Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer (2011) Movie Script

- GIRL: OK, enough tuning already.
- Settle, people! Quiet, please!
- Strings.
One and one, main title.
And a one, two, three, four!
Come on.
Come on-a-rama. Come on.
"Outlook not so good"?
What? No way!
You try, Mouse.
OK, Magic 8 Ball, last chance.
This is gonna be the best,
most way not boring summer ever, right?
Signs point to...
..."Yes"! Yay! You rock, Mouse.
Don't leave me hanging.
WOMAN: Judy?
You almost ready?
The bus will be here in five minutes.
Uh-huh! I'm totally (QUIETLY) almost
WOMAN: Good. You don't want to be late
for the last day of school.
Let me see.
Shoes, shoes, shoes, shoes.
- Help me, Mouse! Where are my? Ah!
Hairbrush, hairbrush, hairbrush.
Oh, hairbrush!
See, here's the thing, Mouse.
You know how every summer
is "S" for Snoresville
because all I ever do is
visit Grandma Lou and get a sunburn
and pick my scabs and watch TV.
And it's not even cable.
But this summer is going to be different
because I have a plan.
A P-L-A-N for the most super duper,
double-rare, not bummer summer ev...
- WOMAN: Judy?
- Coming!
- Mouse. (SMACKS LIPS)
- Look, Mom!
- Hey.
- BOY: Look, Dad.
- Nice.
Beat you to the bus, Stink. Bye!
Is that a new trend?
Wearing pajamas to school?
Let's just be happy
she remembered her shoes.
Last day! No more homework,
no more tests.
No more fink-face Finch, the pest!
What's with the Mr. Potato Head hair?
I wouldn't talk,
Mr. "Frank Eats Paste" Pearl.
- For me?
- FYEO. "For Your Eyes Only."
And Amy and Rocky.
"TP Meeting...
(WHISPERING)... after school
for way important summer plan."
What's going on?
Is it the last day of school
or something?
ALL: Yay!
Don't get too excited. There's still...
...three hours and 27 minutes
until summer officially begins.
In fact, guess what I have here?
Hot off the press.
A pop quiz.
What? No way!
JUDY: On the last day of school?!
Just a few questions to make sure
that you were paying attention.
All right.
Question number one.
How many times did I wear
a purple tie to school?
- Twenty-seven! Twenty-seven!
- A hundred! A hundred!
- Never.
"Never" is correct.
Excellent, Jessica.
- Ha-ha.
- Fink-face Finch strikes again.
- MR. TODD: Question number two.
- Aww.
- How long did it take our class
- For me?
- To go around the world?
- ALL: Eight and a half days!
- You guys are breezing through these.
These are too easy for you.
I gotta go deeper.
Let's see, let's see, let's see here.
Ooh, oh, this is a good one.
This is a big one.
Mucho grande.
- Come on! Tell us!
- OK, OK, OK.
Can anyone guess,
and this means you, class 3T,
what I, Mr. Todd,
will be doing this summer?
We need a clue!
Give us a clue!
ALL: Clue! Clue! Clue! Clue!
Clue! Clue! Clue!
Clue! Clue! Clue!
- OK, OK. Hold it to a dull roar, dull roar.
- Let's see.
Ooh! I have the perfect clue.
The clue is...
- Brrr!
- Oh, refrigerator salesman!
- That's not bad.
- Snow remover guy.
- That's clever.
- Polar bear trainer!
- That's dangerous.
ROCKY: Snowball fight. Snowball fighter.
Antarctica is cold.
- JUDY: Mr. Todd?
- Judy!
Ooh! I know! You're going to Antarctica!
The real one!
That's a great guess, but sadly, no.
- Any other guesses?
All right.
Well, don't say I didn't warn you.
# Well, I come
from the teachers' break room
# With a banjo on my knee
# Now listen up, dear students
It's so elementary
# World-class 3 You'll wanna look for me
# 'Cause if somehow you find me
# There's a prize, oh, yes, sir-ee!
# You'll see me at the mall,
the pool, the park and by the sea
# And sometimes you'll find me
at the public library
# Oh, class 3 You'll wanna look for me
# 'Cause if somehow you find me
# There's a prize, oh, yes, sir-ee!
# You'll see me at the mall
# The pool, the park and by the sea
# And sometimes you'll find me
at the public library
# Oh, class 3 You'll wanna look for me
# 'Cause if somehow you find me
# There's a prize, oh, yes, sir-ee! #
All right, kids, let's go!
Let's go! Have a great summer!
- Bye, Mr. Todd! Stay warm!
- I will.
Stay Judy!
- Whoa!
- Ooh!
Last one in is a... Whoa!
Hey, no fair!
OK, TPers, are you ready
for the most way rare,
double-cool summer plan ever?
Time out. What's a TPer?
Oh, we forgot.
Amy's not a member.
- A member of what?
- Of our club.
- Quick, Frank, go find a toad.
- Me? You find a toad.
JUDY: Frank.
Do you see anything?
Rock. Rock.
(CHUCKLING) Not a rock.
- Why am I doing this again?
Shh. You'll see.
If he jumps on my face,
you are so dead.
- Do you feel anything?
- AMY: Yeah.
A toad. A fat, slimy...
Ew! Something just got wet!
- ALL: Toad pee!
- Gross!
- Don't wipe it on her!
- You are sick!
- Sick awesome!
And now you're a member of our club,
the Toad Pee Club.
Which means you're toad-ally cool.
...are you ready for my plan?
Introducing the one and only
Judy Moody Mega-Rare
Not Bummer Summer Dare!
I don't get it.
OK, you know how
we always hate summer
because it's boring
with a capital "B"?
I don't hate summer.
I love summer.
Anyway, this'll solve
all our problems.
I spent two days
and 16 erasers figuring it out.
"Ride Scream Monster, surf a wave."
- Are these the dares?
- JUDY: Yup.
So we do these dares, and for each one,
we get ten Thrill Points.
Plus Bonus Points
if we do something crazy like,
ride the Scream Monster with no hands.
Or Loser Points if we chicken out.
At the end of summer, we add it all up,
and if we reach 100,
then presto, whammo,
we just had the best summer ever!
Is that thrilladelic or what?
Um, it's thrilladelic, only...
...I kind of forgot
to tell you something.
