Key to Love (2023) Movie Script

Okay. Yep.
That's nice.
Wind machine?
Give me more.
Yes. That's it.
More dirt on
the chest, please.
Perfect. Thank you.
You ever read any of
these romance novels?
Honestly, not my thing, Josh.
But apparently they sell
because the ladies
love your hot body.
Now, come on!
Pump up those pecs.
Now gimme some attitude.
I love it.
There it is.
You know, you should
really read this one.
It's pretty good.
You read romance books?
I gotta get into character.
Come on.
You're a total pro.
Honestly, I'm just
not the romantic type.
Sure you are.
You're always hoping romance
is around the corner.
We live in hope.
Now. Come on.
Gimme some more of that
Viking pillage and plunder.
I live to loot!
Yes. Okay.
Gimme the
looting look again.
Yes, there it is.
Okay. Get in there.
All right. Ready?
Big smiles.
Perfect. Thank you.
What's going on?
The covers. They really
do sell these books.
There is nothing like
a good Viking romance
for summer reading.
I never meet any
guys like that.
What? Your last two
dates had long hair.
Well, I don't think long hair
necessarily means handsome, Sam.
Just means they're not bald.
I could never
date a bald guy.
Wait till you're over 50.
He may be good looking.
But is he boyfriend material?
He's a little two dimensional.
But I do love a man in uniform.
Found Books. Tammy speaking.
Yeah, she's here.
Samantha Hill speaking.
It's Lauren Lawrence here.
Oh, hello.
Long time no speak.
Yeah. I think the
last time I saw you,
you still had braces.
Well, I'm all grown up now
and running my own bookstore.
That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.
My father and I are
acting for the estate
of the late Robert MacGraw.
He had an extensive
book collection.
We'd like you to go and value
it with a view to purchase.
Sure. We can do that.
We usually buy
books by the yard.
We sort them into colors
and then we resell them.
Content is irrelevant.
Price depends on condition.
And then we recycle the
ones that we can't use.
He had some great
leather-bound books.
Oh, those are
even harder to sell.
Except for people who want
an instant antique library.
We just want the
place cleaned out.
Well, we
charge a fee for that,
which we deduct from
the value of the books.
How soon can you get there?
We're a little busy right now.
But by the end of
the week, for sure.
When you get there
park in the back.
The lockbox code on
the front door is 1234.
Do you think you
can remember that?
I will try.
Okay. Bye now.
You never did
like her. Did you?
Since high school,
we moved in different circles
and I haven't had to deal
with her, fortunately.
But business is business.
Well, Mr. MacGraw
did buy a lotta books
from us over the years.
His library could
be a real gold mine.
Oh, let's hope.
It's worth checking out.
Just so you know, Mr. MacGraw
was a very wealthy man
and he was a pillar
of our community,
but he kept to himself.
Beautiful old house.
Wonder who'll
inherit all of this.
Not sure.
I don't really know too
much about the family.
Hey, there's supposed to be
a keypad around here somewhere.
How original.
I could live here.
I'd for sure need
a new wardrobe.
Okay. I'm gonna get started.
And I'll get the boxes.
Perfect. Just make
sure that you hit the
home key lock button
on your way back in.
- Got it.
- Thanks.
100 yards at say
30 bucks a yard.
3,000 bucks.
What are we looking to offer?
1,000 to start.
And if they want more,
we'll settle for 1,500.
But then we have to deduct
our cleaning out rate fee.
Okay. So let's start
sorting these books.
Oh wow.
There's a lot of old books here.
There's some
modern novels too.
Some really nice
coffee table books.
Can make a few
dollars on those.
There's a lot of
trashy paper backs.
So we're probably just
gonna recycle those ones.
I like trashy paper backs.
Of course you do.
Go get 'em.
There's dozens of
them in good condition.
Some are brand new.
They might sell.
It's summer.
People love a hot, sexy,
steamy, trashy romance.
You're probably right.
Okay. Let's start
packing those too.
Aw! A poesy of dried violets.
How romantic!
That is cute.
Ooh. If we find any valuables,
let's just put them
on the side here.
What's that?
It's an old house.
They make noises.
Or the ghost just woke up.
I'm just joking.
Well, hello, handsome.
I think we've met before.
He is dangerously good looking.
He's not bad.
Some of
these covers too.
This one's a few years old.
The Viking must be
at the modeling game
for a really long time.
Not exactly the sort
of reading you'd expect
for an old guy.
Yeah. It is kinda weird, huh?
Okay. It's okay.
Let's go see what's-
what's going on.
Call the cops.
what's your emergency?
Somebody has broken in
and is in the house.
MacGraw Mansion.
Door code is 1234.
We're dispatching
somebody right now.
Okay. Understood.
Follow me.
Let's try to find a back way.
Sam! Sam!
Come on.
Yeah. Right.
He saw us!
I think he's right behind us.
Let's get outta here.
Stand back.
Drop your weapon.
It's a letter opener.
Yeah, well. Drop it.
He's a thief.
I'm not a thief.
Then who are you?
And what do you want?
Drop the, the, this...
The fireplace poker?
Yes, Ms. Hill, drop the poker.
I was just about to ask
Ms. Hill the same thing.
Ask me what?
I'll ask the questions.
Who are you and what
are you doing here?
I'm here at the request
of the estate lawyer
to remove the library. Okay?
Ms. Lawrence
didn't mention that.
Well, I thought
you were thieves.
Obviously we're not.
That's why we
called the police.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What are you doing here?
I'll ask the questions!
What are you doing here?
I'm the owner.
I thought the owner was dead.
He was my grandfather.
Good story. If it's true.
Do you have any ID?
I inherited the house.
You hardly look the type to
inherit the MacGraw Mansion.
Mr. MacGraw was a wealthy man.
What's that supposed to mean?
Well, you were crawling
through that window.
I couldn't remember
the code to the lockbox.
And I'm looking for something.
You forgot 1234?
You can't remember 1234?
Wait, the code was 1234?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
This is all confusing.
You're confusing him.
Look, you had to call the cops?
She was right to call me, sir.
Even if it is confusing.
