Juna Furniture (2024) Movie Script

[Police siren wails]
Which floor does Mr. Pathak stay on?
First floor.
- But Bhau is not home.
Not home? Where is he?
He is in an old age home in Talegaon.
- Do you have the address?
[Boy 1] I don't have
the address to that place.
[Boy 2] You don't need it anymore, sir.
Bhau is here.
Here's 10 rupees for you.
What have you done?
Take me with you.
[Bandya] Pakya bhai...
Pakya bhai...
Bandya... over here.
Pakya bhai...
The police have arrested Govind Pathak.
Bhai, why are you laughing?
This was bound to happen.
Bloody Bachchan!
How much cauliflower?
- Half a kilo.
Half a kilo flower...
250 grams 'gavar'
Gavar is not fresh.
French beans?
Not french beans, we had them last week.
Suhas gets angry.
Give me 'tindli' then.
Manda... !
How are you?
Do you want to marry me?
I'll have to take on
half the women in the market.
Bhau what else do you want?
Give me some chillies and coriander.
- And...
Curry leaves...
Suhas is going to make chiwda.
Why did you give him the money?
The rent for this stall.
Is he from the municipality?
He is Pakya's dog.
Never mind.
This is 140 rupees.
Note it down, I'll give it in 2 days.
You're late this time Bhau.
I know it's late.
Any issue?
No... Nothing at all.
You come up with excuses every time.
I will give the money when I make money.
Things are still slow since Covid.
Don't touch that.
- What is this?
What's this?
That's for his fees.
I must pay today
Pay it tomorrow.
No... Listen to me.
I must pay the fees today.
- Move.
Listen to me.
Please don't.
I beg of you.
They will throw him out of school.
What do you want?
Give him his money.
Get lost.
Is his school fee.
Just give it back.
You silly old man...
Get lost.
Bloody idiot...
What have you dragged in here?
He's the new hero in town.
He slapped me!
So, old man?
Feeling brave, are we?
Are you going to hit me?
- [Chuckles]
Go on.
Had it been you in the market,
I'd have slapped you too.
Do you know who I am?
Pakya Bhai.
You harass the poor
to fill your coffers.
A saint indeed!
Shut up...
- Bandya...
Get back.
Get back.
He's a senior citizen.
Give him some respect.
You've got just a few years in you.
Are you in a hurry to die?
Do you want to die right now?
You wretch...
I don't even need a bullet to kill you.
Even if I shoot a blank
you'll die of fear.
Never mind.
I am 70 years old.
Will you live that long?
Police or goons.
Just one bullet.
Game over.
I have only pity.
Not for you, your father.
- Hey...
My son is an IAS officer.
Do you even know what that is?
I am proud of my son.
Your father?
He must be dying of shame.
Shut up...
- Bandya stop.
Let go of him.
Get back.
Give the money.
Not me.
Give it to him.
Fix your face.
Get new glasses.
With this money?
Bandya give his money back.
Or else... I'll be back!
This Bachchan is a unique specimen.
Dagdu Sheth!
Are you ashamed of me?
Govind... !
What happened?
I got into a fight in the market.
When will you stop being a hero?
Not in this lifetime.
Why am I wasting my time?
See you in the evening.
See you.
What is this?
You're sleeping with the door wide open?
I just fell asleep.
What happened?
Got into a row again, didn't you?
He was extorting money
from the vada pav guy.
That was his sons school fees.
So you had to be Dharmendra!
Got bashed up?
I slapped him first.
Can't help it, Suhas.
This is what I am.
I like you like this.
Can I have some tea?
Will you make it please?
I'm not feeling too good.
My arm has been aching.
How would I know?
Am I a doctor?
Give me your glasses.
There's tape in the drawer
And scissors.
Just give it to me.
Where is it?
Check the other drawer.
Keep it on the table.
Or else you'll fight with me, as usual.
- Oh your superstitions!
Did you call your darling son?
I did.
He didn't answer, silly boy.
So, I called Avni.
I wished her.
Do you want some tea?
Top class tea!
Do you want some?
I have chest burn today.
Suhas, are you okay?
You call Abhay.
Wish him.
You've called already.
That's good enough.
Are you angry?
Why would I be angry?
They haven't invited
us to their anniversary party.
I don't want to talk about it.
Would we have gone?
All the way from
Borivali to Gateway of India?
I don't want to talk about it.
Get a new one tomorrow.
New one?
This is all good.
First class.
You're so stingy.
Not at all.
I'm practical.
You are practical, right?
Then call Abhay right away.
And wish him.
Let me have my tea in peace.
This tea is outstanding.
Better be.
I've got it specially from Morocco.
I paid 5 lakhs for it.
You're just too much dad.
Anything for my son.
'In-law'... dad!
Before I forget... come.
Let me show you something.
- Come....
Put that phone away.
Look at that.
Your wedding anniversary gift.
S class!
I'll get suspended.
I am a government employee.
It's a gift.
All accounted.
Come on, Sylivia.
- Yes, ma'am.
Thank you dad.
Ready for some shocking news?
Your husband is going to be
The Principal Secretary
of the Chief Minister.
Dad how do you know about this?
Your minister told me.
But tell me...
What about our job?
Which one?
The 75 acres land at Pawna?
We need it to be declared NA.
I've put up the file.
Should be done in 2 days.
Post commissions this is
a 60-crore profit for sure.
We're surely getting that
house in London now.
- [Laughs]
Well, I'm going to the Taj.
Let me check on the preparations.
You get ready soon.
Yes, dad.
- See you folks.
Love you dad.
[Sameer] Love you too honey.
Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister!
Proud of you Abs.
Hey I deserve it.
I stood third in IAS, in India!
My husband is the best husband
in the world.
Let me hug you.
Okay... enough.
My bestest wife!
Let me get ready.
Subhash, get me another cup of tea.
[Subhash] Yes sir.
Ma'am it's done.
Thank you, Sylivia.
Thank you.
[Cellphone rings]
Avni who is it?
Aai had called in the afternoon.
I forgot to call back.
Answer the phone.
Put it on speaker.
Hello Baba.
Abhay, Happy anniversary!
Thank you, Father!
Wish Avni too on my behalf.
I am here Baba.
You're on speaker.
How are you, my dear?
First class.
How are you?
Not well at all.
I'm suffering.
What do you mean?
Tell your husband.
Let me operate my own bank account.
There's no need to invest all the money.
It is necessary.
It will be doubled next year.
Who knows what'll happen next year.
What if I drop dead?
Don't be ridiculous Baba.
It is for the security of your future.
I barely have a few years in my future.
Let's do it this way.
Open another account for my pension.
Let me operate that one.
No way.
Have I ever refused to give you money?
No... You always give me money.
Sometimes you're late and
that creates problems.
That vegetable vendor asked me for her
money in front of everyone.
It was so embarrassing.
Sorry Baba.
I'm too late this time.
I was on a tour with the minister.
[Abhay] Please manage for a day.
We'll be seeing you tomorrow.
Let me speak to Aai now.
Aai is sleeping.
At this time?
She is not feeling well.
Dizziness... Acidity...
Did you take her to the doctor?
That is what I said...
Let me operate my own bank account.
This is too much.
We've known Dr. Joshi for 30 years.
You can pay him later.
Yes, I can request him.
What if he asks us to get some tests done?
Or take her to a hospital.
What should I do?
Go to any hospital in Maharashtra,
Just tell them my name and give me a call.
You think your son is useless.
Not at all.
I know... I know that you...
- [Abhay] I'll talk to you later.
I must get ready.
Baba is so predictable.
Two hours ago...
Aai wished me.
She was totally fine.
Why would he lie?
You didn't invite him to the party.
He is making us feel guilty.
Don't be ridiculous.
He has done this so many times.
How many times?
Nonsense. When has he ever done that...
- Okay I'm wrong.
I'm getting dressed.
No fever...
What is it?
Should we go to Dr. Joshi?
I can't walk so much.
I'm too dizzy.
Then let me call Dr. Joshi home.
No, he'll charge for the home visit.
Doesn't matter we'll pay him.
Stop worrying about money unnecessarily.
[Avni] 'Wow. '
[Avni] 'What a gorgeous car!'
[Avni] Isn't it Abs?
Your father is a mad man.
This is a 3.5 crore car!
Thank you.
Let's go.
[Sameer] 'I was absolutely shocked. '
PM stayed for two hours!
Hats off to you, dad.
All because of you.
How did Rohan Malhotra show up?
He left his shooting and
came directly from London!
His bungalow on Carter road...
Nav... Navas.
Your husband...
Helped him, else the bungalow was gone.
He charges 4 crores.
For a 10 minute performance.
He was dancing for an hour.
Like a monkey.
- [Laughs]
He was dancing to your husband's tunes.
Who was dancing to my tunes?
You're awake?
Will you have some coffee?
No, dad.
I don't want anything.
My head is splitting.
I had one too many last night.
