Kentucky Fried Movie, The (1977) Movie Script

One peed in the pop corn
that you eat. Film to 23 h
With Argon, we know that a
country that depends on oil
Has not the means of some to lack.
But classical drilling
always is not possible.
It is necessary to find again
procedures to produce crude oil
In this refinery of Fairbanks
who tosses billion dollars
one extracts more than 2, 5 billions
of barrels of crude every day,
From the skin of adolescent ones.
The crude oil is
transported in supertankers
in order more better
to use the resources
again exploited nos In our country.
At Milan, in Italy,
an argon affiliate found
a procedure to recover
the oil on the well-worn combs
City-dwellers. Of what to fill
a tanker of 300 m And
save 220000 energy.
To the United States,
we know how to extract now
the oil of the take-out dishes.
Sufficiently to provide to the
needs of the city of Oakland
in California. To deal
with the future needs,
the farmers collect more of
as here in Beaumont, to Texas,
where this unique process is used.
At Argon, we work to
make you make savings.
Welcome in A.M. Today."
I am Barbara Duncan.
Frank Bowman.
We are going to see why the pupils
of Louisiana learn more quickly.
Why the trains are slower in Vermont.
We will see an adorable
animal to hair of Australia.
And we will examine a
new system of security:
The detectors of
smoke. But first of all,
in New York, the teachers vote
the pursuit or no of the strike.
Ron Butler is with local delegates
at the scene of the
meeting, to cover the event.
Ron, that he happens?
Did the teachers finish to vote?
We have a technical problem,
we will try a little later.
While waiting, here is A.M. Today."
He/it is the hour passed of 18
min., here is our daily debate:
- Counterpoint" with J. Fitzsimmons and S. Hamilton.
Sheila, one would say that even
you and your liberal buddies
see light to the tip of the
tunnel that brings closer you
of our dear President.
The intellectuals unleashed themselves,
and now that they have the power
after having made use of problems
that they have themselves created,
the President makes all to revive
their concerns about his/her/its case.
Sheila, you and your strip
of liberals to the big heart,
won't know yourselves therefore
ever that the social help
only makes aggravate the inflation
who especially affects
those that you want to help?
My poor John! Species of old chnoque.
I listen to your
stupidities since months.
You can keep them and to
put them to you to the ass.
And to crown the all, sit
yourselves on that, John.
The professors finished to
vote and the result is imminent.
Ron Butler, have yourselves a
prognosis as for the exit of the vote?
II is the hour passed of 19
min., here is our daily category:
"The astrological news."
We don't try to reinforce
your belief in the astrology,
but to help the incapable
people to take only decisions.
If you are Balance and hesitate
to make this important purchase,
wait for even some days.
Don't forget that your
Moon is in Sagittarius.
It is not the moment
to make some madness.
The Virgin must expect
to a premature death
or to the tragic
cartlement of a near being.
Let's pitch, it is the moment
ideal to disconnect the device
who maintains your daughter
in life since 6 months.
If you are Taurus, go to the zoo.
And if you are Gemini as me, wait
for yourselves to the unexpected.
Joyce Wilson, your astro...
Thank you, Joyce.
Judy Morton is with us since
the reserve natural of San Diego.
We often received Judy,
with always as much pleasure.
Welcome, Judy.
What of nine?
I brought you an Australian gerbille,
one of the rare to have
been raised in captivity.
She/it is raised, doesn't she/it bite?
No, she/it is very cute.
They are very endearing.
His/her/its name is Oscar.
I am going to take one
of it for my youngsters.
They would make adorable
animals of company
but they have indeed
need to live in liberty.
Hey well... Oscar?
II is absolutely irresistible.
You have another surprise for us.
This one is not small,
but he/it is very cute.
In any case, it is my opinion.
I am going to look for it.
Go there.
It is the moment that I prefer
in this broadcast, because
I never know what they
are going to bring me.
Look at what one brings to me!
I present you Dino.
He/it is enormous!
