Jungle Book (1942) Movie Script

Look at that beautiful old man,
what a lovely head
India is filled with old men, Memsahib
But not like the man
with the yellow turban,
His is like the head of John the Baptist
Memsahib, refers to the story teller
Are these silent monsters in peace with us
It is but a truce they keep with men
But I, who have seen the task stained
red with blood
I could tell you a tale of the silent ones
for a few coppers
For a bowl of rice
What would you do with my image memsahib
I would keep it, for a memory of India
verily, you will have all India in your picture
Nay, you would have The Book of The Jungle
to read in my eyes
In the beginning, you must think
of nothing but silence,
a silence so vast that ears can't hear it
Great trees like the pillars of the temple
with furs like green carpets underneath
While above, under the dome of heaven
where live the winged ones
The wind woods restless whispering
across the roof of the world
These are the eaters of grass in a world
of tall flesh
early the little fawns must learn the lesson,
Feet theirs make no noise,
eyes that see in the dark,
ears that heard the Leopard
leading his herd.
But Leopard lays by the law of claws
and horns and fang,
he will kill for hunger, and eat there all,
but he'll
never kill for killing sake,
a law that all men break
but jungle folks obey
These are the lords of the jungle,
tribe of Hati,
the Silent ones, they go their way,
eaters of grass in a world of carnage
But the Wolfs are the true hunters of the jungle
and likes hunt while stick to their clan
with a strict regard for hunting
calls and tribal law
three companion of the woods,
they may fight and quarrel
among their selfs and the strongest
wolf must take the leadership
Yet jungle folks says that the wisest
among them is the tribe of Balu the bear
He is a teacher of the jungle law
Yet there is one who knows no law
the barrel border mudguard, the Crocodile
with his chin in his shallows
and lust in his cold hearth
hopping to drag dawn to the deeps
all who wonder in his river banks
And in the legends of the jungle
there is a black creeps
shredders to the law of claw, horn and fang
disposers of buffalos, as reckless
and wounded elephants
but the voice is soft as wild
honey dripping from the tree
and prier and master and afraid
Bagheera, the black panther
And now behold the villain of my tale
the killer, the man killer, the assassin
over spread murderous through the jungle clans
Shere Khan, the Tiger
It is said that when the first kill
when he was king of a poor able of the glades
when he run from the scene of
his first crime
the trees and creepers whip him
with their branches and straight
his yellow eye with the mark of Cain
This evil law they must have it's
dislikers, his bullies pretenders,
Tabaqui, the jackal
and the hyena, hungry for the scraps
of the murderers masters feast
But my tale is not alone about outcast and heroes
I will tell you also of rock snake Kha,
the wise one
the Oracle who thought mother Eve's
speech menus for treachery and sin
What is the book of life itself
but men bows at nature,
the struggle between village and jungle
under the mantle of wild creepers
and great trees
many ruin cities lays forgotten
in the pages of time
where a thousand war chariots
proclaim the might emigrated king
before whom all men bow their heads
nothing remains but a tradice
for wild flicks some apart
But what of the great Maharaja
the loser in this battles
he has left many such palaces
to his cousins the monkey pack,
the bender logs, the outcast of the jungle
You must picture who I was, Milords
Buldeo, the mighty hunter
Was a long time ago
and very far away,
on a summer evening in the Sioni hills
come closer, come closer
Gems on the leather, Buldeo's message
that fool makes speeches the all day.
Come Durga lets listen to him
You cannot build your houses anywhere
We have to plan our top village
Someday will be a mighty city here
A mighty city with marble houses
Temple shall be there,
facing the market place
Thats where I want the bean patch
No there is where market place, as Buldeo says
and the barbershop will face the temple
I will find a bean patch anyway
outside your mighty city
Go Durga take the child
and the old man to the car
Natu, come grandfather
Did you heard that
we are going to have a market place
and a temple and a mighty city
we have all that if we can beat the jungle
the view in your hundred years
seen men in a war with the nature
seat here grandfather
There Natu
Go back to your work
Natu, where are you my baby
Look, look, our little Natu is wonder away
Don't worry Messua the child couldn't go far
I look him for right away
Durga you search in there
Natu...my husband
Abdullah, Ali, Mohammed
Poor master, poor Messua
But us all gone look for the child
All men bring your spears
Ali, Sims, Abdullah...torches
Follow me
Poor little fellow, poor little Natu
And that poor mother
Poor mother!
