Just the 3 of Us (2016) Movie Script

Tell us, why are you here?
I'm here because I
want to move forward.
- I believe it's the only way to go.
- Hi, sir!
That's true. But is that all?
Well, I'm here
because I love my job.
What do you love about your job?
I have control.
Your leg.
Prepare for the approach.
I love that my job is full
of structure and focus.
Flying gives me
a sense of direction
and purpose.
Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.
- This is your First Officer
- I think I have a cool job.
I get to work with
different people every day.
And because of that,
every flight is a unique
and exciting experience.
Weather en route is also good.
On behalf of Captain Manzano
and our lovely and
hardworking cabin crew,
this is your First
Officer A bus a do,
we thank you for flying with us
and we hope to see you again
on one of your future flights.
- Thank you!
- Liberty 111, request descent.
two people flying a
very complex machine
that's a thousand times bigger
than the two of them combined
with a million moving
parts working together
to defy the laws of gravity.
Good landing, Uno!
Thank you, Captain.
Or should I say, soon-to-be
Captain A bus a do.
And there are only a
few of us in the country,
even in the whole
world, who can do that.
- Right, Captain?
- Yeah.
And I say that with
pride and confidence.
Because I worked hard for this,
owed debts for this,
and strived for all of this.
For what?
Your file says no
parents, no siblings.
No ring.
Most people want an
upgrade for their families.
Whom are you doing this for?
For the passengers.
So I can bring them
home safe to their families.
After all,
that's our company's
promise, right?
"We always bring you home."
Look, the only reason I
deserve this upgrade is this:
I am a pilot,
and I'm a damn good one!
Uno, don't forget my party.
Go ahead. I'll follow.
Okay, see you.
Jen! Is this new?
- Yes, sir.
- I'll get one.
Okay, sir. I'll get one for you.
Yes, dear.
The one you like
isn't available.
They only have the jeep.
All right. No problem.
I love you, dear.
Miss, I'll take this.
Sure, sir.
Happy birthday to you!
- Blow!
- Yay!
- Happy birthday!
- Thank you.
Have a seat, guys.
- Happy birthday.
- Thank you, dude.
- Happy birthday.
- Thank you.
Uno, at the next party,
I'm sure you'll be at that table
with the other captains.
You passed the interview?
- You took the ATPL already?
- Yep!
Ground schooling and simulator
training start next week.
- Cool!
- Nice!
- Congrats, man!
- Cheers! Let's celebrate!
A toast
to the future
Captain A bus a do!
- Sounds good!
- Yes!
Next goal? A Mrs. A bus a do!
Go, boys!
Thank you.
Wow. Sorry.
Give me some blow job!
That's Mrs. Maniego!
- Sorry!
- Sorry!
I have to go! I have to go!
No! Hey!
I have a flight in 15 hours!
Dude, you still have 3 hours!
I'm saving that for my wife.
Just enough for short time!
I have to go. Behave yourself!
What are you doing later?
My goodness
Put it there.
Uno, you might know
pilots looking for a place.
Can you help us?
Sir, plain wash
or wash and fold?
Sir Uno!
I'll take care of these.
Thanks, Boy.
- He's a regular customer.
- I see.
- Thank you.
- Ah, finally!
I love you, sis!
Sir Uno!
8,000 each again?
Yeah, but send the one for
Davao first. My uncle is waiting.
Seems like he's impatient.
You following me?
Are you okay?
I'm pregnant.
Congrats to you too.
You're gonna be a father.
This baby is yours.
I swear.
You do know those things
are not 100% accurate, right?
99.99%, see?
There's still that.
01% inaccuracy.
For all I know,
you could've gotten a random
pregnant lady to pee on that.
Here's a new pack.
I'll pee on this. Come
and see for yourself.
Granted that you're pregnant,
it still doesn't
prove that it's mine.
I don't even know your name.
There was no chance for that.
Things happened so fast.
But you know me.
We see each other every week.
He smiled at me!
You're a flight attendant?
Not yet.
Okay? Not yet.
But it's my dream to be one.
I want to take my family
all over the Philippines
and then around the world,
to Europe, France
I was that close,
but I failed the exam last week.
Because you talk too much.
If I were the captain
and you were the purser,
the plane would've already
crashed before you alerted me.
Get to the point.
The point is,
I failed the medical exam
because I'm pregnant.
You got me pregnant.
Because of that
damn smile.
So you got knocked up
just because I smiled at you?
That's right! You smiled
at me at that party!
Let's drink some more!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Nice one!
Don't hide those! How
will you be a flight attendant
if you don't have the guts to
flaunt those?! Unbelievable!
Here. This will
cure your sadness!
That's right! Drink it!
- Drink this up to start the night! Hurry!
- Go! Go! Go!
- Go!
- Go!
Go! Drink it straight!
Drink some more!
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
See this?!
Hey! Behave, okay?!
That was you?
Why do you look so surprised?
That's not how you reacted
when we
did it.
You were even moaning!
I don't do that!
Oh! Oh!
But that's still impossible.
I mean, I'm always careful.
Oh, that?! It fell!
Ouch! Aah!
Aah! Ooh
I thought
you wanted it that way.
Now, do you believe that
you're the father of this baby?
I mean, if you did it with me,
you could have done it
with a million other guys.
I'm not that kind of girl!
And you really expect
me to believe that?
Yes, because I'm
telling the truth.
I'll only believe that's
mine if a doctor tells me so.
Fine, let's do a paternity test.
Until then
is not mine.
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
Hurry up!
AJ, BJ! Come on! CJ is coming!
DJ and EJ are
still playing around!
- Hey! Stop that!
- You're all still playing around!
Stop it, you guys! Come
on! You'll ruin the surprise!
- Oh!
- Hey!
- What's the occasion?
- We're keeping it a secret for now.
