Justice (2017) Movie Script

THOMAS: When we last spoke,
you called me a coward.
Now, I do not see the Lord's
way as a violent one,
but I did pray for you.
I prayed that
you would survive the war
in the stand
for righteousness.
I write you now for your help.
I see how action must sometimes be
taken to right terrible wrongs.
There are bad men here,
terrorizing this good community,
and I have taken a stand
and have paid a price for it.
Reverend McCord?
Miss Ginny.
May I help you?
I need to talk.
Well, it is rather late.
And I fear it may not
be very proper.
I want to quit
this life.
I'm ashamed of who I am.
(SIGHS) Of what
I've become.
Miss Ginny, God forgives us our
sins when we recognize them.
Well, that sounds good
and all, but how?
How am I gonna
get away from Reb?
He says he owns me.
He'll never let me go.
Miss Ginny, you give
yourself over to the Lord,
and he will
take care of you.
And I will stand
with you.
I want to believe you, Thomas.
You just have faith.
Miss Ginny, please...
Please, stop.
Now, we can talk more
in the morning.
Why don't you get yourself
on home safe now?
Well, ain't this a sight?
Reb, it's nothing.
We was just...
We was just
talking, is all.
Miss Ginny came
for spiritual guidance.
That's what you call it?
Nothing happened, Reb.
This here
is a house of God.
And I will kindly
ask you to leave.
Reb, stop it!
You don't know him, Ginny.
Baby, please, you don't... Get!
You done messed up,
Nothing happened, Reb.
That one's from me.
And that one's
from the Mayor.
The Mayor?
I believe
you were told to keep
your goddamn nose
out of his business.
You should've played along.
But, no, you gotta
be all high-and-mighty.
"Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death,
"I will fear no evil,
for thou art with me.
"Thy rod and thy staff
shall comfort me."
See you on the other side,
MAN: Help me!
Help me!
Strap him up.
MAN: Help me!
What is this man's crime?
Well, can't you see
for yourself'?
Crime of niggerdom.
Ain't you heard?
War's over.
You lost.
The war is over
when I say it's over.
My counsel to you is that you get
back up on that horse of yours,
before I strap you
to this here pole.
Untie the nigger.
What's your name, son?
Abraham, sir.
You go on home, Abraham.
Thank you, sir.
My name
is James McCord,
but my friends
call me Marshal.
We gonna have a problem?
No, Marshal. No problem.
(EXHALES) One more.
Nice hat.
Thank you.
I want it.
Excuse me?
I said
that I want it.
I'm sure you can get one for yourself.
I want that one.
Not gonna happen.
Unless you wanna die
for this hat,
I suggest you pick up
your friend,
and leave me to my drink.
Can anyone here tell me
where the church is?
No one?
No one knows
where the church is?
Head back down the road
to the edge of town.
You won't find much.
But you can't miss it.
f any of y'all see
the Reverend McCord,
you tell him his brother's
looking for him.
MAYOR: It's a tragic thing,
a man of the cloth
burning to death like that.
He had plenty of chances.
Yeah. Well,
accidents happen.
You know,
when I first come out here,
it was open space
as far as you could see.
Wild country for the taking.
Some folks call it
God's country.
Well, I say not even God's going
to stop me from taking my share.
What about blood?
What's that
supposed to mean?
Preacher's brother
rode into town.
Really? Well, I've
seen his type before.
A dog looking for a bone.
And he's a Marshal.
He's a U.S. Marshal?
You sayin' that
he might not buy the fact that his
brother's death was accidental?
It could be that
accidents run in the family.
Yeah, I reckon they may.
Why don't you
get yourself a Colt?
You know
they're more reliable.
My daddy gave me
this gun.
It suits me fine.
Why don't you worry
about that U.S. Marshal?
MELISSA: "...because He maketh
intercession for the saints
"according to the will of God.
"And we know that
all things work together
"for good to them
that love God,
"to them who are the called
according to His purpose.
"For whom He did foreknow,
He also did predestinate
"to be conformed
to the image of His Son,
"that He might be the firstborn
among many brethren."