But you don't deceive there,
he/it is soft like a lamb because
he/it has been raised in captivity.
It is for that that
one could bring it here.
Is it a rare animal?
Yes, and besides we have
of the pain to mate it.
You don't manage to
find a female for Dino?
Not indeed, we have him
presented several candidates,
but all attempts of mating failed.
It is surprising. Dino is
not the most attractive party
that I saw, but a big gorilla as him...
We don't know very well
what is his/her/its problem.
He/it is maybe shy,
carried naturally little
on the thing or impotent.
II is the hour passed of 24 min.,
here is the main information
of the morning with Tom Leclair.
Thank you, Barbara.
We are going to speak of the meeting
of the ministers of the OPEC in Tehran.
As foreseen, the rise of
We could finally
communicate with Ron Butler,
and one tells to me that the
link audio function. To you, Ron.
The vote lasts since 3 hours.
The result now depends of
the number of abstentions.
Already have yourselves an
idea of what is going to happen?
I thought that the teachers
wanted to take work,
but as Gemini, I am
incapable to foresee anything.
caustic iPlus that "Mandingo",
shocking iplus that /
i "Behind the door verte"
erotic iplus
que "Stuffs Profonde"
vous is going to be juicy
dans your frock while seeing
"The pupils cathos
explodes themselves".
L. iSamuel present Bronkowitz
Chambers iLinda,
dans a remake of his/her/its
famous role.
Et for the 1 era time to the screen, /
i Joyce iSusan and Nancy Reems.
Susan, here is Nancy.
Nancy, here is Susan.
Jamais of the stages as daring
n'avaient been shown to the movies.
Show me your puppet.
Mrs. Burke! I took you for Dale.
People often confound me with
my teenage daughter, Dale.
Jamais the beauty of
the sexual act
n'avait been shown /
i aussi crudely.
Cette strange history tells ce
that arrives when of the pupils
sont authorized to leave
aprs the cover-feu.
Un movie for adults finally has
le courage to say
la truth on the masturbation.
Pervers to souhait!
Ne doesn't miss
"The pupils cathos
explodes themselves".
Does the ticket cost how much?
Thank you.
You know that the movie is
projected in "sensorama?"
Do you want?
Of the popcorn, please.
A dollar.
Thank you.
Entrez. I am in my office.
Devine that this est.
Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Donald, you always joke.
Tu restarted to smoke.
Je makes a new rgime.
Tu doesn't even have
remarqu my perfume.
Je prepares you a verre?
Je proposes a toast to you,
me and to the avenir.
Chri, I am distressed.
Je is going to look
you for a napkin.
Carol, attention
your cigarette.
Je is going to put
you a bandaging.
Mon poor baby.
J'adore to pass you the
hand dans hair.
Tes shoulders are so powerful,
large isi...
Et this white hair
on your chest...
Toi only account.
C'est what, a?
Tu ace of the lipstick
sur your col?
Fais me to see.
C'est a lot of lipstick.
Espce of dirty...
Je goes you tuer!
Arracher hair de your
indifferent skull.
Carol, put this couteau!
D'accord, Donald.
Dis me that you like me
ou I decide you the throat.
Je would not tell you that
pour all the gold of the world.
Tu wants to see your blood
flowing, c'est a?
Tu doesn't frighten me. Je
doesn't fear to see my blood.
Je is not able to.
Je knew that you would
not make it.
C'est for that que I
would like that you me pouses.
Mesdames and gentlemen le
Rialto "Sensorama" invites you
to look at our next
film: "Deep Throat",
qui is going to begin
in one instant.
Comment to believe that you had /
i la migraine stays up it,
alors that you wake up full
ien forms the following day.
Remerciez Nytex P.M.
L'antalgique that acts /
i pendant your sleep.
Nytex loosens you.
Soulage the due pains aux
tensions and small uneasiness.
Vous you wake up
en excellent shape,
repos, et ready
to face the day.
Comment to believe that you had /
i la migraine stays up it,
alors that you wake
up en full forme?
