Kept Woman (2015) Movie Script

We're safe.
What did you really
think of the play?
I love the design of
the program. It's..
Oh no!
No, I'm serious.
This is the real
work of art right here.
I bet you it was designed by a
talented, smart, beautiful woman
who's got great taste in men.
Come on! We're
almost there.
No, I can't do it!
Oh no!
I can't wait to get out of
these shoes and into a bath!
I love you in heels.
You don't wear them enough!
I'm sure you'll
see them again sometime...
next year!
Oh my God!
We've been robbed.
My grandmother's jewellery.
Stay back!
- Give me your wallet!
- Just calm down, all right?
And your purse!
Hand it over!
- That ring too.
- It's my engagement ring.
Either you give it to me
or I take it from you!
Just give it to him, Jess.
You follow me, I start shooting!
Oh my God!
It's OK, it's OK, it's OK.
Oh my God!
It's just stuff, all right?
At this point, we've done
everything we can do.
Hey, Tyler!
Thanks for coming, man.
I know it's not your precinct.
Of course.
You guys OK?
Yeah, more or less.
Just a little shaken up.
Yeah, for sure.
Did you give your
statement to the officer?
Yeah, and he just left.
Did either of you get
a look at this guy?
It was just some random lowlife.
Yeah, there's a lot of
those in this neighbourhood.
We're going to the station
in the morning to do a sketch.
OK. Do you wanna show
me where he came in?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, follow me.
What are the odds of
actually catching this guy
and getting my
engagement ring back?
It''s hard to say.
I wouldn't get
your hopes up, Jess.
Do you wanna...
Yeah, let's go.
What are you doing?
Her face, when you've been
looking for a while
Left not a trace that
we're underneath the weather
And I tried to let go
And she slipped away
like a little girl
But I really wanna
make her mine
My girl would never say
What I need to hear
to make it all OK
So we try to make nice
so the kids won't know
For a little while
But it really
doesn't make it
I find you, alone awhile
With a heavy hand
and a dark-lit smile
And a fine time to regret
what I still don't know
And I really wanna
make her mine
She wants to know
just who I am
She wants to know
just who I am
But she can make you work
for the worth that she has
She wants to know
just who I am
All right, I got this one.
I got this one.
I got this.. Don't have it!
Don't have it!
- Oh! Whoa!
- Don't have it! Don't have it!
You good?
- OK.
- I got this.
Hey, babe! Cheese!
Come on, smile!
- Look at my hair!
I look..
You look great.
- We're done!
- We're done!
Well, we did it.
Yes, we did.
I just hope we can afford it.
We'll be fine.
I'll take on some more clients.
That'll definitely help.
Think how much money we'll save
by not getting our stuff stolen.
You bet!
All right.
What we gonna do about this paste...
Maybe you can give to another woman
You don't know about that
You became so understood
I'm not
- ..
- Awww
Do you hear that?
I don't hear anything..
Doesn't agree...
Actually I hear a little..
Who is that?
I don't know
My name is Simon.
I live next door,
and I wanted to introduce myself
and offer a little welcome
to the neighbourhood.
Wow! Thank you very much!
Oh, my name's Evan,
and this is my fiance, Jessica.
I.. Oh!
Oh, you look like you're
coming from someplace fancy!
No, uh, work.
I lecture at the university.
What do you teach?
Men's Studies.
I'm so..
Uh, I'm sorry.
I thought you were kidding.
Technically, it's referred to
as "Men and Masculinity."
I didn't think there was that
much to know on the subject.
Jess is just kidding.
You got a real little
firecracker on your hands, Evan!
Yeah, you could say that!
You know what?
I'm sorry.
That was really rude of me,
and you are really
kind to bring this over to us.
Thank you so much.
We really appreciate it.
Would you, uh...
Do you want to come in and
have some of this with us?
It'll take me a minute
to find the wine glasses.
I would love to, but I have
some papers to grade,
and I imagine you have
some settling in to do.
When the kitchen is ready,
we'll have to have
you over for dinner.
- I look forward to that.
- Great.
- Good evening!
- Night!
Way to make a first
impression, Jess!
Aw, come on!
It was a joke!
Wow! This is a
really nice bottle.
Well, he's obviously
a classy guy.
- Oh!
- Just like me.
Hi... this is it
first morning for you
Thank you
For what..?
All of this..
I know moving is not your first choice
Don't go on it
I'll be go around..
let them little traffic
Sure are you Oke for the car?
Ya, I'm still stay...
I'm working away
- ..dinner get ready for you when you home
- wow... I'm going home already
I love you
I love you to..