Please remove the glasses, sir.
Okay. You check out.
No more confusion.
Mr. Joshua MacGraw.
I'm sorry, Mr. MacGraw.
There's a pill for that.
If there's nothing else, folks,
I'll be on my way.
Okay. Thanks, Billy.
Well, that was fun.
If you'll excuse me,
I have a lot to do.
That was intense.
Yeah. What a jerk.
All right. Well, let's get
this library packed up.
I wonder
what he's looking for.
I hope it's a happy pill.
Okay, Grandpa,
where would you hide
something so important?
Hey, I was just gonna ask
if you wanted to lock up?
No, I'm leaving.
Should I take a look at
these in case I want a book?
Well, you'll have to
come to my bookstore
since I've officially
taken over the library.
Once the books have been
unpacked, racked, and stacked,
anyone can buy them so...
Need a hand?
No, I'm good.
Have a good night, Ms. Hill.
Have a good night, Ms. Hill.
Thanks, Britt.
It was a good day's work.
Yeah. Except for Mr. Grumpy.
Yeah, he was fun.
Did he look familiar to you?
Nope. And I hope to
never see him again.
He really scared me.
The cops showed up.
It was all okay in the end.
It was just a little
bit embarrassing.
Ah, Billy.
He probably really enjoyed it.
Any chance to go clubbing.
He the man.
While you two were out
playing cops and robbers,
I read five books.
Gee, Tammy. That's
a lotta coloring.
Well ha ha.
One of them was on anti-gravity.
Couldn't put it down.
Found Books, Tammy speaking.
Vikings everywhere.
You know what? Let's put these
on the summer reading display.
The Viking dude sells books.
He is hot.
Sam, telephone.
It's Mr. MacGraw.
Tell him I'm not here.
Okay. Understood. Thanks.
Too late. He's on his way
over to look at his books.
His books?
His books.
Finders keepers?
Not a chance.
We have to give
this to Mr. Grumpy?
Give it to me. I'll put
it in the cash register.
Coffee money.
Are you a
fan of the romance?
Yeah. You could
say that. Yeah.
Well, we have a lot of them.
They're selling really well.
Anyway. I'm sorry about the
bad mood yesterday, ladies.
It's fine.
I suppose Vikings are
allowed to be moody.
No, it was just it was a
long drive up from the city.
And my lawyer mentioned
that there was a letter
that she couldn't find that
was in my grandfather's will.
So I thought I'd take a look.
- And?
- Ah, it was a waste of time.
Didn't find a thing.
I'm really sorry about
calling the cop, Billy.
That's fine.
Just a little embarrassing.
We all could have
gotten arrested.
- Or worse.
- Okay. Just...
I have your books in the back
if you just wanna follow me.
Yes please. Lead the way.
That's the thief.
You don't say!
Yeah. I'm not really
seeing much I want here.
Well, I just unpacked
a bunch of paperbacks
with your face on them.
I can't believe that my
grandfather collected these.
Yeah. We wondered about that.
Well, I guess I'll take 'em.
I've never had a
complete set myself.
- How many are there?
- Oh, I don't know.
I've done dozens
of these shoots.
But some are English historical.
Some are Western.
Some are
almost naughty.
I know. They're kind of cheesy,
but I guess my
grandfather approved
of my second career after all.
What's your
first, Mr. MacGraw?
Call me Josh.
Mr. MacGraw kinda makes me
sound like my grandfather.
I'm an architect.
This whole modeling thing
was just something
I do on the side.
So you're selling
the house then?
Yeah. That's the plan.
I'm so busy in the city and
it's kind of a far commute.
Oh, I'll say.
I guess I better
get to the lawyer.
Oh, Lauren?
Yeah. I haven't met her yet,
but she seems nice on the phone.
She's nice enough.
- What?
- Nothing.
Do you want any other books?
Can I help you
with anything else?
No, I think I'm good, thanks.
I'm actually allergic
to dust, so...
Must be a problem
when you're ransacking.
These are all the
ones in good condition
and I've dusted you off of them.
Dusted them off for you.
Thank you.
Bless you.
Maybe he's not as
bad as we thought.
He's fine.
Get back to work.
Your grandfather owned quite
a few properties around town.
I had no idea who was
so into real estate.
Mm-hm. He owned some
of these buildings.
Any idea which ones?
Not entirely. My father knows.
He managed your grandfather's
business affairs for years.
I love these old main streets.
The architectural detail.
Oh, look.
Like the decorative corners
in the crown of this building.
I think those are
the original windows.
That's beautiful.
I love how passionate you are.
About architecture? Oh yeah.
These streets used to be the
heart of their communities.
It's kinda sad when they get
hollowed out by development
and big box stores coming
in on the periphery.
What are you gonna do
with all your newly
acquired real estate?
I haven't not that far ahead.
My architectural firm in
the city keeps me very busy,
but I love what I do.
Josh, you're a man
who knows what he wants.
I like that.
Yeah. I actually have a
conference call with the office.
But I'll see you at 1:00.
Can't wait.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Thank you.
- Guess what?
- What?
I just saw the Viking
with that lady lawyer.
First off, Lauren
Lawrence is no lady.
And second, ask me if I care.
Sam, that's no way to talk
about an old school friend.
She was no friend.
Even if she was the last
lawyer on this planet,
I still wouldn't hire her.
Wow. Harsh.
Sam's folks had a run in
with Lauren's father, Larry.
They took him to court,
something about this building.
He wriggled out of it and
they almost lost the bookstore
trying to pay the court costs.
Well, I was still
in school then,
so I don't really
remember all the details.
Too busy chasing boys?
Oh, there was no point.
Lauren had them all
staring at her legs.
Well, I kind of
feel sorry for her.
She's just as slimy
me as her father.
She had to do
whatever Daddy told her.
He groomed her.
He sent her to the
finest law schools
and then set her up in his
law practice as his partner.
He's a control freak.
I always thought it was funny
that her dad was called
Laurence Lawrence.
It's a good thing
he became a lawyer
so that he can call
his firm Lawrence Law.
But then to call
his daughter Lauren.
I mean, Lauren Lawrence?
