Kid Cannabis (2014) Movie Script

Beautiful. Isn't it?
- But listen.
- You hear it?
I hear it in my nightmares.
That's the sound of the feds,
Working their unmanned drones,
spending more money trying to shut us down
Than they did searching
for Osama Bin Laden.
42 billion spent
in the war on pot.
140 bucks from every one of you
To fight a little green herb made
by god that grows in the sun.
And god doesn't make mistakes.
Go! Go go go!
I would have personally
paid 18 million in taxes
On the almost 60 million I
made from the medicine I sold.
But they never asked,
so I never offered.
I never got the bill,
so I didn't pay.
Here's the skinny.
I was a spongy kid from the
wrong side of the lake.
A high school dropout.
The lost cause.
The invisible kid
whose name you forget
Before I even finish saying it.
But I ran a disciplined,
$68 million a year business
And employed hundreds of Wal-Mart-Shopping,
Exxon-Buying Americans.
And we'd still be
up and running,
Trying to cope with the demand,
if murder and mayhem
Hadn't entered the picture.
But hey,
You can't put the toothpaste
back in the tube, can you?
Topher moved to Idaho
from Boston when he was 15.
He took a lot of shit for his Boston
accent and for being full of shit.
But he's had my back ever since he
beat down Billy "the bull" Turrow,
Who used to give me a daily thumping
for as long as I can remember.
We had one big thing
in common. Pot.
Talking about it, smoking it,
looking for more, better, cheaper.
You know the deal.
He liked getting high
almost as much as I did,
And that is saying a lot.
You can't believe half the shit
that comes out of his mouth,
But Topher had game. He'd get me to do
things I would have never done on my own.
He was my best fro.
What's up, motherfuckers?
Is this a party?
If I could erase one guy from this story,
it would be Brendan butler.
He lost the plot years ago. Went to sleep
on the dirt floor of a Korean orphanage,
Woke up in a mansion
in Coeur d'Alene lake
With a silver spoon up his ass.
But no good deed
goes unpunished.
He paid his adopted
daddy warbucks back
By becoming the biggest, baddest,
loudest drug dealer in town.
Dealt his overpriced weed to
the frat pack at Gonzaga prep.
Us public school kids
got the sticks and seeds.
People talk about him being an honors
student, perfect S.A.T. Scores.
But he did some of the
stupidest shit I'd ever seen.
He was always talking when he
should have been listening.
Do you think people
will know what I am?
Who cares? The chicks
will have to ask, right?
Foot in the door,
dick in the whore.
Just let me do the talking.
I'll get us in.
All right.
Nate? Is that you?
Hey, Ashli with an "I."
It's me. How are you?
I'm great.
What are you?
He's the floor of a movie theater.
Yeah. Yeah.
What are you?
I'm a leaf blower.
Get it?
What are you?
French maid.
Yeah, never seen that before.
What are you supposed to be?
A cat.
Girl scout.
Do you have any cookies?
Not for you.
Okay, cool.
Fuck off. Let's go.
Sweet push-Up bra.
I hate those bitches.
Fucking skanks.
Go ahead, compliments
of Brendan butler.
Here you go.
No. Hold on. Hold up.
I'm cool with Wang.
Uh, Brendan butler, sir.
Yeah, Brendan.
Hold up.
Who the fuck thinks
they can call me Wang?
Huh? Who the fuck thinks
they can call me Wang?
These two fucking clowns.
I'm a friend of, uh, Daniel Cox.
This isn't Daniel Cox's
fucking party.
Yeah. He told us about it.
It's all good, right? Just...
Told you about it?
Got some bud.
Oh, you got some bud?
I got these.
Get the fuck out of here before
I ventilate you in your...
Fucking pussy bitch.
Who's a pussy bitch?
You're a fucking pussy bitch.
I don't know if freako bandito
was really shooting at us,
But I wasn't looking back
to find out.
Don't fuck with me.
You fucking prick.
Nice fucking costume.
Fuck you.
Can we make this a four-Way?
But the truth was,
we were both losers by legacy.
I went to bed sick and tired
of being sick and tired.
Tired of my mom
working shitty jobs,
Driving a shitty car,
living in a shitty house,
Just to provide three hots and
a cot for me and my little bro.
But every chunk of coal
wants to be a diamond, right?
You want to know what I think
is wrong with pot? Nothing.
Would you rather be in a room
full of drunks or pot smokers?
Give me the pot smokers
every time.
Laid back and friendly.
When was the last time a bar
fight broke out between potheads?
Drive drunk, you think you're doing
30 and you're really doing 90.
Drive high, you think you're doing
90 and you're really doing 30.
You stop at red lights twice.
Mother nature produces pot.
Man makes liquor.
Who do you trust? Seriously, the pizza
I used to deliver's killed more people
Than all the weed ever smoked
in the state of Idaho.
Mom awake?
I don't know.
You do your homework?
You really do your homework?
All right. Here you go, buddy.
Ma, it's time to get up.
Time to get up. Come on.
What time is it?
7:45. You gotta go to work.
I'd been working minimum wage
since I was a stem cell,
And it sucks in every way
and always will.
Delivering pizzas, shoveling snow,
bagging groceries,
Trimming trees,
whatever I could hustle.
In Coeur d'Alene, there was money
all around, but just out of reach.
Teasing, taunting,
just laughing at you for thinking
You were gonna get your hands
on any of it.
Come in!
Down the hall.
Uh, hi.
Thought they were sending
the redhead, uh...
Yeah, Jennifer, that's her.
The redhead, big tits.
Yeah. I...
I mean, she-She's off.
I'm Nate.
Hello, Nate.
It's 22.30.
Got change for a Hun?
Uh, no, I can't. Sorry.
Okay, hold your horses.
Hey! Any of you butt-Heads
got twenties?
Okay, excellent, thanks for your help.
I really appreciate that.
Get your hand off your nut sac.
Do you believe these guys, huh?
You, uh, want a hit?
Oh, no, I can't.
I gotta get back to work.
Like you'd hate to lose
this dream job, huh?
'Cause passing that pizza jockey
bar exam's a real bitch, huh?
Okay, excuse me.
All right. Turn
your head, little man.
You're about to see
what makes most women
Fear the cock. Okay.
Get in there.
Haha. Oh, easy, speed racer.
That there's the B.C. Bud.
That's 600 a half
if you can find it.
Six hundred a half?
Holy shit. Sorry.
Yes, it is.
You see the ground squirrel
on the bed there?
She bought herself a divorce,
a new set of tits,
And put her kid
through private school,
All by bringing down
a few pounds every month.
Down from where?
From Canada, bro.
Don't get me wrong,
tight pussy is very, very nice,
But it's a little overrated.
That chick's kid's head?
The size of fucking Charlie brown.
In her box?
All right, give me a second.
All right.
I-I-I... Here we go.
Um, all I have is a 20.
It's 22.30.
Can you break a Benjamin?
Then all I have is a 20.
Huh? We got a deal, Nate?
Thank you. There you go, sir.
Let me grab that.
It's a write-Off.
Now, shouldn't you be toodling
off back to pizza base camp?
Good to meet you, Nate.
Say hi to the big-Titted
redhead for me.
We got pie.
It was like I'd been living
my entire life in a fog,
And that night
it finally lifted.
Like Donald trump says,
"If you want to make money,
stick with what you love and know."
Oh, hey, ma. You're late.
Yeah. Some yuppies
ran out on their bill,
And randy made me wash dishes
to cover their check.
Hey. You need to get
some sleep.
Good night, mom.
Good night, baby.
Yes? Okay.
Tom? Tom.
Mr. Loya can see you now.
First office to your right.
Thank you.
Come in.
Come in.
Close the door there, yeah.
I'm Joe Loya.
