Ken (1964) Movie Script

DAIEl presents
From a novel by
Script: FUNABASHI Kazuro
Photography: MAKIURA Chikashi
Music: IKENO Sei
Film set: NAITO Akira
FUJI Yukiko
Directed by MISUMI Kenji
At this moment,
I saw the essence of the sun.
It is absolute Justice.
Its brightness is unbearable.
I wanted to absorb this light
to gain the strength.
Strength and honor!
I was convinced that with kendo,
I'd be able to seize
this spark of pure life
I had discovered.
Helmet hit!
Point to Kokubu!
Kagawa, your turn.
Kokubu versus Kagawa
- Be brave, Kagawa!
- Kagawa!
- Go, Kokubu!
- Kokubu!
Side hit!
Point to Kokubu!
Towa's University
Kendo Club
Thank you!
We're hesitating between Kokubu and Kagawa
for the captain position.
They have the same skill level.
According to our evaluation criteria
Kokubu is better than Kagawa.
But the kendo national federation
doesn't have the same judgement.
They only take matches results
into consideration.
In our case, we also consider
personality and behavior.
Kagawa's sword shows
sentimentality and psychology.
He has a very high skill level,
but sometimes he draws his strength
from arrogance.
That's true. He doesn't
have Kokubu's level.
He's far from having
Kokubu's purity and subtlety.
So, let's choose Kokubu.
We won't regret it.
Let's appoint Kagawa to assistant captain.
But it may make Kokubu feel unconfortable.
New leaders of the kendo club
Captain: Kokubu.
Assistant: Murata.
The former pupils and our master
appointed me to new captain of the club.
Our goal is
to win the kendo national championship.
It is not a personal victory
but a team effort.
It requires training.
No victory without it.
I'll do my job as a captain.
I'll put all my energy into it.
With me there will be no mistake.
Those who believe in me can follow me.
May the others leave.
We're treated like beginners.
- I don't agree.
- Don't worry.
It's true, we reached a decent
level since high school.
But Kokubu is right.
We must get rid of our bad habits.
It's for our own good.
Do you think so? Kendo at university
isn't a piece of cake.
Towa's University
Fall in!
Sit down!
M. Kagawa!
Foreign cigarettes
I stole from my dad.
- Is it for me?
- It's a gift.
Thank you.
M. Kagawa...
I'm bored with the newbies.
I want to wear the helmet.
So that's it...
- Do you want to buy me?
- Not at all.
I like your style.
It's brilliant and fluid.
Train me, please.
I'll talk to Kokubu.
Let's encourage the beginners
by letting them use the helmets.
I was thinking about it too.
They will put them on today.
Tada and Mibu!
Go get your helmets.
Prepare yourselves!
Put your helmet on.
Captain, what about me?
You're not ready.
Work your stances first.
Keep practicing your basis.
You're lucky.
We can't use helmets
for another three months.
Kokubu is the regional champion.
We can trust him.
His blows still resonate within me.
With a real sword
I'd be dead a hundred times.
Each time he beats me,
I understand kendo better.
Do you never win?
That's impossible.
When I face him,
he totally dazzles me.
A real sun!
You're kidding.
Not at all.
He's a real block of energy.
It's unstoppable.
- What is it?
- Medlars.
He killed himself while eating?
He was scared to fail the exam.
He killed himself for that?
Why did he have a raging hunger
with medlars before dying?
Death scared him.
He didn't have to commit suicide.
He got scared when he felt
the effects of the drug.
He wanted to cheat his fear.
Was he in your class?
He had weak body and mind.
Do men commit suicide so easily?
No, only the very weak
or the very strong.
Even the strong?
Of course. It happens.
I don't understand.
Is it possible to have a
raging hunger while dying?
That's pitiful.
Mibu, we must move away
from those empty desires.
And your training, how does it go?
Yesterday, I won one match out of
three against Kagawa.
He's strong, but sometimes
his mind goes blank.
Take a sit.
Thank you.
You're very nice.
We need more
nice students like you.
I lost.
About time.
I could have fleeced you.
You're rich enough as it is, aren't you?
It looks like our dear gentleman isn't too happy.
