Kenau (2014) Movie Script

Spain is the most powerful country
in the world.
Devout Catholic King Philip ll
plunges Europe into a holy war.
Governor Alva sends his son
Don Fadrique de Toledo to lead an army.
He advances from the south
and takes city after city.
Prince William of Orange leads a revolt.
Zutphen goes up in ames.
Utrecht and Amsterdam remain catholic
and bow to the Spanish will.
Haarlem faces a difficult decision.
Wait! It doesn't have a ag!
Stop! Pull!
Haul her up!
For good luck.
Well, Mrs Simons Hasselaer,
I see my mast is up.
Can I finally set sail?
You'll need more than an erect mast
to take her out to sea, Mr Duyff.
I asked for those letters in gold.
And the deck made of teak,
the fittings of silver...
and the sails of silk!
How could I forget?
Aren't you living beyond your means?
- None of your business.
Not another nail is going into that ship
until Mr Duyff has paid.
Stop, stop!
Go on.
October 1572.
Gentlemen, all hope is not lost.
The city is in a strategic location.
- Unthinkable!
It is certainly not unthinkable.
We could resist an enemy attack.
Mr Mayor, we only have a couple of
thousand able-bodied men.
A couple of thousand!
- Against the Spanish? Hopeless.
The Prince of Orange offers assistance.
- Really? What kind of assistance?
The Prince can send troops.
Our task is to mobilise the city.
He strongly urges you to revolt.
Your Prince does not need to urge us,
Mr Van Sint-Aldegonde.
We will negotiate.
The city of Zutphen...
also thought it could negotiate.
Lord, we thank you for food and drink
and for everything you give us.
In the name of the mother,
her daughters...
...and the Holy Ghost, Amen.
Look, if you use beetroot juice
the cloth turns a deeper red.
And when I add some alum
the colour stays beautiful.
Tomorrow I'll dye an entire sheet
and make it into a new dress.
Are you coming?
Are you okay?
I need your help.
Have I got the workload right?
Thank you.
You would have done the same.
If you could swim.
Where is your sister?
- She isn't coming.
Mrs Simons Hasselaer?
Wigbolt Ripperda, envoy to the Prince.
You must be Gertruide.
No, I'm Kathelijne.
- What do you want?
They tell me you have a lot of wood.
We need it to fortify the city gates.
My wood is for sale.
The Prince has invested all he has.
- I run a business, not a charity.
If Haarlem does not revolt
you won't have a business at all.
The revolt is a foolish idea.
Our city walls and gates are crumbling.
We want to negotiate and keep working.
Ma'am, negotiation is futile.
-My foreman will take your order. Jacob!
They say the Spanish could be
at the gates in a few weeks.
I would hate for there to be a revolt.
- There won't be.
Well, the Prince's envoy says...
- He needs to mind his own business.
Sure, keep stuffing your belly.
There should be something else in there.
...a new St Peter, up to the heavens,
while the powerful bathe in wealth.
This must end!
We have to resist Popish
decadence and corruption.
And no more praying to saints!
A true Christian knows
he is a saint himself!
And we, the ordinary people, must reclaim
our faith. Down with the Catholics!
His Word is in the Bible.
This is the only truth.
And the Bible belongs lb all believers,
not in Latin, but in our own tongue... Dutch. Compassion, love, purity...
Ma'am, if we all stand together...
Do what you want,
but keep my daughter out of it.
Gertruide is old enough to decide...
-it seems she's just as foolish as you.
Stay away from her.
You are not to see that heretic again.
It's Pieter Ripperda, and I love him.
-You don't know what you are talking about.
I want to convert to the new faith,
like Pieter.
You're a Catholic and you'll stay one
until the Spanish are gone.
After that you can do as you please.
- Pieter's father says we can beat them.
Haarlem can't beat anyone.
The Spanish are going to be in charge.
I think Gertruide...
- Stay out of this.
The Prince of Orange...
Leave that German out of it.
He has been blinded by naive ideals.
All your ideals are gone,
the only thing you believe in is money.
If Papa were still alive...
Then what?
He'd have supported the revolt
and paid with his life if he had to.
Papa would have...
- He wasn't even your father.
Papa would turn in his grave if he...
You're all dressed.
I'm sorry for what I said about Papa.
Can you remember your real father?
I can't remember Ysbrand either.