Not much imagination.
People call him
Larry Two-Names.
He always repeats himself.
He always repeats himself.
Well, I'm glad
your grandparents
didn't lose the store.
Yeah, me too.
If Tom Hill and Milly Dale
hadn't gotten married,
I wouldn't have all this today.
If it wasn't for
your hard work,
this bookstore
wouldn't have survived
after your parents passed.
And maybe I'd be out
there traveling the world
and living a real life. Right?
Oh, don't be so
hard on yourself.
This is the family biz
and you kept it going with
blood, sweat, and tears.
Hill and Dale would be proud.
Thanks, Tammy.
Hey, time heals all wounds.
That's such a cliche
and it's not true.
Time just covers up the scars.
Okay. That's enough with
this walk down memory lane.
Let's get back to work, ladies.
Thank you.
So what's this
Joshua MacGraw like?
Well, he's good looking,
passionate about his career,
and very busy.
I think I can keep him in line.
Do you now?
Do you now?
Once he takes
ownership of the estate,
I'll convince him
to leave the property
management structure in place.
I'm sure he'll be fine with
the monthly rental checks
and stay in the city.
There's nothing here for him.
I've been milking
this cow for a long time
and I am not ready to
give up the management
of the MacGraw properties.
Bob MacGraw. Ah.
Didn't care about the business
as long as the money
kept rolling in.
Came in once a year and
signed where I told him to.
Oh, thank goodness
for trusting clients.
I wanted to talk to you
about the missing
letters of codicil.
Are they gonna be a problem?
No idea.
They were mentioned in an
amendment he made to the will,
but Grandpa MacGraw
never produced them.
Probably nothing.
It's just the ramblings
of a senile old man.
As long as you finish
probating the will
before they turn up,
then it shouldn't be a problem.
Get him to change his mind
about selling the mansion.
That's my girl!
That's my girl!
Tammy, check this out.
Aw, I remember some
of those places
from when I was a little girl.
Not that it was that long ago.
Of course, black and white.
Just yesterday.
Here's an interesting one.
The MacGraw mansion.
Look at all the staff they had.
Pretty stiff and starched.
Who's that standing
in the middle there?
That would be your grumpy
Viking's great grandparents.
He's not my grumpy Viking.
And since we're
buying his library,
I guess that makes him a client.
So a little bit more
respect there please.
Hm. He is cute.
I'd say handsome.
I didn't say I was interested.
Not at all. Not
even a little bit.
You need to
believe in yourself.
You have so many
fine attributes,
but you insist on
living like a bookworm.
This business
occupies me 24/7.
I don't have time
for other things.
You should make some.
Here's Grandpa
Tom and Grandma Milly
in front of the bookstore.
She was very pretty.
Yeah, she was.
She died the year
before I was born
so I don't really know
too much about her.
Back then, you had
to be very wealthy
to belong to the sailing club.
I like their outfits.
Beautiful clothes.
Even the children are
dressed to the hilt.
And here they are having
a picnic by the lake.
Could you imagine an
old Mr. MacGraw calling
for an ice tea and
then some maid hurrying
over to do his bidding.
That's a good idea.
I'm gonna make some ice tea.
Want some?
No, I'm okay.
I'm gonna go for an
ice cream by the lake.
I need a break.
I'll settle for an ice tea.
Thanks, Tammy.
Ah, sorry about that.
Client issue.
They always want changes.
Oh, yeah. It's the
same in my practice.
I forgot how nice it was
here, down by the lake.
My dad and I used to come visit
my grandpa when I was a kid.
But I haven't been here
in a long, long time.
I guess not since
my dad passed away.
Do you remember
your grandfather?
I had this picture
of him and I standing
in front of the mansion.
I always kept it with me.
And then standing at the
property yesterday, it just
brought back a lotta memories.
Speaking of the mansion.
I think you should reconsider
selling the mansion.
The way the market is,
I'd toss it in with the rest
of your rental properties.
Dealing with the renters
could be a bit of a headache,
don't you think?
I think you should leave it
with the property
management company.
It's worked for
your grandfather.
Yeah. Let me think about it.
Oh dear.
I probably should
have told her.
I heard you bumped
into her at the mansion.
Didn't go so well.
Kinda feel like I should
make it up to her.
She's an odd duck.
I wouldn't worry about it.
She's gonna get money from
your grandfather's library.
I'm sure that's all
she cares about anyway.
You know, that's a good
time to do whatever...
I used to read
these all the time.
So there I am with an ice
cream cone melting in my hand
and Josh is having a
meeting with Lauren.
And then they started
laughing at me.
And now Billy's being
all weird outside.
I don't know what's going on.
You look kinda cute with
rocky road on your nose.
Oh my God!
Ain't that life?
Just one rocky road.
I guess I should
tell him about this.
And you should give
him the $100 bill too.
That's our coffee money!
Call him.
I'll think about it.
Come on. Phone him.
Okay. I will.
But only to keep you two quiet.
Now go away.
It's Sam.
From the bookstore.
I was just thinking about you.
Why? So you could
laugh at me some more?
I'm sorry about that.
Yeah. Well you could
have said something.
You're right.
I should have.
Look, hey, now that I
got you on the phone,
can I ask you something?
Are there any good
restaurants in town?
Why don't you ask Lauren?
I don't really like to
mix business with personal.
Well, there's an Italian
place on Front Street.
Did you wanna maybe join
me for an early dinner?
I'm business.
I mean, this call is business.
Well, not really.
You know, I'm just asking
for a dinner recommendation.
I called you.
Yeah. Oh yeah.
Was it about the books?
Well, you see that's
business with the estate.
Not with you and me.
How's 5:30 sound?
Okay, fine.
But I need to talk to
you about some business.
Dinner at 5:30.
I'll see you there.
Strictly business.
What's that?
I'm going for business.
I mean, I'm going for dinner.
- When?
- 5:30.
Wow. You better get ready.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I better get ready.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
We'll lock the front door.
Hi. Hi.
So sorry I'm late.
I had to go upstairs and change.
Nevermind. I'm here.