Hi. Tom Clark. Pleasure.
Take it off.
Take what off?
The mask.
I'm... I'm sorry.
I didn't want to be seen.
I'm a little nervous.
Sorry. Didn't mean
to weird you out.
What can I do for you today?
Uh, marijuana.
I have a friend who...
Kind of a friend,
That he or she
May-May-May be interested
In, uh, in the business.
So, you want to know
how much time you would do
If you get popped dealing weed.
Um, not-Not dealing.
Not-Not me, though.
Yeah, but once again,
not me, my friend.
Uh, might be doing it.
Maybe. Well,
there are a lot of variables.
How much weight? Are you
crossing state lines?
Are you carrying a firearm?
Is this a federal case or a state case?
If it's a state case,
which state and who's the judge?
Do you have any priors?
The critical element in
whether you walk away
Or you're there to stay is
have you stashed enough money
To pay my fee?
Oh. Okay.
How much weed do you think
was sold in America last year?
I don't know. Not enough.
Come on, man. How much?
Two million pounds.
Fifty million pounds?
No. No.
I don't know. How much?
All of it.
I mean, the market is huge.
It's infinite.
And you know who sells the sweetest,
dankest purple-Hair buds
In the whole western world?
What's with the 20 freaking questions?
Dude, man, Canada. Every ma and
pa kettle in Canada's a grower.
You want to know why?
No, Nate. Enlighten me.
If you get caught growing,
slap on the wrist. Nobody gives a shit.
It's like a speeding ticket
or an overdue library book.
We don't live in Canada.
It's a hundred miles away, dude.
The border's wide open.
The border's n...
If the border's wide open, why
did Ronnie price get popped
With a half a pound coming home from
a hockey tournament in Vancouver?
Dumbass, I'm not talking about
driving it across the border.
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about walking across the
5,000 miles they're not watching.
You think that they're not watching.
I know they're not watching.
Okay. My dad says if anyone
deals with drugs,
You better get rich quick,
because you're gonna get caught in the end.
Oh, yeah? You know
what my dad says?
Nothing, 'cause I don't have one,
so I gotta make it on my own.
I'm talking about pot here.
Thomas Jefferson
and George Washington grew it.
Columbus's sails were made out of it.
I mean, even the first pair of levis
Were made out of it, man.
You talk so much shit for a kid
Who didn't graduate high school.
I'm saying we could
bring in a few pounds,
Offload it in, what, five
and a half seconds?
Get the 50 large we need
to open that custom bike shop
We've always been talking about.
Keep it small, just between us.
In and out, short and sweet,
we eat and treat.
Yeah, but you know how much time
we would do if we got caught?
I know exactly how much time.
Keep it under five pounds,
no weapons, no priors?
We'd do a year. Be out
in four months.
Wow. You've been chewing
on this for a while, huh?
Yeah, a while.
Pop that pussy full of poppy
lunch at nobu bring hot sake
go with me on Kawasaki's
Do you even know
where we're going?
North. This way.
Come on.
So that's it, huh?
That's the border?
There's got to be a camera or some
motion detectors or some shit.
Let's find out.
On my three.
One, two, three, go.
What the hell?
Sorry, sorry, my foot got stuck.
Yeah, let's go again. Ready?
One, two, three, go.
I'd never ran as fast
as I did that day.
We ran like Kenyan
track stars on meth.
Like we were being chased by H.I.V-Positive,
flesh-Eating zombies on motocross bikes.
We were just waiting
for the sirens to go off,
The helicopters to come
swooping out of the sky,
For the lasers and ninjas
with searchlights.
Waiting for all the shit
to fly out of the sky,
But surprise, surprise,
It never did.
What do you think?
I have no idea, man.
Is it Canada?
Could be.
Can't see any fucking cars.
Fuck it. Let's go. Come on.
Where the fuck are we?
It's in kilometers.
We're in Canada, man!
Wait. Go.
We needed startup capital,
So we went back to the lake
and found a sunken jet boat
In, like, ten seconds.
The magic boat that no one
thought really existed.
Some sucker peeled off
the 1800 we were asking,
And boom, boom, boom,
we were knocking at the door
Of the "a" room.
Financing in place,
Route laid out.
Now, to get higher, all we
needed was a supplier.
Just be cool. Just
keep it cool, buddy.
You all right?
Yeah, yeah, I'm good. I got this.
Besides, we don't have
anything on us, so we're fine.
Relax. I've got it
under control.
See some I.D.
Sure. Not-Not a very
good looking picture.
Dude, shut up.
You as well.
Here you go.
Did you check the N.C.I.C.?
Where you boys headed?
What part of Canada?
The inside part. Creston.
We're just going to visit some friends.
Any drugs or alcohol
in the vehicle?
Oh, no. I mean, we sold them
all to get this sweet ride.
Zero to sixty in three days.
You feel?
Take the left on your way out. Pull over
into the secondary inspection area.
Do I look like I'm joking?
Shut up.
All right.
I'm sorry. The fuck is wrong with you,
trying to be funny?
It was a dumb joke.
Trying to be a fucking comedian.
You're not funny.
It's pathetic. I'm sorry.
Get your sweaty shit together, man.
I'm not doing this with you
If you're gonna be a fucking idiot.
I'm nervous, okay?
Well, just shut up,
don't say anything.
Step out of the car, please.
Everything okay? Yep, just head to
the front of the vehicle, please.
All right.
There's nothing
in the fucking car, right?
You sure?
I'm positive.
All right.
What's this, guys?
Uh, that's a paintball gun, sir.
Why just one?
I don't-I don't play
paintball, sir.
All right, guys. Empty
your pockets
For me, please, on the table.
I need you to take your socks
and shoes off, please.
Probably smell bad, but...
Shirts and shorts
for me, please.
This is the fun part.
Which way?
Let me see. We go...
It says 3.7 miles
To the main road.
Miles or kilometers?
Oh, k... I don't know.
It doesn't say.
Well, that's kind of
a big difference.
Kilometers or miles?
All right, we'll figure it out.
Where is it?
Right up ahead.
This corner? Oh, right here.
There's no fucking way.
All righty, there you go, man.
Have a great day.
What's up, dude?
Hey, man.
My name's ted.
Hey, ted.
Ted. Topher.
Nate Norman.
Pleased to meet you guys.
Well, how can I help you?
Well, um, looking to get
some bud.
No doubt. Okay, we've got the
sativas over here at this end,
And they're a really good head stone,
really uplifting kind of high,
Make you want to go to the park and
run through and look at the flowers.
We like getting high.
And then, uh,
Over here it's The Indicas,
which are kind of like the body stones,
Which, kind of like
wheelchair weed.
What's your favorite
strain, ted?
I love the King Kong, man.
Got a really nice burn to it.
You know, a lot of growers don't flush out the
fertilizer enough, and it makes you cough.
It's kind of harsh. The king Kong,
it's got this beautiful burn.
Really nice and potent, just...
Can we smell the king Kong?
Yeah, for sure.
And the...
Oh, my god.
Some of the finest herb
in B.C. here.
Wow. Yep,
that'll get you high just smelling it.
Smells like Tinkerbell's wings.
How much... Yeah, how much
does it cost?
We have 1800 bucks.
No, man, we don't sell
quantity here.
We're retail, not wholesale.
I think we should still...
Probably get some, yeah.
Well, check it out.
Holy cow.
Just walk away.
Bail. Bail.
Look around. This place
is crawling with D.E.A.
They got the whole place
under surveillance.
You buy here, try and get it
back into the U.S. Of a.,
You're facing federal
smuggling charges.
No parole in federal prison.
Walky walky.
Come on.
Take a right.
Right right right.
How far away are we
from this place?
About five, ten blocks.
Oh, great.
