Kidnap - Bo's Most Exciting Holiday Ever (2015) Movie Script

You need to go.
Hi, Olga.
I'm getting out.
Don't tell Olga.
I want to surprise her.
I'm coming to you.
To get my money.
Then you get your reward.
You took care of it?
Right, Fred?
-You dear old friend.
-Sure, Leo.
Yes, of course.
It's at my place.
Have a good weekend.
Have a nice weekend.
Enjoy the weekend.
We'll be landing shortly.
-See you next week, Bo.
Thank you.
Bo van Mecklenburg?
I'll be accompanying you.
-How did you like flying all alone?
-Same as always.
-Were you visiting someone?
-I attend a boarding school.
-So you're a frequent flyer?
-Every week.
-Bye, Bo.
-It's almost vacation time.
-Yes, indeed.
Hang on.
-I had a nine for my school talk.
Alright. I'll only be over
for a short while, though.
-Where's mommy?
-She'll be here.
-Are we going golfing?
Of course we are.
When I'm back, in an hour.
See you in a bit.
What did Leo have to talk to you about?
Nothing. Just guy talk.
-You have his money.
-What money?
Do you really believe
Leo stored his money here?
If there was any,
he'd have given it to you, surely.
You see?
Honey, drink your wheat germ juice.
You left some for me, I hope?
Yes, nice.
You'll be turning ten shortly,
a milestone.
That's next week.
Open it.
Wow, a diving watch.
And you'll be using it
learning how to dive
in the Caribbean Sea, for two weeks.
Van Mecklenburg? Yes.
When is it?
Next week, but you know mom and dad
aren't coming along, don't you?
I have my book and daddy has his merger.
Look at me, darling.
It's going to be fantastic.
Exclusively for kids, everything included.
All in.
For 5000.
Fred Bakker, I sincerely hope you
didn't gamble away Leo's money in there.
If he finds out, he'll kill you.
But I have a plan.
If you listen closely and do exactly
what I tell you to
you can earn Leo's money back
and have enough left
to restore everything you broke
in your life.
Have a nice holiday.
Never leave you luggage unattended.
Hey Bo, are you coming?
-I'll take you to the plane.
Van Mecklenburg.
Your son was kidnapped.
What? Where is he?
-He was kidnapped.
-I need--
I talk, you listen.
Instructions will follow shortly.
If you inform the police,
then the photo you'll receive,
is the last thing you'll see of him.
But I--
I'm here.
Take a picture of him.
Don't let him recognize you.
There's no one around here.
Did you break his phone?
-Not yet.
-That's your first order of business then.
Well what a shame.
Wakey, wakey.
Ouch. I can't see shit.
I'm thirsty.
I'm tied up.
Please, please.
I've already seen you.
Bloody mess.
Look ahead.
Look ahead.
-He'll be back.
-We have to call the police.
No. We'll endanger him.
-The police has expertise.
-We're not doing it.
-Why do you get to determine everything?
-Such nonsense.
If he'd been in a local school
none of this would've happened,
but he had to be sent
to a boarding school.
That's not only my doing.
You wanted more time for yourself,
for your yoga and your wheat germs.
Sorry, dear. I didn't mean it like that.
It will be alright.
He'll be back, I promise you. Really.
I promise you.
Oh my god.
Two, horizontal.
I don't know that one.
Two, vertical.
No idea either.
I need to pee, sir.
"Is full of blood and comes
from the Middle East."
Four letters.
That's a terrorist, of course.
Terro that's nine letters.
"Is full of blood"?
That's a full-blooded horse.
Arab, I'll be damned. That fits.
Then, vertically, we have:
short-haired coin.
Eight letters.
Short-haired coin.
Holy cow, that fits as well.
I really have to pee, sir.
Hurry up.
But I'm tied up.
So, take a leak.
No funny stuff.
I sent it.
He's peeing.
Of course not.
I'm not crazy.
You little dipshit.
For such a large amount
I need at least two days.
They want four million, within 48 hours.
Who guarantees we'll get Bo back?
-The police.
-No. I'll take care of the money.
Lie down.
-Are you comfortable?
Sleep well.
Have I been kidnapped?
Do my father and mother know?
My name's Bo.
And I'm
Heino. Sleep well.
Is he paying up?
Four million, two each.
You'll be a millionaire, Fred Bakker.
Take it easy. No one can collect
that much money in one hour.
I need to do what? Olga?
It went quickly because of good behaviour.
I'm out.
-My love.
I'm so happy.
-I think they found us.
-Of course not.
My phone has GPS.
Damn, damn, triple damn.
Come with me.
What will you do to me?
