Kick (2014) Movie Script

Please take some time to rest
'Let me see what you are eating'
Medication and a wedding
have a same formality
Very hard to be on time
You are right
I want your children to call
me grandma
Sister she is right
why don't you get married
Untill you are not married
How will i get married
Forgotten to give you great new's
My friend's son is coming
He was born in london
You both grown up together
You were childwood friend's
Dad i was eight year's
He is coming to stay here! are right!
What time is he coming
It's quite late
So go please
I no 17 language
It's a very easy language
When dad told me about you
No, it's not your fault
The flight was early
Everything has change
The last time i seen you
You look very good
The rest are very fat
When i was young was i ugly'
No. i don't mean like that
Actually i'm very nervous
Came here for some job
Dad want's me to marry
The train is perfect
If we were at home..should be a problem
They would have fuss untill
we both don't agree to marry
Our situation is the same
We don't want to marry
And our people won't spare us alone
Who is the guy?
Whom you are lost with
A policemen don't be wrong
I get the truth easyily
A very strict officer
The first time i met him
i think it was the lastday
My friend escape and got married
Goon's were running and fighting
Worst day of my life!
He had every solution
to every problem
That was a tradgedy
Not, god
devi lall singh
How lucky in the first meeting
you hold my arm's
Who is she?
My very close friend
Dr check my heartbeat
You go brother!
I don't think he no what it mean's
So many people are coming to bless me
Every time we make it
What happen to your...
Are you hugging me
No, problem you can rest
in my shoulder's
Were are you going?
were are you?
After so much information
you want to ruine it
Come fast they are planning to make
Don't you dare touch my
daughter...i'll cut you into piece's
You did hurt my ear's
You a very weired man\
Give me 100
Get him
No, idea
what else they with cut
I'll make you sing
Remove your shoe's
Sir begin with the spiritual's
It's fine son
But were is her necklace
I think its at home?
No, its in the car
Hey...lord thank you
Priest you go on
Stop this wedding?
Tie it on my neck
Wedding is complte
You gave me information about this marriage
And you conduct this marriage
Did you tell about this marriage
For kick!
Do you've to come this far to marry?
Can't we tie the knot before
a God's photo a home?
If anyone asks in future
about your marriage,
Oh no don't ask about it,
it had running, chasing,
jumping, firing,
when you tell it had everything,
it'll be kick to you and the listener.
Don't tell your children stories
about crows and foxes.
Tell them your marriage story,
it'll give them kick.
Hey! Had we been caught
we would've lost lives.
Useless life! What if it's lost!
Can we get kick if we fear for that?
I can't take it anymore.
Brother, it's not important
why you did all this,
I was sad for eloping to marry
without my mother,
but now with your grace,
I don't have that worry too.
It's giving me terrible kick!
May God bless you with life long kick!
Even rogue elephant will
calm down on seeing me.
You made me run on streets
like a dog.
I'll not spare you,
I'll make you fall at my feet.
Don't taunt and make
a saint into roaring lion,
don't make me show my other face,
even if you think, it can't happen,
because I've only one face!
Did you expect punch dialogue, sister?
That's not my character. Bye sister.
Who is he?
Will he play with other's lives
for his kick?
Is he human?
You got this doubt if he's human now,
No, one new it's his first kick
This is his thrill
It was in his mother's stomache
It was a normal delivery
at the hospital
He was not normal
but born up side down
He was making the doctor smile
When kid's had bottle in there mouth
he was
He use to dive from the top into
his swimming pool
He use to do thing's upside down
He use to use both his hand
to play
He defeated everyone
He use to use laptop
and type upside down
He will do anything for kick?
What a character
No, total torture
Look at him with the bike and scooter
Next meeting
How did you meet
Devi uncle
What are you doing here?
Last hundred rupees
Pick up the phone
Every love story is a dream
Love and with you
When it will happen you
will not see anything
Think only of me
This is my love hangover
Nothing like that to happen
Ok i'll get my kick inside
They are misbehaving with the girl's
and you people just looking
Go to the gym and work out
Who are you?
