Kammath & Kammath (2013) Movie Script
Goa was the homeland
of Konkanis, who belonged to...
Brahmin community and
businessmen by profession
ln 15th century their foundation
was shaken when...
when the Portuguese took over Goa
Devanagiri was forbidden
and Roman script imposed
And with forced religious conversions
the Portuguese turned...
...the peaceful lives of Konkanis into hell
Konkanis soon left their
hometown and started...
...moving out to settle down
in other states
Most of them migrated to the Deccan
To areas like Mangalapuram and Malabar
The Kozhikode King
refused them shelter, but...
...Keshava Rama Varma,
King of Kochi welcomed them
With their own efforts they rose in fields
of trade, commerce and medicine
With a stamp of
their own personality...
...they occupied high posts
and received recognition
Out of the 5 major
sections amongst Konkanis...
...the 1st was the Gowda Saraswada Brahmin
To which belonged the Kamaths
who have their roots...
...entwined with Malayalam,
and is the subject of this narration
A silk saree for my wife
She likes rich red color
An off-white silk veshti
and shirt for my older son
Knee length knickers
and a shirt for my younger son
Looks like you got your
bonus money Kamath?!
My boss gave me enough
After all it's Deepavali festival
Today is Deepavali
Brother, he will buy us crackers
and sparklers, won't he?
Don't expect too much
Hey! Thief! Thief!
We could save his life only because
he was brought here on time
- We are very grateful
- Your gratitude must be expressed to him
What is your name?
Gopi, l saw Muthu snatch
your dad's bag and run
lf you buy me 'Puttu' and beef curry
l will show you who he is
We are Kamath's sons
Gives us back our dad's bag
Get lost! What will you do if l don't?
Bash me up?
Kamaths were not born
to beat, is what our dad taught us
But if you insist on being beaten up...
Hey Gopi!!!
2 cups of strong tea
2 'puttus' and beef curry for our Gopi
ls Kamath in?
Look, your credit
at my provision shop has crossed limits
l need
a payment immediately
l will pay you
Please give me some time
Even if l gave you time
how will you earn?
Without your legs
whatjob can you go for?
l want my money immediately
We will return your
money in a week's time
We are starting a business
Wonderful! The little Kamaths'
dosa(pancake) tastes great
Very smart boys
What is the name of your shop?
Kamath and Kamath Proprietors
Kamath and Kamath
Biriyani Street Est 1587
Biriyani Paradise
5 biriyani parcels are ready
- Sir...bill
- l did not ask forthe bill
The bill is the only item
given here without asking
Do you know who l am?
No, may be someone out there
might know, but accept the bill first
He is the Counsilor
of this ward Sebastian Kuzhiveli
Shortly will become
Municipal Chairman
He's a new recruit,
excuse him
What a fantastic biriyani
Sahib, the biriyani here is unbeatable
Tell me, is the mutton used in this
belong to meat of buffalo or ox?
To the elephant!!!
Kuzhiveli, the secret
of our biriyani is...
...the tender meat of
goat less than 6 months old
Along with it
the Lords mercy too
Each time biriyani is cooked
there are butterflies in my stomach
l just close my eyes
and call out Almighty my Lord'!
A small error and my business
is finished forever isn't it?
Look at that hotel
What a flourishing place it was!
A bit of carelessness
Served old food, resulted in poisoning
Municipality ordered it to be shut down
and applied seal on it, isn't it?
Yes indeed!
Don't forget the past, dear Sahib
Do you remember my efforts to get it sealed?
l have bought you a brand new
Maruthi car in return, don't forget that
Where is your car?
lts parked almost a kilometer away
You don't have parking facility here, right?
Now-a-days parking
facility is a must
That Thirumeni's place
will accommodate 30 vehicles
lt's really a pity
you are unable to buy so far
That Thirumeni refuses
to part with it
l have asked a hundred times
But he doesn't budge
He will come around one day
l had a specific motive when l lent him
Rs 10 lakhs for his daughter's wedding
l consider it as an amount
paid in advance forthis property
Thirumeni's younger
daughter's wedding is also fixed
How can he bear the expenses
without selling this property?
Why don't you go try
to clinch a deal for me?
ln place of your Maruthi,
l'll see that a Benz stands
Benz car!
- Namasthey!
- What brings you here, Kuzhiveli?
Well, there's a wedding in your house
As counsilor, l thought l'll just enquire
Why? Has the government arranged
to give financial assistance for weddings?
lf you only make up your mind
is it so difficult to raise funds?
What l am trying to say is...
Don't bother, l understand
what you are getting at
lts true that circumstances forced
me to shut down my hotel
But l will not give it up to followers
of another religion to cook his meat
l will not have fish and meat
anywhere in the vicinity of my place
The temple pond you have your daily dip
Doesn't it have fish in it?
Yes of course
You can use water from ponds
and rivers with live fish and...
...use milk from cows which is
a part of theirflesh and blood
But that does not affect your sense
of sanctity and cleanliness, right?
- Hey Nair?
- Yes sir?.
- Throw this dirty fellow out
- Not necessary, l will go
But remember, don't
cross swords with Sulaiman Sahib
He has helped you with Rs 10 lakhs
for your elder daughter's wedding
You did not think touching his money
was sacrilege then
He has not asked you
to return that money...
...because he intends
to own your property one day
l am going now
But l will see you
if your daughter gets married...
...even if l am not invited!
Did you hear
his underlying threat, Nair?
My daughter's marriage
won't take place it seems
The whole town knows
l don't have money
Lord! What more should l hear!
Frankly, what does it matter
who buys the place?
lsn't it enough if you
get a good price?
Have you also forgotten
the idol of baby Ganapathy there?
l have performed puja to that idol
ever since l can remember
Just a clean-up and a lamp lit
HE will bless me whole heartedly
What will an alien religion
do with Lord Ganapathy?
Dad, come here
What is it my dear?
Dad, Devan sir's
e-mail has come
- ls it?
- What?
Mail, now-a-days this is what
takes the place of letter writing
Haven't l told you about a Kamath
who was her senior in college?
Oh! Kamath
What was his reply my dear?
l had written in detail
about our situation
He said he'll come
and meet us directly
Lord Vighneshwara!
You have saved us
Today, in whole of
Kerala, they own big hotels
This Kamath and
his brother Kamath
Kamath and Kamath
lf they take over
our hotel we are saved
Who are you?
What do you want?
Sulaiman Sahib sent us here
He has asked you
to sign this agreement
What is it?
Appears to be in English
Give it to me father
Let me read it
This is a lease agreement
for our hotel and land
lt shows an advance
received for Rs 10 lakhs
lt is true that
l owe Sahib Rs 10 lakhs
But l don't understand
this agreement
ls it right to accept money
and not sign an agreement?
lf you don't sign
we may have to use force
Well, l'd like to see you do that!
- Then come here!
- No! Don't!
Lord Venkatpathy!
What are 'we' seeing here?
A thrashing session!?
All that is of no use
We can always talk things over
Who are you?
We? l am 'we'
Don't you understand?
Didn't 'we' just arrive
by car now?
'We' means, son of
Krishnarajakudi Kamath...
...Devaraja Kamath
Now you?,
Tell me what is the issue?
- We are Sulaiman Sahib's men
- ls that the issue?
Don't botherto explain
l have understood the situation
lt's a problem of Rs 10 lakhs right?
'We' will pay you that money
Fold that umbrella, Murthy! Useless!
How long since
you borrowed this money?
About a year and half
Let them calculate
rate of interest for 2 years
That makes it
Rs 1209999.85
Murthy we round it up to 1210000
You get 15 paisa more
We spend so much on trivialities
Let them go eat it
Don't shake, the table is wobbling
Without shaking!
You can go give this to Sahib
We came to get the agreement signed
You better do what we ask, Thirumeni
Thirumeni will not do it
- You don't interfere
- Of course l will
l will interfere even more
Beat and drive him away
The stinker!
Not stinker, its Kamath
Don't beat me
We Kamaths are
fond of peace
Have no history of wars and
follow non violence
But if all of you insist
on a thrashing...Murthy?!
lf l just press this, your heads
will break and you will die
You will die but l won't go to jail
l have money and power
You can decide whether
you want your life or the agreement
We want our lives
Only our lives!
With the cash
Murthy please take their
names address and photo
lf we ever have a problem
never call them!
-All are cowards!
- Run for it!
Thirumeni, were you scared?
This does not have bullets
All the bullets are
with my brother Kamath
He refuses to give them to me
But he has only the bullets
No gun
The gun is with me right?
Only a bullet will allow
the gun to fire, right?
ln short we never fire guns!
Karthiyayini, give him
some buttermilk to drink
l want nothing
l just want to see
that place the property
My dear go with him
BlRlYANl STREE Once we open our shop
within 3 months, this name will go
lt will become
Kamath & Kamath Street
That's the usual blessing
Sree Krishna Vilasam
East facing...very auspicious
Lord Ganapathy
is the God installed, right?
ls that guy who is peeping
out of that counter, the Sahib?
Nice fair and an enemy
like a beautiful pudding
Come sir, don't you want
to see inside of the shop?
Sure let's go
Why are you staring like this?
- Your wedding has really been fixed right?
- Yes, but why?
l feel quite sad
You were once
like a broomstick
Now grown big, you look
like a lovely witch
lf l had known this l would have
declared my love for you...
...and blocked you for myself
Now it's of no use
-Anyways l like you very much
- What?
Not you!
lt has gone out of my hands
This property, good
that you thought of us...
...when you decided
to sell it
We'll take over
this place happily
That Kamath has
given you the works
How can his dosa and sambhar
compete with our biriyani?
lt can't happen
What are you saying Sahib?
This is their 33rd hotel
Wherever they start one, there is
a queue like in beverages shops
l myself fell for it once
l stood in the queue
and found it was Kamaths hotel
Kuzhiveli, l can't tolerate
another hotel in front of ours
Kamaths must not
open their hotel
Tell me a way to sabotage it
like you did for Thirumeni's hotel
The municipal secretary is not the same
Now it's a lady, Mahalakshmi
- You may have to shell out some money
-Allah! Does that lady accept bribe?
She will not, but l will
lt will be difficult to subdue her
She's a man-hater
People say she's frustrated
because she's spinster even now
Municipal office
The guy who is sitting there
is Kamath, a womanizer
Don't talk, if you do, even
a secretary like you, will fall for him
The municipal secretary has come
He will try to persuade you
But don't give in
Greetings, l am Kamath
Devaraja Kamath, partner
of Kamath & Kamath Hotels
Should we stand
on our heads for that?
- You can stand
- Sure l will
Madam, its 3 days
since l have been...
...climbing up...climbing down
like this to meet you
But it appears you were on leave
When l heard Secretary
was a woman
l thought she'd be
in her early 50s
But so young!
Excuse me?
Which college are you studying in,
is what any one will ask
-Are you married?
- What if l am?
- What does your husband do?
- What should he do?
Children without getting married?
Madam he is insulting you
Oh Lord Venkatpathy
Aren't you married?
l too am not
Same pinch
He's mad!
You go inside madam
- Hey wait!
- What is your problem?
What about the license
for our hotel?
Have you taken
prior appointment?
- Then you will have to wait
- But l was waiting all of morning
- Was l not right?
-About what?
That he's a womanizer?
He has an older brother,
Rajaraja Kamath
Rumors say he kicked
his wife to her death
So never issue them the license
Do we issue licenses
based on conduct certificate?
4-5 years back the Health dept
and Food corp...
...shut down and sealed
the old hotel Sree Krishna Vilas
Now they have changed
the name to Kamath & Kamath...
...and applied for license
The case is still pending
Madam, don't get into trouble
He is trying to get a license
without your knowledge from the Council
Can you take a step
without the council's approval?
You can't
So you have to bring it
to their notice
Let me look at that file
- Madam, it will soon be lunch break
- Who asked you to come in here?
Don't spit into my eyes
l don't have time to spare
Monday is the hotel inauguration
lnauguration without a license
lsn't that why
an application was given?
Yourfile needs thorough scrutiny
You can go and return next week
Please don't say that
We can't change the inaugural day
Who asked you to fix the day
without your license permitted?
My older brother Rajaraja Kamath
Madam, you would not know him
He looks like
our mega star Mammootty
And just like him
he is very short-tempered
lf he loves he is a Royal gem
lf you cross him he's the king of thugs
The rest of it
l am not willing to say
l have no orders
to issue the license
You may please leave now
So you will not
issue us the license eh?
Just a minute, okay?
- Hey! Don't shoot
- This is a phone
they are not issuing the license
This is not Malayalam
lt is Urdu
He says shall he try hooking you
Don't mind all that
- Okay Annu(brother)
- Like a karate class!
That was my brother
He said ask that arrogant secretary
to go climb the wall!!!
He said just one snap of his fingers
and the municipal chairman...
...will come to the hotel premises
and issue the license
Do you know who are talking to?
- l told brother about you also
-And what did he say?
He asked me not to deal with you,
lt was an order
- He said to keep you aside
- Why?
So that he'll have the pleasure
of thrashing you all by himself
Thrashing me!
So the day has been fixed for Monday
And the 1st invite is for you madam
You have to come,
participate and bless us
We are specially
not inviting you at all
- Don't come
- No, l wont!
Did you see him madam?
His arrogance
l want to see how he will
inaugurate this hotel without a license
Kamaths are inaugurating it
challenging municipality orders
But Municipal secretary
is very stubborn
Although a woman, she appears to be fiery
The police will stop this event
Did you see that board?
One Kamath is green
and the other is red
The red one is dangerous
They must be having
something up their sleeve
On the day of inauguration
if the older Kamath does not arrive...
...we can be sure it won't take place
l will see to it he does not
step into this Palakkad district
Kamath will be punched
and broken into bits...
...and admitted in hospital
by my smart boys, Sahib
Let him come
This Rajaraja Kamath!
- ls Rajaraja Kamath inside the vehicle
- What if he is?
-Ask him to come out!
- Why must he, l wonder?.!
To give him some of our affection
Oh is it? lt's been ages
since the body had some exercise
l'll call him right away
Okay, so who are all of you?
l have no clue
Lord! What's this an array of knives?
You have come to thrash us, right?
So we have enemies in Palakkad
You have come to beat us
but we generally don't beat up thugs
For that we feed meat of goat
ox, fowl, tiger etc and maintain a buffalo
Do you want to know who he is?
- Who?
- Who else can it be?
This is him
His name is Gopi
He delivers very good punches
Try him, it's a good chance
Gopi, just beat them
but don't kill okay
Gopi, come on start!
Get up and come here
What did you think?
That if you defeat him you can come
and fight with me? Foolish fellow
Forget that desire
l don't use my fists on such
cheap and stupid fellows
Okay, now tell me who sent you here?
Come on simply tell me l say!
Out with it you...!
- Greetings
- Please come
For accepting our invite my brother
and l extend a hearty welcome to...
...the Municipal Secretary,
Chairman and all policemen
You can't open a hotel
without a Municipal license
You have broken the law
so a case will be charged
Who has broken the law here?
ls a license necessary to inaugurate
a place at an auspicious moment?
No my dear policemen
You can accuse us...
...of breaking law
only if we cook and sell food
We have not done that
So under which section are we charged?
Tell me policemen
Hey! Ask him to explain
Don't teach policemen law and sections
This hotel which was under
municipal seal was reopened...
...so, Thirumeni has to be arrested first
Get into thejeep
- But what crime did l commit?
- We can decide all that at the station
But that will not do sir
lt has to b e decided here
This property is now in our names
We changed ownership at the municipality
- You Kazhuveli(swear word)...!
- Not Kazhveli...l am Kuzhiveli
Whatever Vayyaveli(headache) you may be
You can also examine it, if you want
Accepting money and harassing
people is bad, isn't it policeman?
What will you do if l did?
Just try it
l will flatten you like a dosa
You dare insult policemen
One minute!
All who've been waiting to see my brother
Rajaraja Kamath, he has just arrived
My humble greetings
to all townsfolk here
An unexpected attack the minute
l stepped into Palakkad district
Anyone will react when provoked
So l also reacted in a small way
Brother, who are these fellows?
Brother, l bet you didn't
touch them, right?
How did you know that?
They wouldn't be here alive
Won't they be dead by now? Dead!!!
What were their names?
The ones who sent these thugs?
Sulaiman sahib and Kuzhiveli
lf these gentlemen are here
please come forward
These guys need a lot of money
to treat their injuries
Please come forward one by one
Hey come here
Come and get them l say!
- Who is this Kuzhiveli?
- Look there, that's him
Don't come to me
Keep away!
Hey! All policemen too are here
for the opening, we're so fortunate
Not only policemen
Municipality members too
He is the Municipal Chairman
She is the secretary, Mahalakshmi
She looks like her namesake
Goddess Mahalakshmi
But her heart is like Kali(violent)
Goddess Bhadrakali
My dear Bhadrakali...
l'm sorry secretary sir
We are not stupid to open
a hotel without license
You have not issued us a license
There is a Council above you
There is a section to issue it
Above that there is the court
What did you think of us?
