Kereta hantu Manggarai (The Ghost Train Of Manggarai) (2008) Movie Script

The Ghost Train of Manggarai
It was the economy train,
it was kind of creepy.
It was in the papers.
There was no engineer driving the train.
It was late night. After 12.
It happened 2 or 3 years ago.
I heard the train was operating
without anyone inside it
and it was between 2 to 4 AM.
Heard about it, but never saw it.
We are now near the Depok
railroad to meet Pak Memet,
a guard at the railroad crossing.
We want to find out about the Ghost Train.
It was 11:30 PM, I saw that
he looked disoriented.
He told me that he
got off the train.
But he was in the middle of the tracks.
When I boarded the train,
everything seemed normal.
There were many passengers.
Vendors selling food and
cigarettes. Nothing unusual.
I sat next to an old
man reading a newspaper.
I borrowed the paper. Here it is.
The newspaper was a 1953 edition.
That's ancient.
I'm surprised myself.
The paper was fragile,
filled with old print,
it is not like our papers now.
After I explained to the
student that there was no
train operating at that hour, he fainted.
So it was the Ghost Train?
Looks like that.
Believe it or not, it's up to you.
Alright, Pak Memet, thank you so much.
How was it? Is it enough?
Not yet mom.
Mom, please don't force me like that.
Emily always does this.
She switches off her phone.
Please stay calm.
I will let you know.
Stay calm, okay!
That girl is so stubborn!
Did you call your aunt in Bogor?
Emily never reached Bogor.
It's been a week and
nobody knows where she is.
Ros, have you heard about the Ghost Train?
Ghost Train? Why? What do you mean?
I told my friend about
your sister's disappearance.
He is into the mystical
world. His name is Bobby.
He thinks that Emily might have gone
missing because of the Ghost Train.
What does that mean?
I knew you wouldn't believe it.
However, there is no harm
in opening your mind to it.
This is nonsense.
I'm just trying to help you.
Come in. It's okay. Come!
Bob, this is Rossa, my friend.
Rossa, this is Bobby. He has a website
about the mystical world and occult.
What kind of a website is
this? I've never heard of it.
Like the name of the website itself
we collect data about
the supernatural, vampires,
ghosts, haunted houses,
deadly tunnels and others.
What's wrong?
Why did you bring me
here? It is a waste of time.
Who knows, Bobby might be able to help you.
I'm better off with the police.
You have not heard anything
from the police, right?
My sister is missing
not because of any ghost.
It's true but I am almost
certain that she is missing
because she boarded the Ghost Train.
One minute, Dod. One more.
Bob, there are no
pictures. Ki Anom said that
the place was clean. Maybe
he's with the shrouded ghost.
In fact, Ki Anom recited
the mantra to our camera.
Dod, Peg, this is my friend Rossa.
You have the interviews and
testimonies from the witnesses right?
Yes, we got them.
What about Mamet's interview?
Got it all here. But we
have the 1953 newspaper. How?
That's alright. Write that.
Let's draw the picture
of the ghosts from Ki Anom's
description and put it on the website.
Bob, can you help my friend?
I can't promise.
Okay then, I'll go first.
You are very stubborn.
Stop interfering in my life.
Let me do what I want.
I don't like you hanging
out with Alex until morning.
How do you know this?
What's wrong? Why are you fighting?
I came here to visit both
of you and have a good time.
It's Rossa's fault.
I Just reached home and
she starts with her lecture.
She's impossible.
She's out of control.
I was just trying to remind her...
Rossa, give her some space.
She just started college.
She has to make new friends.
I am sure she will be able
to take care of herself.
You don't know what she's
been doing this semester.
What do you mean?
Can you take care of yourself?
Give me that.
Mom, you should not pamper her too much.
She will feel that she
can do anything she wants.
Ros, I had a hard time
giving birth to Emily.
And you know after she was born
she was very weak and thin.
It was difficult.
