Kick, The (2011) Movie Script

Hey! That's a foul!
At long last, the Kris of Kings,
one of the most valuable treasures
in Thai history,
has been returned to
its rightful home once again.
This Kris is extremely important
and constitutes a remarkable
cultural heritage of Thailand.
There is a legend which has been told
for generations,
that whoever possesses this Kris
will have the power to rule the world.
I'm sorry, how much is it worth?
Well, it's far too valuable to put
a monetary value to it.
But if I had to hazard a guess,
I would say...
$30 million U.S. Dollars.
When will the public be allowed to see it?
Get ready. We leave tomorrow.
Dad. Please.
Gather around!
Taeyang? How long till the Olympic tryouts?
About a month.
Exactly 28 days.
You start special training today, understood?
Do I really have to tryout, Dad?
I'm kind of busy with school.
And I don't feel too hot.
Olympic tryouts or get out of my house.
We have a show tonight to mark
Taekwondo Day.
Be at the event hall by 6PM, Understood?
The Taekwondo Family Motto! One!
Always strive for justice.
Louder! Two!
Be loyal to your country and obedient
to your parents.
Love your family as you love yourself.
Will we even make it by midnight like this?
I'm not going too slow.
They're going too fast.
They're all going over the speed limit!
Are you licking the pendant?
On behalf of SD Company
I congratulate the inauguration of
Taekwondo Day in Thailand.
Never seen you before. Are you new?
All of you?
Yes, sir.
What's your name?
Transport it carefully.
Yes, sir.
Who are you?
I wasn't told about anyone named Somchai.
Arrest 'em all!
For the continued success of Taekwondo
SD company promises to
provide extensive support.
A big round of applause, please.
No manners, parking like that
in the unloading zone.
Get out here.
Oops, sorry.
What the!
Right away, sir!
Look what hit my car.
When this thing is about to fall apart.
I wonder if he's okay.
Excuse me,
Breaking news.
The legendary 'Kris of Kings'
has been stolen by an unidentified group.
Why you little!
Get out!
Are you okay?
- That fool.
- Come out, now!
Come out!
Come out!
- Are you okay?
- Yes, Mommy.
- Forget it. Let's go in.
- Dare run away from me!
Damn fool!
Typhoon! Seat belt!
- Mija!
- He's so dead!
Mija! Stop! What are you doing!
- Where are you going?
- Quiet!
A black Benz was involved in
a hit-and-run incident!
Are you okay?
Watch out for that car!
Hey! Slow down!
Mister? Where are you running off to?
Gave up trying to escape, huh?
You're so busted!
Stay still, Mija.
Stay here.
Today's your funeral!
Hey you!
Hey, Mister!
You're not going anywhere!
What are you doing here?
Can't you see for yourself? Damn it.
You're all dead meat.
- Are you okay, Mija?
- I'm alright.
Get him!
He's getting away!
That way!
Let go!
I'm really sorry, sir.
And in breaking news this afternoon
a brave Korean family of
martial artists thwarted
an attempted robbery
of a Thai National Treasure.
The Thai government has made an official
statement that the Kris of Kings exhibition
will take place as scheduled
at the Thai Museum under heavy security
In addition, on the final day of the exhibition
there will be a special performance
by this Taekwondo Family, the heroes
who helped save our national treasure.
This is becoming quite amusing.
Taeyang? Out all night, again?
Quiet, will ya?
You be quiet. Mom!
What are you doing!
Come on! Be quiet!
Hi, Yiseul. I'm a little tied up right now.
I'll call back later.
Now, 540!
Now, 720!
Again! Get up!
Snap out of it and focus!
What's with your kick?
At this rate, forget the Tornado,
you won't even land a roundhouse kick!
There's no strength in your legs!
Do 1000 forward rolls!
Get to it!
This is insane!
The stage is too small.
And the floor's too slippery.
This isn't cut out for a show.
Since when does it matter
where we perform?
Hurry up and get ready!
Hope we don't get hurt.
Hey, guys!
Forget it.
- I'm beat.
- Always cuz of Dad...
Who the hell are you!
Taeyang! Take Typhoon upstairs!
- Mom!
- Now!
Let's go!
Go upstairs!
Hurry upstairs!
- Where's Typhoon?
