Kill 'em All 2 (2024) Movie Script

We have breaking news.
Police and rescue vehicles
have descended
upon a local hospital
to find over a dozen bodies
killed in, what appears to be,
a massive shooting incident.
At least 25 dead
are reported this morning after
unprecedented gunfire
awoke local residents.
So far, there are no leads.
Most of the bodies
have not yet been identified.
A full-scale investigation
by the FBI is underway.
According to one source,
that has not been confirmed,
one of those
killed in this bloodbath
was Demitri Petrovic,
head of one of the most feared
Serbian gangs.
Again, this is unconfirmed.
It's being called
the Hospital Massacre,
as more details are emerging.
I spoke to the first patrolman
on the scene,
and he said, and I quote,
"It's nothing like
I've ever seen before."
Sources are hearing rumors
that the FBI is looking for
a ghost killer
who had inside help
from a female employee.
Right now,
there are no witnesses.
However, the police are
calling on citizens
who have seen anything,
or have information
about the woman
to please come forward.
If this is,
in fact, the Serbian gang,
you should know that
most members of this group
are military-trained
ex-Yugoslavian mercenaries.
It is said that
the leader, Demitri,
was here in the States
under a diplomatic pass...
and that his family back home
is furious with
the US Government,
and is demanding answers.
It has been
confirmed by CCTV footage
that a female
dressed as a nurse
was somehow involved.
More footage is being analyzed
and we have
an exclusive screengrab
of the man wanted for enquiry
in this bloodbath.
We are now
being told that this Phillip
is an ex-CIA agent
who went rogue,
and that the agency is
cutting all ties with him
and denying that he was on
any sanctioned assignment
when this massacre went down.
On location in five minutes.
You're late.
How was your training? Good?
I think I pushed too hard today.
Your coffee is cold.
I'll come back.
I'm happy to see you.
It's him.
I can't get a clear shot
from up here.
I love this place.
It's beautiful!
But I have to say something.
I think we need to wait
before buying the apartment.
There are so many apartments
that we haven't seen.
We just got here.
We should check out the place,
get to know it, the people.
I get you, get you, get you.
Something is very wrong,
you know?
The delivery guy
on the other side of the street,
across the road...
Don't... Don't look, don't look.
He's tracking us.
And the jogger
smells like cigarettes,
like shit, you know?
Are you serious?
I got to go to the restroom.
But be ready for anything,
and I really mean it, okay?
Hey, do you have some smoke?
Come on. This way.
Go, go, go. This way.
Come on! Come on!
Behind. What?
Where are they? Where are they?
Do you get them?
Do you get them, motherfucker?
Have you seen...
-Back to the flat.
-You stay here.
You watch my back.
If somebody's coming, call me.
Stop it. Relax.
Okay. Wait, wait, please.
Vanessa, please. Vanessa...
Stop, stop, stop, stop,
stop, stop.
Go to his place.
I have an idea.
Get out... Get out of here.
Okay, okay, okay.
Where the hell did you get this?
-Fuck off.
Was that gunshots?
I'll explain it later, okay?
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit. Are you okay?
Is it over?
Did you take care of everything?
-Let's go.
Oh my God.
I killed somebody.
Vanessa... that's why
you're alive, okay?
No, it's not all right!
You saved my life.
You didn't have any choices.
It's okay.
You know what?
You're right.
What the hell happened in there?
One of those men
had this on him.
You told me you were
scrubbed off the Internet.
not even Interpol has
a single photo on file.
Who the hell told them
where you were?
That's what we need to find out.
You said you were retired.
I am.
When we reconnected,
you promised that you were done
with all this stuff,
and that we could
finally be a family.
That we could move to
a nice, quiet place
and do all the things
we missed out on
when you were in the spy game.
I was,
but it was more than that.
If you knew about it,
you and I will be dead by now.
How did they find us?
I don't know.
But we have to find out.
give me a hug.
I'm so proud of you.
I'm so proud of you.
Don't bullshit me.
I know this won't be easy.
It's not over yet.
But we do this together, okay?
You'll take a rest.
We have to wake up
early in the morning.
Early, early.
I'll take a shower, clean-shave.
-Take some rest.
You'll need it.
Yeah, yeah. No, I'm good.
Your training paid off today.