Well, I'm glad
'cause I was gonna drink
that whole bottle by myself.
I can mix business
with pleasure.
I'll help you.
Thank you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Okay. Some ground
rules before we start.
I'm only gonna stay
if we split the check.
- Really?
- Yes, really.
I do have
business to discuss.
But could we order first?
Any recommendations?
The eggplant Parmesan
is really good.
You a vegetarian?
Trying. I don't
eat red meat anymore.
I think I'll have the same.
Excellent selection.
Thank you.
- So...
- So...
Tell me about yourself.
How did you get into
the book business?
I inherited the
store from my parents
after they passed away.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Yeah. I really miss them.
How about a cheers?
To your parents and
the good memories.
Thank you.
- Agua?
- Yes, please.
Oh, I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I'm a little bit nervous.
A hunk of a Viking like you?
Yeah, no, that's not me.
Modeling is something I did
just to pay my way through
architectural school.
But it's fun.
You know, I like it.
You get to make faces and get
paid to play pretend so...
Well, my whole bookstore
is full of pretend
so I completely
understand pretend.
You know, I think
some people assume
that models can
just do one thing.
But, you know, most of us
have other careers and jobs.
How did you get
into architecture?
I always loved drawing
and building things.
And when the modeling picked up,
it took me to places like
Italy and Paris, Greece.
Man, seeing all that
incredible architecture
has just gotten me so fired up.
That sounds so...
I mean traveling the world,
seeing things I've only
ever seen in books.
All that history,
all that culture.
Yeah. That sounds a
little more interesting
than Sylvan Lake.
Well, if you could go
anywhere, where would you go?
I don't know.
I've always wanted
to go to Italy.
Well then, pack your bags.
Oh I think the
eggplant Parmesan is
as close as I'm gonna get.
But it's okay.
Excuse me.
See, it's not where you
are. It's who you're with.
To our health.
That's pretty good.
I like pretend.
So do I.
Okay. But I'm serious about
this being a business dinner.
- Okay?
- If you insist.
Here. There you go.
Wines of the world.
Well, that's gonna come in
handy when we go to Paris.
Just open it.
A fake book!
It was in your
grandfather's library.
So I just, I thought
you should have it.
Now we know the
budget for dinner.
$100 dinner it is,
on your grandfather.
And what is this?
I thought it might be the
key to something special.
Any ideas?
No, none.
But he had it hidden
in his library.
Maybe it's a hidden passageway?
Hidden treasure?
Could be the key to
the missing letter.
I like that.
I'm gonna have to
go check the house.
More business.
We bought the library
as books by the yard.
So it worked out to $1,000,
less our service fee.
Well, you are the expert.
But we found some
fabulous first editions,
much more valuable.
So I estimated their value
and I wanted to
split that with you.
So here...
You didn't have to do that.
I know, but I want to.
The check's made
out to the estate
so you're not gonna be
able to spend it tonight.
But I'm pretty sure you're
gonna be pleased with the total.
Dinner's on me.
No arguments on that.
Write it off as
a business expense.
Well, if Lauren
will sign off on it.
You don't seem
to like her much.
To put it bluntly,
she just, she made my life
hell when we were teenagers.
That's all.
And it still bothers you?
No, it doesn't.
We're certainly not friends.
You know, she has been
privileged all of her life
and just takes what she wants.
Well, she's not
taking anything
from me except for a
standard probate. So.
And her dad, Larry
Lawrence, is even worse.
My folks were in a
lawsuit with him once.
Nearly cost us our bookstore.
So I just don't trust them.
That's all.
Well, thank you
for the warning.
To my grandpa.
To your nonno.
What was he like?
He was the kindest
man imaginable.
You think about
your parents a lot?
Every day.
They left me the
bookstore, which I love.
But, you know, it was a lot
to take on for a 19 year old.
You've obviously
done very well.
I get by, but it's
a lot of hard work.
Keeping a good inventory,
stocking the right
books at the right time.
Like the romance novels
at this time of the year.
The summer visitors just
come in and lap them up.
Yeah. I can see that.
So what kinda books do you like?
Oh, all of them.
But I haven't read a lot
of the romance novels,
to be honest.
What about you?
Yeah. I've read a few.
- Really?
- Yeah.
But it's research, right?
You know, I have to
get into character.
Of course. Yeah.
It's better with
the wig and the whole thing.
My parents made the
children's section just for me.
So after school, I
spent all my time there.
I was a real little bookworm.
I just, I don't know.
I love books.
Yeah. I can see that.
You know, my grandfather
used to take me sailing
on the lake.
It was magical.
It was like flying
across the water.
That's so nice.
It was a nice night.
Thanks for agreeing to
come to dinner with me.
Well, I thought since we
got off to such a bad start,
you know, give you the
benefit of the doubt.
There's more to you
than meets the eye.
I'm glad you feel that way.
You, Joshua MacGraw, are
a very interesting man.
Pretty interesting yourself.
First time I saw you standing
there with the fire poker.
You gimme a fire poker
and I can take on anyone.
I believe it.
Well, you can take
care of yourself.
I like that.
Well, I have an
early start tomorrow.
So I'm gonna go.
It's getting late.
Will you come over to
mansion with me this weekend?
Help me find a
lock for that key?
Of course.
Thanks for dinner.
And I'll see you Saturday.
A presto.
Good afternoon, Mr. MacGraw!
Larry Lawrence. It's an
honor to meet you at last.
Your grandfather
spoke of you often.
He did?
Oh, yes, he did. Yes, he did.
He was quite proud of your
architectural exploits
and your other enterprises.
It's so nice to speak to
such an important new client.
Well, I don't know
how important I am but-
Oh, very important.
Very important.
You're gonna be one of the
biggest property owners
in town, Mr. MacGraw.
Can I ask you a question?
Fire away?
Are you planning on
moving back to Sylvan Lake?
We have a property
management company
looking after your
grandfather's interests.
Would you like them
to continue on?
Let's not rush things.
Mr. MacGraw likes
to take things slow.
Ah, well then why don't you
show Mr. MacGraw the territory?
Sure. Come.
Follow me.
The art collection at Lawrence
Law is one of our passions.
