Kerr (2021) Movie Script

Wait here.
Is this yours?
- You're the tailor's son, right?
- Yes.
He's just passed away.
I came for the funeral.
We'll go to the morgue.
- But I have to go back.
- Well, we're not done yet.
Identification is needed.
Come in.
Come on!
You're shaken, man.
You didn't even look at him properly.
Did you identify him?
Who is he?
Move. We go back.
- Where?
- You'll meet the chief, move.
Please, have a seat.
You do not look like your father.
Excuse me?
- My condolences.
- Thank you.
I knew your father.
He sewed a suit for me
when I got assigned here.
He was a real artisan.
So, your father's dead.
Every father passes down
something to their son.
Beside their sins, surely.
For sure, you inherited something.
A small house...
And an old car
that lied idle for years.
Good. It's pretty good.
- Any brother or sister?
- No, no siblings.
Are you married?
No, I got divorced.
It has been three years.
So, you're alone.
You're a printer?
- Printing invitations?
- Of course...
Wedding cards, business cards.
Some fancy stuff, also.
Calendars. Pamphlets.
Vouchers, invoice books...
What about books, manifestos?
No, I meant commercial things.
I work on a Heidelberg.
Nowadays, it's important
to have a craftsmanship.
It is.
Did you look at his face?
You really looked carefully?
I did.
I mean closely.
Did you look at it closely?
I looked at it closely.
You looked at it, definitely.
Do you recognize someone?
Look at these pictures.
Do you recognize anyone?
Are you sure? No one?
No one.
Do you know how to throw a grenade?
- What to throw?
- Grenade. Can you throw it?
Didn't you enter military service?
- I did.
- You were peeling potatoes, then?
Is that so?
Do you have your id?
- Yes.
- Give it to me.
It's an old picture.
A bit old, yes.
It doesn't look like you, at all.
Are you sure that's you?
Sure, it's me.
You can go now.
But do not leave the town.
- But I...
- I said don't go anywhere.
And, take a picture.
Bring me a new photo.
A full-length portrait.
Due to snow falls,
roads are closed between
Uzunkpr and manl,
Pazarn and uvalgz,
Daba and Hortum,
Kalkanl and Serin,
Kuak and Periandere,
Kuzucu and Kaln...
Sorry to disturb you
this early in the morning.
No problem at all.
We met yesterday, in the morgue.
Oh yes, in the morgue.
I've never been in a morgue before.
Me neither.
Such a cold place.
And that ground noise.
He was my husband.
They called me
for the identification, too.
I see...
I mean... I see.
So, this was how
we were going to meet.
I was taking care of your father.
I've been nursing him for a year.
I found him dead.
I gave them your number
so that they call you.
So, you did it.
Yes, I did.
I had taken your number.
An old man...
In case something happens.
You never know.
Luckily, I had taken it.
I gave them
so that they can call you.
Thank you.
- My condolences, by the way.
- Thank you.
Sorry for your loss, too.
Come in.
Your father was a very good man.
You used to come every day?
Every day, till 8 p.m.
He preferred lying here,
not in his own room.
I don't know why.
It was weird.
Lately, something happened to him...
He was seeing things
on the walls, on the ceiling.
I found him on the floor.
He fell down from the bed
where you sit now.
He remained motionless.
His face on the ground.
Face down?
Didn't they tell you?
No, they didn't.
He wasn't talking much about you.
Do you want some tea?
I made some.
I'll serve it.
Attention please!
Notice to our dear citizens.
As the threat is continuing
in the town,
our citizens are requested
to obey the rules
and act properly
in that serious situation.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
You saw the murderer.
You saw him in the station.
The police said so.
Yes, I did.
Did you really see everything?
I told the police what I saw.
Of course you did.
I said everything.
- Your husband...
- We were separated.
It has been three years.
He left.
He disappeared.
I didn't know he was alive or not.
He just disappeared.
That night, he came back.
Very strange.
He came back, anyway.
And then, this happened.
I understand.
You understand? Really?
I mean...
I don't know.
The keys of the house.
I don't want to keep it.
- How much do I owe you?
- No, he used to pay in advance.
You're not in debt.
I've already found a new job.
In the amusement park.
It's boring but it's a job, anyway.
I hope it won't last long.
You need a haircut, on the neck.
I used to cut your father's hair.
All security measures
have been taken
regarding the rabid dog or dogs
that are at large in our town.
Teams are patrolling in the streets
and helicopters fly over the town.
Citizens are kindly invited
to be careful,
to report any incident,
and to stay at home.
Today our town
is under low pressure system.
Temperature will drop drastically.
A new cold wave is expected.
With temperatures
at 2 to 4 degrees in the day
and negative temperatures
expected at night.
My hair is long, on my neck.
Now, our programme continues
with a beautiful melody...
Go ahead.
Sit there.
It's not long.
It seemed long to me...
Do you remember him?
The son of our late tailor.
I haven't seen him for a long time.
I saw him at the funeral.
How long has it been?
Eleven, twelve years.
Your father loved you, you know.
What did you see exactly?
