Kakuda (2024) Movie Script

Hurry up, boy.
I am hurrying, Uncle.
This place is deserted,
why did you get off here?
My village Ratodi is
a little further ahead.
This place looks like
the end of the earth to me.
Your belt buckle is hurting me, Bulbula.
But I'm wearing pajamas.
The one I gifted you?
No, Dad is wearing it today.
- Mummy gave me this one.
- Mummy, huh--
- Gilloti...
- Shut up.
What's Mummy's problem this time?
Tired already?
It's time for him to appear.
and I haven't open the door.
Oh no!
My dear boy
My dear son
May you go to heaven
You've been given your ticket
You've been given your ticket
Wishing you a safe journey
Wishing you a safe journey
If you had opened the door on time
You wouldn't have reached
the doors of heaven
You wouldn't have lost your precious life
So easily
Who was she?
I can smell the lovemaking.
My dear boy
My dear son
May you go to heaven
Uncle, what happens if someone doesn't
open the door at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesdays?
He'll become a hunchback, son.
And then?
You've been given your ticket
Then he'll die on the 13th day.
You have breathed your last
Wishing you a safe journey
- Who is behind this, Uncle?
- Kakuda.
He lives in the field with the scarecrow
outside the village.
He comes here every Tuesday
at 7:15 p.m.
and if he sees the small door
of any house closed,
he curses a man living in that house.
So it's only men he is after?
Yes, womenfolk are spared.
You are safe only till you're old enough
to get a license.
But why does he do this?
There are various stories...
Some say, there was a carpenter
who had made all the doors in this village
but he didn't get paid for his work
and that's why his ghost
roams around here.
Some say, it's the ghost
of a school teacher
who started a class at 7:15 p.m.
but no student turned up...
this is how he's taking revenge.
[clock strikes]
We have to make sure that
we open the small door on time.
This is my daughter's exam certificate.
- 62.7%.
- Really?
This is her B.A. certificate.
Actually... she was down with jaundice
at the time.
I see.
Can you speak in English, son?
- Yes.
- Of course.
He wakes up and wishes us
'good morning' every day.
- Don't you, son?
- I do, Mom.
Son, can you please read
this aloud for us?
Just so that we're sure.
'Cow is my mother.'
'Cow is my mother.'
'Cow is a holy animal.'
'It can be black, brown or white
in color.'
'It has four legs, one tail and four--'
Go on, read it.
'It gives us milk.'
'A cow can be a mother
but a mother can never be a cow.'
Very best.
Alright... ask Lalli to come here.
I'll go and get her right away.
- Lalli.
- What's wrong?
What have you done now?
It's you who has done it this time...
But what did I do, my child?
He is the most suitable boy
we've met so far.
He read the entire essay
effortlessly... properly.
Fine, he can marry my corpse
after I'm dead.
I've told you so many times,
I don't want to get married.
So much blood...
You're the reason my daughter
might die.
You keep getting a new match
for her everyday.
She also comes up
with a new drama everyday!
Keep quiet.
Open the door, Lalli.
I'll make sure that he doesn't get
anyone else.
You can marry that boy.
What's his name...
Wait a minute.
Who are you referring to?
- Sunny.
- Sunny...
Who is this Sunny?
- Sweet-shop owner.
- Businessman.
And he is Indira's--?
I see.
This is why she's been delaying
the whole thing.
Tell me, Lalli...
this friend of yours...
Can he speak in English?
Yes, he can.
There was no need for all this drama,
my child.
Why don't we test him right away?
Go ahead and call him.
Call him.
Show me your hands.
The color is bleeding from this fabric.
Uncle... just once...
- If you can one more time--
- Shut up.
You've educated your daughter
a little too much.
I am sorry, madam.
But if you don't mind...
I have another daughter.
Is this a joke, Maasaab?
The entire village of Dhamtari
knows about her.
My son is not that desperate.
Let's go.
You know I can give my life for you
but I can't do what you're asking me to.
To prove your love,
you need to take the test, not your life.
Can't I take the test in Hindi?
But Maasaab wants to test
your knowledge of English.
Indu... I've even made a new sweet
named after you.
Indu-peda is the most popular sweet
in the entire village.
If you want, I can name a sweet
after your father too.
But I can't do what you're asking me to.
Mom was right when she told me
to stay away from the people in Ratodi.
Everyone in the village is uneducated
and superstitious.
It's not superstition.
See what happened to Bulbula...
