Kerd ma lui (Born To Fight) (2004) Movie Script

I've been afraid before...
What knd of Buddha necklace...
...are you wearing?
I'm not wearing any sir.
Take this.
So you don't have to worry...
I've survived because of this talisman...
I'm giving it to you.
Time to go.
Hello, I've come to make another order.
Usually you call and order first, this
time I don't think we have it for you.
Why not? I need more stuff.
Lately the warehouse has stopped producing.
If you want to wait, it may be a long time.
How's this, when the stuff comes
I'll give you a call and let you know.
As of now, why don't you go home first.
C'mon, help me out.
Just switch other people's
orders and give me what I need.
That's not convenient...
- Yo! Phone call!
Excuse me.
Take good care of him for me.
Boss, is that you?
Who is that?
An old client.
Are you sure?
Yes sir.
I don't think so.
Shoot him.
But he's our client, boss.
I have plenty of clients. I have nothing to lose.
Are we ready?
It's started.
Use our route.
This one is yours
Your under arrest, asshole.
Are you sure?
You take General Yang out of here...
And then come back and help me.
I'll take care of the bomb.
Go get him!
Are you going to disobey my order, I said go!
Don't worry about the bomb. Go!
Today at 1pm...
Jang Sei Yang AKA General
Yang, the notorious drug lord...
...was arrested in an abandoned warehouse
in Chonburi, which was used a safe house.
The US government narcotic agency
have contacted the Thai government... have General Yang extradited
to the US to stand trial this week.
As for Lt.Thripundomrong Liddomerong
who was workng in the special unit...
...died while arresting General Yang.
This is an unfortunate loss to both the
police dept. and the entire country.
He graduated from Sampran Police academy...
Oh, what's wrong with you?
Through all these years I've never
seen you drink or get drunk!
I'm trying to talk to you, and
you're being snobby, are you okay?
The National Sports Council has asked
me to help with extra activities.
And the Tekwando team asked
me to be a representative!
Are you happy for me?
A friend of Pe Tuk said that the
school is right by the border.
Fine. If you don't want to talk
to me, then don't talk to me.
I don't want to talk to you either.
But you still have to sign my
permission slip, here you go.
But I have to go with you.
Since when were you an athlete?
No, Pe Deaw, you can't go!
You're a policeman, not an athlete!
You're my guardian, not my bodyguard.
I'm a grown woman I can take care of myself.
Grandpa, please take good care of grandma.
Take care, good bye! Drive safely.
Hello Pe Tukta!
- Hello! Hello!
This is my brother, Pe Deaw.
- How are you?
Can he come with us?
Of course! Of course! Lets get on the bus.
My friends in the military have
saved up some money as a donation.
Thank you, thank you.
This way.
Father, may I have a Buddha talisman?
I don't have any, my child.
Come this way! Come this way!
Come here to receive a gift.
Form a line and be respectful. Don't embarrass us.
This way?
- Yes this way, this way.
There's so many things, lets go.
This is the money we've collected
from the council as a donation.
Keep it for the time it will be needed.
Thank you my friend.
Here you go.
Here is a blanket.
I hope you like it.
Hey sonny, you really an athlete?
Yes, Grandma.
What knd of athlete?
I play Rugby.
Is that a sport?
Yes it's a sport.
('Rug' means 'love' in Thai)
Oh yes, I've played that sport, too,
when I was young, me and grandpa.
Hey! Do you want to play ball?
What knd of sport do you play?
Rugby! Do you want to ''play'' with him?
Hi. Are you cold? Here you go.
Please take this.
How old is he?
- One and a half months.
Oh, your baby is so cute. May I hold him?
- Thank you.
He seems like a good baby.
Must be easy to take care of him.
The last doll! Who ever hasn't
gotten one, come and take it!
Here, sis...
This is for you.
Thank you, sweetie. Did you get a toy?
You didn't?
Its okay, I don't want one. I
just want to give you flowers.
This is my favorite necklace.
You have to promise me that
you'll keep it you. Okay?
Turn around and let me look.
Thank you very much!
Look what she gave me.
Thank you. Thank you.
Pe Jong, try this one.
What knd of ball is this?
Oh, a Thako Wai ball.
That's right, it's Thako Wai.
Made out of golden Wai, a traditional Thai wood.
I weaved it myself.
I can't use it, its too hard.
This is the ball for me.
Our students are champions of the Mui Thai dance.
A beautiful dance.
Here you go, Pe Tup.
Hey, Mari's here.
Mari honey...
Sweetheart, where are you going?
To take a shit.
Should we take Mari's shit
and cook them up for you?
You pervert!
Mari, one day, just wait...
Would you like some water?
No thank you.
Its jasmine water. It smells great and refreshing,
No thank you, no thank you.
Oh no! Are you okay?
Its okay. I'm fine.
I'm sorry. Sure you're okay?
Yes, don't worry.
Damn! Look at him!
Why are you causing trouble again?