"We believe in good design"
Hey, Oscar!
Hey, J! How's life
in the burbs?
Good for you, man!
I don't think I could survive
if I wasn't walking distance
to a coffee place
or a pizza shop.
- Yeah, I get it. Thanks.
- So, listen.
I've got something interesting
on the Sierra Marshall case
I wanna run by you real quick.
No, no. I really have
to be focusing on work.
All right,
but you're missing out!
It's kind of juicy!
A short break won't hurt, right?
What have you got?
All right, so, you remember
how the original suspect
was the brother-in-law, right?
He had an alibi, right?
That's what the press reported,
but guess who got hold
of the police report?
Mr. Goody Two-Shoes's story
has holes in it.
- Oh yeah?
- Mm-hmm!
Yeah, I know what you're saying,
but who would he know that
had access to a forensics lab?
Who said he needed
to know anybody?
Jess! Is this thing on?
I'm over here!
We've been talking about
this all day! I gotta go!
All right, I'll catch you later.
Hey, honey, was it?
Uh, it was brutal!
It, um, it was pretty much
bumper to bumper the entire way.
I'm sorry!
I hope dinner's not
too cold. I'm starving.
It''s not, because
I haven't started it yet.
- Oh.
- I'm sorry!
I just got caught up
with what I was doing.
No, that's OK.
I'm happy you had
a productive day.
I'll go whip up
a stir-fry or something.
- Did you finish your project?
- Not exactly.
Please don't tell me you
wasted an entire work day
on one of those
missing-persons cases.
No, I started on my project,
but then Oscar and I might
have made a breakthrough.
- Oscar?
- Yeah!
I don't wanna start something,
but I don't think it's fair
that you're chatting online
with some guy all day
while I'm out covering
the house payments.
I realize my name's
the only one on the mortgage,
but you promised we'd
be in this together.
You're right.
You're right.
And we are.
It's just the..
it's just the first day.
Please, Evan!
Give me a half hour.
Oh, hello!
Hey! I just wanted to say
thanks again for the wine.
We really enjoyed it.
I'm glad to hear that!
Do you have a cellar?
Well, how did you know that?
Oh, dust on the bottle.
I just kind of figured.
Hmm! You're
very perceptive.
Listen, I hope I
didn't offend you
with my man-studies joke.
No! No, I've heard
them all before.
OK. Um, well,
I also was wondering
if you were free to join
us for dinner Thursday.
I'd love to.
Great! 7:30?
Perfect! I'll see if
I can dig up something else
out of my cellar.
All right, well,
I will see you then!
- OK!
- OK! Bye!
Oh! I have to say this is..
this is amazing wine, Simon.
Well, I'm really glad
that you like it.
I just.. I feel kind of
guilty pairing it with barbecue.
No, no, no, no!
Now is the perfect time
to enjoy this one.
In fact, I fear had I left it
in my cellar one day longer,
it may have spoiled.
Besides, I think you're
selling yourself short,
because this looks to me
like some gourmet grilling.
Evan does most of
the cooking around here.
Yeah, it's nothing special.
Just simple stuff, really.
Things like
stir-fries or pasta,
anything that doesn't
take a ton of prep or...
So you don't cook?
I can reheat with
the best of them.
She makes a mean rhubarb pie.
I haven't made one in a while.
Tell me about it!
Well, you used to make them for
me when I did something good.
Now, I don't think I've been
pie-worthy for quite some time.
That isn't true.
Well, I'm, uh, impressed.
And I don't know how I would
survive without TV dinners.
They still make those?
They're a bit of a relic
of a bygone era, I guess,
but then again, so am I.
I come from a very
traditional house.
And my father provided,
and my mother would cook,
And she would threaten
to stab anyone
who would set foot
in her kitchen
with a butcher knife!
The good old days!
You must get lonely in
that house all by yourself.
Yes. I wasn't always.
I used to live in
it with my fiance,
but I suppose the white
picket fence wasn't for her.
I'm sorry.
It's OK!
I'm sure she's very happy
with the guy that she
was cheating on me with,
so cheers!
Well, I..I can't even
look at another woman
without Jess sensing it.
Ah! The possessive type, huh?
I think the word you're
looking for is "intuitive."
Well, she's that too.
Did she tell you that she's
not only a graphic designer,
but also a part-time
crime fighter?
No, she didn't!
It's just a hobby.
I'm part of an online
group that works
to dig up information
on old cases.
I think I've heard of this.
This is a sort of
crowdsourced crime-fighting.