Did you have a nice day?
Order whatever you want for your dinner.
Ask the maid.
Does he ever play mah-jong?
Of course not.
My son is well-mannered.
Don't lead him into it.
Is mom trusting you?
Trust me, mom.
I'm a good boy, mom.
My turn to play.
I lost again.
Is Kokubu really like that?
Yes, an odd bod
not interested in anything.
No bowling, no base-ball...
He never reads either.
A Ioner...
But what is he doing?
He's training.
All day long?
Ask him about music,
you'll see...
He never watched television.
Unbelievable! Do people
like that exist?
They're rare enough.
I'm interested in him.
- But he won't be interested in you.
- Thanks for the compliment!
I saw him talk to some girls.
But he doesn't understand them.
It's a trick to chat up girls.
I wouldn't be able to bear it.
Of course. With your sexual appetite...
Thanks for the compliment!
She's right.
He thinks he's a hero.
He plays the stoical hero.
"He plays", you're saying?
Don't you believe in Kokubu?
No, not a long as he won't be more human.
You don't understand him.
He's nuts.
Say it again!
Stop it!
Mibu, stop it!
What are you doing?
That's enough!
I'm listening.
Tada, speak!
He jumped me with no reason.
You probably had a reason.
Explain yourself.
And you?
Say something.
- Are you all mute?
- Have a little more guts!
If you have nothing to say...
Get up!
You're both responsible.
Face the wall!
Face the wall!
Sit and face the wall!
The cadets never witnessed
a reprimand in kendo.
Watch carefully!
It was harder during the first year.
My elders gathered in a circle
around me to beat me.
I had bruises everywhere.
Sitting for 40 minutes is a piece of cake.
So? You're weakening?
This is bullshit!
I enrolled to practice some sport.
Not to be subjected to
feudal age punishment.
I quit.
Enough kendo.
Let's explain man to man!
Are you out of your mind?
Stop it.
I'll tell you why me and Mibu fought.
- Shut up!
- Let him talk.
You think everybody respects you.
But only Mibu does.
Even Kagawa is talking shit about you.
He can't stand it anymore to see you
play the heroic upholder of the law.
Everybody's fed up!
I don't talk shit about you. I'm criticizing.
Liar! The other day when
we were playing mah-jong...
You're wrong.
We have a right to criticize.
Do you have anything else to say?
I quit.
Let's thrash him.
No, no violence!
Give me back my game.
A Towa's pigeon.
Are you the one who shot it?
Yep. That's why it's mine.
Hand it over!
No, it belongs to the university.
Repeat if you dare!
Give it to me.
Who do you think you are?
Shoot him, he's an asshole!
You'll have brought it on yourself.
It wasn't loaded!
I'm Itami Eri,
from the Faculty of Arts.
I'll take it back to the dovecote.
I saw everything.
You did great. Well done!
Young people nowdays really scare me.
I hid when I heard the shot.
You have blood on your cheek.
It was in the principal's office.
I'll clean you with it.
Here you are.
Thank you.
Leave me alone.
Why are you laughing?
You have no facial hair.
Why do you shave everyday?
In the hope to grow a beard.
But you still have a baby's skin.
- You're shaving for nothing.
- Go away!
Leave me alone!
Hair, does it change a man?
Kokubu Clinic
But it's only been three days
I haven't seen you!
Fine, I'll come to your house tonight.
What? That's ridiculous.
You're the one having fun.
See you tonight.
Tell the maid to leave earlier.
What a surprise!
What are you here for?
- I need money.
- Really?
Father, make a donation to the club.
Your club again!
It's for our training course.
If you wanted money
for a woman for example,
I'd gladly give you some.
Of course, I've got no grudge against kendo.
But your passion is way too exclusive.
There are other pleasures in life.
I say it for your own good.
I'm afraid of what's gonna
happen to me after the university.
I understand.
I was the same at your age.
- You were?
- Of course.
You always say that adults world
is tainted with ugliness and corruption.
Someday you'll have to get used to this reality.
Such is life.
You will find that this world
also has its good moments.
It's a relentless pursuit.
Someday you'll understand.