What did I see?
Didn't you recognize me?
We met at your father's funeral.
You already forgot.
Rice for me.
You look like your father, you know?
you look like him,
and you don't, in the same time.
I sell everything.
Hands, arms, legs.
Nicknack. Everything.
I use this for advertising purposes.
That way, people see them.
There's no such thing
as bad publicity, right?
Did you see precisely?
The murder.
He was stabbed, right?
Why do you ask?
Everything is bizarre here.
This is a strange place.
Even the weather is strange.
Snowing and raining suddenly...
And then,
the sun shines.
Nothing is ever as it seems.
Never ever.
Excuse me.
The bill, please.
They won't accept your money here.
Visit me when you have time.
Attention please!
Because of the current threat
our dear citizens are urged
to help the extermination teams
and be extremely cautious.
Helicopters are still
patrolling over the town.
Dangerous dog or dogs were seen
in the north part of the town...
It's very cold.
I had ordered a suit.
It's been more than a year.
Finally, I came.
It's a suit.
He's dead.
Who is dead?
The tailor.
Oh really!
What then?
I don't know.
That's it!
It's good, right?
What's up, man?
A cup of tea, please.
Don't you recognize me?
What's wrong? Something happened?
What do you mean?
You're looking blankly and sweating.
Just sweating, so what?
- You don't smoke, right?
- Yes.
Thank you.
I've already asked you
at the funeral.
Your father used to smoke.
A lot.
he quit lately.
- He quit?
- Just before being confined to bed.
All of a sudden.
You could begin, all of a sudden.
Light one, now.
No, thank you.
You don't look like your father.
So, the police told you to stay.
- Excuse me?
- The police told you to stay.
It's good to stay.
Leaving is pointless.
Visit me sometime.
I'll give you some bones.
- Bones?
- Yes, for the dogs.
What dogs?
People are carrying bones
in case they encounter a dog.
Whoever invented this nonsense...
Now people come
and ask for some bones.
They think bones will save them,
how silly.
Total nonsense.
Come and see me, anyhow.
Okay, I'll come.
What do you think?
About what?
About the country,
everything that's going on...
I don't know.
And the holes?
The holes?
The pits...
You have to be careful.
Can we make an interview
for the local radio?
About the situation of the country...
I have no time.
It won't last long.
Are you eating?
Just having a snack.
Get ready, we're going.
Going where?
Bring us some tea.
Come, sit down.
Do you smoke?
No, he doesn't.
His father didn't smoke either.
He used to. But he quit, then.
Are you wary of the dogs?
It's important.
- Excuse me?
- I said the dogs.
Are you paying attention?
They say there is only one
but I believe there's more than one.
Not just one...
A lot.
They found some in other towns too,
they said.
They're hiding everything
in the country.
We even don't know
how many dogs are at large.
How many dogs?
We don't even know that!
You really saw?
Saw what?
Whatever happened.
What happened?
What happened, huh?
I've said everything.
Whom have you told?
The police.
Do you know who he is?
Who is he, really?
I don't know.
What do you think
of the situation of the country?
Excuse me?
We loved your father very much.
May he rest in peace.
We were talking about the country.
What can you say about the situation?
Why are you asking
all these questions?
What are we asking?
The murder, the country,
everything that's going on...
All these weird questions.
It's a small town.
Everyone is curious about everything.
And being curious is not a sin.
There is something more.
Everything seems to repeat itself.
What do you mean?
Everything is repeating itself.
This is life.
As if you keep living
the same things over again.
I don't understand.
A long time ago a man visited me.
He asked me for a leg prosthesis.
I wondered and asked him why.
He told
that he was a funambulist.
Can you imagine?
A funambulist.
He's fallen down
and remained crippled.
I asked him why he's fallen down.
He said he was possessed by fear.
If you are seized by fear,
you fall down.
If you don't feel any fear,
nothing happens.
I gave him a leg
and he left.
Today I heard...
that he died.
He's fallen down again.
If someone is seized by fear once,
they will never...
escape from it.
Look at me.
What do you fear?
- I don't know.
- Everybody is afraid of something.
For example,
Misal is afraid of his wife.
Don't spoil it!
What is your greatest fear?
It's getting late. Time to leave.
Is anybody here?
I was looking for you.
For a ticket.
Train services are cancelled.
Didn't you hear?
There's a quarantine.
I remember you.
Attention please!
We inform our dear citizens
that quarantine has been decreed
as stray dogs
are still wandering in town.
Staying at home is compulsory
except in case of emergency.
All violations will be penalized...
What's up?
You're going somewhere?
Just starting the engine.
But there is no way out of town.
No in, no out.
Yes, I heard.
The barber's dead.
A dog slaughtered him in his store.
Last night, the dog attacked him
while he was closing the shop.
How is it possible?
He was a good man.
Good people have bad fate.
It won't start.
The battery is already dead.
Follow me.
You said you're not a smoker.
Attention please!
Notice to our citizens.
Our beloved barber,
Muhittin Kurnaz...
owner of the barbershop Joy',
has passed away.
Take this.
- What is it?
