Khaw hai rak jong jaroen (Me... Myself) (2007) Movie Script

Hey Oom
Why do you keep
listening to these kinds of songs?
Krit has already left you for months!
You won't die for this, you know
God, boss!
Go shower now,
or you'll be late for school.
Just give me a week
for his physical therapy.
After that,
his relatives could come to pick him up.
And who is this person?
Our client needs a presentation
that's kinda like...
Top of the Town,
so we've got this idea...
and that is...
Change to a new You.
Or improve yourself into a new person
which is to turn a person
into a chic style and also...
add with the Metallic structures.
Also we'll use the color red...
to enhance passion and our product.
But first we must take
a close look at celebrities...
who'll be invited to our party.
Continue for me, boss.
Uh uh, no
To save our precious time here,
let's discuss on our celebs, alright?
I've found out this morning that...
the patient has completely
lost his memories.
Shhh... This is a hospital, Miss.
What I wanna say is...
the reason he lost his memories...
might be from being hit
on the head from somewhere first...
then hit again
by your car around the back.
Hey, then I won't have to
take responsibility for him, right?
Alright then, good bye... Doc.
Now wait, wait, wait, take it easy Miss
I'm afraid it's not that easy here.
Because you've already signed
that you'll take full responsibility
for him in any case.
That's bullshit, Doc.
Why do I have to do that,
when I didn't do it.
How do I take him home with me?
I don't think so, Doc.
This is a hospital, Miss.
Hey... so what's your name?
Don't remember.
This way, Miss.
His belongings, Miss.
Also you'll have to come to the
station to make a statement, Miss.
Let's call you that for now, okay?
Let's go.
Go on, get in the car.
Alright, pictures already taken.
All documents are in order.
If there's any progress here.
We'll give you a call, alright?
Hey, where is she?
How did you find me?!
And how come you're out here, Miss?
My friend, he just asked for a ride,
that's all.
He'll get off and take the bus later.
Auntie, your friend's bus
hasn't come yet?
Have you been
sitting here all night or what?
I just couldn't think of anything
that's why I don't know where to go.
Here Ohm... new game,
I just got it today.
The winning score is 18,
so terrific, man.
Get in the room.
Haven't try it yet, right?
Wow, Miss Oom brought
a man into her room!
Ah ha, a man, hmm.
Not yet, Ohm... take a shower first.
Tonight you sleep here, okay?
Ohm, you come sleep with me, alright?
No thanks!
You always toss
and turn and you talk in your sleep.
Alright, alright.
Go to sleep, Ohm.
If you try coming in, then... here.
You're awake already, Auntie?
Hey, what happened to your head?
What's wrong?
Come to eat, Auntie
Uncle Tan's a very good cook,
you know?
Well... I just thought that
since the boy is growing everyday...
and that instant noodles
might not do him well,
I cooked something for him, that's all.
This is my house.
And he's my nephew.
What I'll eat is my business... get it?
Go shower, Ohm.
Just stay in the room, alright?
Don't go wander anywhere at all.
This is my number,
call me if there's anything.
Um... what should I do here?
Just sit around or sleep,
or watch the TV
I must go now.
C'mon, Ohm.
Oh... also...
Don't you dare touch
any of my personal things
without my permission,
you understand?
Good morning, everyone.
Still we're wearing
the auspicious yellow color today.
That's right.
And yes, it's the color of the day...
What are you doing?
Miss Oom... um...
Well I took a shower,
washed my clothes...
and left them outside.
They're still not dried yet.
Well why didn't you
find something to wear?
You told me...
not to touch anything
without your permission, remember?
But that's my bowl!
Miss Oom!
Miss Oom...
I knew it, you psycho!!!
But if you say
you saw a woman in your mind...
while you were unconscious.
So maybe that woman is your wife.
Yeah, yeah, it means
when I hit you it worked.
One more hit should help you, yeah?
Hey, that's enough!
You're gonna get me in trouble again.
Alright! Ready to eat, come on now.
Let's eat Auntie.
While it's still warm.
Don't mind me...
I'm not hungry yet.
That's the women's clothing,
men's are here.