JAMES: Whoa.
How can I help you, sir?
JAMES: This was
my brother's church.
I'm looking for him.
That'll be all
for today, children.
Thank you, ladies.
I'm Melissa.
James McCord.
Let me take you to him.
I'm so sorry,
little brother.
I should have come sooner.
You didn't know?
Did I ask you where my
dead brother was buried?
I'm sorry. I...
It's not your fault.
"Dear James,
"When we last spoke,
you called me a coward."
"I do not see the Lord's way
as a violent one,
"but I did pray for you."
THOMAS: I prayed that
you would survive the war
in the stand
for righteousness.
I write you now for your help.
I see how action must sometimes be
taken to right terrible wrongs.
There are bad men here,
terrorizing this good community.
I have taken a stand
and have paid a price for it.
"I fear for my life.
"I beseech you,
come quickly.
"Help drive this evil away.
"Your brother, Thomas."
Are you a sheriff?
U.S. Marshal.
Do you know
how my brother died?
They found his body in the
church after it burned.
There are bad men
in this town.
And he did stand up
against them.
THOMAS: Does the Word not say
that the righteous and the
meek shall inherit the earth?
But tell me this,
when is it time
to just pray?
Yes, the good book
tells us, and I quote,
"Must not we look
the other way?"
But it also tells us
that there is a time.
A time for everything.
I am but one man.
But I will not look away.
I see who the thieves are
and I call them out!
There, my brothers
and my sisters,
there are the servants
of darkness.
Stand with me,
my brothers and my sisters,
and we can rid
this town of their evil.
I will find out what
happened to my brother.
If there was foul play,
someone will pay for it.
Do you have
a place to stay?
Thought I'd camp out.
We have a small bunkhouse
out by our stables.
It's not much
to pride yourself on,
but you're welcome
to stay there.
I don't wanna
impose, ma'am.
No imposition,
I assure you.
Thank you very kindly.
It's settled, then.
Hey, hey, you clumsy oaf.
Have a care there, will ya'?
God damn.
Gus, open that up.
Mmm-hmm. Where are the guns?
They're in the next shipment.
All right.
Close it up.
You, get some
canvas over there.
Don't want them
getting wet.
God damn. (GROANS)
JAMES: Tom was always
the best with wits.
He, uh...
He thought things through.
I'm more of a "take action"
kind of man.
Well, we all appreciated
how he could clarify
the good Lord's Word
for us simple folk.
I wouldn't call you
simple, ma'am.
Thank you, kind sir.
Melissa used to
teach Bible lessons
to the children
before Thomas arrived.
She recites chapter
and verse in her sleep.
Stop it, Papa.
You're embarrassing me.
I saw it first hand
when I met her.
Sometimes all people
have is their faith.
Thomas was always praying.
Prayin' for something.
I never understood it.
If you want something,
just go get it.
Why pray about it?
How do you think
Thomas died?
We found his remains in the embers
at the church after the fire.
I understand they found
his burned body,
but why didn't he
try to escape?
They say he got drunk, and knocked
over a lamp or something.
And you believe that?
Thomas wasn't a drinker.
In fact, he'd always say good night
when the drinking got heavy.
You've mentioned that
you thought Mayor Pierce might be
behind some of the trouble in town.
You think he could've had something
to do with my brother's death?
Yes, I do.
Tell me.
Men say before the war, Pierce
made his money as a slave trader.
When the war started, many headed
east, but he stayed behind.
Bought himself
a position of power in town.
He hired Reb and his band of
ex-Confederate soldiers as enforcers,
and bullied his way
into the Mayor's office.
How would he be able to get
away with something like that?
Who could stop him?
This is a small town,
Anyone with any influence,
he hired.
When the war ended, people
came back, and the town grew.
Reb brought some
of his mercenaries to town
and that's when
things got real bad.
Anyone who stood up to Reb
or the Mayor, disappeared.
Your brother
wasn't the first.