Poor Emily.
But you should not let her
have her way all the time.
You were always jealous of her.
If she goes the wrong
way, you just let her be?
Keep quiet!
Good job.
-It's great.
Nice title. Ghost Under The Bridge.
You want to see something new?
This is the evidence from the people
who have actually seen the Ghost Train.
Looks like an ordinary train.
Four compartments, just like Ki Anom said.
He said that initially,
everything seems normal.
Nothing weird.
But when the train moved, he
realised that he was trapped.
This must be the picture of the ghost.
When the train did not stop at any station,
he saw that all the passengers were ghosts.
How did he escape?
He kept running and running until he
realised he was running on the tracks.
He fainted after that.
Do you know where he was after he woke up?
He was in Bandung and
he wanted to go to Bogor.
After that incident, for three
days, he was confused and ill.
He kept seeing ghosts everywhere.
Just like Ririn.
And then, she died.
Bob, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
You're so bad!
I was thinking, from all the
Ghost Trains we have compiled,
most of them begin from Manggarai station.
a train left from Bogor to Jakarta.
I heard the train moved
without any electricity.
No engineer, no passengers.
I remember the train number, 469.
And this train stopped
at Manggarai station.
Oh! I see
Ki Anom offered me to
board the Ghost Train.
He has a way of calling
the train. Are you interested?
I don't think so.
Same here.
Come on, we need this.
This will be good for our site.
Ki Anom promised to protect us as
long as we follow his instructions.
Miss, one cappuchino, please.
Sorry, I'm late.
I have to go back home.
I had a bad dream.
I saw this creepy looking
girl inside the Ghost Train.
That is weird.
Of course it's weird.
You just had a bad dream.
It's not like that.
I don't feel comfortable.
What is happening to my sister?
Why did I dream of the train?
I think your sister
wants you to look for her.
Even though she's not
around, I'm still sick of her.
Why do you hate her so much?
Thank you.
Bobby called me. Tonight they will
start the ritual at Manggarai station.
Ki Anom will be there.
We are invited. Can you come?
Your friends have gone crazy. Sick!
Bobby wants you to see the paranormal.
No. You go ahead.
I want to look for my
sister, not the Ghost Train.
I wanted to help you out but I am scared.
Don't fool me. Peggy is coming?
I will inform you later.
Mom, what are you doing here in Jakarta?
What's wrong? You are not happy to see me?
You're not well. You should have called me
to come and pick you up from the station.
That's okay. I took a taxi.
Any news about your sister?
I don't know where to look for her.
Don't stop. Keep looking.
I have looked everywhere.
Nobody knows where she is.
Even Aunt Maya is confused.
You can't stop looking for her.
Can't you take care of your sister?
I am tired. I want to
rest. Take my bag inside.
Mom, eat your dinner.
I prepared it for you.
Should I make you some tea?
It's after 10. Let's begin now.
According to my vision, the
Ghost Train that has gripped
the public for the past 2 years,
is the same train that was in
a terrifying accident five years ago.
The train fell into a ravine.
There were no survivors.
A prankster had placed a steel
plate in the middle of the track.
The train was derailed and it
fell down a cliff 30 meters down.
We are here not to look
for the extraordinary,
but just to look into the
mystical world beyond our realm.
Once again, we can only try.
I need your blood.
Why do you need our blood?
No argument! A drop of your blood.
So how, Ki?
The train will come from the north.
That's the train you are waiting for.
When you are inside the train,
do not speak, do not whisper.
No loud screams. Don't do any of that.
See what is inside your mind.
Remember my words and you will be alright.
If you see something
that you should not see,
close your eyes tightly. Understand?
What are you doing?
Stop, stop, stop. The ghost in not there.
Bob, let's leave now.
Why did you sceam?
Me? Tari screamed.
The ghost was behind me.
Ki Anom told us not to scream.
What should we do now?
We're safe.
It's not easy dealing
with the spirits, right?