- Upstairs.
Go up!
Let go!
- Typhoon!
- Daddy!
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
Let's go.
- Get moving!
- Why you!
What happened?
They're the robbers
who tried to steal the Kris.
They were taking revenge
for interfering with them.
More of them could come for you.
It'll be best to take your kids
and stay far away.
Why should we go anywhere?
We didn't do anything wrong!
Quiet down, will you!
- It's not our fault!
- Stop it!
Master Moon!
Must we stay away?
I'll request special protection for you
if necessary.
Don't worry! Just leave 'em to me.
- Excuse me, who are you?
- Sorry, I forgot.
I'm like family. I'm also their agent.
Like a manager, you know?
Thank you for everything. Don't worry.
Call us if anything comes up.
Thank you!
- Calm down.
- How can I!
Scared the heck out of me.
This is Dream Entertainment.
You've passed the qualifying round.
- Yes, congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Please prepare a freestyle dance.
- Okay.
See you at the final audition.
Yes! Thank you!
Ah, Dad?
I have something to tell you.
What is it?
Can I stay here instead of going to
Uncle Mum's place?
I have school and work.
And I'm not feeling very well.
Still not feeling well?
You started dancing again, didn't you?
Go and pack your things.
But Dad!
No buts! Snap out of it!
The tryouts are coming up!
Please listen to me, dad!
To what? That you wanna be a singer?
Shut up and pack your things.
It doesn't matter what you say.
I don't care about
winning an Olympic gold medal!
That's only your dream.
I'm gonna do what I want.
Do what you want? Huh?
When you can't even kick right?
Think you can?
I'll do it!
Do what?
The damn Tornado! I'll do it!
You have until the tryouts.
If you can't manage it, no more dancing.
Take it or leave it.
But you have to keep your promise, too.
Fine. But you only have one chance.
Take good care of your brother and sister.
Aren't you coming, Mommy?
Ask your stubborn father.
He won't go because of his classes.
And he doesn't even get paid!
Go! Get going.
I'll miss you, kids. Be good.
Or else!
- Yes.
- I know.
Give mommy a kiss.
- Be careful.
- Careful!
Uncle Mum? You have Internet, right?
A TV then?
What about a phone?
Nope! Nope! Nope!
Then, what's at the house?
Just a house.
I need my Facebook every day.
Book? Lots of books at home.
I have something to tell you all.
When your father first came here,
he had it rough.
When he opened the gym
some town thugs charged in.
He stood up to them.
And smashed over 200 bricks.
Taemi? Taeyang?
Come on out!
What the!
I hate things like that!
Get away!
He grew a lot since I last saw him.
Let's go.
Typhoon, get your bag.
Wawa! Wawa!
Wawa? What's that?
A person.
A person?
Yes, my niece!
Go inside and unpack first.
So heavy!
We have to sleep here?
If you touch this, you're dead.
Stay back!
I hate pigs!
Damn! I knew it!
No reception.
This is my niece, Wawa.
She'll be staying with us.
Resembles me, huh?
What's with your clothes?
I just fell.
You've been exploring already?
Let's get dinner ready.
Taeyang and Wawa, pick some fruit.
Taemi and I'll go to draw some
drinking water.
There's no water!?
- Get moving!
- Follow me.
Taemi! This way!
Hurry up.
This place is so beautiful.
Uncle Mum? What are you doing?
- Uncle Mum?
- Quiet!
Look, Uncle Mum! I caught it!
I caught it!
This is so cool!
It's just beginner's luck.
Damn fish.
So amazing.
Pretty cool!
I could have caught it.
We've located the kids, sir.
Should I bring them here?
Not yet.
A duel?
With Wawa?
You don't have to, if you're scared.
Come on. How can I fight a girl?
Scared you'll lose?
But don't blame me if she gets hurt.
Over there.
Are you okay?
I forgot to tell you.
Wawa is a former Muay Thai
national champion.
It's a tie. Get up!
Taemi. Wawa. Bow.
Taemi! Let's eat!
It's okay. I'm not hungry.
You sure?
Me, neither.
Then, I'll eat it all.
This is good. What is it?
Goat eyes.
Just kidding.
Come on!
It's Thai fish cake.
Yeah! Chicken!
Eat up, kids.