Um... He forgot to tell you that...
...he's going away for the summer.
Yeah. To circus camp.
I'm gonna learn how
to walk on a tightrope,
and do magic tricks and stuff.
And I won't be here, either.
I'm going to Borneo.
You guys!
I thought you were serious.
What even is Borneo?
It's an island in Indonesia.
And I am going with my mom.
- We leave in a week.
- Me too.
On Friday.
That is so not fair!
How am I supposed to have
the best summer ever,
if you're not even here?
I'm not going anywhere.
You can have fun with me.
Just great.
DAD: It looks like somebody's
in a bad mood.
Really? Who?
She's mad because Rocky and Amy
are going away for the summer.
Could you please not talk
with ABC peas in your mouth?
DAD: ABC what? What?
MOM: Already Been Chewed.
- DAD: Oh.
MOM: Guys.
Oh... OK, guys.
Mind your manners, please.
Anyway, I could care less
about Rocky and Amy.
I mean, going to circus camp,
that's lame.
Rocky's going to circus camp?
You know, that's a great idea.
You know, I think his grandparents
used to run that, the famous Circus
- Zangzini. Right.
- Zangzini.
# A- B-C-D-E-F-G #
Can we please not talk about Rocky?
Hey, wanna know what
I'm doing this summer?
- I'm gonna catch Bigfoot.
- Bigfoot?
Where did you even hear about Bigfoot?
Hello! He's all over the news.
- Oh.
- DAD: In the newspapers, too.
Yeah, there have been Bigfoot
sightings everywhere.
Sally Rottenberger saw him in the mall.
DAD: At the mall?
I thought Bigfoot lived in the woods.
But sometimes he has to buy stuff.
There's no such thing.
Is too. Wanna help me catch him?
I'd rather catch poison ivy.
- Oh, thank you.
- Mom?
Can I please,
with ice cream and sprinkles on top,
go to circus camp? Please?
Honey, I'm sorry. It's just too expensive,
you know? We can't afford it.
But if I learn how to do circus stuff,
I can quit school and you can
loan me out to a circus
- and I'll make gobs of money. Please.
- OK, well...
You're not quitting school
and we're certainly not
loaning you out to a circus.
No one in this family
has any imagination!
And Rocky is a circus-freak,
leave-me-behind un-friend!
I am never, not ever
speaking to him again!
But what if you hate circus camp?
Are you nuts?
Why would I hate circus camp?
Because it won't all be tons of fun.
I bet they make you shovel elephant poop.
Ha-ha. Good one.
Yeah, and did you know
it weighs like 200 tons?
Plus, it smells worse
than a corpse flower.
- Are you ready for your send-off, Rock?
# For
# He's a jolly good fellow
# He looks like a bowl of Jell-O
# And all his teeth are yellow
# Which nobody can deny
# And now we're saying goodbye
# And now we're saying goodbye
# For he's a jolly good fellow
# But now we're saying goodbye #
Bye, guys! Miss you!
See you in a while!
Think of me when you're
on elephant poop duty.
I will. And also when I'm
taming lions and juggling swords.
- You ready, kiddo?
- Yeah.
ROCKY: Bye, guys!
Don't have too much fun while I'm gone!
Remember, if camp is super boring,
you can always come home!
And don't say I didn't
warn you about the poop!
ROCKY: Oh, I forgot! I...
I can't hear you!
So why are you going to Bored-eo?
Because of this lost tribe
called the Penan.
They've lived in the rainforest
since forever,
but all their land is being
destroyed because of logging.
So anyways, my mom's going there
so she can write an article on them
and hopefully we can save them.
You're so lucky.
I never get to save a lost tribe.
I wish you could come.
It's not that far away, you know.
It's only like 9,000 miles.
Lots of people go to Borneo
for a vacation.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Does it cost like a zillion dollars?
I don't think so.
Then maybe we could go.
There's no reason we have to spend
every summer at Grandma Lou's, right?
WOMAN: Amy? Are you packed?
We leave in an hour.
I'm ready!
Go ask your mom!
I will! See ya!
In case she says no,
here's something to remember me by.
Oh, Borneo,
I long-e-o to visit you-e-o!
Mom! Mom!
- Oh, Mom! Guess what!
- Yeah?
I figured out how to save summer!
Save summer?
I didn't know it was in trouble.
Listen to this. Instead of going
to Grandma Lou's, boring,
let's go to un-boring Borneo!
Borneo? OK, you know that's like
halfway around the world, right?
So? It's got a rainforest.
And lost tribes that need to get found.
OK, but do you have any idea
how expensive it would be...
Oh, Stink!
We're going to Borneo!
But we need money-o,
so let's have a yard sale!
I'll sell my pizza table collection.
MAN: That's right, five pizza tables,
only $9.99! Call now!
Ooh! You can sell your
World's Biggest Jawbreaker.
MAN: World's Biggest Jawbreaker, now
No can do. Can't. I'm busy.
- Are these cranberries?
- Uh, yes.
OK. Bye.
What? Bye.
OK, sweetie, can you just, um...
You know what,
sit down for a second.
I just wanna talk to you
about something.
Um, so I was just on the phone
with your other grandma,
you know, my mom.
And you know how she and Gramps
are moving to that
retirement community?
Well, I'm afraid Gramps hurt his back,
so he's gonna need a little help, so...
You mean we're flying
to California to visit them?
- Now...
That's almost as good as Borneo!
- Yes! Yes!
- Hang tight for one second.
Um, let me get a little more specific.
- Thank you! Thank you!
- If I could just...
- Did you tell her?
- Uh, not, not quite.
- Honey.
- Listen, jelly bean.
Something's come up.
Your mom and I have to fly
to California in a few days...
...and you and Stink...
...are staying here.
You're going to leave me here?
To die of starvation
and boredom and Stink-dom?
OK, kiddo, it is not gonna be that bad.
Your Aunt Opal's coming.
- Aunt who?
- My sister.
Judy, you've heard me
mention her a million times.
- So? I never actually met her.
- You did when you were little.
She could be totally evil.
She could be a zombie for all I know.
- Oh.
- STINK: Do I look like a berry bush?
- DAD: Uh...
- I'm trying to fake out Bigfoot.
Well, in that case, absolutely.
- Oh, yes. 100 percent.
- Definitely.
