Justice for Natalee Holloway (2011) Movie Script

Five years ago today, Alabama
teenager, Natalee Holloway...
... went to Aruba on a school trip
with friends and never returned.
Her story became
every parent's worst nightmare.
Natalee's mother, Beth, is with us
for an exclusive interview...
...on this somber anniversary.
- Good morning. Good to have you.
- Good morning.
Beth, talk about the fine line
between hope...
...and acceptance of reality.
Well, when this happened to Natalee,
my life was defined.
Defined with two children,
my marriage and a job.
Joran took my daughter's life
and mine.
He's still out there living his.
What can I say?
Ladies, they love me.
Kiss me.
After Natalee's disappearance,
I lost everything.
I lost that life.
This is my life now,
trying to get out and talk...
...and educate parents
and young people.
No other mother should ever get
the call I got five years ago today.
- Thank you, Beth.
- Thank you.
Come on, Mom.
Do you think they'll ever get
Joran Van Der Sloot?
I won't stop until we do.
Tell housekeeping
not to clean my room.
- Sure, no problem.
- My girl needs to sleep.
How did you know
Natalee was dead?
- People go into comas.
- Yeah, I was worried for that...
... but, you know,
it really scared me to death.
The girl's never gonna be found,
though, I'll tell you that.
Because she is in the sea?
Who helped you dump her?
A friend.
I'm not gonna say who or...
It wasn't my father, just a friend.
With a boat?
- Please, don't turn it off.
- I've seen it, numerous times.
Captain Fisher investigated.
The story makes no sense.
What are you talking about?
It's a confession.
He admits to dumping her
in the ocean while she was alive.
The man Joran claimed drove the boat
wasn't in Aruba. He was in Holland.
He's just covering for his father.
Paulus is still pulling the strings
right now.
That's enough.
This is insane. I have a confession.
I brought you a tape.
I've ordered the captain
to close the case.
- What?
- This meeting is finished.
Nobody has ever paid
for the death of my daughter.
Somebody has to pay for this crime.
- There she is. Beth, Beth.
- Beth?
Ms. Holloway, please.
How do you feel
about the judge's decision?
One question for you. Paulus, Paulus.
Mr. Van Der Sloot, over here.
How do feel
about the judge's decision?
You're responsible for this.
Why won't you let the truth
come out?
This madness needs to stop.
No body, no crime, Miss Holloway.
Leave my son alone.
I'm sorry for your loss.
- What's next?
- Excuse me.
Think your son
will ever be charged?
What do think about...?
Once again, Aruba has refused...
...to prosecute the psychopath
who took my daughter from me.
Joran Van Der Sloot
is a vicious criminal.
I have him on tape bragging
about what he did...
...but Joran can say whatever
he wants, confess again and again...
...and Aruba will never do
a damn thing about it.
One more question.
Well, I'll be home tonight, Matt,
I love you, honey.
Okay, bye.
I cannot believe
I am leaving here again without her.
I just wanted a place to lay flowers.
You're the lawyer, John,
explain this to me.
Look, maybe it's time to let go.
Maybe it's time...
To what? Time to stop?
What would you do, John,
if this was your child?
When do you stop?
She's my daughter.
Don't ever tell me to let it go.
- Joran.
- Joran, can we ask a few questions?
What do you have to say
about Natalee's mother...
...calling you a psychopath
Are you enjoying this?
I will not have you bringing this.
You want to call attention...
...do it somewhere else.
- I have supper if anyone's hungry.
You think I want those cameras
in my face?
Yes, I do.
I needed to make money.
That's the only reason I talked
to Patrick.
I gave you everything.
- That's why...
- Go to school...
...and you need to do it
somewhere else.
I'll tell them to leave.
- Paul?
- You're kicking me out of the house?
I'm kicking you out
of the whole country.
Agent Delaney.
Beth. Hey, I'll catch up with you.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I just wanted to update you...
...and find out
if you have anything new on Joran.
If we receive new information on
Natalee's disappearance, we'll call.
You are still investigating it.
If this had happened
on American soil...
...it would be a different story.
I just wanna find out what happened.
You can understand that.
Listen, if there was anything
we could do, we would be doing it.
I promise you.
Beth, please, just go home...
...let us do our job.
- But you're not doing your job.
He's still out there.
Give me one.
I didn't know you could just...
...light up in class like that.
- Can't. I'm special.
My father's a dean.
Oh, so why do you even go
to class?
Why not just have him
fix your grades for you?
Don't know. Should ask him.
Where's a good place
to party around here?
My uncle on my mom's side
owns this club. Full of local girls.
Show them a dollar,
they do anything.
