Kelab Rojak (2023) Movie Script

[gentle music]
[mom, in English] Alicia! Hurry up!
[Alicia, in English] I'm coming!
Wait, Ma. Wait!
[Alicia, in English]My name is Nur Alicia Binti Karim Wong.
[in English] But I just tell people
I'm Alicia Wong.
[in English] Easy.
[in English] This is where I live.
[in English] But today will be
the last day I'm staying here.
[bright music]
[mom] Hurry up, hurry up!
- [mom, in English] We're so late!
- [in English] It's in the car already.
[in English] I'm gonna get
more stuff in the house.
[in English] In a sea
I'm now being forced
To swim in a pond
Can't you see, I'm not some village girl
I'm a white swan
[in English] What about Izara?
[in English] Cafes!
[in English] What about me?
[in English] Do my feelings not matter?
[in English] Huh, Mama? Huh, Papa?
- [in English] Are you ready?
- [in English]Maybe.
[in English] Cannot also must can.
Let's go quickly.
It's a new start
But I'm still not sure
Would I be able to fulfill my dreams?
[in English] We'll see.
I have everything
I needed here maybe
I don't wanna change
This is me, don't make me
Will I be okay
To leave everything and start a new...
Life? Feels like it's hard to take in
Maybe I'm overreacting
This heart is pumping, pumping fast
[in English] Slow down.
[in English] Just breathe.
I have everything
I needed here maybe
I don't wanna change
This is me, don't make me!
Will I be okay
To leave everything and start a new...
KL Kid to Langkawi
Come and join us
Don't be shy to get to know
KL Kid to Langkawi
Come and join us
Don't be shy
To get to know us
[Azim] Eh?
There's a new kid.
- [whimsical music]
- [Azim] New kid.
What's your name?
[sighs, in English] My name is Alicia.
[surprised gasp]
[in English] She speaks English!
English speaking!
Where do you think she's from?
- Pahang!
- [boy] Pahang?
- Kuala Lumpur.
- Kuala Lumpur?
Uh, Korea.
[boy] Korea? Hmm...
With a face like this,
it's possible she's not from
Malaysia, right?
Are you really from Korea?
No. I'm from Bangsar.
[mocking laugh] Race?
What Malay race?
Your face looks half white.
You dare call yourself Malay?
What race are you?
Bangsar is from KL!
- [mutters]
- [woman] Peace be upon you!
- [music ends]
- [thud]
You didn't wear an inner?
[whimsical music]
You not only didn't wear an inner,
your hijab is short too.
Is it short?
[scoffs] Don't be rude.
Is this how you treat a prefect?
What's your name?
- Alicia.
- Aisyah?
AISYAH - 10 DEMERI[prefect] Aisyah.
So weird.
[in English] What?
- [chair scrapes]
- [clicks tongue]
Where are you going?
- [Alicia] Toilet!
- [prefect scoffs]
- [scoffs, in English] This is so unfair!
- [whimsical music]
[in English] How would I know
what the school rules are here?
[scoffs, in English]
And my name is not weird!
Isn't my new watch pretty?
- Pretty! But it looks a bit weird.
- [gasps]
You! You're weird! [scoffs]
[in English] My hijab
isn't even that short!
[in English] It's just... not long.
[in English] So long also for what?
[scoffs, clicks tongue]
[in English] I hate this school.
[in English] The rules here
are just so stupid!
[clears throat] Huh?
Did you just call me stupid?
[whimsical music]
[silly chuckle] No, no, teacher!
- I didn't say anything about you?
- [teacher] Hey.
[in English] Just because
I don't use ToqToq,
it doesn't mean that I'm stupid.
You mean, TikTok?
- [gasps]
- Tsk, tsk, tsk. Enough.
I've heard enough.
I think it's very clear.
- But teacher...
- [shushing]
[in English] Because you're
so disrespectful,
you will be punished
to clean up the beach after school.
Clean up the beach?
Clean up the beach.
- Clean up the beach?
- [whimsical music]
Clean up the beach.
- Clean up the beach?
- Clea... Enough.
How many times do you
need me to repeat myself?
[despondent sob]
[softly] Now I have to clean up the beach...
[teacher, in English]
Alright, alright, alright!
I want you all to clean up the beach
and do your best.
- And what?
- Do our best.
[teacher, in English] I cannot hear you.
One more time!
- Do our best!
- [in English] Good.
[in English] Now...
Now, go clean up.
[girl] Pavitra.
You got punished also?
If not?
- [Chinese] Talk nonsense.
- [gasps]
[in Chinese] Nonsense?
I got ask you?
[all in Chinese] You can speak Chinese?
- [in English] No lah.
- [whimsical music]
[mixed language] I understand a bit only.
Because I'm half Chinese, half Malay.
[in English] My father is Chinese,
my mother is Malay.
[in English] Like my cousin lah.
[in English] Half Indian, half Chinese.
So, he's Chindian.
[mixed] Eh, if people talk about you
behind your back in Chinese,
you understand, huh?
[in Chinese] Talk behind my back?
[in English] Like how?
[mixed] Like, say you stupid.
[gasps, in Chinese] You're stupid!
- [in Chinese] You're an egg!
- [in Chinese] You're a cake!
- [in Chinese] You're a cake!
- [in Chinese] I like cakes!
[in Chinese] I also like cakes.
[boy] You guys don't be tricked
by her sweet face,
it's all fake.
She must be here because of her bad mouth.
Hmm... Yeah. Kind of.
[in English] What about you?
I'm here...
because of some trash boys.
Uh... Saleha?
[in English] You're Saleha, right?
You got punished because...?
Because I forgot to bring my homework
that I've completed.
[both] Huh?
- [grunts, clears throat]
- [whimsical music]
Because I forgot to bring my homework
that I've completed.
[all] Oh.
How about you?
[in English] What?
Why did you get punished?
[chuckles] Typical Ming Kit
drew drawings of clothes in class!
- [all laugh]
- [mocking laugh]
- You drew drawings of...?
- You don't laugh, eh?
- You don't laugh, eh?
- [muttering]
- [teacher] Eh, what's all the noise about?
- [whimsical music]
I can't focus on reading my book!
Continue picking up the trash.
- Sh!
- [grunts]
[girls chuckle]
Do you guys like to eat rojak?
- Oh, I like.
- [boy] Why do you ask?
[in English] Wait. Before I tell you guys,
you gotta know the backstory first.
[whimsical music]
[in English] You said
it was a company dinner.
[in English] It was a company dinner.
[in English] It was a farewell dinner.
[in English] Company dinner.
Farewell dinner. Dinner is dinner.
[in English] When you eat at night,
it's called dinner.
[in English] The fresh-faced
fresh grad architects actually asked me,
"So, Mrs. Project Manager,
- what are your plans after this?"
- [earring clinks]
[in English] How would I know?
Because I just found out today.
[in English] Actually,
the food tonight is not bad.
- You didn't tell me anything?
- [whimsical music]
[in English] I wonder why everybody
loves the steak.
[in English] Actually,
I prefer the seafood.
[in English] It's fresh.
[in English] So, how long
do you plan to stay? Three years?
Hmm... Maybe we should go there,
have dinner sometime.
[in English] Hmm?
Four years or five years?
[Alicia] Mama! Papa!
Did you hear what I said?
[in English] Okay, I don't know.
[in English] Three years? Five years?
[clicks tongue]
[in English] All depending
when I can finish the project.
I feel embarrassed, you know?
[sighs] Feelings are temporary.
[in English] So easy for you to say.
Everyone knows, except for me.
[in English] Don't be silly.