And you were able to
control your fear.
Where are we going?
Your home?
Our home.
And that's it.
We arrived. That's the village.
How long has it been
since you've been here?
It didn't change,
but long time ago.
It's beautiful.
Phillip! Phillip.
My friend.
Phillip. You haven't changed.
She's a flower.
She was a baby.
-Vanessa! Let me hug you.
-I missed you.
Let's come in. Come on, come on.
Govel, I wish
we were seeing you
under better circumstances.
We all do. Come, come.
-You want a little bit of rakia?
Thank you.
-Thank you, my dear.
-Of course, Uncle.
What's happened in America, huh?
I had a score to settle.
It was taken care of.
But not completely,
or you wouldn't be here.
Listen, Phillip...
you know us.
We are a small community. Huh?
We stick to ourselves.
Here it's very quiet.
Always quiet.
two days ago...
Go there.
Go there. Go there.
Go there, fuck!
I come in peace.
It might change quickly.
I'm looking for Phillip.
He's from this town.
Anyone knows where he is?
Phillip Scialla.
Does someone here know
where Phillip is?
Come out to play, Phillip.
You can tell me.
Come on. It's between us.
Phillip killed my brother,
Demitri Petrovic,
and most of his crew.
I've been looking for him
for years,
trying to find any information
about this man.
I recently discovered
he grew up here.
Someone here knows where he is.
Govel, what is this?
They're looking for him.
Phil... I know where he is.
How do you know?
I am his cousin.
His blood.
Let them go.
Shoot him!
Let him go.
Tell him to let him go!
Kill this bitch!
After her!
No, no.
-Fuck off!
I know where he is. Phillip.
I know where he is.
Okay, okay, no joke. Huh?
Let her go and I'll tell you.
Come on, talk!
It was terrible.
I'm so sorry.
I had to tell them
where you were.
I'm sorry.
That was the only way
to save Lydia...
and the people of the village.
It's okay.
Is she all right?
I take you to her.
Come, follow me, come.
Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.
-Good to see you.
-I'm sorry.
No, it's okay, it's okay.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm okay.
-It's my fault.
I brought this on us.
You really pissed
those guys off.
What did you do?
He killed his brother.
But in my father's defense...
that guy was a real asshole.
What's your next move?
If these bastards
didn't kill you this time,
they will keep coming
for you, huh,
or come back, hmm,
and burn down this place
once and for all.
I don't know.
-Oh, shit.
-Oh. It's just me.
I didn't mean to startle you.
Sorry, I've just...
been a little on the edge...
these past few days.
I didn't know that
you and Phillip...
had reconnected.
How did it happen?
I hadn't seen him
since I was a teenager...
...and he showed up at
my doorstep when I was in Malta.
-He apologized...
...for not being there and...
he promised to make it up to me.
It was... It was great.
We started
training together and...
just reconnecting
and getting to know each other.
-It was good.
A few days back...
everything went sideways
and here we are.
How is your mom?
She died three years back.
I am so sorry.
-She was a strong woman.
Like you.
I remember coming here as a kid.
I never left.
I never thought
in a million years
that anything remotely dangerous
could ever happen.
I guess we always had someone
to keep us safe.
Mm. Yeah.
Now, I suppose it is up to us.
-I'm just a bit...
-My dad has a plan.
-He better.
This is a village
of old people and farmers.
They don't know how to fight.
I told you not to disturb me
when I'm relaxing.
Where's my brother?
And he slipped
right through our fingers.
It feels like
you almost admire him.
A wise man admires his enemy.
A fool underestimates him.
Vengeance takes patience,
with a dose of brutality.
After what we did to his people,
it will be impossible for him
not to come out of the shadows.
To strike back.
And when he does,
we'll be ready.
We'll be ready to finish this.
-Be careful, my friend.
-Take care.
-Wish us luck.
-Good luck.
So now what is the plan?
Send this text message for me.
The message is...
What a nice day.
It's like a new
family business or what?
Long time, no see.
Well, I wish it would be
a little bit longer,
but thank you.
So how the fuck
could they find you, huh?
They showed up at our village
and ransacked the entire place.
Oh, come on. Don't look at me.
The organization did exactly
what you wanted us to do.
We followed protocol
and we erased everything
we had on you.