Forget the locals.
I have a thing
for blond American girls.
- That's a joke.
- You're all over the Internet.
Everyone thinks you're a killer.
You shouldn't believe everything
on Internet.
Trust me, dude, no American girl
is going near you.
Hey, it doesn't matter
what I'm famous for.
What matters is I'm famous.
You have the softest skin.
I am a junkie for your skin.
I'm obsessed
with everything about you.
I love the way you talk.
Saw a guy.
Gotta go talk to him. You stay put.
Don't flirt with the locals.
Sammy, come on.
That is Martin.
That is Wouter.
I know these guys from Holland...
...so don't piss them off.
Do you think about hanging out
with a better class of people?
Because of that crap in Aruba,
these are my people.
Let's make it work.
Hey, Wouter, this is Sam.
Sam gets the girls.
His balls big enough for the job?
Mine are big enough.
That's all you need to worry about.
- Know what we want?
- You want Thai girls...
...to dance in the clubs in Holland.
Yeah, something like that.
It's easy money, man.
You know the girls, I convince the girls
to get on a plane.
That's what I do.
I convince girls to do stuff.
- Hey.
- Jug, I don't know what to do.
Judge in Aruba dismissed the case.
The FBI says they can't do anything.
Joran is back in college, in Thailand,
getting on with his life...
...acting as if nothing
ever happened.
Everybody is getting on with their lives
and I'm back here and...
Oh, company, I'm sorry. I...
Oh, crap.
- Oh, Jug, I'm sorry.
- We've been divorced for two years.
- It's all right to forget my birthday.
- No, it's not.
Come and have a glass of wine.
You know most of the people here.
What else? Tell me everything.
You're teaching again?
Great. How's Matt? How's college?
Well, I'm not officially teaching yet...
...but I'm excited to get back
to the kids.
- Matt's good.
- Beth, hey, when did you get here?
You here to see the birthday boy?
I don't think I've seen you in forever.
Hey, give her
a little breathing room, huh?
There's leftover food in the kitchen.
You know,
you should try the chicken.
You know what? I am...
I'm sorry, I have to go.
You just got here.
No, I know. I'm sorry, I...
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine. I am.
I just... I can't do this, okay?
- Happy birthday.
- Thank you.
- You like?
- Yeah, me like.
You girls have what we need.
So this is how we do this.
We give you 10,000 baht
and a plane ticket.
You go to Holland for one year.
You dance five nights a week,
you party.
You have fun.
Then you get 20,000...
...and you come home rich
or you stay because you love it.
- Oh, that's dance a lot.
- Yeah.
That's dance a lot, but not really.
You take breaks,
you talk with the guys...
...you flirt, you make tips.
You'll make better tips there
than you'll ever make here.
They're gonna go for it.
That's good, that's good,
but we do have one problem.
- No problem. Everything goes smooth.
- Yeah, yeah, no more financing.
You supply cash up front,
the girls get on a plane, okay?
Then you get your money back.
I just come up with 20,000?
You'll double your money
in two days.
But if that's too much for you
and your boy...
...we find other guy.
No, I get the money.
- It's my job.
- Good.
Have money by next week
or we find some other place.
Where are you gonna get
that kind of money?
- I'll find a way.
- That's a lot of blackjack, Joran.
I'm not talking blackjack, bitch.
I'm talking a sure thing.
- Deb.
- Maybe Tuesday or something.
- Phone call.
- Look, Alan, I'm on in five.
Trust me, you're gonna wanna take
this call.
You guys wait a second.
Debra Stanville.
This is Joran Van Der Sloot.
Remember me?
- Hello?
- I'm here.
What can I do for you, Joran?
You give me $50,000...
...I tell you what really happened
to Natalee Holloway.
Joran offered to sell you the truth
about what he did?
- For $50,000.
- What'd you tell him?
Network wouldn't authorize it.
He's not known for telling the truth.
So he said he would send me proof
that his story is real.
He sent this chip.
Said it was from his cell phone.
Conversations he recorded
with his father.
We've been trying to authenticate it.
One expert says it's real.
Another says
that it's definitely faked.
So you be the judge.
Joran, are you hanging in there?
- I can't stand this lying anymore.
- You have no choice.
- You have to think about us too.
- I am.
But if they find the girl...
...at least there's proof
that I didn't hurt her.
But what you've done is pretty bad.
Human trafficking is a serious crime.
He said
that he met some guy in a casino...
...that talked about buying a blond.
He would give Joran $ 10,000
if he would find him a blond.
- He said he sold my daughter?
- To the sex trade in Venezuela.
Well, he's probably lying again.
A year ago,
he said he left her in the ocean.