Darling, I have this crazy scheme.
We're going to seize the opportunity.
No, we're not doing anything.
We're starting a shop, a fish stall.
Fried plaice, mussels, herring sandwiches.
I prepare the food, you serve it up.
In a short skirt, a nice blouse, an apron
and a glass with it.
It's going to be wonderful, wonderful.
-I'll call him.
Oh no, Leo.
-Why doesn't he answer?
-Easy. He probably went fishing.
-What's his car doing here?
-He took yours.
Did you forget? You promised him
he could use yours occasionally.
My money is over at his.
-Why didn't you give it to me?
-Why not?
Olga, why didn't you answer?
-Leo is out.
-He's at your door with a crowbar.
-Does he know about the kidnapping?
-He wants to go straight.
-Leo? Don't make me laugh.
If his parents don't hurry up,
we'll send them a finger.
The deal was to leave the kid intact.
-Where are you?
-On the road.
Why? I told you to stay in the hut.
Then you should've answered.
Don't think.
Shut up and do as you're told.
I'm taking all the risks.
They'll suspect me first.
I have to leave the country.
-Everything's gone.
Including my credit card.
I'll kill him.
My god.
Get out.
We're going to have a bite.
No tricks.
I have a gun.
a stock value of 120 billion Euros.
The merger will make Van Mecklenburg
one of the most powerful board directors.
The new mega firm expects
an annual turnover of 20 billion Euros.
Critics of the merger say--
Let's go shopping.
Put them on.
Thank you.
Keep your hand in front of your face.
Here goes.
No one will recognize you.
It will be alright.
Like that.
-Return ticket?
Do you want return tickets?
-Two singles.
-Two singles to Amsterdam, please.
That makes 186 Euros.
They cost 186 Euros.
What, 186 Euros for those measly tickets?
-Tall swindler.
-The train leaves in 43 minutes.
-It leaves in 43 minutes.
-Don't you have a credit card?
But Leo does.
in the enormous Van Mecklenburg villa.
He's taking over SDM for 120 billion.
That means Van Mecklenburg is now
officially the richest man in Europe.
My son is not yet ten
and has a handicap of eight.
His dad's talent?
I lost my credit card.
1 5 5 5 1 9 6 7 2 0 0 0.
Yeah, yeah.
He bought two train tickets in Germany.
To Schiphol.
He's taking off.
It's called Shithead
and we're playing for candy.
You're a pretty smart little guy.
I'll be ten tomorrow.
This is my present.
I was going diving.
-Maybe your parents can reschedule.
-Yes, but they weren't coming.
I was going alone
to a two week diving camp.
That's no fun.
-No, that's great.
Going on a vacation by yourself.
All by your lonesome? That sucks big time.
Hi, Olga.
What possessed you
to use Leo's credit card?
-And a train?
-How did you know?
From Leo, obviously. He's fuming.
-The boy was recognized.
-What do you mean?
His parents must've called the police.
He was on TV with his dad.
His dad just became the director
of a big corporation.
That's why he was on the news.
Leo knows on what train you are.
-He knows what train.
Fred Bakker.
Tickets, please.
Get back.
Leo, I can explain everything.
Who's that?
This is Robbie.
My son.
By Suus.
You know.
After all those years
we went to an amusement park together.
I'm still nauseous.
-I want my money.
-Of course, Leo.
Of course, but I don't have it on me.
You'll get everything back.
It was at my home, but I had to move it.
The neighbourhood is going downhill
with all those burglaries. You'll get it.
With interest.
So, you'll be getting more money.
Robbie is my collateral.
No, don't do it, Leo.
Have mercy. Ouch.
Have mercy.
Come, quick.
Come on.
One, two, three, jump.
-Hurt yourself?
Fred Bakker, where are you?
I'll be damned. My van.
-Pop goes the weasel.
Fasten your seatbelt.
Oh no, I lost my phone.
Your name isn't Heino, is it?
Yes, it is.
And you don't have a gun, right?
No, guns only cause accidents.
Come on buddy, don't let me down.
Those cows have a good life.
Chewing grass all day,
no one bothering you.
Lucky bastards.
Do you have a son?
Did you steal money from Leo?
What do I care.
Leo gave me money for safe-keeping from
his last break-in and I gambled it away.
Then Leo got out early
and I was in for it.
And then Olga had the idea
to kidnap you in exchange for ransom.
-Is it much?
-Leo's money.
-A hundred grand.
100.000 Euros?
Try to make that in an honest way.
-Don't give me money for safe-keeping.
-Why did you accept it, dope?
Come on, let's fix that car, smarty-pants.
Yes, this.