Thanks to you.
All thanks to you.
Oh, it's alright.
It was your anniversary.
Well, I must get to office.
It's Sunday.
I'm expecting clients from Pune.
We're signing an MOU.
What will you do with so much money?
[Sameer] I'm going to leave
all my money to you.
Is it hurting too much?
My head is pounding.
[Subhash] Yes sir?
Get me an aspirin.
[Subhash] Yes sir.
You go to bed.
I'll get the aspirin.
No time to rest now...
We've to go to Borivali.
In this state?
We'll go tomorrow.
Baba will be angry.
Send the money with the driver.
Aai must have begun
tinkering in the kitchen already.
She gets cranky.
Get ready, we must leave.
I'm exhausted.
You stay. I'll go.
You're so stubborn.
Aai is not well.
Has he called since morning?
Think sensibly.
We'll go tomorrow.
I was so tensed
after I spoke to Baba yesterday.
I was so relieved that
he didn't call back.
Baba did call last night.
The CM arrived and
you went to receive him.
Your phone was with me.
What did he say?
He wanted to speak to you.
I said I'll ask you to call him.
And you never told me?
Everything got so busy
I completely forgot.
Avni why do you create
such problems for me?
What am I supposed to tell him?
If it was that important
he would have called again.
Did he call...
- Stop it.
You're making me more tense.
What happened?
His phone is busy.
- Catch it Sunil...
Don't bowl easy ones.
Come on bowl.
Look at that car.
Whose car is it?
Abhay Dada!
Hi Abhay Dada!
Hey Varad! You've grown so tall.
How are you?
I'm fine.
He must realise it.
- Abhay is here maybe.
Abhay Dada is here.
Vinay? Why aren't you in school?
It's Sunday!
Oh yes.
Baba, what happened to your eye?
I slipped in the bathroom.
Be careful Baba.
You're too clumsy.
The phone is off the hook!
I have been calling since morning.
Sawant Kaka, all well?
Sugar under control?
A lot... !
Baba, Avni couldn't come.
She is exhausted.
Last night's party was a big success.
It went on till very late.
She has sent cake for you.
Aai, you can have it too.
It's eggless.
You never called me back yesterday?
You didn't call me back yesterday?
I was waiting for your call.
The CM just came in when you called.
Things got too busy.
It slipped my mind.
You should've called me back.
I did.
Your phone was switched off.
Switched off?
The battery had drained out.
You could've called Avni.
I did, at least 10 times.
From Sawant's phone.
Show him.
You don't have to show me.
She didn't answer.
She must have not heard it ringing.
There were too many people around.
Politicians, actors...
Here's some money for you.
More than usual.
You'll be good for another three months.
Put it away properly.
I don't want your money.
Your CM,
You were more concerned about them.
Than your own mother.
I was calling you from the hospital.
I needed the details of
medical insurance.
They refused to start the treatment till
I paid a deposit.
Take your money.
I don't need it anymore.
Baba... I apologize... Sorry.
Please keep the money.
I said I don't need it.
Please take it back.
Aai you take the money.
Aai died last night.
Aai died last night.
The hospital...
Thanks to your negligence.
She's dead.
- Yes.
Just leave.
Which hospital was she in?
Body... ?
Where is her body?
Her funeral...
Has been done.
We took her directly
to the crematorium from the hospital.
Baba... what are you saying?
You did the funeral
and didn't even tell me?
How was I supposed to tell you?
Your phone was dead.
Your wife...
Wasn't answering her phone.
[Abhay crying]
We needed you at the hospital.
She could have been saved
had you been there.
I would have come.
For the final rites...
I had enough people to help me.
Go now.
You shouldn't have done this.
I haven't done anything yet.
Send the bank a letter.
I will be operating my own account.
How could Baba do that?
I didn't even get to see Aai
one last time.
Why did he do the funeral so hurriedly?
He could have just
borrowed money from someone.
From whom?
It's all my fault.
Baba had called me yesterday.
I should have just sent the money
with our driver.
You didn't answer his calls either.
We could have done something.
When did he call me?
You have 10 missed calls.
I didn't know whose number this is.
How will Baba live without Aai?
How much is it?
Please listen to me.
This is not possible.
Don't teach me. Let's go.
I'm a lawyer. I know.
Yeah right.
My wife's.
My son killed her.
Oh my god.
Where is the body?
We've done the funeral rites.
What do you mean?
Last night.
She died of a heart attack.
But he's saying she was murdered.
No no...
It was a murder...
My son's negligence
is the reason behind her death.
Register the MRI.
Register the FIR.
What FIR?
You're a lawyer!
Didn't you tell him?
I've told him but he doesn't listen...
- I...
Why should I listen?
I want justice.
Kaka, we can't register
an FIR in such cases.
Why not?
Where should we go?
There has to be some way...
Yes, there is.
Get an order from the court.
I will register your FIR.
See... there is a way.
You were telling me...
Just a minute... Calm down.
Will you have some tea?
Get some tea.
Yes sir.
Which court should I go to?
I'll do it...
Magistrate court. I'll handle it.
I have enough money sir.
In the bank.
I was not authorized
to operate my account.
The power attorney was in his name.
Sir, he is responsible
for my wife's death.
This is a unique case but...
Homicide is a bit too far-fetched.
No... sir...
Suhas is dead because of
Abhay's negligence.
Ramdas Sawant is a witness.
Sir, do something.
I beg of you sir.
Yes. I want justice, sir.
The world must know the plight of seniors.
It is imperative.
This is my humble request.
[Abhay] Avni...
[Avni] Coming.
You're home so soon?
I'm a bit tired.
I can understand.
Did you call Baba?
He just hangs up
the moment he hears my voice.
This was a huge mistake...
- Stop blaming yourself.
Tomorrow is the 10th day ritual for Aai.
We'll go to Borivali in the morning.
We'll convince Baba.
[Cellphone rings]
- Okay?
I don't want to talk...
I will talk.
Yes dad?
Abhi is home so soon?
He's feeling low.
Switch on the TV.
Switch on the TV right now.
[TV news] 'The court has given
an unprecedented order. '
'A woman whose death
was caused by a heart attack, '
'An FIR is to be lodged against her son. '
'As per the orders of the court. '
'Principal Secretary of the State
Revenue Minister, Ramchandra Pravin;'
'Mr. Abhay Pathak
is the accused in this case. '
'For more details on this news
let us go to... '
'Our correspondent Neelima Kulkarni. '
'Neelima, what exactly is this case?'
'Amruta, Govind Pathak
is with us right now. '
'He is the one who has accused his son. '
'Sir... '
'On the one hand you say that
your wife died of a heart attack. '
'Yet you're accusing
your son of her murder?'
'It was a murder. '
'Look into the camera. '
'She died due to my son's negligence. '
'Had she received timely treatment... '
'She could have been saved. '
'Thank the court. '
'We would like to'
'Thank the honourable court. '
'Their historic decision'
'Has helped me bring the issues
of senior citizens to the fore. '
'I will get justice. '
'Compensation... '
'As compensation... '
'I'm asking for'
'4 crores, 72 lakhs, 86 thousand
and 100 rupees in damages. '
'Govindji how can you sue your son?'
- Abhay.
'This money was spent for him'
'Which I want back from him. '
'How can you get it back?'
'The judge will do that for me. '
'Anything else?'
'That's it. '
'Govindji, one last question. '
'Neelima, what does Abhay Pathak
have to say about all this?'
'Amruta, we tried to get
in touch with him. '
'But he was not reachable. '
'Neelima, I have a hunch that he
may not be in Mumbai. ' - Where is my phone?
'What stand are the police
taking in this case?'
'Amruta, we'll be talking to them now. '
- [Phone rings]
'Let's see... '
Baba what have you done?
I'll talk to you in court, Abhay.
'Inspector More, what do you think
about this case?'
'This is a strange decision. '
'Prima facie it doesn't appear
to be a crime. '
'These are court orders. '
'We're compelled to file the FIR. '
'What action will you take now?'
'We'll issue a warrant against
Abhay Pathak. '
'But do you think he will be sentenced?'
'Please no comments. '
'Thank you.
- Inspector... !'
Very good.
'With cameraman Ajit Reddy,
this is Neelima Kulkarni. '
'Newsattack. '
Do you really think this is right?
There you are!
Defending your son!
Why shouldn't I?
He is my son.
Have you thought of
what he will go through?
Did he think?
About you?
So now you want money?
What will you do with so much money?
It is my money.
You'll know when the time comes.
I have a cheque book in my name.
Cheque book.
My name on it.
I've withdrawn 2 lakh rupees.
2 lakh?
What for?
[Doorbell rings]
What's up Bachchan?
Got the money?
All in there?
- Yes.
Abhay Rao...
You had a posting in 8 days.
Yes sir...
You're trending on all news channels.
I'm constantly getting calls
since yesterday.
Why don't you discuss it with your father?
I tried to...
He won't listen.