So, do you grow
your own shit, or...
uh, it's a plant.
It grows itself.
All right, take a right up here.
All right, man, just park anywhere.
All right.
Come on, come on, come on.
Watch your step.
My lady cut her finger.
Couple times.
All right, 1800 U.S.
Can we smoke a blunt first?
I just saved your ass and
you're trying to test me?
Give me the money.
Uh, okay.
You guys gotta go now.
Go! Go now. Go.
Run! Go!
This shit's like Mexican
goat fuckers' weed, man.
It's not worth me carrying
it across the border.
Yeah, well, did you get
a receipt from that guy?
'Cause maybe we can ask him
for a refund or some shit.
Major tom to ground control.
Do you copy?
Yes, Mr. Fuckface,
I can hear you.
All right. So, I'll pick
you up in three hours.
Meet you at mile 8
on millstone lane.
Stay in the woods till I come get you.
Got it? All right.
Wait. Wait wait wait.
Why am I carrying it?
Don't start now.
I'm just asking.
You're older than me.
You're in better shape.
You can obviously use
the fucking exercise.
It's my car.
I can drive.
You can't drive stick.
Yes, I can.
No, you can't.
It's not fucking stick, Nate.
I'm afraid of bears.
Like I'm fucking not?
It's already decided, man.
You're in the suit and gear.
All right.
I'll do it next time, okay?
Get the fuck out of here.
Fucking right you will.
Fuck. Where the fuck am I?
While Topher was trying
to figure out
If the earth's magnetic poles
had shifted,
I was cruising back
to the home country,
Already dreaming about how I
was going to spend my money.
Hello, Nate.
Where's Christopher?
Christopher Clark.
Oh, toph?
He hooked up with one
of Canada's finest.
I'm gonna go home and sleep
at my mom's house.
Way to rub it in.
Could you pull into the secondary
inspection area, please?
Man. Fine.
And there's no drugs in the car?
Take a look in the car.
Please. Please do.
As the inbred beagle was hitting
on a moldy corndog in my car,
Topher had gotten so turned
around, he ended up
Back on the same road
in Canada he'd started on.
Like I said,
He was from Boston.
I guess they don't get out
in the woods much there.
Open your mouth.
I was getting poked and prodded
For the second time that day.
I have to say, the second
cavity search
Was a lot less painful.
Drop your shorts.
I just wish he had taken
The class ring off first.
Ground control, major tom.
Do you read me?
Ground control, major tom.
Do you...
Major tom, where the fuck
are you?
Nate? Nate?
Who are you calling?
Who the fuck is this?
The fuck's this?
Nate. Nate!
Major tom, ground control.
Are you in?
Ground control. Where are you?
I'm at mile 8. Where are you?
Topher, I'm at mile 8.
Where are you?
Ah, fuck. Jesus.
Go go go go go go go.
Holy shit.
You okay? Yeah, man.
It was a long run.
Holy shit.
We did it!
We fucking pulled it off.
I can't believe it.
We sold that first pound
in about five nanoseconds.
Between Topher and me, we knew all
the head cases in Coeur d'Alene.
We cleared two large selling
a pound of P.O.W. Dirt weed.
That was an eye-Opener.
We knew we had the demand.
Now we had to get the supply.
If we had real weight
in high-Grade rock star weed,
The sky was the limit.
So we went back up to Canada,
looking for a good connect.
Don't slow down.
Just drive normal.
Why wouldn't I drive normal?
There's a cop.
Who cares? It's a cop.
Who gives a shit?
He's doing his job.
Don't drive too fast.
Don't slow down.
I'm not slowing down.
Why are they fucking...
Oh, shit.
Might as well pull over here,
where it's safe.
Drive forward more.
No stupid, fucking,
juvenile jokes.
License, registration.
Hey. Can't actually find the registration,
I've had this thing so many years.
Were we doing
anything wrong, officer?
You're not wearing
your seatbelt.
You fucker.
Sorry about that, officer.
Where you boys headed?
Yeah, we're going to visit
a friend in Creston.
Where does your friend live?
Uh, high near the school...
Right near the high school, sir.
By the high school. Yellow house,
I can't remember the name of the street,
But I know how to get there
once I see the school.
There's a steeple
somewhere, I think.
You remember your friend's name?
What is it?
Uh, Michel, but it's a dude.
Yeah, mee-Chel.
Yeah, he's Russian.
French. Uh, both.
If you boys are looking
to score some weed,
You're in the wrong place.
You want to get on 36,
go north to nelson.
That's where Canada grows
its finest green.
Uh, okay.
You boys have a really good day.
Wear your seatbelts.
Thanks a lot.
Did he just tell us...
Go, go. Be cool.
Is he fucking with us?
This is awesome.
Canada's the coolest.
Yes, $8. Go wild.
All right.
All right.
Smells good.
Tastes good, too.
You want a bite?
Isn't there some shit
about smoking at a gas station?
My dad owns the gas station.
Huh. So he's
Cool with his hottest daughter
just blowing herself up?
Do you want to write
a fucking report?
Do you want a hit?
I don't want to write a report.
I'm Topher.
Nate, come here, sexy.
Oh, this is my buddy, Darren.
What's up, dude?
This is my boy Nate.
He's kind of shy
around white girls.
Fuck you, I'm shy.
Hi. Nate. Pleasure.
Nicole. Don't be shy
around me, Nate.
I'm an easy girl to get to know.
Holy shit, this is
bomb-Ass chronic.
You want to take some
home with you?
Yeah. We, uh, how much?
How much we talking?
How much you looking for?
A lot.
We probably should have
suspected a set-Up.
I would have claimed entrapment.
But you don't get many
second chances in life.
Or first chances,
for that matter.
When an opportunity
like Nicole comes along,
You better be ready to jump
on and bite down hard.
Come on.
Hey, mom.
This is, uh, Topher and...
Hi. How are you?
Good. How are you?
Nate? How are you?
Not bad.
That's my little sister Ella.
Hi, Ella.
Hey there.
How are you?
These boys are looking
for some buds.
Sweet. Okay, hold on.
John! These boys
come a-Looking.
Around here.
Almost there, fellows.
Let's go.
Little corner here.
Watch your heads. Low bridge.
Now we're stepping up.
Let's go. Step up.
Up, up.
There you go.
All right, lose the masks.
Come on in.
Ever seen a vegging room before?
Well, welcome then.
This is a completely controlled
and sealed environment.
Temperature, co2, humidity.
It's all controlled.
Get the fuck away from it.
We use Rockwool
And these puffed lava rocks.
There you go.
Plants absolutely love it.
Let me show you
the flowering room.
Whatever you do, don't touch
those yellow things.
Why not?
Whole place will blow up.
No. They're fly traps.
I have been selecting
indica mothers
And cross-Breeding them
with mostly indica male plants.
And this, oh, this is
My masterpiece.
Took me almost 20 years
to develop this strain.
The homozygous dominant is
what gets the great bud color.
This durga mata, she's a hybrid
Of two different shiva strains.
I get one from a U.S.
Government laboratory.
Look at that thick stem,
will you?
Short inner loaves,
long, pointy fingers.
Strong veins.
Tight, tight bud clusters.
I love the frosty look,
don't you?
Fucking love it.
Looks amazing.
Go ahead, take a big smell.
Enormously high THC.
Very sweet, hashy taste.
And it finishes
with a Christmas cake mix
Of tropical, fruity flavors.
Manatushka thunderfuck
and silver Kush, see,
Can't even carry
this bud's jockstrap.
It's two different universes.
They're not even
in the fucking same reality.
Look at me.
The shit that we grow here
is fucking insane.
This is the healthiest THC
delivery system that you can use.
You understand, it doesn't burn
The leaves, it just
heats them up enough
To release and activate the THC.