It's a lot of work that
usually leads nowhere.
But you are drawn to what
you're drawn to, I guess.
She also wants to write a book.
Wants to?
What's stopping you?
I haven't found
the right story, I guess.
Well, maybe your new life
will help you discover it.
- Maybe!
- Yeah!
Are you sure he's
not seeing anyone?
That's what he told me.
That's weird.
I could've sworn
I smelled perfume on him.
Well, maybe it's just
some fancy cologne.
Hmm... maybe.
You know, you should set one
of your girlfriends up with him.
Oh, I don't know.
I'm afraid they'd all be
too possessive like me.
Oh! Come on!
When we first started dating,
you went into my closet,
and you put a bunch of lipstick
on all my shirt collars.
Oh! Now, why
would I do that?
Oh, I don't know,
maybe to show all the women
that I was already taken.
Oh! Hi!
Hi! I'm, uh, trying
to do some gardening,
but this worked for
my window planters,
but do you have anything
with a little more heft?
The handle on mine broke,
and I haven't gotten
around to replacing it.
OK. Uh, I'll just wait for
Evan to get back to the car.
Are you making
dinner for someone?
No. Why do
you ask that?
I.. That's just a lot of
food for a single guy.
I hate shopping.
So I tend to buy as much
as I can at once.
- OK!
- OK!
Well, have a lovely
rest of your day.
You too!
He said he never cooks.
Maybe he was inspired
by my culinary skills.
I'm serious.
He..he was being weird.
Look, we don't really know him.
Evan, he was hiding
something from me.
What if he's having an affair
with one of his students
and he wants to keep it quiet?
Whatever it is,
something is off about him.
I can feel it.
You need to stop doing this.
Stop doing what?
Turning nothing into
one of your whodunits.
That's nice!
I'm serious! Look,
we have to live here.
Unlike everything else
in this neighbourhood,
Simon's not boring,
so maybe you can come up with
a conspiracy about someone else.
Maybe you could not talk
to me like I'm crazy!
Jess, we live in
a house that we can't afford
that I pay for working a job
that I hate, by the way,
so you could feel safe!
I think you can't
feel safe anywhere!
Who said anything
about not feeling safe?
Isn't that where this is going?
It sounds like
it's going to a place
where you blame me for
a decision we made together.
Look! Speak of the devil.
- Hey!
- Hi!
I hope it's not too late.
I saw the light was on.
No, not at all!
I'm sorry, Jessica.
I forgot that I had
bought another shovel
after the other one broke.
That's if you still need it.
Thank you.
Hey, do you wanna
come in for a drink?
Uh, no, I..I have an
early class in the morning.
OK, well, next time, then.
Good night.
Good night.
You know, there is
something off about him.
He's nice.
It's Jessica.
Are you home?
Don't look at me that way.
You haven't met this guy.
- He's weird!
- You're paranoid!
He dresses weird.
He talks weird.
He literally wears his
personality on his sleeve,
but he has the most
boring furniture.
It's like he doesn't
even live there.
And he keeps the drapes drawn
as if he's hiding something.
I don't know, Jess.
I know you get those
million-dollar hunches,
but, honestly, this doesn't
sound like a whole lot to go on.
But it all seems a little
off, though, right? Right?
Yeah, but if being
a little off was a crime,
we'd be having this conversation
in jail right now.
You're starting
to sound like Evan.
Trouble in paradise?
Oh, he's just stressed
about the mortgage,
and he thinks I should be
spending more time working,
which he's right about.
All right, look,
I can see this is
stressing you out.
Do you want me
to check into this guy?
No. No, it's fine.
All right. Call me if anything
else comes up, all right?
I will.
All right. Chin up!
Simon! It's Jessica.
Are you home?
How are you? Jessica!
Are you busy?
No, just trying to slog
through this design project.
I found something that
I think you're going to like.
Um, would you like
to take a break and pop over?
Uh, sure!
See you soon.
I like your place!
That's right. You haven't
actually been inside before.
Well, if you
come to the kitchen,
here's where your surprise is.
This reminded me of the one you
were wearing the other night,
so I had to buy it for you.
I can't accept that.
You don't like your present.
I do!
No, it's OK. I just have
one other thing to show you.
I really should be going.
It's OK.
You can stay.
This won't take...
...30 seconds.
Simon! It's Jessica!
Are you home?
So, when I saw you looking
into my house like this,
I realized that you wanted
to be here with me...
and that it wasn't
me choosing you.
In fact, it was you choosing me.
Hi, Jessica.
Who are you?
My name is Robin.