When hems still alive,
mama smiled a lot more.
He really was her hero.
She'd do anything for him.
Where are you going?
- You have to promise not to tell Mama.
Swear you won't.
Swear, or I won't tell.
I'm going to Pieter.
I want to be his wife and
be with him forever.
But you don't have to do that now.
Yes I do. I need to show Mama
that I can make my own decisions.
You should do the same.
I love him.
I want to wake up in his arms.
It's me.
Do you know what I want?
There's a group of us going to
St Bavo church tonight.
Teach the Catholics a lesson.
Want to come?
Is my son here?
I have forbidden my daughter
to spend time with your son.
Last night the Bavo church was vandalised.
Some people were arrested
and taken to the bishop in Utrecht.
Perhaps it's a false alarm,
but I thought...
You thought what?
I'm afraid my son might have been
one of them.
Is Gertruide here?
Where is your sister?
I promised not to tell.
Your son must have put her up to this,
he's dragged her off!
He is following his heart and his
convictions, I'm proud of that.
Proud? You must be mad!
Those convictions could get him killed!
You're either cocky or...
...very stupid.
I'm your enemy,
more powerful than you.
Within a week my army
will be at your gates...
...and then it will all be over in a day.
Our city is in a strategic location
hemmed in by the sea, the dunes...
...and by impassable marshland.
A siege could last a very long time.
A siege.
It will be winter soon.
Dutch winters can be very harsh.
A prolonged siege could be costly.
This is a map of our city.
I have marked the weak spots in the wall.
With this,you can enter the city
without a problem.
I imagine this information
is quite valuable.
A fraction of the cost of a siege.
You've got guts.
A lot of guts.
We got something else for you...
...that I'm sure you
won't be able to resist.
You will have your money.
Half now...
...the rest when the city is mine.
You are a wise and brave man,
Mr de Toledo.
To Haarlem!
Couldn't he loot the city anyway?
Who says he'll keep his word?
Who cares? We'll be long gone.
You can't be serious.
Without his money, we're bankrupt.
You're betraying Haarlem?
You've no idea
what you're talking about.
You're welcome to go back
to your old life if you prefer.
My wife expresses her gratitude
and praises your bold decision.
Good night to you, sir.
You're staying here.
You've lived in luxury thanks to me.
Now it's time to return the favour.
A small sacrifice for the freedom
we are buying for ourselves.
And try to look a bit more cheerful.
The Spanish are passionate lovers,
or so I'm told.
In name of King Philip ll...
...we will witness the burning
of these Protestant heretics...
...Who have denied the one true Church...
...and thereby his Holiness the Pope.
- Mama!
Pieter! Pieter!
Gertruide, repeat the words!
Denounce your errors and repent.
-Gertruide, please, say the words!
Pieter! Pieter!
My daughter is not a heretic.
She's Catholic.
In God's name, have mercy.
I'm begging you.
She is still so young.
Come, come...
We're leaving.
The priest was listening to me.
I could have convinced him...
...if I'd had more time.
There was no hope for her.
Mr Mayor, fellow governors.
I won't leave you in suspense:
I went to see Don Fadrique de Toledo.
He's given me his word. If we surrender
not a drop of blood will be spilled.
His seal,
I have it in black and white.
The Prince is sorry for your loss
and sends his sympathies.
He trusts that you will use your
powers of persuasion... convince the city
to revolt after all.
Here's your last payment. We'd like
to set sail as soon as possible.
Yes, of course.
Duyff has brought the money.
He wants to leave straight away.
He can do as he pleases.
You can go.
I'd like this one up, please.
Hoist this one.
Where did this come from?
We paid.
That makes the boat mine.
Business is business.
Why this sudden rush to getaway?
How much of a success were
the negotiations with the Spanish?
How dare you? I went to
Don Fadrique as city governor... protect the city
against a hopeless siege.
In all your arrogance, you are a...
It's Spanish money.
Cornelis Duyff has admitted...
...his cowardly betrayal of his city.
The Spanish army will set up camp
to the north of the city.
That is the only suitable spot
for that many soldiers.
To eliminate any natural cover
we'll burn any buildings on that side.
Everyone must offer shelter to those
who have lost their homes.
We will shelter refugees from outside
the city walls, we've got enough room.
We will defend ourselves to the bitter end.