Even before it goes to court,
this has become a media trial.
Journalists are hounding me
for my reaction.
But sir...
Why did the police register the FIR?
I've spoken to the commissioner.
He said this is a court issued order.
It's not in our hands now.
Look Abhay...
We believe your innocence in the matter.
But you need to sort this out
with your father.
Do you have the anticipatory bail?
Thank you.
Come sit.
Will he get bail?
It's just a routine procedure.
Why hasn't the lawyer called yet?
Court procedures take time.
Don't worry.
What about Abhay's new posting?
As long as the trail goes on,
He'll remain suspended.
I will take Govind Pathak to court.
I will sue him.
- Avni...
You can't talk me out of it.
That old hag should be ashamed
of ruining his own son's life.
Mind your language Avni.
[Cellphone rings]
Yes sir.
Sameer Rao...
We've got bail.
Thank you so much sir.
You can come back to Mumbai.
Yes, we'll leave right away.
What is it?
You've got bail.
There's more good news.
What's that?
His case will be tried in
the Fast Track Court.
How come?
The Chief Minister's office
had appealed for that.
The compensation that Baba is seeking...
I'm ready to pay him.
Not at all.
That dog will not get a rupee from you.
You're crossing the limit Avni.
Fine... Sorry.
[Indistinct chatter]
This is a case which has
intrigued the entire state of Maharashtra.
We are here to discuss about
the case of Mr. Govind Pathak.
What is going to happen next?
What will the court decide?
Here he is.
Ujjwala, Govind Pathak is here.
I'll connect with you later.
Let's go...
The trial starts today,
what would you like to tell us?
What will I say in court
if I tell you everything here?
Are you aware that your son
has been suspended?
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Govindji, one question for you.
Your daughter in law has filed
a defamation suit against you.
What's your reaction to that?
Another question...
That's enough...
Make way...
Make way...
Let's go.
Govind Pathak...
I am here.
You don't say that here.
Your Honour,
I hereby declare that I am the legal
counsel for Mr. Abhay Pathak.
Govindji get up and speak.
I don't need a public prosecutor.
I will fight my own case.
And this
Advocate Pandit will...
Will be helping me.
Go ahead...
Put it down.
Put the bag down.
I have some very important papers in here.
I can't take a risk.
Okay. Fine.
the condition of senior citizens
is alarmingly poor.
We bring up our children...
The children later...
Your honour,
this is irrelevant to the case.
Please come to the point Mr. Pathak.
Just say what we had decided.
Okay sir.
Sorry sir.
Sir, my wife...
My wife...
Suhasini passed away.
To her death... he...
My son, Abhay...
Is responsible for her death.
So, it was not a natural death.
This is murder.
Objection Your Honour.
This is a stupid allegation.
How can this be a homicide?
All know his wife died of a heart attack.
She suffered a heart attack.
But she died due to my son's negligence.
IPC Article 304
Section 2
Death due to negligence.
Negligence is the real cause
behind her death.
- Yes.
Culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
The law demands evidence Mr. Pathak.
Advocate Pandit, you know it better.
Yes I know.
Yes, he told me.
I would like to call...
My first witness.
To this witness box.
Go ahead.
Come Doctor.
I swear to God
I'll speak the truth.
Go ahead...
- Yes.
Dr. Joshi...
My wife...
How long have you known her?
35 years.
Did she have any serious
or long-standing illness?
Any mental or emotional stress?
Can mental or emotional stress.
Be the cause behind a heart attack?
It is possible.
Objection your honour.
How is that a valid question?
This is a general statement.
This could be one of the reasons.
Mr. Pathak...
Suhasini was under tremendous
mental and emotional stress.
We were desperate to even see the face
of our only son.
He wouldn't see us for months at times.
He wouldn't even call us for
ten days at a stretch.
He used to send us money.
But is providing money,
the only responsibility of a son?
I had money.
But he...
He had invested my money.
For the security of my future.
What security sir?
Loneliness made us extremely insecure.
I mean...
It was his anniversary.
Fourth anniversary, celebrated
at the Taj Mahal Hotel.
He called the whole town.
Except his own parents.
Were we an embarrassment to him?
Suhas never said it openly...
But she was hurt.
She was extremely sad.
Dr. Joshi.
That day...
When you came for a home visit?
Did we have enough money to pay your fees?
What exactly did I say to you?
Dr, Abhay will be here tomorrow morning.
I'll give your fees in the evening.
No problem, Govindji.
After you checked Suhasini,
what was your advice?
I suspect it is a mild stroke.
You must take her to a hospital
For further check-up.
Sir imagine her condition.
We didn't have enough money
to pay the doctor's fees.
How was I supposed to pay
for the hospital?
Dr. Joshi...
Isn't this stress?
Yes, it's possible.
Ask your next question.
Nothing more.
That's all I wanted to ask.
Mr. Bapat, cross please.
Yes, Your Honour.
Dr. Joshi...
You have just told the court.
Mrs. Pathak did not have
any serious illness.
According to you,
diabetes is not a serious illness.
No, sir, she was not diabetic.
Your Honour is he going to let me speak.
Calm down.
Don't interrupt.
Dr. Joshi...
Last year, when...
Mrs. Pathak fainted in her house,
did you advise her
to eat sugar immediately?
Don't ask half-baked questions.
Why did you ask her to eat sugar?
Obviously, diabetes, Your Honour.
Isn't it, Dr. Joshi?
Suhasini had not eaten
anything for 3 or 4 days.
That is why her sugar level had dropped.
Her sugar level had dropped. But why?
All thanks to my son.
He had Covid.
He was admitted to a hospital for 3 days.
She was fasting for 3 days so that
he may get better soon.
Mr. Pathak, please sit down.
I swear I had her tested after that.
She was not diabetic.
- Okay.
It was proven that she's not diabetic.
Please sit.
Yes... my son... he knows everything.
He had paid the pathologist.
Mr. Pathak, please sit down.
Sit down.
I say, sit down.
I paid.
Continue Bapat.
At this stage I have no further questions.
Next date...
10th January.
Court adjourned.
[Gavel Bangs]
[Doorbell rings]
What are you doing here?
I saw you on TV today as well.
You are a star now.
I am famous in school thanks to you.
How come?
I told my teacher.
You stay in my society.
Everyone was super impressed.
madam wants to meet you.
When should I get her?
Don't you dare.
Go now, I have a lot of work here.
Please meet her just once.
She'll go easy on me
if I don't do well in my exams.
Why don't you study instead you fool.
Go on now...
Leave me alone for a while.
Lazy bum... doesn't want to study...
[Claps hands]
Now what?
You must be so happy.
You're a hero now.
Are you jealous?
I am furious.
Abhay is suspended thanks to you.
No. That's thanks to you.
He's just suspended...
not dismissed.
What are you going to achieve
at the end of all this?
this issue of all senior citizens...
It's horrible.
I have decided to stand up
for this issue.
I want to be the voice this problem.
Unfortunately for us...
Your son is in the opposite corner.
My son?
Sorry. Our son.
You're preaching to me.
Your daughter in law...
Has filed a defamation suit against me.
Every action has an equal
and opposite reaction.
Great teacher.
Now you're going to teach me physics?
Only a mad man will attempt to teach you.
You know I am crazy.
Then why do you keep...
I am Dr. Virendra Sharma.
Senior surgeon at Padmavati
Heart Care Hospital.
Dr. Sharma...
On the night of 14th December
at 10.30pm
I came to your hospital with my wife.
Do you remember?
You and your wife...
What was her name?
You don't remember her name.
Don't even try.
It is okay.
My wife was not a VIP.
What was wrong with her?
She had a heart attack.
What was your advice?
What was the line of treatment?
followed by angioplasty.
And if need be, bypass.
How much money did you ask me to deposit?
2 lakh rupees.
I did not have that much money.
Then... I...
what did I say to you?
I don't have that much money
to deposit right now.
Then who is going to pay
for the treatment?
No, I will pay.
She has medical insurance.
Show me.
the documents are with my son.
I will call for them.
You can proceed.
That won't be possible.
No... don't worry.
We have enough money.
My son is an IAS officer.
He is the Principal Secretary
to the Revenue Department.
Abhay Pathak.
I am Govind Pathak. His father.
Sorry sir, but how can I...
I am...
Call Abhay.
[Line ringing]
It's connected.
Hello... Abhay?
Avni? It's me.
This is Sawant kaka's phone.
Please give the phone to Abhay.
It's urgent.
Ask him to call me... immediately.
Suhas has had a heart...
[Line hangs up]
What happened?
It switched off.
Call him again.
You please start the treatment.
I can't do that.
I have the money.
I also have some money.
Dr. Sharma...
I requested you to start treating my wife,
Suhas, immediately.
You didn't take any action.
The hospital is run by a trust.
Until you deposit the sum,
we cannot begin any procedure.
What did you exactly say to me?
