Kill Boksoon (2023) Movie Script

It's cold.
Did I leave the hotel window open?
Hello, Sir,
Are you awake now?
Do you have any idea
who youre dealing with right now?
Oda Shinichiro,
a second-generation zainichi.
Your Korean name is Kim Gwang-il.
You got here three days ago
for some sightseeing.
Did someone from Nagoya
send you then?
Or was it Sakaguchi from Tokyo?
Or maybe Mr. Choi from Busan?
I see that you're wanted.
you should've lived a better life
if you wanted to a die natural death,
with all due respect.
I've heard of you, all right.
A ruthless, female assassin
from the Korean peninsula.
The rumors must be true
if they sent you to deal with me alone,
Oda Shinichiro, the infamous Kansai tiger.
Pretentious, like all the yakuza.
Hey, this is just the pride of a samurai.
Of course.
The pride of a samurai.
I still don't get it.
That is
why did you wait for me to wake up?
I was going to kill you earlier,
but I changed my mind, sir.
I would like to hear the story,
if it isn't too long.
Well, all right.
I'll just tell it like it is.
I have a daughter.
She takes after me,
so she's a really pretty girl.
That aside,
she can be pretty rude sometimes.
Anyway, we were watching
the news one weekend.
Senator Oh Jeong-sik,
the new candidate for prime minister,
is currently refuting all claims
that his son was fraudulently admitted
into a college of music.
Meanwhile, the prosecution has
just recently summoned the senator's son
so that they may begin the investigation.
These people, honestly.
If it got their kid into a good school,
they'd do that.
Come on.
You know I'm not saying
what he did was right.
I'm just saying as a parent,
I understand why he did it.
I don't think that's fair.
Nothing people do is.
If that kid is the one that got admitted,
then another didn't.
What if I was that kid?
Would you be saying the same thing then?
If I was a mom,
I'd teach my kid
to have fair competitions,
instead of going on
about how unfair the world is.
She sounds exceptional.
You know,
we can really learn things from our kids.
Yes, we can.
So that's why
I'm competing fairly today.
Are you sure?
I think you'll regret it.
I see!
I'm not the only samurai here, huh?
How about some clothes
so I can fight with decency?
Cut it out.
If you're cold, just say so.
Your sword looks old.
You want something new instead?
a lady wouldn't know much
about swords, now would she?
Four hundred years ago,
this was forged by
the greatest swordsmith
of the Edo shogunate.
This is
an Akihiro katana.
Samurais consider,
this to be like the Holy Grail.
What do you say?
Impressive, is it not?
I bought this thing online today.
Ooh, ho!
Let's see.
How about we begin, huh?
Oh, ooh!
You're good.
Hmm, I know.
Be proud of your work today.
There are only three people
who can last this long
against Oda Shinichiro
out of all the fighters in Japan.
- Are you giving up?
- One sec, huh?
-Let me switch this.
-Not a problem.
There's no coincidences in winning.
A thousand days to forge a spirit
and 10,000 days to remind yourself!
And only
after this rigorous conditioning--
Oh, you bitch.
The supermarket's about to close.
Oh no.
When did you get this wilted?
You should've told Mommy sooner.
My daughter, Boksoon,
has been smoking.
It was a misdeed committed
by a curious young child.
Forgive me my sins, oh Lord,
just as I have forgiven
the sins of my daughter.
Take this.
Eat it.
Swallow it.
You're home late.
I found your cigarettes.
Nothing good comes from smoking.
Why not just drink?
Don't smoke.
That's like telling me to watch the lights
when you're jaywalking.
Great argument, though. Seriously.
I found your cigarettes.
Wanna have a smoke?
You're not that cool, Mom.
That's it. I'm gonna kill her.
Gil Jae-young!
I'm sorry for slamming a door.
I won't smoke again.
What is it?
Something else?
Uh, no.
I just wanted your opinion,
you know, for what I should wear tomorrow.
The educational meeting.
Isn't that just
a lunch with all those private-school moms
who discuss their kids and assets?
That's what I've been saying.
There's a reason that everyone
goes to the U.S. mainland.
We went to Hawaii last year.
There were decent enough meals
and lots to see.
There are just so many tourists now.
-The kids can't work on their Korean.
That's why people send their kids
to camps in Singapore these days.
Oh no, don't.
That's where average kids go.
Classes are poor there.
So then, where should we
send our kids to?
Oh, that's right, because this summer
you and Jae-young
didn't end up going away.
This summer, you mean?
Ah, that's right.
I had to travel for business.
I'm sure it's harder for you
since you're on your own.
This year I plan on letting her travel.
Actually, So-ra has said
I should look out for Jae-young.
But remind me. What do you do again?
Mmm, just event planning, actually.
Uh, event planning?
What kind?
Earlier this morning
in Seoul, a man in his 40s
was found dead from a gunshot wound,
lying in the middle of the road.
He was identified
as the Japanese-born Korean Kim Gwang-il
who arrived to Korea three days ago.
She didn't stick to the script again.
Using a gun in a domestic show?
How do we clean that up, hmm?
The Japanese government
has yet to make an official
Well I'm not convinced she shouldn't have.
As you all know,
gun-related crimes are uncommon in Korea.
Considering that fact,
this was likely the result
of the Japanese yakuza power struggle
going on.
And if Korean gangs were involved in this
Who'd suspect the wife
of the cheating yakuza
when they have all this?
You're always so weak
when you deal with her.
The victim was
a second-generation Japanese-born Korean.
Oda Shinichiro,
also known in Korea as Kim Gwang-il
Grab a seat.
This could cut through rock like butter.
Boksoon, you have all of my respect.
You have fun with it?
Um, Boksoon,
do you think that one day
I could pull off a show like yours
that ends up on the news?
You're still too young.
Right. Keep you head up, Yun-seok.
Our generation will get its chance.
Maybe in the 23rd century.
Is Min-seok coming?
Oh, he died.
Business trip in China.