And we were happy to forget
that you ever existed.
The feeling was mutual.
Do you remember that you were
supposed to take out
Demitri Petrovic,
not his entire fucking family.
And we said, "Not in
a public place like a hospital."
And what did you do?
I mean, for the whole
fucking world to see.
I had to improvise.
Improvise, my ass!
It took us months
to clean up after.
You nearly got him killed.
Nearly got him killed.
He's still here, your dad.
I mean...
And were you there?
I don't remember, really.
But I heard enough.
Yeah, from him, yeah?
Guys, guys, that doesn't matter.
Yeah, it doesn't matter.
Okay. So what do you want?
What we need now
is some leverage on Vlad.
Are you fucking crazy?
Vlad Petrovic?
He's too powerful.
He's nothing like
his brother Demitri. Come on.
He's so powerful
because he's tied up with oil,
gas, weapons, drugs,
You can't get to him.
He lives in a villa
which is absolutely built
like a fucking fortress.
As I said, you can't get to him,
let alone hurt him.
We have to drag him out.
What is he talking about?
"Drag him out."
I heard he has a crypto ledger
worth $500 million day to day
in a private bank
in his hometown.
Okay. And how do you know?
I have my network,
a few friends in Malta,
but what's important is
he uses his ledger
to clean out his cash.
But before
the transactions can post,
we'll wipe it clean
into several accounts.
The only thing is this ledger
is, like, locked in a vault.
Yeah? In which bank?
Well, I don't want to be
part of anything
that has to do
with Vlad Petrovic.
Yeah, we just need
the name of the bank.
Holman, I really need you.
-I mean it.
Do me this favor.
Okay, give me one minute.
I need to think
just by myself for a minute.
-I understand.
-Yeah, or two. So...
He's good.
Yeah, it's me, Sanders.
It's been
a very long time, partner.
What do you want?
Oh, what I want,
I would like some
information from you.
That's the only reason
why you call.
Not like, "Hey, how are you?
How is the States, your kids?"
Don't start that now.
Listen, Sanders.
I would like to know
the name of the bank
where Vladimir Petrovic
keeps his crypto ledger.
Petrovic, huh?
Do you know that
he's a very dangerous man?
He's poison.
So no way.
Yes, yes, yes.
But you owe me, Sanders.
I owe you shit.
Come on. Who took the fall
for the fucking mess
at the hospital. It was me.
And you got to keep your job.
I didn't. I'm on my own. So...
What's in it for me?
if you're ready to play ball.
I like the sound of that.
Perhaps even a little bit more.
Talk to me.
I'm in.
-What's the catch?
Well, no catch.
Unless, you know,
if I find the bank,
if I can locate it,
I think I deserve a third.
-A third?
-Yeah, yeah.
-You want a third?
If I can locate the bank
and set up the operation.
Come on.
You're in.
Thank you.
Now we're going to do
the fucking
fucking funky chicken again.
The what?
Your father will tell you
all about the funky chicken.
-Be safe, kids.
-Nice doing business with you.
Good afternoon.
Uh, room for Mr. Avis.
-Let me look that up, sir.
Yes, we have
your reservation right here.
Um, have you been to
our wonderful hotel before?
It's our first time.
Suite 505.
Your room has
already been paid for.
So if you need anything,
please just let us know.
Where's the lift?
-It's across the hall.
-Okay, thank you.
-Enjoy your stay.
-Thank you.
Not even a thank you
for setting you up
in this magnificent penthouse.
Well, we're here for work.
It's not a vacation.
Hey, hey, hey.
You just wait.
Down there
by the end of the block,
on the corner there to the left,
there's a little tiny bank
and the bank has a fancy name.
It's called
the First Bank of Mid Europe,
but it's a szellem bank.
What is that?
It's a ghost bank.
A place where bad people
keep their money,
and that's where
Vladimir Petrovic
keeps his money.
All of his funds,
including the Crypto ledger.
Are you sure? There?
Hey, Phil...
Does the Pope shit in the woods?
Yeah, I'm sure. I'm 100% sure.
You see...
You see, my sources told me
that Petrovic,
he transferred all his funds,
including the Crypto ledger,
to that very bank.
Hmm. And why that bank?
I don't fucking know.
