Kill (2023) Movie Script

-Good work. See you soon, fucker.
-Yes, sir!
Hurry up, man!
I haven't even taken a peaceful dump
in 10 days.
You smell like shit.
As if you are smelling
like a bouquet of roses.
Captain Viresh Chatwal.
I'll see you in the room.
Captain Amrit Rathod.
Dude, don't wake me up until tomorrow.
Come on, bro.
Let's have a couple of drinks
and then drop dead.
Tulika's trying to get in touch.
It's urgent. Call her.
You are missing, man.
Please call me back right now
Amrit, where are you?
I've been trying to reach you for days.
Dad has fixed my engagement with someone.
It's happening tomorrow.
I'm coming to Ranchi.
why did you agree to this engagement?
It doesn't matter who I get engaged to.
I will only marry Amrit.
Welcome! Bless you!
-Congratulations, Mom.
-To you, too.
-Thank you.
-Please come.
Do visit us.
Good bye.
You... are so dead!
Listen up, all is set.
Meet me in the washroom
in five minutes.
Nice thought! But, no.
Didn't I say
I can't run away from Ranchi?
-It's too risky.
-Trust me.
We'll be gone before anyone finds out.
Come on.
Did you hear the fireworks earlier?
They were real gunshots.
They can very well be aimed at us.
My dad...
is too powerful.
So... no, thank you. Leave for now.
Aren't you dying to be with me?
Why do I need to die to be with you?
I want to live my life with you,
Captain Rathod.
But I'm in position.
It's risky, tiger. Abort mission.
She didn't elope fearing her dad.
What if she refuses to marry you
because of him? Then what?
our love is much more powerful
than her dad.
What a line, Captain!
The engagement was lovely.
We'll see you soon.
-Bless you!
-Just a second.
Bless you, dear.
Put the bags inside.
I'll take her in. You come back.
Oh, man!
Bro, please drop me off.
Dad has started calling me.
I swear, once he's onto something,
he just doesn't stop.
Thank you.
Bloody hell!
Why have a phone
if you're not going to bloody answer?
To watch YouTube videos!
I was trying to make it to the train.
Don't think you'd want me to miss it.
Listen carefully.
We've reached the railway crossing.
You have 30 minutes for the job.
What's your coach number?
Coach number?
Excuse me... what coach is this?
-A1. Thank you.
Fani, answer me!
Remember, you just have 30--
If I die early it will be only
because of this moron.
Uncle, please...
It's me!
Amrit, we were to meet in Delhi.
You're going to get me killed.
I have to go.
Dad will come looking for me.
Amrit, what are you doing?
Tulika Singh...
will you please marry me?
You're totally mad.
Completely cuckoo!
Please say yes quickly,
this commode is a buffet of aromas.
Just a moment.
Why is your face glowing?
Are you from the army?
In fact, both of us are.
We're Captains.
It's my childhood dream to join the Army.
Yeah? Then you should.
It's an emotional conflict between
Mommy Dearest and Mother India.
-Mom won't let me join.
-Shut up!
You need an excuse to pick on me.
That's the truth.
Please move your leg out of the way.
Are you a student?
Yes, sir.
Where do you study?
I study at Kanpur University.
My son just got accepted
into Kanpur University.
-But I'm nervous to send him so far away.
-Why is that?
-Mom, I'm going to the washroom.
-Take Virat.
Please, I'll manage.
Coaching, hostel, tuition... I'll guide
him with everything. Don't worry.
That will be a huge help to him.
Take my number down.
Two-- two-two--
Sorry, kid. It's occupied.
-The other one as well?
Yes, nine-eight-two-two--
-That's quite a phone number!
It's a VIP number.
Wait. I'm going to the other side.
What's your name?
Gangadhar Mahto.
Gangadhar Mahto.
Why are they preparing to leave?
The next station is two hours away.
Is it?
I heard you.
I've boarded the evening train.
I'll be in Delhi by morning.
Mother, we'll reach by 7:30.
No, baby...
our Amritsar tickets
need to be booked.
I wasn't even supposed to be here.
He begged and pleaded...
-Your voice isn't clear.
-Pinky, are you getting any reception?
-No, I'm not getting any reception.
Forget it, I'll call in the morning.