They will forget it by tomorrow.
Mmm... What about my job?
[in English] I have to resign,
but you don't have to resign.
Why didn't you tell me?
[in English] Actually,
I was planning to tell you.
[in English] When? When we're
packing to leave for Langkawi?
[dramatic music]
[in English] We're moving to Langkawi?
- [in English] So cute!
- [in English] Okay, more, more, more.
- [in English] Okay, okay!
- [in English] More excited.
- [in English] Like, happy, like... [shrieks]
- [chuckles]
[shutter clicks]
- [in English] Okay, love!
- Okay.
[in English] Oh, Have you told
your parents about the dance competition?
[music ends]
[in English] Not yet.
[in English] How to join?
[in English] Do you think they even have
dance competitions in Langkawi?
[in English] I would literally die
if they don't have dance competitions.
- [gentle music]
- [clicks tongue] I don't know.
You know, my parents never even
asked me how I feel about moving.
[in English] Maybe you should tell them
you want to join the dance competition,
so you don't want to move.
[in English] They don't care
that I like dancing.
[in English]
Maybe you should talk to them?
[in English] Maybe they'll understand.
[in English] You really think so?
[in English] You never
ask anything from them. Ever.
[in English] So, they must know that
this is important to you.
[in English] You have a point. [sighs]
[in English] But I did ask for
a new iPhone for my birthday last year.
-[in English] Oh and I also asked for
-[whimsical music]
BLACKPINK concert tickets,
BTS concert tickets,
TWICE concert tickets...
[in English] My point is,
I would literally die
if you don't join
the dance competition with me.
[in English] Besides,
dancing is your passion.
[in English] They should listen to you
if they love you, right?
[in English] Yeah, I guess you're right.
[in English] I'm always right.
- [in English] Who made this rojak?
- [in English] I did!
Good, right?
[in English] You?
Uh, duh!
[in English] Made this?
[in English] Are you underestimating me?
[in English] No, that's not what I meant!
I'm just... It's pretty good!
[clears throat]
[mixed] When we're there,
am I going to be a housewife?
[whimsical music]
[in English] I don't know.
What do you want to do?
[in English] How would I know?
[scoffs, in English]
If you don't know what you want,
how I'm supposed to help you?
How am I supposed to expect that
we're suddenly moving to Langkawi?
[in English] Or you want to stay here
with Alicia,
- is it?
- What?
[in English] I'm your wife.
I must follow you.
[inhales] Mama! Papa!
[in English] I have something to tell you.
- [in English] Not now, dear.
- [in English] But it's important.
[in English] Not now.
Mama and Papa are tired.
[in English] But it's only eight o'clock.
[in English] Papa and Mama
are tired from work.
- [English] You're always tired from work.
- [in English] Not now means not now!
[somber music]
[in English] Uh, okay.
Maybe you give the iPad to me,
me and Mama will look at it later.
[in English] Okay, now, go to sleep.
[softly, in English] But it's only
eight o'clock.
[mouths] I know, but...
[dad, in English] Good night.
[in English] Night.
[in English] Great. See?
[mom, in English] Now she thinks Mama
is the bad one and Papa is the good one.
[choir singing]
[lively music]
[Alicia, in English] This... is my new home?
- [whimsical music]
- [inaudible]
[mosquito buzzes]
[mosquito buzzes]
[bright music]
- [mosquito buzzing]
- [clapping sound]
- [gentle music]
- [mosquito buzzes]
[Alicia, in English] So,
this is the kitchen.
[in English] Dining room. Dining area.
[in English] And...
[in English] Living room.
[in English] My mom's home, so you'll
probably see her somewhere around here.
[in English] Where is she?
[in English] Toilet, I think.
[in English] You know, now she cooks
and cleans every day, which is weird.
[in English] So weird.
[in English] I know, right?
- [shrieks, disgusted exclaims]
- [whimsical music]
[in English] Sorry!
[in English] Bugs everywhere here!
[in English] I would literally die!
[in English] I know!
[in English] Anyway,
let me show you my room.
[in English] So, my bedroom...
This is my bedroom.
[in English] What you think?
[in English] Cute.
[in English] But it's a bit small.
[in English] Got space to dance?
[in English] Mmm... Got.
[in English] Somewhere around here?
[in English] Can do a little...
[hums, chuckles]
[in English] This is my bathroom.
[in English] Over there.
[in English] And...
[in English] That's about it.
[in English] So, I guess this means
you can't join the dance competition?
[in English] Obviously!
[in English] I'm still here, in Langkawi!
How to join?
[in English] Can't you ask your parents
to send you to KL
for one or two days?
[in English] It's so hard for me
to get their attention.
[in English] You know, they don't
even know that I like dancing.
[in English] They never watch
your TikTok videos?
- [in English] Never.
- [in English] Never?
[in English] Never ever.
[in English] Never ever?
[in English] Never ever ever ever ever!
[in English] Whoa! I would literally die!
[in English] I know!
[in English] Well, I'm not giving up hope
that you'll join the dance competition
with me.
[in English] I'm sure
you'll think of something.
[clicks tongue, in English]
Yeah, I'll try.
[mixed] Cannot also must can.
[in English] That's right!
[in English] Okay, I gotta go.
[in English] My mom wants me
to go shopping at Pavilion with her.
[in English] So annoying!
[in English] Okay, love you, bye!
[in English] Love you!
[upbeat song playing]
When I look at
Your beauty
The first time I see you
[lively song playing]
From before
You're the one I'm waiting for
Dup, dup, my heart beats
When I look at
Your beauty
The first time I see you
He say, "I miss you"
My tongue is numb
I'm waiting
- [mom] Alicia!
- [gasps]
[whimsical music]
[box clicks]
[lively song playing]
You're the one I'm waiting for
Dup, dup, my heart beats
When I look at
Your beauty
He say, "I miss you"
My tongue is numb
I'm waiting
Dup, dup, my hearts beat
Last night story
Enjoying the coffee paired with bread
Greeted with sorry
I think this your stuff when
I pay the bill
[mom] Alicia!
- [in English] Come have dinner!
- [groans]
[in English] Coming, Ma!
- [gasps]
- [tense music plays]
I'm dead! [shrieks]
[in English] Just do it.
[tense music]
- [retching sound]
- [water lapping]
Ew! [retching sound]
- [water lapping]
- [gasping]
[in English] I found it! [mouthing]
[relieved sigh]
- [disgusted grunt]
- [whimsical music]
[relieved sigh, deep breath]
[retching sound, sigh]
- [clicking]
- [gasps]
- [tense music]
- [fake crying]
[defeated sigh]
[fake crying, in English] I can't feel it.
Let's try again.
- [despondent sigh]
- [whimsical music]
[in English] Last.
It's not there! [sighs]
My parents met
And fell in love in college
She loves his charming confidence
He loves her emotional intelligence
They fell in love
Like Adam and Eve
It's a love song
A happy one
But Popo has her own ideas
Papa introduced Mama to Popo
It was a disaster!
Popo disapproved right away
Their differences were unacceptable
Without her blessings, oh no, no!
Without her blessings, oh no, no!
But they got married anyway
The wedding's nice and beautiful
People come from near and far
To give their blessings to Ma and Pa
There were mixed feelings in the air
'Cause Popo never wanted this
Days and days passed
But everything changed suddenly
It was only when I was born she sees
She fell in love
With baby Alicia
[in English] It's a happy ending
For everyone
We live in harmony
Despite our differences
This is how my family is formed
And now, I think I've lost it all
So, what happens now?
Are you going to tell your parents
about the bracelet?