But the recording.
I mean, what if this is the one time
he's telling the truth?
What if she is alive somewhere
in Venezuela?
I'm going to Thailand to interview
Joran to get more information.
I'm gonna go to Aruba
to try and corroborate the story.
I'm going with you.
Aruba officials, FBI,
they can say whatever they want.
This is not over.
If there's a chance that my daughter
is still out there...
...I'm not gonna sit at home
and wait.
I'm going.
Okay. Joran.
Looking for me?
Ready to talk?
Please. Why tell the truth now?
Because it weighs on me.
And if Natalee's family
knows the truth...
...then, you know, they...
They've... They can find her.
- And you want her to be found?
- That's all I want.
I met the girl at the bar.
We went to the beach.
Boat pulls up on the sand.
Natalee gets into the boat.
With a stranger
and without a word of protest?
She thought I was going with her.
- But you weren't.
- No.
Joran, climb aboard.
You sold another human being
into slavery.
Yeah, I know. It's sick.
But it was
a lot of money at the time.
Well, how much is a lot?
Ten thousand.
When did you tell your father?
Why does that matter?
So I can corroborate it.
No, you don't need to do that.
You gave us a chip with his voice.
Of course we're gonna ask him.
- I've got a reporter down there.
- But that's not our agreement.
Our agreement
was you'll tell the truth.
You had no right
to talk to my father.
Hey, look.
Everything I just told you was a lie.
And I faked the conversation
on the chip. Well...
Thank you...
...for the money.
What could he be talking about?
We're here to find out
if Joran's telling the truth.
I need to look Joran's father
in the eye.
- I'll know if he's telling the truth.
- We should get out of here.
Joran admitted faking the whole
conversation. The story was a lie.
I am not leaving
without facing that man.
It's okay. It's okay. Let her go.
We came here for the truth
and I am getting the truth.
- We have a recording.
- What do you want?
Joran said you knew...
...he sold my daughter
and now he says it's a lie.
He lies when you tell him to.
Tell him to do the right thing,
to tell me where Natalee is.
Leave my property
or I'll call the police.
You're a mother.
What if this happened to your child?
Please, you could talk to him.
You could...
Do you ever think about
how much you hurt my son?
Stop harassing my family.
I heard about the kind of girl
your daughter was.
Maybe if she hadn't been drinking
and flirting like a... Get out.
You can't protect him.
He did this! He did this to her!
Well, Lester, Joran Van Der Sloot
is an opportunist.
Anything he can do
and can get over on somebody...
... if he can make some money,
have some fun, manipulate people...
... he enjoys doing that.
He is a classic psychopath.
Now, to a new confession
in the disappearance...
... of Alabama teen,
Natalee Holloway.
She vanished during a class trip
to Aruba back in 2005.
Now, the primary suspect in the case
is speaking in an interview last night.
In the middle of our interview,
Joran told me he made the story up.
But as we've learned from him,
no one knows...
... what is truth and what is fiction.
Is he lying about lying?
Hey, this is Jug.
Leave a message, I'll call you back.
I'm over it. Pay, each girl, 10,000.
There's too much heat, Joran.
- It's not going to happen.
- Just once...
Because you're on the television, man.
It's too much. Deal is off.
Now, take the girls to Holland
or you give me back my money.
Forget who you're talking to, Joran.
- I never want to hear from you again.
- Come on, Joran, let's go.
Hey, Papa.
No more, son.
I thought getting you out of the country
would help, but apparently not.
I'm tired of watching you.
- It's not my fault, eh? She lied to me.
- I don't want to hear it anymore.
Get a job, Joran.
Because you won't get another penny
from me.
Get those files. Let me
go through them one more time.
Agent Delaney?
- Excuse me.
- What the hell?
- We have a window.
- What are you talking about?
Paulus is dead.
He was the one protecting Joran.
He was the one telling him
what to do.
Now that he's gone,
I think we can get to Joran.
He's figured out
that lying works for him.
So, what, that's it?
- You're done?
- No, it's not a crime to lie to the media.
He killed my daughter.
The whole world knows it.
The whole world is looking at you...
...wondering why this monster
is getting away with murder.
When do you start doing your jobs?
If you let him walk away, it's like
saying Natalee's life never mattered.
Her life mattered, Agent Delaney.
It mattered.
If you won't get him, I will.
Why don't you take your brother
for a walk.
- Go ahead. On the beach.
- Yeah, let's go.
...is not my fault.
- No.
I did not ask for any of it.
Joran, listen to me.
He loved you.
Everything he did,
he did to help you.
You are the man of the house now.
Maybe it's time
to start the next part of your life.