It's very impressive.
And so is our practice.
Now, how was court
today, Lauren?
How was court?
We won, of course.
I didn't think you're
coming in today, Daddy.
Oh, thought I might.
Thought I might.
Would be nice to have
some new blood in town.
I should put Mr. MacGraw
for a local business club.
Oh, please, call me Josh.
Oh, and you call me Larry.
Sure, Larry.
I don't think Josh
would be interested
in joining your stuffy
old club, Daddy.
Well, when Mr. Josh sees
just how much of
the town he owns,
he may wanna be part of the
town's senior leadership.
Well, there's
a lotta decisions
to be made before
I decide on that.
He's got a very
good job in the city.
In fact, I was just offered
a promotion to partner.
- Congratulations!
- Thanks!
Wonderful! Wonderful!
You're a very busy man
and you've inherited
a big responsibility.
Take a look.
Now I handled the purchases
of these properties myself,
but in the intervening years,
the property management
company your grandfather hired
has taken care of the details.
See, I always
thought my grandfather
was in the mining business.
He sold out years ago.
Went into commercial
real estate.
Now, Lauren tells
me you're putting
the mansion on the market.
Do you think that's a good idea?
Well, I do like it.
I think there's a
lotta potential.
It's just a lotta
work to update.
Perhaps the management
company could handle it.
- Yeah. I should talk them.
- I can do that.
Now, Lauren is handling
the probate of the will,
which I understand is
very straightforward.
Your grandfather
made it very clear
that everything goes to
his favorite grandson.
Clear, except for the mention
of the letters of codicil.
I asked one of my team
to look in the archives,
see if they might be there.
Or maybe they've been misfiled.
Well, that's assuming
that your grandfather
brought them in
or that they even exist.
Well, he put it in the will.
So it must have been
important to him.
I remember him coming in
and adding the amendment
about the letters.
I just don't think he
ever followed through.
I hate to tell you this,
Josh, but the last few years,
your grandfather, let's just
say he was a little off.
He had little contact with
anyone and he seemed...
Are you saying he
was incompetent or...
Oh, not at all. Not at all.
Sharp as ever.
Just a bit forgetful at times.
Maybe he intended
to write the letters
and never got around to it.
If they show up,
we'll deal with it.
In the meantime, let's just
continue on the process.
Not to worry. Not to worry.
You're in good
hands with Lauren.
Oh, you know what?
That reminds me.
What? What?
Lauren, you
negotiated the deal
for the Found Bookshop
to sell all the books
in the library.
The owner gave me this
check last night. So.
Last night?
Yeah, we went to dinner.
Just getting to know the
local business leaders. So.
Anyway, this turned up
and I was wondering,
do you guys have any
idea what this is?
No idea.
Drink? Drink?
No, thank you.
I wouldn't show that to anyone
or we'll have a treasure
hunt on our hands.
If people think there's
a buried treasure,
they're gonna be digging up
your grandfather's garden.
You think there's
buried treasure?
Of course I don't.
Of course I don't.
I'm just saying what can happen
when a silly rumor gets started,
especially in a small town.
Best keep it to yourself.
I am on a course all weekend.
18 holes a day, if
you know what I mean.
Just gimme a moment. I'm
just gonna go freshen up.
So Mr. MacGraw.
It's Friday.
Let's celebrate.
What exactly are
we celebrating?
You came into a
very nice inheritance,
thanks to your grandfather.
I'd rather have him
than the inheritance. So.
Of course. Yeah.
There's a bar just
around the corner.
- I'll buy.
- Oh no.
I think I really am gonna
have an early night.
But thank you.
No date with Samantha?
It was a business dinner.
If you see her
again, as Daddy said,
just don't mention
anything about key.
Not until we know what it opens.
Well, Sam's the one
who found the key.
Tomorrow we're heading
over to the property
and we're gonna see if we
can unlock the mystery.
So to speak.
Sounds like fun.
I'll come help.
I wouldn't bother.
I honestly don't think
we're gonna find anything.
As your council,
I would strongly caution
against sharing the
hunt with civilians.
Well, we'll see.
You know,
how about we just go somewhere
more comfortable to wrap up?
I could use a drink.
Why not?
So do you miss the city?
Not really.
Actually, I'm kind of
enjoying the break.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- Oh, you all right?
These heels are awful.
Yeah. I don't know
how women wear them.
They look so uncomfortable.
We're slaves to fashion.
I wear them 'cause people
say I look like a model
when I wear high heels.
Do you think I
could have modeled?
I'm sure you could have.
Coming from you,
that's such a compliment.
Seeing your work, you
look good in everything.
It's good genes, I guess.
I bet you look
good in jeans too.
This us?
This is it.
- Oh.
- Thanks.
Thank you.
Excuse me. But are you the
guy on those Viking novels?
Yes. Yes.
That's him.
I knew it was you.
I mean, him.
She's kidding.
I'm an architect.
A very handsome architect.
Who's also a Viking.
Okay. Now you're
just embarrassing me.
It's not every day a guy
like you walks into my office.
Or probably her bar.
Okay, Mr. Viking,
you've seen how much
property you own.
What do you think?
I might take your dad's advice
and just let the
whole portfolio ride.
As much as I'd love if
you moved to Sylvan Lake,
I get it.
You've got a great career.
Plus your modeling work.
You know, I did
always love it here
when I was a kid, though.
It can wear
thin after a while.
You don't like it here?
Business is good and
summers are nice.
But you don't seem happy.
I'm fine.
You know,
I'll tell you what,
if I need cheering up,
I'll come visit you.
- Cheers.
- Yeah.
To a successful day.
It was a good day, wasn't it?
It was. For the both of us.
And now that you're
a wealthy landowner,
hopefully you'll let me
continue handling your affairs.
My affairs?
Business affairs.
you had something
else in mind.
How long do you
think it's gonna take
to wrap up the
probate on the estate?
Not long.
And the missing letters?
They'll show up.
We'll figure it out.
All right.
I'm hoping that
this is gonna turn
into a long and
profitable relationship.
Yeah. Well, we'll see.
Let's let loose.