Oom, the client's here
Boss Oil calls a meeting, hurry up!
Alright, alright.
This one, okay? I'll place it here.
Whoa, you're so lovable, Mr. Krit.
We've met at the last job
in... Chiang Mai, right?
So, what are you doing here?
Mr. Krit is now a creative
for our company
and it's because
he used to work here,
so I believe you guys
could work together really well.
One moment, please.
How are you doing, Oom?
You left some things at my place,
when will you pick them up?
Things? Oh, sorry if they've
made your place a mess.
Hey, Oom...
Is that... Mr. Tan or whoever
you were talking about?
Wow, handsome too!
Your new boyfriend, Oom?
See you later.
See you later... boss.
Miss Oom...
Are you mad at me or something?
It's not about you.
That man...
was he the same person
I saw in those photographs?
He's my ex-boyfriend.
We split up a long time ago.
He told me I'm not good enough,
not pretty, not talented.
Is there anything else
you wanna know?
Ohm, why aren't you
doing your homework?
You keep playing those silly games!
You two, you're spoiling him,
you know that?
God, Auntie, it's nothing, okay?
We're just playing some games,
that's all.
Oh, now you talk back at me?
Think you're smart, right?
You don't do your homework,
you keep playing those damn games!
Miss Oom...
Take it easy, will you?
This is none of your business!
Right, so now you have
someone on your side, huh?
Great... go on, and don't you
ever come back, Ohm.
Where are you going, Ohm?
Auntie hates me. She's about
to kick me out like everybody else.
Now come on, she doesn't hate you.
She loves you a lot, Ohm
I know
I've been sent to live in many homes
since my parent's death.
Everyone just hates me.
At first, said they love me,
but when it comes down to it...
they all just had excuses
for not letting me stay.
Also Auntie had to split with Krit,
because he didn't like me either.
That's was why he moved out.
Without me,
she would be happy
with Uncle Krit by now.
You're so strong, Ohm
Also you don't cry at all.
If I were you...
I'd sure be crying like hell by now.
Miss Oom.
Feel better now?
Whenever I can't sleep, or feel lonely...
I always come here to walk around.
It feels so warm knowing
there's other people around you.
Also this place has lots of stuff,
including restaurants.
Whenever I have
problems with anyone,
I walk around here
just to cool myself down...
then afterwards, I can also buy some
gifts to make up with that person.
Don't know if it's right,
that I accepted to raise Ohm.
Sometimes I just need
to be free to do whatever I want.
You raise him just fine, Miss Oom.
You love him so much, the other
things are just small matters.
Maybe you've stressed yourself
a little too much, that's all.
Even though
you've agreed to raise him,
it doesn't mean that you don't have
the right to make yourself happy, right?
You want this?
This will make me fat, uh-uh.
A little fat is okay, you know.
Ohm will turn out fine, trust me
I'm so sorry, dear.
Hurry up Auntie,
I'm gonna be late for school
I'm coming, I'm coming.
Hey... go shower
and get changed first, okay?
Hey! Well hello, stranger!
Hey, Oom!
Are we in the wrong room or what?
Um... I just tidied it up a little, that's all.
Please, don't yell at me, Miss Oom.
Ooh, she wouldn't do that.
she should thank you a million times.
What's your homework about, Ohm?
Of what I wanna be when I grow up.
Me, I wanna be a policeman... it's so cool.
Also when someone
tries to bully me around,
I'll just shoot him, like in those games.
See, this is because
you guys tricked him into playing,
Now he's turned out violent.
Hey, hey Oom,
that's too much, you know.
He's just a small kid, for god sake.
Yeah, small kids
absorb everything... boss.
What was your childhood dream
when you were young, Auntie?
To be what I am now.
Also it'd be great if I could be
a project director like Boss Oil
but still, I'm not that talented, Ohm.
Bullshit! How many times
have I told you, you could be one, huh?
You're so lucky, Miss Oom.
You knew since you were young
what you would be in the future.
Hey, that's not really your
childhood dream, Oom.
Nonsense, nonsense, Oom...
Tell us now,
what was your childhood dream?
No way!
Hey, come on, tell us!
Promise you won't laugh, okay?