You see,
Petrovic, he's got a compound
like a mile away from here,
and maybe he likes to keep
his money close. I don't know.
How's the security in there?
Honestly, I don't know.
That's why I got you
this perfect place.
So the two of you can sit
and watch who and what goes in
and out that bank.
Well, enjoy your time.
I'm gonna send for
some binoculars if you need.
No need to stand up.
I'll find my way out.
Thank you.
Okay. Office hours
are from 10:00 to 4:00.
Not a lot of people
going in and out,
but I did spot a few shady
entering the place
when it opened.
Good, low traffic.
Any guards?
Um, only one,
-carrying a pistol.
We need to see it
from the inside.
And for that, I have an idea.
Yes. I'd like to speak with
your manager.
Ah, hi.
We have a very select clientele.
I know. That's why I'm here.
And who recommended you?
Mr. Petrovic.
Vlad Petrovic.
My best customer.
What are you looking
to keep with us?
-This is it.
When are you thinking about
making the first deposit?
This week.
Good. But how are you gonna
get into the vault?
The manager will let me in
as soon as he sees my diamonds.
Oh, okay, good.
The manager's not going to have
a key to Vlad's safe, all right?
We'll use C-4.
Oh... C-4? I mean...
You don't want
to damage the ledger.
-Come on.
-Yeah, a small amount.
-A small amount?
Okay, okay. So...
Where did you get
your diamonds, then?
-Oh, this?
Good old diamonds.
Good old cubic zirconia.
$20 worth.
Okay, and then we have
security cameras.
Yeah, a scrambler.
That's gonna turn on the cameras
when I enter the vault.
-Okay. Yeah.
If you want to exit the bank,
I mean, you have to
get past the guards.
Okay? That's going to be tricky.
-Those two guys?
I got this.
Um, I can take them down.
It's just that I'm just--
Honestly, I'm shocked it's not
more high-tech in there.
Okay, well, they don't
have to be more high-tech
because it's a szellem bank.
As I said,
only the worst of the worst
got their money there.
No one should be stupid enough
to rob that bank.
You see, it's the kind of people
that will eventually
hunt you down,
and when they find you,
they will gut you alive.
So, it's a pretty good plan,
don't you think, so far?
Oh, yeah, by the way, um...
We got to talk about a getaway,
A motorcycle.
Motorcycle. Surprised I didn't
come up with that myself.
Not now.
What's happening?
He wants the money.
He wants the money?
Yes, he wants the money.
You want the money?
The money.
Correct me if I'm wrong,
but in my world,
a deal is a deal.
It was an impossible shot.
Nothing is impossible.
You have to believe in yourself.
It's all in the head.
I see a beautiful place,
delicious food.
Remember, I'm a hitman.
A hitman who doesn't kill
is not much use to me.
Trying is not enough.
Everything triple-checked.
I'm going down.
Yeah, you got, like, 30 minutes.
Need some time to focus.
Let's go.
-It's Holman.
-What does he want?
What do you want?
He wants to speak to you.
Hey, uh, I've located Phillip,
and I know
where you can find him.
You see, Vlad,
it's gonna cost you some money.
Let's say... yeah, $10 million.
Fuck off.
Well, I want you to consider it
like a finder's fee, you know?
And after what he did
to your brother,
don't you think
it's a fair price, 10 mil?
Five million.
Now stop fucking around
and talk.
But you know, Vladdy, I need
some assurance from you then.
How about...
I don't kill you.
Well, then you will never
find him, Vladdy.
Hey, you stop fucking around,
you piece of shit,
and you listen to me.
The diamonds.
Are you checking
the diamonds here?
You think I need a vault
for fake diamonds?
Of course.
I'm sorry.
Vlad really highly recommended
you guys.
Of course.
Let me assign you a box then.
What's going on?
He's trying
to break into the vault.
Oh. Are these the boxes?
-Which ones?
This is my favorite box
right there.
Vlad is gonna be so pleased.
Do you want to see the vault?
Thank you very much.
You read my mind.
Follow me, then.
So, this will be your box.
That's amazing.
Okay. Got it.
Do you hear it?
Where are you, guys?
Right on, guys. Right on.
Can you hear me?
Yeah, you gotta split now.
I said split now!
Two minutes, okay? Okay.