[scoffs, in English] Of course not!
[in English] I don't wanna get canceled.
[in English] Then?
[mixed language] This is my plan.
[mixed language] I start a rojak business,
save up the money,
buy back the bracelet,
and return it to my mom.
[in English] Then, I can just act
like nothing happened. [impressed sigh]
But is there a shop that sells
a gold bracelet like that?
[in English] Online, of course.
Uh, but why rojak, eh?
[clicks tongue] Rojak is easy to make,
easy to sell, and it's delicious.
[gasps] Hey!
[in English] That can be our slogan!
[in English] And we could call it
The Rojak Club.
[Azim] Hey!
So many trash collectors here.
- There's the tomboy.
- [whimsical music]
The squid is here.
The doll is here.
Even the half-white kid.
[mixed language] Guys, I think
we need another plastic bag.
To throw this trashy man away.
Good. Keep up the good work.
Hey! Don't be rude!
- You're asking for it!
- Huh?
- Hey!
- [shrieks]
- [Pavitra] Does it hurt?
- [Azim groans]
[overlapping chattering]
- [teacher] Pavitra!
- [Pavitra] Huh?
Enough! Pavitra! Enough!
- Does it hurt, Azim?
- My arm hurts, Teacher!
- Does it hurt?
- It hurts.
- It hurts, Teacher!
- [whimsical music]
[clicks tongue]
Can you not be so annoying?
[mixed language] That's called
"fragile masculinity".
Eh. No.
[mixed language]
That's not fragile masculinity.
- It's not?
- [mixed language] No! He's just fragile.
[teacher] Hey. All of you!
Even while being punished,
you guys can still fool around?
[mixed language]
But Teacher, he started it!
[mixed language] Yeah, Teacher.
We're only defending ourselves!
Hey! Enough!
Azim, you're wrong because you started it.
Pavitra, you're wrong too
because you hit Azim.
Teacher, I didn't hit him!
I just twisted his arm a bit!
- It doesn't matter.
- [whimsical music]
Azim, go home now.
Or else...
Or else what, Teacher?
Now, all of you, resume what you're doing.
[mixed language] I'm going to
continue reading my novel.
[mixed language] The guy was about
to confess! [annoyed grunt]
[gull squawks]
- [laidback music]
- [phone pings]
[clicks tongue, groans]
[phone beeping]
[mixed language] This driver is too slow.
[motorbike engine whirring]
[laughing, whispering]
[girl, mocking]
It's Aisyah!
[in English] My name is Alicia.
[mixed language] Look at her
with her free hair.
- [girl scoffs]
- Do you know what's haram?
She doesn't even cover her aurah!
Typical city girl.
[scoffs] Leave me alone!
- [grunts]
- [girl clicks tongue]
She fell!
[mocking] Poor girl. [chuckles]
[girl] It's okay.
- Let's pray for the best for her.
- [giggling]
Okay. Peace be upon you.
[unsettling music]
[pained sigh]
- Hey, Pavitra. Hold on.
- Ya, Ma?
[in English] Go home, pack the clothes
for Alor Setar tomorrow.
[overlapping chattering]
[mixed] How many times have I told you
not to dress up like a tomboy?
What would people say,
seeing you like this?
[Pavitra] Okay, ma.
[mother] You never listen to me!
[pained groan]
[Pavitra, affirmative exclaims]
Hi, Pavitra.
[mixed language] I'll text you. I'll text.
Hmm. Okay.
[mixed language] Your mother, just now?
She's quite fierce.
[scoffs] She's like that.
What happened to your hand?
I fell.
Does it hurt?
- [in English] Not really.
- [whimsical music]
[mixed language] It's more painful
that nobody wants to join the club.
[mixed language] I want to join,
but I just didn't reply.
[in English] Really?
- [shrieks, pained moaning]
- [affirmative groans]
[mixed language] But why
do you want to join now?
I have my reasons.
[in English] Okay, class.
Can you please identify the noun,
the verb,
and/or adjective in this sentence?
- [whimsical music]
- [girl] Teacher.
Why would they become a wolf
when they're hungry?
That's not what the sentence means.
[girl] Teacher, I have a question.
[mixed language] Why can't they be
as hungry as a cat?
[mixed language] Why must it be a wolf?
My cat at home is always hungry.
[teacher] Because it's like that.
So, we just follow.
None of you
didn't even answer my question!
[shrieks, clicks tongue]
[tense music]
Who did this?
[in English] Okay, fine.
"Ming Kit.
Come join The Rojak Club.
- [in English] We can make money together."
- [children muttering]
Alicia! Ming Kit!
Stand up.
Please stand outside the class
this instance!
[music ends]
- You. This is all your fault.
- [whimsical music]
[mixed language] My fault?
It's your fault.
[in English] How come it is my fault?
[mixed language] You don't know
how to throw properly.
[mixed language] If you didn't
throw it first, I wouldn't throw it back.
[mixed language]
If you joined The Rojak Club,
then, I wouldn't have
had to throw it in the first place.
[mixed language] I said I didn't want to.
[in English] I need someone
to do the accounts.
- [in English] I don't know maths.
- But you're Chinese.
- [in English] You're also Chinese.
- [in English] I'm only half Chinese.
- [clicks tongue, sighs]
- [teacher] Enough!
[teacher] Both of you are
giving me a headache! [shrieks]
- [critters chirping]
- [music ends]
[in English] So, Alicia, how was school?
[in English] Anything interesting?
Meet any new friends?
[in English] My friends and I are planning
to open a rojak business.
[whimsical music]
[in English] What?
[in English] Rojak business?
[in English] I'm planning
to invite them over.
And we're gonna discuss about
opening up a stall to sell
fruit rojak and stuff like that.
[in English] Wait. Hold on!
[in English] How come you never tell
Mama and Papa first?
[mixed language] Do I need to ask?
[in English] Not like you care what I do.
[in English] Of course we care!
What if you get snatched or kidnapped?
Come on, Mama.
[in English] Don't worry. This isn't KL.
[in English] Besides,
Papa also didn't say anything.
[gulps, in English] I think it's okay,
as long as she has protection?
- [in English] Protection?
- [in English] What protection?
[in English] Oh, I mean, uh,
as long as it's safe. [chuckles]
- Is it safe?
- Is it not safe?
How would I know. Is it?
[mixed language] Uh... Okay, I think
if her friends come over to just study,
- it's okay.
- [gasps]
- [in English] Oh, study?
- [dad] Yes, study.
[Alicia gasps]
[in English] My friends
will come over to study.
[dad, in English] Yes. No monkey business.
- [Alicia, in English] Of course.
- [dad] Alright.
[knock on door]
[in English] Hi! Come on in, guys.
[in English] We can study in
the dining room, so, don't worry. Just...
Do you have food?
I'm hungry.
[Pavitra] I need to use the toilet.
[whimsical music]
Come in.
[in English] Make yourself at home.
[in English] Wanna try rojak?
- [upbeat music]
- [hums lively tune]
I'm gonna let my friends
Try this delicious rojak
[silly sounds]
We get it. You like to dance. Show-off.
[clicks tongue, scoffs]
[mixed language] You complain too much.
Come. Try!
- [Alicia hums]
- [Pavitra moans]
[affirmative exclaims]
Good, right?
[mixed language] But if we start
a business together,
- selling this rojak, isn't it even better?
- [whimsical music]
[mixed language] So smooth.
[in English] Thank you. Thank you.
[mumbles] We already said we don't want.
[in English] We already said
we don't want.
[clicks tongue, annoyed sigh]
I don't want to because my grandparents
told me to focus on my studies.