Get to know each other.
Okay. What would
you like to know?
For starters,
do you often get recognized?
Yeah. Sometimes.
You know, I try not to
make a big deal of it.
What does your partner think?
Oh, yeah. No
girlfriend, no partner.
Hmm. Really?
I find that hard to believe.
An attractive man like you.
Yeah. Well, you know,
I'm very busy with work
and, you know,
traveling for modeling.
It's not a lotta time to date.
Is there somebody
special in your life?
There was someone
once, but, yeah,
it's all over now.
What happened?
I'd say it was
more lust than love.
What's wrong with lust?
Just wanted to see how
you're feeling this morning.
Oh, I'm fine.
I think.
To be honest,
I don't remember much.
What happened?
Oh, you were very drunk.
And a little too forward.
I did take your keys.
Oh, thanks.
I appreciate that.
Speaking of keys,
I just wanted to remind you
not to do anything impulsive
with that old key.
Right? Uh huh.
I hope I can see you later.
Yeah. I'll have
to see how I feel.
I'll see you at the office.
Yeah. Promise.
Oh no!
Good morning.
Ah. Yeah.
That's debatable.
What? What happened?
Apparently I painted
the town red last night.
Oh dear.
Good company, I hope.
Meeting with my lawyer.
Oh. Lauren?
Yeah. But it was just
a business meeting.
With a few too many
celebratory drinks.
Where are you now?
The Anchor Inn.
Look, I'm not sure
if I'm gonna be able
to go to the house today.
Let's do it another time.
Oh, well, I've
made a picnic lunch.
And I've got some
ideas about the key.
So I've been
looking through one
of your grandfather's
old books about the town.
There's pictures of the mansion
and some of your ancestors.
I'd really love to see that.
Do you remember
an old ice house?
No, but I do remember
there was a big fridge
in the kitchen.
I used to sneak a slice
of the chef's apple pie
every night before bead.
It was so good.
Okay. So it might
be a wild goose chase,
but we could look
for the ice house.
Or maybe any storage room
or maybe the basement.
Sounds like you have a plan.
Oh, I do.
Aren't you excited?
Could you maybe gimme an hour?
Well, I will pick you up
and I will bring
coffee and water.
Sounds good.
Come on.
Let's go find that
hidden treasure.
Just gonna finish
my coffee here first.
Let's go.
How do you have so much energy?
Come on.
Take a seat.
Mm. Sitting sounds good.
Why don't you look at
these family photos
and I'm gonna go
find the ice house.
Sounds good.
Now we're getting to work.
Yes ma'am.
He is your iced
tea, Mr. MacGraw.
Are you all right?
Yeah. Yeah.
I must have been dreaming.
You were in a maid outfit.
No maid.
Thank you.
Oh, did you find any
of the hidden treasure?
No ice house.
There's an old garage,
but the door is locked.
You know, it's funny.
Looking at these photos,
it reminds me of when
I was here as a kid.
People really knew how
to enjoy themselves.
Man, this is quite
the spread. Thank you.
I'm gonna miss this place.
It's beautiful.
It's got so much potential.
As what?
I was thinking maybe
a boutique hotel.
The lawyers don't
want me to sell.
They want me to throw it in
with the rest of the
rental properties.
I don't wanna overstep,
but I don't really know
if I would trust them.
Yeah. Maybe not.
Though it probably would take
a lot to get it up to code.
Yeah, but it'd be worth it.
Yeah, if I was here.
Well, why wouldn't you?
I've been offered a
promotion from the firm.
- Congratulations!
- Thanks.
And apparently I own a bunch
of buildings downtown too.
It's funny, I've been thinking
maybe I could start
my own business here.
But it is a small town.
How do you make it work?
Well, I have to get
pretty creative sometimes.
You know, with eBooks
and online book sales
and all these big box stores.
It's tough.
You know, people
still like to browse
and there's nothing like holding
a real book in your
hands, right? So.
It always helps to like
have a clever title
or an attractive cover,
like your latest Viking book.
Hey, I didn't write it.
I'm just on the cover so...
I've actually been thinking
about getting outta modeling.
I wanna focus on other
things in my life.
Sorry, we were talking
about the bookshop
and now we're suddenly
talking about me again.
It's okay.
I'll let it slide
just this one time.
You know, truth is,
I've been finding this
a little overwhelming.
Losing my grandfather and
inheriting the estate.
It's not easy. You have a
lot of big decisions to make.
How did you manage?
Well, Tammy worked
for my parents,
so she helped me
learn the ropes.
And I just put my head
down and kept going.
I really admire you.
Thank you.
Yeah, it hasn't been easy.
The rent on the
building keeps going up
and I had to sell our house
and move into the room
above the bookstore.
It's not all that bad.
I actually really
love the space.
It's all like
old post and beam.
You know a good architect
could probably turn it
into something really special.
Yeah, I think I could
recommend one. Yeah.
You know, our little
town has a lot to offer.
I'm starting to see that.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
So, next.
- Check the storage room?
- Sure.
There used to be a lotta
spiders down there.
- Seriously?
- Oh yeah.
Huge ones.
But you're not afraid, are you?
No. Of course not.
Oh good. All right.
Lead the way.
- Okay.
- All right.
What do we got here?
I've already checked the
cabinets and the drawers.
Oh, what about
fake walls? Panels?
Now you're talking.
I'll start on this side.
Okay, I'll start here.
One more sweep of the kitchen?
Ah, our finest selection.
Dessert, ma'am?
How lovely. Just
a small one, please.
Thank you.
Oh, no calories. Perfect.
These are all built with
locally quarried sandstone.
That's cool.
Okay. So we're making progress.
They used to host
all kinds of soirees
and formal events here.
Oh, what do we got?
Pleased to meet your
acquaintance, Mr. MacGraw.
The pleasure's
all mine, madam.
Welcome to the mystery mansion.
I heard there's
a hidden treasure.
This key is...
The key to...
Untold fortune.
Or perhaps...
Absolutely nothing.
Or maybe...
Key to someone's heart.
You're such a romantic.
Shall we dance?
I haven't this much
fun in a long time.