Get my money back and kill him.
Kill them both.
Kill everyone
who gets in your way.
-Something happened here.
-What was that?
Talk to me. What's happening?
Oh, come on.
Shut the fuck up!
Shut the fuck up.
Are you sure?
Get her, take the ledger.
Or don't come back.
What's going on?
I lost the security room.
You knew I would send my men
after the money.
Well, looks like
Christmas came early.
Show our uninvited guest
how we treat cockroaches
in our house.
Kill him.
Stay here.
Where are you?
I'm at the compound.
Okay, listen.
Holman has the package.
Holman has the package!
He's fucked us.
I love you, too.
Holman has the package.
He's fucked us.
My ankle is fucked up.
Fuck, they're on my ass.
I don't know.
You're fast.
But where will you go now, huh?
-Radovan is dead.
-Of course he is.
I should kill you
after the village.
Then I will take my time.
Don't move.
You like this?
It's not here.
Where is it? Where?
Please, don't make me kill you.
Fuck you.
Where is it?
Get the fuck off
or we kill your fucking bitch!
Do you hear me?
He'll slit her fucking throat!
Come on.
Tell him to hold the position.
Dusan, hold your position.
Let her go.
She's just a kid.
And whose fault is it?
The kid's life.
She's mixed up in all this.
You have a habit of getting
your family members killed.
My life for hers.
That's the deal.
Bring her back to the villa.
That's not the deal.
Listen, I don't give a shit
about this person.
I only want to see you
in the ground
for what you did to my brother.
You leave this place now.
I let her go
in a couple of hours.
It's the only way I can
guarantee my safety.
Good job, Nadia. Good job.
You have it?
Uh... Good news. I have it.
You were wrong.
Phillip came for me here
at the villa.
No, no, no, Vladdy. He was here.
I saw him robbing the bank.
It was a ruse.
He used one of the villagers.
Are you kidding?
To kill me.
Oh, shit.
See, I don't like surprises.
Make sure this was the last one
or our deal is off.
Vladdy, Vladdy, please.
The deal is on.
I mean, no more surprises.
I promise you.
See you at the villa.
So who's ready to live
the life of luxury, huh?
I've got the passports.
I think we have a problem.
What? Where's the ledger?
I have it.
So, what's the problem?
Well, everything.
Well, disappear.
You've done it before.
Listen, I got to meet up
with Vlad.
Well, fuck that, man, fuck that.
You have it in your hands.
If I fuck him over,
he'll find us.
When it comes
to a guy like Vlad,
twenty-five million
and a life of luxury
is a lot better than
250 million
and a life on the run,
all right?
Don't screw it up, okay?
Hey, Sanders,
I've got it handled.
You better.
I already went shopping.
My God.
It's okay. It's okay.
I lost Lydia.
Vlad has her.
Wait. Vlad's alive?
What happened?
I made a deal with Vlad.
I trade Lydia's life
against Vlad.
He's never gonna honor that.
You know,
we have a saying.
"Who flies too high,
falls very low."
Scared already?
It only gets better.
One last chance.
Where is Phillip?
Where is it?
Got it.
I'm a friend.
Something's not right.
What is this supposed
to mean, huh?
The plan was to
drop it off to me, so I...
So... Oh, shit!
Give this one to Holman,
and keep the real one
with you at all times.
-Got it.
-What a surprise!
You useless piece of shit.
It's fake! They tricked you.
Vlad, listen.
Wait. Wait. Hold on.
It's him.
Fucking answer it.
-Hey, Phillip.
-Holman, my old friend.
Very funny.
Where the fuck is the ledger,
you piece of shit?
Right in front of me.
In 24 hours,
in the village,
Lydia against the ledger.
-Give me a proof of life.
I will take you out of there.
Hey, Holman,
I knew it was you all along
that told Vlad
where I was from,
about my village.
You were the only one who knew.
I also knew you would
tell Vlad about the robbery,
leaving him exposed.
You were the key
to making this plan work.
Twelve hours. No tricks.
Just a straight up trade.
Can't trust any of them.
Counting on it.
We'll get the ledger back.
I want him dead.
He's smart.
No more tricks.
No more bullshit.
All the money
means nothing to me
if I can't avenge
my brother's death.
My brother raised me.
He looked after me.