Where did you get that?
Where does this fit?
Where does this come from?
-That's your flywheel. Move over.
This doesn't do a thing.
This is okay.
This is all wrong.
These two don't really fit anymore.
It's not really attached.
Put it on there.
Start it up.
-Stick the screw driver in and turn right.
Step on it, yes.
Nice, man.
You old mechanic, you.
Seatbelt on.
Drive on.
This is the end of the line.
What are we doing?
We're walking. Can't you tell?
-Come on.
-It's 84,95 Euros.
-Keep the change.
That's way too little.
I don't have it.
The distribution breaks
after a few yards,
because cylinders two and eight cut out.
A yellow cable is missing.
I have no clue where it went.
Put it in, dude.
If I could make a suggestion--
Wait just a minute.
-What are you doing?
I'm asking if we can come to dinner.
Pop goes the weasel.
We're looking for a fridge.
You look over there, I'll look here.
Olga, it's me.
Sorry, I couldn't call earlier.
Everything's under control.
I'm in Belgium.
I took him out, on the train.
Not before tomorrow afternoon? I'm not
babysitting while you're doing nothing.
Okay, that's alright.
I'll be there on time.
Of course I can find it.
Don't worry so much. Do you--
Sure, no. If need be we'll tie him up.
Sure, I'll tape his mouth shut.
And, find anything to eat?
-Is that all?
Poor devils.
I told you there was something to eat.
Come here. Here, I said.
Stand still, you brat.
Come here, you bitch.
Come on, Fred.
Give me a hand, Bo.
Come on, Fred. Just grab it.
-With your fat chicken arse.
-Fred, Fred.
Now I've got you.
Got it.
That'll be finger-licking good.
Don't you eat chicken?
-You're a murderer.
If you think this is sad,
don't eat dead animals.
Turn vegetarian for all I care, bonehead.
Okay, give me a piece then.
Of course, buddy.
Fred is long gone.
Come home, honey. I'll cook for you.
No, I have his van
and he doesn't have a dime.
He can't be far with that kid.
I really hate his guts.
Rout around a bit. You aerate it that way.
-It'll burn better that way.
-Did you go camping often?
Yes, as a kid.
Although, 'camping'
I used to hide in the woods.
Your parents allowed it?
My dad was dead.
My mom drank.
They wanted to put me in foster care.
-And then?
-I ran off.
I wasn't really going to tie you up.
Sorry I messed up your diving trip.
Is there really no Robbie?
There is.
Where is he?
-With his mom.
Are you divorced?
You can say that again.
Ever since Robbie was one year old.
It's all my fault.
I made a mess of things.
Suus is a great broad.
What kind of a mess?
A financial mess, smarty-pants.
I gambled away all our savings.
Gone was our dream house.
Gone was Robbie's trouble-free youth.
-And then she got mad.
She wanted me gone.
She got a different bloke.
I couldn't come over.
That was better for Robbie, they said.
And you never saw him again?
He's 11 by now.
I had a crazy idea for his birthday.
I came up with this climbing wall,
but a very steep one.
One year it was paintballing,
the year before wild water canoeing.
I couldn't really do it with him.
I just think it up.
You understand? All those years.
This year we went
Let's go to sleep.
-What were your plans?
Who's the boss around here? Get to sleep.
Lie down.
Go to sleep and no more talking.
-Don't you think Leo--
-He'll never find us here.
-Where were you?
Fresh mint infusion for the birthday boy.
It could be nettle, though.
Watch out, the can is piping hot.
Don't burn your hand.
-Here you go.
Take a seat.
Congratulations on your birthday.
this is your present.
Be careful, it's dangerous.
-Are we going home?
We'll be making one more stop.
Hey, you can trust me, can't you?
You only turn ten once.
That's convenient. Run.
-It's not quite The Voice.
This is bad.
-Are you okay?
Let's see where we are.
Shit, it's Leo.
-Don't look.
Freddie? Freddie!
Shithead. Freddie.
Come here.
Shit. Duck, get down.
Damn you, dudes.
Help me out.
God damn.
Come on.
Shake it.
It's working.
I can't see a thing.
Bo, come along.
and we're not going home,
with your fat arse
we're not going home, not going home
Van Mecklenburg.
-The end of the day.
We'll hear shortly before.
-What are we doing?
-No questions, keep walking.
Pop goes the weasel.
Where are we? What is this?
Woo ha ha.
for he's a jolly good fellow
-Take off your coat, T-shirt and pants.
for he's a jolly good fellow
Stand here.
