same
I wish that I could read you
It's annoying in every way
Could tell you that I need you
But do you ever tell me the same
Everything about you changed
Down to the golden chains
And I can't be your baby anymore