It's okay.
[mixed language] Where are your parents?
[mixed language]
My parents are working at Penang.
They come back once a week
or once every two weeks.
[mixed language] But you can just juggle
the business with your studies?
[Ming Kit, mixed language] Saleha said
she doesn't want to.
[mixed language] Let's study smart.
[in English] But...
[Ming Kit] We don't want
her grandparents to get angry.
Let's study.
- [in English] Bye!
- [in English] Bye!
[in English] See you guys.
[Ming Kit clicks tongue] Oh! A flat tire.
Oh! Now what?
[in English] My sister can pick me up.
[mixed language] But I have to wait
until she finishes her food deliveries.
[in English] Ming Kit? It's okay.
Aunty can fetch you.
Is there anyone home?
Yes, aunty.
My mother is home.
[mixed language] Your mother
doesn't drive?
[mixed language] She drives,
but she has to look after the shop.
[sighs] Okay, hold on.
Um... [in English] My keys.
Hold on. I'll go get my keys
and I'll take you, okay?
[in English] Okay, Aunty.
Thank you, Aunty.
- [scoffs] "Thank you, Aunty".
- [whimsical music]
[clicks tongue] You don't.
[in English] If I don't say thank you,
then what?
[mom] Is this your house, Ming Kit?
Yes, Aunty. My house is at the back.
[Alicia, in English] I'll walk you in.
I'll go say hi to your mother.
- [Ming Kit, in English] Thank you, Aunty.
- [mom] Welcome.
[in Chinese] Ming Kit, you're back.
[in Chinese] Ma, this is my friend.
[in English] Hi, Aunty.
[in English] I'm Ming Kit's friend.
- Hi!
- Alicia.
[in Chinese] You're from KL?
[in English] Yes.
My mom's in the car over there.
We're gonna go get takeaway,
so, I'll leave first, okay, Aunty?
No need to hassle.
[in English] Come eat together with us!
[in English] Ask your mom to come in.
I just want to say thank you to her.
- Sorry, I'm late.
- Ming Li is home.
- Come, eat.
- [indistinct]
Um, so,
Ming Li is the older sister?
- Ming Kit is the younger brother?
- Yes.
Ming Li is now
studying finance at university.
Ming Kit is helping me out
with the family business.
- [mom] Mmm...
- When he's older, he'll take over.
Right, Ming Kit?
- [in English] No.
- Why no?
[somber music]
[Leona, in English]
What do you mean, "no"?
[Ming Kit, in English] No means no.
[Leona] Don't be rude.
[in Chinese] You know
that I don't like doing business.
[in Chinese] Why do you insist on me
taking over Pa's business?
[in Chinese] I'm doing this
for your future. For your own good!
[in Chinese] If you really
care about my future,
you should know
what I'm really interested in.
[in Chinese] Fashion is for women,
not for men.
[in Chinese] I don't want you
to be a soft boy.
[in Chinese] Ma, what era are we in now?
[mixed language] Who said
fashion is only for women?
[in Chinese] Why can't it be for men?
[in Chinese] Don't talk back at me.
[soft chuckle]
[in Chinese] Ma.
You're a bit much this time.
Sometimes I feel like
I understand my kids,
but sometimes, I feel like
my kids are not my kids.
[sighs] I understand, Leona.
Hey, Ming Kit.
[mixed] Your mother is not here.
[in English] You can open the door.
[Ming Kit] No.
[foreign] Come on.
[in English] Please?
[in English] Please?
[whimsical music]
[in English] Sorry, Ming Kit.
[in English] I shouldn't
have laughed at you that day.
[clicks tongue] It's okay,
but you really have a rude mouth.
[mixed] I made this jacket.
- [gasps, in English] Seriously?
- Mmm.
[in English] This is so cool.
You're so good.
[mixed] I just do it for fun.
[in English] But you should
totally continue pursuing fashion.
[in English] Who said
boys cannot like fashion?
[mixed] There are so many
male fashion designers.
I don't know.
I just keep getting made fun of.
[clicks tongue, in English]
Don't worry about what others think.
Did you draw these?
[Alicia] Wow. [gasps]
[in English] You should join!
[foreign] I'm not even good.
[mixed] I just do it for fun.
[in English] But you like it, right?
[mixed] The competition
has an entrance fee.
[foreign] It's such a hassle. It's okay.
[in English] What if you join
The Rojak Club...
- Oh! Again!
- [whimsical music]
[clicks tongue, English] No. Wait!
[in English] Hear me out, okay?
[in English] We use the money
that we make from The Rojak Club
to pay the entrance fee.
[in English] And then you use that money
to buy whatever materials you need
for the competition.
But it's in KL.
[mixed] My parents would never allow it.
[mixed] Why do you need to ask
for your parents' approval?
[in English] I don't tell them,
you don't tell them, [clicks tongue]
how would they know?
But it's in KL.
[in English] So?
[in English] I'm from KL.
[in English] I can go with you.
[in English] We could take the ferry
and then the bus,
or something like that. I don't know.
[in English] We'll plan that later.
[in English] But it's possible!
[in English] So?
[playful music]
[in English] She's so perfect.
[in English] It's annoying.
How do we convince her
to join The Rojak Club?
Why would she need the money?
Um, you know I can hear
what you're saying, right?
Saleha, don't you want to buy anything?
What about an expensive watch?
I already have one.
One isn't enough. You need two.
Ah, yes!
[mixed] You need a smart watch!
Or a wall clock.
Wall clock?
Uh-huh. Easier to look at.
- Mmm.
- [stomach rumbles]
[mixed] Guys, give me a second.
I need to go to the toilet.
Uh... I need to go too.
Why do girls like going
to the toilet together?
- [girl chuckles]
- Give it up.
- [unsettling music]
I don't have money.
[prefect] No money?
You want to die?
I've deleted my TikTok account.
Don't bother me anymore.
Oh, talking back, I see?
You want to get hit?
Hey! Don't bully her!
It's Aisyah.
Aisyah is your friend, Saleha?
Really? [scoffs]
Don't get mixed up in things
you know nothing about.
I'm mixed Chinese and Malay.
So I like to get in the mix.
So annoying.
You don't know
who your "friend" here really is.
Did you know she has a TikTok account?
So? Who doesn't?
But I've deleted it.
[mixed] Of course, we have back up.
[mixed] We've downloaded all your videos.
[mixed] A prefect
bringing a phone to school?
[scoffs] This is not our phone.
We confiscated it.
We'll hand it over to Miss Kartini.
You can do that?
Let me see
This is me!
Nothing can stop us now
Your voice is amazing!
- If you don't want us to share it, pay up.
- [unsettling music]
But I don't have any money.
So, you do want us to share it?
Please. Don't. [panicked gasps]
Saleha! Wait!
[heavy breathing]
[money rustling]
Here, take it! Enough?
Five ringgits only?
[Jannah] Five ringgits?
So little?
You realize there are three of us, right?
We can't even buy nasi lemak
with this money.
Luckily, she has a rich friend.
They've left.
- [in English] You can come out now.
- [heavy breathing]
[in English] Just remember to breathe.
[in English] Or maybe
I can go get some water?
Nobody knows.
I don't want anyone to know!
[heavy breathing]
But why did you post the videos on TikTok?
I did that because...
I feel confident,
not like the coward I usually am.
But why don't you want anyone to know?
I worry people will judge.
I worry they'll laugh at me.
I don't want that!
[in English] I promise
I won't show the video to anyone.
[in English] Promise.
[Pavitra making affirmative sounds]
I'd like to join.
- [feel-good music]
- [chuckling]
We have a friend to do the accounts!