P.M iNytex., it is incredible.
Hello and welcome to
"The big adventure."
I am Paul Burmaster.
With us today, the big
adventurer and explorer,
Claude Lamont.
Claude, we are delighted to receive you.
I am delighted to be here.
It is great to meet a man
who lives such adventures.
I live the unknown,
I like the unknown, I am the unknown.
Claude... Where do you live, currently?
That is a matter for the
unknown. I don't know.
Speak to us the movie that
we are going to see today.
He/it appears that you
have faced a lot of dangers.
Yes, I faced full of dangers.
The most dangerous thing,
it was the venomous fish.
The venomous fish?
Pursue, it is your broadcast.
No, you are my guest.
The venomous fish kill
more quickly than a bullet.
In what ocean one finds it?
The Atlantic and the Pacific.
Are they big how?
Some are very big, of very small others.
It is fascinating.
Tell us, Claude,
how many men take yourselves with you?
Sometimes, we take until 45 or 50 men
during only one journey.
- So much as that?
- Quite.
You imagine the problems
of food that that puts.
Often, we must carry
away enough food for 3
or 4 months in a row.
The important, it is to eat well
and in a regular way.
Because if you don't make
of balanced meals in sea,
of numerous things can occur.
To the fact, you don't
know it maybe not,
but Claude Lamont made a
lot of humanitarian actions.
He/it is monitor of diving and
dedicates itself to numerous reasons.
You studied a lot the big white shark.
Have noted you that he/it exists
of the definite territories?
Not only this idea has very
often been corroborated,
but we have the proof
that practically no shark
don't change a territory.
I received the famous tonight
explorer Claude Lamont.
I am Paul Burmaster and I
thank you for having followed
"The Big Adventure."
Moscow in fire. Of the
missiles head on New York.
Movie at 23 o'clock.
L'acteur and director,
Bixby iBill.
To make to best, it is necessary
to be to best of his/her/its shape.
When I am on a plateau and
that I have the migraine,
I take the Sanhedrin.
Here, to the biggest
clinic, of the migraine,
some tests proved that the new Sanhedrin
relieve the pains quickly
due to the migraines, to the colds, or
to the small crises of osteoarthritis.
It is sure...
and efficient. To
take care of your cold,
make like Bill Bixby,
take the Sanhedrin. The
powerful terrific analgesic.
Je remembers when the girlfriends /
i sont arrivals to play bridge.
very constrained iJ'tais to reason
des bad obstinate odors.
Of fish to the menu, last night?
Does Harvey always smoke these cigars?
Name of God! Did a
cow crap here or what?
It was a delicious to dine.
I made to best.
Bienvenue in the world
merveilleux of the sex,
o we go vous to make reach
une new intensity dans
the sexual pleasure.
Tamisez lights et with
a reassuring smile,
embrassez tenderly /
i votre partner.
Puis goes to the other tip de
shares a room it to undress you.
L'exposition of the
erogenous zones
est an inviting prelude
pour the preliminaries.
Prenez conscience of your body
tandis that he/it gets ready
pour the ultimate
sensual irvlation.
Il is now time d'aller
toward your partner
et to embrace his/her/its size.
N'oubliez not...
smoothly iRemontez
long ile of the bust,
en massaging finely,
les erogenous zones
et while exploring mildly
les curves
de his/her/its bust.
Comme that...
pleasant iC'tait, non?
Vous now can vous to direct
toward the conjugal bed,
et to relax you while que your
senses impregnate themselves
de this new reality.
A this instant, the male
peut to whisper to the femelle:
A: "I like you. "
B: "I need you".
C: "I want you".
female iLa can rpondre:
"I now" want you.
"I now" want you.
Recuerdos has todos.
C'est now the moment de
to put the contraceptive.
Et us revoil.
Le moment came to pass
exploratory ides to the caresses.
male iLe will be able to caress /
i son back and his/her/its arms.
female iLa, if she/it wishes it,
peut to seize his/her/its horn.