Yes! Great! Bye!
So let me get this straight.
I'm not going to California.
I'm not going to Borneo.
I'm not going to circus camp. And now
I'm not even going to Grandma Lou's?
Then this is the way worst,
double-drat, bummer summer ever!
This is supposed to be
the summer of a hundred thrills.
- But instead...
STINK: Judy, it's the ice cream truck!
I am so not in the mood!
Dear Magic 8 Ball,
could this summer get any worse?
"Without a doubt"?
MOM: Stink! Judy!
Aunt Opal's here!
DAD: Opal, you're here!
- MOM: Opal! There she is!
- DAD: Wow, it's been forever!
MOM: Group hug!
JUD Y: "Dear Amy,
summerjust got way worse.
Aunt Awful has landed!
Can't you please come home?
Or else send me a ticket to Borneo?"
DAD: Judy? Come down
and say hi to your aunt!
I can't! Not until September!
I bet she has warts, Mouse.
And evil, oogley boogley eyes.
- And makes us eat fish guts for breakfast.
Dad says come now
or you're in big trouble.
Can't you read the sign?
Where it says I'm spending
the summer in my room?
Really? What about food?
I have a basket.
You can put food inside
and I'll lift it up.
What about TV?
Check it out.
It's gonna be a periscope.
- I'll be able to see the whole living room.
- Cool.
What about going to the bathroom?
Stink, I'm a...
- JUDY: What's that?
- MOM: Dinner's on fire!
Don't worry!
I can put it out! Lobster!
I can save us!
I'll get water!
OK, hurry, hurry, hurry!
- I have water! I have water!
I can put it out! Don't worry!
- DAD: Careful! Hot! Hot! Hot!
- MOM: Take it to the sink!
DAD: OK, watch it! Sink!
- Judy, you don't need to do that anymore!
- Hey!
JUDY: Don't worry, I can put it out!
MOM: It's OK, Judy.
Wow, it's the famous Judy Moody!
You are so cute!
Opal, you've only been here five minutes,
and already the house is on fire.
DAD: Unbelievable.
OPAL: Wow, you got so much bigger.
Do you remember this?
Wow. You've got more bracelets
than my math tutor,
and she's in college.
Here, you wanna have this one?
- It's made out of yak hair.
- Really?
I got it off a monkey for 500 rupees.
Wow. Cool!
Wow, thanks! Rare!
OK, but here's your real presents.
"So You Want to Catch Bigfoot?"
Look, look, look, look! Awesome!
Thank you, Aunt Opal!
Thank you! Thank you!
Yeah! Man, oh, man, oh, man!
I got a Bigfoot!
Yeah! Book.
Nice dance. OK.
And this is your present.
(GASPS) A mood ring?
How did you know?
I think you're a big hit, Ope.
- You like it?
- I love it!
- Thank you!
I'm so sorry to interrupt,
but what do you wanna do about dinner?
A large Hawaiian Surprise
and a pepperoni with tuna fish.
Wanna go to Fur and Fangs while we wait?
Yay, 'cause I wanna show Zeke my book
and prove to you that Bigfoot exists.
- PARROT: Thank you.
Hey, Zeke! Check this out!
Hey, little dude.
- It's a first edition.
ZEKE: Who's the girl?
Are you a Bigfooter?
That's my sister Judy,
who doesn't believe in Bigfoot.
Mega-total super seriously.
Show her, Zeke.
Show her the proof.
Do you think she can handle...
...the cave?
The what?
Bigfoot lives.
Bigfoot lives.
- (THUD)
- Ow!
MAN: Welcome to the headquarters
of the Bigfoot Believers Association.
- You finished it! It's great.
- Thanks.
What is this, a clubhouse for bats?
ZEKE: Yeti from the Himalayas.
- Sasquatch!
- ... man-beast of the great Northwest.
Momo along the mighty Mississippi.
In the outback of Australia, he's Bunyip.
Call him what you will,
one fact is clear:
(ECHOING) Bigfoot lives.
Is this cool or what?
In 1978, Appleston Morris
captured definitive proof
that the subgenus Gigantopithecus
thrives in the modern era.
ZEKE: That's his face.
Check that out.
Bigfoot, no longerjust for scientists.
MAN: This is why they call it the Bigfoot.
You see what I'm saying?
This is like size 44 for a man.
Now see it?
And I got that photograph right there.
Right there?
Y'all see it right there?
We've been meeting here for a year,
ever since this guy up north spotted
Bigfoot, and caught it on camera.
Since then, we've been tracking down
Bigfoot's every move.
He is definitely headed our way.
And now for the proof.
- I keep it in cold storage.
Cold storage?
Hey, do you know a Mr. Todd?
Nope. Never heard of him.
And now,
prepare to have your mind blown.
A rare certified photo of Bigfoot.
- Look, but don't touch.
- JUDY: Seriously?
- That's a guy in a sweater.
- STINK: You're nuts.
- That is Bigfoot!
- Agreed.
If you need more proof,
come to one of our meetings.
Tuesdays at six.
Can't. I'm busy on Tuesdays.
From now until always.
Come on, Stink.
It's pizza time.
(SIGHING) She'll be back.
She'll be back.
MOM: Well, I didn't know what
the backyard was missing until I saw it.
- DAD: It's Morocco in Virginia.
- She really doesn't travel light.
- Mm-mm. Right.
- But she travels with lights.
OPAL: I hope you guys
saved room for my dessert!
MOM: Oh, wow.
Redecorated the patio and dessert.
Opal, you spoil us!
Hey, Stink.
Oh, honey, don't read at the table.
It's rude.
I know, but look at this.
Page 87. Bigfoot's bed.
See, he stomps down on all the grass.
Tah-dah! Tangerine fondue!
- Do you remember this?
- Uh-huh. You know...
We're gonna...
We're gonna finish packing, so...
- Yeah.
- But thank you.
Enjoy, though, guys.
Hot dogs for dessert?
Yeah. I used to make this
for your dad when we were kids.
Are those Froot Loops?
OPAL: Yeah. Dig in! Mmm.
- That doesn't count.
- But it's so oogley boogley!
This is nothing. When I was in Bali,
I ate grilled cockroaches.
Ooh. Gross.
I'll tell you what. If you take a bite,
you can be in my club,
the I Ate Something Gross Club.
