Kekec (1951) Movie Script

The film was awarded with
the First Prize
at the Children's Film Festival
in Venice 1952.
Production TRlGLAV FILMS
presents to young boys and girls
Screenplay based on a story by:
Director of photography:
Music by:
Produced by:
Directed by:
Squeze him !
-Don't give up !
Squeze him !
Run ! Bedanec is here ! -Where?
-At the edge of the wood !
My head may turn into
a pumpkin if it isn't true.
He was seen yesterday.
-Ha, yesterday. . .
What a sap you are, Rozle !
-lf he was seen yesterday,
why not today? Bedanec is the
devil in human shape.
What a coward you are !
Bedanec can't harm me !
A cock's bill is the best charm
to protect you from the devil.
A bill isn't of much use.
The other day he lured a girl
and now she has to serve him.
A whole year.
-Let's go home, quick!
Go home all of you while
there is still time to go.
l'm not afraid of Bedanec at
all ! lf l met him now. . .
Tinka ! Home !
lf you met him now, your
heart would be in your mouth.
l'd trick him well and good,
if you want to know.
Would you really not be afraid
of Bedanec? He is terrible.
His hands are like shovels,
his eyes like charcoal,
his beard like this! -Tinkara,
what a chatterbox you are !
l'd pull his leg all right.
Then see if the cow's leg
has healed.
Tell Minjek to bring us some
cheese at Midsummer.
Try to be back by Midsummer,
we'll be celebrating.
Go on, scratch the bottom,
but don't eat up the dish.
Now go straight to bed. You
start early for the mountains.
What was that?
Bedanec has probably come to
take you for his servant.
You wouldn't let him take me,
would you?
lt was the wind slamming
the door.
Bedanec is asleep now,
snoring like an old bear.
You're always teasing me.
l'm angry with you.
You mustn't be angry with me.
l'll play you a song and your
anger will fly far away.
Anger, you know,
doesn't like music.
Don't cry Wolfie,
you're not Tinkara.
l have to go to the mountains
and you watch the house.
You lazy wench ! Day-dreaming
again and staring at nothing !
Go to work at once !
Work, work! Do you think
l'll feed you for nothing?
Come on, Lisa.
Don't be so impatient. You'll
have plenty of time to graze.
Who is it?
Ah, it's you Kekec.
And l thought a ghost was
making a fool of me.
Well, Lisa is gone and the
milk as well.
Uncle, you're not a man to
be fooled with.
What has brought you
to the mountains?
Father has sent me to see
how you're getting along.
All right, all right.
Two happy fellows like us are
bound to have good fun.
Let's go into the hut.
You'll need a good meal.
Come on, come on.
Who are you? -l'm Mojca.
l serve with Bedanec.
l've already seen you across
the cliff.
l'm Kosobrin.
l live there on the other side.
You've hurt yourself, poor
girl. We'll cure that in time.
There is a plant for any
disease in the world.
How good you are, uncle Bedanec
is such a rough person.
l hope he won't beat you because
of the jug, will he?
l'd like best to go with you.
But would you take me along?
l'd be glad to. But Bedanec
would take revenge on me.
Don't cry. Even this madman
will be beaten some day.
Sometimes cunning is
stronger than sheer force.
David, too,
has slain Goliath.
l'll cover your eyes, so you
won't see the secret passage.
Uncle, will you really take
me along? -Keep quiet!
Let's be off, quick!
Well, we're at home.
Each of these flowers has
a miraculous healing power.
But how can you know, uncle,
which flower cures
which disease?
lt was many years ago
when my grandfather was dying.
l was but a little boy then.
He called me to his bedside,
put his hand on my shoulder
and said:
Boy, health is the greatest
fortune in the world.
Then he told me all about the
healing power of each herb
and died. -And you've kept
all this learning in your head?
Up to the last word.
You see, this one is the
devil's cud. This one is arnica.
And these are bearberies.
Good for liver and gall.
This is pickled viper's wood, an
important medicine against fear.
One draught
and you're as cool as cucumber.