Where am I?
What's the code?
Only Simon knows the code.
What are you doing?
What is this place?
It's OK.
You're safe down here.
What do you mean down here?
Is this Simon's basement?
- No one can hear you.
Please stop!
It just makes him more angry!
Shut up! Shut up!
Please stop!
Please! Please!
Jess? Jess!
Hey, hon?
I'm home!
There has to be
a way out of here.
Oh, please!
You have to stop this!
You're gonna have
to clean all this up.
No one can hear you.
Just come back, Jessica.
It's gonna be a whole lot
easier that way.
I do realize this is going
to take some adjusting.
It's going to be much easier
if you just accept
that this is where
you're meant to be.
What do you want from me?
I just want us to be happy.
Oh yeah!
You can try and
kill me if you like,
but you will die
down here with me,
buried like an Egyptian
slave with her pharaoh.
Oh, and if you try
and don't succeed,
that would be a whole lot worse.
Isn't that right, Robin?
Why do you have my suitcase?
You packed it
when you walked out on Evan.
Hey! Where are you?
Listen, I'm gonna apologize
to your face again,
but I'll just say sorry
to your voicemail for now.
I was an ass yesterday,
so I came home early
to make it up to you.
Anyway, I'll, uh,
I'll see you soon.
How'd you get here?
The same as you.
Simon chose me.
He chose you.
From where?
He was one of my professors.
Simon said he knew...
that we were
meant to be together
from the first moment
that we met.
How long have you been here?
I don't know.
A few years.
We have to get out of here.
No, we don't.
This is where we're meant to be.
You're telling me
you never tried to leave?
When I first got here
and I was still...
But the codes
are always changed,
and if you try to leave,
bad things happen.
What did he do to you?
He just made me understand
how much he loves me.
Hello, Simon!
Here's a drink for you, darling.
So, I brought you
some new clothes...
I really wanna see you wear.
Did you bring me anything?
No, not this time, darling.
I was focusing on making
Jessica feel welcome.
You understand, right?
Of course.
And I got you something else
that I think you're
really going to enjoy.
What am I supposed
to do with that?
Write your book!
I wanna support
your creative ambitions,
and this is a place where
you can commit to them fully
without having to worry
about any of the things
that women shouldn't
have to worry about,
like paying a mortgage,
If you think you can
hold someone captive
but make them happy by
buying them an old typewriter,
you're crazy.
What's crazy is
the world out there.
It's full of lost and weak men
and overburdened woman,
and this is our place where
we're righting those wrongs.
By keeping us prisoner?
You've never been more
free than you are now.
You just don't know it yet.
- Isn't that right, Robin?
- Yes!
I don't know what
you did to her,
but that'll never be me.
Oh! Well,
dinner's ready!
Dinner's ready.
All right, then!
Jessica, why don't you..
No, Jessica there, you there.
Why don't you come join us?
As this is your first night,
I'm gonna allow you some leeway.
But in the future,
when I ask you to do something,
I suggest you do it.
...and he heard you,
then I'd have to kill him.
Evan, hi!
Hey, Simon!
Um, sorry to bother you.
I'm looking for Jess.
Have you seen her,
by any chance?
No. No.
Is everything OK?
Yeah, it's just she's not around
and she doesn't have
her phone with her.
Huh! I spoke to her
earlier this afternoon.
Oh, so you saw her?
No, no. We just
chatted on the phone.
I mentioned I was going
to pick up some groceries
and asked if she wanted
me to get her anything,
seeing as how you're
without a 2nd car.
What did she say?
She said she didn't
need anything.
To be honest, um,
she seemed a bit upset.
Do you know what time that was?
Uh, about
half past 2:00.
It's just weird. She doesn't
go anywhere without her phone.
Maybe she went out
exploring the neighbourhood.
Yeah, maybe.
Um, well, sorry to bother you.
That part of your life
doesn't exist anymore.
It'll be best for everyone
if you put it out of your mind.
Nah, I'm sure it's fine.
I'll have her call you
as soon as she gets in.
All right.
So, she packed some clothes?
Yeah, but
she..she left stuff
like her phone
and her toothbrush.
Well, maybe that means
she doesn't plan
to be away for long.
Yeah, but where did she go?
I mean, it just
doesn't make sense.
How's everything going
between you two?
It's going fine.
Some tension with the move.
Tension in what way?
We had a blowup yesterday
over, you know, money and work.
That kind of thing.
So it was bad?
Bad enough that
I slept on the couch.
And you were still
fighting this morning?
I left without
speaking with her.