So, it feels like you're
inhaling cool air,
With a light kind
of candy corn taste.
Trust me, when you smoke
as much as we do,
It's the only way to go.
Yeah. I mean, your lungs are
the gateway to the bloodstream,
And they have to last
you a lifetime.
John used to be
a two pack a day smoker
When we met.
You are a goddess,
And you saved my life.
Of course, baby.
You boys don't smoke cigarettes, do you?
He does.
That's a nasty habit.
I mean, those things are
just full of chemicals.
We don't let Nicky
date smokers, do we?
Yeah, I actually just quit.
Hey. Hey, uh,
You mind if I get another slug?
Easy there, killer.
This isn't that mexi schwag
you're used to smoking.
It will drop you like owl shit
on the forest floor.
Dad, stop bragging.
Nicole, baby,
It's not bragging
if it's the truth.
The THC content in here is,
what, 25 percent?
Your head's used to seven.
Coley bear, you want to swirl
down a little magic?
Oh, thanks for asking me.
Oh, come on, mama bear,
you know you're always included.
Your daddy's favorite girl.
Oh, I better be daddy's only girl.
Someone's gonna get
laid tonight.
This is pretty strange,
huh, kid?
We don't deal in small quantity.
Nothing less than a hundred a run,
$1600 a pound.
Trust me, it's in both
of our best interests.
You're gonna want to keep your
risk-Reward ratio nice and high.
Can you deal
with that kind of stock?
Remembering that effective
distribution is the key to success
For all of us in this business.
The only sure thing
is the demand.
The rest of it is just plain,
old-Fashioned hard work.
You're preaching again.
No. But, honey, this is important.
And let me tell them why.
Because when the money comes,
When it really, really
starts to come,
Well, sometimes, boys, it is hard
to keep your go kart on the track.
Actually, we were thinking
more like 300 pounds.
Excuse me?
Can you get
that many able bodies?
Serious soldiers
with soft, golden hearts?
It's not a problem.
People who you would blind trust
In a forest fire or firefight.
One hundred percent.
These are guys I grew up with.
They're my brothers
but from different mothers.
Well, let's get down
to brass tacks.
Drug smuggling... Yes.
That damn sure is what it is...
Requires more cool,
more integrity
Than any other business.
So much is done on a wink and a handshake.
And if you did get busted,
it's usually because somebody was jealous.
They ratted you out.
Someone on the inside.
Someone on your first-String
team, all full of beer
And bullshit, who has no idea
what cool really means.
Clint Eastwood.
Clint Eastwood is cool.
Twelve to twenty words
a picture, no need to brag,
No need to boast.
And if you're not humble,
Start flashing your hubris,
with your candy apple red...
Daddy, shut up.
You're way too stoned...
You're right.
I fucking well am.
I think that we should just
keep it small at first.
We can handle it.
And I appreciate it.
Better to hear it now than to
have to experience it later.
We don't front product.
We're strictly cash and carry.
It keeps the air
between us clean and pure.
I understand.
Three hundred pounds?
How fucking high are you?
Seriously, what type of tony Montana,
bipolar shit are you on right now?
Because you almost had
a fucking heart attack
Crossing the border carrying
nothing but your own weight.
Now you want to do
300 pounds a run?
Where the fuck are we gonna
get that kind of money?
I'll get it.
Oh, you'll get it.
You got a fucking oil well somewhere
In your backyard you haven't
told anybody about?
Look, dude, this is our big chance,
and it may be our only one,
So we have to take it. Okay?
Three hundred pounds
will get you $640,000.
That's 3.8 million in a week, and that's
taking Sunday off for a little prayer, okay?
Can you believe that shit?
Fucking ridiculous. No, I don't believe...
Boys, why don't you stay over?
You're in no condition to drive.
Seriously, it's all good.
Come on.
All right.
Thank god she came out
with the invite,
Because right then,
I couldn't have driven a biscuit
Into a plate full of gravy.
I'm all for mixing
business with pleasure,
But I knew if this business
got done and done right,
There would be more pleasure than any
of us could handle without a spotter.
Thank god Topher was too dumb
To slop on the one condom
he brought,
Because I needed it to get the
sample weed back across the border.
I never really tested
my gag reflex before,
But fuck me if
the banana taste in lubricant
Didn't make me want to puke
like a sick puppy.
Hello, Mr. Norman.
Right over
to secondary inspection.
That was the only time I ever
drove product across the border.
I had an eighth of durga mata
in my lower intestine
'Cause I knew I'd need it
to rustle up investors.
I just hoped it smelled and smoked
sweet after the journey it was taking,
And that they weren't gonna give me a
laxative and an hour on the shitter.
Drop them.
Hey, Barry. How you doing?
Nate Norman.
I have a business proposal
for you.
Hey, Barry. My name
is Nate Norman.
I have a business proposition
for you.
Barry Lerner.
Not his real name, fyi.
But someone I heard about through
this guy who used to run for butler.
Remember when I said butler should have
done less talking and more listening?
Feds have been trying
to nail Barry for years.
And if I had rolled on him,
I wouldn't be where I am today.
But he kept his word,
and I kept mine.
Can I get you another soda?
Uh, sure.
Anything else?
Uh, yeah. Could I have a beer sent
over to Barry Lerner over there?
Uh, what kind of beer?
What do you got?
We have a lot of different kinds of beers.
Just get what that guy's having
And send it over to him, please.
All right, six bucks.
Two, three, six,
and as a bonus...
Here's some change.
Thank you.
Barry was from Israel.
Not the beaches
with the beautiful girls part,
But the Munich revenge part.
He'd been charged
with five counts of murder
And aggravated assault,
but never got close to being convicted.
He brought ecstasy in
from the coast of Portugal,
Cocaine from south Peru,
and funneled money
From the streets of the
northwest into his accounts.
But his real love
and passion was weed.
It's from that kid
with the glasses.
Hey. Uh, Barry?
How are you?
Do I know you?
Nate Norman.
Do I know you?
I know you do business
with Brendan butler.
What the fuck
is with Brendan butler?
It's cool, it's cool.
I'm not a cop or anything.
Know people who know people.
Look, why don't you go back to
your table and leave me alone?
"I am not a cop."
I have a business proposition for you,
if you're willing to hear me out.
I have cell phone stores.
Do you need a new phone?
Unhappy with your plan?
No. Then we have no
business to discuss.
Move on.
- What do you want?
- Where the fuck are you?
I'm doing business.
Just gonna leave me in bum-Fuck Canada?
Seem like you're having
a good enough time, dude.
What kind of
business are you doing? Nate?
Dealing with a potential
financier. This could be big.
I'm crystal.
Nate, what the fuck's going on?
Uh, Nate.
I know. I have something for you.
Come with me.
Nate, who is that?
I gotta go.
Sit down.
Barry bought a dance for you.
I knew what Barry was doing.
Do you have anything else?
He was using her
to get all my info
And checking to see
if I was wearing a wire.
The guy was thorough, sharp,
and as detailed as a rocket launch.
And I was glad he was.
Stand up.
Okay. His ass was my ass if
this all turned to shit,
And let's be honest, I didn't
know what I was doing.
I was damn glad he did.
Taped it on her iphone
she says she want
to put it on viddy
but you gotta pay
for that look though really
get on your grind
like a good ho should be
there's enough tricks
and simps in the world today
for you to gather you
some big face fifties
make that pussy work for you
then bust it open
for a trill nigga
just like you 'posed to
if you don't comply
shit pussy only pussy
I'm a call me
another bitch over
Barry says if you have
anything to say to him,
You can tell me.
Just talk, Mr. Big cock.
The clock is running.
Hi, Barry.
Here you are, sir.
This is better than anything
Brendan ever brought me.