- Bones.
I'm not sure it can help.
But take them, anyway.
I had given some to the barber too.
What's happening?
What do you mean?
What's happening here?
If you understood,
what difference would it make?
Do you know her...
My father's nurse?
- What's the matter with her?
- You know her?
Do I know her? Why?
Who is she?
Who is she, really?
Keep the bones with you.
Be careful.
What happened?
- What's that?
- Your chief asked for it.
- The chief?
- Yes.
Anything else?
My car has been stolen.
What car? When?
A few hours ago.
It stood in front of the house.
Then, gone.
It was not working,
the battery must be dead.
Someone stole it.
Who steals broken-down cars?
It's missing.
Plate number?
You don't know it?
It's my father's car.
Tell him to come, then.
He's dead.
I told you before,
I came for his funeral.
Write a request then.
Take a pen.
- What am I supposed to write?
- Write something.
My father's car is missing,
time, place...
I saw the murderer.
What murderer? Which one?
The train station's killer...
I saw him.
What murder are you talking about?
The one that happened
at the train station.
I saw the murderer.
I mean I saw him again.
Look who is here.
Come in.
How did you come?
- Tea?
- No, thank you.
Two glasses of tea.
Two glasses of tea. Get it?
It's nice to see you,
but it's dangerous out there.
Do you know that woman?
My father's nurse?
What do you want from her?
I'm sure she knows something.
I saw her talking to the killer.
I saw him again.
I told the police,
I said everything.
Which murderer? What murder?
The man at the train station.
- The train station?
- Yes.
What train station?
Do you remember
the funambulist I talked about?
He doesn't exist.
I made it up.
I like telling such stories.
Yes, story.
Two glasses of tea. Two.
- Where was I...
- I have to leave the town.
- No one can leave.
- Can I use the phone?
It's cut.
You aren't aware of anything,
are you?
We're closed.
We're closed, man.
Aren't you the tailor's son?
I am.
What happened?
You look pale and sweaty.
Some water?
Thank you, it would be good.
Get him water.
- What's going on?
- Something... happened.
Thank you.
I don't go out.
But I know everything.
They opened an investigation on you.
That's what I heard.
- What investigation?
- Confidential one.
I don't understand anything.
What do you not understand?
What's happening?
What is the accusation?
It's confidential, I told you.
What's about that murder?
What murder?
The murder at the train station.
I heard nothing.
Only that a body
had been thrown in a pit.
You will be arrested.
I am aware of everything.
- Who is she?
- Scheherazade.
Princess Scheherazade.
Let me tell you something.
Nothing is as it seems. Nothing.
Because of the current threat
in our town,
we urge our dear citizens
to help the extermination teams.
For surveillance purposes,
helicopters are still patrolling
over the town.
According to the security forces,
dogs were seen
in the north part of the town.
The forces attempted
to exterminate them,
unfortunately the dogs ran away.
Our citizens are urged to be cautious
and inform the authorities...
I want a room.
Go. I'll come.
People are requested
to stay at home...
Do you need anything? Tea?
Tea, breakfast...
It's dangerous outside.
Fine, some tea then.
And cigarettes. Any brand you find.
Anything else?
That's all.
What's happened here?
We're closed.
I am looking for the woman
who came here for the identification.
We're closed.
Didn't you recognize me?
I washed your father's body
and hold the funeral.
Excuse me.
I did not recognize you,
I got confused.
Death is walking around here.
Therefore I am here, and so are you.
The morgue is closed.
- What a mess here.
- It's very dangerous outside.
Here, it's fine, for now.
We did not have
the opportunity to talk.
There are important issues.
- Issues?
- A lot.
- Are you a believer?
- Excuse me?
Do you believe?
Do you believe in something?
These are important issues:
Life, death...
Such matters.
- I don't understand.
- You don't understand.
What will you do, then?
What should I do?
Don't ask questions. I am asking you:
what are you going to do?
What's your plan?
- None of your business.
- Really?
- It's not your concern.
- Believe me, it's my concern too.
What's happening in this town?
What the hell is that?
You're not asking
the right questions.
These are meaningless.
- I will go far away.
- Where to?
Far away.
Do the same.
If you can, of course.
We urged our citizens to be cautious
and inform the authorities...
I have to go.
You want to leave?
I have to leave the town.
There is no in and no out.
I know, but I have to go.
Haven't you heard?
They just announced a curfew.
Going out is forbidden.
They shoot.
Do they?
Everything is cut in the country.
Everything is cut, really?
It's cold.
Hey! Is there any heater?
What's going on?
What's happening? Why am I here?
It's cold.
I need to pee.
I'll take a leak.
How did you get in?
Who the hell are you?
Ask yourself this question.
Who the hell are you, actually?
This is pointless, now.
The road between Torba and Yali
will be closed from 8 a.m.
due to the reconstruction
of the culvert.
Kizilaga Road remains open
in both directions.
On stifli - Cehennemdere Road,
between kilometers 52 and 58,
traffic is partly allowed
due to works on the bridge.
Now, our programme continues
with a beautiful melody...