Is every woman ought to have
a wolf nurse a baby boy
Do you believe that Tibarah
Oh, yes Memsahib, and his Excellency,
your father has many records
of those children from Indian Hills
It is true
True?, in the beginning wasn't not written
That the she wolfs love the children of men
where not the wolfs the posted parents
of many childs in India
Little, naked and gob
The men's cub enter the wolf cave
He felt just at home with the cubs
as at his mother side
Lost, and tire, he fell asleep among
his brothers of the jungle
Akela, the father wolf and
Raksha, the mother wolf
Knew that Shere Khan was prowling
outside looking for the men's cub
So they took him to the family
He grew up with the cubs
they call him Mowgli.
The little frog, father wolf
thought his business in their every brasses in the grass
just as much to him as to his brothers
wolf's cubs
All the lords of the jungle became
his friends
He had only one enemy
Shere Khan The Tiger!
Did Mowgli live to hunt Shere Khan?
Did He live?
But how I know then, what I know now
Twelve years had past
And Shere Khan was on the trail
of the wolf boy.
Let me handle him
Cover him up,...
cover him up
How are you boy
Can you hear
Give a torch, a torch
This boy has never seen fire before
His is from the jungle
We must be kind to him, release Him
Release him?
Are you mad, this is a thing of the jungle
Let me look, let me look
Look at the scars on his arms
and legs
What's point at this bones he
has run out of us, with wolf cubs
Poor child...
this boy has been reared in the jungle
He has the evil eye
I Beguine to think he had...
I think this boy is Messua's little baby
which be stolen that day we build the wall
Could this boy be yours Messua
No, isn't my, but is a handsome boy
Eyes like red fire, any woman would
like to have a son like him
But my Natu was soft and plump
Mistress, how could he be plump
running naked in the woods
I warning all, his has the evil eye.
No Buldeo, he's some poor lost man
Not like my own, but, I'm a lonely woman
and if you would let me
I will shelter him
for some other woman who lost her son
He is a wolf, let one in
and all will follow
He will bring dawn the jungle upon us
but the jungle is sacred,
the jungle is restore Buldeo
take this boy to your house my sister
and copy little harder for money
to get Natu and me
for have save Natu life on this day
Release Him!
wait, are you going turn this devil lost
before I can protect you
A gun...Buldeo don't
a gun
Now release him
No, no
would you come with me
Dawn upon our heads even before the temple
We have call the curse of the beast
No more shall we prosper
The wild pig will trample dawn our vines
The Tiger will short our streets
We have open our doors to the devil
Don't look upon evil
Get home to bed
At least I can keep my own daughter from harm
Expect, you bark, anyway to treat
one who comes to live with us
I remember the day I give
the first little shoes to my Natu
Wolf, wolf boy
Those feet had never want shoes
No, youre not my son
But you look very much like my son Natu
Natu call me mother
What did the wolfs call you.
Mowgli, The little frog
Yes you are like a little frog to them
the beast of the jungle
And so are Mowgli to me
Come, come on
For months, and months after that night
Mowgli was busy learning the ways,
language and costumes of men
What are you doing
you are like a little panther
I thought someone fund the hiding place
Hiding place
What is this
What is it for?