Il can kiss it mildly
sur the face and the neck
searches for it of the
erogenous zones.
Les kissings must become
de more in more passionate,
tandis that the partners are
au dawns maximal excitation.
Un of the most current problems /
i au course of the sexual act,
est the one of the
precocious ejaculation.
En case of precocious ejaculation,
le delivers "The joys of the
sexe" sold iest with
"Big Jim Slade".
Jim iBig, former footballer,
est endowed with whips and chains,
et of a sexual appetite /
i qui you dcoiffera.
Jim iBig satisfied some women
dans the whole world,
et the capital of Nebraska
Lincoln!/i iest
II has three days there,
les Russian secret services /
i ont sent this clich
reprsentant an explosion
nuclaire of 30 megatons.
The CIA first of all made
a closeness with China,
but Radio Peking denied the allegation.
Here are the Hartz mounts, in Asia.
A so rough and so traitorous
region, that no country claims it.
Worse than Detroit?
I am afraid of it.
It is there,
that doctor Klahn constructed
his/her/its fortress.
Klahn exercised
of numerous infamous activities:
Opium, gunrunning, murders,
distribution of movies...
And generalized racket.
Precisely. Klahn kidnapped
the famous nuclear physicist
complicate, Pr. Ada Gronick.
And he/it has the intention
to use his/her/its knowledge
of the nuclear contraptions
to create a manageable detonator,
with which he/it will
threaten the world.
Here is Butkus. The bodyguard of Klahn.
He/it is strong and useless.
Here is Kwong, the driver of Klahn.
He/it is strong and toothless.
We need someone who finds
an uncharted mountain,
beats an army of killers
and comes back with Ada Gronick.
I have the man that we need.
I hope that you observe well.
Hit me.
What is that that?
It is not a game.
It is necessary to be
concentrated completely.
One restarts.
This time, with the feeling.
It is better.
My government is ready
to give you 50000 books
so that you infiltrated
the army of Klahn.
I fear than you me
underestimated, Mr. Pennington.
Your people and mine,
have different values.
Mr. Loo,
know that the survival
some free world is in game.
Know, Mr. Pennington,
that the geographical borders
don't mean anything for me.
I obey a superior process.
But you will be able
to kill 50 or 60 people.
Hello, I am called Miong Chow.
You join a noble chief.
Gentlemen, be the welcome.
We are honored very
to have you among us.
We construct a strength of fight
of an extraordinary power.
We draw our courage
in the tradition of our forebears.
You have our gratitude.
Bring me the prisoners!
Take it and torture it.
As for my American friend,
the CIA thinks that
she/it can infiltrate
the mountains of doctor Klahn?
You don't frighten me,
species of dirty constricted.
Take it in Detroit.
No! Not Detroit!
Mercy! All safe that!
That way, gentlemen. I
drive you to your rooms.
All, here doctor Klahn.
Je is at present absent,
laissez me a message /
i aprs the beep.
Vous has all my gratitude.
I am here to save you.
From where do you come?
How spent your journey
in the mountains, Mr. Loo?
It was a very pleasant journey.
You have luck. The sea can
be unleashed in this season.
I hope that you are satisfied
of your room.
Doctor Klahn has a big
sense of the hospitality.
You already joined an army
practicing the martial arts?
Not since a very long time.
I am sure that our men
will appear you the best
of the world.
We construct a strength
of an extraordinary power.
You honor our mountains.
We draw our courage in the
tradition of our forebears.
It is necessary to bribe
the guards. One needs money.
One will find money without problem.
But it would be badly!
What is that that?
It is not a game. It is necessary
to concentrate in depth.
I brought you a gift. Make your choice.
If you don't find your happiness...
If you want to follow me,
we enter in the Havard wing,
where the treatment of the opium end
before being wrapped and
distributed all over the world.
We manufacture sufficiently of heroine
to satisfy one quarter of
the consumers in the world.
These vats contain the
products for the bacterial wars.
Their capacity is of 4000 liters cube.