By the way...
How much do you need?
We must find an area of agreement.
Is it a deal?
Sort of.
What are your conditions?
Seek plain happiness.
Take some interest in real world.
I got it.
Keep your money.
I'm living a pure youth
and I don't view my future differently.
Every time it's the same.
You always have the same look in your eyes.
I know who you're thinking about.
Kokubu Jiro, your rival.
- He has no experience.
- Is he still a virgin?
We have to initiate him to sexual pleasures.
What a funny idea!
Love is a wonderful thing.
A brutish pleasure.
Once his virginity taken of...
Are you interested in him?
That's me or him.
- You're kidding.
- No.
His way of life infuriates me.
Still, sometimes I find it
wonderfully refreshing.
I freak out when it happens.
In a word, you want to surpass him.
My existence depends on it.
I don't know why.
But when I see him,
I'm overcome by hatred.
The poor young people!
They're trivial and calculating.
They believe they're asserting themselves
with a timid disobedience.
No shit!
But once settled down,
their only dream is to
mow the lawn on sundays.
They only worry about
their pension and their kids.
What's wrong with it?
I refuse to live like that.
- Is it your captain who said that?
- Yes.
It is?
That's what I thought.
Kokubu is a great spirit
above contingencies.
Mom, buy me an electric razor.
What will you do with it?
I know.
Your captain has a beard.
So, do you want to be like him?
Does he have an electric razor?
Shut up, females!
Please, mom.
But you don't have hair.
Look at you.
Prices increased since last year.
The summer training course is expensive.
- Do you want a job?
- Please, master.
I'll take care of it.
I'll talk to the supermarket director.
Another beer!
I've had enough.
- Madam, I'd like to eat something.
- I'll be right with you.
What about Tada, did he stop practicing?
And Kagawa?
I heard he criticized you.
That's nothing.
Hostility among young people
is a form of friendship.
In society it's different.
If we could settle problems
with sports duels
everything would be easier.
You see, sword is a matter of hands.
One hand to hold it tight
and another to support it.
The left hand is grabbing an umbrella.
The other is grabbing an egg.
It's your hands that give life
to this piece of bamboo.
Yet another hands business!
Pork coated with breadcrumbs!
Only for him.
That's his favorite meal.
Thank you.
- Help yourself quickly.
- Thank you.
Life is strange!
Everything I learned
during my 35 years of practice
can come down this hands business.
Men only need to learn one thing in life.
Even a small thing is enough.
Longing for simplicity is wonderful.
I did the right choice with kendo.
Go ahead!
One more strike.
You're progressing, Mibu.
Take off your armors!
Fall in!
That's good, thank you.
How to know what the face
under the skin is hiding?
I don't know.
Every fencer should know it.
It's explained in Hagakure 10th volume.
First, you have to cut the face
in a cross pattern and piss on it,
then rub it with your sandals,
the skin will come off easily.
It looks fun. I'll try someday.
Don't pick a too thick area.
It could fail.
- What would you like?
- Four coffees.
Keimei uninveristy has a good kendo club.
My sister's boyfriend is studying there.
He took me there once.
What did you see?
They hired two high level masters.
It's an important club.
Quite natural, they're very rich.
They can afford two masters.
The former pupils are financing.
Our intensive training
will make the difference.
This band of thugs again!
What are they doing?
They're sitting in front of the bog
to bug the girls who go in.
How does it feel?
- It took you a long time.
- Did you do a big pooh?
Your skirt is stained!
It's shameful!
I can't believe it!
We have to do something.
Let's move.
A real farts cannon!
Do you feel better?
I'm Kokubu of the kendo club.
You're a disgrace to our university.
Make room.
There's some over there.
Exactly, you go there.
Hurry, get up.
This way.
- The fucking asshole!
- Shit!
What do we do?
Nothing we can do.
- Do we go outside together?
- It's embarrassing.
Fucking shit...
Why don't you go ahead?
I don't want to.
You're great!
But you're scaring me.
The other day you were about
to kill the pigeon.
I know why you wanted
to kill this injured pigeon.
You couldn't stand its
futile relentlessness to live.