Sit tight!
Nobody moves!
Where are you running?
Stop him. Catch him!
Come on, take out the money!
Where's Ahaana?
-She went to the washroom.
-I'll check.
-Where are you going?
-Dad... Ahaana.
-What's stopping you?
We know each other!
Don't you remember?
I asked you for the coach number?
And you flashed a radiant smile
and said, A1!
I even thanked you.
Now we are friends, right?
Give it to me.
Which face wash do you use?
He's blocking my view.
Look how her face is lighting up
the night!
-Excuse me--
-Step back!
The entire State's police force
will be unleashed on you.
You have no idea
who you're messing with.
He's Baldeo Singh Thakur.
Owner of Shanti Transport.
Holy cow!
We've hit the jackpot!
Get out of here.
Since we've found our gold mine,
let's stop the looting here.
How about we kidnap them?
-You're making a huge mistake.
-Is it?
I'm warning you--
-Nobody moves.
-Stay back!
What's with all this wailing?
My son!
Your baby boy is still alive.
That big guy is dead.
What's his--
My child!
What was his name?
I'm waiting.
Had I known,
I wouldn't have killed him.
I'm a huge fan of Virat.
You still haven't told me
about your face wash.
Give me that watch!
Mobile, wallet, all of it quick!
Give it here!
Give me your wallet!
Get it out!
What are you staring at?
Do you want me to stab you?
Quick, give it!
We'll kill you.
Let's go.
I've never had sex in a moving train.
Let go of me!
Leave her, please!
I'll kill her!
Leave, while you still can!
-Let's go.
Are you okay?
I'll check that side.
-Get up.
-Have some water.
He's bleeding!
They've disconnected the emergency brakes.
We can't stop the train.
-Ahaana! She'd gone to the washroom.
Look for her.
We'll go and check.
-But you all need to get out of here.
-I'll help you up.
Let's go.
Come on.
I'll look that side.
Mom, she came this way.
I'll go ahead and check.
-Let me look...
-Mom, you go on with Dad.
-Let's go!
Pick him up.
-Hey, move!
-Pick him up.
Be careful.
Go with them.
And don't sit together.
No one's seen you
besides those two, Tuli.
Amrit, come with us.
I'll be fine. I swear.
-I'll be right there.
Just go.
I'll be right there.
You shouldn't have killed him, bro.
We could've contained him.
It's a huge mess now.
It was a split-second decision.
He would have killed Tulika's mom.
They put a knife through him.
What will I tell Mom?
We have to inform Beni.
We get off in 10 minutes
and meet him.
How can we just leave, Uncle?
They will have to pay for this.
He was our uncle, after all.
We'll look this side,
you guys check that way.
We won't spare anyone!
He was Beni's brother!
Not a word to Dad.
And no one will touch those bastards.
Only Ravi has the right to avenge
his dad's death.
Let's find Baldeo Singh Thakur
to pay for this sin.
I won't spare them.
Let's go!
Fuckers, stop!
Or else I'll slay the kid.
-Where's Thakur?
Where is Baldeo Singh Thakur?
Let the kid go.
Let's discuss this calmly--
Move your ass!
You killed my dad.
I won't spare you!
What happened?
Those bastards took Viresh.
-Amrit, I can't find Ahaana--
Let go of me. Untie me!
You won't get away with this.
Your partner's on his way to hell.
You're set to follow soon.
How many in your gang?
-And which coaches are they in?
-Fuck off!
You're still alive because
we're here.
If I'd met you on the battlefield,
I'd bury you alive.
If I let go for even a second,
you'll lose your legs.
You won't die.
Just no legs!
Tell me.
B1, A1, A2, and A3.
There are 36 bandits.
They've blocked all four coaches.
Ahaana isn't here.
She's not in A2 either.
Could she have gone the other way?
Sit down!
Where's Ravi?
Where the hell is he?
The train's slowing down.
Let me go!
Who did this?
Where's the gun? Give it to me!
It won't work.
I've fired from this already.
-I don't care--
-These country-made guns can backfire!
Ravi isn't here. They've got him.
That's why I brought him here.
We need Ravi back.
And the guy who did this to Babban.
Baldeo Singh Thakur.
Owner of Shanti Transport.
What rubbish!
