Khela Jawkhon (2022) Movie Script

My school.
In Odisha.
That's my dad.
Joydeb Bhattacharya.
Oh! This is our home.
That's where I met Sagnik.
We are getting married here.
We'd gone to Catalan Coast
for our honeymoon.
Sagnik gave this to me
on my birthday.
I don't...
This is...
Oh... Apa.
This is very easy.
Dr. Lal.
She recognised everyone but you.
This is our first...
I can see that.
I'm the sister-in-law after all.
Why am I not surprised?
Please remove Bubai's photo.
- Take it off.
- St!
- Switch it off.
- Remove the photo, please.
- Urmi, it's okay.
- Bubai!
- Bubai!
- Please...
Please remove the photo, Sagnik.
The plastic surgeons
have done a good job.
There are almost no scars.
The scar on the forehead
is not visible.
There are still some left.
On my back.
They hurt sometime.
Even after they're healed,
some scars still hurt.
Because the nerve heads
are still exposed.
The scars can heal later.
I'm just happy to have you back.
You're right.
Only me.
When are you leaving for the US?
Urmi's dad is coming.
We're waiting for him.
We'll leave soon.
When is Dad coming?
He was waiting for your release.
We'll give him the good news today.
He'll be here in a few days.
So, here it is.
I'm released.
Let's go.
Dr. Shalaka Lal has been treating you
for the last seven months.
She thinks it's great
that you're going abroad.
You'll find peace of mind.
You'll have some questions.
There'll be some gaps.
You'll feel anxious too.
But don't be afraid, Urmi.
Make sure she takes her meds on time.
Or else, it will be bad for her.
You'll get your memory back...
in time.
Some good memories...
Some bad ones...
You'll have nightmares and hallucinations.
But you have to stay strong, Urmi.
You cannot give up.
Your mind will play tricks on you.
It'll blur the difference
between reality and imagination.
But under no circumstance
should you forget to take your medicine.
It'll be fatal.
I'll not give up, doctor.
If only you can bring him back...
Don't stop believing, Urmi.
Sometimes He gives back more
than what He has taken.
Let's go.
Dr. Shalaka will visit you.
Please let us know
if there's any problem.
We're just a few hours drive away.
- Thank you.
- Take care.
I think you can drive faster than this.
Dr. Shalaka said Urmi might react
to speeding up.
What do you keep looking at?
Whether someone is following us?
They're here.
Sir! Madam!
They're here.
Come in.
Here they are.
Come closer, dear.
Bless you, dear.
Welcome home, Urmi.
We're so happy to have you back.
You're looking so fresh.
Bless you, dear.
God is with us.
He has returned you to us safely.
We are very happy today.
Go upstairs and rest.
Ramu Kaka, how are you?
Do you see that?
Urmi is all better now.
She called me by the name
she gave me.
Guys, get the bags.
Looks like a family drama.
All we need is some background music.
Why are you talking like that?
She is back from the dead.
What did the doctor say?
Don't think she was very happy
about releasing Urmi.
She insisted
that Urmi take her meds properly.
Otherwise, the hallucinations
and nightmares will continue.
But she thinks going abroad
is the right decision.
It's better for them to be away
from where the tragedy took place.
You know, Sagnik...
This staircase...
The balcony...
I think I've dreamt of these.
I've been here as a child.
I'll get arrested if you say you've been
in your husband's home as a kid.
Let's go.
Is this my room?
I forgot how beautiful my wife is.
What's wrong?
Why are you crying?
It's a happy day for us.
I've missed being close to you.
I missed you so much.
Can you take me to his room?
We're the king, queen and princess
of our little empire
Riding on a unicorn,
we fly to the clouds
We're the king, queen and princess
of our little empire
We're the king, queen and princess
of our little empire
Riding on a unicorn,
we fly to the clouds
We fly to the clouds
We're the king, queen and princess
of our little empire
If I ever lose my way
My little firefly will guide me home
My little firefly will guide me home
We're the king, queen and princess
of our little empire
We're the king, queen and princess
of our little empire
Mom, when are we meeting Dad?
Very soon.
Mom, why are you driving so fast?
We'll be with your dad soon.
We'll be together again.
No! No!
- No!
- Urmi...
- Urmi! What's wrong?
- No... No!
- Urmi, calm down.
- Sagnik!
- Urmi...
- What happened?
- Urmi, please.
- What's wrong?
- Open the door.
- What happened?
- Open the door!
- Come on.
I killed my Bubai.
- Urmi...
- I killed Bubai!
- What happened?
- I saw it...
- Urmi, it's nothing.
- I was coming to you, Sagnik.
- What's wrong?
- I was coming to you.
- Calm down.
- I was speeding.
- I killed him.
- Urmi, calm down.
- What's wrong?
- Urmi, please.
He kept saying he was afraid.
I told him nothing will go wrong.
- Urmi!
- Urmi.
Urmi, it was an accident.
The tyre had burst.
Could have happened to anyone.
Urmi, please calm down.
- I saw everything in my dream.
- Urmi.
- I saw it. I killed our son...
- It was an accident.
- Calm down, dear.
- Urmi, it was an accident.
Calm down.
It was an an accident.
Wasn't your fault.
Go back to sleep, please.
Honey, let's go.
She needs to rest.
Let's go.
Want to say something?
The hospital, probably,
would have been better for her.
I know you're not happy
that she's back.
Not so soon for sure.
We are not doctors.
How will we deal
with the complications?
Anyway, she's your wife.
Do what you want.
Good night.
Tell me the truth, Sagnik.
You blame me for the accident, right?