You got out just in time.
No more, Ki.
Right Ki, I'm not married yet.
Bob, what do you think
about the Ghost Train?
You are crazy.
How can you do that?
This is my first and my last.
That happens when you hang
out with the wrong crowd.
According to Ki Anom, the train we boarded
is the same train that your sister took.
Did you see my sister in there?
Stop joking around.
You have to seek Ki Anom
for advice. He's nice.
Bring something that belongs to your
sister, like an earring, necklace, anything.
Bullshit. I would rather believe in the
missing person section of the newspaper.
Are you coming home?
I still have some work to do with Bobby.
How about you? You should be okay, right?
Alright. See you.
What's up, Bob?
Bob, Bob, I saw the ghost from the train.
Are you kidding?
I am not sure if it was a dream or real.
What's wrong with you, Dod?
What is this?
Your tears.
It's blood, Bob. It's coming from my eyes.
Don't panic!
What's happening to me?
Maybe your tearducts tore.
Stop panicing.
Let me wash my face.
Dod, can you stop here?
I need to get some
medicine for my headache.
Wait for a second.
What a waste! Why is the tape empty?
Hello. What's wrong Peg.
What? Doddy died?
How did it happen?
Okay, okay, I'll go there now.
Find me Rossa, find me.
Where are you?
I hate you, I really hate you.
I just came back from the hospital.
They are going to bury Doddy today.
You know Ros, something is not
right about the way Doddy died.
It was an accident.
It looks like that but
I have been thinking.
Let him go in peace, I'm really sorry.
What were you saying?
Forget it.
What's wrong?
Last night, I heard the sound
of a train passing in my room.
The whole room began shaking.
But your house is not near the tracks.
I received a call from Emily.
Is she alright?
I hope so. I don't know
her condition as of now.
Dead or alive.
Whatever it is, you have to find her.
I don't want to be part of this anymore.
I saw it myself.
What's going on, Bob?
Peggy wants to leave.
The ghost I saw in the
compartment, she caused Doddy's death.
I thought Ki Anom opened
our sixth sense that night.
I'm confused. How can he see the spirits?
This has something to
do with the Ghost Train.
I regret listening to you.
This is all because of you.
What do you intend to get from all this?
I just wanted people to
know more about ghosts.
Feel the sensation. There
are so many sites like this.
And I'm not that ambitious.
Are you sure? Why would you force all
your friends to board the Ghost Train?
Six months ago, I lost my
girlfriend in the Ghost Train.
What's wrong?
Where are you? I'm getting
down at the next station.
The train is empty. The train
did not stop at any station.
It's late. Maybe it's the last train.
I'm all alone. There should
be other passengers here.
Bob, I'm getting off at the next station.
Wait for me there.
She was found in Surabaya.
She took the train from
Manggarai to another area.
Another city?
How did she end up there?
She started acting crazy. Three
days later, she committed suicide.
How's Peggy?
She is still traumatised.
Let her be.
Thank you for dropping me off.
You want to come in?
Next time maybe. I have work to do.
I will go first.
You made a cake?
I made this for Emily. We'll
eat together when she comes.
How do you know Emily is coming back?
She called me. She wants
me to make some tarts.
She's on her way here now.
The number you have reached is
inactive or outside the coverage area.
-I need to talk to you.
-Can you take me to the paranormal guy?
Ki Anom?
Whatever his name is.
He's out of town. He'll
be back late tonight.
That's okay.
Alright. Do you want me
to come and pick you up?
If that's alright with you.
Okay. I'll call you before coming.
Okay, thanks.
From what you have told me,
your mother is traumatised.
And, she loves Emily more.
I think she loves you.
Ros, however bad your relationship
was with Emily, she is still your sister.
Bob, I can't lie to myself.
I feel jealous, sick and hatred
towards her. A lot of hatred.
I feel ingored among my family.
Time can change anything, Ros.
Thanks Bob for listening.