Do you no who i am?
You a bastard
Were you scared of him
They will come hit me from behind
Boss will come alone
And hold me from behind
Everyone, no's what is going to happen
In this group there is and innocent
man standing in the crowd
He is watching all the fun
To beat him is nessesarary
He join this group
Police arreset the wrong man
My childwood dream became true
Hand-cuff me and go
Oh god always on her laptop
Must see this video
Please stop this video
Who are you?
Do you no who i am?
A bastard
I have problem with good people
Why misbehaive like this with woman
Were is my f.i r
Please call my lawyer
Tell him what i committed
He no's the law
He is talking in telegu
He get's bored speaking in hindi
I want to ask his mother
what she ate when he was born
Sir, a english lady came to see him
Are you not dreaming?
Your sister-in-law came to see me
How many
She is normal
Your work is good
No, one understand me
Dont do this
I get jealous
I want a kick
Right this down
Not her's
it's mine
How old are you?
You dad
Why are you asking about my dad
Father is my dad
What happen
Were is that dog
Who made you a inspector
Right down all your case's
I kill in and encounter
I will hit him
His not the one
His father has so much energy
Please do something
What are you doing
Must i pull up my pant's
Go and bring her
What happen in the police station
I am very sorry
Let me drink
Both drink like crazy
You are absolutly right
I don't have a past
I have cancer
No, cancer only doing drama
Do you know why he doe's it
Keep you in good book's
You sit on your dolli
and i with ride the horse
Why do you react like this
Go to jail and also drink
I have a gift for you
What is this
This is not a bill
You understand very soon
Don't hesitate to drink
Father and son break up
They are comedian's
What happen
Nothing happen to them
They are just drunk
Is this there home
No, it's in my name
Who are you
Did not see you at all
You mean they are mad
There must be in pain
Don't fear son
Mother will take care for us
Is everyone in the famiIy a drunkard?
Very naughty.
My husband is getting
ruined because of him.
He not an idiot either.
He stood first in schooI,
Inter, Engineering coIIege.
First in everything.
He is not Iazy too.
One day, he came to me saying he
got a job with Rs.50000 saIary.
I feIt very happy.
The next day he came and
said he Ieft the job.
I asked him why.
He said that he has
Iost kick in thatjob.
He keeps taking up jobs
and resigning next day.
Neither I understand him
nor his kick.
I thought he wiII change
if he marries.
PeopIe who know this idiot wiII
not give their daughter to him.
Even our reIatives have
stopped visiting us,
fearing that we might
seek an aIIiance.
I want to see him settIe in Iife.
Are you married?
Aunty you are thinking wrong
Nothing like this to happen
Aunty we are from two different world
In your eye's i can see love
Thank you for bringing them safe
Who with do this
only our own
I found my light
Do you no why you are perfect
You love him
When it happen's
You will think
Everything will invisable
What kind of a guy
she is bringing
He kill's people
His heart is very good
What is this kick?