''Mother's soul''. Good for sorrow
and suffering of the heart.
Let me see it, uncle.
Mother's soul.
l have no mother.
No mother, no father.
You poor thing,
so you're quite alone.
Quite alone, uncle.
After my mother died,
l left home.
Then l met Bedanec,
who has trapped me.
Never mind, Mojca.
You'll be all right with me.
Only don't let Bedanec see you.
-l'll be very good, uncle.
Wait! l want to show you
something wonderful.
You good-for-nothing !
Where are you hanging again?
Will l be waiting long for
your water?
Where are you hidding?
This one has blasted
on the other side of the Earth.
lt would have fried
your moustache
if we weren't so well sheltered.
Are you leaving already?
l'll be off by to tomorrow
morning if it clears up.
Why are you in such a hurry?
-They'll be worried at home.
l'll go back by the
waterfall. -The waterfall?
That's where Bedanec is. He came
from across the mountains.
lf you fall into his clutches,
it'll be a dead serious matter.
Don't you believe me?
Do you think you're talking
to the little Tinkara?
l'm not afraid of mere shadows.
Just stroke your moustache
and try to scare someone else.
-Well, what a plucky boy!
Listen ! The mountain sprites
are raising hell tonight.
You never know, when such a
sprite rushes into the house
and plays you a nasty turn.
What a plucky boy!
The best herbs are growing
just where Bedanec lives.
Neighbour, as you're such
a learned man,
you'd be maybe able to tell me
where my servant has gone?
Why are you scaring me like
that from behind my back?
Don't grow too big
for your boots!
l've only asked you about Mojca.
-Your own fault if she escaped.
Wait a moment, you weasel.
l'm nobody's fool.
Where's my servant?
Uncle, don't!
You'll break all my bones.
You'll talk by hook or by crook.
-Dear me, you may kill me !
Don't scream like that! l'm
only taking you to the clearing.
And there you'll rest a bit.
Meanwhile use your brains
and remember where Mojca is.
-What l have to live through !
Did l show you, eagle?
You won't forget me easily.
Why are you tied so roughly
to the tree, uncle?
Boy, my dear boy,
l've almost died
from fright and pain.
Help me, boy.
Save me, please.
l'm saved.
Death has failed
to take me.
You've saved me my dear boy.
How grateful l am to you !
Don't mention it. Any child
could cut a rope like this.
But who are you?
Come on, so l can thank you.
l'm Kekec, from the village in
the valley. -You're a good boy.
Listen to me !
Don't walk across the forest.
Bedanec may catch you.
You're dead if he gets you now
as you have saved me.
Go quickly through the thickest.
Never mind, we'll meet again.
You squirrels!
l'll strangle you !
l'll strangle you all !
We've met at last, you whelp!
Who are you?
Don't spit like a cat!
l've asked who you are !
l'm Kekec.
l'll make a fine bundle of you,
just to please you !
Uncle Bedanec.
Do you hear me, uncle?
You're dragging me along as
if l were a mule.
All because of a fir-cone
that grazed your nose.
Go on, you good-for-nothing !
Or else l may play you a turn,
you'll never forget!
Uncle Bedanec,
was it a bear on our heels
that we ran so much?
-The owl made the terrible voice .
Have you heard it? -l have.
What a ugly thing to do !
lt was a queer sound ! l like
better to hear a bear's howl
than an owl's cry.
lt was queer cry, indeed.
You thick-patted owls!
You cursed birds!
You make my head ache and
you cause me sleepless nights.
That boy has surely got courage !
He took a knife
and cut the ropes
and l was free.
Kekec saved you? -Kekec
from the village in the valley.
This boy will be somebody
important some day.
So tiny and he tricked Bedanec
who's as tall as a mountain.
Uncle, you and Kekec gave
him a bad turn !
Kekec has got more brains
in his little finger
than that fool in his pate.
My, my, what has happened?
Poor boy! He trapped him !
That beast!
Here you are, you skunk!
You've freed the little Kosobrin
and made fun of me.