I'm telling the truth.
Your brother was my uncle.
Baldeo Singh Thakur is the reason
he's dead.
You can ask Ravi.
This guy has a partner.
The way they've been fighting...
I'm sure they're from the army.
To catch them, think like Dhoni.
Lower your guard.
The moment he charges to attack,
deliver your punch. Knockout!
Careful there, brother!
-You go that way.
-Be careful!
-Move ahead.
Let me go!
Just in case.
What do you mean?
Are you worried about me?
It's not safe, Tulika.
The only thing that should matter is,
starting tomorrow, I'll be your wife.
I'm warning you,
I'm very demanding.
Amrit, please bring Ahaana back.
She's my life.
I'll bring Ahaana back.
I promise.
Is he in the Army?
A National Security Guard Commando.
Why didn't you tell me about him?
What good would that do?
I got engaged with
whoever you chose, didn't I?
If father-daughter are done
with suitor shopping,
then help me in.
My foot is slipping.
I'd rather throw you on the tracks.
Shut up and stay there!
Hold him.
Keep an eye on him.
Arif! Stop! Arif, don't do this!
Hey, let go!
Hold his hand.
You stabbed him! Arif!
My child!
Catch him!
Nobody moves.
Someone help him.
Thrash him!
Arif, open your eyes.
We meet again!
Are you okay?
Yeah. Shit!
It's looking bad, bro!
Come on. Get up. Up!
You're not holding the weapon right.
You'll twist your delicate wrist.
A weapon is also called
an arm for a reason.
Treat it as an extension of you.
Show it some love.
The arm stays flexible
and the wrist must be...
One hit at the jugular and...
Game over!
I speak from experience.
I'll teach you.
Take the key! Get out of here.
Hurry! Be careful!
Running away and leaving your Dad behind?
Why don't you call the cops now?
Where are your cops? Call them now!
Let me go!
Hey, pretty girl!
What's your problem?
You're no soldier, Miss.
He is, though!
But considering the situation...
it doesn't seem likely that
he'll be able to save you.
That won't be necessary.
Let's have some fun!
Didn't I tell you not to--
You've got some balls!
No! Tulika!
-Where's dad?
-In B1.
We're getting off in five minutes.
Get dad and pack everything.
Bring his family.
Come on. Get moving!
Uncle? Hurry up!
There's no time to waste.
Get up.
And throw them off.
Happy fourth anniversary!
How do you remember every year?
That's because I love you more.
"I love you more!" Rubbish!
Show me your hands.
My hands?
-Yes! Show them.
-Here you go.
All yours!
Look, you have a proper crescent moon.
Which means, I love you more.
But your lifeline seems longer.
I am joining our lifelines together.
Now we share only one life.
Stay back!
Let me go Fani!
-Let's get out.
-I won't spare you.
Hold him up.
Stop him!
What are you waiting for? Go!
Stop or I'll kill--
Get the other bags.
Quick! We have to get off.
They killed Dad!
Fucking hell!
That Commando's love
has fallen on us like a bomb.
He's killing everyone.
What do you mean?
They are family, Fani.
Exactly why I saved him
and brought him back.
Wonder why everyone
is a fountain of love today?
Why the hell did you kill that girl?
Tell me!
I didn't want to dance around trees
with her.
I was going to ransom her.
She was challenging me.
Sliced my arm.
So, I killed her.
Do you have any idea what you've done?
Do you realize whose daughter she was?
Uncle, these guys aren't regular soldiers.
They're commandos.
We're not safe on the train.
You think we're safe outside?
Baldeo Singh Thakur will spare us?
He killed his daughter!
We can't leave any of them alive now.
We have to kill them all. Get it--
No one will touch Baldeo Singh Thakur.
Screw your ideas!
At least listen to my golden words.
How much worse do you want it to be?
The Goddess of Wealth is shining
Her golden light at us.
And you do not want to see it!
Kidnap his family. Ask him for ransom.
And then kill them all.
How many of us will you get killed?
Exactly my point!
What will you give to the families
who've died today?
How will our own people survive, Dad?
Baldeo Singh Thakur
is the root cause of all this.
He must pay!
The commandos were in B1, right?
Easy there.
I'll get the first aid box.
Did you find Ahaana?