Hope he don't kick me
I'm done
Shaina said you a public servant
How much do you earn
How much do you get salary
We need to change his job
How much salary you earn top
Don't believe in this minior issue
Why don't you go around my home
After marriage you are going
to come and stay with us
Dad let's have dinner
This is his job after getting to no you
Don't fear it will be easy
to find a job
The next day he worked
at a chemical lab
His experiment's was very weired
I use to enjoy him every moment
It gave me a kick
He could mix amd match anything
He should get the kick
While i get the shock
He is my inspiration
He gave me a very nice kick
on valintine's day
So many message's and call
Shaina my life was hectic
I was thinking about marriage
and having kid's
Don't curse me
Please don't show me your attitude
Father and daughter have the same blood
You no for a fact what ever you do
Must be happy in doing your job
Can't go on like this anymore
Can't become
What you want me to be
You are thinking of me wrong
If you want me to be a change
man i got to start a new kick
That's it
It's been a year
Neither call me
Do you still love him
I have a special person in my life
Are you in love as well but hatred
I got alot of medal's
Don't no who is this guy
No, idea were he is
Only no his name
Three robbery's
More then 600
Were he had stolen from
no clue he left behin
Most interseting point
What is your plan
He must come for his gift
You shot him
But lucky he escape
Police and death can not hide
The wound i gave him
He is not going to die
Sir, we check the entire area
Devil is not to be found
His last target is me
Sir, a parcel came for you
Two hour's i'm going to loot him
Try to stop me
Find out were he is from
Dehli police got some information
The entire police force in search
It's difficult to run my home
Stop talking rubbish
Go away
Do you see my condition
to have that kind of money
Sir, i am very poor
Don't waste my time
Let him go
Thank you
My money
Were is my money
It's minister's money
Why did not tell me early
He ruine me
Who was he
How he look
Were is my money
We no it's not you hard earn money
Officer mind your langauge
Why the anger on your face
I was thinking why you did not call
Thank you for helping me?
Partner? Who is your partner?
You heIped me in robbing, right?
ActuaIIy I knew that Minister's
money is with the peon.
After I made you my partner in
the pIan and you caught him,
I came to know
where's the money,
it means I made you aIso
my partner in the crime, right?
Want me to send your share
of the booty, partner?
I Iike you...
You're making a grave mistake
by making me your partner.
You became my partner the day
you shot a buIIet into me.
If I had been your partner I wouId've
shot the buIIet into your heart.
You should be at the olympic's
You Iike chaIIenges.
You can guess it from my
modus operandi, say something new.
Your body can bear anything.
You can say it Iooking at my body,
say something new.
You trust your sense of timing,
you're cocksure nobody
can catch you,
above aII you're good in
making caustic remarks.
You can judge it from my words,
say something new, partner.
If my guess is right, you're near by,
Iooking at me whiIe speaking to me.
Your guess is perfectIy right.
One more thing,
you're the best one to catch me,
but do remember one thing,
I'm aIways top and you're aIways down.
You can never catch me.
You've hurt my ego unnecessariIy,
and chaIIenged me,
wherever you may hide,
I'II hunt you down.
How can you catch me, partner?
Do you know how do I Iook Iike?
You don't know.
Do you know where wouId I be?
You don't know.
Do you know who's next victim?
You don't know.
Do you know where
wouId I be tomorrow?
You don't want to meet the
character in your story,
but I want to meet the
character in my story,
He is nearby
This time he can't escape
I will get him
Do you no this adress
Thank you
What happen
I saw him
Whom did you see?
He ignored me
What is he doing here!
He came for a treatment
What problem he has
He can be better
Can i take him home
He can gain memory lost
Were is he?
Dr gave me your case to handle
Actually we met before
Someone no's me
I thought i was alone
Come along with me to my home
You can gain old memory lost
I can enter her house
Devi will complete his job
Are you a patient
Dad we need to talk
His the same kick guy
His memory is lost
Why did you bring the memory card home
To gain his memory back
My dream's compltely broke
I no you?
I s he your son?
Is he your brother
Have some important work to attend
Both are after each other
Shiv you can't die
15 minutes i can stop my breath
I can escape death for few minute's
Why this drama
I won't tell you any information
I don't have enough time
So as your death
He mug's the poor
You murder him
Dr's like him die
Who take care of there patience
Who made you homeminister
He already planned his next
Let's see who is the devil
Hello partner
You going to be in jail
Why did he call me in here
Thief's have stolen passport
Sir, i no what i am doing?
Shaina you agree to marriage
This is all new to me
Nothing like that to happen
I don't drink as well
Let me have one shot
I don't drink
Very happy today
I like challenge
When i get him i'll break
him into piece's
Finish him
You are very beautiful...
She belong's to you
India's health care is
in his hands..
I've killed thousands..
Because I don't have enough
medicines in my possession..
neither the latest technology..