What is money for!,
to protect us from hunger and cold
you may live in a hole like a cobra
No, if we need a bag of rice
I give this to the merchandise in the square
He give us the rice
what a fool that much he must be
Will the man park give us anything for this
Yes...buy you give me a tooth
A tooth you have all your teeth
No, a sharp tooth
Oh, a knife! ... yes
A knife tooth like Tiger's knife
What need have you for a knife
To sink in the throat of my enemies
Your enemy, you talk about Akela
the father wolf
And Raksha the mother wolf
and how much better this in the jungle
with all your friends, no,
who could be your enemy
Shere Khan, the tiger
Tell Buldeo to sell you a knife
give him the money
I shall have a tooth
I shall have a tooth
My father says that I
mustnt speak to you
What happen to him
My father shooter
We missed you six months ago
He was Balu's cousin
He has no men for an enemy
But my father kills any bear he sees
Because he is a great hunter
He killed them even when his not hungry
Hungry we dont eat bears
Then why did he bring him here
To show how brave he is
and my father is very brave to kill that tiger
That old tiger
He lived on lizards and rats
he was too old to hunt rabbits
He must die in his sleep
I see you'll be kill a bear and a tiger in one shoot
I kill both cousins
I had fishing with them
Fishing with a bear, how can be a fisher bear
He looks in the river wishes
the fish he wants then pick it up
Didn't I tell you not to speak with this thing
I told you to keep way from this house
These why I'm here to talk to you
to say I want a tooth
this is the tooth I want
Put that knife dawn before a shoot trough you
Then you put my head on the wall
like the old Khan there
But I'll would sting as I die
and give this back to you
Aha, you are not in the jungle boy
No, I'm not in the jungle....Buldeo
I'm with the men buck,
but I'm not a man
What are you boy.
I was until now a cub
but now I have my Tooth
I can run in the jungle as I please
I'm a wolf
If you have a knife
would you go back to the jungle
In that case is yours
for two Roans
Messua give three, one two three
there three is more than two
More than two, now get out of my house
Fill Shere Khan is for you
Wont you be afraid to go back to the jungle
Afraid of the jungle I'm in the Wolf path
there are my friends.
Then why did you buy a knife
For Shere Khan the Tiger, this is for him.
He drove me out of the jungle.
He went away far of
But he sword he would lay my bones
in the river when he return
I also need a little pride,
I have told the wolf I would kill him
You can speak their tongue
you can speak to animals
Can you talk to Rama
the great red cow
Rama is a dam slave she has been
with the men beck for so long
She cannot talk to anyone
Can you speak with him
And what did he say,
Don't you know what the Monkey
people always say
We the Monkey people are the
greatest folk in all the jungle
We know this is true because
we always say it is true.
Mowgli would you let me hear you talk to the wolfs
Yes,....tonight when the moon raises
Are you afraid, lets go
Is a Wolf, hear can he say?
We dawn the water
winding tree, jungle babe we go with thee
they haven't give the babe of the jungle
We be as one blood, you and I
We be as one blood, you and I,
come Mowgli, come
Hi, I, Hati
I'm with the men beck now
see I have a tooth, I chopper the Tiger tooth
He said that Shere Khan is far away
But I have better take care and hide
when he's come back here
Hati will you warm me when
he is come back to our jungle
Thank you brothers, then we shall see
who's bones would be lay in the river
Hold on tight
Your claws are sharp and strong,
but not as good as mine
Who is men but I should a care for his
ways and his troubles
I am Mowgli of the jungle back in the night
Now that I have my tooth
who should stay when I straight.
Mowgli come back I'm afraid.
There, mighty hunters greater than
your father who kill everything
Until the jungle kill tem
Why did they go away
Why did I go away
Because I was a man a cub
afraid of the Tiger
The jungle knew I was afraid,
and cast me out
Was the king of palace
King, what is the king
Oh Mowgli you know so much,
and yet you know so little
This was a great whole city,
city with hundreds of elephants
with thousands of horses and
thousands and thousands of men
and them all belong to a great King
And where is this great king now.
Where is he now.
Majala are you hurt
No, I'm all right
This is the Treasure King
Earrings, pearls
This is like the stuff I gave
Buldeo for my tooth
This stuff that passes from hand to hand
and never goes warmer
Only this is now,
and that was brown
Lets get back to the light
This pebbles are not good to eat
There is nothing here, nothing
I am nothing
Father of Cobra's we be as
one blood You and I
She is only a little cub from the men peck.
She mean no harm
Who are that with a
Knife and a stick tongue
Mowgli they call me I am from the jungle
the wolf are my people.
Father Cobras?, what thought
I am the warden of the kings treasure
The great king of the stone above thee
That I must teach death to
those you come to steal
Three times the stone
has been lifted by thiefs
Look at thee feet, the thiefs that steal here
But I am not a thief
She isssss.