But now the laugh is on my side.
Let him go, you brute !
Let him go, you beast!
Let him go !
Hey, you weasel !
Bring that servant back to me !
lt will be the end of me
if Bedanec comes here.
Has it taken your breath away?
Come on, rescue Kekec
if you dare !
Poor lad ! How did you fall
into his clutches?
Run as much as you will,
you rabbit.
l'll soon get you out
of your hole.
You're crying at last.
You're in good hands now.
l'll teach you a lot of things.
The schooling will be long.
Let me go, uncle Bedanec.
Never again will l throw
fir-cones at your nose.
lt aches as if thousand
ants bit me.
Well, well,
this sounds better.
l could bring myself to free you
if only you listen to
my orders.
Just tell what's on your
mind, uncle.
l'll let you go if you find
the little Kosobrin
and ask him for shelter
in his house,
pretending to have escaped
from me.
Kosobrin will take you through
the hidden passage,
then you will come back here and
show me where the passage is.
But woe to you if you try to
run away. l'd find you,
even if you'd be
100 meters bellow.
Why do you want to find
the hidden passage so badly?
Only through this passage l'd be
able to reach Kosobrin's hut.
And why do you want to reach
the Kosobrin's hut?
l had a servant.
She was keeping my house.
But the weasel has taken her
away from me.
Did you treat her well,
uncle Bedanec?
Why so many questions?
Mind your own business!
Go now! Quick!
lf you won't,
l'll throw you
over the cliff.
Do you really take me
for such a backstabber?
You'll do as l say.
Go at once, you punk !
No, l won't!
l'll beat you blue.
l'll break your bones!
Go to bed now. You're doing
like your pussy cat.
l'm waiting for Kekec, mum.
-He won't come tonight.
lt's getting late. He's probably
making a fire with Minjek.
l'd like him to play his
flute for me. -Tomorrow.
lt seems he's coming now.
What's the matter, Tinka?
Hey, Rozle, when will you
come to your senses?
The fool gave her such a fright,
she's all trembling.
Take a close look at this ghost.
lsn't he just like Rozle?
Pull me at my hair and you'll
see l'm no other than Rozle.
You'll see, l'm going
to tell Kekec everything.
Good luck and happiness to you !
There's a pine near the house.
ln the pine a singing bird
singing sweet and singing fair.
Calling in a harvest rich,
bringing luck and happiness.
My nose told me again where
the cask has lost its bung.
l wish you as much luck as
there are lentils in the crop,
mares should bear chicks and hes
young foals to make them mix.
All right, Misnjek.
But where have you left Kekec?
The boy has left the mountains
early this morning.
He left as early as that?
-Yes. Hasn't he arrived yet?
Not yet.
-l hope nothing happened to him.
Where is Kekec?
Here, eat and drink!
Well, you're pretty silent now.
No fun any more?
You made a mighty big mistake
trying to pull my leg.
Never mind, this is but
the beginning.
Uncle, l'll take the cattle
to the pasture.
Do, little Mojca, do.
What else is on your mind?
Please, uncle, do rescue
Kekec from Bedanec's hands.
Be patient, little Mojca.
l'll certainly find a good way
to help Kekec.
l feel so sorry for him, uncle.
Don't worry, little Mojca.
We'll save him all right.
And then we'll all be
happy again.
You'll mellow here
until you change your mind.
Does it pay to you, uncle, to be
losing your time with me?
Shut up, will you !
l was told you were
the greatest chatterbox around.
But you won't fool me.
Shut up! What silly ideas
he hasn't got into his head?
He thought of whistling
into my face !
l'll show you.
Soon l'll be whistling.
l have a clue of where
the hidden passage is.
Then watch yourselves! l'll rope
you all: Kosobrin, you, Mojca !
You'll be my servant for three
years because of what you did.
For every new foolishness we'll
add another three days.
And this will make them
quite a number.
You'll beg me to go home
but l'll stay here out of spite.
You don't know me yet.
ln a week your beard
will grow white.