JUDY: A club? Rare!
Just one bite and we're in?
- Yeah.
- Pass the hot dogs!
OK, one, two, three.
- Mmmm.
- Mmmm.
- OPAL: What do you think?
- This is good!
Needs more Froot Loops.
Triple high five, you guys.
- Club members! United!
- All right!
OPAL: So after the Peace Corps,
I trekked across the Sahara,
and then I went
to the Kunstschule in Berlin
and I did all this really
cool underground art stuff.
And then I moved to Bali,
which is so beautiful
and I lived there until
about a month ago.
Is that where belly dancing's from?
It's Bali, not belly, silly.
It's an island.
That tickles!
So do you have any fun summer plans
I should know about?
Well, I was gonna have the best summer
but my friends ruined it.
(GROANS) I hate when that happens.
Seriously. We were gonna do all
these dares and get Thrill Points.
But they left, so no dares.
I love dares.
When I was in Kenya,
somebody once dared me
to ride in an ostrich race.
My ostrich won, but I fell off
at the starting line.
You know what, Aunt Opal?
You just gave me an idea.
I mean, what if we still did the dare chart
but made it a race?
Me, Rocky, Amy and Frank?
We could each do our own dares
and keep track of our points!
First one to get to a hundred wins!
- Whoa!
(GROANS) Aunt Opal!
- Whoa! Oh!
Oh, no.
- What is going on?
- Shh! You'll wake Opal!
She slept through that?
I know, right?
Hey, did you know that Bigfoot's
only scared of two...
Enough already with the Bigfeet!
You don't wanna hear?
Guinea pigs and...
JUD Y: "Dear Amy and Rocky,
uber-rare idea.
Let's do a dare race,
starting right now.
First one to get to a hundred points wins!
What do ya say?"
MAN: And the winner is Judy Moody!
It's from Rocky!
A dare race? I am in.
Check out
what I did today!
That's ten Thrill Points
for sure, don't you think?
Just you wait, Rocky Zang.
Just you wait.
- STINK: Bye.
- DAD: I'm gonna
miss you, buddy.
MOM: I'm sorry to go.
I love you.
JUDY: Can you bring us back
some California bubble gum?
Ah, better yet,
how about I chew some
and I'll stick it on
the wall in your honor.
- STINK: Can we have candy for breakfast?
- DAD: No. No.
- JUDY: Have fun in California!
- DAD: Listen.
- MOM: No for breakfast.
- STINK: Can I not take a shower?
DAD: Yes, you have to take
a shower. I love you, buddy.
JUDY: Bye! Bye!
OK, synchronize watches.
As of 2:12pm,
Tuesday, July 7th,
the thrill race is on!
So what's the first dare?
Scream Monster?
We're gonna dress in leotards?
No. Don't you see?
He's walking on a rope.
A tightrope?
Above the ground?
Oh, yeah.
Where do we get a tightrope?
What do you think you're doing?
I'm building
a trap for Bigfoot.
I'm gonna lure him here
with peanut butter.
He loves peanut butter.
That's on page 52.
And then boom!
A net will fall out of this tree
and land on his head!
Not out of this tree.
It's mine. I called it.
- You can't call a tree.
- Really? Watch me.
- Mine.
- Mine.
- Mine.
- Mine!
- Mine! Mine! Mine!
- Mine! Mine!
- FRANK: Guys, stop it!
FRANK: Let go! Let go!
Ice cream!
I scream! You scream!
We all scream
for Old King Kold's ice cream!
- Yay! It's mine! It's mine!
Where are you going?
To go get ice cream.
But now's our chance,
before Stink gets back!
Come on!
What's more important?
Thrill Points or ice cream?
OK, all right.
- Thank you.
- Certainly.
JUD Y: And now, the high-flying,
death-defying Judy-a-rini
will cross...
... um...
... Niagara Falls!
One slip and she'll fall to her doom!
Rocky's only crossed
a dinky grass field,
but Judy is crossing
the crashing cataracts of Niagara!
- Whoa!
- My goodness!
- JUDY: Don't worry!
The great Judy-a-rini will not fall!
Whoa! Whoa!
Get off, Frank!
One at a time!
Hurry up then!
I wanna go get ice cream!
Ten Thrill Points.
Ten Thrill Points.
- Ten Thrill Points...
Incoming! Whoa!
Stop wobbling me!
I can't help it!
There's a mosquito on my...
Ha-ha, you missed it.
I got fuzzy navel.
Hey, Judy,
ready for the Scream Monster?
Hey, Judy!
What's all this pink stuff?
My prom dress. I have
to take it to the cleaners.
So first we go
on the Tilt-a-Whirl.
After we get ice cream.
Right. And sno-cones.
And corndogs.
And gobs of gum.
Rare! We'll be ready
for the Scream Monster, for sure.
- BOTH: Stop!
FRANK: Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
# You'll see me
at the mall #
BO TH: # The pool,
the park and by the sea ##
Mr. Todd!
FRANK: Mr. Todd?
I was sure he'd be in there.
Don't worry. We'll find him.
We have all summer.
- Yeah.
- Scream Monster!
Geez, Louise!
How many Thrill Points
is that?
Ten. Plus Bonus Points
for no hands.
No food on the ride, kid.
What? I'm not throwing
all this out!
MAN: Then step outta line.
Frank! We've been waiting
in line forever!
Surrender the sno-cone!
But it's so good.
Seriously! We gotta start
earning some Thrill Points
because so far we have zero.
You guys coming
or going here?
JUDY: Frank?
- This is it!
- Thrill Points, here we come!
Hands up!
Every second counts!
I'm... not so sure about this.
What's wrong?
Don't you dare!
MAN: We now send you
out to Tammy
with this special
Bigfoot report. Tammy?
TAMMY: With one sighting
at the pier,
one at Colonial College
one on Main Street,
and one at Frog Lake,
that makes
five local sightings.
With me here
is Herb Birnbaum,
and he claims that Bigfoot
was in his yard.
Herb, show us
what you've got.
- HERB: You see that?
He ripped the lid
right off that can
and went straight
for the peanut butter!
TAMMY: But couldn't
that be a raccoon?
Well, yeah,
but it could also be Bigfoot!
- But it could also be Bigfoot!
Rose Birnbaum, Herb's wife.