Oh no boy, its a wrong influence all spread
the others did so until I catch them
Then they went to the wild , then I shall kill
Kill him Mowgli
Kill him, dont be afraid look our
father cobra uses all this years his poison
Kill me, kill me, I am a shame
There's been too much talk about killing
Come Majala, we'll go now
keep that sealy treasure
But I'll take this
I could used to horn Rama with
Look at the ruby Mowgli
You can buy hundreds of villages with it
Buy boy thousands of villages,
take it with thee
But see that it will kill thee at last
Kill me this horn
Yes I am out fill with poison
But that ruby holds more
deaths that all my raids
It will kill, and kill and kill,
for killing sake
I strange straight up
but the stone will do my walk
It is the death, death, death,
but take it Mowgli and I will down thee
Nay father cobras I believe thee
We shall go as we came
It be wise till there not death with thee
May I take just one piece
keep it if you like
Get up lazy bones
I dreamed that I was a princess
In the city of the Great Maharaja
Get up, theres no farms in the great
and not rice here
But it was not a dream
I saw the great king city
Get on with you enough of this talk
Dream, this is no dream
Maybe I am dreaming
This is pure gold
Who gave you this my darling child
Why cobra...Cobra
Yes I did want the diamonds
Diamonds....or the big ruby
big ruby
This big...
This big....
Where, what nonsense is this
What is this run, this ruby
when did you go there
Who's gold is this Majala
The great king gold
In the treasure chamber in the king's palace
I told you Mowgli said I must keep
just this one....Mowgli
You have been in the jungle
I ask Mowgli took me there
but father you wont hurt him
I would not harm his skeen
but you must never let anyone
else know about this
none for Lavin old you hear, yes father
Good morning Buldeo
I..I..can't take now Buldeo
it would be at last another hour
Now wait a minute barber
There is no river between us
M..m... my poor leg
is the lumbago killing me
I can't go around with half my beard cut
This lumbago is terrible
I can hardly bend my Knee
What makes you tremble like
wash upon a line
Now you keep out of this Buldeo
if I...I...cut him he...he...don't have to pay
You want to cut me, ....no...no
now listen here Barber
I'm not a man to be show like a
sheep in a mist of a blood
Barber, ...I want....Barber
move your left foot
I said the left foot
L..l..left,.....this foot
Excuse me Buldeo you are
standing on my money
Your money, I saw it first
Is mine,
there not need to quarrel
There's enough for all
In the lost city, in the jungle
you have found the treasure....Where!
You want to tell the all village
No word, my daughter
found it with the jungle boy
The Tiger is coming
the tiger
Close the gate, close the gate
Little frog to the temple
No, not I, I have my tooth
Don't go
Wait, don't go, He will kill you
No, I'll shall bring back his yellow eye
Where is your son Messua
Where did he go
Stop him he's going after the tiger
Oh, that bragging of a child
don't be impatient Buldeo he'll be back
Suppose the tiger would kill him
what a tragic calamity
Oh no, we must save him,
we must bringing him back
How kind you all are to
conform this way
Really is a sweet boy
I knew you would come to love him
Love him I wish I had a boy like him
Don't worry if not back in a short time
I'll track him to the end of the earth.
I want to sleep
go away
I have to talk to you
Who are you
Can't you see Kha
What did the lord of the jungle say
We be one blood He and I
It is a manling,
It's I, Mowgli, Kha
The little frog the one who
use to throw stones at me
I was a cub then Kha
You called me a flat head
Forgive me
For you are a wise, old, strong
and most beautiful Kha
True, I am beautiful
yes I am beautiful
Now that I am a man, I have a tooth,
I wish to pull our wishes up death
Straight one,
You know the all thing
I know that Shere Khan is cheer and eaten
And now sleeps by the bamboo
Tabaqui the jackal told me so
before he pass on
Tabaqui?...yes.... yes... here he is
How may I slay him master Kha
Hell kill you with one blow
Let us go up stream
Hold on little frog
Shere Khan is nothing but a big cat
And all cats fears the water
But Shere Khan will not
follow me in to the river
Since you are a man you short coming
If I made hungry Kha,
he follow me into the river
He will not catch you first
Thank you, wise of all
I'll wait for you here
Wish me good hunting old, wise,
strong and most beautiful Kha
Good hunting
Good morning Shere Khan
did I wake you up
Your hunt rug room
you straight cattle teeth
don't sneak away
Coward, you mengi yellow dog
Come back
Can't you jump, are you too old,
you frog eater, fish killer
I'll get you a high to day
No, no, I wont come dawn
You come up, to me
Get this, and this
Come on Shere Khan, catch me.