I have a much better connect
than Brendan will ever have.
Oh, yeah?
Look, I'm honest and dependable,
And I will never run my mouth
off the way Brendan does.
The only reason I even
know about you
Is because he's always
full of beer and bullshit.
Talking about crimping you
And running with your money or whatever
ghetto shit he's talking about.
That is $666,000.
For 300 pounds.
It's 2600 a pound.
I'm paying 2200.
Can I trust you, Nate?
You understand me?
You understand who I am?
Do you understand
what's going on today?
This goes beyond trust.
This is a second mortgage.
On your life.
If you were to burn me,
It would be
a very bad day for you.
And for anyone and everyone
you know.
I know that you would like
your little brother
Phillip to raise his grades
in Mr. Harris's history class.
I know you would like to see
your mother
Not have to refill coffee
for a living.
Do you understand
How easy it would be
To bury 170 pounds
of rotting meat
Where no one will ever find it?
I want you to remember
my words here.
I want you to keep it
in your mind.
And I want you to let it guide
Your actions.
I will.
I'll be right with you, son.
Yes, Vidal. We'll go
to the beach.
We go to the beach now, okay?
You and poppy.
Now that I had the top-Shelf
financing secured,
It was time to assemble
my "a" team.
But what I needed most was for
them to be mine, 100 percent.
One weak link
and my ship would sink.
Turned out I was gonna have to
whip donkeys into racehorses.
I've hand-Picked you guys
'cause you're all adaptable dudes
With no attitudes, just gratitude.
Am I right about that?
Mike hunt, you fed me
many times for free.
Now I'm gonna pay you back.
Terry, your dad being
a sheriff's deputy
Is gonna put us
at a huge advantage.
You're gonna be our eyes and
ears inside law enforcement.
Dustin, you're the only jock in high
school who didn't beat the shit out of me.
I appreciate that.
Even though I know you've got a burnt knee,
You're still capable of
kicking ass and hauling grass.
Dylan, you've always beat me
in paintball.
I want you to have my back in case things
go down O.K. Corral style, you feel me?
Fucking Patrick. I mean, we've been friends
since we were, what? Five years old?
Remember that time I got popped for
shoplifting and you took the heat?
Good man.
You're just scuzz.
So I have one question,
and one question only.
Can I trust you?
Because we hold each other's
futures in our hands.
United we stand,
divided we fall.
And if we fall, it's because someone's
talking when they should be listening.
Someone who has no idea
what the concept of cool is.
Clint Eastwood is cool. Twelve
to twenty words a picture,
Doesn't need to brag,
doesn't need to boast, just gets shit done.
How much are we getting paid? Runners get
paid 3500 a run and drivers get 1500 a run.
How much are you getting paid?
Enough to pay you 3500 a run.
I'm putting everything I have,
everyone I love out on a skinny limb.
So, if it works out, yeah,
I may take home some money.
You're gonna be part
of the "a" team, I need you
In the best shape of your life.
That means we train and we train
and then we train some more.
Pain is just weakness
leaving your body.
You want to stop and take a break?
Take a long one and don't come back.
We can't be in the forest.
We need to become the forest.
We need to be prepared
for any and every eventuality.
We're gonna rig scuzz's car
with gas cans to explode
If we get pulled over
by the cops.
Oh, fuck off.
What the fuck? Why my car?
Because it's ready
to blow anyway.
And because I said so. Fucking chill.
You sound like my dad.
He might be. I mean, the way your
mom sucks and fucks around town...
Fuck you.
We're using two cars,
one decoy and one load car.
Make sure all the cars are clean.
Insurance, even tire pressure.
And we never have the crisp
for the product
In the same car
with the runners.
If we get tailed, the rear decoy
Will attack and distract
and we will keep on rolling.
Remember the details.
Plan the run and run the plan.
Cell phones off.
If your phone's on,
the feds can trace you absolutely anywhere.
We maintain absolute silence.
If we trip off the motion sensors, they'll
be listening to us with hidden mikes.
You close every gate you open,
you pack out what you pack in.
Don't even spit
unless you have to.
Seriously, the last thing
we want to do is piss off
One of these survivalist redneck
types living in these woods.
It'll be 16.3 miles
across the trail.
Supplier will meet us
at the designated transfer spot
And we swap cash for stash.
Load up.
Hold the bag.
Hold the fucking bag.
You'll be carrying
60 pounds each.
I know exactly how much
is going in,
I know exactly how much
is coming out.
So no loose pillows, no scraped butts,
no samples, nothing.
We got a job to do
and we're gonna do it.
They'll be watching
from the air.
So when we head back,
We need to be ninjas.
Delta force strike team shit.
Seriously, invisible,
like baby's breath.
Once we make it across
the American side,
It's a flat-Out sprint
to the finish line.
If we trip off any sensors,
they'll be looking for us.
We better be in our car
and on our way out
Before they even wipe the doughnut
sugar off their mouths. Got me?
You got me or what?
Let's fucking do this.
All right, hold up.
Hold up.
We're taking a break.
No. No no no.
No sampling.
Fuck you, Nate.
Take it out of my paycheck. I will.
Now it's out of your paycheck,
Those first few runs
went like clockwork.
We were cannabis camels,
team triple "b,"
Humming along like
a perfectly oiled machine.
We could finally afford unlimited
wings and premium beer.
Guys, job well done, eh?
Many more to come.
Fuck, yeah.
And another thing.
I got something for you.
These wings are pretty...
happy birthday to me
This is only
the beginning, guys.
Jesus, guys, don't open it here.
Don't I get more
than the other driver?
Because I carried the product.
I took all the risk.
We'll switch it up next time.
Yeah, but I need it this time.
Okay, yeah? And?
Fuck you, Nate.
Guys, people are looking at us.
Don't fucking tell me to chill.
Relax, scuzz.
Hey, are you Topher?
I hear you're paying 3500
To haul great green across the border.
I'd love to get hooked up.
Who the fuck are you?
Who told you that, kid?
Who's talking to you, dick monkey?
Look, man, I'll do it for two G's,
And I promise I can run more pounds
than this fucking teletubby.
Fucking beat it, kid.
Get the fuck out of here right now, kid.
Fucking four-Eyed fat fuck.
What is going on?
Your language.
See how fucking long
You can play
before you get popped.
Go back to daycare.
Okay, how you doing?
What the fuck just happened?
We do one job
and all of a sudden it's
Fucking all over
the front pages?
Who's talking?
What's going on here?
Not me, man.
I didn't say shit, man.
And why the fuck do they think
you're running the show, huh, toph?
What's up with that? I don't know.
Maybe because I look like a leader
And I had to carry your fucking ass
the whole way. Outside, right now.
Topher, be really nice...
Did that kid call him a teletubby?
What is wrong with you?
Me? What is this?
30... Are you
fucking kidding me?
Drug runners get paid, dude.
A what? I'm not
a fucking runner.
Dude, I thought
we were partners.
The whole buddy team.
Brothers from another mother.
You wouldn't even
have the fucking idea
If it wasn't for me.
That's bullshit.
It was my idea. I had
to talk you into it.
You thought it was stupid.
I found
the dream connect. Huh?
The dream connect found you,
and then you fucked her.
Big deal.
Jesus fuck.
Hey man, I found the finances.
I'm handling the administration
And the distribution.
If anything goes wrong,
Going way off
the fucking page wrong,
It's my ass signed and stapled
to the bottom line, okay?
Look, I'll give you seven k.
Fuck your seven k.
You said we were
Splitting this shit 50-50.
I never said that.
You said we'd be millionaires.
You will be. I mean,
at seven k a run,
Seven runs a week,
you'll be a millionaire
In 16, 17 weeks.
You said fucking
multi-Millionaire, Nate.
Then double that!