This is Tammy,
reporting live from...
What happened to you?
Don't ask.
Don't ask.
I told you not to ask!
I'm not asking.
I'm telling you.
- Telling me what?
- You got a postcard from Rocky.
Really? Can you read it?
"Dear Judy, how are you?
I am fine."
Can you read it
like a normal person?
You don't want me
to sound like Rocky?
- Just read it, OK?
- OK.
"Dear Judy, how are you?
I am fine.
- Guess what?
- ROCKY'S VOICE: Guess what?
BOTH: I just learned
how to saw someone in half!"
- No fair! I want to do that!
ROCKY: We even get to be
in a real circus.
BOTH: "You have to come, OK?
August 4th."
ROCKY: Just so you know,
I'm up to 37 Thrill Points!
How many do you have?
MAN: Please welcome
Rocky the Magnificent,
who is merely
the assistant to Judy,
- the Even More Magnificent!
And now...
...let's watch the master
...at work.
I warned you not
to throw up on me.
Can you put me
back together later?
I think so.
- What did you say?
- I said, I think so.
You think so what?
Nothing! Never mind!
Hey, you wanna go
to my Bigfoot meeting?
It starts in 15 minutes.
Stink, I told you
a bazillion trillion times,
Bigfoot is for bozos!
OK. Just don't be asking
for my autograph
when I catch him
and get all famous.
Hmm. Let's see.
Ten points for riding
the Scream Monster.
Minus five for blue throw-up,
and five
for prom dress equals...
You're right, Mouse.
A big fat donut.
Holy macaroni!
What's all that?
Hey. OK, I can't tell
if this should be a hat,
or a wheel, or...
...a shield.
I think it's the lid
to the garbage can.
Yeah, I know,
but what is it really?
What is all this, anyway?
It's my traveling art studio.
You really are an artist.
I'm a guerrilla artist.
As in monkey?
No, as in under the radar.
A guerrilla artist
makes art out of everything,
and puts it everywhere.
'Cause it's fun.
And it's daring.
(GASPS) I have an idea.
Wow, I love it!
I told you it was a hat.
That looks great!
Look, we're beautifying the
world with our amazing art!
- Great!
- Now all we have to do
is sneak over to the library
late at night
and put our hats
on the lions.
That's ten Thrill Points
for sure!
Guess what!
Zeke gave me homework.
He said to look for
Bigfoot scat!
Scat: Noun.
Scientific term
for animal droppings,
also known as poop,
dung or doodoo.
But that's not
its only meaning.
(SNICKERING) Are you sure
he wasn't telling you to scat?
Scat: Verb.
Slang term meaning to exit,
scram or go away.
Gotcha, Stink.
- (GROANING) Judy. Ice cream!
Wait! Help! Stop!
Hey, my hand is stuck!
My hand is glued
to the table!
- Yeah, help!
- OK, I'll be right back.
- Stinker!
Buy me an ice cream!
I'm coming to save you.
This won't take long.
I hope.
OPAL: OK, this spatula
is our last hope.
- Want some?
- An ABS?
Already Been Slobbered?
No, thanks.
It's gonna be OK.
OK, more leverage.
Hang in there.
More pressure.
- Almost...
(GIGGLING) Free! Free!
Free at last!
In only an hour
and 17 minutes
and 45 seconds.
(SIGHING) This was
the worst day of my life.
I'm sorry.
I'll do anything you want.
Anything to make it
up to you.
- Anything?
- Mm-hm.
Well, tomorrow night, there's
a Cemetery Creep 'n Crawl.
Can we go?
I don't know.
Is it worth
Thrill Points?
Then totally. Absolutely.
Yes, yes, yes!
Where should I put
the scat in, Opal?
Fridge or freezer?
It's your animal poop.
OK. I think freezer.
Hey, Judy,
we're gonna leave at seven,
and then we're gonna eat
our picnic at the cemetery.
- What do you think?
- Yeah!
Extra points for eating
with skeletons!
And I need 'em, 'cause Amy
just swam with sharks!
Lemme see, lemme see!
Wow, swimming with a shark.
That's cool.
You're gonna
lose this race so bad.
Hey, look,
your ring is green!
Green with envy!
Green like pond scum!
Green like boogers!
Stink, you're
an intergalactic booger.
Hey, where are you going?
To the cemetery.
We're walking, right?
It's miles from here.
We have to take Humphrey.
Who's Humphrey?
That's what our dad
calls our car.
No way! You know, your dad had a bike
named Humphrey when we were kids.
Let's take bikes!
Not allowed after dark.
(HISSING) Bummer.
Let's do this!
Steering wheel, gas, brakes.
You know how
to drive, right?
- Of course.
I drove across
the Horn of Africa.
(BOTH YELLING) Watch out!
That was ten years ago.
I'm sorry.
R is for reverse.
Got it now.
- Whoa!
- You call that driving?
No worries.
It'll come back to me.
Is there a map or something?
'Cause I have no idea
where I'm going.
Got one.
- GIRL: Ha-ha!
JUDY: Jessica Finch?
Can you get a ticket
for driving too slow?
All right, backseat driver.
Watch out!
You're gonna hit the...
...bouncy castle!
Holy... crap!
You said crap!
Crap is a swear!
Crap is not a swear.
- Sorry, little man!
And we are out of gas.
And way super lost.
Are we still in Virginia?
Of course we are.
Look, it's Larkspur Pier.
It's Virginia's number one
tourist attraction.
JUDY: Looks more like Virginia's
number one ghost town.
Can we eat? I'm starving.
Isn't it cool, Judy?
Wow, we're in the Un Zone!
How cool is that?
The Un Zone. Get it?
- It's cool.
- That's so funny.
Look, I have baloney for you.
And turkey for Stink.
Yummy, yummy.
Delicious sandwich.
- Ooh, I brought ketchup.
- Oh, yes.
I remembered
the ketchup for you.
This smells funny.
Almost like...
Oh, look, a seagull.
I like seagulls.
- Bon apptit!
- Bon what?
- Oogley boogley!
- Ooh, what is that?
It's scat! Doodoo!
Dung! Poop!
- Disgusting!
- Gross, gross!
- Crap!
- That too.
JUDY: "Dear Rocky,
Have you ever been
on a poop picnic?