Only two days ago he died
after being turned into a hunchback.
Again you're talking about hunchbacks?
Your village has been struck
by an epidemic, you illiterate people!
The people need medical treatment.
Why must you go insult my village
all the time?
I'll have to go live there
after marriage, don't I?
You need to understand, Sunny...
Maasaab might forgive you
for committing a murder
but he won't forgive any mistake
while reading the English essay.
You have to read it fluently,
only then will I be able to marry you.
Fine. Next time we'll meet as
on Rakshabandhan!
How about meeting as husband and wife
on Karva Chauth before that?
Let me taste an Indu-peda.
Not so many. I'll get fat.
It's made with fat-free ghee.
Ratodi special!
I am the ignorant one
While you are so learned
I am the words
while you are the emotions
I am the words of love
You speak so eloquently
We are inseparable and
our bond is timeless
You shower me with love
For that I am grateful
My heart is thankful
Thankful to you
Thankful to you
Thankful to you
please read this for me.
'Cow is my mother.
Cow is holy animal.'
'It can be black, brown or white
in color.'
'It has four legs, one tail and four...'
'It give us milk.'
'But one should be careful
because it kick.'
'A cow can be a mother
but a mother can never be cow.'
Very best!
Don't forget, I am your father.
One thing is for sure, Sunny...
You're an idiot.
If only you'd used your brains,
everything would have worked out.
What do you mean?
All essays are the same...
If only you had interchanged
'cow' with 'best friend'.
- Really?
- Yes.
So it would read - 'Kilvish is my mother'.
'Kilvish give us milk'.
'Kilvish has four...'
'Kilvish has a tail'.
'Kilvish can be mother
but mother can never be--'
Ka-- Kakuda?
But it's not Tuesday, is it?
Maybe he's drunk too.
Do ghosts also drink alcohol, bro?
Do you love me?
Is that even a question?
Yes or no?
- Will you love me till you die?
- Yes.
You won't dump me?
In that case, I'm ready to elope
and get married to you.
Let's go.
aren't we rushing things a bit?
'Rushing things'?
Maasaab has already fixed
my wedding with the data operator.
It is now or never!
But where will we elope
and go after marriage?
Why will we elope after marriage?
What do you mean?
Right now we'll elope and get married...
after that, we'll go to your house anyway.
My house... my house?
What-- what will we tell Daddy?
No need to say anything.
One look at his beautiful daughter-in-law
and Kisanchand's heart will melt.
That's true.
And Maasaab?
He will come around after we get married.
'He will come around...'
And your Mummy?
This whole thing was her idea.
The position of the planets shows that...
both of you are very lucky!
I have found an auspicious time -
5 p.m. tomorrow.
not tomorrow.
But why?
Tomorrow is Tuesday.
- I have to open the door.
- Yes.
And you won't change your mind?
You're saying this because
you haven't witnessed it.
Fix tomorrow's date, Pandit-ji.
What about the door?
Let it stay open one day.
'Let it stay open one day'!
My uncle's uncle had
once left the door open
to go watch a film.
he developed two humps,
one on his back and one in front!
Isn't it, Kilvish?
Not just an open door, there has to be
someone to open the door too...
He wants respect. Respect.
Why can't your dad do this job
for once?
He could open the door.
Radhe! Radhe!
- Go ahead.
- Sure.
We have found an
auspicious date next month.
I have to inform our relatives,
print wedding invitations.
Make sure the invitations
are in English.
Finish your food at least.
One doesn't talk at all
and the other talks too much...
Too much!
Now you can enjoy pedas everyday.
But this is yours.
Keep it.
I've only ever given
you problems till now.
Will you go to the temple
with me tomorrow?
How long will you punish yourself, sister?
Lock the door from outside.
Where are you going?
To a wedding.
- Whose wedding?
- Mine.
My friend's sister's wedding.
Do you want to turn into a hunchback?
Who do you think will open the door?
Send them a gift.
Daddy... where are you going?
I'm going to attend a religious function
at Gobardhan.
I had told you about it last week.
But that place is flooded...
waist-deep water.
No... neck-deep.
It's very dangerous, Daddy.
And you can't even swim.
It doesn't matter if I drown.
If the Lord wants me
to be with him, I will.
Remember to keep some hot water
for me.
I want to soak my feet in it
when I return.
You forget everything nowadays.
Radhe! Radhe!
Radhe! Radhe!