Together we can stand up to the enemy.
There is nothing left to do but fight.
Haarlem will revolt.
The Prince will do everything
he can to ensure victory.
The Prince is sending mercenaries
from Flanders, Wallonia and Germany.
They can stay here as well.
We'll make beds in the warehouses.
- Let's get to work.
- There will be many mouths to feed.
You'll be responsible for the kitchen.
How much time have we got?
- Once the army is at our gates... will be two days at most
before it is ready for battle.
We'll drive them into Hell!
Provisions have become too expensive.
They're the last ones, we're full.
Delighted to meet you, Madam!
They say you have a bed for me.
Get out of my house.
Allow me lo translate, ma'am.
We are here to fight for you.
We need a bed.
You're here to earn money.
If the Spanish had offered you more,
you'd be on the other side of the wall.
She says we're only here for the money.
What an ungrateful bitch!
My superior says Dutch women
are as fiery as thoroughbreds.
If our plank beds aren't good enough
for you,you can piss off!
She is kindly offering us a bed.
I need more cannon, here and there.
A little prince.
Take him somewhere else, will you,
I'm busy.
I'll be there in a minute.
I want them here, here and here.
Julio, you'll see to this personally.
I have nowhere to go.
Everything has been seized.
I have nothing left.
I could have kept silent and
I'd have been gone by now.
So why didn't you?
Find yourself a space
in one of the warehouses.
Want to have a go?
Or have you got such bad aim?
Grab stones, make a chain, pass them up.
- Hurry up!
Come on, stones!
Take aim!
Don Fadrique...
Resistance is too strong.
Sound the retreat.
What an infernal country.
Widow Hasselaer.
Haarlem is in your debt because of Duyff,
for which you have my respect.
But the city walls in war time
are no place for a woman.
Bind up the wound and change
the dressing every two days.
This is everything I was able to save.
Teun is dead.
Everything has been destroyed.
Find yourself a space in the warehouse.
- Thank you.
I saw you fighting.
I'd rather you worked in the kitchen.
- But I can help...
Kathelijne, please.
January 1573
There you go.
Fighting a war... for a hungry army, washing up.
I think you're being exploited.
I'll freeze to death!
My child is innocent.
Without me he'll die.
I beg you.
I work in the Spanish army camp.
- Yes, as a whore.
Don Fadrique de Toledo's whore.
I hear all sorts of things...
His plans of attack,
I can tell you all about them.
That one at the top.
Mrs Hasselaer.
Forget about this gate,
the Sint Jans Gate needs fortifying.
I wish I could fortify all the gates,
but I don't have the men or supplies.
The Spanish will attack
the Sint Jans Gate.
Why do you think so?
- We got it from...
...a reliable source.
We have no time lo lose.
With all due respect,
I'm in charge here.
There is going to be a surprise attack.
- Soon.
How reliable is your source?
It could be a trap.
It could.
I need my men here.
Call everyone together.
We have to fortify the St Jans Gate.
With what?
With all the wood for the new ship.
With the Spanish here we won't get it
finished. And round up all the tar.
Collect as much cane, ax, rope
and canvas as you can.
Everything that's ammable.
Bring all the lard we have too.
I need your help for something else.
Where is Kathelijne?
We've heard you need men.
- We want to help.
Most of these women
have lost their husbands.
Help in any way you can.
What's Kathelijne doing there?
Sint Jans Gate!
Duck down!
To the gate, now!
Gunpowder, now!
Take cover!
What's happened?
Diego, what's happened?
We have to shut and fortify the gate.
Come up with a plan.
Ration the supplies in the city.
Ma'am, that is up to the council.
- Sure, let's listen to them.
We might as well roll over
and die right now.
She fights like a man...
...and commands an army of women.
Get out.
She's breathtaking.
And in love.
God forbid.
Why? He's handsome.
If Haarlem falls, the mercenaries
will be the first to die.
You were brave.
I thought you'd need all the help
you could get.
I should have stopped her.
But there was no stopping Gertruide.
You should have woken me up.
And then what?
She would just have waited
until the next night to leave.
You couldn't stop Gertruide doing
what she wanted, she was stubborn.
She never listened to you.
That's why you loved her so much.
Stay away from that mercenary.
My mother wants me
to stay away from you.
And I need water for the soup, and...