32 or 34, whatever.
Jesus Christ, man.
Fucking unbelievable.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I need you to head up
the next few runs.
And you've gotta
tighten it up, okay?
You're the marine, I'm the...
the head 'em up,
move 'em out guy.
I'm... I'm a desk jockey.
I'm the button-Up...
How much you getting paid?
I don't know.
How much you fucking getting paid?
I don't know.
You don't know?
I want ten grand
on the next run,
Or I'm fucking done.
- Fine.
- I knew exactly
How much money I was making.
Fucking earn it, though.
More than enough to give
topher's ten grand a run
And to make my mom's
wildest dreams come true.
Best feeling in the world.
Okay, maybe second best.
How do you know these people?
Just some people from work.
Is this one of your
drug-Dealer friends?
Shut up, Phillip.
Look at that view.
It's pretty spectacular, huh?
Oh, my god.
Pretty sweet, huh?
Would you look at that?
And you say
your friends live here.
Oh, wow.
What is this?
Baby, whose house is this?
It's our house, mom.
7,800 square feet.
Got our own dock.
Built about four years ago.
You got your own upstairs wing.
Kitchen. Two bedrooms.
Two bathrooms.
Anything you want.
Oh, my god.
How can you afford this,
Wait, wait, wait.
You know what?
I don't wanna know.
No, it's really...
It's fine.
These guys,
these wall street guys,
They hooked me up
with this I.P.O.
And it just...
It just blew up.
And now things are skyrocketing.
I'm cashing in.
Oh, I love you.
I love you too, mom.
Welcome home.
I don't think
my mom really bought
The I.P.O. Story.
Any mom can
Look in your eye
and see the lie.
But it took
my 11-Year-Old bro
To point out what was really up.
You're a drug dealer.
Dealing drugs.
That's what I heard.
Who told you that?
Mm, these guys from school.
I don't do drugs.
I hate drugs.
You don't do drugs, do you, kid?
No, I hate 'em.
Keep it that way, huh?
But like everyone else,
As long as they were
profiting in a fat way,
No one wanted to know
where the bags of cash
Were really coming from.
The next six months were
a green and bubbly blur.
All we were doing was
running through the woods,
And we were clearing
a million a week.
And Topher was still
sampling the buds
Every time he went over
for a pickup.
The grefards were supplying
The highest-Quality product
Anyone had ever seen.
We had an apartment
in Spokane that we used
For the dropoffs.
At first it was once a week.
Then three times a week.
Then every day of the week.
And all of our lifestyles
were taking a serious upgrade.
I finally got a legit eye exam.
With the right prescription,
the world was starting to look
A whole lot better.
I'm not saying where.
But I put a nice chunk
of my profit away
For a rainy day.
My own little 401.
Topher and I even joined a gym.
Got myself a hot trainer
and was well on my way
To losing 50 pounds
of pepperoni pizza baby fat.
Everyone was happy.
Prices were going down.
And quality up.
Everyone wanted
a piece of the pie.
We had the best-Looking
girls in town in pairs.
Girls that wouldn't've
looked in our direction
Now were sucking on
the big bong.
We were working hard
and playing even harder.
And had forgotten
old man grefard's advice
About not flashing your hubris
And candy apples, whatever.
My head was so far up my ass,
National geographic
couldn't've found it.
But then one night,
we got a big wake-Up call.
What is it?
Did you hear that?
What's going on?
Thought I heard something.
Fucking hear anything...
Shut the fuck up.
Okay, do it.
Scuzz! Put out
the fucking cigarette now!
There's nobody here.
Scuzz, put it out!
All right.
Come on, come on.
What the fuck are you doing?
What the fuck are you doing?
Same as you, bro.
Oh yeah?
Yeah, that's your first mistake.
I got the franchise for
this part of the world,
You understand?
Give me the bag.
Give me the fucking bag before
I bust a cap in your ass!
Okay. Okay.
I'm giving you the bag.
Relax, bro, relax...
Go go go! Go go go!
Fuckin' Asian ass-Fuck butler.
I'd recognize that
half-Fag voice anywhere.
Thought our tickets
were punched.
I was scared spitless.
If I was smart,
I would've gave him the weed
And make you deal with
the fuckin' Asian fight club.
You do that,
butler would've taken the weed
And killed everyone.
Case closed.
All these guys deserve triple
the money on the next run.
Fuck yeah!
Fuck yeah! Hazard pay!
We got fuckin' shot at.
Guys, you knew the risks.
Fuck man,
we could've been killed.
But you weren't, and it's over.
So money's not gonna
change anything.
Fuck yeah it will.
It'll keep you
in business, Nate.
What do you guys
want from me, huh?
What do we want?
What the f...
We just got shot at.
Have you ever been shot at?
No. Have you ever
been shot at?
We just got shot at.
We just got fucking shot at.
Where were you?
Well, I was on the phone...
Well, I was... Fuck you.
You were sitting
On your computer
eating fucking donuts
While we're doing
all the fucking work.
Fuck that!
Jesus fucking Christ,
you see what we're fucking doing for you?
Wait, wait, wait. Wait.
Are you fucking high?
No, I'm not.
You just sitting there, smoking bong loads
While we're doing
all the fucking work?
Come on, man.
All right! Okay!
Okay, all right. Okay.
Jesus. Fuck.
You'll get your triple pay
just this once, okay?
I mean, I'm not gonna
be making anything,
But that's okay.
I want you guys to be happy.
I want you guys to be safe.
You're not just my employees.
You're my best friends.
I love you guys.
So, yeah.
This time I'll do it.
We cool?
Just find another route, please?
Be safe?
We're gonna be glocked
and cocked from now on.
I did give them
triple pay for that run.
And they all showed up
for my birthday bash.
Taking full advantage
of my hospitality.
Looking back,
I probably should've
Reined things in earlier.
But how do you keep
kids like this...
Santa's broken toys
from broken homes
And almost always broke...
From celebrating their success?
While we were celebrating
peace and prosperity,
Oxycontin-Fueled jealousy
was lurking around the corner.
Little fuckin'
Think you can do what I do?
I'll show you what I do.
Dude, you're just gonna shoot
some random fucking geeks
Like that?
Hey, mom.
How're you doing?
Good party? Yeah.
Better in 30 seconds.
It was pretty cool
being able to bring
Two fine and flexible girls
whose name I didn't know
Back to my bedroom.
Oh, come on.
I think mom got
a kick out of it.
A year ago,
I couldn't approach a girl
If she was naked
and calling my name
With a 40-Ouncer
in each hand.
But I never fooled myself
Into thinking
I was getting babes
Because of my looks
or my thumb size
And curved dick.
I'd like to think
they would've come back
For seconds even if I went back
To delivering pizzas.
I'd like to think that,
but I was stoned
And delusional, to be honest.
Hot chicks are starfuckers
in Coeur d'Alene.
And I was a star.
Here come the fireworks!
You wanna party without me?
I own this place!
Fuckin' swimmin'...
I gotta check that out.
I gotta check that out.
Maybe he wasn't
trying to hit anyone,
But Brendan butler
coming over to my house
Busting caps where my mom
and little bro live?
You don't pull
that kind of shit.
Hey! Hey! What the fuck
are you doing here?
What the fuck are you doing?
You're fuckin dead,
you fucking cocksucker!
My family's here!
My fucking family's here!
Thank god everyone was
too wasted to shoot straight.
You guys all right?
Brendan butler's
a fucking dead man.
These are some guys I went
to school with in Cali.
They're rock hard.
Solid as fuck.
Guys, this is Brendan.
No names.
Chicken head
skinny motherfucker.
These are them.
Which one is it?
the fat dude with the glasses.
Nate Norman and Topher Clark.
What's this?
It's for expenses.
The bullets.