Uh huh, no laughing, I'm mature enough
I wanted to be a world class ice skater
I asked you not to laugh!
Too much TV has made me
feel like being one, that's all.
Don't laugh... hey, don't laugh.
You know what, when I was young
I wanted to be Miss Thailand!
Miss Thailand...
Miss Thailand!
No kidding guys, not kidding at all
I was so pretty then, too, really.
Miss Oom?
Tomorrow we have an appointment
with the doctor, right?
Right. You remember
this kind of thing well, huh?
Alright, so now
he's already in good health.
But still no progress
in remembering anything at all.
And does he have any chance, Doc?
Well it's hard to say now,
but it's possible.
There's a psychological theory
called Free Association
things that pass thru your mind,
like letters, numbers
things to write down real fast
without trying to find reason or anything.
This is for you
I see that you write a lot, that's why.
Also I want you to go back
to where it all happened once again.
See if you might remember something.
Got any idea?
Remember anything?
Is there any other way, Doc?
Do you want me
to try and hypnotize him?
Here... like this.
How could we be so sure?
About who we really are?
Or if we're being what we want to be?
Or if we're being
what other people want us to be?
Nobody knows...
My dear Dr. Maria...
but the philosophy
of living one's life states that...
the most valuable thing about being
human, is having the freedom to choose.
So that means... whatever thought
we had at that moment,
we would become as
what we initially thought, right?
That's correct.
We are what we think.
What's she talking about?
I don't understand a word!
Maybe they're both nuts!
There are two methods
when hypnotizing.
One, is to build up
one's personality, but...
what we'll do today is the opposite,
or we could call it...
Mind Peeling.
Just to find out about things
hiding behind his consciousness.
Because most of the time,
our memories...
always lie secretly inside us.
Will it work a hundred percent?
I can't guarantee.
It depends on the patient,
how wide he opens his mind.
Come, let's get started...
From now on... Everything is emptiness
I'll start counting...
When I get down to zero,
everything will disappear
You're not Tan.
You're just a banana...
What else did you see, Tan?
I just saw myself,
and some weird images
I really don't understand though.
The doctors, I think both of them
were kind of nonsense.
But at least you know
there's a woman waiting for you, right?
She's probably your girlfriend
I've been missing until now
so why doesn't she come look for me?
I don't think that
she loves me, that's why.
I'd rather not
remember anything now.
How come?
I think my life wasn't that happy
before this incident happened.
It's okay if you still don't remember,
you can just stay with us.
Lek, could you please
call the electrician?
There's a problem with the lights
in the meeting room now.
And we need to wrap
things up today too.
The electrician just left
a while ago, Miss Oom.
What do we do now?
Um... Miss Oom?
I'll fix it for you, okay?
Hey... the documents. We're about to
present soon, you know?
Why haven't you printed
them out yet, huh?
Hurry up.
Miss Oom... Miss Oom...
It's just the wiring that came loose
I'll try connecting it back, okay?
Hey, what's happening here?
Black out, hey!
Enough! Let's go drinking!
Oh... yes!!!
Let's get drunk instead!
Don't stay up too late, alright?
I'll call again in one hour, okay?
What the? Hey!
No boss, I don't wanna get drunk.
Come on,
just a little to cheer things up
I just wonder who this man really is?
Sister, sing one song, please.
No way... I can't sing.
Come on now, just a song.
Hey hey, leave her alone, will you?
She just can't sing.
Now who wants to hear her sing?
Yeah, yeah!!!!
Sister, you need to do it now. Go on.
Excuse me folks, can I sing for her?
Are you sure you could do it?
I could try.
Will it be the same as your light
fixing stunt earlier?
Hey, maybe he's not bad, you know.
See? I knew it!
Shit! He's really drunk.
This is worse than him fixing the lights!
Hey! That's my glass, Missy.
Wanna get drunk or what?
Come on, I wanna sing too.
Hey Oom!
See, I told you guys
to leave her alone... terrific!
Sis... you go on girl!
Hey, this is really messy now.
Where are you going?
Come back here!
That's enough!
Come and talk to me!
Where are you going?
You can't leave me like this!
You bastard!