You need help?
Okay. You need glue?
- Cheryl, can you help Tallea?
- Yeah, sure.
What is it?
What's happened?
I got an e-mail.
- A few of them.
- From?
- Joran.
- What?
What are you talking about?
He e-mailed you?
Well, what does he want?
Well, he said
he wants to do the right thing.
He'll take you to Natalee.
He's gonna want money.
- How did you respond?
- Told him I didn't trust him.
That I'd have to talk to you.
I think we should pay him.
- What?
- I am so sick of all of this.
It is time to put up or shut up.
Tell him I'll pay him
to tell me where Natalee is.
Are you seriously thinking
of giving this guy money?
Beth, that's a bad idea.
- I told you I was gonna get him myself.
- What if we recorded him?
Get him on tape asking for money.
Okay, Alabama is one of three states
in the country...
...where wiretapping
is legal and admissible.
If you get him on tape
asking for a specific dollar amount...
...and he actually takes the money...
- That would be extortion.
You could prosecute.
Right here in Alabama.
And we could put him away
for a long, long time.
Is this Natalee's mom?
It's Joran.
Hello, Joran.
I hope you understand.
You know, I want to do the right thing.
You have no idea how much
I want this monkey off of my back.
It's very hard for me
to live with this.
How much do you want?
Two hundred
and fifty thousand dollars.
I'll have to see
if I can get that much.
I can take you to Natalee...
... but nobody can know
that this came from me.
...I lose the last group of people
in my life...
...that are important.
I'll have John e-mail you.
Beth, we have to be smart.
We asked for the FBI's help.
They're giving it.
We need to do it their way.
Okay, he has a tendency to jump
when he feels pressure.
We don't want him
blowing the whole thing.
You set up the deal, we send John
to Aruba with the money...
...and that boy will spend his adult life
behind bars.
- I don't trust the people in Aruba.
- We're ready to go.
Ready for this?
- Hello.
- I'll give you the money.
This situation, it hurts everybody.
It's consumed five years
of my life too.
- How do I know you're not gonna lie?
- I know it's tough to trust me...
... after what happened
with the others...
...but I wouldn't lie to you.
That would be beyond horrible.
I'm ready for a new phase
of my life...
...to try and better myself
as a human being.
I'll give you 25,000 up front.
When we find Natalee,
you'll get the rest.
How do I know that you're not lying?
I'll have my lawyer draw a contract
that guarantees it.
He'll bring it
when he brings the money.
You tell him what happened
to my daughter, where I can find her...
...you'll get the rest.
- I want it put...
...in the contract that you pay...
... a million-dollar penalty
if anyone finds out...
... the information came from me.
- Okay, that's fine.
- Okay.
It's not that I think I'd go to jail...
...in maybe a few years...
...but probably not.
What happened is not...
It's not as bad as you think.
I'll have John e-mail you
to set the time and place.
Take care then.
"Take care."
Can you believe this kid?
I don't know
if I should believe him or not.
Maybe Paulus was the one
stopping him from telling the truth.
Either way, it's a win, okay?
If he tells the truth,
you get Natalee home.
And if he lies,
we get him on extortion...
...we bring him to U.S. Soil
to stand trial.
Nothing is ever that simple
with Joran.
I'm sorry to bug you and all
at school.
I just really need to make sure
you're okay with it.
To make these extortion charges stick,
I have to give him a chunk of money.
Twenty-five thousand dollars.
The only way to come up with that...
...is to use the savings.
it will dip into your college fund.
- Lf you don't wanna do this, I can...
- No, you should.
I'd give everything that I have
to see that guy behind bars.
With you a thousand percent.
Wait, Jug.
- Lf I could tell you, I would.
- It's fine, I already know.
Joran told another story and you've
gotta run down and look into it.
Or maybe he contacted a reporter
and said he...
- That's not what's going on.
- You know, all this time...
...I feel guilty that I wasn't
supportive enough for you.
I'm just in your way, Beth.
You're obsessed with him.
He's obsessed with you too.
You keep circling the world.
Aruba, Holland, Thailand.
This what you want?
- Do you think this is what Natalee...?
- I don't want any of this, Jug.
I wanted to be going
to Natalee's graduation...
...planning her wedding.
I hate this. I do. I just...
I need to know
what happened to her.
And then what, Beth?
Then what happens?
I mean, you've defined yourself
by this tragedy.
And there's no you left.
Honey, I loved her too.
But she's gone.
When are you gonna live your life
All right.
You're hot. Go and slide that back.
Tuck it in.
Make sure he sits across from you.
Ask him to count the money.
If he moves, ask him to count again.
- Right.
- Here you go.