To my right, the atomic detonator,
with which the Dr Kahn counts
to threaten the whole world.
Do you have some questions?
No? Very well. Follow me.
Don't want yourselves Ioigner
of the white line,
and not to use a flash.
A robot!
A robot?
Zigouillez this salopard!
I follow you very thankful.
You are a man of an extraordinary power.
Your technique is not surpassed
that by your courage, Mr. Loo.
A magnificent demonstration of agility.
Your curiosity flatters me.
You are surely impatient
how we operate to see.
Who are they?
Of the useless. Collected in bars.
Done kidnap?
Of the drunkards who don't know
where they are and make fun of all.
Where are we?
Me me in madmen.
And them?
Of the drunkards who ignore where
they are but don't do themselves of it.
They know where they are, himself
some don't do but are temperate.
I don't know where I follow.
I don't drink.
- You you foutez of all?
- No.
Put it in the cell n
- What do you drink?
- Me me in madmen.
We discovered alas among us
a hostile visitor.
Mr. Loo is going to be punished
for his/her/its treason.
But it is not important at present.
The important, it is that my
guards accepted some bribes
and missed to their duty.
They must now prove that they deserve
to remain among us.
Present us our guards.
The guard n 1 is a veteran of
the region and a future chemist.
Please applaud Gone up Well!
The guard n 2 is a bitten
of skating. An applause
cordial for Big Zizi!
The guard n 3 often travels
because he/it is pilot of plane.
Please applaud Gigantic Parts.
Guard n 1, it is your
he/it is too late to go to
the movies. What do you make?
Hey well...
we walk on the beach to the moonlight.
Then I play of the songs
of love to the guitar.
And the following day morning...
Guard n 2,
if I slept, and that
you were my wakening,
how would you wake me up?
I would not wake you
up. I am not a bell.
And you, n 3?
What would you make?
We construct an armed strength
of an extraordinary power.
We draw our courage in the
tradition of our forebears.
The Dr Klahn is an admirable
chief. We testify him our gratitude.
A helping hand in the Dr Klahn!
Are you ready for your early exercises?
No water!
I melt!
What world!
II had a power of matchless fight.
Congratulations, Mr. Loo.
Your mission is a big success.
Since you provoked the
death of the Dr Klahn,
you have the enjoyment of his/her/its
fortress and of his/her/its wealths.
Thank you, Mr. Pennington.
But I only want a thing,
to go back at home.
To the Kansas.
But my dear, you have the
power to bring all alone in.
You only have to slap
your heels three times,
while saying: "One is
never as well as at home.
One is never as well that at home.
Wake you up.
Aunt Em!
I finally went back.
You should have made a nightmare.
I was of it.
Where that?
On this awful mountain
governed by the abominable Dr Klahn.
There were some prisoners,
Jake was there and...
Slim, and Ben.
It was maybe a dream.
And nasty, with that!
A dream of an extraordinary power.
- It was real.
- I know, my small.
But that you did learn of all that?
Hey well,
one can look everywhere for happiness,
but it is not the pain to look
for farther than his/her/its door.
One can make full of things
within his/her/its community.
To go in a dairy
to see how milk is
prepared and put in bottles.
To make an expo on
the domestic accidents.
Or to finance a library.
To ask your dentist how
to embellish your teeth.
Vous sold tout your
incense and harassed
plus of about sixty pedestrians.
Aprs an exhausting day, you
draining iavez all prospectuses.
Maintenant, c'est
the hour of a Willer.
Dchaussez your sandals
et clears a Willer.
La better beer depuis 1892.
C'est the moment to relax /
i aprs a rough day.
Vous deserves la
better beer that either.
Elle descends easily.
Elle is pleasant,
rafrachissante, and light.
On is not reincarnated /
i que 6 or 7 times,
alors it is necessary to search for
le better of the taste.
Aries asphyxiated in
an earthquake in L.A.
Movie at 23 o'clock.
Une novelty of Barker Brothers, /
i un game for the whole family.
"Scot Free." Your team comes /
i d'assassiner Presides it.