Ki Anom should be home now.
Your sister Emily is in a
small house in a village.
Where is it?
I'm not sure of the exact location.
But her condition is critical.
Her heart is beating but her
soul is wandering elsewhere.
Medically, she is in a coma.
Coma. But is she alright?
We have to go and find her Bob.
Sure, don't panic.
Are you sure your sister
took the train from Manggarai?
Yes. Her friend told me that she
was going to her aunt's house.
She dropped Emily at the station.
Before Emily left, we had a big argument.
Leave me alone. I'm never
going to ask help from you again.
Listen to me. I want you to
leave that guy. He's a drug addict.
I don't care.
I want you to stop seeing
him and I'm sure mom does too.
Mom will believe me. You
know who is her favorite right?
You are the oldest but
she always prefers me.
I accept you in this
house only because of mom.
Where are you going?
-None of your business.
Alright, go.
I really hate you.
If I knew this would happen,
I wouldn't have fought with her.
Yes. I'm concerned too.
But I'm sorry, this is
as far as I can help you.
You too. You should be careful.
That lady ghost is very violent. You
and your friends have entered their world.
I will protect you.
Which lady ghost is he talking about?
Peggy saw the same ghost before Doddy died.
That is the ghost from the train.
But why?
We were not supposed to come
out alive from the Ghost Train.
So, she is after you now.
It looks like that.
When she was alive, she
worshipped the dark side.
How did she die?
She died together with the
other passengers when the
train fell off the cliff.
Weird. I am not getting any signal today.
Hello. Where are you, Peg?
I am near my house.
Can you come to my place now?
Can we do it tomorrow? What's wrong?
You want to leave our website?
Can we talk about this
tomorrow when we meet? Bye.
What's wrong with your car?
I don't know. This is the first time.
Bob, we are in the middle of the tracks.
I know.
Bob, a train is coming.
Get out, get out.
Open the door, open the door.
Ghost Train.
Look at this.
What is it?
-Read the back page.
How is she?
She's improving. But I'm not sure.
Call them now.
Hello. Yes, I put the ad in the paper.
Where is my sister?
What is the address?
And your name?
Thank you very much, Arif.
I received a call from
the person who found Emily.
She was found in the Bejong area.
What? You want to take me there?
Can I help you?
-They are from the city.
They are looking for the missing girl.
I am her sister. May I see her?
Come to my house.
Come in.
Emily. Emily.
She is conscious but
she is still very dazed.
Emily, sweetie.
You came right on time.
What happened?
We found her unconscious
in the middle of the tracks.
Nevertheless, she is willing to drink
some of the herbs I have been giving her.
People here believe that she
was taken by the Ghost Train.
Excuse me.
We have to take her to
the hospital immediately.
Hello. Mom, it's Rossa.
I have found Emily.
I'll bring Emily home as soon as possible.
Bob, what's wrong?
Peggy died last night.
It's only me an Tari now.
Emily, what's wrong?
Calm down, I'm here now.
I feel the evil spirit around your sister.
It has spiritual contact with her.
Hope you are okay.
Thank you.
-What is it?
A good luck charm to protect you.
Sorry, but I don't believe in these things.
Just keep it.
Thank you.
What's wrong?
What's wrong with her?
Ros, what's wrong with her?
-I don't know, Bob.
-Emily where are you?
-Emily, where are you?
-Emily, where are you?
Emily, where are you?
Yes, I understand.
What's wrong?
Just a warning.
What warning?
The ghost is after those
who escaped from the train.
And you believe it?
Doddy, Peggy, Tari and myself.
We made it out of the
train because of Ki Anom.
But after that...
Bob, you go that way, I will go this way.
Emily, where are you?
Emily, where are you?
Bobby. Bobby.
Bobby. Bobby.
I promise to come back
with help. Hold on Bob.
Emily, let's go.
Quickly, Emily.
Emily. Emily.
Hold on to this.