- I have and it stinks on ice!
Be quiet, you guys!
I can't hear myself write!
So, the right is the gas,
the left is the brake.
- Mmm.
- OK?
- OK. Vroom!
Not that fast!
Gentle, gentle.
"So what else stinks
about this summer?"
Let's see.
JUD Y: "'Surf a wave' sounds thrilladelic."
Great! Good job.
"Just never try it with
Mr. Sponge Frank Squarebottom. "
- All right, Judy, ready?
- Ready!
- Frank, you ready?
- Ready, Frank?
- Look out for the wave!
- Come back, Frank!
- No!
Come back!
JUD Y: "And remember
Mr. Todd's challenge?
Find him and get a prize?
I got a prize, all right. "
BOTH: Mr. Todd!
"The cuckoo-head prize.
And Amy can't stop sending
mega-thrill pics from Borneo.
If you ever go to ride
an elephant, Rocky,
be careful. "
"Ride an elephant,
today only."
OPAL: Sorry.
"With my luck, you end up
giving the elephant a ride.
So Mr. Todd is supposed to be
somewhere cold, right?"
Mr. Todd?
"Well, he isn't working
in the bakery freezer,
that's for sure.
And he wasn't at the mall,
the pool, the park,
or by the sea.
Mr. Todd is nowhere.
You and Amy aren't even here
and you'll probably
find him before me.
I'm so desperado
for Thrill Points,
Aunt Opal tried to help me
put hats on the lions at the library,
but we missed the bus.
At the worst possible time.
- And all we got were Un-Points.
Aunt Opal says,
"When all else fails, dance."
So I tried to make that
into a Thrill Point game.
I love dancing, so that'd
be easy peasy, right?
- Wrong."
STINK: You lose Thrill Points.
- STINK: Freeze!
- Whoa!
- "I lost every round.
And how many Thrill Points
do I have
after one whole summer
of trying?
Nada, zip, zero,
zilch points.
So, Rocky, can you please
think up more dares for me?
'Cause otherwise I'm gonna be
a no-point, dare-doing loser!"
OPAL: Hey, Judy,
Frank's here!
JUDY: Coming!
Hey, Judy!
Ready for the evil creature
double feature?
- Yup.
- Me, too. Let's go.
Who are you?
- Bride of Frankenstein.
- And I'm Frankenstein.
FRANK: We even have
matching rings.
(SINGING) Judy and Frank,
sitting in a tree!
Do you want me
to feed you to Jaws?
- Um-um-um-um.
- Then take it back.
Let's go.
Bye, Aunt O... whoa.
- Are you making pancakes?
- No way.
This is plaster of Paris.
Wow. Mom and Dad would freak
if they saw this mess.
Oh, yeah. You should really get
out the vacuum and clean it up.
I think you should get out
the fire hose. See ya.
Bye. You look great.
I love your costume.
- Two, please.
- I want to take your money!
How come you're wearing
a ski jacket? It's August.
'Cause it's freezing in there.
The air conditioner's
gone psycho.
Did he say freezing?
As in cold?
(YELLING) Mr. Todd?
Search everywhere.
Is one of you Mr. Todd?
Nope and nope.
Mr. Todd, is that you?
Mr. Todd?
- Mr. Todd?
- Mr. Todd?
I give up. Mr. Todd's
probably training penguins
in the North Pole
or something.
Or something.
Remember, no being
a wimpburger.
We have to stay to the end
if we wanna get points.
Don't look at me.
You're the one
who'll be screaming...
Holy eyeball!
Good thing
he's dead already.
- Watch it.
It's true.
The dead are among us.
They have taken over the
small town of Pittsylvania.
Lock your doors.
Bolt your windows.
Head for the basement.
And if you don't
have a basement...
... build one.
Uh, you know what?
I gotta go home.
I forgot to feed my goldfish.
Sit down.
This is our absolute last chance
to earn Thrill Points!
Airhead, Frankenstein, shh!
I come for dinner.
I come for you!
(GRUNTING) Hungry.
I hungry for you, Frank!
He said my name!
He said my name!
You are not leaving!
Let go!
You are dead,
Frank Pearl!
No! Zombies are dead!
I'm going home.
Great! Rocky and Amy
are breaking the record
for the funnest summer ever,
and I'm stuck with
Rocky and Amy wouldn't bail
after two seconds of zombies.
Rocky and Amy wouldn't
knock me off a tightrope.
Rocky and Amy
wouldn't puke all over me.
Well, look who's talking!
All your stupid points
and dares and charts!
They suck the fun
out of everything!
You're like a big,
wet fun sponge!
Fun sponge?
Well, if I'm a fun sponge,
then you're a fun mop!
Uh, hold on there,
- Where's your ticket?
- It's inside. It's in my backpack.
No ticket, no movie.
Fun sponge, my elbow!
What is that?
It's Bigfoot!
I'm a guerilla gorilla
artist now, huh?
STINK: Check out the head!
Do you wanna help?
I'd love to, only I can't
because I'm going to spend the rest
of this bummer summer in my room!
Look out.
She's in a mood.
Am not!
Eighty-five points already? Rocky!
- OPAL: Judy! It's the ice cream truck.
Come back in September.
I think this is gonna be melted by then.
So you wanna spend the rest
of the summer in your room?
I might as well.
It's already completely,
for sure ruined.
Besides, Frank,
my "used to be second best
friend but now he's my enemy,"
called me a fun sponge.
Wow. That's bad.
Are you a fun sponge?
No way! He's the sponge.
It's his fault I can't
get any Thrill Points!
Right. Thrill Points.
Well, they're important.
You can't have a not
bummer summer without them.
Totally, duh. I mean, that's like
the number one rule of summer.
We have to find a way for you
to get the Thrill Points.
What about, you know, we didn't
put the hats on the lions yet.
The hats got all ruined,
There's gotta be
something else.
It's impossible, Aunt Opal.
I've already thought of
absolutely, positively everything.
There's gotta be more.
Let's go on Google.
- Let's Google "fun."
What's that?
WOMAN: Testing, testing.
You got a close-up
of Bigfoot, right?
- MAN: Looks great.
- And your name is?
- James Moody.
But everyone calls me Stink.
Stink is apparently
building a statue of Bigfoot
to commemorate the monster
who may be lurking nearby
according to 27 recent
eyewitness reports.