Son of a bitch... don't you
ever come back, you hear?
Yeah... you son of a bitch!
How dare you fucking leave me, huh?
How dare you fucking leave me alone!
How dare you leave me?
Hi, Krit speaking.
You son of a bitch!
You scum... pervert... you shit!
You think you're so great, huh?
I can live without you, you know that?
Huh? Huh? If you're so great,
then tell it to my face now!
Who do you think I am, huh?
You told him!
It's been so long
since I had this much fun.
Thanks Tan, for singing for me
I saved these for you to use,
why haven't you used them, huh?
Don't know who to dress up for.
For me then.
Come on, get up... up!
Stay still, alright?
If not, you won't turn out
pretty I tell you.
Just stay still.
So beautiful.
It's my turn now.
Make me look real good, okay?
Wow... prettier than me!
I'm so sorry /What for?
Well... I don't know.
I'm someone you don't even know.
And you're a woman too.
This might ruin your reputation
I also wanna apologize to you too.
It's just that
I had too much fun tonight.
Never this much in a long, long time.
Why not?
I really think that...
your life is full of fun, Oom.
What fun?
There's a big difference between
reality and dreams, you know.
In our dreams, everything is beautiful.
But in real life...
I just want someone to love me.
To make me feel warm inside. That's all.
Ready yet, Auntie? I'm starving here.
Wait, I still need to fry the bacon first.
Hold on, okay?
Here... eat the toast first.
Tan... you're supposed to pick him up,
not to come
and continue playing with him
Uncle Tan, do this for me, please.
Peeping at someone's diary
is a bad thing to do!
I'd like this one.
Can we get it?
You're not good enough,
Uncle Tan. I really want that doll!
Right... not good enough, huh?
I want that one.
The green one, right?
Let's see... looks good?
Is it okay? Alright?
How much? /200 baht.
Wanna take pictures? You want to?
How about it?
Where's Uncle Tan?
I wonder where Uncle Tan went?
Where's Uncle Tan?
Tan... what are you doing here?
We've been looking for you!
I tried my best...
but this is what I won.
Please don't yell at me... Miss Oom.
Auntie, what is he standing
in the rain for?
You got your toy, Ohm
Uncle Tan went back to shoot for it.
Why did you hit him? Don't you
feel bad for your friend at all?
What else did he do to you?
Gosh, I can't imagine
how you'll be when you grow up!
Son, you stay away from this kid,
you hear me?
What happened, Ohm?
Hey... good thing you're here!
My son has been hit hard
what are you going
to do about this, huh?
How did you raise your child?
Why is he such a trouble-maker?
He made fun of me
because I don't have parents.
He's probably right! That's why
you're such a trouble-maker!
Why don't you ask yourselves
the same question, huh?
I believe your son would be better
off without parents like you!
Please Auntie,
you're embarrassing me.
So what do you have to say
about that, huh?
Just teach your son
to fight better next time.
Are you sure of yourself boy?
I'm an ex-boxer you know.
Uncle Tan, are you alright?
Uncle Tan is our hero, right Ohm?
For me,
he's the greatest hero in the world.
Miss Oom... are you worried
about tomorrow's job?
Boss had me run this job
on my own since the beginning.
Why, it's a great chance
to make your dream come true, right?
I'm just afraid
it'll turn out bad, that's all
I'm beginning to think that
I've dreamt too much for myself.
To have dreams for yourself
is a good thing.
Take me for an example,
I can't even dream
I don't even know
who I am and where I come from.
Thanks for cheering me up.
This is not mine. I don't eat onion.
Whatever you don't eat, just put
it aside on the edge, that's all.
It'll look rude, somebody might see.
So what? It's none of their business.
It's your food,
you don't have to think twice
I don't want to eat it.
Here, I'll do it for you.
What about these small pieces,
you don't want them either?
Get rid of all of it.
Have a look, please.
This is to use on your hands
to protect your sensitive skin, Miss.
Okay, let's go
I believe this will help a lot.
This is so nice.
- Hey.
- Boss...
break a leg, okay?
This will surely be your big break, Oom.
But why a big job like this?
Hey, have confidence, would you?