I'll tell you once
we've confirmed it!
All right.
- Hey! Hurry up, boys!
- EJ and FJ! That's enough!
- Hey!
- Stop playing around!
- Go inside, hurry!
- She'll be here any...
- CJ!
- Huh?!
- Aah! Come on!
- Hurry! Let's go!
- Hurry up! Come on!
- Move it!
- I'm moving!
- Go upstairs! Now!
Psst! Stop it! Behave.
That wasn't me.
- Surprise!
- Surprise!
- Come here, sis! Hurry!
- We did it!
- It's time to eat!
- Welcome home!
- Come, dear. Come in.
- Come sit here, CJ! Hurry!
- Get her a chair!
- Well?
- How did it go?
- Get her a plate.
- Sit here. Hurry.
- Well, dear?
- What's the result of the test?
- Positive?
- Is it positive, dear?
- Did you get the results?
Yes, it's positive.
- Whoo-hoo!
- All right!
Now, we'll get to fly for free!
- Nice one, sis!
- Oh, hold on!
- High five!
- Waling, come here!
What is it?!
CJ is now a flight stewardess!
You're so lucky to have such
career-orientated children!
Your daughter's unlike mine, who
does nothing but get pregnant!
We're really lucky!
- We're going to be rich!
- Yeah!
CJ, you're our only
hope of getting rich
because no honest
soldier ever gets rich.
And no decent policeman ever
gets to travel around the world.
So, congrats!
And, of course,
we all salute you!
Ha! Hoo! Ha!
She's smart, but
she's a fool for love.
- Hey! Stop picking on your sister!
- Ouch!
That's enough. She was
only a fool for love once.
That's not going to
happen again, right?
That's right, it won't.
Well, it better not!
Because our surname's
Manalo, and that means
We don't abuse others,
and we don't let
others abuse us!
Oppressing people is bad
But allowing yourself
to lose is worse!
Because our family name means
- Winner!
- Winner!
Please pass me the noodles.
But, Pa
I still have to undergo
training in Manila.
What?! For how long?!
Nine months.
- What?!
- That's too long.
That is so reckless, my friend.
It's so not like you.
He was drunk, okay?
I blame the alcohol for the
reduced hand-eye coordination
and poor judgment.
And poor memory.
He couldn't even
remember the girl.
If only alcohol had the
same effect on the girl.
- But it didn't.
- And that's the problem.
That's because it's hard to forget
good-looking faces like ours.
Ours too!
- All right.
- Unbelievable.
How soon can I have a DNA test?
Um, Doc?
On the ninth week, I think.
Ninth week?
So, in six weeks
You'll be a father.
You'll have more expenses.
And a lot less sex. Oh no!
- Love? Love
- You need to set a good example
for your child.
I'm sure your flying
hours will be lessened.
Your life
will change once
you become a father.
Welcome to my world!
Psst! Look what you did!
- Did I say something wrong?
- Fix it, bro.
This will just die here.
I can't take care of this.
Yes, you can!
No! I don't want to! Yuck!
Please, sis! I'm begging
you! I just need someone
to introduce to my family as the
father of my baby in nine months!
- Hi!
- I won't do it!
Besides, no one will believe
that! I mean, look at me!
All right, then.
If you won't do it,
then I'll just borrow
your boyfriend here.
What do you say?
- Aah! Hey! Hey! Hey!
- Oh!
Isn't it enough that you're staying
with us until you give birth?
Unbelievable! If you'll keep
insisting, then just stay with them!
I don't have my own place.
And there's no vacancy
at our boarding house.
If that's the case, then I'll
just return you to your family.
Then what?
Have her dad take down the large
banner at the city hall that says:
"CJ Manalo, the town's
first flight attendant!"?
Then have them replace
it with one that says:
"CJ Manalo, the first
disgrace to the Manalo Clan!"
If she doesn't want that,
then she shouldn't
be a bus a do.
I'm not an A bus a do!
Only my baby is.
You sure?
I hope that's also what
the paternity test will say.
Why? Is it possible that
This baby is an A bus a do!
Well, she's sure about it.
If he doesn't want this baby,
then this'll be a Manalo instead.
You'll be on the
losing end of that setup!
If you're sure that's Uno's,
then don't let him win!
- That's right!
- Fight for your right!
- Ask for child support!
- Ask him to co-parent the baby.
That's right! You must be
confidently beautiful with a heart
and a baby!
You must be like a
Manalo or a winner!
- I will be a winner!
- Because your last name's Manalo!
Because I'm a Manalo!
- Manalo! Manalo!
- Manalo! Manalo!
Come on! Hurry!
Wait, is that him?! It is?!
Excuse me.
- How about next time?
- Sure.
- Hey, A bus a do! Sorry
- Oh
I'll follow you there,
Captain. Sorry. Sorry.
- Sorry!
- Um, yes, Miss
It's Manalo. Can we talk?
Yes, in six weeks.
Six... Why six weeks?!
Because it's the
soonest possible time
that we can get
a paternity test.
That's such a long time. My
baby and I might be dead by then.
You're exaggerating.
You see, I quit my job.
I was just supposed
to go on leave,
but I couldn't go on
leave for a long time.
I don't have a job anymore.
That's not my problem.
It's your problem too.
I have a flight.
- Yikes.
- Oh no.
I quit my job because
you knocked me up.
I didn't want to hurt my
family, so I told them I'd be
undergoing training in
Manila for nine months.
So they can't see
me around here.
You're the one who
lied and quit your job,
so don't drag me
into your problems.
That's not what I'm doing.
I'm just asking for your help
so that I could give
our child a good life!
Oh, look! It's your dad!
- Hey!
- Stop.
If I were you, I'd go before
someone sees you here.
Liberty Pacific Flight 415
from Davao is now arriving.
I forgot to buy
durian for my mom.