Where are you, Sunny?
The priest is here.
Are you there?
Ask the priest to get everything ready.
Sunny will be there soon.
Let's hurry up a little bit, Indu.
Hurry up.
Sunny... I might trip on my skirt.
Oh, wait...
Lovely. Hurry up now.
How many times did we go
around the holy fire, Pandit-ji?
- Eight times!
- Eight?
Now you are husband and wife.
Say cheese.
- Cheese...
- Cheese.
This one's blurry.
- I'll have to take another one.
- I'm leaving--
Take another photo, Pandit-ji.
The idea was to run away
to get married, Sunny,
not to run while getting married.
Daddy has gone to Gobardhan,
I have to open the door.
- This is a nice photo.
- It's a nice photo. I'm leaving.
I'll come and pick you up at night.
- What's wrong?
- The engine is not starting, damn!
Let me try.
Did this thing have to conk off now?
Listen to me, Sunny.
Take the cycle and leave.
What about you?
My uncle will open the door,
you leave.
Glory to God!
My dear boy
My dear son
May you go to heaven
You've been given your ticket
You've been given your ticket
Wishing you a safe journey
Wishing you a safe journey
My dear boy
My dear son
May you go to heaven
May you go to heaven
If you had opened the door on time
You wouldn't have reached
the doors of heaven
You wouldn't have lost your precious life
So easily
Your time is up
Your time is up
What on earth is going on, Sunny?
And what is this?
You'll become a widow
right after marriage, Indira.
My father.
Go and ask for his blessings.
She is your daughter-in-law.
They got married last evening.
Is it true, what he's saying?
Yes, we got married yesterday,
Yes, Daddy-ji.
No wonder he was bluffing about
waist-deep... neck-deep water!
I got roasted under the scorching sun.
You should have told me -
'I won't be able to open the door
because I'm going to get married.'
I would have stayed back.
I've done so much for you, you fool.
Of course I would have opened the door.
Just you wait.
My dhoti will come undone.
Please forgive him.
Sunny had said that you'd be angry
but I told him...
I said, Kisanchand's heart would melt
when he sees his daughter-in-law.
What's going on, Sunny?
See this. Don't you believe me now?
I do but I believe
that this is an illness,
I don't believe in ghosts.
Find out when is the
next train to Delhi, Kilvish.
- Delhi?
- Delhi?
Yes, we'll go to the city
for your treatment. Right now.
You've already taken everything from me.
I just have 13 more days with my son,
will you take that away too?
Daddy-ji, nothing will happen to Sunny.
All this is just superstition.
'Superstition' is believing
that he will be fine...
no one has survived this till now.
No one has tried to survive either.
We've tried many things
in the last 50 years...
magic spells, seeking help from god men,
we have tried them all.
Haven't we?
Have you consulted a doctor?
Enough of your preaching.
It's time for you to leave.
Come and grieve at Sunny's funeral
in a few days.
Kilvish, take her suitcase
and make sure she leaves.
Radhe! Radhe!
Keep them down!
He's not just your son,
he's my husband as well.
You can find yourself another husband,
will I get another son?
Pick up the suitcases.
Keep them down.
You don't need to get another son.
- This one will be just fine.
- Why don't you get it?
This is not an illness, it's a curse!
Pick up the suitcases!
Daddy, I will die either way...
Why don't we give it a try?
You've always done as you wished, son.
- But--
- This is my last wish, Daddy.
At least he'll be able to go
on his honeymoon.
I was expecting kyphosis.
But it is just a lump of flesh.
It is just a small mass.
Good news is, it is not attached
to a bone or any muscle.
It is only attached to skin.
A small surgery and he will be alright.
Just a small surgery.
What were they saying?
A small surgery and
he will be alright, is it?
The tiger is alive!
Here, drink some water.
Yes, Kisanchand?
Sorry, Uncle...
Hello, Sweet-shop owner...
you have been cured.
I'm okay.
The film 'Savitri aur Satyavan' would be
telecast on television every Karva Chauth.
You've snatched your husband
from the jaws of death,
just like Savitri did, in the film.
Crazy guy.
Thanks a lot.
No, Uncle...we will have to call
Narayan's band.
Sure. Kilvish, listen....
Kilvish? Hello?
Let me speak to Sunny...
Uncle, he... er...
...his mouth is busy right now.
I can't hear you, Uncle...
O, husband...
didn't you sleep?
Keep this.
Science doesn't have all answers.