This is getting dangerous,
Yes maybe the tiger is waiting
for us in this tall grass
Alright, stay here
Shere Khan is death,
I have kill Shere Khan
What if he finds the boy,
You are right, we can no trust him
You go first and I protect your rear
You go first and I protect your rear, go on
By the wolf that bought me
I made a promise, a little promise,
only that coat is lacking before I keep my word
Come Shere Khan lend me your coat
You won't it anymore
You don't need to shoot
by there I kill him
Look at him, this is the end
of a very old war
Hm, you kill him
You fund him there
I kill him with my tooth,
he is mine.
Who are you to tell me what is yours
Get up boy
You took my daughter
to the jungle the last night
You took it to the lost city come on,
take to the treasure chamber
I will not take you Buldeo
The lost city is the city of death
The treasure is death,
I will never take you there
Come on jungle brat
Come on or I shoot you
Go ahead and shoot.
You scum of the wolf cave
I hope he didn't shoot to the boy
No, no thats a sign for us
Change by tall man and spare my life,
spare my life Mowgli.
I did not do you are really
think more than I heard boy
May I rise up and go away
My lord,
Get up
Go tell Messua that Mowgli revenge her man
He has kill Shere Khan and will
bring all miss yellow high
Great king
Tell me the secret too. tell me too,
the feed is enough for three
You three old vultures, go back to your village
Yes master
My King where is the, the tresu
To the village
Here, here, you,
Did he tell you the secret
Where is the treasure
Don't try to cheat us the boy tell where to go
Boy in did,... didn't I tell you the
first time I saw him, he was a witch
I saw him with my own eyes
change in something to a black panther
Come on Buldeo, no tricks now
If you try to cheat us
will change in something
worst for I swear to you
Get on Bagheera stop the quarrel
The boy turn into a black panther before my eyes
He is a witch, I tell you
I must warm the village
Buldeo, I still think you lie
and soon find out
Come Shere Khan look at Buldeo
the mighty hunter
What I have done
Must purify his living soul,
get some braches for a fire
Remember he must have a chance to confess
Buldeo you are hearing,
bring here the boy
Well boy, which sort of devil you are,
you hear them, they are ready
One last choice, the secrets
or the fire
Buldeo, Buldeo, let me talk to him
Let me talk to him
Good, you talk to him
I will leave alone
He wont tell I think
we have to burn him
Then, we would never find the treasure
Will burn it but not now,
The boy will lead us to the lost city first
Natu, my little son,
why won't you tell them the secret
I'll never take them into the jungle
They will set you free,
free to live with me.
Live with you,
I have a mother jungle too
And these two things
fights together in me
Like the streams fights
together in the spring
I was a wolf,
The jungle cast me out
I am a man, the men picks me out
But you kill Shere Khan
you can go back to the jungle
Ah, you can be lord of the jungle
I have nowhere to go
but into the red flower, the fire
But it does not matter
The jungle will know from Bagheera
that I have kill Shere Khan
No, the jungle will know from you Mowgli
See here is your tooth
Watch, watch, watch
See them,
She's rescue him
Are you also too dam to see it
Of course, he escapes and then
we follow to the treasure
Thats right
You two go to the edge of the jungle
Wait there and mark his trail
Your time is up
There is the mother witch who free him
Get's her
No, wait, wait
Messua is no witch
But Buldeo is a bad
Tie both of them,
until I return
Buldeo, he enter by this tree,
He never suspect it why let him escape
There is his trail
I'm freighting
There's nothing to be afraid of
We have our guns
Lets go, he can't be very far away
Listen brothers, I have planted
tracks for them to keep this villains
They will be here soon
Quiet you green black shadow
Quiet green brother
this is not our kill
I will be the Maharaja
I will be the priest of all the temples
I will have all the barbershops
Lets look for the treasure
You look over there
Look, I found it
I found it
He found it
Come on he found it, he found it
Wait for me, wait for me
he found it
Wait for me, Buldeo
I found it
I have the right of the first choice.