You're just being nice to me.
It kills me inside.
- That our son died because of me...
- Urmi, it was an accident.
I almost lost both of you.
But you've come back.
Remember what Dr. Shalaka said?
There will be darkness.
But we must keep fighting it.
The nightmares won't go away easily.
It'll take some time.
I'm changing your medicines.
But you have to keep fighting, Urmi.
Thanks a lot, doctor.
But the dreams are very strange.
I can't see his face clearly.
It really hurts me.
I have good news for you.
Your father had called.
You were sleeping.
So, he'll call back at 11 a.m.
Just five minutes left.
Now tell me...
if you remember where the phone is
in this house.
No problem.
I got quite scared last night.
The way she suddenly reacted.
What if we increase the dosage
of her meds?
Can't do that.
She'll turn into a vegetable
if we do.
She might not regain her memory
Urmi has to fight this alone.
She'll have to live
with her bad memories.
It's better to live without memories
than to live with bad ones.
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
My daughter...
How are you, dear?
I'm fine, Dad.
I'm hearing your voice after ages.
How are you?
I'm fine.
And I'm going to see you soon.
I'll feel even better then.
Life is a journey
turning dreams into memories
We traverse the long road
braving the storm
We traverse the long road
braving the storm
I still remember my childhood days.
We used to ride the bicycle together.
I miss you, Dad.
I miss you too, dear.
Don't worry.
I'm going to see you soon.
We're the king, queen and princess
of our little empire
Riding on a unicorn,
we fly to the clouds
- Get back to your classes.
- Come on, hurry up.
Good morning, ma'am.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, ma'am.
Here's my daughter.
She is a good student.
I'm sure she will come first.
Thank you.
Please bless her
that she always does well.
Last month's payment.
Can't thank you enough
for giving us the loan.
See, I returned the money on time.
Sister, if we poor people
don't support each other
then who else will help us.
Pray that she grows up
to be a good human being.
We're trying our best
to look after her.
And she is also giving her best.
Thank you, my son.
For everything you've done for her...
I'll be there in a few days.
I'll meet all of you.
Hope your parents are keeping well.
Yes, we're all fine.
Waiting for you.
We'll meet soon.
Take care.
That was risky.
Do I have to time myself
while talking to my daughter?
Is there any other way?
Come here!
Come here!
- Where can I take you?
- A cheap motel.
Of course.
Hop on.
- It should be cheap.
- Yes, absolutely cheap.
- What's your name, bro?
- Madhav Jana.
- Oh, Madhav Jana?
- Yes.
Sorry, Dutta.
- Kept you waiting.
- No, sir. It's alright.
- Take a seat.
- Please.
Sit down.
That's fine.
All set?
- Are you ready?
- Yes, sir.
Do you need to know anything else?
Any more clarifications?
- No, we're clear, sir.
- Good.
Sir, the file.
Take a look.
Take care.
We'll probably never meet again.
It's best that we all know that.
Right, sir.
Thank you.
Give him a big room.
ID card.
How long will you be staying?
Three-four days.
Actually, I'm looking for a big house.
For a homestay.
What's that?
You don't know what a homestay is?
Let me explain.
Say you have a big house.
And you need money.
You rent out the house.
To a paying guest.
Like me, Madhusudan Patra.
I'm not Oriya.
I'm a true Bengali.
This is where I work.
So, do you know
of any such big houses?
Like a bungalow.
A haunted house?
You want to rent a haunted house?
It's a good school.
Here's the address and phone number.
Do you want to keep it with you?
Let me keep something.
- If ever...
- If ever what?
What will you tell them?
Will think about it then.
Hey, Sagnik.
Are we very rich?
I mean...
If we are rich then
there'll be a big plastic surgery bill.
The scars on my back...
are not gone yet.
No one else is going to see them.
But if you really want it,
we can borrow some money from your dad.
Why will my dad pay
for your peep show?
Or is this a modern way
of asking for dowry?
That's a nice idea.
Won't be bad to get some dowry
after so long.
You know, Sagnik...
the scar from the C-section
hurts sometimes.
Did you take me to some quack?
What happened?
Sometimes it gets very messed up
in my head.
Where am I?
What am I doing?
Nothing makes sense.
Where are you taking these photos?
Sorry, Urmi.
Dr. Shalaka thinks you shouldn't try
to remember everything right now.
Please, Sagnik.
Don't take these photos away, please.
Bubai lives in our hearts, Urmi.
But you must forget your past.
Just a few more days.
Let his room be the way it is.
If that's what you want.
In my dreams...
Your faces are blurry.
I guess that's why it hurts more.
Lunch is served.
Will you come downstairs
or shall I bring it to your room?
We'll be there in 10 minutes.
What's wrong?
You were never this gentle.
The cat's out the bag.
Were you dreaming of someone else?
Wait a minute.
Is your tattoo infected?
Why is it so red?
After so many years?
You know...
There are a few photos of Bubai.
This bed...
I mean...
The bed is different.
The room is probably the same.
this is not the bed.
We'd won the Regatta
after such a long time in Oxford.
I was wearing the dragon scarf
at the time.
You'd said it was lucky for me.
So, I got it tattooed.
That Turkish shop.
Who is that?
How did you get in?
How did he get in?
What are you doing?
- What are you hiding?
- Wait a minute...
- Who are you?
- Who the hell are you?
- How did you get in?
- Stop touching me.
Why were you taking photos?
Who the hell are you?
Throw him out!
- Check his pockets.
- Urmi.
- What's in your pocket?
- I've nothing to show.
- Show us, bastard.