Ah. I promised I'd buy his dinner.
Enough about the dead.
Bring us up to speed on the show.
Tell us. Was that yakuza
all he was hyped up to be?
Was he a good fighter?
How was he?
He was good.
-I might have lost in a fair fight.
Ah. I'm old, aren't I?
-No way. Stop it, Boksoon.
Still, what does it matter
if they can fight?
It's not like it's a competition.
Find their weakness, you win.
Or you make one so you don't lose.
As Kill Boksoon once said,
"Find the person's weakness."
"And if there is none, make one, then."
What's with this guy? Every time
I learn from you once again, Boksoon.
Aw, my little Gwang-man, really?
- That's so gross.
- What an idiot.
Hey, with a show this big,
what are you expecting to get paid?
Enough to cover everyone's drinks tonight.
Oh, it'll stay between us. Huh?
If you'd rather not say it,
then just write the first digit.
You make more with your company
off one show than I do at mine with seven.
That's 'cause MK is a global conglomerate,
and yours is not.
Still, you're working.
Consider yourself lucky.
I have no company, so now I can't.
Yeah, well,
that's because of those strict rules
MK made.
Isn't it?
There's an old saying.
"Killing a man will save you from having
to have patience and tolerance."
Those of us gathered here this evening
are the professionals who put those words
into action.
We do not answer
to the local detective agency.
Nor are we those old-fashioned mobsters
in tacky suits playing games of rank.
There is pride in our work.
is now a global business,
and we've earned respect,
until those unemployed amateurs
ruined our reputation.
They went as far as killing children
for a couple million.
Who does that?
How did they fall so low?
The reason we're
in such an unfortunate situation
is because we don't regulate our business.
And that
is why there is a set of rules
we should have in place.
I have a question.
If we agree to all these rules
and pick and choose who to kill,
won't we be the ones losing work?
That would only benefit the unemployed.
I assume you're the one
who recently affiliated.
For now, it's just us.
I'm Sergeant Shin, sir.
You raise a good point.
For that,
the rules we create need to be
difficult to adhere to
for the others,
allowing us to remove the unaffiliated.
Now, we'll have three in place.
The first,
you are never to kill anyone underage.
you will only take on shows
sanctioned by your company.
you must attempt shows sanctioned
by you company.
If you agree to these three rules,
those others,
these amateur killers
will be exiled just like that.
And it'll be us.
You can count me in!
That's it!
Friend, count me in!
I didn't know back then
that I'd lose this hand
and my company too.
We went under
just trying to stick to those rules.
And there was no severance. Damn it.
All right, here's a thought.
Why is it that all the rules
are made by those in power?
Beep. Time's up.
The right answer is because rules
make those in power
even more powerful.
Those rules were just a way for MK
to monopolize the industry. Were they not?
Think about it.
Other than Sergeant Shin's crew,
all the other companies
became hole in the walls.
They're walking on eggshells.
You're with MK.
That's why. That's how I know.
They rank us how they want.
A, B, C, D
They choose our order
so only the rich become richer,
while the rest of us
are forced to be grateful
for the meager crumbs they leave us.
Your skill level is
what determines how you're paid.
That sounded like you're implying
I'm not good enough.
I'm not still some kid
that follows you around.
Well, why don't you send me
a bloody knife then
so I can see your progress?
Hey, stop talking about bloody knives.
You're scaring us.
But still, it's true.
MK has made it hard
for those like us to work.
So I'm the bitch here? Is that it?
If they recruited you,
would you turn down MK?
Blaming others
as you wallow in your self-pity
is what incompetent people choose to do.
I'm sorry, everyone.
I guess I'm just a little too competent.
Hey, by the way, what does
it mean to send someone a bloody knife?
It's a time-honored message.
Something that existed
before the talk of any rules.
For example,
let's say you send him
a knife with blood smeared on it.
That means that you've asked
that he set a time and location
to fight to the death.
Those romantic notions
are a thing of the past.
Those were the days
when Boksoon was in her prime.
And I mean,
she was crazy scary back then.
This car isn't fully loaded.
Hey, hey,
look at this prissy ass bitch here.
Hey, you pigs.
What the fuck did you way?
-You fucking bitch.
-Chill. Don't be like that. Don't.
Come on.
That's a rude name to be calling people.
One pig, two pig,
three pig, four pig, five pigs.
-You bitch, you just--
But in all honesty,
don't you think someone like Hee-sung
should be ranked in A, even at MK?
I mean, the weight of his name aside,
I think he could compete with Boksoon.
His skills are clearly good enough.
He was once considered
a rising star at MK.
But for whatever reason,
he got on Chairman Cha Min-kyu's bad side.
There's no blood on it.
Oh, wait, I'm getting so close.
Can we change positions?
No, wait a minute. I'm enjoying this.
Are you really going to quit?
Smoking is a requirement
for our miserable teenage years.
What's got you so miserable?
Everything besides you.
Intense school life.
My stupid boyfriend.
And really my mom.
She'd kill me
if she knew about us doing this.
It's stifling.
Do you know what my mom
put my name as in her phone?
-Don't tell me.
No way.
Moms are all the same.
They act like they love us,
But they'd freak out
if they knew this about us.
Yeah, it's whatever.
I don't really know my mom either.
She hides a lot from me.
It's nothing.
What is it?
Are you hiding something from
Hey, kids!
Don't you know
you shouldn't skip class to smoke?
A smoke after trig. Man, it's everything.
We're going to karaoke.
- We got beer and everything.
- Awesome.
What about you?
You guys go ahead.
You should join us, huh?
I'll kill you.
See you tomorrow.
Wow, poor Cheol-woo.
Ah, she rejected you again, huh?
Hey, wasn't Gil Jae-young
freaking scary just now?
I know, right?
Oh! He's scared.
What a freaking pussy.
-Hey, shitbag, what did you say?
-Hey, come on. Hey!
You know he throws a fit
when you call him pussy.
What is this?
-It's for your dad's surgery.