Vous is going to succeed
un "Scot Free"?
Lancez the dice to see.
Super! You found
"Patsy" iune. Continue.
Un bonus.
Ruby iJack is going to can
tuer your "Patsy".
C'est well, parce that
the deaths don't speak.
Sabruter iAbraham /
i filme the assassinat!
hard iCoup! But you leave.
Quelle luck,
22 witnesses
violent death imeurent.
Vous fell again on your feet.
"Life Magazine" achte
the movie of Sabruter
mais you buy "Life Magazine"
et shows the pictures /
i dans the mess.
Vous is there nearly,
plus that to convince
Public il'Opinion.
Vous has russi! public
iLe believes you.
Vous is "Scot Free"! En
blows at Barker Brothers.
Si "The Tower Infernale"
vous was enthusiastic,
si "Tremor of terre"
vous terrorized,
alors you go
chier in your frock
en seeing the movie de
Samuel L. Bronkowitz,
"Strongly the apocalypse"!
Une realistic representation de the
death and of his/her/its devastations
comme you never saw it au
movies. With George Lazenby
dans "The architect's role.
This building is not sure.
Radnitz iBarbara in the
role de the infirmire.
Roberts iJack dans
the Governor's role.
Governor, the city is in fire,
the national care is
overflowed by the situation.
The dam threat to give up!
Of the terrorists control the airport
and the nuclear plant
go explode incessantly.
Governor, that one goes to make?
Sutherland iDonald in the role
du clumsy server.
Larry, don't go there!
You are going to die!
I must go there. For Helen!
Let it.
Come in Montana with me.
I cannot escape him.
I don't ask you to escape you,
but to face the reality.
What reality? Her yours or mine?
Mine and her yours.
What do you say?
Let it, come in Montana with me.
I cannot escape him, as
much to escape myself!
II is not about escaping,
but to face the reality.
My reality or her yours?
My reality and her yours, here is!
What do you say?
One leaves, Larry!
What do you play?
You know it very well.
Larry, one is going
to start the machines.
Vous will never forget
"Strongly the apocalypse! "
You understood me very well!
To the course of the last years,
more than 800000 Americans died.
In spite of the sums
enclosed in research,
the death always makes the
biggest number of victims.
Hello, I am Henry Gibson.
I speak you to the name of
the Fund United for the Deaths.
There is not a treatment again
against the paralyzing
effect of the death,
but each can get ready to
the 3 signs annonciateurs:
It is important to know
what to do when one dies.
Your grants for this reason
already made some miracles.
Of numerous families
have can be rescued.
I would like to present
you the Hefsteders.
One believed that it was
without hope, then one discovered
the Fund United for the Deaths.
They showed us that in spite
of his/her/its handicap,
Johnny could be even useful to
his/her/its family and to the society.
Notre interlocutor du "Fund Uni"
nous showed que the body
without life of Johnny
n'tait not necessarily
absent of our daily life.
Nous achieved to what point
nous was happy
de power to make participate it /
i aux domestic activities.
Le United Fund for the Deaths a
transformed the grief in happiness.
Nous their soaps will to have
united new ide the family.
Henry Gibson asks you
to be generous when the
death knocks at your door.
No photos, please.
I nor said photos nor commentaries.
No photos.
September 22, 1957,
took place a collision
between several vehicles
causing more 55000 $ of damages.
We attend the suit here
instituted following the accident.
The plaintiffs that you are going to
see have been implied in the accident.
While we join the court,
judge Coarse DeSmizer,
go ask M. Hornung to make
his/her/its exploratory remarks.
Mr. Hornung, make your
exploratory remarks.
If the court allows it to me,
ladies and gentlemen the jurors,
I would like to prove today
that to the evening
of February 22, 1957,
Sheldon Grunwald drove his/her/its car
on the freeway 30, in
direction of the north,
when the rear of his/her/its
vehicle has been embossed
by the conducted car by the defendant,
Mile Rita Filagree.