- Watch your tongue.
- Get lost!
- I work for a company.
Why were you taking photos?
Take his phone, Hari.
- What were you doing here?
- I work for Travelco.
It's my company phone.
Go inside.
Hari, take his phone.
- Let go!
- Throw him out!
- How did you get in?
- I work for a company.
- Get lost!
- Get out!
- Who let you in?
- Don't touch me.
- Out!
- It's an expensive phone.
- Hey! Shut up!
- Get out!
Oh gosh!
A gun!
I'm leaving.
If you rented the place out
you could've earned some money.
Looks like a madhouse.
- But sir, don't take out your gun--
- Shut up.
People might think
you're hiding a treasure.
They'll come with bigger guns.
- I'm going.
- Please get out.
- My phone please.
- Get out!
- Hey! Hey!
- Get lost!
Come inside.
Throw him out!
He was just taking some photos.
He broke in like a thief.
Sure he had some bad intentions.
You don't have to worry about it.
Let's go.
- Don't touch me. I'm leaving.
- Get out!
- Get lost!
- Out!
- Stay here.
- Okay.
You have a tough job.
Do people always talk to you like this?
Where do you want to go next?
The target's here.
Sending you a photo.
You know what you have to do next,
Of course.
Let's go.
My head is hurting...
May I be excused?
Good night.
I can't remember anything
when I take these pills.
Better than having nightmares.
Isn't it?
Her father's call
had exceeded four minutes.
And that man
appeared out of nowhere today.
So, what should we do now?
Perhaps, nothing.
Just wait and watch.
You need to be careful.
You should get back to the room.
Dad could never ask people
to pay him back.
He'd fight with the loan company
for them.
To buy them more time.
That's why he lost his job
in microfinance.
He obviously got another job.
In Jakarta.
Mom and I joined him
a few years later.
I loved it there.
But Mom didn't like it there.
Mom would say...
- You've changed a lot.
- Yes. I have.
They drove me out
because I supported the poor people.
We didn't have enough food.
But we were proud of you.
And my heart used to break
for the both of you.
I couldn't do anything
as a husband and a father.
- We never needed so much money.
- Damn it.
As if it wasn't needed.
Is this a memory test?
I don't remember much else.
Maybe it will all come back to me.
But I do remember
that Dad got very busy.
He used to spend the entire day
at office.
And we became very rich.
I went to Oxford to study.
Then one day,
I got the news...
Mom had passed away.
Overdose of sleeping pills.
Mom was in a lot of pain.
Mom and Dad were constantly fighting
the last few years.
Thank you.
- Isn't this nice?
- Yes.
Dad only uses fountain pens.
We'll take this.
He is a smart guy.
He has done a recce of the house.
My God!
Foot marks everywhere.
This is nice.
- It'll look great on you.
- Me?
Try it on, please.
- Go on.
- What the--
He came in from here.
And he has gone...
this way.
Madam Mehzabien.
Why are you following me?
- What do you want?
- Listen to me.
Don't trust them.
Everything they've told you is a lie.
Who's Mehzabien?
- I've no idea what you're talking about.
- It's you.
- Please leave me alone.
- Don't trust them--
Hey, you!
What did that rascal tell you?
I didn't understand anything.
He asked me not to trust anyone.
- Forget about it.
- Let me get that.
I asked Sagnik if we're rich or not.
He said there's money in my account.
- Excuse me.
- Yes.
- These two.
- Thank you, ma'am.
We have a membership offer.
You'll get a huge discount.
We just need your signature.
We'll fill in the rest.
- Here?
- Yes.
- Ma'am.
- Yes.
You've signed with a different name.
Is this your maiden name?
Who is Aparna Goswami?
The doctor had said
there will be strange things.
Don't worry about it.
But how can I...
How can I forget my own name?
Am I going crazy?
Let it go.
Stop worrying about it.
Let's talk about something else.
Do you think your dad will like
what you got him?
I'm sure he'll like it.
You know, Apala...
Everything in my head...
is getting all jumbled up.
I feel I've spent my childhood
in this house.
But how is that possible?
Dr. Shalaka said things will be weird.
Don't worry.
We'll figure it out.
Everything will be alright.
Wait here.
I'll get our coffees.
What's this?
You bastard!
Stay there!
"Don't believe them.
Your son is alive.
You should know."
Oh my...
So, you're saying the footprints
belong to the perp from last night.
Looks like it.
It's the same guy.
Why do you think so?
It's possible the boy is still alive.
He's come back
after all these years like on TV.
I identified him myself
and cremated him.
Two constables will be posted here.
They'll be here all night.
It doesn't look like a heinous crime.
Just be vigilant.
And the DIG had called.
Seems like
you're quite well connected.
Tell me, madam.
Your father worked for a bank.
If this child were alive,
he'd have inherited all the property.
What are you trying to say, inspector?
Nothing really.
- Let's go.
- Sir.
Is it absolutely impossible?
Who will make such a bad joke?
- It's possible that--
- Not possible.
Bubai is no more.
I've cremated him myself.
Why will I lie to you?
Maybe, Sagnik...
Since I'm mentally not well
you are not...
telling me the truth.
You're hiding him from me.
I won't mind.
I'll understand.
I won't even want to meet him.
Just tell me...
that he is...
still alive.
Please tell me, Sagnik.
Why will I lie about our child's death?
Have your pills.
When I have these...
I lose all my senses.
I can't think straight.
Shouldn't I at least try?
I can't remember anything.
We can't take that risk, Urmi.
He was staying here.
He went out in the morning.
With driver, Jana.