It feels weird getting money now.
I appreciate it, but I can't.
Instead, can you stay a little longer?
I'm not giving it to you.
You'll pay me back.
Don't need it.
I've already taken care of it.
You what?
You're concerned, huh?
- So you wanna to know how I did it?
- No.
If I'll have to fix it,
I don't wanna hear it.
Gil Boksoon!
Just admit it.
Just say that you worry about me.
If you're really worried about me,
you can set up a company
and take me with you.
Your contract's ending soon, right?
Recklessness isn't attractive.
If you started your own company,
it would take off.
I like Chairman Cha, all right?
That man taught me everything that I know,
and he gave me everything I have.
And he's the one
who could take everything away from you.
Will you kill me
if Chairman Cha orders you to?
Why'd I even ask?
I might quit once my contract ends.
What for? Why?
Did you get a boyfriend?
Yeah right.
If you were nicer, I'm sure
a lot of boys would want to date you.
Don't you have a debate for class?
I heard it counts toward your grade.
It's childish to make kids
fight against each other for a grade.
Hmm. Debate is fighting.
If your opponent flinches
when it's their turn,
that's their weakness.
Then you destroy them
with everything that you've got.
I thought you just said to be nicer.
So what's the debate about?
It's about who should be
on the 100,000-won bill, if we had it.
Mmm. That sounds great.
Who did you choose?
There were a lot of candidates.
Gwanggaeto the Great,
Eulji Mundeok, Kim Gu, An Jung-guen
I noticed something with all of them.
-They're all men, right?
-No, besides that.
They've killed someone, you know?
So I chose Nongae the Courtesan.
Women aren't really known for killing,
so I liked her.
You're right.
Its an interesting perspective to have.
Are you ready?
Oh my God. Gil Boksoon!
Hey. Take it easy.
Unni, what are you doing here?
The chairman called me.
It's great you're here.
Come help me out with this class, Unni.
No, forget it. It's embarrassing.
Oh. Come on, Unni. Just this once.
- Uh, no, I'm not doing it.
- Come on.
Good morning, Director Cha.
No way.
I was told
you were having your evaluations,
so I wanted to cheer you all on.
Gil Boksoon, you're so cool!
This looks familiar, yeah?
Hmm. They're recreating
your show from five years ago.
-The one in the Yeosu urinal.
-A girl?
Girls are really excelling these days.
She's the top
of this group. She'll debut soon.
Ah, is that so?
Hello, I'm Kim Young-ji, miss.
How come you're so nervous?
She says you're her hero.
And I'll turn her
into the next Gil Boksoon.
Hmm. I bet.
Watch, huh?
So who wants to spar with Kim Young-ji?
- If you do, you might really die.
- No takers?
You must be really good.
Next time I'll see.
Good luck!
Too bad you can't stay.
She's probably better
than you were at that age.
Do you have a second to spar?
You're not using a weapon?
You're not using real knives, are you?
This is good.
Okay start!
- Ah!
- Ooh!
Two hands are good,
but your moves are too obvious.
I never fought like that at her age,
did I?
Good choice.
If this was a real blade, you'd be cut.
She remind you of young Boksoon a little?
I was prettier.
You were just murdered
before you could make a sound.
Take your pick.
Both shows are urgent requests,
so things need to be decided quickly.
-I'm sorry, miss. I'll get you a new one.
-Ah, no.
I'm not really in the mood.
That'll be all.
What's this about? Tired?
I just finished a show, as you know.
And I should give others a chance too.
Like Hee-sung.
He's been training. He can take this one.
These are A assignments.
He's good enough to be ranked A.
That's my decision, not yours.
Then I choose
Another domestic one. You didn't read it.
I'm feeling more patriotic these days.
Then it looks like
I'll be visiting Russia, thanks to you.
Wow, it must be some show
if you're taking it on yourself.
A mafia case.
Since Dokgo retired
and Mantis is on vacation
well, that just leaves you or me.
Have you thought about contract renewal?
Your kid is fifteen now, isn't she?
Don't forget
what you promised me back then.
And I'm telling you that isn't it.
Let's go eat.
Gives us some time to catch up.
I had breakfast already.
- Let's get tteokbokki.
- Really?
Only for tteokbokki.
Director Cha.
I have the documents you requested.
You can just leave them over there for me.
What are you looking at down there?
Something awful.
She used to follow me
around when I came home,
and she'd tell me about school,
even what they had for lunch that day.
Now she's always
in her room with the door closed.
She has all these secrets.
Her phone is password-protected.
Keeping secrets, it
It means she's creating a wall.
About that.
A wall?
Everything that you taught me
when I started training,
find your opponent's weakness,
their next move,
and catch them off guard,
none of that works on her.
She's tough.
Killing other people is easier
than raising a kid.
You're right.
And you can earn good money too.
So why, then?
The contract renewal
What do you need?
The tteokbokki's really nice.
If it's not because of your kid,
then what's behind it?
What? You worried God'll smite us?
You and I,
we're already going to hell
without a doubt.
That's why we don't talk to God.
- It's a kid.
- He's not a minor.
But why is it an A-level show?
It's gonna be the talk of the town.
It has to look like it was suicide.
Like when we met, isn't it?
I don't recall.
That memory's been gathering dust.
Ah. Hello, sir. How are you?
Is Jae-young okay?
Yes, uh, I'll be there in a minute.
What's going on?
Jae-young stabbed a classmate
with a pair of scissors.
That means she takes after you,
It's just a joke.
Don't joke about that.
You even think about
joking like that again,
you'll find the world's dullest knife
stuck down your throat.
We've been told that Jae-young
was talking to Cheol-woo during the break
when she stabbed him,
but the issue is
neither he nor your daughter
will tell us
the exact reason this happened.
I mean,
does the victim need a reason?
My Cheol-woo is the victim here!
I know. I'm sorry.
And I'll cover everything.
His hospital bills
Forget it.
You think I don't have the money?
Just get the police in here.