This keychain has GPS in it,
so we can track you.
Van Der Sloot thinks
you have $25,000 cash on you...
...so he could have a friend
take you down, drag you out.
You'll be fine. And if you feel
things start to go south...
...you know the code word, it's "fire."
Then you hit the deck.
We take him out
right where he stands.
We've got agents
all over this hotel, all right?
No way he's getting the jump on us.
John, thank you for doing this.
Okay, Joran's in the lobby.
- Come on, let's get you in there.
- Okay.
Be careful.
He said they'd meet us down there.
He's walking in.
Okay, now. Okay, now. Guys, guys.
Joran. We finally meet.
Yeah. He's in.
You are Beth Holloway's lawyer?
John Kelly.
Please, come in.
- You wanna have a seat?
- No.
You have the cash?
Yeah, of course.
We found out right before we left...
...that Customs would only allow us
to bring in $ 10,000 cash.
We're gonna have
to wire you the rest.
You just brought 10,000?
Yeah, Natalee's mother is waiting...
... to wire the rest
into whatever account you want.
It's not our agreement.
I did not say that was okay.
All right, I understand, but still,
you get the money.
I should never have trusted you, l...
- No deal.
- What do you mean, no deal?
- You screwed it up.
- No, no, no, Joran.
- We can't let him go.
- Sit tight. We'll figure this out.
Don't let him out of your sight.
What do we do?
- John.
- Yeah?
- Go after him.
- Right.
We've gotta talk him back
into that room.
Block it. Block it.
He's moving to the elevator.
Joran, wait, wait.
Joran. Joran.
Please, please, look.
I'm sorry. I should've let you know
when I knew about the Customs rule.
I thought you'd be fine
with the rest wired.
- I'm not fine with it.
- Let him try to talk him back in.
John stopped him.
What could I do to make you
feel better about this?
You don't get it.
I'm trying to help you
help Natalee's mom.
Then help us.
Let's go back to the room.
- I'm taking a big risk here.
- So are we.
So why don't we try trusting
each other.
Maybe we can both get
what we want.
Here. Just relax, okay?
All right.
Here we have...
...the contract...
...signed by Beth.
- Ten thousand dollars.
- Come on, kid, take the money.
- Go ahead.
- Take it, you son of a bitch.
He's counting it.
Yeah, we're gonna send
that creep away for a long time.
It's all here.
Of course it is.
Now, all we need
is an account number.
We'll give it to Beth and
she wires you the rest of the money.
- Perfect.
- Here we go.
- I'll e-mail it to her.
- Wire the money.
It shouldn't take long.
I've got nowhere to be.
You know, l... Actually, I have
a candy bar in here somewhere.
Want half?
Yeah... Oh, sure.
I'm gonna turn myself in...
...after I tell you about Natalee.
I know you don't believe me...
...but it weighs on me and that's...
It's hard.
Go ahead, you're good.
- Hello.
- I sent the confirmation to your phone.
Great. I'll forward it
to Joran's phone.
- I wanna talk to him.
- No.
...I don't think that's a good idea.
Please hand Joran the phone.
Okay. It's Beth.
She wants to talk to you.
What do you want?
I wanna know what you did to her.
You get what's, you know,
you pay for.
We were on the beach.
We were having a good time.
We were playing, you know.
I don't wanna go home tomorrow.
And she asked me to put her down...
...because I was carrying her.
Please, Joran, put me down.
Put me down.
But she fell.
She hit her head on a rock.
That's when she started bleeding...
...and she started shaking...
...and she...
You know, she stopped breathing.
It was...
You know, it was an accident.
And I felt horrible.
I called my father.
So he came.
He saw her and he said,
"No, this is...
Joran, there's no way people are
going to think this is an accident. "
So he...
Yeah. He told me to go home.
It was his idea to bury her...
...in the gravel of a foundation.
Because they were pouring concrete
the next day.
And I asked him...
...where he was taking her.
But he just told me he would...
He'd take care of it.
And finally...
...he told me.
So, what you're saying
is that she's buried under...
...something, some kind of house
or something?
Northeast corner.
And you didn't see her buried?
Natalee was just... She...
She was such a pretty girl
and so sweet...
...and now she's like a ghost.
And it just haunts me wherever I go.
You tell...
You tell her mother how...
That I'm sorry
for what happened to her.
Where's the house?
Where is the house?
Beth. Beth. Listen to me.
We really shouldn't be doing this.
Delaney told us to sit tight.
I have been sitting tight
for the last four days.
- I thought he was gonna be arrested.
- We should be doing this their way.
Oh, hi.
- Can I help you?
- We were just admiring your house.