But it's not like Jess
to just run away like that.
What about the time
in Puerto Vallarta?
- That was different.
- How?
It was before we were engaged,
and I screwed up.
Did you screw up again, Evan?
No, I didn't.
Do you think she might
have somebody else?
No, there's no one
I can think of.
What about those
wannabe detectives
she chats with online?
Yeah! She does spend a lot
of time talking to those guys.
Especially, there's this
one guy named Oscar.
Just Simon?
It's my fault
- That isn't true
- It is
Simon told me not try to escape
but I didn't listen
It's Oke
If he doesn't know
Oscar Garrett?
Sorry to bother you so early.
I'm Officer Haynes
with the NYPD.
This is Evan Crowder.
Jessica's boyfriend?
Fianc. You know
where she is?
No. Has something
happened to her?
She hasn't been heard from
since yesterday afternoon.
I thought you had to
be missing 24 hours
before the police got involved.
I'm here as a friend.
Can we come inside?
So, uh, what did
you two talk about?
I mean, a bunch of things.
Mainly this new case
I've been working on.
Did she say anything
that might indicate
she'd be going away?
If anything,
it was the opposite.
She was complaining about
not being able to go anywhere
because of the car situation.
She also...
Oscar, we just wanna find out
what happened to her,
make sure she's OK.
She said there was
some tension at home
because of money and stuff.
Did she confide in you
about anything else?
Is there somebody
we should talk to?
She was a little suspicious
about your new neighbour, Simon.
What do you mean
by "suspicious"?
She just had a bad
feeling about him.
She thought he was lying
about having a woman
at his place.
- That's it?
- You know Jess!
This is my number in case
you think of anything else
or if Jessica tries
to get in touch with you.
Cool! I'll dig up what I can
on Simon and keep you posted.
Thanks, but I'll handle
the police work.
Yeah, OK.
Good morning.
Hey! This is Tyler.
He's a friend,
and he's also a cop.
He's helping me
try to find Jess.
She didn't come back
home last night?
Could I ask you a
couple of questions?
Of course!
You spoke to Jessica
an hour before she went missing?
That's right.
Like I told Evan,
I called and asked her
if she wanted anything
from the grocery mart.
She said she was fine,
seemed a little upset,
and that was about it.
Do you live here
with anyone else?
Are you seeing anybody,
a girlfriend?
Uh, Jessica expressed
concern that you'd lied to her
about having someone
else in the house.
She, uh, she was suspicious,
something about extra groceries.
I'm..I'm sorry, Simon.
She's right. I did lie
about the groceries.
I was having someone
in that night,
and I wanted to be discreet.
She was one of my grad students.
But I like Jessica,
and..and I didn't want her
to think badly of me.
I'm..I'm sorry, Simon.
No, no, no.
If I were you, I would
be very worried.
I just hope that you find her.
Thanks a lot.
If we work together, we'll
find way to escape
Please don't talk about that
Can he hear this?
I don't know
Robin, this isn't your home.
You don't understand.
Robin, you're a prisoner, and
we need to get out of here.
You don't understand.
I do.
I understand just fine.
You need to listen to me.
I think if we can have
a plan, we can get out.
- No.
- Yes.
- No.
- Yes.
- No!
No, no! This is where
I'm meant to be!
This is where we're
both meant to be.
I need you to write down
your email address
and your password.
I'm not gonna
repeat myself again.
Write down your email address
and your password, please.
Want me to tell you
what happens if they're wrong?
It's right.
Now, I'm gonna be back tonight,
and when I am,
why don't you be wearing one
of those dresses I bought you?
Dear, Evan. I'm sorry.
I thought moving
would fix things,
but instead, it just revealed
the bigger problem between us.
I don't need any money.
I've met someone who understands
me and is taking care of me.
I just want to move on.
I'm sorry this is abrupt,
but I hope in time you'll agree
that this was the most humane
way for me to end things.
I don't expect you
to understand,
but this is what I want.
Please don't try to get
in touch. Jessica.
Six years!
No discussion?
Just gone?
It doesn't make any sense!
Do you think she
could've gotten mixed up
with drugs or gambling?
No! No, man!
Yeah, but then again,
I had no idea she started
seeing someone else.
"I've met someone
who understands me."
What does that even mean?
Did you email her back?
Yeah, a couple times.
Still no response.
I hate to tell you this,
but you need to take out
whatever cash you have
in any joint accounts.
All the cash I have
went into this house.
How could she do this to me?
OK, show us the next one!
Oh, come on!
Don't be shy!
Turn around.