[Pavitra] Yeah!
[chanting] The Rojak Club!
[upbeat music]
CORN FLOUR, PEANU[inaudible]
[mixed] I will make
the best rojak in the world!
[inspiring music]
Mm! Where are we gonna sell it?
Hmm... We can sell it at school!
[in English] Or in front of my house.
- Let's make our stall!
- [upbeat music]
[delightful gasps]
I can make this stall even prettier.
I can manage the KPI.
How much do you guys need?
[in English] Five hundred ringgits!
One hundred and fifty.
The more the better.
[mixed] Okay, guys,
customers can now purchase online.
[gasps, excited exclaims]
[mom] Alicia!
[in English] Is everything okay?
[upbeat music]
Deliver at this address, yeah?
- Okay.
- Thank you!
[cash register pings]
[in English] Hi, sir. Come try
our delicious rojak from The Rojak Club!
- [in English] Yes? Yes!
- Okay.
[in English] Okay. Let's go!
[cash register pings]
- [customer] Thank you.
- [Alicia, in English] Enjoy!
[Ming Kit, in English] Excuse me.
[Pavitra] Teacher.
Do you guys have a permit
to sell this at school?
Uh... [nervous chuckle]
If not, give me two.
- Please, Teacher!
- Yes, Teacher!
Here's two.
- That will be ten ringgits, Teacher.
- [all hesitate]
- [mixed] It's fine, Teacher. Free.
- [mixed] Free. No need.
- [in English] Confirm?
- [Ming Kit] Yes...
- [in English] Confirm?
- [Alicia, in English] Free, Teacher.
- [in English] Sure?
- [Ming Kit] Absolutely.
- [Pavitra] Free, Teacher.
- Okay.
- [Ming Kit, in English] Bye-bye!
- [Alicia] Bye.
Can I have two?
[Ming Kit] Okay.
[cash register pings]
[in English] Here you go! Thank you
for coming! Enjoy your day! Have fun!
[in English] Thank you so much!
[cash register pings]
[in English] Alright.
[in English] And this one is for you.
Come back soon, okay?
- [Alicia, in English] Thank you.
- [cash register pings]
Five hundred!
[chanting] The Rojak Club!
[excited giggling]
[in English] Good job, guys!
- [dad] Oh, man. Where is it?
- [mom sighs]
- [annoyed exclaims]
- Where did you put it?
I'm so dead.
- [mom] When is Ma coming?
- [dad] I don't know.
[dad, in English] Maybe a few weeks' time.
How come you don't know where you put it?
You're home every day, right?
You think I'm a CCTV at home, is it?
You think I like staying home every day?
[mixed] The thing is, right,
I quit my job to come here with you,
but you don't appreciate it at all!
[dad, in English] Hello?
I didn't force you!
[mom, in English] You didn't force me.
But you didn't give me a choice!
[mixed] Now, the bracelet's gone,
and it's all my fault!
[dad] So? Is it my fault?
Yeah! It's all my fault!
[somber music]
Hey, hey, hey.
Can the half-white kid even make rojak?
[mixed] Sorry, we're closed.
Come back next time, yeah?
I'm just here to buy rojak.
Is this how you treat your customer?
[in English] Okay. Fine! You get one.
Thank you. Don't come again.
This rojak is not bad.
- [gasps, in English] Sorry.
- [shrieks]
- It was an accident!
- [Saleha] Hey, chase him.
[exhilarating music]
[all shouting and laughing]
[Ming Kit] No!
- [giggling]
- Alicia!
[music stops]
[in English] What...
[mom] Alicia?
You have anything to tell Papa?
[in English] I had fun
with my friends today.
[in English] Oh, okay, that's very nice.
[in English] Had fun doing what?
[in English] Nothing much.
[in English] Just...
- [in English] Fun stuff.
- Hmm...
[in English] She was covered in flour
when I found her.
- [in English] Why is she covered in flour?
- [in English] It was only a little bit.
- [in English] She set up a rojak stall.
- [in English] It's just a hobby!
- [in English] I thought we said you can't.
- [in English] Technically, you didn't.
[in English] You see?
You said she can study, right?
[in English] Why is it my fault?
- [somber music]
- [mom, in English] Of course it is.
Because you act like
you don't know your own kid.
[in English] If she said she wants
to study, it means she's up to something.
- [in English] So you knew?
- [in English] Of course I knew!
[in English] If you knew,
why didn't you say anything?
You never listen to me.
How am I supposed to listen to you
when you don't know what you want?
[mom, in English]
You never give me a choice.
[dad, in English] I always
give you a choice!
[mom, in English] You always let me choose
after you have made the decision.
[in English] And you think I don't know
because you think I'm stupid?
[in English] No, I never said that!
[in English] So, if I lost your mother's
bracelet, you think I'm stupid, right?
[dad, in English] No,
I'm just worried my mom will find out.
[mom, in English] You think I'm stupid?
[dad, in English] I think you shouldn't
lose it in the first place. That's it.
[mom, mixed] So, now I've lost
the bracelet, what am I supposed to do?
- [in English] Call the police?
- [in English] Don't be stupid.
[in English] I think you're stupid!
[in English] You know what?
I'm so done with you.
[in English] I'm so done with your family.
[mixed] You know, I think
it's better that we get a divorce!
[footsteps thumping]
[handphone rings]
- Hello.
- [Pavitra] Alicia, where are you?
Oh, I'm on the way!
[in English] Sorry, my mom
asked me to get groceries just now.
[in English] Oh, on the way.
- It's okay if that's the case.
- Hmm.
I'll just go straight
to your house to get the safe box.
Because now,
we don't have enough small change.
Customers are getting impatient.
- Uh...
- I'll go now.
Uh, no need. [in English] It's okay.
[in English] I can get it myself.
It's fine.
It's okay. I'm already on the way.
I'm near your house already.
- Wait! Wait!
- It's okay.
Your mom is home, right?
You go straight to the stall.
I'll go get it first.
- But...
- Ming Kit and Saleha are already there.
I'll see you later. Bye.
Pavitra? Pa...
Oh no. Okay.
[in English] Uh, Uncle,
can you drive faster, please?
- [panicked exclaims]
- [exhilarating music]
What's with this kid?
- [mysterious music]
- [shrieks, gasps]
Where did it go?
Are you looking for Pavitra?
- She just left.
- [gasps] I'm dead!
[in English] Okay, I need to book a Grap.
[phone beeping]
[gasps, in English] Ten minutes?
[in English] No, too long.
[in English] Okay, bicycle.
[in English] Let's go for the bicycle.
Okay. [sighs]
[in English] One more time.
[sighs, groans, shrieks]
[in English] Never mind.
[mysterious music]
[phone vibrates]
[heavy breathing, gasps]
[sighs, in English] Thank God that you've...
- [car honks]
- [shrieks, panting]
[music ends]
[clicks tongue]
Where's our money?
[Alicia] Uh...
[mixed] You're so hungry that you
ate all the money, is it?
- used it.
- [somber music]
- What the heck?
- Oh my God.
[in English] Wait,
but I have a good reason.
[in English] What?
Did your family go bankrupt?
[in English] No.
[in English] Look.
My parents are gonna get a divorce.
[in English]
Just because of that bracelet.
[in English] So, I needed the money, and...
I had no choice.
[in English] You have no choice?
[in English] How about us?
[sighs, in English] Come on, guys.
[in English] Can't you see?
[in English] Clearly, my problem right now
is bigger
than all of yours combined. Okay?
What did you say?
[in English] It's simple! Saleha.