- You've done a nice job.
- Thank you.
- It looks almost new.
- We built it two years ago.
Two years?
Yes. The land was all swampland
and we had it fit, but...
I thought these houses
were all built five years ago.
No, no, nothing was here
five years ago.
- Nothing?
- No.
- Well, thank you.
- Okay.
You shouldn't have lied to me.
How did you get
this phone number?
Was it for the money?
Was it for fun?
I wish that I could tell you the truth.
I do and someday I will.
But right now, I just...
I get in trouble
with some very bad people.
I want you to hear me, Joran.
I'm gonna get you.
Hey, hey, hey.
You're the one who came knocking
on my door with this, remember?
You know me.
You know I'm not a man
of my word.
And you never should have been
so stupid.
I was never...
...what you wanted me to be.
What are you talking about, Joran?
Good night, Mama.
Hey, you two stay here, all right?
We'll bring him out in a minute.
Keep an eye on them.
Two guys that way.
And give me one around here.
Let's go.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- We're here to talk to your son.
- What...?
- What did he do?
- Which one is his room?
Well, it's one on the right, but...
- Head down there.
- Got it.
Check the other side.
- Got him?
- He's not here.
- No sign of him.
- Okay, he's not in here.
Sorry for your trouble, ma'am.
What happened? Where is he?
I'm sorry, Beth, he's gone.
I told you. I told you.
You never took me seriously.
I knew he would find a way out.
You have no idea
who you were dealing with.
They were supposed
to have eyes on him.
I got promises from Aruban officials.
Then they let him get on a plane
to Colombia?
Probably gave him a ride
to the airport.
Anything to avoid
another media storm on the island.
Listen, you get in touch
with Interpol or whoever, right?
There's no place on this green earth
that that smug son of a bitch can hide.
That sign out front said
you speak English.
It's hotel policy.
We hold your passport
until you pay your final bill.
You do a lot of traveling.
Yeah, I am hooked on it.
Just came in from Colombia.
Then welcome to Peru.
Sure you still wanna go
to New York?
We can cancel the flight,
tell all the shows that you're sick.
The five-year anniversary,
it's good for the foundation.
- What's good for you?
- It's good for me too.
Besides, I'm gonna have you there
with me.
You're a good mom.
- I'll tell the cab we'll be out.
- Okay.
He said they would give me $ 10,000
for one girl.
We were on the beach.
I picked her up, she fell,
hit her head.
We were at a party.
We were having fun.
She was pretty wasted, I think.
I didn't even see her fall.
...whose money am I taking?
Mom, hurry up
or we're gonna be late.
Impressive haul.
They are coming home with me.
Let's get a cab.
No, no, no, my car's over here.
- Let's go.
- Nice parking spot.
Five years ago today, Alabama
teenager, Natalee Holloway...
...went to Aruba on a school trip
with some friends and never returned.
Her story became
every parent's worst nightmare.
Natalee's mother, Beth,
is with us for an exclusive interview...
...on this somber anniversary.
In creating this organization,
we hope to prevent...
...as many missing person cases
as possible.
So are you really not going
to tell me your name?
I am going to pee.
Van Der Sloot would be arrested,
released, arrested again...
... and finally,
the case against him dropped.
Hey, put us
in another poker tournament.
- Five and 10.
- All right.
I have to go.
Why? Where are you going?
What are you doing
looking at my stuff?
- Please get out of my way.
- What, you're gonna believe that?
They don't know
what they're talking about.
Let me out of here.
That's why I stay out there, talking.
It's too late for Natalee and me...
...but it's not too late for others.
Can I have two coffees...
...and two of those pastries?
My girlfriend,
she can't live without her coffee.
Excuse me, sir.
Is that your black Jeep outside?
Yeah, my girlfriend's.
You have to move it.
Okay. Let me grab the keys.
Those two.
Would you ask housekeeping
not to clean my room today?
My girl needs to sleep.
No problem.
It is forever since we have
had a real pastalmovie night.
I know. It'll be fun.
- You got it?
- Yup.
Hey, Matt.
It seems like I'm always doing
something for someone else.
You're the most important person
in the world to me. You know that.
I love you, sweetie.
I love you too, Mom.
This movie better not be a chick flick,
I need to get out of Peru.
I committed a murder.
I need to get out of here.
Just kidding.
Can't find my ID.
- You got money?
- Yeah.
It's not going to be easy
to get you across, you know.
El otro watch.
This watch worth...
...seven thousand dollars.
Seven thousand dollars?
That's okay.
Where's Stephany?
I know she's a young woman
and sometimes she'll stay out late...
...but two nights, it's not like her.