Two, three, whatever... No no no.
This is supposed to be 50k each.
Look, my brothers
From Italian mothers,
These guys have
at least a million
In cash and stash
hidden at their cribs.
I don't think anyone's
gonna report it missing.
And if you wanna rip
and rape the girlfriends,
That's cool.
If things go straight,
I'll contract you
to provide security
For my operation.
75 G's a week.
Have you guys ever
done this before?
Fuck yeah.
Yeah, man.
What do you think?
I think you're lying.
But that's cool.
I'll take enthusiasm
over experience
Any day of the week.
You wanna rip it?
No man, we don't smoke that shit.
I got way spooked
by the shooting,
And so my mom,
my little brother and I
Were holing up at Barry
Lerner's pad in the woods.
I stupidly let scuzz
and this chick scuzz bucket
Crash at my place as long as
they paid the cable bill
And boiled the sheets
Don't fuckin' move!
Face down, ass up!
Do it!
Don't look at us!
Give me your fuckin' hands now.
Give me your hands.
Shut up.
Give 'em to me.
Shut up.
Get him up.
Come on.
Get up.
What the fuck?
Put some clothes on.
Put some fucking clothes on!
Not you, porn star.
You don't need any clothes.
Get up.
Ow! Ow!
What, you can't lend a hand?
He stinks like shit.
Fucking do it. Fuck!
I don't think it's the dude.
What's your fucking name?
Where's the stash, scuzz?
I don't know...
Where's the money?
I don't know. There's just
What's in my wallet,
and there's a few
Loose buds in the drawer.
Which fuckin' drawer?
The one over there...
Which one?
The middle drawer on the left.
It's that one right there!
Head down. Head down!
Baby, what the fuck
is happening?
I don't know.
What's happening?
I don't fucking know, okay?
Hurry up.
There's nothing fucking in here.
Where's the trash, scuzz?
Where is the cash, scuzz?
I don't fucking know, dude.
I don't know where...
What the fuck
you're talking about!
Ah! Fuck!
Leave him alone!
I don't know, dude!
You're gonna show us
where the money is.
I don't fucking know, man.
I'm just crashing here
because Nate got spooked
After butler
came in here shooting.
This isn't even my house.
Where is Nate?
Nobody knows where
fucking Nate is, man.
Everybody is
rat-Holed up and quaking...
Ow fuck!
Leave him alone!
Ow! Fuck! Stop, stop!
Do you want us to kill
your fucking girlfriend, huh?
I don't want... Hey, hey!
You see me? I'm not
joking, motherfucker.
Ow! Fuck!
I can tell... Stop! Stop!
I can tell you where
Nate's other pad is!
I can tell you where
his other pad is!
Step, step.
Which house is it?
I'll recognize it if I see it.
Look in the side window.
If you fuck up and look at us,
We will see
pussy girlfriend is dead
In two fun-Filled hours
after you.
Please, just let me go.
Crystal, shut the fuck up.
Don't look at me.
I think it's that one up there.
It should be one with
the pickup in the driveway.
Past that one.
Right here.
This is Nate's house?
Yeah, this is one of his pads.
I mean, I was only here once.
And I was fucked up
on Jaeger and Nyquil.
Look at this fuckin' mess.
Keep 'em fucking quiet.
I really have to pee.
It's a fucking rental.
Don't pee in this fucking car.
I swear to god.
Go! Go!
Wrong fucking house, guys!
I said that I wasn't sure
Which one it was, okay?
Please, just stop!
Stop it!
Stupid fucking...
let us go, please!
I oughta kill you right now!
Wait, we...
I don't know what
Mr. Scuzz and Ms. Bucket
Said to get out
of that car alive.
Better not be
fucking lying to me!
Stop it!
Please just let us go!
Maybe the mendiolas
Had a soft spot for weak,
Spineless turncoats.
Maybe he turned around
with talk of Brendan's
Stash and cash.
Who knows?
Scuzz would turn in his mother
For half a gram
and a 50-Buck of...
What the fuck was that?
Come on.
Let's go, come on.
You put your
buck knife on his ass,
Peel it back like a grapefruit,
He would've told you
where Nate lives.
The guy had no idea
where he lives.
And there's nothing
in that house.
No money, no drugs.
The money was there.
He just played all you posers
Like the squirrely,
soft amateurs you are.
I should've known,
Comin' from the Cali salad bowl.
We tore that place apart.
Past the drywall,
down to the slab...
You don't look for
the money, gomer!
You ask him where the money is.
One fucking time.
Oh, you're telling us
How to do it now?
I'm telling you how to do it.
Yeah, you...
you ask him
where the money is one time.
And if he doesn't fucking talk,
Take his girlfriend
by the short hairs
And knock her front teeth out,
and you gag her with cock.
Tell her
little boyfriend he's next.
He'll show you where
the money is real fast.
Look, I want
This done now.
Jesus, I'll fucking
get the address myself.
How about that? Huh?
I'll pin it to your blouse.
I'll sharpen the knife,
hire you a counselor
So you two can sleep at night
After you cut
Nate and topher's heads off.
What about the bodies?
What do you want us
to do with 'em?
I don't know.
Why don't you sell them
on fucking eBay!
Fuck me!
Do I have to tell you faggots
How to do everything?
Man, maybe I should
Teach you how to roll over, huh?
Myrrh, roll over.
See how easy that is?
You would all be dead right now
If I didn't talk my way
out of that car.
I mean, fuck.
I should be a lawyer.
I mean, I could've
broken out of those handcuffs
On my own.
I could've taken
Either one of them on my own
If I didn't have my hands tied
Behind my fucking back.
Oh yeah?
What'd you tell 'em,
I tell them,
"fuck all, man."
So you didn't show them
where you thought I lived?
Fuck you, Nate. The only reason
that you are still alive
Is because I took a beating,
and I didn't break.
You would've pissed
your fucking dress.
What was that?
I said that you would have
pissed your fucking dress.
Aah! Fuck!
What the fuck!
That was the dull end!
You want the sharp one?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You think you're some sort
of fucking drug stud?
My own house was
broken into last night!
Fuck, that's right!
I showed them the house
That you used to live in.
This is chess,
not checkers, right?
But you thought I still lived there,
didn't you?
Fuck you, Nate.
I need big money to be able
To get out of town.
Probably some plastic surgery.
I need half a million at least.
Fucking dead.
Fuck you!
Fucking traitor!
Get the fuck away from me!
Guys, chill the fuck out.
Put that down.
What we need to do
is man the fuck up
And get our shit together.
Fucking rat.
Fuck you, Nate.
The best defense
is a good offense.
We need... We need
to put our chips in a pile
And hire some big,
scary motherfuckers...
Some fuckin' Rottweiler's.
Push them back on their asses.
But this shit has to stop.
We're a fucking team.
Listen, Gio.
You get a one-Time pass
for not knowing who I am.
A one-Time. Okay.
What I mean... I am smart.
I run shit
in this part of the world.
Okay? So consider
yourselves lucky.
Huh? You don't know me.
You're lucky you don't.
'Cause I'm a bad fuckin' ass.
Which fuckin' way?
Which fuckin' way?
Which fuckin' way do you think?
Fuckin' straight.
What your fuckin' father
wanted you to be
Before you started
fuckin' this douchebag!
You know, I don't gotta
tell people twice.
Okay? Around here,
you're gonna learn this, boys.
Okay? When I say, "go,"
people... People choke.
They tremble, huh?
And it gets done, capisce?
We understand your frustration.
Fuckin' frustration.
I'm trying to win a game.
You don't even know what fuckin'
sport we're playin'.
Yo, here. See?
This will be the perfect place
to, uh, dispose
Of a couple of punks, huh?
When you slit their throats,
You bring the varmint
to eat 'em quicker, okay?
