Khon Fai Bin (Dynamite Warrior) (2006) Movie Script

A long, long time ago,
in the year 1855 A.D.,
Thailand signed a trade treaty
known as the "Bowring Agreement."
This treaty ensured Thailand's entrance
into the international trade arena.
As rice is Thailand's
most sought-after export,
the rice farms in the central region
began to expand to keep up with demand.
However, a lack of animal power
to tend to the farms
resulted in merchants from the Northeast
transporting cattle to the central region.
These buffalo merchants
were known as "Nai Hoi."
Stop! Stop!
Jone Bang Fai.
Take off your shirts,
leave your buffaloes behind, and go.
What about our pants?
What are you afraid of? It's just one man.
This western invention is a tractor.
It's meant to replace the use of cattle
in farming.
A man named Adamson
with Meyers Investments Ltd
imported these tractors
for distribution in Thailand.
The company representative in Thailand
is Lord Sirikorn.
Or, as the locals call him, Lord Waeng.
Fair in Srapathumwan, 1910.
Step right up, step right up.
Good day, ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Lord Sirikorn.
I know how much time and energy
you waste tending to your farms.
What's the use of technology
if it doesn't make people's lives easier?
This new product
from Meyers Machines Ltd
will change Siam's
entire agricultural system.
This is a tractor.
It will make farming simpler
for everyone in Thailand.
Who is this guy?
You've never heard of Lord Waeng?
How much is this contraption?
When you take account of its efficiency,
it's practically free.
So how much is it?
um... 1,000 Baht.
One of your tractors
could buy 10 buffaloes.
The Siamese aren't ready for your tractors.
They're not worth it.
Tea, sir.
I'm extremely pleased that you're here
to witness today's execution.
Where have you been, boss?
In jail, idiot.
What did you do?
I killed my mother.
What about your dad?
Can I kill him for you?
Shut up before I kill yours.
Stop! Stop!
Hey! Wait!
This man saved my life.
But keep that other asshole away from me.
If Jan hadn't agreed to help you,
you'd be a headless corpse by now.
Never mind, Lord Waeng.
Get them!
Teach them a lesson.
That's it. Beat them!
My Lord, do you really think he's suitable?
Is it noon yet?
Oh, I forgot. I have a watch.
It's from England.
One moment.
Jan, do you know
why I chose this man?
Hey, I'm starving.
I need something to eat.
I said I'm hungry!
Don't eat him. He's rotten.
Hurry. Put the food there.
If you come to work for me,
you'll eat like a king every day.
I can find food like this myself.
Why should I work for you?
For freedom and gold. Good enough?
If you're not interested, leave. Constantly
running from your death sentence.
What do you want me to do?
Steal cows, buffaloes,
and kill all the cattle traders.
Is dinner ready yet?
It's ready.
Where are you from?
The boss has been attacked.
Get the buffaloes.
Where are you taking my ducks?
One day I'm going to kill Lord Waeng
and his thugs.
Bring some water for the buffaloes.
Is this enough?
That's wonderful.
Kuu, they have trains
running to Korat now?
That means I'll let you take
as many buffaloes as you can transport.
Take them all.
Take them all.
What's wrong with you?
Try not to worry.
- Sii, are you coming or not?
- Yes.
Don't go.
Do you really think you can stop them?
Don't go.
Don't go.
Don't go.
Then what do you want me to do?
I have to get our buffaloes back.
If they can steal from us,
then we can steal from them.
That's right.
Otherwise, we'll starve to death.
If I don't return,
take the kids and stay with your parents.
Hey, it's Jone Bang Fai!
Praise God.
Thank you, Jone Bang Fai!
Does anyone know who he is?
No one knows who he is
or where he's from.
I only know that he steals buffaloes
from traders to give to the villagers.
Not a single buffalo trader
has ever beaten him.
He uses rockets as weapons.
Boss, I don't think we should stay here.
Of course we should. It's near the river.
You never listen to me.
I'll just have to keep watch
for ghosts again.
What the hell are you afraid of?
You're just as decrepit as any ghost.