Attach this.
for he's a jolly good fellow,
and so say all of us
Put this on year head.
and so say all of us
Now, slowly backwards.
and so say
We're here.
all of us
Hip, hip, hurray.
What the
And one, two, three
Okay, goggles on.
This in your cakehole.
And here goes.
This was cool, wasn't it Bo?
It was really great.
This is the coolest birthday ever.
You're a cowardly arse.
First you abandon Robbie and now me.
You're an arse.
Bo. Bo, come here.
It will be alright.
That makes 187 Euros, sir.
-I don't have it.
-How much do you have?
-Well, nothing.
-Here, this is worth a least 500 Euros.
Wow, deal.
-Are you Suus?
-Is Robbie home? We're visiting.
You still own it.
-Sorry, Suus.
Who are they?
You have an old-fashioned one.
Not that old.
-What kind of a game is it?
-A game with pirates.
Yes, six.
You can't just drop by
after all that time.
We have one upstairs.
What do I tell Robbie?
Yes, three tens.
Pop goes the weasel.
-Is that your kid as well?
-Of course not.
-A nine.
-A six.
Oh, right.
-Will you join us playing Shithead?
No. Card games are trouble.
Can we build a house of cards?
This one's tricky.
From your ear.
The last one.
Well done.
What are you doing here?
Nothing, really.
Can I borrow your car?
Is that it? After ten years
you drop by to borrow my car?
Suus, please. I need to bring Bo home.
My van is I'll explain later.
I wouldn't ask
if it wasn't really important.
Hey, you can trust me.
As a matter of speaking.
All the best.
Good luck.
Come on, get out.
Aren't you coming?
Madam, sir, I'm your son's kidnapper.
How do you do?
No, wait here.
Who's there?
-Bo? Wait, I'll be right over.
-Wait there.
Let me do the talking.
Fasten your seatbelt.
Hey, Bo.
My boy.
-He saved me.
Here you go.
How can we ever thank you?
-Fred's a real hero.
I'm sorry, Bo.
I'm no hero. I didn't save your son.
I kidnapped Bo.
I'm going to prison.
That's what I deserve.
I'm sorry.
What are you doing?
-I'm calling the police.
-He kidnapped you.
-He's a criminal. He wanted 4 million.
Not true. Listen to me for once.
-He's dangerous.
-Van Mecklenburg here.
You see? That's how it always goes.
They don't listen.
They send me off to boarding school
to be rid of me.
-Van Mecklenburg.
-One hour, with the money, Schiphol East.
Afterwards you'll hear where he is.
Otherwise, you'll never see him alive.
But my son is--
That's Olga, a flight attendant I know.
We have to catch her.
She devised all this.
If he helped her,
he'll be apprehended as well.
One moment. I'm conferring with my wife.
You can't let her off scot-free.
I don't want to interfere,
but I have an idea.
The money will be there in one hour.
We'll do it like this.
Do you have two identical bags?
Mr. van Mecklenburg,
do you have a long raincoat?
Bo, can I borrow your cap?
Don't get any ideas. The manager
of Schiphol is a friend of mine.
-We're going.
-Where's my son?
-Where's my money?
-First, I want to see my son.
-I want to see my money.
Put down the bag half way.
Now, walk back.
With your back to me.
Don't turn around.
-And my son?
-He's safe.
You'll receive a text
with his whereabouts.
Yes, there she is.
Look dad, there's Olga.
There's Fred.
-Yes, guys.
-Here you are.
Fantastic, thanks so much.
Dad, come here for a sec.
-Fred has to pay Leo back.
-Can you advance it to him?
Maybe he can repay it by driving us.
We already have Hennie.
Look at him.
Jurriaan, I think he's a boorish,
cantankerous dog, as well.
First, let's go on holiday.
The three of us are going
to the Caribbean.
I have a better idea.
Bo, did you see that fish?
It was this big.
-Against my leg.
-Did you see it?
I'm getting out. I'll race you.
-Yeah, yeah.
I forgot my flippers.
Honey, this was so much fun.
I saw a fish this big.
Here you go, honey.
What's that?
I brought along some guests,
if you don't mind.
Right against my leg, this big. Right, Bo?
I was fishing on the Atlantic Ocean once.
In no time my float was pulled under.
The boat is pulled forward,
I'm leaning back.
Suddenly this huge arm
with suction cups envelops me.
It pulls me overboard
and there I was, in the Atlantic.
A sperm whale comes up to me,
with teeth like this.
Bo, did you know Fred's my dad?
-Yes, Super cool, right?
-The ace.
Toss it. Yes.
-He wins.
-Robbie wins.
Fred came by and he paid everything back.
With interest.
Guess three times what I bought.
My own fish stall.