He came with the taxi.
He can tell you.
- Check his room.
- Okay, sir.
Do you have Jana's number?
No, sir.
- Get his number.
- Sir.
That man was looking
for a haunted house.
A haunted house?
What did you say?
I told him about some big mansions.
Like Madhukunj, Khelaghor.
- Khelaghor?
- Yes, sir.
Okay, let's go.
Find out about this accident.
Find out about the family
and her father.
It's a fishy case.
And I don't like it.
Sir, it'll take time
to get all the information.
Check the internet.
Then call the other stations.
Do I have to tell you everything?
Both the numbers are out of network.
Let's go.
Did my dad send any word?
He will be here
in another couple of days.
Is Dad out of the country?
What's taking him so long?
I guess so.
Urmi, you're hardly eating anything.
There's no need to be formal.
You can go to your room and rest.
Thank you.
I'll just be back.
You should get some rest.
I need to think, Sagnik.
Not sleep.
These are so strong that...
Urmi, I've told you this before.
We're not doctors.
We can't take any risk.
We shouldn't.
I'll be right back.
She's sleeping.
All of us have to make sure
she isn't stressed.
Or else she might regress.
Good evening, ma'am.
Don't think he'll try
something funny today.
I'm wondering who it might be.
Sagnik! Dad!
Urmi is missing.
- She's not in the room.
- What?
Wait a minute.
What did the inspector say?
- How many guards?
- Two.
Let's check.
- Sagnik!
- Oh God!
- You stand guard here.
- Okay.
- Urmi.
- Urmi.
Urmi, what's wrong?
"Your son, Bunty is fine.
Come to Gandhi Chowk tomorrow
at 9 a.m.
Don't be afraid.
We want to help you."
Someone is messing with you.
Don't believe a word
they are saying.
Bunty? Bubai?
How would they know?
Then why is Sagnik telling me now
that I used to call him Bunty?
Why is everyone keeping secrets?
I don't get it.
Why is everyone lying?
I'm signing my name wrong.
I'm getting to know
my son's name later.
Then someone will tell me
my father's name is not Joydeb Bhattacharya.
And if you're Joydeb Bhattacharya...
...why am I Aparna Goswami?
No one will tell you all that.
But listen, dear.
Your in-laws care for you.
Listen to them.
Don't believe that letter.
But I won't try to find out
if he's still alive?
You should be the one
to know what happened that day.
Do you want to know?
You were driving very roughly.
You met with an accident.
And your son died.
That's it.
That's what happened that day.
Dad... You...
I'm coming.
Just don't do anything stupid
before that.
Call her back.
I want to talk to her.
No, you won't.
You've already exceeded
the time limit once.
What do you want?
That she goes further away from you.
She said...
Someone might tell her I am...
not Joydeb Bhattacharya.
We're losing time.
We don't have much time.
Urmi, your dad asked you not to go.
Do you still want to go?
I told you.
It's not possible.
My child, after all.
Maybe you don't know.
He's probably still alive.
It's very easy for you to say, Sagnik.
But I must find the truth.
Maybe, I'll find out that my son
has been kept away from me because...
his mom is crazy.
You lost 27 years of your life
in that accident.
No medicine can bring that back.
We're trying to help you
with bits and pieces.
But you'll have to put it all together.
And this won't be a smooth journey.
So, don't make any rash decisions.
So should we just be sitting ducks?
We have guns.
We have the police on our side.
This is my earnest request to you all.
Please let me go.
I'll go alone.
I'll expect no one to come
between me and my son.
Not even you, Sagnik.
We'll go with you.
But you have to promise
to take your meds on time.
I saw last night's pill in the toilet.
The doctor had warned us about
the hallucinations if you don't take them.
Is that letter a hallucination too?
What do you mean
there was no accident?
- What do you mean by that?
- There're no records, sir.
There's nothing on the net
or the police records about that accident.
He's right, sir.
The kid is probably still alive.
Why would they kidnap their own child?
Just to lie to the mother?
Then what about the trauma?
Burn injury?
Brain damage?
That woman has been in the hospital
for the last eight months.
Sir, might be a dowry case.
First, they set the woman on fire.
Then kidnapped the child.
But the woman survived somehow.
- You think this is a dowry case?
- No, I mean...
Relax, Urmi.
It'll be fine.
I don't even know if my son
is still alive or...not.
You won't get it, Apala.
Even I don't know where my son is
or how he is doing.
His father took him away from me
a long time back.
He'd sent a court order.
I am not a good mother.
I smoke.
I drink.
I was busy chasing my targets.
I didn't have any time
for my family.
Do you work in sales?
It's me, your mom!
- Urmi!
- Urmi!
- Urmi!
- Urmi!
He's alive.
Bunty is alive.
I saw him at the school.
You saw him too, right?
- Urmi, please...
- No, Sagnik.
Why aren't you saying anything?
Sagnik, he looked at me.
Tell them.
Let's go and get our son back.
- Urmi, calm down.
- Where are you hiding him?
- Tell me. Come on.
- Urmi, please.
- Please listen to me--
- Urmi.
That was a close shave.
You're lucky.
The car had slowed down.
You have to rest now, dear.
And don't leave the house.
Sagnik, you saw him, right?
That man was right.
Our son, Bunty, is still alive.
Let's bring him home.
We didn't see anything, Urmi.
You were hallucinating.
We have to find out, Sagnik.
Who is playing these pranks?
It's an auto-suggestion.
Wrong information is being fed
to a weak and unstable brain.
Heard you've stopped taking your meds.
Tell me.