Now, most people think
Bigfoot isn't real.
How do you answer that?
Well, people don't think
giant squids are real, either.
Well, they are,
and so is Bigfoot.
And I'm gonna catch him!
WOMAN: If you do catch him,
Mr. Stink Moody,
you'll be the most
famous kid in America.
You'll put this town on the map!
For years, people
have searched for Bigfoot
but only Judy Moody could find him.
How many Thrill Points
is that worth, do you think?
A million. But who's counting?
In honor of your
courageous actions
we are renaming this town
Judy Moodyville!
- Come on down, Judy,
and put this town on the map!
REPORTER: Well, thank you,
Stink Moody.
As your quest for Bigfoot continues,
we wish you luck.
This is WH2O,
broadcasting live...
Don't forget me!
I'm a Bigfooter, too!
You are?
It's Judy Moody, with a J.
And a U-D-Y. Did you get that?
Uh, yeah. Uh-huh.
- JUDY: Bye!
Since when were you a Bigfooter?
Since one minute ago.
Listen, is Bigfoot really, truly,
for absolute positive real?
Twenty-seven people can't be wrong.
Then I will help you find him.
Yeah! But how come?
Because this is my absolute
last chance to get Thrill Points,
and if we actually catch Bigfoot,
- I might even win the race!
- Huh?
Nothing, never mind.
Just tell me everything.
Got it.
And dogs always howl
whenever they see him.
That's on page 37.
Zeke can tell you more.
He's like a Bigfoot encyclopedia.
OK, Bigfooters.
Tuesday's meeting
is now called to order.
- Herb and Rose?
- Present.
- Stink?
- Present.
- New member?
- Judy Moody. Present.
ROSE: Oh, she looks like a smart cookie.
Where is everyone?
This is it.
This is our club.
- And we welcome you.
- Get a picture of that.
Better late than never.
- Rose? Do you have a report?
- Three new sightings!
That's the most we've
gotten in one week.
Excellent! Give me the coordinates.
One saw Bigfoot taking laundry
off her clothesline.
57 Ashbury Road.
It's a mile east of the mall.
Another saw something large
and furry at the dump.
The third swears he saw Bigfoot last night
at the corner of Croaker and Jefferson.
Croaker and Jefferson?
BOTH: That's where we live!
- You live there?
- Yeah.
- Did anybody say anything?
- 117 Croaker.
This calls for an all-night surveillance!
- Are you guys up for it?
- You mean like a stake-out,
with flashlights and secret codes and stuff?
- I got a whole book of codes.
- All right! Yes!
Herb, Rose, you're in charge of equipment.
Troops, we've got everything you need.
Camouflage netting.
- Check.
- Check.
- Night-vision goggles.
- BOTH: Check.
- Camcorder with whistle.
- BOTH: Check.
- Check, check.
- Thermoses with coffee.
- Herb, they don't drink coffee.
Good luck, team.
- I will call with any sighting updates.
- Sir.
OK, that's the lot of it.
Now remember, if you need back-up,
this van is at your service.
STINK: August 3rd, 8:06pm.
The trap is set,
and the Bigfoot stake-out is on.
This is Stink Moody,
reporting live.
You look like Owl Girl!
These don't work. I can't even see.
That's because
it's not dark yet.
- Oh.
- OPAL: Hey.
Are you ready?
Let's go over the plan.
You two will sleep in the tent.
- Check.
- If you see or hear anything,
you will contact me immediately
on this walkie-talkie.
That's Stink's old baby monitor.
Whatevs. Let's call it the walkie-talkie.
What is the signal?
- Code Red! Code Red!
What happens if you fall asleep
and Bigfoot attacks us,
and we're half-eaten
before you get downstairs?
- He won't attack us.
I know Bigfoot sign language.
This means, "I am your friend."
And this means,
"Your head was delicious."
OK, Bigfoot's not gonna
eat any heads, all right?
Because we're
remembering this vow:
We will not...
ALL: Fall asleep!
JUDY: Stink, wake up!
Code Red. Code Red.
- Aunt Opal, Code Red! Code Red!
Geez, Louise!
Holy macaroni! It's... It's him!
Bigfoot! Code Red! Code Red!
FRANK: Help.
- Frank?
- Judy?
What are you doing here?
Well, I got my dad
to go back to the theater
and pick up our packs,
and I thought I could just
drop it off in your tent
or something so you'd find it,
only I bumped into a jar
and then you hair-netted me!
Sorry. I thought you were Bigfoot.
Why would I be Bigfoot?
(CHUCKLING) You scared
Judy's pants off, Frank!
- Did not.
- You were screaming your head off.
- JUDY: No, I wasn't. I was...
- Bigfoot.
- Impossible. That was an owl.
That was an owl.
Or Bigfoot pretending to be
an owl! Come on, let's go!
I have to get my camcorder!
Are you coming, Frank?
It's worth mega-mega-points!
Um, I'd love to,
- but, um...
Oh, that's my dad. Gotta go! Bye!
STINK: Set for night vision!
Maybe it really was an owl.
Nuh-uh. That was him.
Bigfoot is famous
for his owl sounds.
Page 11.
You go first. I'll hold the light.
You go first. I'm filming.
OK, scaredy pants.
But stay close.
JUDY: Not that close.
- STINK: Then go faster.
- JUDY: No way.
STINK: What was that?
Stop. Look. There!
- Is that some kind of bed?
- Yeah, a Bigfoot bed.
Remember from the picture?
This must be where he sleeps.
Then where is he?
He must've heard us coming.
He's probably watching us. Mr. Bigfoot?
We come in peace!
Can you hear me?
There! See?
That's his bed!
Whoa. Do you really think it's his?
He was there. I know it.
All I know is I got
a face full of possum
and zero Thrill Points.
Don't give up. You can do it.
It can take years
to catch a monster.
But I don't have years.
I need Thrill Points now.
- Look! Look, it's Bigfoot!
Look, there are the dogs!
Quick! After him!
- There! After him, go! Go, go!
Whoa! Don't stop!
- Go! Go! Go!
- Come on! Come on!
We have to catch him before
he gets to Main Street!
The cars
will drive him cuckoo!
BOTH: Page 73!
- Did you see that?
- He's hijacking the ice cream truck!