I said, "I'll speak to the management. "
"I need to verify. "
"Whether your son is actually
the Principal Secretary. "
He said that and
Dr. Sharma just left.
I was helpless.
What could I do?
I tried...
I called Abhay again,
from Ramdas Sawant's phone.
His phone was switched off.
So, I called Avni.
My daughter in law.
Ramdas must have called her 10 times.
But she did not answer a single one.
I was under tremendous tension.
I was sitting there and...
Suhas's condition had worsened.
[Govind] 'I was watching her helplessly. '
'She was... '
'Breathless. '
'I could see her. '
'She was in tremendous pain. '
'I could see that. '
'I was helpless... unable to do anything. '
'I had no clue what to do. '
'I just left with Ramdas. '
'And Suhasini. '
'I took her to the government hospital. '
At the government hospital...
On the operation table...
Suhas... passed away...
She died...
Tell me Dr. Sharma...
Had she been treated
in your hospital.
Could you have saved her?
You would have spoken to my son.
Would you have begun
the treatment immediately?
Without receiving the deposit payment?
He's a bureaucrat.
We've confirmed.
I have nothing more to ask.
That's all.
Cross please.
You are a doctor.
Dr. Sharma
You take a Hippocratic oath.
How could you be so insensitive?
It was not in my hands.
I am just an employee of the hospital.
We're bound by the rules of the hospital.
Mr. Govind Pathak called his son.
Were there when he called?
Yes. He called him in front me.
See... didn't I tell you?
After that he called his daughter in law.
Did you see that?
Is there any proof that he called her?
You can check the records.
What other evidence do you need.
They have something...
to check... missed calls.
Ramdas has told me.
Your Honour.
Please may I have the liberty to
cross examine without interruption.
Mr. Pathak.
This is my last warning to you.
Sit down.
Sit down.
You can check...
missed calls.
You can proceed.
You told me.
Dr. Sharma, what did you do after that?
I discussed the matter
with the management.
They confirmed it from their sources.
Pathak was telling the truth.
But why didn't you begin the treatment?
How could I?
By the time we came back
to the casualty department,
Mr. Pathak had already left.
I see.
Had he waited
and the treatment had begun,
Mrs. Pathak could have been saved?
Ask him how long did it take for him
to come down to the casualty?
Your Honour this is too much.
Mr. Pathak,
I will throw you out of the court.
Sit down.
Dr. Sharma...
Tell me.
When did you go downstairs
to the casualty department?
It must have been around
thirty-five minutes later...
I left from your hospital in ten minutes.
Suhas died twenty-one minutes later.
Even if I had waited there,
Suhas would have died in your hospital.
4 minutes before you
came to the casualty ward.
Am I right?
Am I right?
Sir we must prove that Govind Pathak
is the culprit, at any cost.
Mr. Bapat.
A veteran lawyer like you was
rendered speechless in court
By Mr. Govind Pathak!
It is way below my dignity to
answer such baseless questions.
That old man is completely mad.
He is suing his own son.
He'll repent it for the rest of his life.
He'll regret it.
And I'll ensure it.
But when the doctor didn't have
any answers to his questions,
you too chose to stay quiet.
No comments.
But... Mr. Bapat...
No comments.
One last question...
You are insane.
One question, please.
I don't want to answer any questions.
I have become
a guinea pig for the media.
Guinea pig.
My face is blaring on TV screens all day.
If this continues.
I will be as good as a daily soap hero.
'The Father In Law Who Was Once A Villain!'
Let's go.
Let's go.
You're a rockstar sir!
Thank you!
But this is something my...
Wife should agree with!
You're back?
What happened in court today?
What do you think?
The usual.
Want some coffee?
I don't mind.
The day of the party...
You knew Baba was calling you.
How would I know?
It was an unknown number.
But when you got a call from that
same unknown number
you did answer!
Isn't it?
You knew.
I thought Baba will start cribbing again.
Look what happened.
Look Abhay.
When he first called...
On your mobile.
And I told him that I'll ask you
to call him back.
Why didn't he just tell me that
Aai was very ill?
Do you really think...
That I am happy?
That Aai is no more?
This is ridiculous!
How is the 'pav bhaaji'?
It's a bit spicy.
Look I'm sweating.
It's awesome.
You had complained against him
in the municipality.
To shut down his unauthorized stall.
Then you even lectured the people
who were eating at his stall.
Junk is unhealthy.
Which oil do they use?
Which water do they use?
Now look at you!
Hogging it down!
Do I have any option?
Who is going to cook for me now?
Will you? Go.
You have answers for everything.
There's one thing you should do.
Call the media home.
Tell them...
"This is your rockstar. "
Poor fellow is surviving on 'pav-bhaaji. '
So, you know about
the 'rockstar' incident?
Jealous much?
Why would I be jealous?
The lawyer called you a mad man.
I know about that too.
No problem.
I am mad.
There will come a day.
When this mad man
will get justice for you.
Never mind.
You're never interested in the
important details.
Please rise.
Get up.
Please be seated.
Mr. Pathak.
Your next witness please.
I have no more witnesses.
I want to testify now.
Go on then.
God swears that I will speak the truth.
Actually, I've never lied
in my whole life.
Except once.
What did you say?
I mean...
I was talking to myself.
I see.
The compensation that
I am asking from my son.
I want to present the details
before this court.
Go ahead.
The total amount I am seeking is
4 crores, 72 lakhs, 86 thousand
and hundred rupees only.
Mr. Pathak.
why such a specific amount?
That is the exact amount I have spent.
On my son.
Not a penny less,
not a penny more.
Thank you, sir.
The first amount is 3 crores, 91 lakhs
and 50 thousand only.
14th August 1998.
Abhay was 11 years old.
I was in office.
I got a call from Ramdas.
You know.
The same Sawant.
Whose phone I used
in the hospital that night.
He asked me to come home immediately.
And I did.
[Doorbell rings]
What is it Sawant?
Look at him.
Why is he home so early from school?
He fainted in school.
His teacher brought him home a while ago.
Is he still unconscious?
He's asleep.
What made him faint?
He has an arterial heart defect.
What is that?
See, he has a hole in his heart.
How come?
This has never happened before.
This condition is present since birth.
It shows no symptoms for years.
Is it?
Now what?
Actually, you're very lucky.
We took the 2D Echo since he fainted.
But doctor...
Hole in the heart...
Don't panic.
He is not dying.
He needs a surgery.
The surgery happened in Singapore.
I wanted to do it in India.
But Suhas was adamant.
Before Abhay was born,
we had a daughter.
Objection Your Honour.
This is not relevant to the case.
Listen to me.
It is relevant.
It is incidental.
If you listen to me patiently,
you'll understand.
It is incidental... relevant.
We had a daughter.
When she was two years old.
She contracted pneumonia
and died in a private clinic.
Naturally Suhas was terrified.
She refused to have his surgery here.
The operation
costed me 16 lakh rupees.
I had...
1.5 lakhs in savings.
Suhas sold her jewellery but...
It wasn't enough.
I owned a plot of land in Alibag.
27,000 sq. ft.
It was right by the sea.
I sold it off.
50,000 rupees per 1000 sq. ft.
That gave me 13.5 lakhs.
Today that land is for
20 lakh rupees per 1000 sq. ft.
I am only calculating this at 15 lakhs.
It comes to 4 crore, 5 lakh rupees.
I have deducted 13.5 lakh rupees
that was paid for the surgery.
So that amount is
3 crores, 91 lakhs, 50 thousand.
The next amount is...
Just a minute.
I'm getting old.
The next sum is 55 lakhs...
68 thousand rupees.
21 years ago.
Abhay was 14 years old.
[Doorbell rings]
- Yes... I'm coming...
You're so impatient.
What's wrong with you?
Come sit...
I have good news.
What happened?
Have this 'pedha. '
Here have one.
Have one.
- For what?
Senior accountant.
I've been promoted.
Go on.
I'm getting a raise of 7,000 rupees.
7 thousand!
We'll be getting staff quarters too!
In Amravati.
I've been transferred to Amravati.
I have also chosen a very good
school for you.
I won't go to Amravati.
What do you mean?
All my friends are here.
I don't want to change my school.
Amravati is wonderful.
You get lovely oranges over there.
You can have the oranges.
I will not go to Amravati.
I turned down the promotion.
I stayed in Mumbai.
Till I retired.
As an accounts officer.
I was at a loss of 7,000 rupees per month.
For 8 years.
That comes to
7 lakh 68 thousand rupees.
Later I would have become an
accounts manager.
For the next twenty-five years
till I retired.
Loss of 12,000 rupees per month.
That comes to 36 lakh rupees.
Add to it the difference in PF.
12 lakh rupees.
That comes to 55 lakhs
68 thousand rupees only.
The next amount is
18 lakh rupees.
Abhay passed his 12th grade.
Along with his graduation studies
he wanted to prepare for UPSC.
UPSC entrance exam is very tough,
isn't it?