Well, I don't buy for a minute that
he got drunk and tipped over a lamp.
No, something
happened to him.
I'm not leaving
until I figure out what.
This was your brother's.
After the fire,
I found it in the embers.
JAMES: I remember
this day.
We hated standing still
for so long.
Our mother.
Long time ago.
Her wedding ring.
She didn't want
to be buried with it.
She wanted one of us to have
it for when the time comes.
It's beautiful.
JAMES: "Journal."
Did either of you
know he kept this?
No, I didn't.
Well, it's getting late. I think
I'll be calling it an evening.
Good night, Daddy.
Good night.
Good night, James.
Is she okay?
It's been tough.
Her husband was
killed in Antietam.
Shortly after,
she lost her son,
my grandson,
to diphtheria.
Sorry to hear that.
She's getting on, though.
A little better every day.
JAMES: Let's see what you have
to tell me, little brother.
THOMAS". The West. A land
full of promise for many.
For me,
it is the land of destiny.
Though I left a good life
full of potential,
God's calling was stronger.
I am convinced that the Mayor
is behind all of this.
Our community has been
without any form of law
for more than a few years.
Melissa Collins came by
just after the Reb incident.
Such a lovely girl.
I followed the Mayor to an abandoned
mine, filled with weapons.
I drew a map to the location.
BUFORD: Reb ain't gonna wanna hear that
you ain't got the money today, boy.
Like I said, sir, things
have been slow lately.
A couple of
Army officers asked
if I can tend
to their horses next week,
and maybe fix a few things.
BUFORD: Next week...
But that ain't gonna
solve the problem
that we have here today,
now, is it?
Put the gun down,
and tell me what's going on.
WHITEY: Business.
And it ain't none of yours.
Makin' it mine.
We know who you are.
You better learn
yourself who we are.
You're gonna pay
these men when you can?
Yes, sir.
Well, there you have it.
That's all you'll get today.
Get out of here.
Thank you.
How can I repay you?
If you can take
a look at my horse,
we've been on
the trail a long time.
Might need
some tending to.
You saved my son, Abraham.
Anything you need,
it's on me.
A man should be paid
for his work.
Thank you.
And you know your taxes
have to be paid
or there will be
How am I supposed
to feed my family?
seems to be a problem
you need to figure out.
That's enough, boys.
Let's not do this again.
Just put it down,
and back away.
This ain't over.
You can't just be coming
into someone else's town
acting like
you own the place.
Well, that's ironic,
isn't it?
So why don't you and your
partner clear on out of here?
You're a blessing
from heaven.
Don't be so sure
about that.
Hey, cowboy.
Want to have a good time?
No, thank you, ma'am.
Give me two more.
Thank you.
Mind if I join you?
I wanted
to introduce myself.
No need, Marshal.
(CHUCKLES) Yeah, I guess
I'm not surprised.
Listen, Captain,
I may need your help.
I don't see
how that's possible.
It's our mission to
keep this country safe,
yours is to keep the peace.
Well, you and I both know it's
not always that cut-and-dry.
Where were you stationed?
Gettysburg. 20th Maine.
War could have been lost
if you boys hadn't held back
the Confederates
like you did.
North and South. You know, you
can say it was that simple.
But it was just a bunch of
kids killing each other.
You boys
at Gettysburg, too?
Second Bull Run.
Antietam. Fredericksburg.
Here's to them all.
So, what's this about? It got something
to do with your brother, I assume.
Well, I ain't got
nothing solid yet.
But he was fixing to bring some
things to light in this town.
We have our eyes on the
Mayor for our own reasons.
However, those reasons do not
include family disputes.
But, seeing as how we're dealing
with enemies of the state,
Quantrill's Raiders and all,
I might be able to do
a little something for you.
Do not come to me
without hard evidence.
I cannot jeopardize
our mission just to help
you with your revenge,
you understand?
Yes, sir. I do.
Excuse me, Mayor.
That Reverend's
brother is a problem.
Which means what?
He kept us from collecting
rent from the blacksmith,
and from
Trumble's store today.