- Shut up before I curse your ass myself.
- Go ahead. I might enjoy it.
- Sing!
- Hey, what is it?
What is it?
Joy has been possessed.
I knew it!
I'll take care of this, boss.
- Damn! This ghost is strong!
- I'll kill you!
Boss, help me.
Get out. Get out!
Get out. Get out!
I give up. I give up!
- Good thing it left. He could've died.
- I reckon so too.
Boil up some medicine.
Joy was never possessed.
Those two paid him
to pretend he was possessed.
We can't stay here.
Kill them. They're liars.
You assholes. Today you die.
You'd better run.
Where are you going?
It's time to die.
Hey, is that Sing?
So what if it is? What are you afraid of?
But, boss...
Boss, you've never heard of him?
Did you eat crap or something?
Sing is a buffalo trader
with magical powers.
No one has ever beaten him.
I want to see just how strong he is.
- Boss, are you hungry yet?
- Not yet. Wait a moment.
They just started the fire.
It's not ready yet.
Let's wait first.
Here, chicken soup.
Give it here. Give it here.
Here's a spoon.
Too slow.
He makes good chicken soup.
It's good, boss.
He's eating it all himself.
There are no more spoons.
It tastes great, boss.
Dad, when we left home,
how tall was that papaya tree you planted?
About this tall.
- Hmm... This tastes great, boss.
- It has depth.
It goes down so well. It's delicious.
It's really smooth.
So how tall is the papaya tree you planted?
This tall.
Stop. Stop. Stop.
Hmm... This is great.
Watch yourself.
You're constantly fighting
and you're his son-in-law.
You're a waste of space.
Is dinner ready yet?
I'm hungry.
Yes. I'm hungry.
- What are you afraid of?
- Stop. Don't.
Bandits! Bandits!
Don't worry about me, boss.
They need help over there.
So you're Jone Bang Fai.
Why do you want to kill me?
You killed my parents.
Don't come any closer
or I'll kill him.
- Sing, help me.
- Don't move.
Help me, Sing.
- Sing.
- Don't move.
If you do, he dies.
If you kill him,
you'll be arrested and executed.
The law is on my side.
If you touch me,
you'll be the one who is executed.
Do you know Lord Waeng?
Why would Lord Waeng do this?
I don't know.
Let me go if you don't want to die.
No, I'm taking you to the police.
You go back to camp.
I'll go find Phaen and Khan.
Jone Bang Fai is something special.
I've heard of him before
but I never thought he'd be that good.
Everything seems to be OK.
Let's go.
Is it true that they're running
out of buffaloes in Bangkok?
I thought you already knew about that.
Don't act so surprised.
I've heard that tractor sales
are growing steadily.
Well, a little.
A little?
I hope you'll continue sending lots of cattle
to my slaughterhouse.
Soon, I'll be as rich as you.
Good morning, sir!
I told you never to come here.
People will think I'm taking in criminals.
What makes you think he'll say something?
What idiot would dare cross me?
Go back and kill Sing.
Take a thousand men with you.
See if he can beat you then.
Sir, I could take 100,000 men
but it wouldn't matter.
Bullets don't even hurt them.
I shot two of his men.
It's like they're not human.
I don't care what they are.
I want to know how to kill them.
If they tell anyone about me, I'm finished.
I know someone.
He has magical powers.
But are you brave enough to face him?
Who is he? Why should I be afraid?
He's a demon.
We're here.
Oh, such a goddess!
What demon could be so beautiful.
My father is expecting you.
But you must wait for nightfall.
Only then will my father see you.
I must wait till nightfall?
You may come and have some tea.
Don't go anywhere.
"I've arrived at the house of ghosts
"If nothing gets in my way, I'm moving in
"I'll tie up my hammock
and lay with the ghosts
"For I'm not afraid of them
"For I'm not afraid of them
"I want to meet you, ghosts
"Ghosts, come out, come out
"Come out, ghosts
"Come out, ghosts"
Why are you singing that?
I'm terrified of ghosts.
Something stinks.
Are you the Black Wizard?
- I'm here to...
- Stop! I know why you're here.