Right, right, you deserve it, he goes first
Shoot, Shoot.
Don't shoot, don't shoot
Shoot, shoot,
no, no don't shoot
Pull me up, pull me up
You miss him
One, two, three,....a million
Is mother and father of
all the rubies in the world
Where is my royal turban
They're all pure gold
And they're all mine
I shall walk upon gold,
I shall eat upon gold.
I should use gold for a cabinet
Give it to me, give it to me
Its mine, give it to me
I have the first right,..... no its mine
the old cobra was right
First they go mad
Don't forget Buldeo thats to the one,
I want that ruby
Again its mine
Let go.
Miserable you Barber, it belong to my ropes
It belongs to me
We lost our reason, are we children
There is not enough for three,
three hundreds, three thousands
Will be the most powerful men in all India
I can buy thousand of rubies
like this with my share
Buldeo, you are wise and good
You save my life,
you kill the cobra
You are my friend
Stop quarreling loads up, up
We have to get up before night fall
We have to get out of here now
Thieves, vultures, get out of the jungle,
get out
Did I hear what I heard
That fur ball talk with the voice of the boy
Yes, the voice talk with the voice of the panther
This place is bewitch
This is the way
Where is the rock, it was here
How do we cross now
We get more it trough
Wait, are crocodiles in this river
What are you waiting for
They are heading back to the lost city
Buldeo is right, lets go
Now I shall see if father Cobras
spoke the true
If the thing is Death,
this men will die.
You saw it I only want to look at the route
He tray, ...he tray to kill me
I had to do it Buldeo. I had to do it
You must were witness,
you must were witness, Buldeo
Quiet, crying brother
He tray to kill me Buldeo
You must were witness
I had to kill him
I had to kill him Buldeo
Did I hear someone call
Now white brother there is only one
Bagheera, white brother, chasing out of the jungle
Send him home
Wolf, panther, any beast you will
I'm not afraid of you,
Change, change
Scream, you witch of the forest
I'll burn the witch Messua,
and I'll come back with a hundred strong
And jet fire to your jungle,
when the east wind blow.
I'll burn you all
burn you all
Hati, dawn us the village of the men beck that cast me out
Their ideals senseless and cruel,
they do not kill the weaker for food
But for sport
The fool faith that would throw
their own bridge to the red flower
This such a heavy, is not wealth
that the men beck live here anymore
Kill them why, what good
are their bones to me
Shall send the jungle in upon them
I'll give the village back to the wild gold fire
They will burn us both
why are you frightened Durga
Why did you defend me
It is I who brought him into the world
He is my son
I Mistress... Go, save yourself Durga
No Mistress, if we must leave this world tonight
It is written that I should go with you
Buldeo is here, look
Where is the Pundit, where is the Barber
Dead, both dead
killed by the wolf boy
But I know how to deal with him
I'll burn, burn it all
We are lost if the wind turns
The jungle is burning, hurry up Hati
Mowgli, where is my mother
What have you done with her
Buldeo left her in a house.
they wouldn't allow me take her
They say she is a witch and
the fire will take her
The same fire will take them
They are frightened Mowgli
Lead them Majala to the little island
in the middle of the stream
Where we saw the elephants Mowgli
Yes. the fire can't catch you there,
hurry the wind is shifting
Hati push, Hati push, push
I knew you'll come
You'll be safe among them now
But you my son come with us
Not while one little cub is in danger
Now go
Go on Hati, go on, go on
Swim my brothers follow me
Come on Bagheera
Go on Hati, go on
Come back with us, at last
I am of the jungle, their lair is my lair
Their trail, is my trail
their fight, is my fight
Ahai, is no longer my son
He's the Godling of the woods
So I didn't have my revenge after all
I became no Maharaja
of the mighty city
Even the little village burned to the ground
In my struggle with the jungle
as you see my lords I was beatten
And then, what happened then,
what became of Mowgli and your daughter
And how did you escape from the fire
That, Memsahib, is another story.