Our kids were fighting
and you want police for that?
She stuck scissors right into his neck!
If the wound was any deeper,
it would have been fatal,
'cause she 'cause she had clearly
planned on killing my son today.
I can't even imagine
what she's learning at home.
That's enough. That's uncalled for.
Is it?
You shouldn't be taking sides
just because your daughters are friends!
I'm not taking Jae-young's side here.
Listen, I'm just here today
as a committee parent.
Uh, we called you here today
as So-ra was the only witness.
She won't say anything, though.
Wait. So-ra was involved
in this horrible incident?
No, I didn't say that.
Anyway, Miss Gil, it's one week
until Jae-young can return to class.
She attacked Cheol-woo.
She should be kicked out!
After the week, we will hold
a school discipline committee,
and if the reason for it is still unclear,
well then, according to the rules here,
Gil Jae-young is expelled.
You can't!
They're kicking you out unless you talk.
No amount of money
could get you back in after that.
You think you can handle
public school after going here?
Just cut it out.
You sound like a philistine.
A philistine?!
So what? You were right, then?
Stabbing people is cultured?
That boy could've died, Jae-young!
Do you know how dangerous what you did is?
Yeah, exactly.
What was that?
I wanted Cheol-woo to die.
The first time I killed someone,
I was 17.
That was when I first met Chairman Cha.
He said I was a natural.
It made sense since I grew up
with so much violence.
That's why I wanted to raise her
in a way that was opposite to that.
But sometimes when I look at her,
she reminds me of my younger self,
and that's what scares me.
Ah, you're reading too much into it.
Ah, she's going through puberty.
She could've just said that
to be rebellious.
Isn't she at that age?
Look, how about
you tell the chairman
the truth about the renewal?
The chairman will let you go
if it's for your kid.
Or he'll have you killed.
I made him a promise
when I decided to have Jae-young,
that I wouldn't let it affect the work.
It's more emotionally challenging
than I thought it'd be.
Look, I mean
whenever I see myself
in a victim's eyes as they die
I'm afraid to come home
and then have her look at me.
Yeah, if I think about my dad
finding out what I'm doing right now,
it makes my skin crawl.
I'm selfish,
'cause I won't quit.
I don't want to give this up for her.
Am I unqualified to be a mother?
Making good money
is a great qualification.
I mean, look,
I also don't want to
give this up for my dad,
even though my work
is menial right now at best.
It's really ironic
to be a mother and a killer.
Aren't there lessons in killing?
The world is full of irony.
We start wars for peace.
We want truth. We believe lies.
And killers gather
and they make the rules.
You're writing a novel now?
Wanna publish it? Huh?
I'll let you.
Truth in Contradictions.
That's the title.
the truth is you're definitely a good mom.
See? Even now
you're here thinking about her
instead of how to kill.
By the way, didn't you bring anything?
I mean, what kind of person visits
their junior on the set
and comes empty-handed?
Wow. It passed
from the main artery to the lumbar.
Would you look at that?
Look at the detail.
These are
all unsolved murder cases from the police.
Quite a lot, aren't there?
All were disguised
as involuntary manslaughter.
Look closer.
This is definitely
the work of a professional.
So they're unsanctioned shows, huh?
- Is that what you're implying?
- Precisely.
All other chairmen
have come forward to say
these aren't their companies' either.
So you're saying
that this is the work of the unemployed?
This work is too good to be theirs.
Then it's the work
of someone who got fired.
Or an employee and we didn't know.
Ah, no.
There's no way.
It couldn't be though.
It can't be that.
Actually, it can.
Yeah, it could be.
A good chance.
The police said
that they're looking into it all,
so we'll have an answer.
On the off chance
that it's one of our employees
who is behind it,
I would like
for those of us at MK
to handle their punishment.
If my kid steps out of line,
then, yeah, I should handle it.
It feels awful when they're
punished by somebody else.
Companies ignore
disobedient employees, though.
This whole room knows about that.
We've been given an opportunity here
to write some wrongs in the process.
What do you mean?
I'm scared.
How will we ever make it?
How will we survive
pushing our employees like that load
you're pushing from your anus?
Sergeant Shin,
you should reenlist
if your company is too much for you,
instead of airing
your incompetence to the room.
There's no evidence of who the culprit is.
That's why I said it could be an employee.
Then, what if
the culprit is your employee?
Well then,
I would pay for it.
You want me to die for it?
Hey, cool off.
I was joking. Don't take it seriously.
Oppa, don't go too easy
on that military nut job,
'cause if you don't reign that bastard in,
well, he could come back
to bite you in the end.
is considering not renewing.
Women always stop working
once they have a kid.
She's been patient with us.
Hey, by the way, who's the dad?
a simple guy.
Someone unlike us, then.
Anyway, don't worry,
'cause Mantis will return soon,
and we're training our newest generation.
Gil Boksoon is due to retire.
Even the best knife
will grow dull over time.
Earlier today,
I offended Boksoon at lunch.
And she
she said she'd stab me for saying it,
using the dullest knife.
Why the dullest knife?
it would hurt more.
You weren't really trying
to kill that kid.
You weren't trying to kill him.
I know who you are.
But then why did you do it?
You're not that kind of kid.
And what kind of kid is that?
I'm not one of your houseplants.
Leave me alone.
Do you
You think they just grow on their own?
I trim their branches,
and I pull out all their weeds!
I do all that, okay?
Where are you going?
To photosynthesize.
This is
the final boarding call for flight 237
with service to Hong Kong.
For any passengers on this flight,
please make your way to gate three bravo.
How did things go at the school yesterday?
Don't even ask.
I wish someone
would just shoot me in the head.
And your daughter?
Have you spoken to her?
It's like I'm talking to a wall.
She won't open up to me.
I'm exhausted.
I wish being a mom
had a set contract period too.
There's always a reason
as to why someone puts up a wall.
Wait it out,
and she'll come around when she's ready.
It's up to her to start it.