Do you hear me, Kekec?
Who's calling me?
lt's me, Mojca.
l'd like to help you,
but l'm afraid of Bedanec.
l'm not afraid of him at all.
Wait a few days
and you'll see him
begging me to go.
Do you hear Kekec? That's the
boy to lead Bedanec by the nose.
The eagle must have pushed him
into the precipice.
Kekec! Kekec!
Wake up!
What happened, uncle Bedanec?
-Didn't you hear it?
What, uncle? -The owl. The
owl gave such a terrible hoot!
l heard nothing.
Please, get up, boy,
and make me company.
l promise, l won't rope
you tomorrow.
Those cursed owls!
Do you know what it means
if an owl cries?
lt means death.
Owls call death.
Wait, uncle, l'll chase
them away.
Go to bed, uncle.
Owls won't cry again tonight.
On your feet, you lazy-bones!
l don't stand loafers.
l'll tear up your ears if you
don't stop staring at me.
Get out of your nest
at once !
l'm asking you for the last
time. Will yo go to Kosobrin?
No, l won't go there
even if you beat me.
Uncle, have you forgotten
your promise and the owl?
That's my last warning.
Don't think of running away.
l am away now to find
the passage without your help.
Then you'll dance
to my tune.
Have you got up already?
Hasn't Kekec returned yet
from the mountains?
And your father? -Kekec
was carried away by an eagle.
You don't say! An eagle?
-We'll never see him again.
And how well he played
on the flute every evening.
And what many beautiful
songs he knew!
And how far he threw stones!
He'll never call me
a chatterbox again.
And he'll never say to me again:
Rozle, what a sap you are !
Brother, we're both in the same
spot. l can't go home
and you can't fly up in the sky.
We are both trapped by Bedanec.
l could easily fool Bedanec
and run away from him
but who'll help Kosobrin and
Mojca if he finds the passage?
Will you give me back
my servant or not?
Let him go, you beast!
You don't know me yet!
What's that?
You've killed an innocent man.
He's dead.
What has he done to you,
poor man? -Shut up, boy.
l didn't want to kill him.
He got so frightened he died.
He was such a good honest man.
l knew the owl would
bring us death.
Uncle, dear uncle Kosobrin !
Can you hear me?
Uncle, open your eyes!
Uncle !
Hurry, Kekec, quick!
Bedanec is coming.
Hurry, Kekec!
Bedanec has already crossed
the brook!
Hey, do you hear me?
Don't think you've fooled me !
l'll soon lay my hands on
you, scoundrels!
Don't worry too much, Bedanec!
Uncle is feeling better!
Kekec, uncle is calling you.
ls Bedanec still looking
for the hidden passage?
He has been knocking at the rock
ever since the morning.
My, my, how will all this end?
l must reveal to you the
secret of the hidden passage
in case anything happens.
No living soul knows about it.
They were digging for precious
metal many years ago.
Come, Mojca, give me some tea
and pour in a tiny little drop
of viper's wood
to make me feel better.
Come, supper is ready.
You and uncle start eating.
l'll join you later.
lt's a long time we haven't seen
each other. l'm in a jam.
Will you help me? We must
hurry before it's too late.
Good morning !
Why are you looking at me like
that? -Where have you been?
That's a great secret.
-lt isn't nice of you
to make uncle worry so much.
Uncle Bedanec is hurrying to
pay us a visit. -Kekec!
Where's my breakfast?
lt's ready, uncle Bedanec. Only
l've peppered it a bit too much.
lf you've peppered it, get me
a drink to wet my whistle.
Sure l will. You'll soon
have your mouth full of it.
Wait here to see what kind
of breakfast Bedanec has.
Get him, Volkec, get him !
Stop, let him go !
Kekec! Kekec!
What do you want?
-Help me, please.
Will you then leave our parts?
-l will.
Never to come back?
Bedanec is leaving us and
never comeing back.
We won't be afraid of him any
more. l'll be living in peace.
Don't forget your promise.
Come to see me soon.
Where have you been, boy?