I bet you say that
to all your wenches.
I'm gonna get an ice tea.
This key has to fit something.
We have to keep looking.
It's a big mansion.
It could be anywhere.
Maybe not anywhere.
What is it?
I have an idea.
What is it?
One sec.
Okay. We're looking
for a key to the shed.
One of these has to be the key.
- I'll take 'em all.
- Let's go.
- No.
- Try these ones.
All right.
- Yes!
- Yes!
Lotta memories here.
This isn't it.
What is it?
It's a mystery
wrapped in canvas.
I think...
My grandfather's sailboat.
Wow. It's beautiful.
He loved this boat.
Check this out.
Hey, I remember that heart.
What do you mean?
We pillage the boat.
Treasure's gotta
be here somewhere.
Come on.
You do the honors.
It fits, but it doesn't turn.
Wait, I have an idea.
Try this.
The oil'll take a
little time to work.
Drink while we wait?
- Sure.
- Okay.
We don't even know
what's in it yet.
We will soon.
To sailing and strong winds.
Hi, guys.
What are you doing?
I think we found what
we were looking for.
We just can't get it open.
I knew you wouldn't
take my advice
about keeping the key a secret.
Well, I wouldn't have
found it without Sam. So.
You know, as
executor of the estate,
I'll take care of this.
I'll get a certified
locksmith to open it
and then we can review
the contents at my office.
Had a lotta fun last night.
Here are your car keys.
Later, Josh.
Yeah, I think
I'm just gonna go.
So Josh and I,
we went to the MacGraw
mansion and we had a picnic.
That's good.
Yeah. You know, and we
had a lotta fun looking
for the mystery key box.
And then we found a box in
his grandfather's sailboat.
The key fit.
That's really good.
Then Lauren shows up.
- Not so good.
- She ruined everything.
You know, I thought Josh
and I had something going.
And then she took the box
because she's in
charge of the estate.
And I just, I don't know.
I just don't trust her.
But Josh seems to
think she's okay.
I mean, maybe more than okay.
Well, hey, there's always
another book on the shelf.
I hope it's not me that
gets left on the shelf.
I mean, what am I gonna do?
I thought I found a good man.
Someone I'm actually
interested in.
Give it time, Sam.
I'm sure he'll come round.
She's a very shallow person.
He'll figure it out.
You think so?
I have no idea.
But I do know that if two
people are meant to be together,
they will be.
The course of true love
never did run smooth.
Shakespeare. "A
Midsummer Night's Dream."
You got it.
Now it's time to open.
We have customers coming
and books to sell.
Yeah. You're right.
Found Books. Samantha
Hill speaking.
Sam. It's Josh.
Look, I'm in the
city for business,
but I just wanted to call
and explain what happened
between Lauren and I that night.
Okay. So what
did happen, Josh?
I know what Lauren implied.
And, yes, I'd had too much to
drink, but nothing happened.
I swear.
I don't know if I believe you.
Sam, I'm telling
you the truth.
You can do whatever you
like with whomever you like.
I don't care.
You don't care?
Look, I have
customers right now.
I just, I don't
have time for this.
I'm sorry. I have to go.
- Bye.
- Sam--
Hello, Lauren Lawrence here.
Lauren. It's Josh.
Josh. Nice to hear your voice.
Daddy was relieved you
found the mystery box.
Oh good.
What was inside?
You'll have to come
here and find out.
It's a surprise.
Well, I'll be
back in a few days
and I'd really like to get all
this estate business
wrapped up ASAP.
I like it when you
tell me what to do.
I just wanna get
on with things.
I thought we might
grab dinner to celebrate.
You know, I think
it'd be better
if we just met at your
office and go from there.
And I'd also like it
if your father could
be there as well.
All right.
Of course.
These darn Vikings.
I think the publisher is
really gonna like these ones.
- Great Viking!
- Yeah.
Well I'm glad it
turned out because
I think it's my last.
What's going on, Josh?
I think I'm done
with modeling.
I mean, it can wear
on you after a while.
Is it about the promotion?
Just think it's
time for change.
A certain someone perhaps?
Something like that.
I'm gonna miss you.
You were everyone's
favorite Viking.
Not to mention cowboy,
warrior, hunter.
I'm gonna miss you too.
And I'm really gonna miss all
the cool costumes and makeup,
but don't you go
telling anyone, okay?
Our secret.
So what are you gonna do
about that certain someone?
Last time we spoke,
she hung up on me.
- So...
- Well, that's not good.
Have you thought
about flowers?
It always worked on me.
Hey, no regrets.
It was great while it lasted.
But honestly, Josh, I'm
just too into my career.
Whoever she is, she
must be someone special.
Yeah, she is.
Why are books so
afraid of their sequel?
Because they always
come after them.
These just arrived.
Does it say who they're from?
As if we couldn't guess.
"For my key friend,
something to unlock your heart.
The Viking."
So romantic.
Oh, please.
That gives me an idea.
I wonder if the Viking would
do a promo appearance here.
You know, in full Viking stuff.
Oh, that is a great idea.
I mean, the cutout's good,
but Josh himself would really
bring the customers in.
It's worth a try, I guess.
I think you just wanna
see more of his chest.
This is just business.
Here's Josh.
You're in
trouble, little missy.
Trouble with what?
You know, I was just
thinking about you.
That's nice.
I just got the roses.
They're lovely.
Thank you.
Well, it's the
least I could do.
Can I ask you something?
Would you mind coming to the
store and being a Viking?
Just to help with publicity.
I mean, if you'd prefer,
I can liaise through your
publisher's PR department.
I just, I thought it'd be
easier if I called you.
Well, as of today,
I kinda quit the Viking
business altogether.
What do you mean?
I'll be back
in Sylvan tomorrow.
I'll explain everything. Okay?
A presto.
What are you two looking at?
How was the drive last night?
Long, as usual.
Hopefully this won't take
long and then we can celebrate.
Good morning. Good morning.
Has Lauren showed
you the big surprise?
No, I just arrived.
Take a look.
What is this?
Your grandfather got his start
during the local gold rush.
I had no idea.