Let's just buy one later when we
go back to Davao for the next leg.
Too bad.
She's all yours.
Waiting for someone?
Well? Are you going
to help us or not?
A bus a do!
See you later, Daddy!
Oh, you arrogant idiot!
If it weren't for you, baby,
I'd punch your dad!
Welcome back, Daddy!
Well? Are you
going to help us now?
You're already a father?
She's just crazy. Let's go.
- So you're a father now.
- Come on.
There are lots of
mosquitoes here.
Oh! Go!
Go! You can do it!
Go, sis! Whoo!
I'm not moving!
You're really crazy, aren't you?
I'm a crazy mommy!
One who'll do
everything for her baby!
I'm not moving
until you help me and our baby.
It's just your baby.
It's your baby too!
So you say.
Because I am sure!
But I don't believe you.
Until a test proves it's mine,
that problem remains
yours and yours alone.
Until proven otherwise,
this baby is yours!
Your sperm and my
egg made this baby!
I'm going to help you. Okay?
Just prove it to me now.
Do you hear yourself?! Does
your sperm have a name tag?
Precisely my point!
Alleluia! Finally!
You're impossible.
Miss, you're the one who's
impossible! You're unreasonable too!
You want me to help you?! Huh?!
I don't even know you.
We're not related at all.
We may not be related,
but you and my baby are.
Then, prove it first.
Tsk! We keep
going in circles here!
If I could afford to
not eat for six weeks
and keep my baby from starving,
then I wouldn't be
bothering you here!
Do you think it's
easy to ask for help
from someone who won't
have anything to do with us?
Well, who told you
to lie to your parents?
Who told you to quit your job?
No one.
I made the decision on my own.
But I was really just so confused.
It was my first time doing that.
I'm talking about what
happened between us.
It was my first time doing it
with a guy who's
not my boyfriend.
I only got drunk that night
because they told me that alcohol
was the cure for my sadness.
And it just so happened
that you came along.
You were so cute.
What the fuck can I do?
Please. I just don't
want to hurt my family.
I don't want to embarrass them.
I don't want them to become
everyone's laughing stock
because their daughter who's
supposed to be a flight attendant
Had a one-night
stand with a stranger.
Don't you feel bad for me
My head hurts!
Ouch! It hurts!
You heartless man,
bring me to the hospital!
To the mental hospital?
I can't breathe!
Help! I can't breathe!
My chest! I can't breathe!
Sucks to be you.
I'm really tired right now
and I don't have
time for this shit.
So, please get away from my car
and let me rest please, Miss.
My baby!
You can come in.
You're the father, right?
- Yes!
- Maybe.
We'll find out in a few weeks.
Doc, how's the baby?
The bleeding you had was caused
by subchorionic hemorrhage.
This is normal during
the first trimester
but you need to
be extra careful.
You need to avoid
heavy activities.
No stress.
The formation of the
baby can be affected
by stress and the environment.
We want a healthy baby, right?
Two hands. Two feet.
You're saying that
The baby might
only have one hand?
Just two fingers?
Deformed eyes?
- A cleft lip?
- What the
Well, if a mother is exposed
to a bad environment
How will you go home?
I'll ride a jeepney.
Hey. Wait.
- Go home, you drunkard!
- Leave me alone!
- You bastard!
- I want to drink!
Inside! Now!
Hey! Hurry up!
Can I park here?
Yeah, just leave it there.
There aren't a lot
of cars here anyway.
Happy birthday!
This guy's drunk!
Weak! Weak!
Sorry. Excuse me.
- There are tissues inside.
- Sorry, sir.
This guy's hopeless.
Hey, I need tissues.
Someone barfed on him.
- Who needs it?
- It's for his shoes.
You're stressing me out.
You messed up my things.
Get up! Get up!
Come in!
Get up and get dressed.
Everything okay?
As if you're not used to this!
Your favorite dinner!
Smells good!
Sorry. We're all out of vinegar.
Gosh! Die! Die!
You freeloading cockroach!
You animal!
I'm fine without vinegar.
Get your things.
The baby can't live here.
Where will I live?
Why is the sign still up here?
Sorry. I forgot to take it down.
Don't you have any vacant units?
Maybe next month.
I already found
a tenant earlier.
What's up?
Six weeks.
If after six weeks, I
prove that it's not mine,
you disappear.
If I prove it's yours?
Will I stay?
We'll cross the bridge
when we get there.
But for now,
you're only here
because of the baby.
I'm giving you shelter
for the baby's own good.
You'll pay for all of
the baby's needs?
Like what?
- Food. Checkups.
- Okay. Yes.
Vitamins, medicines.
Yes and yes.
You already said that.
There are two of us, right?
Is that all?
There's one more.
Never mind.
Rule number one:
You don't touch my stuff.
How can I do that?
These are all your stuff.
I'm not allowed
to touch anything?
Well, this you can touch.
This too. Just replace them.
These Upon need basis.
Same goes for this.
And this
There's just one. Does
this mean we'll share?
This is yours.
My chair.
Your chair.
And this
is for us?
Is mine.
Rule number two:
You can't go into my room.
So, I'll stay here?
open this door.
Then that's my room.
You like it there?
There. I'll stay there.
Sweet dreams.
Can you lower the volume a bit?
I can't sleep when it's noisy.
I can't sleep when it's quiet.
I'm having a hard
time sleeping...
I'm having a hard time
sleeping with one pillow.
Here you go.
Can you now
Can you turn it down a bit now?
My house.
My rules.
Rule number one.
Just looking. No touching.
I prepared your breakfast.
Cereals, juice, fresh milk.
Is this your breakfast?
You can have the other half.
I'll get a new one!
What time are you coming home?
Sorry. I got carried away.
I'm going to buy some groceries.
I just wanted to ask
if you need anything.