Where is she?
What took you so long, Baldeo?
-What happened to Ahaana?
-Where are the kids?
Say something.
Why are you crying?
Tulika was with you. Where is she?
Why won't you say anything?
Where is Tulika?
They killed Tulika.
Who killed her?
-That can't be!
-I don't believe you!
They just...
They pushed her off the train!
She was in pink.
No! My child!
Everything turned red.
My baby!
Please find Ahaana and get her back.
She is my life.
I'll get Ahaana back.
I promise.
What are you doing?
I need to go.
We're greatly outnumbered here.
They're going to get off
at the next station anyway.
I promised her
that I'd bring Ahaana back.
If they find out she's Tulika's sister,
they won't spare her.
Let's go then.
-I'm coming along.
You're in no condition to fight.
-I don't care, I'm coming along.
-Listen to me!
They need you here.
-Just listen to me.
I've already lost Tuli.
I don't want to lose you.
They'll get off this train for sure
but only for their funeral.
Speak! Where are the commandos?
Move it!
Bastard, who are they with?
How would I know?
You don't know?
Who's with them?
Mother? Father?
-Tell me!
-I don't know anything!
We're wasting time.
We've managed to escape the bandits.
Please let us go.
They'll kill us otherwise.
-Please let us go ahead.
Where's dad?
He isn't back?
Hey! What are you hiding?
Get back.
No, please!
Tell that father of yours,
I'm coming for him.
-Make space.
Ranjan. What happened?
Lay him down.
Get aside.
-Get some water.
That Commando...
he's coming for you.
-It's okay, take it easy.
-You relax.
Ranjan! No!
You started this mess.
And we've to pay the price.
We're not going to fight them.
We want to get off this train.
What the fuck did you say?
You want to get off?
My father's still with them.
Are you blind? Ranjan returned alone.
He must be dead already.
-Because of you!
-Stop it!
Let go of me.
What's this drama about?
Bunch of fucking cowards!
Cribbing away to glory.
If you don't have the balls to fight...
then sit at home
and give instructions.
You don't deserve to be bandits.
We want to get off. That's it!
I'm with him.
You want to leave?
Let's do it.
Let's get off!
Do you think you'll be safe then?
Baldeo Singh Thakur is just
another passenger on the train.
Helpless. Vulnerable. Powerless.
But if he gets off this train,
he'll make sure
to get every last one of us killed.
Still want to leave?
Let's move on.
I won't walk in the front.
You lead.
Move it. Go!
Keep walking!
You stay back.
Go on!
Keep moving.
Walk! Move ahead!
Come on!
Ravi, what happened?
Uncle, come here!
-Make way.
Bring him here!
Move it. Go!
Keep walking!
Get him down.
Get him down.
Hold him! Get him down!
Get him down.
Let's bring Bilas down.
Bechan! Badlu!
Get him down.
Get him down.
Untie him.
Hold him up.
Pull yourself together.
They killed Dad.
Siddhi, don't.
-Move aside, Uncle.
Move aside, I'll--
I'll tear them apart!
I know you can.
But understand this.
They've put up this display to rattle us.
They're lurking nearby for us
to fall into their trap.
Siddhi, we'll take our revenge.
Do you hear me?
Get a grip.
We will avenge him. Okay.
No more of your stunts. Got it?
No more nonsense.
Where is it?
Where is this maternal love
coming from?
Why don't you put me
back in a cradle?
You'll get everyone killed.
We've had differences
for the first time in 30 years.
You've pissed on all my principles.
Foster a dog or a cat,
but don't foster misconceptions, Dad.
You are not a Spider-man or Batman.
"With great power comes
great responsibility."
We are bandits. We are thieves.
Our entire extended family.
Sacrifice and principles, my ass.
Have you seen a young girl here?
Around 15-16 years old?
You're here. Where is Sohail?
Sohail's safe.
He's in A3 ahead.
Viresh is with him.
Don't worry.
I'm looking for a 15-16 years old girl.
Have any of you seen her?
There was one.
But the bandits took her
along with a few others to another coach.
Get out of this coach. Hurry.
Clear out. Come on, get up.
-Move ahead.
-Let's go.
Careful... hurry!
Leave the bag!
Sit down!
Didn't you hear me?