So, can you help me?
Of course I can help you.
Have you eaten yet?
Eat something. Then we'll talk.
I'm here because of a buffalo trader.
I want to kill a trader named Sing.
I've known him for many years.
we were students under the same coven.
He was jealous of my powers,
so he placed this curse on me.
Even if you bound his hands and feet,
shot and stabbed him, he still wouldn't die.
That is how powerful he is.
What do I get if I help you?
What do you want?
The comfort which you possess.
If you kill Sing,
you will get what you desire.
It's just down to whether you can kill him
or not.
Killing Sing requires
the menstrual blood of a virgin
born under a zodiac sign
greater than his own.
This blood must be rubbed
upon Sing's skin.
Where can we find such a girl?
There's no need to search.
My daughter fits the criteria.
You're very smart.
Still, there's one problem.
Sing is an excellent fighter.
Finding someone who can touch him
will be difficult.
Just look at what he did to me.
I have someone in mind.
Tell him what you saw.
There is a man.
Not only did he touch Sing,
but he beat the crap out of his men.
Who is he?
He is Jone Bang Fai.
Where can we find him?
I know where.
I heard that Sing killed his parents.
So, he will be tracking Sing.
- Go find some ointment.
- Yes, sir.
Does it hurt?
- Have you taken your medicine?
- Not yet.
That's much better.
I'll take you to the doctor in Korat.
I've finished burying Wiang and Sri.
How are you, Khan?
Not so well.
Why would Lord Waeng hire bandits
to steal our buffaloes?
I wish I knew.
I'll file a formal complaint in Korat.
- Khan?
- Yes?
Have you ever heard of Jone Bang Fai
killing anyone before?
I've heard that he steals buffaloes
for poor villagers.
But I've never heard of him killing anyone.
He tried to kill me.
Why would he do that?
He said I killed his parents.
Come on. Quickly.
But it hurts.
You're not carrying anything heavy.
What are you afraid of?
You're useless.
All I ask is for you to carry
a few firecrackers.
What are you doing?
Who are you?
Are you one of Sing's men?
Get out of my way, then.
I'm going to kill Sing.
Why do you want to kill him?
He killed my parents
and left me and my sister to die.
You can't fight Sing.
Please, just let it go.
If you die, then who will care for me?
You pig!
Sing will hear you.
Be quiet.
Listen to her.
You can't fight Sing.
Why not?
I'm Jone Bang Fai!
If the Black Wizard helps me,
then I can kill Sing.
- Who is this Black Wizard?
- He was a friend of Sing's.
He has similar powers.
But he won't help me,
because he still sees Sing as a friend,
even though Sing tried to kill
the Black Wizard.
Take me to see this Black Wizard
and I'll kill Sing for you.
Ouch, what was that?
I'm scared.
I'm scared.
Didn't I tell you not to return here?
Who is that with you?
This is the original Jone Bang Fai.
I understand you know how to kill Sing.
I've come to ask for advice.
Let's talk outside.
I cannot bear sunlight.
Sing made me like this.
I have my reasons for revenge.
As do you. And so do they.
So why are we just sitting here?
If you know how to kill him then tell me.
There is a way.
But I used to be friends with Sing.
I cannot bring myself to do it.
I respect your kind heart.
Please bestow that kindness on us.
Give us what we need.
And you...
do you really think you can defeat Sing?
Are you really Jone Bang Fai?
If you don't believe I'm Jone Bang Fai,
then I'll prove it.
I've seen all I need to.
You will do.
I'll help you.
Thank you very much.
I need to gather my things first.
I'll be back later.
Why did you have to test him like that?
Keep quiet and do as you're told.
It appears that he likes you.
Is it good?
My dad asked me to bring this for you.
Aren't you going to ask me to join you?
You're not very talkative.
What do you want me to say?
For example, what's your real name?
Siang... So you must have been a monk.
Were you a monk for long?
Since I was a kid.
Why did you stop?
If you want to be alone, I can go.
- It's not like that.
- Not like what?
I want you to stay,
But what?
I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing.
I don't have many friends.