In conclusion, your Honor,
I would like that the jurors
listen to a strip.
Hey, Wally, it is terrific
to be at the court.
The farm! One is going to make
itself to bawl by the judge.
Mr., is the defense it lends?
Quite, your Honor.
Call your first witness then.
The number of Sheldon Gunwald.
It is I!
It is not anymore the pain, I found it.
You swear to say the truth,
the whole truth, nothing that the truth?
I swear it.
You made me so happy!
We will say rightly that M.
Gunwald is used in a service.
We are going to begin the
questions with M. Hornung.
I have more reasons to
call on your services
that... my wife, for example?
You lose 5 points.
You have 45 of them.
I yield my tower to Arlene.
Sorry, the time is
urgent, I jump the cards.
I inform you that M. Gunwald
practise the profession of spoon.
Mr. Gunwald,
in addition to your activity
of picker, he/it is not true...
No, spoon!
Ah yes, spoon.
Evidently. Picker doesn't
want anything to say.
Therefore Mr. Grunwald, in
more of your spoon activities,
he/it is not exact that
you are monitor of conduct?
- Is it then exact?
- Yes.
You are not monitor of conduct?
I contest these questions.
Objection rejected.
Then I would like to examine
the undersides of the business...
All is in place.
Your witness, master.
Please tell us your first name.
Hey well, Mr. Grunwald,
that wants to say... this gesture?
anniversary iJoyeux...
anniversary iJoyeux, Sheldon.
Mr. Grunwald,
please tell us in what
cloth is made your shirt?
Objection! This shirt goes from silk.
Retained objection.
Very well.
Mr. Grunwald, please follow
me at the end of the room.
Objection! The lawyer
operates the witness.
Retained objection.
Mr. Hornung, Mr. Taylor,
please approach the bench.
While the judge converses
with the lawyers,
let's mark one pause with this message.
That makes our small skeptic, today?
She/it has the cat in the Nesson oil.
The judge is going to ask in M. Hornung
to prove the applicability of the law.
Mr. Hornung, you must prove
the applicability of the law.
I not only go to prove it,
but to show how these facts
relate to the business.
I call to the rod
Mile Rita Filagree.
As everybody waited for itself
of it, a witness surprised!
Filagree mile was in
the vehicle of Grunwald,
but had been declared
dead after the accident.
I swear it.
Filagree mile, as passenger,
of the vehicle of M. Grunwald,
can identify the driver
of the blue Buick?
Is he/it in this court?
Can you show it to me?
I am not able to.
I am not able to really.
Know yourselves the code
pnal in this State?
You would not cry, if one
shouted to you over, hey?
Ben no! But the girls,
it is not similar.
When a type cries, one
takes it for a feeble.
That then, Wally. Is necessary
to believe that have you reason.
Dear Madam,
to hide relative proofs
to a crime as hateful...
II is necessary to say "Hneux."
One doesn't say "your Hneur."
No! Ladies and gentlemen,
it is written here.
Carnivorous animals and
nervous of Africa and Asia.
Watch, Wally.
Do you see? I knew that
one would make itself bawl.
We don't want any pain to your planet.
The accusation mocks of this court!
Very well.
He/it is over there seated.
Oh, no. Him!
The bailiff tried to identify
the driver of the blue Buick.
Everybody waits with impatience
to know the mysterious driver.
He/it could have a truth
there sudden turn of events.
The next person...
It is he!
Le broadcaster Steven McCrosky
a been declared guilty
et condemned to 20 years of reclusion
dans a federal jail.
Le stnotypiste Cord Simley
a changed of sex
et plays veil and steam-powered /
i avec the Atlanta Braves.
Wallace and Theodore Cleaver ont
been deprived of spending money
et messengers in bed
without dining.
Elle, a stick of black
dynamite m80./i id'1
Lui, a small Jew hassidim.
Elle leads a fierce fight
pour to survive
dans the ghetto.
Il studies the Talmud
overnight it.
Tandis that she/it fires
le ghetto,
il lights the candles
of the Sabbath.
