Khadak (2006) Movie Script

I will tell you a story.
Your story.
There was a time...
before you were born...
when every citizen
received fresh apples weekly.
Whatever the weather was,
those apples had to reach
every man, woman and child.
That was the golden principle
in those days.
There was a young pilot.
He had a noble mission to fly
to the furthest reaches of the land...
to bring apples and mail.
He was your father.
She, the postal worker,
was your mother.
He would whisper to her
their match was a gift from the sky...
and would be etched in stone
some day.
Those were the sweetest days
of their lives.
Then your father's plane crashed.
They said it was the wind.
In fact, your father
never should have been flying planes.
He had a certain destiny,
which he denied.
You are just like him.
Your ancestors are dreaming of you,
waiting for you,
and calling you.
How are you getting through winter?
- Very well. Just fine.
And your health?
- Fine, thanks.
I hope winter is treating you well.
- Yes, it's fine.
I hope this winter won't be so harsh.
- One never knows.
I'm not so sure.
Our dear Bagi.
He's turning into a young man.
My child, were you cold?
- No.
Grandfather, there is a sheep missing.
I must go back.
If it's not too far, go ahead.
- Yes.
Shall I go with him?
- No need.
One who's been drinking
can easily lose his way.
I think he will find it on his own.
What a pity.
Poor thing.
That's enough.
My son.
Get away.
Holy tree, mother...
Lost soul of this boy,
from the distant steppes,
come back here quickly!
Come here!
Listen to the wind!
Listen to the wind!
Listen to the wind!
This time
we were able to retrieve him.
He has something within him
from his ancestors.
To be honest,
the boy must absolutely
come and see me.
I see...
I understand.
You really should meet
with the Shamaness.
In hearing each of her words,
in seeing each of her gestures...
I saw she was terribly worried
about you.
With or without her, I'll be fine.
But no.
Without the shamaness
you cannot do anything,
decide on anything,
nor go anywhere.
This is the harsh law of the universe.
If you don't respect this law,
danger will surely follow.
You will die.
Did my father die
because of this law?
Until this day, that's what I believe.
I watched your father
for a long time.
I think the spirits of his ancestors
took him away for eternity...
because he ignored their call.
If you knew that,
why didn't you say anything?
Oh my child...
In those days it was forbidden to
speak or even think about such things.
If you even spoke about this,
you would die.
My child,
you should believe your grandpa.
There's an extremely dangerous
animal plague.
You must leave this place immediately.
Your animals are now under our control.
How many are you?
There are three of us.
- Three.
What is this plague?
- We are trying to figure it out.
In any case,
it's also dangerous for people.
Here you are.
You must hurry.
Where are we going?
Don't worry. You're going
where there is a roof and a job for you.
When do we have to move?
- Right now.
The trucks are on their way.
My family is not going anywhere.
What did you say?
Our animals are fine.
We are also just fine.
You must leave.
You have no choice.
Under the sky,
upon the earth,
only the wind can ride you now.
From now on...
nobody can ever harm you.
Why is your yurt still standing?
- We're sorry. We didn't have time!
Gather your animals.
I warn you, if any animals are
left behind, they will be shot. Got it?
Where are we moving to?
- Where there's work for you.
Hello, my boy.
How is work?
It's Ok.
Potatoes again?
You haven't made tea yet?
I'm struggling with these.
I'll take you out
on my bike today.
That would be fine, my child.
My little friend, today your mother
almost killed you with the claw.
Would I do this to my only child?
I'm working tonight.
You tell Grandfather.
- Ok.
I've got mail
for the railway security unit.
I promised to take Grandfather out
for some fresh air.
No doubt, he will be happy.
- I think so.
Are you leaving?
Be careful on the roads.
Bye. golden vials
full of the wrath of God,
who liveth for ever and ever.
And the temple was filled with smoke
from the glory of God,
and from the power;
and no man was able
to enter into the temple,
till the seven plagues
of the seven angels were fulfilled.
Hey, grandpa!
How poor we are
at defending ourselves.
The spirit of the place
where we were born...
and of the water
in which we were bathed...
and even the stones
of the riverbed...
are dreaming of us.
Even the souls of our ancestors
are dreaming of us.
What's this?
Surely it's a thief.
Have it checked.
Nothing here.
Must have gotten away.
Any others with you?
Come on, let's go.
Come here.
Two more thieves, I see.
Give them.
You break up this ice now.
Clean it up.
This whole section
has to be done today, got it?
Where did you lose yourself, you idiot?
Where have you been?
The bastards broke up our concert.
We have to do one month of labour.
Where did you pick up this guy?
He saved my life.
That guy?
Hey, you two chatter-boxes!
Get to work!
- Brother.
- River.
- Dawn.
- Water.
- Mother.
- Me.
- Potato.
- Darkness.
- Death.
- Wrong.
- Man.
River! Death! Potato! Water!
Man! Wrong!
Brother! River! Water! Dawn!
Potato! Man! Brother!
Shut up!
Look at you on the table!
Get down right now!
It's after midnight.
Why aren't you sleeping?
Go to bed!
Go to bed!
How did you know that I was there?
I felt it.
I heard you.
Who do you live with?
My mother and grandfather.
In the mining town where I found you.
I have a big brother.
The rest isn't worth mentioning.
My brother will get us
out of this trouble soon.
He always does.
I can't eat
another fucking potato.
When's your brother getting here?
Be patient.
He'll get here with the meat soon.
What meat?
My brother's a black market wizard.
Don't tell me there's
no black market in your town.
Where does he get the meat?
The animals were never sick.
Let's go.
Give this to Urna.
Come on.
And how often do you have seizures?
You had animals before
in the countryside?
Let me go.
You listen carefully.
There are many herders here
suffering from the relocations.
I want to get out of here.
When was the last time
you saw a doctor?
I have never seen a doctor.
A shamaness once came.
Let me be frank with you.
You probably have epilepsy.
No shaman can treat you.
But we will treat your illness.
I will prescribe you a medicine.
I got it yesterday.
It's fresh meat.
How much?
- Let my sister go.
And all her friends, too.
- No way.
Sister. Our animals are alive.
Let's leave.
What's happening? Say something.
Our animals are alive!
Say something!
please tell them we should go.
Our animals are alive.
Brother, I heard it.
I know exactly where they are.
What's happening?
Let's go! What's happening?
Brother. Let's go.
Brother. Let's go.
Brother, let me tell you.
The animals are alive.
I know. Animals are alive!
Animals are alive!
Let's go. What's happening?
The animals are alive!
I hear them! I know!
I know the animals are there!
I know they're there!
Our animals are alive! Let's go.
Where am l?
Not 'where'.
'When' is what you must ask.
It's the future.
A possible future, in other words.
The future is only possibility.
There was a time
when man took too much.
The desert moved,
extinguishing life.
The desert will always win.
There are animals alive.
I must go find them now.
'Now' has no meaning here.
Then 'here' has no meaning either.
You're right.
You may get lost.
Don't be afraid.
Your ancestors are dreaming of you.
The sky is watching you.
I left my body in a dark corner.
Something is wrong here.
A girl awaits the death of her mother.
A father awaits the death of his son.
A brother
awaits the death of his brother.
Something is wrong here.
A poet awaits the death of his horse.
A woman awaits the death of her soul!
A child awaits the death of tomorrow!
Something is wrong here!
Something -
something is wrong here!
A river awaits the death of its waters!
A sky awaits the death of dawn!
Something is wrong here!
I felt it.
I heard you.
Something's wrong here.
Hello, my child.