This Kamaths' is big enterprise
Lord Venkatpathi!
You must realize, there's not a single
MLA, MP or Panchayath president...
...who has not tasted our Dosa
We met the Minister
and he issued us the license
This is the license and a copy
has been sent to your office
You can look at it
Look! Look! Properly!
Look at it closely
Lovely like a paper roast dosa!
Brother! The auspicious
moment is passing
We shall perform
the inauguration immediately
All VlPs who have come
will be served hot dosa and chutney
Please eat before you leave
Hey Policemen! Do go after eating
Stop! Dy SP sir
is on his way here to stop this
Greetings, good that you have
opened a branch here also
l'd forgotten the taste of your dosa
since my transferfrom Trivandrum
Do you know, my wife and kids
simply love their masala dosa?!
We are indeed fortunate
- Let's begin the inaugural events
- Okay, sure
Dear gentlemen and ladies of this town
The Kamaths' 33rd hotel
inaugural events are about to begin
One of the 1st and foremost person,
famous, revered by poor, handsome...
...the pride of lndia
and possibly a MLA or
...future Minister,
my brother Rajaraja Kamath
- What happened dear brother?
- Nothing
- Don't get upset
- Okay
My brother Rajaraja Kamath
will do the honours of this inauguration
- Clap! Clap!
- Brother!
Next is the dosa making
event of inauguration
My younger brother and 2nd foremost
person in lndia, the future Ambani...
...intelligent, loved by common man
my brother will open the Dosa making event
Next is the inauguration
of eating the dosa
ln this event record holder
TT Mathai's son,TT George-
No! Say Deputy Superintendent of Police
Sorry! Dy SP George will
eat a dosa and inaugurate
Nothing like a competition, right?
Anybody out there who
dares to challenge me?
l am there
- What?
- Greetings sir
- Aren't you the thief Pathrose?
- Yes
l will not compete with you
lf a policeman is afraid of a thief
then don't accept the challenge
This is shameful sir
There is no police or
robber in a challenge
This is just forjoy
lt will be great fun
- Kamath start making more dosas
- Okay ask them to make dosas
- Murthy ask them to start making the dosas
- Gopi, ask him to make dosas
- Yes ask them to make the dosas
- Stop! Not necessary, l will do it myself
Move aside
- 10 dosas forthe policeman
- That will not be enough
- 10 dosas forthe robber
- Okay
Now start eating
as fast as you can
- Water
- No water
10 dosa
Dy SP is leading
Thief Pathrose
is leading by 20 dosa
Notjust one or two
but leads by 20 dosas
- Pathrose still leads
- 10 dosas more
The dosas are almost over
Pathrose is leading still
Sir don't put us to shame
DySp is losing
- We'll have to order more dough
- Not necessary this robber will win
Dosa is ready
- Okay more dosa
- Water
Have you given up?
Concede defeat?
Our thief Pathrose wins
by a margin of 5 dosas
Oh to eat a tasty dosa!
Can we hear a good song please?
Oh to eat a tasty dosa!
Do you yearn to eat a dosa?
The very word dosa,
and a thip couid taii in the mouth!
Do you detire to eat a dosa?
OF courte a dosa it needed,
a detire to deep
The very name dosa and
the ttomach growit in anticipation
Doet anyone want to reiith a dosa?
Pieate tomeone give a good rhythm
That't the Kamatht For you
The two Kamatht together
dosa, one From the oider brother,
one From the younger
Aii Fried and toatted to right kind
1 2 3 4
dosa made From dough rice and urad Fiour
At you wanting a bite,
a dosa that bubbiet out and tmiiet at you
Here it dosa, in tattet numerout
in wayt to different
dosa that't become beioved to one and aii
And toon a craze that't unbeiievabie
Pouring the dough over the red hot ttone
Sprinkiing oniont iiberaiiy over
A teeny weeny drop oF oii
and pienty oF butter
A Fantattic dosa that it
at thin at paper it out
in minutet oF demand, to create dosa
Hot and iip tmacking
to terve at hot at a cracker
A kitt For dosa
That't the Kamatht For you
The two Kamatht together
Oh to eat a tasty dosa!
Do you yearn to eat a dosa?
Here't a dosa that uphoidt
the Tamii Nadu cuitine
With the right tour and tait
the Udupi dosa it obviout
At the Fiavourt waft up
and tpread it Fragrance around
The piace Fiiit up
Oh what a wonderfui tight
Round iike the vermiiion dot
dorning a woman't Forehead
Moon-iike iies the dosa adorning
the biack pan oF ttone
With aii the woridt goodnett and iove,
deep at the ocean
Here't a tweet dosa
that wiii charm any one
Spread out cut up into haiF hidden...
...with wonderfui tattet
comet the king oF dosa
The mataia dosa
That't the Kamatht For you
The two Kamatht together
That't the Kamatht For you
The two Kamatht together
Boss l've dropped
mother at home
Why have you come here
leaving her alone there, you ass?
What work do you have here?
She sent me to bring both of you home
Special food is being prepared there
Boss, here's the car key
Deva, mother has come home
She wants us to come
You can go
l will lock up and come
- Raja where is Deva?
- He's a bit busy, he'll lock up and come
You've made Coriander leaves sambhar?
l love it
The people of Palakkad love our Dosa
Business is very good
Our next hotel will be in Coimbatore
Why are you still working
so hard to earn?
lt's not to make money
The world has to know
the fine taste of Kamath food
That is our target
Raja, someone's sitting
on the wall of our neighbors house
May be a thief
That is our municipal secretary's house
Arrogant woman! Let her suffer
Suppose something happens? Go and see
- He jumped
- Shout out
lf l shout he'll escape
- What was that noise?
- Someone threw a stone
l did notice a guy sitting on the wall
when l went to the bathroom
Why didn't you say this earlier?
l thought he was just taking
a peek at me in the shower
Who are you?
Don't run!
Hey thief!
- l'll break your head with this
- Kamath!
Police station?
What is it madam?
That Kamath next door
threw a stone at our house
He is somewhere around here
- Go and look for him
- Get down you...!
Okay l give up
Sir, he is thief Pathrose
He is the one who threw the stone
Oh! lt's like that now!
Sir, it wasn't like that
lt was Kamath who threw the stone
lf you lie l'll kick
that bald head and break it
Sir, l saw this Kamath
throwing the stone
First ask this guy
why he was here
l came to rob the house
l did you a favour
You have to realize that madam
Go get into the Jeep
Yes, go get into the jeep you thief
- You also go man!
- He is the thief not me
l want the side seat
Get in!
There is no rule to turn
the witness into an accused
Don't teach me the law
Just get in
Sit here
Get out
Come, put out your right foot
auspiciously and get out
- Brother!
- What are you doing here?
They put me in jail
Why have you put him here?
We were forced to arrest him
For illegal sale of liquor
Come! Come!
l see all of you are there, please sit
We can sit later
Move aside
- Oh so the information was correct
- What is the problem sir?
You supply liquor on a dry day, right?
Constable! Search the place
Oh Lord Venkatpathy!
We have not served this
lt was brought from outside
No sir, we bought this here
And paid double the price for it!
How dare you lie, you drunkards!
Come with us!
Sir, this is cheating!
You need not snarl here
Convince the court you were not
Sir we got all this from here
Oh so you have a wholesale
business going on, eh?
What is all this?
Policemen! We have not sold liquor here
We are arresting the junior Kamath
for illegal sale of liquor, now go
Sir, don't push!
What's the charge against this chap?
Attacked the municipal secretary's house
Accomplice is thief Pathrose
This is great!
Tomorrow the papers
can carry this juicy news
Let the Kamath pair be locked up here
Rajashekhar, pick one out of
the 'evidences' and place it inside
lf l have to deal with the Kamaths
l have to have drink a couple of pegs
Hey you! lf either of my boss is touched
l'll kill you and your entire family
To me earth is home and sky the roof
Whether l am outside or in central jail
lt was around 10 at night
my house was attacked
Thief Pathrose has given
a statement in support
The fact that illegal sale
of liquor occurred...
...in my ward makes me feel ashamed
As president of Hotels association
What do you have to say?
This is a matter of shame for all of us
Our Association has
decided that the other...
...Kamath hotels too
have to be shut down, right?
What is the charge
against the Kamaths?
Sir, this is the charge sheet
- Kamath?
- Greetings
Send them to my room
Our greetings
What's all this guys?
l can't stand by you in such cases
Sir, please don't say that
We Kamaths are
Gowda Saraswath Brahmins
We neither utter lies nor sell liquor
This is a trap
We don't go peeing over walls
Someone laid a trap and we fell in it
That may be true
But evidences are against you
The thief Pathrose is very
adamant in his statement
He is a cunning thief
You just have to roll your eyes
and he'll come out with the truth
Just give him the works sir
He'll tell the truth
-Aren't you a true Christian?
- No, l am thief Pathrose
lf you don't tell me the truth
you'll go to hell
Tell me honestly, who threw
the stone at the secretary's house?
- This Kamath, sir
- Did you hear that?
Oh God Venkatpathy!
Aren't you a Dy SP?
ls this how you interrogate robbers?
They will never own up like this
There are other means for this
lt's better you tell the truth
Otherwise your brain will scatter
Don't wait, just do it
Look at him and his bald head!
lf l shoot, you'll have
to walk about without a head
Hey stop it
l'll lose my job
Stop it! Don't beat me
l'll tell you everything
This fellow is more scared
of punches than a gun shot
- l'll flog you death
- No! l'll tell you the whole truth
Sir, give me your phone
Oh you are going to shoot, eh?
Let me spruce up myself
Who sent you here?
Just blurt it out like a parrot,
it will be great
- Sulaiman sahib paid money and he..
- What is all this?
- You asked me to say it like a parrot
- Oh Lord Venkatpathi
- Who threw the stone?
- Okay l'll tell everything
To help Sulaiman Sahib
Councilor Kuzhiveli sir paid me
l was asked to hang around
and wait till the police came
And when the police get me
to say Kamaths name
l waited near the secretary's
house for 3-4 days...
...to get the attention of
Kamath sir, l swear
- He is a sensible thief
- Continue l say!
l will fight forjustice against this
atrocity in a house where only women lived
Sorry, madam
The case has taken a new angle
This is thief Pathrose
stating the truth
lt was l who threw the stone
l did it
For Sulaiman sir
Councillor Kuzhiveli sir paid me
He asked me to wait there
and tell Kamaths name when questioned
Now do you realize
who threw the stone?
Honorable Councillor and Sulaiman sir
Please come forward
We have something to show you
Bring it here
These are scenes of CCTV cameras
of our hotel that record events 24 hours
Show it to them
lsn't this proof?.
This is from the camera outside
There are cameras inside also
Gopi! Wait
Don't, they will be
taken care of by the policemen
l have reserved some for you also
Secretary madam,
l have something to tell you
l have no enmity towards you
lf l did, l'd have clapped happily
when he threw the stone
lt was my mother
who asked me to help you
When the police took us away
There were tears in her eyes
You are answerable to those tears
Not to me, but to God
You can go madam
Sulaiman sahib, what harm
did we do to you?
We have only dosa, idly
and sambhar in our menu
But you Muslims
you have a variety of food
Biriyani, ghee rice, Pathiri,
mutton curry and so many more
No other community can claim them
People of other communities crowd
into lslam hotels that are run honestly
They do come willingly
and you know it very well
Let people who eat biriyani for 10 days
eat dosa for one day, just for a change
Sahib, your Thalassery biriyani
will not match our dosa, isn't it?
Moreover, Thirumeni refused
to sell that property to you...
...not out of enmity but the presence
of the ldol of Lord Ganapathy
He believes other religions
will not give it due respect,...
...so he preferred selling it to us
lsn't that correct?
He's a simple man
lf you had asked us space
to park vehicles for your customers...
...we would have given it
But did you ask?
Even after harassing us
we are still ready to offer...
...our place for your customers
to park their vehicles
Let people then decide whether
they want to eat biriyani or dosa
Your ancestors once
gave us refuge in this land
We only have one request
Don't hate us
l forgot to mention this
We'll be gone from here for 2 days
Forthe inauguration
of our new hotel at Coimbatore
Please see our hotel
does not run into troubles
ln the name of Almighty
don't talk like this
l realize my mistake
You can go with a free mind
l will look after it like my own hotel
ls the Coimbatore hotel also
to be opened by 2 of you?
No! Of course not!
We will have a celebration in Tamil Nadu
The inauguration there
will be by a film star
Super star Danush
Thanks for coming
Please come
Greetings to everyone
My most beloved
and respected Sri Danush
Dear ladies
and gentlemen of Coimbatore
The inauguration of Kamath
and Kamath...
...super special dosa joint
is about to begin here
There's no Malayali who doesn't know
the wonderful taste of our dosas
We are bringing that taste
to Tamil Nadu also
Even if you have a hundred dosas
it will seem like you've had just one dosa
Very happy
lt's Tamil
But we gave it in Malayalam
That's because you are
speaking in Malayalam
l am inviting our super star
Dhanush sirto speak a few words
You can drop our names
every now and then
lt will sound great
You can give a boost in between
Come on talk
- Devaraj Kamath
- Greetings to one and all
Enough, enough
l am very happy to see you all here
l wish to thank
Kamath brothers and God
- DevarajKamath
- l will mention it, l will
lt's a matter of great happiness
a malayali opens a hotel in Tamil Nadu
Our Chief Minister once upon a time...
...and Hero among heroes
MGR too was a malayali
Likewise MN Nambiar
the most hated villain on screen
But a gem of a person
too was a malayali
Even Kamal sirthe pride of our state
also acted in a malayalam film first
The Kamath brothers' hotel
is very famous in Kerala
- Devaraj Kamath
- l will say it
The Kamath brothers' hotel
is very famous in Kerala
Rajaraja Kamath
Like Thalapkattu biryani,
Thirunelveli halwa
Or like Nairs tea stall...
...Kamath brothers dosa too
will become famous
Rajaraja Kamath
and Devaraja Kamath, okay?
My prayers that their hotel
is a big success
Kamath sir, l have a desire
That is to act in a Malayalam movie
lf you have friends
in the cinema field please tell them
Why don't we try?
The time is good
Let's begin the inauguration ritual
Here we are not doing it with scissors
But by making a dosa
Murthy bring that dosa set up
Brother, 2 cherries here
Like a pair of eyes
Okay, here are the eyes
This is our Dhanush special dosa
- ls it because it's thin like me?
- lt's not like that
On sight it is thin but on eating it
the taste will be great, like you
We'll start singing the song, Kolaveri...
Kolaveri' kolaveri di
- l take leave
- Okay
Please go carefully
A man like ghee roast(dosa)
With insides like laddu(sweet)
Respected municipal secretary come out
- What the heck do you want?
- Get out first
l requested you something 3 years back
l can't wait any longer
Will you give up Surekha or not?
We have not kept her
under bondage
She is intelligent and educated
to take her own decision
You can't make such lame
excuses any more
l must know today a final decision
l will show you how Surekha
will come to my house
Put her into the vehicle guys
- Hey you can't behave so atrociously
- Who are you to ask?
Give it to him good and proper
Hey wait!
Stop right there
- Who is that?
- lsn't that our secretary?
And there are thugs after her also
- What happened madam?
- Please help me
No one will help you
l will take her or kill her
And if you resist, you also
Who are you?
What is the matter?
By passers need not interfere
This is a family matter
lf its family it should be
inside the house not on roads
Moreover, whether friend or enemy
lf a person asks help, we give it
Thrash this fellow, guys!
You can begin!
- Do you have your driver with you?
- No, they beat and chased him away
- Where are you going?
- To Palakkad
lf you don't mind you can travel with me
Gopi can bring your car
Are you afraid of me?
Don't be, l am very decent
You can get in
Gopi, after you finish bring
madam's carto Palakkad
Okay boss, you carry on
This will be over soon
Who are they?
Why are they harassing you?
Why do they want to kill?
- My sister
- Who is he to your sister?
You are from Coimbatore, right?
Who do you have at home?
Only my mother and sister
- You are not married right?
- No
- Why are you not married?
- Circumstances
- Family problems
- l am very hungry
l have not eaten and we will reach
Palakkad quite late in the night
You must have eaten at home
before you started yourjourney, right?
lf you don't mind, let's stop
and eat at some hotel
lf you do mind, you can stay hungry
l shall go and appease my hunger
So you don't mind, eh?
l am a pure vegetarian
lt's a meal full of vegetables
1 vegetable soup, a vegetable fried rice
Gobi Manchurian, 2 chappathis...
...vegetable curry and a vegetable salad
That will do
l am on a diet
You have not yet ordered
We get good mutton,
chicken and beef
- l am also a vegetarian
- But you talk like a meat eater
Go ahead
Order your food
l'll have just curd rice
What a surprise!