Oh, I think that's the one.
What do you think?
Definitely, yes!
This is like your glass slipper.
Do you like it?
I asked you a question!
What do you want me to say?
I want you to be honest.
I wanna go home.
Unfortunately, there's nowhere
else for you to go anymore.
What are you talking about?
Evan received your email,
and he acknowledged
his limitations
as a romantic partner,
and he accepts that this is the
best thing for you from now on.
You're insane!
? Still I have to say?
? That I'm the
only one for you...?
Don't you ever
talk to me like that.
Oh, this is
definitely the dress.
- What do you think?
- Mm-hmm!
You know, what might be nice
is if you ask Robin
to help you with your
hair and your makeup.
Do you mind?
- No, no. Not at all.
- Great!
And maybe Robin
could use a break.
Why don't you cook
tomorrow night?
He doesn't mean to hurt you.
How can you defend him?
Simon loves me!
? I guess you'll never know?
? That I'm the only...?
Well, that smells lovely!
What are we having?
You look very nice, Jessica.
When someone gives
you a compliment,
it's polite to respond.
Thank you.
And I have a little
surprise for you too!
I got you some of the
stories I know you like.
Maybe it will help
stimulate your writing.
- That was nice of you to think of me.
- Of course!
How's the drink, darling?
It's fine.
Jessica, it looks
like you went all out.
I'm not sure how it'll taste.
Well, I appreciate the effort.
You made it.
Why don't you carve it?
Well, would you look at that!
Oh! No!
Stop! Oh!
I'll give you a choice.
You let me go,
and I give you my word..
How about I give you a choice?
You give me the
code to the door,
or I'll torture it out of you.
I'll die before I tell you,
but you'll die down here
with me, both of you.
- Tell me!
- No!
What is it?
Please don't hurt him!
Shut up!
Tell me now.
The reason I'd rather die
is because I don't wanna
live in a world without you.
That's how committed
I am! I love you!
Then I'm gonna
give you a choice!
Do you want me to cut out your
left or your right eye first?
Last chance.
Robin! Stop!
You need to accept it.
This is your fate.
How are you feeling?
Leave me alone.
Sorry if you feel
like I betrayed you,
but you were going
to destroy our home.
Stop calling this a home!
You would've ended up like
Megan if I hadn't stopped you!
Who's Megan?
The girl who was here before me.
She couldn't find love
in her heart for Simon,
and she kept trying to run away.
Did he kill her?
Robin, did he kill her?
I did.
It was my punishment.
I didn't try hard
enough to stop her.
I can't go through that again.
What happened to your head?
I took a spill on my bike.
Well, it looks like
you hit a brick wall.
I hit the asphalt.
I'm OK, though.
Any update on Jessica?
And how are you holding up?
Not good.
You know, why don't you
come over for a drink tonight?
The ball game's on...
Oh, I don't know.
I insist!
It would probably
do you some good
to get your mind off things.
Yeah, sure.
Why not?
Up to bat is Shawn Martinez...
Thanks for this.
I've basically been pacing
around that empty house,
making myself sick.
When my fiance and I broke up,
we dragged it out.
It was so long, so painful.
There's no use. He won't
be able to hear you.
I have to at
least try something.
Don't you get it?
This is just another test!
All it's going to do is make
Simon have to hurt you again!
I almost think it
would've been more humane
if she just left like that.
Nothing about this feels humane.
I don't know whether
or not to feel angry at her
for running away
or like a fool for
not seeing it coming.
Well, angry feels better.
Hey, you got that right!
Mind if I get another?
Please help yourself.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no!
No, no!
The best thing you
can do for both of you
is to just forget him.
So, here's the deal.
If you try to escape again,
I'm not gonna kill you.
I'm gonna kill Evan.
Maybe you don't value
your own life anymore,
but I trust that
you still value his.
So, are you gonna be
a good girl from now on?
Let me hear you say it.
I'll be good.
That's what I like to hear.
Now come show me.
? I remember the day?
? That I met you?
? Hand in hand?
? We strolled through the park?
? Then all of a sudden?
? You kissed me?
? And you started
a flame in my heart?
? There were tears
in your eyes?
? When you whispered?
? That nothing would ever?
? Cause us to part?
? But no matter, darling?
? What might happen?
? I shall always?
? Have that flame?
? In my heart?
Hey, Evan!
Heading back to the city, huh?
Yeah, it's been a couple
months since Jess took off.
Figure it's time to
get on with my life.
Can't say I blame ya!
Besides, I can't afford
this place on my own.
When do you leave?