When it came back looking for your help
it looked pitiful to your eyes.
I'm ashamed that I wanted to kill it.
It doesn't matter anymore.
I took it back to the dovecote.
But it died anyway.
Is it dead?
I find you attractive.
This straining within you...
There's a party tonight. Are you coming?
I'll be waiting for you.
Doesn't your captain like to dance?
Do you know Kokubu?
I invited him. But will he come?
Probably not.
He only likes kendo.
He doesn't care about women.
He stood you up.
It probably doesn't happen
to you very often.
Did he stand me up?
Charming Kokubu...
I'd like to see that.
Wanna bet?
If you want. But you'll loose.
When you're facing a superior opponent
with an impenetrable guard,
do you happen to feel like
standing at the edge of the abyss?
With our master for example.
But I see him more like
a transparent pyramid.
A pyramid?
Whatever my angle of attack
I can only see one side.
I can't find any weakness.
I feel lost.
He's gracefully stretching
like a cat when I face him.
I didn't know that.
Captain Kokubu...
Do you want to have children?
I never thought about it.
But you will some day.
We come to life, we die...
It's a perpetual renewal.
How boring!
Did you come up with it?
Or did you read it in a book?
No, it came up just like that.
Don't think about the future.
You're still young.
- But I have hope.
- Me too.
But I dislike triviality.
Is thinking about the future trivial?
So what's your goal in life?
Satisfaction of the present.
The sword and nothing else.
I only think about victory at
the national championship.
Everything else is futile.
Do you understand?
Yes, I'm trying.
I won't think about the future anymore.
I want to become strong like you.
You need to practice a lot for that.
That's the only way.
Those supermarkets!
We can find everything there.
But our work is dull.
That's how we like it.
We would loose concentration
with an intellectual job.
Eri gave me this letter for you.
It's urgent.
Do you know her?
Mr. Kokubu!
The director wants to see you.
Look at this!
"When the sun is shining on the sea
"I'm think about you
"When the moon is lighting the spring
"I'm think about you"
- A love letter?
- No, Goethe.
"I'm think about you"?
A student smoked at work.
They're only allowed to smoke
in the restroom.
It's a serious breach of the rules.
Imagine if a fire started in the warehouse!
Who smoked?
There are inflammable products here
Be more careful.
Our master recommended us
to the supermarket.
We dishonored him.
Without him,
no more job next year.
And no job means no training course!
Come here.
Why did you break the rules?
I forgot.
You let him do it?
Kagawa, I give you a reprimand.
Prepare yourselves.
On guard!
Fifty strikes!
Kagawa, it's over.
I won't go to the training course
and to the championship.
Kokubu puts too much pressure on us.
I can't follow him anymore.
It looks like there's a running battle going on.
I want him to admit his faults.
You'll embarrass him if you withdraw.
Kokubu burns all his energy to win.
But his dream is blurring his mind.
It's youth.
We have the same age!
You're more grown up.
But after punishing you
in front of all the cadets,
did Kokubu say something comforting?
For example, he could have said:
"It was to maintain discipline.
No ill will."
Didn't he do it?
He didn't say a word.
He just smiled.
A smile?
Kokubu is like that.
So he didn't tell you anything...
It was an arrogant smile.
I doubt it.
When he's showing his
lack of concern for banality,
he has this beautiful smile.
It's not contempt, far from it.
It's a well calculated smile.
It's arrogance.
The problem is complicated.
It's not good for the club.
I'll talk to Kokubu.
So wait a little bit.
We'll loose the championship without you.
I have a liking for him.
He should reconsider his behavior!
I'm afraid
your mistrust
might reinforce his belief
that he's surrounded by cowards.
Kokubu? It's me, Kagawa.
Can we meet?
I'm inviting you to my house.
I want to talk to you.
I'm coming.
Where is Kagawa?
He just left.
Wait for him.
Did you read my letter?
Shouldn't have I done it?
I was embarrassed.
I'm the one who asked Kagawa
to tell you to come.
I wanted to talk to you.
Stay with me for a little while.
You're a coward.
- A coward?
- Yes.
Are you afraid of me?