Excellency, Don Alvarez de Toledo is here.
Don Fadrique!
Father, I didn't know you were coming.
I put you in charge of the infantry...
...hoping your military triumphs would
bring you back in favour with King Philip.
Instead you let the mighty Spanish army
ounder on some pathetic little city.
The winter is hitting us hard.
I can see how hard the winter is on you.
But father...
Shut up.
You will bring Haarlem
to its knees very soon...
...or I will have you replaced.
I will see you outside in one minute.
I have been told that Haarlem is
under the command of a woman.
Are you sure you can handle that?
March 1573
It's an outrage. Amsterdam delivers
nearly all its supplies to the Spanish.
Then we'll have to go
and get it ourselves.
Forget that. They've tried that before
and it was a massacre.
All convoys are heavily guarded and they
can see you coming from miles away.
Not if it's foggy.
No, not if it's foggy, no.
Is there any hay left over
from the animals?
Can you skate?
How about you?
We been kicked out of the camp.
It's going round.
Most of the women have been banned.
So the soldiers are not being serviced.
How about Don Fadrique?
He'll make sure
he gets what he needs.
But the atmosphere in the camp is bad.
The siege has gone on for too long.
Your child?
I'm so sorry.
The soldiers are speaking of the
'Marimacha' of Haarlem, the she-devil.
The soup is rationed.
Can I stay here?
We lost everything. Please.
Go on then.
I didn't ask you to dress up.
-No, but I did.
You need every woman who
can skate so I asked her too.
Kenau, please.
- Never mind, Bertha.
She doesn't want me.
Just come outwith it for once.
Gertruide was right.
You always make the decisions.
You don't care what other people
think and feel. It's all about you.
Maybe I should have tried harder
to make her stay, but you...
You drove her away!
They're coming! Hurry!
Come on! More smoke!
Forward march!
Draw your weapons!
We'll let you live. Tell Don Fadrique you
were defeated by the women of Haarlem.
Get out of here. And sell your wares to
your countrymen instead of our enemy.
Get out!
I'm keeping one of the sledges.
- Once again you astound me.
I had help from these brave women.
You should consider it.
Could I have a quick word?
The city is too weak to hold out for long.
The Prince is sending reinforcements.
When they arrive
we may have a chance.
What do you need from me?
I thought you had a right to know
what our situation is.
It's a song for the Revolt,
written by Marnix van St Aldegonde.
Oh Haarlem, who stands to defend you?
You maiden, so noble and fair.
Of strangers who come to defile you.
Be watchful, be ever aware.
He's added these last verses
especially for Haarlem...
...and her incredible courage.
I can arrange an escort to Leiden.
It is safe there.
The reason I didn't want you to come...
- I don't care what you think.
Why would you want me dead?
He's got my son.
Wait! Hold this.
Don Fadrique, look.
Kill the boy.
Thanks in part to the women of Haarlem...
...we have held out against our enemy
for more than five months.
I know the cost has been great...
...and that many of you
have lost loved ones.
Now the thaw is setting in
it will be even harder to stand firm.
Commander Ripperda has offered
to escort women and children... a safer place.
So if you want to leave Haarlem,
now is the time. You've earned it.
But the longer we stand firm...
...the greater the chance that the North...
...can be spared this hell.
- Yes!
I'm staying.
Even if Haarlem falls.
They can smash our gates...
...burn down our houses,
rape us, kill our men...
...they can rip our heart from our chest...
...but they can never destroy our soul.
Our grandchildren's children will
sing the praises of Haarlem's heroes... in safety in a free country.
I will stay and fight, for freedom...
...for our children...
...for Haarlem.
For Haarlem!
I understand you won't be taking me up
on my offer of safe passage to Leiden?
I hear you have divided the city
into sectors.
Give me command of the Jans gate.
I'm offering you my women.
They don't want to ee.
They want to stay and defend their city,
like you and I.
We have to do something.
I know Don Fadrique.
From where?
Ysbrand brought me the cloth.
- Ysbrand?
Your husband?
So will you finally tell me
what you were doing with Duyff?
He picked me up off the street
when I was fifteen.
Lowe him my life.
That's why I stuck with him
for all that time, but...
...betraying his own city,
that was too much.
We need to go.
I'll be back tomorrow morning.
I'll wait for you here.
We've captured a woman.
Mrs Duyff?