Try not to lose it.
Thank you, daddy!
Bye, daddy!
Imagine that.
Who would've thought
I thought you only
had instant noodles.
But now you have
an instant baby.
And an instant wife too.
Shut up.
She's not my wife.
She's just the mother
of my supposed baby.
That's the only reason
why you're letting her
stay at your place?
I don't want to feel guilty if
anything happens to the baby,
whether it's mine or not.
He's growing a conscience.
He's growing a heart, you mean?
I can hear it beating.
It's here somewhere.
It's beating and it's
calling out a name.
Stop it, you two.
You're stressing me out.
You can't be stressed!
Or they won't let you
fly on your next flight.
I know! So stop
stressing me out!
This is the only thing
going right for me.
I don't want to
screw this up too.
Hi, again!
Can I help you?
How do you know Mr. Crush?
You called him "Daddy."
But you're too old
to be his daughter.
He's my baby's daddy.
- You're his wife?
- No.
- Nope.
- Then, what?
It's hard to explain. I'm
not sure you'll understand.
I'm the top student
in my class. I'll get it.
Oh, no! You'll
be late for school!
It's a Saturday.
I still have a lot of
chores. See you later.
I can wait. I'm not in a hurry.
My cactus is still alive.
That's yours?
I gave it to him.
So he'll have a living
thing for a companion.
Well, he's been living alone
ever since we moved next door.
And no one ever
visits him, either.
Not even his parents?
He's an orphan?
Relatives? Friends?
What about her?
We can't touch it.
Really? Not a single person?
You're the first person
Mr. Crush has ever brought here.
That's why you're
really special.
So, even if it
hurts me, it's okay.
At least Mr. Crush
won't be alone anymore.
He won't be sad.
Good evening.
Why'd you lock the bolt too?
To keep intruders out.
Yeah. But I
couldn't get in either.
We each have a key,
so no one gets bothered.
It's okay. You can wake me up.
So at least I know you're home.
Well, I don't want to.
I don't want anyone
waiting for me.
Okay. I'll just
heat your dinner.
You touched my stuff?
No. These are mine.
Those are yours.
I bought this. Look.
And this too.
So, you have a lot of money?
No. I already spent it all.
And it's my fault?
I take full responsibility.
Hold on, let me heat this.
Miss Manalo
What are you doing?
I'll just heat your food.
Because baby and I don't
want you to be hungry,
or sad.
What makes you think that I am?
You don't know me.
And I think it's best
that it stays that way.
You're only here until
the paternity test.
Are we clear?
Yes, Captain.
Whatever makes you happy.
Sorry, baby.
Captain Daddy is just tired.
Good morning! Want some fish?
There's coffee, tea, milk
Hello, Pa!
- How are you?
- I'm okay!
I'm getting ready
for my FA training.
I'll be all right, Pa.
He's kind of grumpy.
And he rarely smiles.
But I know, deep,
deep, deep down inside,
he's a good person.
- Dear, FJ has a situation
- What?
What happened to him?
What happened to FJ?
He got sick after spending
hours under the sun
- courting a girl.
- Oh.
He's all grown up now.
Don't worry about it,
Pa. I'll take care of it.
- Thank you, CJ.
- Okay. Sure.
I love you, Pa. Bye!
Hey, A bus a do!
Let me guess? It's about money?
Someone's sick?
Someone's sick.
How did you know?
Those people only call
when they need something.
My family isn't like that.
How about you?
Is that how your
family treats you?
I don't think your
parents are like that.
What about the
money for the baby?
I'm sorry. I don't want to
keep depending on you.
But I'm just strapped for cash.
I promise to pay you back.
- Really?
- Of course!
I'm actually looking
for an online job.
My options are limited since
I have a delicate pregnancy.
- I was hoping
- Yes?
- I could borrow...
- Laptop.
- You want to borrow my laptop.
- You're good!
You can be a psychic.
Thank you!
I knew it! Deep down,
your daddy's a good guy.
Good night, uncle.
Good night.
- I'll follow in a bit.
- Good night.
I don't get it. We
had an agreement.
You'd stay out of
each other's way!
I told her
- You don't need to
- Cook for me
-worry about me,
-or wait up for me.
And now? I need to
worry about her all the time.
- Why?
- Are we in a relationship?
We get it, bro.
You've been saying
that over and over.
Can't we have the
paternity test done sooner?
Which means you
have six weeks to go.
Which means I have to go.
All right!
- Me too.
- What?
- I have a hearing tomorrow.
- Good night, bro.
You just live nearby.
- I need to go to the gym.
- Bye.
Take care, man.
What do you plan
to do with your body?
You guys are so lame!
Hey, you.
You don't have an excuse.
Sit down.
Okay, okay.
Take care, man.
Dude, last question.
How are you able
to deal with all that?
Love is the only way
I can survive all this?
You should start
with acceptance first.
Take care.
"Just in case you're hungry."
Well, that's a good start.
Appreciating that
she's a good mom.
I didn't say she's a good mom.
At least, potentially
a good mom.
Uno, did you see
the change in pairing?
Captain Nicolas had to
attend to an emergency.
Does it have to be
Captain Gatchalian?
There's no one else?
He's the only
other pilot available.
Don't you want to fly with him?
A bus a do.
- Hi, Captain.
- Captain.
I'm flying with you.
I'll see you in
the briefing room.
The thing is,
we knew you'd have
to fly with him someday.
Just get it over and done with.
Mach Alt Star. Alt cruise.
Headsets off.
You should've rotated the
aircraft at 3 degrees per second
for obstacle clearance.
There was no obstacle.
Keep that up,
so when you take
off from Tagbilaran,
you'll head straight
for the mountains.
Where are your grade slips?
They say you're the
best in your class.
What will you do in
case of engine failure?
Engine failure thrust.