Where's Taeyang?
I don't know.
He went that way.
Why isn't he eating?
Taeyang! Let's eat!
One, two!
Damn it.
Eat first.
What's with all this?
And all these candles?
We had all these? It's kind of a waste.
And they could start a fire.
What the?
It's kinda scary, hon.
You think traditional dress is appropriate?
What's with all this food
when the kids aren't here?
Is it a special occasion?
What? You're scaring me.
It slipped my mind.
Sorry, I've been kinda out of it.
Mija! Baby...
Eat it all or you're dead.
Yes, ma'am!
Do you regret giving up the Olympics
and marrying me?
What are you talking about?
If I wasn't pregnant with Taeyang...
You could have won a gold medal.
I don't regret it.
I know you do.
Really? Then, let Taeyang do what he wants!
Make your own happiness.
The power of positivity! Remember?
That was your pick up line with me!
I said that? Hey, that's pretty good.
That line was not bad.
Because of it, my life ended up like this.
Taeyang's got talent.
That's why the audition...
What? Audition?
Can you jump from here?
No, that's impossible.
How will you know without trying?
I know.
No, you don't.
If you don't try, you can never know.
But if you trust your heart,
you can do anything.
Following your heart rather than your mind
is true courage.
Your father is like that.
He gave up the Olympic gold medal
that he desperately wanted...
and chose you instead.
He chose his family over his dream.
Though he promised his father the medal.
What would you do?
Stay here and think about it.
- Hey!
- What.
I love you!
Oh, please.
- Don't go!
- Let go!
That stings.
You sure you won't pray?
No way.
But you came all this way!
Aren't you worried about the kids?
Of course I am.
But that's useless, you know?
You're so stubborn.
Oh yeah.
What about the exhibition in two days?
Of course we can't do it!
Why are you yelling!
You call and cancel it, then!
What are you doing? Hurry up!
I'm not afraid
I'm charging ahead
Through all the tears
I'm soaring now
Like the sun
Rising high
I'm on fire
Fly high
Run to the world
I'll show you the world
All my dreams
My reason for living
The bursting excitement
Burns inside my heart
Run to the world I got the world
Run to the world I got the world
What's going on outside?
I can't concentrate!
Typhoon, run outside.
If you don't wanna get hurt
leave while you have the chance.
Uncle Mum!
Where did he go?
Stay back!
If you don't, I'll shoot!
Let me go!
Sis! Help me!
Uncle Mum! You okay?
I'm fine.
They took Typhoon. Hurry!
If you trust your heart, you can do anything.
Following your heart rather than your mind
is true courage.
Taemi! Are you okay? Can you hear me?
What are you doing?
- Are you okay?
- Yes, I'm fine.
Did you get hurt?
It's only a scratch.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
- Where's Mum?
- In the restroom.
What happened?
Not sure.
When we woke up some strange men came.
They took Typhoon.
Where were you?
Where did you go!
I don't believe you!
I'll find Typhoon and bring him back.
How! You call yourself his brother?
How could you? Get out!
- Taeyang!
- Bro!
You too!
We finally meet in person, Master Moon.
You're shorter than I expected.
Who the hell are you?
What do you want from us?
Daddy? Mommy?
- Typhoon!
- Stay back!
Hold it, Taemi.
If you a harm a hair on my son's head,
I'll kill you.
Stop or else!
Are you okay?
- No! Stop!
- Taemi!
This will make us even.
No! Taemi, stay still!
Just kidding.
Crazy idiot!
- No!
- Stay still!
Taemi! Are you okay?
I'll tell you how you can see your kid again.
It's very simple.
Just exchange this fake knife
with the real one during your show.
Do it right, if you wanna see your kid again.
You're really going to do it?
Let's just call the cops.
No. It's too late and too dangerous.
You think Typhoon's alright?
Of course. He's our son.
Let's sleep.
How can you sleep at a time like this!
We can't do the show with just
three people.
Not three, four.
Four? How? Who's coming?
Draw your hands together,
then kick with your left.
Try to follow me.
Do I really have to do this?
You idiot!
Hey! Be nice!
- I don't know about this.
- Me, neither.
The other way.
So cold.
Where are you!
If I'm not back in 30 minutes,
call the cops.
Why aren't you coming?