How come you're here?
- Came to have dinner
- We are on our way to Tirupathi
He is Mr Raja, Rajaraja Kamath
You have not introduced him to me
Sorry! He is my husband
Telugu speaking person
- Greetings
- Hi
Who is this?
Your wife?
No, a friend
Oh sorry! See you Mr Kamath,
Bye, take care
- Wish you all the best
- Thank you
- Who were they?
- Who?
Those people we met
at the restaurant
- My wife
- What?!
My wife
She used to be my wife
- Now?
- Now she's not
Why did you part?
The Lord did not give me
enough patience and endurance
We had to break up so we parted
That's all
What are you staring for?
You are talking about
the divorce so casually
That's a long story
lt was with great difficulty
we became prosperous
We lived a very simple life
We were very happy
and loved each other very much
Radhika, that is my wife's name
Her parents are in London
She was educated there
and that's why...
...she could not get along
with our way of life
My mother loved her a lot
My dear, we don't wear
such clothes in ourfamily
l will decide what l wear
Nobody need interfere
- My dear!
- Get lost you old hag!
No one told me anything
Because they didn't want to upset me
One day we were returning
after a business trip from Kozhikode
Dad suffered a chest pain
What happened to you?
My dear, the boys' father
is suffering from chest pain
We have to take him
to the hospital right now
Please take the car out
Can't you see l have applied 'mehendi'?
Call a taxi from outside
That will take a long time, dear
Just wash your hands and come
That will take a long time, dear
Just wash your hands and come
Don't harass me
Go away
By the time a taxi came and
took him to hospital, everything was over
You were responsible
for our father's death
l am not a servant
in your house or a driver
And l'm not nurse maid
to your parents
lt would have been very convenient
if that old hag had died too
l gave her a good slap
And she broke the sacred wedding chain
l have not felt any regret
or loss after that
- Sorry
- For what?
lt's high time they reached
May be they have decided
to halt over at a hotel
Hey! My boss will not even look at a girl
-Anyway l will not sleep here alone
- What else can you do?
Oh look! They have reached
- Okay goodnight
- Goodnight
Why do you prepare
so many dishes?
A few ldlys sambhar and a chutney
isn't that more than enough?
Who prepared this?
Definitely not you, mother
Mother will never make
such tasteless food
This tea is totally
unpalatable, no taste at all
Maybe Gopi has made all this
l only know to eat not to cook
But l'll tell you for sure, this food
has come from the enemy's camp
Enemy's camp?
What are you saying?
Have you gone nuts?
l'll eat at our hotel
Don't say anything more
Food was made by girls next door
Don't eat it
if you didn't like it
- Who says l didn't like it
- But you said so just now
l often say such things
to tease mother
l try to make mother
laugh now and then
Yes true! Boss told me
ajoke and l laughed...
...for 2 weeks and
1 more week remains
Ass-monkey! Go out
Mom has never allowed me
into the kitchen
So l am a little backward in cooking
But not backward in talking!
No one can beat you brothers in that
Ass-monkey! Are you still here?
Tell me when you are free
l'll teach you to cook,
it will be great fun
Okay, treat it as ajoke
Both of you sit and talk
l must leave, okay?
She wants to talk to you
What is the matter?
She is asking for some help
What help do you want, tell me
Can you come
with me to Coimbatore?
-As a bodyguard, eh?
- Not at all
My sister has a problem
and we need a man to solve it
We don't have many relatives
who would be able to help
Don't come if it's a problem for you
l'll come
The house is good
ls it your own place?
No, it's for rent
Come in
She's my mother, Maheshwari
Greetings, mother!
-And she is...
- l know the servant
Not servant...manager
l manage the kitchen here
Kitchen manager?.
Not bad
When did this item
transfer itself from Palakkad?
l am not an item, my name is Shanta
l sent her here 2 days
back to help mother
You did not introduce me
l am Rajaraja Kamath
- You look very familiar
- You will!
l am very famous
People have a very good opinion about me
Please come
Where is the sister
you mentioned?
She's just on her way
back from office
- Which office?
- lncome tax Department
lncome tax?
That is to be feared
- Shanta get them something to drink
- Hot or cool?
- What?
- Tea or limejuice?
A super coffee will do
What snacks shall l make?
Just allow me into the kitchen
l'll make some Kamath special items
-Are you interested?
- Sure why not
So manager tell me
where the kitchen is
Over there
All ready! You can come
So many dishes in such a short time?
Hats off to you!
People of Kerala
call me a lion in cooking
When your sister comes
don't tell her l prepared all these
Tell her you made them
You can take the credit
- Look, Rekha has come
- l will stand away
lt's very tasty, right?
To tell you the truth
lt was l who made all of it
Do you recognize me?
l am Rajaraja Kamath
She will not recognize you like that
He is the person your sister
said was SP Kamath
Who is SP Kamath?
Don't you know?
People call you SP Kamath
Self Praising Kamath
Oh! lf no one talks about me
l will do it myself, what's wrong in that?
Even if you call me
SP Kamath, l have no issues
Now eat it my dear girl
Take a dosa, a little chutney
and make it into little balls...
...and then eat them
lt will be delicious!
Now let us come to the matter
What is your sister's problem?
She is worried for some time
She is being shadowed
But nobody is seen
visibly following her
ln the bus, bus stop someone
is behind her all the time
That guy who waylaid you
on the highway
Was it forthis sister
he created that issue?
- Yes!
- Then have no doubts
lt's them for sure
Have you given a police complaint?
We did, but they appear
to have influence over the police
Who are they?
How are they related to you?
lf you find it difficult
to tell me, then don't tell
Hey! Stop there
lf l get my hands on you
- Gopi, what is it?
- Who is it?
Some guy was hiding near the gate
When l asked he replied
in Hindi and ran away
He looks a little fishy
Both of them are very scared
There is no need to be scared
We can easily handle this
We have a place
to stay in this city
But is it right to leave
them alone here?
lt's not at all right
- lf you don't mind, you can use that room
- Boss you can sleep there
- Gopi can sleep in my room
- Sure
- What about you?
- l will sleep with mother
Then l'll sleep in the car
- Shall we go?
- First we'll plan our action
When does this fellow
usually follow your sister?
Wasn't it at the bus stop yesterday?
On a bike wearing a helmet
Let her go as usual to the bus stop
We will follow about
30 ft behind, very quietly
Okay sister! You go
walking as usual
Gopi, this is him
lf l handle him, he will die
l want him alive
So you go
Okay, boss
Going after girls and
harassing them you rascal?!
Kamath vs Kamath
Deva! You!
Brother, l...
What the heck were you up to?
-Answer me
- No! Please don't boss!
You hit my brother
l've not used even a broomstick on him
Today l hit him
Brother you have to forgive me
l committed a mistake
l did not come to kill
l just came to declare my love
l like that girl
Girls have to be brought up
with restraint and sense of honor
They should have self respect
lf they make eyes and entice boys...
...they will come after you
What's wrong in that?
Hey! Better talk with respect, okay?
l know the kind of person you are...
...l mean you don't know who l am
Teaching me manners eh?
- Brother! Stop talking like this
- You stay out of this
The great municipal secretary
lf you governed your home
like you did the municipality,...
...will she have become like this?
lf your sister is important to you
My brother is for me
Whatever the mistake he commits
l will forgive him
- Brother!
- You be quiet!
Didn't you know it was my brother...
...who was going after
this rat tail sister of yours?
You hid that fact and made me hit him
You tried to separate us
l kicked him
You demoness
lf ever l see you or yourfamily
anywhere near my house again...!
You Kamath!
l trusted you!
But you used your brother
as a bait to get even with me, right?
Forthis you will suffer
Yes! We will see
who is going to suffer
Let us see
- Come guys
- Come my girl
Boss, give me also a massage
l'll give you a good kick
that will kill you
Do you see this?
These are marks of injury
You and your punches
l will have to massage him
for a month at least...
...only these marks will go, poor thing!
All this body pain is not a problem
l am feeling bad
that you were insulted
l shouldn't have hit you
l feel so bad kicking you
lt was not deliberate done brother
lsn't it for the sake of
that Municipal secretary?
What are you saying?
Have you gone mad?
What language
are you speaking?
- You didn't understand, right?
- No!
Well, from childhood,
this is my condition...
...Sheer gibberish
when l hear both of you talk
Get lost, you ass monkey
This is between us brothers
Don't poke your nose into this
Don't kill yourself inviting my kick okay?
But l too got a taste of
his blows, right?
Eats only vegetables, but his blows
painful like being hit by a hammer
l still don't believe you were
the killer stalking that girl
l am not a killer, brother
lt is true l followed her
But doesn't a girl recognize...
...whether a guy
follows her to kill or to love?
This is the first time
l am going after a girl, l swear
There are so many girls
in this world
l am surprised
why you love only this one?
There are so many
wonderful buildings all overthe world
Yet, tell me, why is only
the Taj Mahal a world wonder?
- Tell me l say
- l don't understand it myself
Gopi! There are
so many kinds of meat
Yet you like the taste of only beef, why?
Hey! Now l understand
- But does the buffalo know it?
- Definitely not
So many girls come to our hotel
But why did l
notice (throw up) only her?.
Throw up! Sure if she had
you'd have been in trouble by now!
You will die with my kick now
Why did l note only her especially?
- Why?
- You tell me
- You tell us
- l will tell you
Thank you, sister
- Mom
- Thanks
God bless you!
So beautiful
l just wondered for a minute
lf l was that child l would get a kiss, hmm?
What is all this?
Give it to me
My first kiss
l am not going to give up
You are malayali, right?
Did you see what happened here?
What is he saying?
Did you see those thugs?
Husband and wife
both are dumb, eh?
Go, go!
Escaped pretending to be
dumb just like l did, eh?
Thank me for giving you this idea
Don't go away like this, without saying it
l will also come
On the way we can...
May l come in?
l have come to clear some
doubts, regarding love tax
l was living, minding my business when
a girl made me fall and gave me a kiss
Should l pay a service tax for this?
lf l feel l want more such kisses
Will that tax carry interest?
A lot of love has
accumulated in the heart
lt grew and grew into
a spreading bower ofjasmine
How much of a love growth tax
has to be paid forthis?
l like you very much
Shall l go to your house
and propose marriage ?
How much protection tax has to be paid?
Excuse me?
May l help you?
No! No! No!
Only this girl can help me
She is not answering
any of my questions
l will answer your questions
Give me your file
l will give this file only to her
She can answer me
She will not talk my dearfellow
l will make her talk
Please throw this guy out
No one has to push me out
l know how to go
- Does this carry interest?
- Hey you!
Like this, in spite of many efforts
she never bothered
l realized my looks
and style were old fashioned
l changed over and became
a smart young man
l thought l'll try once more
and that's when you saw me
Why do we need
a woman between us?
You for me and l for you
lsn't that enough?
We are brothers
Shouldn't our lineage continue?
Deva, we are enough for each other
Shouldn't we have children?
You don't have a wife forthat
lf l also don't try, who will perform
the last rites when we die?
l am there for you
How will you be there?
Won't someone kill you by then, you tramp?
No one else will
l myself will kill him now
With his comic comments
between my serious sentiments
Brother, l want her
lf you love her so much, l will
beg forgiveness at that secretary's feet
Beg at herfeet?
No definitely not!
Your self respect
is more important to me
l can't bear to see my brother
bow his head to any one
From this moment onwards
l have no feelings for that girl
l have decided
to forget everything
There is no need to uphold
my honor by giving you pain
Don't! Brother
Your happiness is most important
l will go and beg forgiveness
- Don't! Brother
- l will
- Don't
- l will
Stop it!
What's the issue now?
You want to continue lineage and
the wealth remain in the family, right?
l am indebted to you
for all you have done for me
Now l want to show my gratitude
So l will marry this girl
You tramp, vagabond
l will kill you!
What is all this Gopi'etta?
We came with a marriage proposal
l knew you would come
l will get dressed and come
Goodness! ls she nuts?
Hey you! What is all this?
These are fruits
- l don't understand
- Which fruit do you...
But why are you here?
We have come with a proposal
My boss has come
with a marriage proposal
For whom?
l have come to ask your sister's
hand in marriage for my brother
This is not our Kamath tradition
This is Coimbatore style, how is it?
We are not interested
Take all this and get out!
Didn't you understand?
My dear!
Mother don't be upset
Yesterday secretary madam
and l had a small tiff
We have come in truce
with these sweets
Please listen to
what l have to say
My brother likes your daughter Rekha
very, very much
Why don't you
agree to the proposal?
l said we are not interested, didn't l?
lt's not for you to say that
Rekha has to say it
l don't have time
to waste talking to you
l have to reach Palakkad
and she has to reach office
- Rekha, go!
- Please listen to me
My brother is not
a bad guy like you think
Handsome from a good family,
and very good behavior
No drinks, cigarette, snuff,
drugs or chew betel leaves
He will be the greatest
good fortune, a treasure for you
Remember, he's my brother
How could he be bad?!
You brothers are amazing
You speak only good about yourselves
But others too must be convinced
We don't want your loafer brother
- Should l interfere, boss?
- No!
We Kamaths respect women very much
Otherwise l would have
chopped up the tongue...
...that called my brother
a loafer and put it in sambhar
Are you threatening me?
No wonder your wife divorced you
Stop it!
You are frustrated and jealous
Because you did not marry on time
- Talk with respect
- Why should l respect you?
l challenge you, if he truly loves her
my brother will marry herfor sure
Otherwise l will make him
Just you wait
lt will never happen
Never say never, within a month 30 days,
it will happen, l will make it happen!
l take leave now!
Municipality madam!
Adios, madam!
Brother, what foolishness have you done?
How can l possibly marry a girl
from the enemy's camp in 30 days?
When they talked ill about you
l lost complete control of myself
Don't think of losing out in this
My honor is in your hands now
My hands?
What can l do?
You have to show your love
l have been doing only that
ever since l met her, isn't it?
You cannot go after her
like a chain snatcher on a bike
That's true
When a guy goes after a girl, she must
be able to see his love slowly unfolding
How do you do that, boss?
You don't have to know that
Stand away
- Here's your tea
- Go roast it and eat it
- Here drink your tea
- Go boil it and eat it
- Hey!
- Continue brother
Why do people who visit
our hotel, come again and again?
Because we take care and
give them food like each one prefers
That's how you have to do it
Serve according to taste, that's love
He's a great one
in such things with women!
How do you know that?
Don't poke your nose in matters
not your concern, keep it elsewhere
How do we serve
love according to taste?
- You have to sing a song
- Great!
Sing a song?
Love and singing
have a great connection
- Sing a song
- But l don't know to sing
l will teach you
Just say what you want
to say and that will be a song
Get a harmonium, a little guitar
a violin and a few tablas
Do you wish to make aviyal (a dish)?
No, you ass-monkey
To woo her
- How is it?
- lt's very cold here
You are an ass without
aesthetic sense, go inside!
Brother, but this is in Konkani
She understands only Malayalam
Forthat you can sing
the same thing in Malayalam
Just go ahead sing and impress
lt will be wonderful!
lf l go after her and
sing like this she will sulk
- Then sing 'don't sulk if l follow you'
- How?
l will sing it and show you
Don't be angry my giri
iF i come after you
Let my giancet not anger you my girl
Don't be angry my giri iF i come after you
Let my giancet not anger you my girl
Oh beautiFui one, your tmiie to tweet,
awakent in me detiret pienty
Like a ripe red tomato
you Fiii tweetnett in my heart
Don't be angry my giri iF i come after you
Let my giancet not anger you my girl
To the city we thaii go,
i'ii take you For a movie
Snackt a pienty i'ii treat you to my tweet
i'ii thower aii my iove on you
My iiFe i wiii iay down For you
Like the tweet pium in a pudding
Doetn't your heart
have a iittie iove For me?
Teii me quick, teii me toon
i thaii ttand by you,
iike Raman did For Sita
Don't be angry my giri iF i come after you
Let my giancet not anger you my girl
i wiii buy aii the gariandt
in the Fiower ttore
Put it around your neck
with Lord Thirumaia at witnett
A tiik taree i thaii get you and
a writt watch to adorn your hand
For everyone who come
hot dosat thaii be terved
i thaii Feed you the rice
i cooked with my own handt
Wiii you come with me, to be my partner
Are you wiiiing, i am
dying to hear you tay yes
Don't be angry my giri iF i come after you
Let my giancet not anger you my girl
Boss! lt's a pity you didn't
return that slap
Haven't you heard?
lt's a sin to lay hands on a 'nari' (woman)
Mother, sister, wife
and lover are 'naris'
All women are 'naris'
(nari also means shameless)
l didn't know that
all women are shameless!
l'm not referring to that 'nari'
you shameless fellow!
Then what?
'Nari' which means women
is what l meant
We have got so many slaps in life
Considerthis as one of them
Did it hurt?