Lord, why have you
seen fit to surround me
with a pack of
imbeciles and morons?
Well, you told us not to use
our guns and draw on folks,
so what are we
supposed to do?
Well, now I'm telling you,
get off my porch.
Get out of my sight!
Go on.
This McCord character,
now he can't be allowed to
interfere with my business.
He's like a disease.
It could be contagious.
He's gonna have to be
dealt with.
So, what do you want
to do about it?
Put some men on him,
not those two idiots.
Pick two other idiots.
See what he's up to.
I'll handle it.
I've fed you all. Don't act like
you didn't get any. Shoo, now.
Morning. I didn't
see you standing there.
In the morning sun, your hair
glows, looks kinda like a halo.
Well, I'm no angel,
that's for sure.
That ain't the word around town.
Listen, I found some things
in Thomas' journal.
It might prove
the Mayor's up to no good.
What did you find?
This map.
Points to a cache
that the journal says
is full of stolen
weapons and money.
I don't know
how to read this.
I don't recognize
any of the terrain.
When Tom and I were kids,
we used to play Indian scout.
We'd draw these maps
to help settlers get out west.
We drew them in code so that
if they were ever stolen,
bad guys wouldn't know
how to use 'em.
See, the symbol
for north...
That's a pond,
these are trees.
Point is, I can use that map to
find the Mayor's supply cache.
I'll go with you.
No. There's no tellin'
what I'll find up there.
If something happens to me,
I need you to find
Captain Lewis,
and give him
that translated map.
His base is just outside of town.
Only Captain Lewis.
I know where this is. It's
an old, abandoned mine.
I can take you there.
No, I need you here.
Okay. (SIGHS)
Only Captain Lewis, now.
MAN 1: Someone shot out the lock.
MAN 2: Let's check it out.
Well, can you read?
Yes, sir.
Then read it to me.
"Mayor Pierce,
"Our armory
at Sawtooth is heavy
"and we have
recruited over 400 men
"thus far, ready to do
what is necessary.
"In addition, we have recruited 200
soldiers from Virginia and Kentucky
"ready to come and fight
for your territory.
"Please confirm that you have
prepared ample accommodations.
Mayor J.W. Cooter."
Damn, son.
You read good.
And you are the bearer
of glad tidings.
I want you to bring Mayor
Cooter a message from me.
I want you to say to him...
You say,
"J.W., thank you
for this inspiring..."
Yeah, that's all right. Don't knock.
Just walk right in.
You got something to say?
Son, step outside.
Close the door.
Yeah, yeah. Just...
Just have a seat.
The boys saw the preacher's
brother ride out of town today.
Word is,
he was heading north.
Out of town,
as in, for good?
It's hard to say.
Did they follow him?
Nope. Don't know
where he went.
I would call that completely
useless information, wouldn't you?
By the time they got word to
me, the Marshal was long gone.
I thought it'd be best for them to
sit tight, wait for his return.
That's what
you thought?
Reb, I want you
to listen to me.
You see...
You're not educated.
You're not
an intelligent man.
In fact, you're stupid.
You are a stupid man.
You are a hired thug
who shoots people.
You cannot offer me
anything I cannot buy
100 times over.
You understand?
I hear you.
I do not want to know
what you think
about anything, ever.
I pay you
to do what I think.
And right know,
I think you're forgetting
who's running the show.
You see,
this ain't your town, son.
This town belongs to me.
I'm the Mayor.
And that's just the start.
So don't you dare presume
to bite the hand
that feeds you,
lest you find yourself
dying of starvation.
Won't happen again.
Let's say that that Marshal
does come back, huh'?
I want you to have
a chat with him.
I want you
to persuade him that
it's time for him to
leave this town forever.
Yeah, what if he
won't be persuaded?
Well, then he's gonna
have an accident.
Now, let's not forget,
he is a U.S. Marshal.
I don't want
an investigation.
So, when I say accident, Reb,
I mean, accident.
That's all.
Hey, Reb.