I'm almost there. Don't worry.
Typhoon! I'm inside. Where are you?
I'm scared.
It's okay. You trust me, right?
I'll save you.
Don't worry.
I'm hungry.
What? I'll buy you whatever you want.
What do you want to eat?
- Pizza.
- Pizza!
- Hamburger.
- Hamburger!
- Japchae.
- Japchae! What else!
- Tom yum kung.
- Okay! You can eat all that?
- Chocolate.
- Chocolate!
- Candy.
- Candy!
- Chips.
- Chips!
- Typhoon!
- Ribs, steak, fried chicken...
Good work, Taemi.
I think this is it.
Let's go. I'll get those villains!
Wait! You two stay here.
I'm going in alone.
What? We should go together!
Yeah, dad!
Mija, please!
That's why the kids never listen!
Taemi's no girl. She's practically a man.
Just stay here with Taemi.
Okay. But be careful.
If I don't come back in 10 minutes,
call the cops.
Mum, keep the car running. Just in case.
Taemi! You heard dad, right?
Stay right here till I come back.
And Mum?
I know.
- Uncle Mum?
- I know!
That family never listens.
Are you okay?
You never listen, do you!
Because she takes after you!
The show was great. You're real good.
Where's my son!
Daddy! Mommy!
You're all dead!
Are you okay?
My son, Taeyang, will come with the cops!
You're all dead!
What are you doing here?
You got what you wanted.
Do whatever you want to me,
but let my family go.
I beg you.
You beg?
But there's no show of respect.
You could try kneeling down.
Let go!
- Dad!
- Daddy!
Come on! It's me you want!
Let my family go! Now!
Stay back!
A family stays together till the very end.
Tie them up!
Let go!
Go have some fun.
Where's the Kris?
Follow that car! Now!
Fools! Follow it! Now!
All that training was worth it.
A great pupil under a great teacher.
- Mum!
- Uncle Mum!
- Get over here!
- Mum!
- Are you okay?
- Don't touch it!
We could all die!
Listen to me carefully.
Everyone goes out
and finds a safe spot.
No way, Dad! We can stop it.
Listen for once. Take the family and run!
No! Do something!
Take the kids and go!
There's no time! Go!
Get out.
Get out, now!
- Let's go.
- No!
Snap out of it!
It's okay, Taemi.
I'll be right out. Go with your mom!
Let's wait outside.
Listen to your mom!
- Daddy!
- Let's go.
You, too! Go protect them!
I'm so sorry.
I do trust you, son.
Go on.
- Dad!
- No, Taemi!
Run! Hurry!
Taeyang! Open the door!
Why did you come back!
There's still time!
No, there isn't! Get out of here, now!
Don't touch it!
You gotta see me win the gold!
You promised Grandpa!
No! It's too dangerous!
Stop it!
Get out, now!
What are you doing!
I can't breathe.
We're alive!
Typhoon, how did you know?
From the video game I play.
Dad! We're alive!
We made it!
We're alive, dad!
Yeah, we made it.
But you boys don't listen!
You never listen, huh!
We made it!
- Dad!
- Taemi!
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
We'll deal with this at home.
Where's that crazy fool?
There was no one here when we came out.
Probably long gone.
Then, where's Mum?
I think I know where they went.
How do we go after 'em?
We don't have a vehicle.
Yes, we do.
Gather around!
I'll give $1 million to the first one
who catches him!
Spread out!
Over there!
Watch Typhoon!
Hold on.
Hide here.
You scared me!
Next one!
Next one!
Let's get 'em.
See ya later!
Where are you scurrying off to?
You want the piece of iron that much?
You're alive?
No more games.
Let's go, one on one.
You sure?
Why? You scared?
I can't stand guns!
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Let go!
Now, we're even.
No hard feelings, huh?
Honey! Are you okay?
How touching.
Get them.
Let him go!
Taeyang! Run!
Get him!
Go get 'em!
I'm dying here.
Not you!
You! Over there!
Let go!
He finally did the Tornado kick!
Get that away!
Are you okay?
Let me see.
- Taeyang!
- Dad!
- Good work, son.
- Way to go, bro.
- Good work.
- You were great!
Keep it up straight!
Bend your knees more.
Not just anyone can be a master!