MCT. Auto thrust off.
Then advise ATC.
What's next? You're
missing a step.
Divert to the nearest airport
and try to relight the engine.
This is the first time
I'm flying with you.
Are you usually this tense?
You seem unfocused.
Is there a problem?
No problem, Captain.
Damn him.
What's new?
I'm always wrong.
Everything I do is wrong.
That prick even asked me
"Is there a problem?"
I should've said,
"Yes! I have a problem!
It's you! You're my problem!"
Ma, I don't get it.
Why'd you have to die?
It should've been him.
Not you, Ma.
I hate that guy.
I hate him!
Drink this.
Come on. Even just a bit.
You'll thank me in the morning.
Come on.
No. Thank you.
Drink a bit. Come on.
So, she's your mom.
Where's your dad?
Are you mad at him?
look at your poor daddy.
Good thing, we're here.
We'll take care of you
And love you.
It's not hard to love you.
You have nice eyes
Your lips.
That's why I fell for him, baby.
He's so handsome.
Oh no. I thought he heard me.
Go on. Try to be mean to me now.
Oh no! Our baby made a mess.
Poor baby
Our baby daddy made a mess.
Touchdown in Cebu
will be at 9:30 a...
9:45 a.m.
On behalf of our
hardworking crew,
this has been your captain,
Captain A bus a do,
thanking you for
flying Liberty Pacific
and we do hope to
see you again soon.
You look uneasy again,
Captain A bus a do.
Do you have a problem?
No, Captain.
Well, whatever
Or whoever that problem is,
forget it.
Because you're just setting
yourself up for a mistake.
I'm sorry, baby. The
flight was delayed.
I'm on my way home.
I have something for you
and your brother.
I love you, baby.
I'll see you in a bit.
- Yes?
- I don't deserve an S minus!
What didn't you understand
from our debriefing?
My smooth take-off and landing?
What was wrong with that?
As I said,
it's not the SOP
because it's not safe.
Even my PA?
The tension in my voice?
Because the passengers
need to know that you're calm.
That they're in safe hands.
Don't forget our
company promise.
"We always bring people home
back to their families."
That's bullshit!
Excuse me?
What did you say?
What did you hear?
As pilots,
we are responsible for people.
That's why we don't bring
our problems into the cockpit.
Our emotional state
can compromise a flight.
You look bothered
since yesterday.
I asked you. You said...
I don't have a problem!
Are you sure?
Because that's the only reason
for your poor performance.
Or you're just
plain incompetent.
If you have any more concerns,
you can bring it up with
Training and Standards.
Do you still have a question
for me, Mr. A bus a do?
But do you have
a question for me?
Do you have a question about me?
Do you want to know how
I've been the last 32 years?
Not one question?
You don't have any questions
because you don't care about me.
Because you chose to walk away!
Because you chose to forget me!
Because you didn't want me!
You didn't want to
be responsible for me!
And you know who chose
to be responsible for me?
The nurse in the delivery room!
She took me when my
mother died after giving birth.
And when no one came
to claim me after a week,
when they called my father
to tell him that he had a son,
you never came!
I've waited all
my life for this.
To show you that I
survived without you.
That I've made something
of myself without you!
That I'm better than you
even though you
treated me like trash.
I didn't know...
I never wanted to tell you
That I'm the mistake
you chose to forget.
I didn't say you
were a mistake...
No! You didn't!
But that's how you made me feel!
And now,
you're going to
fail me as a pilot?
Fuck you!
To me,
you've been a
failure since forever!
Not only as a father
but as a human being!
Are you okay?
What's the problem?
A clumsy FA?
Bad flight?
Unruly passenger?
You didn't like
your training officer?
- Please! Stop talking.
- Is it about last night?
When you were
crying about your mom?
Please, I just want
to be alone right now.
Where's my beer?
I put it outside.
You threw them out?!
I just hid them.
Why did you do that?
Because you might
get drunk again.
So what?!
This is my life!
You shouldn't care
even if I swim in alcohol!
You're the father of my baby.
I don't want him to think
that you're a drunkard.
You know, problems
You should cry about them
Talk about them
Don't just drink to
forget about them.
Are you deaf or stupid?
I'm just concerned.
Whatever that is, it will pass.
You don't know that!
So please get out of
my way and shut up!
Okay, I'll shut up.
But please tell me
about it. I'll listen.
Tell me everything!
That's what friends are for!
We're not friends.
What about
You're not my housemate.
You're just a guest.
Actually, not even that!
You're just a random girl
I fucked in the bathroom!
That hurts.
Well, truth hurts!
All the time! It fucking
hurts all the time!
I should know
because it hurts up to this day
and I have to live with it!
I have to live with the fact
that he will never want me.
That he will never
care about me!
That he will never love me!
And it makes me
mad because even now
that I'm older,
and now that I've
achieved a lot in my life
I still want to
matter to my father
even if I don't
matter to him at all!
Sorry, I didn't know.
If you knew,
would it help me?
Would you have done something?
You can't even do anything
about that problem in your tummy!
You're a jerk!
If this baby is just
a problem to you,
it isn't for me.
If you wanna be like
your father, go ahead.
You're so mean.
I just wanted to help.
I'm sorry.
I felt so small after
begging you for help,
but I swallowed my
pride for my baby.
But I won't let
my baby feel small
only because his father
sees him as a problem.
I'd rather raise this kid alone
Than with you and your
never-ending problems.
Hey, what's wrong?
What's happening?
It hurts!
It was a threatened
miscarriage, Ms. Manalo.
I don't see any health
problems with you and your baby.
I'm sure that's just stress.
Didn't I tell you to
stay away from stress?
Have you been doing any
strenuous activity lately?
Have you been getting
angry or emotional these days?
You see, Ms. Manalo
You should avoid whatever
or whoever gets you stressed!