Mmm..but there was
a solace in that pain also
A pain full of sweetness
What! l have been slapped too
Why have l never felt such sweet pain?
There is indeed such a pain
We are talking about human beings
You go ahead
Brother, the guilt of this slap
will start haunting her now
Slowly it will turn to love
Now there's no time to go slowly
Our deadline ends today
Why don't we ask for an extension?
15 days more
Even if you get 15 months more
this is not going to happen
You are very backward
in matters of women
l am unable to forget
- There is a way out
- What is that?
- lf l say it will you jump at me?
- No! Just say it
- Promise?
- l swear!
l'll go abduct and bring her here
- Gopi!
- No!
Oh mother! That she-devil is coming here!
Oh God! Why is she here?
- Come in
- Come, sit
Whose bright idea was
it to make her...
...fall head over heels in love
by singing songs?
My brother's
Music, direction, lyrics
and everything else
- The song was good
- Thanks!
But the idea failed!
Why don't we use Ananda Bhairavi
lt will be really good
l am not ready
for anything hereafter
Shall l get you some tea?
- Are you all slightly mad?
- Then l'll get you coffee
Don't you see madam is hot?
Give her something cool
- l'll get some ice from the fridge
- You can keep it on your head
You tell, Madam
What happened to your
challenge of a wedding in 30 days?
l drew that challenge when l saw
his deep desire to marry your sister
We lost and you have won
We give up
Can't you compromise
and give her to us?
Please don't say no
He loves her so much
- For whom?
- For him
Can we not forget obstinacy and enmity
and allow this wedding to happen?
He will look after her like a treasure
lf wealth is not enough
l will give mine also
She will never ever have
reason for remorse
Rekha is not the girl you think she is
What?! Not a girl?
l don't know how to explain this
May be Konkani will help
They understand that better
- Do you know Konkani?
- Gopi!
- You don't know anything about her
- Whatever we know is sufficient
Do you know her caste?
Even if she is lower, she's a Hindu right?
That's enough
She's not a Hindu
She's a Christian
l have only a brother to call my own
Before you know about her
You should know about my brother
l'll be right there
l'll tell them sir
Sir, what are you doing here?
The person l was talking about is on TV
Have you started selling frogs?
Switch on the TV
Sister, ask Lakshmi to come here
My dear look at the TV
Don't complain you didn't see the boy
- Hey! Shift to Manorama Channel
- Why didn't you say this earlier?
The guy l mentioned will appear now
He is a judge for this program
He's a lecturer
The one with the blue shirt
Oh he's gone
lt will come again
He was all the while watching
that girl who was dancing
- How is the boy, is he okay?
- l didn't see him
- Suresh sir didn't you see him
- Sure very good
- What is her name?
- What?
The girl who danced
Superb performance
l am thinking of proposing
lt will be a good match
Let your sister's alliance proceed first
Tomorrow the boy will come to meet her
Meet Krishnakumar
- Hi
- Come in
- Please sit
- Thank you
Call her here
Nanu, find an auspicious date
l am sure this alliance is as good as fixed
l undertake all responsibility!
lt was with regard to an income tax raid
Suresh first went to Malikapura House
We are from the income tax department
We have to search this house
Malikapuram house does not have
unaccounted wealth...
...you've been misinformed
ln any case we were misled
Let's know the truth and leave
Call the Minister
Don't worry, all your establishments
are being raided at the same time
Come on search
Listen to me please
Who are you?
What do you want?
Who are you?
Who is this?
My aunt
- Where is she now?
- Having a shower
l am raid Suresh...sorry
l mean income tax officer, Suresh
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
Why do you twing
in rhythm to whatever i tay?
Adorning me around with Fiowert,
branches to tender
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
The goiden tun thining bright,
tender ieavet iike an umbreiia
Did they have
mitchievout iaughter tinkiing?
Littie groupt oF dragon Fiiet to cute
Did they twing and dance
From tendriit to Fine?
That diamond neckiace
it a gift From my mother
Pieate return it, For it doet not
carry ttaint oF biack money
From the time i Firtt met you...
...i desired to repote ciote
within your cooi thadow
Wiii you accept me into your heart...
...FuiFiiiing iike pure mooniight
From a Fuii moon
Like the breeze, the tweet Fiowing wind
Won't you come toftiy to cuddie
and coo with me?
i want to marry you
Shut in a goiden cage,
don't you detire
To whittie and Fiy away,
yearn to be Free and gay?
Do you ever narrate ttoriet oF yore
with trimmingt and tatteit retoid?
Aii my wordt, my promites to you
Are tongt that tprinkie coiort and hue
To Fiii your dreamt i come Fiying
Like a honeyed breeze Forever and ever!
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
My son when l came to know
you loved my girl whole heartedly
l wanted to meet you
and talk to you
That's why l sent word
when no one was here
My little one is expressing
a desire for 1st time
So l am not considering
caste or religion
She has neither a mom nor dad
You should look after her very well
lf her brothers come to know of this
They are evil and won't spare your life
Don't worry about that grand ma
As a precaution why don't you
marry herfirst in the registry office?
You can take her home
after your sister's marriage
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
Why do you twing
in rhythm to whatever i tay?
Adorning me around with Fiowert,
branches to tender
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
Where is Suresh?
He's not here
Who are you?
Suresh is in love with our sister
Ask him to forget it
lf our family faces
a bad name because of him
None of you will see him alive
Are you threatening us?
Police and courts do exist here
This one is quite smart, Tomy'cha
When you give the complaint
include this also in it
What is your business here?
Because of my love for your sister
Sunny'chan and Tommy'chan...
...went to my house and
misbehaved with my sister
Have you come
to enquire about that?
Of course! Shouldn't l?
l can consider this is a drama of love
by her brothers towards a sister...
...who is worth in millions, controlling
and not even getting her married
But how can l excuse you
for slapping my sister?
l can't and if l don't return it, l'm not
eligible to call myself her brother
l am taking her away with me
As per law she is my wife
Here is the copy of the certificate
of our registered marriage
When you have time go through it
l don't want your wealth or assets
But l want her
Grandma, please bless us
Did you think you can put up
a show at Malikapuram house...
...and walk out alive with our sister?
They are here for my protection
And my friends also have come
Sunnycha, if she wants let her go
Don't stop them
Go my dear
Go live happily
Come in my dear
You don't worry sis, we'll conduct
your marriage with great pomp and splendor
Get lost!
Oh God! My son!
My son!
The murderer nor the weapon couldn't be
traced by the police or crime branch
She repeatedly gave evidence against
her own family in courts and police stations
But power of money and lack of evidence
allowed the culprits escape from law
Her brothers tried to take her back home
But she did not oblige
She insisted that her place
was at her husband's home
And requested us
not to forsake her
Even when she got her husband's job
as his widow and came to Coimbatore...
...we didn't allow her to come alone
So we accompanied her here
Here also they began threatening her
Remember that issue on the high way?
That is one of her brothers
trying to get her back
God has given her only
misfortunes and unhappiness
Please forget her, at least hereafter
According to my calculation
Suresh came with Rekha to his house at 5 pm
By 10 at night they were
in the bridal chamber
The murderer got in at 10:05
Suresh murdered at 10:10 PM
What do we deduct from this?
One thing is for sure taking
the time they went in...
...and the time he was murdered
What is that?
- Nothing happened
- What?
There has been no
physical relationship between them
Get lost! You ass!
l thought let that not be
a hindrance to this marriage
Deva, what do you say?
My feelings have intensified
lt hasn't lessened even a bit
Can l get a chance
to speak to Rekha?
Please forgive me
l'm here once again on his request
Don't think we are harassing you
Come in
After listening to everything
He wants to interview her
l told him no
But he doesn't listen
When his face falls, my heart breaks
lf it's no trouble, just one minute
She is in that room
To love a man more than life itself
and to spend rest of life mourning his death
l don't understand
ls that what life is all about?
They say God calls back
early, those HE loves dearly
Just console yourself with that
l came behind you
without knowing anything
After knowing everything,
l'm asking you
Can we not have a life together?
The love in our hearts will be only
for one person in life, l know
lt's the same for me also
l will love you more than Suresh
Just give me an answer today
And still if you don't like me
Just say so, l will go away
l will live the rest of my life
like you are doing now
Why are you not saying anything?
Tell me something
- She will not answer you
- Don't be stubborn
Deva, she hasn't spoken since birth
- You mean she is dumb?
- Yes
Suresh knew it and still loved her
l thought you knew this
She won't speak to you
Come, l want to speak to you
That girl has suffered a lot
We didn't know it
Now what shall we do?
- Brother, l want to marry only her
- She can't speak
Whatever her shortcomings
l am prepared to put up with it
l love her that much!
lf you love her so much
lt's fine with me also
ln a way it's better
she can't speak
At least you won't
land up in a situation like mine
But she has not agreed so far
lf she doesn't agree,
l won't ever marry
Did you see his love for you?
This is true love
Love should be given in return for love
lf you refuse this love
Even the Gods won't tolerate
Suresh's mom and sister
wants you to live a good life
They want to see you happy
When they see your unhappiness
lt pains them more than Suresh's death
Otherwise, let them say it's not true
My dear, you must accept this
One minute!
Agreed you can't speak
But you can write, isn't it?
Just take paper and pen and write
That you like me
Just write it
lt will be really great
lf you find it difficult to write
Then show it in symbols
Like this
l love you
She smiled
Brother she smiled
Hey! Put me down
Put me down
l am telling you
This marriage will happen
See he's feeling shy
lt's fixed
The wedding is fixed
Greetings! l am Rajaraja Kamath
l am Devaraja Kamath
My dear granddaughter
wrote a letter and informed me
We have come to receive
your blessings grandmother
Be blessed always
You will be blessed 100 fold for...
...changing her mind and
bringing her back to life
l have a great desire
to see her getting married
We will conduct the wedding
Here, right in front of you
Shouldn't we invite the villains?
Hey! Villians!
The villains are here
l am Rajaraja Kamath
And me Devaraja Kamath
Now don't claim
you were not informed
An auspicious event is about
to happen in your house...a wedding
- The bridegroom is my brother
- That's me
The bride is Rekha
You know her
She is granddaughter
of the grandmother who lives here
We will be very happy
if all of you come with family
lt will be great fun for you also
We have given word
to your grandmother...
...that the wedding
will be conducted here
lt will be very easy to come
Just 2 steps
You won't dare step in here
Remember you are playing
with Malikapuram family
Of course we remember
Anyway the match is fixed
Who wins or loses or hits a goal
can be seen on the play ground
Sure we will
Brother! Shouldn't we invite
our brothers-in-law for our party?
Heavens, l forgot!
Tomorrow evening
at Coimbatore Cine club, a party
There will be Malayalam
Tamil and Konkani songs
Yes, come with yourfamilies
and join us and bless us
Your own brother in law is inviting you
Yes, and have a good,
lip smacking dinner
Oh there the comet, iaughter rippiing
Like the watert that Fiow in iand oF Siruvani
Adorning her handt with henna patternt
Hiding behind it her mytteriout Form
Thoughtt apienty in mind the pondert
Fiying Far away and beyond the tky
Gazing with wondrout eyet to wide
Cauting the heart to Fiutter and charmt
Oh the iaught, the charmt,
the pondert, the Fiiet
On the iand that proudiy
Fiiet the capitai Fiag
Hear the beat oF
Tamii rhythmt oF a wedding?
The girl oF Vaiayapetti jingiet
her bangiet in tweet mutic
And itt ceiebration time
within the heart oF Aiagartamy
Come in a paianquin or come in a chariot
Come adorned with Fiowert
and tweetnett oF rote perfume
Come iaden with biesting oF
Lord oF the Seven Hiiit
Thoughtt apienty
in mind the pondert
Gazing with wondrout eyet to wide
Cauting a the heart to Fiutter and charmt
Thoughtt apienty in mind the pondert
Fiying Far away and beyond the tky
Gazing with wondrout eyet to wide
Cauting a the heart to Fiutter and charmt
Wrapped in a tiik tari,
the it the rote oF Paiakkad
He iockt in a giance
thit iittie king oF Kovai
Bringing together Friendt
and reiationt they are iike a pack oF cardt
A cooi breeze oF togethernett
thaii aiwayt waFt within thit home
At two heartt join
in matrimony oF thit dait
Oh breeze, thower Fragrance oF iove
iike jatmine Fiowert
At eyet tparkied
under the umbreiia oF mooniight
Like a breeze bathed
in moiten goid comet the bride
At dear and near onet around,
iaughter iike tparkiert oF Shivakathi
Cheekt reddened a toftiy biuthing Fiower
For the giri who wanted to get married
On the iand that
proudiy Fiiet the capitai Fiag
Hear the beat oF
Tamii rhythmt oF a wedding?
Thoughtt apienty in mind the pondert
Fiying Far away and beyond the tky
Butterfiiet in coiorfui hoardt
weave a tiiken cioth
Oh the iaught, the charmt,
the pondert, the Fiiet
Worn to bewitch her man,
unbeiievabie at a dream
Gazing with wondrout eyet to wide
Cauting a the heart to Fiutter and charmt
The thynett oF the Konkan giri,
traced a pattern oF dott
Brave heart From Singanaiiur
merged the dott in uniton
The Nadatwaram piayed,
at the pair wed to the notes oF Thodi
Like Fragrance oF jatmine ttrandt,
tpreadt Far ttoriet oF Far hit bravery
With the coiort oF Augutt
and tweet biottomt unFoid
With the gift oF iove packed
with cooi thriiit oF Kutraiam
Come my dear, may you iive iong
and happiiy ever aFter!
On the iand that
proudiy Fiiet the capitai Fiag
Hear the beat oF
Tamii rhythmt oF a wedding?
The girl oF Vaiayapetti jingiet
her bangiet in tweet mutic
And itt ceiebration time
within the heart oF Aiagartamy
Thoughtt apienty in mind the pondert
Fiying Far away and beyond the tky
Gazing with wondrout eyet to wide
Cauting a the heart to Fiutter and charmt
Thoughtt apienty in mind the pondert
Fiying Far away and beyond the tky
Sorry, we could not
participate in your party
Do you think he will have
a wedding at all?
Before that the groom will die, won't he?
He disappeared to Mumbai
after Suresh's death
Now he's appeared again
to finish you off
Come on fast
My dear brothers
younger and older, greetings
You didn't expect us here, right?
We always do the unexpected
From the minute we came
to your house
We have been expecting
an attack from you
lsn't it brother?.
Yes, allowing me to travel alone tonight
and giving you a chance to confront me...
...to get you here is
brothers brilliant idea
We assumed this guy
who has been elusive...
...to Kerala crime branch and
Kerala police will come again
Vikram Chetri his address,
his mother's name, dads name
...house number were all
given to us by Kerala police
Gopi, people here have not
seen us in action
Should we not show our prowess, Deva?
- Who will begin, you or l?
- We'll do it together
- Shall we flatten them or pulp them
- We'll extract their 'beans'
- Then we'll do it together
- Sure we will, it will be wonderful
- Sure we will
- Gopi, you can go take rest
Vikram Chetri, don't listen to their blabber
Just beat them down
- Now give it to them
- Okay, brother
Boss, my body is aching standing idle
l am yearning to give a few punches
Please give me also a chance
One kick and two blows, okay?
lsn't the wedding today?
We don't see anyone
The wedding is to be held
at Malikapuram house...
...and entire police force
is invited was what Kamath said
Wedding decorations
seems to be missing
lsn't it here the wedding
is to be, Kamath?
Sure in another 10 minutes
We didn't invite you forthe wedding alone
But to get you a promotion too
Let them come out
Let all villains come out
These are the culprits who caused
Kerala police hang their heads in shame
- We are handing them over to you
- Okay, okay
But don't mention we handed them over
Promotion is assured
- Take them
- That's all
Get going
There comes the elusive
culprit Vikram Chetri
He is the main culprit
- ls he dead?
- No
He tried to escape from the jeep
l just broke his backbone
No use living any more
He as good as dead..the corpse!
Thank you
What about the wedding?
All ready
lt will soon be set up
Grandmother, we have kept our word...
...lf Raja enters the fray it
will be a real game
Now tie the sacred wedding thread
Don't leave Mahalakshmi alone
Who says we'll leave Mahalakshmi alone?
l have decided certain course of action
Gopi! Go bring the sacred
wedding chain and garland
Take it
One more person has to come
After that we will tie this
- Ask him to come
- Please come
Mahalakshmi's wedding that once
got cancelled will be conducted by me
He considers Mahalakshmi
more precious than life
That's why he remained
unmarried till now, cunning fellow
l discovered this
Okay, let the ritual take place
- Brother
- What?
- l thought...?
- What did you think?
- Mahalakshmi?
- That l will marry Mahalakshmi
Then it will become like any other story
This is a different climax
ln this malayali land, l am going
to live long without a female partner
lt will be great fun for everyone, right?
Subtitied by iatha & rekht
of Konkanis, who belonged to...