Huh? Or you just fuckin'
cut 'em up... I don't care.
You think you can handle that?
What the fuck?
Think you can shut up now?
Help me!
You gonna shut up now?
What about the dog?
Leave the fuckin' dog.
Brendan's disappearance
brought out the bottom-Feeders,
Looking to take over
his accounts.
No one paid attention to my
"stop work and lay low" order.
Hold up!
Hold up!
I have...
I gotta take a shit, man.
Come on, shit in your..., man.
We're not stoppin'.
Just let me take a shit.
Look at this fucking guy.
Where the fuck did you
find this guy?
Friend of Ronnie...
are you fucking kidding me?
- Water?
- Yeah.
Hurry up.
Topher was making runs
That he didn't think
I knew about,
With a motley crew
I wouldn't have trusted
As far as I could piss.
But it took one greedy
Pee-Stained bed wetter...
Who I didn't even know...
To put the final rusty nail
in our coffin.
What the fuck are you doing?
Give me a second!
Pinch that shit!
Dude, wipe your fucking ass!
Let's go!
Get away from it.
Three, two, one.
The 21-Year-Old
adopted son
Of a prominent
Hayden lake family
Has been found.
Uh, the police say
that the victim...
Let's do it one more time.
Three, two, one.
Police say that the victim
is Brendan butler.
The 21-Year-Old
adopted son
Of a prominent
Hayden lake family
Had been missing
for more than a month.
His body was discovered...
This morning at 8:30 on this...
This isolated logging trail.
Police say that
there were multiple
Stab wounds to his neck.
Some of the sources
that we've been speaking with
Say that there may be
some drug connection.
We'll have more in this
developing story
Coming up tonight at ten.
That's good, right?
Someone's taken out
the competition.
It's better him than me.
Well, who killed the crazy gook then?
He was jacked up on oxy,
And he pulled the little dick
and big gun act
On the wrong fucking guy.
Did you do it?
Excuse me?
You heard me.
Problem's been taken care of.
That's not what I asked you.
- You talk too much, man.
- I, what?
Have a line.
You powder too much.
You snort too much
of that fucking shit.
Can you even see
what's goin' on right now?
Mind your own business.
I am minding my own fucking business...
This is all of our business!
I'm in charge.
Did you pay to have him whacked?
I run things for a reason.
You don't need
to know the details.
Now, why don't you go sit down,
Watch some TV, Huh?
Go. Sit down.
Anybody want some coke?
Get over here.
We popped you with
12 pounds of marijuana.
Bagged for distribution.
Do you know what
a criminal conspiracy is?
Yeah, I think... Yeah.
It's when two or more people
Get together to commit a crime.
Right there.
Look at this.
to distribute marijuana."
There is a mandatory minimum,
25 years
in a federal penitentiary.
25 years? That's fucked up.
I-I was just driving...
Ripping off your doper buddies...
We had people following you
parked on the side of the road.
You weren't gone long
enough to get into Canada,
So you went back there
to get what you'd stolen
And hidden from your buddies
on the last run.
Are you gonna tell my mom?
We've already confiscated
her minivan.
I'm sure she'll find out
before the morning papers.
She's gonna kick my ass...
She's not gonna kick your ass, Daniel.
She's gonna be happy...
because you're gonna help us
find those guys
That got you into this mess
in the first place.
What the fuck?
Time to get up, Nate.
How did you get...
It doesn't matter.
I have friends
who look out for me.
I'm looking out for you.
And there's a really bad day
with your name on it,
Looking for a place to happen.
Well, what should I do?
Spend some time
with my friends up north.
I like you, Nate.
You've always been
straight up with me,
And in our business,
That is rare.
I am trying to help you live...
another day.
Come on! Come on!
We're here. Go, go, go!
Come on!
Go, go, go, go.
Fuck! Come on!
Hurry up, go!
Go, go!
Get in.
What the fuck...
Come on, go!
Go, go, go!
Cops! What the fuck? Go!
Fuck! Shit!
Where'd they all come from?
Get out of the vehicle!
Get down on the ground!
Show me your hands!
We got a runner!
We got a runner!
Get out of the way.
Hands where I can see them!
Hands where I can see them!
Get down!
Don't move.
Got him.
Fuck you, cops!
You smuggled over 18 tons
of marijuana
Across an international border,
At a value of over $68 million.
You're facing life sentences
With no possibility of parole.
Take a good look
at my tits, boys.
'Cause if you don't cooperate,
They're the last pair
you're ever going to see.
I only have a few
"get out of jail early" cards.
So first come, first served.
I want to know who the
guy was at the top.
Who pulled the strings.
Who ran the show.
Nate Norman.
Yeah, it was fuckin' Nate.
Nate Norman.
Nate gave all the orders.
And we just went
where he told us to go.
Nate never told us
what was in the bags.
We had no idea.
Nate had all of the connections.
Nate kept all the money.
Nate supplied the financing.
We didn't see shit.
Nate told me if I left,
he'd kill my family.
Nate had Brendan butler killed.
I'm pretty sure he did.
That's what I heard.
I'm pretty sure.
Nate had Brendan butler killed.
That's a fact.
He was bragging about it.
Nate Norman.
It was Nate's idea.
He ran the show.
Go, go, go!
"Gone to Ecuador
for a few months
"To go hiking.
"Have a bowl of BC bud on me.
See ya soon, Nate."
Let me see your hands!
Get your hands above your head!
- Right now!
- Hands over your head!
Where's Nate?
Nate Norman?
I don't know!
While I was hiding up in Canada,
Moving along
the underground railway,
The feds were doing
every sleazy thing they could
To try to get me back
in their jurisdiction.
That's what
the lawyer says, mom.
You could do ten years
for money laundering
If I don't turn myself in.
Stick it to Phillip
if they can't get to me.
You just stay
where you are, baby.
They're just trying
to squeeze us to get to you.
I just...
I just don't want you guys
To get into any more trouble
because of me.
Baby, they want
to put you in jail
For the rest
of your god-Given life.
They don't know
what a good boy you are.
That... That you shoveled
Mrs. Roland's driveway
Every time the snow plow
blocked it in,
And you never once asked her
for a wooden nickel.
You stay where you are.
Love you, mom.
I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry, honey.
It's just pot.
Welcome back,
Mr. Norman.
There's some people
waiting for you.
I could have stayed up in Canada
And had a semi-Sweet life,
But I couldn't risk mom
doing one day in the big house.
I thought I would miss the cars,
The houses, the girls,
But I realized it was never
really about the money.
It was about
the thrill of the chase.
Good evening,
Mr. Norman.
Thank you for coming back.
Leave the key in the ignition.
You won't be needing
those anymore.
Hey, I'm not saying
it wasn't nice swooping down
And slipping ten grand
in your best friend's pocket,
For a hard day's work, hauling hemp.
And guy, whose only other option
Was a nametag
and $4.25 an hour.
But gratitude and loyalty
Are the first things
to run for cover
When you're facing ten years,
Busting rocks and dodging cocks.
You know, for the record,
I would've given up
a kidney for Topher.
So when I got rolled on
and sold on,
I really hurt right down
to the marrow.
But he has to live
with what he did.
Karma's a bitch.
I got another dime to do
At the "I fucked up big time"
frat house,
But I've got
a solid cell-late,
Who's got a great idea
for a money-Making venture
That's guaranteed to...
I should probably
just keep my mouth shut.
But you'll learn a lot
in prison,
If you keep your head down
and your ears open.
I'm not saying
it's the greatest thing
That's ever happened to me,
But I'm making the best of it.
That's all you can do.
Play from where
the man spots the ball.
Make the most
of the opportunities
Life puts in front of you.
And get a good lawyer.
Because mine sucked.