Erase it!
Your baby can sense
all the negative vibes.
And if he can no longer take it,
the baby might swim out
of your tummy on its own.
You can eat here.
The baby might get squished.
For the baby.
"Thank you."
Says the baby.
Cor blimey! I'm chuffed
to bits about that!
Oh! What is that, sir?
- Oh!
- He means he's happy.
That's great!
Very well indeed, sir!
I will send the email first
thing tomorrow morning.
- Okay?
- Thanks!
- Bye, sir!
- Bye.
I'll buy some groceries.
Does the baby need something?
No. I already bought it.
You want to come instead?
I still have work.
I'll just see you later.
Don't get fooled
by that smile again.
Where's that?
I was wondering if
you saw my baby book.
It's missing.
It's just there.
Okay. Thank you.
Delayed flight?
So you've accepted it?
Soon, you might be
in love with CJ already.
Hey, what happened?
She's got a headache
And a nosebleed!
Huh? Nosebleed?
With all her English!
Bloody English.
Continue the massage.
Hold on.
Hi baby!
Please tell your
mommy to drink this.
I won't give anything
that's harmful to her
or to you.
And while you're at it,
please tell your mommy
that I'm sorry.
I'm trying my best for you
for the both of you.
So please, ask her
to be friends with me.
Miss CJ, forgive him already.
What's the problem?
Are you writing a novel?
He can't even get a word in.
Good with the ladies?
He can't handle
a simple message.
I'll do it.
I'll do it.
Me, I got this.
Hey, I'll do it.
I call you
And you call me
It's funny how
we get on so easily
For the baby. Thank you.
For mommy too.
Locked jaw.
It really gives you
a locked jaw, right?
Me too.
We're starting to
show our feelings
And people can tell
I'll get sweet pork.
Every time that
your eyes meet mine
I light up like a neon sign
Don't mess it up.
I'll go out for a while.
Wait, it's breakfast time.
I'll be quick.
I'll just wash those
to save money.
No, I'll do it.
Let me.
Let me!
We're together?
We will wash the
clothes together.
There! Put it there!
Baby and I have a bed!
But we're getting
to know each other
A little too well
Getting to know each
other A little too well
- It's soft.
- Right.
Really soft.
My cactus is not alone anymore!
There are plenty
of living things!
Didn't I tell you before?
You can do it!
Getting to know each other
Can you get fish paste and
rice cake on your way home?
Fish paste and rice cake?
Getting to know each other
But that's what I'm craving for.
That's all?
You want anything else?
She wants you!
Don't mind them.
It's nothing.
Here, talk to the baby.
- Love you, baby!
- There you go!
That's it!
Say goodbye to Daddy!
Bye, Daddy! I love you!
I love you too
I love you too, baby!
- Who is CJ with?
- I don't know.
I think there's something.
- What?
- Are they together?
Cook the noodles faster!
Happy birthday, Pa!
Good morning, sir!
You're with my
daughter in Manila?
Yes, sir.
You're a flight attendant?
Pilot, sir.
Ah So, you're also a captain?
Are you a pilot?
I'm the village captain.
Why are you and CJ together?
Are you courting my sister?
No drugs allowed.
No cheaters allowed.
No heartbreakers allowed.
Maybe you're just like...
Let him talk.
So, Uno?
What are you to my daughter?
I'd like to introduce to you
the newest member of the family!
My would-be son-in-law,
Let's eat!
What did you tell them?
I told them
I'm your boyfriend.
Come on, hurry!
Let's eat!
Uno, eat as many as you want.
- Don't be shy.
- Yes, ma'am.
- The food is good.
- Thank you.
Hey, Uno!
Don't you get scared
when flying a plane?
Not really.
In fact, a lot of pilots I
know are scared of heights.
You can be one!
You want to?
Just be focused.
You have to relate
to people well.
You should know
how to be a leader.
Then you can be a pilot.
I can bring you to the
flight simulator if you want.
- Really?
- Wow!
Why just him?
You won't fit!
We'll join you!
If you want, I can
bring all of you.
No, it's too much.
Wait, we're allowed to.
So, you also have to
join our fiesta next month.
What do you want to eat?
I'll cook it for you.
Beef jerky with a lot of
- Vinegar!
- Vinegar!
- That's mom's specialty!
- That's delicious.
I won't miss that.
Then, you should join our team!
You know how to play basketball?
These are losers!
- Come on!
- Look who's talking!
Sure. I'm game!
All right.
What's your last name?
We'll make your jersey.
A bus a do.
Ugly, right?
We'll just put you as Manalo.
You're part of the
family, anyway.
- Sure.
- That's it!
Hey, you don't have
to say yes to everything.
It's okay. I want to.
I'm so happy that
they accepted me.
Thank you for making
me part of your family.
So, I guess it's time for you
to know me
and my family.
Oh, your mom
You two are so cute.
She's the one who adopted me.
That was our last picture
together before she died.
Her relatives passed
me around until I grew up.
And I'm still paying
them to this day
for all they spent on me.
But we're here now.
and your baby.
I only loved my mom
and flying.
Until you
and you.
You really are a winner!
It's time to celebrate!
Bring out the roasted pig!
- Jill!
- What?
- Uno wants to meet us.
- Then, let's go! Come on!
- I can't wait!
- Baby, the money for the food.
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot.
- I told you so.
- Oh my
- Hey, we have to...
- What?!
Where's CJ?
She's not here. She's gone.
She's with someone now.
How are you guys?
- How is she?
- Oh, she's great!
Really, really great.
So just go back to
your girls in Davao,
in Cebu, hell, even in Timbuktu!
- I've changed.
- Liar!
We've heard that before.
Leave our friend alone.
She's already happy with
Uno, and she's having a baby.
That's right!
She's having a baby?