Hmm. Extremely.
Abhay is working very hard.
But he was saying his friends
are at an advantage.
How come?
All of them are taking private classes
and personal coaching.
Education has become so expensive.
Why don't you just say it.
"Figure out a way to pay
his coaching fees".
Will you?
I applied for a loan against PF.
But that was taking too
much time to process.
So, I took out a private loan.
12 lakh rupees.
At 15% interest.
I ended up paying 18 lakh rupees in all.
For him.
In Abhay's wedding.
I'll just tell you...
I spent 7 lakh 32 thousand rupees.
I will tell you...
3 lakhs...
3 crores 91 lakhs 50 thousand...
Plus 55 lakhs 68 thousand
18 lakhs
And 7 lakhs 32 thousand.
4 crores, 72 lakhs, 50 thousand rupees.
You said 4 crores, 72 lakhs,
86 thousand and hundred rupees.
that's what you said.
I am coming to that.
- So, 36 thousand hundred rupees.
That's not matching.
Yes. I was coming to that point.
I have the details.
You see...
Abhay's friends in college. ,
developed a great interest.
In learning how to play the guitar.
That was it.
Our son too wanted to play the guitar.
I said...
"You're already studying for
UPSC along with your graduation... "
"You won't find the time to practice. "
But he was adamant.
So, I bought him a new guitar.
And paid the tutor 3 months' fees.
In 3 months, he lost interest.
The guitar is lying
in the attic even today.
I can get it to the court.
That was 36 thousand hundred rupees.
Now the figures will match.
I have documented proof of everything.
So, this is my final amount.
4 crores, 72 lakhs, 86 thousand
and hundred rupees.
This is the amount that I...
I've spent on my son.
I want it back.
Mr. Bapat
You can cross examine on 27th January.
Court is adjourned.
[Gavel Bangs]
No... I am right.
Let it go.
Bhau is here.
Bhau... Namaste.
Some people are waiting
to see you since morning.
- Look, they are sitting there.
You are here too?
Namaste, Bhau.
You're late today?
Yes, I was having lunch.
All of us are here to thank you.
Thank me?
- Yes.
What have I done?
You're fighting our battle.
This is a gift from all of us.
You must accept it.
What is this?
We had put out an appeal for donation.
We have managed to collect this much.
It will help you.
Thank you.
To be honest...
I really need this money.
I mean...
I really need even more than this.
But keep this with you for now.
When I need it... I will come to you.
I promise I will ask you.
Okay, promise?
Yes, for sure.
Govindbhau, we are proud of you.
You have taken your own son to court?
We're proud of you sir.
We're proud of you.
4 crores, 72 lakhs,
86 thousand and hundred rupees!
It is a very big amount.
You know that don't you?
Govind Pathak.
Your earnings of a lifetime must be
Less than half of this amount.
- Yes.
Yet as compensation...
How can you ask for such a big amount?
No... Mr. Bapat.
I have already presented a detailed
calculation of this amount.
You must be...
[All laughs]
Very funny.
Tell me Mr. Pathak.
Which father asks his own son
to repay him for his surgery?
I am not asking him to pay
for his surgery.
I am asking him to compensate
for the land I sold.
I have deducted
the cost of surgery from it.
Yes sir.
I could have easily made him undergo
the surgery at a government hospital.
Who stopped you?
Mother's love.
I haven't accounted for
it in the compensation.
You claim that...
You turned down a promotion.
That is not your son's fault.
It was not his fault.
A father decided...
That he will humour his child's whim.
There was nothing more important
for him than his son.
I think.
You must be the only father in the world,
who is asking his son to pay him back the
money spent on his education.
I am not asking him to repay his fees.
This is the amount I spent on
extra classes and special coaching.
His school fees,
college fees, school bus...
I am not asking
a single penny for that.
Fine. What about the expenses
on his wedding?
He had asked you not to spend so much.
Not only him.
Even his father-in-law insisted that
I shouldn't spend on the wedding.
His father-in-law is very well to do.
He is wealthier than you are.
[All laughs]
No... don't laugh.
It's true.
- Quiet please.
But we are a middle-class family.
We may not have money.
But we have immense self-respect.
I never wanted him to feel
any less in front of his father-in-law.
That is why we spent on the wedding.
Mr. Pathak you boast of self-respect...
you were just pampering your son.
And now you want him to pay you for it?
Are you talking about the guitar?
No, he wasted that money.
I mean...
Had he become a great guitarist...
Like Jimmy Hendrix...
I would have said,
"That money was well spent. "
But he wasted that money.
Your honour,
This claim for damages,
is irrational.
Any parent in the world does
what he did for his child.
Mr. Bapat.
You're wrong.
I agree...
All parents provide for their children.
But we went way beyond our means
to bring him up this way.
Or else he...
He would have been just an accounts officer
for life, just like me.
He is an IAS officer.
Thanks to our sacrifices.
We strangled our desires.
We sold our land, took loans,
sold our jewellery...
Did menial jobs, gave tuitions...
All for him...
All for him.
How did he repay us?
4 crores, 72 lakhs,
86 thousand and hundred rupees.
Is rightfully mine.
And I want it back.
Not a penny less.
Not a penny more.
That's all...
That's it...
Right here.
How much is it?
100 rupees.
Govind Pathak!
Yes, it's him.
What brings you here?
I had to.
You get money...
only at a bank!
- [All laughs]
Sir... you've a killer sense of humour.
May I get a selfie with you?
I must get to the court...
Hang on.
Why are you bothering him?
Manager sir will see you in his cabin.
- Yes.
Sir, please give me a selfie
on your way out.
If time permits, sure.
Namaste Mr. Pathak.
Come... have a seat.
You want to withdraw money?
Let me...
Tell you a joke.
A boy...
Was having 'jalebi'.
His friend came to him and said,
"Hey... Bandya... "
"Are you having 'jalebi'?"
- [Laughs]
Got it...
How much?
40 thousand.
Mohan... 40...
Take this cheque.
We'll do it later.
How have you been?
How have I been... !
The whole world knows
what I am up to.
These channels...
Have made me a household name.
Of course.
Sir, what is your insta ID?
Instagram ID?
You mean...
The place where the world
spends its time.
All the children in our building...
Spend the whole day watching
something on it.
What do they call it?
Yes, reels.
And... not just children.
- Even their mothers.
They've all gone crazy.
You mean, you're not on Instagram?
Mr. Deshmukh.
I don't even use a mobile.
Very dangerous.
In this world...
The most dangerous thing
ever invented is this mobile.
Mark my words.
One day this instrument
will destroy mankind.
No sir.
It is very useful.
This mobile.
You just come on Instagram.
You'll get millions of followers.
Where are these followers?
What do they do?
Tell me...
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj...
Were they on Insta?
Babasaheb Ambedkar,
was he on Insta?
Do you want to see his followers?
Go to Shivaji Park on the 6th of December.
Those are followers.
'Come on Insta!'
Sorry to say...
How many people do you follow?
I mean...
You follow actors.
You 'follow' them.
Even influencers.
When will you follow your parents?
Not on Insta...
In real life.
Bhau is here.
Yes, come on.
How much is it?
Govindji, the case is at a new twist now.
What will you tell us?
I have nothing to say.
There's nothing new.
Will you actually make your son repay you?
- Please come.
I was almost felicitated by the bank!
Bhau, you have become so famous.
Camera here.
Here's your money.
I'll give it back in two months,
I promise.
It's for my daughter's surgery.
Don't worry about it.
Be careful in front of Bapat.
He will grill you.
His questions make no difference to me.
Mr. Govind Pathak.
You claim that your wife
suffered a heart attack
because of stress.
You've fixed your glasses with tape.
Is it broken?
Mr. Bapat, you don't think
this is a new fashion, do you?
Can you tell the court
how did the glasses break?
I got into a fight at the market.
I was buying vegetables.
I slapped a goon, right across his face.
He turned around
and boxed me in the face.
My glasses broke.
About a year ago, you got into a scuffle
with the local corporator.
He is utterly corrupt.
I caught him red handed, taking a bribe.
It was a trap I had set.
I exposed him in front of everyone.
Let me answer your next question.
He was furious.
He sent half a dozen men
to bash me up.
Very dangerous.
I wasn't scared.
Our municipal commissioner...
He is Abhay's
During IAS...
Abhay called him and
He was terrified.
I wasn't scared one bit.
Did you ever think that your wife
would be under great stress
thanks to your antics?
Mr. Bapat, you should've
asked this question to your client.
My son.
He would have told you.
Not stress.
My wife was proud of what I did.
Your son is a UPSC topper.
Thanks to the values
that we instilled in him.
Wasn't she proud of his achievements?
Any mother would be proud.
Mr. Bapat I didn't expect
such illogical questions from you.
You see.
Mothers are stressed...
Only when children become insensitive...
And cold hearted.
Well spoken Mr. Pathak.
Your Honour
my next witness is...