Brahmin community and
businessmen by profession
ln 15th century their foundation
was shaken when...
when the Portuguese took over Goa
Devanagiri was forbidden
and Roman script imposed
And with forced religious conversions
the Portuguese turned...
...the peaceful lives of Konkanis into hell
Konkanis soon left their
hometown and started...
...moving out to settle down
in other states
Most of them migrated to the Deccan
To areas like Mangalapuram and Malabar
The Kozhikode King
refused them shelter, but...
...Keshava Rama Varma,
King of Kochi welcomed them
With their own efforts they rose in fields
of trade, commerce and medicine
With a stamp of
their own personality...
...they occupied high posts
and received recognition
Out of the 5 major
sections amongst Konkanis...
...the 1st was the Gowda Saraswada Brahmin
To which belonged the Kamaths
who have their roots...
...entwined with Malayalam,
and is the subject of this narration
A silk saree for my wife
She likes rich red color
An off-white silk veshti
and shirt for my older son
Knee length knickers
and a shirt for my younger son
Looks like you got your
bonus money Kamath?!
My boss gave me enough
After all it's Deepavali festival
Today is Deepavali
Brother, he will buy us crackers
and sparklers, won't he?
Don't expect too much
Hey! Thief! Thief!
We could save his life only because
he was brought here on time
- We are very grateful
- Your gratitude must be expressed to him
What is your name?
Gopi, l saw Muthu snatch
your dad's bag and run
lf you buy me 'Puttu' and beef curry
l will show you who he is
We are Kamath's sons
Gives us back our dad's bag
Get lost! What will you do if l don't?
Bash me up?
Kamaths were not born
to beat, is what our dad taught us
But if you insist on being beaten up...
Hey Gopi!!!
2 cups of strong tea
2 'puttus' and beef curry for our Gopi
ls Kamath in?
Look, your credit
at my provision shop has crossed limits
l need
a payment immediately
l will pay you
Please give me some time
Even if l gave you time
how will you earn?
Without your legs
whatjob can you go for?
l want my money immediately
We will return your
money in a week's time
We are starting a business
Wonderful! The little Kamaths'
dosa(pancake) tastes great
Very smart boys
What is the name of your shop?
Kamath and Kamath Proprietors
Kamath and Kamath
Biriyani Street Est 1587
Biriyani Paradise
5 biriyani parcels are ready
- Sir...bill
- l did not ask forthe bill
The bill is the only item
given here without asking
Do you know who l am?
No, may be someone out there
might know, but accept the bill first
He is the Counsilor
of this ward Sebastian Kuzhiveli
Shortly will become
Municipal Chairman
He's a new recruit,
excuse him
What a fantastic biriyani
Sahib, the biriyani here is unbeatable
Tell me, is the mutton used in this
belong to meat of buffalo or ox?
To the elephant!!!
Kuzhiveli, the secret
of our biriyani is...
...the tender meat of
goat less than 6 months old
Along with it
the Lords mercy too
Each time biriyani is cooked
there are butterflies in my stomach
l just close my eyes
and call out Almighty my Lord'!
A small error and my business
is finished forever isn't it?
Look at that hotel
What a flourishing place it was!
A bit of carelessness
Served old food, resulted in poisoning
Municipality ordered it to be shut down
and applied seal on it, isn't it?
Yes indeed!
Don't forget the past, dear Sahib
Do you remember my efforts to get it sealed?
l have bought you a brand new
Maruthi car in return, don't forget that
Where is your car?
lts parked almost a kilometer away
You don't have parking facility here, right?
Now-a-days parking
facility is a must
That Thirumeni's place
will accommodate 30 vehicles
lt's really a pity
you are unable to buy so far
That Thirumeni refuses
to part with it
l have asked a hundred times
But he doesn't budge
He will come around one day
l had a specific motive when l lent him
Rs 10 lakhs for his daughter's wedding
l consider it as an amount
paid in advance forthis property
Thirumeni's younger
daughter's wedding is also fixed
How can he bear the expenses
without selling this property?
Why don't you go try
to clinch a deal for me?
ln place of your Maruthi,
l'll see that a Benz stands
Benz car!
- Namasthey!
- What brings you here, Kuzhiveli?
Well, there's a wedding in your house
As counsilor, l thought l'll just enquire
Why? Has the government arranged
to give financial assistance for weddings?
lf you only make up your mind
is it so difficult to raise funds?
What l am trying to say is...
Don't bother, l understand
what you are getting at
lts true that circumstances forced
me to shut down my hotel
But l will not give it up to followers
of another religion to cook his meat
l will not have fish and meat
anywhere in the vicinity of my place
The temple pond you have your daily dip
Doesn't it have fish in it?
Yes of course
You can use water from ponds
and rivers with live fish and...
...use milk from cows which is
a part of theirflesh and blood
But that does not affect your sense
of sanctity and cleanliness, right?
- Hey Nair?
- Yes sir?.
- Throw this dirty fellow out
- Not necessary, l will go
But remember, don't
cross swords with Sulaiman Sahib
He has helped you with Rs 10 lakhs
for your elder daughter's wedding
You did not think touching his money
was sacrilege then
He has not asked you
to return that money...
...because he intends
to own your property one day
l am going now
But l will see you
if your daughter gets married...
...even if l am not invited!
Did you hear
his underlying threat, Nair?
My daughter's marriage
won't take place it seems
The whole town knows
l don't have money
Lord! What more should l hear!
Frankly, what does it matter
who buys the place?
lsn't it enough if you
get a good price?
Have you also forgotten
the idol of baby Ganapathy there?
l have performed puja to that idol
ever since l can remember
Just a clean-up and a lamp lit
HE will bless me whole heartedly
What will an alien religion
do with Lord Ganapathy?
Dad, come here
What is it my dear?
Dad, Devan sir's
e-mail has come
- ls it?
- What?
Mail, now-a-days this is what
takes the place of letter writing
Haven't l told you about a Kamath
who was her senior in college?
Oh! Kamath
What was his reply my dear?
l had written in detail
about our situation
He said he'll come
and meet us directly
Lord Vighneshwara!
You have saved us
Today, in whole of
Kerala, they own big hotels
This Kamath and
his brother Kamath
Kamath and Kamath
lf they take over
our hotel we are saved
Who are you?
What do you want?
Sulaiman Sahib sent us here
He has asked you
to sign this agreement
What is it?
Appears to be in English
Give it to me father
Let me read it
This is a lease agreement
for our hotel and land
lt shows an advance
received for Rs 10 lakhs
lt is true that
l owe Sahib Rs 10 lakhs
But l don't understand
this agreement
ls it right to accept money
and not sign an agreement?
lf you don't sign
we may have to use force
Well, l'd like to see you do that!
- Then come here!
- No! Don't!
Lord Venkatpathy!
What are 'we' seeing here?
A thrashing session!?
All that is of no use
We can always talk things over
Who are you?
We? l am 'we'
Don't you understand?
Didn't 'we' just arrive
by car now?
'We' means, son of
Krishnarajakudi Kamath...
...Devaraja Kamath
Now you?,
Tell me what is the issue?
- We are Sulaiman Sahib's men
- ls that the issue?
Don't botherto explain
l have understood the situation
lt's a problem of Rs 10 lakhs right?
'We' will pay you that money
Fold that umbrella, Murthy! Useless!
How long since
you borrowed this money?
About a year and half
Let them calculate
rate of interest for 2 years
That makes it
Rs 1209999.85
Murthy we round it up to 1210000
You get 15 paisa more
We spend so much on trivialities
Let them go eat it
Don't shake, the table is wobbling
Without shaking!
You can go give this to Sahib
We came to get the agreement signed
You better do what we ask, Thirumeni
Thirumeni will not do it
- You don't interfere
- Of course l will
l will interfere even more
Beat and drive him away
The stinker!
Not stinker, its Kamath
Don't beat me
We Kamaths are
fond of peace
Have no history of wars and
follow non violence
But if all of you insist
on a thrashing...Murthy?!
lf l just press this, your heads
will break and you will die
You will die but l won't go to jail
l have money and power
You can decide whether
you want your life or the agreement
We want our lives
Only our lives!
With the cash
Murthy please take their
names address and photo
lf we ever have a problem
never call them!
-All are cowards!
- Run for it!
Thirumeni, were you scared?
This does not have bullets
All the bullets are
with my brother Kamath
He refuses to give them to me
But he has only the bullets
No gun
The gun is with me right?
Only a bullet will allow
the gun to fire, right?
ln short we never fire guns!
Karthiyayini, give him
some buttermilk to drink
l want nothing
l just want to see
that place the property
My dear go with him
BlRlYANl STREE Once we open our shop
within 3 months, this name will go
lt will become
Kamath & Kamath Street
That's the usual blessing
Sree Krishna Vilasam
East facing...very auspicious
Lord Ganapathy
is the God installed, right?
ls that guy who is peeping
out of that counter, the Sahib?
Nice fair and an enemy
like a beautiful pudding
Come sir, don't you want
to see inside of the shop?
Sure let's go
Why are you staring like this?
- Your wedding has really been fixed right?
- Yes, but why?
l feel quite sad
You were once
like a broomstick
Now grown big, you look
like a lovely witch
lf l had known this l would have
declared my love for you...
...and blocked you for myself
Now it's of no use
-Anyways l like you very much
- What?
Not you!
lt has gone out of my hands
This property, good
that you thought of us...
...when you decided
to sell it
We'll take over
this place happily
That Kamath has
given you the works
How can his dosa and sambhar
compete with our biriyani?
lt can't happen
What are you saying Sahib?
This is their 33rd hotel
Wherever they start one, there is
a queue like in beverages shops
l myself fell for it once
l stood in the queue
and found it was Kamaths hotel
Kuzhiveli, l can't tolerate
another hotel in front of ours
Kamaths must not
open their hotel
Tell me a way to sabotage it
like you did for Thirumeni's hotel
The municipal secretary is not the same
Now it's a lady, Mahalakshmi
- You may have to shell out some money
-Allah! Does that lady accept bribe?
She will not, but l will
lt will be difficult to subdue her
She's a man-hater
People say she's frustrated
because she's spinster even now
Municipal office
The guy who is sitting there
is Kamath, a womanizer
Don't talk, if you do, even
a secretary like you, will fall for him
The municipal secretary has come
He will try to persuade you
But don't give in
Greetings, l am Kamath
Devaraja Kamath, partner
of Kamath & Kamath Hotels
Should we stand
on our heads for that?
- You can stand
- Sure l will
Madam, its 3 days
since l have been...
...climbing up...climbing down
like this to meet you
But it appears you were on leave
When l heard Secretary
was a woman
l thought she'd be
in her early 50s
But so young!
Excuse me?
Which college are you studying in,
is what any one will ask
-Are you married?
- What if l am?
- What does your husband do?
- What should he do?
Children without getting married?
Madam he is insulting you
Oh Lord Venkatpathy
Aren't you married?
l too am not
Same pinch
He's mad!
You go inside madam
- Hey wait!
- What is your problem?
What about the license
for our hotel?
Have you taken
prior appointment?
- Then you will have to wait
- But l was waiting all of morning
- Was l not right?
-About what?
That he's a womanizer?
He has an older brother,
Rajaraja Kamath
Rumors say he kicked
his wife to her death
So never issue them the license
Do we issue licenses
based on conduct certificate?
4-5 years back the Health dept
and Food corp...
...shut down and sealed
the old hotel Sree Krishna Vilas
Now they have changed
the name to Kamath & Kamath...
...and applied for license
The case is still pending
Madam, don't get into trouble
He is trying to get a license
without your knowledge from the Council
Can you take a step
without the council's approval?
You can't
So you have to bring it
to their notice
Let me look at that file
- Madam, it will soon be lunch break
- Who asked you to come in here?
Don't spit into my eyes
l don't have time to spare
Monday is the hotel inauguration
lnauguration without a license
lsn't that why
an application was given?
Yourfile needs thorough scrutiny
You can go and return next week
Please don't say that
We can't change the inaugural day
Who asked you to fix the day
without your license permitted?
My older brother Rajaraja Kamath
Madam, you would not know him
He looks like
our mega star Mammootty
And just like him
he is very short-tempered
lf he loves he is a Royal gem
lf you cross him he's the king of thugs
The rest of it
l am not willing to say
l have no orders
to issue the license
You may please leave now
So you will not
issue us the license eh?
Just a minute, okay?
- Hey! Don't shoot
- This is a phone
they are not issuing the license
This is not Malayalam
lt is Urdu
He says shall he try hooking you
Don't mind all that
- Okay Annu(brother)
- Like a karate class!
That was my brother
He said ask that arrogant secretary
to go climb the wall!!!
He said just one snap of his fingers
and the municipal chairman...
...will come to the hotel premises
and issue the license
Do you know who are talking to?
- l told brother about you also
-And what did he say?
He asked me not to deal with you,
lt was an order
- He said to keep you aside
- Why?
So that he'll have the pleasure
of thrashing you all by himself
Thrashing me!
So the day has been fixed for Monday
And the 1st invite is for you madam
You have to come,
participate and bless us
We are specially
not inviting you at all
- Don't come
- No, l wont!
Did you see him madam?
His arrogance
l want to see how he will
inaugurate this hotel without a license
Kamaths are inaugurating it
challenging municipality orders
But Municipal secretary
is very stubborn
Although a woman, she appears to be fiery
The police will stop this event
Did you see that board?
One Kamath is green
and the other is red
The red one is dangerous
They must be having
something up their sleeve
On the day of inauguration
if the older Kamath does not arrive...
...we can be sure it won't take place
l will see to it he does not
step into this Palakkad district
Kamath will be punched
and broken into bits...
...and admitted in hospital
by my smart boys, Sahib
Let him come
This Rajaraja Kamath!
- ls Rajaraja Kamath inside the vehicle
- What if he is?
-Ask him to come out!
- Why must he, l wonder?.!
To give him some of our affection
Oh is it? lt's been ages
since the body had some exercise
l'll call him right away
Okay, so who are all of you?
l have no clue
Lord! What's this an array of knives?
You have come to thrash us, right?
So we have enemies in Palakkad
You have come to beat us
but we generally don't beat up thugs
For that we feed meat of goat
ox, fowl, tiger etc and maintain a buffalo
Do you want to know who he is?
- Who?
- Who else can it be?
This is him
His name is Gopi
He delivers very good punches
Try him, it's a good chance
Gopi, just beat them
but don't kill okay
Gopi, come on start!
Get up and come here
What did you think?
That if you defeat him you can come
and fight with me? Foolish fellow
Forget that desire
l don't use my fists on such
cheap and stupid fellows
Okay, now tell me who sent you here?
Come on simply tell me l say!
Out with it you...!
- Greetings
- Please come
For accepting our invite my brother
and l extend a hearty welcome to...
...the Municipal Secretary,
Chairman and all policemen
You can't open a hotel
without a Municipal license
You have broken the law
so a case will be charged
Who has broken the law here?
ls a license necessary to inaugurate
a place at an auspicious moment?
No my dear policemen
You can accuse us...
...of breaking law
only if we cook and sell food
We have not done that
So under which section are we charged?
Tell me policemen
Hey! Ask him to explain
Don't teach policemen law and sections
This hotel which was under
municipal seal was reopened...
...so, Thirumeni has to be arrested first
Get into thejeep
- But what crime did l commit?
- We can decide all that at the station
But that will not do sir
lt has to b e decided here
This property is now in our names
We changed ownership at the municipality
- You Kazhuveli(swear word)...!
- Not Kazhveli...l am Kuzhiveli
Whatever Vayyaveli(headache) you may be
You can also examine it, if you want
Accepting money and harassing
people is bad, isn't it policeman?
What will you do if l did?
Just try it
l will flatten you like a dosa
You dare insult policemen
One minute!
All who've been waiting to see my brother
Rajaraja Kamath, he has just arrived
My humble greetings
to all townsfolk here
An unexpected attack the minute
l stepped into Palakkad district
Anyone will react when provoked
So l also reacted in a small way
Brother, who are these fellows?
Brother, l bet you didn't
touch them, right?
How did you know that?
They wouldn't be here alive
Won't they be dead by now? Dead!!!
What were their names?
The ones who sent these thugs?
Sulaiman sahib and Kuzhiveli
lf these gentlemen are here
please come forward
These guys need a lot of money
to treat their injuries
Please come forward one by one
Hey come here
Come and get them l say!
- Who is this Kuzhiveli?
- Look there, that's him
Don't come to me
Keep away!
Hey! All policemen too are here
for the opening, we're so fortunate
Not only policemen
Municipality members too
He is the Municipal Chairman
She is the secretary, Mahalakshmi
She looks like her namesake
Goddess Mahalakshmi
But her heart is like Kali(violent)
Goddess Bhadrakali
My dear Bhadrakali...
l'm sorry secretary sir
We are not stupid to open
a hotel without license
You have not issued us a license
There is a Council above you
There is a section to issue it
Above that there is the court
What did you think of us?