Yes. And it's not yours.
Let's go.
Cap! Your flight is delayed.
The ATC withheld the departure
of your aircraft in Mactan.
For how long?
An hour and 30 minutes?
All right.
Hey, Uno.
Isn't it your day off?
I'm on reserve.
I'm supposed to fly two
legs, but my flight's delayed.
And CJ and I have
an appointment.
Cap, we're sorry, but there's
an additional 45-minute delay.
You should've told me earlier.
The message just came in, Cap.
You know, I don't think
I can make this flight.
I have an emergency.
I'm sorry, but you have
to call someone else.
- Wait! Hey!
- You're not flying anymore?
If you're suspended, your
captaincy might get delayed!
I can't delay my being a dad.
Oh my god! Gotta go
guys! See you later!
Miss! Where's the
ultrasound department?
- On the fifth floor, sir.
- Thank you.
Paging Dr. Chiu, please
proceed to the E.R.
Dr. Chiu, to the E.R., please.
- Miss, is this?
- Yes, sir. Inside.
- Wait...
- Hold it.
I missed it?
We're just about
to start. Come on.
Why, you...
And you!
- Come on!
- Ready? Let's start.
Wait, wait.
There's your baby.
You see?
Can you hear me?
I'm your daddy.
Can you hear me?
I think
his grandparents
should meet him.
What is it?
Later. When Ma and Pa get here.
- Hurry up, DJ.
- Come on, Uno, just tell us.
Your sister might beat me up.
Just tell us. Let's not
wait for Ma and Pa.
- They're here?
- It's
How are you?
What are you doing here?
Hi, CJ.
How are you?
Why are you here?
I just wanted to talk to you.
We have nothing to talk about.
I heard you're pregnant.
- What?
- CJ?
So, I'm the only one who knows?
Don't you want me to meet
our baby?
This isn't yours.
It's Uno's.
You know what?
I don't think so.
It's Uno's. Leave.
- Wait, we have to...
- Stop. Just leave.
- Are you sure?
- Leave.
Wait! Wait!
- Wait! Babe, I love you!
- Come on!
I'll be a good dad to our baby!
Who was that?
Your ex?
Ancient history.
We broke up a long time ago.
It's been so long.
Six months ago.
So why is he assuming
he's the father of your baby?
Why did he ask?
Whatever gave him the idea?
Because the last time
we saw each other,
he told me he still loves me.
So, stupid little me
gave in and got fooled again.
I slept with him.
And I regret it. It
shouldn't have happened.
When was that?
When was the last time
you had sex with him?
Two, three months ago?
So when was that?
Before the night we
had sex at the party?
But you're the dad!
This is our baby...
Why? Because you said so?!
Because I'm sure!
I got my period after
Marco and I had sex...
Again, I'm just
supposed to believe that
because you said so?!
Uno, when did I ever lie to you?
The whole time!
You never told me you
had sex with your ex!
Did I ever ask you for a list
of all the girls you slept with?!
Yes, I didn't tell
you about Marco!
But I never deceived
you! I didn't lie to you!
You lied, CJ!
You were not completely honest!
You should have
told me about Marco!
But why?! What for?!
I didn't need to tell you that!
- It's not an issue!
- It is the issue!
Goddamn it, CJ!
You let me believe I was
the father of that child.
If there's any chance at
all that I'm not the father,
I should know!
I should know if I'm being
set up for a big heartbreak!
Uno, you are the father.
I chose to love that baby
even if I never met him.
Even if I never knew him.
I had hopes
and dreams for him.
Sometimes, they became more
important than my own dreams,
even more than my captaincy, CJ.
I was a dad.
I was that baby's father.
And now
Maybe I'm not.
Uno, you are the father.
Uno... Uno, wait.
- Uno...
- You wanna know what's worse?
I chose to love you too.
And you made me want something
I never thought I could have.
And love.
I love you.
Do you really love me?
Or do you just need me
for your baby?
I love you because I love you.
Whether we have a baby or not.
How about me?
Do you love me
whether we have a baby or not?
I'm leaving.
When I get back,
I want you gone.
Group hug?
Miss CJ!
Are you coming back?
I will miss you.
I will miss you too.
- You look after...
- Mr. Daddy?
Take care of him, okay?
It hurts because
You didn't come to us first.
And you went to someone else.
I don't want to lie
to you every day.
Instead of letting your
fear and shame take over,
you should trust
your family, dear.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry, I really am.
CJ, it's already 2016.
Parents don't disown kids
for what they've done anymore.
Let's make things clear.
We don't approve of the
decisions you've made.
But parents forgive
and accept their children.
It doesn't matter
what they've done.
Not because that's what
people these days are doing,
but because it's right.
And because they
love their children.
We love you so much, dear.
And I hope you show the
same love to your baby.
Yes, Dad.
Sorry, Dad.
I can hear your phone!
I know you're there!
Open the door.
62 missed calls.
You've been gone for two days.
The airline keeps calling
but you won't answer.
Alcohol won't
solve your problem.
If you want to
fix this, talk to CJ.
Your issue's with the kid.
You know the solution.
Get a paternity test.
Isn't that what you wanted?
Why don't you do it?
That's the only way to
know if you're the father.
Or if I'm not the father.
I don't know if I could
go through that again.
I don't know how many
times I can lose that baby.
Okay, that's done.
But don't you want
to be a pilot anymore?
I don't care anymore.
Well, you have to!
What's wrong with you?
You've worked so hard for this.
Like I said, I don't care.
- I understand...
- No, you don't.
You'll understand once
you've lost your family.
You'll understand
if you lose a child.
If all that happens, then
you can say you understand.
If you can't fix yourself,
maybe it's better
you're not the father.
So how long do
you think it'll take?
- Maybe 2-3 weeks.
- Three weeks?
Thank you.