He would have done
anything for me.
And to think that
I came this close
to killing the man
who took his life
and failed...
We'll get him.
Make sure
or do not return.
What do you think
you're looking at, you bitch?
My friend, what are
you doing here?
Where is Lydia?
Vlad has her.
We need your help.
Okay. What's the plan?
To hide all the people
from the village.
At the monastery.
It's perfect.
And when we have
the village empty?
We do the exchange
some place we have an advantage.
And when we have Lydia back?
We kill them all.
We get the ledger back
by any means necessary.
Hey, Vlad, you can't trust him.
-Same goes for you.
-But listen,
be careful, right?
-Just get in the car.
-Oh, fucking yeah.
-Come, this way.
-Here we are.
This could've been
a problem in America,
but here, you have to be happy
with what we have.
Come on.
-Show us your jewel.
This stash is from the Cold War.
Yeah. Any of these work?
I guess we'll find out.
They are from Russia.
Russians are good workers.
Come on. Show us the bazooka.
You want the bazooka?
She has the bazooka.
-That's what I need.
All right. I only have
four shots left in this
before it jams
and three on the other one.
I don't think
we're gonna make it.
We have no choice.
We'll have to make it.
Are you okay?
At least, I fired one of these
at the shooting range once.
You were good then.
You'll be good now.
All you have to do,
Vanessa, is focus.
You will not miss.
This looks like a proper place
for a last stand.
Might be.
Vanessa, I...
-I would like to--
-Dad, I got this, all right?
Let's just focus.
Wait. What about me?
What do you want me to do?
Meet the others
at the monastery.
No. I want fight with you.
We started this,
we need to finish this.
They need you.
The ledger needs to be
handled with care.
-The men all know, yeah?
You really fucked this up.
No wonder they kicked you
out of INTERPOL.
You talking to me?
Oh. Yeah. I fucked up.
Hey, Vlad, I came to you.
I told you where he was from.
I gave you
the name of the village.
You went to the fucking village
and they told you where he was.
You located him, right?
So I believe I kept up
my part of the bargain.
If someone fucked up,
I mean, it's got to be your man.
They didn't finish him off
when they had the chance.
You surround yourself
with a bunch of morons.
Shut up.
I'm sorry if I offended you,
my friends.
You just let him go.
You lost him.
You just let him get away.
It's unbelievable.
I don't understand.
And the only reason
you get a second chance is
because Phillip reached out
to me for some help.
And then, uh, if he hadn't,
you would still be
chasing a ghost.
Put the seatbelt on.
I wouldn't want anything
to happen to you.
You talk a lot of shit
for someone
with such a breakable neck.
So far, the benefits outweighed
your incredibly
annoying character.
You do realize we don't
necessarily need you.
Behave accordingly.
Go find him. Find him!
Where are you?
You have ten seconds
to bring me the ledger.
Or I'll fucking
blow her head off.
I'm not playing games here.
It's bright? Take off
those fucking sunglasses.
Be careful.
Up and running.
Check it.
-You see?
-It's real.
See how easy that was?
Let her go.
Did you really think that
I'm just going to let you
walk out of here after what
you did to my brother?
We kill them all.
That's for being a rat.
So I'm a rat?
What the fuck
does that make you?
-Are you coming with me?
Ooh! What do I have here?
You want to split 50-50?
Come with me.
-Yeah? Are you coming with me?
-Yeah. Yeah.
Fucking bitch!
That's all you got?
You know, Phillip is dead.
They're all dead.
Soon you're gonna be dead, too.
Are you okay?
Five hundred million gone.
It was never about the money.
It was about
making things right.
Thank you.
Oh my God!
-Oh, my God.
Hey, good thing I made
a copy of the ledger.
In case something
like this ever happened.
We have more money
than we could ever spend.
Enough to rebuild
this entire place
and bring it
to the 21st century.
Smart kid.
Did you get them all?
All of them.
Help me.
Shut up, you bastard.
How is your back?
It'll be fine.
I am so proud of you, Vanessa.
-I missed you.
-Ah, give me a hug.
Sorry this happened.
Don't mind. This village
has been here for centuries.
It's seen worse.
It's beautiful here.
It's more than that, Phillip,
-it's home!
-It's home!
It's home!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!