[mixed] All you have to do
is keep paying the Gossip Girls
until you graduate from school.
[in English] Ming Kit.
Just don't join the competition.
[in English] It's not like you wanted
to join in the first place.
[in English] And Pavitra.
[in English] I don't even know
why you need the money.
- What did you say?
- Hey!
[in English] Am I wrong?
[heavy breathing]
[mixed] I need the money
to pay for my sister's hospital.
[somber music]
- [in English] What?
- [Pavitra] Hey!
My sister has congenital heart disease!
[mixed] She needs an operation!
That's why I need the money!
But your problem is bigger, right?
You know our butts have a hole?
That's you.
You don't care about our feelings at all.
Are we your friends,
or are you just using us?
[dad, foreign] Yes, number two. Two.
[foreign] I'm just speaking louder,
I'm not angry.
[foreign] I said I'm just speaking louder
because you can't hear me.
[foreign] Hello? Can you hear me?
The line here is not clear.
[foreign] Yes, yes, yes. The second alley.
You turn left, then go straight.
[foreign] You'll see a sign in front,
then turn left.
[foreign] Tell the driver to turn left.
[foreign] Can you hear me?
Hello? [clicks tongue]
[foreign] I told you I'm not angry.
[foreign] Yes, yes. Turn left. What?
[foreign] You've turned left?
[foreign] You're almost here?
[foreign] Two minutes? Okay, yes. Okay.
[in English] Two minutes.
- [in English] Two minutes.
- [in English] Two minutes?
- [in English] Yes. Yes.
- [in English] Two minutes.
[in English] Luckily,
you found the bracelet.
- Praise be to God. [exhales]
- [chuckles]
[mom] Thank you, dear.
[doorbell rings]
[bright music]
- Ah!
- [dad] Mom.
- [foreign] Son. How are you?
- [foreign] Good.
- [Alicia] Hi, Popo!
- [happy sigh]
[foreign] Oh, it's my good granddaughter.
[foreign] Oh,
you look prettier as you grow older.
- Didn't see you for a few years.
- [both chuckle]
[in English] Wow! You grew up so pretty.
[in English] Looks more
like the Wong family.
[in English] Our side of the family.
[in English] You know? You look exactly
like Popo when Popo was your age.
- [foreign] As pretty as me!
- [both chuckle]
[in English] Why are you so skinny?
[foreign] Don't you eat?
[in English] Your mommy never
cook you delicious, nutritious meals?
[in English] Don't you eat enough?
[foreign] You didn't
give your wife money, is it?
[in English]
Uh, anyway, have you been good?
[in English] Do you like it here?
How's your studies?
- [both chuckle]
- [in English] Yes, I love it here.
[in English] You do?
[foreign] Good girl. [chuckles]
- Hey, ma.
- Huh?
- [in English] How was your trip? Okay?
- [gasps]
[in English] Yes, okay.
[in English] It's just that...
You know, when I landed at the airport,
I feel like I'm in a strange,
like a different country like that.
[in English] The way they speak
Bahasa Malaysia.
[in English] The Malay.
You know, like, so strange.
[in English] They say like,
uh, like the taxi driver,
he said to me, "Mai follow me."
[in English] I said, "What mai?"
[in English] And then,
after that, he said, uh,
"Mai come in the car."
[foreign] What prawn dumpling, you know?
[in English] So,
and then, I got so confused.
[in English] All the confusion.
I don't know what it means.
- [in English] So, I, you know...
- Yes, that's right, Mom.
[in English] Over here, they speak
the Kedah accent. It's normal.
[foreign] Different places
have different accents.
[Popo, in English] Oh,
the northern accent?
[in English] Oh, the northern slang,
is it? Mm.
Oh, wow. Um...
[in English] You decorated
the house quite nicely.
- [in English] You did this?
- No.
[in English] Of course, your good
daughter-in-law, Nora, did it.
[in English] Oh, nice, nice! Mm. Nice.
[in English] Only,
it's a bit dusty. [cynical chuckle]
[foreign] Ma, let's go eat.
- [in English] Oh, okay. Come. [chuckles]
- Let's go!
[foreign] Oh, good girl.
[in English] You can sit there.
[in English] Oh. Here, thank you.
[foreign] Yeah, you sit. Sit, sit.
- [dad groans]
- Wow!
[in English] So many dishes.
Looks so delicious.
- [in English] You cook, is it?
- [clicks tongue] No.
[in English] This one,
Mama cooked everything.
Papa... [chuckles]
He just cooked rice.
Oh! [chuckles]
Oh, Nora.
[in English] I didn't know
that you can cook. [chuckles]
[in English] Only took you 16 years
to learn how to cook. [chuckles]
[in English] I remember. You know, uh,
when you first got married
to my son, Chen Wah, uh,
you never cooked.
- You eat out. You buy, you know?
- [mom chuckles]
- Um, I did cook sometimes, Ma.
- [Popo] Oh.
Ah. [speaks Italian]
White people food.
[in English] But now, you learn
how to cook Chinese food.
This is Chinese cooking.
[in English] Oh. Very good.
[foreign] Okay, okay, Ma.
Enough talking. Let's eat.
[nervous chuckle]
[in English] Alicia, what must you say?
[foreign] Oh. Popo, eat.
[foreign] Papa, eat. Mama, eat.
[foreign] Good girl. Let's eat.
Let's eat.
- [mutters]
- [satisfied exclaim]
- [in English] Popo take for you.
- [in English] Thank you.
[unsettling music]
[in English] What is this?
[dad, in English] What do you mean?
This is the bracelet you gave to Nora.
[in English] Why are you bluffing me?
[in English] Is this
the bracelet I gave you?
[in English] Yes,
this is the bracelet you gave me.
[in English] Why would we bluff you?
[in English] This is not the bracelet
I gave you. [mutters]
- [in English] This is not the bracelet.
- Ma, what's wrong?
[foreign] What are you looking for?
[doors slamming]
[foreign] Ma, what are you looking for?
What are you doing?
- [Popo groans]
- [clinking]
[foreign] What are you doing?
[foreign] Ma, tell me what's going on.
[foreign] What has gotten into you?
[Popp, foreign] What's this?
You just watch. What's this?
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[Popo, in English] See?
[in English] Is this how you treat
your mother-in-law? Huh?
[in English] This is
a priceless family heirloom.
[in English] This is
my great-great-grandmother's.
- [somber music]
- [inhales]
[in English] My great-great-grandmother
gave it to my great-grandmother.
[in English] My great-grandmother
gave it to my grandmother.
[in English] My grandmother
gave it to my mother.
[in English] And my mother
gave it to me. And I gave it to you!
[in English] When you took
my son away from me!
[in English] I accepted you
into the family.
- [in English] Is this how you repay me?
- [in English] What?
[in English] Ma, she didn't
take me away from you.
[in English] It's my own choice.
[foreign] What did you say?
[foreign] You've gone crazy.
[foreign] You. Ever since you
got married to this woman,
you've changed.
[foreign] You're not
the same person anymore.
[foreign] You're not Chen Wah anymore.
[dad, foreign]
Ma, what are you talking about?
[foreign] I'm still your son.
I'm still part of the Wong family.
- [scoffs]
- Now.
[foreign] Since young,
I've always listened to you.
[foreign] I couldn't play football
because you wanted me to study hard,
to be an engineer, because to
take over Pa's company.
[foreign] So, I listened to you.
[foreign] But what can I do?
[foreign] Ever since
I got married to Nora, the company...
the company is given
to my younger brother. I didn't mind
because I know I have the potential
to open up my own company.
[foreign] Did I change?