Thanks for doing this for
me. I really appreciate it.
Don't thank me.
I did this for my child.
Your room is so dark.
You're like a vampire.
Much better.
Are you okay?
Are you sick?
Have you taken a bath?
Not yet!
Have you eaten?
You should eat or
else you'll get skinny.
You won't be handsome anymore.
Open up!
It's right there!
Open wide!
Come on, baby daddy!
Very good!
Is Captain A bus a do there?
Are you his daughter?
I'm not his daughter.
Who is this?
I'm just his friend.
Who are you?
"Deliveration" meeting?
Okay. He'll be right there.
Why'd you say I was going?
They said they need
you at the "debileration."
What's that?
That's where I'll
know if I can be a pilot.
Then you need to go there.
You can do it.
Captain A bus a do?
We've reviewed your training
records and your attendance.
Your grades are
good, except for one S-.
But we called you here
because of a bigger issue,
your recent
unexplained absences.
As you may very well
know, we can suspend you
and take you out of the
program because of this.
Also, it's going to take
you another two years
before you can apply
for captaincy again.
Do you understand?
However, upon the
recommendation of our.
Director of Flight Operations,
Captain Gatchalian
The board has decided to
Allow you to stay
on the program.
However, if this or
any such violation
of this gravity happens again,
your bid for
captaincy will not be
subject to deliberation anymore.
Instead, you will
be automatically
Captain Gatchalian.
Captain A bus a do.
Thank you.
It's the least I can do for you.
And don't thank me.
Thank your friend.
He told me about your situation.
He told me about you.
Everything you've been through.
Things I should've known about.
Hi, Dad!
Come on, Dad! Let's go!
- Just a minute.
- Okay, Dad.
I was just his age.
I was only 15 when
you were born.
I was just a kid.
I wasn't ready
to be your father.
To be anyone's father.
But still, I wish
I could've done
something to make sure
that someone would
love and take care of you.
I needed to forget you
So that I could move on.
So I could forgive myself.
I'm asking for your forgiveness.
I'm sorry, Uno.
I'm so sorry.
For 32 years,
we weren't a part
of each other's lives.
Maybe it's about
time we changed that.
Maybe we could be
Thank you.
Thank you.
You know,
you would have been
a great dad to that baby.
What makes you say that?
You chose to be
that baby's father.
You chose to love him.
And you can still
choose to do that.
Miss Manalo.
Your papers have been approved!
You'll be assigned to the ticketing
office until you give birth.
Take it easy. The baby.
Thank you!
See you tomorrow.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Where are you?
- I'm outside.
We're on our way.
I thought you were
going to pick me up?
Yes. We're near.
- So, where are you?
- We're coming.
Okay, hurry.
I have good news!
- Okay, sure.
- Okay. See you!
- Goodbye!
- Bye!
Are you following me?
I'm getting married.
Congrats to you too.
You're going to
be an A bus a do.
You're really something.
I haven't even said yes.
Don't you want to say yes?
Why won't you...?
Okay, if you
really don't want to,
then don't smile.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I didn't realize it sooner.
But now,
whether or not I'm
the father of that baby,
I'll accept it.
I'm sorry too.
For all the heartache.
Here's the paternity test.
It's not important anymore.
What's more important now
is the choice I'm making today.
And I'm choosing you.
The both of you.
I almost got you there.
Don't you really want to?
What a waste.
I prepared an airplane for you.
That's grand.
Where are we going?
Say yes first.
Woo me first!
Come on, CJ...
CJ, right?
- Yeah.
- Uno.
Oh, hi.
Oh my god, you're so beautiful.
Where have you been all my life?
Oh my god, you have
such gentle hands.
I have a gentle heart.
You wanna have it?
Is this the part where
we kiss?
I think so.
We should do it slowly.
You have to close your eyes.
Where's the plane?
That's all you want?!
Where is it?
Wait. Here it is.
Getting to know each other
You want planes?
We'll give you planes!
Okay, that's enough.
What does it say?
- This is too much!
- Yes!
Go, tell him.
Mr. Daddy!
You're the daddy!
I'm the daddy!
I love you, Mommy!
I love you too.
And people can tell
Because the Manalo family...
I light up like a neon sign
You burned my face!
Yes, we're getting to know
each Other a little too well
Okay, roll!
Thanks for your support.
You can do it...
Three, two
Manalo! Manalo!
- Hey, we're done.
- Are we?
You have a lot of questions.
You forgot your line.
I call you and you call me
You owe...
You owe me...
What does she owe you?
I'll prepare your dinner.
You touched my stuff?
Hey! You!
Who the hell is calling
you again, Ketch?
You're working, Ketch!
But we're getting
to know each other
Ma, we are filming.
Yes, Ma. We are filming.
Later Ma, okay?
I'll just call you later. Bye.
Okay, Ma. Bye.
I am a pilot
and I'm a...
You have a delicate delivery...
- What?
- Pregnancy, rather.
Yes, we're getting to know
each other A little too well
Clapper last.
Give me the baby
Oh Give me the baby.
We are...
There's no improvement. My god.
- She's with Abu A bus a do.
- Huh?
Sorry. Sorry.
Again. Take 3.
Too many nights
I'm workin' till ten
- Hey, your line.
- Sorry, I forgot.
That's it's
hopeless to go on
You and CJ are
together in Manila?
Sorry, sir. I laughed.
I cannot!
How about you...
Okay. Continue
I'm wearing slippers
I'm wearing slippers.
That's okay. It's a tight shot.
Hey! It's wider here!
I light up like a neon sign
Oh my god!
Yes, we're getting
to know each other
- Action!
- I love you...
That was nice.
Ouch! Ouch!
Ha! Ha!
- Pathetic!
- That was good!
- I got nothing.
- Whatever.
But you got me.
Oh! They're crazy!