As soon as this place sells.
Can I have a wooden spoon?
Is something wrong?
Do you really care?
Of course.
That's why I asked.
Last night was
supposed to be my night.
With Simon.
You've been with him
3 nights in a row.
You act all innocent,
but I see how
you flirt with him,
playing hard to get.
You don't know what
you're talking about.
- Really?
- Yeah.
What I do know
is things were a lot better
before you showed up.
I didn't have a say in that
then, and I still don't now.
Hello, Simon!
Hello! Ah!
How was your day?
Did you get all
your papers graded?
Almost. A poorly written essay
can be a real slog.
I can help you with that
sometime, if you'd like.
I do have my English degree.
Hmm! I'd appreciate that.
Here's a drink for you, darling!
Go ahead.
You sure?
Excellent, Jessica.
Don't you wanna read something?
I think I'll just go to sleep.
Is something wrong?
It's Jessica.
Go on.
She told me today that
she still loves Evan.
It takes longer for
some people to move on.
Not only that.
She told me that
she's just pretending
that she wants to be here
and she plans on trying
to escape again.
How do you know this?
She asked me to help her.
I see.
I know this hurts you to hear...
but she just doesn't
love you like I do.
Thank you for telling me.
What are you gonna do about it?
I'm going to address it!
Jessica, wake up!
Jessica, wake up!
Get out here now!
Is everything OK?
No, no.
is not OK. Go!
Robin told me that you confessed
that you were still
in love with your ex.
- What?
- And she said you were gonna plan another escape.
No, but why would you say that?
- Because it's the truth!
- Simon...
She's lying!
I'm disappointed.
And frankly, I'm a
little bit surprised,
because lying is the one
thing that I cannot abide!
Lying is a cancer for families,
and cancers need to be cut out.
She had lies in her heart.
How did you know?
I'm the head of the household.
It's my job to know everything.
I feel like something's
changed with us,
like you're starting to see
things the way I see them,
and I couldn't take the chance
that she was gonna hurt you!
You understand, of course,
that I did this for you?
I do.
So, could you put on some music?
And then go in your bedroom,
and make sure the
music's very loud.
Hi! I don't know
if you remember me.
My name is Oscar Garrett.
You spoke to a while ago
about Jessica Crowder.
Right. What can
I do for ya?
I'm assuming there hasn't
been any contact with her.
No, nothing.
Well, I might have
found something.
You remember I told you
Jessica was suspicious
of her neighbour, Simon?
I already spoke with him.
I reached out to my network
to do some digging.
We started off crosschecking
lists of missing women
against students at schools
where he taught.
There's been at least one
at every school.
I'm, uh, I'm sure
you could say that
about a lot of teachers.
Uh-huh. But how many of those
teachers lost their last job
for having inappropriate contact
with one of those
same missing students?
Do you have proof?
HR records at a college
he taught at in Connecticut
show that he was disciplined
but allowed to resign.
Was he a suspect
in her disappearance?
The Hartford police
questioned him,
but they had nothing concrete,
so they had to let him go.
How did you get access to this?
Don't worry about that.
I don't know if
this is admissible
or enough to get a warrant,
but at least--
Don't worry about that.
All right, I'll send you
everything I got.
You should get it now.
Thank you.
Good luck.
? I can't stand the pain?
? That feeling of losing again?
? Am I starting to see?
? All of my destiny??
? 'Cause no mater
what I try...?
Isn't it a little
late for a visitor?
I'll be right back.
Would you leave it on?
I'd like to watch you.
Oh! Hello!
Hi, sorry to bother you so late,
but I have a few more
questions about Jessica.
I don't know what I can
tell you that I haven't already.
Do you mind if we talk inside?
You've got a lot of space for
somebody who lives on their own.
Well, I appreciate the room
after so many years of living
in cramped apartments.
Do you mind if I look around?
Be my guest.
Evan's lucky to have a friend
like you on the police force
who's willing to go above
and beyond to help him out.
I just wanna find out exactly
what happened to Jessica.
It was my understanding
that she chased off
with some other fellow.
That's a theory.
Well, then I'm not exactly sure
what that has to do with me.
Well, like you said,
just going above and beyond.
Are you still seeing
the same girl?
Your student?
No, no, no.
We broke that off.
I thought it would
be smart to end it
before anybody found us out.
Unlike, say, what
happened at Hartford.
I assume that you're
referring to Robin Simmons.
You didn't think
it was worth mentioning
that you'd been questioned in
a woman's disappearance before?
When you stopped by,
Jessica had been missing
for less than a day.