I said, keep it!
Where were you? Indu? Come.
Sunny is here.
I'd already paid them in advance...
they might as well come and play.
Let's go.
I'm sorry.
Don't apologise.
Say, 'I love you.'
Please try to understand,
I can't love you.
We both come from different worlds.
I can't come to your world
but I can take you to mine...
Don't be scared, it's mine.
Sister, I should go.
You want to be loved,
that's why I've called someone.
One who will be in your life,
I mean death...
I mean-- will be your
life partner after death.
Oh, so it's not you?
Then where is he?
Here, babes.
Where were you?
Doesn't punctuality mean anything to you?
Right outside this hospital...
is a temple.
I had to take a detour.
How did you die?
It was an open-air show.
It started raining...
A short circuit while I was playing
the guitar and my life got cut short!
Wow, what a death!
So, what do you play?
I love metal.
And I love ghosts.
Got scared?
How will you exorcise ghosts?
I'm not scared of ghosts.
I'm scared of humans.
Let's go.
'Not scared of ghosts...'
Hello, Indira.
Thank you for the opportunity.
It'll be fun.
Yes, this case seems fun.
Ghosts have become
so boring nowadays...
they grab the neck and suck blood...
wear anklets and dance around at night... Tinkle, tinkle...
that female ghost which visits houses
at night for a cup of tea...
People had to write 'get some milk
with you next time' on walls.
When milk became expensive, she felt bad
and stopped visiting the houses.
This ghost is the real deal.
He gives an advance notice of 13 days
before killing.
And what a fascinating name...
Sounds like it came
from the puke of a dinosaur.
Hey. Don't think it'll be so easy,
this ghost is a mother--
Stop, human. Don't swear at a ghost.
How do you know that
a ghost is behind all this?
I have set 127 witches,
72 vampires,
37 ghosts and 3 spirits... free.
I have years of experience.
He's just fooling us.
Want me to summon a couple of spirits?
As witnesses?
There's no need for that.
Tell me, why were you working
as a clerk in the hospital?
I was on a mission to set a witch free.
Know what, I'm so done
with female ghosts.
They can't seem to leave me alone.
And... how do you set them free?
I use an automatic painting for that.
Do you paint these?
No, the ghosts make me.
Whatever it is that they want to say,
they express it on the canvas,
through me.
Any other questions?
I have one request.
What is it?
You will have to do
all the work secretly.
It is a human.
Open the door.
It's me.
Move aside.
I said it by mistake.
So he is the English exorcist?
Not an exorcist, 'Ghost Hunter'.
Indu, I' m already doomed...
why are you trying to be a brave-heart?
Why do you want to fight ghosts
when you don't even believe in them?
What should I do then?
Sit and wait for you to die?
Nobody will die.
Don't fear when Victor is here!
We don't have much time.
Let's go.
Yeah... sure. Go ahead.
All the best.
Sunny, come, I'll drop you home.
Come with me.
I am coming with you.
You stay here.
Either both of us stay
or both of us go.
This is where the ghost lives.
But I'm not getting a signal.
He must be sleeping now.
Don't disturb him.
We need to go further.
What happened?
Isn't he the ghost hunter?
He can send us a text
once he meets the ghost.
He is awake!
Why do you need this?
A spirit can be controlled with fire.
[muttering a spell]
Let's go.
Wait for Mr. Victor to come.
He won't come. He has switched sides.
- Don't be scared.
- I am not scared.
He is so scared that
he is gripping my hand.
If Kilvish is holding your hand...
who's holding mine?
Mr. Victor?
Mr. Victor...
Just let him be.
Mr. Victor.
Mr. Victor, look.
A female ghost.
A female ghost? Where?
- Where is the female ghost?
- I'll show you at home, come.
- I hate female ghosts.
- Let's go.
An eagle, two pigeons and a well.
Are these supposed to be pigeons?
If I'd got another two minutes,
I would have solved the case on the spot.
He won't be able to.
I can still solve it.
Is there a well in the village?
To drown in?
A well that is dry.
Can't remember.
As expected.
Never mind.
This will tell us.
What is this?
At the field, I recorded
the ghost's audio frequency.
This will translate it into Hindi for us.
Guggu the wrestler's house
Near the well...
"Injuries, muscle pulls, torn tendons"
"and muscle cramps are treated here."
"Guggu Pehelwaan (wrestler)."
This guy is making us
do all the dirty work
while he is strolling around!