Urmi's father will be here
in two days.
Can't we wait for him, doctor?
If you may suggest so.
But she should be
in complete bed rest.
I will change her meds.
Will you hear me out?
Hurry up.
I saw him clearly
with my own eyes.
I saw Bunty myself.
If you don't come with me...
I'll go alone to the school.
You'll not go anywhere.
You're going to sleep now.
You need rest.
- Sagnik... Sagnik, please...
- You need complete bed rest.
I'm sorry, Urmi.
The doctor wants what's best for you.
Come on, Urmi.
Be a good girl.
- No...
- You won't feel a thing.
You'll sleep peacefully.
You're lying.
You know where Bunty is.
Why aren't you telling me?
Do you think I'm crazy?
- Please no more medicines.
- Trust me, Urmi.
- Come here.
- What the hell--
The world is full of surprises.
Krav Maga.
Not bad.
Give me some chillies.
Two flat breads and egg curry.
Hello, sir.
Please sit.
This place is not taken.
What would you like to have?
You still haven't recognised me?
What are you talking about, sir?
Minister's son.
You shouldn't have pushed his case
so much.
You had a good posting.
Now you've landed up here.
You're too smart
to be a sales agent.
What were you doing at Khelaghor?
- Where?
- Khelaghor.
What were you doing there?
What do you want?
It's actually a great story, sir.
But it's a sad story.
It's tragic.
Most people don't like it.
Stop acting smart.
Want to spend a day in jail?
What are the charges, sir?
Let me tell you the story
of Khelaghor.
Khelaghor's owner...
That old man...
His grandfather's grandfather...
found a gold mine in Burma's jungles.
Gold mine, sir.
The gold mine was protected by snakes.
To claim the gold mine...
he married the snake princess.
- Got it, sir?
- You think I'm an idiot?
- Put him in the van. Come on.
- But sir...
- Get in the van.
- But I'm telling the truth...
- What are you doing, sir?
- Get in!
How is the doctor?
She slept quite well.
She's awake now.
And she wants to take you
with her.
No, Sagnik.
I don't want to go.
I want to stay with you, Sagnik.
Tell me where Dr. Lal is.
I'll apologise to her.
Dr. Lal thinks
you're not taking care of yourself here.
You're not taking your meds.
I took them.
I'll take them every day.
Just don't send me away.
I won't be able to take it.
I can't.
Let's apologise to Dr. Lal.
We'll go to the school tomorrow.
We are with you.
Let's go.
What have I done?
Nothing really.
You had taken some self-defense courses
in Oxford.
That's what probably...
I don't remember anything.
- Get off.
- Sir...
Sir, sir, my shoe...
Try to come back once more.
I'll teach you a lesson.
The police are after you.
Don't call me.
Don't stay in touch.
But don't you want 10 grand
to drop me at the Bhuvaneswar Airport?
I can ask someone else.
Ten thousand rupees?
Our imaginations and lived experiences
come together to form memories.
Sometimes we think something we've heard
has happened in our lives.
That's why imagined reality
and the real incidents
that has happened in our lives...
Sometimes to differentiate
between them is rather difficult.
It's said that...
right before death the blood circulation
in the brain becomes very low.
And the layers in our brain
get switched off one by one.
The memory cortex
is the deepest layer of our memory.
It's the last one to stop.
When the blood circulates through it
for one last time
we see our lives
flash before our eyes like a movie.
But by then, the other levels
of consciousness have switched off.
So, even if we get our memory back
by the time we see
the last scene of our lives
we're gone.
So we'll never get to know...
what had actually happened.
we have implanted
some facts and incidents in your brain.
That's all true.
But your own memory
will come back too.
All of which might not be true.
Some of it could be your fantasy.
You'll love some memories.
Some of them will hurt you.
Some might confuse you.
But you have to overcome each phase.
Remember, you don't have amnesia.
Your brain was physically damaged.
And there's no easy way to fix it.
Urmi, please go ahead.
If the child is still alive
he'll be at the school tomorrow too.
We'll all go to see him.
Apala, take Urmi with you.
Urmi, come with me.
Your dad is arriving tomorrow.
It'll be a full house.
I hate empty spaces.
We're all empty inside.
Do you remember your child, Apala?
Why won't I remember?
Can anyone ever forget
their own child?
I swear I saw him in the school.
If I was on strong meds like you
I probably wouldn't remember anyone.
Your medicines are very strong, Urmi.
But let's give them a chance.
You know, Urmi fell off her bike here
when she was a kid.
Who's there?
Wait, I'll be right there.
How would Ramu Kaka know
that I fell off my bike as a kid?
That's not supposed to happen here.
You've shared a lot of stories with him
since you've been here.
Might have mixed things up
in his old brain.
Isn't it?
Let it go.
Ma'am, heard you're doing better.
What about that annoying Madhusudan?
Don't worry.
He won't come near this house again.
Let's go, Urmi.
Follow me.
Ma'am, your father's name
is Joydeb Bhattacharya, right?
Do you have his photo?
Actually, we can't find any banker with that
name in Southeast Asia or Singapore.
Dad is quite famous.
Actually, there's no internet
in this house.
And I don't have any phone either.
- So, I can't check--
- By the way, officer...
Is this a part of your investigation?
You know, there's a lot of
competition between banks.
There's corruption, scams and kickbacks.
- Sir.
- Yes?
Are you suspecting Urmi's father?
Do you have any idea
what kind of a man he is?
He was like a god.
Do you know
how many poor people he helped?
I'm sorry.
He might be a really good person.
But the news
doesn't cover good people.
It's full of bad guys.