This Kamaths' is big enterprise
Lord Venkatpathi!
You must realize, there's not a single
MLA, MP or Panchayath president...
...who has not tasted our Dosa
We met the Minister
and he issued us the license
This is the license and a copy
has been sent to your office
You can look at it
Look! Look! Properly!
Look at it closely
Lovely like a paper roast dosa!
Brother! The auspicious
moment is passing
We shall perform
the inauguration immediately
All VlPs who have come
will be served hot dosa and chutney
Please eat before you leave
Hey Policemen! Do go after eating
Stop! Dy SP sir
is on his way here to stop this
Greetings, good that you have
opened a branch here also
l'd forgotten the taste of your dosa
since my transferfrom Trivandrum
Do you know, my wife and kids
simply love their masala dosa?!
We are indeed fortunate
- Let's begin the inaugural events
- Okay, sure
Dear gentlemen and ladies of this town
The Kamaths' 33rd hotel
inaugural events are about to begin
One of the 1st and foremost person,
famous, revered by poor, handsome...
...the pride of lndia
and possibly a MLA or
...future Minister,
my brother Rajaraja Kamath
- What happened dear brother?
- Nothing
- Don't get upset
- Okay
My brother Rajaraja Kamath
will do the honours of this inauguration
- Clap! Clap!
- Brother!
Next is the dosa making
event of inauguration
My younger brother and 2nd foremost
person in lndia, the future Ambani...
...intelligent, loved by common man
my brother will open the Dosa making event
Next is the inauguration
of eating the dosa
ln this event record holder
TT Mathai's son,TT George-
No! Say Deputy Superintendent of Police
Sorry! Dy SP George will
eat a dosa and inaugurate
Nothing like a competition, right?
Anybody out there who
dares to challenge me?
l am there
- What?
- Greetings sir
- Aren't you the thief Pathrose?
- Yes
l will not compete with you
lf a policeman is afraid of a thief
then don't accept the challenge
This is shameful sir
There is no police or
robber in a challenge
This is just forjoy
lt will be great fun
- Kamath start making more dosas
- Okay ask them to make dosas
- Murthy ask them to start making the dosas
- Gopi, ask him to make dosas
- Yes ask them to make the dosas
- Stop! Not necessary, l will do it myself
Move aside
- 10 dosas forthe policeman
- That will not be enough
- 10 dosas forthe robber
- Okay
Now start eating
as fast as you can
- Water
- No water
10 dosa
Dy SP is leading
Thief Pathrose
is leading by 20 dosa
Notjust one or two
but leads by 20 dosas
- Pathrose still leads
- 10 dosas more
The dosas are almost over
Pathrose is leading still
Sir don't put us to shame
DySp is losing
- We'll have to order more dough
- Not necessary this robber will win
Dosa is ready
- Okay more dosa
- Water
Have you given up?
Concede defeat?
Our thief Pathrose wins
by a margin of 5 dosas
Oh to eat a tasty dosa!
Can we hear a good song please?
Oh to eat a tasty dosa!
Do you yearn to eat a dosa?
The very word dosa,
and a thip couid taii in the mouth!
Do you detire to eat a dosa?
OF courte a dosa it needed,
a detire to deep
The very name dosa and
the ttomach growit in anticipation
Doet anyone want to reiith a dosa?
Pieate tomeone give a good rhythm
That't the Kamatht For you
The two Kamatht together
dosa, one From the oider brother,
one From the younger
Aii Fried and toatted to right kind
1 2 3 4
dosa made From dough rice and urad Fiour
At you wanting a bite,
a dosa that bubbiet out and tmiiet at you
Here it dosa, in tattet numerout
in wayt to different
dosa that't become beioved to one and aii
And toon a craze that't unbeiievabie
Pouring the dough over the red hot ttone
Sprinkiing oniont iiberaiiy over
A teeny weeny drop oF oii
and pienty oF butter
A Fantattic dosa that it
at thin at paper it out
in minutet oF demand, to create dosa
Hot and iip tmacking
to terve at hot at a cracker
A kitt For dosa
That't the Kamatht For you
The two Kamatht together
Oh to eat a tasty dosa!
Do you yearn to eat a dosa?
Here't a dosa that uphoidt
the Tamii Nadu cuitine
With the right tour and tait
the Udupi dosa it obviout
At the Fiavourt waft up
and tpread it Fragrance around
The piace Fiiit up
Oh what a wonderfui tight
Round iike the vermiiion dot
dorning a woman't Forehead
Moon-iike iies the dosa adorning
the biack pan oF ttone
With aii the woridt goodnett and iove,
deep at the ocean
Here't a tweet dosa
that wiii charm any one
Spread out cut up into haiF hidden...
...with wonderfui tattet
comet the king oF dosa
The mataia dosa
That't the Kamatht For you
The two Kamatht together
That't the Kamatht For you
The two Kamatht together
Boss l've dropped
mother at home
Why have you come here
leaving her alone there, you ass?
What work do you have here?
She sent me to bring both of you home
Special food is being prepared there
Boss, here's the car key
Deva, mother has come home
She wants us to come
You can go
l will lock up and come
- Raja where is Deva?
- He's a bit busy, he'll lock up and come
You've made Coriander leaves sambhar?
l love it
The people of Palakkad love our Dosa
Business is very good
Our next hotel will be in Coimbatore
Why are you still working
so hard to earn?
lt's not to make money
The world has to know
the fine taste of Kamath food
That is our target
Raja, someone's sitting
on the wall of our neighbors house
May be a thief
That is our municipal secretary's house
Arrogant woman! Let her suffer
Suppose something happens? Go and see
- He jumped
- Shout out
lf l shout he'll escape
- What was that noise?
- Someone threw a stone
l did notice a guy sitting on the wall
when l went to the bathroom
Why didn't you say this earlier?
l thought he was just taking
a peek at me in the shower
Who are you?
Don't run!
Hey thief!
- l'll break your head with this
- Kamath!
Police station?
What is it madam?
That Kamath next door
threw a stone at our house
He is somewhere around here
- Go and look for him
- Get down you...!
Okay l give up
Sir, he is thief Pathrose
He is the one who threw the stone
Oh! lt's like that now!
Sir, it wasn't like that
lt was Kamath who threw the stone
lf you lie l'll kick
that bald head and break it
Sir, l saw this Kamath
throwing the stone
First ask this guy
why he was here
l came to rob the house
l did you a favour
You have to realize that madam
Go get into the Jeep
Yes, go get into the jeep you thief
- You also go man!
- He is the thief not me
l want the side seat
Get in!
There is no rule to turn
the witness into an accused
Don't teach me the law
Just get in
Sit here
Get out
Come, put out your right foot
auspiciously and get out
- Brother!
- What are you doing here?
They put me in jail
Why have you put him here?
We were forced to arrest him
For illegal sale of liquor
Come! Come!
l see all of you are there, please sit
We can sit later
Move aside
- Oh so the information was correct
- What is the problem sir?
You supply liquor on a dry day, right?
Constable! Search the place
Oh Lord Venkatpathy!
We have not served this
lt was brought from outside
No sir, we bought this here
And paid double the price for it!
How dare you lie, you drunkards!
Come with us!
Sir, this is cheating!
You need not snarl here
Convince the court you were not
Sir we got all this from here
Oh so you have a wholesale
business going on, eh?
What is all this?
Policemen! We have not sold liquor here
We are arresting the junior Kamath
for illegal sale of liquor, now go
Sir, don't push!
What's the charge against this chap?
Attacked the municipal secretary's house
Accomplice is thief Pathrose
This is great!
Tomorrow the papers
can carry this juicy news
Let the Kamath pair be locked up here
Rajashekhar, pick one out of
the 'evidences' and place it inside
lf l have to deal with the Kamaths
l have to have drink a couple of pegs
Hey you! lf either of my boss is touched
l'll kill you and your entire family
To me earth is home and sky the roof
Whether l am outside or in central jail
lt was around 10 at night
my house was attacked
Thief Pathrose has given
a statement in support
The fact that illegal sale
of liquor occurred...
...in my ward makes me feel ashamed
As president of Hotels association
What do you have to say?
This is a matter of shame for all of us
Our Association has
decided that the other...
...Kamath hotels too
have to be shut down, right?
What is the charge
against the Kamaths?
Sir, this is the charge sheet
- Kamath?
- Greetings
Send them to my room
Our greetings
What's all this guys?
l can't stand by you in such cases
Sir, please don't say that
We Kamaths are
Gowda Saraswath Brahmins
We neither utter lies nor sell liquor
This is a trap
We don't go peeing over walls
Someone laid a trap and we fell in it
That may be true
But evidences are against you
The thief Pathrose is very
adamant in his statement
He is a cunning thief
You just have to roll your eyes
and he'll come out with the truth
Just give him the works sir
He'll tell the truth
-Aren't you a true Christian?
- No, l am thief Pathrose
lf you don't tell me the truth
you'll go to hell
Tell me honestly, who threw
the stone at the secretary's house?
- This Kamath, sir
- Did you hear that?
Oh God Venkatpathy!
Aren't you a Dy SP?
ls this how you interrogate robbers?
They will never own up like this
There are other means for this
lt's better you tell the truth
Otherwise your brain will scatter
Don't wait, just do it
Look at him and his bald head!
lf l shoot, you'll have
to walk about without a head
Hey stop it
l'll lose my job
Stop it! Don't beat me
l'll tell you everything
This fellow is more scared
of punches than a gun shot
- l'll flog you death
- No! l'll tell you the whole truth
Sir, give me your phone
Oh you are going to shoot, eh?
Let me spruce up myself
Who sent you here?
Just blurt it out like a parrot,
it will be great
- Sulaiman sahib paid money and he..
- What is all this?
- You asked me to say it like a parrot
- Oh Lord Venkatpathi
- Who threw the stone?
- Okay l'll tell everything
To help Sulaiman Sahib
Councilor Kuzhiveli sir paid me
l was asked to hang around
and wait till the police came
And when the police get me
to say Kamaths name
l waited near the secretary's
house for 3-4 days...
...to get the attention of
Kamath sir, l swear
- He is a sensible thief
- Continue l say!
l will fight forjustice against this
atrocity in a house where only women lived
Sorry, madam
The case has taken a new angle
This is thief Pathrose
stating the truth
lt was l who threw the stone
l did it
For Sulaiman sir
Councillor Kuzhiveli sir paid me
He asked me to wait there
and tell Kamaths name when questioned
Now do you realize
who threw the stone?
Honorable Councillor and Sulaiman sir
Please come forward
We have something to show you
Bring it here
These are scenes of CCTV cameras
of our hotel that record events 24 hours
Show it to them
lsn't this proof?.
This is from the camera outside
There are cameras inside also
Gopi! Wait
Don't, they will be
taken care of by the policemen
l have reserved some for you also
Secretary madam,
l have something to tell you
l have no enmity towards you
lf l did, l'd have clapped happily
when he threw the stone
lt was my mother
who asked me to help you
When the police took us away
There were tears in her eyes
You are answerable to those tears
Not to me, but to God
You can go madam
Sulaiman sahib, what harm
did we do to you?
We have only dosa, idly
and sambhar in our menu
But you Muslims
you have a variety of food
Biriyani, ghee rice, Pathiri,
mutton curry and so many more
No other community can claim them
People of other communities crowd
into lslam hotels that are run honestly
They do come willingly
and you know it very well
Let people who eat biriyani for 10 days
eat dosa for one day, just for a change
Sahib, your Thalassery biriyani
will not match our dosa, isn't it?
Moreover, Thirumeni refused
to sell that property to you...
...not out of enmity but the presence
of the ldol of Lord Ganapathy
He believes other religions
will not give it due respect,...
...so he preferred selling it to us
lsn't that correct?
He's a simple man
lf you had asked us space
to park vehicles for your customers...
...we would have given it
But did you ask?
Even after harassing us
we are still ready to offer...
...our place for your customers
to park their vehicles
Let people then decide whether
they want to eat biriyani or dosa
Your ancestors once
gave us refuge in this land
We only have one request
Don't hate us
l forgot to mention this
We'll be gone from here for 2 days
Forthe inauguration
of our new hotel at Coimbatore
Please see our hotel
does not run into troubles
ln the name of Almighty
don't talk like this
l realize my mistake
You can go with a free mind
l will look after it like my own hotel
ls the Coimbatore hotel also
to be opened by 2 of you?
No! Of course not!
We will have a celebration in Tamil Nadu
The inauguration there
will be by a film star
Super star Danush
Thanks for coming
Please come
Greetings to everyone
My most beloved
and respected Sri Danush
Dear ladies
and gentlemen of Coimbatore
The inauguration of Kamath
and Kamath...
...super special dosa joint
is about to begin here
There's no Malayali who doesn't know
the wonderful taste of our dosas
We are bringing that taste
to Tamil Nadu also
Even if you have a hundred dosas
it will seem like you've had just one dosa
Very happy
lt's Tamil
But we gave it in Malayalam
That's because you are
speaking in Malayalam
l am inviting our super star
Dhanush sirto speak a few words
You can drop our names
every now and then
lt will sound great
You can give a boost in between
Come on talk
- Devaraj Kamath
- Greetings to one and all
Enough, enough
l am very happy to see you all here
l wish to thank
Kamath brothers and God
- DevarajKamath
- l will mention it, l will
lt's a matter of great happiness
a malayali opens a hotel in Tamil Nadu
Our Chief Minister once upon a time...
...and Hero among heroes
MGR too was a malayali
Likewise MN Nambiar
the most hated villain on screen
But a gem of a person
too was a malayali
Even Kamal sirthe pride of our state
also acted in a malayalam film first
The Kamath brothers' hotel
is very famous in Kerala
- Devaraj Kamath
- l will say it
The Kamath brothers' hotel
is very famous in Kerala
Rajaraja Kamath
Like Thalapkattu biryani,
Thirunelveli halwa
Or like Nairs tea stall...
...Kamath brothers dosa too
will become famous
Rajaraja Kamath
and Devaraja Kamath, okay?
My prayers that their hotel
is a big success
Kamath sir, l have a desire
That is to act in a Malayalam movie
lf you have friends
in the cinema field please tell them
Why don't we try?
The time is good
Let's begin the inauguration ritual
Here we are not doing it with scissors
But by making a dosa
Murthy bring that dosa set up
Brother, 2 cherries here
Like a pair of eyes
Okay, here are the eyes
This is our Dhanush special dosa
- ls it because it's thin like me?
- lt's not like that
On sight it is thin but on eating it
the taste will be great, like you
We'll start singing the song, Kolaveri...
Kolaveri' kolaveri di
- l take leave
- Okay
Please go carefully
A man like ghee roast(dosa)
With insides like laddu(sweet)
Respected municipal secretary come out
- What the heck do you want?
- Get out first
l requested you something 3 years back
l can't wait any longer
Will you give up Surekha or not?
We have not kept her
under bondage
She is intelligent and educated
to take her own decision
You can't make such lame
excuses any more
l must know today a final decision
l will show you how Surekha
will come to my house
Put her into the vehicle guys
- Hey you can't behave so atrociously
- Who are you to ask?
Give it to him good and proper
Hey wait!
Stop right there
- Who is that?
- lsn't that our secretary?
And there are thugs after her also
- What happened madam?
- Please help me
No one will help you
l will take her or kill her
And if you resist, you also
Who are you?
What is the matter?
By passers need not interfere
This is a family matter
lf its family it should be
inside the house not on roads
Moreover, whether friend or enemy
lf a person asks help, we give it
Thrash this fellow, guys!
You can begin!
- Do you have your driver with you?
- No, they beat and chased him away
- Where are you going?
- To Palakkad
lf you don't mind you can travel with me
Gopi can bring your car
Are you afraid of me?
Don't be, l am very decent
You can get in
Gopi, after you finish bring
madam's carto Palakkad
Okay boss, you carry on
This will be over soon
Who are they?
Why are they harassing you?
Why do they want to kill?
- My sister
- Who is he to your sister?
You are from Coimbatore, right?
Who do you have at home?
Only my mother and sister
- You are not married right?
- No
- Why are you not married?
- Circumstances
- Family problems
- l am very hungry
l have not eaten and we will reach
Palakkad quite late in the night
You must have eaten at home
before you started yourjourney, right?
lf you don't mind, let's stop
and eat at some hotel
lf you do mind, you can stay hungry
l shall go and appease my hunger
So you don't mind, eh?
l am a pure vegetarian
lt's a meal full of vegetables
1 vegetable soup, a vegetable fried rice
Gobi Manchurian, 2 chappathis...
...vegetable curry and a vegetable salad
That will do
l am on a diet
You have not yet ordered
We get good mutton,
chicken and beef
- l am also a vegetarian
- But you talk like a meat eater
Go ahead
Order your food
l'll have just curd rice
What a surprise!
How come you're here?