I am used to working with scissors,
not a shovel!
Who knows what he'll make us do next.
Listen to me, sister-in-law,
he is taking us for a ride.
He's committing a sin by making
a physically disabled man do hard labor.
Kilvish. Over there.
- What?
- Over there.
Mr. Victor.
Mr. Victor.
Get it out.
- Get what out?
- The hat.
Give it to him.
Be careful.
Give it to me.
The case has been solved
in 48 hours.
But Sunny is still a hunchback.
It will disappear once
we set these two free.
Free them.
Lift them out.
Lift them out?
Go on.
Okay fine.
It's a ghost, not a cigarette!
Put it away.
Be careful, Indu.
Good job, Indira.
Well done.
Shouldn't you be doing this?
I chase away ghosts. Not dogs.
What's wrong with him?
So this is the ghost.
Hello, sir.
I am Victor.
Can we talk?
We'll fill it back.
Hurry up! Fill it quickly.
We'll fill it completely.
Hurry up.
You looked like a pistol but you
turned out to be an AK47, Mr. Kakuda.
Mr. Ghost Hunter,
Kakuda was prowling around by himself...
but now you've summoned his entire family.
If only I'd got another two minutes,
I would have solved the case on the spot.
- Victor, you--
- I can still solve it.
I can.
You stole his hat?
Now he'll come here for sure.
Yes, I'm summoning him now.
He'll come in from there.
I want to help you, Mr. Kakuda.
Go to heaven.
I've sent two sexy witches there
last week.
Go. Have fun.
Mr. Kakuda.
It is solid.
How many days do you have left?
Even I didn't believe it at first,
my child.
He is right.
Sunny, you love Indira.
And love is all about sacrifice, son.
Tomorrow... I mean, when you expire,
think about what everyone
will say about her -
'Look at Sunny's widow
prancing around.'
Make some space, son.
Take a look.
See these photos and choose a suitable
boy for her, from among them.
Figure out a way to get her to agree.
This hump isn't the only weight
you're carrying around,
you're carrying the weight
of Indira's responsibility too.
We've found some really
good matches for her.
A couple of them even
share your name - Sunny.
Just make sure you choose
someone who will stay.
- The skeletons--
- Mr. Victor, they are my parents.
Mummy and Papa, this is Mr. Victor.
Sunny's friend.
Hello, sir. How do you do?
Pleasure meeting you.
Now this is a suitable boy.
- You married?
- No. Why?
Mr. Victor, did you want
to speak about something urgent?
Excuse me, sir.
Let's go in.
You sit and relax, son.
If you want, we can change
their friendship into a relationship.
The Goyal Circus?
What does this mean?
It is explained here.
Who is this?
Goyal Circus' last hope.
Ours as well.
Wonder where Mr. Victor is?
He's doing so much for you, isn't he?
He is doing this for us.
Let me.
Let's go.
You sure you're not coming?
What will I do there?
I will only slow down your work.
I think he's right.
Must you go?
I can't give up the fight midway.
She's also right.
Mr. Victor is right.
My dear Indira,
I'm terribly in love with you...
and love is all about sacrifice.
Mr. Victor is a good man.
He is also fluent in English.
You should marry him after I die...
this is my last request to you.
Yours, Sunny.
Love you always.
Has the show started?
The show is over.
How was it?
Super hit.
But I didn't hear the applause.
You were telling us about Ratodi.
Goyal Circus
We had gone 65 years ago.
to Ratodi village.
There were four men.
No... three and a half.
After the show got over,
he would collect money in the hat.
That's why he was called
Gullak (piggy bank).
People only saw him
as just another dwarf but
he had magical powers.
He used to say, he was born upside down.
If he placed his right foot
on someone's back...
even a bedridden person
would be able to walk!
But his magic would work
only at sunset on Tuesdays.
One day, we saw the Ratodi village Chief
screaming in agony.
No one was able to cure his pain.
One kick from Gullak
and the Chief was fit and fine.
Everyone was stunned.
Gullak cured many villagers
of their aches and pains.
The dwarf's stature and respect grew
in the villagers' eyes.
The Circus eventually moved out
of the village but Gullak stayed on.
You have any more?
It's over.
And there was no news of him anymore.
How did it stop suddenly?
We didn't get news of him anymore!
It's time for the show...
Why are you clapping before the show?
Are you drunk?
Where's Sheru?
Where is my tiger?
Where is my Sheru?