Ask that bright, young fellow
to step back in here, will you?
I'm so glad
you're safe.
Well, I found it.
It's all true.
There is enough guns and TN over there to start a war.
Do you think
the Captain will help us?
Let's hope so.
Someone found it, boss.
You're going to give me
a goddamn headache.
One of you imbeciles spit out
what you's trying to spit.
You go.
Someone found
the mine, boss.
Three of ours
got taken out.
Enough's enough.
CAPTAIN LEWIS: Get that horse some water.
MAN: Yes, sir.
What brings you
out here, McCord?
I followed a map
my brother drew.
Leads to an abandoned mine
full of rifles, powder kegs,
and stolen gold.
He's planning
something big, Captain.
How many rifles?
Fifty, maybe 60 crates.
Do you know why the Army sent
me here, to this hell hole?
This area is not entirely
under the jurisdiction of the
United States government,
and there are concerns
in Washington.
We have information
that there are
rogue elements
from the Confederacy
that's not willing
to accept Mr. Lincoln
and his Emancipation
Well, that would explain
the influx
of ex-Confederates
in the area.
For these men,
the war isn't over.
We'll investigate
the mine.
And we'll commandeer anything we
feel is connected to this uprising.
But I cannot point
blame at Mayor Pierce
unless you have proof of his
connection to this alleged arsenal.
Hey, McCord.
What do you want?
I got some information
about your brother.
Don't waste my time, Ginny.
Oh. You know me
now, do you?
You're Reb's whore.
What information?
Not out here in the open.
They might see us.
Over here.
(SIGHS) I don't have
all night.
I just need a few minutes.
Do you have information
for me or not?
Here it comes now.
Sorry, James.
I would love to shoot you in
your goddamn face right now,
but the boss says to
give you one more chance
to go back to wherever you came
from and forget about this place.
That's not gonna happen.
But I was hoping
you'd say that.
Cover him, boys.
You're gonna
leave this town.
On a horse or in a maple box,
it makes no nevermind to me.
Pick him up.
REB: How's that?
You getting the message
yet, Marshal?
What's up there, Yankee?
Can't hear you. Spit it out.
What you saying?
You smell like
horse shit. (CHUCKLING)
REB: All right.
That's enough.
Tough son of a bitch.
Let's go, boys.
Come on, boy.
Take me home.
Hey, there, Marshal.
You're safe now.
Relax, you need your rest.
REB: Yeah, I'm sure he was
breathing when we left him.
Well, let's hope
it inspires his departure.
He'll be down a spell.
Give us some time
to focus on business.
No, no.
Let's let the dust settle for a day
or so, give the townsfolk time
to digest and reflect on what
happens to heroes in my town.
I'm going to bed.
Shut the door
on your way out.
Thank you.
Of course.
I don't want you
to end up like Thomas.
Thomas and I were
always very different.
As a U.S. Marshal, all I knew
was death, thieves, killers.
Then the war broke out.
In a land torn apart by
hatred, he preached love.
While men were getting beaten and
hanged, he preached forgiveness.
When the world was at its
cruelest, he preached compassion.
That ain't me.
There's no
forgiveness here.
Thomas was a good man.
Guess what I'm trying to say is,
I'm not gonna end up like him
because I am not like him.
Do you want to try
and stand up?
Take a few steps?
Use me, all right?
Take your time. Go slow.
Go slow.
There you go.
There you go.
You all right?
And who knows what David used
to bring the giant down?
A rock.
MELISSA: That's right.
You are so smart.
MAYOR: You're blocking
my light.
Hey, Reb, you are
familiar with this book,
Democracy in America
by Alexis de Tocqueville?
Can't say I am.
Oh. Well,
it's damn fascinating.
I mean, this man,
Frenchman, he...
Well, he traveled all across this
country after the revolution
and he wrote just the most
marvelous words about America.
You don't say?
I don't say what?
That a Frenchman
traveled the country
and wrote good stuff
about America and all.
No, I did say that.
Never mind.
I got news. There was a
shootout up at the old mine.