Can I be of any help, officer?
So, according to you...
this accident never happened.
Because you called a few police stations...
and didn't find anything on the internet.
That's how you came
to this conclusion, right?
Sir, is it possible
to give me some more information?
You have already assumed.
That my grandson has not died.
For whatever reason,
we are hiding him.
If you're that competent,
find him.
Any reward.
We are ready to pay.
Good girl.
Tell me, Sagnik.
Have I spent a lot of time with Ramu Kaka
since I've been here?
You have.
Why do you ask?
He was saying random things.
About what Dad used to do.
How I fell off my bike.
But those are incidents
from my childhood.
How did Ramu Kaka...
Is this paranoia or schizophrenia?
You know, Sagnik...
I really think I mistook
some other kid for Bubai.
Just for once...
Can you take me to his room, please?
You were right, Sagnik.
I'm really seeing things.
This has the right bed.
And I thought it's the wrong bed.
Take a look.
I was wrong.
It's my mistake.
Hey, hey.
Be careful...
No, no, no...
- I'm going to get you.
- Come on.
- I'm going to get you.
- Catch me if you can.
What are you doing here?
What happened to this tree,
Ramu Kaka?
This one?
Don't you remember?
It was struck by lightning.
You were there.
Sagnik was there too.
It caught fire.
Sagnik was there?
Was I dreaming?
Sagnik! Sagnik!
I think I'm going crazy.
- I'm losing my mind.
- What happened?
Where were you?
I'm going mad, Sagnik.
It's all messed up in my head.
All the incidents are jumbled up.
I don't know what's going on.
You all are losing your mind
because of me now.
I'm so sorry, Sagnik.
This must stop.
My mistakes are making your life hell.
No, we won't visit any school today.
I don't want to find out anything.
I'm crazy...
I'm insane...
No, Urmi.
You're not insane.
You had an accident.
You're recovering.
We can't give up now.
We will visit the school.
We have to come to terms
with reality ourselves.
This boy doesn't study in our school.
I think you're making a mistake.
Thanks a lot.
You've been of great help.
Let's go.
Satyaki's photo.
Madam! Madam!
You dropped this photo.
Thank you.
Excuse me...
Are you looking for Satyaki
for the TV show?
Who is Satyaki?
It's right ahead.
Satyaki's house is on the right.
Complete waste of time.
He's been studying here for six years.
Then how can he be Bubai?
Who is Bubai?
Are you sure this boy is Satyaki?
Of course, I am.
I've asked his mom several times
to take my daughter along.
But that wench doesn't care.
Such a little boy.
Guess how much he earns.
I don't know why the school
refused to recognise him.
Probably, didn't pay the fees on time.
Which channel are you from?
Right here.
We're here.
The house on the right.
Get off the car.
- This is the one.
- This?
Oh no!
It's closed.
Locked up.
No one's home.
Are you looking for Satyaki?
They left in a rush last night.
For a shoot.
Kids these days
are not interested in studies.
The TV is the cause of all evil.
It's obvious it's some other boy.
Let's go back.
Wait a minute.
Take a look.
Is this Satyaki?
How can I say?
He looks different every day.
He plays different characters every day.
Okay, let me see the photo.
Looks like he is striking
a different pose here.
Why don't you ask him?
He's the one
who took the boy the other night.
Ask him.
You can ask him.
Tell her.
Excuse me, old man.
You're not seeing right.
Take this
and stop making things up.
- Go on.
- I am lying?
Who the hell said I'm lying?
You think because I'm old
I've lost my memory?
Didn't you take that boy
in your car the other day?
- It was a white van.
- He's crazy. Let's go.
Sagnik, this is the photo
of the wrong bed.
- Urmi.
- Did you hide it?
- Urmi, please.
- Urmi.
Who are you?
Why are you lying?
- I can explain.
- Urmi, listen.
- Why?
- Urmi, please...
- Go after her. I'll get the car.
- What's going on?
Urmi! Stop!
Sagnik, back.
Urmi, wait!
- Urmi, listen to me.
- Leave me!
- Why have you lied to me?
- I'll explain.
- Urmi, please.
- Listen to me.
- Calm down.
- You're all liars.
- Let me go!
- No, Urmi!
- Urmi.
- You've left me no choice. Sorry.
It's going to be okay.
If I don't come back...
Or if I don't call in a few hours...
Then you know what to do.
I know.
I want to see my daughter first.
Taxi! Taxi!
Please come, sir.
Best taxi in town
with the best guide.
Music, Wi-Fi, AC.
From Chamunda temple to snake park.
Welcome, sir.
Where to, sir?
Do you know where Khelaghor is?
Everyone knows where that is.
It's a beautiful but haunted mansion.
You'll see ghosts
during the afternoon too.
- You want to go to Khelaghor?
- No.
Need a quiet place to sit
for a few hours.
Of course, sir.
I'll take you right away.
Here you go.
Please get in.
Can I say something, sir?
I've only seen handcuffs in a movie.
What's in the case, sir?
- There's a saying.
- What, sir?
Curiosity killed the cat.
Too much curiosity is not good.
Got it, Jana?
Keep your eyes on the road.
Madhav Jana?
He's my friend.
I drive his car sometimes.
But I'm not Jana.
This is my ID.
Madhusudan Patra.
Oh my God!
He died in one go.
Sir, will Urmi be alright?
I'm here, Haripada.
Everything is going to be alright.
You've done a great job.
Just like I asked you.
Thanks for everything.
Can I see my daughter?
Of course.
My dear.
We had to sedate her.
She will come to any moment now.