But Dad! This guy just comes
here and acts like this!
You go home and wait for me there!
Dad! If it were you, you'd do the same thing!
Have you ever done anything good
for your own father in your life!?
Lets go!
I'm really sorry.
No problem, sir.
If the village elder didn't stop
us, I would have kcked his ass.
So tonight should I go take care of him?
Did you not hear my father
lecturing me and yelling at me?
Oh Pe Tup! You're afraid of your father yelling...
Hey! Come here! Come here!
Please don't shoot, I'm begging you!
No, please don't!
I'm begging you, please don't
shoot. I'm just a school teacher.
Have you seen the head monk?
You bastards!
Who the hell are you?
You kll us like pigs and dogs!
What do you want from us?
All we're askng is for you to stop torturing us!
If you want to do something,
do it to me! What do you want!
I don't know how the transmission
is being received online.
I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting.
As you can see, my troops have
taken over Pantong village.
I hate to bother you, Prime Minister.
Can you call me back at this number?
Within 5 minutes.
If you're late by even one minute...
I will start klling people live
online for the nation to see.
Patch me through.
Who are you? What do you want?
It is the Prime Minister's voice.
Hello, Mr. Prime Minister.
Who are you? What do you want?
Just the right questions, straight to the point.
No wonder you're our leader.
All I want is General Yang in return
for the lives of these villagers.
Give me the general by noon tomorrow.
If your late by even one minute...
We'll start klling them on a live
broadcast for the world to see.
I don't like to make threats. I only like to act.
Therefore don't do anything
you're not supposed to.
Everyone, we have to get the
village and the people back!
Calm down.
We have to find a way out of this village.
You go. I'll stay here.
I'll hurry back with help.
Zoom in.
Motherfuckers, are you trying to test me?
They're klling the villagers!
Back off.
Give me a hostage.
Then we'll send them the image.
Please take care of my daughter!
Do you want to see the villagers die?
Calm down.
Fine. Lets try it one more time.
Withdraw your SWAT team
to outside a 5 mile radius.
If my soldiers see them again,
I will kll all the villagers.
Now I want General Yang delivered at 8am.
We will wait to make sure that no one follows us.
If you do anything stupid...
I promise you the mass murdering
of all the villagers online.
The nuclear missile weighs 1375
klos, this is the head of the missile.
We use this to control it.
Is it accurate?
It has 99% accuracy...
...if the information input from
the Bangkok base is accurate.
Set its destination for Bangkok.
tomorrow morning I am
Yes sir.
I am going to pick up the General at 8am.
Within 20 minutes, the general
and I should cross the border.
Foh, use the key as your weapon.
You have 5 minutes to take
our troops out of the village.
Watch for me and the general.
Once we're clear, broadcast
the imagge of the villagers.
Tomorrow this place will be nothing but debris.
Nothing will survive.
Bangkok will be wiped off the face of Thailand.
The world will know that no one can stop us!
Drop your gun.
I said drop your gun!
Now report to the leader.
There's an order from above:
Don't wait for General Yang.
Fire the missile at Bangkok immediately.
Pe Deaw, what's wrong?
It was only a bad dream.
Its really going to happen.
What do you want to do?
Do you want to die? Or do you want to fight?
You don't believe me?
Haven't you seen how many people they've klled?
How many more millions of
other Thai people have to die?
I'm telling you the truth.
Think about them.
Your fathers, your mothers, your
brothers, your sisters, all your relatives...
But if we fight, they might survive.
The Thai flag represents our country.
Think about your ancestors that built this country.
It's 8AM.
Thailand is the unity of Thai blood and body
The entire country belongs to the Thai people
Maintaining thus far for the Thai
All Thais intend to unite together
Thais love peace but do not fear to fight
They will never let any one
threaten their independence
They will sacrifice every drop of their
blood to contribute to their nation
They will serve their country with
pride and prestige, full of victory!
Get ready to fire!
Take care of General Yang,
then cross over the mountains
Lets fight!
Bro! The ball!
You guys move ahead!
Take General Yang away from here! Protect him!
Come on! Come on in!
Lets go, little ones.
Watch out! On your right!
Now back to the news...
The finance administration is
trying to improve economics... trying to pass the 9th legislation on...
Everyone, don't let them fire the missile!
Holy shit!
You bastards!
There's a phone call from Channel 7 News service.
Nuclear missile!
There's a bomb! Lets go! Get out of here!
Get out of the village! Get out of the village!
Have you seen Pe Tup?
Have you seen Pe Tup?
Have you seen Pe Tup?
I think he's still in the village. He's not dead.
Can you try to help him?
I'll take care of the bomb! Go! Go!
Pe Deaw! Pe Deaw!
Pe Deaw!
Pe Tup!
Pe Deaw!
Be a good girl and study hard.
When you are grown up, you can study in Bangkok.
Take care of yourself.
I'll miss you.
Uncle, please take care of my little sister.
I have to go.