And a few of my boys
got cut down.
My condolences.
Who did it?
Can't say for sure.
Let me rephrase that. Do you
think that the Marshal did it?
Can't say.
You just said that.
Anything missing?
Don't look like
anything's missing.
You know, you are
head of security for me
and I got to tell you
I'm not feeling
all that damn secure
these days.
If the Marshal is behind this, it puts
us in a damned unfortunate situation.
With my hands tied, there's
only so much that I can do.
Well, for once,
you're right.
This town cannot afford
to have another martyr,
particularly not
a U.S. Marshal.
Raise your right hand.
Now, do you
solemnly swear to uphold the rightful
duties of sheriff of our town?
Definitely not.
Just say, "Yes, I do."
You shittin' me?
Say yes, or you're fired.
Fine. I do.
But this here is just temporary.
I got a reputation.
Congratulations, Sheriff.
I think you might wanna deputize
a few of your colleagues.
If you do harbor dreams of
becoming the next head of security
for the first president
of the Western Republic,
you will deal with this
Marshal situation pronto.
Will do.
I'm counting on you.
JAMES: I had been a U.S.
Marshal for a couple of years.
I was up in Massachusetts,
so I joined up
with the 12th Mass
and marched off
to fight evil.
He chose to head out west
and preach the Word.
His version of fighting
evil, I reckon.
But at the time
I thought it was cowardice.
Running away
from the hard work
of putting the country
back together.
Putting an end to slavery.
Got a splinter.
May I?
Found it.
All better?
What is it?
When I was reading
Thomas' journals
I came across
some passages
about you.
I thought there might be.
What would you like to know?
Were you close?
The two of you.
Why do you ask, Marshal?
Are you warm on me?
Get behind me.
Please, give me a reason.
What do you want?
Sorry to break up
your little moment.
There was a moment, right?
But you are under arrest
for the attempted rape
of one Miss Ginny Post.
What are you
up to now, Reb?
Well, the other night
we stopped your man here
from having his way with a respected
maiden of this here community.
There is no way.
Melissa, are you
suggesting that because
Miss Ginny used to be a prostitute,
that that makes it okay?
She never said that,
and I didn't touch her.
Way she tells it,
you roughed her up a bit.
You did all sorts
of things to her
that even my delicate ears
can't handle.
Come to think on it,
your brother, the scum sucker that
he was, he tried the same thing.
Runs in the family,
I guess.
Now, you're going to jail.
Tie him up.
Oh, my... My, my, my...
This is a sad thing.
Ain't this ironic?
You wanna save a nigger, then
you get to take his place.
I'm a U.S. Marshal.
You'll catch hell for this.
Already been there.
Wasn't impressed.
SLIM: You ready, boy?
Not sharp enough
for you?
Please, sir.
This is a mistake.
He is innocent
of these charges.
Is he?
I can't be certain
of that, ma'am.
No, no. Women are
to be cherished.
Now, what kind of
a message would it send
to the God-fearing
people of this town
were I to allow a crime
to go unpunished?
Not to mention the
hooligans in this town.
I shudder
at the thought.
This is your doing?
Yeah, well, you never really
know someone, do you?
I suppose the accusations
could be false.
But, of course, that's
for a judge to decide.
In the meantime,
I am obligated to protect
the women of this town.
And of course...
That includes
you, Miss Collins.
Ain't that right, Ginny?
You know,
I've never noticed
before what a...
Remarkably fine
figure of a woman you are.
You stop this right now.
This territory is about to
experience a new beginning
and I'm gonna lead it.
I'm an ambitious man,
and it sure would be fine
to have a smart, strong...
Beautiful woman at my side.
Your words are of
the Devil's tongue.
(CHUCKLES) Well, don't you go
flattering me, Miss Collins.
You know what happens
to rapists in this territory?
We hang 'em.
See, if he was to be
cleared of these charges,
well, he'd be free to just go on
doing what he has been doing,
and I got to tell you, that
just doesn't work for me.
Aren't you gonna
invite me in?