C'est a love passionnel!
Une torrid ardor
entretenue by those that say non!
Seuls, they dared to triumph
de the infernal
fureur of the desire.
Jamais such a violence
n'avait been shown to the cran.
Jamais more, a man
et a woman won't face /
i de such challenges.
rien won't be able to stop them.
On often ignores,
que the chemicals
jouent a growing role
dans our daily life.
Un of the most current products
est oxidizes it of zinc.
police iCe,
ce farmer
et this housewife
ne doesn't know it,
mais oxidizes it of zinc /
i leur is indispensable.
I use the oxide of
zinc for what to make?
Sans oxidizes it of zinc,
vous would not have this soap.
Les cloths that you use.
grill-pain./i iVotre
Le bra that you wear.
L'vier of the kitchen.
Ces rods to curtains.
Les shelves of your refrigerator.
Les hooks made of metal.
Le burner of the stove.
Le safety catch /
i des carbines.
Le handbrake de your car.
Tous the brakes.
Cette cover.
Et the sable?
Tout to fact.
My God!
Le pacemaker of your husband.
Votre prosthesis.
Oui, the oxide of zinc /
i gre our daily life.
Ne doesn't miss
"Lesson of science n7":
to "Rebuild his/her/its house".
One says that courage of a man tackles
to the way of which
he/it faces the danger.
You are going to discover
soon an unique phenomenon.
Man's kind that ignores what
the word "fear" means to say.
Rex Kramer, mechanic to
half-time, kamikaze full-time.
Un man ready to risk his/her/its life
pour the love of the aventure.
Il searches for it, it faces
it et dominates it.
Kramer iRex. The mad
of the danger.
Light the television,
there are the infos.
Do you joke?
Go, light it.
Le governor Billingsley est
judged today for extortion.
C'est the 4th governor United
States ides to be judged
pendant his/her/its mandate.
L'avocat of the accusation,
au to say Billingsley,
essaierait to annihilate it,
pour to "choose the neighbor
Le senator Hammond
du New Mexico says
que the report that is going to leave /
i mettra the CIA in the embarrassment
ainsi that the FBI.
Le report won't harm /
i aux two agencies
mais will suggest the resignation
des senators
qui transmits des
information secret bip.
Detroit iA, the Union
Hard-working ides of Rubber
concentre the negotiations
sur the 3 main manufacturers /
i de tires and of rubber.
En reason of the frost of the wages /
i il is three years old there,
le union didn't get /
i leur indexing
et this time, he/it asks
une clause for une
indexing without conditions.
Les business are disrupted
et the blocked circulation,
tandis that more of 500000 /
i Japanese icheminots
ont announced a strike of 3 days
to leave from aujourd'hui.
La strike would have disrupted
la life of...
17 millions of Japanese
qui takes the train
pour to go to the office
ou to the cole.
Les commuters look for /
i des solutions spare
pour to surrender to their work /
i malgr the plugs in Tokyo.
Des score of thousand
ont been forced de to
remain in their office...
Ils camps in their office and...
parce that... the stores /
i de clothes closed.
La strike...
... there is what happens
Japan iau with these Japanese.
Les course of the Stock market
weakened iont
d'aprs the announcements
de the day while
les exchanges slowed down.
practiced iLes assigns /
i cette stabilization
the recent deregulation
sur the imports of the tranger.
Une tragedy hit le yard
of promoter Hitchcock.
Une explosion of gas destroyed
le centers recreational.
L'explosion cost life
au owner
des places, Mr. James Hitchcock...
et to his/her/its family's
five members.
Trois other people /
i ont been wounded
et two is carried extinct.
Nous has the proof that...
mercredi evening, the Libyan colonel
Escalante iHernando
essaie to bargain some fruits,
des arm... and of the legs...
avec Uganda to help
le Presides Amin ldi.
Bonsoir and thank you
consistent id'avoir
les information de
"Witness Direct".
I don't wear a trousers.
The movie at 23 o'clock.