I didn't see the point
in dredging up an embarrassing
chapter of my own history
over what I assumed was nothing.
Tell me what happened
in Hartford.
I was just one
of her professors.
Just one of her professors
who was sleeping with her.
I was cleared of any wrongdoing.
So, did they ever find Robin?
Well, that's tragic.
Yes, it is.
Oh, you've got quite
the collection!
Thank you! Yes, I do like
to collect fine things.
Please don't touch
those bottles.
They're very rare.
I'm sorry to rush you, officer,
but I have an early class
in the morning,
so unless you have
any further questions...
Yeah, do you know a woman
named Megan Carswell?
She used to be a student
of yours a few years ago.
Now, I don't if
you slept with her, too,
but I do know she went missing.
That name doesn't ring a bell.
And why does that
not surprise me?
You know, the thing
with guys like you
is that you think you're..
I'm sorry.
Did you kill him?
It's OK.
It's OK. You did
what you had to do.
Do you really believe that?
I do.
But he came here
looking for you.
I don't wanna be found.
I wanna stay here with you.
You aren't just saying that?
Nobody would ever
do for me what you did,
not even Evan.
I know that now.
I wanna believe you,
but I don't know if I can.
What can I do to show you?
I'm not sure.
Your house sold quickly.
I'm pretty much giving the
keys back to the bank, anyway.
Movers are coming tomorrow.
You must be keen to put
all of this behind you.
Oh, hey! Did they find anything
out about your friend's murder?
No, nothing at all.
They said it could've
been a robbery,
but they don't know for sure.
You've had a tough
couple months.
I'll be sorry to see you go.
But getting some distance
will probably be the
best thing for you.
I hope so.
Thanks for everything, Simon.
Will you come with me, please?
Where are we going?
There's something
I want to show you.
Stop there.
And now to your right.
What are we doing?
Keep going.
Keep going.
I want you to come
stand right here.
Evan sold his house, and
he's moving back to the city.
How does that make you feel?
I feel bad for him.
He must be sad.
He was confused,
but he'll eventually move on.
I just wish there was
something we could do for him,
a gesture.
I do still have a bottle
of wine that he likes.
It's not much, but..
It's perfect.
I'll bring it by tonight.
Thank you.
Well, I'll let you
get back to your packing.
Uh, thanks again for the wine.
I really appreciate it.
It's my pleasure!
Ah! And, uh...
stay in touch.
For sure!
And if you hear from Jess...
You'll be the first to know.
Good morning!
Wow! I really passed out.
Yes, you did.
I'd like to bake you
something special.
How do you feel
about rhubarb pie?
I love it.
Tell me what you need,
and I'll pick it up.
Hi, Evan!
This is Oscar, Jessica's friend.
If you're wondering,
I haven't heard from her.
I'm calling about
your friend, Officer Haynes.
I've been out of town, and I
just heard about his murder.
What about him?
Thing is, I'd spoken
to Officer Haynes
earlier that night.
You did? What about?
Your neighbour.
I hope you're hungry.
Oh, that smells delicious!
Um, would you mind
grabbing me a fork?
Well, we're having a picnic.
You have to eat with your hands.
You should try it
while it's still warm.
All right, all right!
Sorry, the crust
is a little oily.
It's perfect!
I'm glad you like it.
What do we do?
We wait him out.
Jess, you here?
Rhubarb pie.
Jess! I know you're here!
You lying bitch!
You did this on purpose.
- What do you mean?
- I'll deal with you later.
What are you gonna do to him?
You should worry about
what I'm gonna do to you.
You're gonna have to kill me,
'cause I'm done.
No, I'm just gonna make
you wish you were dead.
Jess, don't! Don't!
Don't do it.
So, you sure you wanna do this?
I don't want to, but I need to.
I really think
I should come along.
Thanks, but this is something
I have to do by myself, OK?
I love you.
I love you.
What are you doing here?
I wanted to see you locked up.
I appreciate you speaking
for my not receiving
the death penalty.
You think I did
that to help you?
I want you to spend
the rest of your life
living like a prisoner.
Is that why you're here,
to torture me?
Just an added bonus.
Then why?
I wanted you to know
that you never broke me.
I only made you think you did
so you'd let your guard down.
I don't care what
you think about women.
I'm smarter than you.
Oh, that reminds me!
I brought you something.
You, uh, inspired me
to write my book after all.
And I hope you like it.
It has a happy ending...
for me, anyway.
by Jessica Crowder
ACCEPT I English text by: bst2
adding text and synchronizing by: EDUUN