What is all this?
Oh, some old newspaper
clippings about your grandfather
winning a local
sailing club race.
You could have them framed.
It would make a nice
little memory pic.
And that's it, huh?
Mystery solved.
Mystery solved.
What are you doing?
The missing letter.
Three letters. Three letters.
We can count, Daddy.
Dear, Joshua.
I'm glad you followed the
trail and found the box.
Larry Lawrence made
me a lotta money,
but I never really trusted him.
Watch your back. Always.
Love and respect,
your grandfather.
What's it say? What's it say?
Just a private message
from my grandfather.
More mystery. More mystery.
That looks like a
young Robert MacGraw.
I don't know who
the young woman is.
Dear, Robert.
I very much regret that
I cannot marry you.
I know this is not the
answer you wanted to hear,
but I have fallen in
love with Tom Hill.
I will always hold you
in the utmost affection.
With loving
friendship, Milly Dale.
This is about Tom
Hill and Milly Dale.
The original proprietors
of Found Books?
Sam's grandparents?
Only to be opened
after my death.
Robert MacGraw."
My beloved Milly
would not accept my
proposal of marriage,
but we remained loving
friends our whole lives.
As a token of that love,
I leave her granddaughter,
Samantha Hill...
What does it say?
A holographic codicil.
How unusual! How unusual!
Is it legal?
Oh, yes. Yes.
Unless you, as the sole heir,
decide to contest it.
What's in the envelope?
What a surprise.
Josh, this is such
a romantic story.
I mean, when I said we
had a surprise for you,
I didn't expect it to be this.
I'm so excited for us.
All of us. All of us.
Now that the missing
letter has shown itself,
the execution of the will
should go quite quickly.
You can get back to
your architectural work
and the rental property
checks will start rolling in.
Time to celebrate,
Mr. MacGraw.
You know, actually, speaking
of the rental properties,
how do I get in contact
with the management company?
Oh, let me take care of that.
Like you did for
my grandfather?
Worked for him.
Worked for him.
What's the name of
the company, Larry?
Josh, let Daddy handle it.
Let's get a drink.
Yeah. The name of the company
is Sylvan Properties LLC.
What of it?
Well, I did some checking and
the owner is Laurence Lawrence.
Perfectly legal.
Perfectly legal.
Well, except when
you consider the fact
that, over the last 20 years,
all the checks you've
paid to my grandfather,
well, they haven't increased.
While rental fees
have almost doubled.
Your grandfather didn't care.
Well, I do.
I think you're greedy
and I don't trust you.
Perfectly legal.
- Perfectly.
- We'll let the courts decide.
I had an accountant
look through all
of my grandfather's records.
I'll be suing Sylvan
Properties LLC for fraud.
And effective immediately,
I'm terminating my
relationship with Lawrence Law.
Josh, please.
There must be something I
can do to smooth this over.
Like father, like daughter.
No, I'm not like him.
What? What?
You're greedy.
My own daughter!
You manipulate and dominate
to get what you want.
You're a bully and I am tired
of trying to be like you.
Josh, please. Please,
please forgive me.
I had no idea what he was doing.
You knew I was skimming the
profits off old man MacGraw.
You sat there and plotted
how you'd help me do it to Josh.
I can be different.
That's not me.
Nice try, Lauren.
But I think I have
everything I need.
I'll see you in court.
I'll see you in court.
In court!
In court!
So I have a lot to tell you.
Okay, what's going on?
Don't worry.
It's good news.
For starters, I've
decided I'm gonna move back
to Sylvan Lake permanently.
What about your promotion?
I turned it down.
I'm leaving the firm.
I mean, that's great news.
To have you here
in town, it's...
I actually
think your talents
would be really good
for our community.
So it turns out
that you were right.
Lauren was only interested
in me because of the estate.
You should have seen
her eyes light up
when she saw the gold.
Yeah, it turns out
my grandfather didn't
just leave me property.
That's amazing.
And there's more.
There were three
letters in the box,
hidden under
a false bottom.
A false bottom?
This is sounding like something
out of a romance novel.
So I did a little sleuthing
and I found out that Larry
has been skimming money
off my grandfather's
properties for years.
Well, him and Lauren.
So I'll be seeing them in court.
The second letter
is from Milly Dale,
your grandmother,
to my grandfather.
That's my Grandma Milly.
And that's my Grandpa Robert.
Milly is short for Emily.
Your grandfather named his
boat after my grandmother.
That's so romantic.
And now the best for last.
My beloved Milly
would not accept my
proposal of marriage.
But we remained loving
friends our whole lives.
As a token of that love,
I leave her granddaughter,
Samantha Hill, the property
where Hill and Dale's
Found Books & Shop stands.
And the enclosed as
a lasting memento
of a love that might have been.
Robert MacGraw.
The bookshop is yours.
I can't believe this.
Sam, you deserve it.
What did that last line mean?
That's a surprise.
That is all we've got left.
Help yourself.
Okay, sure.
You're really good
at this warrior thing.
Pump those pecs.
He's amazing.
I was wrong.
Very wrong.
Whatever he's got,
we need to bottle it.
Oh, I'm trying.
Get in it here.
I want a picture.
How's my big,
bad Viking doing?
Just another day of
pillaging and plundering.
It's for a good cause.
Yeah, but if one more little
old lady pinches my butt.
- Oh my.
- I know.
Not as innocent as they look.
So what do you think?
I like it.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
But I prefer the real you.
Smile, you two!
Okay. I'm gonna let you get
back to your Viking duties.
Right. And I'll see you later?
Okay, go.
Such a beautiful night.
Oh, I almost forgot.
Are you proposing?
It's a bit early for
that, don't you think?
I'm just showing it to you.
This is the engagement ring
that my grandfather
gave to Milly.
It was in the letter
about the bookshop.
"And the enclosed
as a lasting memento
of a love that might have been."
This is a lot to take in.
Don't worry.
We have all the
time in the world.
Maybe you think
when you should be
Maybe you stop
when you should go
No one is guaranteed forever
Don't be afraid
to just let go
The key to love is
always in your hand
When you open up your
heart and understand