[foreign] Are you done?
[foreign] Are you still part
of the Wong family?
[foreign] Did you come home
for any family occasions anymore?
[foreign] You've treated the Wong family
like it's not your family anymore.
[foreign] Ever since
you married this woman,
you never came home anymore.
[foreign] Pa's 70th birthday,
did you come home?
[foreign] How am I supposed to ask Pa
to pass the company to you?
[foreign] Ma, I think you've forgotten.
[foreign] Forgot what?
[foreign] After I got married to Nora,
converted to Islam,
you and Pa told me
that I'm not your son anymore.
[foreign] Did I say that?
[foreign] You're the one who said...
[dramatic music]
[foreign] You told me
to not come home anymore.
[foreign] You think
I didn't want to go home?
[foreign] Can I even go home?
Do you even accept me?
[foreign] Have you thought about
my feelings?
[foreign] If it wasn't for Alicia,
would you even see me again?
[angry panting]
[foreign] Just this once,
I wanted to make my own decision
in choosing who I wanted to marry.
[foreign] Ma.
[foreign] I want to say it loud and clear.
[in English] Nora is my wife.
[in English] I love her,
and I will never leave her.
[in English] Whether you like it or not!
- [scoffs]
- [clinking]
- [sighs]
- [door clicks open]
[in English] I'm sorry.
[mom] Alicia.
[in English] I'm sorry.
[in English] What happened?
[somber music]
[in English] You said you found
the bracelet in the sofa.
[in English] I lied.
[in English] I lost the original bracelet.
[in English] I dropped it
in the sink, and it's gone.
[in English] So,
I bought a new one online,
but I didn't know it was fake.
I got cheated!
[in English] What do you mean
you got cheated?
[mixed] That's your point?
[in English] I tried to help. Mama.
I really tried.
[in English] How dare you?
- [gasps]
- [mom, in English] You lied to us?
[in English] You lied to Mama and Papa.
[Alicia, in English] I didn't mean to.
[inhales, in English] Look,
it's not fair. Papa!
[in English] I did everything I could
to get that bracelet back. [gasps]
[in English] I even started some stupid
rojak business just for this.
[in English] I don't care about
your stupid rojak business.
[in English] Yes! You don't care.
[in English] Exactly.
[in English] You both never care about me.
[in English] Did you know
that I like dancing?
[in English] That I post dance videos
on my TikTok account?
[in English] Did you know that there's
this dance competition
that I've been dying to join with Izara?
[in English] No.
You didn't know that, did you?
[in English] Because you don't care.
[Alicia sighs]
[in English] I've done my best
and I've tried everything.
[in English] But I'm never enough for you.
[somber music]
[in English]
It's not that easy when it's a mess
Put on a happy face so it hurts less
Now we got a lot of baggage to trust
You've got a lot of nerve
To say that it's no fuss
How could I not see for what you are?
Being in this moment
When we see the star
I am right beside you
As we lie on the grass
Our hopes and dreams
We're forgetting the past
But the past makes who we are
Like a loveless laid upon a star
You're broken and I'm broken
It's a part of who we are
It's a fight
We'll have to take on ourselves
To repair of what's left
It's a part of who we are
It's a fight
We'll have to take on ourselves
To repair of what's left
[in English] So, yeah.
[in English] Now, everybody hates me,
and I hate everybody.
[in English] How come
no one understands me?
[in English] Sorry Alicia.
[in English] That sucks.
[in English] Okay,
I gotta go now to dance practice.
[in English] What?
[in English] What, what?
[in English] So, you're just gonna
leave me right now?
[in English] Yes,
I said I've got dance practice.
[scoffs, in English] So,
dance practice is more important
than me now?
[in English] Excuse me?
[in English] How could you just leave me?
[in English] You're being selfish.
[in English] I'm selfish?
Uh, yeah.
[in English] I thought
I was your best friend.
[in English] Yeah? And I'm sure Ming Kit,
Pavitra, and Saleha also thought
you were their best friend.
- [annoyed sigh]
- [ping]
[somber music]
[birds chirping]
[gentle music]
[in English] I...
[in English] I came here to say that
I'm sorry.
[mixed] It's too late
to say sorry, right?
The money... [scoffs]
is gone.
[in English] I told my parents
about your sister.
[machine rumbling]
- [knock on window]
- [bright music]
[machine rumbling]
[knock on window]
[gasps, mixed] Are you crazy?
[in English] I'm here to say sorry.
- [in English] For you!
- Hmm?
[mixed] For you. Hurry! Take this.
[mixed] Later, your mom
will get mad if she sees.
[in English] What is this?
[in English] To join the competition.
[in English] Oh, the competition is over.
[in English] There's another one.
Hurry! You have to take this!
- Hurry!
- [sighs]
Higher. Higher a bit.
- No. It'll break.
- [shrieks]
[clicks tongue, sighs]
You come in from the front.
[mixed] What if your mother is angry?
- It's fine.
- Okay.
- Go.
- Okay.
[in English] My mom and dad said that
they know some of the best doctors here.
[in English] They have
this one doctor friend
in Alor Setar.
[in English] He said
that he could get a discount
for your sister's operation.
- [gentle music]
- [sighs]
[in English] My parents
can help pay a bit.
[in English] So that your mom
doesn't have to pay so much.
[door clicks open]
[laidback music]
Hey, wait!
[in English] I'm sorry.
[in English] I'm sorry I didn't take
your anxiety seriously.
[in English] Wait!
[in English] Listen, please?
[in English] I really wanna help.
[in English] So...
[in English] I kind of
signed you up to perform for this.
The Student Excellence Awards ceremony?
[in English] I think this is the best way
to make the Gossip Girls shut up.
Alicia! What are you doing here?
[in English] I've got someone
on the phone.
[mixed] Here, here. Come, Aunty.
[man] Hello!
Luzaini Lizman?
[bright music]
Yes. I'm Luzaini Lizman.
You're the one who makes clothes?
Sorry if it's a bit noisy at the back.
I'm at the Maldives at the moment.
On holiday with my wife and son.
Wife and son?
Yes, correct.
[mixed] Actually,
I called to invite Ming Kit
to join my fashion competition.
You don't need to worry about the fees.
I'll make it free just for him.
I just want him to take part
because I think he's very talented,
and I want to help.
[in English] All the best. See you soon!
[in English] Okay, thank you. Bye!
[mixed] He doesn't look soft, right?
[mixed] He looks like a strong man,
right, Aunty?
Just like Ming Kit.
[foreign] Ming Kit,
show me one of your designs.
[foreign] I made this myself.
[knock on door]
[in English] Hi!
Mama, Papa.
- [in English] What are you doing here?
- [dad] Hmm...
[in English] So, me and Papa
have been discussing.
[in English] And...
[in English] We're real sorry
because we've been neglectful
because of our own problems.
[in English] I'm sorry for lying
about the bracelet too
- [in English] It's okay.
- [sighs] It's okay, darling.
[in English] You know, we realize that we
actually have to communicate better.
[in English] So,
you're not getting a divorce?
[dad, in English] What?
Divorce? Hey, come on.
[in English] Me and your mama,
#TillJannah, okay?
[all chuckle]
[in English] By the way.
[Alicia, shock gasp, in English]
Flight tickets back to KL?
- [dad] Hm-mm.
- [Alicia, in English] For what?
[in English] Uh, Mama contacted Izara
about your dance thingy.
[in English] And we actually saw
your dance videos on TikTok.
[in English] You're actually
so talented, huh?
- [in English] Really?
- Yeah!
[in English] So, tomorrow we're gonna take
you to KL for your dance competition.