Do you hate me?
Listen to me at least.
That's important.
You never know.
That's enough!
You're staying here.
Kiss me if you want.
You're cruel.
You're harsh with me.
You're harder than I am.
I think I lost.
Right now I only think about the championship.
Shall we dance?
Tell me what happened.
Tell me.
He's a normal man after all.
You're all the same.
I won the bet.
I charmed him.
I asked him for a dance.
He refused.
So I wiggled in front of him.
Then I lied down on the bed.
He came immediately
and held me against him.
He was shaking a little at first.
His breathing quickened...
And he kissed me.
Yes. Ardently!
He was kissing me and saying:
"I love you, I love you..."
Then what happened?
I'm surprised.
Don't you believe me?
Listen to the rest.
After kissing me everywhere,
he put his hand under my skirt.
Kokubu did that?
He's a novice.
He couldn't control himself.
Was he nervous?
Who knows. Anyway,
it was my first time.
So he's an impostor...
He's playing the hero with a pure heart.
But he finally went wild!
It must stay between us of course.
- Because I'm regretting it.
- Why?
He was disappointing.
It's the proof you have
an irresistible charm.
Now Kokubu knows he's normal.
We're even!
I'll defeat him.
I'll defeat him!
Sleep well.
We've got some serious training tomorrow.
Swimming is forbidden.
Because it's an all-round sport
that will exhaust your body.
Don't swim during breaks.
Forget the sea in front of you!
Endure the heat!
The weak will reveal themselves
by looking at the sea.
I picked this place on purpose.
The strain of the practice will
inhibit your appetite for three days.
So you'd better eat a lot tonight.
Especially the cadets.
But don't worry.
Your appetite will come back in four days.
We're here to endure pain,
not to have fun.
Don't forget it.
Get up!
Good morning!
Hurry up!
One half will have a wash.
The other half will clean the room.
Don't waste time.
Open the shutters!
Left, left!
Come on, buck up!
You can do better.
Flex, stretch!
Take your swords!
Concentrate! Arms outstretched!
Listen to the advice of an elder.
Put less pressure on the cadets.
Give them a few minutes to relax.
They're not kids.
They will discover a unique feeling
once they reach a state of utter exhaustion.
Higher, the bottom!
Five minutes break!
Come back!
Enjoy your meal.
Cadets will resume training after dinner.
Eat. Force yourselves.
I'm a bad cook.
Not at all.
Exhaustion inhibits their appetite.
It happens a lot during a training course.
- Kokubu said it.
- What?
Our appetite is back.
I have faith.
It's harder than I was expecting.
It's only the 7th day.
You haven't seen it all yet.
You're talking like the captain.
But his smile is more beautiful.
I'm disappointed.
No one is sick?
Great. This course is promising.
Tomorrow we'll start the second week.
We'll start practical training
and proficiency course.
Good luck.
I got a telegram from the master.
He's coming tomorrow.
He can't come here on his own.
I'll go get him with Yokoyama and Murata.
He will probably bring
a bag full of provisions.
We're burning with
The blood of youth
We're carrying
The fire of glory
It is endlessly stirred up
By the forest of our ideal
Hello guys!
I come to cheer you on.
I brought parcels for you.
Thank you.
Help yourselves.
I love this rustic place.
I could stay for a swim.
Eri, I want you to leave.
Why? Am I bothering you?
We're training hard.
Do you understand?
That's you alright.
Don't worry.
I had planned to leave soon.
I only wanted to see you.
Good luck.
Invite me to celebrate the victory.
You're leaving already?
- Stay a little longer.
- Come on!
Thank you! But...
I have to visit a friend.
Fall in!
Hurry up.
Come on!
Are you in love with him?
I'm sure nothing happened between them.
Think what you want.
Why do you say that?
Because Kokubu hasn't changed.
So, you're still not equal.
You're still behind him.
Win the championship!
Good luck!
What heat!
It's unbearable!
Only two days left.
Hey guys!
What about a swim?
Without Kokubu's permission?
The ship will be late.
No one will see us.
Water is in front of us!
It can only do us some good.
I can assure you.
I know you want to swim.