Manda Gawde.
Is the 'gavar' fresh today?
Super fresh.
Should I send some for you?
Who will cook it for me?
We buy our vegetables from her.
I swear to tell the truth.
Please state your name.
Manda Gawde.
You called it out, didn't you?
He tends to forget things...
Mr. Bapat.
Mr. Pathak.
You are testing my patience.
- Sorry.
Manda Gawde.
A few days ago...
Govind Pathak got into a fight
in the market?
With Bandya.
He is very dangerous.
But he...
Slapped him so hard.
Was this the first time... ?
Not at all.
Whenever there is any issue.
Bhau is the first to rush in.
Don't let his age fool you.
He is very dashing.
Your Honour point to be noted.
He is the superhero of our market.
We need half a dozen more men like him.
Our city will be so peaceful.
Please stick to my questions.
This is a court.
Not a market.
Go on ask your questions.
My son is manning my stall.
No more questions your honour.
Mr. Pathak.
Yes, Bhau?
I hope you are fine.
Absolutely fine, Bhau.
Has Sunya scored well
in his terminal exam?
Top class.
Kaki taught him so well.
Objection Your Honour.
How is this relevant to the case?
Mr. Pathak...
I had no questions for her.
I had the chance,
so I asked how she was doing.
It has been a while since I met her.
- [All laughs]
Don't laugh.
Who will cook for me now?
He is too much.
What do you think of this case?
We can't deny negligence.
On Abhay's part.
Pathak has proof.
Sir, I'll be ruined.
All the files are with
the revenue department.
The loss will bury me.
And the humiliation... !
Don't be too tensed.
Let's wait for the verdict.
We'll appeal in the higher court.
No big deal.
I'll get a drink.
- He'll get it for you.
Never mind... I'll get it.
Joshi sir...
Welcome Mr. Pandit.
We were waiting for you.
Shoes are fine inside.
Welcome Mr. Pandit.
How are you?
Just fine.
Welcome, Panditrao.
Sir, you're here!
What will you have?
I can have what you're having.
One single malt. 25 years.
Half water. Half soda.
90 ml...
2 or 3 pieces of...
We have a job for you.
Sir, just tell me what you need.
Mr. Abhay...
Yes sir?
Is it true that you visit
your father only once a month?
That's not true.
I go 3 or 4 times a month.
They mean your own father.
I thought...
He didn't understand the question...
Just clarified...
Continue Mr. Bapat.
He says that, very often
you wouldn't meet him for
40 days at a stretch?
These days...
Baba is losing his memory.
It must be early dementia.
Do you operate his bank accounts?
He is not organized.
Oh, I see.
It is for his future.
I have carefully invested all his money.
He is not used to savings.
You can save only when
you have any money left.
Mr. Pathak.
Mr. Abhay you claim that
you have invested his money.
How did he pay for his monthly expenses?
I used to regularly give them money.
Once a month?
If required...
I have even given them money
3 or 4 times a month.
The incident that happened
with your mother
When did you last meet
them before that?
10 or 12 days before that day.
Did you give them money at that time?
Yes, I did.
What happened to all that money?
I don't know.
He must have kept it somewhere.
And forgotten all about it.
Your Honour
Point to be noted.
Mr. Pathak had money,
yet he did not pay Dr. Joshi or Dr. Sharma.
I won't say that he did that on purpose.
It happens in dementia.
No further questions Your Honour.
Mr. Pathak your witness please.
My dear son,
I hope you are well.
On 24th of October,
You came home at 11.15
and gave me 75 thousand rupees.
30 notes of 2,000 rupees
And 30 notes of 500 rupees.
We had lunch at 12.30.
Your mother had prepared everything
that you like.
Jowari bhakri,
'Vaalaache birde'...
Cucumber salad, thecha
and puranpoli.
You had lunch and you left.
One month after that,
On 27th of November I called you.
I told you...
The paperboy...
Vegetable vendor...
Our maid, Shevanta.
I had to pay their salaries.
You said you...
You were on a tour
with the revenue minister.
In Solapur.
You said you'll return on the 29th
And give me the money.
You didn't come on the 29th
neither did you call.
All of them...
Would ask for their money every day.
So, I called you on the 30th.
You said, "Baba I'll take two more days. "
"The tour has been extended. "
So, I...
On the 3rd,
Of December I called you.
But I couldn't reach you.
So, I called you again
at 6 in the evening.
You said to me,
you were in the flight.
So, you couldn't answer the phone.
You told me you would come the next day
And give me the money.
Since his marriage,
For the past 4 years...
His schedule, with date, time
and how much money he has given us...
I can tell this court every detail.
But that will...
Waste the precious time of the court.
Sorry Abhay...
This old man's brain is absolutely fine.
Get it?
I do not have dementia.
I have an elephant's memory.
And you know that.
I have no further questions
for this shameless boy.
You can go.
Your Honour
Mr. Govind Pathak does have dementia.
But it's quite recent.
I can prove it,
I want to call a new witness to the stand.
Someone who has constantly
been with Mr. Govind Pathak
for the past few days.
Go ahead.
Dinkar Pandit please.
I swear to tell the truth.
And nothing but the truth.
Advocate Pandit.
Yes sir.
In your opinion.
Is Mr. Govind Pathak normal?
Sometimes he is...
Sometimes he isn't.
Please elaborate.
Mostly he is fine.
But at times his behaviour is
very strange.
Elaborate please.
Many times,
He has called me home.
I rush to his place.
But when he sees me,
he asks what I am doing there.
Isn't that strange.
This has happened several times.
Last Monday he called me
to Jyoti restaurant.
He wanted to discuss something
very important regarding the case.
I went there immediately.
Only to see...
He wasn't there.
I was worried.
I called him.
He said, "I never called you. "
I was shocked.
My Lord.
He forgets the date of the hearing.
Each day of the hearing,
I have to go to his place.
And bring him here with me.
He often asks me.
What case is this, you idiot?
I find it very difficult; I tell you.
Sir, In my honest opinion,
this must be short term memory loss.
I don't want to interrupt.
Let him continue.
No further questions Your Honour.
Dinkar Baburao Pandit.
you should've taken an oath that
"I swear that I will only tell
lies in this court. "
Objection Your Honour.
Mr. Pathak.
No dramatics.
Okay sir.
Mr. Pandit, when did this case begin?
I'll tell you.
4th or 5th...
5th... Of January.
3rd of January.
On the 2nd, you came home at night.
I paid your fees.
30,000 rupees.
I deducted 10% and
wrote you a cheque for 27,000 rupees.
I took the cheque.
Cheque no. 400480073.
I have a photocopy.
I can show it to you.
Oh, I see.
Yes. Correct.
There you are sir.
He is the one who forgets.
And you claim I have dementia.
Surprising isn't it Mr. Bapat?
The next date.
What is the next date?
Of course... I...
You don't remember a thing.
I'll tell you.
10th of January.
14th of January.
17th of February.
27th of March.
And today.
3rd of April.
He never came home to fetch me.
In fact,
On every day of the hearing
I have fetched him from his house.
Even today.
Taxi number MHO4-MD-3757.
On the 27th of March,
Did not pick him up.
He came by himself.
I had been to the bank that day.
I have withdrawn 40,000 rupees that day.
I gave it to him to pay for
his daughter's appendix surgery.
I gave it to him.
Outside this court.
Yes you.
This makes it even clear.
He keeps forgetting and
that creates problems for me.
There must be CCTV cameras
outside the court.
If not...
The media always hounds me
when I arrive,
With their cameras.
You can get the footage.
Under your order,
We can call for it.
Bhau, I just remembered.
You had given me the money.
My lord you see...
My daughter had to
undergo a serious operation.
I was scared.
I must have...
I am going to return the money...
I promise to return his money.
- Of course.
Your Honour
He is the most disgusting specimen
I have ever come across.
I am done.
Bloody Pelican.
Mr. Bapat...
There's always an advantage
to telling the truth.
You don't have to remember
what you had said.
Advocate Bapat.
Your next witness.
Mrs. Avni Pathak has filed...
A defamation suit
against Mr. Govind Pathak.
May we begin the proceedings?
I have heard your arguments so far,
do you have other points to present?
No, Your Honour.
Reserved for Orders.
What is it now Mr. Pathak?
Had this not been a court of law...
I would have slapped this man.
I mean it.
He is a disgrace to the legal system.
What are you thinking of?
Everything is going to be alright.
Don't worry.
I'm not worrying.
What happened in court today...
It was loathsome.
I lied against my own father.
So what?
I will have you acquitted.
By hook or by crook.
I'm still not convinced.
I'm ready to pay the compensation.
That means you are admitting to the crime.
I've begun to think...
That I have committed a crime.
I have said everything that I wanted to.
I've no more to say.
Govindji, the verdict
will be declared today.
Entire Maharashtra is with you.
How do you feel today?
Please tell us.
How do you think I feel?
The final judgement
of the honourable court...