We'll never catch him now.
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid
we need this bike...
- Jessica.
This is a matter of extreme
national emergency.
- Who are you?
- I am Opal,
the special agent in charge
of the apprehension
of large unidentified creatures.
We are requisitioning
all available bicycles.
Thank you for your service to your country.
JUDY: Watch out for the!
STINK: Get it off, get it off!
I can't see anything!
- OPAL: Sorry!
- STINK: Get it off! I don't like this!
- JUDY: I'm gonna fall off!
I can't hang on! Take it off!
- OPAL: Oh, I can see!
- Look, the ice cream truck!
ALL: Stop!
STINK: Bigfoot, come back!
Now what?
Hey, we just got a report!
Bigfoot's in...
- The ice cream truck. We know!
- Get in!
Buckle up, everybody.
- Should I drive?
This is Herb Birnbaum reporting a large
runaway man-gorilla known as Bigfoot
who appears to have
commandeered an ice cream truck.
- Left! Turn left!
- Go left, Rose!
JUDY: Faster!
I have to tell you, this is
my first official car chase.
Really? We get in two
or three of these a week.
HERB: Hit it! Hit it!
ROSE: Hang on, everybody.
Commencing infrared
warning device!
- Is that legal?
When you're chasing a man-gorilla,
son, anything is legal.
- Anything!
- HERB: Whoa!
- OPAL: Whoa!
It's a cloaking device! Like the movies!
Windshield wipers!
JUDY AND STINK: Go, go, go!
Oh! Wait till you see my
supersonic tracking device.
That's really like the movies.
Wow, that's cool!
You, sir, are an artist.
I programmed it with 200
different Bigfoot sounds.
The minute it picks up
the slightest...
Herb, I told you
to use a lag bolt!
- HERB: All right.
- JUDY: Look out!
- That's the news van!
- That interviewed me!
Follow that news!
- Look out! Watch out! Watch out!
Outta the way! Outta the way!
Hey, look!
It's the poop picnic place!
Hey, kids, wait! Wait!
You'll need a protective suit!
- Mr. Todd?
- MR. TODD: Judy!
(CHUCKLING) Long time no see!
What's going on?
- We were saving you from...
- Bigfoot!
- Get back! Get back!
- ALL: Zeke?!
- HERB: I don't believe this!
We received at least
76 calls this morning!
JUDY: It's my teacher!
STINK: It's Zeke!
- I can't believe he's the ice cream guy!
- Since when are you Bigfoot?
- Why didn't you stop for us?
- Well, when?
A madcap ride through town
has led us to this pier.
Hey, I love your cool suit.
You look awesome.
- I'm Mr. Todd, Judy's teacher.
- Hi, I'm Opal.
And this is Bigfoot. I hired him
to help me sell ice cream.
With all the Bigfoot mania around here,
he'll really help me drum up business.
He's way better than
the arrow-pointing guy.
Why didn't you tell me
that you knew Mr. Todd?
- I've been looking for him all summer.
- Yeah.
Dudes, chill. I only met
the Toddster this morning.
Yet there are two questions
that still remain:
Is the real Bigfoot still at large?
And will he show up for the circus?
- The circus?
- Yup. It's today, right here at the pier.
And remember,
you get a prize if you find me.
- Front row seats!
Wow, thanks! Are we
the first ones to find you?
Not exactly.
Thanks for getting me
a ticket to the circus.
Yeah, sure. Sorry
I was such a fun mop.
- Whatever. Want some?
ZEKE: Bigfoot loves cotton candy.
Hey, it's Rocky!
And he's sweeping elephant poop!
I knew it!
Hey, Rocky! Hey!
- JUDY: Hey!
- Hey, Judy!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Welcome to the Zangzini Family Circus!
Let the show begin!
Do we have a volunteer
from the audience?
Someone brave enough
to get sawed in half?
Me, me, me!
- OPAL: Pick Judy!
- JUDY: Pick me, me!
Pick the girl
in the green.
You, young lady!
- Hey, Judy.
- Hey, Rocky!
Ooh, I missed you so much.
I missed you, too. Hop in.
Watch this.
Wow, Rock!
Judy, that is uber-cool!
OK, could you put her back
together now, please?
Yeah, 'cause we
only just got home,
and we'd like our little girl
in one piece.
JUDY: Don't worry, Mom.
It really didn't hurt that much.
AMY: Can we try, Judy?
FRANK: "We"? You try it!
Can I borrow Judy tonight?
They're way too serious. Don't you think?
- You fixed them!
- Yup.
JUDY: Yay!
We did it! We did it!
Oh, I'm so happy!
Aren't you glad you didn't spend
the rest of your summer in your room?
Oh, for sure
and absolute positive.
I wouldn't have put a hat
on a lion or gone on a stake-out
- or fallen off a tightrope.
- Or had a poop picnic.
Or found Mr. Todd.
Or been in a car chase.
Or gotten sawed in half.
Or met you.
Hey, I've got an idea. How about
you don't leave tomorrow?
How about you come
live with us?
What about this:
Next summer, I'm thinking of
wrapping the Eiffel Tower
in 10,000 scarves.
- Do you wanna help me?
- For real?
That would be
on-top-of-spaghetti rare!
I never thought we could
top this summer, but Paris?
Paris. Next summer.
Be there! I love you!
- MOM: Bye!
- JUDY: Love you back!
See you next summer!
OPAL: Goodbye, Judy!
Bye, Stink! This was the best!
OPAL: I love you!
Fifty cents to touch Bigfoot!
Fifty cents to touch this?
Are you nuts, Stink?
Do you have change for a dollar?
Yes! Sure.
- Hey, thanks for fixing my bike.
- Yeah, sure, no problem.
- Eww.
BOY: Awesome!
Fifty cents
to touch Bigfoot!
Hey! This was my idea.
Aunt Opal says
art belongs to everyone.
Besides, I have to earn money
for the Eiffel Tower!
- Fifty cents a touch!
JUDY: For a dollar,
Bigfoot will shake your hand!
DAD: Or better yet, for a hundred dollars
we'll move him to your yard!
For a thousand dollars,
I'll tell you where the real Bigfoot lives!
(GASPS) Don't do that.
That's not in the script.
Mom! Whoa!
Just wait a sec.
- OK, OK.
- Cut.