But this is a cat.
It used to be a tiger.
That means Kakuda is actually Gullak.
But why is he doing all this?
- This is what we need to find out.
- How?
We have to go around
asking old people in the village.
Somebody is sure to know.
We have only four days left.
Will be enough.
Found all the oldies in one place.
This is the right time,
go ahead and ask them.
Gullak not Sunny.
Stop this drama.
Sunny, Sunny...
What happened, Daddy-ji?
I am not your Daddy! Get it?
Because of you, my son...
hanged himself.
- What? Sunny...
- Stop!
All this hide and seek going on
right under my nose in my own house!
Wasn't creating this chaos
by yourself enough
that you brought this
English exorcist along now?
One tight slap!
Speak in Hindi if you don't want
to get beaten up.
Digging out skeletons
from under the dam.
It's not a dam, sir.
It's a well.
If you hadn't been Kisan's guest,
I would've buried in you
in that damn well
and covered it with a rock!
He is no guest of mine.
And I don't have a daughter-in-law either.
You should leave, Indu.
Sister-in-law... wait...
Look, Mr. Kisanchand.
Get lost.
You'll have to come to me
after you die...
I'll get my revenge then,
just you see.
Listen to me, sister-in-law.
Let's go.
Everything happens for good.
Hadn't we read this as children?
Haven't we also read,
'where there is a will, there is a way'?
Was that wrong?
Not entirely wrong...
But not entirely right either.
Change what you can
and accept what you can't change.
Just like you have?
What wrong have Sunny
and the villagers done,
to be punished like this by Gullak?
He found a home and respect
among the villagers
but he is bent on destroying everything.
This devil has no peace
even after death!
The villagers have burnt down
his house too!
What did you just say?
What did I say?
About Gullak...
Who Gullak?
You just said, his house
was burnt down.
What are you talking about?
Go to bed.
I'm also feeling sleepy.
You have to return, Mr. Victor.
I haven't left.
Met a friend who took me
to his home.
Can I get the address of that man?
Which man?
The one who told Gomati about Gullak.
There's no man.
Is it a woman then?
Gomati doesn't even step out
of the house.
She doesn't like people.
A few years ago,
her feet were found swollen
and covered in mud, one morning.
This went on for some time.
She would disappear
from the house at night
and be found on some road
far away from here.
The villagers spread a rumor saying
she was a loose woman.
Her wedding was called off.
Doctors said that she was sleepwalking.
We found out what ailed her
but we couldn't find a cure.
Upset at being taunted,
she shut herself away from everyone.
I still lock her door from outside
in the evenings...
for her safety.
Can't you see we're discussing
something important, child?
Do something...
Attach this device to Gomati's clothes
once she falls asleep.
Keep the door to her room open tonight
and the door to your parents' room shut.
We are going to follow her tonight.
She knows something about Gullak
but she doesn't know that she knows it
and that's what we need to know.
Wait, child...
Give me a minute.
Yes, what is it?
Hold on...
where did your mother leave you?
I don't see her here.
Can't sleep?
I know... you're worried, aren't you?
I'll sleep beside you from now on.
Get some sleep.
Get some sleep.
Indira, I've been waiting for so long.
I'd asked you to leave the door
to Gomati's room open
not to lock your own!
And why do you look like this?
You don't need to look like a ghost
to catch one.
Wait, where are you going?
We have to follow Gomati...
Where is she?
She is Gomati.
Identical twins?
Yes, identical twins.
I tried calling you so many times.
That ghost kid took my phone.
He wanted to play a videogame
and refused to return it.
Where did she go?
Let's go.
There she is.
Wow, look at her sleep walk!
- Huh?
- I mean, what perfect balance.
Poor thing must have forgotten her way.
Let's go.
I'll be busy with my funeral tomorrow
and may not get the time afterwards...
You're right.
You may not get the time afterwards...
let's drink together one last time.
Wait here, I'll get some--
I'm talking about Indira.
I really want to meet Indu...
One last time...
Didn't you think of
getting her married again?
Everyone rejected her.
What does she lack?
A girl who is shut
inside in her room all day,
steps out only at night.
One who doesn't like people
but she likes ghosts...
What are you doing?
Let's go.
Sunny, once you reach heaven,
ask Kakuda's mother
why this rascal is like this...
hasn't died even after his death.
Ask her yourself.
She is walking towards us.
Oh hell...
- Indu?
- What are you doing here?