Of course, baby.
There you go.
Thank you.
You know,
you're missing the show.
Why don't you come
on back outwith me?
Let me just
clean myself up for you,
and I'll meet you
out there, baby.
Please, I'll do anything.
I'll make him leave.
Well, I guess I could
drop the charges.
After all, they were
leveled by a whore.
Revolting profession.
That's enough.
Cut him down.
You, uh...
Want something
before you go?
You know...
You really would
make a fine first lady.
You don't
fucking leave me.
Reb, no.
Sorry, Ginny.
It's over, okay.
It's over.
I beg of you.
We have to get James out of jail.
He didn't do anything.
What do you expect me to do?
Break him out?
They're going
to kill him, Daddy.
We're gonna meet
by the old church.
I'll be there.
STRATTON: I'm gonna
need your help.
You got it.
So a group of us are meeting
up by the old church.
Thank you.
STRATTON: Now y'all know
my daughter Melissa.
And I'd like you
to hear her out.
Good morning.
There's no stage.
There's no church.
No minister.
All that remains
is tinder and ash.
A good man did
stand here once,
right here,
where I stand now.
His name was
Reverend Thomas McCord.
He wasn't born here.
He owed us nothing.
He only dreamed
to see this town,
to see the people in it,
reach their full potential.
That's why he died.
But you know that.
Damn us!
Yes, I say damn us!
Where were we
when he stood up
against the tyranny
of our oppressors?
Where were we when
he pointed his fingers
at the men
who steal our homes,
take food from
our children's mouths?
Where were we?
Reverend McCord
gave his life for us,
and none of us had the
backbone to stand with him.
We let him down.
We let our children down,
and I'm ashamed of that.
Mayor Pierce and his former
Confederate soldier colleagues
intend to claim this
territory as a new republic,
and overthrow
our president.
Right now, he is compiling
an arsenal of weapons,
and he expects more men
to arrive here shortly.
How do you
know this?
We've seen the weapons.
And Marshal McCord
has been working
with the Army to uncover
their operation.
Marshal McCord's gonna
get himself strung up.
He has the backing
of federal troops,
and he's the only man
willing to take on our Mayor.
He needs our help.
We are strong enough, right
now, to do what needs doing.
But, when the Mayor's reinforcements
arrive, we will be outnumbered,
and if the Army intervenes,
then our town
will become a battlefield.
I'm not gonna
be a slave again.
I moved out west with my boy to
start a new life as free men.
It ain't been easy, but it's
damn sure better than it was.
The Marshal, he clone save my
boy, Abraham, from a lashing.
He come to my aid, too,
when Reb's boys
was trying to burn my hand,
and shake me down.
And his brother,
God rest his soul,
has been there for all of us
one way or another.
Count me in.
Thank you, Benjamin.
There's some scripture the
Reverend used to quote often,
Proverbs 21:15,
"It is a joy to the just
to do judgment,
"but destruction shall come
to the workers of iniquity."
Justice is present.
We just have
to let him loose.
It's time we take a stand.
Let's get those
sons of bitches.
Anyone willing to help me get
James out of jail, step forward.
What you got
in the bag'?
Well, let's have
a little look see.
My daughter Melissa put together
some things for the Marshal.
You do it nice
and slow like.
Looky here, fried chicken...
Sounds like your girlfriend's
done brought us some dinner.
We just might even
toss you a bone to suck on.
Looky here, apple pie.
Her mother makes
the best apple pie.
STRATTON: Boiled eggs...
Oh. There's some more
boiled eggs.
Just put it all back in the
sack there and hand it over.
STRATTON: Oh, she didn't.
Put this big
ol' gun in here.
You back it up, right now.
Right now.
Go on, back in there.
Put that gun on the table.
Give me the key.
Give me the damn key!
I ain't got it.
"First of these duties
is to educate democracy.
"To reawaken
its religious beliefs,
"to make an awareness to..."
Sir, there's a ruckus
at the jailhouse.
What kind of a ruckus?
And you're here?