- Came to have dinner
- We are on our way to Tirupathi
He is Mr Raja, Rajaraja Kamath
You have not introduced him to me
Sorry! He is my husband
Telugu speaking person
- Greetings
- Hi
Who is this?
Your wife?
No, a friend
Oh sorry! See you Mr Kamath,
Bye, take care
- Wish you all the best
- Thank you
- Who were they?
- Who?
Those people we met
at the restaurant
- My wife
- What?!
My wife
She used to be my wife
- Now?
- Now she's not
Why did you part?
The Lord did not give me
enough patience and endurance
We had to break up so we parted
That's all
What are you staring for?
You are talking about
the divorce so casually
That's a long story
lt was with great difficulty
we became prosperous
We lived a very simple life
We were very happy
and loved each other very much
Radhika, that is my wife's name
Her parents are in London
She was educated there
and that's why...
...she could not get along
with our way of life
My mother loved her a lot
My dear, we don't wear
such clothes in ourfamily
l will decide what l wear
Nobody need interfere
- My dear!
- Get lost you old hag!
No one told me anything
Because they didn't want to upset me
One day we were returning
after a business trip from Kozhikode
Dad suffered a chest pain
What happened to you?
My dear, the boys' father
is suffering from chest pain
We have to take him
to the hospital right now
Please take the car out
Can't you see l have applied 'mehendi'?
Call a taxi from outside
That will take a long time, dear
Just wash your hands and come
That will take a long time, dear
Just wash your hands and come
Don't harass me
Go away
By the time a taxi came and
took him to hospital, everything was over
You were responsible
for our father's death
l am not a servant
in your house or a driver
And l'm not nurse maid
to your parents
lt would have been very convenient
if that old hag had died too
l gave her a good slap
And she broke the sacred wedding chain
l have not felt any regret
or loss after that
- Sorry
- For what?
lt's high time they reached
May be they have decided
to halt over at a hotel
Hey! My boss will not even look at a girl
-Anyway l will not sleep here alone
- What else can you do?
Oh look! They have reached
- Okay goodnight
- Goodnight
Why do you prepare
so many dishes?
A few ldlys sambhar and a chutney
isn't that more than enough?
Who prepared this?
Definitely not you, mother
Mother will never make
such tasteless food
This tea is totally
unpalatable, no taste at all
Maybe Gopi has made all this
l only know to eat not to cook
But l'll tell you for sure, this food
has come from the enemy's camp
Enemy's camp?
What are you saying?
Have you gone nuts?
l'll eat at our hotel
Don't say anything more
Food was made by girls next door
Don't eat it
if you didn't like it
- Who says l didn't like it
- But you said so just now
l often say such things
to tease mother
l try to make mother
laugh now and then
Yes true! Boss told me
ajoke and l laughed...
...for 2 weeks and
1 more week remains
Ass-monkey! Go out
Mom has never allowed me
into the kitchen
So l am a little backward in cooking
But not backward in talking!
No one can beat you brothers in that
Ass-monkey! Are you still here?
Tell me when you are free
l'll teach you to cook,
it will be great fun
Okay, treat it as ajoke
Both of you sit and talk
l must leave, okay?
She wants to talk to you
What is the matter?
She is asking for some help
What help do you want, tell me
Can you come
with me to Coimbatore?
-As a bodyguard, eh?
- Not at all
My sister has a problem
and we need a man to solve it
We don't have many relatives
who would be able to help
Don't come if it's a problem for you
l'll come
The house is good
ls it your own place?
No, it's for rent
Come in
She's my mother, Maheshwari
Greetings, mother!
-And she is...
- l know the servant
Not servant...manager
l manage the kitchen here
Kitchen manager?.
Not bad
When did this item
transfer itself from Palakkad?
l am not an item, my name is Shanta
l sent her here 2 days
back to help mother
You did not introduce me
l am Rajaraja Kamath
- You look very familiar
- You will!
l am very famous
People have a very good opinion about me
Please come
Where is the sister
you mentioned?
She's just on her way
back from office
- Which office?
- lncome tax Department
lncome tax?
That is to be feared
- Shanta get them something to drink
- Hot or cool?
- What?
- Tea or limejuice?
A super coffee will do
What snacks shall l make?
Just allow me into the kitchen
l'll make some Kamath special items
-Are you interested?
- Sure why not
So manager tell me
where the kitchen is
Over there
All ready! You can come
So many dishes in such a short time?
Hats off to you!
People of Kerala
call me a lion in cooking
When your sister comes
don't tell her l prepared all these
Tell her you made them
You can take the credit
- Look, Rekha has come
- l will stand away
lt's very tasty, right?
To tell you the truth
lt was l who made all of it
Do you recognize me?
l am Rajaraja Kamath
She will not recognize you like that
He is the person your sister
said was SP Kamath
Who is SP Kamath?
Don't you know?
People call you SP Kamath
Self Praising Kamath
Oh! lf no one talks about me
l will do it myself, what's wrong in that?
Even if you call me
SP Kamath, l have no issues
Now eat it my dear girl
Take a dosa, a little chutney
and make it into little balls...
...and then eat them
lt will be delicious!
Now let us come to the matter
What is your sister's problem?
She is worried for some time
She is being shadowed
But nobody is seen
visibly following her
ln the bus, bus stop someone
is behind her all the time
That guy who waylaid you
on the highway
Was it forthis sister
he created that issue?
- Yes!
- Then have no doubts
lt's them for sure
Have you given a police complaint?
We did, but they appear
to have influence over the police
Who are they?
How are they related to you?
lf you find it difficult
to tell me, then don't tell
Hey! Stop there
lf l get my hands on you
- Gopi, what is it?
- Who is it?
Some guy was hiding near the gate
When l asked he replied
in Hindi and ran away
He looks a little fishy
Both of them are very scared
There is no need to be scared
We can easily handle this
We have a place
to stay in this city
But is it right to leave
them alone here?
lt's not at all right
- lf you don't mind, you can use that room
- Boss you can sleep there
- Gopi can sleep in my room
- Sure
- What about you?
- l will sleep with mother
Then l'll sleep in the car
- Shall we go?
- First we'll plan our action
When does this fellow
usually follow your sister?
Wasn't it at the bus stop yesterday?
On a bike wearing a helmet
Let her go as usual to the bus stop
We will follow about
30 ft behind, very quietly
Okay sister! You go
walking as usual
Gopi, this is him
lf l handle him, he will die
l want him alive
So you go
Okay, boss
Going after girls and
harassing them you rascal?!
Kamath vs Kamath
Deva! You!
Brother, l...
What the heck were you up to?
-Answer me
- No! Please don't boss!
You hit my brother
l've not used even a broomstick on him
Today l hit him
Brother you have to forgive me
l committed a mistake
l did not come to kill
l just came to declare my love
l like that girl
Girls have to be brought up
with restraint and sense of honor
They should have self respect
lf they make eyes and entice boys...
...they will come after you
What's wrong in that?
Hey! Better talk with respect, okay?
l know the kind of person you are...
...l mean you don't know who l am
Teaching me manners eh?
- Brother! Stop talking like this
- You stay out of this
The great municipal secretary
lf you governed your home
like you did the municipality,...
...will she have become like this?
lf your sister is important to you
My brother is for me
Whatever the mistake he commits
l will forgive him
- Brother!
- You be quiet!
Didn't you know it was my brother...
...who was going after
this rat tail sister of yours?
You hid that fact and made me hit him
You tried to separate us
l kicked him
You demoness
lf ever l see you or yourfamily
anywhere near my house again...!
You Kamath!
l trusted you!
But you used your brother
as a bait to get even with me, right?
Forthis you will suffer
Yes! We will see
who is going to suffer
Let us see
- Come guys
- Come my girl
Boss, give me also a massage
l'll give you a good kick
that will kill you
Do you see this?
These are marks of injury
You and your punches
l will have to massage him
for a month at least...
...only these marks will go, poor thing!
All this body pain is not a problem
l am feeling bad
that you were insulted
l shouldn't have hit you
l feel so bad kicking you
lt was not deliberate done brother
lsn't it for the sake of
that Municipal secretary?
What are you saying?
Have you gone mad?
What language
are you speaking?
- You didn't understand, right?
- No!
Well, from childhood,
this is my condition...
...Sheer gibberish
when l hear both of you talk
Get lost, you ass monkey
This is between us brothers
Don't poke your nose into this
Don't kill yourself inviting my kick okay?
But l too got a taste of
his blows, right?
Eats only vegetables, but his blows
painful like being hit by a hammer
l still don't believe you were
the killer stalking that girl
l am not a killer, brother
lt is true l followed her
But doesn't a girl recognize...
...whether a guy
follows her to kill or to love?
This is the first time
l am going after a girl, l swear
There are so many girls
in this world
l am surprised
why you love only this one?
There are so many
wonderful buildings all overthe world
Yet, tell me, why is only
the Taj Mahal a world wonder?
- Tell me l say
- l don't understand it myself
Gopi! There are
so many kinds of meat
Yet you like the taste of only beef, why?
Hey! Now l understand
- But does the buffalo know it?
- Definitely not
So many girls come to our hotel
But why did l
notice (throw up) only her?.
Throw up! Sure if she had
you'd have been in trouble by now!
You will die with my kick now
Why did l note only her especially?
- Why?
- You tell me
- You tell us
- l will tell you
Thank you, sister
- Mom
- Thanks
God bless you!
So beautiful
l just wondered for a minute
lf l was that child l would get a kiss, hmm?
What is all this?
Give it to me
My first kiss
l am not going to give up
You are malayali, right?
Did you see what happened here?
What is he saying?
Did you see those thugs?
Husband and wife
both are dumb, eh?
Go, go!
Escaped pretending to be
dumb just like l did, eh?
Thank me for giving you this idea
Don't go away like this, without saying it
l will also come
On the way we can...
May l come in?
l have come to clear some
doubts, regarding love tax
l was living, minding my business when
a girl made me fall and gave me a kiss
Should l pay a service tax for this?
lf l feel l want more such kisses
Will that tax carry interest?
A lot of love has
accumulated in the heart
lt grew and grew into
a spreading bower ofjasmine
How much of a love growth tax
has to be paid forthis?
l like you very much
Shall l go to your house
and propose marriage ?
How much protection tax has to be paid?
Excuse me?
May l help you?
No! No! No!
Only this girl can help me
She is not answering
any of my questions
l will answer your questions
Give me your file
l will give this file only to her
She can answer me
She will not talk my dearfellow
l will make her talk
Please throw this guy out
No one has to push me out
l know how to go
- Does this carry interest?
- Hey you!
Like this, in spite of many efforts
she never bothered
l realized my looks
and style were old fashioned
l changed over and became
a smart young man
l thought l'll try once more
and that's when you saw me
Why do we need
a woman between us?
You for me and l for you
lsn't that enough?
We are brothers
Shouldn't our lineage continue?
Deva, we are enough for each other
Shouldn't we have children?
You don't have a wife forthat
lf l also don't try, who will perform
the last rites when we die?
l am there for you
How will you be there?
Won't someone kill you by then, you tramp?
No one else will
l myself will kill him now
With his comic comments
between my serious sentiments
Brother, l want her
lf you love her so much, l will
beg forgiveness at that secretary's feet
Beg at herfeet?
No definitely not!
Your self respect
is more important to me
l can't bear to see my brother
bow his head to any one
From this moment onwards
l have no feelings for that girl
l have decided
to forget everything
There is no need to uphold
my honor by giving you pain
Don't! Brother
Your happiness is most important
l will go and beg forgiveness
- Don't! Brother
- l will
- Don't
- l will
Stop it!
What's the issue now?
You want to continue lineage and
the wealth remain in the family, right?
l am indebted to you
for all you have done for me
Now l want to show my gratitude
So l will marry this girl
You tramp, vagabond
l will kill you!
What is all this Gopi'etta?
We came with a marriage proposal
l knew you would come
l will get dressed and come
Goodness! ls she nuts?
Hey you! What is all this?
These are fruits
- l don't understand
- Which fruit do you...
But why are you here?
We have come with a proposal
My boss has come
with a marriage proposal
For whom?
l have come to ask your sister's
hand in marriage for my brother
This is not our Kamath tradition
This is Coimbatore style, how is it?
We are not interested
Take all this and get out!
Didn't you understand?
My dear!
Mother don't be upset
Yesterday secretary madam
and l had a small tiff
We have come in truce
with these sweets
Please listen to
what l have to say
My brother likes your daughter Rekha
very, very much
Why don't you
agree to the proposal?
l said we are not interested, didn't l?
lt's not for you to say that
Rekha has to say it
l don't have time
to waste talking to you
l have to reach Palakkad
and she has to reach office
- Rekha, go!
- Please listen to me
My brother is not
a bad guy like you think
Handsome from a good family,
and very good behavior
No drinks, cigarette, snuff,
drugs or chew betel leaves
He will be the greatest
good fortune, a treasure for you
Remember, he's my brother
How could he be bad?!
You brothers are amazing
You speak only good about yourselves
But others too must be convinced
We don't want your loafer brother
- Should l interfere, boss?
- No!
We Kamaths respect women very much
Otherwise l would have
chopped up the tongue...
...that called my brother
a loafer and put it in sambhar
Are you threatening me?
No wonder your wife divorced you
Stop it!
You are frustrated and jealous
Because you did not marry on time
- Talk with respect
- Why should l respect you?
l challenge you, if he truly loves her
my brother will marry herfor sure
Otherwise l will make him
Just you wait
lt will never happen
Never say never, within a month 30 days,
it will happen, l will make it happen!
l take leave now!
Municipality madam!
Adios, madam!
Brother, what foolishness have you done?
How can l possibly marry a girl
from the enemy's camp in 30 days?
When they talked ill about you
l lost complete control of myself
Don't think of losing out in this
My honor is in your hands now
My hands?
What can l do?
You have to show your love
l have been doing only that
ever since l met her, isn't it?
You cannot go after her
like a chain snatcher on a bike
That's true
When a guy goes after a girl, she must
be able to see his love slowly unfolding
How do you do that, boss?
You don't have to know that
Stand away
- Here's your tea
- Go roast it and eat it
- Here drink your tea
- Go boil it and eat it
- Hey!
- Continue brother
Why do people who visit
our hotel, come again and again?
Because we take care and
give them food like each one prefers
That's how you have to do it
Serve according to taste, that's love
He's a great one
in such things with women!
How do you know that?
Don't poke your nose in matters
not your concern, keep it elsewhere
How do we serve
love according to taste?
- You have to sing a song
- Great!
Sing a song?
Love and singing
have a great connection
- Sing a song
- But l don't know to sing
l will teach you
Just say what you want
to say and that will be a song
Get a harmonium, a little guitar
a violin and a few tablas
Do you wish to make aviyal (a dish)?
No, you ass-monkey
To woo her
- How is it?
- lt's very cold here
You are an ass without
aesthetic sense, go inside!
Brother, but this is in Konkani
She understands only Malayalam
Forthat you can sing
the same thing in Malayalam
Just go ahead sing and impress
lt will be wonderful!
lf l go after her and
sing like this she will sulk
- Then sing 'don't sulk if l follow you'
- How?
l will sing it and show you
Don't be angry my giri
iF i come after you
Let my giancet not anger you my girl
Don't be angry my giri iF i come after you
Let my giancet not anger you my girl
Oh beautiFui one, your tmiie to tweet,
awakent in me detiret pienty
Like a ripe red tomato
you Fiii tweetnett in my heart
Don't be angry my giri iF i come after you
Let my giancet not anger you my girl
To the city we thaii go,
i'ii take you For a movie
Snackt a pienty i'ii treat you to my tweet
i'ii thower aii my iove on you
My iiFe i wiii iay down For you
Like the tweet pium in a pudding
Doetn't your heart
have a iittie iove For me?
Teii me quick, teii me toon
i thaii ttand by you,
iike Raman did For Sita
Don't be angry my giri iF i come after you
Let my giancet not anger you my girl
i wiii buy aii the gariandt
in the Fiower ttore
Put it around your neck
with Lord Thirumaia at witnett
A tiik taree i thaii get you and
a writt watch to adorn your hand
For everyone who come
hot dosat thaii be terved
i thaii Feed you the rice
i cooked with my own handt
Wiii you come with me, to be my partner
Are you wiiiing, i am
dying to hear you tay yes
Don't be angry my giri iF i come after you
Let my giancet not anger you my girl
Boss! lt's a pity you didn't
return that slap
Haven't you heard?
lt's a sin to lay hands on a 'nari' (woman)
Mother, sister, wife
and lover are 'naris'
All women are 'naris'
(nari also means shameless)
l didn't know that
all women are shameless!
l'm not referring to that 'nari'
you shameless fellow!
Then what?
'Nari' which means women
is what l meant
We have got so many slaps in life
Considerthis as one of them
Did it hurt?
Mmm..but there was
a solace in that pain also
A pain full of sweetness
What! l have been slapped too
Why have l never felt such sweet pain?