No, I am a widow.
May I?
Of course.
My husband was killed
by the inhabitants of Haarlem.
I had to hide.
It is hell in the city.
The filth, the vulgar peasants...
...the inept soldiers.
I can't stand it.
But worst of all...
...the women of Haarlem...
...fight like men.
They wanted to force me
to fight with them...
Don Fadrique...
I am a lady.
I will have a bath prepared for you.
Howl have longed for this...
You're tough, Kenau.
And the bravest woman
I have ever met.
But you're too hard on your daughter.
What about Magdalena?
- She went back to his bed... as not to arouse suspicion.
Don Fadrique.
The diggers reached the gate last night.
The gunpowder is in place.
The whole thing has been undermined.
We've been working on it for months.
...falls today.
The women of Haarlem have gone crazy!
What's happening?
Where are my officers?
Someone is going to pay for this.
Such a waste.
I've got a much better idea.
Just disfiguring you
would be far too lenient.
You're my trophy of war.
And you will be mine
for the rest of your life.
Let them be.
What are you doing here?
Dominique doesn't need to leave.
Just say what you've got to say.
You're fighting for your city.
You are bold and fearless...
...but you're afraid to speak
your mind to your own child.
What you did in Utrecht...
-I know.
Gertruide's death is my fault.
I know you miss her.
More than anyone.
And I know I can't replace her.
But I miss her too!
I'm sorry to disturb but I have
to speak to you. It's urgent.
A convoy with food, ammunition
and soldiers, bound for Haarlem...
...has been diverted to Alkmaar,
by order of the Prince.
To Alkmaar?
The Prince wants to put everything
into saving Alkmaar.
You mean he has given up
on Haarlem? The coward.
With his rebels' anthem!
- He has no choice!
If Alkmaar is taken,
all of the North will be lost.
And all those months
that we held out here...
All those people who died.
All for nothing?
We have weakened the Spanish army.
We have given Alkmaar time
to fortify its walls.
We won't give up.
We will try to evacuate as many
citizens as possible, via the dunes.
The Prince promised to provide
shelter in Sassenheim.
Our children...
We owe it to our children
to keep fighting.
The engineer has to get to Alkmaar,
as quickly as possible.
He has to ood the area.
You have to take him.
The Magdalena is fast,
the wind is in your favour...
You have to do it.
What about you?
We have to negotiate our surrender and
make sure the evacuation runs smoothly.
You're going with her.
The Magdalena needs to be ready
to sail in half an hour.
We need to take an engineer to Alkmaar.
I'm going to look for Kathelijne.
Let's go! Quickly!
Where is my daughter?
I don't know.
I don't know where she is.
- I'm coming with you.
No,you have to go on the Magdalena.
You can sail her.
I'll look for her.
What's the matter?
- I can't come, I haven't found her.
You must take the engineer to Alkmaar.
Come on,we have to go.
Kathelijne! Kathelijne!
Kathelijne and I are two peas in a pod.
When she gets
something in her head...
She was right.
You couldn't stop Gertruide.
She always did exactly
what she wanted.
If Kathelijne had stopped her...
...she'd have left the night after.
What Kathelijne did in Utrecht...
...that's what I should have done...
...but I couldn't do it.
And afterwards...
...I missed her.
That feeling was so overwhelming.
I was furious.
With the Spanish...
...but also with Kathelijne.
I'm terrified that something
will happen to her too.
I am so incredibly proud of her.
We're going to find her.
Come on.
No, find her! Go!
Don Fadrique!
The she-devil!
So, Goliath, how does it feel to
finally have David on his knees?
You will never defeat Holland, even
if you fight us for a hundred years.
Chopping your head off
would be far too easy.
Throw her in the water.
Where's Mama?
With the help of the engineer...
...the insurgents burst the dikes
at Alkmaar and ood the land
Knocked by this blow,
the Spanish army fails to take Alkmaar
Thanks to the siege of Haarlem
Holland is free
This marks the start of the Republic
of the Seven Provinces...
...which later becomes
the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Kenau's deeds have been forgotten
Only her name lives on in Dutch,
as an insult
A 'Kenau' is a Shrew
We know better now
Kenau's army of women
is fighting for Plan Nederland.
Giving girls in Third World countries
the opportunity... become women to be reckoned with.
Do your bit to make this possible!