That's OK.
I don't have many friends either.
Everyone hates my father.
So, they hate me too.
So, what made you
want to be a buffalo thief?
Mom, Dad!
Mom! Mom!
Mom! Mom! Mom!
"Oh ah oh ah oh ah oh...
"Oh ah oh ah oh ah oh"
"Please, some whiskey to share
"Please, some whiskey to share
"Or a glass of moonshine
"Or a glass of moonshine
"It's so good, try it, little one
"It's so good, try it, little one
"Supply our friends
"Supply our friends
"Or we will not leave
"Or we will not leave
"Even as ghosts
we will come back for you"
We pray to God above.
Please guide our rockets into the skies.
Please let them be seen by the god of rain,
who waits for our signal
to disperse rains below to us mortals.
We pray for heavy rains to flow like rivers.
We pray for rain so we can tend our farms.
Light the rockets.
The person who saved you left you this.
Take good care of it.
Good luck.
Further down.
A little more.
A little more.
A little more.
One, two, knee!
One, two, kick!
From then on,
I've been hunting down buffalo thieves,
and buffalo traders alike,
to find the one who killed my parents.
Finally, I've tracked down
the man responsible for my parents' death.
You mean Sing?
The Black Wizard said that blood
from your menstruation can defeat him.
Are you menstruating yet?
Don't ask that.
Why? If you understand me
and want to help,
then give your menstrual blood.
But you must be a virgin
in order for the spell to work.
Are you a virgin?
You're insane!
Wait a minute!
What kind of person asks a girl
if she is still a virgin?
I didn't mean her any disrespect.
I was just checking.
Exactly. Why would you ask
about her menstruation?
The Black Wizard said her menstrual blood
could disable Sing.
That's true,
but girls don't menstruate every day.
You can't force it!
I'm not forcing it.
I just want to know if she's ready.
Menstruation happens in stages.
How the hell would I know that?
I'm not a woman.
That's enough, you freaks!
See what you did? You made Sao angry.
What the...?
Ah, you go first.
Demon, what are you doing here?
You'll spread your curse to us!
Leave, devil-woman!
Get lost, demon.
Get away!
Tough guy, eh?
Here to save your girlfriend? Are you deaf?
Get lost!
Are you stupid or something?
I said this water hole is off-limits to you!
Do you understand earth-speak, boy?
What are you looking at?
I'll beat you down, boy.
Think you're some kind of hero, eh?
Sing and his men are near Korat.
This necklace will protect you.
Keep it with you.
I have to register our cattle
and lodge a complaint
against Lord Waeng.
Keep a lookout for me.
Let's take a break.
Sing is heading to Korat.
Gather water and grass for the buffaloes.
Then start cooking some chicken.
I'm hungry.
Animal Inspection Checkpoint
I've brought my cattle papers.
Are they stolen?
I've been a buffalo trader for over 10 years.
I've never stolen anything.
Here are my registration documents,
and the cattle are just outside.
Is that right?
You've never stolen cattle before?
Who are you?
Do you remember a novice monk
Now I do.
Hey! What the hell?
That must hurt.
You're bleeding.
Do you remember me?
The Black Wizard and Lord Waeng.
You're a lord?
Just look at my clear complexion.
Can't you see the way I'm dressed?
I'm not an ordinary piece of scum like you!
What is this about?
I'm going to kill you.
You idiot! Moron!
"Fools are so naive."
"Fools are so naive."
"Fools are so naive."
I've suffered for over 10 years.
Now it's my turn.
I didn't kill your parents.
But I remember your tattoo.
I'm not the only one with this tattoo.
I killed your parents!
Light the rockets.
Tell me right now,
who killed my parents?
The Black Wizard and I
were once students together.
We were young then.
We used to work as buffalo traders.
But the Black Wizard became greedy.
He wanted to sell buffaloes,
without having to buy them first.
He began stealing from villagers.
I couldn't take his evil ways anymore.
You've hurt too many people already.
Stop now.
If you think you can stop me, try!
I cursed him.
I made him allergic to daylight.
I never thought he'd still be alive today.