Aparna is Mahiuddin Kamal's daughter.
She can handle it.
Thanks for everything.
I'm at your disposal now.
Aparna bought this for you.
Let it be with her.
She'll give it to me herself.
Let's get on with it.
Who is it?
- Hello, madam.
- Who are you?
My name is Madhusudan Patra.
Although, this is not my real name.
Just like my hair.
Not a big deal.
Wait a minute.
You're going to hand over
your patient's medical file to me.
Why will I do that?
You will...
Madam, you'll have to.
Won't you?
My name is Mahiuddin Kamal.
I was the CEO and President
of Regency Bank in Jakarta.
This year when a Red Corner Notice
was issued for me in February
for money laundering...
the bank was shut down.
Global Regency Bank earned its profits
Terrorism, drugs, illegal arms.
Whatever you can think of.
We would receive
the blood stained money.
And as the CEO,
my responsibility was...
to make it white.
I have the subject file.
Sending you the scanned copy.
Got info on the kid.
Good job.
I'm on my way.
I belong to a poor Muslim family
from Odisha.
I married Anusuya
while still in college.
We had decided if we had a daughter...
Anusuya, my wife...
Bengali, Hindu.
Our families didn't accept our marriage.
That's why we started our own family
away from everyone.
Why don't I have a granny like Tinni?
You have a granny.
Your grandparents are mad
at your dad and me.
Like I get angry with you
when you don't listen to me.
Just like that.
Were you naughty?
No, dear.
We didn't believe in religion.
What's religion?
Something that teaches us to be good.
But human beings turn it evil.
Maybe that's religion.
What's my religion, Mom?
We'd decided...
if we had a daughter, she'll follow mom's
and the son will follow the dad's religion.
We didn't believe in any God.
Love was our only religion.
Aparna was born.
We felt out of this world.
We're the king, queen and princess
of our little empire
Riding on a unicorn,
we fly to the clouds
We're the king, queen and princess
of our little empire
Who am I?
Sir, what happened here?
That's what
we are here to find out.
As promised.
All the information and data is here.
Account details of Global Regency Bank.
the details of the money transfer.
All the information.
Password and encryption is disabled.
Very good.
Let's take a break.
When are you leaving for America?
Now that you're here,
any day now.
Let's check if she is awake.
What do you think?
Will she pull through?
She's a fighter.
I'm sure she will.
Aparna! Aparna!
- Aparna!
- Apala! Haripada!
Someone please help.
Isn't it that guy?
Ask headquarter to send back up.
Yes, sir.
What have you done, dear?
Get a doctor.
Call the ambulance.
We have to take her
to the hospital.
Her pulse is steady.
She'll be fine.
Why did you do it?
Why did you do it?
Open your eyes.
Look at me!
I've come all the way for you.
Gun shot.
Don't do this, dear.
You're the only one I have.
Same man.
Let's go.
- I'll not leave her behind.
- Apala will take care.
Stay right here.
Let's go, please.
He's here!
Get back!
Cover me!
Made a mistake.
That man is a professional.
You shouldn't have come.
Save Kamal.
Come on, move.
I'll cover.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Get in the car.
- Apala!
- Urmi...
Urmi, run.
Run for your life.
I remember everything, Apala.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Where is Aparna?
You said you'll protect her.
She's fine.
Apala is with her.
I'm not going without her.
- I'm not going without her.
- Don't. Don't-- Don't!
Greetings, Mahiuddin!
If you have some last words
for your Mujahideen brothers
you can tell me.
Tell your brothers...
to go to hell!
Bloody swines!
I'll let them know.
Just that you'll be going to hell
before them.
What if you go there first?
What are you doing here, Mehzabien?
Are you surprised to see me here?
If you kill me, you'll never find out
where your son is.
And these infidels
are never going to tell you.
Aparna, don't listen to him.
He's lying.
You'll find Bunty's address
in my briefcase.
Dad, please...
Looks like a bloody battlefield.
I used to work in microfinance.
Loan money to poor farmers
for an interest of 40%.
Forty bloody percent.
My job was to get the money back.
But I would stand by the farmers.
I would protest.
Called out the injustice.
I kept losing my jobs.
Then a man offered me a job
in a foreign bank.
I went abroad.
Felt like the doorway to heaven
had opened up...
For our poor family.
But then I realised
my job was an honest one.
But the work was dishonest.
You're not doing it for religion, Mahi.
No religion encourages killing people.
You're doing it for money.
How much more money
do we need?
It's not for me.
My brothers across the world
are using this money for "Jihad".
We are oppressed everywhere.
You are an infidel.
You won't get it.
I know.
I am an...
Against religion?
Do you realise what you're saying?
You've been brainwashed.
You're not like your friends.
They are murderers.
You're not a murderer.
You've quit several jobs
to protect the poor.
We've starved days on end...
You want to be rich
from the blood money?
Go to the police.
Tell the police about them.
If you go to prison,
we'll wait for you.
Have you lost it?
You're under the Devil's spell.
I know you don't believe it.
But don't make me say it thrice.
We're the king, queen and princess
of our little empire
Anusuya killed herself that day.
To teach me a lesson,
Aparna converted her religion.
She married a "jihadi" handler, Malek
left Oxford and moved to Iraq.
They used her hatred towards me
to turn her against the world.
She became a "jihadi".
She sent me a photo of her son
in a suicide vest.
Give me the phone.
Give it to me.
I need to speak to
the Director of Intelligence, please.
Malek wanted to talk.
NSA knew about it.
There was an encounter.
They opened fire.
Malek's men died.