For mothers,
that defies our very nature.
Then I suppose you could give her a dad.
Oh, right, uh,
your work schedule is ready.
Do you need to rehearse?
No, let's get the cameras rolling.
I'll send you the equipment
as well as an intern.
It's their training process,
so give them some real-life experience.
One teenager is enough for me to manage.
You'll like them.
Good evening, miss.
Open it.
Why don't we use sleeping pills.
What's with the box cutter?
Director Cha said
we needed something more provocative.
-The letter?
They analyzed the target's handwriting
and forged it with a ballpoint pen.
Would you like to check, miss?
The work is easier
the less you know about it.
Suicides are easy.
Let's finish quickly and go.
He looks even younger than me.
Why do you think he needs to die?
He looks like a classic pervert.
The type who spike a girl's drink
and then kill her to classical music.
He has the face of a goddamn angel.
Why would he eat this junk?
It's so unhealthy.
He's left-handed.
Hang on a sec.
You can't cut in one clean motion,
can you?
There would be hesitation wounds,
'cause he would stop and start
while he was cutting.
Got it.
Give me it.
Yes, ma'am.
The tip of your blade needs
to carry emotion, like this.
There's 60 percent fear
and 40 percent hesitation.
I can feel them,
your emotions, even from here.
Senator Oh Jeong-sik,
the new candidate for prime minister,
is currently refuting all claims
that his son was fraudulently
admitted into a college of music.
Meanwhile, the prosecution has
just recently summoned the senator's son
so that they may begin the investigation.
FOR LEAVING FIRSShouldn't your phone be on silent?
It isn't mine.
Wait outside for a moment.
-Should I go instead?
Of course not. Right.
I'm working right now.
- Will you be home late?
- Why?
Just, you know
I'm sorry.
Have you eaten?
Not yet.
Don't skip dinner.
I made kimchi stew earlier.
Two shots.
Can you talk?
Hmm, for a minute.
Is it over?
I failed.
He woke up.
Maybe there wasn't enough sleep gas.
I should've checked beforehand.
It was my mistake.
You read the suicide note, didn't you?
You know I don't read those things.
There are three reasons
why I can't believe you.
there is no way that Gil Boksoon
could fail this show.
there is no way that Gil Boksoon
would fail this show.
And third,
the client for this show
is a heartless father
who is trying to kill his own child.
Are you saying that I would choose not to?
You would know better.
"You must always attempt
shows sanctioned by your company."
If you didn't actually fail
then you just broke the rules.
So are you gonna kill me?
Why aren't you answering me?
Hold on.
Cameras are rolling.
His phone should be off. He's on set.
Kill that Asian bastard!
Don't back away!
You fucking bastard!
Just listen to me while you work.
I've clearly let you know
that I failed this show.
Whether you believe me or not,
that's up to you.
But you better believe me if you need
my signature on that contract.
Anything else then?
One more thing.
No one else can work on my failed show.
If you agree,
then I'll renew it.
It's not him.
Over there!
Let me speak with the intern.
Do I have to lie about
what happened in there?
Just tell the truth, Young-ji.
Hello, Chairman, uh, can you hear me?
Did she really fail?
I'm afraid I wasn't on set.
- Try that again.
- Uh
Uh, yes.
She failed tonight.
I think I miscalculated
the amount of gas we needed.
Sorry about that.
Let me speak to Boksoon.
I also have a condition.
I decide the duration.
You'll be with MK until the contract ends.
Gil Boksoon will continue to be our knife.
How could she? Come on.
I mean, even with her having a kid
What if
she broke the rules on purpose?
And why would she?
Right. So?
I'll reassign the show.
We'll find somebody else.
Just close it as a failed case.
Are you out of your mind?
It's a level-A case.
What about our reputation?
Was this all Gil Boksoon's idea?
That means yeah.
She didn't want to do it.
The two of you are unbelievable.
Why would you do this for her?
What is it about her?
I have to go.
Have the contract ready.
Today we have flight 2P on crew
Your daughter
fortunately took after her mother.
But she looks so depressed.
She'd be prettier if she smiled.
you should've lived a better life
if you wanted to die a natural death.
It'll be over once I move the chair.
You're supposed to be in school right now.
Is my dad going to die?
Your dad is killing himself
after he killed
his own daughter.
I should've stayed for the last class.
How chaotic.
These have rules,
If you had followed them,
you could've been done.
There's no point
if you're going to mix it up again.
How old are you, huh?
- That complicates things.
- Why?
I have a younger sister, so I have a rule.
Kids are off limits.
So it's not only bad people
in this line of work.
Are you always this brave then?
Defining a kid,
that can actually be really unclear.
A rule should be definite.
How about under 18?
I don't have a license yet.
But letting a witness live is
Now you're the witness here.
Yes, I'm in love
Who looks at you the way I do?
When you smile
I can tell we know each other--
Director Cha,
has today been a little challenging?
You know, it's polite not to ask me
if it's clear I'm having a shitty day.
So did you find anything?
Ah, yes.
In the Daejeon research murder case,
That Toyota truck,
the one that disappeared.
We found it at a junkyard.
And the dash cam was still intact.
We were able to identify everyone there.
Ah, shit.
Is that someone you know?
Detective Kang,
you see these people in the police force?
The ones who are talented,
but can't seem to make it big.
What could be the reason?
Maybe they have an attitude problem.
Or maybe they fell out of favor
with their bosses.
Just left out in the cold.
And they don't even know why.
Poor thing.
Why so surprised?
It's like you're guilty of a crime.
I am innocent on all accounts!
All of these people
who are trying to slander me
are now also attacking my son.
I, Oh Jeong-sik,
will march forward without hesitation
and will take action
against these lowbrow attacks.
Oh Jeong-sik!
Oh Jeong-sik!
I wasn't actually trying to kill him.
I'm not a psychopath, okay?
I'm done.
No. Hey.
Here. Go ahead.
Cheol-woo wouldn't leave me alone.