How many times do I have to tell you,
you can do it.
Good luck!
See ya later.
Let go of me... let go!
He should've given me the smaller jobs.
Miss Oom...
Don't worry, you can do it.
Besides, you're the best
in the world for me, Miss Oom.
Don't you dare repeat my phrase.
The whole thing was her idea.
Thanks a lot, Tan.
Huh? I didn't do anything.
Yes, you did.
A lot too.
Now how about that?
I told you, you could do it!
The clients loved it!
They loved it so much,
they nearly had orgasms...
and you know what they wanna do?
They wanna give us a thank you party!
- Really?
- This Sunday.
Hey Mr. Tan... you're invited too, okay?
Hey, you'd better dress up too.
It'll be a formal party.
Not casual, you hear?
Huh? I have to dress up, Boss?
It's been such a long time
since I've dressed up.
Tried so hard to avoid weddings
and homecoming parties.
Now what should I wear
to this party, huh?
Miss Oom... try this on, will you?
I think it's real pretty.
Oh this, I haven't worn this
in such a long time.
Don't know if it'll still fit... Ow!
It's... stuck!
Come in and help me!
What are you looking at?
Help me!
I must have gained
some weight since then.
Not at all, this is perfect.
You probably were too skinny then.
And don't forget
to put on some make-up too.
But the lipstick
you're using now is too dark.
The lighter shade will suit you better.
What's on your mind, Tan?
I'm just scared
I'm afraid of remembering
everything now
I just wanna go on
living like this, with you
I'm scared too.
Scared of that woman
you keep seeing in your mind.
She might...
I'm not going to search for
my lost memories anymore.
Just forget it all.
To hell with my life in the past.
Are you sure you could do that?
Forget it...
Wow, I can't believe it.
You woke up early to help him cook!
No. You just woke up
real late, that's all.
Last night I had bad dreams...
about earthquakes the whole night!
Think I'll go and get some more sleep.
Go on... slice more...
Can I open my eyes yet? Tan?
Alright, open your eyes now.
What are we doing here, Tan?
To make your dream come true, Oom.
Nonsense. I don't know how to!
That's not a big deal.
Me too, I don't know how either.
You just hold my hand...
then we start walking
together, it's simple.
Come on, that's silly.
Hey, the things
that happen in our dreams
don't have to make sense, right?
But I quit dreaming this dream
a long time ago.
How come?
'Cos everyone always said that
my dreams were nonsense
and that they were impossible.
Besides, I'm afraid of getting hurt.
In the beginning, everyone gets hurt
or falls, that's normal
I think you should try it, Oom
and after a while,
you'll like it. Trust me.
It's alright Tan, really
I think my life is okay how it is now.
So just let this thing
be only a dream, okay?
Oh, what a shame that would be.
You come up here often?
Not so often
I just like to watch the sunset up here.
Isn't it beautiful?
Right... beautiful.
What? What's beautiful?
The sun.
And I'm not?
You are.
The sun's beautiful... and so are you.
That's better.
Hey hey, look!
What is it, boss?
What? Holy...
That's impossible... hey!
You talking about me?
Maybe... The same as before!
Stop it, okay?
And look at you!
Do not change the subject!
Pretty girl, pretty girl.
She looks so great
I can sell her for a million dollars.
That's correct, sir.
Oom... Tan's so handsome,
let me borrow him, alright?
Here you go again, girl!
You're too pretty to be true, Oom.
How are you?
I'm fine.
They said the whole concept
for that job was yours,
I think you're
a lot better than before.
But still no comparison to you, Krit.
Yes, you are. I heard that
they'll be promoting you, Oom.
Mr. Alongkorn, good evening sir.
Many thanks to you, Miss Oom.
You did a wonderful job.
You're welcome.
Think we'll have to hire you
for other jobs from now on.
Well how long has it been,
since I moved out of your condo?
At that time, I was so confused, really.
But I finally realized that...
it's only you who could understand,
and really get along with me.
Is that so?
Come on, don't talk to your long time
lover like that, will you?
I know you're mad at me.
But I also know you still love me.
That bracelet you're wearing...
it's the one I bought you, right?