How do I know you're telling the truth?
This necklace is for the young monk.
If you were that boy,
then you must remember the necklace
that I left behind.
I'm sorry.
Don't blame yourself.
The Black wizard is traitorous
but with Lord Waeng's help
he is even worse.
To redeem yourself,
you must eliminate them both.
How can I beat them
when his magic is so powerful?
You used a virgin's blood on me, right?
Who is this virgin?
The Black Wizard's daughter.
That's impossible.
The Black Wizard never married.
How could he have a daughter?
Siang is dead.
"Why is there a sky
"If you are not here to look at the stars?
"Without you there is only
the end of the road
"Have you forgotten the journeys we had?
"Why is there a road
"If you are not there to walk with me?
"Now that you've found someone new
"Everything in the world
"Has lost its meaning
"Without you
"There is only loneliness and despair
"The broken life of shattered dreams
"And support
"How can you leave me
when I love you so?
"I will never love again
"As long as there is breath in my lungs
"I miss you
"With every beat of my heart
"I miss... only you."
I trust you haven't forgotten
our agreement.
I have done exactly as you've asked.
But how can you be sure
that Sing and Siang are dead?
It doesn't matter.
They can no longer harm us.
They have to come back.
They need Sao.
They need Sao?
Yes. In order to reverse the spell on Sing,
Sao must apologize to Sing.
Afterwards, Sing will regain his powers.
So, what do we do now?
If Sao loses her virginity,
no matter how many times she apologizes,
he'd never regain his powers.
Then you must allow me to take her.
No! I've raised her for so long.
She is mine.
You can't do that.
She's your daughter.
I have something to tell you.
Sao isn't my daughter.
What are you saying, Dad?
Perfect. It's time for you to know the truth.
I had to live in hiding.
I couldn't go out during the day.
The villagers hated me.
They thought I was a demon.
I learned that the way to stop his spell
was to use the menstrual blood of a virgin,
who was born
under a stronger zodiac sign.
So, I went in search of such a child.
Where are you taking my baby?
You psycho. Let go of my baby!
Mer! What's wrong?
Who did this to you?
What's wrong? Who did this?
Give me my baby!
Where are you taking her?
Give her to me!
My baby.
Give me back my baby.
Give her back.
Give her back.
That child was you.
I raised you to have my revenge on Sing.
And now I only need
one more thing from you.
Me first!
What did you do to me?
I never thought a wizard such as you
could die from rat poison.
I'll never die at the hands of a man like you!
Fine, I'll take your body as my new home.
What are you doing to me?
Get out! Get out!
From now on, you and I are one.
No! Get out!
Leave me alone!
Cry all you want.
You tried to kill me first!
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Where are you going? Come be my wife.
Why are you so difficult to kill?
Hey, there's a reward for whoever kills him.
Come on, everyone. Let's go home.
They must really love you.
Shut up. Kill him!
Who the hell do you think you are?
Let's go.
Wait! We're on the third floor!
What are you afraid of?
I'm invincible!
You might be invincible, but I'm not.
I'm taking the stairs!
Damn it, Waeng!
Repeat after me.
- Ajariye
- Ajariye
- Pamatena
- Pamatena
- Thawarataye
- Thawarataye
- Nakatang
- Nakatang
Finish the ceremony
if you want to help him.
- Apparatang
- Apparatang
- Kamathunophate
- Kamathunophate
- I apologize for offending you.
- I apologize for offending you.
Bow to me.
I hurt too much to help Siang.
Give these to him.
"Beating buffaloes is so easy
"Beating buffaloes is so easy
"Beating buffaloes is so easy
"Beating buffaloes is so easy
"Beating buffaloes is so easy
"Beating buffaloes..."
Black Wizard!
Go to Siang.
Sing, cut this amulet from his chest.
He said it could help you.
Sing! No!
Tough luck.
I'll get you, Sao.
Damn you!
What are you doing?
Is Lord Weang here?
I'm here to pick up the buffaloes.
Don't you know who I am?
I'm Kuu, asshole!
Help me! Help me!
Where are you going?
Wait for me.