We've called her friends,
everyone we can think of.
We know she came
for a poker tournament.
Seor Flores, it is an honor
to have you here in our casino.
I voted for you
when you ran for president.
I've been looking at security footage
since Captain Martinez called.
And I think I have located
your daughter on the tape.
That's her. That's Stephany.
Who is the boy?
We're checking if anyone knows.
We have footage of them leaving
together around 4:30 in the morning.
Lavilla said that Stephany and
the boy, they only speak in English...
...or he thinks that the boy is Dutch.
I know who the boy is.
It's Joran Van Der Sloot.
- Come on.
- How far do we have to go?
Don't worry.
- Can we find out where he's staying?
- Sure.
He's a murderer?
- Hi.
- Hey.
I was just nowhere near your house.
Do you wanna get a cup of coffee
or a meal or something?
- Really?
- Yeah.
Come on in. I'll make some coffee.
You have a cappuccino maker?
I'm trying new stuff.
So Matt went back to college.
Yeah. He called to say goodbye.
I'm glad you came by.
I miss you, Jug.
I miss you too.
He asked not to clean his room.
He said his girlfriend was resting.
It's been two days now.
He doesn't look like
he's from around here.
Told you, man.
- Who is it?
- Detective Martinez.
- Did you go to the hotel?
- Yes.
- Did you find him?
- No, he's gone.
The maid saw him leave already.
- We have to find him.
- What?
- The boy's gone.
- Well, do you know where he went?
We sent his photo to all the bus
stations, the airport, the post office.
What are you not telling us?
We found Stephany's body
in his hotel room.
- No.
- I'm so sorry.
- No.
- I am so sorry.
No. No.
We've got breaking news.
The prime suspect in the
Natalee Holloway disappearance...
... now wanted for murder,
the murder of a woman in Peru.
Joran Van Der Sloot, on the run
in South America right now.
The 21-year-old victim...
... was last seen
with Van Der Sloot on Friday.
Joining us,
NBC's Michelle Kosinski.
Michelle has been covering
the case...
Van Der Sloot was driven across the
border into Chile yesterday afternoon.
I'll give a reward
to any who catch him.
He may have gotten
a bit out of our reach.
I have friends at Interpol.
This boy will not get away
with murder again.
Not here, not in Peru,
not with my daughter.
He'll get away with murder again.
He used my money
and killed an innocent girl.
- This is not your fault, Beth.
- I should've done more.
If I had done my job,
this poor girl would still be alive.
... it's me.
Mama, I want to come home...
...so could you send me money
for a plane ticket?
I'm not sending you money.
Not anymore.
It's all over the news...
...what you did to that girl in Peru.
I did not do anything to her.
Stop lying.
They found her dead in your room.
What? No, that can't be right.
She was asleep when I left her.
What happened to you, Joran?
What did I do wrong?
I gave you everything
you ever wanted.
I take care of you.
I do the same for you
as I do for your brothers.
How could I have raised
such a boy?
I didn't do anything to Stephany.
You have to believe me.
Tell the truth, Joran.
Mama. Mama, I'm telling the...
Mama, I'm telling the truth, okay?
You need to turn yourself in.
I want to come home.
You know, so, please.
I can't help you anymore, Joran.
Hey, taxi.
I'm coming.
What is it?
Got a call from Interpol.
They got him.
Good evening,
and welcome to Dateline.
I'm Chris Hansen in Lima, Peru.
The Natalee Holloway story has taken
some strange turns over the years.
But none more bizarre than the twists
we've seen in the last several days.
Joran Van Der Sloot,
prime suspect in her disappearance...
... once again the focus
of international headlines...
... accused
of another shocking crime.
Could it be the beginning of the end
of the Natalee Holloway mystery?
Joran Van Der Sloot,
the 22-year-old playboy...
... twice arrested
in the disappearance...
...of teenager Natalee Holloway,
has been named the prime suspect...
... in the death
of a Peruvian woman...
... found murdered in a Lima hotel.
Put that on.
- I think I can handle them.
- I don't care what you think.
The people out there,
they want you dead. Put the vest on.
Stephany Flores
was killed five years after...
...the May 30th, 2005
disappearance of Holloway...
... during a school trip.
With Van Der Sloot's arrest...
... we will finally know
what happened in Aruba.
Go. Go.
Why did you go into hiding?
- Spend the rest of your life
behind bars?
When will I be extradited...
...back to Aruba or Holland?
There's not gonna be no extradition.
I should have a lawyer.
- Stand there.
- Stand right there.
Don't move.
I knew her, yeah.
I don't know.
We met...
...a few days ago.
She was nice.
She was like my friend.