- [shocked gasp, in English] Really?
- [both] Yes!
[in English] Oh, wait!
- [in English] Tomorrow?
- [both] Yeah.
[in English] Uh, I have school tomorrow.
Just skip one day of school.
[in English] It's okay.
[in English] Anyway, tomorrow
you got your what?
[mixed] Student Excellence Awards, right?
[mixed] Did you win any awards?
[in English] No, but...
[in English] I have to be there.
[in English] It's okay. It's only one day.
I'll speak to your teacher, okay?
- Okay? Yeah.
- [dad chuckles]
[dad, in English] Start packing.
[clapping and cheering]
Good morning!
Good morning?
It's already evening, Teacher.
- Eh? Already evening?
- Ah yeah, it's evening.
Okay, I'll go home then.
- I don't have OT.
- Huh? You're going home?
Okay, then.
Because I don't have a co-emcee,
I'd like to ask for a raise
from the principal, okay?
[teacher] Hey!
- I'm just kidding, Miss Kartini!
- Welcome back.
- Thank you, Miss Kartini.
- You're welcome.
And welcome to everyone here today.
Thank you for joining us at our...
Student Excellence Awards ceremony!
[clapping and cheering]
Where's Alicia?
How would I know?
[Kartini] Ladies and gentlemen.
This is me
[gasps] Oh my God.
- Alicia? What's wrong?
- Yeah?
[in English] Mama. Papa.
We need to go back.
[in English] Go back?
- [in English] Go back where?
- [in English] Huh? Go back where?
[in English] To school.
Papa, can we go back to school, please?
- [in English] Can we?
- [in English] Go back to school?
[in English] Then,
how about your dance competition?
[in English] There's something
more important than the dance competition.
- [stammers, in English] What?
- [mutters]
Ladies and gentlemen,
the Student Excellence Awards SMK Langkawi
has been a tradition
since the school was established in 1964.
That's right.
In following tradition,
we will start the ceremony
with performances by our students.
This is me
[prefect] Saleha?
- You and me together
- Why did you do this to me?
This is...
This is because of you.
I've never been number one in class.
- It's always you!
- [Ming Kit] Hey!
My mom and dad don't give me lunch money
as long as I am not number one in class.
- It's all because of you!
- Hey!
[unsettling music]
[Kartini] Without further ado,
please give a round of applause
to our first student performing today.
[crowd clapping and cheering]
It's okay, Saleha.
Don't listen to them.
I've never heard you sing,
but I'm sure your voice
is not terrible like the video.
Yeah. We know we're
not good at talking like Alicia.
It's okay.
Let's go together.
Let's go.
[in English] Come on. [clicks tongue]
Pick up, pick up. [clicks tongue]
[in English] They're at school right now.
[in English] So stupid. Papa?
- [in English] Yeah?
- Can you drive faster, please?
- [in English] Faster?
- [in English] Yes, please, Papa.
- [in English] Papa, can you drive faster?
- [in English] Oh, okay. I drive faster.
[Saleha breathes heavily]
[audience murmuring]
[door clicks open]
[Saleha breathes heavily]
Let's go! Here.
[in English] Okay. Calm down. [sighs]
[in English] Remember to breathe, okay?
[in English] One.
[inhales, exhales]
[in English] Two.
[inhales, exhales]
[in English] And three.
- [deep breath]
- [in English] Good.
[in English] You ready?
[Ming Kit] Hey.
- Jacket.
- Oh.
[Ming Kit, in English] Faster. Here.
[in English] Thanks.
Okay, let's go.
[in English] Let's go.
Okay, breathe. [exhales]
[bright music]
I want to be
[in English] It's okay.
[in English] Thanks.
[in English] I'll go first.
I want to be
Like a star
Shining bright in the universe
Can we reach it?
Together with you, we can do it
Start a new breath
Get ready
This is me
You and me together
This is me
Nothing can stop us now
I want to be
Like stars in the sky
Shining so bright in the sky so free
Can we reach it?
With you by my side
There's nothing we can't do
Out of this cocoon
We are ready to fly
This is me
You and me together
This is me
Nothing can stop us now
I believe in myself
No more hesitation
I just have to be me
This is me brand new
Nothing can stop us now
Red, yellow, green, blue
One and the same
We're in this together
Friends forever
When you need me, I'll be here
Just hold my hand, we'll be okay
- You got my back
- I got yours too
Open a new chapter
This is, this is, this is
This is me
I believe in myself
No more hesitation
I just have to be me
This is me brand new
Nothing can stop us now
Nothing can stop us now
I believe in myself
No more hesitation
I just have to be me
This is me brand new
This is me, this is me, this is me
Nothing can stop us now
This is me
Shout out to Ming Kit,
who made our clothes!
[gentle music]
[Alicia, in English]I guess all's well ends well.
[in English] There are no more secrets.
[in English] And we can be ourselves.
Hey, half-white kid.
What do you want?
Take this.
What's this?
- [in English] Who's that?
- [scoffs]
[in English] You did so well.
- [in English] Thanks, Mama.
- Ah, yeah.
[in English] Papa don't know what to say.
[in English] You are...
[in English] We're so proud of you.
- [in English] Yeah! We are.
- [in English] So proud.
- [in English] Good. Wow, you can dance!
- Hm-mm.
- Ah.
- [English] You didn't know that, did you?
[in English] Hi, bestie!
- So?
- [bright music]
[in English] How's the competition?
[in English] I made it through
the first round. [cheering]
[happy shriek]
[in English] Congrats!
[in English] Thank you.
You better join me next year, okay?
[in English] Of course.
[in English] I'm gonna have dinner.
[in English] So,
I'll talk to you later, okay?
[in English] Bye. Love you!
[Izara, in English] Love you. Bye-bye!
[mom, in English]
Darling! I've got a surprise for you.
- Ta-da!
- [in English] For me? [gasps]
[mom chuckles]
- [Alicia, in English] Oh, I love it!
- [mom] Nice, right?
- [in English] Popo got it for you. Yup.
- [Alicia, in English] This is so pretty.
[in English] Yes, I think it's time
for dinner, right?
- [clears throat]
- [Alicia] Hey! New watch?
Looks new, right?
[in English] Popo gave it to me. See?
[in English] Popo is so stingy,
you know, but she still gave me a gift.
- [in English] Unbelievable.
- [laughs]
[Alicia] Huh?
[in English] Is that your gold bracelet?
[clicks tongue, in English] This?
[in English] Well, Popo got it custom-made
and sent it over.
[in English] I tell you what.
Why don't we all take a video
and send it to Popo?
[in English] Okay. Video call to Popo.
[in English] One, two, three.
[in Chinese] Thank you, Popo!
Okay, it's easy.
If you're falling to the right,
you turn right.
If you're falling to the left,
you turn left. Understand?
[in English] Huh?
That doesn't even make sense.
- It makes sense!
- [sighs]
Cannot also must can!
[mixed] Okay, Alicia.
You just act confident.
You don't look elsewhere.
Just look in front.
Just look in front. Okay.
- Pick up the speed.
- One, two, three.
[bright music]
- [all] Go!
- [Alicia] Okay!
[grunting, shrieking]
I can ride the bicycle now!
One or two
It is together
Friends forever
When you need me, I'll be here
Just hold my hand, we'll be okay
- You got my back
- I got yours too
Open a new chapter
This is, this is, this is
This is me
No more hesitation
Just being me
This is me brand new
Nothing can stop us now
I believe in myself
No more hesitation
Just being me
This is me brand new
This is me
This is me
This is me
[gentle music]
[whimsical sound]