He wanted to meet you one last time.
Done meeting me?
I want to meet you for longer...
If both of you are done,
can I carry on with my work?
You're the one who has to do the work.
I am simply looking at her...
With all the meeting and
seeing happening between you two,
we'd better not lose sight of her!
Is that Gomati?
Where is she going?
That's what we need to find out.
Let's ask her.
Stop, she'll wake up.
- She sleeping?
- Yes.
What's going on, Indira?
Gomati knows something about Gullak.
- Gullak?
- Yes.
Kakuda's real name is Gullak.
What kind of a name is that for a ghost?
And how would Gomati know anything
about this loser?
Fine, Gullak.
No, it's Gullak.
- Kakuda...
- Gullak!
I mean, we're standing
on Kakuda's field right now.
Look, I'll burn you if you come close.
Stay back.
In the name of the Father and Son.
In the name of the Father and Son!
Kalamandi Goyal has sent us.
He wants to know who
burnt down your house.
I was very happy in Ratodi.
Everyone loved me except...
Guggu the wrestler.
He also healed people's aches and pains.
He felt he was losing clients
because of me.
He couldn't drive me away
from the village despite his efforts,
he used Ganga.
Shibu's mother.
She was a widow.
Leave alone visiting her,
it was strictly forbidden to talk to her.
But I was very fond of Shibu.
One Tuesday evening,
Shibu informed me that Ganga
had hurt her back.
I tried to refuse saying
I don't touch women.
But he refused to take
no for an answer.
I was the only person in the village
the poor thing was close to.
Before I could even help Ganga,
the villagers were quick to say
that we were in an illicit relationship.
Guggu's men set fire to my house
that night.
I ran and knocked on every door
in the village.
But nobody opened their door for me.
Guggu even buried Ganga and Shibu
in the land behind his house.
I ran all the way here.
To save myself from the cold,
I hugged this scarecrow
and stayed here.
I was in agony for 13 hours.
No one opened their door
to me that night.
This is why all houses
have a special door for me now.
And if anyone doesn't open that door,
I torture him for 13 days
before killing him.
For every hour I suffered,
I make them suffer in days.
Mr. Gullak,
whatever you've done
is totally justified.
This is how these bloody humans are.
But you're a ghost, you're wise.
What is he saying?
Why don't you tell us
how we can end this curse?
It won't!
This is my curse
and it will never end!
Don't you think you should retire now?
Aren't Ganga and Shibu waiting for you
in the afterlife?
And Mr. Kalamandi will be there
in a week or so...
within two weeks for sure.
It's because of him that
I'm letting you go this one last time.
- Gomati.
- Get up, Gomati.
Are you alright?
Confused at your double roll,
Kakuda let us go that night
at the ruins.
And today he let us go
because of Kalamandi.
He seems like an innocent ghost.
I have to set him free from his pain.
Hey, Mr. Kakuda's Lawyer...
since when do ghosts feel pain?
You'll find out when you
become a ghost yourself.
Mr. Victor!
Sorry, I lost my temper.
Behind every ghost
is a dangerous human being.
But Sunny is hardly such a person.
And you're here for him, aren't you?
No, I'm here for Kakuda.
Never mind whom you're here for.
What is to be done now?
Nothing is to be done now or later.
All of you are welcome to come and
have a meal at my funeral tomorrow.
We have no way out.
There is a way...
One way out of this.
Just like a magician's heart
is found in his parrot
and a witch's powers are found
in her pigtail...
Kakuda's powers lie
in his right foot.
If we cut off his right foot...
Cut it off?
It's not his nails, it's a ghost's foot
you're talking about...
How will you manage to chop it off?
I won't chop it off.
What do you mean?
I mean, I've never been
violent towards ghosts.
So, Mr. Ambassador of Peace...
then why are you pretending
to be a ghost hunter?
I am a ghost hunter.
I am not a butcher.
You should chop it off.
How can I...
I can't even chop hair properly.
How can I chop off his leg?
she'll do it.
She's close to Kakuda as well.
No. Not Gomati.
She is very delicate.
But you are strong.
Kind of...
but I have set ghosts free
through my sketches.
I've never resorted to violence.
A doctor would cut off a patient's leg
to save his or her life.
Please, Mr. Victor.
We have to summon him.
But he comes here of his own will
only on Tuesdays.
He will now come
because we want him to.
We have to find a house
without any men in Ratodi.