I will accept it.
Don't worry.
Maharashtra supports you.
Abhay will surely be hanged.
I know your name.
Abhay is my son.
There's only thing
I'm seeking from all this.
He should learn his lesson.
Not only him.
This society...
The politicians too...
Should learn from this.
Everybody thinks that
senior citizens...
Are a disposable lot.
We are not.
Thank you.
Having gone through
all the evidence in this case.
And having heard
all the witness testimonies.
This court has come to a decision.
Abhay Pathak
was certainly negligent.
However, the argument that
Suhasini Pathak's heart attack
was due to his behaviour...
is not acceptable to this court.
Abhay Govind Pathak
Stands acquitted in this case.
Govind Pathak's claim to compensation
from Abhay Pathak...
Stands valid.
This court orders...
Abhay Pathak should pay Govind Pathak
A sum of Rs. 4 ,72,86,100
as compensation.
May I speak, sir?
Go ahead.
Abhay was not going to be convicted.
I was sure of that.
He is not a criminal.
Yet I went ahead with this.
Everyone here must be wondering.
Why did I do it?
You too.
The hardship that millions of
senior citizens are facing today...
I wanted to bring them out in the open.
We take great effort and care
to bring up our children.
We guide them
through every walk of life.
We empower them.
Our happiness lies in their happiness.
We bury our sadness.
Since Abhay was born...
I don't think Suhas every
bought a new saree.
Whenever I brought it up,
she would say I have enough.
She was very fond of jewellery.
In all the years of raising him...
She sold all her jewellery.
She made sure that
Abhay got the best of everything.
Nosey neighbours would point it out.
She'd retort,
"I'm allergic to gold. "
She gave tuitions.
Even ran a tiffin service.
She had only one aim.
Everything has to be
for our son.
She would say,
"Once he starts earning,
we will live the way we want. "
These thoughts...
Are not just mine.
Almost all parents live like this.
For them.
Children are their priority.
When these children grow up...
Parents become a liability for them.
Even if for a minute...
If they can't find their mother;
children bawl their eyes out
but when they grow up,
they don't visit their parents for months!
I'd call Abhay.
He'd say, "Five minutes, Baba...
I'll call you in five minutes. "
Five minutes would turn to five days.
We don't expect anything from them.
We just want to ask them,
"How are you, my dear?"
"Have you eaten?"
Nothing else.
What other expectations
would we have of them?
We don't want your money.
But just sit with us once a day...
Ask us, "How are you Aai?
How are you, Baba?"
"What did you do today?"
Just talk to us.
Once in a while,
take us to our favourite restaurant.
Abhay would come home.
Once in a month.
We would be excited.
So excited...
What we did all month...
We wanted to share everything with him.
We wanted to share our pain.
But he...
He would come...
And all the while...
would be constantly busy on his mobile.
I mean...
Every parent believes
their child is a magician.
He will visit us
and heal all our pain.
High hopes...
We used to have the black phone.
It is worn out.
I still use it.
Then a genius
invented the mobile.
For better communication.
It 'Discommunicated' people.
It destroyed interpersonal relationships.
Everyone was more isolated.
After a certain age.
We tend to forget things.
We often repeat what we've already said.
"Don't go on and on again... "
Don't say that to us.
When you were young,
we've answered your same questions
very patiently.
in the past few days,
I visited several old age homes.
If you hear what those
senior citizens have been through,
your blood will boil.
You'll hang their children in public.
Yes sir.
Very sad, sir.
But now...
It doesn't matter.
Nobody cares.
I decided to care, sir.
This was never my battle.
This was for the millions of
senior citizens.
That is all I wanted to say.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Pathak.
My son is studying to become a doctor.
He stays in a hostel in Mumbai.
He calls home once a week.
Visits us once a month.
Ever since this trial began,
he calls twice a day.
He even visits us once a week.
My wife sends you
warm regards.
Thank you.
Thank you.
4 crores, 72 lakhs,
86 thousand and hundred.
Did you hear that, Suhas?
4 crores, 72 lakhs,
86 thousand and hundred.
I have got my money.
Our money.
You too have your little share in it.
[Suhasini] What will you do
with this money?
I will live my best life!
[Suhasini] After destroying
your son's life?
He has got his job back.
He has taken charge
as collector of Bhandardara.
The new collector of Bhandardara.
[Horn blares]
Yes sir?
Avni is here.
You're late today?
None of your business.
You're late today?
As if you care.
What did you just say?
You could've called me.
There's no network today.
What about the landline?
Bloody load shedding.
Same shit.
In this shit place.
As long as we are here,
we will have to adjust.
There is not even a single
decent parlour here.
I have to go all the way to Nashik.
For a simple cleanup.
Don't just look at my face.
Do something.
What can I do?
Dad said you can join his
company as CEO.
I don't run away from my problems.
I promise.
I will be back as the CM's
Principal Secretary.
Good luck.
I need to have a bath.
To wash away the stench of this place.
It's the scent of this soil.
Then bury your nose in it.
[Sameer] Just take care of yourself.
Yeah I will.
Oh Dad, can you get me
At least two dozens.
[Sameer] Okay.
And cheese.
Brie cheese.
[Sameer] Don't you get
anything over there?
Nothing at all.
It's a ghost town.
[Sameer] Okay, I'll...
I'll arrange everything.
[Phone rings]
Answer the phone.
Subhash, I'll take it.
[Govind] Hello.
It's me...
Avni... It's baba...
I'll call you back.
Wonder what the old man wants now?
Bloody pain in the neck.
I have something to tell you.
Do you need anything?
Aai is alive.
Aai is alive.
Lied to everyone.
I'm listening.
That's all I wanted to tell you.
This is crazy.
What is it?
What more does he want from us?
Aai is alive!
That's what he told me.
Aai is alive.
I will take him to the cleaners.
I will drag that old man to court.
Avni what are you saying?
- Exactly what I'm going to do.
FB... Insta...
I had to delete all my accounts.
I was fed up of trolling.
I would step out of the house...
People pointed fingers at me.
"Look... "
"The evil daughter-in-law. "
You know what Abs...
As much as you've suffered...
I have suffered three times more!
I will make him suffer.
He is going to jail.
Avni calm down.
- Not a chance.
Just watch what I do.
[Police siren wails]
Everyone trusted you.
What have you done?
I have done nothing wrong.
What I did was right.
Will you keep me there?
[Devotional song]
Look at him.
The mood is all set!
His Holiness Govindbhau!
- Amazing!
After all that mess, look at him!
He is singing bhajans! [Laughs]
Pakya Bhai...
What are you doing here?
You've arrested Bachchan
I'll sign his bail.
Bail can happen only on Monday.
Do something.
How can he stay in here for two days?
I'll be fine.
Suhas too stayed...
Eight months in the bedroom.
Look at him...
No chance?
What can I do?
It is a legal matter.
Come here.
Why did you slap me?
Assaulting an on duty policeman.
Charge me.
Lock me up.
I'll keep him company.
In this court,
Prakash Dagdu Bhope
Is being granted bail.
You will get it too.
And defendant Govind Shridhar Pathak
Your bail...
Is denied.
Your Honour
Considering my client's age,
I humbly request the court...
Please consider his case sympathetically
and grant him bail.
Once before, this court...
Has been sympathetic to your client.
Isn't it?
Bail denied.
Have I heard right?
Sue him for 10 crores.
What are you saying Avni?
If you want to sue him,
ask for all the money that I've given him.
What about the interest for 9 months?
What about that?
That's unfair Avni.
Very unfair.
It is absolutely fair.
I want to get back every single penny
of our hard earned money.
Hard earned?
"Who endure with the millions of
storms in his breathe"
"No one knows who makes sacrifice for us"
"By conferring boon
we must turn into curse"
"Be a father to understand a father"
"When the obligation of
that moment will settle?"
"Let's talk and find what went wrong"
"Let's talk and find what went wrong"
"Tell me what went wrong"
"Let's talk and find what went wrong"
Govindrao, this wasn't expected from you.
Shame on you!
Govind Pathak!
- Shame on you!
Govind Pathak!
- Shame on you!
Govind Pathak!
- Shame on you!
Govind Pathak!
- Shame on you!
Govind Pathak!
- Shame on you!
Govind Pathak!
- Shame on you!
Govind Pathak!
- Shame on you!
Your Honour.
Mr. Govind Shridhar Pathak.
Filed a false case against my client.
And a shameful trial was held
in this very court a few months ago.
The woman whose death...
My client was held responsible for...
And for whom he had to go through
huge emotional stress.
Is alive.
Mrs. Avni.
How did you know she was alive?
Her husband...
My father-in-law...
Shamelessly admitted to it.
So how did you react?
I was shattered.
For the past year
our life has been a living hell.
My father...
It was impossible for us
to step out of the house.
When he was about to be the
Principal Secretary to the CM,
literally 10 days before he took charge...
My husband remained suspended
for almost 10 months after that.