I wasn't trying to stab him.
I I just wanted to scare--
That's right.
That's right. I knew it.
Yoo Cheol-woo is
He just pretends
that he's brave.
You know, his mother
is the exact same way.
Can you not interrupt this time?
Oh. You go ahead.
That day
he sent a bunch of pictures
to me at lunch.
I'm really sorry to interrupt.
What was in these pictures?
They're just
of me, taken secretly.
So I said they had to be deleted.
Under one condition.
You can't take my photo
without my consent.
-Delete them!
Then date me for a month.
Hey, were you dropped
on your head or something, huh?
One month.
And after that,
I'll go ahead and break your heart,
'cause I'll get to end it.
What's the point in dating then?
There is no fucking point.
What matters is
how everyone else sees me after.
You really are a pussy, then.
Shit, for fuck's sake!
You made me this way, okay?
You got that?
So are you in?
The second I press send on this message,
half our school gets these pictures.
If you do
I'm gonna kill you.
Oh, I'm so scared.
Hurry or I'm gonna press it.
Wait! Cheol-woo!
Please don't.
Please? My life will be over.
You don't want me to?
Then go talk to Jae-young.
let's just do what he says, okay?
It wouldn't cost us anything, right?
-It's not like you're losing anything.
-Jae-young, please.
Look, she's begging you.
This wasn't anything.
Hey, also,
who's the man in this relationship here?
Jae-young, stop!
Cheol-woo, are you okay?
Are you okay? Are you okay?
It's So-ra and I.
I know.
I don't like boys, Mom.
Why do you look like that?
Like what?
But, Jae-young,
what if you're confused?
You could've told me about this, you know?
And if I liked boys instead,
would I have to come tell you that?
That I was into guys?
I just
No, you wouldn't, but
But how can you not tell me anything?
Yeah, how about you?
Are you ever honest?
Do you want to die?
You're at my house.
Just do it.
Director Cha fired me.
I didn't even get to make my debut.
It all makes sense
since a little intern dared
to mess up the great Gil Boksoon's show.
I might not be worth
a speck of dust to you, but
do you know how much I went
through to get where I was?
You're just in time.
It's always at the worst time
that something happens at work
and they even send someone to get you.
Uh, Jae-young, listen.
We'll talk more when I get back.
So then,
are you here to fight or
I did nothing wrong in that show.
If there was something,
it would be that I lied for you.
All right.
Look, sometimes in this life,
things become your fault for no reason,
and other times,
you get away with things you did.
That doesn't happen.
For example,
let's say that you like girls.
-You're not doing anything wrong.
But to others, it could seem like you are.
Isn't that a little conservative
for a hired assassin?
Adults are all like that.
You think your parents are different?
Mine aren't alive.
It's up to us
to know if we've done wrong.
Nobody else can decide that.
You kids these days
are so wise.
Take care.
Only two tables today.
Hello, sir.
-Who is this?
-Our company's intern.
Wow, an intern at MK?
That's great.
When's your debut?
They fired me.
All right, that's enough.
You're not getting fired, okay?
I sparred with her.
She's ruthless. She'll be big.
And if that's coming
from Gil Boksoon, bravo.
- We'll eat this. I'm starving.
- Oh?
- Let's go.
- That's what I'm saying.
-Oh, hello, Boksoon.
-Oh, Boksoon, hello.
I mean, you even have a new suit.
You're here early.
Hello, my name is Kim Young-ji,
a trainee at MK from the 12th class.
Oh, MK.
Oh, MK. How you doing?
You've come to celebrate with us, huh?
Come on. See?
I told you that people
at big companies are more loyal.
isn't that why you're here right now?
You didn't hear about it?
He was promoted to rank A today.
That was fast.
Oh. Well, yeah, it happened today, so
How did they do it?
Sorry I couldn't tell you in advance,
Oppa. You understand, right?
It's what was best for the company.
That wasn't your decision to make.
I'm the director, aren't I?
Why is she so special?
Come on, you can brag.
Your show was breaking news.
Boksoon, you should take a look
and tell him he did well, huh?
Today at 4:30 p.m.,
the son of prime minister candidate
Oh Jeong-sik died
after falling
from the roof of his apartment.
Oh had already stopped breathing
by the time ambulances
arrived on the scene.
Why are you staring at me?
You must think that I'm insane now, right?
At least I'm honest with myself.
Are you, though?
If you want it, it's best
you just take it yourself, isn't it?
But you won't, right?
I have,
and it's our knife.
Finish preparing the rest of the plans.
You know, I gave up on that show.
What are you talking about?
You gave up on a sanctioned show?
Uh, no, she failed.
She meant she failed.
She failed it? Boksoon failed a show?
Who was it?
Do I have to answer that?
Oh my goodness. The soup must be ready.
Why were you suddenly given an A?
Did you think
I'd never make it to A level?
That's just perfect, huh?
So it was you blocking me
all these years, huh?
What took you so long to pick up?
Director Cha.
Oh boy.
I see you've taken
an interesting approach.
Oh, Unni.
I have more power than you think.
You'll get in trouble for this.
Oppa can't do anything.
But I can.
But I didn't call you.
I called Hee-sung, didn't I?
You'll see me eventually.
You'd better just take it here.
Uh, no, um
Uh, Boksoon's with me.
And there's some friends from
other companies and one of our interns.
Uh, it's just that
That, um,
would be a little difficult, yes.
I understand.
Director Cha asked if she could say hello.
To us?
Hello, this Cha Min-hee of MK.
Are you not going to say hi back?
-Ah, yes, hello, Miss Cha.
-Hello, Miss Cha.
- Young-ji, you there too?
- Uh, yeah.
I've heard a lot
about all of you from Hee-sung.
He said that each of you
has great potential.
That's why I want to give everyone
an opportunity
to become an employee of MK,
starting at at least a B rank.
you'd make your debut right away.
- Stop messing with them, all right?
- Excuse me.
Does that mean the unemployed also?