Gilloti, the entire village
will be rid of this curse.
We'll build your statue...
And what use is my statue if I die?
Tell her the truth, that you're scared.
I am not scared for myself.
It is Granny that I'm worried about.
She looks immortal to me.
Anyway, Kakuda doesn't harm women.
Both of you will be safe.
Not even for Bulbula's sake?
How do you know about Bulbula and me?
He told me.
He is saying, 'I love you.'
Hello, Bulbula.
Nice to meet you.
That's not his hand.
While the villagers are at Sunny's home,
making arrangements for his death.
We'll be here, making arrangements
to give Kakuda a new life.
The faint-hearted will die
They will turn into ashes
The faint-hearted will die
They will turn into ashes
The soul is restless
Gasping for breath
The heart trembles as it falls in love
Your face is horrific
You have a scary nature
Your ever-changing looks
Scare everyone around
Hey, what are you waiting for?
When Kakuda arrives,
only Gomati will be there inside.
She will distract him.
And I will chop off his leg
as soon as I get the chance.
The faint-hearted will die
They will turn into ashes
The faint-hearted will die
They will turn into ashes
I am scared.
Don't be, you'll get Victor after this.
I mean, you'll get victory after this.
Ladies and gentlemen, beware!
This unwanted guest
Is a devil in disguise
He follows no rules.
His plans are devious
With his false declarations of love
He might just trap and kill us
Finally, the small door
has to be ripped out
to make Kakuda angry.
Then he'll definitely come.
The faint-hearted will die
They will turn into ashes
The faint-hearted will die
They will turn into ashes
What are you doing?
Won't you even come and meet me?
I will... tomorrow morning.
Listen to me Indu,
don't take this risk.
I took a risk when
I fell in love with you.
Now I am just ending things.
What is she up to?
I have to hang up now.
Wait a minute...
I tried to commit suicide only...
...so that after my death...
...you and Mr. Victor can--
He is here.
Indu! I'm here...
at the wrong time!
What the fk!
This man can't even die in peace.
Where will I find him now?
Want to chop off my foot?
Go ahead.
Here you go.
Chop it off now.
Chop it!
Hey, Kakuda...
Why are you being a sissy by possessing
a lady's body to scare them?
Be a man and fight with me.
- Sunny...
- Sunny.
- Sunny.
- Sunny, why did you come here?
Take Indu and leave, Kilvish.
Sunny... are you okay?
Finally this hump has been of some use.
Wake up, Gomati.
Haven't you chopped it off yet?
Do something, Mr. Victor.
I can't do anything
till he leaves Gomati's body.
Why don't you do something, Kilvish?
Brother Kakuda...
Kakuda sir,
actually I'm doing all this for you.
If you want, you can ask Gomati
about it... internally.
So it's confirmed that
you're killing me, right?
I have one last wish...
Please don't let me die a hunchback.
I want to die handsome.
Bye, handsome!
Okay, dying a hunchback
was a better option.
Kilvish, make sure
Gomati doesn't fall asleep
else Kakuda will possess her
once again.
I know where to find him.
O Lord
Dear Lord
Wake up right now
To get rid of Kakuda somehow.
Sister... are you okay?
Sister-in-law, Victor has left.
Now he will have to come here.
Please hear me out, Kakuda sir.
I agree, what the villagers did
was wrong,
by not opening their door for you
that night.
But do you think you
are doing the right thing
by killing these people as revenge?
Sorry to say this, sir...
but it's the love of the people
that made you Gullak
and your hatred turned you
into Kakuda.
Thanks, Indira.
I knew it right away when we met,
that you are a hero.
The tiger is alive, sister-in-law.
My dear Sweet-shop owner,
you have been cured.
Thanks a lot.
So the pigeons in the painting
were Ganga and Shibu.
But how am I connected to Gullak?
Gullak was never really
accepted by society.
He wanted to be accepted
by people like him.
It was Ganga when he was alive
and you, after he died.
What were you saying?
That after you die, Mr. Victor and I...
I meant... Mr. Victor can be
your brother-in-law.
Crazy guy.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
Haven't seen an adamant
exorcist like you, boy.
Ghost hunter.
Next time you're sleepwalking,
why don't you...
Walk all the way to Delhi?
Why don't you come here
the next time you're chasing ghosts?
Of course he will.
Maasaab is ready to turn into a ghost
to make sure that he comes.
Let's go, mister.
We scared the old fogey.
You rascals!