Thanks to this insensitive man.
He has destroyed his own son's family.
Why do you think he did all this?
He has always detested me.
He didn't approve of our marriage.
For the past 4 years...
He tried very hard
to break up our marriage.
He didn't succeed.
Look how low he has stooped.
I could've never imagined.
He despises me so much.
He ruined his own son to destroy me.
I want to see him rotting in jail.
He is responsible for our troubles...
So, for defamation...
I want to sue him for a sum of
10 crore rupees.
No further questions Your Honour.
Your witness please.
According to your testimony...
Govind Pathak has harassed you?
Absolute hatred.
Whatever you have claimed...
Why should the court believe you?
Just look at him.
He loathes me.
I have snatched away his son from him.
He constantly tries to
prove it to everyone.
I don't understand...
He accused Abhay of his mother's death.
How was that going to
break up your marriage?
Revenge makes a man do despicable things.
It is revenge and anger
which are the basis
for your demand of
10 crore rupees, isn't it?
4 crore, 72 lakhs,
86 thousand and hundred rupees...
Are ours.
In comparison to the humiliation
that I have experienced...
The defamation amount is meagre.
Why do you think he as has
that kind of money to give you?
He has enough money in the bank.
My husband had planned his
finances very well.
He has got a lot of money from
many organizations who pity his condition.
If that isn't enough...
He can sell off his shanty in Borivali.
I don't care.
You were absolutely right.
Revenge and anger...
Can make a man do despicable things.
I will do that.
He is a devil.
He belongs in jail.
I'm ready to go to jail, Avni.
Yes, I've committed a crime.
What I did...
I do not regret it.
What is this?
Lawyer's fees.
Why didn't Govind give it?
He doesn't have any money.
I broke my fixed deposit.
You shouldn't have.
I would have paid the fees.
Never mind.
- [Phone rings]
Just a minute.
Dear god...
It's me... Abhay...
Abhay, you think you need
to tell me it's you?
I am your mother.
Don't I recognize your voice?
I was so happy to see you today.
Your older sister Ananya...
Our daughter passed away...
After that...
Both of us were desperate
for another child.
I tried everything.
Rituals, fasts, poojas...
for years...
You were born seven years later.
Today I feel...
Why did God answer our prayers?
Your Honour.
Govindrao and Suhasini Pathak
are a virtuous couple.
Why would they despise and harass
their daughter-in-law?
Your Honour...
Abhay would meet his parents
once every month.
If his wife didn't go with him...
Suhasini Tai...
Would make besan laddoos,
coconut barfi...
And send it with Abhay.
Because her daughter-in-law
liked to eat it.
Two years ago, Avni fell ill.
Extremely ill.
Everyone panicked.
At that time, Govindrao, at his age...
Went from Borivali to Virar...
Barefoot... walking...
To Goddess Jeevdani temple.
Only so that his daughter-in-law
may get better.
I have innumerable examples
of their kindness.
But I don't wish to waste
the court's time.
All I would like to point out is that
that night at the hospital,
Suhashini Pathak
did in fact die.
Declared clinically dead.
My first witness is
Prakash Dagdu Bhope.
I swear to tell the truth.
Tell me...
How long have you known
Mr. Govind Pathak for?
My Bandya...
He slapped him in the market.
And brought him to me.
It was a trivial matter.
He should've just said sorry and let go.
He started lecturing me.
A full-on sermon.
I liked this fellow.
I named him Bachchan.
I felt bad too.
Bandya broke his glasses.
I went to his place with
a new pair of glasses.
What is he doing here?
Hey chintoo...
You there... L-E-V-I-S...
Come here.
Come here.
- Come with me.
Where does that old man stay?
Which old man?
What's Bachchan's name?
- Pathak.
Govind Kaka?
Yes him.
He stays on the first floor.
- Take it.
Give this to him.
Don't tell him it's from me.
Bhau is not home.
He's at the hospital.
What happened?
His wife has had a heart attack.
I rushed to Padmavati hospital.
The watchman told me...
They have shifted to
the government hospital.
I immediately went there.
From Padmavati to Bhagwati.
How is your wife?
Who told you?
Forget about that.
I went to Padmavati hospital
only to find out that you've come here.
That's a good hospital.
Why did you come here?
I didn't have enough money to
pay for the deposit.
I'll give you the money,
let's take her back there.
They are treating her.
Keep it.
Keep it. You'll need it.
- No, They won't take money here.
Is she really dead?
Looks like she is fast asleep.
Check her again.
Are you going to teach me my job?
What's the harm in checking again?
Go on check her.
What are you doing?
Don't touch me.
Did you shock her?
Did you give her a shock?
What for?
They had shocked Usman's father.
His dead body sprung into the air
and dropped back three feet.
Came back to life.
Are you mad?
Give her shock treatment.
Shiva throw him out.
What's the harm?
Had the doctor not given
her the electric shock...
Mrs. Pathak's game was over!
We were so happy to see her alive!
But Bachchan...
He was furious.
Angry old man.
Congratulations Govindrao!
She is out of danger now.
Thank you doctor!
Don't thank me.
Thank him.
Mention not...
Now my father won't be
ashamed of me, will he?
I was wrong.
I'm just kidding.
Pakya, if it hadn't been for you...
Suhas would have been no more.
Will you help me?
How can I say no to him?
Within an hour,
the doctor issued a death certificate.
Got an unclaimed body
and got a certificate
from the crematorium.
Super easily...
We moved her to their bedroom.
For the first few days,
the doctor would come and check on her.
Your Honour...
He too helped a lot.
Oh yeah...
What happened next...
Everyone in India knows by now.
Verdict would be...
In the next hearing.
I have committed a crime.
I am a criminal.
Even when I filed the FIR against Abhay...
I knew the truth will come out
sooner or later.
And it did.
Millions of Senior citizens' issues...
Their pain, their suffering...
I'm glad I could bring it out
in the open.
However, it hurts me that
I thought you would be
ecstatic to know that Aai is alive.
Never mind.
I won't be able to give you
10 crore rupees.
I do not have a single rupee
in my name.
The shanty in Borivali is no longer mine.
You're lying Mr. Pathak.
Where is all his money?
Hey lawyer...
Bhau has built an old age home
in Talegaon.
He spent all his money.
If you find the time...
All of you must visit that place.
Your Honour...
I tell you...
It has such awesome facilities
for senior citizens.
Swimming pool...
Even a bar.
- Bar?
Oh yes.
Bhau says...
We may be old but
why shouldn't we enjoy!
Old is gold.
That's the name of the old age home.
He's a great man.
Bhau is pure gold!
Your Honour
I withdraw my case.
You fool, go with her.
Your Honour...
May I meet him?
I was right.
You are...
Mr. Pathak...
Never change.
Proud of you.
The case is withdrawn.
But Govind Pathak...
You have committed perjury.
In this crime, along with Govind Pathak,
Prakash Bhope
Ramdas Sawant
and Dr. Shailesh Deshpande are
accomplice to the crime.
This court sentences
all three of them to
6 months of rigorous imprisonment.
Your Honour...
I have an idea. Sentence me.
To 1 year.
I am used to it.
How will he survive inside?
Happily, Prakash.
have a request sir...
Keep him...
Somewhere close to my cell.
I will teach him a few good life lessons.
But I have a lot to learn from him.
You're going to make me cry,
"You are your own companion,
you are your own supporter"
"Pave your way and walk your path alone"
What are you looking at?
You're looking good!
Life in prison suits you, I guess!
Of course.
I had special treatment in jail.
Is it?
Everyone respected me.
Police officers...
Prison staff...
Even the hardened criminals.
"Good morning, Sir!"
"Yes sir!"
Jealous you are!
Jealous? Me?
I'm famished.
Let's have something.
It can wait...
Let's go there.
Come with me.
Don't ask questions.
Where are you taking me?
See for yourself.
Just come with me.
Who is singing?
"God is there to worry for me"
"You are your own companion,
you are your own supporter"
"Pave your way and walk your path alone"
"Let there be delay but don't lose hopes"
"The dawn will break
once the night passes"
It's been 15 days he's here.
But what about his job?
He won't resume his work
till everything settles down here.
Today I am convinced.
Miracles do happen!
Let's go.
What's for lunch?
The kitchen is closed today.
- Why?
Avni is getting lunch for everyone.
You have a bunch of
shocking news for me today.
Another one.
What is that?
New glasses.
Abhay got it.
Seems expensive.
How is it?
What do I do with this one?
Throw it away.
No way.
I'll sell it online. You get good money.
Come on.
Let's go for a walk
till she gets our lunch.
Come on.
"Moments that pacified you
while suffering"
"Moments that turned tears
in to showers"
"By enduring the pain of
thousands of pricks"
"the moments that poured flowers on hands"
"Why those moments turned sour?"
"Let's talk and find what went wrong"
"Let's talk and find what went wrong"
"Tell me what went wrong"