You'll have to take on a show
with Hee-sung.
One of our employees disgraced us
by breaking the rules.
I hereby authorize this
as the director of MK.
That employee will have--
Let go of it.
Aren't you all ashamed?
The last time here, you said that MK--
Ah, shit.
Come on! Get her!
Boksoon, please!
Ah, shit.
Get down!
Is it painful?
No hitting my face.
Hi-yah! Ow!
You have all my respect, Boksoon.
This is some contradiction, isn't it?
You've been enjoying this too.
I hope you understand, Boksoon,
that it's
just how life goes.
Yeah, sure.
Everyone for themself.
You're going places, kid.
Nice debut.
I did some unsanctioned shows.
But then the director
found out about them.
You know that I really liked you?
That's lame, Hee-sung.
So that didn't help.
Promise me that you'll check on my dad.
This is Gil Boksoon.
I need you to clean this place up.
I'll explain later.
- We're in trouble right?
- No.
We're fucked.
Well, I guess it's comforting to know that
we're fucked together.
Why help me?
Just to survive.
It looked like you had
the best shot out of everybody there.
I'm sorry I couldn't answer
your calls, but, uh, I'll be home late.
Are you all right?
Are you crying because of me?
Jae-young, please don't cry.
What happened?
Mom, hello?
You've gone too far this time.
- I'm done. I can't keep letting it slide.
- Mom, what's wrong?
Hang up the
Mom, are you there?
Hang up my phone.
Mom, what is it?
Are you there?
Sir, wait!
She did nothing wrong. Please, sir!
It was Director Cha's orders.
It's all because Director Cha
told them to kill her.
That's what caused it!
Cleaners are required
to report employees' bodies
to their respective companies.
I need to go home for the night.
All companies
will get notice by sunrise.
Tell your sister she can expect a visit.
You won't touch her.
-She's handling your contract.
-Are you serious?
I can only protect you now
if you stay with us.
Well, isn't that touching?
The other companies' pride is on the line.
Their employees died
and they don't know the reason why.
Get it?
They won't give up until you're dead.
I could just explain myself.
But how would you protect your sister?
That would mean
I'd have to kill you right here.
It would break my heart
to leave your child as an orphan.
I'll see you at the office.
I'll get the contract together.
Now aren't you the one
that's building a wall?
She wasn't doing anything wrong.
She's too good for us to lose.
Thank you for the lesson, ma'am!
You just disappeared!
What happened?
Why did you hang up?
Do you even know how worried I got?
Uh, my phone fell.
What is it?
Nothing happened.
I'm fine, okay?
Nothing happened to me either.
Gil Jae-young.
So-ra and I are done.
Because you know about So-ra and I,
she told me to never talk to her again.
She said she was never into it.
It was all a joke.
All of it.
She says she's not like that.
Are you like that then?
Yes, I am like that.
And that's why you ran away.
I'm really sorry.
Sorry about what exactly?
Now I have my answer.
So I'll just make sure
to hide it from everyone.
Why can't you just accept my apology?
Do you only feel better
by making me look stupid?
stop saying there's something wrong.
You don't have to hide who you are.
Something happened, didn't it?
You don't have to tell me
if you don't want.
I have this group of colleagues.
They were all a little mean to me today.
So we got into a fight.
It happens sometimes on any job.
We're all trying to survive.
you think So-ra really meant that?
Come on.
She's also trying to survive.
So what will you do now?
It's over.
I won't see them again.
You're fine.
And I can't let go yet.
I must've been really in love with her.
If I knew this was how it'd end,
then I should've just dated
that lame kid Cheol-woo.
Then I'd still be with So-ra right now.
I'd be at that school you wanted.
So why didn't you then?
I just wanted to be true to myself.
You're amazing,
I looked in your bag once, and
I saw a gun.
A fake passport too.
The company you work for
It's the CIA, right?
'Cause I looked it up online,
and that made a lot of sense.
I'm not saying anything.
I knew it.
Top secret.
That must get pretty hard, huh?
Makes two of us.
I'd better change.
Have you ever fired that gun?
But just when I'm practicing.
I don't care
if she's Gil Boksoon or Kill Boksoon,
I can't let just let her go unpunished,
'cause I've poured
everything that I have straight into this.
There's no respect in this.
He's right.
If an elite agent like Gil Boksoon
made that kind of move,
couldn't MK have other intentions?
The cleaners said
they were having drinks.
It must've been her personal decision.
Personal decision.
But, I mean,
they won't fire her, will they?
She's Chairman Cha's favorite knife.
did she really
decide on her own?
Oh no! Unni, sorry!
I thought that you'd be dead,
so I deactivated your card.
Americano, no sugar, wasn't it?
Don't smile.
It shows your fangs.
Well, be careful.
My bite stings.
It did sting a little.
No matter how much
of an unprecedented, raving bitch she is,
I find it hard to believe
she killed them all just like that.
Are you convinced by that?
I'm not, and that's the issue.
But then why would Gil Boksoon do that?
That's right.
Let's hear it from Cha.
If she really decided,
then he'll give Boksoon over to us.
But if excuses are made,
Chairman Cha
could have been involved in it.
Ah, come on.
By the way, gentlemen,
can you bring it up to Cha
once you're face-to-face?
We must! He's the one who made the rules
we operate by
in the first place, isn't he?
Ah! And he made us kill our own.
That's right.
Every time a lousy rule was violated.
I won't let things slide this time.
You're early this morning.
That's what I expected.
Is Director Cha not here today?
She had to see to a few things.
Let's start.
Min-kyu will be
well into damage control right now.
It's pretty remarkable.
How is it that you exist
in a world beyond his rules?
What's so special about Boksoon?
He needs to resolve this,
in order to keep
his sister's neck off the line.
That so?
That's why we're signing this contract.
A mutual agreement to share the same fate.
Don't worry.
You and I aren't going
to get all chummy now.
I think I can go on as is,
pretending not to despise you.