Absolutely true..
You're amazing..
Who is this?
With both hands,
I greet you..
I'll lift you and
place you on my shoulders..
and I'll kiss both your cheeks..
I'll pull you closer and dance with you
What Uncle..
we were having fun
Devi I need to talk to you..
Who are you looking for?
Why did the world health standard
reject your medicines and machines?
We are here..
We will sort everything..
Yes speak Shekar..
-Sir, the bracelet belongs to a girl named Shaina.
Yes speak Shekar..
-Sir, the bracelet belongs to a girl named Shaina.
-Yes sir, the high commissioners daughter
Shaina gave Devil the bracelet
as a gift..
What is the connection between
Shaina and Devil?
My lifes biggest tragedy..
Congratulations partner..
I told you Devil will
definitely come..
To protect her ex - boyfriend..
I don't know about Devil..
but Devi won't shoot Shaina..
If you don't know, then look into
my eyes and tell me who is inside..
Devi or Devil..
I've had enough..
I know that my son is the Devil..
My name is Anil Singh..
and this is my wife Nandini..
We live life happily on
a salary of 3 thousand
and we share this happiness
with our daughter Jhumki..
Our little family
and our little dreams..
Everything was perfect..
One day Jhumki fell unconscious..
We rushed her to hospital..
The doctor said that
Jhumki had a tumor..
She didn't have much time and we needed
to get money urgent for the treatment..
We sold Nandini's jewelry
to get the money..
Jhumki was our life..
and if we lost our life,
how were we to live?
our strength was finished..
Maybe in our death,
we would find new a life..
She is in St Marys Home..
Please save her..
Father, how much money
do we have in the bank?
What if Jhumki dies?
There is one thing
we can do..
We have a trust..
Angel health care..
Hey make it fast..
Yes Sir..
-Humans are not mannequins..
How long must I hold
this titanic pose.. Quickly..
Sir, I studied one case..
Who's child is it?
Your relative..
-No sir, not my relative..
Sir you have many charitable trusts..
10 thousand.. Are you mad?
Remember I told you that you
would come begging at my feet one day..
Today who won?
Me or him..
At least give a smile..
Look how happy they are..
But think about it.. the whole city..
the whole state.. the whole country
How many kids suffer ?
I will get all the childrens lists
Everywhere I'm asked..
What gives me this kick?
Think, From where did I get that kick?
from a small childs smile..
If 1 smile gives me such a kick..
How many kicks would I get
from a thousand smiles?
Where are we going to get so much money?
from the same place this came..
But he was going to shoot me..
-No my child...
He will never do that..
I get my kicks from victory..
but losing kicks are not that bad..
Don't be afraid..
they don't know who you are..
its the answer to my childrens future..
You will die..
Then on the 14 November
I will die..
but on the 15 of November,
I'll join you..
and you won't be able
to do a thing about it.
14 November
Come on .. make it fast
quickly quickly..
Are you mad?
can't you see?
Don't fool around..
not today..
I know..
He will come..
He will definitely come..
now watch the fun..
I always win..
Who are you?
hey kill him..
As you sow..
so shall you reap..
All the treatments will be free..
absolutely free..
All the money that comes..
will be spent on the children only..
My king..
-Speak my king..
You take the van and go..
while I take the police on a joyride..
Whats happening here?
Today is 14 November
Childrens day..
Everything is over..
you used force.. you travelled abroad.. but
He is going to handle the Devil case..
I know him..
I'm sure I know you..
-I doubt it partner
Because I don't forget
a case or a face..
What is this new drama?
Its not a drama..
Its a kick..
Didn't I tell you..
14 November you will kill me..
on the 15th I'll join you,
and you won't be able to do a thing about it.
What are your'll going on about?
Devi has come..
I'm sure Devil won't be far behind..
Partner, I was never against you..
It was all about the children..
Women and work..
You took both away..
and you telling me
you not against me..
Its not the first time..
You will never understand