I just didn't have
anything else to wear, that's all.
Please forgive me, alright?
We should get back
together again, you know
I already talked to the client, boss.
He said he agreed to that.
Hey just a minute, okay?
There's another line.
Hello? Yes.
Go down to the police station?
We've captured...
these two suspects here,
during their robbery.
After the interrogation, we went to
check out both their places
and found a lot of evidence.
Alright, book them!
Of all these things,
I suppose there should be
Mr. Tan's personal things too.
Maybe the bag or this cell phone.
Go on, take a look.
We've already tried
to contact the last number...
that this phone's owner called
I think the relative
should be here soon
I told you not to come here, Tanya
You wanna ruin my life or what, huh?
I told you I've got wife and kids.
We can't let anyone know
about our relationship,
you understand?
Our relationship?
Who's that, honey?
Where, Mom? They said he's here,
but where the hell is he?
Mr. Officer, where is Tanya?
Um... are you the victim's relatives?
That's right... yes, yes.
Calm down now, easy, easy.
Sit down, please.
It was so damn hot in the car
during our trip here
I don't think
we can cool down that easy.
Something really bad must have
happened to him for sure!
That's why we couldn't find him.
He's in the custody of the police now.
No one can hurt him anymore.
Good citizens don't just come down
to the police station for fun
I knew it. I knew he'd call me.
Now you understand, right?
Don't worry, okay?
I'll come and see you soon.
For you...
Oh my god!
What a cute little boy...
Who are they, Auntie?
Ohm, greet everyone nicely.
They are Uncle Tan's friends.
So polite too!
Where's Uncle Tan?
He wasn't here when I came back.
Couldn't sleep, huh bro?
Me too!
Good thing this place is open 24 hrs.
And cold beer to ease the loneliness.
Let me sit with you, okay?
A glass, please.
Sometimes it's lonely
to drink alone, huh?
So let's drink together.
To having a good rest of the night.
Alright, cheers!
Wow, you're also a heavy drinker, huh?
Back when I was younger,
I drank even more than you.
This is nothing, really
I drank the whole case...
Followed with singing,
playing guitar...
all those golden oldies.
Rock n' roll, blues, I used to...
Hey you bastard, what are you doing?
You scum, faggot, son of a bitch!
Your friends from Phuket
are waiting at the condo
I bought some snacks for you, Oom
I know you will like everything.
Even if they'll make you a bit chubbier.
Also I bought some for Ohm, too
I know now... that
woman in my head...
that was me, Tanya.
So what should I do?
But if I'm really a drag...
then how come
I felt so disgusted with him?
Look... there are still some blood
stains all over you.
Now tell us, who harmed you?
Tanya, why such a thick moustache?
Well they call it
The Thorn of Passion,
to make men feel ticklish, dear.
Even Mom has it... you have it.
But he never had it before... dear.
So could you tell us now
where have you been?
We were so worried, you know that?
And by the way, after all this time,
how come you don't look
excited to see us?
It's been like a month!
We came all the way from Phuket...
because we've missed you so much.
How are you, Tanya dear?
Auntie, Auntie,
Uncle Tan's so pretty here.
Right, right, so pretty.
Krit... Why are you here?
I came here for
your answer, that's all.
But I couldn't help overhearing
the funny discussions just now.
Just leave, please.
But why? You still think
about me, don't you?
I realize now that we don't
have the same goals in life.
Just leave, please.
Oh, sure.
Cos what you want now...
are those dumb queers, right?
I thought you were smarter
than this, but still...
you'd rather be that queer's wife!
Hey! Who you calling Queer, huh?
It's really not your
problem, you bastard!
Let's give it to him, shall we?
What if everyone at your office
found out about this.
How would you face them, huh?
Aren't you ashamed
of being a queer's wife? Huh?
Miss Oom...
Take it back!
Hey, Oom!
Never in my life would I
let you be called queer's wife.
We aren't going to work out.
I can't even change
a simple light bulb
I'm so sorry
Uncle Tan...
Where are you going?
Do you have to go?
Uncle Tan...
Quick, quick,
we're here, we're here!
Alright, here's your money... here.
Come on, sis, hurry up.