Still, I'm curious what he'll say
since we both share that fate,
The lead in the latest unsanctioned show
was unfortunately one of my own employees.
Han Hee-sung, it appears.
First, I would like to apologize
to you all here.
This matter was assigned
to another of our MK employees.
Gil Boksoon was given it so we could
handle it efficiently and internally.
Last night,
as Gil was dealing with Han,
Han ended up resisting.
And while aiding in his defense,
the employees that you had,
that were close to Han Hee-sung--
Wait, wait, wait.
So let me get this straight.
You're saying that
the violation last night was
because of our employees?
Not at all.
They were just trying to help Hee-sung,
to save their friend.
As a result, MK would like to give you all
sufficient compensation for it.
So just how much compensation
do you mean?
Is that what really matters?
We haven't even gotten to the facts yet
and you're just moving ahead.
All right. All right.
how about we bring
Gil Boksoon in and then hear her side?
Yes, indeed, she's just, uh,
in treatment for her injuries.
What about that kid?
The cleaners said
there was a girl
hanging around Gil Boksoon last night.
She was an MK intern, right?
Let's ask her what happened.
You must keep everything
that happened tonight a secret.
-I know you'll do a good job, like before.
Like when
you lied to me about the show.
Uh, yes, sir. I'm sorry about that.
You shouldn't be saying sorry.
You must just keep on lying,
even when others know about the truth.
N-- No! 'Cause I can do a good job, sir!
No, I'm a great liar! Just please, wait.
'Cause I promise, that I'm--
The easiest way
to solve a problem is to get rid of it.
You agree, yeah?
How does that make any sense?
The only witness to their deaths
just suddenly vanished?
That stupid girl.
I had high hopes, you know?
But there was no other option,
'cause we have so much to protect.
we've all been thinking the same thing.
Something isn't right.
Something like
like Gil Boson didn't act alone.
That maybe our dear colleague
Chairman Cha
is breaking the rules along with her,
'cause that's
the conclusion that we've made.
Oh, and, uh
that unsanctioned show,
what's your plan?
You said you'd pay
for the mistake.
Will you?
Will you stick to your word in the end?
I wonder what he'll decide!
I think
you've all misunderstood this.
cannot be a rule breaker.
And that's because
I am the rule.
- Oh!
- Ay!
First rule,
you are never to kill anyone underage!
you will only take
shows from your company!
you must attempt shows
sanctioned by your company!
And fourth,
you don't ever draw
weapons during a sacred meeting.
Well, that's it.
That's our new rule now.
Does anybody else in here
have their own conclusion?
Who wants to come for my neck now?
Come on!
If you decide to come after me,
then send me a knife with blood on it,
'cause I'll be glad to respond.
The chairman should get this.
He can set the location.
This really is an unjust death.
My son had just turned 20.
And he was so honest and talented.
This was not just a suicide.
This was a murder
committed by twisted adults
blinded by political disputes.
To my son, who is watching over
Are you there?
You must be Jae-young.
I've heard a lot about you
from your mother.
Who is this?
Your mother's close colleague. That's all.
From the event-planning company?
I guess you called here
since her cell phone broke.
But she's not home yet.
I see. Thanks.
Uh, sir?
Can I please ask you something?
What's she like
when she's at work?
Your mother's great at what she does.
And she loves her work a lot.
Is there anything else?
What should I tell
her when she comes home?
That I got her message.
And that I'll see her
at the office later tonight.
So Gil Boksoon is the one
who killed Director Cha?
What the hell is even happening?
I heard this from an insider at MK.
But apparently,
Gil even sent Chairman Cha a bloody knife.
Here. Have a little more.
You have to try everything at your age.
Hey, Mom.
I think I'll stay at my school
and just tell them what happened.
It'd make you happy too, right?
Are you sure, though?
I really don't like spinach either.
It's gross.
Will you be out late?
I'll probably find out when I get there.
You know what?
Junk food tastes better.
He's waiting for you upstairs.
Aren't you clocked out?
You're curious to see who'll make it.
I'll be down.
Anything to drink?
I drove here.
My sister died,
but I couldn't shed a single tear.
I guess I've worked here too long.
You were always like that.
And you?
I was.
I had actually believed
that you'd changed.
You haven't really.
You're here sitting in front of me.
You're right.
We haven't changed a bit.
Not since you're sitting across from me.
Is this cause of Young-ji?
She did everything she was supposed to.
I believe I told you that.
I had to make sure
your mistakes disappeared.
But you can't erase them, Min-kyu.
If no one knows about it,
then it didn't happen.
But I know.
I have to be true to myself.
You never use two hands.
So your right hand
Can't see my next move?
of which of my hands was injured,
I won't let it become my weakness.
I already know what your weakness is.
What is it?
Gil Boksoon.
But when did it start?
You say this guy
This guy's in love with you
Yes, I'm in love
Now you're the witness here.
The way I do
When you smile
I can tell we know each other
Very well
How can
I show you
I'm glad
I got to know you?
'Cause I've heard some talk
They say you think I'm fine
Yes, I'm in love
And what I'd do to make you mine
I thought about it.
Regarding of whether you die
or I die
Would it be hell to live without you?
Or more hellish
for you to know
that your daughter is watching this?
She isn't.
It can't be true.
She didn't see it.
She didn't.
No, please. She couldn't.
Please, no.
You're home late.
Did I wake you?
Just rest, okay?
Long day?
You look tired.
Get some rest.
Good night.
Uh, here keep it like this.
It's pretty stuffy.
Breaking news.
Newly elected Prime Minister Oh Jeong-sik
was found dead inside his car
today at 12:18 p.m.
- Gil Jae-young!
- The cause was carbon-monoxide poisoning.
The police suspect
that this was a suicide
based on the fact that Oh Jeong-sik
suffered from severe depression
following the death of his son.
I just came to say goodbye to a friend.
Won't you say bye to your best friend?
My plan
was to kiss you
in front of everybody here.
Or just murder you out back.
Take care.