He could only tell me over the phone
that we were betrayed.
Malek survived.
But you thought he died.
So you turned your car
into a bomb.
And attempted a fedayeen attack
on your dad with Bunty.
Mom, why are you driving so fast?
You're scaring me.
Nothing will happen, Bunty.
We'll be with your dad soon.
We'll be together again.
No, Bunty, no.
Bunty, no!
The car burst into flames...
...and it turned over.
But grade five level amatol
doesn't burst in contact with fire.
It needs detonation.
Both of you survived.
When you came out of coma,
you didn't remember anything.
You were almost like a vegetable.
Your dad struck up a deal
with the government.
New identities for himself
and his daughter.
A new life in exchange for the details
of the "jihadis" in the Global Regency Bank.
All account details.
All the information.
The government agreed.
Was it necessary to get rid of Bunty?
There was no hope of survival
for you, Urmi.
That's why we took him earlier.
He was told that his mom passed away
in the accident.
He didn't deserve another shock.
You could've gotten your memory back
if you saw him.
That's why Bubai was created.
The son you lost in the accident.
Your dad suggested Dr. Shalaka.
Although he didn't know a lot of things.
Good morning, Aparna.
Do you like what you see?
Hmm... I remember.
Is Mr. Dutta home?
They're not home.
They've gone to see the Monkey Point.
They'll return tomorrow morning.
And their son, Bunty?
He's with them.
They wanted to take him on a trip.
Thank you.
- What am I going to tell him?
- Be strong.
- Scared after so much?
- Mom?
What's all this?
Who hit you?
Surprised, my love?
So this is my Mehzabien's husband.
They sent a cat to play a tiger.
When will RAW get some brains?
And your dad?
He became an infidel too?
I wanted to do a fedayeen attack
against Mahiuddin Kamal for you.
So that we can be together.
Then these people experimented on me
and turned me into a vegetable.
The moment I remembered everything,
I rushed to you because I knew...
wherever my son is...
that's where you'll be.
I know.
I read your file.
They thought they can keep us apart
with these silly lies.
A tattoo, an earring...
And he can become Malek?
Finish that RAW idiot.
After what he's done to me
I can't let him die very easily.
We'll not shoot him.
Throw him off the hill alive.
So that he can tell the difference
between a Mujahideen and RAW agent.
Let's go.
This location might be under surveillance.
This car might be tracked.
Ask them to wrap things up here
and come.
- It's not safe to be here.
- Okay.
So, hero?
What did you think?
You are a cop clown!
Enjoy your ride to hell.
Boss, what about them?
Let them go.
Let me show you fedayeen driving.
Just like I did when I wanted to send
Mahiuddin Kamal to hell.
Bunty, seatbelt.
Mom, you're driving like crazy again.
I'm scared.
You are a cop clown!
Enjoy your ride to hell.
Dr. Shalaka Lal had said...
Even if you don't remember...
if you stay in your comfort zone
you can be stress free.
That's why
we took your father's suggestion
and took you to Khelaghor.
We set everything up.
That was our mistake.
We shouldn't have done that.
It used to be our vacation home.
My dad had helped the owner
with a loan.
He used to love it
every time we visited.
Dad later bought the house.
We returned to the country...
to stay but...
After that everything was...
We should have kept Dr. Lal
in the loop.
But we decided to keep
very few people informed.
Was "Urmi" very necessary?
If you spoke to Mehzabien
maybe she would help get Aparna back.
But that was the deal.
All of Mahiuddin Kamal's money laundering,
terror link
will be given to RAW
if we created a new you.
A brand new person.
New citizenship.
New country.
That's why Joydeb Bhattacharya.
You have to understand.
You were almost brain dead.
There was absolutely no hope.
That's why we thought
let's give it a try.
That's why Urmi, Sagnik,
Promotho Choudhury.
And all the works.
We lost a few extraordinary agents.
Colonel Dutta and Vibha Sanyal.
They came out of their retirement.
Former military intelligence.
We couldn't save Haripada and Dr. Lal.
So much happened.
So many deaths.
Was there a point?
A "jihadi" bank was shut down.
Thanks to Mahiuddin Kamal.
Money laundering and drug cartels
have stopped.
So many criminals have been caught.
So many sleeper cells
have been identified.
The nation is grateful to you
and your father.
The news is spreading all over the world.
They are getting caught
in other countries as well.
But we still have a problem.
We were supposed to settle you down
in America as a married couple.
Now you know everything.
You can settle down with your son
in any country you want.
We'll help you.
And you...
You're always welcome at the agency.
Can we think about it?
Captain, let's get some ice cream.
What's your favourite flavour?
Chocolate or strawberry?
Litchi with dragon fruit.
Okay, let's try.
Let's go.
You probably got your memory back
because of the suicide attempt?
I remembered
what Dr. Shalaka had said.
One's life flashes in front of one's eyes
right before death because...
the cells of the memory cortex
start dying.
I didn't have any other option.
The lies were suffocating me.
Then I thought...
Instead of living like a crazy person,
let me die trying.
To find the truth.
Stay blessed.
Have we agreed on something?
I'm sure
Sagnik is not your real name.
Urmi, Mehzabien, Aparna.
Or is it Aparna, Mehzabien, Urmi?
A rose by any name smells just as sweet.
Is that the answer to my question?
Sagnik is not my real name.
There's almost nothing real
in our world.
That's why I thought I'll try to live
honestly with my fake self.
Maybe I was getting tired.
Of all this blood...
Mr. Rose?
Before we decide
if we're going to live together...
shouldn't you tell me your real name?