Hold on a minute, bro... hold on.
Let's go... Head on out!
Since your mom passed away
I didn't have any other choice...
but to bring you here with me.
You were taught to put on make-up,
wear women's clothing
to love being pretty...
to be like us here.
And then one day,
you became one of us
I should've given you more
opportunity to choose for yourself.
Is anybody wearing this costume?
Great, I'll wear it then.
Wow... now how's that!
Flowers, flowers.
Backstage delivery, huh?
Ooh, makes me so jealous!
I'll go up to Bangkok
to surprise him.
Ah ha, got plugged once, now you'll
deliver quicker than Pizza, huh?
Must be real good, that's why.
Sweet as sugar!
Give me a kiss, son.
Now kiss your mom.
Your sister too.
Your dad's so lovely, isn't he?
Now which one
would you like, dear?
He has a wife and kids, Taew.
He fooled me, Taew.
He lied to me...
God! Hello, Taew? Hello?
I just wanna go on
living like this with you.
Aren't you ashamed
of being a queer's wife? Huh?
What if everyone at your office
found out about this?
What would you do?
What do you say, huh?
I think orange is
a perfect color. Is it okay?
But the pink... I don't know,
it's kinda strange.
Um... it's okay.
No comment
I think it looks kind of gayish.
Sorry, sis...
I'm so sorry, boss.
Well... it's...
Not that I didn't know
what happened, Oom...
But I need you to try sorting that out.
You said that...
this is your dream, didn't you?
What should I do, boss?
Are you sure you wanna
discuss this with me?
Well maybe you and me,
we're too close...
that you forgot...
what gender I am, right?
Me, well I'm not that
different from Tan.
My whole life has been so difficult,
being born this way.
That's the reason
why I'm a workaholic.
Work, work, work, days and nights
what gender I am, right?
Well... some things, Oom...
they're just not meant to be
Tanya, no! No, Tanya...
Quick, to the back!
What are you trying to prove, dear?
Think I know what
you're thinking now,
But once a queer,
always a queer, you know.
There's no change in that.
But we always have a choice, right?
Your life is yours, Tanya.
And since we're happy
with our way of life as it is,
why go looking for trouble?
Yes... that's me
I'm Tanya.
Sure we have to throw this away too?
Nothing else, right?
What are you doing?
Well... Ohm said...
I just thought that... if you
don't see Uncle Tan's things,
maybe you'd feel better.
That's enough!
I don't want anyone messing
with the things in this room!
I don't like people
thinking for me either!
Just get out, all of you!
I wanna be alone.
Peeping at someone's diary
is a bad thing to do.
Except Miss Oom...
Chocolate = Sorry.
Miss Oom said it'll make her fat.
But I think you're too skinny.
Next fight I'll win, I promise.
Miss Oom doesn't eat Onions.
One day I'll teach her to.
The day we went to
the Crocodile Farm...
Do you remember?
When Boss Oil asked me...
What would I be if I could choose?
I just wanna be like this
I wanna stay like this with you forever.
You might forget
about all this though.
No, I won't.
It's been written down
in the diary already.
But then again, if I forget...
you can read it to me to remind me.
If you wanna be alone, Auntie...
can I go to live with Uncle Tan?
You couldn't live with him, Ohm.
Why not?
Because Uncle Tan is...
What's so wrong
about being a queer, Auntie?
Why are you doing this?
So I can be with Uncle Tan
I could grow up to be like him.
And then would you still love me?
Miss Oom...
Tan, you're such a terrific dancer.
There was a big crowd
here tonight, yes?
Only on weekends though.
On weekdays, it's kind of empty.
Do you still love me, Tan?
Do you?
But look at who I really am.
Miss Oom, I don't think
we can be together like this.
We're not the only
two people in this world.
Do you? Tan
I do.
That's good enough.
You loving me is all that I need.
How could we be so sure?
About who we really are?
Or if we're being what we want to be?
Or if we're being
what other people want us to be?
But the philosophy of
living one's life states that...
the most valuable thing
about being human,
is having the freedom to choose.
So that means... whatever thought
we had at that moment,
we would become as
what we initially thought, right?