I came to tell ya.
Get back over there.
Reb, you get on
down to that jail
before they break
the Marshal out.
Won't be that easy
without these.
Just, get on down there.
STRATTON: Where are the keys?
I ain't got it.
Someone better start talking.
I ain't asking again.
Reb has it.
Thought these
might come in handy.
Well, hello, there, young lady.
Come take a seat.
There's no time for that.
James is in jail.
Some pretty nasty charges
against him.
All false.
Right now my father
is trying to break him out.
He needs your help.
You're asking me to help you
break a man out of prison?
Yes, I am.
Thank you.
Please, help them.
Men, stand to horse!
How many of them
you got out there?
Two, three, maybe four.
In other words,
you don't know.
No, I do not.
(GRUNTS) If we stay
here, we're dead.
I'll draw their fire.
When I open that door,
you guys run like hell.
Unload everything you got.
That's suicide.
Have a little faith.
Hold your fire.
No one shoots
the Marshal.
He's mine.
Hold your fire,
God damn it!
Gave me all the excuse I need
to put a bullet in your head.
Holding two Sheriff's
deputies hostage,
breaking out of jail.
No, sir, don't get
much better than that.
There's good men in here.
Look, you can have me,
just let them go.
Sorry, can't do that.
Accessory to the crime,
and all.
If I come out shooting, a lot
of your men are gonna die.
Maybe you, Reb.
But I've seen
enough death,
I've took enough lives that
if it's my time, so be it.
JAMES: Don't have to
be that way.
Give me your word
as a soldier
that you'll let
these men go,
and you can have me.
You win.
This is Mayor Pierce.
You have my word.
You walk out of there peacefully,
I'll honor your request.
I have your word, Mayor?
As a gentleman.
Well, that makes me feel better.
I'm going out there.
f they drop me,
you come out firing.
Don't look back,
get to your families.
I'm coming out!
That's far enough, McCord.
Drop your rifle.
Undo your belt strap,
drop it to the floor.
What now?
Your brother was brave,
like you.
Until he wasn't.
He kept pushing,
and pushing,
until he pushed
a little too far.
You shut up.
He squealed like a sow
as he burned to death.
you still with me?
You bet I am.
It's over for you, Marshal.
You're outgunned by 20 men.
Look after my boy.
My Abraham.
This ain't over yet.
Get your father home
and stay there.
Wait, I'm coming with you.
No, sir.
This is something
I have to do alone.
You keep her safe.
Be careful.
JAMES: Captain.
No sign of him.
This map will lead you
to the cache.
It's where
you'll find the Mayor.
I'm going after Reb.
You got a handle on him?
I got an idea.
Thank you.
Took you long enough.
I was busy.
Why didn't you run?
Men like you and me,
we don't run.
Why is that?
There's nowhere to run to.
It's all the same.
Blue, gray...
It really don't matter
at the end of the day.
We're born,
we buy this, sell that...
We die. It's that simple.
You came here to die?
We'll see.
This was a nice church.
I used to see folk
come in and out of it.
Never understood
what they found.
Your brother,
for a guy
who never carried a gun,
he was a tough son of a bitch.
I admired him.
Funny way of showin' it.
Where's the compassion?
Wrong McCord.
Now, I am but one man,
but I will not
look the other way.
And we will rid
the town of this evil.
Thank you, brother.
Hey, there, little brother.
See you around.
What you got there?
What's your name, son?
Collins family, this is
Benjamin's son, Abraham.
Abraham, this is
the Collins family.
Elizabeth, Stratton
and, of course, Melissa.
Hello, Abraham.
Thank you.
Come on, let's get you
something to drink.
We're rebuilding
a church.
Thanks to you.
Where you heading?
South. Some folks
need help down there.
You could come.
As much as I'd love to, I think
I've found my calling, too.
Thomas would be proud.
Of both of us.
Will you be gone long?
I think so.
Are you coming back?
Not as good of a liar
as your brother was.
I ain't him.
Tail side of the same nickel, Mr.
I guess.