There is indeed such a pain
We are talking about human beings
You go ahead
Brother, the guilt of this slap
will start haunting her now
Slowly it will turn to love
Now there's no time to go slowly
Our deadline ends today
Why don't we ask for an extension?
15 days more
Even if you get 15 months more
this is not going to happen
You are very backward
in matters of women
l am unable to forget
- There is a way out
- What is that?
- lf l say it will you jump at me?
- No! Just say it
- Promise?
- l swear!
l'll go abduct and bring her here
- Gopi!
- No!
Oh mother! That she-devil is coming here!
Oh God! Why is she here?
- Come in
- Come, sit
Whose bright idea was
it to make her...
...fall head over heels in love
by singing songs?
My brother's
Music, direction, lyrics
and everything else
- The song was good
- Thanks!
But the idea failed!
Why don't we use Ananda Bhairavi
lt will be really good
l am not ready
for anything hereafter
Shall l get you some tea?
- Are you all slightly mad?
- Then l'll get you coffee
Don't you see madam is hot?
Give her something cool
- l'll get some ice from the fridge
- You can keep it on your head
You tell, Madam
What happened to your
challenge of a wedding in 30 days?
l drew that challenge when l saw
his deep desire to marry your sister
We lost and you have won
We give up
Can't you compromise
and give her to us?
Please don't say no
He loves her so much
- For whom?
- For him
Can we not forget obstinacy and enmity
and allow this wedding to happen?
He will look after her like a treasure
lf wealth is not enough
l will give mine also
She will never ever have
reason for remorse
Rekha is not the girl you think she is
What?! Not a girl?
l don't know how to explain this
May be Konkani will help
They understand that better
- Do you know Konkani?
- Gopi!
- You don't know anything about her
- Whatever we know is sufficient
Do you know her caste?
Even if she is lower, she's a Hindu right?
That's enough
She's not a Hindu
She's a Christian
l have only a brother to call my own
Before you know about her
You should know about my brother
l'll be right there
l'll tell them sir
Sir, what are you doing here?
The person l was talking about is on TV
Have you started selling frogs?
Switch on the TV
Sister, ask Lakshmi to come here
My dear look at the TV
Don't complain you didn't see the boy
- Hey! Shift to Manorama Channel
- Why didn't you say this earlier?
The guy l mentioned will appear now
He is a judge for this program
He's a lecturer
The one with the blue shirt
Oh he's gone
lt will come again
He was all the while watching
that girl who was dancing
- How is the boy, is he okay?
- l didn't see him
- Suresh sir didn't you see him
- Sure very good
- What is her name?
- What?
The girl who danced
Superb performance
l am thinking of proposing
lt will be a good match
Let your sister's alliance proceed first
Tomorrow the boy will come to meet her
Meet Krishnakumar
- Hi
- Come in
- Please sit
- Thank you
Call her here
Nanu, find an auspicious date
l am sure this alliance is as good as fixed
l undertake all responsibility!
lt was with regard to an income tax raid
Suresh first went to Malikapura House
We are from the income tax department
We have to search this house
Malikapuram house does not have
unaccounted wealth...
...you've been misinformed
ln any case we were misled
Let's know the truth and leave
Call the Minister
Don't worry, all your establishments
are being raided at the same time
Come on search
Listen to me please
Who are you?
What do you want?
Who are you?
Who is this?
My aunt
- Where is she now?
- Having a shower
l am raid Suresh...sorry
l mean income tax officer, Suresh
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
Why do you twing
in rhythm to whatever i tay?
Adorning me around with Fiowert,
branches to tender
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
The goiden tun thining bright,
tender ieavet iike an umbreiia
Did they have
mitchievout iaughter tinkiing?
Littie groupt oF dragon Fiiet to cute
Did they twing and dance
From tendriit to Fine?
That diamond neckiace
it a gift From my mother
Pieate return it, For it doet not
carry ttaint oF biack money
From the time i Firtt met you...
...i desired to repote ciote
within your cooi thadow
Wiii you accept me into your heart...
...FuiFiiiing iike pure mooniight
From a Fuii moon
Like the breeze, the tweet Fiowing wind
Won't you come toftiy to cuddie
and coo with me?
i want to marry you
Shut in a goiden cage,
don't you detire
To whittie and Fiy away,
yearn to be Free and gay?
Do you ever narrate ttoriet oF yore
with trimmingt and tatteit retoid?
Aii my wordt, my promites to you
Are tongt that tprinkie coiort and hue
To Fiii your dreamt i come Fiying
Like a honeyed breeze Forever and ever!
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
My son when l came to know
you loved my girl whole heartedly
l wanted to meet you
and talk to you
That's why l sent word
when no one was here
My little one is expressing
a desire for 1st time
So l am not considering
caste or religion
She has neither a mom nor dad
You should look after her very well
lf her brothers come to know of this
They are evil and won't spare your life
Don't worry about that grand ma
As a precaution why don't you
marry herfirst in the registry office?
You can take her home
after your sister's marriage
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
Why do you twing
in rhythm to whatever i tay?
Adorning me around with Fiowert,
branches to tender
Whiriing Fan, my toaring kite
you are oniy mine
Won't you tpeak to me with your eyet,
teii me you iike me
Where is Suresh?
He's not here
Who are you?
Suresh is in love with our sister
Ask him to forget it
lf our family faces
a bad name because of him
None of you will see him alive
Are you threatening us?
Police and courts do exist here
This one is quite smart, Tomy'cha
When you give the complaint
include this also in it
What is your business here?
Because of my love for your sister
Sunny'chan and Tommy'chan...
...went to my house and
misbehaved with my sister
Have you come
to enquire about that?
Of course! Shouldn't l?
l can consider this is a drama of love
by her brothers towards a sister...
...who is worth in millions, controlling
and not even getting her married
But how can l excuse you
for slapping my sister?
l can't and if l don't return it, l'm not
eligible to call myself her brother
l am taking her away with me
As per law she is my wife
Here is the copy of the certificate
of our registered marriage
When you have time go through it
l don't want your wealth or assets
But l want her
Grandma, please bless us
Did you think you can put up
a show at Malikapuram house...
...and walk out alive with our sister?
They are here for my protection
And my friends also have come
Sunnycha, if she wants let her go
Don't stop them
Go my dear
Go live happily
Come in my dear
You don't worry sis, we'll conduct
your marriage with great pomp and splendor
Get lost!
Oh God! My son!
My son!
The murderer nor the weapon couldn't be
traced by the police or crime branch
She repeatedly gave evidence against
her own family in courts and police stations
But power of money and lack of evidence
allowed the culprits escape from law
Her brothers tried to take her back home
But she did not oblige
She insisted that her place
was at her husband's home
And requested us
not to forsake her
Even when she got her husband's job
as his widow and came to Coimbatore...
...we didn't allow her to come alone
So we accompanied her here
Here also they began threatening her
Remember that issue on the high way?
That is one of her brothers
trying to get her back
God has given her only
misfortunes and unhappiness
Please forget her, at least hereafter
According to my calculation
Suresh came with Rekha to his house at 5 pm
By 10 at night they were
in the bridal chamber
The murderer got in at 10:05
Suresh murdered at 10:10 PM
What do we deduct from this?
One thing is for sure taking
the time they went in...
...and the time he was murdered
What is that?
- Nothing happened
- What?
There has been no
physical relationship between them
Get lost! You ass!
l thought let that not be
a hindrance to this marriage
Deva, what do you say?
My feelings have intensified
lt hasn't lessened even a bit
Can l get a chance
to speak to Rekha?
Please forgive me
l'm here once again on his request
Don't think we are harassing you
Come in
After listening to everything
He wants to interview her
l told him no
But he doesn't listen
When his face falls, my heart breaks
lf it's no trouble, just one minute
She is in that room
To love a man more than life itself
and to spend rest of life mourning his death
l don't understand
ls that what life is all about?
They say God calls back
early, those HE loves dearly
Just console yourself with that
l came behind you
without knowing anything
After knowing everything,
l'm asking you
Can we not have a life together?
The love in our hearts will be only
for one person in life, l know
lt's the same for me also
l will love you more than Suresh
Just give me an answer today
And still if you don't like me
Just say so, l will go away
l will live the rest of my life
like you are doing now
Why are you not saying anything?
Tell me something
- She will not answer you
- Don't be stubborn
Deva, she hasn't spoken since birth
- You mean she is dumb?
- Yes
Suresh knew it and still loved her
l thought you knew this
She won't speak to you
Come, l want to speak to you
That girl has suffered a lot
We didn't know it
Now what shall we do?
- Brother, l want to marry only her
- She can't speak
Whatever her shortcomings
l am prepared to put up with it
l love her that much!
lf you love her so much
lt's fine with me also
ln a way it's better
she can't speak
At least you won't
land up in a situation like mine
But she has not agreed so far
lf she doesn't agree,
l won't ever marry
Did you see his love for you?
This is true love
Love should be given in return for love
lf you refuse this love
Even the Gods won't tolerate
Suresh's mom and sister
wants you to live a good life
They want to see you happy
When they see your unhappiness
lt pains them more than Suresh's death
Otherwise, let them say it's not true
My dear, you must accept this
One minute!
Agreed you can't speak
But you can write, isn't it?
Just take paper and pen and write
That you like me
Just write it
lt will be really great
lf you find it difficult to write
Then show it in symbols
Like this
l love you
She smiled
Brother she smiled
Hey! Put me down
Put me down
l am telling you
This marriage will happen
See he's feeling shy
lt's fixed
The wedding is fixed
Greetings! l am Rajaraja Kamath
l am Devaraja Kamath
My dear granddaughter
wrote a letter and informed me
We have come to receive
your blessings grandmother
Be blessed always
You will be blessed 100 fold for...
...changing her mind and
bringing her back to life
l have a great desire
to see her getting married
We will conduct the wedding
Here, right in front of you
Shouldn't we invite the villains?
Hey! Villians!
The villains are here
l am Rajaraja Kamath
And me Devaraja Kamath
Now don't claim
you were not informed
An auspicious event is about
to happen in your house...a wedding
- The bridegroom is my brother
- That's me
The bride is Rekha
You know her
She is granddaughter
of the grandmother who lives here
We will be very happy
if all of you come with family
lt will be great fun for you also
We have given word
to your grandmother...
...that the wedding
will be conducted here
lt will be very easy to come
Just 2 steps
You won't dare step in here
Remember you are playing
with Malikapuram family
Of course we remember
Anyway the match is fixed
Who wins or loses or hits a goal
can be seen on the play ground
Sure we will
Brother! Shouldn't we invite
our brothers-in-law for our party?
Heavens, l forgot!
Tomorrow evening
at Coimbatore Cine club, a party
There will be Malayalam
Tamil and Konkani songs
Yes, come with yourfamilies
and join us and bless us
Your own brother in law is inviting you
Yes, and have a good,
lip smacking dinner
Oh there the comet, iaughter rippiing
Like the watert that Fiow in iand oF Siruvani
Adorning her handt with henna patternt
Hiding behind it her mytteriout Form
Thoughtt apienty in mind the pondert
Fiying Far away and beyond the tky
Gazing with wondrout eyet to wide
Cauting the heart to Fiutter and charmt
Oh the iaught, the charmt,
the pondert, the Fiiet
On the iand that proudiy
Fiiet the capitai Fiag
Hear the beat oF
Tamii rhythmt oF a wedding?
The girl oF Vaiayapetti jingiet
her bangiet in tweet mutic
And itt ceiebration time
within the heart oF Aiagartamy
Come in a paianquin or come in a chariot
Come adorned with Fiowert
and tweetnett oF rote perfume
Come iaden with biesting oF
Lord oF the Seven Hiiit
Thoughtt apienty
in mind the pondert
Gazing with wondrout eyet to wide
Cauting a the heart to Fiutter and charmt
Thoughtt apienty in mind the pondert
Fiying Far away and beyond the tky
Gazing with wondrout eyet to wide
Cauting a the heart to Fiutter and charmt
Wrapped in a tiik tari,
the it the rote oF Paiakkad
He iockt in a giance
thit iittie king oF Kovai
Bringing together Friendt
and reiationt they are iike a pack oF cardt
A cooi breeze oF togethernett
thaii aiwayt waFt within thit home
At two heartt join
in matrimony oF thit dait
Oh breeze, thower Fragrance oF iove
iike jatmine Fiowert
At eyet tparkied
under the umbreiia oF mooniight
Like a breeze bathed
in moiten goid comet the bride
At dear and near onet around,
iaughter iike tparkiert oF Shivakathi
Cheekt reddened a toftiy biuthing Fiower
For the giri who wanted to get married
On the iand that
proudiy Fiiet the capitai Fiag
Hear the beat oF
Tamii rhythmt oF a wedding?
Thoughtt apienty in mind the pondert
Fiying Far away and beyond the tky
Butterfiiet in coiorfui hoardt
weave a tiiken cioth
Oh the iaught, the charmt,
the pondert, the Fiiet
Worn to bewitch her man,
unbeiievabie at a dream
Gazing with wondrout eyet to wide
Cauting a the heart to Fiutter and charmt
The thynett oF the Konkan giri,
traced a pattern oF dott
Brave heart From Singanaiiur
merged the dott in uniton
The Nadatwaram piayed,
at the pair wed to the notes oF Thodi
Like Fragrance oF jatmine ttrandt,
tpreadt Far ttoriet oF Far hit bravery
With the coiort oF Augutt
and tweet biottomt unFoid
With the gift oF iove packed
with cooi thriiit oF Kutraiam
Come my dear, may you iive iong
and happiiy ever aFter!
On the iand that
proudiy Fiiet the capitai Fiag
Hear the beat oF
Tamii rhythmt oF a wedding?
The girl oF Vaiayapetti jingiet
her bangiet in tweet mutic
And itt ceiebration time
within the heart oF Aiagartamy
Thoughtt apienty in mind the pondert
Fiying Far away and beyond the tky
Gazing with wondrout eyet to wide
Cauting a the heart to Fiutter and charmt
Thoughtt apienty in mind the pondert
Fiying Far away and beyond the tky
Sorry, we could not
participate in your party
Do you think he will have
a wedding at all?
Before that the groom will die, won't he?
He disappeared to Mumbai
after Suresh's death
Now he's appeared again
to finish you off
Come on fast
My dear brothers
younger and older, greetings
You didn't expect us here, right?
We always do the unexpected
From the minute we came
to your house
We have been expecting
an attack from you
lsn't it brother?.
Yes, allowing me to travel alone tonight
and giving you a chance to confront me...
...to get you here is
brothers brilliant idea
We assumed this guy
who has been elusive...
...to Kerala crime branch and
Kerala police will come again
Vikram Chetri his address,
his mother's name, dads name
...house number were all
given to us by Kerala police
Gopi, people here have not
seen us in action
Should we not show our prowess, Deva?
- Who will begin, you or l?
- We'll do it together
- Shall we flatten them or pulp them
- We'll extract their 'beans'
- Then we'll do it together
- Sure we will, it will be wonderful
- Sure we will
- Gopi, you can go take rest
Vikram Chetri, don't listen to their blabber
Just beat them down
- Now give it to them
- Okay, brother
Boss, my body is aching standing idle
l am yearning to give a few punches
Please give me also a chance
One kick and two blows, okay?
lsn't the wedding today?
We don't see anyone
The wedding is to be held
at Malikapuram house...
...and entire police force
is invited was what Kamath said
Wedding decorations
seems to be missing
lsn't it here the wedding
is to be, Kamath?
Sure in another 10 minutes
We didn't invite you forthe wedding alone
But to get you a promotion too
Let them come out
Let all villains come out
These are the culprits who caused
Kerala police hang their heads in shame
- We are handing them over to you
- Okay, okay
But don't mention we handed them over
Promotion is assured
- Take them
- That's all
Get going
There comes the elusive
culprit Vikram Chetri
He is the main culprit
- ls he dead?
- No
He tried to escape from the jeep
l just broke his backbone
No use living any more
He as good as dead..the corpse!
Thank you
What about the wedding?
All ready
lt will soon be set up
Grandmother, we have kept our word...
...lf Raja enters the fray it
will be a real game
Now tie the sacred wedding thread
Don't leave Mahalakshmi alone
Who says we'll leave Mahalakshmi alone?
l have decided certain course of action
Gopi! Go bring the sacred
wedding chain and garland
Take it
One more person has to come
After that we will tie this
- Ask him to come
- Please come
Mahalakshmi's wedding that once
got cancelled will be conducted by me
He considers Mahalakshmi
more precious than life
That's why he remained
unmarried till now, cunning fellow
l discovered this
Okay, let the ritual take place
- Brother
- What?
- l thought...?
- What did you think?
- Mahalakshmi?
- That l will marry Mahalakshmi
Then it will become like any other story
This is a different climax
ln this malayali land, l am going
to live long without a female partner
lt will be great fun for everyone, right?
Subtitied by iatha & rekht