Are you so scared of Kokubu?
I'll tell you something.
You think Kokubu is a god.
But he's a man, just like us.
His asceticism, it's full of shit.
He put his hand under Eri's skirt.
That's Kokubu's real face.
That's why he chased her away.
Are you sure?
He has no right to lecture us!
Hasn't he?
You're right.
Let's go.
- Let's swim.
- To the water!
I don't have swimming trunks.
Swim with your briefs. It's the country here.
Hurry up!
What's going on, Mibu?
I'm staying here.
As you wish.
I want to bring Kokubu back to reality.
He must learn to manage the unexpected.
Remember that you're not Kokubu.
You're yourself.
Let's go!
- It's for you.
- Thank you.
- Is everyobdy fine?
- Yes.
- No sick person?
- No.
Are you going to the temple?
Get in. I'm going there.
- Shall we get in? There's 1 km left.
- Ok.
Thank you sir.
Thank you.
No worry.
They're only swimming.
Something is broken.
It's irreversible.
The master has arrived!
What are you doing?
I swam with you.
I couldn't stop you.
We're all responsible.
It would be weak of me
to play the model pupil.
I'd rather die than showing
myself like that in front of Kukubu.
What kind of training course is it?
Did you allow them to do it?
I had forbidden them.
I'm responsible. Forgive me.
It's me.
I thought...
They would like it.
Is that so?
Kagawa, go back to Tokyo immediately.
That's an order.
I'm taking care of everything with Kokubu.
Don't worry.
But you're not exempted of championship.
Don't forget it.
Until then, do some exercices
to keep in shape.
Anyway, go back!
Yes, I'm leaving.
All of you, get dressed.
Tell me, Mibu...
Did you swim with the others?
You too...
I'm proud of you.
You've been transformed
after only ten days of training.
Effort shows on your bodies.
I'm sure of our victory.
Are you, master?
But more importantly, don't
slack after the training course.
How to keep your condition?
Think about it individually.
Now let's have a toast.
Wake up! Kokubu disappeared!
Kokubu! Where are you?
He's dead.
Kokubu is dead!
It's the journal Kokubu
was keeping during the training course.
There's nothing in it
looking like a testament.
But he recorded his feelings
in writing before his suicide.
August 30th.
The day of my arrival.
The day when you went for a swim.
He doesn't mention it in his journal.
He only wrote at the end:
"I don't know how to be in charge.
"One has to be strong and upright,
or commit suicide.
"There is no other option."
I'd never have believed
he would commit suicide.
He was so strong...
Why did he give up?
And so easily?
Kagawa, you're the one who gave up.
When you talked about Kokubu and me.
Even so you knew.
You knew I was bluffing!
To tell the truth, he never touched me.
I was nothing to him.
But I loved him!
Kokubu didn't give up.
By killing himself,
he wanted to save his uprightness
and his strength.
I'm the one who lost.
He went too far,
I'll never surpass him.
I'm ashamed.
I wanted to become as strong as Kokubu.
But finally...
No one ever understood Kokubu.
Not even me.
Kokubu lived in simplicity.
It was his ideal.
Why did we lead him to his death?
Why didn't we understand him?
Shame on us.
Kiss me if you want.
You're cruel.
You're harsh with me.
You're harder than I am.
Stay with me for a little while.
You're a coward.
Who are you?
Kokubu is like a diamond
born from the sun.
This kind of man doesn't
exist anymore nowdays.
Don't lead him into it.
I know who you're thinking about.
Kokubu Jiro, your rival.
- He has no experience.
- Is he still a virgin?
We have to initiate him to sexual pleasures.
Hostility among young people
is a form of friendship.
You always say that adults world
is tainted with ugliness and corruption.
Someday you'll have to get used to this reality.
It's a relentless pursuit.
Did you pee?
Do you feel better?
I'm Kokubu of the kendo club.
You're a disgrace to our university.
Make room.
Me too, I have hope.
But I dislike triviality.
Is thinking about the future trivial?
So what's your goal in life?
Satisfaction of the present.
The sword.
With me there will be no mistake.
Those who believe in me can follow me.
May the others leave.