Where are you going?
We also want to come with you.
It's too risky.
They're capable of anything.
It may even get beyond me.
Please understand.
It's okay.
We didn't do anything
thinking it wasn't our fight.
If we'd all helped you from the start
then perhaps Arif--
I'll come too.
Don't go by my physique.
I can be very helpful.
Sir, the train is on fire.
Who the hell!
Fire? On this train?
Who put the lock here?
Seems like the fire was here.
What a bummer!
No one saw the fire.
The police are here!
Thank God!
Those assholes locked it and ran away.
We're arriving at a station, Uncle.
Siddhi, check the coach.
Get all our things
and make sure
you gather all of our people.
Fani, check the other coach.
If you find Baldeo Singh Thakur,
finish him off.
-No arguments!
Pull the emergency brakes. Do it!
Shut the doors.
Get off.
Worried about me, are you?
Your fatherly love
has finally blossomed today.
Run! Run!
That guy in the light shirt.
He's their leader!
The police are here.
The train has picked up speed.
The police must've informed
at the next station.
Why are we getting involved
with the police?
We won't.
Get here!
These guys will face the cops.
No! Natthu!
It'll come in handy.
Let's throw these two out.
Why did you kill my dad?
Why did you kill my dad?
Why did you kill my son?
Why? Why?
Why did you kill my child?
What's taking Siddhi so long?
I'll check.
Wait a minute.
Don't open the shutter yet.
Uncle! Uncle.
-Uncle... My brother... Siddhi...
-What happened?
-What happened to him?
Come with me. Hold her here.
Hold her.
Take the passengers and move forward.
We fucked up.
We should've gotten off with Fani.
You ensured he's safe.
Uncle, let's get off.
I agree.
Even I think so.
Please listen to us.
Let's get off.
Uncle, we should get off.
Come! Walk ahead.
-All of you. Move!
-Keep walking!
Walk ahead.
Come out!
Or else we'll kill
every last one of them.
Come out now.
Stay right there.
Not a step!
Or I'll carve him like a turkey.
Bring him here.
You need to lie down.
Don't get up, please.
-You've lost a lot of blood.
-Please lie down.
-The police are here.
The police are with us.
Please don't get up.
I'm back!
Drop your weapons!
Stand back.
What a dumb fuck! Asked me to drop
my weapon. And it dropped on his skull!
How tragic.
Look! Happy days are here again.
Dad's other li'l princess, isn't it?
Kill one and another appears.
-Baldeo, you are a magician!
No, no, no, no. Dad!
Yes, yes, yes, yes!
Come here.
I'm okay.
Where did the prick go?
Show yourself!
Come out!
Soldier sir! Please save me!
Stop. Hold it!
Uncle, gunshots were fired
in the next coach.
It must be the police.
Let's not kill him.
We can use him as bait.
Move back.
Little soldier boy.
A broken soldier toy! Soldier!
Don't let them escape.
Fucking hell!
Come on, walk!
We're arriving at a station. Hurry up!
Come on!
Hold him tight!
You don't know him well.
He was trying very hard to be a Rambo.
I sat him in my lap
and bled him to death.
It was beautiful!
Didn't ask his name,
tell me yours before you die.
Soldier? Hear me, soldier?
You haven't killed him?
Nope, I didn't.
What's your name?
-What's the problem?
-Didn't I tell you to kill him?
Let go of me!
We can't keep him alive!
Sometimes you're stubborn like a child.
We can't keep him alive!
Or we won't survive.
-What do you need...
-What kind of father are you?
-You're making things worse.
-You never agree with me.
Baldeo will make our life hell.
Soldier, no!
Don't let them go!
Get water!
Dad! Dad!
How badly he's burnt!
Look at his face...
Bloody hell!
Get up. Let's go!
Okay, go!
Who kills like this?
I killed four of your people.
You finished off 40 of my family!
You're not a protector.
You're a monster.
A fucking monster!
Commando! Are you still a trainee?
You can barely keep up with me.
How will you protect the nation?
Soldier boy!
This is exactly how
I killed your li'l miss sunshine.
She thought she could defy me.
Now you will meet the same fate as her.
Tulika's hero--
Do I need to die to be with you?
I want to live my life with you,
Captain Rathod.