Can I get some water, please?
I didn't kill her.
You know, I heard from my mother
that she was dead...
...and that you were looking for me.
So I was going to come back here...
... and turn myself in.
I should tell you...
...what happened to Natalee.
Tell you
where Natalee Holloway's body is...
...and everything...
...that happened if...
If you want.
We should make a deal, you think?
Maybe we can take a break.
I could use some fresh air
or just stretch a little.
And some food.
We have the security tape.
We see you walking
into your room with Stephany.
We see you walking out
of that room alone.
And on the same tape...
...we don't see anybody else going
into that room...
... before we found her body.
Her bloody, beaten,
strangled body.
What do you have to say?
I killed her.
Yeah, the girl was all up
in my business...
...and so I asked her to stop.
She punched me.
- This "business," what does that mean?
- She was reading my laptop...
...about me...
...about the Natalee Holloway thing.
That's it.
Look this over.
Sign right here.
This is not a day
to celebrate a monster.
We are here to recognize...
... the life of a beautiful girl.
I got a message for you
from Seor Flores.
Hating this man, it does nothing
for my family or for me as a person.
Stephany is in a higher place...
...but she will always be here
in our hearts.
Do you think Joran's arrest will help
solve the Natalee Holloway case?
I hope.
Perhaps his arrest will give peace
to her family.
God has chosen my daughter
as an instrument...
... for this man to pay for his crimes.
He is using her
so that no other parents...
...will ever suffer
what we have suffered.
The badges need to be visible.
- Is this your whole crew?
- Yes.
Okay, let's go.
We'll get you through security.
We'll get you wired for the interview.
If the prison knew we were doing this,
they would be very unhappy.
And they denied Joran's motion
to void his confession.
They say it was all by the book.
No coercion.
And the evidence is overwhelming.
He's going to be convicted.
He has no reason to lie anymore.
Are you going to be all right?
I have hated him for five years.
I have wanted to peel
the skin off of his face.
There's four hidden cameras
in the room.
This is your mike.
You just ask him
whatever you want.
This has to be it, you know?
Enough is enough.
Okay? Enough is enough.
All right.
Okay. Thank you.
I didn't know it would be you.
- I should go.
- Will you sit down with me, Joran?
Just give me a couple of minutes.
I just wanna get face-to-face.
Yeah, okay.
You're looking at spending
the rest of your life in this prison.
And I know you wanna make
a plea deal in Peru...
...and Aruba, and in the U.S.
I just need to know
what you did to my daughter.
I wanna know what happened.
I wanna move on, okay?
I just wanna move on.
If it was an accident, just tell me.
I don't know, I don't know. L...
It's too late for Natalee.
It's too late for Stephany.
It's too late for me.
But it's not too late for you, Joran.
You have your own life ahead.
You can sit in this prison
acting like you don't have the answers.
You can sit in this prison
till you're 60 years of age, denying.
But you can make
some choices here.
You can make the right decision.
Yeah, you know, it's just...
It's very tough for me to talk to you.
I know that you have a good heart,
you know, for a fact.
So, yeah, maybe if...
You know, if you can just give me
some time to...
Just give me some time to think...
...for what I'm gonna say or I can...
You give me your address
and I can write to you, for sure.
Okay, okay.
Yeah, and I will too.
You know, I would... I will write.
I'll write to you. I'm not just...
I'm not gonna just say that.
You know, because I owe,
for that, at least.
You know, I would owe you
that much.
Can I have a pen?
A pen?
Okay, I'll give you my e-mail.
Oh... Okay.
I made so many mistakes, you know,
for the wrong reasons.
I had a very addictive personality.
You know, especially for gambling.
And for... If I tell a lie...
Or, you know, do other stuff,
it's... It...
To get the money for the gambling.
And that, you know, for sure...
...like, that's the main reason...
...why, you know,
I do the things that I did...
...and how horrible they were.
But I will write, you know.
I will write to you, for sure.
I mean...
...I don't really understand.
Just tell me what happened.
Let me take her home.
Yeah, because I'll write to you.
I just...
I need some...
I need some time to think.
You know, just about what I'm going
to say.
And to put there in the letter.
You took everything from me.
My child.
My husband, my job, my whole life.
I never mourned my baby
because of you.
Well, maybe that was my fault.
Because I have been hunting you.
But I can see now.
You're ugly.
You're everything
my daughter wasn't.
I'm not gonna waste
another breath on you.
I hope you never
get another night's sleep.
I hope you never close your eyes
in peace again.
You have nothing I want. Nothing.
I've gotta go. I'm gonna go.
I can't hate him anymore.
I'm done.
That's it.
I'm done.